The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 13, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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3 IhS&g&ii K-Sffla-rt
The Slaughter Continues!
The King of Elfs will visit Red Cloud. The date set
his triumphal entry is not a state secret, thanks to
time and tradition.
HIb coming is welcomed as a source of great joy to the children of men; from J
the little tot of 2 years to the (Jrandmother of 80. E
1 111
for jji'
Wishing ns far as possible to contribute to the splendor and grandeur of
occasion, wo have concluded to use tne Kline enecuveiy.
Lamps are going like hot cakes at the cut.
Our splendid stock of Holiday Goods will not escape the knife on account of its
delicacy and worth.
Water Sets, China Tea Sets, China Fruit Dishes,
Glass fruit dishes, Cracker Jars, Cake Baskets, Rose Bowls, China and Jnrdin-
iers, Shaving mugs, Mustache cups of the most elegant designs, Chocolate
setF, after dinner coflees, China bread and Fruit Plates, th very best
to be had on the American market, they will all be sold at greatly
reduced prices. We alio carry n complete line of Children's
Toy tea sets. Don't overlook our fine stock of Glass and China Vases, they
will be iold at exactly half price, Now we will give you some crackerlacks.
Glass Hand-Lamps 19c, former price 35c
Glass Stand Lamps 23c,
t one,
Col'd Glass, a beauty, 63c.
" i
1 dozen Beautiful Parlor Lamps, with shade, - 90c
Fornior prlco 81.25.
1 dozen Very Fancy Parlor Lamps, with shade, - $1.15
Former price f 1.G0.
1 dozen Parlor Lamps, a bargain at - 1.30
Regular price 81.00.
i dozen Brass Fount, No. 3 burner, fancy shade, 1.95
Regular price &'1.00.
dozen Parlor Lamps, brass fount, Rochester burner,
one of the best lamps made, 2.68
Regular prico'$3.50.
dozen assorted colors (pink, groon, yellow, bluo) brass fount, Rochester
burner, positively tho best and protticst lump manufactured in Ainer
icn; will bo offered at - $.'593
Former prico 85.00.
White Semi Porcelain, nifd by Jno. Maddox tfe Sons, England.
8 inch plates, per set, 40c; regular price 60c
7 " " 85c; " " 50c
6 " " " 28c; " " - 45c
5 " " 25c; " " 40c
4 " Sauce Plates 18c; " " 25c
Handled Tea Cups and Saucers, per set, 38c; reg. price 50c
" Coffee " " " " 45c; " " 60c
100-piece Dinner Set of above ware, $5.48
56-piece " " ... 2.66
Just received an invoice of J. & Gt. Meakins Fancy Decorated
Ware. "We bought it at a bargain and paid the spot
cash, consequently offer you
100-piece Dinner Set, only $8.50
56-piece Tea Set, " 4.06
ThiB patetern is one of Meakins latest designs. Want of
space prevent a description of the beautiful and useful articles
we carry in. stock. They must be seen to be appreciated.
We carry the largest and most complete stock of Groceries
in Nebraska, outside of Omaha city. Should you need
Maple Syrup, Honey Syrup, Corn Syrup,
New Orleans Molasses or Sorghum
drop iu; we can supply you. We have knocked the head out
of the first, hogshead of New Orleans Sugar to arrive thiB
season. Come early aud make your selections.
Years truly,
Cull und soo Taylor's enrpots bofore
J RLoDoyt of Hastings was in tbe city
this wook visiting friondf.
Go to John Wllhelmsons for your
frish and salt moat's, Tho best In tho
Try n can of HopkinsStenmod tlominy
(Hulled Corn).' It is delicious. Full
quart, 10c.
W. n. Roby will takepggs in exchange
for Hour, fruit, feed, grain, eto. Bring
on your eggs.
Winter is here, buy a Fur Robo of J.
O. Butler and keep warm. Special sale
from the 10th to 21th.
Do you know that Wioncr is selling
tho beat wearing allocs for tho least
money in Rod Cloud ?
Tho fire department will give two balls
soon. Ono on Christmas and a Mas
quorado ball on New Venr'u night, under
the caption of a "Leap Year Bull." Tho
lire boB ulways havo good times at
their ball.
The boyB who play foot ball should bo
caroful and not Bcnre teams. On Thurs
day tho ball frightened a horso driven
by Mies Lonu Scott, which sturtod to
run away but was stopped before any
injury was dono.
Win. Konzack living about ono mile
west of Guide Rock lost his barn and n
bin containing 100 bushels of corn by
firo last Saturday night, causo unknown.
Proporty was partiully insured with O.
O Teel in tho Gorman of Freoport.
Mnrried At tho home of tho bride's
parents, Mr J E Harris to Miss M Boron
at halt oust six o'clock. i"Wrmlm- io
1895. There was a large nutnbor of
friends and rolativcs present. Tho happy
couple havo tho beat wishes of thormany
friends for u long andjhappy life. The
Ciiikp evtonda congratulations.
wonderful are Ihe cures iiceompllahed
by IJoodV Sunwparilla and yet it is only
because Hood' SiirsnpurlllH, the one tree
blood purifier, makes pure, riuli, healthy
Hood's p for the livor and bowels
aot eauily yet promptly and effloleiitly.
John Jeesen'a team got on a tantrum
on Wednesday and took a run down the
street. When at the culvort on 2d avonuo
between Webster and Cedar streots they
collided with Mrs Fruit's buggy, throw
ing that ludy out und injuring jhorquito
soriouely, and also hurt it little boy by the
name of Scott. It wus quito fortunato
that tbe occupants wero not mora eori
ouely injured. Tho tank line escaped
without serious injury.
Garfield Relief Corpe elected the fol
lowing officers for tho coming year.
Preeldont Fame S Dow,
S V President Julia Wolcot.
J V PresidentAnna L Boyd.
Treasurer Emma B Knight.
Chaplain Nancy J Turno.
Conductor Maud M Kuight.
Guard Eva Soderlind.
Deleguto to Convention Hariet How
ard. Alternate to Convention Eliza A.
Wife Uuro's tin iiucoiuit of n man who
shot himelf rathtr tlmti suffer the pnngs
of indigestion. Unitlmnd- Tho fool!
Why didn't he take DeWItt'a LltlJe Early
IMieraf I used to suffer as bud an he did
before I commenced inking 'June little
pills. C L Cottiug.
.. i m i ...
Death or Stum vl Pvltlt.
Tho Signal Is again called upon to
chronical another frightful accident
whoroby a woll known and highly re
spected citizen of this community is
suddenly and without moment's warn
ing removed from his family and friends
Mr. Samuol Pettit, a farmer about six
miles southeast of Guide Rook, had
been doing some trading in town last
Wednesday, and about four o'clock in
tbe afternoon started for borne, He
was driving a team that was hardly con
sidered safe, and wbb in a light buggy
without a top. When within a mils of
home bis team took fright at eomo
school children and started to run and
wore Boon absolutely beyond his control.
Wbon noarly opposite tho home of bis
brother, William Pettit, and as he was
approaching a vory bad piece of road
loading into a ravine, be either jumped
or was thrown from bis buggy, falling
on his bead und crushing bis skull.
William Pottit, who wbb at work in a
Hold near bis house, ran to him and with
othors who came to his assistance soon
removed him to his homo. Physicians
wore hastily summoned but at onco saw
that his case was hopeless and at about
7 o'clock breathed his last, not having
recovered consciousness after receiving
bis frightful fall.
Tbe funeral took place on Friday, tbe
services being conducted by Rev. Hum
mell of RedTCloud, assisted by Rev. Pot
tor and Rev. Sbarosl of this place, The
United Workman and comrades of tbe
G. A. R., of both of which orders deceas
ed was a member, also took part in tbe
ceremenles, and all that was mortal of
Samuel Pettit was followed to the tomb
by tbe largest funeral procession we
have ever witnessed in this country
Guido Rook Signal.
bW suae BWBBawaaW H ;1
J 11-1 i
mM.mkidkmn ill .
for Infants and Children.
IOTHERS, Do You Know ,.t p.,
iHHcmnn g urops, O(froy' Cordial, many so-called Soothing Syrups, and
most rcmodloa for cttldron aro comtioscd otopliun or morphine f
Do Yon Know that opium and inorphino are stupofytaR narcotic poisons t
Po Yon Know that In moi t countries drugglsta oro not permitted to sell narcotlci
without laboling them pouona r
Do Yon Know that you Aould not permit any mcdlclno to be given your child
unless you or your physician know of what It Is composed t
Do Yon Know that Castcrla is a purely vegctablo preparation, and that a list of
Its tngrediente Is published with every bottlo f
Do Yon Know that CoitotU b tho proscription of tho famous Dr. Samuel Pitcher.
That It has been In use for nearly thirty years, and that more Castorla la now Bold than
of all other remedies for children wmblned f
Do Yon Know that the Patent Offlco Department of tho United States, and of
other countries, have Issued cxcluslvo right to Dr. Tltcher and his assigns to uso tho word
" Caatoria" and Its formula) rod that to Imitate them U a state prison offense t
Do Yon Know that ono ef tho reasons for granting this government protection was
because Castorla had been proven to be absolutely harmless?
Do Yon Know that 35 arerage doses of Castorla are furnished for 35
cents, or ono cent 'oso f
Do Yon Know that when possessed of this perfect preparation, your children may
be kept well, and that you may I jivo unbroken rest r
Wall, these tMma-s an. worth knowteg. They are facts.
The fao-alnUla
sbmatnro of
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla.
on ewery
Tho editor ftooJ nt the benutiful gato,
in his sins and patches; not long did ho
wonder not long did be wnit for they
for Texas next week.
crnvn I,lm ,. I...,ir..1 m-i-l,.. A.ll !ry ivuijii will muvo OU
o.. .. ;"' ."..".i.UD. uU vacated hv T. Emerlou.
they tnpped a big bell that was answer-'. John Earnor in to.ichinir in
neHr uuiilu Rock this winter.
CIihb. Scbultz has been in Texas look
od in well, the place with tho sulphu
rous crater; and In tho noxt minute ho
found in it the downgoing fast elevator
And thoy landed him straightway to
furnaco fifteen, nearby a political brlbor;
who Io! in tho halo of brimstone was
seon the old time delinquent subscriber.
And vainly to bide his emotion ho
tried I would that bis facs I could
show you as he hauled a hugo cart to
tho editors side saying: "Friend, bore's
that wood I owo jou." Ex.
I'crlalu Cure Tor I'Ic.t
Va- .-...... H.m. I.... .- .....
Coiivaulritt mill I.ii.tliii: (Jure lor
till Troiililmoiuc Ilnii'.
Wo do not intend to indorse any except
articles of rnl merit. Wo therefore take
pleasure in culling attention to a new
pile cure which linn been rsmnrkably nno-
censful in curing every form of itching,
bleeding or protruding piles. The re
medy is know iir tho l'yrnmid 1'ile Cure
and is recommended by the best medioal
authorities on nccount of its nbcolute
safety, ease of application and instant
relief from pniu.
The Pyramid l'llo Cure oontalns no
opium or other poion and does not in
terfere with daily oconpation while using.
People who believe nothing but a surgi
cal oporation would cure them have been
nstonished at the r emits from a single CO
cent package of the Pyramid.
Mm. Mary O Tyler of Heppner, Oro.,
writes: One package of Pyramid Pile
Cure entirely cured me of piles from
which I have suffered for years, and I
have never had the slightest return of
them since.
Mr. E. O'Brien, Rock Bluff, Neb., says:
The paokago of Pyramid Pila Care en
tirely removed overy trace of itching
piles. I cannot thank yoa enough for it.
Tbe Pyramid Pile Cure Is sold by all
drsggist at i0 cents and 11 per paokage.
Treatise en cause and onre of piles
nulled free by addressing Pyramid Co,
Albion, Mich.
A Good Fttrm for Sale.
Any ono wanting a'ilne farm, situated
near Red Cloud, comprising mostly bot
tom land, will do well to call at this
olllco for further information,
"Last night," said a traveling man, "I
should have missed my train and lost an
entire day bnt for a little information
notioed In tht lland-MoNally Oulde. I
will never be without it again."
Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder
World's Pair Highest Award.
House for Rent.
Wanted to rent my house. Splendid
location, and known as the A. A. Pope
property. Terms reasonable.
49-tf A. Q. Carpenter.
Are shoes advancing? Read
Haley's ad at the head of locals.
If you desire to have your barbering
done neatly and quickly, go to Wm.
Zeluff. Two doors south of Chief office.
Another big reductien on my hoods,
fascinators and ice wool shawls. I posi
tively will not be undersold on this line
of goods. Mrs. F. Newhouso.
Mr. A, "I would like to know how
you keep your team so nice." Mr. B.
"They weur G-A. blaukots; J. O. Butler
sells them."
Emerton and family will start
the farm
Dist. 78
ing for a location.
Geo. Drake departed for parts un
known and no doubt will 11 ml a better
location than Garfield tn.viiphip.
Tho lycdum will change, dates from
Snturdiiy to Thursday evmiliig.
Geo. Coon iu foding a urge number
of cattle for market and thoy look well
at presont. Jimmik. , ,
. v
Itiilln. j
Miss Mildred McCull Sun Jayod at E.y
Mrs. EaniRH of Hi1 Cloud vixited with
Mr. Biothaucr hvitnniity.
. Link KuIho uiiJ ivifi. cb'i.irttd for their
fotitPOjiome near Couuci) Bluffs, Iowa,
a .. .... W . . . .
Mr. mi urn of ottOMi'vr i?t oiu
on Saturdny and uuiigm two tho!
bred Jersey rod hogs.
Rev. Mrfxfield will pieuuh at the
Rainoy school hoime, Sundriy, Docember
22, at half pust two o'clock. All uro cor-e
dlally invited. Stu.nm:ii.
One tVinnte Cengh Curo I a popular
remedy for uroup. Haffor chlldrrii and
ndnltB. J. Ii. Cottiug.
Still wider.
Everett Britton hue relumed
from Iowa.
A baby boy bus arrived at tho
of Mr. and Mrs. Chus. Molley.
Dun Qurber who is teiiuhinn in
28, attended church at Eckley lust Sun
Mrs. David Haught, er., bus been
quite sick with some stomach troublo.
Jos. and Richard Groubalgb have re
returned frm Kansas.
Mrs. J. II. Mourns passed through this
vicinity last Friday on nor way to Rose
mont to soe David Mearns and wife who
aro quito sick. Simpson.
.. ..,
Heart Disease Cured
By Dr. Miles' .Heart Cure.
Fainting, Weak or Hungry Bpells, Irregu
lar or Intermittent Pulso, Fluttering or Pal
pitation, Choking Sensation, Shortnoaa of
Breath, Swelling of Foet and Ankles, are
symptoms of a diseased or Weak Heart.
Of Fort Wayne, Ind., writes oa Hot. M, Isafc
"I was alllcted for fort years with kauri!
trouble sad suffered untold saoay.
weak, hungry spelts, and any heart
fialnltate ao hard, tfaa naln wnuld t
sad torturing, that I became so weakaaa!
narraua I could not alin. 1 vu Mta k
several physician without relfof snd aava
op ever being well again. About two yeses
ago I commenced using Dr. Miles' Bemedtta.
One bottle of tbe Heart Cure stopped ast
boart troubles and tbe Restorative Nervteer
did tbe rt,and now I sloop soundly sad ?'
tend to my household and social duties iriien
out any trouble.
old by druggists. Book sent free. Address
Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, lad. J
It. Miles' Renedies Restero fclli
...... .
tiVxiMUi.aittttttMmmumKif'm if i JiiYPBIWWWifcWMhfGgS.
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