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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1894)
j- ik i m THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, JULY 20, 1804. L f t f; ' t ' . ? I'llltCS. 4 i lift IV in- 1:1 .1 !f .: 5,1 If fei in r h f . J il i D. B. Spanogle, Kkal Estate and Loan Agent Red Cloud. The Book of 'The Fair." By H. II. llnncroft, "Tlio Historian." , A" work of OdoTLoimj nnd Ituporinl Folio ". " page, twelve""by'i-.i2nlnchoB, f: 'printed on the finest enanwJpd paper, on the Mlohlo prow, aa ex hibited (n Machlnory Hall. This work contains . Twenty-five Parts . Forty Pages Each. There will be ovor 2,500 SUPERB TIC lures 01 an sizes up mi h iuii vu&. Aeuaj)VVlrWf'"" Fairs ot the Pa T.1 L- rt 1-1 T-l I1DUI 4. Pari, Hrnnaltlnn nt 1Rftfl.''l Exposition was but for a m . while the book is for all UrM nnd Should be in Every lome Sold by subscription only,' pny For menta of 0)4 cent 'day further particular my to C. X. VOltktNG, JDruyyUt&' mlitieUer m OTA gent fori Is company. ut wo can prove what we Bay, and we say that wo can fell you better goods for less money than anybody in our line. We hr.vo the GURNEY Refrigerator aud the Reliable Gasoline Stoves They can't he beat for this hot weather. AVe .also have another carload of Baker Barbed Wire which is the best wire on earth and the price is as lOV. us the lowest. Uuv WiijJe it ih cheat). All sizes of Window Screens and Screen Doors, Always in stock. I & TlCtan! MORHART SClf mfama sss feoOT 1HF.ic- CASE IT WILL An agrocablo lAiatlvo nnd Nnva Toma, Boldhjrl)ruBBlst or cent by mall. UjcWo. ad 1 100 per packngo. Fn tuples free. VA HA Tho 1'nvorlto TOOTI POWWl AV flW for tho Toctli and Hrcata,85o. CptAlnBwenry,i;.H.A.,B(inDIwro,Cl sayst "Bblloh's Catarrh Hcmedy is the flrtt medldno I havo ever found that would do me any good." I'rlcoCOcta. Bold by PruggHta. SHILOH'S cure: f Tuts Ohbat Oouan Ctma promptly euwi whorosUotlicrsfnll. ForCon.umpltoalthM no rival; lmscured thousand!, and will otma taken In tunc trioa8;tiMol,il.W. For Mai by I,. Colling, Itcd Cloud Nclmtftkii. Tire litMiriuico Agents PASTE THIS IN VOL'lt F.XPIItATlO.V ltr.(UH- roit dkci-.miikii, 1891. Tho public pay nil tho tiro lossos nnd for their own protection must givo enro ful heed to tho character ami uunlltlca Monaof liro inBiirnnco uyente, nnd ho can' - iitdgod lurgoly by tho lire loss ro cord cf yffcngcncy. At dM,t)t this your auk tho under igni J Jiirhlnnlc to ho usod in making corttfWttutomont of your Iosb rntios for t'Jmf A good record on this lino wll h vj"'d claim for public patron !' 'J 18l)5. nnd bo lomr as such favor. ".record continued. Doubtful rlsltB 'rimaa a douhtful futuro for tho rconcv curries thorn. Citizens Firn Arro. ton, Munknto, Minn. "The" Watch. For titnukooping and durability nothing beatH tho uovontuon jeweled Dkpukk 1Iami'I)i:x AVatcii. CALLONpENMAN and e.vamino thorn. Also his lino ot Jewelry, Diamonds, Spectacles, Clocks, I'latPd ami solid dlviTwaro, Honvenlr spoon, pcailliaiiillfd knives nnd forks, carvlnu wis, calling card c;in"4, lion lion boxes and oilier nnvolllw. A lino linu ot Miiectaclet and eye Ulnsti'i wild InicrcliiiiiKiUiluieiiMus. steel, nickel Mvt;r anil told friiine.s, Special and careful at tentlon paid iolltilii (lie eo. My lino of 2nd band walclies Ih (iillu l.ue. I will run tlieui off at li'ss than t heir actual worth. f-tirlirniK your watch, cluck and Jewelry re pair work, jour eiiKravuiK nnd your old uold uiul silver to ine, THUS. IERI MAN. Partt Loarjs At Less Tlaii 7 A Siiiipsorj, FlU hi Neb. Ho, There Farmers ! Hitch Up ! lit he fo re you li cuiiiu iiiuiiiitl lo J.0.Butler' lliiriii'vs Nlmp ami buy u new sol of IiiiiiiI.iiiiuIu liiiriivsH. Iluvu reduced nil uooiIm In the liur iicnn line. Here arc a Tew or our price: $.12.00 hnrnoca for 830.50 .10.00 " us 50 28,00 " " 07.00 U7.00 " " 20.00 20.00 " " 25.00 And nil goods in proportion. All work guaranteed Uepttiring nnd trimming dono on short notico. J. O, Butler. J ljUkW MkwBlRHmmmm BjBOTfOftCABC IT WILLNOT COWtrM mi . I UTI1 ft jr;i'fir,ufn W f2hrirl r' AirCauwH AN INDIAN MUTINY. rnlcts tlo fdgnii 1-itll, I.'iiKlnnd I Likely Hoon to llino Trouble on llor Ilnniln. Ouo dooH not look to tho staid nnd dignified Spectator for tho nbsurditlcs of scnsatlonnl journalism, and thcroforo its grave luiuouncomcnt of n belief thnt nnother Indian mutiny is closo nt hand will much intensify tho growing fool ing of nlarm ovor tho sitnntion in tho Asiatic dominions of tho queen. After expressing great apprehensions based on recent dispatches nnd privnto letters Tho Spectator says: "It is nt all events within tho limits of possibility that within tho next fow days nil questions which now interest tho country may bo swallowed up by tho intelligence thnt wo havo for tho second tlmo in tho lost half century India to reconquer. "May is tho tlmo for inimrroctlous, tho pcoplo bolloving that tho heat pros trates whito men, and if a rising has been nrrnnged it is during this mouth thnt it wonld bnrst out all over north ern India. Just nt this tlmo wo nppenr to bo receiving ono of thoso strange wnmings which havo frequently preced ed disturbances, and which in 1857 took tho form of tho distribution of chnpnt tics llttlo unleavened enkes. Through Behar nnd n part of tho northwest they wero distributed by unknown hands, re ceived in silouco as by men who under stood what thoy meant nnd passed on to meet overywhero with tho muno recep tion. "This tlmo it takes tho Fhnpo of a patch of plaster mixed with hair, with which tho trees of tho endless mango groves havo been secretly bedaubed throughout Bchnr nnd tho provinces to tho east nnd west. As iu 1857. no ouo knows how this was done, or by whom, though Jtas?-,, n ioiVI must bo great. Tho police, if thoy know anything, rovcal nothing, and tho pco plo romnin lost in thnt apparently un observant Bilcnco which, throughout Asia, when n dangerous incident occurs, menus mischief. Thnt silouco implies nnd proves that if anything serious is intended tho Hindoos and Mussulmans, as in 1857, aro both iu it, for they both understand national ways equally well. Tho meaning of tho chnpatti as n signal escaped tho government officials iu 1857 as tho meaning of tho distribution of plaster escapes them now." Tho alarmist utterances of Tho Spec tator aro not without justification. Thoro has been an uneasy feeling iu Anglo-Indian circles for months. Many persous of high nuthority iu India have been writing homo thnt "Lord Elgin will havo his hands full bel'oro long, " nud "grnvo occurrences may bo expect ed iu tho near future." It is significant thnt tho inquiries of tho opium commis sion havo contributed much to tho dis content among tho natives, while tho population of tho whole north is sulky nnd rebellious bocnubu tho government is trying to meet its losses by increasing tho assessment of tho laud tux. Lon don Letter. PORTRAITS OF AMERICAN WOMEN. A Nmi'l Loan Kxlilliltlon of l'ltlntlugii to llenrflt New York ClinrlUcx. Arrangements aro now being made for n loan exhibition of old and modern portraits of American women to bo held early iu November at tho Academy of Design. Such exhibitions of women's portraits nro given by tho Gallery club iu Loudon, but thoy nro new iu Now York. It is proposed to divide tho pro ceeds from this exhibition between St John's guild and tho Orthopedic dis pensary nnd hospital. Tho Indies repre senting theso two chnrities who nro nr rnnging this exhibition aro Mrs. ltobert B. Potter, Mrs. II. Wiuthrop Gray, Mrs. John A. Lowery, Mrs. Charles do Ithnm, Mrs. J. I lobar t Warren and Mrs. Adolf Lndenburg. Tho selection of tho pictures will bo in tho hnuds of a com mitteo of woll known nrtlsts. It is believed that tho novelty of such an exhibition, iu ndditiou to its artistic merits, will iusuro its success. Thoro nro iu Now York many vnluablo por traits of women. Somo of them nro by American artists nnd somo of them wero painted abroad. So long as tho subject is nn American woman tho painting may bo hung iu this loan collection. Already tho announcement of such an exhibition has aroused interest, mid it is intended to make it a social success. Mrs. Lowery said last night: "Wo proposo to have tho exhibition during tho week of tho horso show, for then thcro nro many peoplo iu town who would Iks interested in such an ex hibition. Thoro nro many fiuo portraits of handsome women hero, nud I think thnt such nn exhibition will attract at tention nud benefit our charities. It is inipossiblo yet to give any details about tho paintings thnt will bo exhibited. That rests with tho ortists who turo on tho hanging committee, nud of course it is too early for them to begin their work." New York Sun. A 1'rt'iicli Kick Afc-ulnst Kxtortlon. Tho day of exorbitant chnrges in swell Paris restaurants is at au end. Tho revolt of tho public, begun a few months ago, has driven most of tho famous establishments into bankruptcy and now compelled all tho survivors to reduce their charges just one-half. The panic among tho proprietors Is so great thnt even tho Mnison Doreo was com pelled to announce this wwk (lint it is not nmoug tho places which aro about to closo their doors. Vefour's, Uignon's, Brebnnt's and tho Cafe Riehoam nmoug thoso recently closed. Others which maintain high tariff nro trying to llvo on tho patronage of visitors, being boy cotted by Parisians. Paris Letter. Mother of Tut'iity-lour ClilUlmi itt Thirty. Near Yankton is tho most remarka bio family on this continent, perhaps iu Iho world. It consists of futher, mother aud 2-1 children, aud tho mother of tho brood is not yet !I0 yours old. Sho is a Norwegian woman, and her husband is a Hoosier. Tho ehildien wero born trip lots, and tho oldest of thu lot is under 111 years of age. Allot them nro boys but three, ono set of triplets being girls. Bridgcwutcr Democrat. ARE BLUE QUM3 VENOMOUS! A Teini Doctor Experimenting With tho Vlrm from a Tfrgro'a Mouth. It hns long been n bollcf among tho negroes that tho bito of ono of their ruco who hos bluo gums is nbout as deadly as tho blto of n mad dog or rat tlesnake Fow whito pcoplo think this is anything moro than mcro supersti tion, nudwhilo instances nro recorded iu tho newspapers every onco iu nwhilo of deaths resulting from bites inflicted by bhto gum negroes tho general opin ion is that tho death was not caused by tho bite, or clso that tho blood of tho person bitten wus in such condition thnt a wound of nlmost any character equal ly sovcro would havo produced death. It Is not questioned, howovcr, that tho blto of a human being whether tho bluo gum vnrloty or not may iu some instances provo a Bevoro injury. A caso is roportcd from tho Lott Store neighborhood. A negro woman Ellen Tonoy nbout CO years of ago, was bit ten nbout a week ago by her daughter-in-law. Tho wound wns ou tho llttlo finger nnd was not at all dangorous in appearance, but in a day or two tho hand began to swell, nud tho swelling was accompanied by great pain. It'soou' pprcad to tho entire arm, which puffed up to twlco Its normal bIzc. A physi cian wns called in, nnd ho prescribed such remedies ns tho caso scorned to do maud, but lockjaw set in and lasted about 20 hours. Finally tho swelling began to abate, and tho old woman is now considered ou a fair road to recov er. Tho doctor learned thnt tho daughter-in-law wns of tho blno gum vnrloty nnd examined her mouth to sco if it differed ioi4 uiiiw A .E?.fiSitl-ii2ii "" "'v thu gums nro of n purplish bluo appearance, uuliko thoso of tho ordina ry negro. Ho is skeptical on tho subject of tho bito of such n person being more poisonous than that of nuy ouo clso, but says ho is experimenting with tho virus or saliva from this woman's mouth to seo if thcro is any truth in tho belief of tho negroes. Tho subject of his experi ment is n small dog, which ho iunocu lated with tho virus, and ho says ho la waiting for developments with somo do grco of interoot. Bcnhom Cor. Galves ton News. PETROLEUM FOR MOSQUITOES. A Timely HuRRrittloii nit to How to Dcttroy tho UnlmU-hcd l'liiguc. A Mr. L. O. Howard, who lives near tho city of Washington, last year and tho year before mado experiments with a view to ridding his premises of the mosquito pest that proved highly satis factory. Tho details of his experiments havo impressed tho peoplo of Now Or leans so favorably that thero is talk among tho city fathers thero of apply ing tho Howard system of Insect killing ou n grand scale iu nud nbout that city. Mr. Howard located his mosquito breed ing ground In n mtllpoud nud tho ad joining marshy land near his residence. Ho had previously established tho fact by tests in a rainwnter barrol that kcroseno oil is certain death to tho mos quito Inrviu. When ho had loeuted tho wholesale hatchery of mosquitoes, ho proceeded to spray tho whole urea with crudo petro leum. Tho area was about -1,000 square feet, and 15 gallons of oil nt a cost of $1.70 sufficed for tho work. This ho did In March, when tho innocent mosquito papooses wero still slumbering unhntch ed iu tho mud nnd ooze. Three weeks after tho sprinkling thero remnincd a scum of oil over tho area, nnd most of tho larviu had been killed. During tho summer following Mr. Howard 'a first experimeut very fow mosquitoes surviv ed to annoy him. Tho next spring ho repented tho sprinkling, nnd during the summer of that year ho had no uso for mosquito nets. Savanunh News. A MONKEY CHASE. The World' Fair City Still Hut Its Kxclt liiK Adwiitnri-K. A lingo monkey bolonglng to Ernst Bros., tho brewers, at 07 Larnbeo street, escaped yesterday afternoon nnd gavo activo employment to sovernl policemen nnd a crowd of boys before it was enp tuied. As soon as it wus discovered that tho monkey had escaped a number of tho employees of tho brewers attempted to capture it. A nuinlwrof school chil dren joined in tho chnse. When tho monkey was hnrd pressed,, it climbed a treo nnd reached tho roof of n houso. A ladder was procured, nud ouo of tho men followed it, but tho monkey swung off into a treo and into tho window of nnother house, frightening tho occu pants, who immediately guvo tho animal full possession of tho premises. Tho crowd soon Increased to sovernl hundred lieoplc, nnd several policemen took a hand. .They found themselves less uso ful than tho schoolboys and finally gavo It up In disgust. Tho chnse was kept up through alleys nnd streets nnd from yard to yard for nearly a milo, when a son of Itnly,with tho nid of his banana stand, succeeded iu coaxing tho monkey Into captivity. Chicago Tribune. Married In n Ituby Carriage A rcniurknblo wedding took placo at tho Bristol registry office yestci day. Tho bride, u prim woman of 43, wheeled into thu office iu an old fashioned per ambulator, tho bridegroom, a crippled man ot -15, who from his birth had not been able to walk. Ho followed no oc cupation. When supported ou his feet, so eon toiled wero his legs that ho was only ill) inches high. Ho asked thnt ho should bo married In tho perambulator. Besides tho usual questions tho astonish ed officials asked tho brido if sho really know what sho was nbout. Sho replied thnt she was fully nwaro of what sho was doing, aud sho wondered what tho crowd of peoplo outsldo wero laughing nt, us It wns only a wedding. Tho par ties mado tho usual declaration ns to no lawful iuipcduucut to their union, and thoy wore duly married, nud as tho brido whoelod away her newly won hus band tho happy conplo wero followed by a lnrgo crowd, who pelted them with rice. London Telegraph, Served Exclusively tthe 2477,212 People admitted to the World's Fair Grounds. mxSSS!rwmmmmMMMMmMWmmmMMMMlKSlmMmM) Universally Leading Fine coffee of the World. For sale only by Sherwood & Albright. Jas. M. Mi (Successor He is prepared to urnish you ing macnine irom vb up. Ho will make you most any terms to suit you. lie will do your repairing cheaply. Headquarters for all kinds of supplies for machine repairs Jos. C. j4olcon?b, -PltOPHIETOR OF THE- Holland House Has tho best rigs in tho city and tho most reasonable priecs. Your orders solicited and ftelr treatment guarnntccd. North of the Holland House. N. E. EOBINSON, PAINTER & PAPEE HANG2 First class work u specially-. Prices rcnsouublu. Olllce first door south ot Chief with W.F. Hull cc him before giving your order Jno. B. Wright, Dgalgr ii- Secoild-Ffaiid Goods Moon llloch, lied Cloud, FRANK City Livery Stable RED CLOUD, Feed, Sale and Exchange Stable, Finest Turnouts in the City. Your patronage solicited. Barn east of Holland House. ill F. V. TAYLOR? ai Iho furniture Man has an stock FURNITURE of every conceivable description. Bo sure and see m Window Shades, Wall accepted as the Sewing Machines and Organs. 'trail or sew Livery Stable,, Darn r? na It will he to your interest !t! REED, 4 NEBRASKA. m elaborate and unlimited iii of his stock of Paper, caroets.I .J. 'm S ! I i i 1 1 "! J 'i ( '' r I-- i n A .-grt-j-J ijii; BfcS