THE BED CLOUD CHIEF . L. THOMAS. ruttUli-r. MRred cloud, . . NEBRASKA. WIFE AXJ) MOTlIEli. w inn h, lierhulr !.,I,,IIX "' "tie liMik li-r J.1IC-. liUliliK Willi wli' Hint CTUXecoiitpil; l! m.-.ii Imp,.,, tlimve with u vsonifrou' Kmif. .... ,I,M,,H 1it lemliT ami wt'-:ii(at mmiI. J Jl I-. Ill till liKt ,, till,.). IcrV.-Ilt t'fn ( I im- Im-ihi1iii1 bit ot HoikI!--! li-, ' iuiiiii-r Mint -.w.-,.t,ir-H -.ciiifi! IoImI1 llll Hie iiikI mj lit.l one nil lll' Ti ii i- iliil -Im- ny tier Ininli-ii ilow n ...,' "lieliMit o llll-Oo-H .l WoillIllillOO'l, I In u e lil h ii Ikt mum i-V eniwn lleep in the hik raiiM-nltil MimhI. I -or liltli- -Ii1I'Iiiii i-Iiim-i1 Iiim hn-it-t, l I .k!Jii! Hi.-if to :i liiicl, w.-.-t n-t, I r- tllllltlljr Itltek to 111.' iM'l'konlllK llillltl to III. in front tin- h.iiMiily l:mt. 'tb-n in tli ti'iiili-r :tiil i-tlnl ..itlici-.l h -limtiiu of -lli-ni jiiiin, I .l II HHoVI'l OKI lllolllltHill -km i.ntlK'i tin mi-l Unit time to itiin. 1 Itc." -.In u)ii-.-icl, "ii it my in in IiiI'Iii-iiV ti'i-t miII not no-rin I iilooui liimi" -o, loilmt (nrnuiiv "I i- eiill in.-, (.-;il. nii-I I iiiii-I oltcy. lii-' oh. ov., nn- miIiIxm, nt my knee, M Kli'Mt-t kIii uiiin oiuk oii. I i i llii-ir ii'r, . trail rji". roui wi' Ml tile ll'M of lllj lite nill tine. l' tile ll'lllll T .-II ItlllK-l ll.MII-, imii Inifl mill eolorot tlovittr. ll Hie luttOIOieeof tll-I ooi-mhV., I nun' to it -rlll-li hymn of pli., I in on mv Iiiki'Im r Imwi-.l h'i li.'ll.l lite lieimtifiil, Ioiik. lair huir, Ur'.nn;oer lll Illrjlfl .Ii r.r :illl W onl too mrlcil to Itii'lithe rl-eu heie' li on m loK'liriuI her hi-l ki- lny, i't Well-the "irethiKH hr limle 'me my out who-r niriolt I IIIIlVIKit tell, .ie tin-mh1 I. -t illl'l hl-t '"Imewell." " i We foil in t licr. in rohe of white, ei!i :nii -.nil, like ti If lx In i r; lb i Illlll fm e timieil to the etthie; lillt. I'lie o lni'lr Itloom silimit lii-r hull'. -oll on li.-i i li.-r.l lip- tin- iniiit liejit It'll, .ilmif iiji e i.-t- tie fist mifiht tell. -lllllill: llll- M1 in I e i-ollli) llrnr llll I am uiili on ti mi Ion- oii, ilnir." Millir II". t'lirirnli r, in the ClirUtlim I'liimi ax i.wisiui.i: wor.M). t ( In.; ..f the ino-t iclcbnued practition-, er ot le-th, llr. Iv., wa K., wa called upon me imirmnv; to receive at ai earlv hour :t vi-ilor in ";reat hate. who, whilcwnit injr in tlit ante-chamber, -cut in vvoril b tin foot man that delay for him wa d.mjrer. lie miM be received imme- , h.itely. The Doctor thrcvv on his dre i i r ' row ii ha-tih and had hi patient shown ' in. He found hiin-clf in the pic-enceof a man utterly unknown to him, but vvho. to hi- die ami manners, evi-1 ileutlv beloujred lothe bel oeii t. Hi pale face bore trace of jrrcat di steal , and mural Mifferiiijr. lie carried his ii";lit haml in a linr. ami in -pile of his i ffort to re-train hiin-clf. from time In time a Milled irh e-cajicd him. Secinr the poor man l:i";,ri,r the Doctor invited him to -it down. I am tired. I have not -lept for a weik There i -omethiu"; the matter, with in x liirli! hand 1 b not know what. I-it a carbuncle? I it cancer? At tirt the snffrriii"; was -iirht, but now il is a buruiii";. horrible, continual pain, increasin-' in intensity day bydav. I in licar it no hrn'rer. I jumped into mv rarriae;,. and here I am. I have come to lie"; v on to cauterize it. or to cut out the painful part, for one more hour of thi dreadful tot tun would drive me iu perdition!" j The Doctor a-ked to -cc the hand, which the patient put into hi-, rn:i-hinr ' his teeth meanwhile from the intensity of pain, while the phy-ician proceeded to undo the bandages with every possi ble precaution. boveall. Doctor. I bee; of oii not to attach any importance to what you will -ce. M complaint is sran";e that von will be urpricd. but I beseech ) of vuu to lake no notice of it.' ' Where i the painful .-pot? It i siirpi i-ine;. I -ce nothiii";." Nor 1 cither: and yet the pain there i- -o dreadful that I feci tempted to knock mv head ajrain-t the wall." The Doctor took a tn:i";nifvinr-jrla . examined, aud -hook hi- head. The -kin i full of life The blood .reulalc vcrv lvjrularlv. I'tnlcrncath t'lere i neither iutlaiiiinatioii nor can-, 111 llll I III"... UU".l !' ...- ccr. It iashealtlivas:mv other part of , .... .... . IMKII . And vet it -ecni t me that it i nit her more red there than elsewhere." Where?" The -tKin-er took a pencil from his pocket-hook ami traced on hi hand a ' . ..!.. .. l.ii'.r.i i l t.ill-i'jillf till l'lttl ill. 1 ! .in .i.iii.i .i..i ......... .-...... remark, ".lust here." The Hoetoi" looked. In fact, he watched the operation to the end with the -reatet po.ible com posure, indieatin- how far it wa to -. The open hand did not even tremble, in the Doctor's hand, and when the little piece of round fieh wa eut out he heav ed a deep i-h. like one who experience a feelin- of iininene relief. The burnin- pain ha eeaed?" 44 It ha .piite -one."' said thestran-er , with a smile. 44 I ho pain ha-; entirely c:ied. as if it had been taken away with the part cut out. The li-ht pain oeea---ioned by the bleedin- i-1- :f compared 'with the'othor. like a" refreh"m- breeze after aminfernal heat. Tr does me real lv -ood io ee my blood llow. Only let it flow, it doe. me so inueh ood." The tran-er looked with deli-ht at the treamiii- blood. The Doctor was obli-ed to iusit upon the wound. "While he was bindin- it uji the pa tient's face chan-ed completely. The expreion of pain paed away, he smiled on the Doctor with a look full of -ood-lmmor. and there -was no lon-er any contraction of the features, any look of "despair. He seemed to have taken a new lease ot lite. His brow ciearea : tne color returned to his face ; his whole peron underwent a visible transforma-: tion. "When his hand was replaced in the slin- he made ue of the one that re mained free to shake the Doctor's hand warmly, ayinr to him with conliality: 4 Accept nvy most sincere thanks. You have positively cured me. The small remuneration that. I offer you is in no wise proportioned to the service you have rendered me. Durin- the rest of my life I will try by what means I can dis-cliar-e my obli-ation." Tlie Doctor, however, would not con sent to accept the thousand florins placed on the table. The stranger on his .side refused to take them back: but seem that the Doctor was be-inniug to grow aiprrv, he begged that he would bestow Will' til llll' llr!. 11 lirtil.. liitliiil in liit.-n.- u iilv fiilr ,1 ,.l :""' ' ml ln:iii.iai'il. .. ui nwti-i iiniii--iiiii.MiiiiaJMiiii ' "'iimiiui, mill, HUM' eve 'ine,l like imt-ln-i -.uiumer-U.' !. tui-en tin- Ifli,. that on jt ki,..ii' i iitiiiMiriiiiiH.. M.Htu,,. w-j, "Mv Deau DofTOU I do not wih bla hail nveii lumj win lokeepior ikt Mrj, d,,,,,... - M(rt.j 0f a eb-eh Mtnilar H.U in a irrekiiH kettle inm dUtr i..iV.;.,V..!!",L0.,'M,,,""'.,,lrie-in-ilMjut;!ii.; , that cither voii or mi.dicalMiuiiiv.-hould i a paekae of lett'T that -he could not nntiin to tin irnift. a an apple iilltnL' !. t,Vm fur twvnlv r tw.Mi.T-iUt i-ioiihiuMii.Vu.MM0;" !b left in doubt a to the mv-t.-ry of the ktup hcrx-lf. and .-he Ih.-iI of me to inr a apple aud a -ar -tiMns for a mJt.... ,Ht-Hi with Utter aint lt. " li--' iii.u i. (.... ...i .... '.1. ..'.., it .. i.:.-i. .. :n " .... l...., ..... inVi. tlwun li'wL ! lii.r. hill lie wa ....- il i ... .1.. .. f. iL.t ... ... ' -i . tin-! .V.V.I. "!...,, "'"w. .:.,.. -""'"'- o '-" """7 '" -,"."-", " ;" ": ,. ,,, ..... ..... t J-"- . '. .. ' awl orw rcJ at-l Na-lwli'MHn -I . 'i,.rm.. " , ") P""''' ami ev en ei-ew tier.- am uptrnMiip i n-ii n- -, ...,--... -, come ,,., m-annj: ir i.iiiih: are n- , f, ,k ,,t tOHMlM. rMX i."..i-Minini.i. lit t.u,...tnf,.H.' alMiut to ieenbe to von the onirm oi una irom iikui i "' " jm,'",- uuinil. then employ tor a uk- an ai- .lM. ,l.. . tr... .!.. . think that hi patient vva erarv. Ke- niirror intne room hi ih:im me o.un r.-m icnipie ueu a ini-m nave neen i-a,, entire cliai.-.: a diviion .f labor. ' whu-h mut m no account Ih- allowed, ai anuio- a well a anv ImmIv . ould l 1 1 M ftNY 4 & AIM k ...:.i.. here." he -aid. 44 Iu a few dav I f'.r inyelf. I opened one letter, then eau-e.l by a blow; ; or vere fall. An ev- .Ull ,,. fuW, .th,,- tren-th and tone When boilin-hot nut it ill the can- and be .so. ,i,,l '.,rn wwlniA ri,;tlt, UAlAmdmM Vi! A iii i il li 4 will cue vou. The Doctor .aw to' hi :uitlnM- ami rea.l them to the e.,,1 animation In ,,liyieiaii ivvealc.1 the fr future ..---production. The re-u:,r -,.al a Muieklv a ,o-ible. weioV.,. Dumb AtTUO. AUO Cnkc, aoni-l-cnt that hi .ra-e visitor , " h " f?1 ,,0"rf h:lt ws,i ;'t l.:t-he had of of lWrMnm ,lrop more than Hi c-- The followiu-are thin-l.ou-ekcep- ' . JTT", t . D .OiT V Intnlllnt Prl -poke scriou-lv He took off hi coat. fr ine! AMiat did thoe letter eon- th- bmm. 1 he theory advanced for i a clutch, and then come broodine. 1r ... i ... .. 7 ""'. . "ri..,, hoilin- An ImPortii f5-oloelrat Fart. Remittent, Intermittent FO- p..K. iiioii i in iK . ' , ? The vile.t betmval of which a her death i a fo ow: She i upp (), ,,011-itter -ire the reult of -nee. . Mmw lioiim- UroI(l-j lia. rjown u, lUil turc ,Clt,M. Kldnov DlsoaSO. Liver turned up hi hu t-Ieeve ami took a , f, .,. .....t thev to h-ive been -ictin- the not of in.le -11 ",,,11. u". ,H arl "i '.'."' .m ' T water will remove tea taius and many plL-Les hrr creafc.t rtvoliitoni In thi earth'. VOrS, R-iancy uiscaso, I-"'ur bi..urv in hi left hand. A eeond man w.i evei et the mi tun. .imttii.v o have Iii , 11 .utin- the p.ut ot tl hreedin-from fowl which had mam- f,U tain: pour the water throii-h the Mirtace cnnfonnatlon fey. Evprr rear the and Bowel Comnln ntS. DyS ... .,., 1 ti... t....i '.iil.l Iliv. iiim.1i. -i '"' written bv one of mv mot mti- tr.iniii. either from ome ncceitv or f,.-ted little deire to it It wi 1 -re-it , . i. . -. V - m.v i., channel .cer -li clicler w.i v'i .'.'. CS iii matefnend.! And in what a .train! .1,,. and. true to her :,edVall- J,, n IMtJ. TiVVr! popsia and General Debility ; 1,.,.,s, ,': cried the IWtor. who wa, -hat pa-ion! vv hat eertan.ty of llove in-. wa enf -ed in -tealinr a , de up- .. anil nilM he eared for differently ,. ve and J" Seun,U he 'r ?'J n Vh" en ?t" r3! lhc J f general Tonic for Debt!. afmid that hi patient thro-l, ,mkill- l-'Miiff iar,'l! Hmv he poke of ce.v- on the ,,,-h evpre ea. and upon fnM ,lu. hl eo,,oi, breed muel. -iven white cloth: :,lo fro,,, the hand. That We no,eU.e rtn?u,fc"L..d.?!uMS tted Systems. Pnct 25 cettl per fulne-,i-ht open o,e important vein. 'v! h't eouiwl he av.hed 011 the ....arnisr the t at .1.111 attempted to jump n Mttin-and little lavii.-. -Many v.-ar :l teaiioo,.ful of tun.entine. boiled with an1ne; bat theU danm.te oic.IhI box. Soldby all Dru;?t4tun this tOU Since vou ju.l-e the operation indi- s,,rt of. -"'X a hu-band! And all off while the train wa ye tin motion. , ,,n,.k ,M.n,etusli laVer were unknown, a white clothe will ail the whit.-nin-pn- niiTnl1 Mailed on receipt of price by DU.SDAS ,,, ,. J,,.,T, ' hee letter were of a time when I wa-. with fatal effect. Nothiii- 1 known a well is the nroduction of c in winter .1, , ," lias Income overhinslnc c..ils or a roounula nrrv.r ii r' .., cir.f Vt-rs penahle. .o lie it. ,., .,1 .,,,.1 ..rf...H limnv meill T t.i 1....- ;.l..ttt, ,..,1 . - ., ,,,,,..1. -,.n .l . ' pnmu. uouoi 1 -mvviimr. eeS:5 Hmt hoilcd March 1 much 1111- hadlaipeanl liefore U- cr fream. or the DICKC.3o Wo.Ster btreet new Hetooktliebitonrv. and luddin- in 'ne.lan.1 u rfeetl.v h. pv . Hul L to hei identitv 111 .- a mucl,-,,le.l Anion- the bird of the air there 1 one prov,d bv the addition of a little .-per- ocen ha clven u a Hortili. Thu.ltlta y0,t Explanatory biOK mailed FREE the i-it o tieir own lilo.m. ".,"." ., , , , " V , . , ...v Mru.n wiuen ine voim-arenrou-m up. cj,..,n :,n,l -ni,Mt 1 a--la: tie a hiinp nottcil until ttier Lave male an a-tno' met- nfl kaJ " ML a il 1 Hi tta.ll .Itiunneeearv! On the eontmrv, , "'V',11 ,,:,,fln,, mn "'l,la1 thl lt,1: (Jenemllv the etof a Mi.aller bird i f l" 11 ira amfk'-ep i for It --l toi;.' P the .j.tra . I'er- UHHUl- l W ill U fall , it il who will indicate how. leep I l -"' tin drawer. I My name ,- Anne Mehan. Iui-; ci...4ii. :n.l in rearin- the smaller binl ,r -V wlei? The in.,, a." hfat1 '.mriS'rlSta.of'K . . i-"- . V voumu-teut." i -1 knew that if I did not ,, for her . v,lle. If any thin-hould happen me. an. fiwim.ny robbefof their f.HNl and 3 vw the vvaxed m- then .-our .K'.nf .? wTt 25 iTof t, UD-tnpV rnmmiinn l,he,nonM,mehwP'to, aml MtookW,k Tin; Doctor informed H'vcral of hi colleague of thi"! idngular eafcentid wh formed n different opinion on I hi ul jcct without. however, anv of them I4- , mg able to riv a plauililc explanation. Tovvanls the end of a month Dr. K. re eei veil a letter dated from hi- patient le-ideiiee. He opened it. It wa clo-e-I wiittcii. anil he wiw by the -ignattm j tliat hi- patient had written it with hi ; own hand, from which ho eoneluiled that the pain had not returned, 'for if it , had he eoiild hardly have held a pen. 1 1 he letter rail a follow: this terrible inaladv. It broke out ai week aro, and I can -tni'Tle arain-t it no longer. At the present moment I can onlv manage to mice thee line b placiii-r on the enitive part a pieec o"f ; lighted tinder, to mtvi; a a cataplam. j A lone; a the tinder burn I do not feel the other pain--ami it i- a nothiii": in romparioii. .Six month a;o I w a -till a very happy man. I lived, without cure, on mv income. Iwaou frietidlv term with all tin world, and I took ( phaure in every thin"; that can interi-t a man oi :kr. I iiait marneii a vearao. inurrieil fin- love, a mo-l beautiful voimir iil of i-ultivatid mind and with tlie ret , heart in the world, who had been eoiii- j I pauion to a ei'itain Connte , mv neih- ' Ih.i- Mv . if.. Ii-i.l no fortune. '.Mild the S lve lieh:ul for me wa not only ;rrati- ' tude, but al-o the genuine affection of a i child. Six month pa ed in Mich a w:i ; that the morrow alwav eeiueil to m I happier than tin eve. IfomctimcI was , obli-red to j;o to lcth and leave my ! home for a day, my wife had not a ino- incut". peai'i. She woiilil come two mile ! on the road to meet me. If I wa belated hc would tu awakeall iii-ht vvaitinrfor me. and if. by dint of entreat v. -lie was . prevailed upon to e0 and ce her former mi-tie-, who wa -till very fond of her. no power on earth could keep her there more than half a ilav, ami even then her reirret for mv ab I'licis tint the other- out of temper. Her ioiiilncs lor me went o far a to make her jrive up ilanciii'T, o a not to be obliged to put her hand into a -tranter; and nothiii"; I'au-cd her -ucli ";iivcdipleauri a-the coniilimciit -he wa apt to receive. In a word, I had for a wife an innocent child, who had no thought but for me. ... 1 ...I 1.1 C. 1 1 ... i ! ll'IKI ll'lllllll l'llllll lll'l !-: 111 "... .. ,...,..- vxm, if !,. had not ,, ,if .,. 44 One "da I know not what demon whi-pered in my car. 4 Suppo-in- all thi were diimulation?' Men are mad enou-h tfi cek how they can torment j of Mood hun- from them. She hctit Iheni-elvc iii the miilt of the -ivate-t -luwlv toward me. opened her ee a liappines. when I inuidered her. ami kicd mv .Mv wif- had a work-table, the draw- t ri-ht hand. The dnip of blood fell a-ain er of vvhich -he kept carcfnlh locked. I on my tle-h: her eye-.-hut once more: had noticed thi--cvcral time's, shenev- ( -he fell back on her cold pillow and the cr for-ot the key, and never left the t eoffin clo-ed over her dead body. drawer open. I In oueMioii ran in mv ; head, 4 What can he be hitlin- from me there?' I had taken leave of mv en-e. I no lon-cr believed either in the inno cence of her face or in the purity of her eve, in her carec or in her ki-e. .Suppoe all that were nothiii- but hv- poeri "One miirnin the Collliti eamc .... , the ilav with tier, uiir e-tate were -onie mijc apart, and 1 piiniiicd mv wife to -o and join her. A 11 a the carria-e had lett tin mi-vanl. I rath- erclto-cthcrallthekey ot the ami tried them in the lock of the little .1 1 .... ..r ii.... ............. 1 :i 1 iii.iiii-i. .in-, wi .11. in ..1. .... ... . .... like a man coiiunittin- hi lirt crime. I vva a thief about to surprise the secret of a feeble woman. My hand trembled a I drew from the drawer, prudently, carefully, one by one. the object con tained therein. that no confusion -hould bet my that a tran-e hand had ran-acKcii them, .viv iirea-t neavcii I wa well ni-h -udilculv. beneath uffocatcd. Ilelmld. 1 ma of lace. Iliad placed mv hand on a packet of letter! I felt as if a ahofli-htiiin-hadi:ied from nn head to my heart. Ala! one -lance told 1110 what thee letters were. They were love-letters! The packet was lied In a pink ribbon with a ilvr ed e. A I touched the ribbon the thou-ht occurred to me: Is this ri-ht? I thi work worthv of an honest 111:111: I To -teal the -eeret of a woman! S.e- I cret which belmi to the time when he vva a voiin--irl! Can J ak her to render an account of the thou-ht he had before -he belon-ed to me? Can I .... g I I I I "-J'-""":'" '.,""" " "" ""- "' "" know me' ho couhl upcct her of a fault? Who? I wa base enou-h to do o. aim me uevu a am wiiispereu 111 my ear: Suppoin-that these letters were of a time when I had already a ri-ht to all her thou-ht. a ri-ht to be jimIoii even of her dream, when he wa al- I untied the ribbon. No There was not even a at V2 o clock she wouhl come back fnnn ttin iiiitfi- 111 tlie eveiniiir iiil -it a-ain to fetch her. ami after much en-, i nc pain -ave me no icpue ami ' ; ; fr hatchin-. from one lo.alitv to anoth-tn-atv -iiccccdcd in decidin-her to -pend n-aed from hour to hour. '1""-; ,.r, ,.,,. u,ild be better :iiifactioii - mmm ----- . a r l .--- .- ..... , - .. - . -raTaTam rBl a - .Taa aian a it happened. She -ot down hastily from could not be read, even bythe aid of a the carriage and ran towards nie a I tron- ma-nifyin- -las. " The only re Mood waiting for her on the tcps. She niainin-article which may lead to" the kised me with extreme tenderness and identity of the unfortunate young woni--ceined to be verv glad to be with me an found upon her peron wa a much ii.. v - .....-- .- . ...... ... a-:un. 1 let notiuti- ne seen on mv face. We talked, we supped together and then retired to our separate bed- face of such innocence! My resolution, was taken. I had the stubbornne-s of 1... ....i ...... i.....t...l Wi fi.r.l ;.!.. i..u ni.iiiiii.oi ................. .--... ...... Th.. .ui.Atl llOll .l-rnillll lllfirhnle -.llll iiiu iiuijuii i.. . v. . .... --V -.".-w i'i.. where; I did not perceive, it until the vc. 11 unui nie ied. AVe buried i., . L .1 1. .1 next tiav, wneii u uau un her without any one .--,.i.v.i..ji .ne tnith. 1 lived there in complete soli - tude: who was there to control my ac - tions? She had neither relatives nor protectors to nuestioii me on the subject and I designedly put off writing to my friends, o that none of them could ar - rive in time. 44 On coming back from the vault I uiu not ieei ine n-iuei vv eigtn. on my conscietlce. I had been enieT. but she less remore than I nniii. i.i,iii,...w.viien-. win j-uwei ... ..uc ..k. .,. nan on a th,i tfin1. -iiminor heatsand ultrv night Gen. Forrest's Ieperate Game of awake, T counted every hour. AM.en brown pair ..f jeans pants, dark coat. wnw IU autl tho llinl are , or, I Poker. the clock struck a quarter past nii.liught .blue shirt, -alters a,,,! -traw hat. She ,.xh',-ted The moltin- eu,m j- I -ot up and passed into her bed-mom is of decided masculine appearance b,- do. :U. h.;iMl am, the .,-,,, ;,:M,.m ;. & , V(.ars ( .,. Fom.,. vWlXOil Ihere w:is the bean if ul blonde head ' injr about In e feet high, .p,anly built, preparing f,,r a chmv, the recoverv the citv and Mopped at the old Citv Ho- bnncilin the white, pillows it lf thus , hands large and coarse, features rather W whk-h is a uue-tlon of time and tel. that ni-h Uveral gentlemen call- onr-nlc nrt ila.iiiii-r.a.1 111 tn. mill art .f lili ciiif mil ailir.r nnrli ttiibntii K.... .1 -- - . 1 , .. ' T 1 in , V" 1 .1.1 . o- ' y " " ",u care. Hv tin tune, if left unheeded, ed to -ee hun. among them a gentleman white clouds. Miat a frightful lie wtis apparently about 2. veass of age. .1, ,;,. ,: . . 1 . -1 1 t 1 . 1 -.i .1 o .,- ti .,.,,,, . r x.,t.... ,-;.. .,..1. .1 ' f , tlieir roo-tin--plaee have become foul 1 now connected with the ISiinncr. I he thus on the part of Mature: vice with a , .....i ,-.,. .. .,, . , . . ,, . .. .... .... Liwivnu...,...! -o""v -. i?ci. 11.. icMiu. 11.1..1 uiu tovvls -houhl not be kept over the econd out Our infor her throat and hastily strangled her. nresence of 1 me salts, and niarbcvoiin- ,.-; - ,...1..--:. .. . :.. L. . A ' , tc " l mV V,r.mior. She opened for one moment her large. , teraeted bv soaking the dried vegetables . TI ere i no btvod of fowl- Vha Z: 1 , 1 - , Ul " ' -Tin bark blue eyes, looked at me with a.- over night, drainnfg and cooking them niWmem and enters mto t-onveration with luni: tonishment: then closed them and died, in freslf water : verv soft water? either j tv viddto coiSement S t " Gcneral; ? h,e' !Ve ? " as 11 iuuw.i; .ui-ii" u..u .. uc.a au- a iiuiiiuio iu. u.mi vvaier. .neiimm tender and rennire mnn. Mm fln.lVnm. ..1-. 1 j 1 - 1 grv with me, not even when I killed her. oft water is the best for general cook- thouXtinf.3 T. eve legan to rSdmnof blood fell from her mouth infmirnoes. altbonr,, Uhluw ?- L"Ll nR Ban an-v of "ie other Park4e -ith the memorj- of old time. .. ,. 1 j -1- .. 1 -.f ..v y. ; e-"-; ""..-- racea 01 iuer. ieneci eg-s. alter once nnd 4r .nm. mo. intorut n th on tne djck 01 my nanu. 1 011 Know in it witnout salt are often soft and 1 n.niTAjl 1 Jl t.l &. la la.- T .1 A...1 1 I m -. . avl. ia..). 1 uraci.mii.. i uiu iiin u.ur iiw; i wum .-uiniij. uie iies-u anu maKes IL linn, ' tne scarlet iorget ner: i nanny tiiougut about it. . while the egg keeps it snfliciently soft, years old. it eer uiu a man commit a murder with and the rose-water uerfumes the mivtriro nn.l n le On my return. I found in the chateau the Countes h often mentioned. .Mv nicaurc had len o he alo arrived toi late for !! funeral, j She ec incd imiHi on ieiiig me. Terror, sympathy, griefI know not j what made her "wak o eotifue.Ily ' that I rould not underMniid what -he . healthy bud, a a graft taken from a aid to mnoIe inn. dl-e.-v-ed Ire. i liable to affect the tink . Did I even litcnJo her? What j fr intanc a bud i nun a iefi tr-4 need had I of eon-ohition? I wa. not. having the vellou will omw thi di- kjitpw stricken. Finally hetiHk me, the tiMk. Tin follow ins cn- miliarlr by the hand and nald in a low 1 n,j, .mnl,, t',,. whole matter in a voiw that -tie was omigeu io coninie to me a wcrel and that h- counted on my coolness I quiMiomil her on the eon- tvnb. of thesJ letter. At tin-oue-tiou , the Iad tartil ami rephcil with imlijr- nation . Sir. your wife wa more .'eiiemu than you. hen -In took charge ot llie-i lener IM oni imii ai me un-ir content. She even rave me her word never to look at them, and I am eon iliced that h never eeu htlired at them. Her- wa a noble oul. and he would have di-daiued to break in -ecret her "iven word . .... ... .. ...a " ' It 1 well, 1 repheil. Jtow-Iiall 1 reeoirni.e the parka"!?' ' It watird by a pink ribbon with a -ilver ed :. "'I will ro and -earch for it." " I took 111V Wife-. Lev and bejnm to -arch fur the packet: altlmueh I knew where itvva. I pretended to have -oim difliculty in fimliii; it. "Is "it thi3' I .-aid, handing il to the Counte.-. 4,4 Vc-. e! See. the knot I made i Mill then. She never touched it." 44 1 did not dare to lift my es to her. I feared let .hc hou!d read in them that I had undone it. and that I hail un done .oiiiethin; -( he idc-. I took leave of herhatily; ln. ;ut into her earria";e and ilrove off. Poor woman. hc had her cxciic. Her huband vva brutal and diipalcd. If I had bieii hkc him I should have ile-crvnl a wile likelier. (Hi' hut my wife! Her heart wa innocent, her oiiI angelic! she lovi'd her hu-oaml even m the moment when her hu-band killed lu-r I do not , know what I did duiin- the lir-t hour ( that followed. When I came back to ' the con-cioii-nc of the horrible reality. I wa? in the vault, bc-idc the colliu. I ! -aw the Hd -lowly rai-ed and the dead woman within roe noi-ele lv before me. I wa -ircicneii, miii ami Mark. I wa , . . .. - i . bc-idc the colliu. one hand on it ed- . . in. one hand on it e.l-c in,! the other beneath I.e.; head. I he ,lli oi I lie I'orp-e were vv line : one droll A -hurt time alter 1 vva- awakened I iv a pain a harp a that produced hv . . . . -. i open air. Itvva early nionmi- N one aw me I he drop of blood had di-appcarcd: there wa utvva.d-i'rn a -coriuuii -nn. I riiMicti into ine 111 llll. It. llll . I II IM I II V Til II V 1111 11111' . i ' i it ! i .i i i I blood had fallen burned a thou-li bem- atcn ....... ..tii. .. l....- ....;..,.. ""'., "" " '.'- i"". ." . .... - ... ..-. ii.. .in.) i... i uep oniciiinc. imh -.-ii un-n ,.- , """ " " ., , t iMM iiiin jei'iiipiii-iii m .ill,! Him i" m- ;tjH i-Hp Mm- IMli MHO.ll JTn-M l",fw, . iiiiiuir a iiiiiii'iii:iii b.iiii - . ..& .. . ..&. a . .. .t lot con-ciou-ne-of my -ufferin- Miciv,,,,, r, have perfect li.dl-. and alien was no one to whom I could make com- i . r, f(.(.. ,..,,, u,;tv ,r, ,.,. plaint, and for that matter there wa I r, rt.r,i.iriv .,,., ,,e -heli; mav no- n . w ,,., wo ,,.,.. ,m-..-v... '. fill nin uiiii win. i ii:ii ih-iicVi'M iiiv 1 v i ,, . .. " 4l ; Morv . i on nave ocen vvuue- i i ne m-, ten-itv of mv -lifferin . ami von know 1 .- ----... - - --- how much vour operation relieved m I Sut a soon a the wound heals the pain come back. It ha come now for the third time, and I have no Ion cr the sticii-tli to tru--le a-ain-t it. In an hoiij- l h:ill he ilcao. 1 m thou-ht 1,'"n" ' oles me - as -he ha aven ed herself on me in thi world he will, pcrhap, for- iXve me m the ne.t. I thank you lor onr -ood oiliees. Ma (iml reward you for them I " j A few dav s after, the uevvpaper of i S. recorded that one of our richest ' lauded proprietor had blown out hi j brain. Some attributed the Miieide to 1 -rief at hi wife death: others, who I were better informed, to an incurable new-paper ot j wound. Those who .knew bet said he was a monomaniac, and hi wound, which could not be cured. eiled only in his inia-ination.- Fnn the Ilinnjtirinn of Mnuru Juhni. A Female Tramp Killed. At Viiieentie. Iml. 011 the niornin- of the loth, the bodv of a woman attir ed in male dres-was found lyin-dead aero the -ide-track of the Ohio and Miisippi Kailroad. about To feet from the wet end of the plat form at the I"n- 1011 Depot. She wa lyin- upon her i.hc ;iim 1 ne iiiuv i-Mcinai in 01 in- jury was a ueep s,-aip wounii ai.ove ine tie 'party tiu.lm-tlusvvillen.l nu . I lie reillMlliiinr .ill.miii.ifl.iiit irnnu .... .--..i.... . soiieu hk iian.lkerc'uef. of saffron ; center and li-ht blue border, having the initials P. .1. worked upon it in one Hard water used for cooking pur- oses coats the surface of meat or vege - ;..i.i.. i.:i...i :..:....:.i. i: 1. .. I.U.I.J "mini in o mm nine 10 micii an .... .-nn...i;..i.L. In In.ll...... l..l v.n -111 i- cojiiviiiiu - 10 1 0111 :. 1111. 111 .i;i. .1 . . . . -,. .... tasteless, coning water weu salted Ulmuld ilw-ivs: he sed fro- hnlmo- v 1 :ulU(l aVlai.5' nc " Ior ooihng e-e- j tasteless. . uimc.. aunuum mju w.uer maKes tne 1 best tea and coffee j t0 makc the hands soft and white one 0f the best things is to wear at ni-ht iarse mittens of cloth filled with wet 1 i,ran or oatme-al. and tied closely at the wrist. For the face, oatmeal paste is as efficacious a anv thing, thou-h less agreeaoie tnan tnu p:ste made of eg-. I alum, and rose-w:iter. Ihe alum .. ,. i and makes the cunl softer. FAK3H TOPICS. i;v i: or thi: mkk m Ckait. In budding or grafting m It j. fu , . a .jinil -ux-V. a k w ill. ,, njn',. ,-lM, tntt f .,,. roiumniur-air the di-.-a to the irraft. l nroid nn- ,lut.hiHr In a favorable lunate ami .w,il, when the gnat.t gn.wtli. dura- i, .MI,, f low,r growth, amllf tin M,jj nn,l elimnte 1 unfavorable, iim- a toek adapted t the oil. or one wIih-Ii will. b it hanlier root, endure the cc iM. A". J. Wrht of -helli-,1 1,,, .in water jtt to eivur S.u.T,SrLl-iitM:A.NiCilAiir.l. oi: fnT . or ,1(!fl milIU Cut 0,n, Pir.. W.. have ob-ervrd that when fnm, half a den eivr- ami add to the pi--are fed a -n-at d-a of heartv f-wnl. ,Hfln,. 1k,h tM,.,r ,iniit.- !.r half an they an fund of alt and charcoal. !:..,. ,hnn.. JM wT,t..r n.l.t u. i an often nffectel with in!i:retion. an " 1 the -alt and charcoal areiriHl rcinedii i We can not ven, well mix the-e thinr ' with their food in the rijrht pnijiortion, j and. moriiiver, it would not be ljet to ; attempt to force a pi- to eat them unle i it wanted to. or el-c it apju-tite mi'rht i... .i.. . ...i i i ... .... .i... , oi- ie-iioi'ii ;iini uai in titnir iiioii io- expenmetii : but bv iiiixmir the -alt ami charcoal to-ether. and puttinjr them in a Ikix acce ible to tin pi. thev will cat no more than they require. Then i- no danrcr in puttiii"; either -alt. char coal or -tilphur. whiri the pi-- can p-t them, but to mix them in their foo iniirht iuitiri it. :.,ii.. ;f ..........' of them -hould no a voracious an- . .- 1 -!"- . . .-. petiti-. Ho- will eat a eon-idenible I re-it t..-ether and lav ouautitv of Milphur. and it i- exceedin-- t !r ' lo "' "' '''' nj'' Iv healthful to them a a purilier of tl. . i--j'ttnil n-tam tlw jhh.-. then turn r.t...wi .I...I i. Iw.l. . il...... to .r..i ri.l of and tend with the utmo-t cat.-. Place . . . . - - ..?.. . tie veriniii which mfe-t their ImxIic" in -idc and out. We want the pi we are oin-to eat to have pleiiiv of -ulphtir. at lea-t all t ley will take" Their tleh make better food F. It t'urli-'.in liii' nil A' Yrh r. Pitiiiu itiiin am Ki:i:iim; ok Ks.- ( ifti'iitime- it i- ri m:lttei of iniiiort ai for a time. When prices rule low. thev maj be pre-rrvc m comparative fn-hne- for -everal week, even in .lul.v and Au-uM. if can 1... .ll'.... ... l.l.irt. ..II ..illl - C....I1 '! UIIV. II I' ..1 1 lilt OI I'll il'l .1 . -'"'Ii .... i., , i n.,. .,i !" IH'MIIII III IM'lll 111" " 'in ( ,..r.....i ... .1... I n; I ..f U fl,r1 ,, i.i..., )lf , hortne- of time reipiired for the velk of an - to ettle on one -idc, where it adhere-to the -hell and ipiicklv -poil- in warm weather. Alwav place the e-- on the bi-i'inl. I have tried both ends, and --. tin lieu that iiroiiuce tnciii -noiini :(hv.,v, ,. V1r :1(1 ,..,, . ithat ..,.,,,.;,.,,. f(ir S1I1V ,,.,,-j,,, .,f ,;,. l)I(, .,lu.iw ,.;. fl,,m .OIIL,ill.l. .- - .. or, it two vcar oiil. ontv trom tim-e ui iHrf . , .. ,f ,i,i,'r..b. i, elo.elv ii - --- . ob-erve. hv breet er vv MM.rt e-- ...... rr ,,5.,, It i-of inueh imi.onancc that i hit iiiro. I'.kimlii i-l i nl tin wlit'll- lill' ikii. - i'uiiiim, tin '" ' -- - ,-- . .. i .1 " .. m HiiiMTU'riioi ui:u iviiiuT uirm mi- M-imperfection that lender them mi- ,5, illhir fp k1 , r ,. hat,..i- , , 1 , .1 ' i.T . -n . . ; nen in iierieci iieaiiu win not iiroii an daily for more than three il:i in -ucceiuii. Fowl that an I'oiiliued iu narrow inclo-ure forauv len-tliof time can not be in jierfcet health. Tliey are forced out of their natural habit, and the restrainin- of nature tell on the tem, ooner or later, lor uumciliate use, their e--s. perhap. are as -ood a any. With inereain- a-e the helN -nvv thinner, and onie drop them with no hell at all. Mreii-th , M:111.:.... ...- the vtein. umiorted by ood vvholesoiiie food, produce the -hell. It i a calcareou uhtaucc that forms around the -- after it is perfect ed in the oviduct. The completed -- ' J conits of eveml component part., each ! one of which draw on the vital ener-v and t:uiiin:i f the bird, which is o formed that its body perform it natur al functions in rcrular order when in J health. We inut consider that thev are ' forced out of their natural order when have decidcd.m favor of the for r po- or vviiere it i cool mr an notir Kcnue IMV j, ., j )M,,j, h,Hj, ,l Ul -hiil it tttlr WrtBtit4!vatttra6tr t r sition. i:--- -hould be withered from ervin-. on nn he...!, and went home o w.thout dra le.UM.i to iht tiuih f t t '"' the ne-t everv ilav. and where then are Tomato .s,ip Take a hin-l.ue. tIlKin-it ff When I "ot iv n.m th-tUnecr wh rr.r w,t, tt t.! - u iT many hen kept, twice ina dav. It mat- have it broken, and put iu oup-ke.tle ,h,.r..'"-at Marv in her -own. ami the li ".ic'mMr ter not for what pun we deuv with live onarl of cold water: allow it ...,., ,..., "l ,t.-,l -,t hi. .ill k.l ...,.., r.. . n .u.ti, . we feci I them up for -reat -- pnulttc-ivrell bntied common, siiilN and thn'e tion. Did am one ever hear of a wiI.Mtw.rt. of finelv chopped bacon inadt into bird that dropped a oft e--, or ever ee a helles e-- that was dropped by a wild bird? We have produced jxiul try that do not Mt. Xatun intended the hen to it on her e--s for i)r,M. week, and aftevvard to nurse run with her chick for four r live week lon-er. In tin interval the sv-tem -ain-torn and -tren-th. It , ,,t.rM, the oveiirrovvn bird's beak -et- - .i... i - -t. r e I '11 IIirill. 1 inri'r snnri' 111 10011. 1 111- rn blackbinl can not be any great layer, or which have been hanlened bv water, their eggs are di-eanled bythe other :mt rvmvr them as pliable :"is wj,en binls thus imposed upon, for the species , ,.-. ,.,.. ken-ene will make tea ls not very plentiful. Eggs droppeil in kettles as bri-ht as new: at urate a May and .lime keep much better than those dropped later in the eaon. The ro ' co 1011 is that the fowls are in better on.lition. the middle lulv. time out ' tonics -h stimiilants and mild tllllt.: fl.AIl1.1 mjrm ,:n I... " """"" uv i-icii ... ine perpetual laver : . --- ual is reijuireil. To thoniughlv promanie. tnese obtained, should be set up on end in -..-.!.. MV mxxl sweet elein oit; nnd vnt ; " i ' ... , kPx m a eool place, and there will be found little i, ciean oat-, anu Kept in a and there will be found little saving them to obtain a fair 1 ffieultv in savin- them t rn . - r .. ".. price at tne tall nuxrket. They must Vfter the iiml.lle ot vi iiiiii ivi.uiii. in'iii 1111 nnim nan oven iimini uuiiu" mi" ne ossess goou, tlncJc, perfect shelLs. or 44 1 once calletl .lS,CCO in New Or they will not keep. Cor. Country Gai- , leans." 4fe""4n- . , Did vou win?" " t Z - 4, I won it." The women m Kansas rot at the 44 What was vour hand. General r school elections. At a recent election at " It was three kin-s " visage viry one woman went tip tfuvo le, 1 out oeiore sue got thron-h i..llin.r th ' .lud-es what a time her AV?1H i.i,i ,..1. . --o , r : " ... -. niiii fever when h when he was only 2 ; to .Memphis, and we toptetl at the Wor- DUDC TC1C -time to dose the polls . sham Ilono. The next morning we got "11 lit I LAO. j was 111 fOrgOtten tO denOSlt lier llfll- B ""- HI.VTS roil THE HOIElin.Ii. " TM. - l""irel Okr. IW1 the tnlT U in alt'l wa'er for tnrt twHttttr. k.1 tt with Irtilt'T. totwrr. lt ! ita. 'S" HmUrlwrry IV U mwh iiupnnrni b adding a .m1 of &-. I bane.t .. pi" to ew-h pie. ("t ihKcrriwwtb th- lio-d apd and l.V. wti.W .m Uf-r rnit. OLra ami IhmaI IW ! r. ,ht ...-.l Kmmb-.-. .iK ll m tl .7ih iwhiUt of tender okrw. U rwt .il 'ir ami ittim-e '! niiIrant uI imWt mix Pevlh"r ami t.w half an hour .aou with tMitter. j"p"ir aid lt,.il imttier tlft".tt mimiti-!Hi;er - Lima lU-an and Citm 1UU a mnt Keep mm ininiuie; Hnott vvun Mp- jwr, -alt. ainl ro talmMiti!uI nf it- ter. - (.uiuImi Soup tine ehieketi. frjiil brown; om allou water, four llee of ham; put thi on the tin to eo.k l.ovlv from ei"ht o'rbn'k to twelve m . have .!.. I I tin ;. . ' . .:........ one pint rii-n corn, un pint tomato.-, peeled, one onion, ilnipMi! line. Kilt and pepjHr to ta-te. 1-t ail cook till i don. Totili Steak In-tiiid of poumliujr. i cut it with a hani knife, makin- line ... . '. . . . panillei cuts on either -Hie until even Ie cuts on either -Hie Illltll evurv I,:trl ha liein cm nl ami n-cnd t... .....1 1 !...... the -teak iijMin a hot platter and --on with bit of butter, pepper ami salt "se.lllupe! Tomatoe-- Peel ami cut into licr one-fourth of an inch thick a inanv ripe toiuatiM--a oii wi-h to till your bakiii--di-h . put into the di-h. tirt, a lavct of tom.itoc-. -ca-oiieil with lut ter. pepper and alt, then a laver of bii-td-eniuib-. ami -o alternate until the -" " '":irly ""'. x"r, brcid-ciumb la-t : cover ami bake half an hour, then remove the cover and bake bruvvii. Tomato Nilad Takeoff the -kin with a -harp knife, cut into thin -lice-ami lav in a a!ad-bovl. lake a dre in bv workin a tea-poonful ai h of -alt and made mu-tard. half a teapM.u flll of pepper, the Velk of two hard boiled !--. with two tablespoonful of inched butter: then whip in with a fork live table-poonful- oi nod vine-ar pour over the tomatoc ami -ct on ice r where it i cool for an hour bcfoi to noil tealilv ami kun: in an Hour put in four doeu of - bied toina- ..: do not kin l if: boil until vour .., ;, r,.,l,UT(l , one-half: take a i.o- p i rciluceil to one-halt: take a p tato.iu:iher iml cni-h the toinatoe-; a trainer: return to ket iias ttirou-l tle, and remove the beef before emn-; -ea-on with alt and pepper. Thi i a plain count n, tomato oiip. .ill-4'rllillii'iill. - IoCIean ticntli'ineirt oat: i irate t-.. ..t .. .. ...T I. ..... . t. ... !... uiili :i iiii:ii i tii uiii iiiim Uiitri loin i;ti in . . - . r.- iMtat... I.iM tin pu p Mtth pour ootatoe. Let the imiIi. ettl. (( ,,,, ,; ,, ., ,,,,,. XVell with it ' 1 r- Kverv one mav not know that a mall uantity of nit rate of oda put into the water everv time it is ehan-eil will a . . - preserve cut 'lower foitni-ht. for more than a To Keep lllack Ant Out of ' ar llarrel Draw a hi-mark with eom inou I'halk around the banel. and the work i done. The mall red ant (a real pt) are ea-ily banihcd by a free ii of cavciine pepper placed and blown :..... ii.: 1. in. in. 11 1. ..'ii. , . , . , . - lor freckle, take one ounce of lem- on juice, a iiarter ot a poiimt 01 povv- j dercd bura. ami half a ilr.uu of .u-- ar. Mix them. 11111- Mifhcietit water, and let them tand a few days iu a -la bottle uutil the liiiior is lit for lle, then rub it on the face and hand oecaion ally. -"The follow-in- i aitl to Ih a cheap and simple remedy for externiinatin- rats: i:ik lake a mixture of two part., of a tiff mas with a much meal as mav be reipiired. ami then bake into mail cakes: put down for the rats to cat. In catinin- pumpkin it i better to steam it than to boil it. When Meanicd ipiite tender take it out iu a dish ami mash line ami free from lumps, put a-ain in a kettle over the tire ami tir it eoiitinuaiiv to Keep 11 irom inirmn-. ...:,, ., .....wr ,.r r-..r -i.rlnL-t.Ml u-itl. -..It . I ... I That kerosene will -often hoots or shoe- ( woolen rag and nib with it: it will al-o remove-Main- from clean varni-hed fur- ' niture. earlv nart of the night, and Fomt h:ul , 1 -t , -a.. -.T l . ..-!.. receiveu ine uuai auemiou oeioen on him. Now, however, h was sitting off to himelf. and appearetl vvorn and tire.1 mant .wishing to have a Mibject, for be it known that no one wa 1 .u --".''""":"'""" fonder than hem recounting hi won- derful exnloits fonder than he 4 derful exploit, ' How niin.h ' .. xr .... r. 1 . -,. . . nun uiiieii. .iciierai, wasine large. stake vou ever nlaved? 44 But," -ays he, 44 the hanlet game I ..r i,..i ;-., . n i. t..-x.. ills. .Iut after .i...-n- .. 1 ... i1 -.- im- ii ar nirew. iu aim mv wnxe went I mil-tliinrr tn.)..!.. n,,l I Am..i;l all 1 mv papers out of my trunk on tlie floor, - -- i - - m ., n I'ontiniiallv to keen it from Imrmn . Iie 1- -till walkm to-tlav. ami to all r-iillu!f 'la'alTiat, xmA Man l m ct V ! maw -t m Mrt. ". thAt & V f - Sr tai" fl mn mi tlm.. KoMi- - tr wtiHT t r" it-? Jt f 1 rtpl wt -rVrt m4 lr rp'. V"f . 4 UH, w h '' l.Ur imA tlwrtt cttt-. Aft- fctt V't rry ti. fHd ti TTf tma l "rtn-4 m wa t4tWr 'Wmt bnkr I ImmIm'I r X r-l ' wkifh I itdd rl t Aft- Me x ilwf-ttjh Uk p3 I V..4 H Mri Mi Mr W-Vr4 m mv kM.' U ! bM. M.W1 - 1 1 4M't Vih. t W. "" !'"' vW winUr' 'm . Mmr ... lite Ut HOMKW Ml tit xU?, Mi 4m kJ W of ttkHh l Vr ' it hi 1 WiLJ 4 Wwr risfU Hri.' a & Usp. mmI i U. j I. M ' are mtgfctv x wn. a4 I nt z? bux ltt ym mrkmg "l"V bf n blstUtutrr M tki ntm 1 !'n mud Iki ) j4v -! tkx iMittM. mmI ) at- hv '- mgyu Mw piatitf. md 1 rr-ki4i v- i a rUfbt li4t k ltt ikr Wo r h il-ljraK' wttii t.. Md .w-!w I U tf vnu WMtidM't W Ntftn nr. ttt .M -rlM , (,U B r, . nln ' ..av W lW4nt. I tH't U-. t. ". . ....i- ...! t .1 i ... nttmr w wii tkU't lwtt. Mr." - 1. 41 nrf ti, .nh a ll ivhrtv ll mrr m ih ) lul !JW, nittl timt wvitkln t J oiirtnverti IhII. 1 mrn'l ! io u. tlwn tht. for I'M intir I wint t on a nlit If 1 !. tkal I'D cho. if-riH itml if I hiii lliffl ui-'ll Im itnth,i to -tirt n v U. 1 ni' ' rn..T with hr. but he wiMtklut vr. ltt at lat he ayt 'Itiilfonl. 1 ktow ymr mtl 1 t " . -' n'e?i"? " whether I'm witlin or not .. i wm : it ..i : iv uoiiuii"; imnv .i..iii m. Hat. .iiiIioh. I felt wiwn I iartni that ln wa for inc. and 1 ji' kmovvl leivv 'twould Ih Well. 1 went oii time lf.-redin ier. and. nn emm-h, tletv v.rv at it I'hev had thni table one had a ijuar ter ante, one n half, am! i ' !! v ami it half I w tnt.-l mv -x t n .1 ! to 1m a- l"ii i I lotiUl iiiak- '. t ! -o I it down to the ipurti r tat. I. Int on until dniiier, ami b tint ' i I hail won nuh to d- tx-tt.-r t'!. ! ' we had eat, 1 -ttdown tothddkniH"t-a-half table. 4omeliinc I won. ai. 1 then ajraiu I'd lov on until nl-Ii tlio-' midiii-ht. and then 1 lnl t-etter lin k I kimw'd Man vva -iitm- ii ami pr in-: I iilt like it ami it made ne - ' I t tin hat down hv my -ide mi l' tlMr. anil ver time I d vin Id dr i the moiicv in tin lint We pi tved !., a lid""! didn't know mlhitt- itlNot b w mm Ii Id I didn't ki p nn iitiint. but I kuovt'd I w.t m n nin- 1 thoiit;ht nun 1m- I'd won a bin. died dollar, or m.iv 1m- two humlnit. but I didu'l know. I ct then' until ilitv broke, and then ve went home. I waitin for nie he mvuhiI tinil ami anvioit. and. thoti-h he looked nn-ht hard at me. -he didn't av a word I milked ri-ht up to her. and, Milliu- off mv hat with both hand. I emptied It all rijrht in the lap of her -own. And then we et down and counted it." How inueh wa then-. (Jen'P" 44.lut lifteeii humlrcil dollar even " 44 And that." added the Cem-nil. a he walked off, 4-in ima -tart " .V.fA- It'tiiiK r. Pnntlcnl Kciill of a Liul- Prater. M vviik-stki:. ) , An- !. - We havi tm f the tuo-t extniordinarv 1:11 iml al . a . a... . ..!.. ..aaaa..a "ere. vvneuierii im a iiui.uie n,. we vv ill leave it for the reaoer to ileenle The person i- Mrs. t lav ( oolev. .1 um-t '? otimable and devoted wife ami ( hii- tiau woman. she ha len alllittl with pinnl ili-e for ten iars. unahle to turn herelf in her bed, and could not -tainl alone without let brace. On the lii-ht of the I 'ill he ortved 11 1 . 1 . 1 .. rv. , an ni-ni. ami nei iimniiii" in , ,,.,,., . .. , .,, ,.nn., anl to I aui j.,.,.,,, ,j .. ; 1 o huii-rv.' .Mr. ( 'ooley .aid : 4 I will -et up ami -ct bnakfat : you have not re ted auv . lay down and I will brin- our break fast.' After the meat wa ivaiiv. in rZit came in and announced it. 44 1 will -et up and -o to it. band -ot her Imice-for her. but he aid 44 1 dpn't want them. I can walk." and nt once n-e up. when -lie turned deathly iek. She laid back ami offer ed up a fervent pnner that ln mi-lit -ct up and walk. After the praver h mi-ed up. -ot out of bill ami dre id her-elf Her little family. atoiu-hid. -atliered around her. he tellin- them he ciitild now walk a- well a tin v After breakfa-t -he -aid. 4 I mn-t U t my nei-hlior know," ami out -In win4 walkin-and -hotitin-into t licit hou-e- he 1- -till walkm- to-lav. ami to .ill f'reerce hea iel!-f 1 aimrt. lmjK'M. )iCiSs ot tne lhrr nt lonitch are the cnmmnt of tbesc rloale affection. Ir. Pierce'. (SuMen Me lil J -corerr and Plea1 and Pur.atKe r-Tl' re nTer-falUn- rem evlic for thec dl-ra. Thrj pnlue 1 bcalth'ul secretion of ttie bll-, oreren4 fn If- tetlun br reulatlnz the tor!, an.1 Impart, viyroun tone to tii- irhole siria. Tiik cnrdlal reception that Dr. F. W llboft' AnU-I'enodlc or Fever aod Asrne Toalcha recelvetl at tke bamic of tbe mlleat pnte jloo In Louisiana certa nly pore that It U an eicellent remctlr, and that lbecomport tton of it, a- .nb,'L.l hv lt .rnprieur. WheelocJr, Fin U j t Co., of New Or tf, indorvd bv tbnu Aaint C'LUl and Ferrr. Dumb Cbt'l and enhvn;d seen thre ii no YtVer remedy In the orld- ror sale bj all Lrazsl U- Siieakin-of the force of habit, re- mind me of an ex-chool t-acher. now n'iotcin- in a hu-band much taller than her-elf. who. when aljont to ki him at rar.-.Vfir England Edurtional J J JfontfJy. vThat everjbody says must h trc. acd e7eryboJy does mV ttut .Votnjf Yuui U tiie best- Ail grocers tell It- Chew Jackn'- I-t5wrt"avy Tobacco. DIP Wses Sosmer tad Winter. Sarsple free. u 1 u aOocai tcrx co, wjo w. 1 wmuma MCM YUufVl Mtn ea tuaiexs. w wxfatrt t tw-J tt rapfct-x. Ia!.-t It) ti 17 oarnrmin WXera TrL l3nw. 'aita'U. Ma. U all D WbotaMle and reli.L Send forprto fff lKo)CiVn.jrstraii sTj'jvtii IInilleJiCKMlAiI.3aW Ki.lixvCSilCao MAAA A TEAK exj ale la neb 4 W l tnnsXj.Gmwl trvataaaanucsiazxla-recsa x4a J. m. CM 4 r 9 AX. M"t-ti.. XUlitfti. lad. ir f. I" O a woxth AeraU Wanted 3? b-st. 41 U la U f, jLAijr j,, ures. lrtnr.3Cia. jLarsst WaatMl tirrrnim to mtO to t ualbr&jU. acd r-klnlwierv.RtnMn-trTTllUSL Ut5- . c-jJapjuv.-viriiKso st, .x. r.Q.iMzv. rrrattirn . . -,-w -. m. . wn AfTXXA ITMAT LITTUK PAIT TO J1 r-r--. ' . fafc. tw. . 1 1 lllir lrw txJiw 4 ta ' '' AGENTS. READ THIS. l . I .. v- 3. l 4 NEEDLES Alt run wiuvTi H i i S25 Every Day Well AtiKclrtIU r. i r . in '. a,u. v4 .t. UlCTCBIAI 1 HISTOBYruWORLD ' . MMrf -- "i-lill .1 , m. niii.'etitntllili 4flF.. 7fc. '-- -,.-, 6 Kr .i 4 k- . . ur -f ukH , m s7 V r H ' Iw . - M- .If 4 j .. f I . A t X 41. I 1.1 tM 1 . X KM ; t M- M VlT I . s I - t - k v. 14' 'II w - .. k ' DR. JOHN BULLS Sniffs Tonic Syrup FOR THE CURE OF FEVER and ACUE Or CHILLS and FEVER. TI jrp'itor of tt.. i vt'l b Jnttly cli frit . tr.Jt tyTt . ! ti. -ttTtr etftitit l ti- v ... " ! 5A1 ", U.RTAIN SPKt.l)Yaa'Vr.KMAK!..Nrt.. 0fA;oadretr,(irC4ibi"O.l ri.r,kA eref thittor iOBeiBdict lit rfer t tS ht beacurr4by itcc't bll, hc'.tcitor4tioa cfih Rtacikt b. It i. totTcr,prulrnt,.i.llo tTcrrcut m-Ttnt-ttlntcctur, If ttt cirlt cooti&a4 In. tmnllir doni far a. wc-k or two t ; th !. bi btoncheekfrt.uisre ipt,ftily In dinrait w lose it idini citt Uiatllf mtUtnt will not rrqntr tcy aid I Vttp tb biw! I go-d order. Sasatd tHr ptlut, t.f'Tff. tr ijnltf ,eithrtlmtaiclii.t',rt-lirk thforfoardo.iof tbTaor.iolt,i'tt BULLS VL0ETA11LE FAMILY TILLS wi.t be mtiictat. Th K-nalio SMITH'S TONIC BYKU.' wt hvrOn J0HNBt.LL'8prlralitmpoijlt bottle nit JOHN BULL only fct.ittTltkt tt mntiftetur nd tell tht o.'liltl JOHN J SMITH'S TONIC SYKU1. of LmIitiI.. Xt Exarotno welllbe Ubtlon ech bt'l-. it -. - a. a.. -ah ..a. av. . an i a. a prirait tvmrap 11 no. nn - ..i-. . a.., or yoa will be drctivtd. XXX. TOnN BUOTJ. M.inur.ictwrr nnd Vntlar of SMITH'S TONIC SYRUP. OULL'S SARSAPARILLA, BULL'S WORM DESTROYin, Th Fopulaf Hemotllet of thu Diif. lrl-'lpt OMre. Sl! Wtlii L. I Ot 111.1.1'. S. TKC AUDUftN POUTBAIT COMMNY Wi t- r in' 1 tit!) ". If l ' l-4'i ol i- la A'WIl- llf.'l I t. Jf t t lit l.'ill.ri. ttrr4 lufcur.i V. . Tho only 20 Cent ACilUEKKHKDV INr THE WORLD. A sife and rcl able substitute fir Quinine. The best knovrn rrtr.fdT for alldiwasss eaud by Mntarial Poisoning, bcin; a preventive ru well as a certain cute for EA5SAS CITT STOCK-YAEIS, itO. ttuM m-t4! n !..." t j r r. i'-m t-v rtrmir-n4i. mr'l ' f '"f 1tZ. taiorral A wJ'hI ii.Iiui. , HORON ST, SCHOOL F r r it'n Krt 'Mfrf-a tot Ml. & s rl'r ..: G001QENTAU NO ALOES ! 0 QUIKI.N'E I NO POISONOUS- DRUGS ! 4 ,rTT r .r-icrr-x IJ37-I2XT. mid -A.OX733. 0015 13T JiftCT T".! Ht3 II.USEiTE IKE ST03. C?. J'; ' thil (a- iu pn -. - 'yT-iiiirr'- x t.aat rfr v r -. r- & i-ni'r- ' . ," .-,-, u trr wr - 1 ml J -a UK-ax.. M3 Hto ' I II If '' . k. nv''j . bli Ai-i-J . . A. Sl V. C. IV.I. -tnr 1 -t, LER, Proprlefora, Ttt '.. uil.ii , '" GRAEFENBERG VECETJiniX Mtidt ever ltxcrn. can MALARIAL DISEASES, HEADACHE. BILIOUS NESS, INDtCESTJON ad FEVERS. Then PIL.I.S Tcne to th swtwi a.! rttr hha ts those sufferini' frnrn reeeil dithiXj 3Ad nervesaftesx. Sold by aJl Dru?3tjti. per K-. 5- X. 5 6 K j-rsi pltmi My jfou Mir it , if r.WI "-... im thlm jmprf .lrirrrftrm likr tm Kmrnrnw Kftm aavit travrr tUtir AdrrrHtineulm V prntfimff fccsf. " urru uu.rrft. -... -.- - kl I U VlUWIl . ,.-. -----. ."R. :'ik. XJOHNSOM'S Iniiaa Blood Syrup, t r xT 'lit 77W.3d$i.,HswYirkG.f7. t a1 Tie 3rtt Rttsfty KMrtra to JC1 r. . . it, iu , i ,i. ii i . -- l mmt ..h M fcill . il ii Hl 1 -.." . iv. man rf t. rn ii . "i M . - J v-v ..iJi m w ' ... . 4 m.4 W . m- . I : v. . 4 . mm tmiM I .-' . i - m m W in IVf ' - .- - . .11. m0 It, j .. m- . s. mm- I -. 1 -MKM..MM. M WV4M) Tfr" . 'mwnimrtMt M It kt fcj4 ?. ' k !. i.H.i t r-4 . m--tm tt-t WW vt fr ml t Ht.i iiiii - a to W3 - k- t- ' fc -mH t 4 ii.ihi 1 1 - i. -. mm i iIH W wa wl li . t- - - M tak taMMBlf Urn !. I m-4 M Vm -A - KfMI si fm 5 V2- tzi C5 r -tit SS rat v v " O Ek T " O ti - '' lift Tii ..1 -m '1 WakMrHkl. tK XU Ma. r 4 Uk tw ' 1 ii it 11 1 ii mm ...l I Jf .i,Mii . .n iuiiiir. Mh 3 ,... 3f5i v'- " m ii I. ii ! '1 li . , rl .H Ihanlll ll..- A M.a r.i.i 1. i.'.i. .r . - .Mut i .. Mmlllll ! mmtmU .! r- 1 . -4mmvmm f.m. ? . . - ,li - mtm t4M r 1 t '- -. f . . -f : ''Wt -t. s nf 'kmj T3-v Htiwin F.iRiB In In-ltaa C-itwsi. Mill . . vi" . " -fc- 1 t( cw t W M a iffi m4. , . .., Ma ofHM);fW i"l."''l ,i a .nnfttA mpkrm tmm-Vt. - ' m n WfelV Mi Il1'fcl'a . - i ' iiw aT. tf fu "' aa ....if hKAl"V IM SKrH."- "Ta. lrr lt4W-t ar ddltV! ki , ? Mf. EhnaI' mJn , va-iH al 4 , i rlMWllfall - - -ili a a t)il4Mlt " - ' " - ' ff wli j (BmX v ' 4 --m w la mtfgmti Itm j lifIX . Dr. Clark Johnon'ti INDIAN BLOOD PURIFIER. Triet' Lr ittJi Pr tt ef $m-.i l"-.! . - . tl.OQ . . . AO t j-".. altaikaaa TESTIHOMIALS OF CUBES. A Rtsarkable Corp. finw eiajatf a Mr 1 " ' !- - mllmru M raa. I4I .imp mt iwyK jn-rvfala '.'.'-' -- . m" ' ' MW " " J ' aaafc. Br all 1 vl 'aaa i 1 ' t a- - U, .a m .- -i w 1... .w... a '. - . I a. '. I I-., '-'.- w m- . " If. Hmrnl f - - -' ' - ' . 1 t-l a- ' - . . a a .. i aa.4 mt- 1 fmmxmm. .. ' .' aa. 1J I. - - laTWaA Safe smt Rliak Kdiets. pmt Ja. M m 4 $ MH b" " 1- Itla .(. - ItWIwI umiml'til la i uk wnj a i vf IU- t4 I tv tM4 aa tM fcaf f(a3 IMBaa a,M4 ft t- t sal! ai U a- kj ta.fc4 I .JLaU U .Cf.l'l. O ft Mlc, It tt. in &. a K.iuunvi. Fer Sre Thrsat e4 Lf Fmr. fK nw.i TfAf raajaf. Jar Irr- VW4 ll"l. laa4 mjrm, Ul m tt laa mmmr . I Wl a"al K. ll.a aa4 aa m-f 1 a tPmrl, m4 - kr M la. Iel- - 1 a. ;-.. H- t- AJtCX- . Liter Oojijict Ujfptix. vttJf. M.w r im v . Wwo. is. )ia Imr myr Tfcit ta la aar-.f it I km laa al1 HI. Iajaav. 4 tt "hl iaar t - a-aa r fmr Inlax Hlaa4 .. ,p mrmmymmr Apl fc turn 4mrmtm ttmmmt tm ...' t a-T r Jam! rvuuoiMIl ' teteaavral4nwjuuj Fevtr asd A.qe Carei. rtTM tVMI' a . WmI Itt favKf-ktnlM oaa Jimmu4 Ita4la IIIa4 -.T--I.J. Imtrtm p JM tkiiilliaraVl. mfiS mM A m J Uutim . Ma MOT r - V "- W tf Mm waw. uU ekaC hhwim -- r v7a atlta- H.I UVJC. Rtmiy for Llircr CmpiihL 9txw94.&r-rrr-3 Tirti. kptn 35. nx. rr. K - hew lMa. atla4 rat. a Ij t vJ-iiVr, " n! tt-t Uta'xa-. KKtaCZXACXK-X. V.imiii fr Rfertraiathnj. rt f ltl 'M-rtfy. Tis. T"V 14r Wl !? m UimJmmut iu m laK tt .-art W nil i ". I'tog v. V. tar Uat.a ar. rm im af. atMii t a? a-S if a one. XI aa rmpiaM yxT I amarfi InalJia HI fi. VB I Jv-ataHa-. aw3 i vrj llWI OM V V 8a ea&a r4 1 Mi Vt . vtx. 1 1 c4 ' tm ft-" - jB-rtat. inatWivii la- ' t aawlt ae.wa-")' A r Ua eV-l Car, i taX a&aV la aa la & t tot- (-vJkauju. Cstilt 3ut4 Fever. D-. . rnr -i 3T.jra jwr--7.fer-iXa'airr lav 4lM Mia a 4 a;niaic. Caa a r. affat kBaa3VMUlZ9aa'taar. IV Aaavawt jwzr njfoiimT 6a4iOa fsr mCaOr ... ta arr;s9.siaOrr ilAil! I. Ja-jfOna. isra A RerkiWt Ce Cwt IHrr!MM f rrty Yean S5 7irTV re- CaMf. ?.. ;. jy:x rr r-rr y J- 1 ? s . tturrttrtfcicSTfa. A!w mf rurf tT3 &5 rvi t t r7 - ww s la BKtrr.Jtrfa-- Tt lttr 4aakeC nJ. f siwrt aJtt tw 1 t.e !(- aai ef. a k: i-rOi&'. 'At-jc Jcs !' - arf IJ t try rf wr. tt i"" jsai. aea SSr uusi ii'ifi a ai CaiVTSael 2-CaA tt ti SJPf JJ twi UJ-rUlttiartSr 1 rrtl- il -r SaWrf ta r,-; -rTaji uirwa oi. &JLXfca Ctm Fver a4 Af. fimtea !- Cwmif, s4l. ffc. ta. t -m. ar -l tHMr4 r -fSa-C.WVltZJX taji SWMWt f fM VlltaKltUtQ. JWUr-i V M-4, VtK Av jt&!s!m KlldKlSw A ?FSJ' -K Jt '.' I "W-'l Bp. ny .'a. -- . .mmm