Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, May 19, 1881, Image 4

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    THE HEfc&tO.
Thirtj" days after a Michigan man got
a divorce from his wife to marry one
with ti handsomer face the woman fell
heir to $287,000. You bet that ex
husbaud feels like a man with the
jumping toothache.
Culture and slang: "Acquires the
confection" is tho Boston girl's trans
lation of "Takes the cake." Similarly,
"The proper caper" becomes "The
coiTect contortion."
Consolation misapplied: "Yon must
feel lonely, since your husband went
away," consolingly observed a neighbor
to her lady friend. "Not at all," she
replied : it is the first holiday I have
had since I was school-girl."
"I declare, John, I never saw such a
man! You are always gctiing some
new wrinkle." And the brnte calmly
replied:" "Matilda, 3011 are not, thank
fortune. If 3011 had a new wrinkle,
you would have no place to put it, dear."
The decorative art mania. Miss Non
anfait: "What a charming love of a cup
marked 'Tom and Jerry P " Gentleman
ly vendor of majolica: "Yes, we sell a
large number of them." MissX.: "But
haven't you some marked Clifford and
Alvoid, or Bertie and Georgie?"
A Chicago young man broke into the
room of the girl he loved, to cany her
away, as she refused to marry hini.
She was absent, but left the bidl dog
asleep on the bed. The room was dark.
The tlog diilrf t bark Lut worked. In
about seven minutes the remains of tho
young man came out and said he
wouldn't marry that girl for $70,000.
"O, smile as thou wert wont to smile,"
sang the idol of little Toddlekin's soul
one evening as he sat on tho lounge in
the parlor. He had recently at her
earnest request sworn off tho use of in
toxicating fluids. As she repeated tho
refrain he looked up calmly with a
strange, far-off look in Ids thirsty eje
and leached for his hat. "You don't
know, Maria; 3011 don't know," said
little Toddlekin, "what a weight that
song has lifted from my heart." He
smiled again that evening a3 he was
wont, but she never again sang so
touching a ballad.
At a roj'al wedding in Germany it is
customary for the mistress'of ceremonies
to cut np one of the bride's garters into
small pieces, which are distributed to
those who have taken part in the fes
tivities of the day. As a large number
are entitled to these fragments of the
Order of the Garter, it is not quite clear
how one garter, or even a pair of gait
ers, could supply the demand. At
Prince William's recent marriage the
difficulty was met bj using many yards
of ribbon instead of the bride's garter.
"Ma," said an urchin with dirt-covered
knuckles and a pocket full of
marbles, "is it wicked to play marbles
for keeps?" "Yes, my son, ami 30U
must never do it." "Is it wicked when
3'ou lose all the time?" "Yes. just the
same." "Is it wicked if you win all
the time and play with a boy who says
his mother says if she had 3 0111' feet
she'd never go out except after dark?"
"I I go and wash 3rour hands and
get ready for supper!" was the sharp
reply, and the lad continued to play for
A would-be mother-in-law meets a
friend, lately in tho same predicament,
who cries out: "Oh, my dear, I have
such a piece of news for 3011. My
daughter was married yesterday!"
"How nice! But how did 3011 manage
it? Was your son-in-law indifferent to
your lack of money, or did 3 011 make
him believe 3011 were rich?" "Oh, no
(with a gleeful chuckle): I got our
family doctor to tell him I couldn't live
six months."
"Dearest Harold, I love you with all
the deep devotion of my sex. Your
image is inefl'aceabl3 engraved on the
tablets of my memoiy, and in my heart
the love I bear for you can never, never
die. But I am extravagant, wildly am
bitious to shine in i-ociet, to sit beside
the jeweled queens of fashion, to dazzle
all e3es with priceless gems, and so,
dear, dear Harold, 1 must many tho
Concerning Parlors.
Ivndon Society.
. The word "parlor" is the remnant of
a b3gone slate of things. The da3s are
gone past when Sir Charles Graudison
made his stately bow in the cedar par
lor. "There are no parlors nowada3s,
U13' dear," said an old lady, whom wo
may call Mrs. Partington! "except, I
believe, in the public houses." We have
dining-room, drawing-room, studios,
libraries, smoking-rooms, but the parlor
in the ordinary British mansion- has al
most become a tiling of the past. It re
mains, in a highly fossilized condition,
us a venerable institution prized by the
lower middle class. "Will you walk
into my parlor? said the spider to the
fly," and I always recognize the wretch
ed feelings of that suicidal fly when I
am invited into what people call a par
lor. Very probablv it is only used on
state occasions. The famil3' may bur
row in some subterranean" apartment in
the basement. We perceive by a hun
dred signs that such a parlor is not a
living room, but a dead room. It i3 full
of stiffness and angularities, hard chairs
and still harder .sofas. The region in
which the parlor retains any vitality is
the agricultural region. In multitudes
of farm-houses, and in some vicarages,
this kind of apartment is still found.
But the British farmer follows hard on
the tracks of the 'Squire, and gives up
the humbler for the more ambitious
nomenclature. It is the better class of
laborer and the thriving artisan'who
are now aiming at the possession of
parlors. Among them the parlor is
really a happy and an educating influ
ence. So prevalent have been peace
and plenty of recent years, that in the
suburbs of great towns 30U may pass
whole rows of tenements in which you
may distinguish pleasant parlors, with
ilowering plants Idling the windows
and the sound of pianos clashing all
down the row. Still, in special cases.
the name of parlor yet survives, and of
these I would say a few words. The
parlor or parloir (La. parabolare; Fr.
purolcr, parlor), as the name indicates,
is a place wherein to converse. The
waiting-room of a club is essentially a
pai-lor; in a less formal, but more real,
sense so is the smoking-room. The old
lady was perfectly correct in her allu
sion which, however, was hardly to be
expected of her to public houses. It
would have been more decent if she
had talked about taverns. And what
glorious talk there has been in tavern
parlors before now! We think of Ben
Jonson at the Mermaid and Sam John
son at tho Turk's Iiead. There are
still a few wits and scholars who haunt
the sanded parlors of hostels about Fleet
-When all his warm heart, sherris-warmed,
Flashed forth in random speeches.
Such men have felt and said that there
is no throne like the easy chair of a
tavern parlor. Perhaps there are other
attractions besides wit and liquor for a
tavern parlor. I know a great firm
that advertises for pretty bar maids,
and always sends them homo at nights
in a special conve3ance, to be intrusted
to the charge of a most respectable
A resolution ha3 passed the Texas
legislature requiring that women shall
be'eniployed in the State department
for every position they arc competent
to fill, upon the same terms and condi
tions as men.
Lady Burdett-Coutts' Columbia mar
ket is to be turned iutoatobacco manu
factorj. The thunder of great wonts does not
alva3s betoken a great thought, for
nianv a grand salute is fired with a
blank cartridge.
M. Gustave Pore's mother is dead,
aged 74. He always lived with her.
She was the widow of a government en
gineer of bridges and highways.
Edmond do Lafayette, the 3ounger
brother of the late marquis, is now the
only living grandson, in the direct male
line, of Lafayette.
Ex-Secretary Kvarts gets even with
tho carpers who complain of his long
sentences. lie savs tl.e oulv men who
object to long sentences are criminals.
It is now said that the gentleman
known as Commandant AlfredAylward,
now serving with the Boers, is no other
than Mtirply, the Manchester informer.
Secretaiy Lincoln's face in repose is
described as serious almost to stern
ness; but when he smiles it grows
bright, and then he "is positively and
undeniable handsome." .
The empress of Austria complains
that Knghtud is disappointing after Ire
land; that there is no "leppin," and
that the fields are too small for a good
A distinguished German geographer
is of opinion that the diamond district
of Africa is the Ophir from which King
Solomon drew such liberal supplies of
gold ami precious stones.
Plysicians in the mining regions say
that the presence of diphtheria is direct
ly traceable to oleomargarine, adultera
ted molasses, sugar, etc., which are
largely used in that section.
Jefferson Davis Bill, of Connecticut,
has completed his studies at Eastman
College, Poughkcepsie. He has two
brothers named Lecompton Constitution
Bill and Kansas Nebraska Bill.
Samual J. Tilden, though now an old
man, is active engaged in railway
operations. He is estimated at $10,000,
000, and hence ma3 be considered tho
richest bachelor in the country.
Lady Walter Campbell and Miss Bal
dock, though not professional beauties,
are gaining celebrity as among the pret
tiest women in London, and the society
papers seem likely to luike them pro
fessionals in time.
Prof. Ko-Kun-Hua, who graces tiio
Chinese chair at Harvard, has frequent
and severe twinges of rheumatism, and
is said to express his opinion of the Mc
lican climate in language that is more
flowery than celestial.
The wife of the Hon. Timothy O.
Howe, of Wisconsin, will reside with
her daughter, Mrs. Totten, in Washing
ton, while the ex-senator is in atten
dance upon the international monetary
conference in Paris.
Mr. Wash McLean, of the Cincinna
ti Enquirer, has purchased a lot in
Washington on which he will erect a
handsome mansion, to be presented to
his daughter, the wife of Gen. Hazen,
of the signal service.
"Florence Percy," the author of
'Rock Me to Sleep," Mother, now lives
in Maine, and edits a paper there. One
of her3oung daughters has for a name
her mother's nom-de-plurne of Florence
It is proposed to build a ship canal
across the State of Deleware A com
pan3 is to be formed with a capital of
$30,000,000, and application has been
made to the Legislature for the riht of
An old man- in San Francisco com
mitted suicide because two confidence
swindlers had robbed him of $2,600, by
which act he saved them from punish
ment, as ho was the 011I3 witness
against them.
The Austrian Empress' huntintr ex
ploits in Ireland and England are con
sidered scandalous b3r tin sta-at-homo
ladies of the court in Vienna, whoso
taste lies in dress, eating, balls, and
On the evening of the day when the
czar was assassinated one of thoso
strange coincidences for winch even
the "doctrine of chances" can scarcely
account for satisfactorily to the average
human intellect occurred in the Stadt
theatre, of Berlin. A new comedy was
being performed for the first time, in a
certain "situation" of which, part of the
leading character's "business" wa3 to
take a golden snuff-box out of his pock
et, and, while opening it preparatory
to helping himself to a pinch, to speak
the words: "This box was presented to
me b3 the emperor of Russia." As Mr.
Mejo, tho actor cast for the part in
question, was pronouncing the above
sentence, a gentleman, obviously much
agitated, forced his way into the centro
of the stalls, and, turning round so as
to face the bod3T of tho house, ex
claimed: "The news has just arrived
that the emperor of Russia has been
murdered!" A scene of considerable
confusion ensued; many persons left tho
house hurriedly with the object of ob
taining authentic information of the
terrible tidings, and the performance
was interrupted for several minutes,
until publje excitement had somewhat
calmed down.
According to the Coitrrier tits Tit as
Unix tho story circulated by most of the
morning newspapers to the effect that
Pierre Joubert, now at the head of the
military forces of the Boers, is an Amer
ican by birth, was 6impl3 a romance
invented by a Pittsburgh correspon
dent. He was of a famil3 of French
Huguenots who at one time, driven from
the country by the edict of Nantes,
sought refuge in Holland. One of his
ancestors, Pierre Joubert, emigrated,
according to documentary evidence, to
tho Cape of Good Hope in IGS7 from
Frovenee, in Frauce, and the family has
been known there ever since. Accord
ing to the American biography Joubert
is only 42 cars old, but the correspon
dent of the Courrier assures the public
that he is almost 60.
Blind Tom at a concert recently in
Staunton, Va., displaed a most won
derful feat of memory. Twent3-one
years ago, while in Frederick, Md.,
Prof. E. L. Ide pla3ed a German waltz,
which was then repeated by Tom. Mr.
Ide was present at tho Staunton con
cert, and asked Tom if ho remembered .
the concert in Frederick in I860. In
answer he not only stated the name of
the hall where the concert took place,
but also played the waltz, note for note,
including some alterations tha1, Mr. Ide
had purpose y made in it.
It is a curious fact, that according to
the census returns, the average intel
ligence of the inhabitants of California
ami Colorado is greater than that of any
other State in the Union. In Colorado
graduates of Eastern colleges are found
in almost every position in life. The
former president of a business collego
in Kansas drives a coal cart in Denver.
A graduate of Yale, of the class of '68,
and afterward, for two years, a profes
sor in Cornell University, is pastry cook
in a hotel in one of the mining towns,
while the dish-washer in the same hotel
belongs to the Bar of the Supreme Court
of New York.
Mr. W. II. H. Murray's estate inGuil
ford, Conn., is to be sold at auction to
pa3 taxes.
Timothy Maher, the strongest man in
New Haven, is dead. He could hold
COO pounds suspended from his middle
It is said that, during a hail-storm fn
Geneva on Jan. 19, Prof. Colladon ob
j served that - tho hail-stones repelled
j each other as they fell, and that after
: lying quiet for a moment or two on the
ground, bounded about like the electric
hail experiment of Newton with pith
balls. Prof. Tidy, in a paper read before the
j Loudon Chemical society, restates, in
I reply to Dr. Frankland, his lirm con-
viction sliat a fairly rapid river, having
; received sewage in quantity not exceed
ing one-twentieth of its volume regains
its purity after a run of a few miles,
itiia becomes wholesome and good for
In a centigrade photometer invented
ly S. Coglievina, there is an attempt
made to remedy the imperfection of
other instruments by substituting for a
single source of light, defined 03 the
substance of the combustion, or its
hourly consumption, a name of variable
size?, which can be reduced to any par
ticular degree of illuminating power.
It is the intention of Coglievina to &
y the same principle in dealing with
electric and other sources of light.
Prussia acid remains for a consider
able time in the bodies of animals poi
soned with it. and arrests their decay.
M. Brame killed a rabbit and a rat by
administering to each a gramme of this
acid. A month afterward their bodies
were found perfectly preserved, the
j dose being sufficient to permeate the
1 issues, and to become intimately incor
! p ated with those of the stomach.
llusty-colorotl spots were noticed on
some Hammock-canvas U3e.i oy tno
French army in Algeria. Dr. Tripler
reported that when the canvas was
washed dark spots appeared, and the
material soon fell to piece."1. M. Balland
made this matter the subject of a paper
read on Feb. 28 lief ore the French Aca
demy of Sciences, and said that the
spots were probably due to iron sul
phite, produced by alkaline sulphides
in the artificial soda, and by iron oxide
fixed bj the stuff in manufacture. The
sulphide passed into tho state of sul
phate under atmospheric influences by
a combustion which caused a destruc
tion of the canvas.
Prof. Goeppert, of the University of
Breslau, while journeying through
Rhincland ly tho Bergisch-Markisc!;e
railway, stopped for a short time at
Elderlield. Something struck him as
peculiar in the structure of certain
blocks of stone only lately uncovered
in making an excavation. Subsequent
ly he secured these blocks, ana had
some of them sent to Breslau and some
to Bonn. The3 were found to contain
a fossil treo of the araucantes family,
The rock inclosing the fossil was the
tipper Devonian of Eibcrlield. This
affords evidence of a terrestrial flora
existing long before the great bogs
were formed which gave us our coal
seams. The fossil tree has received the
name of Araucarites elberf ehlensis.
Mr. J. W. Swan, in a paper on the
subdivision of the electric light, does
not hope for any extensive and eco
nomical subdivision of tho light by
lamps in which there is combustion.
The true incandescent lamps prevent
the combustion of the carbon in one
or two days cither b3 the entire ex
haustion of the air from tho chamber
in which the heated carbon is placed,
or by the filling- of the chamber with
an inert gas such as nitrogen. Both
these expedients were tried by the early
inventors, and both have still their ad
vocates. The early experimenters failed
to accomplish what they sought from
three causes, any one of which was
sufficient to bar tho va. J-irst, the
carbons employed were so thick as to
require a largo current to produce tho
required temperature in them; second.
the carbons were not durable, and
third, the lamp-glass speedily became
obscured. He showed that it was the
invention of the Snrengel pump, and
the use Mr. Crookes showed could be
made of it, that has caused modern
electricians to be sf successful as thev
are in obtaining electric light by in
Eobust Imaginations-
Carson City (Ncv.) Addm-I.
Yesterday afternoon, when the lawyers
in Justice Cary's Court were waiting
for the verdi. t in a petty Iareenv case.
Attorney Soderberg related an incident
of his early childhood in .Minnesota,
illustrative of the peculiar customs in
that State:
"I knew an old farmer there who
owned ten acres of timber land
where millions of pigeons came each
year to roost. They devastated the
wheat fields, and the old coon used to
catch the birds in nests and thrash them
out on the barn floor. Each bird had
three ounces of wheat in his crop, and
it was a bad vear for Ohl 1 hompson
when he couldn't ship 1,000 bushels of
wheat to market at $2.60 a bushel, and
it ranked A No. 1 when it reached the
Chicago elevator. If there had been a
few million more of pigeons he would
have come pretty near getting a corner
on the Minnesota wheat crop.
"I know a planter down in Alabama,'
said Kittrell, "who was fully as sharp
as that. He trained an alligator to
work up ami down the river and catch
the little picaninnies that played along
the bank, lhe alligator would take
tiie little kids in Ids jaws and swim back
to the plantation. It was a dull day
that he coin, In t corral three or four.
The planter raised 'em carefully, and
when tl.ey got bii; sold em in ."ew Ur-
leans at prices ranging from $3,000 to
$10,000 npie.-c' He was rolling in
wealth when Lincoln's Emancipation
Procl.nnalion was issued, and after
that the alligator never did any more
work. The man is now barely keeping
body'and soul together 111 Washington,
clerking 1:1 one I the lioverument bu
reaus at $3.(:Oi) a year."
Jud o Car. evinced the greatest in
terest in liivse weird talcs, and edged
up to the L'n-up.
"Thcsj are curious y arns, gentlemen.
but 1 believe them all. 1 had a dog
once, back in Nebraska that I kept to
herd lumber.
"Beg pardon. Judge; did you say the
dog herded lumber?
"Yes, sir, cottonwood boards. We
alwa3s keep a dog there to bring tho
lumber in at night."
Everybody now paid the closest at
tention, as they knew the boss was at
"It was this way. Cottonwood boards
waq like thunder in the sun. A board
would begin, to hump its back up about
9 in tho morning, and in half an hour
it would turn over. By 11 it would
warp the other way with the heat, and
make another flop. Each time it mov
ed it turned a couple of feet, always
following tho sun towards tho west.
Tho first summer I lived in Brownsvillo
over 10,000 foet of lumber skipped out
to the hills the day before I had adveiv
tised a house raisin'. I went to the
county-seat to attend a lawsuit, and
when I got back there wasn't a stick of
timber left. It had strayed away Into
the uplands, An ordinary board would
climb a two-mile hill during a hot week,
and when it struck the timber it would
keep worm in in and out among tho
trees like a garter-snake. Every far
mer in the State had to keep shepherd
dogs to foilow his lumber around the
country, keep it together, and show
where it was in the morning. We didn't
need any flumes there for lumber. We
sawed it east of the place wo wanted to
use it, and let it warp it self to its desti
nation, with men and dogs to head it
oft' at the r'-rl.t time. Wo never lost a 1
stick. Well, here comes the jury," con
tinued the Judge. "The witnesses lied,
so I guess they will disagree,"
. Ais c:: .sji?r:oiT. W
Is the Eest of Tpnics;lr
V W , v w
Restores the Appetite; F
t H?S2iS'Mit!fM the System; E
tZS&i - Restores tae Weak k
i4' and Debilitated. F
mrZ jr?..i! A trial of it will prove all S
"r uures uyspepsia;
" ievTsT" "e claim. A nil onrdmteil C
Aj-r&ii2S tor nr.rrabh'i Wlach
K V1ir of Tart tke no other, r
M O V.r aalo by all Druggii-ts. Ik
3 a S.N. SMITH 4 CO.. Prop'rJ
Loss of Bppetlte,N'augea,bowel3 costive,
Pain in theHead.with a dull sensation in
the back part. Pain under the Bhoulder
blade, fullness after eating, with a diaiii
clination to exertion of "body or" inind"
Irritability of temper, Low spjrjtgjjjQsa
oftaemory, with a feeling of having neg
Tected someduty,wearineBs, Dizziness,
luUeringjif thejieart. Dots before the
eyes. Vellow Skin, Headache, Hestlgja
ness at night, highly colored Urine.
TTTTTS PILLS are especially adapted to
such caNVft, one dose effect suchaeliange
of feeling as to astonish the tuft'erer.
They Inrrrair tlie A ppel lie, and canae the
body to Tn It e on Fleli. thus the a.vtlem is
ourtahea.arHl by tlicirTonIe Artluon the
ItlKestlve Onrana. Kefrular fctoola are pro-
1 TKT III.. l -V1. -
Gray Hair or Whiskers changed to a Glossy
BiAi k by a single application of thin Dyk. It
linpartM a natural color, acts Instantaneously.
Sold ly Drussjist or oenl hy express on rKeipt of Jl.
Office. 35 Murray St., New York.
CDr. 1TTT8 AXTtl, mt Valu.hlr I.ront.llu mm
f'-n.l KmH will mmllrd HhU mm mpmitaUUm.0
61 7 St. Charles Sti ct t, St. Louis, Ko.
A retrtilar graduate of tvr Mtviical CJollt6, b;is boea
longer located t iu.i any oti.eri'ayBicuia iii bt Ixmis.a
city papers sho' nil old rvkitiuatx know. Syphilis,
Gonorrhoea, Oloec Stricture, Orchiu. Kupture.all
Urinary Sy-philitic or Btcrrurisl Affection of
Throat, SkuiurBvnes cartxl R.;fely, PrivHtuly.
Sperraatorrhaa Sexual Iob;iity and Irapoteney
as the result of Sclf-Abuo, excesses In raatarer
yenn?.or over forainwovk, protlainjnorvousaeas, semin
al emission, debiiit, dimnuss of si;ht,(iolective mem
ory, physical decay, arersioa t'j socioty confusion of
Hens, loss of exnalpwer,nlt'ht 1oris, rendering mar.
riae iaaproper.are pormauqatly cured, Consnltutioa
at office or by mail ire and invited. Pnmphlet on
stamp. Medicines SMnt by mail or eiprwa. Cures
fruamatei. Where doubt exists it is frankly stated.
The whole ptory, we!" told, m it Is true to Ufa, oa the
fnllowinu snbjote: Who m.iy marry, who not, why.
Manhood, Womanhood, I'hruicrl decay. Who should
marry; how life an 1 happlnts maybe increased ; eileots
of celibacy and esiwu, and many more. Those married
or contemplating raarriace should read It then keep un
der lock and key. 23 CtS, by mail in money or po.
tniie. English German French read and spoken.
I 1 1 Weakness, Lost Manhood, Nervousness,
BV,Oonfasion of Ideas, Aversion to Society
Infective Memory and Diforder brought oa by Self.
Abase. Any dretqrist has the ingredients. St. Louis
fnrotlve Inst'e. fil? St.Charli-s. Bt. Iiiis. Mo.
70S Ohesnut 8t, St. Louis, Hp. at old office,
oontinues to cure Spermatorrhoea. Seminal Weak
ri ess, Impotency.a'l forms of Byphilis.Oonorrhcea,
Gleet, Urinary or Bladder diseases. Recent casus
cured in a few days. All the diseases reinltins from
elf -abuse, excensee or exposure cured for life with safe
medicine. Advice free. Charges low. Call or write
in strict confidence. Bvaptom Book for two stamp
Has just opened an i-nt ire new stock of )i; rl
wiire, on
ymm jm. wi x-J sas -v - blz 3--'-aa--Next
door west of (l:;ii in:ui & Sniilli'H Inis
A Full Line vt
or rmtud-
A Full Line of Cl'TIM'II V.
Special Rates U 'hiilrfers and (..
ti actors.
All uoodt? sold as lov
s I hey imis-'SIiSv e;;i. li
' e;;i.
and live.
Surc(for to Joiu'b & Ajjuew J
Again takes charge of the Oil
Brick Livery Stable.
XK lilt ASK A.
The old Bonner Sti'Mcs. in ri;it!H:ir.i t h. m,
now leased by W. p. .Jones, and !;
on hand New and handsome aceoiunn'a !iis.
in the s!iaio of
I am now prepared to keep HOKSKS
And will
Train and Break Colts
On Ileafoiiable Terms.
That with ulentv of room (that everv one
known I have) in in v stable. 1 can net Farm
ers' stock and waonx. loac s of hay, &c, under
cover, here they will keep dry. ic all the old patrons lor their liberali
ty, 1 solicit their trade for the future, satisfied
that I can accommodate them better and do
better by them than ever before.
First class Lodging ttooms.
First Class Boarding.
Good Sample Room
Every tiling and every comfoit
A Good Hotel can Funsi-i
Also, Good Wines, Good Beer, Good l.h;u s
Good Lemonade, Good Cigars,
Kept at the Citj otel.
Hly FItEll. COOS, rromietor
For 1881 is an Eleirant Hook of l-0 Taiips. Out
Colore! Flower l'late. anil f Illustrations, will
Descriptions ! the lies! Flowers and eeUi
tiles, anil I 'ireelioin- fur growiiis'. Only lOeenlt
Iu hnirli.sli r ( 'ei in;ii). If von afterwards or
der neeils ilecliret t In Hi cents.
Vli'k'S Sredx :up tlietie! in tliewoilil
Tlie Floi!.vi. lifi rK w ill tell how to net aiu
grow tlieiu. .
lck r lower jmiiI erefalle tlarreii, 171
rapes. G Colored I'lates. sou Kiiurraviiiirs. Foi
50 cento in paper coveis : $l.n0 in elegant cloth.
In Ceiiiiaii or Kutli-li.
Viek's Illusi rated Monthly Maifazine .12
l'apes, a Coli red 1'late iu every iiiniiln r and
niany tine EnyiavniKs. Trice 'l.rS a year;
Five Copies for ".( n. Spreiineii her fent
fi r ! eeutx : :s trial -pie tor -jr, eeni -.
Address, 4.f .1 ,.m i-us.Vn K. liiK-ln st r r. N.
If out sold in raor towra
can get them by mad. Drop
us a r-tstal Card for Cata-
rme aM tVioi. The OUUu mmxd xai extentiv Seed
Grown in tMe Cniied State.
1AVJX LJkZi D1LET11 &. SONS, TmxssJPi,
W A M Tr LET 1 A Coln? Ubt btt,in,r ni-m in ecb
f f Ml I iM k conttt im t. S. lo icU thm
ToftW-cl twn, with gixM rrUrcsWCS - (uraiah liic HitJlt frr
and pre itmi that will U-nr woj krr vver (:ou a moatk.
.tUOicn l.M&K.oiJlTlOAAL fLC 10 Dux 2lLt at, Louis, Mas
Is lHadr from a Simple TTropical Leaf of Uare
Value, and is a loitive IJeiuedy tor all the
lieaei that cause paim in the lower part of
the body for Torpid !.iv:-r Headaches Jaun
lice liziness. Gravel. Malaria, and all diili
cultie of I he Kid nej s, i.iver and I'rinary Or
gans. 1'or IV in a I-' )i-.ea-ii-s. Mom hi v' .Men
struation, and during i're'.'iiaiiev, ir. ha no
equal. It restore the ity;ui- that m-tke the
blood, ami lii'ii e in the hc-t Gloe. l I'nrilier.
It is the oidy known remedy that cure that
scourire, f . ;;h I "m IjenMt. For Hiahete,
use Wnriier's MaTo Ji:iets l ure.
For ?a!e by Dru-ri-ists and De-aier at f..
per bottle, l.aijn-i bmih- in the market. Try it.
II. II. VAiNi:i & ( O . Uochc.ster, N. Y.
x Battle Creek, Michigan, v
f IWTT A O'T'TT'R TrtJ f9 rcT0 nvrF -i?titivi
Traction and Plain Engines
and Horse-Powers.
Hast Complete Tlrwkcr Fact-y ? Established
In the World. i 1848
VFARQ of continuous and succfulhvi.
sk M I fcHriO , without chaii(re of Dame,
fj manareiuent, or lucation, to "lack vp" tht
broad tcarraitttj given on all our goods.
C'ompleje HtCIllll Olltlili.' mntchlan qa!i:irii.
finatt Traction EiittineMi'nd I'lain Jbnfiincst
ver seen in the Aiuericim uiarkeL
A multitude of mprcial feature and improvement
tor 181, together with etperior gvfttiiie trt etntctrue
iion and material not drvamed of ly othpr makpiM.
Four kitah of ieparatorw, from u to lii tior.o
(?a Paoity , fur eam or horse ttfteer.
Two styles of " Mounted ' Horse-Poirerp.
7kAn fif( Feet of relected J.HirbT
iWUWiVWy (romfhreetoij-ycar.yci,.ti:
Constantly on bamf, fnT i which i Imilt thd :..
comparable woixl-wurl; i,f ot:r ucUnurj-.
Strongett.moet durable, and etiiHent rrer ,V
wum. o, jiu kit Horse it ovver. t
: 1 s,'
"rnrmers nna Thresbermcn aro J--ri
tnvftiat thin vta'rhu Thivstun luachr
Circulars i. :u free- Adi!rcn
Battle C-p.cfc. Mrch'pan.
The majority of the ilia of the human
body arise from a derangement of the
"L,iver, affecting both the stomach'and
hoieels. Ji order to effect a cure, it i
meeeisary to rr more the cause. Irregu
lar and Sluggish action of the Botcele,
Headache, Sickness at the Stomach, Pain
in the Sack and Loins, etc., indicate that
the Liver is at fault, and that nature re
quires assistance to enable this organ to
throw off impurities,
Prlclsly Ash nitters are especially
compounded for this purpose. They are
tnild in their action and effective as a.
cure i are pleasant to the taste and taken
easily by both children and adults. Ta
ken according to directions, they are n
General Debility, Habitual Con
stipation, Diseased - Kidneys,
etc., etc. Asa Blood Purifier they
are superior to any other medicine;
cleansing the system thoroughly, and
imparting neic life and energy to the In
valid. 11 it a medicine and not an
Intoxicating beverage.
and take no other. PRICE, (1.00 per Bottle.
St. Louis and Kansas City. Mo.
Every Style & Price,
Guaranteed Unequaled
Jajrovements ani Convcil:-
TT Sale in Every City nud 'I i .
in tKo United States.
and by J. R. COX,
Plattsmoutii Xeb.
v A certain enro for Nervous
fmmmx Debility. Seminal Week-
inii-.i-iiT ness. Impotence, etc.
The Recipes used la my practice for 25 Year
mnd nillaatratedbookofeopaees eiving full di
Where diieet conm-ei i, s iii ei;;aiic ".villi
Through Sleeping Car Lines
- r,)
NKW Y):;K. 5U).STO.V. I'll II 1 1 1 vKI.l'l : IA,
',A l.l i MOi.'K. w.isiiiNt; lo.v.
r i
In St i '. J si t i.u
.:. i.i-Lisriu.K. 1 7.r.v-
-Y.l TI, f.lf i tl'i l ,ilt!.- ill t.'iC
't HK ifS.T l.lF, Kirt
Wlieri 1:
t f'MOX 1
i Lim s for a
ei-i Ci.niieelioi;.s are made in I tie
l.iO'l with Through Sleepil; Car
! pHiit-i.t5-'rU.
! i n i: M ,V LINE IOH
mm; J AVonn i: i:oi:te foil
i The unequaled ind ueeiiientx offi red y this
1 lini to I raveiers and Tourists are as follows :
lhe eelehrated I'clliti.tii lti-Wheel I'alaee
.sleepiiis; Cars, rim only on this line.
., H. & if. f'alaee Draw in'. liiioin Cats,
V. I'll IIoi loii's Ki-ehi inti Chiiirs! No Kt:a
Cl'arH fnrSeat-. in I'eeliniui; Ch:'im.
'1 he fanii'ii.s C., li. I& Q. 1'alaee IJiniuj; Cats.
1 Ci.i.'ciik SiiioKiiiii Cars, titled Willi e'.e;-.nt
iii-li-harked Katti'.l) I.'evol il.ti ha ii s, lot
ti e exeiiisive te-e i t l:it-eia p.sseui-rs.
Fa-t Ihne. Slei i Kali 'I rack .-it'.ii Siiterinr
Kil'lipmeiM iv.ii!iiui;.l H 't I i'C'.r Urci'l Tknnmh
i'ar Arrtun.iiiiKiit. inakr thi-, ahove all others,
the favorite lioiile to tl:e
r.AiT, fiOl 111 lt NOL'TII-KAMT.
TKY IT. and oi! w .11 lind TUA VKI.IXG .i Lux
ury instead i-f a I'iscouifnrt.
ThiMiii;!) Ticket
sale at all ollices
viri this i-elehrated line for
iu the Cniied Staten and
.-lli il:fcl'!i:atiii ahtmt Kates of Fare, Sleep
ing Car Aeeoisiiiioilutioii-. and Time Tallies-,
w ill he eheeifuJiy given hy ai.,!yin to
Janics EC. Wood,
(enerul I'r.ssen-er g t, Chieajro.
T. J. 1'OTTr.K.
leneral Manager. Chfeao.
Readjni3l Reclfaifsnsf tJocution!
ii o s s s j i im m NOW READY. q
Gt 703Chestr.i.iCJ.,r:iiiaile!pV.!a. ,
This nTtnr is nnifannvith thr i'T'ei. an cTit.iirs an-
cilicr if s: xi tt M'UnJ.'l krclnmail(m c- I Jt'ut'Ii:g,
cinl'iuii: Nonttiiiftit, Oratorv, lathir, Jiumor, Fun.
JKOjjp- Price. SO ctS-niailcii free. .l l by liool.srllera.
Kvcry boy i ho cjn'aKa picroi. every inetubcr vf s l.ycetin
mrho irn-is fmtth!is TVt'W lo re fv. rhmit'l ;rc thd
VholoSet. Club rate.. on,l tn!I l.lntcf Content Fnu,
V a aloohaTsTbreeBooksof "Dialogues," 1 iieaciu
Profitable Reading for Everybody
. Business men and women, teachers, mechanics,
farmers, ministers, mothers, and all who are tired
ut by the constant toil and worry of your work !
dn'l drink intoxicating bitters, but ti.e
L Are you suaeriin; Iruiu liyspeosia, Kheuma-;
iisik, neuralgia, or wun r.owel. Kidney, Liver or,
Urinary complaint, yon can be cured bv usinir
11 you are wasting away w un Consuniuuou. 1
male weakness or any sickness ; if you have a pain.'
" '" or nan nm, von win nnrt sure relief in
T.V H''J J-triL' VWi'iA.-m j urn
If you are enfeebled bv disease, old aire or dis-!
r-ipauon, ana your system need invigorating, ori
;i yuu nave pimpies ana titotcnes, ana your Hood
needs purifyimr, you ran alwnv; denend on
Madeirom Ginger, Buchu. Mandrake. Stiliinois
and many other of the best medicines known it is
the Best Health and Strength Restorer Everf
Used, and is far superior to liitters. Kssences ofl
Umgerand other ionics, as it never intoxicates,
'and combines the best curative properties of nil.
it lias area Jiumiri'ils ci J.ith; It Slay
Save Vonm.
Fuy a ";oc. bottle of vour dntecist, and to avoid
counterfeits be sure our signature is on the out-
,ide wrapper. Hiscox & Co., Chemists, N. V. ,
p......-..--...... If im
Parker's Hair Balsam, tettl1
The Best & Most Economical Hair Dresslag
Containing only ingredients that are beneficial
to the hair and scalp, the Balsam will be found
far more satisfactory than any other preparation.
It Utter Fails to Restore Gray or Faded Hair
to the original youthful color and is warranted to
of the hair. Said eirug-gitts mt 50 cents.
remove aanorutt, prevent Dam ness and stop tailing
1v at lHiwih-'r.
. , . ."""u 11 aoea not gum, out forms a
nls-frily polished surface ever the axle, re
ducing friction and lightening the draft,
it is tiie cheapest (H-nre it costs no more
than Inferior brands, and one box vill do
the work of two of any other Axle Crease
made. ltanrerspqualivaell for Harvesters,
Mill UeariiMr, Thresh! nir MachineB. Oini-tlantcrs,
CarrlaevB, Bnmrii, r.,etc.,a lor V aeons. It is
CUARANTEEDto contain no Petroleum,
tor Rale by all tirst-dans duaiem. Our 1'wket
Cyclopedia of Thing Worth Knovina mailed free.
31 M'chlgan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois.
m ASllWV AY Uh f
Jt is the result of SfO Tfr experlenre and
experiments in Rewirur Miu-hina it
good point of all present and farmer mate, and is
not a 1 " one man ,ror "ooe Idea " machine, aa others
ane. It RvoliU the delect of ot hero, and pus-
targe, tight-running, noielr, handtome, eon.
. durable, and imr,1 L'. . n .1
uu wMt4( jiciMurea ana conveniences.
t In repair free for ii yenrn. CHrculars with
deecriptionRentfreeoarequeKt. ItiagurelyUia
: A trial will prove it Don't fnil to nee It
J?AVI.IJW.iiy! lorenee. Mass. ; WHOUbutu
GLO. P. BJiI. 81 and 63 Jactnon bk Cluiiwfo. TU.
ARE PAID tcry oldier difaMc la
line f Huty . hj acrii'ciit or utherm i. A
WOl'M "f k:nd.l,)'Si,
or ej r, lll'PTri'r', if Lut .htlit. dii
eas ot Lunf4 'arl.c Veins pttr a
lnsiiii., i uuer DuvUw thuusauUs arj
riiijiica to an luereo if pi-nnuii.
n itluwi. orphana anil dcpenJint fatlicrj
cr niuthera of toldivr v. h !i -1 in iho
ertnr ct a jipnuion. B(lT Vit
ciiarite for wi-nn J. innirit: cr ri-jiti-r.
r es full hrtnnty. St.'. O Aiiiu.e f re, jr
l'rnsinn an-l IlcMitt. Act. ,:ilr--4
P. H, fltrserald 4 C-i '
Affeli.. Indnlial'i'i!!. li"1. M c r-t
F.4.W.I'avi. i"iv-t liiian I.
i.. and H. !' K fliinty. .-
T-ai-k. btU vt ialiua;rc:ia, uiritf
JOTFTL Kewg for Boy and Girls ! t
Young and Old ! I A NEW IS,
VENTION just patented for aaeia,
for Home uae I
Fret and Re roll Sawing, Tmrunfr,
Boring, Drilling.Grindiug, PotiiUinit,
Screw Cutting, Price t to (50.
Send 6 cnts tor 100 pages.
JSPTTRAIM BK0W2, loweil, Mtt.
A viotim of youthful iinprudvace caiu-ing Prema
ture Kecar, Nerroin It"wl:ty, Jdauh:i. etc.,
hating triej in Vain every Jsuowu reirn dy. Las dis
Cvered rihiple elf euro, which ho will 11.1 FliES
to his fellow-sufferers, eddresfi J. II. KtIiVli,
43 Cliatbaiu ht.t IS. V.
11 r 1 H v A V B V r9V
ta f ka m-j'
x 2 r. m
I , (
11 SUSiiSla
3e Iss
Cash Paid for MuUer and Eggs
Here We are with a Complete Stock
WI NDO II' DES awl EI AT U RES, tf-c.4 d.
3? Hats, Caps, and Hoods, -
UN D::invi: all colous .xdMzios "L'
i.'iucKs to suit i:vj-:i;vi:oi)y.
tyBi&tlsasad Wools.
Also the host Select Stock of strictly lirst-class iivo
ceries, Canned and Dried Fruits, Tobaccos, Queens
ware and Glassware in the City. All of which ve
guarantee to sell as low as anybody.
to flo,f Cash Jluji'i-s, and for large ijuantities.
S .S. MAIN" STHEirr.
Old Grocery &
Goods Stand.
Although 'Lection is over we are not done selling goods, by a long shot.
Groceries, Hry goods, &ln&
(Droelceryware, claeaper
tlfisisn ever.
The nicest Green Winter Apples for sale. Over 'JOU liarrels down Cell.u.
Potatoes by the Car-load, PEACH BLOWS
Jj1. S. TVMTTJS'S, .
Is reserved for
to give tzetieim: a call.
Jt'r'H -fj fr fT r y
ti A : 1 I A ;
ir" iVvrntuldi --v-V i ... Vv-- A fr AJmzz
1 tfT jm -v
H Centre Vat o " '',.nj A''i,'i" I m ''m'"" 1 1 TrX l' L
5 TIIE GREAT COXXECTIXa LINK Br u rrv tut r t je thf WF
Its main line rung tnrj t 'hieitco to oiitii U 1 il l..t lllh tA I A, "'
Bluffs. Dasjtnir tt:r,iuk:li Joliet. Ottawa. Iji srui-
Gcnesco. Molme, llock Islaml. liaveinuir "
Liberty. lowaCitT.Marenuik llr-HikiTO, ,',"t'
Ve Moines (the capital ot luwm, , '2', !'.
tic, and Aoca ; with lirttnciie Ir' . .
tine. Washington. W.i.n.,l,l 1.' .' to Muhcii-
toMuHCII- ; 1
run, uaTeuwurin, Ateniao'
.1. tiuilHtin. a:,,...
and KaiiKas 1 ,ir,
Hi' Ik ni ii :
Tiliei KeokUK to Fariu'' ,:,:.T"-l"Kr?",L
aeninirton to hiuournnv
, (kal,n. ami Knox- 1
tr.n.nnrL I nrlo..nrt-- .V""- """"im, 15r-n-
SPTS'J T-'- Monroe. an l Moines:
Wintraet- A(?rJf : Mo"--' In1lui...laanrt
Kn52?irW,hlCU ''d Oi.erai.-s a througk
ul?,m.S?e,-0'llotht''e,' Kansas.
S?? Express lasinar Trains, wan IU:-
man Palaeetarsattaeliel.areruneii. i,.,i III.
tZJln?A2 T- V '. Kasha n r. f
iJ?A .L1;" Uavunwoktii an.t ATt III-
tl'-i il-u'"h''r'r"aioriiii IkiwwiiU.huu. J
Aocklsland Short I 11,.'. "
The 'Ureal Kx.k l.iand" is ui-.i.'r!i3e.-ntlr
quipped. Its road bo i simply p rteet, mid It
Uack Is laid with steel rails.
wnai win please you most, will bv liio il;iiurr
en.ovini r.vir.r.. . -t"" .
beaotiful prairies of ll'i'non uf Iowa? 111 one of '
i.2 over tn I
a. in one of t
oinpanr U '
.ls hotek .
oiaijuHJwjir. uinm i an tout aci
iorouiiu cxpreos t rrtiu. You jrel
meal, as Bood an s seryu ta any Crst-c
ADDrecmtir.if In el that a muf Til of tu..
pecjiia prefdr separate apurtuinin lor liifTiTeiii
frurposea (find the immense pueiii;er li'inuem
Ct tnia line warrantnid at . wo are pk-aio'd to an-
OCnneotaat tuia Company runs hiiumii J'uUtce
isLttpina Can for eleepint; purposes, una
PrLlM.I X PALACE fAKs sre r,.i, tlir-,,
COrXClJL. BtlTf S. KA!iAS CITY. atVhi
Tickets vl tbls t.lnr, k..v-n m Ur
SUl Tlcfeet A itnt. Iu the Vnlte 5 ft:-rt ana
M or i'aa'te at jC.r
f2ae city,
Dnirn furs tT eutinii pnrposfs enly. One other
rcnt fe.tierc f our 'uiace tan Is a t-.IKI.i
.I.(K wlifrx tou can eDjoyj-our " tlaaua
M u!l t:,.iir of tlie 1 lay.
Al:u inrKenl ln.11 limiues span the MIli'PPl
iei.1 .V,is..,nii rivi-isiit all points crossetl py m
11. 1 11 11, kf,.r.. ur,. :.v., 1.1.. d nl Council UluITs.
v-isut all points crosseu ijy ia
, 1 ,.,...,,.,,rih smi Atcnuou. coo-
i,: .Tk !,'i: rn.-ule 1h Union Iicpots.
im- 11.11. if 1: ONNKCTIOV8 Of
Til IS :ili-:A';' '1'ilKoL'OIi LlMi AKU AS
r 11.; .1 " .
Ai 11 i-... with all direrk-lnu liaei for th at 1 i-oiitii. . ..,-.
At i:-. .1 inunr, with liioL-S. iM.8., and P.,
Tt. V. . 1:. IM.
. t V.'.'.SHlM.tON HfclGUTi. with P., C. & St.
y K 1
At I.A AI t.r.. witti Iii. Cent. It. R.
. m mi 1 n..,i : ! t w w.i '
i it..x--. v i.u Milwaukee X -Heck
Maud M.-rt I. n.-." .-.nd floca I, I'd A Peo. Kdi
.t I'.w lmmui. vitli tUa Uavcmxjrt iiviaiuai
. . , ..'..' "i : -ne u.. "... it. K. R. It,
,.t . . bi . N i l l.. . ,: i-iurnl Iowa K- K.
; ,,M",'V'' U. R-
Al in v. it. nu irn wun I r, I-adHe R. K.
.Ul i.i.i miii-h Jrxn iux.siUi l.,e. n. S, K R,
A . r: : f j. a. wuu ienlrl I,,., u R . w
ft. 1- A IM-:.. a . l C. 1; AO It ltd" '
iA,ti.s A Par., and .-t. 1, . K-o. ff -w. U. lUla?
v. ; .. n
1 . wiiii n. ft, j K. K.
t 1. -! i.x w.ii. AicK -i oP..ka A Santa To
t. Ii. -;!. :in1 1 r... Itr. f. I'. U. ltd.
' i tin.xivumn.
t-ei:t. It. liri.
,., it i wU wt'-Kau. Pac, tod Kan.
-,A.,JA;s'U5 C,TY' r,tl1 liai tho West
and fruutuweat.
h to PEORIA. Tii-a wnivra.
fir.-t l.ot-U Iii,.u Uon'le." sra sold b
"'. and i.rt vrvii .iu-rii
Uami -et offlee. addr.s.
Vrku 15 pi2sV Art..