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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1908)
- W. J- BRYAN, Next President of the United States A .v k ,"!' 1 ' r4 l i.t ui i rJ-r R 1 te.. sjsk ,4 1 ! ,!- J- r j ; ., lit v b She CHIEF Red Cloud - - Nebraska. PUULISHKD 1AM1KY PMDY. Blltcicd In Hie 1'onlolHrp At ;!c.J A c'otnl Clai Mutter 13. H. Hl.WtH.J-' P( i.i tj'..i ii to mr in tin ill tiivlll !l-VlHll (I Tin sillies il" tevisinll l.pwunl ii nvviud. i SroUP'd. tit llie.lgo. II I Clly Officers. Wnjor . . CUtk . TriRMItlT Ciiuiiclliiim. let wmil otint llmi-n 2ml iwil ivtuiit ffniu tlu- (intl-lrii'-t policy, ntul a cowiudly platform silence us l the danger which tlui ulcus ft'oin what PiimiIcii' Itooseiclt h.t' termed "pre datory wealth. ' although I" rescue the country ft mil Unit danger has bri n tin fliiff uintliintst pojittliif policy nf his administration. Tin' it 1 1 It--." seemed, lit Chicago. tin1 1. n. iUlwll defeat f tin- plank declaring fur the t) lliit'ur l'li;,,tioM of senators ''.V popular T,,u'' I (1 Aiimrk TIict secured tlic defeat of the plank , ";' li'i'llVilf, ilechirlm: for u valuation of KKV. itlil't I.tKl't l1 WMtl . .. Kit MnrMml, ilny HP lUi'lml, nlKlit wILlr F County Of 4,'lnh IHMtlcll'oiiit ImlKV (Mem Trcomrcr ' jMtornrjr.. . Htictlir Ak'eipor ? -1 HayiU Public InMrin lion .. . Ooroni r Murvetor Ooinuil'flonrrn Iff iif. MrCnll Oimr liiirroiiKli Al suiiy .lull. Kln.t . Cto. W. IIiiIcIiImiii I Kiluii P.. W. I(n ,V 0. Krnliin I,. II. Illnukkili: O I) I ll-il Ki ll -'II Ni lilt ('in Pr. -. It. Hull . di'o. mmlnw . . Jn. u Oiiniinii T. .1.1 Impllii Win Amli'is n (ivd 11 11 in lit 'l dill GUI UK ROCK. Jo- MriUon "s now able In- up (iml about tlti- home. A Rotten OcjJ. All lit ''ll I ' III - I MTl-'il Unit was ever liuuiii'il ii II. e-l.,ill team, tin. where, nintimr. or ut tnv pl.i.'o. f '1 Donald MeCullum i spending it w to Uio U.-il ("mul playiiM a (-111- wci'ks with i'c'1ati 1J11 I'onii'-ylvimlu. b.'Mjjr 'list -.itnrilry, tho P. D. (Ji-nwbufffci'Ii'brt-l 1i!h 7:tli inunan'iT nf tho Cintlirlilf-e t a si aid 1)li-tlltiv,.ittirclny. In honor of tlio somu .if 1i.k j l.iyor-1 11 1 a fvv .l..l't rs 1 1 cut his sUUt ii.tortaincil him attlin- hut on the nMiU. tin- & m- was ojh-ii- , ni'i- Sutidiiy. ly stolon, ami no i'.oii-c- nniilo "tily ,. ,' .. ,. ., , ,. u they tlhl ii'it VMiut to lo-i' tlicii' money, j Mrs. Vina MoCailum of WKnur is .. ... ., ,,, i .r.ii 1 T 10 wnv 'U' muu havi- tii'titi'd . the L'nost of In-r Mill. It. W. .Mi-rallum ,..,. , ... ,. , ' ... ... , ,,,,,,.,,, ,,,. Cuiubricliru lti'ietrifou' ciTtninly i-alk-a ami wifo. Miss .u-ssiu Mel allum I'tiiiu' 7 ..,,.' . , , for sotiH-UiiiiL' hi-ttcr th'in this, t'nly ilowna 'i-u or so nifo. , I , , , , , , ,.. . .. ' 0 ' flu. 1 nv in. fin i.r u-lu'ii lli-il I louil was out ,,,'n,,- tf ,,lnv mcCoij,c at the latter j Weather IHiurt. The instriinu-ntal ii-niliiijrs an- from -ovurniiieiit st.iiularil iiisiru-m-uts e.s pukeil in tin- iniiiim-i ivcimniuiilril lV the elilrf of tlu- weather luiii'ini: : 1 1 m d 1 1 I I I ' r g Z. I " . 1U 81 , IT 1 Ill-Si I ' Jour II M ' in ' I""" U M Til ' .lit s P 1 OH I j!l 1 1 01 I tn Nil ( imr II Ml (VM .J8 I'. V Clmuly Ki hi I CI . s . ' Jeit" ic iii ill I . .W flear Very 1 espeetf ally, July 111. loos. l'ns S. Lt-nMiw, ro-Operatlve Ohsonei propel ty. , They vceiireifthe defeat of thr pUul; fi r tho htieiiKtheniiif-of Uie inlcrstiitf eoiiimeree eominlssloii by prrinlttinjr it to ori'inate latos. They seeiirnl the oiiiniission of a plank (lpi'lariliir for Hie Ineouie tax. They seeiireil the omission of a plank ilcelarlnj- for an inheritanee ta. Tliey seeiiifil the omission of u plunk in fuvor of the guarantee of bank de posits. 'I hey seeiireil the omission of a plank iepiunatin;r ami eomlemuini; the in famous Ahlrieh-Viei-lanil bill. Ami thev si-i-ureil. Dually, a plat form ilei-kiiMtiiiu 1- iniiiieniluii the reeonl of the la-t M-ssion of eniij-ress. whiehspat 111 the face of the boast i'il "Itoosi'Vi It polieiosi" It was lniknvl, we repeat. 11 "signal IMIltt" v We eaut blame the llee for tr,ii'jr to taek the eouveiitiiui onto the tleiniM-r.itie eonu-ntlon. anil make of the re-publican party the democratic tail. I'.ut we must politely iptestloii its IntelliL'cnee if it tliinks it can fool tlio people into bolieUiitf tlial what it siys in Ihis'gnrd is true. "The aiiics" triiiinphed at riiienjyu. They lost at Denver. This is theplaln truth, and no el Mu formed man can ipiostlon it." World Herald. and to eali on the old neighbors and fiiends. although he is still badly crip led up with lheumatisiii. The school boaid met Monday in and oranl.'.-d for the yea p ace, in the foicnoon, but was pri( vuited. thev held the grounds in the 1 afternoon for Cambridge instead of 1--.0H- p.aviiiif with MeCook, which latter ' W I jjanic would Iuitc made more money Kohlnson was elect d uioilerat- r, .1. for the Kcd Cloud team. II. Ciary director and N. M. Doudnal Saturday at Caaibrldjfe, uftjr play- treasurcr. in in;ainst rotten decisions and tak- The Kastern Star Monday evening ing the men oil' the Held in the scmmiUi Initiated Mrs. It. W. Mcl'allum. Mrs. ' iniiuig , the m'oi-c was .1 to "J in the C. W. Co 1 win and her sister Miss Kiln ninth inning in fovor of Kcd Cloud, Peter-. Lunch was served. All had a with two Cambridge men out anil very ptea-.tnt time. their center liel lcr 011 third b.ise. lie, Mindavbeini'llugh llunter lih-tli- SW'"W t'"t he batter wa-, out at llrst duv 1 sm-pi-lse was given him bv a base ran to the placers bench, never largo number of lelatives dropping in oven afemptiug to re.icii lioiiu, an 1 to take, dinner witli him The Pair, mis .11 yei. 1 tie umpire emwi-1 n.-, de -is on und tailed the man sate at tl-st base. At this po'.nt the Kjd The iostiiiastei general has been authorized by lepublieans to put an injunction on a free press whenever he eonsidcis it desirable. The Penrose hill was linally sneaked through congress in its closing hums as a rider to an appropriation bill. (overiimcnt by injunction. 1 1 makes an autocrat out of a judge and enables him to do gieat things In behalf of his friends in case of labor troubles, and it 1h scarcely necessary to state that the friends in such eases are usually the ollleers und agents of corporations, it establishes one mail rule, suspends trial by jury. F. HnrciiiN. NiUiinnl Ccrn EMicMlton. I'lecl lie lighted farm homes, barns and feed yards, arc coming to be 110 uncommon things in the west. A lighting plant is not only a conven ience but reduces the tire hazard by doing away with milking by lantern lt"hl and climbing around in feed yards and hay mows with dangcious very muc) lanterns. tiasoliue engines are also uecoining , almost u necessity on the modern farm. They arc doing all the big things which the farmers formerly used horses and Held families. A. Morn and wife and Harvey I loin drove out from town. memorial team of the Degi'te of Honor will put on their work Tuesday evening .July i!- at the close of lodge. All members urged to be present. All adult members of I), of II. and A. . I'. . fainil'es are welcome. Uxor cist's nl nine o'clock. Mr-. A. W. .-shaiiu-1 and daughters, Marjraret. riorence and olive isitcd from Saturday 'ill Tuesday with old friends. Her husbaii;l Kcv. A. W. Shumel was pastor at tinkle Koel: and lloitwiek eleven years ago. They now llveiu Lincoln. Mr. Miamel represents the supoiauuate work of the M. I. c lurch in the Xenras'.-a conference. .Monday evening llaru-y Horn started on his return trip to his home in Long licach, Caliiornia. He had spent a month with his parents. Mr. and Mis. Albert Horn and his sisters, Mis. Clarence liny and Mrs. Allen Vance of liuide Kock and Mis. Aithjir Parens of ltlue 11111. Harvey moved to California live years ago and likes it STILLWATliR BREEZES Another inch and a half rain. Ueo. Hoit of Cowles sand punircd W. J. Bryan as Pictured by Iftaatus J- Dunn. He wiih honest, brave, unyielding be fore ho was known to fume; lie is lion cbt, brae and unyielding now. Uelieving in the ultimate triumph of thcm for l"M ,uul P trips, saving tlicii iiuiM-s tor nurs 111 mu iiriun which cannot yet be done by electric ity, gasoline or petroleum. These three modern conveniences borrowed their neighbors' horses to do Dave Fishel'.s well Monday afternvon. as well as all the little things which tired tlic women and boys. All over the west farmers are buying automobiles, which have become so practical that thev can depend 011 tho right, lie has never examined ques-, tioiiH from the staiulp ilnt of exped iency. II.. 1 1 !... 4l... ..!.... .1 .if ..., v.u ... ........ . mul necessities help make up the equip- .labor and was among the Urst to urge mentof tho inodcrn farmcr aml rc conciliation between labor and "Pi ( ni!me thls the Kutionul Corn K.xpohi- tion, to be held at Omaha. December He begun to oppose government by 1 ,,.h to mllt luls st!UUre,i ft KR8ollne lujunetion more than a decade ago. engine, dynamo and switch board He believes in peace universal, I which will be given by a Michigan Christian peace. He believes tho des-' manufacturer for tho best half bushel liny of nations should be detirmincd uotby wars but by upplying the prin ciples of justice and humanity. Through years of; unparcllcd politi cal warcfare his loyalty to his Ideals und to his fcllowtmuu hab been abun dantly shown. His career proves that successful leadership is detei mined by success or failure of great principles rather than by election to high otllce. Speaking and writing freely on all Hubjcets, his heart has had no M-crets nnd his friends have increased in num ber and ccnlldeiice. of wheat in the milling test tho en tries to be open to the world. Th gusoline engine of the outfit may be used for any purpose for which power is needed about the farm and then run tho dynamo at night, making ample light for house and burns. An automobile worth 80(H) has been offered by the lJrush Automobile com pany of Detroit, Michigan for tho best bushel of corn on the ear and the en tries for this are also to be open to the world. The Chief editor and lady were call ing on relatives in this vicinity Sun day. Mr. St ace Douthit and family of ltlue Hill weie the guests of Mr. and Mrs. It ufe Douthit Sunday. Mrs. Iterthu, Farquhar of Seldon, Kansas, is vi'.lting relatives and old friends in our neit'hborliood. Lchlie Finney had the misfortune to run a pitch fork in his knee which was very painful and will lay him up for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Croier of Seattle, Washington, who were visiting rela tives at Eekley went to llculah, Nuc kols county, for a week s visit with .1. H. Mearns and family. During tho storm Sunday evening about seven o'clock lightning struck the barn of Mr. Hoyd Vance setting it on tire and tearing up the roof some and doing quite a little damage. Mr. Vance and wife suw tho bla?c in time which wus in the prairie hay in the mow to put it tint with buckets of water. All the horses were in the barn at the time. Two were knocked down, one not being able to stand up till Monday morning. CI mil team could stand the nu-kot no linger und packed up their bats and, w.'iit to town. After our boys had I left the Held the muiittget of the Cam-! bri Ige team doj'.d ' 1 that tho 1111:1 at lirst and thiid had seo-ed, inuhin the scot-.- 1 to ! in favor of Cambridge. Wo are filly ioiiv'.need that the Cambridge players nevi i- thought they wo 1 the game, in f.iet after the game several of them said so. ami th man agement declared all bets oil a 1 1 iv tinned the money to the boys here. We have always cm si l"ivd Mr. l!.iker a np-it't bee nise of his love for the game, but e'reu-ustauces alter ease-, Kcd Cloud would not consent to .11 Other game, eseept lor a banco to -show who ha- the winning tiiun, and below is the challenge. Challenge. We. the Kcd Cloud bus- bull team do li2reby challenge the lambridge base ball tea 11 to contest for a side bet 1 i S.'iOO.OO and gate receipts; game to hi played byjthe same men. playing the same positions, on (neutral ground al a neutral umpire. Date and place of meeting to be arranged by tin nianugcrs of the teams. enny in the Armadillo. The armadillo is a small animal that looks like a nutmeg grater with head, feet and legs. It lives on grass and insects and is of a rc thing disposition. In a iiienuucrio von can see one for nothing if you have paid to see the other animals. The armadillo is not bloodthirsty. It "-eldom attacks a man miles greatly enraged. In its wild state it is good for food, but very tough. Once there was a man who bjught an armadillo for a pot. He could not teach it to love him and he traded it for an icebox, which is more appropriate in the summer time. Wo should bo grateful that we are not an armadillo and always strive to be truthful and eourugcous. When tho armadillo is attacked it rolls itself up into a bull und the natives play golf with it. I Know this is true because an old man who used to be a sailor told me so. ltenny. Chicugo Tribune. SHUNGOPAVI. WEIRD WONDER WORKER. Hardly A "Slftaal Rtut." The Omaha llee has a plenty of "nerve." Discussing the work of the Chicago and Denver conventions. It complacently declares that "the most wtriklng feature of the tw o great nomi nating conventions is the 'signal tout of the allies' at both Denver and Chicago." That was.'inilced, a most '-signal rout" at Chicago piovlded one is not particularjabout what he calls a "sig. nul rout!" "Tho allies" secured, at Chicago, the nomination of "Jim" .Sherman, the re actionary und i-ongresslonul defender of "the inte to," for vice president llasiug the estimate upon the. history of the country tlu ir chance is about one in seven or eight that hherniau will become thupreshleutof the I'nited States befoie his teiiu of olllce lu ev plred. That would be .1 most -signal .rout" for "the allies," wouldn't it? "The allies" mcuiciI, at t hicago the defeat of the anti injunction plaid, to which President Kous-uvclt stood pled ged, and the adoption of a plank which "was championed by hpeuker Cannon, tin strongest . and ablest leactionury in the United States. "The allies" secured, at Chicago, u tarllf plank that may us readily be SBiaBjB srw?ri 1 I " ! 1 A f ,f2v- Unquestioned purity and wholesomeness CREAM iDRPii Al' Oft m rejfc rlDv 0- wfarvf KqI sC5i i Jl3I 1 m I.-', P3 K 1 f lff a' L 53 DB Bra un S3 W(.,T.gjj--yw m ffb urarfae . ?F 8" RT rfS J v t3A,.3S mM Mi Us aaHve pipSiwf plr rc. ,& o2 tor- nuroa KSKtr n&v:ni? irua. ' '''!?,'" 1 d1 zi-l e.-:i & !.'Je( Spozr ssapes im-i... ' '- v --- ituisnii.rvetou.i.uinins F';ec:l u-..1jo :. eir&. 'ilteir niave livli cr .ic i-s a imtietras ae: c- eu '-cr:if':iiu"arso uiJ cijovucioj wr 3 E55 fen B3 G& a u J.i n H S.Iy the tubo2 a;iJ tuy only liaKJno vowdcr nuitJo arss w . fw I RW i m Will b: at Red CUud during Chautauqua It is imposMblc for us to describe tlu miraculous and fascinating work of this truly great artist. Press and public are unstinted in their praise of Shniigopavl. He merits all the good things that can be said of him. His legends, folk-lore and stories of his people arc fascinating in the extreme, while his feats of Indian magic, i. e.: "The Painted Sands of the Croat White Desert" and "The Vanishing Indian, are wonderful beyond description. i MBHfeM "' bpflDQ 1 Salts Nothing manufactured shows so great an improvement as Clothing. Each season shows this more forcibly. s This Spring' line is better than ever. ) Glad to show you. l.t:,-iftnIoCL,v-'t . j PKUL STOREY f The Clothier. ( raww.1 v r v ' m uanwa mwmmvmb nivfwjmt'. rTMt TKe Real Live And His Dog TIGB COMING TO TOWN Ayi" They will hold a y RECEP10N at our store, to which young and old are cor dially invited. Admission Free; Come and Talk to these Famous Characters in the Flesh and Blood. fjpttfyi & Buster Brown and Tlge will be at our store on Tuesday, Jkily 21-4 p m FRANK SMITH, Shoe Man RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA Denver.s Great Fair. Work is rapidly progressing on the buildings at Overland ptulc, Denver, for the Hist annual Colorado Inter state l'alr and Imposition to be held September 7-lL', inclusive, and IS, I . Fuller, acting secretary, says that the entries are coming in even faster than he anticipated. With g.". 00 ) in cash pilcs olVeied. divided into 1 beral amounts in each classification, there is every reason to believe that the ill tries will exceed those of unj fair ever given in the west, and that this Urst exhibition in point of ui'rks and importance will l.iuk with the great est of eastern state fairs. No matter how wide a hat a girl wears, her lips can get out fiom under it on a moonlight night. A word to the wives is sufficient Folg'er's Golden Gate Coffee m 3J222EEE A!!ttlGERt $pIH4& ""i m i j i ii nfir T i 1 Sold only in aroma-tight tins'. Never in bulk, ttTAtillUMCO uia. We Claim OI'H Gtffees, Teas. Extracts and Spices arc tlio very best that can be found anyivhcru in the city and we arc will ing to test them with any brands that you may have. Just a word to any society or lodge doings: You are wel come to our Collee and Napkins free of charge if you assure us thnt you will give them a fair test. We are also olYcring good bargains in evaporated fruits- Prunes, Black Grapes, Peaches, etc. In Making Powders we have the differ out varieties H. C Dr. Price's, Royal, Cassett, Rabbit's Foot. Tht'ho are sold at popular prices. (Jive us a call. ' , t J. . . " A - J. 1 XI X