The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 05, 1908, Image 8

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    I The- Concertina.
Tlie accordion, which was -i develop
ment of it previously existing noollna,
wns Invented in l.S'Jii l..v it Yleiincse
named natulan mid consists, as every
one knows, of it small pair or bellows
mid a tango of keys which regulate the
adnilssiott of wind to metal reeds. Th;'
accordion founds notes in one key only.
The concertina proper was Invented tin
the same dale by Charles Whe-atstouo.
who later became a famous man of
uclence. It seems curious that a man
whose reputation rests chiefly on his
electrical work and discoveries, who
was one of the earliest men of se-iciicc
to make experiments Pi connection
with submarine cables .!.. , v. ho. more
over, was an extraordinarily skillful
decipherer or cryptographic writings,
r.hould also have dabbled in musical
inventions. Hut. as a matter of fact,
Wheatstonu's musical work preceded
his scientific ellscen cries. ile went
straight from school to the business of
manufacturing musical Instruments,
and it was in isuy, at the age of twen
ty-seven, that lie took out his patent
for 1 ho concertina. Hut lie was more
Interested in the scientific principles
on which musical Instruments are eon
nlrueteil than In music Itself, and his
acoustical and musical experiments
soon drew him Into the path which led
to Ids many electrical discoveries.
London Clone.
An Emended Sign.
Many a householder at the mercy of
the painter will lind a bend of sympa
thy with tlie undents or Stanford utii
vorsity in the Incident taken from tlie
Han Francisco Chronicle. The score of
fraternity houses on the campus were
In the process of being cleaned up In
preparation for the receptions and
luncheons to be given to visitors on
the day or tlv" big root ha 1 1 game. A
man got tlie contract to paint one of
the houses white with the understand
ing that the Job mrst be done and dry
by a certain day. After making a rush
iitnrt the painter asked permission to
hang out his sign. His reipiest was
granted, and he put up a conspicuous
announcement over the front porch,
"These Premises Being Painted bv
Wank Wank."
1 Then the work dragged. He would
come one day and stay awav two. So
the impatient colle-uiaus added to
ulgu until t'ie niiuititi"pui"ul read:
"Theso IV-.ulsi'S liiing Painted
Blank P.'nnk. V -w and Thv.i."
i, - i --"
A Calm Witnics.
' A lawyer was cross exam In big a wU
nesn with a view To getting Iifni 'mild
died In !ils testimony. The following
questions and answers occurred:
"Did you fccji. the plaintiff faint a
Hliort time ago?" "'f' ".' ':'&- '
i--VV' - ''"
ri'l-vi-'It' iii!" J'ale w,fn they faint,
don't th'cy?" "" ,.k.
I "No. sir; not always."
"What! Do you mean to (ell mo that
u person can faint and not turn pale?
I Did you ever hear of such a case?"
"i'cs, sir'
I 'ipid ou ever see inch a case?"
"l ejTeT. sir" n
Aboul h year ago, sir." sf
" "Who was it?" :
i ""I was a negro, hlr."
' Tlie lawyer excused tlie witness.
Cincinnati Commercial Tribune.
The Mcabite Stone.
The so called Moallto stone was dis
covered by the Nov. P. Klein In 1S0S
among the ruins of Dhlban. the ancient
Dlbon. The stone was of black lia
na It, rounded at the top and bottom,
two feet broad, three feet ten Inche.-i
high and fourteen Inches In thickness,
but wib unfortunately broken by the
Arabs, whose cupidity had been arous
ed by the Interest that was taken in It
by the explorers. The fragments were
afterward collected and laboriously
fitted together, and the stone now
Hands In the Louvre at Paris. The
inscription of thlrly-four lines Is In
'Hebrew-Phoenician characters and ap
pears to be a record of Mesha, king of
Moali, mentioned In II Kings III. refer
ring to his successful revolt against
the king of Israel. Now York Ameri
can. A Model Friend.
What true friendship consists In de
pends on the temperament of the man
.who has a friend. It Is re hi tee I that at
the funeral or Mr. X.. who tiled ex
tremely poor, the usually cold blooded
Kepdro Tlghtllst was much affcctcel.
"You thought a great deal of him, I
suppose V" some one iiskeel him.
"Thought a great deal or lilm? I
should think 1 did. There was a true
friend! He never asked me to lend
him a cent, though 1 knew well enough
be was starving to death!"
Too Expensive.
Twe little girls whe were taken to
we "Othello" were much Impressed by
tlie death scene.
"I wonder whether they kill a lady
every night V" asked one.
I "Why, of course not," said the other.
"They just pretend to! It would be
loo expensive to really kill a lady evorv
I Sweet Sorrow.
"I can't please my friends," sobbed
the young brlele.
"What's the matter, pet?"
"They Insist that I can't be happy
,wJtli a fathead like yon, but, oh, bus
'band, I am!" Washington Herald.
A Remarkable Suicide.
A man who had visited Paris was
telling of an extraordinary suicide lie
had luard of In that g.y il'y. "lie
was a Frenchman, who wr.' nothing If
not original," said (lie tel'er of the
tale "and even when lie grew despond
I cut 1i-j planned his death is a m;s-j
; original fashion. He locked (lie door
I of his room In the Hue Nitot and, re
moving the weights of tlie window
cord, fastened them to the window
itself. He added to the weight or tlie
window by attaching six flat irons. On
tlie sill he adjusted a larg" triangular
bread knife, such as Is used by chefs,
and made ready a small balloon, capa
ble of lifting fifty pounds. The In
genious Frenchman then put his head
out of the window after attaching the
balloon to his neck and by releasing
the clamp that held the window cut his
head off completely with the impro
vised guillotine. The decapitated body
was discovered several days later, but
It was not until the balloon and the
head were found a week later In the
Held of a peasant, eighteen miles from
Paris, that the method of suicide was
really known."
Old Maps of Louisiana.
An Interesting exhibit In the Lou
isiana .State museum Is a collection of
old maps that show the state of Lou
isiana extending from Canada, which
was then called New France, on tha
north to the gulf of Mexico on the
south ami from Virginia and Carolina
on the east to the Pacific on the west.
These maps were printed in Italy and
Holland and France and were evident
ly largely works of fancy and Imagina
tion on the part of the geographers, as
they depict mountain ranges where
none exists and lakes and rivers dis
tributed around in places where they
are not round today. One or tlie most
charming or these maps represents the
Mississippi river as making a graceful
turn along what Is now the roadbed of
the Louisville and Nashville railroad
and emptying into tlie gulf hi Florida.
Along a strip of this country about
where English Lookout and peaceful
Bay St. Louis are located Is a fear
some spot marked as the land of the
man eaters. New Orleans Picayune.
A Coveted Picture.
Some years ago a western man en
tered ,. (i. Brown's studio and seemed
to gain satisfaction In llndlug its fa
miliar features unchanged. He told
the artist ji ljJJ boyhood lie had
worked 1. 1 the sl'ivut.. of Ni.v Yuri, and,
with others of his class, h.itj pcrve.J
a model tor on.' ot the pictures of
street boys. He had gone wort and
hadroicndani no'.v bud returned
win? a dcsiie" to become (Tie 'owner ol
the group i 'cttiro in wlti h he and
some of his boyish cronies appeared.
He wanted it as a reminder or the
struggles or his boyhood. He looked
back on those days as being quite as
happy as any he had oej'i-kn,oy. n. The,
Irtvture, snvs U &n ward's dish, dis
ldvture, snys w.Jjowjird Ht:.
cussing J. CL Drtfw n, a nalnte
bje Tone, had long ago been
inter of bum-
sold, and,
although (be would be purchaser of)
edto give his check for .'-'.".OOO for
work, tlie artist was unable to supply
any clew to its whereabouts. New,
Broadway Magazine.
To His Benefit.
A Tennc&sce congressman enjoys
telling a story or a darky in bis dis
trict who In it way Is something of a
Some one was saying to Mose one
day: "You're always in trouble. Mose.
Why can't you try to elo better? You're
a likely sort of elaiky. ami you cenihl
get along very well If only you'd behave
yeiursoT-keep a steady job instead of
ilrlnking bad whisky and getting your
self behind the bars half the time."
"Kxcuse me. boss." said Mose. with a
grin, "hut it looks to me like 1 makes
more motiey this way. When 1 works
hard I gets $7 a month and my board.
When 1 gets arrested the Jedge he says
to me that it will be $ 10 or thirty days.
How kin 1 afford to work for $7 a
mouth when I'm worth $:i more In de
lockup'" St. Paul Pioneer-Press.
Diagnosed the Case.
A successful oculist recently put In
a day or two with his new shotgun lu
the marshes. He soon noticed that
when using the left hand barrel he
generally brought down the game, but
when using the other barrel lie Inva
riably missed. He finally tacked a
small target to a bush near the river's
bank and fired at it several limes with
each barrel hi e.rder to bring tlie mat
ter to a lest. The re nil continued Ids
suspicious. One barrel was all right,
or nearly so, and the other was all
"Well," said tlie oculist to a friend
who was with him. "as nearly as I
can make out this gun has a severe
case of strabismus, with strong symp
toms of astigmatism!" - Modern Sei
clety. The Cost For Repairs.
"Why diel you sell your auto?"
"Cost too much for repairs."
"Wasn't It a good machine?"
"First rate. Never got out of order.
But I had to pay for repairing the peo
ple It ran over."-PhIladelphla Ledger
"Did the clock s'top'wiicn you uasueo
it down cellar?" asked the. police Judge
of the man who was charged with bo
lng ellsorderly.
"Of course it stopped. Did von sup I
lose It went through to China?" '
Nan and th'o Bucket.
There is one particular fever of non
sense which (he Princeton Tiger claims
the i red It of having originated, for In
the November issue, fj(r, appeared the
following verse:
There onco wnu a man from Nantucket
Who kept all his cash In a bucket,
Hut his druiKhtir, named Nan,
Han away with a man,
And us for the bucket Nantucket.
For l he next few months Nan, her
father and her newly acipilred hus
band encountered a series (if the most
astonishing adventures In every known
hamlet in the er. utry which could be
converted Into limerick form by the
brains of newspaper and magazine
writers from sea to sea. By the time
Nan came back with a dozen or so ad
ditional verses tacked mi to her there
is reason to wonder In the face of the
ordeals to which she had been subject-
cd whether the pecuniary advantage
gained by absconding with that bucket
repaid Iter for all that she had been
tlirpugh. Boy s. I)m-tluc in Bohe
mian Magazine.
How He Saved Monev
A country politician In Peiinylvanla
managed to get elected to the legisla
ture at IlarrMuirg for one term. When
lie came back he built himself a Hue
house, costing about .VJii.txin. His old
neighbors, who knew lie had no money
before he went to llarrlsburu' and win
knew the salary of a Pennsylvania
legislator, were cm I. mis to dNcover
whore the returned statesman got
means to build the house. sn ne day
a commit Ice waited on the man who
built the bouse, and the spokesman
Mini, it may lie none of our business
to your thinking, but wo tlilnk you owe
it to us who sent you to the legislature
to explain where you got the monev
wilh which you built this house. Yon
didn't have a cent befoie you went to
llnrrlsburg ami owed everybody in the
place. I low about It?"
"Why." said the builder, "it's simple
enough. You see. when we were In
Harrisbiirg we didn't keep a hired
girl." Argonaut.
Freaks cf the Sea.
The fri-iks or the sea ate the anu'Iers
at.-.l bat iisiej. The people or North
(';. retina have aptly named th- autrler
tie aliidoitth, for the tail begins where
the mouth ends. Inhaliiing the north
All- tie, the ai.glir has been given a
v :!!.'. .f uiiivw, On the Mus-a.'hu-'
rvtls roast It i:; known as tr-iosi'th!:.
IMirdc- :v terms It bel! iwtlsh. and,
'v'1.'," "J" 't .!;i,s h Hie cog. of j
tiicl! gut. Jrtninlcii l"iv calN p Mi -t-polb.iggor.
Finland, Yrchinif.s.sC,H!.,,i
i'ud Wales .,i ivn-o (ln-'i- In.-iii in,-.,c '
' 'iT . t H t , " I
I IK ii.i...cs o Hit l.nglbh give In tins ,
' 'tlW 0 t. .1,.., .-.. ,.,..,. L.t. ,.r l... ....... . . '
I " '. " ';'' v..-1"- '-'i. "s imp ins, i..
i me icasc. i noy can it taaeluli, againsi me solicitor wiio severely ask
frog. lis-Itiii freig. K llli.h. sea elevi1, j otl. "Were you present when you'heard
nassllsh, monktish, pockelllsii. wide-
'- i "i. uvi ii -ii. nit; I
2. l-M.'.w ;,nu;wldegap; Jliomajj
'"Tlimnt, wbo In 177U wrote " "Brit-
ish Xeoli gy," did nil like ibo nam oj :
ilshing frog, then &jipitoel lo (lie fi-Ii, ,
so he ' ciiaiigeiT the old name eif fishing
rxog ror the more Miuplc one of an
gler." Thr Way tT Humanity.
Human nature is kind ami generous,
br.t It Is Harrow anil blind and er. .
e'lily with uillloulty cemcoivo anything
but wbai it Immediately sees ami
fe'ils. People; would instantly e-nro fer
othot av we'll as themselves ir e.nly
they e-oulel Imagine others as well i. .
themselves. Let a child rail Into a
river be-fore the roughest man's eves - j
he will usually elo what he can te get j
It eint, eeu at seime rlk to himself.
ai'tl all the (own will triumph In the
saving of ot:e little lire. Le.-t tlie same
man be shown that hundreds of chil
dren are- elylng or fever for want of
some sanitary measures which It will
cest him trouble to urge, and he will
make no e'ffort, and probably all the
town woulel resist lilm If be did.
On the Other Side.
A British soldier out walking with
Ids son saw an old blind beggar with
the inse-rlptloii on Ids chest, "I Fought
at Waterloo."
'1 he seCdlor said, with deep feeling:
"Give lilm something, lie helped to
save . our country."
The child droppeel some slher into
tlie beggar's eap, ami the dd man
gratefully replied:
"Mend bleu, monsieur!" T.ouelon
In the Drinking Cays.
A once well known Individual who
tnd lived every day or his life and
gained from it a great experience left
the following advice and little else
(o his sous: "Drink slow; elo not mix
your Ilepior; never sit with your backs
to the tire." It was au excellent pre
cept for the era in which It was given
tho times when the dining room eloor
was kept locked that there might be
no shirking the claret and when tho
only chance nt the circuit mess of es
caping intoxication was to drop under
the table "llko the rest," as Lord Cock
burn tells us he did, and lie quiet
nay, even when our Judges resented
that discredit should be brought on
drinking by misconduct. Everybody
drank, and much too much, lu those
days, but especially the upper classes.
A well known politician discharged ids
coachmaii for ovorturuiug lilm in his
carriage. "1 bad certainly drunk too
....... I. ll ,,.....) .!, ,. ,,.,.., !!)..
I was net very drunk, an 1 gentle n.-'..
you know. Minetlmes get thunl.." "I
dont -ay you were very drunl: for a
geiit'emai;." rot it r- cd Id's timber. "1 tit
you were o.-cocf. ugly drui.k ror a
coachman:" London Illustrated News,
Caee For a Cutcn Dee
When a queen bee becomes mipro
ducthe through old age. It Is necessary
Tor the bee keeper to supply tlie colony
or bees with a new queen. This lie
does In the following manner: The old
queen Is removed from the hive and
i no left alone lor about twelve
hours or longer, during which Cine
they Hud out that they are qiieeuless.
: The new queen is then' put Into a cage
made of wcnl and wire cloth, with an
opening throng!) one end. 'ibis open-
lug Is tiled tight with a mp.ture of
honey and The cage thus pre-
Pared i laid upon the tops or the
i rallies in the hive. The boos soon ells-
cover the new queen In the cage and
set to work upon the honey and sugar.
In the hive I cos roeognk.e Mends and
strangers by their reuse ol' smell, and
a strange queen entering a hive would
' l,(-' vt'' q'dckly killed by the bees. By
the time the queen Is liberated from
the cage she lias acquired the scent of
tlie lihe and is therefore no linger a
stranger.- Loudon filobe. ;
Eccentric Editions of Books.
Mr. George Pomes Layard In a book
entitled "Suppressed Plates. Wood Ku- '
gravings. i:te.." writes of tlie ridicu
lous people who value such books as !
the first issue or the llrst edition of I
Dickons' "American Notes" just be-1
cause there is a mistake in tlie pagi
nation, or a tlrst edition of Disraeli's
"Lotlialr" because tlie prototype of
Mgr. Catesby " is divulged bv mis-
printing the name "Capel." or "Poems,
by Kobert Burns." first Kdluburgh cdi-'
thai, bocatc tlie Duke or Koxborough '
appears as "the Duke or Boxborough,"
or Barker's "Breeches" Bible of lofJl '
because on the title page of the New i
Testament the figures are transposed '
to l-l '.).". or the lirst edition In French '
of Washington living's "Sketch-Book"
because the translator, maltreating the'
author's name, has declared tlie book
to "traduit de I'Anglais do M. Irwin
Washington." and in the dedication
has labeled Sir Waller Scott "barron
net." Cornich Humor.
Tlie magistrate at the Llskeard po
lice court mlglit well have excused the
laughter which greeteel the remark of
a police witness only a short time ago vwis professor of mathematics ami us
wjio said with all seriousness: "He tronoiny In a New Fngland college,
was dnu.k, your Iiotior. and couldn't There was in one of his classes a some-
i&U-LJkift'ii'' t0 K0 art-vi "' si 5XU0L lCJi .jyJUjli ill011::1' studious-JTiitiiii-tTTrh-''
. tin."- 'ToS mrnf, V'hdnTwoVill' caiLiones.
tlu. I .1. t.. .11. . .
u.- liinn mi auoiuer court was
Mired metapliors ;re not a peculiar
nor Indeed a common faillnc or the
oj'il-l!tVM)li hM certnjn clonucut
towTTTurrncllb? quite recently got en-
tangled wnen in tne course or a pro-
traded delate on. the monie.ulous sub
ject cf the locaT dust bnisTTie declared
Indignantly, "It is time we put orn (
root down with a loud volce."-tagllsh i
I'lustrateel Magazine.
A Fair Jury,
lu a suit some years ago between ra
ttier ami son before an Indiana justice
of the peace the sextet comprising the
Jury came in after three hours' delib
eration with tlie following Impartial
verdict: "We. the Jury, agree to find
Judgment for neither plaintiff nor de-
fondant ami find that each pay half
the costs." It Is said the verdict struck
every one as being so unusually fair
that even the parties to the action
were satisfied. Case and Comment.
Lay Lev Is 1 was told tint de farm
er wot lives on dat hill paid his haudc
Jist tie same whedder dey worked er
not, so I went nil' hired l' him. Tired
Thomas Den youse played off sick, 1
reckon? Lazy Lewis Yep. an' at de
end ov de month I round dat he never
paid nobody notliin' moIiow. Chicago
Broke the Charm.
"Well, you are a good little boy. Are
yon usually as quiet as this?"
"Xo rear, but mother's going to give
me a clockwork engine If I don't say
anything about your drcaelful reel
nose!" London Opinion.
In the Fog. i uv "'"" nneepsKins irom the great
Towne So you were.' in London, eh? ! ,"""-'hJs of Montana or their possible
How die! you duel the weather there? . r,,tlll'e "vals ou the plains of Siberia.
Browns-I didn't have to Hud It. ltltho Pn'Pns of Argentina or the fields
camo and hunted me up and surround-1 of Australia. Mary's little lamb, mas
eel me In cliunks.-Phlladelphla Press. ! aueradlng as brave Swiss ehamolo, has
, a wonderful career.
A London Jcke. Natural Anxiety.
Waiter (who has Just served up some ' A vo,'.y talkative little boy was nl-soup)-Looks
uncommonly llko rain. ,MVed l() accompany his father to a
sir. Diner-Yes, by Jove, and tastes , bend's '"ouse on tho understanding
llko It too! Bring me some thick soup. ,hat llc 8"dd not speak until some
London Tatler. hmly "skHl him a question. He re-
. malned silent for half an hour. "I'a-
How to Be Strong. i tlier," ho then murmured, "when
Man is strong only by union, happy, theygolng to begin askiug me quea
only by peace. Bo linn, not obstinate; Hons?"
courageous, not turbulent; free, not tin-1
disciplined; prompt, not precipitate. I
Comto do Mlrabeau.
I woulel not enter in my list ol
friends a man who needlessly gets foot
upon a worm. Cowper.
Flying Fish.
' At mv time Jt was v. Idol;; credited,
ll,l,t 'b'hig ,Ih1 possessed tlie power to
'decelerate their assage tin. -ugh the
'' "J Hupping tlulr "wings. ' us their
enormously elongated pectoral (Ins are
' sometimes called. lia I this I ecu prov-
pd tuivo Ihd' would have actually rhar-
cd with bills, birds and Insects a pow
er which has been denied to nil other
living creatures. But men of science
lire now ag-eed that the motion ol tilt
l!:is some: illicit seen when tlie lisb
leaves tlie water Is merely a continua
tion of its swimmkig movement and In
i " Wi,-V ",lls ,,,(' passage or the llsh
''ough the air. The method of the
,isll's "M" la ,llIs': " rushes through
,llt? water at high speed, huils Itself
m,,) ,I,L' atmosphere and. spreading Its
lM,"t' "'igi..e this, glides ra idly for-
I w,m' unl" lts momentum Is exhausted.
i in,,, ,l drops back again Into the wit-
,01- ' '' I" the Impetus rained
that those tlsh under favorable condi
tions will "lly" for a dlstaice e.f C0(
feet. But when once the impetus Is
exhausted the fish Id quite unable to
sustain itself in the air by muscular
effort. -Scientific American.
Where the Joke Lay.
Ho was an Kugllshtnan. talcing a tri
on n Welsh excursion steamboat, and
he was watching a group of Welsh col
liers larking with one another, when
they suddei ly seized one or tin Ir com
panions and swung him to and fro.
The victim shrieked in terror an the
ringleader shouted:
"Now. boys, overboard with "im!"
So real was tlie horror of the collier
that tlie Fnglishman jumped up and
Interfered successfully. The collier
Priced himself up and backed to a safe
seat next tlie iingllshman, who sternly
"?l'0vcu him for uttering such nerve
shuttering cries.
"n wns 01I-V ' Jkc, ami you must
,iavo known it," ho said.
The collier wiped his forehead.
",ss ' knowed famous It wass n
Joke," lie retorted, "an' that's why J did
screech blue murrdurr. Eu don't know
tle boys. surr. Tlie joke with them
WISS lo s'nick me overboard. Thank
en kindly fori- stoppln' 'em!' Pear
sou's Weekly. ' .
Didn't Want to Tell.
The late Professor Greene, author of
Greene's Analysis and the F.ngllsli
Grammar with which sei many have
wrestled In the ir school days, was onu
of the most gee.ial and fathei'.y of uieij.
Derlng the later .ve.trs of bis life hu
On a certain occasion nTtcr Jones had
repeated carefully the test book state
ments nbout the effects or the motions
of the earth and was trying to rcine'in
ber what camo next In tlie book the
professor Interposed with: i
"Were you ever in the shadow of the
earth, Mr. Jones?" 0 i
.Tone's (slowly) Xo, sir. .(-i" J
Profe'SKor-Whep ad you spent yeiir
nights. ':? '
.Tones didn't want to tc!). Uuiver-
sallst I.eaelcr.
Banquets In Elizabeth's Time,
lu Queen Elizabeth's time the' that
course or a banquet Is given as w beat
en flummery, steweil broth or spinach
broth, or sinallage. gruel or hoteh pot.
The second conslsteel or fis.k, among
which are lampreys, poor John, stuck
tlsh and sturgeon, with side dishes ot
porpoise. The tblril course comprised
quaking puddings, black puddings, bag
puddings, white ptuldings and marrow
puddings. Then came veal, beef, ca
pons, humble pie, mutton, marrow pas
ties. Scotch col lops, wild fowl and
game, lu the fifth course all kinds of
sweets, creams In all their vnrieties.
custards, cheese cakes. Jellies, wanton
pics, suckets, slllibubs and so on, to
be fedlowcd perhaps by white cheese
and lansy cake; for drinks, ale. betjr.
wine, sack anil numerous varieties of
mead or metliegllu. New York Trib
une. Chamois Maker Is a Magician.
Most everybody uses chamois, and
everybody imagines it comeB from the
graceful goats of the Swiss Alps, but
It doesn't. It really halls from the
cavernous depths or tanneries of Pen
body, In Xcw Eugland. Pcabody tan
ners make beautiful leathers of uhuup
pells. The chamois maker Is a magi,
clan of the leather trade. To bis door
She Speaks Out.
"You aren't earning very much."
"But, my darling, two enn live as
cheaply as one."
"I don't yearn to live cheaply, young
man."-St. Louis Bepublic.
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