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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1884)
-vi L u. . vf. " CwsK ?t V -TT-t- fceym r x.. --l44- j-..' 5 " -- . V I TL ? tsSt. - " i i CLOUD CHIEF. 1C, PiMslir. EEi) cloud. NEBRASKA CURRENT COMMENT. A New Wilmixgtok, Pa., magis trate and jury decided that a wire fence is not a legal fence. A stroke of lightning split open a follow tree, at Shasta, Cal., revealing a skeleton and clearing up a murder mystery. There has been less amateur coach ing in England this year than formerly. Only two coaches arc now running out of London. Tiie army and navy of England fur nish their full pro rata of that country's convicts, and a due proportion were officers, too. Tiie will of a sensitive musician in Wisconsin contained an injunction that the village brass band should not play at the funeral. An English bicj'de rider has traveled from Land's End to John o' Groats, eight hundred miles, with considerable baggage, in eight days and a half. Ax attendant in the Treasury De partment who can count 4,000 new notes an hour for seven hours a day is considered unusually dexterous. THE WOULD AT LAME. A flbrnim. 9 m TUttv Ummm J tidlaf Of tfcg dt ttW. m. fern MIIMVI J w """ " wwl p annnal immhI rt 4k. flm mv ftl iiiiiiwi a vw w UIV wiv -." FKKftOXAL AXD POLITICAL. Wilbur F. Sto rct, the wt-kaown editor of the Chicago Times, died at hut borne in Chicago on October 27th. He had been gradually failing for some week, and km declared an imbecile by a Chicago court some weeks ago. Mr. Storey had been suf fering from a stroke of paralysis, which came upon him a few years ago while trav eling In Europe. He died very quietly. The President's chair of the Woman's Homo Mission Society, which recently met at Cleveland, O., was occupied by tbo wife of ex-President Hayes. COLOSZL ItoiiERT O. I.GER80I.L will de liver an address at the unveiling of the Kit Carson monument at Santa Fe, li. M., about vemlcr 28. The President recently appointed ex-Secretary Hugh McCulIoch to be Secretary of the Treasury, and Secretary Walter Q. G realism to be Circuit Judge of the Seventh Circuit to succeed Judge Thomas Drum tnond, resigned. General Fit2 Jons Pouter was not Jong ago appointed Police Commissioner of New York City in place of the late Sidney P. Nichols. . The banking firm of Rothschild in London cmploj's women exclusively as coupon counters, and experience shows that they are far more reliable and in telligent than male employes. The newspapers of British India commonly speak of Englishmen as (lends, demons, robbers, and scoun drels, and are endeavoring, apparently, to incite the natives to rebellion. Boston has been greatly disturbed over the landinfrontof Trinity Church, called Trinity Triangle. It was ru mored that it was built up, but now the owner offers to sell it to the city for $18,000. The burrashuta, a carnivorous fly heretofore confined to South America, has made its appearance in Florida. Its bite, though not poisonous, is pain ful, and the loss of blood is compara tively great. On the occasion of the festivities of Courbairam in Turkey, the Sultan or dered that a number of sheep killed in fiaerifico at Yildiz should be sent to the different seminaries of Stanhoul for the use of the poor students living on the premises. Two Highland tourists lost their lives not long ago in Fingal's Cave. While they were standing on a ledge overlooking the water a wave of un usual volume swept over the slight iron railing running around it, and carried them into the sea. As a preventive of petroleum fires it is now proposed to place a bottle of ammonia in each barrel of the oil. On ignition, by accident or otherwise, the bottle would break, and the eflcct of Hie ammoniacal vapors would be to extinmsh the llames. One of the first couples which took advantage of the new French divorce law bore the name of Granville. The woman, who married at sixteen, ob tained a separation fifteen days after the wedding, and had been awaiting her divorce fifty years. Governor Stoneman, of California, has pardoned Isaac P. Newton, sent to State Prison in 1880 from Sacra mento County for eight years for grand larceny, on condition that he leave the State and never return. He js eighty-one years old ami health. in poor The chief object of interest in Ala- icda 'County, California, is the huge ine cellar being built by John Gal- legos, near San Jose Mission. Nearly one hundred bricklayers are at work upon the foundation and walls, and the accommodations of the town are taxed to their utmost. The cellar will cost $50,000. The old question of a speedier means of official killing than the blade or the noose is again being discussed in Eng land. The Lancet not only thinks that decapitation does not cause instant death, and that hanging: is torturinir slow, but that neither prussic acid nor electricity would be quick enough in fatal effect. Thomas Scott narrowly escaped be ing killed in Midland. O., a few days since by a black stallion known as the "man eater." The horse threw Scctt down and was gnawing hhn when Charles Oscar's bulldog Syke came to the rescue, and getting hold of the 'horse's nostrils, compelled him to re- f lease his hold. Bishop Coxe, of Western New York, says that during his twenty years of observation in that field there have been some improvements in religion and morality, but the increase of im piety and infidelity is, on the whole, appalling. "The most blasphemous publications are circulated, frightful atheism is uttered, and gross licentious ness abounds." A Dutchman lately bought a kitchea stove in Paris at an enormous price. When the stove.had to be fixed, after a long journey to Rotterdam, the manu facturer who was intrusted with that task declared the stove to be one that had been made in bis own factory. The Dutchman, nothing daunted, .pointed, to the French trade mark, but was undeceived when, after removing Ike little, iron mask, the metal trade rk, of ,thet Dutch manufacturer ap- iV X, T. M I.SCEI.I.A NTCOL'S. CONSWEitAW.E railway property belong ing to the Grand Trunk Hallway, at Lind say, Out., was destroyed by lire a few days ago. The freight house and shed known as the Whitby & Port Perry Storehouse, and occupied by the well-known commission firm, W. D.3Iatthews fc Co., was destroyed. James Bha.vdon, living two miles from Randolph, N. J., was murdered by his son Thomas a few days ngo. IJoth were drunk together a little while before the killing. The Belgian Liberals lately complained that the new Ministry is as Catholic as the old. The election resulted in the return of fifty-three Liberals and twelve Clericals. John M. Howards, a well-known young man of Fort Benton, Mont., was recently drowned whilo coming down the Missouri Hiver in a skiff. The skiff struck a snag. News was lately received by boat that roughs and whisky sellers were in practical possession of Michipicoton, on the north shore of Lake Superior. The detachment of police sent from Toronto wns too small to cope with the desperadoes, who kept up a reign of terror over the wholo district. The remains of the fourteen victims of the Youngstown, Pa., initio disaster were buried on tho 20th. The funerals were largely attended, and the services im pressive. Tho company defrayed all ex penses, and did everything possible to re lievo the temporary wants of tho Iwreaved families. There hnd been no well defined and accepted theory of tho oxplosion. The Coroner at Philadelphia, Pa., lately investigated the death of two boys, John Baker and James Clayton. It was known that Clayton was often seen at night stand ing under a gas light reading some thrilling novel to Baker, and thnt Clayton, after trvimr his pistol, said ho was coins to shoot some one, mid that when he shot he would shoot to kill. The jury gavo a ver dict of murder in Clayton's case, and found thnt Bnker camo to his death from a gun shot wound at the hands of Clayton. O.v account of tho shutting down of mills in Lewistou, Mo., recently, thero was con siderable distress among tho discharged operatives. Tho overseers of tho poor re ported that applications for assistance had increased rapidly. Forty persons left for Cauadn. Six mcmliers of the Salvation Army were sent to the penitentiary from Syracuse, X. Y., recently, for violation of n city ordi nance. They were released a few days ago under a conviction of Judge Kennedy thnt their decision was illegnl. Tho common council passed anew ordinance meeting the Judge's ruling. Tun steamer Xewburn, which arrived at San Francisco, from Gunynins, lately, brought news of disastrous storms on the const of lower California. The steamer Estailo do Sonorn, which left Mazatlan September 2i, with nineteen passengers and a crew of thirty-eight, wns believed to be lost, with all on board. This steamer was a Mexican coaster of seven hundred tons, owned by Don Jonquin Redo. In sured in San Francisco for 70,000. The American schooner Dora wns also believed to be lost. Another storm occurred Octo ber 7 and continued three days. Twenty houses on Capo St. Lucas were destroyed and a great number of cattle wero killed. Nino Mexican coasters were lost. Each had from three to livo persons on board. All perished, excepting one sailor and one boy. The storm was the most violent ever seen in those parts. The steam ferryboat Joseph C. Abbot burned to the water's edge on thoKentucky side of the river, opposite Madison, Ind., lately. The boat was owned by Wnltor and Joseph C. Abbot, and valued at $0,000; uninsured. Tho origin of tho lire was un known. Geouge Sudenja, a young German em ployed in tho Fenninich Starch Works at Peoria, 111., met a horrible death a few days ago by being caught by a revolving wheel and drawn up to the shafting. Nearly every bone in his body wns broken. The store of A. B. Smith, at Rockaway Beach, L. I., was entered by burglars re cently. Tho safe was broken and a largo amount of Ropkaway Improvement Com pany's bonds, several hundred dollars in cash and other valuables wero carried off. A large brick building In Chicago, at tho Southeast corner of Lasallo and Michi gan streets, recently burned. Tho build ing was occupied by Fisher's Cigar Box Factory, tho Campbell Printing Press Com pany and by a Barbed Wire Company. One man was killed by jumping, and two others were smothered on the stairs. Tho factory girls on tho upper floors escaped with tho greatest difficulty. In the high est story was a chewing gum fnctory at which a number of girls worked. Eigh teen young girls from this story, panic stricken, came down pell mriJ, and when within twenty five feet of the ground, the last eight jumped to the pavement, falling in a con fused heap. Miraculously none were se riously injured except three, who received painful cuts and bruises. The losses and insurance were: Building, loss, $13,000; in surance, $no,000: Campbell Printing Press Company, loss, $ir,000; insurance, $10,000; Schnabel & Co., barbed wire, loss, $W,000; Mgfc, frea. IforOrkKN, taraa of her craw, e ta gafcia paaa, The KaMga waa aaa skip which broagal NEBRASKA STATE KEWS. M1XT HMW. fact WMiinu taw. ti FmMMmAI JUH UTEJUl ' jmiita3 fltw Cuwtt4 fr tk A I Snwrf TU IMttmlaf- tfc Jthrt OarAxiul Cl 4 Trt 4 ffc Pr NxtW-TM yr WMk la Sttcfct -Wkt OtKrr C-Ut mtn tl Wtja;oy, D CO?tr3L. A ptrson traTelfjj rUlro4 fe pTo4 isi ? Ww fo Tic Director of the Jftat la aU a&ae! , consrnuUUoa ticket !r?4 jo AnctWf 11 H"sA' '. .,. . jj . .... t-mrr && ou-irm &b3 - rnVCKT I OS At Norfolk recently Mi IUxer wm es gts&l n drcMln a chicken. She twk niece of paper, and, Uchtlnr It wa jrtnr- Idaao, recatly pabliiaed, skewed lac pop- f W &c. L !?. T COmme I . i j i . x. ber clouims and et it on fire Iytnr br been wiped oat, and asJ property kai Qi mlod m OOJbe J I Increased .V) per ceat. over but year. Ts hm -. , i1M. -fMr,- ,. .u . ! export of minerals for the fiscal year t3Ised and h- aack aad left Udc horrlblT report for tfce last cI year, mjs: pm caa not necotpr dmr for in 7W0X. borsed. Tbc eepojlt of jrold derlss taa jr Ju" rwwiri ihroo-b ta &ri$a S!050BBwo50U,onceceIebrtItKn Ctr0Rnm j, toe dx.yww smoeeKi to C,C,C73, of which tV 'f the company p la ! fejr U .,. diel at the Everett Hon, New York, oo V?1'ZTY T .flUf?, t-Z ftvi .- Z .tl. -!. ,.-,. I rne tWR Io-a to :, r 4 Octolier 30, from internal betnorrhagc. H rtn .h. fni, plrifl-"wa" f-.. aJih fW .li-r nntrhA fnr !. aa d-- a" ".. - ! "" bad been ailing for some time, but his death at On.aha the otttrnlghL Thn child w posited for bar atnouotrd atlu islc was not anticipated. lie was "without rd- mi: to ted In x loom In the M-mad ssonr. nia ta tiSltrf wUck Brt fca , ., r . . - - t. -.-- -- aitres tn America. i Shortly alUrwanto, Ma aMHMT kaata Mai ftl,$ti. Ex-GovKiixor. Moses, of South Carolina, ' screrllfca4JaIlaJgataaa spid aad llrr Ac- who was lately under arret. charre.1 with , rawa' ' 'umau ii) EiiacA. tc posted aad Mrcaail. l&clBtfia re- JhCkM nifr. mJliUlfs i- . a- .ri'rn irr w I& fsvk'-4 ' m2' eHl horriolj bara4 aad 411 afcoat daposlu, was &T,$5$,1& bMC Wt idalzht. ItUtbourhth aot aat of bed 1 u wme aa darla tat tevloas Ttir. nlf cot to thejfrate, where hialtt-f Ta eol&iz amontl ta 37,S,2I, of w mv on ure. mhch f ?7,32,S.t were oW, fiS,77J,M7 Aivrsr of m Omaha batel rerrnUy It a-ver, the latter, except a bo at 75,0s, w, ortrcoat, two coats aad a oid wafl Wallfcr dollars, aad 1.174,503 ui wnor W)'i:4nthedkaoneBtyafipaaa'i. The colase of gold wx abet aaric; " A "' " J fS.000,000 lesa tas drlag th previoa teRon II.U.L, of Omaha, knd his "sister ;( fear. wfrvjrtnUy tilled at North Adaa. Mm laadditloato th colstse caccated wi iieaut ridfnc in a bony, which was run for the Gorcramcat. 1,000.000 in silrer Int ' 1 rallraid passcefer train. were .-track at toe Sia Frascisco Mist 1'iqkn: Coutty was reccnuy treated to a ? xtawanao uoTcrumesb tUf ht Jnow strra. ' Besides (ho waaulacturw of cola, jfold Mil Dr. iJciitol and child were re- bintot ! of Si,S7jS,J8S, sad U ten rownlfrom Uicir buggy by a ran-1 Ver "ol thevalaa ot ay,.2l, -wcrs 'wivftorc kt Lincoln, and Ute lady Pepfi ibe ailat. aad asar oflws. aaidrd sexck injuries, both leg beinj Gold Lars wrre paid out la xcbuse for tovYtn aJd coin durlsg the jear undrr the pro- AKlnaliaaornamftlDoujlavi recently tv'Io of ctf "! ?. l' wenAFa daac Lnl took a pistol with hint l h JL, S25'00'000: ? Sildogonthe sidewalk he concluded fxccs l?'m? ol J01 KAbcajfoxIJoketoshoothlro.",oa. containts ,-J5,0OO,0OO worth of taw, nf to ihiII the pistol from his jacket K'?f. aaU moro tbu 13,200,000 wor h the l5nd not Oie dot; was shot The dog ' oi "' . we" 'tflDJ at l? JcC9trIc? llfe oui the bej may die. , conncctrd with the mints aid New York IjAMEi HAKmt. of Blue IIHL aped, M.liy. ?.?51 .......... ..,. A.trJ,hta painter by tto. reeenUy thtZ VnSSiSSS a month. The number of sl!re dollars dls'rlb VeddutlDttthereircxc edtrd ft 1 7.000.000. As the train j It U estimated ihil thu tnta! anion it In M svpwacn nij a orjUge me engineer saw activ, circulation on tl lt of October, i uTtwumi uio uACJvauu immK-umwiy j i5gt rXceeded 1,000,000, beluc an in- aiifcni enirme anu eav ner sipam. . . -. an nnn nru . . n Zl.K,a BlrT hn hrfr,.MInn w !.. "' '".U.V UCr IU prCU.UK c fh" ""' - . .. uiv , vonr d trucks jumped from the track. swindling Itcv. Dr. P.exfonl, Her. Mr, tcrbury and other, at Detroit, Mich.,' cently attejnptvl suicide by hanging self in his celL He was cut down an rented for attempting bis life. Charles 5eal, a young man of H III., recently took his gun and went to timber near the house to kill a coon. A tie while after he was heard calling help, and was found lying on the grojfjl wiuj his jsw urQKCQ ami uia J it j-g irw tured tetween the knee ami thigh. He baal evidently climlMsl the tree to knock ate coon from the limb, and bad fallen aboil forty feet. Dii. Carver's rccnot visit with a coa, Iany of cowboys to Hamilton, Ont., !rt a)' the small boys to lassofug. The result wti" that a small loy named John Carv wiat lassoed by his companions and draggaif along the ground some dintnnc?, receiviaf Kiirh fii5nri-M thnt !ir diil unfm nitt-r. 3? A pas.sknoer traiu on the Atchisoj Topeku cc Santa re Railroad, near hocorrof X. 31., wan recently fired Into by a band masked men. One woman was killed, an u.. . r.. ...n.i ...j.i. :. . n-. ,.. ., , , .,,. . . , .cauimttd suJcklisat St. JoseplL jio. .SheniT and a ikjHbl- of ilftv men starte! lam r n pursuit -1 3 tempt was made the other night A PitifloxEK nerished in the burninir laiK !'& "ck;U.,9 throuKh ptwenger train on the nt. v.umrin, Mt. r,w .iv ... it aV0! cHic, mar bcijuyler. uw -.-. va .. . w - ....UHrkV w ' w supposel that he himself fired the building. A Union Pacific engine at Omaha wax recently engaged in pushing six empty cars, when it left an ojhiu switch In tb yards and plunged down a high embank ment into tho river. Roth engineer and fireman were killed, the former outright and the latter scalded to death after an hour's excruciating agony whilo pinned under the wheels. Tho reutKmsibility for the accident could placed. A komu recently exploded accidentally at Peoria, 111., killing two members of n Democratic club. Emil Lindstrom, a boy of Keokuk, la., was out playing with Eddie Lardon, a few days ago. Tho two went to shoot some chickens with a revolver, when Eddio was shot and died from loss of blood before he could get home. It could not le found out whether ho was killed by his own or his companion's carelessness. James, an old and well-known surveyor A hattle with tramps recently took plnco at Weatherford, Tex. Four tramps took osession of a freight car destined for In diiiiia. A man called "Old Rlack Sam," switchman, and Ulen White, another em ploye, hnppened to come upon the gang when a skirmish took place and resulted in tho capture of the tramps, who were armed to the teeth with knives. Adata m tfcf opinion rarf ajr the i ajott of the kwt?r ecmn. ,aiax lis onlr rritxn rxUivt Wtcca and the rora, nnv hA-tar bcn dati br fraud. h ran nt li aUowea" to k-1 cp that rUt$oa aali tho ixmpatif a a b. nt r- RriNrti He wa. thea. at th Ut i lMMerir. i Use far wiw ;a rat a p.cnp?r, aa I iUkhs: law rl: us WirTv at an n uo . it U U ntvean that a pirin . faru to It rntuied to launch. a tiaVrnjr it tttac"!cau y, ifJbG has tho on8t of t: aar. la:riv tfai-L ibi rm will claim tint a saor tr- tr ha suih rgh. aal It y r to us t b well Mt-Ufc! tkat M4Rtf obtained bv frami ! cftttabv IStaiIU;,, 4.n or CK!itnor. lu laaft tho hrl eutn o( )atmn I wtja a .rt ben. irwvklwl due dli- f,f O urn ixva" ui wawii; mv lifl, lh, ialo tru s rTpsrd.' trl UfTA, Jii mortjjno on thv iatbrttl'sal pifcrty' oi on tortar a for- d. aad both an liuitviuttAt crvu.ior a Iir crvnl t r cla.rnel tk r-!u v. K th had udxis-nt. ta-InUor If first enterwL 1 ho fornwr thed sipr'f rencv a an indiviwal b'.or, but tfs dcfeatotl. awl carr od ( tcai. i The Dlrrtnp tliriiti. th nrnrfnrt'An at Shelby ville, Ky.,recently died, fofjbarn nf a number of stacks of hay and : with tramps recently took plnco Brtfej; r.i Da!,e .ca himself and MiavjriiMHW, wuo wns iateu nome in a uy inaioaditiaii. A posse arrested the Dane nnwJttaf tjhhn to a tree. TaTK ecnfiittee having In charge the pro posal XiUiadiht College north ot the Pintle bawl decide) that any bid for the seminary, in oilier h receive the attention of the Com mliilon, inut not be less than 20,000 in cast. or It? univalent in endowmenL build- The Vermont Legislature lately appro- inirs- Jaul4-subiect to the annroval of the priated ",(KX) for the Suite exhibit at the CoiMBifMioiu They also decided that one coming world's Exposition nt Jfew Or- j hundred ,,rok were neccssan for college or leans. ; scmMMry irojmK and that not less than A I'AiiTY of whito men, near Portland, ' Ore., recently murdered two Indians by ! i ji . crawnng up 10 meir camp aim snooting them. It caused great excitement. Yellow fever recently broke out on the west coast of Mexico in a most malignant form. Tho City of Colinm, 1.4.10 feet nbo ve- the sea level, was attacked, also the City of Manznnillo. 1 roicht the train to a standstill and It , nt th i- ,. .,- ri.-., ki-L- ... ..- M .. --a .t . n - t. j " " uiwva v .. uuitvu v7.v.i ivi viiu li uw uiai jui uits cars reniaiuvu ahic 1 th.i'rails. After the scare was over It .dkcavered that four tics had been ie i uiio tne east enu oi me ormgc in 'manner as to prove a very danger- ak-.tictIon. They were placed there e ;einl. The cars were tllliMt with ;es and the escape from a fearful y was miraculous. na oeen oegnn in me umieu aiaies Cirt at Omaha by Henry Christian- his minor son. John Christianson. htTJnion Pacific Ilailway, to recover, i personal damages, caused by the of i leg in a railroad accident in Octo- 1SJ, fear Otto, in Wyoming. .T St. Selena, a short time since, John iaa, rxiptinaster and Deputy Sheriff of C)itaty, attempted to arrest a Dane lift starts 'uwd be sanctioned by the Com uii.-sia.,ai: is is expected that the school willavnahulif require this full amount for nbsoJaie us i lMaUOR.wiin largo numbers are still jonribg Int Jlorth Nebraska. TMf'i)fii-i4 County Pioneer furnishes the UowIiik ipeelmen wheat yield: John I YiiK-efcMttA wiles northwest of town, has I ..-.,!. .tit..'! .I.t.-' ..:!. 1 ...1 . .. The Governments of Spain and Portugal ''. ".' ".SfO? " VS& J'K"' !, u.i- lately combined to oppose the right of the Berlin Conference to deal with the territo rial claims ot 1'ortugal tn the lower Congo yield A C1 .1 At- - A country, onuiuti ine eoniereuce persist m discussing the (piestion of her claims in thnt country, the Spanish and Portuguese J envoys say that they will withdraw from that body. A BOLD robbery was committed recently near Brooksville, Ind. An old mnn 13' the name of Crane, a bachelor, lived alone. Three men entered his house, knocked him down with a tire shovel and tied htm. They then went through tho house and secured about $T00. Tho thieves searched through tho house, but without finding $1,000 more, which was stored away in an old lioot. The old man managed to cut his bonds and give the alarm, but too late to capturo tlt6 thieves and recover the monev. insurance, $10,000; Fisher & Co., cigar boxes, loss, $13,000; insurance, $10,000. The Rising Fawn Furnace, owned by Senator J. O. Brown, of Chntanooga, Tenn., lately announced a reduction of ten per cent. The ninth annual meeting of the Ameri can Academy of Medicine began a few davs ago in Hopkins' Hall, John Hopkins' Uni versity, Baltimore. Several valuable pa pers were read. One of the objects of the association was stated to bo to encourage young men to pursue regular courses of study in classical and scientific institutions ! before entering upon the study of medicine. The J. "W. Ranken Company, a large London firm of East India merchants, went under because of the Chinese "War. Two men by the name of Steiner were recently arrested at Flora, III., for counter feiting. News recently camo to Galveston, Tex., that tho schooner Lucy, loaded with S30 ADDITIONAL DISPATCHES. M. SEXECnAL, President of tho North Shore Railroad, was fined $00 or two years' imprisonment in Jlonmwl, recently1 for bribery of electors in County Vercher res at tho last Provincial election. Ben Heffnek, n farmer living near Westminster, O., lately shot his wife and tried to kill his .son, daughter and daughter-in-law. He was put in the Cincinnati jail, and is believed to bo insane. Davenport, Io.. wns recently infested by burglnrs. T. W. McLelland, a wealthy citizen, had an encounter with two of them at his residence and was seriously wounded. Two arrests were made. A serious panic occurred a few days ago nt the Star Theater. Glasgow. The per formance had proceeded without interrup tion untU shortly after nine o'clock when some person shouted lire. The whole au dience instantly rose to their feet and made a rush to the several exits. The great mass of people in the pit rushing therefrom met a crushing crowd jouring down from the gallery. The fearful and fatal block was followed by wild shrieks of agony and despairing cries for help, which could not then be answered. The mass of panic stricken and struggling humanity were appealed to by officers of the theater and by the police to hold back, but the appeals were unheeded. The crazed crowd frantically passed toward the outlets, trampling down and over the weaker ones, until the street was reached. When tho theater was finally cleared the corpses were found on the stairs leading from the gallery and twelve persons were so seriously wounded that thev could not live long. The house had sideriw iki noreage, of any farmer in the cmiutfMrilti State. From 145 acres he ins tqpMhei loot :M'3l bushels, an average if o rfitwenty-seven bushels per acre. ftXJie 'WiHttt was sea island, lie has also thresbe.'l cut 1,000 bushels of barley ami 4 0t! bushel of oats, and has sixty acres of linoTpom. ln all ho farmed the past season f375) rires, from which he has guthcroa!tt,33l tkishels of small grain, with about nttObastels of corn yet to gather. A rAatnueirj: by tho name of Sclmltz was rccaaur tilled near Uinaha Dy fallinc r wagon and having his neck .1 f-F f Xts aad William Malone recently tfe(:$4nnficld Hotel, Omaha, anil Ks when they went to bed. iy tfcy were discovered nearly tmi reives were saved by the YC ' T . . Apr,ex-ircasareror Dixon unm ade a dinal settlement with the Natnlsloners, the latter accepting !4ee 1 ft one hundred and sixty acres of awdr'wlifth will be converted into a county fjborflrjh, and thepayment by the bondsmctiaf &;00 in cash. As a patty of banters were recently driv ing in a ufitgon 5if r Wakefield, a ten-yeai old soh otJS. FiKich got In the back pari of the waftii to rile, and trie jolting of the wagon cntawd aiieif the guns to go off, in- flictmg a strum il painful wound in the boy's tfueeR'vbVb, may cripple him foi lif.. i ; Tun citf Una trim ahout from a broken. Pkti: stopied blew on lhe no dead, a closest s B.H ty, lately Board of a warran calendar year IBs! at: Gold, -.y,000,000, aud silver, f 18,000,000, which Is about 91,000,000 less In go d and not quite $20,000,000 more InteHvci than daring the previous year. Prrous aud firms en gaged in the manufacture and repair of articles of oruamentatlou In the United States, It Is t-stlmated, consumed during the year 20,000,000 worm of precious metals. The Dlrcctoi estimit the amount of coin in the country on October 1st, 1891. to have been: Gold, 557,000,000, Lvrr, 257,000,000; a total amount of 814, 000,000. The total amount of specie and paper of all kinds ued as mouey in the United Slates on the first of October, 1884, the Director estlracs at 1,800,000,. 000, being au increase of more than 75, 000,000 compared with ths amount which was in the country at the atuu date of the pievlous year. Of this amount 502,000 was iu i he Treasury aud 61,301, 000,000 In banks and in general circula tion. Deducting the amount held by National Hanks leaves about 1,034,000, 000 In the hands of the gcuerat public aud in banks other than N ttional. The production of the precious metals In twen y-ono countries, appears to have been for the calendar year 1883, about 91,000,000 of gold and about 114,000, 000 of silver 4,000,000 less In gold, md a like amount greater iu silver than was reported for the previous year. Tho coluage for 1883 In twenty of the princi ple countries of the World, amounted to more than 101,000 000 in gold and 112, 000,000 In silver. Of the .-diver coinage marly one-fourth was executed tu United States, and two-filths by Mexico and In dia. In the coinage oi gold, the United States still stands first, Germany follow ing a coinage of 821,000,000; us. tralia 10,000,000, and ltusia 12,000, 000. Alter deducting the specie hcd in the banks ;.! National Treasuries, the rt per and pccle lu active circulation among the people of thirty-nine principal countries of the world during the year Is shown to hive a uouutcd to moru thau 8,000,000,000. THE XATIO.YS WAKO. b. cl cr lh M! im cr bar tSi fr b twtfe&tJH! frT Ibrfw k tnX ! a ftrtfTs ttrWa; drtaT h ln f iu John Tyler satc4 M f r4h rV &l tco; hr t th Wa4p UiMt la 142. Drr n? hns!rp4 tbaJ fi of a fibvr p44V f M? Tafwr" 1 t4 t;ar M. nnwt4 Prf Jh ! x Csbca U ho Wait Ha!. Jaw bl m Eitt4. .-t3MMf Jmrm It I J lbt it 1TKT PvpI tKtal 'mid " jWh! J llngl ton t K-rv!ta awl Tri. aavx w vra f thrt Uwal ! ; transit xro writ ta thai mm&j vxcy '. )ar. Nt S Mr. Sailiwiatik Mr ClnirHa4un n ntaU ? mmmjv x her ja ta t tawc a.a ka Wa4iwJttB. Hr mwa Ja ricat yoar njfri a hijch a 4t m haad dUar a var. Jtt'tk MiU"c U aitt tat b AUim U--,bm haw W brwihw . yvmm CtHJti vU tb t ! Mw h af Um tmly immboc m bavaw!H Hrjft a waU-itttr oi md vmI aalatrtl miK Jihn Mcii&wasjii.wsx -1 f wins. 1oera Ui a a eawtiri- (m tiu thU tHrtd of Kt 1W Hk w tta.tatM a M(4asr a lUHkH lotnrn. At a of b rr. rwM r a Phibtittb (a tasHMtrf .. I .. -... ..I - -. - .J.4... ( Htiuvl All RDiimin M H .1 li tM) im , I in.!nn ItnM ! fii rufiiAff nun ui Indiana, wbrrw tho ' Virstnio." M U Uruia a ntunl. on tho !ollt- ; molar n. aW Uw aet-r. " ! t oimloa "It s not UouMctl that jwuhht. hj k HHk-. u u wu m.- l eneral ntlo 1- that tKirtrntmhlt : thMiaaad sin as." nnr;l la mn itoriak postponed a t.nndaidual j aSrr- ,, know ,l nt. ' pnenytiand mditMual crcHlltM pro- j w"n miaor, "ior i iHiiiajw feraVd Huttn.s 'neral rtitudoas not : . Mi jYm. . v aPy whetV belt h.- by lU'lirtiKHit rinlfrd croi in of the indnidual dobl." f CK UiMtv LIA11IL1TY OV. InfUocaai of li.tnk vs. t'Uke, tho Supastie Court of Now Hantplilre helilc b'tat la a mi t against tho Mtnrk. holdfrtof a corjo:n?ion under tho tnt uie. It 1 r;ni whethor a debt for hired manrv, lor the recovery of whlcl Uto irau is brought, ttxi tovond rer ot ine onoraufMi io con ic tho ab.v n -f o Ira id or ol.u- 1 the Mart f tho plaint l. If rotation nveivud ami url tho it's moiie. it ! al-o hunt atonal flhcdeul w:n contractod bv prorwr.y ntith muA or nou It vctiao Ij the mattilciinnee of suit that tho platntitr havo iced an a -Ihui at law against xrat on to- tln ro ovorv of tho bt; nor arc thuy oblil to lirt their r m'dy ajjuiiot tin on the note before tmllltiir on the siof kholiier-i. COItl'OfAMOK lieon obLtaiwl J I lln V"hntJer. ihe p-itowi, a) 4 prior to ium tnnt ta h.s i-n-in w wtMn a ita . inu m tract tion the cfr iilnini .!.. J.. hiiuuk oil! ceil is no au such com in m the cob same dk ehau euretUl i knon a owl rwinHMtl With Um Wi. I not I'Vfti a . .rttntrv ttbtor. SaVdM at ; own knw m !,rt but two or tbrwt wii ktuiwn lltiiar) papyri and nmpiimH w?to pt hId A HtUo rrl f hr ! own ajj unt to a bK Hutru and. 1 oopiod i4f tar atl'JhwfMj's of owral f thiMti. aud Ue nl out (khimm tu mmmi if them, cMUt nt lnuting tw ttdHwr u .itHi thmr pafHtr a wy for thi K?nt If lh wiro avptmb Tbo virv llrt on ut t reHudei favor- In t U)m lierne, peals li sUiiute oranl hi;r tra upon, m ha; as valuabl issueil,t when n without thin mu quireme plcle, to reco jfrecis'ly dntv m Item From the AkiiuhI Iloport of lndhtu Coiumlstioner l'rlcr Two Citt a Hay ta Clothe and Feed the Indian. Washington, D. C, October 28. Commissioner Price, In his annual report, says that the appropriation made last year, after deducting transportation, etc., left ouly 7 per capital io clothe aud feed the Indians,, or a traction less than two cents per day. The Commis sioner state very emphatically that thin amount I inadequate. Inspecting the Court of Offenses, established last year, the Commissioner says: At ever" rnroncy where tho court ha boou estat)liliel, it has been well received, and the decisions or the judci respectfully ao fiuiesccd in. mid quietly and ixi jeablr en forced. A r. some ot trio ajjenclc ihl court , contract of ii;t IK.-UU iu?)niiiicutMi in Hinjii?uuiY many m : r.i. - ....... liJUUl'Ul the book. A recc Court of scnsibilitt' cans it tl remain Keystone thev do n based on kltf 1 nLara Hold, .Mil oDitiion. tti belon to except ona acts of the bi shown t husband t long to ti! r.tOJii iua-pri tr roi'K. u recantiv uernied ol i n. :fiiial Hunk of Now b-j New tork Court of An. k that n provision in tho tSiilerwhioh a rortior.nttoti is f or in its by-lnws nt-iutr-fr rs of i! t4Hti' to b Hindu d when' lh ownr of ioek ncil and tra tis: erred for a considernttoii thu certificate h in, at d tho corporation lusted ti uiiiLo the Iran -fur alitl n-aion refuo U do so. its to a w.uver of the r tA and I'm transfer u c.m- J the torpor.itiou litiiid I o tho title of the asigne Ija same a- .1 t had doim it jjailc the pn'ptr ontH upou wirf;?a Aicsi.vfiH opiahm of tho Suprmnu 'ennsyhanit will .shm-k tie 4 n fair ur tided iieipo, bo- . . - - .- OHeUif laet tnat thuru v t IlUl('imUS. - Several vuiui; lri baro lxw a pointtni Malum ntiU In ,MiiiMtn, and iMigltMr nru .piilaT ft ahurp ! lookout for mitplncoil w itho. i t.oorgo -Vi. I take uj mv vilhi ' for my own anmmriit otminaUy. but 1 never piny l:oro oompnay ' i Tout - "Thank vmi. my dir fttliow. thank you, thank you'' j Wry bljs by - "Pleant, Mfc Illank, I don't tlotik fathor would Ut to h,tf . mo koji': in nflr obod. "Why not. If ho know It U lor brnkht tb rulus?'' Ib boy - "ThU N leap ywir. you know." She lot him oT luulei. lHt C'u. -i ki it a panysniai ooritrnet outweeu tlio lablnl to tti Mipoi riMpuetlvely of a man and ronton or two women, " says an ehnnjj. Sho! Wo alway MipKMl it wai jtt a rljfht smart smack. -ttoUon $tnr. I A vury iitnall Iwiywas ilrlvinjjneow f along; a country road. ShHiikui into ' a corner of tin fenvo, a Utiod nty huh called out: 'ikiy, dow thnt w ivr liurt jMMjpbf?1' .SuolHn witft .wi.ort an ce, tJij little Uy awrwl. ornKfiijj- ly. "soiuetiuiM alio dow'u -tuMUn Uaijt. ! "It ! nol every ni who enn , dawnre. It wpilni bwan. I xmrv ou. "I dm 1 ttir von. Mr ii lablnl apprMiiaetnttAihmI r or and inforlor tia!lnrioi Ihe.litntute booU of the H'c Mlvn." repU d Ml Hruijer. " I ,. '.... ...I.: i. c. ' .. .1.... l..l .1... Jr.. .t . someth u mt.v tht tion of 20.C Hut turtif bles of all ities iu Norl Thkkb ai erance from vorce in the! Thk taxt County on and telecrar 520,000. Wakkfiki direction of : TlIOfSANIlj are beinj; dial fall. lHi:rxo tlu hometendetl State. BURGI.ARS i A r.AXG of report etl to IhjS They estimate! and when it isi the way from of the estimate Iiik storv t mtirtiereil her y of Lincoln will con- lies, showing a popula- tfb been condemnetl as unsafe for rapid exit. unfounded aftt Considehable excitement was recently caused at Winnipeg, JIan., over the flogging f rf n n'impr. Sflltl tO lw tlli first flr-Mr' I w .J...- . -- -- oe....n ever witnesel in that vicinity. The cir cumstances show it to have been a very brutal case. John JlcConnick, who came Mamtobato from Fargo some ago, was con- j victed of larceny and sentenced tci eight months imprisonment. While j working about the jail he bolted. but was recaptured hi half an hour. At- tornev-uenenu jLimer urueicw iu uoiec j avim .mm lashes, twelve of which were given before ; found in the w nil the prisoners in the jail-yard. A cat- dered and dicti a tion. i he mail her is said to libel. Waijh) Ly( Lyons, in Durt seventy-four, walks o life. A Bi-un mar leans Exjosit:oa weishmc eight The bedy of man who ocar Ci )tatoes and bis vceta- the boasts of all local- Nebraska. icouples awaitintr deliv- ls of matrimony by di- Dodfce County. the railroads in Dodcc f-bedsand rollini;-stock lount to a little over iking a move In the etion. irs worth of fruit trees through the State this ir more la ml has been ka thau In .any other ill (naif rod SKituliers an tale In Pierce County. tal a very low figure. Dnnr in a bill all times the amount Hill, of Talentlne, ves io nave oeen jh legal investisa- kle comnlaint asainst irrest for criaftnal of the town ef! thf m(if imrharnim and iwmilun vitntn I that have existel nmoae the Indians from t ti- u that tin lime Immemorial: an I If I'rwperb' eneour- t At An In that the Government Is honest In its en- k riffllt to UC dcavors to promote their welfare, and Intel- ai-ll collate EiViL "TIrr1""rS.,"'l ril?l" : the note out uu.itLo3i.Hh customs or tfat imn danc. .-jin i dorser s duti4 to My the n'd. aad nxAlicasaynkro me count eralt. -Suprni Ccrt of lennsyl vamo. saw a tloj: loail thu (nnnn toe othr dnv. ' "rhittWHvowvtranfi. Whn wasit;, "On FoiiMuetUli strw L. The Gunnnn wa tiluiii.M.v. ). Tiw. Why ho tlew. - I n't -Ur.' in? nng "an 1 fctv mp InyV w lo lunito l rour v A wJ tb-. (Iwi. tl nlaht -7H1 TtftM U'lj A wy mtn tho tAr lit 3U?. I wli wjVo cit't lsr till Um tiwnttnf tar MII Vrtr in tho K.t-rt k" ' Hut ff .iiiln't; th .Jr k ut taoa .nd mmn low hlji mJ thUk. "Con hinan. w 'utu nrt at our oue Mri, Jlrijwn. nnd as arf JjjlWb woman lxirn mvoIf. Irn mxv I 'am uorsaiicnt tneaiM 'that tho I l'I"r tMw alxjul the -ohlo ab; inn i,onI a rnerry tiMn ins, Mr, ilrown. 1 can't no tnorv do It than I can olp br atbin hair. u-n a I am wav cuard "orsiMKir conductor, 1 should av look at no n(iukvi. tU. ta'.d nncimcnt- whi h. if savor oi onrjnnjiii, wiru e?l 'l mjutic. Uro-lv rsylvan a's Miprcui hodr o i axon uiMivcnn u.y t thufearninzs of tin wfo u huabatid av. in certain iasca.s . uicu in van- uh (eibl and unlets It can .1 there was "tft by tuo wile her i Y xori:- iNuoiwr.n. ariiinjrii jj. An indorJiron avpronibsory iiot U tain a urMv. Tli e piiy tli sdim condl- nnicerj or a ce tor doei r:r 1 a nou ha no til tllia the hobbr shn:l hi hil'ji'w,ion and pay f $uTroi-i'.I I he hi- u dance, and war dance will tx? entirely abo- j then he hi laueu. The report refers briefly to tre fact Oat the Indians are taking advantage, ol the law allowing them to make home stead entries aud ecure laud by allot ment, and s ivs that the total Indian pop IMP A written a written stil ulation is 203,749; that ot the $5,503,104 ' cached in a appropriated for the Indian office, a ba! , extraneous evj a cc oi VJtio.ess i- unexpenoeu; tnat ine results altaiueJ In Indian education arts regarded as entirely satisfactory, tnere be ins 'a considerably Incrvascd attend ancc at all schools, especially at th. boarding schools. j? The report shows that the death rate increased over the previous year, whlsh j is aiiriDuica io toe severe winter. The Commissioner recommends a ensure in tne raanser oi maktag appro- in?, s.mplv f barred bv tb l'ierce vs. i' JSew ilamnsh MOirmw.i: The Supre cmj of trnest I the aairnee . i mortgagor h the del HIJ AW ,!. ijimoj law nwnnl upon nsaom. can nol torn- actiowTat law pn it bv ncaviior any proceed the ailowam c of crmjs jata4 f Im.taiion, e, Mipr me i ourt or tH . 1 C,Wt$ K A .-J CSKK. "3Ta ense. Iritiuus av s .v luun tuc ucKiujnui i , ilj)t Hi Willi W discretion la their dlsnurssraeat. e handj 0f l foartof I'cnn tjvanla. r. Iioa r., noio mat iiora e.unl-s the ojkkI hime.x from ,,i it jmoe t to all ih you know, ma'am. 1'rn that Hint rid I don't know wYther I'm on my 'oil or my VtjU' 'fiud; -"I havo rome, sir. Ui aSc ton for yonr tUj;htr hand." "I bn? vour jtanton' What namoithl you ay?A "I hare nol hail the ii3?aurrj of matins vou ctc;t nually. Sir tKitno I Smith." Ilavf'you anr tlftnri?" i nnalnlyi you'r ilauh?or." "O. thank you: it L o jrood of yoo to ak me. H i imtuh taat vou dn't i4op with her. Take her. " I don t know you. hut I MipjHv you'll Iiv In tb? houM?. and w'JI havj an opprwinlty to become Iwtter ac,uabte.L (JooJ morning." chicnifo Trtbtitw. . Uridie Oxer Ike Stoil. f Hmlnu Kzzinsn The Saprerad Omxhx. 2(B- Octcbarz?. InformatioB U received of the accJ- f of tbc omdm; 1.nll .l..tV, r 4Tr.. 11.(1 f..m.l. rJ I ltWcen X8C Oi ,x . j., . .! ... .' i altkonzh on e VU.-U., HHiui r aearort Au, , aoth .. j DS ... U.K, Uj ... gutew uent in traia waile croasiaf tae traca la a ba gy. llail aad hots legs brokea and his skull Jraciarid, aad hut slter kul b r per ot tne town ei.2akatlcraad. Titry were the oaiychll b5jI,yL8 dre ! a azT widow atUaiferd, ilUUCl BUU 111 Wl, , - . . v,t.,ana were oa t&elr way aofa. Uaii the Xew Or- tormcriy eaaployel far aereral yVar reefeet lose and j a bookkeeper for Dafkahnr Brother., -half pocatis. the Iricaaa wa ins takea to the sabaeofteaUy sua aai wat- o'-nine tails was used. ilcCormick was stripped to the buff. Snow was decend ing heavily. His back was fearfully lacer ated and "salt water was then applied. Miller was denounced on all hands for bar barity. Tue Savannah, Ga., through freight train on the Central Road, lately collided i I .. ---.- .1 mu .:.!, j wiui a wav ireignc oa oauu ni" u. mc, A vxnr nice-U coundenced Char cue of the roads money was loanu bond. A.YOUXG nan senting a CJitcasol lesteiiatortli 1) he had vaztli: colli railroad sew axeaU ktrre. . ft JWV'J, . . . s . viwiniaHai v . or judgmeat oi f i ore. i yrrr rxn i In clcxntrli takea by a jur I la the oitiB;o' Ua;3STii.aa a. I: it mi sot ap the oltcer &i fir a part Scalar c A.-iSIiS Faxtiea to aa profrrtjr wh I raac al fmx expea. aa ilac4 ia the caaaara. tnava cmm ftisi 1 :g 1 ' '3fe i .. ii . i..i ' and killed Phil Young, train hand, and se-1 "i"- iJU "uu rinuslv rnnndml two others, and alsc I IRAlEin fires - - - - ... . j -. Cuao. OcK&erif. The Mppifec cat i-a luuml lor tbeXilex)iditteaarearrlviBS l W4y recently Ha.fa la a very caf ard war. There are aatafKWon'iiJaacBMcaaBUUcaof oa c Uxt ol OaMtta. T articles, urn aaaa at aU 1 tav ' H ..Jam. m.M' 'Aji WtW jk.. tnnia wb t, 4 , la4 aMaaceaieat hi that the tre I ".&. i wUf b aVariTHi af tahacra aaJ of aaaxf JTXt .. - -r. .-r- - .77 - . wasarH aci ' -Taa Caaatfiaaa aav jaC AMrMwaa tfaty becaaga 1 wrtvawaarway aa rerai)a taK kai ijraiaa rjliir ; m. .. a -..- - . - -- ir --- 'v- "-- -Pi xwmiwt wtHMtw.a hhtwi wsi crcaa ac ,ataavNMr . la. - m. " m"-.-m... S .! - . - J i-iK.wiiirvii mi jmiw- mr wjiw - UMtaficaal f - - 1lB I Hi III li 1 5 - . , - .. . - . - In the cihiblUon now mxa at Turin. CBis.i. wcrwi in ." or.-jn excuanjjr. Wc uircr y siar. j of th Sovurx and I'ino Matlway how ine cirawms; and tIanforthepro oalI fS le?nIrama narrowed iK,rt.on of tho -tm.t, two li 1 -itf i mi!c r"M. t tc lpt lhf mI.J t.. ...... "T ("Hi "BIO i liaii'-i be purpo. of I whJd ,, 10 m t,5l flt Z i run e'w ap lcl VKit an-; Ora .. n,TZl T ; 1 7-,rrl- Altnoajrh U? dUuae? 4 MU. U kl-Ui .U, l.... . f . . j MU'-i uu.iii. i naji a ra.ic than at lh carrowct portion i Ji' t'TiT.1. strait. Iu irraler .aaJloacrs a mrtcao ca icd it to ht MJrtcl Ifc-T m-1 reac 1-1 not. , the hrnj-n. Ia afdit 00 1-" X It :w5 unrtof of ra.I,; ,t is mte.-tf Ai '?:?? vo lecau ! bt'de wide cnoxt . 1 -n.- -s- . ... f- . 1 -oizr s - 3 hT "ZZ -aS- :r.nppi.-l br i Urf hfU . I .rrrU L4-i "-. i '" -T. i n mn. tn nwrchaf tfae to aA- rrtl of ,j 4arfaec-of the wlef. ad of tretm aarw a Sroale ta tnrve t-crf. trazn ." iu t scifeet apart, iw iwiwaiwn wi mldlkii orIowihin 33 ia. f.Vi a4S to of the be n at tne pur- of jeansyl- cjaniis carraI a3.n.oarv. : or vm to K (33 fret) abor? tee either Jiore in lower a'jipfd jirs. coa itmcted alo o jaaite, wfj tho rdi. ,rtf .tre foandatwaf. Th he "hi of of ibe'bria abor- lb cr will fc Ipi i owner with- . if -. .ffirjC? id Coon tsc" "f T " ';- -- 1 MiisTi at ,Ht. Loi. tvh ff. l V 1 i i 4 J iwspw " -'jr --"- mm. boxcars. H'i It. ? ' ... 1 .5-. , J- i6:,At .f: Bam. -v ii l wVrTr KTj -IA- tons of Kisl. in cxc rif 'i lin ctiuniin 1?a. cmoeliul m inm'nu sttil r?otnnlthvl fiftw W3 eOUlS UamBC BaaBBa.aaaa''rkaaaft-BaaaBBa-i v "w ' k. . ijfc. t :.- t.-. -'-- -ar" - xa TOMT. 'iJPi. V-W, JJ-,. ii. -.-I A.Vf -. .- " V Vjf-'i " . ? TJBJiaUSBlBflBB 5BBlK:JLamtl AJEaCMii-. JsS;-: .. ,ga?