The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 06, 1908, Image 8

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    2r. ji. . .iifiiji... j . -
..Tar-sr, . zwn ' w im mt narvrwu
MKriH .-
. mixusutm..
-tr ni ( t(h 7-tjh w-mr i- i-ti- iT"-"T-m" t-ti trt
mi .niwrtlwwSTyy!83Wihi.Sc-
Epistle That May or May Not Have
, Soothed Wounded Feelings.
Doar Tcncher: My muthcr says I
tiattto aupolloglzo for drorcn your pick
churo on tbo bored ns If you was an
oiled made with curlB nnd a long wlss
ker on your chlnn witch you could not
hellp or mo noothur.
It was n meen thins to doo nnd I am
orry t dldd It but I could not hellp it
becaws you stood tbare looken ho
nacherl with the curls and the wlssker
and all and Jenny Ames dared me to
doo It at rciess.
I doo not blalm you for wlppen tne
becaws It looked so mutch like you
you had a purfeck rite to be mad. If
I was you I would be mad too.
My rauther says nobody Is so sensl
tire about her looks as a lady teacher
eepenbuly If she Is a leetle oiled but
this was net to go In the letter.
If you onley understood what Is In.
aide of boys heads maken them be
tnlsschefuss you would bo sorry far
them for It Is not exackly there fault
1 know you feel wurse about It thnn
I do becaws my wlppcn does not hurt
now but a plckchuro goon on forever.
Toecuern hnvo a hard onut tlmo
goodness knows without liceln'shodo
how they look for a. whonl school to
lalT at.
Sometime If you do not enre I will
droro ynu on the bored looken sweto
nnd yung and put your natno under so
everybody will know who It Is nnd to
no moro for tho present frum your
troo frond nnd akollor. Tommy.
Nev York Times.
Curious Superstitions That Are Still
i Prevalent In Ireland.
In Ireland thero linvo boon for many,
many nsoa ciuloim Buperntltlonfl re
garding fairies. In the old tlmo these
imagined little elflns were thought to
bo half human nnd half spirit nature,
and had strango powers over mankind.
Tho good folk of Urln used to propiti
ate the falrlcf Mi many ways, a few ol
Uiern being an follows:
If a child spilled milk on the floor
the mother would say: "That's for tho
fairies," thinking that some ftilry had
t caused tho accident. Thus the eareloss
"'cWltl vjnt unrcprimanded. If one wore
throwing slops out of the window or
door slio must cry out to the rallies:
"T.tke caro of the water!" Otherwise
eoiut fairy passing might get drenched,
and rctnllnto in some unpleasant man
ner If a liorne?hoe was nailed over
the door it would prevent tho fairies
from entering to do niiuchlef to tho in
mates If a small pleco of Iron vcro
hewed Into an infant's garment tho
fairies would never molest It by caus
ing it to suffer colic pains. If a largo
vessel filled with pure drinking water
were placed In the kitchen at night tho
fairies on entering would not touch
tho food there, but content themselves
with drinking the water.
Making Shakespeare Ancient.
A well-known dramatic critic visit
ing Stratford on Shakespeare's birth
day and hearing the clangor of the
bollis, which, from their tower in tho
old church whero the poet lies burled,
awoke tho littlo town to Its devo
tions, approached a wintry-headed
Htreet sweeper In front of IrvlngB Inn
and said: "Who 1b the fellow they're
making this fuss about? I seo you
bate' Shakespeare hotels, Shakespeare
gingerbread, and only the other day I
eaw a man driving to town some pin
called 'Shakespeare'a best' who Is
lie the fellow who lived in that turn
tile-down shanty yonder?" The "old
Rt Inhabitant" megaphoned his ear
and wheeling, replied: "I think he
writ." "O'i. h writ, did he? What
did he write books, confessions of u
deei stealer, magazine articles
what?" "I think he writ for the
Father Evidently Had Faith In Dauglv
Among my esteemed neighbors there
Is a family knuwq for tho piety of its
members nnd theife implicit confidence
in tho efficacy of pnyer. Ono of tho
daughters, Miss Katj II , has al
most reached the ago when she could
bo roforred to gallantly as an old maid.
She is the target for many a good
natured quip pertaining to her alleged
hopes and endeavors In the direction
of matrimony.
Not long ago n certain society of
young men which had interested Itself
In tho campaign for higher saloon li
cense sent n commlttco toN visit tho
homes of the district and obtain signa
tures to a high-license petition. When
this committee, numbering a half dozen
members, ascended the steps at the
B home my friend's wife was the
first to see It through the front win
dow. "Laws, John!" she exclaimed to her
husband. "See all those young men
coming to visit us!"
Mr. II glanced out of tho win
dow, noted the number of tho invading
force nnd remarked, with an air of
"Humph! Knto's been praying again."
San Francisco Call.
No Attractiveness for Women Without
Good Digestion.
"To look young and keep your beau
ty you must hnvo a good digestion,"
says n beauty cuUiiiInt. "Wo. feed our
patrons upon herbs; we give them
greens, nnd wo adviso them to take
acid frtilfH. When a gypsy woman gets
out of sorts she lives upon dandelion
greens; she mixes sweet herbs; she
doctors 'herself with tho fruits of tho
oaitli, and she recovers.
"Outdoor life is eveiy thing for tho
woman who wants to keep young.
"Her walk gives away tho woman
who does not want people to know
how old site is. Usually siio loses her
elasticity. And she takes to high heels
and a stilted walk. Wear convention
al clothing nnd lie elasth- In your gait;
In that way you will look younger.
"I advise women gniu'rallv to Join a
d Hiring oh.BM By taking the stops
one can keep up one's elasticity winter
and summer. I have a chum of four
women who conn- three times a week
to learn tho gp'- rnndnugocg nnd the
Spnnish dances. They find that they
breathe better, feel hotter and nro
more healthy generally from this exercise."
Penitent and ncsourceful.
One of tho prison ml siouors of the
Church Army tolls a story of a man
who came under tho Inllueuco of tho
society at a mission hold at York, Eng
land. Tho man, a notorious pickpock
et, was so Impressed by whnt ho hoard
that lie felt he must do .something to
Fhow his dctermlirtirn to lead n now
life. He considered Hits but way to
do this was to put something Into the
collection, but unfoitunately he had
no money In lilii pocket. Then a bright
idea struck him; ho picked tho pocket
of tho man sitting next him, and thus
was ablo to contribute to the good
work. It is said tho man has been re
claimed definitely.
Drummers In Endurance March.
Fnrls was recently the scene of an
ondurance march or a peculiar kind
Only drummers nttached to the milt
tary stations at Paris wero permitted
to take part. The route selected was
a "circle around Paris," a distance of
23'4 miles. Tho conditions wero
that along the whole route each par
ticipant must bent the drum rontlnn.
ouBly in "march time." Only ono of
uiose wiio entered, a drummer at
tached to the One Hundred and Fifty
sixth regiment of the line, covered
the dlstanco and filled the conditions.
He drummed around Paris la six
tours and flvo minutes.
Reads Like a Fairy Tale.
An Atchison girl had always heard
of tho Impoliteness of women in fait'
Ing to thank men for giving up a Beat
in the street car, and decided that she
would be an exception. A man gave
her a seat Saturday night in a crowded
car, affording her tho opportunity for
which she had been looking. "Oh,
thank you n thousand times," she said.
"It Is Just what I wanted, nnd how
did you ever guess It? It Is so thought
ful of you, and I do apperclute It so
much." Then, as she sank Into the
seat: "And such a comfortnblu scat!
It is the most comfortable seat I ever
sat in! Oh, thank you again so much!"
Atchison Globe.
An Unapproachable Herse.
A young man called to take his
sweetheart out driving the other day,
bat when the stunningly attired young
lady caught sight of the turnout the
young man had hired for the occasion
he feigned a headache and refused
to accompany him.
"Why, Violet," asked the astonished
mother, "why don't you go with him?"
"Well, jnamma," was the indignant
reply, "I consider that a very foolish
Question on your part How could I
go when the horse ho was driving
didn't match a Blnglo thing I had to
Giving a Town Color.
Jason Williams took advantage of
the open woathcr last week to paint
bis woodshed a beautiful 8ky blue,
and In passing his houso we found
our sentiment bubbling up at tho
Bight. A bluo woodshod with a red
door to It comes as near art as you
can hopo to find it. Wo hopo Hint
others will follow out tho idea.
Strangers entering a town for tho first
tlmo Judgo tho peopio by tho color of
their woodsheds. Hometown (Pa)
Death-Bed Statistics.
When a groat man dies, no ono is In
terested in learning who surrounded
bis denthbed, but the news Is always
sent out. Peopio caro no more to
know, than to hear if ho wero laid out
in tho parlor or bedroom, or if ho wore
attired In a shroud or his regular
clothes. Dut an Atchison inquirer has
measured his bed, and finds that with
out unseemly crowding it will accom
modate 1G. How, then, can 30 and 40
surround the deathbeds of the great
men, as told in the telegraph? Atch
ison Olobe.
Premium t
and Bacon
Fresh Urtt
Meats nwSM
Wm. fm
Koon cJPl
Red Cloud. f?Vli
Nebraska. &&&&!
mmMNLJUf iranwHifBri -i r
WIN. Eli TCliJJlST. RA1.CS '
Daily low o.vur-liiii rXi" niter
Xovoiii'ior liotli to tioiit hem anil
Ciibim reports. Dai'y now 'in
i-11'.-ct tt Southern t nlifornia.
Lower yet. ImiiieM-i-Ut'i-?,!iii
rates Hiht nntl lliir.l Tuesday, to
' M.-SL a
the South and est.
December h to l'.. Visit tlirs
iiituiv-.tfti,'i-xpi-.itiin or tin' host
corn pioducl and i..uii-u-ie.J
Attruutlvu program with moving
pictures tleotrial, UltiminnUjjn,
seitsiiti mini prize (or the bi M ex
hibits .Consult the agent or loeal
Every daytfapyou let go by without a piano in the
house means$a-oss in many ways. The musical part of
yuiir daughters education is an absolute necessity in the
presant age. She Is Handicapped for life if she
lacks the ability to play piano, and she can not learn
this beautiful and Necessary accomplishment in a day,
nor a year. The earlier she begins to practice, the more
proficient she will become
We Spend Money
To procure a collage education, but without the Musical
accomplishment it is not a success "All beginnings are
are- diFficuir' and the beginning should be 'made while
young. So..n ihe study o music becomes a pleasure as
the "work" is accompanied by sweet harmony, and
thereafter it is "Recreation". Bui the hard beginning
must be encountered and it ought to be done NOW!
m m
rc nsMK jt. sm. ifei
flll&A 11
M 13 Hilt HII
craawwraazBsaazaciragaswwHi n mxAwwmNBwmmmsa meama EsrssEE-ssEass
Till DKPLNDABLE kind is verv mmnL.t.. n,i il, : t.
, . . . -J ".... .- , uiiu Liik. ;nn-s aiu riQIU-
. miu ivivi, .r uuyoii payt meins. out in any event do not put the matter off
.f - i ' , J ..v-.i. ww nut. juL tui; matter
..prtu'r Mf. If you wish a pian that any one can play buy the famous
;rvy rerorj7CT.gr3rr,7reTro"..wrr- .
TJJl 9
Wo conduct you on the fiist and
third.Tuesday of each month to
tho Eij Horn 13:tsin and Yellow,
.stoiio Valley, as-lhtni Jim in
taking up government Irrigated
lands with a never-failing water
Mtpp'y under government iniga
tion'plants. Only'one-toulh pay
ment down. NV charge for ser
vices Write fo U. Clem Deaver, General
Agent Landsoekers' Information Un
real!, Omaha, or II. E. Foe, Ticket
Agent.JKed Cloud, Nebr.
L. W. Wakei.kv, O. P. A.,
ssi wr v sx sj
i .
Our stork of harness is
complete and up-to-date
in every department. If
you are in need of any
thing in the harness line,
from a tie strap to the
best hand-made work or
buggy harness, call on us.
We can satisfy you.
Do you know tlmt it will pay YOU, as
well as Ub, to imy your lluildiiig Alh
terial and Coal nt ouryards? Not on ly
that our prieos avkaok lower, or m
least as low, as thos nf nur comijotlt
ors, butiiKOAUst we take .wpedHl care
f aud proteot all can t. cIhssk.I h
M B t U 1. A It CUSI'OM K It s
Coat. Lumber.
"I wish," said the hard-hearted land
lord, "that you would watch the ten
ants In No. 3310. Do sure that they
pay promptly In advance."
"Very well," replied the clerk.
"Havo you heard anything to make
you auspicious of them?"
"No; but they haven't asked for any
repairs for nearly six weeks now. It
doosn't look right."
His 8erlous Interruptions.
"I s'poso John is still takln' llfo
easy," said tho woman in tho spring
"Yes," answered tho woman who
was carrying an armful of wood. "John
has only two rogreta in llfo. Ono Is
that ho ha3 to wako up to oat, an' tho
other id that ho has to quit eatln to
Bleep "
"Who was that fool you bowed to?"
"My husbaud."
"Oh! I or I humbly apologise.
"Notct mind; I'm not nngry. But
what a koen obsorrer you aro!"
Tho creat thing In
biz gams rifles is sureness
tiworkundcrallconditionc Zttan't
rides are built with this idea foremost,
Th mechanism U ilmpU.ttront, per
f.clly adjutttil, quick and caiy In operation.
Tti 7larffn (olid top and aide cjactor
krep a protccinir wall of metal Uctwetn
your head and tha cartrldga, prevent
powder and eti blowtnir back, throw tha
thella airaV from you and allow Inatant,
accurate, effceUva repeat ahota.
The SptcUl Smokthtt St ft barreta
are bard and etroiyr, apeclally made for
high power cartridcea and to rceltt the
wear of Jacketed bullet. They are rifled
deep on the BIUrd yitom for grealeet
accuracy and kllUoT power.
Made In Models V3 and
"M, calibres M to 3,
nd fully described
and lltuatrated (with
U other JKar&n
peatere) In our 136-
as catalogr. Prce
i stamps postage.
7e27laeaiJ(2rarTu Ca.
42 Willow Street NEW HAVEH, CONN.
North'of Damerell lllock.
Wood's Liver Medicine in 1ir;ui
form for milaria, chills and fever,
retrulatcs tho liver, kidneys and blad
der, brlnp quick relief to biliousnehH,
Blek-headache, conbtipation. 1'lcaMiut
to take. Tlio 81.00 bottle coiituius 2Jtf
times the quantity of tho r.Oc hize.
First dosu briiifs reliof. Its tonic
cflects felt at once. Sold bv Henry
Cook. '
.Mother (Irnr k iiiiioIii NtwYiirk dl(increl
nn iironintii!. ilu Hmiit licrli rtiru fur vuciicn'
lll. rnlleil AU.sT IIAI.1AN I.KAK. It U llio only
1 certain rt-KiilHtu r. Cure femnlu Nuitknch(ie
'nnil liKokHClie. kidney. Ilsililt-r nml iirtimrj-
ironbles At all ilniKiilM or by until Mirenu.
Sample KHKK. Address, The llollier Oray Co..
Le Uoy, N. Y
ByV nBssTBssMTn IbsB ssssk
Ely's Cream Balm
This Rmly Is a e)lfl),
8urs t Qlv SatlsftiatUn.
oivis muii' at
It cleanses, soothes, heals, and protects the
diseased membrane. It cures Catarrh and
drives away a Gold in tho Head quickly.
Restores the Senses of Taste and HmelL
Easy to use. Contains no injurious drugs.
Applied into the nostrils and absorbed.
Large Sire, CO cents at Druggists or by
mail; Trial Size, 10 conts by mail, t
ELY MOTHERS. SS Warm St. New Yw.
promptly obtained la all ronntrtrs, or NO FIK.
radk-Marks, Curt-uts ami CuiiyrlBtits itKls
teretl. bml hkitili, .MimIcI or t'liuto, for frru
reiiort ou jmiontat.HMy. all cusinsss
STltlOTLV CONFIDENTIAL, l'alfiit rrncUeu
cxrliiitTely. Mirpawina refen-iKf .
i, ueivrtEH lnvpiuors simiiiii nuinnnr nina.
vomioim yii i pay.i low in uri n iaruieranaoi urr
,U liable IntonimtloiL N-r.t lac tu any address.
,501 Seventh St., Washlnnton, D. CV
We appreciate A share
of your Buisness and
Strive to Please.
Moon B ock
Amack 8 Chancy
lumber & Coal
Wo linvo in stool; nt nil times a
complete lino of UulldliiK Mtitetial
mid Good Cottl. Our prices tiro
reasonable. We Holiolt your patron
ne. Bell Tel. CO. Farmers Ind, 71
Don't Buy land nor loai
Money on Re I Estate
without getting- one of Teel'a
perfect Abstracts of Title. Tho
oldest and moat reliable set of
Abstract books in Webster Co.
810,000 bond Med and approved.
Represents nix of tho best In
surance companies doing busi
ness in the btnte.
Red Cloud, Nebr.
OlTlco in Ovcrlng Block.
Phonos: Bell 9a, rarmors39
i ,i
I ,i