The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 02, 1889, Image 8

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    szzssi&zr wv Jir-: v :sts;- - i-r-- -- r
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JtroTlnij IIa!r bj 7.1ans of m Seedl.
Ilcatnd to Incandescence.
Xiciacihoaofocstroyin hair follicles is
the porca cf tUc claa by izcau3 of a nesdis
hotted to incandescence by an electric cur
rent after iuscrlica. has, eay3 the Electrical
ZUtlac, set nany c. woman rejoicing in tho
ytiTiihiir.tica of mustaches cf various de
grees of visibility, or perhaps in the path
made between meeting cycbrow3, or even
lathe dcsfruslion, root and branch, of a
stubborn tuft of hairjrroiviug: from check of
jaw like sedge grass in n lirtd ; and she has
thanked electr.tily for the removal of at
le3t cue Iccnbus to beauty, doubtless re
lating in cosiidcurc tho depiliatory csperj.
ence as ono of the wonders of that M great
Bat is it truly a wonder when a white-hot
platinum needle singes out the root of the
hair tact it I:il's the hair? Uowccald it be
otherwise! "What is to hinder?" as tho man
saf J when callod upon to admire tho Fallsof
Kiasara as a great wonder of nature. And
9io gavo a descriptisn of his idea of wonder
tat tho water should Cow up the stream
and ascend tho falls.
In this case the method used would be
much more truly wonderful if tho dermatol
oxpt should reverse the action of bis appa
ratus and raise a capillary crop ad n&ttum.
As Carlylo says : "Instead of carrying taa
torch for burning let him wield the hammar
IJctcrc to yourself a gildod youth sitting
in fin operating chair liko thoso ia tonsorlal
Soriums, having aide whiskers or ajraa
o germinated according to the whim of
the. hour, while there could be a resume
tiofton the shiny occupita of those whose
fosVheads extend pretty well toward tk
spinal column.
It Captain Gulliver, of blessed mentor,
gate as hJ3 judgment that tho man w&o
coaled two blades of grass to grow whera
one grew before was worthy of tho prize
offered by tho King of LilHnut, how much
moro shall bo tho reward of those who
cause spcar3 of hair to grow where nono
grew before that is, since before tho war.
Ae the locomotive has not dispensed with
the service of horses, so the second form of
thy. apparatus would not obviate all need
of Jfs present application. For, i addition
tor the purposes before alluded to there
woVu su.1 remain mon cccincg moro on
'less of a beard removed, yet cot wishing
either to shave cr to bo shaved, and then
there would still be those desirous of pos
ing as a phrenological phenomenon, who
wojU2 have the area of the forehead cn
Inrttc" accordingly.
Mi Uicso matters furnish a promising
fetj for :!icr.o who can reverse the action
onhirsu;c c.i:t-o!ytic process, and raise
cafillary crops. Tho field may not bocn
trr4h overrun, .cr there are everywhere
parsons who, jllfco th8 knight in Hudi
brs Can discern and divide
nc fcalr 'tw:xt south and southwest atde,
and some may yet have their old prefer
enres for hair-cut and shave, while other
may be so lost to youthful vanity as to pre
astro their denuded scalp in all its present
Affecting- Plaint of a Castaway with
nn EtcboU History.
5 m but a worn-out fountain pen, my use
luf days arc o'er; so badly battered up am I
they've slung mo on tho floor, begins the
pojrtofthc Boston Transcript, who inthia
instance represents the worn-out fountain
pes. A writer'3 hand has wielded mo for
mere than half a year, and now that I can
tntrkno mere, I'm lying sadly here. The
janitor may come, perhaps, and claim me
for his own, or with tho ether waste and
truck perhaps I may ba thrown; and of tho
millions in tho world, not one in all tho.
men will ever givo another thought to this
old fountain pen. Tho man who used to
write with me, before he'd start to think,
would rudely twist me all apart and chuck
me full of ink, and then I'd scratch along
and tell of some bright youthful bride, who
wed tha only man she loved, serene and
Joyous-eyed; and of her dress and of the
igfts that decked her flowing hair, and of
Ca words the parson said about the "happy
gat jjndthen I'd glide along the page
aafleave tho letters bold, to tell how soma
3 gathered in a wondrous pile of gold
all the other Httlo things that g to
re a day, aai 2" & 4U my work ia
defe r& calmly ag away, rve
CoB of births. Pre told of deaths,
of joy and dark despair: I've told
fear? vagrants are ran
Mies oil cp their fassr;Fve qaotow
Flench and Greek, bad Xnelish I
ammo, I've treated of the loud guffaw and
likewise of the grean. I've helped to kick
wtieu days were hot, as when tboy were too
cold: I've run in linos fsora chestnut poems
aawhen "the knights were bold;" I've
told how in some lonely grave the clammy
earth was flung, I've shown bow some at
eve have wept, how scmo at eve have suns;.
'Hdw Itichard lice got thirty days for going
en a drunk, how Faddy won a slugging
match because he'd lots of spunk; how
aosc one, smiling, took a gun and aimed it
at s friend, and in a jesting, joking way,
brought one life to an end. Of how the
.smiling servant lit the Arc with kerosene,
aad swopped her apron for a robe where
teres arc nevcrseen; of how some stumbling
felt went Gown toward tho burning bars,
while others .clambered up the, road that
Mads toward tho stars. I've told of human
atserv. of human grief as well, of musty
.thtsks of ancient wine, and buckets in the'
"nil: of gray-haired men and women old, of.
Happy girls and boys, of groans and smiles
of prayers aad thanks, of sorrows and of
Jojfs; andpowmjr point is worn away, I'll
isofibble never more, but lie alone, a broken
mock, upon the office floor; and those
wao've read of alll've toloV in all the ranks
emen, will give but little credit to this
jsauea fountain
A Bad Caw st a Fcneral.
A thrilling incident transpired at a fa
il in Bungree, Victoria, the other da
paU-bearers and oOnr officials were
in Bungree, Victoria, the other da
actor teartas; the remains af the ma
talented from tho cemetery gates to tha
gofro, and tho friend aad relatives feU
lowed sadly in the wake, allowing their ait
tav tears to filter through large handhar
aafs,fhen a one-horned, bony cow,ottl
aMcrycyeandanelarated taZLtora doom
the cortege and batted the gentlemen
i bore too coffin into acooouiea.ofxafs
'fficapadty; than aha-skiawd abovV
ieked along sideways, trod apon tb
aaMession, ana wore-noiealn it with bar
Mttaryhorn, after which tha remainder of
fjb) moaraera sought comparative aeouiity
anitop of tombstones and ia other ekvatedj
.leavnw the oaxi and wounded on
said of action. Thegrava-dirgersuD-
ajaaaaBy dhrertad thecow'a attentien witk
, ana ue nmerat lennuuiea wnn a
! Steae-Blaaklag.
aaana learned mofeaeora are diacuaalsg is
sxtiodieal the aubject of amwUsdnaat
taurn. ae laramr umm uu bih
at tha ntesent moment; iecaasa
LaawwohaTso' ww onv,the. groondi
aro noV JUrerjr to na any ioc
Jblit is Ottenabag tQifam
Ker. Augustus Totten, tho only
colored Catholic priest in this coun
try, is tho pastor of SU Joscph'a
Church, Quincy, I1L
Eov. Walter L. Huffman, of Peru,
Ind,, has married over 1,200 couples
and preached 1,300 funeral sorvlces.
His surpasses tho record of any other
clergyman in the Stato.
Lord Carnarvon is urging" that the
Anglican churches ought to be open
on week-days for private worship, and
tho Archbishop of Canterbury and the
other churchmon agreo with him.
Kentucky has six counties Har
lan, Knott, Perry, Lotchor, Boll and
Leslie that have novcr had a church
within their borders during the sixty
or seventy years of tholr existonco as
Germany i9 doing? considerable
foreign missionary work now-a-days.
It has eighteen societies and supports
522 missionaries, who look after their
210,000 converts. Last year the total
receipts in money were over $700,000.
A rector writes to the Guardian
that a "celibate order among tho
clergy is one of tho imperative necessi
ties of the time," the reason being
"the impossibility of supporting a wife
and family upon the ordinary income
of a curate."
The brother who murmured In his
heart against God while tho drought
lasted, but did not thank him for tho
blessed rain when it carao. i9 very
much like the rest of U3 ready to as
cribe all troubles to Providence and all
hlcssings to chance. Christian Advo-
Biahop Vladimir, tho new Russian
Bishop of California. Alaska and Aleu
tian Islands, brought to this country a
full boy choir of forty voices. Tho
new Bishop is transferred to tho United
States from Japan, and his special
work will bo to improve tho now
wretched condition of the Creoles and
Indians in Alaska.
John Carswoll, a deacon of tho
Scotch National church at Blooms
bury, Eng., was recently fined flvo dol
lars in a police court for assaulting tho
wife of Johnson, a village painter
in tho church. The ovidenco was that
he struck her with the pedestal of the
offertory box and pushed hor so that
ehe became ill and had to leave the
church. The assault was the part of a
row between tho church officials and
Hie pastor. Rev. J. Mackio. -
Philadelphia has a new religious
sect whose title is fearfully and won
derfully constructed. It Is "ThoEc
closia of Israel; the Cyipz of Worship
ping Congregation of Our Father'8
Kingdom on Earth." They havo re
vised the opening' sentences of tho
Lord's Prayer so that they read: "Our
Father who art in Heaven, hallowed
be Thy name. Tliy hand of power our
eoul do fear; Thino ear of lovo our
prayers do hear; Thy voice of light
illumines our feet; unto Thy house our
steps we bend, eternity with Thee to
6pend; Thv kingdom h:is come; now
let Tby will bo done on earth as it id
in Heaven."
According to a London contempo
rary, among tho offers recently re
ceived for mission work was one fro;
"a married man with a' small family
of fourteen," who was quite willing to
proceed to China and to leave his fam
ily behind him, for a large family he
found a "great hindrance to grace.
Probably he is going a little too far to
find grace. If he would stay home and
look after his family perhaps ho would
secure more of the precious article
than by abandoning his family for a
foreign trip. This declaration recalls
the disinterested patriotism of tho lata
Artemus Ward, who was willing to
sacrifice his wife's relations in tho war.
Christian at Work.
Specific Education.
Mr. Vanderbilt pays his cook $10,000
a year, my boy, which is a great deal
more than you or I earn or at least it
is a great deal moro than we get be
cause ho can cook. That is all. Pre
suniably because he can cook better
than any other man in America. That
is all. If Monsieur Sauccangravt
could cook tolerably well, anfl shoot
little)-and speak throe languages toler
ably well, and keep books fairly, and
sing some, and understood gardening
pretty well, and could preach a fair
sort of a sermon, and knew something
about horses and cpvld telegraph a
little, and could do light porter's work.
and could nead proof toterafery.aad could
do plain House and sign painting, and
could help on a threshing machine, and
knew enough law to praotice in the
justices1 courts of Kickapoo township,
and hadmice run for the 'Legislature,
and knew how to weigh hay, he
wouldn't get $10,000 a year for it He
gets that just because he knows how
to cook, and it wouldn't raako a cent's
difference in hU salary if he thought
the world was Hut and that it went
around its orbit on wheels. Thero's
nothing like knowing your busine-is
clear through, my boy. frim withers to
hock, whethor you know any thing
elseoi V.'v:t'-43efcr?idofkaow.
ing "ty ,c.f- the sorraonmnsi
Merit Wlaa,
We deure to say to our citizens, that
for years we hire been selling Dr.
Kings new discovery for contnmptaon,
Dr. Kings new life pills, Bucklias arni
ca salve and electric bitten, and hav
neyar handled remedies that sell so
well, or that have given such univere
sal satisfaction. We do not hesitate
to guarantee them every time, and we
stand ready to refund tha norchasA
price, if satisfactory results do not
JoOlow their use. These remedies
have won great popalarity purely on
their merits. l
Special Bate.
The B & M has issued a circular
of special rates for special occasions,
tho following of which arc of more or
less interest to this section.
Omaha Fair and Exposition, Sept.
2G. Round trip for one far, 50 cents
added for admission to the ground.
Parade Association of Priest of
Pallas. Kansas City, Oct. 14. On
fare for round trip.
Twenty-third national encampment
G. A R, Milwaukee, Ang . 26-31. One
fare for round trip, with special terms.
E. E. Harris, Agt
The young Emperor of China has
publicly expressed his dissatisfaction
with the chief briac provided for him.
For the present he will try to worry
along ith .ome of his second-class
brides, but it is a hard line for an em
peror. m
Bncklin's Arnica Salve.
The best sa've in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, fait rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns; and all skin eruptions, and
positively cures, or no pay required,
it is guaranteed to Hive perfect satis
faction, or mancy refunded. Price
25 cents per box. For sale by Henry
It pleases us to call the attention of
our musical friends to Fisher's Rob
in's Farewell." Caprice, for Piano,
and asserts that it compares with the
very best of the late music. Mailed
on recept of 50 cents, in 2-ct. post
tagc stamps, by Ign. Fisher, Publish
er, Toledo, O.
A J?:t"e iuVMfmoiit
Is one which k guaranteed to bring
you satisfactoiy results, or in case of
.ailure a return of purvhascd price.
Cn this plan you can buy from our
aIveitiseil riniupst a bottle of Dr
King's New Discovery for Consump
tion. It is guaranteed to give relie.
in every case, when used for any atf
fection of the throat, lungs or chest
such as consumption, intlamation of
lungs or bronchitis, asthma, whooping
cough, croup etc. It is pleasant and
agreenl'lc to taste, perfectly safe and
can always be depended upon. Trial
bottles free at Henry Cook's drug
store. 1
The chimneys are not the only
caus; of the smoke nuisance. There
is besides, for example, our young
friend the cigarette smoker, who stands
on the street corner exhaling noisome
vapors into the faces of innocent pe
destrians. Dr. Jaque's German worm cases
destroy worms and removes them from the sys
tem. Safi- pleasant and effective.
Good mothers use .Dr. Winchell'a
teething syrup Tor children with cold, sore
throats, and to regulate tho bowls.
Uncle Barn's nerve and bone lini
ment will relieve strains, bruises, neuralgia and
rheumatism, l)r.l. L. Field, No. 53 East Ma
ple St.
Uncle Sam's condition powders
the best for horses, cattle, bogs and poultry.
Get the best! EUerts daylight
liver pills, for sour stomach, torpid liver and
Gore your coughs and colds with
EUerts tar and wild cherry. All druggists keep
t. Large bottles fifty cents and one dollar.
Happy Home blood purifier is
the people's popular medicine for purifying the
blood and malarial diseases etc. Larpe Dottles
fifty cents and one dollar.
CarpctH ! Carpet ! !
Mrs. M. . Huffman, living two
miles west of the city on the Kaley
farm is prepared to weave carpets on
short notice. Orders by mail will
receive prompt attention. tf
Take Notice.
To William Arnold:
You are hereby notified that on the 7th day
of November; I8S7, 1, L. Baum purchased at
puDitciax sale iroiu toe county treasurer, ai.
It. McNitt. at the court-house in lted Cloud
Webster countv. Nebraska, for the taxes for the
year 1886, amounting to SC.05. The following
described land situated in Webster county,
Nebraska, taxed in the name of William Ar
nold, The north east ?i, of the south-west H
section C. range 9, town 3, west of the
C p. nu. containing 40 acres. The timo for
redemption of said kind from the lien of said
tax sale will expire November 7th, 1889, and if
not redeemed before the above date expires I
will make application for a treasurers tax
deed. L. BAUM.
Take If etlce.
To M'E. Gordon::
You are hereby notified that on the 7th dar of
November 1887, 1, L. Baum purchased at public
taxsale from the county treasurer M. B. Mc
Nitt at the courthouse lnReddoud. Webster
county Nebraska, for the taxes of the year 1886,
amounting to $33,85 on the following described
hud situated in Webster county Nebraska tax
ed in the name of M K. Gordon: The south-west
k south-west U. secUon n. town 2. range 9, west
of the 6 p.m. containing 180 acres. The tune
for redmptkm of said land from the lien of said
taxsale wM expire November 7th 1889, aad If
not reaeenea ueionj ioe auove aaie expires, a i
will make application for treasurer's tax deed. I
Take ffotlee.
To William Arnold:
You are sereDv aoused mat on ue 7th da;
November 1887. 1. L. Baom purchased at oab:
taxsale from the county treasurer, M.B. He
Nitt, at the coarthotise In Bed Cloud, Webster
eesmrjr, neorasKa, iot ue taxes ox use year
UBS aaeuntlDrtTfSVSS the foUowiac described
land situated In Webster county Nebraska, tax
ed la the name of William Arnold: The south
west of tho southwest U.sectiooe. town 3,
range a, west of the 6 p jb. containlnf 40 and 88
MBth acres. The time forredempuon of said
land from the lien of said tax sale will expire
Wotcaaber 7th. 18S9. and If not redeened beftm
the above date expires Iwiflmake appUeaMoa
leva treasurers tax aeeo. ImBavm.
amlnlng Surgeon. Office oprxxlte
ai Bank, aea uicma. irenraKa
ChroBie diseases treated by mail.
Jas. McNaxr,
WIU practice In all courts of this state
Collections as well as litigated business careful
y and eSfcienUy attended to. Abstracts roralaa
edoaawUeatiem. Ovrfoay-Orer First Natloaal Baak. aed
Notice is hereby Riven that umler ami Iv vir
tue ot an oruor or sa:o isM'ta ty i. n. Fort,
clerk oft he district court out of Hie i-litli in.
tlicial district in ami for Webster count jr. Neb
raska, upon aicere mr.n action ientlin in
said court, wneruiu, the Nebraska Ijkm ami
Trust Company Is plaintiff, ami Charles K.
Drown, I'licebe J. Brown, Mary. I. Olin, W. O.
Dimick. George C. liaflle, John Doe ami ltich
ard Hoe are ilefendtiuts. I shall otfer for sale, at
public vendue for cash in hand, at the east door
of the court house in Hed Cloun. in said county
(that being the place vhre the hist term of
court was lioldcii; on the 3rd day of Settemhor.
18S9, at 1 o'clock p. in., the following descnted
property to-wit: The wot ) half, of the
north-east (1-4) quarter, and the west (IS) hall
of the south-eat (1-4) quarter, of section elplit,
and the west () half of the houth-east 0-J)
quartet, mid the norili-ca-t (1-i) qunrter or the
south-east (1-4) quarter, and the north ('i) half
of the south-west (1-4) quarter, and the east (J.)
half of the north-west (t-t) quarter of section ;)
five in tow nship (4) four, north of ransc cj) nine
west of the Ctli 1. M. in Webster county, Ne
braska, Given under my band the 2Tth dayof.lulv,
ISsO. 1 1 . 0, scott, Shuriir,"
.John ill. Hawaii, riaintlff's att'y, K.t
Take Notice.
To William Arnold:
You are hereby notified that onthe 7th day or
November liv;, I, L. Uaum purchased at public
tax Side from the county treasurer, M. i;. Mo
Nitt, at the court house in Ked Cloud, Webster
county, Nebraska, for the taxes of the year lSStf
amounting to $6,95. The following described
land situated in AVebster county Nebraska,
taxed inth-j name of William Arnold. The
north-west Mof the south-west ?i section C town
3, range 9 west of the 6 p.m. containing 40
and 14-I00th acres. The time for redemption
of said land from the lien of said tax sale
wiU expire November 7th 1889. and if not re
deemed before the above date expires I will
make application for a treasures tax deed.
L. Oaom.
Take Notice.
ToN. D. Fox:
You are hereby notified that on the 7th day
of October, 1887, 1, L. Baum purchased at
Private Tax Sale, from the County Treasurer,
M. B. McNitt, at the Court-house in Red Cloud,
Webster county. Nebraska, for the taxes of the
year 1885, amounting to $4.27. The following
lot situated in ebster county 4 Nebraska,
taxed in the name of N. I. Fox in the village
of O'wics. to-wit: l.otS, block if. The time for
redemption of said lot from the lien of said
tux sole, w ill expire October 7th, 13.). and if not
redeemed before the nboe date expires, I will
make application for a Treasurer's lax Deed.
I. Baiui.
C. W. Kai.ey, J. I- Kalkv.
jvai.i-.v i:i;u.
TTOUNEYS AT LAW. Agent for the B.
&.11.K. K.lands. OliceoiiWeb-ter street
Cloud. Nebraska.
' .AND
Wm. STIXGLEY, Propietor.
First door nortb of City Bakery, ft
fitted and thoroughly equipped. We
respectfully solicit your patronage
guaranteeing B9tisfation in every case.
Our Motto: Will be to please all
who give 'is their trade. All work
done in a first-class manner and in the
latest fad ot the profession.
BIc G has given unlrrr.
sal satisfaction In the
cure of Gonorrhoea and
Gleet. I prescribe It and
feel safe In recommend
ins It to all sufferer.
Decatur, III.
Sold by Druggists.
C. L. Cotting, Agent.
D. B. Spanogle,
Real Estate
and Loan Agent
Red Cloud.
qeo. o. and b. d. yeiser,
Winer Usui; ititftt OiiSeE
Complete and only set of abstract
books in Webster county. Grazing and
arming lands and city property for
Denver to Chicago,
Denver to Kansas City,
Denver to Omaha,
Omaha to Chicago,
Kansas City to Chicago,
Omaha to St. Louis,
Throucfi tlokami over tho Burllnc
ton Routs) oro for oalo by tho Union
Pacific, Denver A Rio Crondo and
all other principal railway, and
by all asonta of tho "BurUnsjtoo
For fnrttior Information, apply te
P. S. KUSTIS,d?T'ktAsn,
si. :
. .
-.. ii.
-4rt tt, a
H aallMm.
Subscribe for
oldest and newsiest paper In the
county. Job work in all its vari
ous branches in
amVssm.Os -st'Sl rsmj-sssT bJBLLJtalTSl5Ts"'TnljRsB
TSSP flffm 'SwFS&SSSMffSSSjXf if mom? aussmml
j K. I tmiSSrliKSS9t?SSS(B3tsSSL 'nBmKEV09BVHl9lE ?Smmmnrmaml
JftifmSSmjSf Cff ' "smmmmmffsml
(Chicago, Bock Island efc Pacific and Chicago. Ttnmsj at yebraaka Bymp
City. DeMoine0,KaoxTllle, Winterset, Atlantic. Audobos, Harlan, duthrlo
Cea&rm. and Conneil KtaSm In IOWA-MlxuieaooUa) aad St. Paul Vunma.
SOTA-Watartown aad Stonx Falls) to DAKOXA-Oallatla. Trenton. CaaMroau
St. Joswi,- aacl y.imasi CKr in MISTOTJIU-Seatrtce. lairtmiy. and Nemos
te hkbkSBKA. Herton. Tomo. Hatonlnaon. Wichita. BaOanAn.. Karte
AbUono, CaUwaO, la KANSA8-Coload
kjuju. iianiusw new ana yi
aaordtaerthe osmt awtnttaa of 1
mil cittern In
Mexico, Indian Tarrl
cwtwaao CUoasjo and" Kaoaaa Cltr. Ssnat Day Coacaen, Dtataa imimT
prosnpt ccojssosviao som araommrs am uawm xjamaoa.
So5 faBwajJOjonjagj&smh. Iarauwuiin, sTatisss OHw odasC
nontumr .ama naaMaSjronnoa or . wortasraifc ns jWaaarsown Brmacki
mToiisania amVaBl nniwiVmrnTTrtoai Jaa"UlT-M",t
i. "jj i j aj "s mjwwv womacu
TJcWOstoatoSsFrJa'&iTi or Caaadsv oeSSSimm
E SW JOtrfSj
whmm. -v-'.rvjv. mil. mmraxsnms
4 i -J ---f
The Chief, the
best style.
Icdaiul fm
oossw Wmtt Llbertv. Inn
Spain, Denvw, Paaeto. in COLO
ouuhiiiiu xi.i....Bit !! i. vonraoo. ucaa. asw
toTxa, Armoma, uaoo. CallftnmV aad Fadmb
an compstltora tn smloaderofi