Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1908)
a!' C A SCHULTZ Photographer : mi c. "i I s nn i ' i :' m t. ." i i il'. . D ii i . i III i d. 1 X ,. ihiiiimi 111 1 1 iiiiiiMiaaaiaiiiiiiiMiiiiiiniii imiaimnriw inmnmnnm 1 111111 111 m 11 nrrvni 1 1 11 11 iiijiiuiii 11 11 mX gmOMi..Uc Jf '.. - - .m..K s.. s. -..,-ft- ...;.., .. ,-. , - .u , .. ,- - -,g u" iv I Y$r gfl BDovc-i, h Avo.Crh.tiot.h V N"'kf 1 jX ..,,, ,,.,..... ...CT-.....- -..- . - - '' ' " -- .,...... .....- .m ffi j af h n n.f am riL v rv "j -. rw.i V& VT'itgiAW7 f jjjt Kf rW-3 TJTyifo, . If i fiMwy1yrynwi US' ' it..JJaaV" t "i sm MMP7 7i.2r& -fffoz.- B&rt 'a- . R(3'Ki3.jM8:'ffei . . if? S Y'Pf5 v3 V flT I t - 11.11. .11 .I.I.W v i I Pi 4 .N". I ri'H. iii.. . 'it in irjni , mi i w mi Iiiim- i - i.iaii..- in th.- MIl!.(las IS AUSOLl'TK IMJ( No. -J : THINK IT OVKIi. I (Inii'i .-up;i hi' hiu'Ii uii'Uuiils nl' si-lliiij? would be- rcsorlcd io l) a Ir'itiiuatu dralcr in mcivliaudie, lml uiifoi'lnnati!.;- ii. i! -li nl-.- i. I'v Iravi' piano aufiits. Vim would not cxpi'i-i Miner Mi'i.. to tell ym the "wholesale prir" oi' Turnure Bru.' koo!-. ,,ii! ice veiva. A piaii" ! -oiuethiiiH: you can examine as ti tone, turn h. and uvucrnl appearaiice. but you rely ehieiiy up-m the dealer's word, biirWed up !;.- the guarantee nl the .Manufacturer as to the 1)111 A 151 lA'VY of the iitruinent. 1)()K AT TI1K Nl"MHKI .which is usnallv seen bv raisinu- the lid of t!-... pianoi OK TliM INSTiJl'MKNT OFKKKKl) VOK il, !, reu: nb-rthal T11K1JK AUK OVKI! :i.iint KOIILKIJ CAMIM'.KLL PIANOS IN l.'SK: Til AT TI1KV AIM! (il'AUAX TKKU UV A K'KSl'o.NIKdJ; KACTOh'V TO LST AS LONi AND (JIVK AS (iOO!) SATISFACTION AS ANY PIANO .MADK IMj.AIC'IJ.S or COST. T1IKY A UK NOT OV KHPIIICKD. ISL: iMfa; &'" . $$! ,', s vEsisssri in?? il- 5--HfcJi clOTlii i Women as Well as Wen Are Made itaable by Kkln&y and Bladder Trouble. Kidney truulilv n b i.t.:t tin-mind, dtuiHiiu.igfi.iudlt.'t'M-iisatir .t.. ii; IilmiiIv, 'i;t ai -1 t iivvrfiit' in.'.i Mum ihsijijicar when the hiiliR-v sai c out of o"'er or ilis caicil. Kmiicy txmililc hu:i Ikm-ouu- m jirc.ilunt in. a it ib not uncom mon ior a rl'.ild to Ik: horn sifiiiitol with weak kiiiiicve. If tlii clitld ui imitesloooftuii, uthc -w xcnlds tin: flfih.or if, when the child ri-iu-liesan K vrht'ii it should he able to i outrol the jwssii:t!, it is yet aillii'tcd with hud-wct-tiii)'ik'i euilu'Miii it, thcriiuc if thcdifli culty ii kiilury trouhli-. the first tej uhouM he towards th. tre.itment of fK6c inijiortantoiKiins. r'nis nuileiisiuit Vh1e is ilue to a diseased condition f ,lC 'kidneys and hlaildci and not to a Vu'.TUt as most people suppo;.e. Women as well as men are made miser able with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same remedv. The mild and the immediate el fret of Swamp-Root is soon re.ilied. It is sold by urnyj-ists, in hft ctmt and one-doll, u size bottles. You ma hove n sample bottle by mail Iree, also a iiomf Fnmp-ooi. pamphlet telling all about Swamp-Knot, including iiiauv of the Ihmi-andsof testi. itiouial letters reeenetl frmn snllerers curevl. In writing lb. Kilmer kV Co., tiiigh.imtmi, N. V be Mire and mention this jviiKT. Don't make any mistake, but tenicmber the name, Sw'amp-Koot, Dr. Kilmer's Sw.uup-Hoot, and the ad liens, Uiiihamtou, N. Y., on every bottle. KIIEYMATIMI ( I IIKII IN A U Sr.lMKttiKit'f rurl(lii-unmilin hikINViuhI Kin. i.ictlly eiirri III I u;Ii1h;k lit nrtluu llpuli llit- tM"'!n k lemurLiilili Hint iiivKturiiiu. It ijeuj.ivt. itt oaco tiii- runs,. hihI ilieilUtKHi Im mllnfj' iKHi;frirt The tlrtl ilon; Kreally beio-ilts :i renin nl It. h) II. K.lliuci, (trustor.:, Heii CluuJ l'inesi'vc eurboll.ed nets like apoul- XM'.a. MleIc relief fiir titles ami sting oi.iiifati".s, chapped skin, cuts, burns iiu so-'.-s, tan iiud sunburn. Sold or HJjnry I jok. A ve c.ui puts dignity upon her hus band being broke by calling it being emluvrra'sed. Operation for piles will not beneees aikry if you use Man .an pile remedy. I'jit, Mb ready to nse. Ouar.uitecd. ft., ,4 Clil II. .,!,-, ( ". inlr -ij .y,i, wjr ,. -...... Th .ivenige man would rather win 4V iloimr on a nut tiiuii u iiiousauo ifuruinj ,i ii. Vintjules for the kidneys, in day h TialSI- Juaninteed. Act ilireetly on lie kbiVh and bring relief tn llie tirst HglT f "baelcnehe, rheuinatlu pains, ,1 till A.... ..!.,.. .,t.,.r..M- Id uiuuoer iniuuiv, i"ik"' ,it!rc system. Sold by Henry iiiM W;lkf!jAI""i Bt37T'flli C'lfH'll'"-M . I IWiff f Wholesale Pif ff va aa tiff m n H w " r es fit fis rcl $ ifcnUiliPnceB oil MIIIIO ., sW!!sJ"'SBft;. si I) nils I Hlf MMi rkl "i.M- in C )f)f)C" Thiil in .w ui. M, pniiniar " piano ii- CI ')I)nQp Vhi werr an iijr'nt ami coulil buy hnth piano at -'- V . ' ,''" ' !n- !;!wiii prifc, which fiiar.o would ynu '" !l ,"iiU',l"tivi'S!ili Oit - ;,iil thai il i.- oiilyi?.. lt j, Mut v;A VLN(J I. uw I... I I I U .n.inir thtP ,,:!! DIKKCT KHoM TIIK FACTOID OK i'.KI.I. IN NKW V)KK CITY. I AM KNAIII.KI) TO HIVIDK Till: IWKKN FArToHV ANM) fONSUMKir WITfl Vol', NT 1 i: WKU.INC AUIATOX (iOOD;; oh THIS CLASS. AiTKK - MASPD I AM STI! MKIJi: T' LOOK AITKi: Y"'l: INTP - KKr - i. i tci Boih Phones lio. A Place of Safety. W!l w Ii,. h .ire sorlfp.ililc only !n fair weat.'ii'i- 1,10 nut of mtirli use to I In pliniiMT nl' a new country. All sori Of i l.slllhh's prccllt Ihi'lllselvcs to l!-i dw idler of the wild rclnns. Mr. '.Yilley In lllsiory of the White Mi'tinialiis" kIvin .'tn Iiisiaine of it man whose Ingenuity withstood n r'oiie. The Incident took place in the parly days of ,l:ic!soii. A terrible tornado passed over the Utile .sellleniciil. It was so stroll lordly iinythluK could stand lMfore II. Houses mill 'barns were leveled, trees were whirled al-iut In (he air like stl'-ks. and men and women wore caught up ami carried nlnus for rods. One house win ra.ed to the Kroiind, and chnirs, tables, lieds. beddliii; mid ehlldren went Myitis nhout In the wind. 'I'lie father of the family, snalchlii; his biihlos from the rude grasp of the inon Htcr. thiust the little folks' heads through two rails of a fence and left them thus secured, with their legs dangling In the wind. lie then went to look after his other property. The live little childieu remained safe In their fastening and. uninjured, out lode the tempest. Thought He Was In India. A n con-eilleii e of the freiplelli y Willi . 'i ' h veiminous snalo'h are met wlih in I in1 a Anglo-Iuiliaus speed Miclr Whole llxes In tlllnklllg of their lives :ii.: wa'bbig out for snake . Wlu'ii Mr. K;p!l!'j icacheil Loudon I mm In dia I.i hi se.ii'i-h for fame mil fiirl,,,i lie 'o.lge I l:i some Mlllil'l I'Ontus n:i VI! Hers street. t: rand, up two lllg'.i's of stairs. o-ii morning a friend called, and whe. i he found himself In liud.Mird Kipling's sluing room he was surprised . sn a li.iidsoiue mirror which stool ocr the lirephu-e "Miiiislicd to Miiiiher i'eus." Sua!.".." said Kipling, iioilclug the Ion!; of astonishment on his frleud'ti face "I was do.lng In my chair yester day owning, and in, foot slipped out of mv shoe, which for comfort I had unlaced. Half waking. I fell with my font for the shoe and began slipping , It In when my toes touched the leatli'i tongue. Snake Hashed across my sleepy brain. I gave one desperate kick, and when thu shoe struck tint mirror l re.ili'ed that I was in Loudon and not In India." ' Closing His Mouth, A very sensible bit of advice ex pressed In homely language was given by a man not long ago to an oNcltublo nud ipiurrol-ioiue friend. It was In a brickyard, and two of the workmen had engaged in an angry dispute which culminated in a llerce encoun ter. In the skirmish one if the com batants was nastily hurt on the head, and the employer, who happened to comu on the sceno of action when the light was finishing and was a man of more temper than discretion, advised tho Injured one to get a warrant for ZT?ZS V.'Il'il ' '"Z'.'T. t 10 t Mr.' :t i rtai , i ii i, 'in. nili! :l .i IhiT.-nr. OVKR !.(JJ siii.:: TjiAT I'lANo A (;()(,! .-!i:i.i lii ,v ;i'- ii rortui'i ithi r nuflium p-irnl tniit unrv wvn uiinut ''., (Hid i'i v. v: ,'iril n wllcr or not'.' tiiH fiKi'iil fn'triiir X'. -' li'iis yem Hint lm know !.' 1 ii-t nl X... i, ..'Very i'li;ip'. hut Ii:ivi- tin Iinpi'f.-.-ioii iiial Ili'; 1 iaim m.-l a ,uivnl dcil inure ,.., wlmt u-,,,,1,1 vml TIILNK i J t . .. !... 4 .... u I.' I I I.' n . .. .i iiu i a net irr i i i i j i i im.ui'ii hi in.M'iii.-nminpi .".""' m t" ,miu- h . )(!' OK TilK SKLUNG Ul'ALITi K.S.) i.-n't itlunny thai 1m inviVri to .-!! ti'n'i-:i: .. in-. -...! .: i . 1... v,, ! j'i ire nl' it : i !' ; n.v t! in ti-i . ' i i 1 1 '!:i' i. !!'( Potter Block. Red Cloud. Neb. r.ns ni't'ij Oisciisserf c, a iriiui'i t w-orkuieu ho had gatlieted ii : 1 :i big, burly fellow who had heaid ev er, thing and seen the whole affair miide his way to the man with the damaged cranium nud sald- "Yo'i ilon't want to get no warrant, I'll!. You ,ii;st go to the chemist's shop and get ,crsc!f two pieces of piarster good big 0:11 and put one pie v on yer head an the other on jer nioutli. an you'll be all right." London .Mall. Queer Auctions. A Dutch auction at Cape Town Is frc(iiently exciting. If a house is to be sold, the auctioneer offers "SO gold en sovereigns Tor the man who tlrst bids i.;,.(MM)." Nobody bids. A pnuse. and thou ".'(I golden sovereigns for the mini who tlrst bids 4,JMX)." This U kept up until a bid is secured. Hut it by no means follows that the house is sold to this bidder. No. tin; auctioneer Is then at It tualii. Say that 4.41)0 Is the tlrst bid. The auctioneer cries. "There ate '.! golden soerelgns for the tlrst man who has the courage to hid ll.tioo." Perhaps no one 1ms It. Then i'W Is otToied lor a I..Vn bid. If there is eventually no bid above tho I. inn. the man who made that hid is saddled with the house. Otherwise he pockets his bonus ami gels off free of it all. Westminster Onzctte. Gono to Hongkong. Some time ego a larje tea shop was opened In n town near London. To at tract ci:.-ioi. ers It was announced that em h purchaser of a pound of tea would ioceio a check fora shilling to Icy goods in a certain dale. The pro pr!!or did a flourishing trade till ib, tl-iy came lor the che ks to bo present ed. t'lowiN of customers ,une and Weii drearllv disappointed to see the shutters ib w ii and on them u Id'.' poster, w id' h read: "Our compliments to our customers, and we beg to state that we hao gme to Hongkong for mom tea.'-London K. press. Mannish. Mr. Diibley-Ilow awfully mannish she Is! Miss Smart She Is. indeed Mr. Dub'ey Ves. ami the funny part of It is she thinks people admire her for being that way. It's ipiivr she doesn't re.'i!l.;e that people are only laughing tit her. Miss Smart Well, ulie's mannish even to that extent. -Philadelphia Press. explicit. One of Manchester's sextons In mak ing his report of burials Is e:.pllet to a c 'eiidiible degree. I'or Instaiiee, micli entries as this occur: "Died, .loliu tirecn, male; aged three dr.ys; uiitnnrrled." London Tit-Hits. Taking the Count. Jnnies-1 wish you hadn't told father to count ton when angry. Mother Miy? anmes He hns time to get the Hwitch. He used to use his hand when j be licked me. New York Journal. Sfe'lil-iKsi m , H i. i i.i' iN. IMTtfissi iN UbK: ' i i: jtir. i . i.Nii. i i"'!1.. wculvi iu i'1'H! idcr ;. the m :i. rnthcr !cll . . j - ; !,, . . : . . i !..t- .) 4 l.n KOIILHU & CAMP oK i'lMlKiT !.' I'NDKRS'-'' T A"" Y(l' MAVF. i'i : TS I' -..'. . :.i- . . 1 v ..;!' Bros, lumbers Coal Dealers KHl) CLOUD, XKBKASKA. Wo have in stock at till times a complete line of Building Material Htnl (iood CohI. Our prices aro reasonable. We solicit your patron age. Bell Tel. 00. Farmers Ind. 71. L. SHERMAN, General Auctioneer Kesbleiice: First door smith of Bed Cloud Mill, 101 South Webster street. Can be found at home every fore noon. Terms reasonable. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM CUmtn n.. Uauiinti th h'r. rn.iiM.tft ft Imurlvil irriiwth. N-vrr yil to Jt-itjrn Ory illr to ' Yoiithrul Color. Cull, l,'p ,'KriiM hllr llllLf. Aiy.i,l 11 i l)rufl.n One application of ManZaii p.le remedy, for all forms id piles relieves pain, sooths, reduces iiillammatiou, soreness and itching. Price .Mle. tiuarantccd to give satisfaction. rnlil by Henry look. Wood's liver medicine Is fur the te lief of malaria, chills and fever and all ailments resulting from deranged con dition of the liver, kidneys ami blad der. Wooil's liver medicine is a tonic to thi' liver and bowels, relieves sick headache, constipation, stomach, kid ney ami liver disorders ami acts as a gentle laxative. It is the ideal remedy for fatigue and weakness. It's tonic effects on tho entire system felt with the lrst dose. The SI sie contains nearly -"j times the quantity of the ,'Oe size. In ltftilil form. Pleasant to take, Hold by Henry Cook. iIk4iIT Snffl nsst ..' 1 .t i UJ.ftT.i rW7! tt lfl 'nn i.j i" J ttfn U."- X'L-l v. ic lllillr;illiili SIidmIhi.- MIii I'lirmloc Si-i-iii In WESTERN CANADA ntne of l) eholcost linij for craln srnwlntf. mock raisins; anU myS. larmlni; In tliu new ills trlttts of Saskptchewnn unit Alburta have r-cr-nlly been )niii-il tor . ttli'incnt umler the Revised Homestead Regulations Ihilry may now ho iihi!u by proxy (mi ecrtaln eonilitloni),bylhefatli.'r.tnoiher,son.d.iuw'htcr. hrutlier or ulster of nn Inlemllnu' hdiiieHteiiiler. Thousands of homestctJ:) of 1W acres e.tult are tliiit now easily ubtnlnuhlu In these urcat grain L'rowliiL', stoil.-raMnu' amt mixed t.innlni: ec lions. There you will titnl healthful climate, sood ni'lL'hbors, churches for family worship, schools tor your children, koimI lawi, splendid crops, uml rallrnaiU cuiivenient to market. I' ntry fro In etch eae Is 510.00. for pamphbt. "l.hst liest West." purtlciilarsns to rates, routes, best I me tu mii and where to locate, apply to W V HKNVKTT f-'U New York blfe Illdg . Omaha, Neb. Canadian Government ccnt CATARRH m JT mM '9$ ff?V0 mm JAY-EEVER i &. m eWWW Elvs Cream Balm. Suro to Clvo Satisfaction. . OlVES RELIEF AT ONCE. It finalises, soothes, heals and protects tho diseased jiioiiibrant) resulting from Catarrh uml drives away a Cold inthe Head nttieklv. ltestores tho of Taste nnd Kinoil, Easy to use. Contains no injurious drugs Applied into tho nostrils and absorbed. Largo Size, 50 cents at Druggists or bv mull. Liquid Cream Balm for nc in atoudznrs, 75 cents. ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren SI.. New York. ' Pinesalve ACTS LIKKA poultice CarboliZed roxua or exit disease iii:iii: is hi:i.ii:k kou womrn ' Mullifr lira), h iinrre In New York illsiuvereil hii iiruiiiHilc. iliMiint IhtIi cure lor women'). IIU fslliM AI'sTUAblAN I.KAF. It U I lie only cerium ri'KUMler ciueN reinnlo woflknenci mill liiu'kHt'lic. kliliiey. I'Uililer ami urinary iioiiIiIck At nil ilriiKubts or liy iiiult McenU, SmniiluritKE, Atlilre, 'I'lie MoitieriUav Co., I.e Itoy, N, Y. -' JJ'aWSi, Jvij -. 'T ,, i--?' 55Ti lltm m ii! - S' ' i CHAS ALLSOP Mason 1 . II I II' V C If 'I -pCC J ' L. i '.mil Neb. (.11 'III Hobinson & Son ! i wai,! li Siii n M, ,,' f.i,- ;, ,-ts. i i l'i' nlaiii in ciit.iiec nn w'.tb I.. '.Mir. in s,,,f ,, n cisihi. Henry Diedericli I'i'M.I.'. IN 'j: , Mioosancl Ar;.- Lamps V. M) tiring' Iv-atl; L1 r.o. V7olie & Wright fc.-.gino Repairir.g- . j " r-::iliy l'iicsii,.iny. !l, c'. -ui'.' '. I,. anil agiuiiiiakin - JACOB E LUNGER Auctioneer Ll.ii t l.ol ni.ij 1 ii oi. ' ;! ..He . ,.; , ,, , it, o Plumb's Flour & Feed Store. 'I "' nn i c. iii buyinc- oiit- l!i,ui- i' ' muni m's i,f liiin. II. K. ASIlliR X't-tcriiiiirjati Ki ! Ciuci.-:-.' At I) ".'.old stand City Laundry J. P. HANSON, Propr. ''' ' :-' l.v.i nomi, Nil. Fred E. Maurer A'JTOLNrOV AT- l.AW V i irv Public. IVnsioiis a Spcciilty. Ol'ice nvi-r Postollhv. A. "TWalker IlKAL l',STTi:. LOANS, .ml IXsl'UAXCK. First Uoor North of Postollice. I W. K. GEER Shoes Shoes made to order. Uepair work u specialty L A. HASKINS FLOL'i:, KKKDandtJIJAIN Kerosene, (iusoline Ktc. 'l'hono 57 O. A Nelson Veterinary Surgeon 8c DentlSt. Office, at my B: irn. L H. FORT Insurance Agent, Abstracter and Notary Public. Daniorell Block. Phono 88. Dr Nellie E Maurer Dentist U.iuicrcll llloclv. Ovor Albright Bros. Phone Sill . m INSURANCE against Fire. Ligiitning. Cv- clones and Windstorms, see NO. B. STANSER, agoiit for tho Farmers Union Insur mice Co., Lincoln, Neb., tho best in surance company inthe s'ite. jM MAKE A GOOD INCOME H lnilanriij rtl wouldtlk to tri t trdt. t B I i(iDt a ks ha tvt ... .,. .UB ...v. tta,nt JU V n. Umn.L.U tHrl to w -..,, ..... iH lllfl noau rIM'a Star DrillingMachine Co., Ahton.O. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Debiqns COtVRIOHTS AC. Anyone icnrtlnc a kclrli uml licrlntlnn mr lulchlr uirurlulu imr )! iilori free nlietlier mu liiTeiitl'in ( prubublr rHti-iitijjilii. riminiunlcm. tlniiintricllrniiitldeiitlal. HANDBOOK oiil'atenu eiit fre. ulitett aitoiit-r tor ncunuir imteiita. rutoiiK taken tfirousli Munn A Co. recelre rprrlalnodcr, without clurao, lutbe Scientific American. A hanrtiomelr lllnttrited waeiljr, trnsit dr culalluii of tin r nrleiilldn jniirnal. Toriiu. 1.1 a rcart fnurimintlii.fl. tiuiatiyall neffailunlerm. MUNN &Co.Bro.d..,. New York Blanch Otaco, tt V SU WMhlDgtun, D, a kurliii4ii i.tiii- turn nf, . .....".." "'' il .Y..... , iY Vr""1" Mi ttin tuu e imi i . i,h ?,"- d"4 fr lh. uiuf oiiw4 U f f,rlt t.l,,, .naa f - . k .......l.fc wit- it. Il. - -- mm-m i vii virTKS)sriKMi,rtNit rrinakbu ii.. ,!. ii. , ... . . ;. " -! Ijmjja F I r MNMM(W(l1tffif i,-W .A4ri!Srwpw