The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 31, 1896, Page 3, Image 3

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    iewmmmivmiiT,:2Wiiw x?"
Hew York, Clilcac". LiiitiiiiMtl nml St.
I.nuU lllvuU In t It Contort for I'lml
I'lufi Murln Cliurililll untl Mr. U.
C. Ciiutllolil-Tnylor,
(Special Letter.)
(j 0 product of any
city lit tne country
h:ts sue. cuthuslns
tic praise us Its
and for
good leasou thnt s
every one of the n
American cities has
a galaxy of fair
ones of whom to be
As tho stars differ from each other In
glory, so do tho examples of feminine
loveliness with which this broad coun
try la sprinkled like a lirmanient. Kneli
section has its faces, like no others,
distinctive of its climate, life and ac
tivities; all have their beauties, who
are held up to the admiration of tho
woild as representative of their native
states. In a collection they would
make a congress of grace, beauty and
spiightllners that no other land can
Herewith is presented distinctive
types of tho handsome women from four
quarters of tho country. Kaeh Is a rep
resentative beauty of the city from
which she halls and, what Is also to
the point, there aro characteristics of
nni.L ttMjt.l..a lwl. f.lnlfll nllllftfl t ll fl t
mny give prldo to tho plaau of her
New York concedes tho palm for
womanly graclousncss and beauty to
no other American city. A glance at
tho ideal typo herewith presented will
tell you why.
Miss Mario Churchill, who is now
being talked of as tho "new beauty"
of that city, made her debut last win
ter, but was first prominently noticed
nt Narragansett Pier last summer. At
the Tuxedo ball, a short time since,
and at the Horse Show she attracted
a great deal of attention. She Is nn
unusually tall girl, but so well propor
tioned tjiat her height does not make
her conspicuous nor ungraceful. Her
coloring Is dark, although not perfect
brunette, and her eyes seem to chango
in color as do eyes when tho pupil la
large, for sometimes they look bluo
and again black. Miss Churchill's
type of beauty Is not nn uncommon one
in America, but her coinploxlon is
more like that of an ICngllsh woman
an lnherltaance, probably, for Miss
Churchill's grandfather was Scotch.
She has a fine figure, and dresses well,
but looks best In evening dress, her
neck nnd arms being so beautifully
molded. As yet Miss Churchill has
not had her portrait painted, but it
is said she will shortly sit to one of
tho most fashlonnblo artists.
Chlcngo is boastful of many things,
but of her charming women she has a
right to bo. This will bo admitted
even by those who deny every other
claim the city puts forth. No city
makes a more gracious contribution to
the gallery of womanly beauty, and its
type will be recognized as of a distinc
tively American character.
Mrs. H. C. Chatlleld-Taylor Is ac
counted by many as the most beauti
ful woman In Chicago, and she cer
tainly Is one of the most accomplished.
She is the daughter of former United
States Senator Charles H. Harwell, ono
of tho merchant princes of the city,
nnd has been prominent In the best
society for many years. Mrs. Chatlleld-Taylor
lias traveled extensively,
nnd is now in the Orient with her hus
band and her sister, Mrs. Reginald Do
Koven, of Now York. She has tho ad
vantage of a superior education, and is
an entcrtnlnlng conversationalist.
Mrs. Cliatflold-Tnylor Is a brunette,
with abundant black hair, soft brown
eyes, a beautiful complexion, and n
faco thnt shows an urtlstle tempera
nient. She Is dovoteu to music, nier -
atiirc, nnd tho arts, and her husband,
who Is one of the best Known or west -
mm i
em authors, lias received great aid and tholomow's school, where so many oi
encouragement from her. Altogether Mi society girls of Cincinnati have had
she Is ono of tho brightest of western , Their young minds drilled In the olo
women, nnd a leader not only in a social gles and isms of n colleglato course,
way, but In those things pertaining to She Is n handsome blond of medium
literaiiiro and art ns welt. ' height and gracoful, rounded figure.
In no city of America Is there more Her eyes nre of that beautiful, mild
,rff, I ' A t.H. t w attnnllll GlI'llH III II I IIHIiUI 1 L V
if.. I tf v,v
IPlV.V -. ---S 1 rri.n ntiior iiiiv. however, this littlo In
f r-C.'".s' -"'A cldent hnnnened; The fanner sent
l VW )v--xi,.'-5-,-tJ'-- JS.V. , n riu-oonter to do s-ome odd Jobs
tni rniicnriiiiii: its beautiful
women than ;n St. Louis. Tho south-
western metropolis has reason to feel
entitled to a distinguished placo In any
gallery of womanly grace, for Its types
of loveliness neod no expression of
commendation. Thoy aro distinctive
and speak for themselves. St. Louis
lost ono of hor unmarried belles re-
contlv In the noraon of Miss Maria
Ewlngi who was married two weeks
aco to Mr. Edward nice. Mrs. Rico
has been considered for more than n
year one of the most colobtatod of all
the beauties of St. Louis, She Is tho
eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Otis
I'wing, whose home Is ono of the fash
ionable centers of the city. Miss Kw
Ing was educated at Sacred Heart con
vent, In St. Louis, and went afterward
to Massachusetts to complete her course
of study. Subsequently she made a
tour of Europe for n year with her
parents, and leturned to niako her
debut Inst season.
Her entrance Into society was made
the occasion of a hall, given by her
parents, at which Miss Hwing
commanded immediate admiration, not
women, , onV f01. jlor ije;mty, hut for her brlght
tho very , .,(.,. n,i nil i-:irt lvfii(M. nf manner. She
n i,i0nito. short of stature, and with
beautiful llmire. Her complexion Is
pure pink and white and she has a
mass of waving blond hair.
Miss .Julia Smith, of Cincinnati, Is
ono of the prettiest girls on Walnut
J). -.:.S
Hill, and has a host of admiring friends,
She Is the daughter of Daniel T.
Smith, and resides In ono of tho many
elegant residences on Grand street,
Miss Smith Is a graduate of St. Iiar-
Speed, 13.0 knots. Dimensions
Length on water line, 250 feet; beam,
09 feet; draft, 15 feet l inches; ills-
nlacenient. 4.081 tons. Two propellers,
1 driven by vertical triple expansion en-
KnCH. Horse power, 5,211. Coal en-
1 r:
bluo that lias inspired many a pen io
poesy, nnd her sweet face Is framed
with a wealth of golden hnlr.
Miss Smith has traveled much In the
Hast and has made nn especial study of
tho art of pnlntlng. Sho Is vcr clever
' with tho brush, and sho speaks French
iluently. Rumors of her engagement
to a prominent young business man of
Cincinnati aio abroad, but tho lovers
have not yet mado tho interesting an
nouncement. A Knncknr ol Until.
At Ottford, In Kent, thero was for
merly a palaco of the archbishops of
Canterbury. Wolsoy Is said to hav
held bis court there. It was but a
small place, nnd Is now a farm houso,
plcturesquo enough, and olden, but ex-
tho house, and, among other things,
in iiioml tho knocker, ino innn iook
It off and said, after a closo examina
tion of it: "Do you know what this
knocker Is made of?" "Why, brass, I
' miniinso." "No. it Is puro gold." And
jt w-ns. Think of tho years that that
( rCu 1)rZ0 has hung at tho mercy of
eVory tramp! A parallel caso Is that
' 0f tho great globes on tho pillars of
' tho summer palace gates nt Peking,
which "tho barbarians," both French
nnd Kngllsh, concluded to bo of somo
unso metal and loft them untouchod.
. Aud thoy, too, were solid gold.
Vanity speaks for Itself,
vL 1
Mint of Tliem Ntmtiiln Niliiirrun Clmrl
Urn A Yvvi of Them Aro Yon lie nml
I.uvWjf with Dolliiri on All Mile, of
(New York Letter.)
.; HIS city must bo a
j1 " 'lrjh Rood place for wid-
fcJOO- VfciWw Judge by tho niini-
V,."-lWw Iipvs who
viOSLC'S from all io
liolnts of
the compass to this
great cosmopolitan
city. The widow
ers aro almost r n
unknown iiuantlty.
Old men me scarce
as hen's tooth and thlB leads one to be
lieve that good old husbands and fath
ers, In their effort to provide choice
food, goodly raiment and an occasional
duko or prince for their womankind,
wear themselves out, body and soul,
early In the fray nnd when they reach
I utlililln mm ..nliitlv luttnltn thomsot VOS
.......... H' v.. ....... ... .... - -
to a land where there Is no more work.
Kxtieiuos meet In New York and tho
richest widow in the land lives Just llvo
blocks from the poorest widow I ever
heard of. There may bo poorer In the
world but If theie aro 1 should hato to
know about It.
To Mrs. William 11. V.inderbllt Is ac
credited the glory of owning more
money than any other widow in town.
She has eight sons nnd daughtera and
their wealth combined exceeds $300,
000,000. In her own right bIio has an
Immense fortune, which Is to go some
day to her youngest and favorite child,
George Vandorbllt.
Mrs. Klllott F. Shopard. Mrs. Vander
bllfs eldest daughter, has been a widow
for three years. She lives In one corner
of tho great Vanderbllt mansion on Gth
avenue, extending from Gist to G2d
Mrs. Shopard has moro than $20,000.
000 and the best portion of her Income
Is spent in the splendid charities origi
nated and operated by tho Vanderbllt
family. Her especial pride Is the Mar-
Jvt T
pacify, 23C tons. Armor Sides, 13
Inches; turrets, forward, 8 inches; aft,
7. inches; barbettes, forward, 11
Inches; aft, 11A Inches. Armament
.Main unttery, two 12-Inch rules; sec-
ondaQ- battery, six 0-pound rnpld llro
garet Louise home, which she hns given
to tho Bolf-sustalnlng women and girls
of tho country.
Mrs. Harry Lo Grand Cannon Is tho
youngest of all tho society widows. Sho
Is only 2S nnd Is as fair to look upon ns
when, llvo years ago, she camo from tho
west and won tho heart of tho popular
young cotillon leader. Mrs. Cannon
wns Miss Kllzabeth Thompson nnd sho
Inherited n good many millions from
tho Urush estate of electric light fame.
Just ii few blocks up Gth avenue from
Airs, Cannon's artistic homo lives tho
' .
.Lj'"fcJ7 r KXISt
fiiffu muz
i " Y 1 'll h m
handsomest widow In Now York so
ciety, Mrs. Snmuol Colgato, who was
Cora Smith of Now Orleans. Mrs. Col
gato Is tall, Blonder nnd graceful, with
an exquisitely modeled head and a faco
good to look upon,
Sho hns not long passed 30 and has
$8,000,000 to ndd to tho fortune of her
beautiful face.
Mrs, Word McAllister will continue
to make her homo In this .busy city but
fow will bonoflt by her presonco, for
hers la ono of tho faces wo never see.
L jf-x xiS! i5tA
i P7
She has long been an Invalid and novcr
accompanied Mr. McAllister Into the
r.oclnl life which was so much a part of
his very existence. Miss Loulso McAl
lister took her mother's place and en- I
tertalned for her father and was always j
his companion and chum.
Mrs. William Astor Is ono of tho rich- .
est widows In America. She lias Just j
moved Into the magnificent palace her I
i. ..ii. r.i i... !
Pllll 1)11111 on l it'l otii mi-liuv. .win.
Astor Is rich In houses. She owns one
In Paris, where she spends the spring
months; a palace at Newport for July
nnd August and "Ferncllffo," the coun
try home at Rhlnebeck, on the Hudson,
which she visits In the early autumn,
returning to her New York home when
the horse show sets the social ball roll
ing In November of every year.
Mrs. Klngdon. the mother of Mrs.
George J. Gould; Mrs. Hrockholst Cut
ting. Mrs. Jaseph W. Drexel and Mrs.
l"i oil Wilson, Freddie Gobhordt's sister,
uio a group of women with dollars to
right of them, dollars to left of them and
dolnrs Just all around them. They have
a good time In their own peculiar way.
Mrs. Klngduu seems to llud her great-
25? Jr
est happiness In the royal good tlnio
her daughter, Mrs. Gould, manages to
have. Mrs. Cutting Is entirely devoted
to her two sons, Hrockle and Winkle.
Mrs. Drexel Is a superb musician, with
three daughters who aro adepts on tho
harp and piano. The musicals Mrs.
Drexel gives In her splendid home on
guns. Crew, 19 officers, 172 men.
liullt by Union Iron works, San Fran
cisco, Cal. Keel laid In 1889; launched
April 28, 1801. Went Into commission
Fob. 13, ISM. hlie is now uoing uuiy
with tho North Atlantic squadron.
Madison avenue are world famous.
Two of tho most Interesting widows
In New York aro Mrs. Ulysses Grant,
wifo of tho groat northern leader, and
Mrs. Jefferson Davis, wifo of tho presi
dent of tho confederate states. Mrs.
Grant owns a magnificent homo on tho
fnshlonnblo west side, near Riverside
park. Tho halls, parlors and libraries
aro filled with reminders of tho dis
tinguished general. There aro battlo
pictures hung with tnttered old Hags,
busts In bronze and marble nnd wondor
f u I gifts from all sorts ami conditions
of people.
Mrs. Davis lives with hor daughter,
Miss Winnie Davis, at ono of the fash
ionable hotels on Gth avenuo. Hero sho
receives with old-fashioned southern
hospitality tho flowor of northern and
southern chivalry. It seems strnngo
that theso two women, whom the wnr
left In such widely different spheros,
ono tho wifo of tho conqueror, tho othor
tho wifo of the conquered, should come
after long years from tho west and tho
south to llvo In Now York. Strangest
of nil Is tho fact that thoy aro warm
personal friends nnd spend much of
their tlmo together.
- -
!"1'1 Al ,,"",, ',,1,l,r tiiiin.
A collar button of gold aluminum Is
being placed on tho market. It is mado
out of ono pleco of metal (no solder be-
lug used), and Is wnrranted not to bend
or break. It takes a motal expert to
tell tho illfforonco between tho button
and a gcuuluo gold one, and tl- gold
aluminum button Is guaranteed not to
blacken linen. Tho button Is made
by a machine nnd passes through nlno
different notions beforo finished,
A nephow of Stonowall Jackson has
offered to glvo thirty acres of land In
Randolph county, W. Va., fw a Con-"
fedcrato eoldlers' hor
ww-W jp-1 14 f ri
--. - -
Kiinin t'lii.Mtn Hint. Admit Ciilllvrk
tlon of ttm Soil ml tli'liU Tlirroiif
llnrllrulttiri', lthtilturn itiul I'lurl
culture j) Y7 A VI NO to depend
ll I entirely In aiieul-
W.yA lure on the success
or pinius in mi
llii.l to furnish
human food and
animal fodder, the
.. tm
fanner should nu
ll erst a u d how
plants grow. The
seed, In a favorable
condition of the
Roll, put- Its root downward, to
bear fruit upward later on. Tho
brut condition demands humus to
make plant llesh. mineral mat
ter, to furnish llbre. gla.lng and
tubing to retain solids In solution, and
carry in water all particles that are
requisite and necessary to their own
places In the plain slriuiutes, drawn
by the rajs of the sun. Heme the llrst
law given to man by Moses, In Genesis:
"Let the earth bring forth grass. iii?rh
be.uing heed (weeds), trees bearing
fruit, wlmse seed Is in Itself." It was so,
and God saw It was good. "Nature
absorbs a vacuum." Animals hate bare
I ground. Many farmers believe that
plants lueathe. They cannot without
lungs. To respire, to Inhale and exhale
air. homo to live. The action of suu
shlno on the leaves of plants Is to draw
inolstuie out of them, through tho
plant's structure, dlreotly fiom the
During the past summer, hundreds
of trees on our farms, In shallow soils,
dried up, and died for lack of moisture
In tho earth, within tho reach of their
In the dry countries of Iowa tho
meadows and pastuie.i now aro very
bare ground. Hence hnlt tho number
of cattle for the next summer pasture
will bo the wisest policy for prolltable
results. "Grnss enough for two cows,
but ono cow on." In evergieen and
deiiduoii'i trees, tho leaves that lack
sunshine soon die. A picket fence will
destroy plant leave.i and branches In
its shadow. During tho patt summer
In sunshlno with moisture the plant
growthB were prolific. On the lawn, nil
trees overshadowed In part, all day
long, tho shaded part died, while those
parts shone on nt somo time in Mie
dny lived and made a healthy growth.
Tho mm can draw moisture out of
plants, but never drive it Into them.
Richard Uaker.
I have several pastures of flvo acres
to 200 acres. I keep no certain number
in each pasture, but change according
to season nnd tho amount of stock on
hand. Usunlly try to keep each kind
of stock by Itself, nnd chango about
so ns to glvo a variety of feed. Some
times have to keep horses, sheep and
cattle in same pastures, but think
horses and sheep do best, and cattle
with hogs If necessary to mix them.
Cattlo do not do well with sheep, nor
horses with hogs. Part of my pastures
aro wild grass, part aro fed into June
and blue-grass, ami part aro old tim
othy meadows run Into June grass.
Tamo pastures are black loam nnd
sandy with clay subsoil. Wild pastures
aro mucky loam. Often feed cows fod
der, straw and damaged hay on pas
tures near barns. Sometimes put barn
yard inanuro on pasture If no other
placo Is available. Like both trees and
sheds In pasture and barns for winter.
JIiivo no ponds, but running stream In
open ditches and windmills with tanks.
Am compelled to have both tllo and
open ditches. Prefer tile. Would sow
so vera I kinds of those adapted to soil
nnd climate. Have some rail, some
llvo board, some barb-wiro and some
woven wire. Prefer woven wire flvo
feet high. O. Dinwiddle,
Lnke Co., Ind.
IlllnoM llortlrultiiriil Conti'litlon.
(From Farmers' Rovlow.)
Tho fourteenth annual convention of
tho Illinois Horticultural society was
held at Kankakee recently.
In reviewing tho fruit lists for
Illinois a discussion nroso on the pro
tection of fruit trees from rodents. Va
rious mothoils wcro advocated, among
them being fish oil nnd nxlo grease.
Thero was, however, danger ot using
these too much, especlnlly on young
trees. Instances wero given where
such treatment had resulted in tho
death of tho trees. Trees ten years old
would not bo harmed by tho treat
ment. An npplo grower said ho know
of nn orchard of 2.000 young trees thnt
had been killed by using too much nil.
Mr. Williams hml been using for
twelvo years a paint mndo of soap, tar,
sulphur and lime. Ho put It on tho
trees with a common paint brush. It
makes a thorough glazo and will destroy
every Insect. Ho believes nso that this
paint has tho tendency to protect from
suu-senh). Tho littlo limo In It, when
tho dry weather comes, turns tho mass
to a grayish color that throws off tho
rays of tho sun nnd thus keeps tho bark
i o tree- rrom cracking.
I 0ll 1!l'1 that had tried tarred piper
! thought thero was great danger from
I using this, as it was. not taken off early
enough In tho spring, In wfllch caso
tn tlir from tll ,,,,,,,. worIH IU0 trro
i tree. Ilo hnd triciV miner made, out
of felt, nnd un tarred, and iind,thlH
to work very well, If It woro luit tnkon
off early enous(l Jn tho season: llo now
uses Mrohg muslin, putting It gn every
fall nnd taking it off overy spring. Ho
had tried this now for threo years.
Mr, llurnhnrdt expressed himself ns
rertnln that tho rabbits would, lot tho
trees nlono if they only hnd enough-Df-other
things to eaf. He had been sot
Ucg.ptjt trees for twopty-flvo yenra and
had novcr had any trouble from rabbits.-
Rut thero had iilwayjt lepninVt ula-
placo somo brushwood or trees for
thorn to work on. ..Tlio.acattorlnt; ot
some kind of grnlfi.nn tho . ground,
would serve to keep them away from
the trees. t
Mr. Augustine suggested thnt thero
must lie ilirreicnt varieties of wild rab
bits, for the hind that lived liVhls vkin.,
Ity began to gnaw tho tie'es as early a.
July. '.''
Mr. Gilbert protects hla trcrsjty uMnfif j.
only common wrapping paper, such a c
can be obtained In any grocery or dry
goods titore. He team these papers Into
strips eight Indies vdi TJiese ho
wraps around the tree on the li'lasl'lic
ginning near the gtotttid, nnd stopping -twenty
Inches nboJ t, where lie tte.i '
tho paper. ', , ... r
A discussion arose on the yajuo ot '
tho yellow transparent lor 'commercial
orclinrdn. Somo belle ed 'll ii'-mistako
to plant largely of this variety on ac
count of its pilor Scoping -qualities.
However, when in good, idiYipeV't "ells
readily, and" men rrom Stnrtlujru Illi
nois expressed great f:Jlth in Us com
mercial value.
Much time was devoted tothe discus
sion of the ellkicnoy of spraying, nnd
sueeoh-ies mid 'failures weie reported.
The prevailing opinion was that tho
failures were il'uo to igiio'r'a'ncu In do
ing tho work.
tjuestlon. How many have experN
fieiited with spraying mixtures?
Twentj -seven replied alllrniatlvcly.
Question.-How many recommend
sprax lug?
Tlilrly-llve votea were east for It, and
none against it.
The growing of small fruits was dis
cussed, and the growing of strawberries!
in hills entno up. Whllo hill culturo
gives large, tlno berries, yet grower.
on a large scale do not follow It, a&
It docs not pay for the extra, trouble.
Tho question of fertilizers was dis
cussed at length. Tho most Impor
tant point developed wns that the ex
tensive use of barnyard manui'e mado
It possible for tho soil to uso a greater
mass of chemical fertilizers than it
It worn not used nt nil. Thus in tho
neighborhood of largo cities the market
gardeners aro enahled to uso Immense
quautltlea of commercial fertilizers be
cause they ulso uso Immense quantities
of barnyard manure.
Mr. Morrill, of Michigan, spoke on the
marketing of fruit. The first requisite
Is to hao something desirable to mar
ket. He could not tell a man how to
market undesirable fruit. The great
necessity with farmers Is to learn how
to co-operate In the sale of goods, Tho
co-operative organizations hnvo largely
failed for tho reason that there seemed
n jealousy against any man being paid
to look after tho work. He believed
tho time to bo approaching when farm
ers would uso more busltiess-liko
methods. J
1 ho superintendent of tho insane nsy.
lum nt Kankakee spoke on tho great
success of Irrigation at that place. Tho
water for the Irrigation works la
pumped by steam engines that can sup
ply from 100,000 to 200,000 gallons per
dny. The cost for this pumping Is only
three-tenths of n cent per thousand
gallons. During tho last season they
had raised vegetables worth over $0,000,
Uy a vote of tho society the life mom.
bershlp feo was reduced from ?20 to
The election of ofllcers resulted In tho
following choice: President, Mr. Good
rich; vlco'presldent, Loin Small; sec
lotary, II. M. Dunlap; treasurer, Ar
thur ilryaut.
Tho next mutual meeting will bo held
at Springfield.
William Gould epoko on the culti
vation of grapes. Ho plants SxS or
7xU, which gives about 700 vines to tho
Sulphur for Sheep. Tho American
Sheep Ilreodor says: Whllo sulphur Is
indispensable for sheep, us furnishing
one of tho Important clcmcuta of tho
fleece, It must be given In such a way
as to be uvnllahle for this purpose. It
must be In tho food. It cannot bo given
In the crude form, In which it Is not a
food, but an active medicine, producing
a Inxatlvo action on the bowels and an
excessivo excretion through the skin.
It Is this which makes it useful as an
nutldoto to nil kinds of parasites, the
sulphur thus passing through tho skin
being extremely offensive to all liu
sects. Hut its action on the skin is to
open the pores and thus niako tiio ani
mal moro subject to changes of the
weather, nnd especlnlly to Injury by
rains. It is thus not deslrablo to give
sulphur ns food or nutriment except
In tho food, such ns whlto mustard or
nny oilier plant of tho turnip anil cab
bage tribe.
Transplant IngLnrge Trees. Garden
ing given this method, nnd wo can cer
tify to Its being iigoml ono: Wo prefer
doing this In the spring, nnd would pre
pare for It now. If you want to movo
,u moderately largo tree, say four, llvo
or oven six Inches In diameter of trunk,
nnxt spring, head in Its top now all
you think ought to be done nt planting
time, then mark a ring on tho ground
around and four, live, six or moro foot
nvny from the stem, tho dlstnuco away ,
depending on the slzo of the tree. Now,
along, but outside ot this ring murk,
dig n narrow trench say threo
fcot deep, tho object being' to cut away
nil roots projecting beyond it, nnd 111!
up tho.treuch at pace wltli tho saino noil
that came out of' It. Uy spring tho trco
will hnvo fairly recovered from tho
slyock caused by cutting in root nnd top,
nnd may be dug up ami transplanted
witli fair chances of success.
t Aniour lhi Ing Corn. J't'.D. Armmir,
the1 nilllldnalro packer, is making ijr
rangemouts to crib an enormous
amount of corn In Iowa this year.! He
Ljsjihlrltj; cribs tiU. alon-Ow-Chl-
cngp, MUwmiKt'O & at. pain roau auu.
'has arrah'ged with tho Dcs Moines;
Northern nnd Westorn railway com
pany to construct nlong their lino of
afl "?iftfa which -will hold-. ?50,0,P
biiBueJs.of, corn. Tho road already has
crlbS with u cnpaqlty of. l,pOj',00
""'y',iir..V 5jm.
r'fdgssft. .-.: aa.r...r..?tjaE.i. w
"otTON, JIln. 58
O"o of tho !.. T E.
-John r c
I -vit
i IIM fn-L
"'!": nn n