The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 06, 1908, Image 2

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.'". WJkuE. S
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The Chief
E. B. DeWOLF, Publisher
General, Political, Religious, Cportlng,
Foreign and Other Evento Re-
k corded Here and There.
V" .
Judgo Taft nnd W. .1. Bryan both
fcpoko lu Syracuse, N. Y. tho same
Tho republican congressional com
mittee cBtlmateB that tho next hauso
will contain 224 republicans nnd 1G1
Mr. Brynn wound up tho campnlgn
with a spooch at Lincoln, his homo
W. J. Bryan mado a Bpocch at Al
bany, N. Y. Ho wnH Introduced by
former Governor David 11. Hill.
United States Senator Cabot W.
Lodgo Bald nt national republican
headquarters Hint, ho estimated tho
plurality which Taft and Sherman will
receive In Massachusetts nt 90,000.
Tho following Btntoment signed by
WUam Hayward, secretary, and F.
W. Upham, aBBlstant treaBurcr or tho
republican national commltteo, was
given out at republican headquarters:
"Wo nro informed that a person of tho
xnamo of J. M. Bennington of tho stnto
of Washington is representing him
self as an agent of tho republican na
tional commltteo for tho purpose of
soliciting funds and lias written let
ters soliciting contributions. Tho re
publican national commltteo has no
connection with Mr. Bonnlngton; ho
la not a member of our committee and
never has been and has no authority
to solicit funds for this committee.
Governor Pattorson of Tennessee
hns announced that ho hns sufllclont
cvldenoo to convict nil members of
tho gang of night riders that hung
Captain Rankin.
Spcakor Canon, in nnBwer to Moth
dlflt bishops, denies being responsible
for tho defeat of tho Llttleflold bill.
Bolglum Is to assumo sovereignty
over tho Congo which has been an
nexed by troaty on 'tho lDth of No
vember. Tho trensury purchased 75,000
ounces of sliver for dollvery nt Now
Orleans and CO.000 ounces for delivery
nt Denver at 50,204 cents per fine
Mrs. William Astor, who for thirty
years hna been regarded as tho so
cial leader of Now York, died on tho
31st of heart dlscaso at hor homo on
Fifth avenuo. For nearly four weeks
Mrs. ABtor, who wub eighty-two years
old, has been in a critical condition.
Tho noxt national convention of tho
Women's Christian Tcmpcranco union
will bo held in Omaha.,
Modom Woodmen decided to make
no effort to establish a preferred claim
for their funds In tho FlrBt National
hank of Charlton, la.
Many girls woro Injured ns a re
Eult of a fire In a ton-story building In
the Cincinnati retail district.
Both Bryan and Taft received tho
election news in their homo towns.
, Nicholas T8chalkovBky, tho noted
Russian revolutionist, Is released on
Tho cablnot of Bulgaria has accept
ed In prlnclplo tho demand of Turkey
for compensation.
A substantial majority for Premier
Lnurler haB been returned by tho elec
tions In Canada.
President Diaz of Moxlco, rumors to
tho contrary, says he Is not ready to
rotlro .
A dispatch from Romo to a London
news agency says tho pope haB decid
ed that a special couslstnry shall bo
hold for tho nomination of new Amor
lean cardinals after tho reorganization
of tho American diocese. .
A dam ago suit 1ibb boon started at
Louisville growing out of Kentucky
night rider outrages.
Miss Mary E. Cheek of Tobo&o, u.,
Is tho only rogularly appointed woman
rural mall carrier In tho stato.
Mr. William Farron, tho veteran
actor, who haB Just died nt tho ad
vanced ngo of 83, was tho third In tho
direct lino to bear what Is probably
tho oldest nnmo continuously connect
ed with tho English stngo.
Tho government offers , settlors n
chanco to secure Irrigated lands on tho
Shoshonl ditch.
A receiver has boon nppolnted for
tho EggO-8oo firm which recently
wont Into bankruptcy.
Chairman Mack in a rcvlow of the
political outlook says Bryuu will havo
S01 electoral votes.
C. A. S. Blake, who brlbod tho juror
In tho Ituof enso, at San Francisco,
mado a sonsatlonal confession after
ho had been found guilty.
Methodist missionaries woro In ses
sion at Cincinnati to consider moans
of ndvanclng tho cause in tho foreign
Records woro broken In tho naval
target practlco at Manila.
Tho examlnor of tho Provldenco
Savings Llfo Insurance company says
tho management was extravagant.
Sovon'ccn Buffrngottes have gono to
an English Jail rather than give tho
promlso to behave thomsolves.
Prlnco Henry of Frussln, spent sov
oral hours In tho air as tho guest of
Count Zeppelin, who mado an ascen
sion in his romodoled airship.
Vlco President Fntrbnnks mndo tho
address on tho occasion of tho unveil
ing of the statue of ox-President Har
rison at Indlannpolls.
Servian reserves have been called
out and King Peter has ordered 300
Maxim guns and 400 military auto
mobiles. Miners of Charleston, W. Vn., lmroly
escaped with their lives as tho result
of forest flros.
A somlolTlclnl statement Issued In
Berlin Bays Germany will not ngroo
to discussion of any subject In pro
posed International conferenco Hint Is
objected to by Austria.
The Milwaukee road announces a
faro of one and one-third tegulnr rate
to tho National Corn exposition, and
this Is taken to mean tho Western
Passenger association hns taken uc
Hon, nnd all roads aro Included.
The emperor of Japan replied to tho
message of President Hoosavclt.
Chairman Hitchcock, In an Inter
view before leaving Now York for
Chicago, expressed himself as well
pleased with thu progress of tho cam
paign'. Tho Cnnadlau elections resulted In
return of Sir Wilfrid Lnurler to power
for another five ycarB with u Bllghtly
decreased plurality.
"I supposo Heaven helped us to
Join hands firmly," said Japanese Am
bassador Takahtrn with emotion, as
ho discussed t'io visit of tho American
fleet to Japan. Ambassador Takahlra
had a short tlmo beforo returned from
tho whlto house, whoro ho was tho
guest of Proeldcnt Roosevelt nt
luncheon, and to whom ho delivered n
messngo of thanks from tho Jnpancso
emperor for thnt which tho president
sent as tho fleet departed.
Tho supremo court of tho United
States fixed January 4 ns tho ato for
hearing tho urgumont In the commodi
ties clauso cases, and gnvo directions
for tho consolidation Into ono of nil
tho twelvo cases for tho purpose of ur
gumont. Tho cases Involve tho consti
tutionality of tho clauso of tho Hop
burn rate law prohibiting railroad com
panies from carrying commodltloa of
their own production.
Tho prcshlont will got busy on his
messago as soon ns tho election is
President Roosevelt has appointed
Colonel Fred A. Smith of tho Eighth
infantry, a brigadier general, to fill
tho vacancy caused by tho rotlrcmcnt
of Brigadier Genernl Philip Rcnde.
Colonel Smith was born In Now York
and nppolnted to tho military acad
emy from thnt stnto.
Trensury balances Oct. 23d were as
follows: Avnllnblo cash balances $IGS,
081,147; gold coin nnd bullion, $41,294,
C31; gold certlflentes, J37.95C.700.
Business conditions throughout tho
country nro quiet nnd not much
chnngo is expected until nftor tho
election Is over.
In order that tho prominent Ameri
cans who havo taken passago on tho
Bteamor Mongolia may learn tho re
Bult of tho election In tho United
States, tho departure of tho vessel
was held ono day at Toklo.
Tho Chlncso officials paid their
wclcomo to tho American fleet.
Honrl Farman's aeroplane mado
a twenty mllo trip from Mourmelon
to Rhelms in twenty minutes.
Tho latost sensation reported con
cerning tho Duko of tho Abruzzl and
Mlcsn Katherlno Elklns Is that tho
couplo will mnrry prlvatoly and un
known to tho public In order to os
capo tho curiosity of tho crowd.
Tho second squadron of American
battleship fleot reached Amoy, China,
on Thursday. (
All tho suffragottcs with tho excep
tion of two, who woro arrested during
tho disorders in nnd around tho Houso
of Commons, woro arnlgncd in court
nnd fined $25 each. They refused to
pay and woro consequcntiy sentonced
each to ono mouth's Imprisonment.
Tho petition of Count Bonl do Cas
tcllano for n modification of tho de
cree of dlvorco obtained by his wlfo,
who was Miss Anna Gould of New
York, on account of hor subsequent
marriago to Prlnco Hollo du Sagcn,
camo up in tho tribunal of tho Seine
nt Paris, but at tho request of thu
defense henrlng wns ndjournod until
November 4.
Tho British Aoro club hns awarded
Its gold medal to tho Wright brothers
of Dayton, O., for tholr , romarknblo
Henry Bennett, a Kentucklnn, who
wbb bndly boaton by night riders, has
filed suit ngulnst a numbor or pro
minent citizens asking $100,000 dam
ages. '
General Garllngton finds Colonel
Goethals frco of tho chargo of favorit
ism la awarding tho Panama contract.
"Tod" Burton, member of tho band
that hanged Captain Rankin nt Reel
foot Lako, Tonn., mado a confession
In which ho Implicated forty men, over
half of whom aro already under ar
rest. MrB. Stovens was ro-elected presi
dent of tho National Woman's Chris
tlan Tifmporanco union.
Hundreds of fedorui employes aro
leaving Washington for tholr homos
to voto.
A monumont to former Prosldont
Harrison was unvolled in Indianap
olis, Tuesday.
Thomas F. Ryan gnvo 20,OQ0 to tho
Bryan campnlgn fund.
Tho Bccretary of stnto of Colorado
has been Bent to Jail for dlsoboylng an
ardor of tho district court In Denver
rogardlng tho makoup oi the ballots
for election.
What 'Is Going on Here and .There
That Is of Interest to hte Read
ers Throughout Nebraska.
Tho water works at Sutton burned
entailing a loss of $200,000.
RclgloiiB rovlva meetings nro on
in Alexandria with good attendance.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Reynolds of Fre
mont Inst week celebrated their gold
en wedding.
Farmers In some localities aro short
of corn husketH with tho towim full
of ldlo men.
Two now business houses nro about
to bo built nt Wlnnobngo on tho ros
orvatlon In Thurston county.
Thero Is lack of business for tho
elovator at North Bend nnd It will bo
moved to tho town of Muskat.
Flro totally destroyed tho Commer
cial hotel at Sterling, Johnson coun
ty. A defective fluo was tho cause.
Tho Y. M. C. A. of Columbus needB
$7,000 to complcto their building nnd
prospects uro favorable Tor ralBlng tho
Floyd Fnrquhar, rural carrier out
of Guldo Rock, delivers mall with a
motorcycle. Ho hns a run of twenty
olght miles.
While turning a handspring nt Pen
dor, Joy Fowler struck his kneo and
chin together and camo near biting
his tonguo off.
Tho hotel at Scotia, Greeley coun
ty, hnB been turned wholly into a
rooming houso nnd tranBlcntB tako
meals at tho restaurants.
Pnsqualo Chrlstlano was hold for
trial to tho district court of Dodgo
county on tho chargo of tho murder
of Tony Gcnova on Octobor 14, 1908.
Mrs. Ruth Snyder of Grand Island
Ib Biting n saloon keeper of thnt city
for $5,000. Ho sold whisky to her
husband after being forbidden to do
Thieves broko Into tho ofllco of tho
DIctz Lumber company at Waterloo
and oponed tho safe, which they found
unlocked. It contained nothing of
Mrs. Gcorgo Barth, or T.orton, wns
using a gasollno Iron, with which to
Iron hor clothes when tho same ex
ploded and bIio was seriously If not
fatally burned.
A class In normal work covering a
study of tho Bible has been organized
In, Goring, nlong tho lines usually
known at teacher's training. Mlsa
Ethel Wolfenbargor Is I ho lender.
It is estimated thnt tho fire at
Griffin's livery stable at North Bend
caused a loss of $5,000. Aside from
tho bnrn nnd Its contents, Including
ten bond of horses, Dr. Thorn, a vet
erinarian, lost all Ills toolB and ofllco
fixtures, valued nt $1,000.
E. E. Toms, tho Baptist minister
who was arrested at Lamed, Kas.,
was a resident of Nobnska City for
several years nnd did his first min
isterial work there. Ho Is charged
with blgnmy.
Tho steamer Swastika, which Is
owned by a local company, was sunk
In twonty feet of wnter, nbovo Ne
brnska City. An effort will bo mndo
to ralso her at onco nnd placo her on
dry dock for tho winter whoro tho
damage to her hull can bo repaired.
A reward of $75 has boon standing
for tho evidence that would capturo
or convict tho parties who destroyed
tho property at tho telephone ofhea
In Vaparalso. It 1b understood that
three suspects have been arrested
and that they nro being held at the
county Beat for trial.
A "Mado In Falrbury" exhibit is to
bo given tills fall In Falrbury in con
nection with tho annual farmers' In
stitute Tho Commercial club Is back
of tho enterprise and n committee of
flVB boosters has boon appointed to
Interest tho mnnufneturers of tho city
In showing tholr products.
Mrs. AHco I. Brnyton gnvo a ban
quont to tho Goncva voiunteor flro
company, in appreciation of tholr work
on the night of tho burning of tho Fill
moro hotel, which was hor property.
Among tho novelties at tho feast was
a watormolon, which, on being cut
open, was found to contain $20 In
"Mr. and Mrs. William Jones, who
rcsldo near Rulo, are Bupposod to bo
tho oldest mnrrled couplo In the state.
Mr. Jones la nlnoty-sovon years of
ago and his wlfo two yoars older. They
wero married In Jackson county,
Ohio, and a few days ago celebrated
their Bovonty-flfth wedding nnlnver
sary. Mr. Doughorty of Brownvlllo pre
cinct, Nemaha county, nftor losing
nearly nil of his first planting of to
matoes sold 580 bushels and would
havo sold 800 bushels moro had tho
frost hold off a little longer. Ho put
out but five acres nnd though ho Is
soventy-flvo years of ago ho did tho
work all nlono.
A stipulation was filed in tho Jus
tice court boforo Judge Archer, at
Plattsmouth, continuing tho hearing
of Fred Ossonkop, charged with the
murder of Charles ByntB, from No
vombor C to November 22, 1008.
Tho dato for tho cornerstono laying
of McCook'a splendid now Masonic
tmeplo-theator lias boen set for No
vember 7. This delayed ontorprlso
the largest under way In southwest
ern Nobrnska Is now being vigorously
prosecuted, Tho ceremonies will bo
In chargo of tho Nobrnska grand
lodgo, Anclont Froo nud Accepted Ma-
Items of Greater or Lecser Impor.
tr.nce Over the State.
Burglars visited Julian, getting bo
sldcB goods $125 In cash.
DouglaB county will build a $1,000,
000 court houso nnd an $18,000 Jail.
Ben McManlgnl of Blair, ono of tho
railroad gang, fell front a trestlo at
Ft. Calhoun nnd broko an arm.
Any nnd nil danger of pralrlo fires
hi Deuel county has boon checked by
five Inches of rain.
A commercial club has been organ
ized nt Sutherland with a membership
of over twenty-five.
James W. Shelley, a pioneer of Gngo
county, passed away lait week In his
COth year.
Arthur W. Linton of Albion has
been awarded tho Steurncs fellowship
lu pharmaceutical chemistry at tho
Michigan university.
Tho general merchandise Btoro of
M. L. Bruce at Monroo was destroyed
by flro. Tho building and slock' were
a total loss.
Workmen who dismantled nnd toro
away tho old Schurtnan building in
Fromont estlinnto that while working
on tho building they killed close to
500 rate.
Threo Falrbury merchants were
victims of forgeries. They wero
caught for amounts ranging from $35
to $30.80. Tho man who worked tho
forgeries was known by tho nnmo of
Chnrlcs Millar.
Frank Kolouck, a Bohnmlnn who
lives north of Sargent, was brought
to Broken Bow nnd taken before tho
Insanity bonrdr Tho board ordered
him to bo taken to tho Hastings asy
lum. Wltllo John Murray was cleaning
his rifle In his homo in Plnttsmouth
tho gun wns accidentally discharged
and tho bnll entered tho hend of his
two-year-old son, killing him almost
Tho preliminary examination of II.
F. Brown and William Hall, who wcio
charged with blowing up tho safo
and burglarizing tho Stnte bank of
Dowccso October 1, was hold at Clay
Center. They woro bound over to the
district court.
J. J. Fee, tho man who tried to
exact a large sum of money from
Banker Drako of Omaha last spring,
died nt the penitentiary last week,
lie was found dead in his coll. Ho
wns 48 years and wns received
at tho penitentiary May 23.
Articles of Incorporation of tho Ne
braska Corn Produce company wero
filed with the county clerk at Beat
rice. This company Is capitalized for
$100,000 and will manufacture all
kinds of cercnls nnd other kinds of
food ccrenl products.
The mystery surrounding tho mur
der and robbery when the body of a
ninn wns found In tho Niobrara river
near Valentino is still iis deep as over.
Although several people who havo
somo relatives missing havo looked
nt tho body, no one has yet been able
to identify tho murdered man.
Nino Fremont pcoplo won out in
tho Tripp county drawing for lands.
J. J. Mater got No. 39 and J. H. Win
tersteen No. 58. Threo others also
camo under 700. Tho last on tho list
Is K. K. IIIcl.s. tho Northwestern
agent, whoso number was up in tho
The oldest person nttendlng tho
York Sunset" social, In which only
thoso 70 years and older aro eligible,
was Mr3. Mary Wlldman, aged 90,
and tho next oldest was J. W. Popo,
a retired Methodist minister, aged 8G.
Thero wero nlnoty-nlne attending, all
over 70 years.
Tho Nebraska Library association,
which closed its fourteenth annual
convention at Hastings, elected tho
following officers: President, Miss
Tcmploton, Lincoln; first vlco presi
dent, Miss Smith, Beatrice; second
vlco president, Miss Ncwlan, Hast
ings; treasurer, Miss O'Brien, Omaha;
secretary, Mlsa Sponcor, Falls City.
As a sequel to tho dlvorco pro
ceedings started at Beatrlco several
days ago by Eliza M. Erb against tho
Rev, Edmund Erb, tho latter comes
back with a $25,000 dnmngo suit
filed ngnlnBt Laura McMaster and her
husbnnd, A. M. McMaster. Mrs. Mc
Master Is a daughtor of Mrs. Erb and
tho reverend gentleman charges that
tho defendants havo alienated his
wife's nffectlonn and so poisoned her
mind that she has driven him from
hlr. happy homo.
Rev. J. W. Jenkins, rector of tho
First Episcopal church In Chadron for
sovoral years, was surprised by being
asked to accept tho appointment of
chaplain of tho stato Industrial school
for boys at .Koarney. Tho appointment
was announced to him whlio In Kear
ney last week attending tho state
Episcopal conference. Ho has not yet
reached a decision.
Dr. Georgo E. Honton and family
and J! II. Ball aud family of Friend
have returned from a flvo weeks out
ing In northwestern Colorndo, also
visiting Salt Lako City and Ogdcn.
They spent threo weeks on a limit
ing trip with Homor Goff, a famous
guldo' of Meeker, Colo, and shot a
lnrgo clnnnmon bear, soveral wild
cats and two deer.
A grucsomo find, In tho shnpo of
a human log, wns turnod ovor to Cor
onor Colo by Jack Govler, n farmer
living fourteen miles northeast of
Brokon Bow. Tho affair Is shrouded
In mystory.
from Lincoln to Nebraska' points
should bo loworcd or rntsod or left
Just as they aro, according to tho
rartlculnr points of view of tho bov
ornl speakers. It Is alleged by Omaha
lumber dealers that thoro is a dis
crimination In lumber rates favorable
to Lincoln.
to nrguo why tho rates on lumbor
from Omaha to Nebraska nnlntu nr
Cannot Forgive Incldont In Which He
Figures, and Which Han Made
Country Something of
Laughing Stock.
Chancellor von Buclow's position np
pears to bo almost untenable. Far
and wide throughout tho German em
pire tho nowspapors of all parties dls
cuss with varying degrees of mock
ery, amazement and regret tho gov
ernment's explanation of how what
purported to bo oPormoirsly important
utterances of tho emperor affecting
threo great powers, passed througli
tho hnnds of the chancellor and a
long lino of foreign pcoplo without
seemingly having been considered by
any of them or read by most of
those reBponslblo for tho delicate for
eign relations.
Tho emperor fully condones' Prlnco
von Buclow's part In tho affair, but
tho chancellor's authority and pres
tlgo with tho country havo bcecn so
shaken that ho may again ask tho em
porcr to relievo him. Tho radical lib
eral and socialist Journals utilize the
event to urgo upon tho country n de
mand for a ministry responsible to
tho parliament and tho people.
Tecumseh Nervously Inclined Women
Are Terrorized.
Nervously Inclined women and
children of Tecumieh, Neb., have
boen terrorized of late by a "woman
In black," who Is reputed to havo fol
lowed, or chased, them to their homes.
Friday night Olden Beatty, son of
John Beatty, shot twlco at what hu
supposed to bo tho Btrango crcntura,
using a rovolver Young Beatty says
is soon as ho shot tho "woman," who
had been following him, dropped to
tho ground. Ho says there is m
doubt but that tho party is a man
masquerading In fcmh:lno attlro and
acting strangoly for tho fun ho can
get out of it. After the shooting tho
character arose front tho walk and
ran away, and young Bontty says ho
could sco men's clothing below the
Bklrts that woro hold np to allow the
fellow to run. Tho pcoplo aro won
dering what follow is doing tho mas
querading, and are wondering if he
will caro to continue tho work nnd
tako chances at getting a doso ot
cold lead.
C. A. Ralston of Weeping Water
Shot by Tramps.
C. A. Ralston, night watchman at
Weeping Water, Nob., was Bitot and
Instantly killed shortly beforo 6
o'clock Sunday evening by ono of two
men whom ho was trying to arrest.
Tho men, strangers, and supposedly
tramps, escaped. Ralston was an ol.1
residents thero and highly regarded.
Tho suspicious actions of tho two
men was called to tho attention of
Watchman Ralston while they wero lu
a restaurant. When they left the
plnco ho followed them to tho Mis
ourl Pacific yards nnd asked them
their business. As far as can bo
learned they refused to give any sat
isfactory account of themselves nnd
moved toward the coal chutes of tho
MlBsouri Pacific railroad. Rnlston nt
tempted to arrest them, but ono drew
a rovolver and shot tho watchman,
death resulting almost Instantly.
Tomato Crop Was Hummer.
Grandpa Doughorty of Brownvlllo
precinct, near Auburn, after losing
nearly all of his first planting or to
matoes, cold 680 bushels and would
havo sold 800 bushels moro had tho
frost held off a little longer. Ho puts
out but flvo acres and though ho Ib
70 cars or ago ho did the work all
alone. James Flanlgan, who farms in
Glen Rock precinct, finished market
ing his crop of squashes and found
that ho had a llttlo over $C2 per aero
for his work.
Political Quarrel Fatal.
In a political quarrel at Forakcr,
Okla., Sunday Frank 8. Seward, n
prominent merchant and local demo
cratic committeeman, shot nnd In
stantly killed John Milam, a well
known farmor of Pawhuska, Okla. The
shooting occurred in Seward's storo.
Milam was a republican. Tho men
bocamo engaged In a heated political
debato. Suddonly Seward drew hi?
revolver nnd fired flvo shots Into Ml
lam's head. Mllant hnd been prominent
In Osago Indian affairs.
Three Towns Without Gas.
Tho main lino of tho Kansas Nat
ural Gas company, which supplies gnt
to consumers between tho gas lloldt
nt Independence, Kas., and tho cltlet
of Atchison, Kas., and St. Joo., Mo.
which furnlBlics all tho gas used li
tho two. latter towns, burst thret
miles north of Leavenworth Sundaj
afternoon. High pressure was tin
cause of tho break. Tho accldont lef
tho towns of Lawrenco, Atchison nni
St Joseph completely without gat
for light and heat
Five Years of Awful Kidney Disease
Nat Andorson, Greenwood, S. C,
Bays: "Kidney troublo began about
flvo years ago with
dull backacho, which
got bo sovoro in tlmo
that I could not got
around. Tho kld-
noy secretions be-,'
camo badly disor
dered, and at times
thero was almost a
comnlcto ston of tho
flow. I was examined again and again
and treated to no avail, and kept get
ting worso. I havo to praise Doan's
Kldnoy Pills for my final relief and
cure. Since using them I havo gained
in strength and flesh and havo no sign
of kidney trouble."
Sold by all dcnlors. 50 cents a box.
Fostcr-MIlburn Co., Buffnlo, N. Y.
Cleveland Institution Plans to Try a
New system.
Tho Epworth Mcmorinl Methodist
church In Cloveland has decided to try
a new system of church management.
A business manager has boon ap
pointed who will give his entire tlmo
and attention to tho finances of tho
church. As cxccutlvo secretary ho
will collect tho bonevoloncos, dues of
members, subscriptions, otc, nnd pay
all expenses. He will Borvo as sec
retary of tho standing committees of
the church and keop a record of their
business for transmission to tho ofll
clnl board. Tills, it Is expected, will
leavo tho pastor freo to glvo atten-
tlon to tho larger plans of tho work
nnd to his pulpit and pastoral duties.
Epworth Memorial has tho largest
membership of all tho Protestant
churches In tho city. It has an ex
tenslvo charity work and handles over.
$35,000 In contributions overy year.
Dr. G. K. Morris, district superin
tendent, strongly commends tho In
novation. "To my mind," ho says, "It
Is tho Ideal of church government. I'
expect to see tho plan adopted In
mnny other cities."
The Doctor's Fee.
The average man will glvo a lawyer
$300 to $500, together with a lifetime's
praise, to keop him out of tho peniten
tiary for from two to ten years, nnd at
tho samo tlmo ho will ralso a phos
phorescent glow and a kick that can
be heard around tho world If a doctor
charges him $50 to $100 to keep him
out ot hell for a lifetime. We aro tho
only pcoplo under God's ethereal tent
to-day who keep open 'shop 24 hours
each day and 365 days In each year.
Wo aro also the only laborors to keep
on working for peopie who do not pay.
I can carry my part of charity with
as good a grace as most men. I can
go through rain, snow or mud and do
my best, provided tho caso is one of
worthy need, but to reward continually
downright rascality, willful drunken- j??
ncss and wanton laziness Is getting
uut ui uiy imu. luiub oiuui juuiiiui
of Medlclno.
From Frying Pan to Fire.
Somo years ago, when tho lato
Judgo John Henry McCarthy wob a
candldato for tho bench, saya the He
brew Standard, In a district populated
by both Hebrews and Irish, thero was
displayed In an East Broadway win
dow a banner which rend: "Voto for
John Henry McCarthy tho friend of1
Jto Hobrcw." An Irishman on his way to,
tho polls espied tho sign and grow In
dignant Ho remarked, "Voto for 'tho
friend of tho Hebrews?' I'll bo hanged
If I will. I'll voto for tho other fel
low." And ho did, tho "other fellow
being Henry M. Goldfoglc.
No Time for Details.
"Aro you aware," said tho philolo
gist, "that somo of these campaign
orators split their Infinitives?"
"Let 'em alono," uiiBwe'red Senator
Sorghum, "we'll bo lucky if they don't
split tho party."
Coffee at Bottom of Trouble.
It takes somo peoplo a long tlmo to
find out that coffco Is hurting thorn.
But when onco tho fact la clear,
most peoplo try to keep away from
tho thing which is followed by over
Increasing dotrlmont to tho hoart,
Btomach and nerves.
"Until two yoara ago I was a heavy
coffeo drinker," wrlteB an 111. stock
man, "and had boen all my llfo. I am
now CC years old.
"About threo yoars ago I bogan to
havo nervous spolla nnd could not
sleep nights, wna bothorod by Indi
gestion, bloating, and gas on stomach
affected my heart.
' "I spent lots, of monoy doctoring
ono doctor told mo I had chronic ca
tarrh of tho stomach; anothor that I,
had heart dlscaso and wns liable to
dlo at any tlmo. They all dieted mo,
until I was nearly starved but li
seemed to get worso instead of better.
"Having heard of tho good Postum
had dono for nervous people, I dis
carded coffeo altogether nnd began to
uso Postum rogularly. I soon got bet
tor, and now, nftor nearly two years,
I can truthfully say I am Bound and
"I slcop woll at night, do not havo
tho nervous spells and am not both
ered with indigestion or palpitation. I
weigh 32 pounds moro than when I
began Postum, and nm better ovory
way than I ovor was whllo drinking cof
feo. I can't say too much In prnlBo oC
Postum, as I am Bitro It saved my life."
"Thoro'B a Reason."
Namo given by Postum Co., Battlo
Crook, Mich. Road "Tho Road to Well
vjllo," In pkgs.
Ever rcttil the nbovo letter? A new
me npnenrM from time to time. Tliey
lire Kt-nulne, true, und full of liuratm
WfY Wii-"-- f- r.t