The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 11, 1903, Image 2

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Red Cloud Chief.
runusnuD WBKKhY.
King I'otor wants to borrow $20,000,p
JUO. Ih ho preparing to abdicate?
Tho ronl trouble will nrlso In Pnnn
ma when they begin to distribute tho
Japan should count 100 nnd then
tnUo a walk around the block before
going to war.
Presumably tho follow who Bold his
oar will fix up Homo explosion story
to tell Ills friends.
Tho nvorngo woman would rather
bo a dog nnd liny t'10 moon tlitm huvo
men really nfrnld of her.
"Drng-om-lr-off," exclaimed the czar,
nnd stralghtwny tho governor general
of Klcff departed for his estates.
King Alfonso of Spain Is going to
travel. Ho will seo a grrat many
things 'that his country used to own.
Tho St. Louis Globe-Democrat do
flneH a promoter as "a man who enn
double his money without putting any
King Peter of Servla Is beginning to
liope thnt some of his subjects really
mean it when they sny, "Jong live the
Tho nows of tho death of tho com
poser of "Silver Threads Among tho
Gold" Is a reminder thut he outlived
his song.
Woro there no automobllo chauffeurs
in tho neighborhood, that Princess
AUco was obliged to elopo with a
A treasury expert declares that n
paper dollar lasts flvo years. Funny
wo never seem able to get hold of any
of that kind.
Mr. Carnoglo talks about watcreil
stock with all the calm of u man who
never ventured Into llnanco without
his overshoes.
When n man gets brain fng ho
Rends marked copies of tho paper con
taining Items about it to tho society
leaders in Newport.
Austria nnd RiisBln aro going to
sond another ultlmntum to Turkey.
They do this overy littlo wlillo just
to keep In practice.
It Is supposed, of course, thnt tho
Now York man who paid $5,000 for an
ear had no friends. Romans or coun
trymen to lend him thulis.
Tho butler of a Chicago editor stole
about $200 worth of furs from his
employer. We editors aro growing
more careless about our butlers every
l'urlslaus havo been rudely shocked
by tho fatal termination of n duel with
swords. Unquestionably thu coi oner's
Jury will return n verdict of accidental
"Hrllllant and impulsive people,"
Hnld n lecturer on physiognomy, "havo
black eyes, or If they don't havo them
they aro apt to get them If they'ro too
Tho Vnndcrbilts nnd a few western
families aro forming a new smart Ret
In Now York. Western families who
wish to get in will havo to apply
early, though.
Now York society women who havo
taken to using rougo may havo reflect
ed thnt in their cases the adage,
"beauty unadorned adorned the most,"
docs not apply.
The lntcst Is tho cat language. Whon
tho cat has eaten tho canary, how
over, It conveys the Information by
merely exhibiting n contented expres
sion of countenance.
With Inspiration born of a lovo of
tho beautiful, tho Hartford Post says:
"On these frosty mornings a red nock
tie. nnd u rosy-checked girl mnko an
nttractlvo combination."
Tho Westminster Gnzetto refers to
"an after-breakfast speech" by Mr.
Morloy. Has It becomo customary for
tho hitherto deliberato Ilrltou to go
out apeoch-muklnB boforo buttoning
his collar?
As n yohng man has been nrreBted
for stealing a kiss, tho caso furnishes
tlmoly warning to young men to put
such valuablo articles back right
where thoy found them boforo tho
polico nrrlvo.
A lawyer has Just boon killed in a
duel in Paris. Wo havo boon nfrnld
for a long tlmo that If French gentle
men persisted In keeping up this dan
gerous amusement somebody would
evoutually get hurt.
Tho sultan has cancer of tho stom
ach and can't live more than two or
three years. A German doctor mado
tho discovery, probably becauso tho
Turkish physicians wero afraid of get
ting themselves beheaded if they told
tho old man about It.
Ex-Postmaster ThomoH L Jnmes,
who is 72 years old, lias picked out n
lady of 30 to bo his brldo. If tho
young follows of tho prosont day In
sist on waiting around too long they
may find, when they finally get ready,
that nono but old ludles are left.
Tho Kansas Board of Railroad
Commissioners Demand It
Theltallronil on Fllm.'y Kirie, llftt
Fslleil to l'rorlite Cur Hufiltlent to
Mot Oral n and Lite Ntcrk
Tho state board of railroad eoiumla
slonors of Knnsna want It understood
that when they notify the railroad com
panies of it car shortage at any point
It Is not for tho purposo of starting a
suit which will require weeks to re
Hove, but for tho purpose of bringing
relief to tho shipper musing the com
plaint. Tho attorney for n railroad company
recently replied to a notification from
tho board concerning a car shortage at
a certain point, nnd he asked thnt the
complaint be mndo more "definite nnd
certain," as is formally done In law
suits. The bonrd replied as follows:
"Tho purpose of taking up these com
plaints, as the board understands it, In
to bring tho matters complained of di
rectly and promptly to tho attention of
tho operating department with a view
of getting information of conditions
nnd securing tho most speed' possible
relief. The hoard has this object In
mind lnrgely in the reference of com
plalntR to the respondent companies
nnd it is desired thnt this rcforcncc bo
so understood rather than to have it
rogarded as an action requiring the for
mal nnswer of your company nnd trial
on tho Issues. In other words It is re
lief that is desired, and not law suits."
Car Thelves Cm tic lit nt Nrmlcmlm
For tho laRt nine months car break
ers havo been operntlng successfully
nlono tho lino of the St. hauls & San
Francisco railroad from Pittsburg ns
far west as Neodesha, and ns n result
of their work between $t,00O nnd $2,000
worth of merchandise has been lost by
tho railway. During the last ten dayB
secret service men In tho employ of
tho rnllroad company hnvc been fer
reting out tho thieves. As a result
flvo of tho gnng havo been captured
nnd aro now In Jail In Frcdonla nnd
The last capture was made In Scnra
mon, when Sheriff Wlilttnkcr or Frc
donin nrrcsfed Robert Jackson. 19 years
old, ngnlnst whom there are flvo differ
ent counts. From him It was learned
thnt tho gnng consists of heven mem
bers, nil of Neodesha. '
sunnno V. si. C A. nuliitlnc at Chunnto
Tho Y. M. C. A. location its an
nounced nt tho meeting- at the? Swede
church Is tho lot on North Lincoln
street, Chamitc.
The lot Is 50x112 feet and If the plans
favored are carried out a three-story
uiiv.iv Dm uu viucieu, upon u..
The purchriRo price was $2,000, and
$50 was paid down to cinch the Bale.
Tho original Idea of a $10,000 build
ing has been discarded and plans nro
being made for a $25,000 or $20,000
building. For tho purposes of raising
this nmount a soliciting committee was
decided upon, but will not bo ap
pointed until u meeting is called.
rrnmliM'iit I.rclitri-m for I.uurinro
Tho following Is n list in part of
spenkors who will deliver lectures be
fore the journalist dnss at tho univer
sity of Knnsas:
December 17. Prof. C. S Skilton,
"Musicnl Criticism;" January 10. Col.
O. K. Leonard. "Relation Between the
Ncwspnpcr and tho Public."
Dates for C. H. Flinch, who will talk
on, "Tho Editor nnd the Editorial
Policy," nnd It. R. Whlteman, "Tho
Relationship between the Business nnd
tho Edltorinl Side of n Newspaper,"
havo not been decided upon. Intcr,
Henry J. Allen. C. XI. Hargcr and Ar
thur Capper will speak.
Ahnlt llril I iu n h( llli.Hiithfi
While digging a well upon the farm
of U. G. hecvy, thlB county, laborers
camo across a good sized vein of as
phalt lock, ubout 18 feet under ground.
The Loovy farm is near Robinson. As
phalt Is found In Indian Territory. Col
orado nnd other coal states, but this Is
the first yet discovered in Kansas.
Whether the vein would pay ir devel
oped has not yet been determined.
irnancy i.nw Moris at Arkaimnii City
The flrr.t truancy case under tho new
Btate law in Cowley count was filed
at Arkansas City. Ixiren Coonrod. 12
years old, refused to attend school. His
parents wero unable to make him at
tend. He was arrested under the tru
ancy law and sentenced to tho stnte
roiorm sciiool uy tho probate court.
HIcKlevator for lliiti-tilnion
Tho Rock Grain comnnnv hrm mir.
chased thirty-six acres of land along
tho Atchison, Topekn & Santa Fo rail
road at Hutchinson and will build a
120,000 bushel clvator next year. In
dented fncllltites nre necessnry on ac
count ot tho big grain crops grown in
the western counties.
11O0O Arrea Arqulreil l.y Trim Company
Tho West Irrigated Ind company of
hnkin, has passed into tho hands of
tho Fidelity Trust compnny of Kansas
City, Mo., after a temporary receiver
chip and como litigation. The innd con
blsts of about 11.000 acres of irrigable
Innd, much of it In alfalfa, nnd a valu
able canal nearly 30 miles in length.
Oreat Inrreaae In roMoftlre Urrolpt
Tho receipts for tho month of No
vember at Kansas City, Kan., post
ofllco were tho largest In tho history
of tho office,, according to H. I,, Short,
assistant postmaster. Tho receipts for
tho month amounted to $13,105.10, nn over November, 1902, of $2,
211,73, or 20 per cent. The expenses
of the office during the month were:
Postmnster, $277.12; special
gers, $105.12; clerks, $.921.20; miscel
laneous. $23.08, and free delivery, $2,
555.95; total, $4,882.53. Tho expenses
deducted from tho receipts leaves n
profit to the government of $8,282.57.
Half Million Hollar Tire nt HMIna, Kan.
Flro that for a time threatened th
ontlro business district of Sallna, Kaa.,
destroyed tho four-Btory building oc
cuplcd by tho II. D. I,eo Wholesale
Grocery company, damaged tho build
ing nnd contents of the II. D. Lee
Hardwaro company nnd burned Bcvoral
smaller buildings, causing nn nggrc
gato loss estimated at $500,000. In
suranco about $250,000.
Tho loss by tho hardware company
is placed nt $35,000 nnd thnt on the
grocery company at approximately
$435,000. Doth, firms nre part of the
H. I). Lee Mercantile company, whose
president, H. D. hoe, lives at present
in New York. Mr. hce Is chairman of
tho executive committee of tho whole
sale grocers' nEeoclatlon of tho United
Stntcfl. Ho enme to Kansas from Ohio
in 1880.
Prenlilrnt nnd .Mr. llauna Are rrlentl.
An Important conference was held at
tho Whito houso between tho presi
dent and Scnntor Hanna of Ohio. It
occurred on tho lnltlntlvo of Mr. Han
na, nnd to both participants the con
ference wiib perfectly satisfactory. At
tho conclusion of tho conference,
which, It can be said, won marked by
distinct evidence of sincere friendship
and cordiality on both Bides, neither
the president nor Senator Hanna cared
to discuss for publication tho details.
It wnR Btnted that tho mutual dlscus
bIou hnd not differed in any personal
respect from other talks tho president
and Senator Hanna havo had in the
past nnd which they will havo in tho
future. It was announced that tho re
ports recently circulated that there had
been or was likely to bo a break in
tho existing pleasant relations between
tho president nnd the senator amount
ed to a "preposterous absurdity."
Kx-Cciiigrmiiman Spinner I Mcail.
Former Representative William M.
Springer of Illinois, a democratic
lender, conspicuous In tho house of
representatives during the forty-fourth
nnd the fifty-third congresses, Inclu
sive, and onco chairman of tho waya
nnd monns commlttco of tho house,
died at his residence in Washington,
aged sixty-four yeais. His death was
duo to pneumonia.
Cadet Wantoil From the Mil DlntrUi
Congressman Norrls of Nebra1.'
wns notified by tho secretary of war
that ho would be expected to nomlnato
a candidate for a West Point cadet
ship next June. Accordingly Mr. Nor
rls announced thnt ho would hold n.
compctltlvo examination early In tho
spring to which young men under 20
residing In the Fifth congressional dls-.
trlct will bo eligible. Tho examina
tion prescribed by the military acad
emy, physical and mentnl, Is most
rigid. It is outlined in a circular is
sued by tho war olllce.
A Illuil to tho "Ills: Nino"
If tho plans of western universities
do not fall a rival of tho big nine will
shortly bo formed. Such prominent
schools ns Missouri, Notre Dame, Kan
sas and Nebraska having been refused
admission to tho organization that ban
dominated tho footbnll game In tho
west for several seasons, those In tho.
cold propose to tako measures for self
pi cservatlon. Tno bIx members already
assured aro Missouri, Kansas nnd;
Notre Dame, Ames nnd Grlunell col
leges In Iowa, and Kuox college of?
Galesburg, 111. It is hoped that Ne
braska will enter. Washington univer
sity at St. houls, has not yet mada
application for admission, but probably
will. Its bnttle with Iowa recently Is
sulllclcut proof that it will swing Into
In Chicago, "Work or iit Out."
Emergency orders, designed to rid,
Chicago of highwaymen, wero sent out
by Chief O'Neill. Tho four polico In
spectors were instructed to nrrest all
members of what is known as tho
"floater" class. Another precaution
was tho formation of squads of police
men, who wero taken from their regu
lar beats and put to patrolling the resi
dence districts in tho capacity of night
It will bo "work or get out of Chl
cago" for every suspect arrested. To
assist In tho general movement a corps
of picked men, mndo up of tho surest
shots and tho most active members o8
tho force, will bo assigned to tho work
of checking crime.
Kxcltement Over Cotton Crop Shortage
When the bureau report was Issued
placing tho probable cotton crop nt 9,
902,039 bales, the effect on tho cotton
market was electrical on the New York
cotton exchange. Tho first sales wero
at a Jump of 10 points or more and
before tho report was fifteen minutes
old every option on tho list sold up
to or passed tho 12 cent mark. Tho ex
citement nnd confusion was intense,
nnd while the ndvanco brought long
cotton In tremendous volumo the mar
ket continued to go up, breaking oil
previous high records for tho season
and surpassing anything within even
tho days of last July In tho intensity
of tho activity and excitement.
Trying to Oft ItM ot rirketn.
Judge Jesse Holdom of hClcngo has
decided that Franklin union of press
feeders was In contempt of court ns
nn organization for appointing and
permitting pickets to interfere with
tho rights of Individuals who had
taken tho places of striking press
feedors. Tho union nnd Its officers will
bo cited to appear beforo Judge Hol
dom. Some men only feci liko working
when there Is nothing for them to do.
Martini Law at Cripple Creek
Governor Peabody of Colorado haB
Issued a proclamation declaring Crlp
plo rCeek to be under martial law, and
suspending tho writ of habeas corpus.
He declares that tho gold camp Is in n
state of Insurrection and rebellion and
that tho civil authorities aro powcr-
less to mnlntaln order. Tho proclama
Hon docs not stnto In bo many wordB
I mil umiuuu u uroaicu bu
that tho writ of haheaB corpiiB has boon
suspended, but oinclnls at tho state
house say that both these things aro
Intonded. The military will now deal
with all nllcGc.d offenders and try to
punish them,
By A. L. Harrle Author of "Mino
Copyright, 1891, by a a $ $
Copyright, l 9 o a ,
CHAPTER VII. Continued.
For somo rcuson Ted Ilurrltt re
mained behind. "I'll let thorn go
first," ho said to himself.
In tho meantime, thoso who had
been to view tho body In tho vestry re
turned. It was evident from their
manner, nnd tho short tlmo they had
boon absent, that no Identification
hnd taken place. '
Ted Ilurrltt, with hU heart boating
wildly now, turned In tho snmo direc
tion. On tho extemporized bier n body
lay, the lower limbs of which wero
covered with a cloth, leaving tho face
and tho upper part of tho body ex
posed to view. Ted Ilurrltt saw that
It was tho fnco of a man of about
fifty years of ago, with features thnt
must hnvo been handsomo In their day
but which In death woro an expression
of agonized expectancy tho ex
pression of one who recognized tho
full horror of tho fate that uwaltod
It was the faco of his own father!
Dr. Jeremiah Cartwrlght.
A few moments clnpsod, at tho end
of which tlmo tho door of tho vestry
opened again. This timo to admit a
small, middle-aged gentleman, whoso
somewhat imposing Roman noso was
surmounted by a pair of gold-rlmmcd
spectacles, and whoso civil garb hnd
an almost military cut and prcciscncss
about it.
Ho cleared his throat and gavo n
sharp littlo cough liko a doublo knock.
"I bog your pardon, my dear Blr, I
hopo I'm not disturbing you, but "
Ted Burritt rose to his foot and
seemed, all at once, to wako from
tho npathy of grief which had over
como hlra when ho realized that his
worst fears had bcon surpassed, and
that his beloved parent had met with
a horrible death, such as tho most
abandoned criminal might havo shud
dered at. Ills eyes wero bloodshot;
W &s5 '
It wao the face
his hair tossed and tumbled, ns though
it had bcon clutched at and dlshovol
cd by muscular fingers. Ills dress
was dusty and disordered, und ho
biro a haggard unwashed appear
ance. But, In spito of these drawbacks,
tho other ejaculated under his breath:
"Humph! A lino fellow. Seems
uncommonly cut up, too rather un
usual thing In these days. Seems to
bo something liko gcnulno feeling
here. And I liko to seo it! I liko to
ECO it!"
Having arrived at tho conclusion of
theso remarks, somo of which might
havo been distinctly audible, hnd tho
Ustenor chosen to lend an ear in their
direction, ho continued out loud:
"By-tho-by, let mo lutroduco my
solf. My name's Cartwrlght Jere
miah Cartwrlght, surgeon, etc., late of
tho 47th."
Ted Burritt turned toward him with
something liko an appcaranco of In
terest, nnd tho doctor, seeing this,
went on:
"Yes, I've been on tho Hpot ovor
slnco tho accident took place You've
heard how It was, of course? It was
an awful sight, and what made it
moro so was tho fact that littlo or
nothing could bo done to holp. Tho
groans and shrieks wero something
awful, and what wa8 moro, tho front
of tho train was completely enveloped
in a black pltch-llko smoko from tho
burning oil which, ns you know, had
exploded from tho concussion
through which tho flames leaped and
hissed. It waB quite an hour -cioro
they had burnt thomsolvea out, and,
oven then, tho heat was so Intense
that thero was no opportunity of ap
proaching tho carriages for somo
hours after that. And when wo did"
ho naused Impressively and throw
out his hands "when wo did, thero
was nothing loft but smoking skele
tons of nion, women nnd children
yes, Blr, children and In somo In
stances, as you may hnvo soon for
yourself, not oven that!"
Ted Burritt uttered a groan, an tho
doctor wound up In a breathless con
dition. "Terrible, wasn't it?" said tho lattor,
recovering himsolf in no tlmo. "But
1 you" laying his hand on tho young
man's shoulder "you mustn't glvo
way you itn0v. Just consider theso
oth()r poor fojkstho church IS full
f th ' Th . . v of thom hnvo
mJth ,,"?"L.,i i T ?,
n0,u,lnB - iolr dead, but a few
shes-a handful of black dust. What
l moro. In most enses, thoy do not
even know which particular handful
Own Familiar Friend," etc
til J'ubllthlng
byStrttt A
V o any.
of dust, or how many of tho nsho3
thoy may claim as their own. Com
pare your caso with theirs, and I think
you will ngrco with me, that you havo
a great deal to bo thankful for. You
mn lmvn vnnr dead decently In
terred, with his name upon his head
Btono." Ted Ilurrltt raised his head, which
was sunken between his shoulders.
"You nro right," ho said llrmly,"! havo
a greut deal to ho thankful for, oven
"That's right," said tho doctor, re
suming his brisk, overy-day tone,
"that's tho way to look at tho mnttcr.
By-tho-by" lowering his voice again
"I may as well toll you that I was
ono of tho party who helped to find
tho poor gentleman," and ho motioned
with his head toward tno corpse.
Yes"as tho other mado a sudden
Btop toward him "he was In tho
fourth carriage from tho engine, a
first class carriage It was, und ho was
tho only occupant. This carriage was
thought to be empty, as no cries wero
hoard, und it was generally believed
that whatever passengers It might
havo contained had made their escape
before tho flumes reached it. Of
course, tho supposition is that ho was
disabled, perhaps killed outright, by
the effects of the collision; for tho car
riage was much ilamaged, and we had
some considerable difficulty In extri
cating him."
Tho young man nodded his head
and an expression of relief spread
Itself over his countenance.
"I should liko to think that,"1ic said,
"it would be a great alleviation if I
could bellevo he perished like that,
Instead of enduring the agony of thnt
other hideous death," and, as he spoke
ho bhuddcred and set his teeth to
gether. "Depend upon It, that was tho truth
of tho matter," rejoined the littlo doc
tor. "Ho might havo been struck
senseless by a blow upon tho head. At
any rato I shall find out that when I
of hlc own father!
make my examination of the remains.
I don't know whether you care to stop
while I? No?" In answer to a vio
lent shako of tho head. "Well, per
haps it's better not."
"And you think," Ted Burritt In
quired, "that tho examination will
show you how my father died?"
Tho doctor nodded his head. "You
remain for tho Inquest, I suppose?"
"When ?" began tho young man.
But tho garrulous little gentleman
did not allow him to finlshr "Xlon
day morning twelve o'clock," ho
jerked out. "You'll find tho placo very
full, but very likely you'll bo able to
get a bed somowhere. If uot como
to mo and I'll put you up."
Ted Burritt, moved by this generous
offer on tho part of a stranger, thank
ed him In a few broken, but heartfelt
Ho mndo his way hack to tho sta
tion, nnd found thnt another train
had just arrived bearing a Btlll fur
ther load of anxious, grief-stricken in
quirers. Ho wroto out a telegraphic message
and consigned it to ono of tho clerks:
not ono of whom hnd had his hand off
tho Instrument all night.
On tho lino groups of men, under
propor superintendence, woro still
busily engaged In searching nmong
tno heaps of debris.
Ab Tod Burritt stood and watched
them at their work, suddenly tho
thought flashed across his mind ngaln
his father's friend! What had be
como of him?
A Startling Discovery.
Tho telegram which Tod Burritt
sent to his Bister was as follows:
"Havo found my father. Am re
maining until; after tho inquest. Break
thu news gently."
Having disposed of this duty, It
occurred to him that ho would bo tho
bettor for a wash and a meal. Thero
was an unassuming littlo inn not far
from whore ho stood. It looked clean
nnd Inviting to tho weary young fel
low, nnd thither ho bent his steps
only to find that tho modest little
hostolry was nlroady besieged by
thoso whoso errand hnd been tho Bamo
as his own. Ho wns told by the land
lord himsolf, utmost boforo ho hud
tlmo to framo tho Inquiry, that thoy
woro full up to tho hny-loft: but It
was just possthlo that ho might find
someone In tho village who might bo
ablo to tako him In, Mine host strong
ly recommended tho genUomnn to go
and secure old Mother Jlnmnn's room.
A small urchin who was hanging1
about tho door, was Inducod, by tho.
prospect of twopence, to show tho wfM
to tho old damo's cottage.
Having seen tho room, a funny littlo
pluco up under tho roof, In which ho
could barely stand upright, but which
spotlessly clean as It was, seemed
a very haven of reBt to tho worn out
young man, and having expressed him
Belt as satlsllcd, and paid flvo shill
ings In advance, ns a token of good
faith, tho old dame departed In search
of now laid eggs, from her own hens,
to servo up for her new lodger's breaki
In tho meantime tho young man
throw himself Into n chair with n
heavy sigh, which tho good old soul
heard as she shut tho door upon him.
She returned to the room, In about
half an hour's time with a tray, which
contained tho homely hut excellent
country faro she hnd prepared, nnd,
finding no notice taken of the knock,
with which she announced tho nrrlvnl
of breakfast, pushed open tho door
and entered.
Sho found tho new lodger fast
asleep on his chair, with his head
resting on tho table, nnd, depositing
her tray thereon also, stood regarding
him with motherly solicitude.
"Poor, denr, young gontlemnn," she
murmured to herself, "If 'o don't look
dead beat! I'll Jest put tho breakfast
by 'Im, so as 'o can see It whon 'e
Sho left tho room, closing tho door
behind her, und still the young man
slept on, In spite of his constrained at
titude and tho hardness of his pillow.
Another half hour passed, at the
end of which timo another step wns
hoard ascending the crazy little wood
en staircase a firmer stop, but at the
same tlmo lighter than the other; nnd
another voice this tlmo a masculine
ono might havo been heard to sny,
"All right, Mrs. JInninn don't you
trouble will announco myself!"
Which tho speaker proceeded to do
first of all by the application of his
knuckles, which, proving Ineffectual,
wns followed by tho lifting of tho
latch, and the appearance ot the figure
of Dr. Jcremluh Cartwrlght upon tho
Ho, too, contemplated tho sleeping
figure doubtfully. "Humph!" ho re
marked, half aloud. "Asleep, eh?
Good thing, too; gone through a lot;
worn himself out. Hullo! What's
this? Breakfast, eh? All got cold,
too! Better wako him up after nil!"
This he did very gently; and Ted
Burritt started up, rubbing his eyes.
Then, recognizing the Mtuation ns
well as tho personality ol tho Indi
vidual who confronted him.
"Oh, Lord!" he cried, with a groan,
"I'd forgotten all about It. But tell mo
what tho exam "
The doctor Interrupted hlni with a
gesture. "What's thut I seo?" look
ing at tho viands through his gold
rlmmcd spectacles. "Tea? eggs? but
ter? cream? brown broad? My
news will keep; your breakfast won't,
or, rather has boon kept too long al
ready. Sit down at once and dlsposo
of tho contents of that tray, or you
don't get nnother word out of me."
Ted was astonished to find how hun
gry ho was, and had soon cleared tho
bonrd; though, at the same tlmo, ho
found it rather embarrassing to feel
that ho was an object of Interest to
nn Individual In gold-rlmmcd spec
tacles, who stared at him persistently
through thorn, nnd kept up a running
commentary under his breath all tho
time. Somo of tho ejaculations, too,
which caught his ear wero decidedly
of a nnturo to arouso curiosity on thu
pnrt of tho hearer, who now and then
could not avoid overhcnrlng such fragi
ments ns these "Mysterious affair
should liko to get at the bottom of It.
Talk about sensational incidents!,
Wonder how ho'll tako it!" etc.
"And now," 'said tho young man,
turning round upon him, "toll mo
what Is tho result you havo arrived
(To bo continued.)
Some Suggestions Which Are Said to
Be of Value.
A great many methods havo been
BUggostod as to tho best way to man
age a husband, but up to date no ono
has thought It best to guide tho poor
husband. The following will there
fore bo found the best way to man
age a wife. It has never boon known,
to fail.
Never contradict her. You uro right
of courso nlno times out of ten, und
sho knows It, but to toll her so makes
her always unmnnageable.
Never opposo her. When sho sug
gests thnt In tho absonco of tho cook
you get up and light tho lire do bo nt
onco, willingly and cheerfully. If sho
wishes you to walk tho floor with the
baby obey with alacrity.
Never deny her. Possibly bIio will
exceed her allowance, but this is al
ways your fault, because you aro not
man enough to support her.
Never bo cross. Whon you como
homo at night, having Tailed onco or
twice during tho day, or been Insulted,
by a total stranger, or with n largo,'
powerful pain In your stomach, laugh
It off, and conceal your real feelings.
Never toll her tho truth. When,
Bho asks how you liko her new hat,
swear that It Is tho greatest thing
for tho money you ever snw. Whon
sho shows you her now gown, bo lost
In admiration. Whon sho is crosa and
Irritable, tell her alio Is an angel. '
Never disagree with her. When
sho suggests thnt you havo a cold nnd
need a hot mustard plaster, grin ind,
botir it. When sho tells you sho noVils
a change, tell her you uro glad sho
mentioned it.
Never Interrupt her.
This is tho only way to innnnge a
wife. Tom Massou In New York Her-aid.
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