The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 17, 1881, Image 2

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    y.H. ;?fcuji, jwamanssjaE
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M. L. THOMAS, Publisher
Ever nearer, foster, bljrher.
Cornea the wave of lurid fire!
Koarinfr,isslnir for their pren
Can it be the Judgment Day,
"When tho "stars or heaven ahsll fall,"
Ami a siilpbanii. smoky pall
Hides the sun, and, Illte a scroll"
In God'i band, the sky shall roll?
Not lut save that day of wrath,
Tho destroying anjrcls' path
Nrvcr left a drearier plaki,
Markcl with ruin, death and pain.
Where Inst nljrht tho homestead stood,
Ahcs now, and blackened wood;
And In place of wife or rblld.
The acarred corpse, and anguish wild.
AH, all I; none; and the barn oirth.
Waited and burned In utter dearth.
In tho sail Iiimko of tholr fate.
Hitter, and black, and des ilatel
Flash tho sad news from sa to sea.
The Nation's sifts llowr full and froc.
And every northern train roll pail,
With aid and comfort hurrying fast.
Tho Savior's voice wo hear once more.
Again Ho leaves to us Ills oor;
And when we help our brother's need
It is 'the Christ" wo clothe and feed.
Ami. oh! remember well Ills word,
These gifts arc to our riccii Lord:
Let them Iks such that by Hit throno
Wc shall not blush our names to own.
Dttrutl lMt awl Tribune.
The Habit of Mouth Breathing.
It is certainly remarkable that so
little has been written on a subject so
important as mouth breathing. It ap
pears, Indeed, that Dr. Cassclls, of
Glasgow, communicated, four years
ago, an interesting paper on this topic
to the Edinburgh Medical .fouriuil, but
tho scope of that essay was confined to
the consideration of the habit as a
cause of atiral troubles. It has been dis
cussed, also, from a general sanitary
point of view by Mr. Georgo Catlin,
well known as the portraycr of Indian
life and customs. But wenow have for
the first time an exhaustive treatment
of the subject by Dr. Clinton Wagner.
Dr. Wagner begins by pointing out
that man is by nature a nose breather,
the practice of mouth breathing being
acquired through carelessness. Ignor
ance or a local trouble which renders
nasal breathing di Hi cult or impossible.
The unweancu infant always breathes
through its nose; unless it did the act
of sucking could not bo performed.
From observations made by Honscll in
the Freiburg clinic, it appears that in
healthy infants tho mouth is almost al
ways closed during sleep, tho tongue
lying in contact with the hnrdpalntcnnd
the mouth not acting as an air passage.
The relation which the nose bears to
the functions of respiration is too often
overlooked by persons suffering from
bronchial or pulmonary disorders. It
can easily bo verified by experiment
that the air in its passage' through the
tortuous channels of the nose is raised
to the temperature of tho body before
it reaches tho larynx. No matter how
low tho temperature may be, the senso
of cold is never experienced below the
border of the soft palate so long as
breathing is carried on with closed
mouth. Moreover, tho air thus inhaled
is moistened by tho natural secretions
which cover the turbinated tones in a
condition of health, and the short,
bristly hairs at the orifices of tho
nostrils act as a filter or sieve to arrest
dust and other impurities which the air
may contain, and which if drawn in by
tho mouth, may act as an exciting
causcjin developing laryngeal.bronchial,
or pulmonary trouble. It is oven as
serted that man can inhale through his
nose for a certain time mephitie air in
tho bottom of a well without harm;
whereas if he openod his mouth to
answer a question or call for help, his
lungs are closed, and he expires.
The causes which lead to habitual
mouth breathing are to bo looked for in
tho nose, mouth or throat. Until re
cently tho methods of examining tho
nose were so imperfect that a correct
diagnosis was, in many cases, imprac
ticable; but now, with the aid ot the
rhinoscopc aud by means of a strong
reilectcd light thrown up through the
nostrils, dilated by a proper speculum,
it is possible to rocognize auy obstruc
tion to the passago of air. Some in
stances of congenital, imperforate nos
trils are reported, and tho like occlu
sion may be caused by a cicatrical
contraction from scalds or burns. For
eign bodies, too. touch as buttons, seeds
or stones, may lodge in tho inferior
meatus, which is tho passage chiefly
concerned in breathing, and thus pro
duce complete or partial closure. A
general thickening or hypertrophy of
the mucous membrane, covering the
turbinated bones, such as is found in
chronic nasal catarrh, would, in some
cases, completely shut up one or both
passages. Indeed, a slight congestion
from an ordinary cold may so nearly
close the air channels that breathing
through the nose becomes for the time
very difficult. The mouth is therefore
resorted to, and thus tho pernicious habit
may be unconsciously acquired. Among
the mouth causes which interfere with
proper nasal respiration the most com
mon are enlarged tonsils. The glands
press tho velum upward and backward
against the posterior wall nf the
pharynx, and prevent the passing of air
from tho nose to the larynx. Irregular,
uneven or protruding teeth, by ob
structing perfect closure of the mouth,
may also give rise to tho practice of
mouth breathing.
Dr. Wagner tells us that habitual
mouth breathers can be at once recog
nized, as the'practico stamps itself in
delibly on tho physiognomy. The re
tracted lips, open mouth, roccding
gums, protruding teeth, diminished
size of the orifices of the nostrils, tho
wrinkles of the outer angles of the eyes,
and the lines extending ironi the wings
of the nose to the angles of the mouth,
'gives the persons addicted to this habit
a silly, and, sometimes, idiotic expres
sion. The nasal ducts, being .vacated,
"like disused roads that grow up to
grass and weeds, become the seat of
polypus and other diseases; the sense
of smell is greatly weakened or alto
gether lost; the contour of the nose is
changed, and it acquires an unde
veloped or atrophic appearance. The
sense of hearing may be affected, the
injury ranging from slight impairment
to' total deafness through habitual
mouth breathing. According to Cas
sellrtho air must pass through the
ose, otherwise it can not reach the
tympanic cavity. Dry sore throat is
one of the most distressing diorders re
salting from tho habit under discussion.
rJThe practice known as "hawking" is a
fanihar symptom of this trouble. Tho
hawker is always a mouth breather,
and the unpleasant sound is made in
V4heesort to dislodge the hard, dry and
mucus from tne pnarynx and
of tne moutn. in ail
is caused by nasal
wvjMnMtt disi
should adopt the practice followed by
Indian squaw of closing an infant's
mouth by gently pressing the lips together-
People of ma'urc age also need
to be impressed with the necessity of
persistence in the practice of nose
breathing. For thoo who are i&mzied
to keeping the mouth open for breath
ing during sleep only, it is suggested
that compulsory closure may bo suc
cessfully carried out by means of a
linen or leather support for the lower
jaw, adjusted to the top of the hcaiL
N. Y. bun.
Pernicious Literature for IJojs.
Tho baneful effect of the pink and
yellow-backed literature on the sus
ceptible mind of boys is made striking
ly apparent in this citv from day to
day. Tho number of fads who run
away from home to be free from all pa
ternal restraint and seek such adven
tures as their fancy may suggest, is by
no means on tho decrease. Bradford
has been nrtdo an objective point for
numbers of these young runavay.s from
all sections of tho country. Almost
daily during tho summer the police
have been in receipt of telegrams and
letters of inquiry from anxious parents
and the authorities in other cities con
cerning boys who have disappeared
from home. I:i quite a number of in
stances the lads have been fouutl here
antl restored to their friends. Their
arrest has almost invariably been effect
ed through descriptions of the boys
furnished by their friends. Such adepts
do tho boys become in evading the
truth when" questioned by the authori
ties that it is necessary to have further
evidence of their identity than the
statements which proceed from their
youthful lips. A cao occurred one
day last week that is not without many
parallels during the spring antl summer
months. A man named Monro, resid
ing in Oil City, apprised the police of
his son, aged thirteen, having run away
from home. The father thought it
probable that the lad had made
his way to this city. A description of
the boy was lurnished, ant. the officers
soon found the lad in company with a
squad of other boys in the lower part
of the city. The youth at first assumed
to bo surprised, anil claimed that ho
could not be the boy in question. The
police have long since learned to ileal
with such caiea. and the litflo fellow
soon conceded that ho was tho run
away. He had been wandering about
for some time, and finally readied this
city by stealing rides from station to
station on passing trains. . He. had in
his possession a small sum of money
about thirty cents. This was ample,
however, tho lad stated, as ho had no
difficulty in procuring food without
money antl without price. Some of tho
boys about tho city of his own ago pur
loined articles of food at homo and kept
him well supplied. In return for this
young Mohre permitted the youthful
commissariat to peruso a pink-backed
book on which high treasure was
placed. Tho titlo of the book was tho
"Slang Dictionary of New York, Lon
don and Paris." It contained an ex
tended list of tho technical lingo of
tramp3 and thieves " used in the lead
ing cities of tho world," with theit
meaning and application. Also a se
cret system of enumeration and writ
ten communication, with portraits
of celebrated criminals and sketches
of their lives. There were in the book
numerous illustrations of garroting,
"cracking a crib" and cuts showing
how other criminal acts arc performed.
A nioro pernicious book to place in the
hands of a boy ranging in age from ten
to sixteen years cannot be conceived.
After acquiring tho arts and language
of this work, some of tho bo3's had in
contemplation tho foundation of a
band of venturesome spirits to go forth
and lead a vagabond lifo, and depend
on criminal cunning and new recruits
in othor cities where they might so
journ for subsistence. It was certain
ly a fortunate thing lor some Bradford
parents that tho youth owning tho book
and having views on the organization
of a school of young thieves, was ap
prehended and sent safelv homo to his
parents. It would bo well, indeed, for
the parent of tho boy to adopt meas
ures to keep him at home and guard
against his procuring literature such as
was found in his possession. There
aro a number of runaway boys who
reach Bradford after whom no inquiry
is made or anxious parents seek, at
least so far as known. Somo of these
boys remain hero for weeks and months.
Th'ey readily fall in with tho news
boys and bootblacks, and manage
to gain money enough to buy
food. They practico tne "lifting
art" in trifles merely to gain ex-
Iicricnce and skill. Thcro is a
arger growth of boys from sixteen
to twenty, who adopt tho guise of boot
blacks to quiet the suspicion aud carry
on their questionable modo of life. The
younger boys find them capital precep
tors. They havo all tho characteristics
of "hoodlums," and cunning sufficient
to escape detection in many of theit
petty criminal acts. Some of these per
sons by times fall into the hands of the
officers aud get their deserts. While
tho number of boys who run away from
home, and are immediately souglit after
by their parents, is quite large, those
after whom no care seems to be taken,
or a least no inquiry is made, is, indeed,
much greater. In this working-day
world there seems to bo many parents
indifferent to the welfare of their sons.
Tho tendency of these boys is directly
to the bad. Sufficient has been shown
in this city, from time to time, to make
it plain th'at these boys, or at least nine
tenths of them, drift into the army of
tramps and thieves. The police can do
little to romedy tho evil, because the
boys demean themselves to escape ar
rest and avoid detection. Even should
it bo known that they arc runaways,
their parents failing to make demand
for them, and their homes boing un
known, nothing can be done to restore
them. Bradford (to.) Era.
Making Newspapers.
Thcro is nothing in tho paper,"
said a young friend, dashing' it to the
floor. " No news at all; it's miserable,
stupid." Look again, my desr friend,
at the carefully-printed columns, the
different headings, foreign, home and
domestic news, the wit and humor.
Think, for a moment, when you gaze
at it, how tho editor has tried to pleaso
you. There is probably no class of men
more overworked than these, no labor
more wearing than mental labor. It is
so easy to cry out: "Nothing in the pa-
Ser,"Jor those who know little of the
radgery, the painstaking, the hours
of mental weariness, the tedious com
positions. It is a common thing for
a person, when not ..exactly suited, to
exclaim: "There is nothing in the pa
per." In a railroad car I once ob
served two gentlemen purchasi
tne same edition of a
handed his to a nel
"Here, Si
Gcaeral Management ef Tarkrjs,
Ue:c aad Dicks.
Fowls that aro kept in continued con
finement both In and out of season,
require extra, tare to be profitable. For
these, a run of an hour or two in the
afternoon of tho day, I have found to
be of zrcat bencbt." It is a change.
j and if they be allowed somo fresh
earth to scratch amongst, it is ail tiio
better, it appears In be n natural
thing for fowls to exercise the muscles
in this manner; consequently it is for
their health. Any lover of jwultry
should be willing to allow hi fowls tho
short breathing spaco of a couple of
hours in the yard or on the lawn, antl
watch them "that they do no serious
damage. They -oon learn, where reg
ularity is duly ob-erved. to wait and
wateli for their time to conic, and en
joy it amazingly. Fowls, especially tho
common sorU. are no belter for ram
bling over so grea a territory when
fully grown, if they arc well taken care
of and true regularity ob-erved; chicks
are the better for full liberty, although
th.Jo may be greatly checked.
Turkeys will not submit to this treat
ment with so good grace. Their very
nature leads them to seek the mount
ains, and hills and open pastures, and
they arc the better. They aro not,
neither can they ever be, a yard fowl.
For these truly noble anil valuable
birds, when kept aud reared in largo
numbers, a keeper is necessary to fol
low them in their wandering, check
trespass and fold at night. In this
manner large numbers may be raised
with little or no expenditure for feed
after the first six weeks, and the Inter
fattening. A few may be raised about
the door with the co'tnmon fowls.but
they are seldom as largo or lino as
those that go abroad for their insect
Our many breeds of domest'c fowls
which are so pro'itable, botli for eggs
and flesh, may be confined. So m:iy
ducks and geese, antl not be allowed tb
intrude on the ne'ghbors.
Poultry requires a stead eye and
guard over them continually. That
confinement brings on sickness antl dis
ease. I am not willing to admit, so long
as they arc well fed with suitable nour
ishing food and kept clean. Tho yard
whcie ducks and geese arc confined
should be furnished with an ample
trough, (if there is no running stream
through it) and tho water therein fresh
ened every day. The two should never
bo confined together, however, for tho
mingling of the fowls is not agreeable
or harmonious. Not that the two dis
tinct breeds will mix. but there is dis
cord between them. (Jee.-c are honio
liko antl rather quiot in disposition,
preferring their own homo pasture to
tlic neighbor's, when once thoroughly
trained. They are easily managed,
much more so than the thick, but tho
goslings arc difficult to raise, especially
if not early hatched while the grass is
young and tender. Ducks aro ubiq
uitous. They are either a land or water
bird entirely, or both, just as they i aro
The great dependence in the poultry
line lies in our common fowl, tho great
egg anil flesh producer. J his varies
much according to brcetl, anil one may
have just what suits tho taste, or re
quirements, either for the production
of eggs or tho making of flesh. Uno
brectl that probably is not thoroughly
known, which for the combination of
flesh and eggs is unsurpassed, is the
Dorking; this maybe deservedly recom
mended for general use, antl where
once known and tended is satisfactory.
Tho bodies aro large, equaling the
Brahma, and much more shapely anil
graceful in proportion antl movement.
While they aro classed among the sit
ters, they at the same tune aro largo
egg-producers, laying nearly as well as
the thrift' little Leghorn, or Hamburg.
Their eggs aro white in color, and no
larger than tho Leghorn, but their
botlies arc double ami triple the size
It is a noticeable fact that many of our
smaller birds produce eggs that rival
in sizo some from their competitors.
There is a vast difleronco in the tex
ture antl flavor of the flesh, even when
fed and fattened on tho same material.
Gooso flesh is not duck, neither is it
turkey, but simply goose meat, and
oftentimes poor anil strong of favor at
that, especially tho oily or lalt' portion.
The flesh of the Brahma frequently re
sembles goose more than the fowl. Tho
texture also is coarse and stringy. What
is required of fowl meat, sinco it is
rather a dainty and not a stand-by like
beef and pork to feed the hearty labor
er, is tiiat it must be line-grained and
game-like, with a lino favor that is not
found in all our domestic birtls, but
confined to tho few choice pure breeds.
Wo may not havo this at all times
especially if bred with a cross to obtain
size. Tho largest bird is not always to
be desired. There are, however, one or
two large breeds that unite the several
good points, and tho Dorking fowl is
one of them. Cor. Country Gentleman.
Collecting Fall Waste.
Many pcreons feel tho want of ma
nure, and indeed thero aro few who
have more than thny can use. "A hero
it is scarco the first thought is to buy,
and often this is the best plan; but in
many cases one might make considera
bly by a little care for articles which
usually go to waste.
We know that thero are many things
recommended that are of little account,
things which involve hard labor and-et
realize but little in the end. Such are
often found in the various schemes for
making manure out of tan-bark, saw
dust, swamp-muck, and-so-forth, which
ouco in a while and under peculiar cir
cumstances may pay for themselves, but
aro as a general thing little more'than
lime thrown away.
But it is always a good thing to keep
all parts of one's place in a neat and
nice condition, and the material gath
ered together in this way into the com
Eost heap will generally pa' for itself,
owevcr careful may be a farmer or
gardener to keep things clean, there
will often bo odd corners that will be
left by the pressure of work to grow up
to coarse vegetation. If this be cut
when leisure time comes it will gencr
ally pay in the compost heap. At this
season of tho year, especially, there is
often a great quantity of vegetable re
fuse of one sort or another lying about.
It will pay to collect .; and especially
is this true of leaves when they are in
any great quantity and not far away.
We have known persons with pretty
good judgment to hesitate about taking
a second crop from a piece of grass
land in not very good condition be
cause they thought it would be running
the ground too nard to do so. They
say it is best to leave the vegetation on
thejaaand to rot. This is all very well
but little of it does. It
est matter is
or compost
shape of
extra ia-
ChlU Callare.
Well, time flies, the summer Is al
most over, the mackerel have come up
tho hay and are bain like poison, tho
ferns arc growing old. and the boy is
learning to talk so that other people
can understand him.
If you would let me have him about
one month." said the pleasant-voiced
and pleasant-faced school-mistress who
came down hero from up river last
week. " I could break him of that caro
lers habit of speaking."
Just beca.ise the boy had asked his
stern, dark-browed father.
' l'oppuls, whurs is mines fiffin pole
you peakin" mama um day?"
Which by interpretation is. as tho
pleasant-voiced scho'jl-mlitress would
have taught him to say it:
Father, where is my fih"ng-rod of
which you were spcak.ngto my mother,
with referenco to purchasing it for mo
at somo time in the indefinite future?"
And her little serene highness shook
her head and said no: s was losing his
baby tallr. and learnmir to speak Kn
glish too rapidly as it was. The pleas
ant face of theschool-mistrcs wrinkled
up into an interrogation jioint.
School-mistress." the Jo-ter sa'tl.
"on all matters of educnt'on. your
shapely ho d is nol hilly: it is as level
as a new-mown lawn. But ou don't
want to teach tho baby grammar, and
you don't want him to speak good Kn
glish. You want him to be :i baby and
you want to encourage him to indulge
in baby talk. In the years to como,
when the pudgy little fiats will dig great
te irs out of the" blue eyes because lite
boy c-in't remember in just what points
there should ami mmt bo exact har
mony between the verb antl the subject;
w ion ho is confident that ho will dio be
fore ho can remember how many fel
lows beside "ad, ant, con. in or in
ter," are followed by tho accusative;
when he knows the world will stand
still for just two hours after school if ho
can't recall that all terminat'ons in
something or other take the what you
may call it after somo kind of things;
when he is bo tmsting and has so much
confidence in Mr. Davies that he isouly
willing but anxious to accept his state
ment that the sum of the three angles
of a triangle is equal to two right an
gles, without cing to the board to
prove his trtulif illness by demon
stration; along in those tlavs the
memory of his baby talk will
come back to us like sweet mu
sic. Ho will havo trouble enough
with the English language, and all tho
appurtenances thereunto appertaining,
by and by. No," he responded, in an
swer to a si'ent inquiry of the pleasant
faced school-mistress, "he does not
know his alphabet, thank Heaveu. anil
he shall not be bothered with it. Yes,
ho has alphabet blocks anil knows all
the pictures on them ami many prepos
terous stories about the pictures. Oh,
yes, ho can count; hear him now.
counting the pebbles he has brought
home from tho beach: 'one, free,
seven, free, seven, ten, free, five, seven,
free;' certainly he can count, by a ms
tem of his own. too. which is more than
most people have. Don't make a prig
of the baby, school-mistress. From tho
day on which they are six years old
they must, under tho school system of
the States, begin to study, and sit up
straight, antl behave properly and
speak correctly, and from that.timo
until the grave hides them, they live
and speak and act, verbally snc.iking.
they be, antl do. and suffer, under social
ami educational surveillance And I
claim that at least six years of tho lifo
of man antl woman should be free; free
as the air; free to talk as the brook
runs, with untrainmeled musical prat
tle antl babble. Why here, a few weeks
ago, came a melancholy-looking child,
about four years old, and in my prcs
once anil hearing, pointed to me, and
said to his mother:
"Ma' ma. of whom is that gentlcniau
" Poor little prig! My Inart bled for
him. That afternoon I took that boy
down by the target, antl taught him to
say: "Ma' ma, what is tlat man speak
in you about?" anil reconstructed his
grammar on the same cosy basis, ami
look mo in the eye if that boy d dn't
tan up like a voting Indian in two days,
antl he gained seven pounds in thfco
"You see," the Jester concluded, in
an apologetic tono, for he had done an
unusual amount of preaching that day,
"you see, we haven t a very broad ex
perience in training children; wc have
only ono chick to cluck over and
scratch for, but we're bound he shan't
go to school until he's through being a
baby, and wo know, school-mistress,
that he's the happiest baby that evoi
mangled grammar. Burdette, in the
Translated by the Queen.
A good story reaches us from Bel
gium, the truth of which is guaranteed.
A banking house at Vcrviers recently
received a letter from a bank at Buda
Pesth. Tho recipients knew that it re
lated to a matter of the greatest im
portance; but, unfortunately, they
could not master tho contents of the
missive, as it was written in the Hun
garian language, aud there was not a
soul at Verriers who understood that
tongue. Accordingly, one of the part
ners took a journey to Brussels, expect
ing to find everything he wanted at the
Capital, but only to be disappointed
nobody at the banks could read Hun
garian. There was, however, still the
Austro-Hungarian Embassy, whither
the banker oetook himself, to learn
that there was an attache who spoke
Hungarian, but he had goie to Biarritz
for somo sea-bathing. Almost in de
spair, the hero of the story called upon
the Burgomaster, with whom he was
acquainted, and related his troubles.
After some thought his worship, strik
ing his forehead, exclaimed: "After
all. sometimes our most foolish ideas
prove the best" With this enigmat
ical observation he asked for the letter.
The next day he returned the original
to tho gentleman from Verviers, with a
translation in French, in a neat, fem
inine hand. "To what Hungarian fairy
do I owe this good fortune?" asked the
delighted banker. "This is an affair
involving some millions, and I shall be
happy to pay a handsome douceur to
the translator who has enabled me to
get at the meaning of the letter in time
to conclude the affair." "1 take you at
vour word." replied the Burgomaster.
"Give mo 10,000f. for the poor of Brus- j
sels, for the translator is none other
than the Queen. She has experienced
lively satisfaction in employing her
knowledge of the Hungariac language
to oblige one of her cobjects." The
Queen of the Belgiscc is a daughter of
the Archduke Joseph, whose beneficent
rule of Hungary is still remembered by
the people, and she was born in the
capital city during her father's palatin
ate. Manchester (Eng.) Examiner.
On Februarv 3, 1783, the ship Bed
fan? (TtntAin "vfnore. of NaBtucket.
bore the first "flag of the Union" into
, . T, --l 11 P-1 CL. 1.Jul
16 DtlluU VUOUUUI.- Oiic n hmucu
"I, arnLwas not allowed to enter
iwns until a consuiiauou aau
Id between the custom-house
ton account of the several
snt still in force agaiast
," a ixmco
ford k Aneri-
He Was (.! Oat.
"I am galas ost for a abort time."
aid Mr. Breeij. ri:ag frora the sup
per table aad turning toward the ball
"My dear." a!d Mm. Brwrsr. pub
ing her chair back and v'goroa"dy fold
ing up her napcin. " I wish to go out
myself this evening
But. dear." said Mr. Brvczv. taor-
ing Iowly toward the door, I karp an
cngagment that mul be atlnndcd to.
You know how I'm taking a littlu inter
est in politics t'lis fall, aad I iswt b at
the club without fail at chrhl o'clock
"Mr. Breezy, do you know how long
it is itince ou spent an evening al
home9" asked Mrs. Breey. taking a
position between her husband and tne
"But. my dear, vou will never un
derstand. Thw a most important ear
for our party, and if i am cor to be- !
j come a power
Of course. Mr Urcery. 1 am not a
politician, aud I hope I never b:iU b.
It is bad enough to hac a husband
mixed up -Jth ward roughs and bar
room lo mgcrs. Mr. Breezy, if you
really prefer such company to mine I
hhalfnot complain, but it show ex
tremely bad lae. You pro'ei to bo
a gentleman. Mr. Breo'y Whwi I
married joi j on were a gentleman, or
at least I had everv reason for believ
ing so. bu if you cont.nuu to mix with
these politicians 1 am sure jou will end
by being as bad as they are How toil
can gel up and talk no"u;cno to such a
mob is beyond me. .so ou wish
to be a power. Mr. Breezy, ou
are not a William M. KvarUs, ami you
know it- If I thought thero wa the
slightest chanio of our ever amount
ing to anything I might put u;i wth
your neglect, lut you are humdrum,
antl you alwavs will be humdrum. I
married you beea iu you were hum
drum, i hoped 1 was getting a man
who would In s.itislied lo remain at
home a'ter business hou:. and nut go
making a fool of h niseli in tvhat our
recent conij anions call public nlTwrs.
What aro public a'la rs to ou, Mr.
Breezy, compared to the welfare of
your uife ami fnuul ? Now, you aro
going out night alter nighl to iho-rn
miserable clubs and meeting', and what
good is it to flu ou snywat?
Perhaps you think you will be run for
Mayor, bul ou won't. You won't bo
ni'i for an thing. What do you sup
pose those political vagabonds want of
you. :uiwa? I'll tell you. Mr. Breezy,
they want "our money. That is what
they are after, and you are ju-l stupid
enough t give it to them. to. while I
have to turn my l:t-.t eirs drones ami
deny myelf even the common neces
saries of life, anil the poor children half
the time do nol look tlccnl enough to
attend school. I am sure ou prolets
to work hartl enough togelyour money
without throwing ii away on a lut of
whisky-drinking loafers. Mow, Mr.
Breezy, I wish to make a call this even
ing, ami if you are still nMitcctablo
enough to go among Indies anil gentle
men, 1 should liku lo liaxo you accom
pany me."
"My dear," said Mr. Breezy, draw
ing a long sigh of relief, "do bo a little
"A little nioto reasonable3' said
Mrs. Breezy, moving close to the door
anil closing it. " It I weru not tho
most reasonable woman alive, I shou d
like to know w hero oi would be alth:s
moment, t'n which side of the family
do you suppose, Mr. Breezy, lies the
common' You wouldn't have a
dollar to-day or a roof over your head
if I liadn t saved you fr.un a thousand
blunders ami fooiish action. No. Mr.
Breezy, it is- well that you have a wife
who is reasonable and endowed with ,1
grain or two ot tact. Why. it was only
tho other day that ou aitually wished
to bet on a horse-race. Vou, a respect
able married man, with a family to sup
port, betting on hoie races. Mr.
Breezy, you are not the man you were
when"! married 011, and if you keep on
tiio way you aro going now I shall re
turn to my mother -I . Mr. llree.y.
it is just shameful, do to our ho rid
club. Bu:n yourself, if you like. I'm
suro I I don't care." and Mrs. Breezy
pulled out her handkerchief with a jerk
ami lot the room, slamming tho dHir
after her.
"Now for it." said Mr. Breezy, seiz
ing his hat anil making for tho base
ment stairs. BroAltn 'Ewjle.
A Poor Traioling Dross.
What would one think of a mother
who provided for her daughter's trav
eling outfit, over a very long, rough
journey, where she was to meet nil
vicissitudes of climate and weather,
only a flimsy ball dress? It might bo
very beautiful in fabric, an I adorned
with abundance of the choicest dowers
and sparkling gems, but it would be a
miserable failure as a traveling dress
and wc should almost think thu woman
deficient in sound sense who should
provide it for stub a purpose.
But is it any more sensible to smd
our girls out over the rough journey of
life with onlv a stock of accomplish
ments to meet the wants of this c cry-
day working worltl.-' i low many tlear;
girls marry without the slightest prepa
ration in the
.. - r !:...-. :i
cuge ami scn-reuancc in managing
home n'iairs. It is fondly hoped that;
skill will come to them anil that they
will manage somehow to keep :t hou-o
in respectability and comfort; but U,
that ball-dress traveling suit! How
poorly it answers in the wear and tear
of the road.
Don't buy everything for tho girls.
Truatthem with the moneyafter giving
them as much good advice asyou please.
Let them learn how to buy by actual
experience. If they make some mis
takes let them abide by them just as
you have to. Said a boy of a brother
skater, who had met a tumble: Let
him fall down. That's the way to
learn." It is the wav wc all learn a
great many things. If Jenny's pretty
blue cambric fades" out wh.te, let her
bleach it antl make the best of it; but
learn the lesson also of avoiding that
alluring, deceitful shade in the future.
Let her learn to make bread from the
beginning to the end of the process, antl
teach her the most thrifty, excellent
short-cuts to perfection in all depart
ments of cookery.
It is not needful to go through tho
tedious processes our grandmothers
used to beating eggs to a froth with a
knife, waiting all day for bread to rise,
and so on, in a world where cr beaters
are to be had, and Vienna cast-cakes
which will answer the purpose of rising
in an hour or two.
Let her eschew cream-of-tartar and
soda when good baking powder is to be
had, and adopt all similar improve
ments. Life and time are too precious
to be needlessly wasted on these old
time crudities. Housekeeping need not
and should not be half so hard to the
girls at the present time as it was for
us, if they only wiU take hold and fit
themselves for the business before
actually in the whirl of ic What
merchant would sead out a ship under
a captain who knew nothing of naviga
tion? Would not there be likely to
come disaster aad distress enough in
such a case? Should not the bora
pilot be equally qualttied? Cor. Rural
Ktw Yorker.
-A Kestackr crl
BghtniBg aad killed while
xvay 01 tiomesuc kiiowi-. ijejt it,ow the irasciinc but good hcart-lf-reliancc
in managing c,i dLstiosition of tho old gentleman.
Tbo coauo!r of V?ht vm
Hbla" rrccittt a t att of oa tjwa-
sand dollar a ear j
Mr. Jcm.c Frcmstit Perm. aoVcoo 1
of General Je4a C rrcnsoAV b wado
her dabst a aa actrv..
TW elruYt-ha4l awl btt-lu-formal
no itoal wntrr la raac i
j womn"JulieU '.ambri.,
Scaxlor Ben Hill ha
unJf Trj9 a
"Cfad operation utoa fan togu
the removal of fungotd gruwth.
Carl Schfiri bx arreod to 'fiare
the coming oavm. undr th ampler
of the Wi itatu Lr-ture Burwau. J
A bui of Arwmitt Ward it wkjU-J
by an adtertcr ia an Kn,rHh nwja- ,
rr. Artomtt Wan! ra. aad tHl u. a .
groat farontc in England.
Th rid printer n th Gnaa
city of a Ohmoaa Fwno- j
loa". born in t Ai ami d ed a l&U. aad '
a tablet ha jut twrcn m"tM to hU '
memory in the wall of th 1k where
he worked and hero he died.
A iAn hiniUiimo man of ltr-
fonr. with tino nose andtenw Ufprlip, j
I tho Be". NoirniAU HalL lli work
f.m.. fr .t ..i. " l.. .vi--l tr-inttll
I into ineult laaguag. and h trached '
a circulation ot ihrei inunua.
-(Iruee tJrvenwod i in I-ondon
suflenng from frequent attack of acuta
brouchil-s and athma, bjtiiHtgricrrl
al her .nabthty to write- Her iuutca!
daughter Will oon make her dcbul a a
high soprano. I
A ork on bibliography, jul pub.
lUhed in (ormany. '. that Schiller'
"Song ot the Bj lO' has rece.ved '
eighteen French translation, seventeen
l.attn. iifteen Eugli-h. four Italian, four
rliemiari. tour lowh, three Hungari
an, two IJti'Msn. and one otch in Dutch.
Norwegan. Dn sh. 2Mianih. Hebrew,
l.uthuaman. wedth. Slavonic. low i
(enuan. Flemish, Wendio and Boum-v-nian.
in all, eight) -three translation. '
as the Chrul an Cntutu Mls '
Frames E. Willard i endeavoring to
direct public attention to tliH wr-tcrs of
thu South, and is continuing in that way ;
tho good work of mediation between (
two sections wIiom.' pr.ncipal mt
forttiuo probably Is their ignorance of
each otltor'a sentiments and character.
Literature In the South is decidedly
look ng up. ami It will be a great gain
to tho literature of the country when
There is a man in St. Imis who has
wonderful memory. It Is thought the
( city will eventually employ hint to ro-
member thu Sabbath outsvtllc Cour'
icr-Journ it.
A New York man recently wild his
wife to a neighbor for a dollar. Some
men .eeni to take delight in swiii
dling their neighbors. - A ormf own lltr.
J. W. Kiley has a poem on The
Lost Kiss " He doesn't make it very
plain as to how he lol it; but it is pre
sumed her mother came into tho room
just in time to catch him atiu lioches.
Ur Express.
Ditl vou get that girl's picture.
Brown0 You remember you said ou
were bound to have it." "Well, not
exactly," replied Brown: "I asked her
for it and .-ho gave me her negative."
Iiuilmi Transrnpt.
ftood-look-ng women are generally
weaker and less capable of getting
along than plain ones By walehiug
thu hor-o-ear conductors, wo have ob
served that a pretty girl requires twice
as mil h ass'stniico to got on a ear a
does a homely one. -Boston I'ott.
When a Methodist preacher of any
prominence in this Stnto does or fay
anything worthy of note, half the
papers in tho comuruiwe.tllh make a
note ol it. antl say. "Kev So-nnd-f'O.
formerly of tlrs city." Such is ono
beiiciicent feature of "tho itinerant s.s
tcm. Lowell Courier.
Tho man of prudence cmplooth
tho lured hand-maul whou hair malch-
eth in color that worn by the wife of
his bo-om. but tho fool heedeth not
this important point, anil, when ho
ttcarcth a long, blondo hair on tho lap
pel of hjs coat, his bla -k-haired wife
waxeth wroth thereat, and patteth his
his head with a club. -Detroit Free
h s.tlii he bml a llsttoriny tontrtio.
As in bis trinhof''n lljrclonun,
A iul lote's .wcet niumti la be s itimic.
Kur thst. dnll he. my love. I irufss
X u ctnnot. ennnot loto rrnj Iness;
Cite me the little h tint I prucss!
Tis thine. hesall, with alncbliUo,
While lilushin? r nes tjr--l herebl iue
Thu twain will tie m.iiluone next wl'juo.
omrrciiie JininuL
Sailor Who Ceuld Mexsarc
Minutes Corrcclly.
A good story, told at tho expensa of
a u-ell-known ex-Judge, is going the
rounds of the lawyers olliccs, and it
is heartily atinruclated by tho who ;
: . -.. . .- .. i
c,i ULsiKJsition of tiio old ge
u was an ailmintlty case, where he is J
most at home. The deposition of a
sailor, who w.ts soon to die. had to be
taken at his bed-side in Brooklyn, ono
day last week. "How long." tht ex-
Judge snapped out as the l.rat question
on cross-examination, "do you think it J
was after the vessel left the wharf be
fore the collision occurred?"
Thcailor was himself something of a
character, and not so near death but
that he appreciated the vital importance
ofJ"gctting back on" a cross-examining
"Jest 'bout ten
minntcs," was
unrullled reply.
"How do vou generally measuro tea
minutes? " persisted the. lawyer.
Tlie old sailor turned slowly in bed
and eyed his questioner. Then he
turned back again and said, indifferently:-
"Waal, sometimes wid a watch and
sometimes wid a claack."
This made the lawt-er a little mad.
He jerked his watch from his pocket
and said, in a querulous, high-pitched J
voice: "Uh.vou do. oo your
I'll tell you when to begin, and you teU
me when ten minutes aro up.
The sailor slyly wlnkel at the lawyer
on the other side, and he took in the
situation in an instant and made no ob
jection. Tho ex-Judge stood with his
back to a mantel on which a little clock
was quietly indicating the time to the
sailor, who lay facing it.
"Aye, aye' the sailor said, aal re
mained silent.
After three minutes bad passed the
ex-JrPjge became irapatieat aad ex
claimed: "See here, are you goiag te
keep m fcere all day?" But the sailor
dejiaaawcr. As fire aad six aad
seTea"K -.weat by the lawyer be-
fMWU. slK. - Ufmpr. taase sSLStsHBm.
rr Tmc" trr"
"wafftkeea so Weff
mot Mtftfc
hoilluru bio linds a fiillandaillstioex- j V "";"". xil"ti.n ...ritiw trttl Hint "a",,,l al lhxt ,n a wni' lhrtl m4m " '
nression ... IkkiU Mr.s. Hurnctt and ' - hJ ' , feel very un,n.f..ftli,
Mr. fable are in the very front ranks M ? I" "aiu'"TBPc"t'. 1 " Is it .hv..iIU- nM Mr. !'
of American novelists, and are J'""" n .u'lhU'te "'I-1 - Urt - M'-
ivhatnelilleMsaiMlitni.iiril.aiiml.falt- v 'r'TV11. I? I t. , PoH)bae all mt Mm !(. irvtaf
nations Southern society aUonb the '' dgn t, ,,unK,seIy ovdMiige ,l or f f uMf wi wnw, t u
Wtnl " hn ilmtvlnit nut '"hnilt ten I t. vitk Utn.r an. I .,..!(. I , I.-. .1
..:;.. is.: i"ti . .r ..;r M:.. ""t ",,j fwr- wu a new. tn!- u wdi notzr
in.mues 1 a u ju.. ...... -. ocn unwi necouu near u nng again. dull Jo quicklv when acourciJ
- ic. iu uu,. .Cu ."""."- - I ooj l "- a'e aascred otber thrnga. Coal a!i arc nic-i aJ
Liaiiiica mu .niC.. jp.,, ,. mc muwn, uu hc w qaCSitOUCd for JKOtlrifl" kaivrs and forks ,f .
. Xtr. Inir U.nrnnlhnHnnnin.1 .!...:.... r.l t.n- . ' .1. .l W HWinil MIT aOH JOfXS Ol
.... .I'tir,", : .-,i .v .M iUM simiuw it washed awl wiped imwilat-lf
uics to uc: 1 caroei-Daz.
Our Yoitns: HcauVrs-
H )- i
He " fc siUSSaw
W U "! tV ! W rf
Co fr fjn--J srv
tuj'vr . tftr
w l CrVv J 4
Al - .
A$,l ml l U
KrvjrT .
W V c 1 U. t MJ .
Ala4 Mtovwta ! "lt ' J4
1 ta 4 : i. tV
MMkit lrf f i
Put Jo r&
l"rW, Ml ff tJ' Ktr.
AM I MUt , .
Hut Jif i mlw f 4 4 1,
Atilrtttir Utvlo t.
Ob. ' " t WM
lie iH" to tUtMTMt
W hiv cvmU t w wul
0t. ,Vwi.
MliKt'l! run
Dare." wild Mr. lUirt. one after
noon when Dave liutl eaxua in from
oehool. l wthol.i arHnl to
Barnt drug lrt. m4 jft-i M l4l)"
carpet-bag that 1H Uete abotitRAlf
an hour ago."
Mis Pol y The Mt .-Hilrj ladv
with glassti. h" unthar taim
h um xso taod al Ul umcr"
"Yc. M IVHv Wftinnghu Shn
came from the d-imt to the ttet tf
to I antes corner but Uer h was
jeqJe.ed how to jl aUn.
Mdes her carpel bag. her arms full of
bundle and jwsage. iv.tJt tr.Hjor
who llt the raral the twin t'liin, lnr
tug that ho luid H1 win dtanc to
walV. ndvied her to lMire her mirvt-
j bag in the drug-lore. whleh uas
j ho propued doing with h."
I before tartin;, Dave went out to the
dmlng-rooni cloet to gel an apple w
! iMotoeaU While thus eiijjael. he
oxer heard his mother alug m an n
lor his own.
"Be um you gc' the rlghl bag," nhl
Mrs. Burt, a D.e neulouU " MU
Polly say hem wjv plared under the
right-hand counter. iui opjnuUe 10
uhen? the atranger had his jdacswl, and
to uiaku no mstuke, eo Mr. Banioi
him-elf. If positi!e.''
At the drug tore. Dave foil 11 I one of
Mr Hnnina clerks, it ho was Uwd ng
at I'm b.tek of the close, betttuctt the
two nmi of counter.
"Ye, thoru were two bags here.
Date,' naul the clerk, "but the gen
tleman deser.bed b) Mr. Barnes as tiio
owner of one of them has bwii buck ami
taken his away "
W.-II, Miss Polly Is always Just
dreadfully exact, and she ns hers tens
put under the right ban t tmititor,
conUnm-d Date, going to look behind
the counter next to the aide of the
"Thoro's where the man tixik his
big from." aul the olerk. ipiiekl imiv
nig to look under the soda-fniiiiUiin
counter. "But heru's a bag un lorlhs
"He's got Mis Polly's bag!" ex
claimed Dav. " Whleh wav d d he
"I didn't notlro. However, l ro
member him mating thai he had been
iiii to Mr. .Joseph CtKjpcr s. I ve
abote Mere, tiul it mils not the gen
man of that name be was looking for
You bail better run rp there. Date, aud
nee If he ban been there. But first, nre
vou suro that tins isn't Miss Polly'
"Yes, I'm nun, because It wasn't
where she .said she had left her; and
hers wasn't new and bright like this
one. Last summer her nephew doe
antl I took her carpet bag. without ask
ing leant, to carry th.ii' to a tilcnlc.
and somehow we got no cream on one
aide and blackberry tne 011 thy oth-r."
The stranger had Iweu at Mr. Cooih
cr. and hail been directed to Wniuire
I in Porter Street, about n mile away, for
the man nu was looking (or Ketum
ing lo the dnig sttpre, the clerk adtised
Dave to wall until the man could have
time to discover and remedy his mis
take. But D.tvo was jk txtsttitu Si was
wor.-e than a mistake, thai when a well-
known gnn-'cr tragoti came along, go- J
ing down town, he aked for a ndo to
Porter street, to ee if the man had 1
really gone there
" iliou take thi bag a'ong with jou."
said the dnig-elerk. In case you Hnd
the man. ton can exchange bags with
him without further tnuble."
Date 5 repeated ringing at the belt of
the house In Porter struct finally caused
a woman to look out from an upjxjr
"C;o away, boy." falil sho. "Wo
never buy ant thing from -cdd!cr."
" But I've got a carpet bag here, that
lavc began to protest
" You needn't tell mo how good it la.
I don't want a carjwt-bag Thcrer'
And down went toe wintlows.uh.
Dave was about to ring the door bell
again, when a slecpr-Iooklng girl came
growling to the basement door. She
answered that the stranger with a car-
pet-bag had called there; but as tb
gentleman he was looking for had
moved, .she had sent him to a houe aix
blocks away.
(Joing to the designated house. Dare
et the carpet-bag down on the door
Did I nele fceth bring a carpsrt-bar
I with him?" the boy called to some orc
5th him?" the hnv eM t , nJl .
-withiB the house.
"Yes. What is wanted?" said
lidv. romintr to the door.
Thea Dave repeated war he wtihel
to taake the cbasge- sorsethlng ia pictureskccne4s, Keath-
ThisU rather atrangc." said the er and cpaolcttes ar gone. rul..
laiy, eying liave cloeIy. "You de- pt with the huar.fcv!of gofd orsil
senbe the gentleman who came herci Tcr " """ntdttapiarixJ. fc'uch Uth-;
with his carpet-ba& thouirh now he is "" for economy aad utility that every
down-town attending to some busiaess.
nd will not return aatil seres o'clo-k
this eveniag. Pm afraid you wiU hare
to come again, when he"
Us, 1 doa t want to see ats."" sahl
Dare- "Just give me Mis Polly's bae.
great harry to get hotse. aad barealosg '
ami uxe lam m. in ik tit- 1 n ia ia
way to go."
rn sorry to refase tob. Imt ros I
will have to corae again, whea tlc gca-1
tleaan is ia." said the ladr. Joolrasr
steadily at trare. nLonrToaxmE, , , hwcss, aeiraej
is aad wak for hia? Yea look Terr Tko9 detoratJoas wk jjre preiui
"Ke. ss'as. I saeeU't wait, aad I
eaa't leare tJwe sag wilees je jrive tme
Miss FeUy'sL"
Dare was becisaiag to tkiak hew his
tether weald he weederiasr what had
heeoese ef Has. aad JMms FeNj weeM
he werrr iac at a great rate abeejt her
hee Ite lwd be Mr ceete aece
? ah IsTs1bTlsP sPsrKTarsVa WaehsHl
fmW aMSaWS aWelSHeV
and tUtnn t w' " " v-3
T? I fJ& '"
km4 SMJ rf tm wl.tH i
t. "H 4r. S Wrti "'
feM fcM l u
l!r4 iS iwM W " u
4c4d ItuHalf iJw If J """
Uo ct' and k!w. .4 ?
f oJ..At W t WM '
. M woilr Kt "-" !
J I Te roWsT m Pl -
I U t tW JksaH4 osV. wsVx - .
Bpltte4 lfc -" Urt?tX l '
1 3w st law 0-ft HIsMJ"
Hot i 4sr ll 'f1 V v
lsMy. wiw b-l jjrrt
tTe le Tnl W"
U a ttwstwnt !w rr lii
btr s.otor'ri U MHfc V
Jy. al W JSfsf
kvt bMttiel 4 I"! a
- fit ri a hn-n ttX ! I
' miW V Wrst r' "C ""
' ..t ... Um. ttt std m. "
'iiinf ii-- iHsi lV dr
fhrx M lS"lv fwwwl ike
, dM.r ami ortMrWt fl t
' D) "Atv any t yHf Vmm kr.
Davi Aff J TV
At.l tiev HUItt i jh f m K
4N buitJMr UMr
avc ltt4l U th Mtf " ''
ide of wHvk k mforHi, ,;:
fote tho tuhie- jfraltv
Mr. iWru I wwWfc't lew.s.
dTU Jre f Wnjarvr "
if Ml lttH. trwrtWin
Allow Urlrw tiW it rt mr
owl tit IW it Trw' Vkp'
what lu II Wat dntMi ft .
btn IhIo ti' htas?'
Ik.lpt nv ptl f Kor HtlH
w. aa I. nrtliwot waHtH; t-r tmt
hint, citit ip th lj; tm ?,
into iho efl"0rtn
But a h AM . l) eein
lite ! a lil4trH to rijr
t.o.-dil iMof M I'vMj "
olalmod. pnth h; al Bldr arm -
my Im-P'
I bun he Ml dtfvm In a lr
But M11 found it iiHsUrth trft h I
counter," prolst! IMk "tmnWt
kodn water eMUtU )Ml whrs iha-i
ha I his Un "
No, ) where l Wt in !
M's lVUt. nrnily "aHtilrrM
counter, as I rtjnirtrii u lW 4
gtteman. bKWfng toward hm W
aml-rtHt Inittlos mi the frM I
But this a new g. ftrmmt.
Ditto, 'audjour had hnd ataMM
"No, Datbl. my ehUd." hMiI l
Polly. " Mj old bag dl harm twlw ..
I. but Oil U a new tH. wWrtl i
Httt would send me to Utlt Uk Ur I
lliti old r;ne. And I'm thaitfctwl WW
no wnna thnti a little mud m fc" (
ld." J. It. AorWif. li (AfUui U
Pnniplnic tut.
And so ton ar going to ejtM t
in tht woikIs ilwtliig th ektig ! tt
imitinr nml tie oimhphk daj ! It' .
What imii iw tiiocu del'icbtful lis t'
ntcreatloti Bel don'l forget U ta
along jioiun ammon a nothing h1 .
Iteve the pain fnnu tbn sting of h-
jlllcker. It would nim le well to m
01110 a Inittle of l!me and n o. !
li.i.r tiriiili lf ttatnt the awstliiM om I
jIT (M? jKi,int,i Se-tomter HMfitUir
, You will nUo hnd at the drujt !
and tho rcHiaitoriea for Kirtrn jjsl
a tory u;trlor kind of horrtldy im!i
111 c otnl bent. whu,h will lut hw'h! ! r
smearing on jour fa e and lals I
kop olf Jlles. .Stout glotns. Uw h
tinetiinfortnh e at th tone of )er ..!
thwart the ravrtges of btig ot dt"
oris, and mopiito netting wont aknett
tb fa' u will answer a similar Mtry
You alo w a t plenty of iimlrln
Iiht a siuudgu itt your UMit o'rj
Ioner. a shnrt so-iIutI and a 'r (
sUul forceps will prove of altaHs
vour compan on in ctnuiliig -!
ticks from 011r l.vk Court j4te
for application to oarl'-ed porlwMM l
)our cullele wheru you hav rfaw I
totirsell in a vain oilort Ut apjwinsa
.Itching of gntt bites, yon wJL
course, add to your strn. Ih'n
Scenrbi TIa.
'You writer on bouskjtnjc
alwaps telling us poor. Urrl ho
keejwrs to keep our tin brjhl an 1
shining," said a JadmMookM lux
kecjH'r lo me the other day. Nw I
would like to have some one t"Jl h
how It Is done. 1 think that msdt
cooring of jt takes a groat deal (
time antl intiih hard work." I th"'V
so. loo, and however it may l with
.others, I preach -and praeuue tr"
I little scouring of ay kin.L Tux f
never put Into greasy dishwater. xit
alwavn washed in dean snds mtd t
;ood soft soap, will remaui bright a
ong time. In fact will k very toll
able till it is about worn out When
ever I do scour tea kettles, tea -h.
dipper or anything which l Un. I rr?-
B .! .t 1 ..1 . . .. .
'.VtJZ '. .V ' r rlnr7tuZ.,u .7
thing cum I hare crcr tried fhi Mlfi
must bj first nut through a fine ihti
m that bits of coal ami all other hsr'
substancss may be remove! Aftr
counng well with ashes. wih in rbn.
hot soip adds, w p with a nlu d&mo
clolh and your Ua will look nearly as
1 1 L. 1 M t
t rt ., u.....t.
Year by year the British army
oace the most beautifully clad and
I bn!J"mJy equippI ia the world. !oe
by""". T " may tj abwdntc-
K ece.,r7 to ? BM clothe
bis oacs. aas Tanisneu iroes the sol
dier's taalc Tke osriiK ar still r-.
.. , , , " . ". -f
ittcd half a iktunt wrh orassaeau oa
rtI their tuaxs, butit Ueaotigh
- - '- --.. -.-v-iwAnfe antl ciYiim
j" ""lIe rT how bettoa after
nHscstos iss uuursM i boiH
ca'ry d ieiaatrr. Tw are alt that ,
F5 Caw Utnr4. at tie hack of Ute la-1
"a"? " The rerr facm-.
w m varer ia ike aMHiorm.
were eeee regarHtyl as the durti
Mdges of regimeaU. are twr a
Mere Uun tmj pe takes apoa te
sssst ceuar.
The Kias; e the Jfelleaesw
waied OJsjessl if aws sesl f r
eneji -.
Mheen. yeaee
rkmkmUdammmftf eir
Lmmm 'mutmi to hvHw
'-V . v