The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 18, 1879, Image 3

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. L. THOMAS. ruttUli-r.
MRred cloud, . .
w inn h,
!.,I,,IIX "' "tie liMik li-r J.1IC-.
liUliliK Willi wli' Hint CTUXecoiitpil;
l! m.-.ii Imp,.,, tlimve with u vsonifrou'
.... ,I,M,,H 1it lemliT ami wt'-:ii(at mmiI.
J Jl I-. Ill till liKt ,, till,.). IcrV.-Ilt t'fn
( I im- Im-ihi1iii1 bit ot HoikI!--! li-,
' iuiiiii-r Mint -.w.-,.t,ir-H -.ciiifi! IoImI1
llll Hie iiikI mj lit.l one nil lll'
Ti ii i- iliil -Im- ny tier Ininli-ii ilow n
...,' "lieliMit o llll-Oo-H .l WoillIllillOO'l,
I In u e lil h ii Ikt mum i-V eniwn
lleep in the hik raiiM-nltil MimhI.
I -or liltli- -Ii1I'Iiiii i-Iiim-i1 Iiim hn-it-t,
l I .k!Jii! Hi.-if to :i liiicl, w.-.-t n-t,
I r- tllllltlljr Itltek to 111.' iM'l'konlllK llillltl to III. in front tin- h.iiMiily l:mt.
'tb-n in tli ti'iiili-r :tiil i-tlnl
..itlici-.l h -limtiiu of -lli-ni jiiiin,
I .l II HHoVI'l OKI lllolllltHill -km
i.ntlK'i tin mi-l Unit time to itiin.
1 Itc." -.In u)ii-.-icl, "ii it my in
in IiiI'Iii-iiV ti'i-t miII not no-rin
I iilooui liimi" -o, loilmt (nrnuiiv
"I i- eiill in.-, (.-;il. nii-I I iiiii-I oltcy.
lii-' oh. ov., nn- miIiIxm, nt my knee,
M Kli'Mt-t kIii uiiin oiuk oii.
I i i llii-ir ii'r, . trail rji". roui wi'
Ml tile ll'M of lllj lite nill tine.
l' tile ll'lllll T .-II ItlllK-l ll.MII-,
imii Inifl mill eolorot tlovittr.
ll Hie luttOIOieeof tll-I ooi-mhV.,
I nun' to it -rlll-li hymn of pli.,
I in on mv Iiiki'Im r Imwi-.l h'i li.'ll.l
lite lieimtifiil, Ioiik. lair huir,
Ur'.nn;oer lll Illrjlfl .Ii r.r :illl
W onl too mrlcil to Itii'lithe rl-eu heie'
li on m loK'liriuI her hi-l ki- lny,
i't Well-the "irethiKH hr limle 'me my
out who-r niriolt I IIIIlVIKit tell,
.ie tin-mh1 I. -t illl'l hl-t '"Imewell."
" i We foil in t licr. in rohe of white,
ei!i :nii -.nil, like ti If lx In i r;
lb i Illlll fm e timieil to the etthie; lillt.
I'lie o lni'lr Itloom silimit lii-r hull'.
-oll on li.-i i li.-r.l lip- tin- iniiit liejit It'll,
.ilmif iiji e i.-t- tie fist mifiht tell.
-lllllill: llll- M1 in I e i-ollli) llrnr
llll I am uiili on ti mi Ion- oii, ilnir."
Millir II". t'lirirnli r, in the ClirUtlim I'liimi
ax i.wisiui.i: wor.M).
( In.; ..f the ino-t iclcbnued practition-,
er ot le-th, llr. Iv., wa
K., wa called upon
me imirmnv; to receive at ai
earlv hour
:t vi-ilor in ";reat hate. who, whilcwnit
injr in tlit ante-chamber, -cut in vvoril
b tin foot man that delay for him wa
d.mjrer. lie miM be received imme- ,
The Doctor thrcvv on his dre i i r '
row ii ha-tih and had hi patient shown '
in. He found hiin-clf in the pic-enceof
a man utterly unknown to him, but vvho.
to hi- die ami manners, evi-1
ileutlv beloujred lothe bel oeii t. Hi
pale face bore trace of jrrcat di steal ,
and mural Mifferiiijr. lie carried his
ii";lit haml in a linr. ami in -pile of his
i ffort to re-train hiin-clf. from time In
time a Milled irh e-cajicd him. Secinr
the poor man l:i";,ri,r the Doctor invited
him to -it down.
I am tired. I have not -lept for a
weik There i -omethiu"; the matter,
with in x liirli! hand 1 b not know
what. I-it a carbuncle? I it cancer?
At tirt the snffrriii"; was -iirht, but now
il is a buruiii";. horrible, continual pain,
increasin-' in intensity day bydav. I
in licar it no hrn'rer. I jumped into
mv rarriae;,. and here I am. I have
come to lie"; v on to cauterize it. or to
cut out the painful part, for one more
hour of thi dreadful tot tun would drive
me iu perdition!" j
The Doctor a-ked to -cc the hand,
which the patient put into hi-, rn:i-hinr '
his teeth meanwhile from the intensity
of pain, while the phy-ician proceeded
to undo the bandages with every possi
ble precaution.
boveall. Doctor. I bee; of oii not
to attach any importance to what you
will -ce. M complaint is sran";e
that von will be urpricd. but I beseech )
of vuu to lake no notice of it.' '
Where i the painful .-pot? It i
siirpi i-ine;. I -ce nothiii";."
Nor 1 cither: and yet the pain there
i- -o dreadful that I feci tempted to
knock mv head ajrain-t the wall."
The Doctor took a tn:i";nifvinr-jrla .
examined, aud -hook hi- head.
The -kin i full of life The blood
.reulalc vcrv lvjrularlv. I'tnlcrncath
t'lere i neither iutlaiiiinatioii nor can-,
111 llll I III"... UU".l !' ...-
ccr. It iashealtlivas:mv other part of
, .... ....
And vet it -ecni t me that it i
nit her more red there than elsewhere."
The -tKin-er took a pencil from his
pocket-hook ami traced on hi hand a '
. ..!.. .. l.ii'.r.i i l t.ill-i'jillf till l'lttl ill. 1 !
.in .i.iii.i .i..i ......... .-......
remark, ".lust here."
The Hoetoi" looked.
In fact, he watched the operation to
the end with the -reatet po.ible com
posure, indieatin- how far it wa to -.
The open hand did not even tremble, in
the Doctor's hand, and when the little
piece of round fieh wa eut out he heav
ed a deep i-h. like one who experience
a feelin- of iininene relief.
The burnin- pain ha eeaed?"
44 It ha .piite -one."' said thestran-er ,
with a smile. 44 I ho pain ha-; entirely
c:ied. as if it had been taken away with
the part cut out. The li-ht pain oeea---ioned
by the bleedin- i-1- :f compared
'with the'othor. like a" refreh"m- breeze
after aminfernal heat. Tr does me real
lv -ood io ee my blood llow. Only let
it flow, it doe. me so inueh ood."
The tran-er looked with deli-ht at
the treamiii- blood. The Doctor was
obli-ed to iusit upon the
"While he was bindin- it uji the pa
tient's face chan-ed completely. The
expreion of pain paed away, he
smiled on the Doctor with a look full of
-ood-lmmor. and there -was no lon-er
any contraction of the features, any look
of "despair. He seemed to have taken a
new lease ot lite. His brow ciearea : tne
color returned to his face ; his whole
peron underwent a visible transforma-:
"When his hand was replaced in the
slin- he made ue of the one that re
mained free to shake the Doctor's hand
warmly, ayinr to him with conliality:
4 Accept nvy most sincere thanks. You
have positively cured me. The small
remuneration that. I offer you is in no
wise proportioned to the service you have
rendered me. Durin- the rest of my
life I will try by what means I can dis-cliar-e
my obli-ation."
Tlie Doctor, however, would not con
sent to accept the thousand florins placed
on the table. The stranger on his .side
refused to take them back: but seem
that the Doctor was be-inniug to grow
aiprrv, he begged that he would bestow
Will' til llll' llr!. 11 lirtil..
liitliiil in liit.-n.- u iilv fiilr
,1 ,.l :""' ' ml ln:iii.iai'il.
.. ui nwti-i iiniii--iiiii.MiiiiaJMiiii
' "'iimiiui, mill, HUM' eve
'ine,l like imt-ln-i -.uiumer-U.'
!. tui-en tin- Ifli,. that on jt ki,..ii'
i iitiiiMiriiiiiH.. M.Htu,,. w-j, "Mv Deau DofTOU I do not wih bla hail nveii lumj win lokeepior ikt Mrj, d,,,,,... - M(rt.j 0f a eb-eh Mtnilar H.U in a irrekiiH kettle inm dUtr
i..iV.;.,V..!!",L0.,'M,,,""'.,,lrie-in-ilMjut;!ii.; , that cither voii or mi.dicalMiuiiiv.-hould i a paekae of lett'T that -he could not nntiin to tin irnift. a an apple iilltnL' !. t,Vm fur twvnlv r tw.Mi.T-iUt
i-ioiihiuMii.Vu.MM0;" !b left in doubt a to the mv-t.-ry of the ktup hcrx-lf. and .-he Ih.-iI of me to inr a apple aud a -ar -tiMns for a mJt.... ,Ht-Hi with Utter aint lt.
" li--' iii.u i. (.... ...i .... '.1. ..'.., it .. i.:.-i. .. :n " .... l...., ..... inVi. tlwun li'wL ! lii.r. hill lie wa ....- il i ... .1.. .. f. iL.t ... ...
' -i . tin-! .V.V.I. "!...,, "'"w. .:.,.. -""'"'- o '-" """7 '" -,"."-", " ;" ": ,. ,,, ..... ..... t J-"- . '. .. ' awl orw rcJ at-l
Na-lwli'MHn -I . 'i,.rm.. " , ") P""''' ami ev en ei-ew tier.- am uptrnMiip i n-ii n- -, ...,--... -, come ,,., m-annj: ir i.iiiih: are n- , f, ,k ,,t tOHMlM. rMX
i."..i-Minini.i. lit t.u,...tnf,.H.' alMiut to ieenbe to von the onirm oi una irom iikui i "' " jm,'",- uuinil. then employ tor a uk- an ai- .lM. ,l.. . tr... .!.. .
think that hi patient vva erarv. Ke- niirror intne room hi ih:im me o.un r.-m icnipie ueu a ini-m nave neen i-a,, entire cliai.-.: a diviion .f labor. ' whu-h mut m no account Ih- allowed, ai anuio- a well a anv ImmIv . ould l 1 1 M ftNY 4 & AIM k
...:.i.. here." he -aid. 44 Iu a few dav I f'.r inyelf. I opened one letter, then eau-e.l by a blow; ; or vere fall. An ev- .Ull ,,. fuW, .th,,- tren-th and tone When boilin-hot nut it ill the can- and be .so. ,i,,l '.,rn wwlniA ri,;tlt, UAlAmdmM Vi! A iii i il li
4 will cue vou. The Doctor .aw to' hi :uitlnM- ami rea.l them to the e.,,1 animation In ,,liyieiaii ivvealc.1 the fr future ..---production. The re-u:,r -,.al a Muieklv a ,o-ible. weioV.,. Dumb AtTUO. AUO Cnkc,
aoni-l-cnt that hi .ra-e visitor , " h " f?1 ,,0"rf h:lt ws,i ;'t l.:t-he had of of lWrMnm ,lrop more than Hi c-- The followiu-are thin-l.ou-ekcep- ' . JTT", t . D .OiT V Intnlllnt Prl
-poke scriou-lv He took off hi coat. fr ine! AMiat did thoe letter eon- th- bmm. 1 he theory advanced for i a clutch, and then come broodine. 1r ... i ... .. 7 ""'. . "ri..,, hoilin- An ImPortii f5-oloelrat Fart. Remittent, Intermittent FO-
p..K. iiioii i in iK . ' , ? The vile.t betmval of which a her death i a fo ow: She i upp (), ,,011-itter -ire the reult of -nee. . Mmw lioiim- UroI(l-j lia. rjown u, lUil turc ,Clt,M. Kldnov DlsoaSO. Liver
turned up hi hu t-Ieeve ami took a , f, .,. .....t thev to h-ive been -ictin- the not of in.le -11 ",,,11. u". ,H arl "i '.'."' .m ' T water will remove tea taius and many plL-Les hrr creafc.t rtvoliitoni In thi earth'. VOrS, R-iancy uiscaso, I-"'ur
bi..urv in hi left hand. A eeond man w.i evei et the mi tun. .imttii.v o have Iii , 11 .utin- the p.ut ot tl hreedin-from fowl which had mam- f,U tain: pour the water throii-h the Mirtace cnnfonnatlon fey. Evprr rear the and Bowel Comnln ntS. DyS
... .,., 1 ti... t....i '.iil.l Iliv. iiim.1i. -i '"' written bv one of mv mot mti- tr.iniii. either from ome ncceitv or f,.-ted little deire to it It wi 1 -re-it , . i. . -. V - m.v i., channel .cer -li clicler w.i v'i .'.'.
CS iii matefnend.! And in what a .train! .1,,. and. true to her :,edVall- J,, n IMtJ. TiVVr! popsia and General Debility ;
1,.,.,s, ,': cried the IWtor. who wa, -hat pa-ion! vv hat eertan.ty of llove in-. wa enf -ed in -tealinr a , de up- .. anil nilM he eared for differently ,. ve and J" Seun,U he 'r ?'J n Vh" en ?t" r3! lhc J f general Tonic for Debt!.
afmid that hi patient thro-l, ,mkill- l-'Miiff iar,'l! Hmv he poke of ce.v- on the ,,,-h evpre ea. and upon fnM ,lu. hl eo,,oi, breed muel. -iven white cloth: :,lo fro,,, the hand. That We no,eU.e rtn?u,fc"L..d.?!uMS tted Systems. Pnct 25 cettl per
fulne-,i-ht open o,e important vein. 'v! h't eouiwl he av.hed 011 the ....arnisr the t at .1.111 attempted to jump n Mttin-and little lavii.-. -Many v.-ar :l teaiioo,.ful of tun.entine. boiled with an1ne; bat theU danm.te oic.IhI box. Soldby all Dru;?t4tun this tOU
Since vou ju.l-e the operation indi- s,,rt of. -"'X a hu-band! And all off while the train wa ye tin motion. , ,,n,.k ,M.n,etusli laVer were unknown, a white clothe will ail the whit.-nin-pn- niiTnl1 Mailed on receipt of price by DU.SDAS
,,, ,. J,,.,T, ' hee letter were of a time when I wa-. with fatal effect. Nothiii- 1 known a well is the nroduction of c in winter .1, , ," lias Income overhinslnc c..ils or a roounula nrrv.r ii r' .., cir.f Vt-rs
penahle. .o lie it. ,., .,1 .,,,.1 ..rf...H limnv meill T t.i 1....- ;.l..ttt, ,..,1 . - ., ,,,,,..1. -,.n .l . ' pnmu. uouoi 1 -mvviimr. eeS:5 Hmt hoilcd March 1 much 1111- hadlaipeanl liefore U- cr fream. or the DICKC.3o Wo.Ster btreet new
Hetooktliebitonrv. and luddin- in 'ne.lan.1 u rfeetl.v h. pv . Hul L to hei identitv 111 .- a mucl,-,,le.l Anion- the bird of the air there 1 one prov,d bv the addition of a little .-per- ocen ha clven u a Hortili. Thu.ltlta y0,t Explanatory biOK mailed FREE
the i-it o tieir own lilo.m. ".,"." ., , , , " V , . , ...v Mru.n wiuen ine voim-arenrou-m up. cj,..,n :,n,l -ni,Mt 1 a--la: tie a hiinp nottcil until ttier Lave male an a-tno' met- nfl kaJ " ML a il 1 Hi tta.ll
.Itiunneeearv! On the eontmrv, , "'V',11 ,,:,,fln,, mn "'l,la1 thl lt,1: (Jenemllv the etof a Mi.aller bird i f l" 11 ira amfk'-ep i for It --l toi;.' P the .j.tra . I'er- UHHUl- l W ill U fall
, it il who will indicate how. leep I l -"' tin drawer. I My name ,- Anne Mehan. Iui-; ci...4ii. :n.l in rearin- the smaller binl ,r -V wlei? The in.,, a." hfat1 '.mriS'rlSta.of'K . . i-"- .
V voumu-teut." i -1 knew that if I did not ,, for her . v,lle. If any thin-hould happen me. an. fiwim.ny robbefof their f.HNl and 3 vw the vvaxed m- then .-our .K'.nf .? wTt 25 iTof t, UD-tnpV rnmmiinn
l,he,nonM,mehwP'to, aml MtookW,k
Tin; Doctor informed H'vcral of hi
colleague of thi"! idngular eafcentid wh
formed n different opinion on I hi ul
jcct without. however, anv of them I4-
, mg able to riv a plauililc explanation.
Tovvanls the end of a month Dr. K. re
eei veil a letter dated from hi- patient
le-ideiiee. He opened it. It wa clo-e-I
wiittcii. anil he wiw by the -ignattm
j tliat hi- patient had written it with hi
; own hand, from which ho eoneluiled
that the pain had not returned, 'for if it
, had he eoiild hardly have held a pen.
1 1 he letter rail a follow:
this terrible inaladv. It broke out ai
week aro, and I can -tni'Tle arain-t it
no longer. At the present moment I can
onlv manage to mice thee line b
placiii-r on the enitive part a pieec o"f ;
lighted tinder, to mtvi; a a cataplam. j
A lone; a the tinder burn I do not feel
the other pain--ami it i- a nothiii": in
romparioii. .Six month a;o I w a -till
a very happy man. I lived, without
cure, on mv income. Iwaou frietidlv
term with all tin world, and I took (
phaure in every thin"; that can interi-t
a man oi :kr. I iiait marneii a vearao.
inurrieil fin- love, a mo-l beautiful voimir
iil of i-ultivatid mind and with tlie ret ,
heart in the world, who had been eoiii- j
I pauion to a ei'itain Connte , mv neih- '
Ih.i- Mv . if.. Ii-i.l no fortune. '.Mild the
S lve lieh:ul for me wa not only ;rrati- '
tude, but al-o the genuine affection of a
i child. Six month pa ed in Mich a w:i
; that the morrow alwav eeiueil to m
I happier than tin eve. IfomctimcI was
, obli-red to j;o to lcth and leave my
! home for a day, my wife had not a ino-
incut". peai'i. She woiilil come two mile
! on the road to meet me. If I wa belated
hc would tu awakeall iii-ht vvaitinrfor
me. and if. by dint of entreat v. -lie was
. prevailed upon to e0 and ce her former
mi-tie-, who wa -till very fond of her.
no power on earth could keep her there
more than half a ilav, ami even then her
reirret for mv ab
I'licis tint the other-
out of temper. Her ioiiilncs lor me
went o far a to make her jrive up
ilanciii'T, o a not to be obliged to put
her hand into a -tranter; and nothiii";
I'au-cd her -ucli ";iivcdipleauri a-the
coniilimciit -he wa apt to receive. In
a word, I had for a wife an innocent
child, who had no thought but for me.
... 1 ...I 1.1 C. 1 1 ...
i ! ll'IKI ll'lllllll l'llllll lll'l !-: 111
"... .. ,...,..- vxm, if !,. had not
,, ,if .,.
44 One "da I know not what demon
whi-pered in my car. 4 Suppo-in- all
thi were diimulation?' Men are mad
enou-h tfi cek how they can torment j of Mood hun- from them. She hctit
Iheni-elvc iii the miilt of the -ivate-t -luwlv toward me. opened her ee a
liappines. when I inuidered her. ami kicd mv
.Mv wif- had a work-table, the draw- t ri-ht hand. The dnip of blood fell a-ain
er of vvhich -he kept carcfnlh locked. I on my tle-h: her eye-.-hut once more:
had noticed thi--cvcral time's, shenev- ( -he fell back on her cold pillow and the
cr for-ot the key, and never left the t eoffin clo-ed over her dead body.
drawer open. I In oueMioii ran in mv ;
head, 4 What can he be hitlin- from me
there?' I had taken leave of mv en-e.
I no lon-cr believed either in the inno
cence of her face or in the purity of her
eve, in her carec or in her ki-e.
.Suppoe all that were nothiii- but hv-
"One miirnin the Collliti
.... ,
the ilav with tier, uiir e-tate were
-onie mijc apart, and 1 piiniiicd mv
wife to -o and join her. A 11 a the
carria-e had lett tin mi-vanl. I rath-
erclto-cthcrallthekey ot the
ami tried them in the lock of the little
.1 1 .... ..r ii.... ............. 1 :i 1
iii.iiii-i. .in-, wi .11. in ..1. .... ... . ....
like a man coiiunittin- hi lirt crime. I
vva a thief about to surprise the secret
of a feeble woman. My hand trembled
a I drew from the drawer, prudently,
carefully, one by one. the object con
tained therein. that no confusion
-hould bet my that a tran-e hand had
ran-acKcii them, .viv iirea-t neavcii
I wa well ni-h
-udilculv. beneath
uffocatcd. Ilelmld.
1 ma of lace. Iliad
placed mv hand on a packet of letter!
I felt as if a ahofli-htiiin-hadi:ied
from nn head to my heart. Ala! one
-lance told 1110 what thee letters were.
They were love-letters! The packet
was lied In a pink ribbon with a ilvr
ed e. A I touched the ribbon the
thou-ht occurred to me: Is this ri-ht?
I thi work worthv of an honest
I To -teal the -eeret of a woman! S.e-
I cret which belmi to the time when he
vva a voiin--irl! Can J ak her to
render an account of the thou-ht he
had before -he belon-ed to me? Can I
.... g I I I I
"-J'-""":'" '.,""" " "" ""- "' ""
know me' ho couhl upcct her of a
fault? Who?
I wa base enou-h to do
o. aim me uevu a am wiiispereu 111 my
ear: Suppoin-that these letters were
of a time when I had already a ri-ht to
all her thou-ht. a ri-ht to be jimIoii
even of her dream, when he wa al-
I untied the ribbon. No
There was not even a
at V2 o clock she wouhl come back fnnn
ttin iiiitfi- 111 tlie eveiniiir iiil -it
a-ain to fetch her. ami after much en-, i nc pain -ave me no icpue ami ' ; ; fr hatchin-. from one lo.alitv to anoth-tn-atv
-iiccccdcd in decidin-her to -pend n-aed from hour to hour. '1""-; ,.r, ,.,,. u,ild be better :iiifactioii
- mmm ----- . a r l .--- .- ..... , - .. - . -raTaTam rBl a - .Taa aian a
it happened. She -ot down hastily from could not be read, even bythe aid of a
the carriage and ran towards nie a I tron- ma-nifyin- -las. " The only re
Mood waiting for her on the tcps. She niainin-article which may lead to" the
kised me with extreme tenderness and identity of the unfortunate young woni--ceined
to be verv glad to be with me an found upon her peron wa a much
ii.. v - .....-- .- . ...... ...
a-:un. 1 let notiuti- ne seen on mv
face. We talked, we supped together
and then retired to our separate bed-
face of such innocence! My resolution,
was taken. I had the stubbornne-s of
1... ....i ...... i.....t...l Wi fi.r.l ;.!..
i..u ni.iiiiii.oi ................. .--... ......
Th.. .ui.Atl llOll .l-rnillll lllfirhnle -.llll
iiiu iiuijuii i.. . v. . .... --V -.".-w i'i..
where; I did not perceive, it until the
vc. 11 unui nie
ied. AVe buried
i., . L .1
1. .1
next tiav, wneii u uau un
her without any one
.--,.i.v.i..ji .ne
tnith. 1 lived there in complete soli -
tude: who was there to control my ac -
tions? She had neither relatives nor
protectors to nuestioii me on the subject
and I designedly put off writing to my
friends, o that none of them could ar -
rive in time.
44 On coming back from the vault I
uiu not ieei ine n-iuei vv eigtn. on my
conscietlce. I had been enieT. but she
less remore than I
nniii. i.i,iii,...w.viien-. win j-uwei ... ..uc ..k. .,. nan on a th,i tfin1. -iiminor heatsand ultrv night Gen. Forrest's Ieperate Game of
awake, T counted every hour. AM.en brown pair ..f jeans pants, dark coat. wnw IU autl tho llinl are , or, I Poker.
the clock struck a quarter past nii.liught .blue shirt, -alters a,,,! -traw hat. She ,.xh',-ted The moltin- eu,m j-
I -ot up and passed into her bed-mom is of decided masculine appearance b,- do. :U. h.;iMl am, the .,-,,, ;,:M,.m ;. & , V(.ars ( .,. Fom.,. vWlXOil
Ihere w:is the bean if ul blonde head ' injr about In e feet high, .p,anly built, preparing f,,r a chmv, the recoverv the citv and Mopped at the old Citv Ho-
bnncilin the white, pillows it lf thus , hands large and coarse, features rather W whk-h is a uue-tlon of time and tel. that ni-h Uveral gentlemen call- onr-nlc nrt ila.iiiii-r.a.1 111 tn. mill art .f lili ciiif mil ailir.r nnrli ttiibntii K.... .1 -- - .
1 , .. ' T 1 in , V" 1 .1.1 . o- ' y " " ",u care. Hv tin tune, if left unheeded, ed to -ee hun. among them a gentleman
white clouds. Miat a frightful lie wtis apparently about 2. veass of age. .1, ,;,. ,: . . 1 . -1 1 t 1 . 1 -.i .1 o .,- ti
.,.,,,, . r x.,t.... ,-;.. .,..1. .1 ' f , tlieir roo-tin--plaee have become foul 1 now connected with the ISiinncr. I he
thus on the part of Mature: vice with a , .....i ,-.,. .. .,, . , . . ,, . .. .... ....
Liwivnu...,...! -o""v -. i?ci. 11.. icMiu. 11.1..1 uiu tovvls -houhl not be kept over the econd out Our infor
her throat and hastily strangled her. nresence of 1 me salts, and niarbcvoiin- ,.-; - ,...1..--:. .. . :.. L. . A ' , tc " l mV V,r.mior.
She opened for one moment her large. , teraeted bv soaking the dried vegetables . TI ere i no btvod of fowl- Vha Z: 1 , 1 - , Ul " ' -Tin
bark blue eyes, looked at me with a.- over night, drainnfg and cooking them niWmem and enters mto t-onveration with luni:
tonishment: then closed them and died, in freslf water : verv soft water? either j tv viddto coiSement S t " Gcneral; ? h,e' !Ve ? "
as 11 iuuw.i; .ui-ii" u..u .. uc.a au- a iiuiiiuio iu. u.mi vvaier. .neiimm tender and rennire mnn. Mm fln.lVnm. ..1-. 1 j 1 - 1
grv with me, not even when I killed her. oft water is the best for general cook- thouXtinf.3 T. eve legan to
rSdmnof blood fell from her mouth infmirnoes. altbonr,, Uhluw ?- L"Ll nR Ban an-v of "ie other Park4e -ith the memorj- of old time.
.. ,. 1 j -1- .. 1 -.f ..v y. ; e-"-; ""..-- racea 01 iuer. ieneci eg-s. alter once nnd 4r .nm. mo. intorut n th
on tne djck 01 my nanu. 1 011 Know in it witnout salt are often soft and
1 n.niTAjl 1 Jl t.l &. la la.- T .1 A...1 1 I m -. . avl. ia..). 1
uraci.mii.. i uiu iiin u.ur iiw; i wum .-uiniij. uie iies-u anu maKes IL linn, ' tne scarlet
iorget ner: i nanny tiiougut about it. . while the egg keeps it snfliciently soft, years old. it
eer uiu a man commit a murder with and the rose-water uerfumes the mivtriro nn.l n le
On my return. I found in the chateau
the Countes h often mentioned. .Mv
nicaurc had len o
he alo arrived toi late for !! funeral, j
She ec incd imiHi on ieiiig me.
Terror, sympathy, griefI know not j
what made her "wak o eotifue.Ily '
that I rould not underMniid what -he . healthy bud, a a graft taken from a
aid to mnoIe inn. dl-e.-v-ed Ire. i liable to affect the tink .
Did I even litcnJo her? What j fr intanc a bud i nun a iefi tr-4
need had I of eon-ohition? I wa. not. having the vellou will omw thi di-
kjitpw stricken. Finally hetiHk me, the tiMk. Tin follow ins cn-
miliarlr by the hand and nald in a low 1 n,j, .mnl,, t',,. whole matter in a
voiw that -tie was omigeu io coninie to
me a wcrel and that h- counted on my
coolness I quiMiomil her on the eon-
tvnb. of thesJ letter. At tin-oue-tiou ,
the Iad tartil ami rephcil with imlijr-
. Sir. your wife wa more .'eiiemu
than you. hen -In took charge ot
llie-i lener IM oni imii ai me un-ir
content. She even rave me her word
never to look at them, and I am eon
iliced that h never eeu htlired at
them. Her- wa a noble oul. and he
would have di-daiued to break in -ecret
her "iven word
. .... ... .. ...a
" ' It 1 well, 1 repheil. Jtow-Iiall 1
reeoirni.e the parka"!?'
' It watird by a pink ribbon with a
-ilver ed :.
"'I will ro and -earch for it."
" I took 111V Wife-. Lev and bejnm to
-arch fur the packet: altlmueh I knew
where itvva. I pretended to have -oim
difliculty in fimliii; it.
"Is "it thi3' I .-aid, handing il to the
4,4 Vc-. e! See. the knot I made i
Mill then. She never touched it."
44 1 did not dare to lift my es to her.
I feared let .hc hou!d read in them
that I had undone it. and that I hail un
done .oiiiethin; -( he idc-. I took
leave of herhatily; ln. ;ut into her
earria";e and ilrove off. Poor woman.
hc had her cxciic. Her huband vva
brutal and diipalcd. If I had bieii
hkc him I should have ile-crvnl a wile
likelier. (Hi' hut my wife! Her heart
wa innocent, her oiiI angelic! she
lovi'd her hu-oaml even m the moment
when her hu-band killed lu-r I do not ,
know what I did duiin- the lir-t hour (
that followed. When I came back to '
the con-cioii-nc of the horrible reality.
I wa? in the vault, bc-idc the colliu. I !
-aw the Hd -lowly rai-ed and the dead
woman within roe noi-ele lv before
me. I wa -ircicneii, miii ami Mark.
I wa
, . . .. - i .
bc-idc the colliu. one hand on it ed-
. .
in. one hand on it e.l-c
in,! the other beneath I.e.; head. I he
,lli oi I lie I'orp-e were vv line : one droll
A -hurt time alter 1 vva- awakened
I iv a pain a harp a that produced hv
. . . . -. i
open air. Itvva early nionmi- N
one aw me I he drop of blood had
di-appcarcd: there wa utvva.d-i'rn
a -coriuuii -nn. I riiMicti into ine
111 llll. It. llll . I II IM I II V Til II V 1111 11111'
. i ' i it ! i .i i i I
blood had fallen burned a thou-li bem-
....... ..tii. .. l....- ....;..,..
""'., "" " '.'- i"". ." .
.... -
... ..-. ii.. .in.) i... i
uep oniciiinc. imh -.-ii un-n ,.-
, """ " " ., , t iMM iiiin jei'iiipiii-iii m .ill,! Him i" m- ;tjH i-Hp Mm- IMli MHO.ll JTn-M l",fw, .
iiiiiuir a iiiiiii'iii:iii b.iiii - . ..& .. . ..&. a . .. .t
lot con-ciou-ne-of my -ufferin- Miciv,,,,, r, have perfect li.dl-. and alien
was no one to whom I could make com- i . r, f(.(.. ,..,,, u,;tv ,r, ,.,.
plaint, and for that matter there wa I r, rt.r,i.iriv .,,., ,,e -heli; mav no-
n . w ,,., wo ,,.,.. ,m-..-v... '.
fill nin uiiii win. i ii:ii ih-iicVi'M iiiv 1
v i
,, . .. " 4l ;
Morv . i on nave ocen vvuue- i i ne m-,
ten-itv of mv -lifferin . ami von know 1
.- ----... - - ---
how much vour operation relieved m
I Sut a soon a the wound heals the pain
come back. It ha come now for the
third time, and I have no Ion cr the
sticii-tli to tru--le a-ain-t it. In an
hoiij- l h:ill he ilcao. 1 m thou-ht
1,'"n" '
oles me - as -he ha aven ed herself on
me in thi world he will, pcrhap, for-
iXve me m the ne.t. I thank you lor
onr -ood oiliees. Ma (iml reward you
for them I " j
A few dav s after, the uevvpaper of i
S. recorded that one of our richest '
lauded proprietor had blown out hi j
brain. Some attributed the Miieide to 1
-rief at hi wife death: others, who I
were better informed, to an incurable
new-paper ot j
wound. Those who .knew bet said he
was a monomaniac, and hi wound,
which could not be cured. eiled only
in his inia-ination.- Fnn the Ilinnjtirinn
of Mnuru Juhni.
A Female Tramp Killed.
At Viiieentie. Iml.
the niornin-
of the loth, the bodv of a woman attir
ed in male dres-was found lyin-dead
aero the -ide-track of the Ohio and
Miisippi Kailroad. about To feet from
the wet end of the plat form at the I"n-
1011 Depot. She wa lyin- upon her
i.hc ;iim 1 ne iiiuv i-Mcinai in 01 in-
jury was a ueep s,-aip wounii ai.ove ine
tie 'party tiu.lm-tlusvvillen.l nu
. I lie reillMlliiinr .ill.miii.ifl.iiit irnnu
.... .--..i....
. soiieu hk iian.lkerc'uef. of saffron
; center and li-ht blue border, having the
initials P. .1. worked upon it in one
Hard water used for cooking pur-
oses coats the surface of meat or vege -
;..i.i.. i.:i...i :..:....:.i. i: 1. ..
I.U.I.J "mini in o mm nine 10 micii an .... .-nn...i;..i.L. In In.ll...... l..l
v.n -111 i- cojiiviiiiu - 10 1 0111 :. 1111. 111 .i;i. .1
. . . . -,. ....
tasteless, coning water weu salted
Ulmuld ilw-ivs: he sed fro- hnlmo- v
1 :ulU(l aVlai.5' nc " Ior ooihng e-e-
j tasteless.
. uimc.. aunuum mju w.uer maKes tne
1 best tea and coffee
t0 makc the hands soft and white
one 0f the best things is to wear at ni-ht
iarse mittens of cloth filled with wet
1 i,ran or oatme-al. and tied closely at the
wrist. For the face, oatmeal paste is as
efficacious a anv thing, thou-h less
agreeaoie tnan tnu p:ste made of eg-.
I alum, and
Ihe alum
.. ,.
i and makes the cunl softer.
FAK3H TOPICS. i;v i: or thi: mkk m
Ckait. In budding or grafting m It
j. fu , . a .jinil -ux-V. a k w ill.
,, njn',. ,-lM, tntt f .,,. roiumniur-air
the di-.-a to the irraft. l nroid nn-
,lut.hiHr In a favorable lunate ami
.w,il, when the gnat.t gn.wtli. dura-
i, .MI,, f low,r growth, amllf tin
M,jj nn,l elimnte 1 unfavorable, iim- a
toek adapted t the oil. or one wIih-Ii
will. b it hanlier root, endure the
cc iM. A". J. Wrht
of -helli-,1 1,,, .in water jtt to eivur
S.u.T,SrLl-iitM:A.NiCilAiir.l. oi: fnT . or ,1(!fl milIU Cut 0,n,
Pir.. W.. have ob-ervrd that when fnm, half a den eivr- ami add to the
pi--are fed a -n-at d-a of heartv f-wnl. ,Hfln,. 1k,h tM,.,r ,iniit.- !.r half an
they an fund of alt and charcoal. !:..,. ,hnn.. JM wT,t..r n.l.t u.
i an often nffectel with in!i:retion. an
1 the -alt and charcoal areiriHl rcinedii
i We can not ven, well mix the-e thinr
' with their food in the rijrht pnijiortion,
j and. moriiiver, it would not be ljet to
; attempt to force a pi- to eat them unle
i it wanted to. or el-c it apju-tite mi'rht
i... .i.. . ...i i i ... .... .i...
, oi- ie-iioi'ii ;iini uai in titnir iiioii io-
expenmetii :
but bv iiiixmir the -alt ami
charcoal to-ether. and puttinjr them in
a Ikix acce ible to tin pi. thev will
cat no more than they require. Then
i- no danrcr in puttiii"; either -alt. char
coal or -tilphur. whiri the pi-- can p-t
them, but to mix them in their foo
iniirht iuitiri
it. :.,ii.. ;f ..........'
of them -hould no a voracious an- .
.- 1 -!"- . . .-.
petiti-. Ho- will eat a eon-idenible I re-it t..-ether and lav
ouautitv of Milphur. and it i- exceedin-- t !r ' lo "' "' '''' nj''
Iv healthful to them a a purilier of tl. . i--j'ttnil n-tam tlw jhh.-. then turn
r.t...wi .I...I i. Iw.l. . il...... to .r..i ri.l of and tend with the utmo-t cat.-. Place
. . . . - - ..?.. .
tie veriniii which mfe-t their ImxIic" in
-idc and out. We want the pi we are
oin-to eat to have pleiiiv of -ulphtir.
at lea-t all t ley will take" Their tleh
make better food F. It t'urli-'.in liii'
nil A' Yrh r.
Pitiiiu itiiin am Ki:i:iim; ok Ks.-
( ifti'iitime- it i- ri m:lttei of iniiiort
ai for a time. When
prices rule low. thev maj be pre-rrvc
m comparative fn-hne- for -everal
week, even in .lul.v and Au-uM. if can
1... .ll'.... ... l.l.irt. ..II ..illl - C....I1
'! UIIV. II I' ..1 1 lilt OI I'll il'l .1 . -'"'Ii
.... i., , i n.,. .,i
!" IH'MIIII III IM'lll 111" " 'in (
,..r.....i ... .1... I n; I ..f
U fl,r1 ,, i.i..., )lf , hortne-
of time reipiired for the velk of an -
to ettle on one -idc, where it adhere-to
the -hell and ipiicklv -poil- in warm
weather. Alwav place the e-- on the
bi-i'inl. I have tried both ends, and
--. tin lieu that iiroiiuce tnciii -noiini
:(hv.,v, ,. V1r :1(1 ,..,, . ithat
..,.,,,.;,.,,. f(ir S1I1V ,,.,,-j,,, .,f ,;,.
l)I(, .,lu.iw ,.;. fl,,m .OIIL,ill.l.
.- - ..
or, it two vcar oiil. ontv trom tim-e ui
iHrf . , .. ,f ,i,i,'r..b. i, elo.elv
ii - --- .
ob-erve. hv breet er vv MM.rt e--
...... rr
,,5.,, It i-of inueh imi.onancc that
i hit
iiiro. I'.kimlii i-l i nl tin wlit'll- lill' ikii.
- i'uiiiim, tin '" ' -- -
,-- . .. i .1 " ..
m HiiiMTU'riioi ui:u iviiiuT uirm mi-
M-imperfection that lender them mi-
,5, illhir fp k1 , r ,. hat,..i- , ,
1 , .1 ' i.T . -n . . ;
nen in iierieci iieaiiu win not iiroii an
daily for more than three il:i in
-ucceiuii. Fowl that an I'oiiliued iu
narrow inclo-ure forauv len-tliof time
can not be in jierfcet health. Tliey are
forced out of their natural habit, and
the restrainin- of nature tell on the
tem, ooner or later, lor uumciliate
use, their e--s. perhap. are as -ood a
any. With inereain- a-e the helN
-nvv thinner, and onie drop them
with no hell at all. Mreii-th
, M:111.:.... ...- the vtein. umiorted
by ood vvholesoiiie food, produce the
-hell. It i a calcareou uhtaucc that
forms around the -- after it is perfect
ed in the oviduct. The completed -- '
J conits of eveml component part., each
! one of which draw on the vital ener-v
and t:uiiin:i f the bird, which is o
formed that its body perform it natur
al functions in rcrular order when in J
health. We inut consider that thev are '
forced out of their natural order when
have decidcd.m favor of the for r po- or vviiere it i cool mr an notir Kcnue IMV j, ., j )M,,j, h,Hj, ,l Ul -hiil it tttlr WrtBtit4!vatttra6tr t r
sition. i:--- -hould be withered from ervin-. on nn he...!, and went home o w.thout dra le.UM.i to iht tiuih f t t '"'
the ne-t everv ilav. and where then are Tomato .s,ip Take a hin-l.ue. tIlKin-it ff When I "ot iv n.m th-tUnecr wh rr.r w,t, tt t.! - u iT
many hen kept, twice ina dav. It mat- have it broken, and put iu oup-ke.tle ,h,.r..'"-at Marv in her -own. ami the li ".ic'mMr
ter not for what pun we deuv with live onarl of cold water: allow it ...,., ,..., "l ,t.-,l -,t hi. .ill k.l ...,.., r.. . n .u.ti, .
we feci I them up for -reat -- pnulttc-ivrell bntied common, siiilN and thn'e
tion. Did am one ever hear of a wiI.Mtw.rt. of finelv chopped bacon inadt into
bird that dropped a oft e--, or ever
ee a helles e-- that was dropped by
a wild bird? We have produced jxiul
try that do not Mt. Xatun intended
the hen to it on her e--s for
week, and aftevvard to nurse
run with her chick for four
r live week lon-er. In tin interval
the sv-tem -ain-torn and -tren-th. It
, ,,t.rM, the oveiirrovvn bird's beak -et-
- .i... i - -t. r e I '11
IIirill. 1 inri'r snnri' 111 10011. 1 111- rn
blackbinl can not be any great layer, or which have been hanlened bv water,
their eggs are di-eanled bythe other :mt rvmvr them as pliable :"is wj,en
binls thus imposed upon, for the species , ,.-. ,.,.. ken-ene will make tea
ls not very plentiful. Eggs droppeil in kettles as bri-ht as new: at urate a
May and .lime keep much better than
those dropped later in the eaon. The
' co
1011 is that the fowls are in better
the middle
time out
' tonics -h
stimiilants and mild
tllllt.: fl.AIl1.1 mjrm ,:n I...
" """"" uv i-icii ... ine
perpetual laver
: . ---
is reijuireil. To
promanie. tnese
obtained, should be set up on end in
-..-.!.. MV
mxxl sweet elein oit; nnd vnt ;
" i ' ... , kPx m a
eool place, and there will be found little
i, ciean oat-, anu Kept in a
and there will be found little
saving them to obtain a fair
1 ffieultv in savin- them t rn
. - r .. "..
price at tne tall nuxrket. They must
Vfter the iiml.lle ot
vi iiiiii ivi.uiii. in'iii 1111 nnim nan oven iimini uuiiu" mi"
ossess goou, tlncJc, perfect shelLs. or 44 1 once calletl .lS,CCO in New Or
they will not keep. Cor. Country Gai- , leans."
4fe""4n- . , Did vou win?" "
t Z - 4, I won it."
The women m Kansas rot at the 44 What was vour hand. General r
school elections. At a recent election at " It was three kin-s "
visage viry one woman went tip tfuvo
le, 1
out oeiore sue got thron-h i..llin.r th
' .lud-es what a time her AV?1H i.i,i ,..1.
. --o , r : " ... -. niiii
fever when h
when he was only 2 ; to .Memphis, and we toptetl at the Wor- DUDC TC1C -time
to dose the polls . sham Ilono. The next morning we got "11 lit I LAO. j
111 fOrgOtten tO denOSlt lier llfll-
B ""-
HI.VTS roil THE HOIElin.Ii.
" TM.
- l""irel Okr. IW1 the tnlT U
in alt'l wa'er for tnrt twHttttr. k.1
tt with Irtilt'T. totwrr. lt ! ita.
HmUrlwrry IV U mwh iiupnnrni
b adding a .m1 of &-. I bane.t ..
pi" to ew-h pie. ("t ihKcrriwwtb
th- lio-d apd and l.V. wti.W .m Uf-r
OLra ami IhmaI IW ! r.
,ht ...-.l Kmmb-.-. .iK ll m
tl .7ih iwhiUt of tender okrw. U
ami ittim-e '! niiIrant uI imWt
mix Pevlh"r ami t.w half an hour
.aou with tMitter. j"p"ir aid lt,.il
imttier tlft".tt mimiti-!Hi;er
- Lima lU-an and Citm 1UU a mnt
Keep mm ininiuie; Hnott vvun Mp-
jwr, -alt. ainl ro talmMiti!uI nf it-
- (.uiuImi Soup tine ehieketi. frjiil
brown; om allou water, four llee of
ham; put thi on the tin to eo.k l.ovlv
from ei"ht o'rbn'k to twelve m . have
.!.. I I
;. . ' . .:........
one pint rii-n corn, un pint tomato.-,
peeled, one onion, ilnipMi! line. Kilt
and pepjHr to ta-te. 1-t ail cook till i
Totili Steak In-tiiid of poumliujr.
i cut it with a hani knife, makin- line
... . '. . . .
panillei cuts on either -Hie until even
Ie cuts on either -Hie Illltll evurv
ha liein cm nl ami n-cnd
t... .....1 1 !......
the -teak iijMin a hot platter and --on
with bit of butter, pepper ami salt
"se.lllupe! Tomatoe-- Peel ami cut
into licr one-fourth of an inch thick a
inanv ripe toiuatiM--a oii wi-h to till
your bakiii--di-h . put into the di-h. tirt,
a lavct of tom.itoc-. -ca-oiieil with lut
ter. pepper and alt, then a laver of
bii-td-eniuib-. ami -o alternate until the
-" " '":irly ""'. x"r, brcid-ciumb
la-t : cover ami bake half an hour, then
remove the cover and bake bruvvii.
Tomato Nilad Takeoff the -kin
with a -harp knife, cut into thin -lice-ami
lav in a a!ad-bovl. lake a dre
in bv workin a tea-poonful ai h of
-alt and made mu-tard. half a teapM.u
flll of pepper, the Velk of two hard
boiled !--. with two tablespoonful of
inched butter: then whip in with a fork
live table-poonful- oi nod vine-ar
pour over the tomatoc ami -ct on ice
r where it i cool for an hour bcfoi
to noil tealilv ami kun: in an Hour
put in four doeu of - bied toina-
..: do not kin l if: boil until vour
.., ;, r,.,l,UT(l , one-half: take a i.o-
p i rciluceil to one-halt: take a p
iml cni-h the toinatoe-;
a trainer: return to ket
iias ttirou-l
tle, and remove the beef before emn-;
-ea-on with alt and pepper. Thi i a
plain count n, tomato oiip.
- IoCIean ticntli'ineirt oat: i irate
t-.. ..t .. .. ...T I. ..... . t. ... !...
uiili :i iiii:ii i tii uiii iiiim Uiitri loin i;ti in
. . - . r.-
iMtat... I.iM tin pu p Mtth pour
ootatoe. Let the imiIi. ettl.
,,,, ,; ,, ., ,,,,,. XVell with it
' 1 r-
Kverv one mav not know that a
mall uantity of nit rate of oda put into
the water everv time it is ehan-eil will
a . . -
preserve cut 'lower
for more than a
To Keep lllack Ant Out of '
ar llarrel Draw a hi-mark with eom
inou I'halk around the banel. and the
work i done. The mall red ant (a
real pt) are ea-ily banihcd by a free
ii of cavciine pepper placed and blown
:..... ii.:
1. in. in. 11 1. ..'ii.
, . , . , .
- lor freckle, take one ounce of lem-
on juice, a iiarter ot a poiimt 01 povv- j
dercd bura. ami half a ilr.uu of .u--
ar. Mix them. 11111- Mifhcietit water,
and let them tand a few days iu a -la
bottle uutil the liiiior is lit for lle, then
rub it on the face and hand oecaion
ally. -"The follow-in- i aitl to Ih a cheap
and simple remedy for externiinatin-
rats: i:ik
lake a mixture of two part., of
a tiff mas with a much meal as mav
be reipiired. ami then bake into mail
cakes: put down for the rats to cat.
In catinin- pumpkin it i better to
steam it than to boil it. When Meanicd
ipiite tender take it out iu a dish ami
mash line ami free from lumps, put
a-ain in a kettle over the tire ami tir it
eoiitinuaiiv to Keep 11 irom inirmn-.
...:,, ., .....wr ,.r r-..r -i.rlnL-t.Ml u-itl. -..It
. I ... I
That kerosene will -often hoots or shoe-
( woolen rag and nib with it: it will al-o
remove-Main- from clean varni-hed fur-
' niture.
earlv nart of the night, and Fomt h:ul
, 1 -t , -a.. -.T l . ..-!..
receiveu ine uuai auemiou oeioen on
him. Now, however, h was sitting off
to himelf. and
appearetl vvorn and tire.1
mant .wishing to have a
Mibject, for be it known that no one wa
1 .u --".''""":"'"""
fonder than hem recounting hi won-
derful exnloits
fonder than he
4 derful exploit,
' How niin.h
' .. xr .... r. 1 . -,. . .
nun uiiieii. .iciierai, wasine large.
stake vou ever nlaved?
44 But," -ays he, 44 the hanlet game I
..r i,..i ;-., . n i. t..-x..
ills. .Iut after
.i...-n- .. 1 ... i1 -.-
im- ii ar nirew. iu aim
mv wnxe went
I mil-tliinrr tn.)..!.. n,,l I Am..i;l all
1 mv papers out of my trunk on tlie floor,
- -- i - - m ., n
I'ontiniiallv to keen it from Imrmn . Iie 1- -till walkm to-tlav. ami to all r-iillu!f 'la'alTiat,
xmA Man l m ct V !
maw -t m Mrt. ". thAt & V f - Sr
tai" fl mn mi tlm.. KoMi- -
tr wtiHT t r" it-? Jt f 1
rtpl wt -rVrt m4 lr rp'.
V"f . 4 UH, w h ''
l.Ur imA tlwrtt cttt-. Aft- fctt
V't rry ti. fHd ti TTf
tma l "rtn-4 m wa t4tWr 'Wmt
bnkr I ImmIm'I r X r-l '
wkifh I itdd rl t Aft-
Me x ilwf-ttjh Uk p3 I V..4 H
Mri Mi Mr W-Vr4 m mv
kM.' U ! bM. M.W1 - 1 1
4M't Vih. t W. "" !'"'
vW winUr' 'm . Mmr
... lite Ut HOMKW Ml tit xU?,
Mi 4m kJ W of ttkHh l Vr '
it hi 1 WiLJ 4 Wwr risfU Hri.' a
& Usp. mmI i U. j I. M '
are mtgfctv x wn. a4 I nt z?
bux ltt ym mrkmg "l"V
bf n blstUtutrr M tki ntm 1
!'n mud Iki ) j4v -!
tkx iMittM. mmI ) at- hv '-
mgyu Mw piatitf. md 1 rr-ki4i v- i a
rUfbt li4t k ltt ikr Wo r h
il-ljraK' wttii t.. Md .w-!w I U
tf vnu WMtidM't W Ntftn nr. ttt .M
-rlM , (,U B r, .
nln '
..av W lW4nt. I tH't U-.
t. ". . ....i- ...! t .1 i ...
nttmr w wii
lwtt. Mr." - 1. 41 nrf ti,
.nh a ll ivhrtv ll mrr m ih
) lul !JW, nittl timt wvitkln t J
oiirtnverti IhII. 1 mrn'l ! io u.
tlwn tht. for I'M intir I wint t on a
nlit If 1 !. tkal I'D cho. if-riH
itml if I hiii lliffl ui-'ll Im itnth,i
to -tirt n v U. 1 ni' ' rn..T
with hr. but he wiMtklut vr. ltt
at lat he ayt
'Itiilfonl. 1 ktow ymr mtl 1 t
" . -' n'e?i"? "
whether I'm witlin or not .. i wm :
it ..i :
iv uoiiuii"; imnv .i..iii m.
Hat. .iiiIioh. I felt wiwn I iartni
that ln wa for inc. and 1 ji' kmovvl
leivv 'twould Ih
Well. 1 went oii time lf.-redin
ier. and. nn emm-h, tletv v.rv at it
I'hev had thni table one had a ijuar
ter ante, one n half, am! i ' !! v
ami it half I w tnt.-l mv -x t n .1 !
to 1m a- l"ii i I lotiUl iiiak- '. t !
-o I it down to the ipurti r tat. I.
Int on until dniiier, ami b tint ' i I
hail won nuh to d- tx-tt.-r t'!. ! '
we had eat, 1 -ttdown tothddkniH"t-a-half
table. 4omeliinc I won. ai. 1
then ajraiu I'd lov on until nl-Ii tlio-'
midiii-ht. and then 1 lnl t-etter lin k
I kimw'd Man vva -iitm- ii ami pr
in-: I iilt like it ami it made ne - '
I t tin hat down hv my -ide mi l'
tlMr. anil ver time I d vin Id dr i
the moiicv in tin lint We pi tved !.,
a lid""! didn't know mlhitt- itlNot b w
mm Ii Id I didn't ki p nn
iitiint. but I kuovt'd I w.t m n
nin- 1 thoiit;ht nun 1m- I'd won a bin.
died dollar, or m.iv 1m- two humlnit.
but I didu'l know. I ct then' until ilitv
broke, and then ve went home. I
waitin for nie he mvuhiI tinil ami
anvioit. and. thoti-h he looked nn-ht
hard at me. -he didn't av a word I
milked ri-ht up to her. and, Milliu- off
mv hat with both hand. I emptied It all
rijrht in the lap of her -own. And then
we et down and counted it."
How inueh wa then-. (Jen'P"
44.lut lifteeii humlrcil dollar even "
44 And that." added the Cem-nil. a
he walked off, 4-in ima -tart " .V.fA-
It'tiiiK r.
Pnntlcnl Kciill of a Liul- Prater.
M vviik-stki:. ) , An- !. - We havi
f the tuo-t extniordinarv 1:11
iml al . a . a... . ..!.. ..aaaa..a
"ere. vvneuierii im a iiui.uie n,.
we vv ill leave it for the reaoer to ileenle
The person i- Mrs. t lav ( oolev. .1 um-t
otimable and devoted wife ami ( hii-
tiau woman. she ha len alllittl
with pinnl ili-e for ten iars. unahle
to turn herelf in her bed, and
could not -tainl alone without let
On the lii-ht of the I 'ill he ortved
11 1 . 1 . 1
.. rv. ,
an ni-ni. ami nei iimniiii" in
, ,,.,,., . .. , .,, ,.nn.,
anl to
I aui
j.,.,.,,, ,j .. ;
1 o huii-rv.' .Mr.
( 'ooley .aid : 4 I will -et up ami -ct
bnakfat : you have not re ted auv .
lay down and I will brin- our break
fast.' After the meat wa ivaiiv. in
came in and announced it.
44 1 will -et up and -o to it.
band -ot her Imice-for her. but he aid
44 1 dpn't want them. I can walk."
and nt once n-e up. when -lie turned
deathly iek. She laid back ami offer
ed up a fervent pnner that ln mi-lit
-ct up and walk. After the praver h
mi-ed up. -ot out of bill ami dre id
her-elf Her little family. atoiu-hid.
-atliered around her. he tellin- them
he ciitild now walk a- well a tin v
After breakfa-t -he -aid. 4 I mn-t U t
my nei-hlior know," ami out -In win4
walkin-and -hotitin-into t licit hou-e-
he 1- -till walkm- to-lav. ami to .ill
f'reerce hea iel!-f 1 aimrt. lmjK'M.
)iCiSs ot tne lhrr nt lonitch are the
cnmmnt of tbesc rloale affection. Ir.
Pierce'. (SuMen Me lil J -corerr and Plea1
and Pur.atKe r-Tl' re nTer-falUn- rem
evlic for thec dl-ra. Thrj pnlue 1
bcalth'ul secretion of ttie bll-, oreren4 fn If-
tetlun br reulatlnz the tor!, an.1 Impart,
viyroun tone to tii- irhole siria.
Tiik cnrdlal reception that Dr. F. W llboft'
AnU-I'enodlc or Fever aod Asrne Toalcha
recelvetl at tke bamic of tbe mlleat pnte
jloo In Louisiana certa nly pore that It U
an eicellent remctlr, and that lbecomport
tton of it, a- .nb,'L.l hv lt .rnprieur.
WheelocJr, Fin U j t Co., of New Or tf,
indorvd bv tbnu Aaint C'LUl and Ferrr.
Dumb Cbt'l and enhvn;d seen thre ii no
YtVer remedy In the orld- ror sale bj all
Lrazsl U-
Siieakin-of the force of habit, re-
mind me of an ex-chool t-acher. now
n'iotcin- in a hu-band much taller than
her-elf. who. when aljont to ki him at
rar.-.Vfir England Edurtional
vThat everjbody says must h trc. acd
e7eryboJy does mV ttut .Votnjf Yuui U tiie
best- Ail grocers tell It-
Chew Jackn'- I-t5wrt"avy Tobacco.
DIP Wses Sosmer tad Winter. Sarsple free.
u 1 u aOocai tcrx co, wjo w. 1
wmuma MCM
YUufVl Mtn
ea tuaiexs. w
wxfatrt t tw-J tt rapfct-x.
Ia!.-t It) ti 17 oarnrmin
WXera TrL l3nw. 'aita'U. Ma.
U all D WbotaMle and reli.L Send forprto
fff lKo)CiVn.jrstraii sTj'jvtii
IInilleJiCKMlAiI.3aW Ki.lixvCSilCao
MAAA A TEAK exj ale la neb
4 W l tnnsXj.Gmwl trvataaaanucsiazxla-recsa
x4a J. m. CM 4 r 9 AX. M"t-ti.. XUlitfti. lad.
ir f. I" O a woxth AeraU Wanted 3? b-st.
41 U la U f, jLAijr j,, ures. lrtnr.3Cia.
jLarsst WaatMl tirrrnim
to mtO to t ualbr&jU. acd
r-klnlwierv.RtnMn-trTTllUSL Ut5-
. c-jJapjuv.-viriiKso st, .x. r.Q.iMzv.
rrrattirn . . -,-w -. m. . wn
J1 r-r--. '
. fafc. tw. . 1 1 lllir
lrw txJiw
4 ta ' ''
l . I .. v- 3. l 4
run wiuvTi
S25 Every Day
Well AtiKclrtIU
r . in
'. a,u.
v4 .t.
' . MMrf -- "i-lill .1 ,
m. niii.'etitntllili
4flF.. 7fc. '-- -,.-,
Kr .i 4 k- . .
ur -f ukH , m
s7 V r H '
Iw . - M- .If 4
j .. f I .
A t X 41. I 1.1 tM 1 . X
KM ; t M- M VlT
I . s
- t - k v.
14' 'II w - ..
k '
Sniffs Tonic Syrup
TI jrp'itor of tt.. i vt'l b
Jnttly cli frit . tr.Jt tyTt . !
ti. -ttTtr etftitit l ti- v ... " ! 5A1 ",
U.RTAIN SPKt.l)Yaa'Vr.KMAK!..Nrt..
0fA;oadretr,(irC4ibi"O.l ri.r,kA
eref thittor iOBeiBdict lit rfer t tS
ht beacurr4by itcc't bll,
hc'.tcitor4tioa cfih Rtacikt b. It i.
totTcr,prulrnt,.i.llo tTcrrcut m-Ttnt-ttlntcctur,
If ttt cirlt cooti&a4 In. tmnllir
doni far a. wc-k or two t ; th !. bi
btoncheekfrt.uisre ipt,ftily In dinrait w
lose it idini citt Uiatllf mtUtnt
will not rrqntr tcy aid I Vttp tb biw! I
go-d order. Sasatd tHr ptlut, t.f'Tff. tr
ijnltf ,eithrtlmtaiclii.t',rt-lirk
thforfoardo.iof tbTaor.iolt,i'tt
be mtiictat.
Th K-nalio SMITH'S TONIC BYKU.' wt
hvrOn J0HNBt.LL'8prlralitmpoijlt
bottle nit JOHN BULL only fct.ittTltkt tt
mntiftetur nd tell tht o.'liltl JOHN J
Exarotno welllbe Ubtlon ech bt'l-. it
-. - a. a.. -ah ..a. av. . an i a. a
prirait tvmrap 11 no. nn - ..i-. . a.., or yoa will be drctivtd.
M.inur.ictwrr nnd Vntlar of
Th Fopulaf Hemotllet of thu Diif.
lrl-'lpt OMre. Sl! Wtlii L. I Ot 111.1.1'. S.
Wi t- r in' 1 tit!) ". If l ' l-4'i ol
i- la A'WIl- llf.'l I t. Jf t t
lit l.'ill.ri. ttrr4 lufcur.i V. .
Tho only 20 Cent
A sife and rcl able substitute fir
Quinine. The best knovrn rrtr.fdT
for alldiwasss eaud by Mntarial
Poisoning, bcin; a preventive ru
well as a certain cute for
ttuM m-t4! n !..." t j r r. i'-m t-v
rtrmir-n4i. mr'l ' f '"f 1tZ.
taiorral A wJ'hI ii.Iiui. ,
F r r it'n
Krt 'Mfrf-a
Ml. & s
rl'r ..:
4 ,rTT r .r-icrr-x
IJ37-I2XT. mid -A.OX733.
0015 13T JiftCT T".! Ht3
II.USEiTE IKE ST03. C?. J'; ' thil
(a- iu pn -. -
x t.aat rfr v r -. r-
i-ni'r- ' . ,"
.-,-, u trr wr -
1 ml
J -a
M3 Hto
' I
II If '' . k.
nv''j .
bli Ai-i-J . .
A. Sl V. C. IV.I.
-tnr 1 -t,
LER, Proprlefora,
Ttt '.. uil.ii , '"
Mtidt ever ltxcrn. can
Tcne to th swtwi a.! rttr hha ts
those sufferini' frnrn reeeil dithiXj 3Ad
nervesaftesx. Sold by aJl Dru?3tjti.
K-. 5- X.
5 6
K j-rsi
pltmi My jfou Mir it , if r.WI "-...
im thlm jmprf .lrirrrftrm likr tm Kmrnrnw
Kftm aavit travrr tUtir AdrrrHtineulm
V prntfimff fccsf.
" urru uu.rrft. -... -.- -
kl I U VlUWIl . ,.-. -----.
."R. :'ik.
Iniiaa Blood Syrup,
t r xT 'lit
t a1
Tie 3rtt Rttsfty KMrtra to JC1
r. . . it, iu , i ,i. ii i . --
l mmt ..h M fcill . il ii Hl 1
-.." .
iv. man rf t. rn ii . "i
M . - J v-v ..iJi m w '
... . 4 m.4 W . m- . I :
v. . 4 . mm tmiM I .-' . i
- m m W in IVf ' -
.- - . .11. m0 It, j .. m- . s.
mm- I -. 1 -MKM..MM. M
WV4M) Tfr" . 'mwnimrtMt M It
kt fcj4 ?. ' k !.
i.H.i t r-4 . m--tm tt-t WW
vt fr ml t Ht.i iiiii
- a to W3 - k- t- '
fc -mH t 4 ii.ihi 1 1 - i. -. mm i iIH
W wa wl li . t- - - M tak taMMBlf
Urn !. I m-4 M Vm -A - KfMI
si fm
5 V2- tzi
C5 r -tit
SS rat
v v "
Ek T "
'' lift Tii ..1
WakMrHkl. tK XU Ma.
r 4 Uk tw '
mm ...l I Jf
.i,Mii . .n iuiiiir. Mh 3
,... 3f5i v'- " m
, rl .H Ihanlll ll..- A M.a
r.i.i 1. i.'.i. .r . - .Mut i
.. Mmlllll ! mmtmU .!
r- 1 . -4mmvmm f.m. ?
. . - ,li - mtm t4M
t '- -.
. . -f
: ''Wt -t.
Htiwin F.iRiB In In-ltaa C-itwsi.
Mill . . vi" . " -fc- 1 t( cw t W M
a iffi m4.
, . .., Ma ofHM);fW i"l."''l
,i a .nnfttA mpkrm tmm-Vt. - '
m n WfelV Mi Il1'fcl'a . -
i ' iiw aT. tf fu "' aa
....if hKAl"V
IM SKrH."- "Ta. lrr lt4W-t ar
ddltV! ki , ?
Mf. EhnaI' mJn , va-iH al 4 ,
i rlMWllfall - - -ili a a
t)il4Mlt " - ' " - ' ff wli
j (BmX v ' 4 --m w la mtfgmti Itm
j lifIX .
Dr. Clark Johnon'ti
Triet' Lr ittJi
Pr tt ef $m-.i l"-.!
. - . tl.OQ
. . . AO
t j-".. altaikaaa
A Rtsarkable Corp.
finw eiajatf a
Mr 1 " ' !- - mllmru M
raa. I4I .imp mt iwyK
jn-rvfala '.'.'-' -- . m" ' '
MW " " J ' aaafc. Br
all 1 vl 'aaa i 1 ' t a- -
U, .a m .- -i w
1... .w... a '. - . I a. '. I
I-., '-'.- w m- . " If.
Hmrnl f - - -' ' - ' .
1 t-l a- ' - . . a a .. i aa.4 mt-
1 fmmxmm. .. ' .'
aa. 1J I. - - laTWaA
Safe smt Rliak Kdiets.
pmt Ja. M m 4 $ MH b" " 1- Itla .(. - ItWIwI
umiml'til la i uk wnj a i vf IU- t4
I tv tM4 aa tM fcaf f(a3 IMBaa
a,M4 ft t- t sal! ai U a- kj ta.fc4
I .JLaU U .Cf.l'l. O ft Mlc,
It tt. in &.
a K.iuunvi.
Fer Sre Thrsat e4 Lf Fmr.
fK nw.i TfAf raajaf.
Jar Irr- VW4 ll"l. laa4 mjrm,
Ul m tt laa mmmr . I Wl a"al K.
ll.a aa4 aa m-f 1 a tPmrl,
m4 - kr M la. Iel- - 1
a. ;-.. H- t- AJtCX- .
Liter Oojijict Ujfptix.
vttJf. M.w r im v . Wwo. is. )ia
Imr myr Tfcit ta la aar-.f it I km laa al1
HI. Iajaav. 4 tt "hl
iaar t - a-aa r fmr Inlax Hlaa4 ..
,p mrmmymmr Apl fc turn 4mrmtm
ttmmmt tm ...' t a-T r Jam! rvuuoiMIl
' teteaavral4nwjuuj
Fevtr asd A.qe Carei.
rtTM tVMI' a . WmI Itt
favKf-ktnlM oaa Jimmu4 Ita4la
IIIa4 -.T--I.J. Imtrtm p JM tkiiilliaraVl.
mfiS mM A m J Uutim
. Ma MOT r - V "- W
tf Mm waw. uU ekaC hhwim -- r
v7a atlta- H.I UVJC.
Rtmiy for Llircr CmpiihL
9txw94.&r-rrr-3 Tirti. kptn 35. nx.
rr. K - hew lMa. atla4
rat. a Ij t vJ-iiVr, " n! tt-t
Uta'xa-. KKtaCZXACXK-X.
V.imiii fr Rfertraiathnj.
rt f ltl 'M-rtfy. Tis.
T"V 14r Wl !? m UimJmmut iu m laK tt
.-art W nil i ". I'tog v. V. tar Uat.a
ar. rm im af. atMii t a? a-S if a one. XI
aa rmpiaM yxT I amarfi
InalJia HI fi. VB I Jv-ataHa-. aw3 i
vrj llWI OM V V 8a
ea&a r4 1 Mi Vt . vtx. 1 1 c4 '
tm ft-" - jB-rtat. inatWivii
la- ' t aawlt ae.wa-")' A r Ua eV-l
Car, i taX a&aV la aa la & t
tot- (-vJkauju.
Cstilt 3ut4 Fever.
D-. . rnr -i 3T.jra
jwr--7.fer-iXa'airr lav
4lM Mia a 4 a;niaic. Caa a r. affat
kBaa3VMUlZ9aa'taar. IV Aaavawt
jwzr njfoiimT 6a4iOa fsr mCaOr ... ta
arr;s9.siaOrr ilAil! I. Ja-jfOna.
A RerkiWt Ce Cwt IHrr!MM f
rrty Yean S5
7irTV re- CaMf. ?.. ;. jy:x
rr r-rr y J- 1 ? s .
tturrttrtfcicSTfa. A!w mf rurf
tT3 &5 rvi t t r7 - ww s
la BKtrr.Jtrfa-- Tt lttr 4aakeC
nJ. f siwrt aJtt tw 1 t.e !(- aai ef.
a k: i-rOi&'. 'At-jc Jcs !' - arf IJ
t try rf wr. tt i""
jsai. aea SSr uusi ii'ifi a ai
CaiVTSael 2-CaA tt ti SJPf JJ twi
UJ-rUlttiartSr 1 rrtl- il -r SaWrf
ta r,-; -rTaji uirwa oi. &JLXfca
Ctm Fver a4 Af.
fimtea !- Cwmif, s4l. ffc. ta. t -m.
ar -l tHMr4 r -fSa-C.WVltZJX
taji SWMWt f fM
VlltaKltUtQ. JWUr-i
KlldKlSw A
-K Jt
I "W-'l
-- .