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About Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1877)
THE HERALD. 1 rr.MSIIilll VKKV Tia'K.-U)AY AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA OFFICE: On Vine St., Or.e Block North of Main, Cornr of Fifth Si-reet. AOVIIKTIKIXU K1T:. O-JL lai 2 W.l Sl'ACE. j I W. 3 w. 1 m. j 3 in. 6 m. jr. 1 sqr... 2 ii"s.. 3 sors . '1 CO 1 . . Vt .l . . 1 Pol . . . k 2 7S s&i riio.ioJ t( 2 0(1! 2 7 V 4 (KM 4 Oil M (Ml- ll MCI j 1J (HI 8 (Kl li()i IS no lt 1.") (i I is no' 21 ? f. ..-( 13 IKI 1 t4 2l(0 i.H no rn oo i 40 oo fi i ,JO00 PlWiOj 10' (iC. JNO. A. MACMURPHY, Editor.) "PERSEVEKAXCE CONQUERS. ; TERMS: $2.00 a Year. CiAH Advertising biiU due Niu?ei1y. EvTransietit iiUvciti.scmeiiti tiiiu.t bo pi.h' fur in advance. OI-'FMIAIi l-AIT.K OF COIXTV. v Terms, in Advance: ie copy, oe year... r One copy, st month . Who copy, thre months VOLUME XI1T. V PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1877. ! NUMBER 1. Extra rsplcs of tho Hkhai m for sale Ty P.1 Younjr, Post office lit-WK depot, and U. F.Joliu .son.eoi nor of Main and Filth StrieU. .. 1.00 . . .50 THE HERALD. - s N J U ll , 111 A LillA."k h d.u o r FIRST National Bank OP PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA, Sf(VKRSOn TO T:TJ.Ii. 1IAXSA A CLARK, John riTx-RttAf.D ..Prridrnt. I'.. !"vv:v Vice I'rMiiicnt. A. XV. Jl. (;nu!t .-ibliior. Jon ii o'Uol itKK Avis'. rmt Ciusltier. This H;i:ik is nriw fifMTi fur !ninc-v at tiieir n. iv r..,,ni. corner ilun and SiTtti mectf, aod is jr.-):irtr.l to transact ageuer U BANKING BUSINESS. Stock j, Con is. Gold. Government and Loul Securities nortiiiT am sou. if2i.v7.s RtdinH nu t Interest Allow ( on Tim? Certificates. DRAFTS XDRwjvq-'I' hi ai; part ot tVe t'nitvd V.ates n.i !ti the J'ritn-tptl Towns aii l ot Firo;ie. ac I'.vrs roR tisk Rj:.ian Line and Allan Lie or KTF..-irii-:it. lv-rni wisidri"; to lir'u- o;:t thi ir friends frtiin l'iiiorf can I'l'r.i'HAiF. lli'KUTS STiOU IS T !i r o u e !i To PlattoiuoHtb. Fleming & Race, DEALEUS IN GROCERIES, .Y.-i AND NOTIONS. A;i.l rarnKrVKBppiirfi tijeral!x. r'n ilifi ra m!1 Vow ' iHMMS tllO 4iiA V if j : iii.d vr ?;! tlieni CIIE.V!'. THY US ONCiT, AND SEE! 1 4ji)j i j ll Li'fO WAT Ell, NEli. -- - " j E"rifl!c!rin norhOf Qllf1"l i A."3iSl0r DaiDcr oil UJ. J. C. BOONE, AI tin P'rett, "2iifnsii.2 Hmn:l:rtt Hunne. I: AIR-CUTTING, I i L'.MAL" ATTENTION (ilVIlX Tl) A;: A ''l a V.oot," i i a j WILLIAM HER0LD ! argest Stocks OF if TiH rFTFrC' l U(l l;iKi'iU OK PALACE BILLIARD HALL. M Si., east of First Nat. IVsr.k.) rr.iTTSjiorTsi, - - - cn mv r.Att ii err t.i r.D with thr BEST WINES, LIQUORS, DE EH, ETC., ETC. 40yl r o ir a' r u y Machine- S s f joiiit -Tj-jmjjsr, I'l.ATTSMOUTlI, NEIL, Ilcjxiir-r ff Starn Enyinis, Eoilrn, S.rir and Grist Jfills, i Ah ATV STKAM FITTIStS, W'p'Uat Iron H(. r.nd i.ifi I"itc.stcrni tin :uev S:ifi'ty-Vnl '0 I iovero-irs. and all k inels of iir is Kavine Fillms, rc;ired cu short noti:o. FA KM M A C H 1 K E K Tf Iloinr -d .mi 5!iort Xoti-. 4"yl FRESH MEAT Come Here Roast Beet-- Tn lAi on CIiOTVS. t - c SING OUT PORK STEAKS, (jjvr rr-;r. FtiviJ.AVA(iV..Axn all, j " u:ilt-il MEATS l. r SEASOX AT YOUNG'S Butcher Shop, I'LA l TtSMUU 1 li, JMJlf., MAIS ST.. - - - SOCTII SIIE SAGE BROTHERS,! Tk:Ll?ra in ! ETC.. ETC.. ETC. One ItHr East cttb !'ot-Oflirr, riattsinoiMh. Xctraska. o Fraction! "Yorkew in SHEET IRON, ZIXC. TIN, BRA ZIER!", d-c, tT-c. U.rss a.sorti0t.Mit of Hard una Soft - COAL STOVES, Wc-ixi r.:.d Coal 8!ovs for hi: atix(j oi: cooking, Alwavs H Ilau J. Evtiy v.iii--tv of Tin. she-t Ir"!!, alul Ziac Work, ki ;t u iock. MAKING AND REPAIRING, Io-.ic li Short N'otice. iE VEll VT1UXG WAimAXTKD .' niicts tow iioh'x. SAGE BROS. .i i: u f-sj r LJJm NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. br, -wpvrrr S j loots it paid. J. 15. JlaslevLNass Itli name i assail, in. Vm.. N. V, 201 Cards no two alike Ijc 10 of name in handsome, rioiihie cue' ."(.. "5 cliromo 2 So lir while i.-jc. .W Cardinal lied l.rc. .. .1 e t in iruld urn:, vour name on ail. '1 in; hole lot for cl. Samples f cards and a 2 column weekly paper for lie. O. ii. Li.i.- man. li Winter St -.J'!' ' 1' Mas. TRiFLIN 3 WITH A COLD IS ALWAYS DANGEROUS. TJSJ! WELLs' CARBOLIC TABLETS, a mire remcdv for VOUOU-i. and ull diseases of tlie TJWOAT.I,UXGS,L'Ui;iTA.XDMlf- VOL'S MEM IMA XK, - I'LT IT ONLY IN nH'KllOXIiS. SOM T.Y ALL Iir!CI ST s. CX. CKlTTENTOX.TSixlhAvciii'.e.'X. W ' CjJ-V m'il!. At'iits Vuiitcd on our tUiee C-"'M'irn at .-J r.)..k. .Vl'OftV o I CJJAtjLIJijY OSS. a full a ton ill of IhW real lii v mit). v. i iUcii ly his fath r, bi'ats Itoloi.n t'rii-of in thrilling iuTt-rcsf. Tlc iHiistrat-d iia id-book to all l'cli(cin. a c..:iiil'-i-:.i c. n;:ir of all il noini iia!:ns and s -( . :u iiln.s! rr.t i ALo tin laiiit-s' nuiiU. Iir lr. I' I0( ii lustiafion. These lio-k.i sell at si-jlit. Male and Fcinale Aicnts coin inoio-y on thcni.' i'ar ticulars free. Mioics lv mail i'Z cacli. John E. roller & Co., l'hiladc!'iiia. A LUCRATIVE BUSINESS. J-" We W'tnt 500 more firs fa-lass S '.win j 2n)tini Ajtnt.i, and 500 men of 'air ryu and ability learn the la si iu.i of Xtlliny Xeininy Mw;hin"s: Coii 2ensation Liberal, but caryiuy ac-urd-iny to Ability, Character awl Qiuilifi eati nui f the Ayrnt. For p.jrtivn!ars, Address .. Wlissa lam Marine Co, Ciii:a0. K27A s.'j Ki; idiriiv. X. Y., or Ni-t ( iilcan1. La. A'HO MB AND FAR Sri OF VOUR 0"WX"T. On (lie iiiie of a Creai Ituiiroad w ith ood laar k fs l.t!i Ka.-t and We-t. NOW is the TIME to SECURE it 1I;M Climatf. Fortilc Soil. Iiest Country for Si'-d. l: ii-in;; in the I'liiifil Slate.' Hooirs. M t!s. Ki:M infoi n-.riti.lii. "THE ri(ii:Ki.' seat five to nil narts ol the world. Ail iress, . O. h 7-4 VIS. Land Com. I". 1. 11. It. ( linalm. Noli. ROOHSSTxilR SEEDS. lStA"-- Floral Trilintp. a liok of OO pai'K wit Ii CnUncl VUitc, defcriltcs BOO vari- eties of Hmr-m. Vriji t-il.h, lUilbi. Ac. 1'rice II) -l--. J His work wllii ft ihl. Um FBF.SH FT.flWKR RF.KD3: i,,,,,-,,.. pn;,,, and Tcrhtnn. for 2.i-h. IK 'Umrr Vnrii Ht and The Tribute. 60 et. Vcy-bible .sV..-.-nlstirnted if preferred. w. n. kki:, iioehtstcr, x. y. j MiMition tnis iajcr. BRYAN h CHAMBERS M.inafact;il"T of aiil I!e;i'..'is ill H i' ri it; t shots. J HADI'LES. COLL MIX, HAL whips, LTC, ETC., ETC. REPAIRING . Dona vzith NaatnoEl Dispatch - """ HO FOR THE Mills ! IN rLATTHXOUTII. wolwai.e utrou liAC SITOJtr. ' l -T-Mc'll'iriE S old stand still kept ejOH ty ' !lie r.lvc. O- CIO AllS, TOBACCOS, dC. WHOLE SALE RETAIL. Good Goods, Buy Largely Ami invite Uiu'e to call ami examine, lif ;d fresh niiU DELIVERED DAILY ! Ersnrnocra no.'.rs ixplattsmocth IF TIKV WAST IT, BY .kn:in y.v;t and i win. tkt asd jivk you 4rtyl and serve yon rejculnly. FOR YOl'R BEEIl, ETC ETC., j CO TO (Headquarters. Tflf Cheapest Place in Town. Ikx.v' Ale on dravijhi trr ? y thtt ltt-UJe. J Fiimili'.'s Svpnlied by the Dnrn. ' ti ' p. b. MunniY. O. b JOHNSON, DEALER IN Drugs Medicinesj All Paper Trimmed Free of Charge. . ; ALSO DEALKIi IX Stationery, Magazines, AND Latest Publ i ra t ion s . Irr Mcriplioiti "arrully 'iHo untied ly an Kxperionoert Drns:I'. RE.VE1IBER THE FLACE. COR. FIFTH A- 31 A IN STREETS tLArriMvurn. nel. PROFESSIONAL CARDS IS. It. WISDIIAJI, ATTORXEY' and Counselor at Itt. Real estate bouelit and sold. T.iscs paid ; and spe cial nttcniion piven lu colieetions. Oftico over Dr. ChapniP.u's Drus Store, l'laltsiiioutii. 37yl Si A II SI OH A Ml AX. ATTORNEY AT LAW" and Solicitor in Chan cer v. O.'llesin Fitzgerald's Hlock, i'lutttsuioutli, Nebraska. AVUKKLKK A. BEASETT, REAL ESTATE and Tax Faying; Aient, No taries I'uhiic, I'ire and Life Iiiiiraneo Agents, FUltmonth, Nchra-ska. IS i: LIVIXliSTO.', PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, tenders liis iro fessional services t the citifn of Cass county. Residence southeast corner Sixth and Oak sis. ; Oilice on Main street, two doors west of Sixth, riatismoiitli. Nebraska. , UIIO. . S1IITJ. . - ATTORNEY AT kpr. Siecial ttcntijn given to Collect ions and ail matters aifectina tlie title to real estate. iDiee on ilil floor, over I'ost Of:ice, Flattsmouth, Nei.raska. I. J !!?! W IIAIXF8 JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, and collector of debts, colled inns made f rem one dollar to ono thousand doll irs. Morltratrcs. Deeds, and oili er instrument! drow n, and ?!1 county Imsiness tisunllv transairtifd bofore a .J:iti?eoI the Peace. I'.est of rcfereiieo civen if reiiired. O.Hon jlain street. Vast of Court House. 4'j-yl JOHN V. HAINES. Hit. J. TU. WAT EU 31 AX, Physio Medical Practitioner. I;j-KirlU, C'as Co., Xtb. &Al'.raya at the ofiice on Saturdays. 40yt PLATTSfriOUTH MILLS. PLATTSMOUTH, NLTt. C. HEISEL, Proprietor. rioi!icrn 3ital, & Peed Always on hand and for sale at Invest cash prices. The highest prices paid tor Wheat and Corn. Particular attention given cus;om work. FURNITURE! FURNITURE! Charles Tlioriigate Has Jast opened a New Stork of Fiiiniturr. of all kinds and is prepared to furnish anvthinif in his line, at Platuuiouth prices. Will not he undersold. Call and nee my stock before pitr-cha-sin;;. Opposite HuMord House, Weeping Water, Neb. 4lm.t SAU3DEKS IIOITSIJ. J. Sl GREGORY, - - - Proprietor. Loration Central. Good Sample Room.. Free Conveyance to and from the Depot at )3iu3 PhittMiioutii, Neli. 'GRAND CENTRAL' HOTEL, "Lai-stes ami finest JToiel c t wem C'Siirajro and Sail Francisco. GEO...TmiAII,v. - Prop. OMAHA. Ni:i5. O. K. SALOON. I keep constantly on hand DesPs Mil Vi'iiul'ec Peer. hirii can b had at no o'.lier PLACE IN THE CITY. A No the l?st of iry.TE.. LTfjrons. a.xd cthaus.: . LE Nil OFF f- RONNS, lUn-wmz Dew Saloon! One door east of. the Saunders House. We keep the lies; of Beer, Wines, Liquors & Cigars. 3.liii9 Constantly on HaniL A fireat 'Ic'lurHon in I'riees of GUHS, REVOLVERS, &a Prices reduce 1 from j to 3n jer cent. Write for Illustrated Catalogue, with ruduced priees for KSTT. Address, GREAT WESTERN GUN WORKS, 91 SmithfieU St., Fittiua: irh. Pa. 18.V1 GOOD FRESH MILK, DeTivered daily in j.vr of tiif: citi. jv Mumm & Co. H. A. WATERMAN & SON, Wholesale and Retail Dealers ia Pine Lumber. .2 2k SQL y Sash, Doors, Blinds, ETC.. ETC., ETC. Maita street. Corner of Fifth, PLATTSMOUTII, - - - - NEB. Still Better Rates for Lumber. STRAIGHT & 5ULLEIS, Harness Manufacturers, SADDLES BRIDLES, . COLLARS. and all kind- of harness stock, constantly on hand. Fruit Confectionery AN I) Grocery Stop.e NUTS, 7 CANDIE3. y- TEAS SUGARS, t . C01TEM, TORXCCOES. - - PLOUR, . AC. . Kcniemher the tdace oppotitc E. G. Doyey's on Ixiwvr Main Street. 2 1 -1 y STREIGHT & HILL ER. )nn At'an'i he made liy every acent everv SLtl.j nonth in the business we furnish, but vUUUi'"'se-w''''!1 to woikcan ea.sity eain a iiozen ilollars a day r!-riit in f hi-rfown localities. Have i; room to exjii tiu here. Rastness leas ant and honorable. Women, boys and Kil ls do as well as men. We will furnish' you a complete outfit free. The hi:slne payc betterthaii any tliii: else. We will bear einse f ;tartiii you. . Particulars five..- Wrteand see. Farm ers and nieeliijnics, their kou hiuI dau-rliters, a:id all in need of paying work .-t lionie, should wire to us mid learn ail about the work Now i.' the lime. iMn'i delaw Ad ' t'i.k k Co.. Auj- usia, M -lint. 3I0TI!EIlS WAY. , BY NAN'NIK A. lHtPWORTII. . Oft within our little cottage. As tlie Mbndows gently fall. While the sunlight toiudies softly One sweet Lice upon the wall. Do we gather close together. And in Iniflittd and tender tone A"k eacli others full forgiveness For the wriuijt that each hath done. Should you wonder why this custom At the endin? ot the day. Eve and voice would quickly answer, "It was our dear mother's way !" If our lioMie he lirlijht and cheery. If it hold a welcome tru-?. Opening wiiltj its Uoot of ;reet!iis To the ma ly. not the few ; se lf we share our Father'" hounty With the necdv, d:iy ly day. 'Tis heeaue our hearts remeuihcr This was our dear mother's way. Sometime:? wTien ortr haii'd-i prow worry. Or our task' seem very long ; When our ourdens look too heavy. And we ik'em the riht all wrmci ; Then we jraiu a new fresli c ullage. As we rise to proudly say : "Let us do our .lutv hravely. This was our tU-ar moili-.'is way." Tim? we keep tier memory precious, Wliile wo never cae to pray That, at la't. wlioa leiiirtheiiinii shadows Mark the evening of lifi:'.s du. They may had us waiting calmly. Togo li'jnie our motlier'.' wav ! Urartu and Htm. T1IL WAY TO HAYES.. An IntfivsMiKr nn'l I.ttcld Uescriptioa of the 3lethf:l .f Soenrimr nn Inter view with the i'reideut. Correspoadence Chicago Times. The way to see the President is veiy simple. If you know a Congressman and if you ln"t you must be low in the social scale indeed you get hira to take you up between the hours of 10 ! and 12. If you want to see Mr. Hayes at the earliest possible moment, you must go up with an Ohio member, or tt member from the South. .Southern men are especially pets with Mr. Hayes just at present, while he is hard at work upon his mis sion of toward the south. The people who aro not specially in troduced arc received from 12 to 2 o'clock in the afternoon. They come in shoals, and are most all of them life long friends of Mr. Hayes, friends of his early childhood, etc. Nearly every strauper in town is a man with whom Mr. Hayes invariably' s'opped as a guest when he was in his town. It is needless to state that these aneient friends are all here stekin to be placed in a position where they can serve their country. The' are. in nearly ev ery case tlisanpoiinted, but one thing about thoir disappointment has its good side, and that i, they are not de ceived by any promises of what may be done for them in the dim anil uncer tain future of politicians a future that has broken more hearts in Wash ington wit!: weary waiting than one would Cnto to c.mnt up o:i a pleasniit day when the wind is blowing from the nout.h. When you go to sop the 1'resi h-r.t you go up a wide stairway upon the left oi the main ante-room of thw Vliit: House. At the. main door you pull the. bronze headed bell-pull, or if you are very democratic you push your wav in without ringing, where you are met by the same pimple-red fae d, English, flunky-looking door keeper that served under CJ-?n. Grant's eight years of reign, lie is a very "h'aifabie paiiy,"who used to be a great source of comfort to old Grandfather Dent when he used to live at the White House. Tho old gentle man, Dent, would get a long clay pipe, a paper of tobacco, and comedown and spend his mornings with the doorkeep er. Grandfather Dent would sit in the sunny window upon tlie left of the main entrance, where, with a battered silk hat upon the back of his head, his countenance wreathed in lazy content, and the blue smoke of lrginia tobac co, lie would discuss kitchen gossip with the doorkeeper with the go and enjoyment of a beldame. - Upon the second-iloor landing you can go to your right or to your left. Tho left leads you to a room where a sub-secretary sits driving away at a heap of letters before him. This room is plainly furnished. Hanged about it are lounges and chairs, whero visitors wait. 1 f you go to the) right you pass at once to the long hall that runs the entire length of three rooms used as the executive oflices. The first room at the west end of the hall is the pri vate office of the President. It is con stantly guarded by a white doorkeeper, who admits no one but the President's especial intimates. The second door is guarded by a bullet-headed negro, pop-eyed, broad in loins, portly in stomach, slovenly in dress, but always very polite and ready to attend to all demands of visitors. The third door leads to the oilice of a sub-secretary. This room is very easy of access. The reporters of the local press enter heie unannounced, to get the list of visitors of importance, a daily register being kept for their use. The second room is occupied by Co!. Ilogers, the President's private secreta ry, Webb Hayes, and Col. Corbin, who has beeu assigned to duty at the white house from the war department. This room is almost constantly filled, access to the President by the average visitor being made through . the private secre tary. It is he who recsives your curd and notifies the president of your call and who tells you when the President can see you, if sit all. The present private secretary is not a man whom the average, observer would say would be likely to repeat tin scandals of 15alcock. He is a man in appearance of about 45 years of age. He is slight built, medium height, has a consumptive complexion, clear blue yes, straight nose, light hair, and san dy, reddish mustache and whiskers. lie looks like a successful dry goods salesman of the character arrived at the position of a confidential clerk. You get the idea at once that he is a re ligious man, who is good to his wife and children, and in tlie village where he resided must have been valued in the Sunday school walks of life. He is very polito to visitors, and always rises from his desk when approached. As he is consumptive, and, as a conse quence, not very stout in his legs, the needs of his health will soon subdue this form of politeness. At present he is working hard to become, familiar with his duties. The gridiron, pockmarked- Major Suiffem, whose face looks as if cut out of tanned alligator's skin, a former secretary of Grant's, sits at his right and coaches him. Snif- fen is continually saying, "My don't do that. It is against the of the office." God! rules Example: I called upon Col. Holers the other momingr and asked him fcr a J list of the applicants for federal pat ronage in the west and northwest. He was about to comply, with' that exquisite politeness and easy urbanity that is alwavs char acteristic of a new AVashington official and never ef an old oi.e, when Sniff ;n, who "was near, heard a word of what was being said and stopped with a "What is it ?" Col Rogers explained. "ily God!" said SniiTen, "tins is agairrst all precedent. Think of the mortification entailed upon those who apply and fail, by having their names published. It has never been done, and you should not." Col: l'ogers at once agreed to this, and it of course emled that business. . 'WeJjb Hayes has a seat by the side of Cjjl. Ilogers. IIo is a melancholy young man, who looks like a cross be tween a theological student and a vil lage clrk. You couldn't tailor him up and make a swell out of him.becauso he is self-conscious and bow-legged. He is about IS, and never stirs about with out a huge pair of gig lamps fastened at the and of a big nose. He is sad dened and solemnified, down through from the roots of his straight, spLkey hair to the bottoms of hi3 uig feet witli the dire misfortune of being a President's son. Put all the same he attends to his business, does not at tempt to put on anything extraordinary in tlie way of ..maimers, and if h were anything else but the son of his father, wouhl have some sort of a show. Co!. Corbin in this room ii especial ly detailed hereto read correspondence. He is a tall, broad-shouldered, black haired black moustached, boyish-looking "six footer.". -He is a Columbus'! boy, else he would not be witli Hayes.! The manners in this room are pretty j informal. You smoke, if vou like. You stay as Ion; once admitted, in the corners I as you pleaaa when Eittie groups gather and converse. I'airs stroll aboir, chatting, loafing about as they did in the Governor's oiiice iii Co lumbus. The Pt'o;-id-nt's private ofiica is a long apartment, richly tinted with gorgeous dashes of deep scarlet in all its furniture. Here Mr. Hayes walks or aits as he talks with his visitors, as tho humor suits him. In this he dif fers from Grant. The later always sat stolidly at his desk and rarely if ever arose during a call. Hayes laughs and jokes with his visitors, lie fences al' ready very well against th many de mands made upon him. So long as he adheres to his present civil service pol icy, he has a very good weapon of de fence. L'avtcr ia Eajlaad. Of Ulster Monday rites various cu rious, reiics siiil linger. 0:ic, called "clipping Liu' church," is performed by children of the charity schools, amid crowds Hi. penp.o ami shouts of joy. their backs. against the out- They pL;c side; of ihsj church, til the circle is con and join hands un plete and tha build- ing surr ounded, when the ceremony is over, ait they go to another church. Another cus'ora in Durham is for men to o about the streets ami take of! a slioa from every worn ut they meet, unless shu vvil! pay a small fee to prevent it. The next day. as is but fair, tlie. women retort by doing the same to the men. In some parts a still more ridiculous custom is found, called "heaving" or "lifting.''; On Monday the men "lift" the n'omiii, and on Tuesday the women are the lifters. It is done thus: two strong men cross hands in the way we used to call "making a chair," in. mu scimol days, or they carry a chair lined with white and decorated wiih flowers and ribbons. On meeting a xroman in the street they invite her to take a seat, and, in fact, insist upon it. They then lift her into the air three times, when she iiitisf Kiss each of her lifters, and give them money besides. In the time of Edward I this custom was so gen eral that even the King was "lifted." In Kent the young eop!e on Easter Monday "go a pudding-pieing." That is, j o to public houses to eat pudding-pie, ii dish about the size of a sau cer, withdaised paste rim, and custard inside. And everywhere, and all the time, are eggs, eggs, eggs; boiled and color ed; striped and mottled, and gilded; ornamented with names, or mottoes, or pictuies. Common ones are vari ously adorned with designs drawn with a bit of fallow, which ketps ttie dye from taking on those parts. A better kind of d'jeoration is to scratch the de sign with a sharp knife on an egg after it is dyed ; landscapes, mottoes, ttc, can be mde very neatly. A common game which, perhaps, you know is played with Easter eggs. The owner of a hard-boiled Easter egg challenges any ono he meets to strike eggs with him. If his egg breaks the other, it is called "the cock of one," and its owner has the broken one as a trophy. When it has broken two, it is "cock of two," and so on. If an egg which is cock of one or more is broken, tho conqueror adds the number of tro phies won by the victim to his own score. Tl:eccustom of making presents of eggs is said to be Persian, and to bear allusion to the "mundano egg," from which the world was fabled by certaiu nations to have been derived. It is a custom J among Jews, Egyptians, and Hindoos, and was adopted by Chris tians to symboliz the Resurrection. This feast of eggs, therefore, very properly occurs at Easter. Olice Thorne, St. Nicholas for Ap' il. How I This! When you take ado; lv the tail anl drawhlm across a Mock a .id eiioi with an ax. do you cut oil the tad or tlie rioy So jthuru A'f irV. - That dep-nds. If you take the dog by tlie. tail and chop with th ax across tho block, then you cut the dog off. If you take the tail by the dog and chop with the ax across tire block, then you cut the tail off. If you take the block by the tail and chop across the dog with the ax, then you cut tha block off. If you take the ax by tho dog and chop across the t.vl with the block, then you cut the ax off. If you take tho dog by the block and chop across the ax with thf? tail then you cut the dog off. If you taKe tne tail in tlie ax ana ciiopj across tho l,l,vL- wfti. ti,e,in. ti.n v.-m i cut the tail off. If, on thii contrary, j uu! 0:lt'th IS fiVr,A owned by a New the tail takes the block by tire ax and I ork merchant. His friends already chops across the block by you, or the j distinguish him as th.; Mud Doctor. block takes the dog by you and chops i - .- -- across tlie ax with the tail, or the dog Tweed's chances of a speedy release takes you by the tail and blocks across; from imprisonment are said to lie im the chop, then it.s'lime to put for tho periled bv the presence of Sweeney, woods, for we cannot answer the con-i sequences. WU-i-l P THE NEW SENAT0IW. Judge Davis of Illinois, anl Senator Sharon. From the Infer Ocean. Washington, March 13, 1877. The mast prominent of the new Sen ators is Judge Davis, of Illinois, who will have an influential part in the framing of legislation during the next six years. He is a man of immense size,' weighing perhaps 30 pounds, but active, robust, and as spry as a sylph. He has a large round head, with im mense cheeks.and a fringe of gray beard under his chin. Ho seems to be quite pleased wit! Lis ner place hi tlie sen ate, for being a man of active disposi tion and an inclination to take a hand in politics.his position on tha bench had become irksome to him, and having borne judicial honor for a tim:? ho was anxious to seek new pastures. His political position is an enigma many people would like to solve. Al though he has beeu several times sought by the Democrats for official honors, and was elected by them t j the Senate, he is 3IORE THAN HALE INCLINED TO EE A REPUBLICAN. -When he entered the Senate he chose a desk en the Republican sida bet -een Rollins, of New Hampshire, and Saun ders, of Nebraska; although there were more favorable seats among the Demo crats. This was the subject of consid erable comment, and was tlie reason why the Democrats declined to invito him into their caucuses, and of their givingnotiee that the Republicans must provide him with committee positions, as tliuy, the democrats should not. The committees of the Senate are ma.I up in caucus, and are divided between the two parties in proportion to the repre sentation of each i:i the Senate. For instance, in the last Senate there, wcro nearly forty-five republicans to twenty five democrats; hence on committees of nine members the Republicans h id six and tha Dumocrats three. Now that tho Republicans have but a small I majority, on com:ni:tei s oi nine mem bers tl'.vjy have five and tha Dem jcrats four. On tli Judiciary Committee, Juilga Davis given ons of the Re publican places, an I it now .stands four Republicans, four Democrats, with Judge Davis as the ninth man. In conversation with your correspon dent the other day, Ju Ig'i Davis ex pressed himself STRONGLY IN SYMPATHY" WITH PRESI DENT II A YEs' new policy toward the South, and in reference to the civil service, and said that while he acknowledges no party affiliations, he should give, the Presi dent a cordial and active support. He bai already beoit called into the Whito House council, and his a lvica has been asked by the President upon several matters of importance.- While taore have been no votes taken in the Senate on strictly party questions, at eveiy op portunity the Judge has given practical evidence of his support of the Presi dent by voting to confirm all of his nominations, Fred Douglass among the number. ' It may bo understood as set tled that lio will be an administration man as long as . the present lwlicy' is rv.iherod to. He likes his old title of "Judge" bet ter than his old title of --Senator." I approached him the other dy and com menced a remark by saying "Mr. Sena tor ." He interrupted me at once. "C A L L M I : J L I Ki !;' said he. "I have been called Judge for th-'rty years since lsi1?, when I was first elected to the bench. and I am too old a man to be rechristened." Although he. has never mingled in timately with Senators and members of Congress while he has been on the bench, at once after his election to the Senate he formed intimacies with sev eral of his new colleague's, and every day you can see him chatting In tho cloak rooms or parading the lloor arm in arm lovingly with fellow Senators, like a freshman in college. It is quite ludicrous to see him embrace Sharon, of Nevada, who is the smallest man in the Senate. They look like the pigmy and the giant making love. SHARON AND DAVIS are both famous diners out. They are epicures, and their winters in Wash ington are but a series of "square meals." bharou caa make a salad bet ter thrtii an man ia tlie. Senate except Anthonv. and Davis is said to r a iik third in the art of the cuisine. They have been alternating between each other's tables nearly ail winter. Shar on lives at tho Riggs House, and has a private dining room, where his meals are spread with a bill of fare of his own arrangement. Judge Davis lives at the old National Hotel, where he has occupied tho same rooms for sixteen years, and he also has his private din ing room. Davis and McCreory, of : Kentucky, are great friends. McCreeiy is a quaint old man. whom I have often spoken of as the Pickwick of the Senate. The legislation of the nxt six years, especially that which will pass through the Judiciary Committee, wilt feel the strength of judge Davis mind and hs wide exprrienc?, an I his services will have an inestimable value. Curtis. Dirt as Medicine. Soma very extraordinary properties have been discovered in the earth of New Jersey. It seems to be an infallible cure for chronic diseases, for rheuma tism, wounds, bruisesgaud corrupting sores. The application is very simple. The earth is bound on to the limb; and changed once a day. Some very extraor dinary cures have been performed, and people carry off quantities of the earth and apply it at home. It can be found not only by tlie acre, but ly the mile. It is as good for " animals as it is for man. A farmer had a hog that was fearfully lacerated, inSlammation set in and the hog was turned out to die. IIo crawled to a hollow filled with swash. He laid himself down and continued to wallow. In three days the iutianmia wp.s gone. The animal bcg.iu to eat, and in less than a week was perfectly cur ed. Whether tlie medical properties are chemical or mineral no one can tell as yet. The farm on which this remarka- who fears the revelations and d.V:I- SUIe.-:. Letter J3ojz. All cominunicat ion for this dei'irt uiit must he plainly written on one side of the t;er. contain no jicrsoua! r iinjnoner allusion., and he accompanied w ii h the writerV kk vi. name though il need not necessarily he signed to the article written. Correspondents can do as thev like a'lout that, l.'iit must inform us privately of their real nauies.J Mt. Pleasant, Cass Co.. Neil. March lrtth, 1877. Mr. Herald I read the letters in the Letter liox, and think them very interesting. We have a splendid Sab bath school, there are a great many at tend. We hear that there are several cases of small pox in PlaUsmouth, but hope it is not very serious. ' There has been a great deal of sickness in our neighborhood. As I do net like to tire the readers of the Letter Box, I will bring my letter to a close. Yours truly ClNNAMINTA. FROM LINCOLN. Lincoln, Nebraska, March ltlh, 1S77. Editor IIetiald : L;;st night a v ry respectable, audience attended the academy of mu.sic to har Rev. W, E. Copeland; subject: "The Temple of Honor. He did not propose t deliver an old fashioned temp-jraaca lecture, denouncing the saloon-keeper the worst man in the world ; tint ha found them very much like other men, but were prompted to their nefarious busi ness by n:t inordinate love , of money. He held that t lie controlling power is vested in the buyer and not in the sel ler; at the same tiui3 patting every m in upon his honor. This the Tem ple proposed to do, without calling to their aid lecturers or crusaders, llu thought an opinion prevailed (among some good temperance men) that the organization w;ts got up at this time for political purposes, but assure 1 his hearers that.wa; not the cas. as thy had ho candidate in tho fud l; he ex horted to help their fathers, husbands and brothers in keeping th pledge, al though their order did no. admit thein (the ladies) to their Temple. An There we enter our protest against excluding the ladies from equal privileges in all that pertains to the cause? of lemp: r ance, as they have the chiif burden to bear, occasioned by intemperance. Rut we cannot further intrude on your gen erosity ; lufih-e it to s.iy lb it th" i-pak, er was liberal and generous in his opinions, mild in his cririci?m -, and al though we cannot fully en lorse h's views, we wen; highly gratified with the entertainment. We nms. not oit to say in conclusion, that th-.j singing of Miss Rogers was par exeellenca, far above tlie praise of our humble pan. May that beautiful song: "Nearer my God to Thee," never be forgo tt m by those wiio heard it. Merccrics. Scarlet FeTer. The L onion L'liiet calls attention to the importance, as a safeguard to public health, of securing the early de tection of cases of scarlet fever, it be ing of incalculable, msequ nci not only to the patient, but also to the commu nity, in order that timely measures may be taken in-preventing the fpread of the disease. The L meet says that the throat symptoms are the most trustworthy fr tho purpose of diag nosis in the initial stages of scarlet fe ver; tha soft part of thy palate is ex tensively reddened, and not merely the tonsils, as is the caso in the first instance in ordinary sore throat. When this condition is met with, accompan ied by a very hot skin and a very quick pulse, attended or preceded by sickness with a thickly-furred tongu red bor der; .and prominent papil'a-, a case of scarlet fever may bo prepared for. In most casen, adds this journal, sickness occurs within twenty-four hours after the commencement of the attack in deed, it well Is known to all observers that in fpniportioii of cas, sickness occurs within tweiity-oue or eighteen hours. Twiggs took out his noK'book jotted flown some specomens of and the vernacular, I copy them: St hi taps, mynheer. tcetis beer, limbn ryr, yaw. son - rout, Uirch-tcaniter, stria huytl. Zoitnny, chopin, ami a lew otlims. It would seem from these spoeimans that is quite a different tongue from either the Yankee or the American, which is founded upon the Eng ish. I must relate in the next chapter tlie astound ing events which led to our arrest, ami which will undoubtedly leal to a des tructive war between England and the Jerseys. -Tlie fact is," said a tidy , wife, "a man does not know how to straighten up things. Iledoes not know how to commence. I dou t wonder," she re marked in conclusion, "that when God made Adam he went right to work and made a Woman to tell him what to do."" More than one-half of all the diseas es and parasites which infest-farm stock arc the direct result of neglecting to .furnish them with proper food dur ing col 1, stormy weather. Catile of all kinds, when forced to remain in muddy, wit yards during cold weather arc liable to various diseases of the feet, such as hoof ail and foot rot, and me nest preventive is tin ground, or I yards littered witli straw, or some siin ilar coarse material. The Interior Department is making investigations into the pine-land steal in Minnesota. The stranded Rusland, near Long Branch, is still going to fragments, and there is little hope now of saving, her or any part of her cargo. George Simson was arrested in Han cock county, this Slate, charged iwith committing a murder in Texas. The ollicer lefi with him for that state. Edwrvid Wells, a murderer, was ta- ken from jail in Waynesboro, Ga., and ! lovely for any tiling,, when the infant Ivnched by a mob ot unknown men.! of tho house unfoi tiniatelv whispere:i: Wells confessed to the murd '"am O'l'rian r of il-1 - t FOE THE HOUSEHOLD. Women's Wages in France. In the lalt! sittings of the Workingmcn's. Congress in Paris, Madame Raoult pre-" seated a report upon the wretched:y paid labor of women. Many made che mises at .'J francs (00 cents) a dozen,' half a dozen a day being the a vera go amount completed. OtLer work was' in pioportion. The report recommends' that workwomen should associate co operatively ia large establishments, where they could not only receive wa-. ges, but share the profits now accruing to employers. Until women found sC way of doing this successfully no' chance existed of ameliorating their condition The workingwomen's asso ciations of Paris were represented at the Congress by 23 J delegates, and those of the provinces by ninety-live. This' Congros obtained a respectful recogni-" lion by th? press. Heat of Rooms. The investment, of a shilling for a thermometer will' make paying returns in health. Tho' great tendency in Winter is to keep' rooms too warm. The foundation of pneumonia, pleurisy and pulmonary consumption is ireoueniiy lam in over heated, ill-ventilated apartments. The inmates become accustomed to breath ing hot, close air the system is toned down and relaxed, and a slight expos ure to cold and wet results in serious' illness. ... , "Some vears since," says a medical writer, "wo called one evening on a ' friend, whom we found in a cosy sit- " ting room with a large fire, alow ceil ing, and the heat ranging about the ' eighties. She was suffering from a se vere cold but could give no account' how she took it. A mouth later sho and her sister died within a week of each other, and were buried in tha same grave. Tho Intelligent use of a thermometer would, doubtless have ' saved both of those lives." The mercury in the tube should nev- " er bo permitted to stand above seventy. ' If that temperaturu is not sufficient; to give warmth, it is an indication that ' the person does not take sunicient ex ercise, and the cure for it is more miles 1 and more llamicl. In tho coldest weather, when the ground is like stono ' under the feet, when there is no drip ' from the taves, and when tho snow lies on the roof, rooms should bo ven tilated. Pure air should bo admitted through open doors and windows, k ' thatth oxygen consumed by flame and by respiration may be replaced, ami the effete and poisonous matters thrown off by tho body thoroughly driven away. As one of our best writ ers on household science remarks, ven tilation is a question of money. Rut how much wiser is he who, while will- ' ing to pay a large c:.! bill, Jet ci.joj.s ' fresh air in his winter sitting-room, than he who keeps everything shut up that the heat may not be lost, and lias a long doctor's bill to settlo in tho Spring, and, mayhap, a grave to be cut through the frozen turf. Ex. Pri;.ssi:d Chicken. Cut the chick-'" ens into about four parts, and boil them in as little water as possible; when done tender take out the meat but keep the broth boiling; pick the ' meat from the bones, take off the skin -chop it, put in some butter, pepper and salt, and as chicken myitis very dry you will need the broth to moisten it With; dip the oil all off before adding tha broth to the meat, mix thoroughly add press it. It will be nice enough ' foranykind of evening entertainment . Cheese Cakes. Roll out some nice pull' paste, not very thin, brush it over with cold water, spread it half over with grated cheese, then lap tha other half over and pass the rolling pin light ly over it, cut into strips four inches long and two widu and bake in a quick oven; as soon as taken from the oven sift sugar over each one. These aie very nice for dessert. Mrs. Miller's E-rown RitsTAD.-IIalf a cup Hour; one cup Indian meal; two cups of Granam Hour; two-thirds of a cup of molasses:; one taMospouuf ul of so la in sour or buttermilk to make a thick batter; teaspoonf ul of salt. Steam -three hours, then put in oven to dry. Graham Short Cake. One cup of -sour cup cream, one tea- -spoonful soli, one teaspoonful salt;' make a batter as thick as can be stirr ed with a spoon, sprerd a layer of it in " a baking-tin, put bits of butter over it. then another layer of batter. Hake in a moderate oven un;i well browned.. When cool enough to handle open be- -tween tho layers and put in berries, -peaches, stewed apples, or any kind of juicy fruit; let stand a few minutes -and you have "dainty dish to set before a king." Ii. G. W. write: Cardinal red is ob- -tained by first coloring yellow and then,' red. Prepare both dyes at the sarri') time. Dye the goods to a bright yellow, -wring, and dip into tho red. bath. If too bright to be cardinal strengthen -the red dye, if too dark return to t yellow bath. Repeat the process until cardinal is obtained. The dyes that I use are yellow patent and ro.v; auilin-?. . but I think any yellow and very darl; red would produce the shade. A lady writes; In your column r.t " Queries aid Answers 1 see a recipe for restoring color to hair. Allow me to say that lac sulphur ani sugar of lead -produce paralysis of the brain and of the iP'rve of tha eye sooner or later.'.'" This I know, both by observation and sad experience. If you value your lifo do not use either oi tlie abovu.. Let na ture have its course. S.ige tea will pry vent falling o.T and produce growth. Worms in Plants. Mrs. JLGoff--towu Center, N. J b, writes: If Miss A.. D.. of Iowa, would like a remedy that . wit! kill all insects infesting the rco; s of Iit lio-tse plants, let her try the Tel- -lowing, wkdeh I know f rom experionea to be a successful rem-dy: after stir- -rinf the soil in your flower-jars, sprin kle over tha top or the earth about ono teaspoonful of tohartro dustings, ob tained at cigar-makers. If one appli cation does riot destroy thesw pests, try it again, us it will not injure your plants. They hai company to ivx. m Tho ta--ble was set out splendidly; the biscuits were as white and light and flaky as . snow, and the cake was just lovely; tl:-v cmpany were .delighted with every--tliing, and enjoying themselves hugely and getting tho modus operandi of making the biscuit, which wore Icq- Aia, way uon t we. nave such wh' c there nitt '-('U.pinv ?" t .a i i