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About Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1877)
r J THE HERALD. - I,. Aj. A. 35ficMCRWfy.. . . . Editor. I'LA'TTSMUTII. MARCH 23, 1877. 'CITY TICKET. For Msyor, -503. Y. J&tft-TSOK. For Treasurer, -"J. M. PATTERSOX. For Clerk, . V. F. BENNETT. For Marshal, T. D.JONES. m For Tollce Judge, J. W. DESPAIN. For City Engineer, A. SCHLEGEL. Fttr Cctnrilmen, "Ward-ELl rrXMMER. "i-d Ward E. C. DOVEY, (two yean.) - '3. VALLERY. (to Ml vacancy.) al Ward It C. CUSIIIXG. 4th Ward F. M. DORRINGTON. For School Board, H. B. BURGESS. J. M. WATERMAN", TIIOS. TOLLOCK. WM. WIXTEKSTKIN". 'they have a Ladies' Horticultural "Society in Franklin County. The Burtanion wants to known what has beceme of our swamp land fund. So. The Beatrice Courier thinks Bro. Marshal, BUI Daly, is all O. K. yet, And tbo Friendville Advocate comes along too AV. A. Connell, editor. $2.00 a year in advance, and the salutatory is a buster. J. VT. Marshal, first! Assistant Post master General has been appointed Su perintendent of the Railway's Mail ser vice, with head-quarters in Washing ton. . . There seems to have been a clean sweep in New Hampshire for the Re publicans. Governor, Legislature ami tJongressmenJ all Republican. This does t lock much like a rebuke to jlayes. Last week we finished the township organization bill, and will try to give our readers more interesting matter on the eautsiie hereafter, though that was very necessary and we hope all have read it. We shall comment on the wme shortly. Eaton amf Bayard, (Senators) voted against the confirmation of Key, (Democrat) for Postmaster General, as a protest against any Democrat accept ing office under President Hayes. Does conciliation conciliate? That's the rub. Messrs. need. Dr. BuUcr, D. D. John con, J. W. Beardsley, and others from Weeping Water, were in town Satur day. Also Dr. Waterman, Mr. Fox, Mr. Martiadale, and others from Louis ille,all to see about agricultural af fairs. Thy have got a new sort or Land Ferry at Omaha, Shelby did it with a little hatchet and things. It. is two platform cars connected by an apron. Four or five teams drive on at a time and are unloaded at platforms on either side of the biii bridge. Why can't our folks do thus? We Wiuld call attention to the amendment to section forty-five of chapter sixty-eight of tlm revised stat utes in regard to the lining of school teachers : Frocided, also. That the director, moderator.or treasurer.orany two of them, shall not employ as such teacher any person who is a relative of any one of said officers. They are shipping- American beef to England so rapidly that it has reduced the pric considerably and raised the ire of the butcheis who deal in old En glish "bif so much that they are dis playing old scrawny skeletons of play ed out steers a3 "American Beef" side by side with a great fat steer labelled "English Beef." The facts are, though, that the American meat is fully as good as the average English, and the trade is likely to become permanent. The Commissioners visited the Poor House at their last session. That sturdy and honest old Granger, Wolfe, want ed to walk, but the economist and re former must have a carriage and a car riage was gut. We ob-joct; Uncle Schlegel would have taken them out in an express wagon for half a livery caxriago would have cost, and Drury Graves with the mules and big wagon at half of that. In these hard times the tax-ridden people of Cass County cannot afford livery rigs for Co. Offic ials to yisit Poor Houses in. Selali. It's laughable how the bitter North ern Democrats are already beginning to find fault and abuse the Southern old line Whigs who show a disposition to act with the Republicans. A little while ago it was OHr poor abused South ern brethren without regard to their opinions or beliefs. Soon they will be cursing the liberal wing in the South as bitterly as they do Northern radi cals. It is a good sign showing that we are already beginning to divide on oth er issues than color and sectional lines. IMrOKTANT TO SCHOOL BOARDS. Tax for the Payment of Interest on School Bonds should be voted at the Annual meet ing. April 2d", by each district having such bonds outstanding. Should this notice not be seen by School Officers in time to receive atten tion at the annual meeting, a special meeting: should be called at once, and the tax voted. - The necessity of this action lies in the fact that the act of February 2oth, 1875. providing for the levying a tax by the Co. Commissioners for the payment of interest on School Bonds, beer,, or i likely to re nounced nncmistitutional. Should t he district n-ot vote the tax. ndthe Com- missioners noiueirs " .' ; -'---" . u so, there will be none JjJer credit of the State will greatly suiter. - s. IT. Thompson. taicSnpt. Pnb. Instruction. THE CITY TICKET. Tho forty gentlemen assembled in the Court House on Saturday, and who nominated the ticket calfcd "The City Ticket" were bf our very' test men and a truly representative body of citizens. They assembled Vg'teeably to a call duly published in the papers, and after a free and fair expression of opinions ;ln their respective Wards. If such a 'body tf men with such a ticket cannot elect the same next Tuesday, we had better abandon the idea of self-gov-erhment here and have the Legislature appoint a board of regents or guard ians over us. We want to say just one thing, there is nothing to fight over in this City Election. There are no funds to squan der, there is no particular honor to be gained, it is simply hard ar.d thankless work. We are trying an ex periment, that is all. An experiment to see whether any body of men can bring this city out of debt, and avoid further useless expenses. It is this or a legal redress, both for the over-taxed citizens and for tho creditors we owe. tTnder such circumstances we do not think any one ought to fight the ticket; but we suppose the boys must have some fun, and as they have been pretty modest in their demands, ve shall not be hard on them, only calling attention to the misnomer of a "Mechanics and Laborers' Ticket." The only objection we have heard se riously urged against the "City Ticket" is that it is an aristocratic and money proud ticket, and so the "M. & L." out fit is put up in hopes to beat it. Let us see but a few years ago Joe Johnson was a hard working blacksmith, both a laborer and mechanic, in every sense of the word, and if "our Joe" is very weal thy or exceedingly aristocratic, no one hero has heard of it before. Jas. Pat terson is a man of srafl means it is true, but wo thought if any man on earth was fully identified with the true interests of the average citizen of Cass county. Jim Patterson was, and he is. If Billy Bennett has any great wealth stored up it must be in Heaven, or in the Black Hills, and as for aristocracy well they have endorsed Billy so we'll drop that. Our Marshall is not bur thened with wealth, nor is the Judge .pompous and aristocratic. Among the Council, Mr. Dovey was brought up a mechanic, a hard work ing pottery man and according to the custom of the country served a laborious apprenticeship, working har der and more hours than any of our young men would bo willing to work. If he has made money since it should be an honor to him and an example for others to do likewise. Eli Plummer, too, was a few years ago a clerk in a store and has risen by his own merits, which should be a rec ommendation to the confidence of his fellow citizens and not a hindrance. Dick Cushing, they say. can shovel gravel with tho best of 'em when he's a mind to. He's pretty well fixed and really doss look a little aristocratic, but then it's all in the looks and we must have some tone to our ticket. Fred Darington has decidedly classi cal features, and the opening to the weather on the top of his head gives him quite an aristocratic appearance wo admit, but if Fred has any more money than he wants, God only knows where he keeps it. It's not in bonds or stocks about here. Mr. Vallery cer tainly is not enormously wealthy nor ponderously aristocratic. In short they are like the lawyer down in Kansas, during the Granger move. He wanted to run for ofhee and the horny-handed objected on the cround that he was- a lawyer and politician. He answered that he was not lawyer enough to hurt him any, as they all knew, and he could not help being a politician, he was born so. Our fellows were born good looking and haven't any of them wealth enough to hurt them or prevent any body from voting for the city ticket straight. All these men employ and pay for la bor and mechanical work. Take them away from the city and we think the "Laborers and Mechanics" of the kind who met Wednesday would Gnd hard work to labor or use their mechanical skill for a livinir. That's enough. CITY CONVENTION. Some years ago, it is said, one of the bretheren, Wheatley Mickiewaito by name, called a democratic caucus in the Fourth Ward. Ic was a stormy night and well there were only two persons present, Wheatley ?.nd another man. "What shall we do?" says the other mm fcwhy go ahead and organ ize tt:o meeting," answered W, "I'll be Provident, and you are Secretary, now make the nominations." But what kind of minutes can I make?" queried the small Secretary again. "Bosh" says W. "say at a large and re spectable meeting of the citizens of the Fourth Ward hM at &c., Mr. were duly nominated and so on." The small Secretary still trou bled by conscience says: "large and re spectable -there is only two of us" you answered Whit "Ain't I large and you surely are respectable, don't that make a large and respectable meet ing?" A LARGE AND VERY RESPECTABLE meeting of our fellow citizens filled the Court House"on Saturday night, last, to witness the nomination of a City Ticket for this much abused and debt ridden town. Ten delegates from each Ward had been elected on the Thursday previous, and the forty men were there. Maj. Dan Wheeler was called to the chair, ami MacDonough acted as Sec retary. The delegates answered to their names as follows : 1st Ward M. W. Cfebom, A. Schle gel, Jno. Fitzgerald, J. P. Young, D. II. Wheeler, J. Pepperberg, Jno. A. Mac murphy, E. Flumrner, Jno. Black, G. W. Holdridge. 2d. Ward. J. M. Patterson, Jno. Wayraan, E. G. Dovey, J. Vallery, Mc- i Laughlin, J. X. Wise, F. S. White, J, W. Johnson. J. Waterman, P. L. Wise. 3d Ward R. B. Cushing. T. Pollock, W. J. Despain, 11. Donnelly, M. Schnell bacher, F. M. MacDjuough, D. Miller W. II. Newell, P. P. Gass, XL Morgan. 4th Ward P. B. Murphy, W. Bal lance, J. W. Harris, J. W. Marshhl. j II. Smith, j Moore, W. F. M. Dorrington, C. P. S. Jones, J. Heffner, Dr. Winterstein. Tellers were appointed and ballet ihg for Mayor commenced. J. W. Jolinsoh was dfily nominated for Mayor on the first formal ballot. F. E Tvhite iinii J. M. Patterson were the prominent candidates for Treasurer, and on the second formal bUllct, Mr. ratterson was nominated for Treasurer. Mr. Pettee, Mr. Bennett and Will Shryock were put in nomination by their friends for clerk, and on the first formal ballot W. F. Bennett received a majority of votes and was declared the nominee. A long contest on Marshal onsued which resulted in the nomination of W. D. Jones. J. W. Despain for Police Court (Gass having withdrawn on second ballot.) and Schlegel for City Engineer, com pleted the city ticket proper. In the Wards, Eli Plummer for councilman, and Wm. Burgess for school board, formed tho first. E. G. Dovey and J. Vallery, council men, and J. M. Waterman, for school board in 21. R. C. Cushing councilman and Thos. Pollock school board in 3d. F. M. Dorrington councilman and Dr. Winterstein school board in 4th, completed the ticket. The utmost good feeling prevailed, and the meeting adjourned, feeling that there was an out-look for the bet ter, and that a No. 1 Ticket had been put up which ought to carry. A committee on resolutions were appointed, consisting of Cushing, Wiso and Jno. Black, and their report was ordered printed with the minutes as follows: RESOLUTIONS. WnEREAS, It is usual for conven tions, .as bodies delegated, to give ex pression to the principles by which they are actuated. Resolved, That we are strictly in favor of sustaing the credit of our city, and to this end, advocate the redem tion of our lawful pledges. Resolved, That we are in favor of rigid economy in the administration of the affairs of this city in the future. Essoined, That we are in. favor of sustaining our public schools, well taught for ten months in each year. Resolved, That we are in favor of the passage of the IT. S. Senate pro rat bill, popularly known as the B. & M. pro-rata measure. Resolved, That we will advocate any and every public enterprise, such as the Trans-Missouri Bridge, erection of machine shops and other matters conducive to the well being and pros perity of our city. Resolved, That we commend the nominees of the convention to the full est confidence and suffrage of our peo ple as the embodiment of these resolu tions. It. C. Cushixq. J. N. Wise. Jno. Black. Plattsmoutii. Neb., March 28, '77. CASS CO. AG It IC U LT U RA L SOCIETY met in the Court House on Saturday, March 24th. 1877, 1). II. Wheeler, Pres ident, in the Chair, and J. P. Young Secretary. The report of Finance Committee received and accepted. J, M. Beards ley asked if he was duly elected Treas urer as he had received no official no tification of the sama. The President informed him he was duly elected. " The proceedings of the meeting of Feb. 10th, and also of March 8th were road for information. The question of the validity of the action of the meeting of Feb. 10lh in changing tho location of the Fair Grounds was bnxighfe forward by Mr. Reed. Mr. Beardsley made a strong appeal for the validity of the action moving the Fair Grounds to Center, and said he thought honorable men must consider the grounds now moved. G. II. Black amended, and the amend ment carried by 76 yeas to 23 nays . Propositions were then read from Center, Louisville and Plattsmouth, all substantially the same, offering grounds free, and removal of buildings free of expense. On a vote Plattsmouth had 123 votes, Louisville 24 and Centre 15. This leaves the locution within three roile3 of Plattsmouth, the exact spot to be decided by Directors of the Society. The Executive Committee and Di rectors are to elect a Superintendent. Committee appointed to prepare Pre mium Lists, &?.: Young, Windham, Connor, Pronger and Vallery. Com. of Finance: P. L. Wise lery Sr., and E. Parmele. Lists to be ready by May 1st. ing adjourned. J. Val- Meot- Two rousing meetings in Platts mouth in one day are an anomaly. The Court House was packed and crowded with people in the afternoon to see and hear all about the Agricul tural meeting and the final decision on the Fair Grounds. lrtne evoning we had a city convention and a house com fortably filled. We are glad the Fair Ground busi ness is settled peaceably and when all parties bidding were present. The Herald laments that there should have been any feeling over this matter and hope3 that the whole country will endeavor to make this Fair a success. Let every precinct strive to make the best and largest display and then move the Fair Grounds to the most 'eligible place in that precinct which takes the most premiums. That's the way to do it. One good result of this rivalry has been to get a good turn out once at least to an agricultural meeting and perhaps this spirit kept up will in the end aid and help the Fair instead of being an injury as many at first sup posed. Subscribe for the Herali and Ne braska Farmer; only 82.G.X The stranded Rusland, near Long Branch, is still going to fragments, and there is little hope now of saving her or any part of her cargo. TRIP NOTES. Making a Hying trip through the country I called at Inhelder Station, on the B. & M. It. R.', found old Mr. Inhelder at the Stdre P. O. as fat ami good natured as ever. The old gentle man helpett us over our financial diffi culties. Jacob -Schneider has a fine 'farm hear the station, and from ap pearances about, I judge he is a good farmer, he also assisted us financially. A little saw mill makes the otherwise !uiet biirgh appear quite lively. Pass- ing Schluntz's mill on Cedar Creek we met the Hon.'Joseplr Gilmore reclining in his wagon considerably lame from broken rib, but able to ride in a spring wagon. Schluntz's mill was running to its fullest capacity, turning out flour and feed rapidly. Passing on we soon came in sight of our neighbor town which presents quite a lively business appear ance. A number of. new buildings have gone up and business seems to be looking up. Among the business men Mr. J. R. Toman, the gentlemanly agent of the B. & M., is a live man and looks after wattes with an eye to business. Mr. S. F. Rockwell general merchandise and agricultural tools. Hall and Peterson, wholesale liquors ?.nd harness shop. B. G. Hoover, Post Office and merchandise. Messrs. Fox & Glover general merchandise. L'nghast & Nason, general merchandise. Dr. Waterman, physician. Musical instru ments are well represented. Judge Newbury represents the Geo. Woods, and E. Hoyes, the Mason and Hamlin organ, both seem to be doing a lively business in tho talking line at least, and both have fine ins;ruments on ex hibition. Wq visited the office of the Chronicle, edited by Messrs. Fox & Glover, found Mr. Seeley putting in his time at his case. More next time. P. THE MARKETS. HOME MARKETS. RKrOBTED Bt T. K. WHITE. Wheat, new poiftloo Corn, . outs Kve Hurley HdRS,.. Cattle buckwheat,. 40ri(iSO 1&25 5.00 .3 CO&3 00 SO latest new YORK MARKETS Nkw York, March 2$. 2ft3 104', Money Goia,...... LATEST CHICAC.O MARKETS. Chicago, March 28. Flour 5 2oQ5 73 Wheat 1 20'i Corn 4l Ol'.s - 33 Rye M'i Barley, Hogi 5 25p5 so Cattle 4MJ5 J Ak the rerorerl dyeoeptica.biliou uf ferere, victims of feycr ami ai:ue. tho mercu rial Ui"Heil )i:itient how they recovered health, cheerful spir its ami coori atelite, thev will tell vou bv el II cfl wftaKinp si siMOXH i.iv The Cheapest, Turcst and Ticst Family Medicine in tUo WurU. For I)yencpia, Constipation.-Jaundice, iou attack. Sick Headache. Colic, depression of Spirit. Sour Stomach. Heart Ruru. &e.. &c. Thi unrivalled Southern Remedy is warrant ed not to contain a Finale (particle of Mercury, or any injurious mineral substance, hut i PURELY VEGETABLE. containing tliOHe Southern Root and HerltH. which an all wise providence has placed in countries where Liver Disease moist prevail. It will cur aI dicx.vj ratneit by Dtranyement of the Xirer find iowrt. The symptom of Liver Complaint are a bit ter or bad taotc in the mouth ; pain in the back, sides or joints. often mistaken for Rheumati-ni ; Sour Stomach : Loss of Appetite ; Rowels altei nately costive and lax ; Headache ; Ixs of memory, with a painful sensation of having fail ed to do something which ought to have been done ; Debility, Iav Spirits, a thick yellow ap pearance of the skin and eyes, a dry Cough, of ten mistaken lor consumption. Sometimes many of these symptoms attend the disease, at others very few. but the Liver, the largest oran in the body. Is generally tho scat of the disease, and if not regulated in time great suffering, wretchedness and iratu will ensue. I can recommend as an efficacious remedy for disease of the Livrr. Heartburn aud Dyspepsia, SIUMOXS lilVKK it KG U LATOK. Lkwtb G. "W'ujrnFR. lwr Master Street, Assistant Post Master, Philadelphia. "We have tested it virtues," personally, and know that for Dvspepsia, Rilousness, and Throbbing Headache, it is the best medicine the world ever suw. We have tried forty other remedies before Simmons' Liver Regulator, but none of them cave us more than temporary re lief ; but the Reculator not only relieved but cured us." Ed. Telegraph and Messenger. Ma con, (J a. Manufactured only by J. II. ZEILIN ct- CO.. MACON, OA., and PHILADELPHIA. It contains four medical elements, never uni ted in the same happy proportion in any other Fircpamtion, viz : a gentle cathartic, a wonder ul Tonic, an unexceptionable Alterative and eertaiu Corrective of all impurities of the body. Such signal success has attended its use, that it is now regarded as the EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC For all diseases of the Liver, Stomach and Spleen. Jin a He.medy in Malarious Fevers, llowel Complaint. Dyspep sia. Mental Depres-ion'RcstleKsne's. Jaundice. Nauxea, Sick Headache, Colic, Conttipatiou and itiliousuess IT HAS NO EQUAL, CAUTION. As there are a number f imitations offered to the public, we would caution the community to buy no Powders or Prepared Simmonh' Liv Kit Rnocn,ATOit, uide In our engraved wrap per, with the trade mark, stamp and signature unbroken. None other is genuine, J. II. ZEILIN & CO., Jfacon, Oa and Philadelphia. Your valuable medicine Simmon's Liver Reg ulator, has saved me many Doctors' bills, I ue it for everything it is recommended, and never knew it to fail, I have used it in Colic" and Grubbs, with my mule and horses, giving them about half a bottle at a time. I have not lost one that I gave it to. you can recommend it to every one ha stock as being the best med icine known for H complaints that horse-flesh is heir to. E. T. TAYLOR. 301 y Agent for Grangers of Georgia. F.RT Milton Cold. Jewelry Combina tion out. Consist ing of an elegant watch chain, ladies hamlsome .brooch. & ear dros, pair elegant gold stone sleeve buttons, set spiral studs, collar button. heavy nluiu wedtfing ring, and gcnt"s Parisian diamond pin. The above articles sent. "post-paid, for SO Vtm. have been retailed forf. Rankrupt stock and must be sold. Solid Milton Gold Watches. 10 each, for speculative purposes, good timers. enual In appearance to a 2no genuine gold. f lis reputation for honesty, fair dwaling. and liberality is unequalled by any advertiser in this citv." y. T. Day Booh, Dee. 16, 1876. POST A OK- STAMPS TAKKN AS CASH. F. STOCKMAN. 27 BOND ST, NEW YORK. SESV1PLE, CIRGE & CO., AGENTS FOR BRADFORD'S rOrtT2-.E Fr.ENcii B'Jr.n .t.l'j, rcirs. Sr-UT E"".S.. PA;triII.HTi farTjiiiV.r.;, an'l estimates mnJ 13 M-' Ft-rct, ft, Is'c'.n. Parties wriltn;;. p'-nre ircut;o.i in what i-aps they rral this ad -ri-en cr.U MP Centaur Liniments . One kind for the Unman Familv. The . other for Horses aud Anluial. These Liniments are simply the wonder of the world. Their effect are little le than marvel lous. The White IJnimrrit is for the human family. It will drive Rheumatism. Sciatica aud Nenraigia from the system ; cure Luinhaxo, Chillblains, Lock-jaw, Palsy, Itch, and most cu taneous eruption n ; it extracts fro.t from frozen hands aud feet, and the Hifou of bites and sling of venomous 'eptiles ; it subdues swell ings, and alleviates puin of every kind. WheH sprains or bruises occur, it is the most iiolent remedy ever discovered to heal the iujiu eif parts. The Centaur Liniment i tiscd with great elrlca- ey lor sore throat, Tonthiiclie, ( aked UreaatM. Ear-ache, and Weakfack. The fol lowing w but a sample of numerous testimoni als: "Is diaxa IIOM-r. Jefk. Co., Ixd., May 28 '73 "I think it my fluty to inform ou that I have fmfTered trrnch with swolieu feet aud ctiordM. A fiw bottles of Centaur Liniment has done the work for me. I have not been free from these swellings In eisrht years. Now I am perfeetly well. The Liniment ought to be applied-warm. LENJAMIN BROWN." The proof is ii the trial. It is reliable, it is handy, it Is cheap, and every family should have the white Centaur Liniment. The ellow Centaur Liniment is adap ted to the tough muscles, cords and Hesli of horses aud animals. It has performed more wonderful cures in three years of Spavin. Strain Wind-galls. Scratches, Sweeny, and general lameness, than all other remedies in existence. Read what the great Expressmen say of It : "New York, January, 1874. "Every owner of horses should give the Ckx- taur Liniment a trial. We consider it the best article ever used in our stables. H. MARSH, Supt. Adams Ex. Stables. N. Y. E. PL: LTZ. Sii!t. U. S. Kx. Stables. N. Y. ALBERT S. OLlN, Supt. Nat. Ex. Stables 2i Y The natrons of this Liniment are Farriers and Veterinary Surgeons, who are continually using some Liniment, it neais ;ana. wounus, j-oll-evil. removes Swellings, aud is worth millions of dollars annually to banners, Livery-men. Stock-growers. Sheep-raisers, and those havii ring horses or cattle. What a Farrier cannot do for $20 the Centaur Liniment will do at a trlning cost. These Liniment are sold bv all dealers throughout the country. They are warranted by the proprietors, and a bottle will be given to any taruer or Physician who desires to test them. Liitbratory of J. B. Rose & Co., 33-l3t 4S Dey St., Nkw Yoki. Honey- Pitcher Casttoria is a complete substi tute for Castor Oil. and is a pleasant to take as Honey. It is particularly adapted to Teething and irritanie cnimren. it destroys worm, as similates the food, regulates the stomach, and cures wind colic. Few remedies are as effica cious for Feverishness, Croup, W onns. and Whooping Couch. Castoria is a scientific and purely vegetable preparation, more effective than Castor Oil, and neither gags nor gripes. Columbia. Conn., May 3, 1876. Messrs. J. B. Rose & Co., X. Y. : Gents : T have a family of eight children, and have used as much Cahtoria as nnv family in the United States, I think. I have nnver found anything equal to it. My children have been saved from a fever several times bv the use of Castokia. I recommend its use for children. for many diseases they are subject to. in pref erence to any medicine I know ot. 1 reel it my duty to give this certificate on account of the benefits I have derived by tfrw Kcof Castokia. Verv trulv vours. 5U13 NORM AN P. LITTLE. T As onr advertiser h.s not nuuls Uis advertise tnent slunrothor distinct, we will Interpret ud elabo. rate it as follows : 3C. 11. POOTE, 3T.1., Author of Plin Horn "Vnlk, Modirsl Conimwn Sense, Sconce in Ptor. it.. ISO" Lrxinirton Avenne (i-or. En-t 3Sth Street), New Turk, sr Isdkpf.sik-kt PhtsioiaX. treats all forms of Litujrin or CAronte Diseaxej. and receive letters from all iarts of tha D1VH.IZKD WBLD. By his original temy of conducting Medical Prac tice, he is succes-fiiliv trntiii! nninerar.s lmtieats in Knrope, the Went Iildle, Itomiii Ion of Ju uatla mn" 1,1 every part 01 me unite stales. NO MKRCTJItlALi Or detetTiou drills nscil. He has. ditriinr the pa twenty three year, t rente.! sn.vessfiilly nearly or quits 4J.0UO cacs. All facts connected with ea:li cao an cirrfnlly recorded, whether they be oommnnicate.1 by letter or in nerson. or observed bv the Doctor or his asK-iato ithvsicUns. The latter are all acicntiOo medical men. HOW INVALIDS AT A DISTANCE Ars treated. All invalids at a disr.-uicc are squired to answer a Hit of plain questions, which elicits erorj rvm!tom under whieh the anvaltil mirrr. au com muHinittoiii treatal Mtrir.tlu cnntltUiitml. A conipli-l system of reiristerinjf lirevcnts mistakes or confusion. Lisn of questions sent free, on applioition, to any iirt of the world. Sixty-patje pamphlet of Evioknces o SoccEsa, also sent free. All these testimonials are from those who have been treated by mail and expresa, Ao'ick in orrtcx, oa bt kail, fbee or ciiiiss. Call on or address DR. E. B. I'OOTE, No. 120 Lexington Ave., "S. Y. IPOs Hunted 1o szTL JDrKwcs Main 7fomt Talk and2Sedieal Comcncn. S'ense :AL&o Dr T'eotes Science in Story. ForRcrtfculars address , Dr. Berger's Tonic Bowsl and File Pills. These pilis are an infallible remedy f-ir constipation and piles canswl by wcilmes or suppression or ins peristitltio motion of the bowels. Th-jf very trertlj Increaw the activity of the .intestinal cnal, pr.i;io soft stools and relieve piles at one. Trasjuius hays been carer! by them. Price 60 rwnrs. sei,t by mail oi reeeiot of price. Prepared only by K. ALrr.tU REtCllAftDT, Pharmacist, 404 Focara Avktc, Nr.w Yobk Crrr. Dr. Berger's Coaooani Flaii nxtract of Rhubarb and DiadJioa, The bt combination of purely vceswible nv d!y: SI n entirely renlae Calomel or Blue Pill. It stimul.-t tne nr :r. inm'ises tho flow of bile, and thus removes it n t jrpidity of ttw liver, bihonsness ami habitual .iurUo, ant the disease arising from such as Sypepsia, sick hcadsche, flatulence, etc The effec tiveness of this Extract will be prornd, visibly, at ones to tho patient, as one or two bottler are sufficient to Blear tho com i;exion beautifully, etirt remove pimp'ea and stains c-uued by liver troubles. Price $t per bottle. 4 b-ittles, S , will be sent on receipt of the price to anv ad'ires. fron of chance. Prepared onlv by P. ALFRBD R81CHAUDT. Fhabuazist, 409 Foa'fBTr aVBSUK. NSW York OlTI. Only 50 Cents per Bottle. It promotes tlie fJISftWTII, PnESE.TES the t'ULOK, rind fi;rrrnie tbe Visor und 11EAITV of tlie IIAIK. Ovm TrrrRTT Tnwi jn TtuVs Katuaibo OR thi Hair vr-. f.r pla-e I it ho market bf yrofessor I Tbmss l.v n. i:r. iluTioof Pnoceton Collet. T-tn nnio is d-r.r l-X fmra tho (,sm1c "K-AIHIIO,' UiCllyinf,- l' . J...rt,.al. wr rci -"-. T.o1r.i n bs reivcf, aoo tbe poprt Jsrity it hss rhrammi.iH unprcolpnt-'jt . ! irwp.l lhls. It iticrcasT4 "i" 'iTiOxrH st! istTY Ih3 UaiB. It is a VltKitrU dnssinc. H erad.ratra Iiandraf It st-H.nrn tlie jisir from turnms crar Jt keeiw ! tie uel and It m Ihitwrra n:h. '. lossy ppoar..ic. it is the same in W'iri. e and QrAUTv w-ir a l'UATF.a nl i A rs TTJP.T AMi.aiid i "ld h Urwtf and l.mrv. try Stores at uu.y V'.tty tiu.J ler i.cJJe. Kama's Sloxy Is Ecr Erlr. LYON1 tit. ;S, A no: A . i I A M. CHC..M WuCi ur C. Co. s icvr w 1 1 POUSiS. VOU AVILL . USK OTUKIC if MARE THESE FACTS- The Testimony of the Whole world. . iioi.r.ovAs l'iri.s, -i nan no appetite ; Holioway' Pills gave nir i nearly one. "Your lills are marvellous." 1 sen lor another box. and keep them in me nouse.' "Dr. Holloway has cured my headache that was enromo." 1 gave one of v4srr Pills to mt bno fur chol era morbus. The dear little thing got well in a UilJ. rMy nausea of a morning is now cured." lour oox oi lionoway s Ointment cured me vi noise in me ?iean. i rubbed some of vour ointment behiud the ears, aud tlw noise h:n Hit." nyiiiuetwo ooxes ; l want one for a poor liliiuiy. "I enclose a dollar ; your price Is 2T cents, but iyr iiit-uiume hi me is worm a oouur. "Mend me five boxes of jVur pills." "lA'i me nave three boxes of y our pills by re turn mail. lor t lulls and Fever." I have over 2oo such testimonials as these, but wuiii oi space compels me to couciuue. For Cutaneous Disorders, And all eruptions of the skin, this Ointment is most invaluable. It Is does not heal externally alone, but jenetrates with the most searching euecis to me very root oi ine evil. IIOLLOIVAV'S 1ILI,.S Invariably cure the following diseases Oinorder of the Kidneys. In all diseases affecting these organs, wheth er tney secrete too much or too little water, or whether they be afflicted with stone or gravel. or wun acnes ana pains settled in me loins ov er the regions of the kidneys, these nils should be taken according to the printed directions. ana me ointmtnt should be well nibbed into the small of the back at bed time. This treat ment will give almost immediate relief when all otner means nave failed. For Stomachs Out ofOrder. medicine will so effectually imnmve tha tone of the stomach as these Pills : thev remove all acidity occasioned eithr by intemperance or improper nieis. i ney reacn me liver ana re duce it to a healthy action : they are wonderful ly efficacious in cases of spasm in fact they never fail in curing all disorders of the liver aud stomach. HOLLOW A Y'S FILLS are the best known In the world for the following iliseases: Ague. Asthma, Rilious Complaints, P.lotches on the Skin, Rowels. Consiuiipti n. Debility. Drupsy. Dysentery. Erysipelas. Fsmale Irregularities, revers oi an kiuqs. r us, ioui, jieau.-icne. lu- digestion. Inflammation, Jaundice, Liver Com plaints, Lumbago. 1'ilcs, Rheumatism. Retention of urine. Scrofula or King's Kvil. Sore Throats. Stone and Gravel. Tic-Doulwureux, Tumors, Licers, worms oi all kinds, weakness from any cause, etc. IMI'OUTAXT CATUTIO.f. None are genuine unless the signature of J. Haydock. as agent for the Unitea States, sur rounds each, box of Pills, and Ointment. A handsome reward will be civen to anv one ren dering such information as may lead to the de- lecuon oi any party or names counternting me medicines or vending the same, knowing them to be spurious. Sold at the manufactory of Professor noL- uiwav it Co.. New York, and by all respectable aruggisis ami dealers in inailiclue throuiruout the civilized world, in boxes at 25 cents, 62 cnts -rThere is considerable saving by taking me l.-irger sizes. N. R. Directions for tlve guidance of patients in every tusoruer are amxed to each box. Office, 113 Liberty Street, Htw York. 351y COMMERCIAL HOTEL, LINCOLN, NEB., J. J. IlinOFF, - - - Proprietor. The best known and most popular Landlord in me Mate. Always stop at the Commercial. 1 1 10 tne wonting: ittss. we are no prepared to furnish all classes with constant employment at home, the whole of the time, or for their spare moment. Husiness i,ew. light. and profHnhle. Persons of either sex easilv earn from 50 cents to 5 per evenini;, and a pro portional sum bv devoting their whole time to the business. Ilovs and girls earn nearly as niacli as men. That all who see this notice mav senil tiieir aildress. and test the business wt make this u;i parallelled offer : To such as are not well satislied we will send one dollar to pay for the trouble of writing. Kull particulars, samples worth several dollars to commence work on. and a copy of Home and Fireside, one 01 tne largest and next illustrated publications, all sent free by mail. Reader, if you want per manent ana promaiiie woi k. aoaress tiKouuK ."vriSMijN e to., J'ortianu, Me. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. At the old stand of Vallery & Ruffner. Now kept by Customers will find a general assortment of Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Fancy Goods, ixrocerics, Queensware, &c., dec. Havinj: purchased the entire stock and cood will of both the old tlrnis. to-wit : Vallery & RufJfner and Vallery & Drew. I am now pre pared to oner a Large and Handsome Assort ment of Goods, of all Kinds, CHEAP FOR CASH. I finent to hnv for P:i-ih. and cash alone, and shall sell accordingly. Call and see our lines before purchasing elsewhere. A. DREW. FlatUmouth, Neb.. March 26, 1877. lyl. Great Stock-Breeder's Monthly. THE NATIONAL LIVE-STOCK JOURNAL, Pnblished at CHICAGO, ILLS. This fireat Slonthlv is universally acknowl edged to be without a arrival in its department of Journalism. Kach number contains 48 large pages, three columns to the page, with a hand some cover, ana is oeauiiiuiiy illustrated wun elegant double-plate engravings. It is tlie only paper in the world devoted exclusively to live stock and the dairy. It discusses the science of breeding, the merits of tlie various breeds, the most approved methods of feeding and handlimr. and everything pertaining to the suc- censful management of live stock on the farm. During the year 177, 1 ror. jamcs uw, tne em inent veterinarian of Cornell University, will contribute a series of articles upon the laws of health and disease as applied to immosuc Ani mals, that cannot fail to be of great value to Fanners and Stock Breeders every where. It contains separate Departments, oevotea to Horses. Cattle, sheep. Swine ami to iairy. antt its corps of editors are organized throughout the eutire country as the Most 1 borough. Able and Practical writers in t heir separate Depart ments, that can be found in America. No ex nense Is snared on the part of its publishers, to make it a hUih-bm&l. reliittiie, practical and in- mtructirt Journal, just such as every Intelligent fanner and stock breeder will find worth ten time its cost each year. TEKMS : single copies, one year, postage paid, ; l inos oi uve, postage paid, Clubs of ten, with an extra copy free to person making up club, lxistage paid. 91.03. tland- nmelu illustrated jt)i4crt maiUul to all tclm uiU gelupcluh. Address letters, registering those containing money, unless in shape of I'ostal Or der or Draft, to ..., STOCK JOUKXAL COMPANY. Publishers, Lakeside Building, citicAU v. il.ia. t-Srso 20 Cknts fok tspF.ciMKX cory. jJTICTUKES J0f FRAMED CUi SHRYOCK'S. M J. V. WECKBACH, Prop. (SiraiiMll (Djpimnim lew s'apaixills I Ml A We are in almost DRY AND FANCY GOODS, asafll KM(DIEimniE, which we offer our friends and the public at WBioleale aecB USetaal, at prices to Cashmeres, Alpacas, Delaiiies,&c. Calicos, from 12 to 16 Yards Muslins, from 6 cts. a yard BEDSPREADS I The finest stock of White Bedspreads ever brought to the City. KHE5HT IBOlT'aS Buell's Cassimeres, Tweeds, full DSoi&t and IseA Mats and (Caps, and IFiia'niliiiiag (Doods. C2ioceHe aud IProvfiSBas' OF ALL Country Produce taken Thankful forpast favors in the years gone GUARASTSKIHO SATISFACTION IN AI.I. cvKS, ed with success, I remain as ever, REMEMBER THE PLACE, Fred. Gorder's Implement Emporium TIUKO STKEiri", Is the place to buy every kind SULKY QANG P&, of the Chira'jn DING CULTIVATOR, of Rock ford,- III; NEW MONITOR, (Check Row) CORN PLANTER; CHAMPION and other CELEBRATED HARROWS 'M&rrisQiz and SINGLE and COMBINED REAPERS and MOWERS, (New Manny, Champion, and others.) WOODS' REAPER, MOWER, AND HARVESTER, (with Self-Binding attachment.) THE VIBRATOR THRESHING MACHIJS1S, Nichous, sneppara se t.o. Satisfaction Guaranteed or no Sale. FHEI). GOKDEK, Office in J. V. TTecVbach's Store, corner ifain and Third Streets. E. PARMELE, SALE, FEED & LIVERY STABLE. At the old Hyatt Barn. (lately Jones stable) in Plattsiaouth. Neb. Will keep constanUy.n hand a number of Horses for Sale. The buvrnz and selling of rood horses mado trie specialty of the business. A new PONY PHAETON, with gentle horses, for Ladies to drive is Kept t Uie Stable. FARMERS CALL AND EXAMINE MY STOCK FOR SALE. 11-yl. E. PARMELE. Great Mercantile College. Keokuk, Iowa, on the Mississippi, Prof. Wm. II. Miller, General Manager. Nineteenth year. About sixty dol lars pay all expenses, for Membership, Board and Stationery. Bookkeeper. ltiiien. Itepor ters.Operators.Arcbitects.Surveyois and Teacli- rs tliorougniy niteii. Kngllsn nram-nes free. Free Lectures' T by Eminent Orators. Free Fes tivals with Brass Band in College Hall. Fre furnished rooms for self boarding. Telegraph ing free. Short hand writing free. Cood board ing clubs, and family board. Kail road fare de ducted. Immense business in Keokuk. .N'ova cation. Address Baylies College, Keokuk, Iowa. State where you saw this advertisement, llyt R0ERT DONNELLY'S AND BLACKS3IITII SHOP. Wagon, Bujjy, Machine and Plow re pairing, and general jobbing. I am now prepared to do all kinds of repairing of farm and other machinery, as there is a good lathe in my shop. PETER RA U EN, The old Reliable Wagon Maker haMaken charge or the wagon sbov. He w well known aa a HO. 1 WORKMAX. Xew MaEoas and Itussies. made to Order. SATISFACTIOX GCARAXTEED. Strop on Siith street, opposite Streiat' StAbh. o daily receipt of suit the times. for $1.00. upward. CSaOMinTG! Jeans, and Cottonades in Stock. KINDS. in exchange for Goods. by. I respectfully ask a continuance of the same. and hoping my effort s to please may be crown . b-CKUAf II. ONE DOOR WEST OF P. O., PL A TTHMOUT1I, NEBRA SKA . NOKTII OK MAIN', of Agricultural Implement. rioio Co.; STANDARD JVIifV RI 'Bella Wagons W. D. JONES' NEW LIVERY STA15LE, PL ATTSMOUTII, NEB. Teld rONNKK STARLES In natumnth Neb., have been leased by Dr. Jones, and )" hits openvd a new and haudsoui livery in t.o- well known barn. The finost and bt f buries and cai-rlages always ready to let. SADDLE HOUrtES CHEAT. Horses kept for Sale or to Trade. nORSES TRAINED AND BROKE. ALSO I desire to five notice that I have a largr., handsome brick barn, with plenty of roo n I r horses and wagons. I can put farmers si' cU. anl wagons, loads of grain or anything a.l un der cover, it the dry. Kemembr this. Thanking ail my U patrons for their many favera, I solicit their trade this coming year. satisJicd I can ac-ommodate them better jnd better by them than ever before. 3-yl. CM Z. , I DICK STREIGHT'S Feed and Sale Stables. Corner Cth and rear! SU. nrR. noAnunD by thb I.4V, WBLK, OR MOliTIf. HORSES BOUOHT. SOLD Oil TRADED, For a Fair Commission. TEAMS AT ALL HOURS- Taiucular attention paid to Driving and Training TKOTTIXG STOCK.. Ai. A hearse furnished when called for. GO TO THE Herald Office FOR YOUR JOB TfETOEOr Jx r I A V I 1