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About Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1873)
- -OAHttU'fH'S ftBI OFFICE -JEWELRY STORK-All goods SoW at tho favstpiicos fbr aUiv A weii feeicctcd fctock of Foreign and American Watched Ladies Gold Waiches and Chain; solid Uoid Kiid A'lated betta, Htij, jji c-c. A large assortment of Clcrck headquarters for Ltarshes' Patent Accommodation Spectacles.; Repairing done on short notice and all work warranted. Call and examhie for yourselves. ' THE JIERALl) ; l'lilli.Vl cvclj 'f IllUnU.O -t 1 . ATI'S 31 0 1: TI 1 , 7k I! II il A S li A . n TT T.i ir n fi t f. ! .t!Vi:iM fXI VfJ llA'tZTV. . . One s.piaie. ( 10 liiiei or t m i;:sei11,;,i.. J-i.i,i j i:ach (iient ii.s.'iiii. I, . m j I'l-ofc-Mima! cauls, no c, ei din,; si Hues . Iii.m; m-oIioi!" tT atmWif ' J tn j !., coition, nam ic M.ii') i '.column on i j '.,;.fe.j A,, t ...... iuo ' All a f c.tiMUi; biii', ii;i i.,rf ly. , " j TiviiMcnt .-.,1 -eit-i :- , i.ti iiiu t be ptU t? ' IvU.lIicr. I ! " " " j I'M n Coi i is r run Hi-im n f,.r sa! P.. I .(. Sir. ;,( the I'.wt I tltic... :,, o. 1. Jidl.l I ..!, f"i ici ol M .in and tVi li Sis. Office On Main St., Dot. ZilU and Cth. Seconal Story. OFFICIAL PAPER COUNTY. OF CASS J. A. MACMDRPHY, Editor. PERSEVERANCE CONQUERS. TERMS : $2.00 a Year. 'IV i in S, in Advance One eopy, one year f Me oy, six months. One copy, throe riionttis .$2.00 .. 1.00 .. oO Volume 9. Plattsraouth, Nebraska, Thursday, November 13, 1873. Number 33 ATTOBXEYS. Official Directory. t. h. vvina.i.i-it, j. w. sri'o iteoMn. tVlif-i Icr & SiliicItiosnJ), ATTOItMCVS AT I.AVlf . - r-I - r" S T - I'liitt -nuuilh. Ncbi-aska. j CONGKESSIONWE. T. M. Tipton. Brownville... ...I". S. Senator. MM. M. niAI'MAV. It. T. MAXW ELL Chapman & Haxwcll. ATTORNEYS AT I.AV.' and Solicitors In Chaneerv. oftiee in ritgcrald'.s Elock, l'latts luiuth, Nehraskru ' UKO. S. SMITH, I:. 11. WISH 11 AM, RMSTH & .131. Successors to Mnfi:!elt, Simtli, & Starhird, I'. AV. Hitchcock. mialia. ! 1.. C'roun.-.e. El. Calhoun... . EXECUTIVE. II. AV. Furnas. Drown villc . i.osjcr. Lincoln JEniCIAUY, r:po ir I o..i..i..i ... .. . . it tt t T. . . tt . ,--......... MIHl .IBll'C si ll'jnu yxai jj'irc iv Jit'll iniaie Jirouers namei cantt. .Nebraska City, . .1. IS. Weston. Heat rive.. If. A. Konix, Colnnibuj. i .. ir. AVoh- t r, Crete J. M. McKi-nif, i.incoln. . . . I . S. jscnator. .lU-prest'iitativf. fJovenuth .Sec'y of StatP. ABOUT TO.VN. One day last week the IlEitiLDtook a walk, And lo, that night, in sleep, began to talk. The Herald's wife arose in bed, And noted down tlie things we said. PT.ATTSMOl TH, .... - - IS'KB. T , Ppt-i'ial rstfr'ntion eh'cn to Vnpr 'ons. and all ni.r.lors ;II;- li!i tlic I itlc to Kcal :st''. (Hire on 2:1 ll'ior, over tlu; l'osl OHice. Siuiiutl .Maxwell, I'iattVtli, f Associate Just's, .Auditor, i "J)irk SfrfiTi n T.ivortr Cfalo L-oii Jieastircr. , , 1 ....Att'y lien. V here "bosses lives and eats & si eons. Sup't I'ub. Iimiruo-u. j Tr nrniia fl,,, , .,, , He makes 'em trot, or else break up; And if you want to trade your Loss, Why go to Dick, for he's the boss. PHYSICIAN:. T i IS.' Ll VIN;ST()N, I'liysii iau ;nil Sum'-oii, -" Ti'ixlfivi liis jirofi-s.sional .st-iviccs to tin' rillrrns of "ass iMtititv. KcsidtMn- southeast orrif-rof al ;iml Sir ill si t i- t -t ; olVico on Main itrt-et. oiii- door west of I.j iiiau'.i Lniu'.X'r Yard, l'iat Ismoiit li, N l.raska. IXSI'IIAXCE. l'LAlTSMOlTIL II. li. Livingston Mayor, J'ftcljc I'aiin- City l Ifik. Win. Wiiiterstem .t'itv T .1. W. Haiin-s ,l'.-lii-p Jmljif! i ii in;.s .iraii. i u ; MarMiul. D. .N'.Juhnsoii... , Stri't't CoininUsiuiicr! ALDKKMAN'. First W.i;n. .1. ri!-rall. II. S. Nowinan. Hkhinii W.l;n. .1. "Wayinaii, V. Nichols. 'J'.'iiKK Vv Aiiit l:. ( Cusliiiitr, Thos. l'oili;ok. I'm Jmi W Alii). 1C Vivian, I.. F. Johnson. II. I Kl;lm . I iiil Kimioil. ri!KKI.E:: & ISKNNETT-LV;! Estate smd J )' 'i !',,,,l;s ' Taxpaviir; Au ui Nol ai ion I'uiilic, Fire ! , - '" an.l Life Iiisi'iraii-e n(s, l'lalt.srnoiitli, NVI. ) :l ui",,J,: :1-, I. . j J. ( (aiKe, -. 1MKLI'S I'AINi: C. lioral Ir.snnmep Aa-iit, ! 'rT'-r :';l,i"'s' ' -1- K.-j.r.. nts soi i iUo tu..,t ri-li.ii.!i- oiii- i 'Mmas. .. . pniiics in the I uit'd stat-. JanT-wtf IIOTKLS. ' BROOKS HOUSE, JOHN Fl'lZH-:i:.U.I. IToprietfir. Main Streot, between Fiflii tS: Sixth. MI.Sl.'KLr.ANK()r.S. I'a2fsmosili .'-I ills. II ive r'-ci-n'' lfMl r IIEISEL. rr..-,r;. t rroaiicl and i :. . I In tliorouj'i ruiiiilii' ' 11 :a. in ijk iu ji i i.. I.- ..r ...... i ' I'lii'l. I'iiii"' iuiii ii ti n iiiti i i ,iiiii-i ii:imi' - . ... . for which the hl-hest m.irket pri'.x- will i (J ... V. T i !'-s . ' l,'iiic Smiare. Kev. ( itu i i.7i.ii. j ii.ii rriy r:iooai n at a. in., .Sreiaol Ans and scrnion at 10-:i, vespers anil i;cnci I.eUon kt 7 n. m. la at The next house north on this 'ere gait Dick's daddy lives and takes it Streight, The next's a church, don't need an ad. They pray for all, both good and bad. Still north, we see, on good church ground, ; '. iletteer and ltussell can be found. They're both hard fellows on a tussle, And sell Machinery with a rustle. The nigh horse of the team's Metteer, But both drive tandem,aint that queer? One door above and still on holy land, We find the Doctor soft and bland, His office corners on the stree t, The Doctor's cornered on a seat He deals out pills and potions cas tor ile I uT!T!XAn j And reatIs th0 Hekald( Vjall the while. h';;;! ycVCeynevery 'weu.n'siC;? ! Acros the street we find Frank Stadter evt'"1"- . j To spell his name would make vou "'TIl;iSTIAN Service in Congregation Church mnl,W at It a. in. am) : :) p. m. I orner .f leut mt1, and m!i streets cordial invitation extended to Fred Stadclmann runs the baker-v T,riSO) Yine an:I Third streets. ! WJ,l'V he and Frarik lrrily. Mii.iliu- ,.t-,-;.., I i v",m- .v- ,1.1 1.:..t, 1 II . r -.v.. .-i.iiii, ai , ...ti wilt.- UU1U IIIJHI., tU It'ilU int." siirn.!. ! m, , ., .. . .. CASS COUNTY. I'rohafe Jnd.ue. County Cicik. Tre;u-.ii!-'r. Snp't l'uh. liistrnet'n. .. .County Coiimii-sioners. Coroner. Cluirclies. You better go in, if yon want to know more. Two brothers, next, of the same name! Ttiey both are. Herold's, gret their fame. Who lives above we do not krlow, -Except one dog-typo man, in this long roV- . - ' A little Dutchman, short and quiet, With (Jolden name, keeps next right by it, And then a mighty nimrod, Wiley Black, Who sells ice-cream, and this and that knick-nack. A roly poley Dutchman next we view, He makes cigars, and good ones too. His nam's Julius Brom L. l'epperburg & Co., ron Deutschland hat gakomt, you know. : Xext after Julius, close at hand, A shoe firm jumps upon the stand ; Their names we can't pronounce 'em straight. But all their book?, they fits first rate. A boarding house now stops the gaze, The steam of hash keeps it in haze. Bight on the corner, plump and square, HOW MAY 11 NK BECAME THE HIGHEST GIRL IN CHESTER. Y EIC'IIAni) 1. KIMBALL, . Author of " St. Loger." start, and who act up to it and never relations, and hU wife, was determined vary. It is a comfort to be with them. ! it should go'to Iters. Yes! nrartv a rtiC have I seen die: I Many a man. many a woman, and no end of children, boys and girls. It is not often you find a person who isn't afraid. Few grown up people are con tent to quit, letting alone the poor scared little folks. I have talked with men half an hour before they died well, I may say, up to the last minute. They were pretty much all afraid. I don't wonder! I am afraid to die my self, bnt I am not afraid to be dead. It is only the operation; and when you come close to it a horror takes hold, ; takes hold hard. There was Colonel j Thorne now a brave man, I should ; say one of the bravest men in the town ; of Chester, fought like a lion in the war of 1812 -my wife and I took care of him all his last sickness. I got three dollars a night and my wife two dol lars a day. That was good pay ought to satisfy any reasonable man and wo man. They didn't mind the money. The squire said to me, "Take good care They go in peace. They f?ogo in peace. I have minded that. 4,You were saying something about children?" Ah, the children, poor innocent little jcreatnres! They tire frightened easy ; greatly frightened sometimes. But when they get very sick they don't seem to be afraid, like grown folks. They are more quiet, more resigned I like, don't fret so much. Said I to one i Lives .TosPIih Srhlnffr Taivnll-o! . A, ft0in,, l.P.!i.. I of him" they were own brothers, and . wy, lilllM JL O. lilt J He minds his biz and answer? v.ix, Here Johnson, too, our Alderman, hangs out lies sharp, so mind what your 're about; He sells Pianos, organs, and such ; friend is sick. h was sick at the squire's house "Take good care of him," says the squire; "sleep all day if you like; I shall not stint you, when we come to settle." That i3 the right talk when a i-f pant. Absfrac is cr THEe. rpiTE Nl'MEKICAL SYSTEM The 1) st in t:e For descriptive cir"u'.:,i--. address. ACKKS, 15LACKMAU M CO., r.miiii":ton. Iowa. S a. in. every week day. piTiST rilESRYTERl street. ei. of ;fh, . miF.EXiiousi: v CD BEDDIXCJ FLA M S. :iiIAX N'e.1h side of Main Kev. V.'. T. r.artle : Ser- I iii-i-i e.eiv nanoain ai 11 a. in. ainti p.m. . SauWath Seimol i;t !i-.hi a. m. Fraver meeting J every V. cihiesday evening at H o"elo:!i. j ATET!liIIST EriSCOFAI-Y.-est side of cth street south of Main. Eev. C. McKelviey I'a:!or. Services everv Sa'.h.iLh. hi In -:a ;l m Time and 1:1 ;ev s:. -.1 hy ordering of me, I : ; V- 1'iaycr meeting every Thursday h;.ve the lar.-.-st : :ind Lest c.lleclion of Hauls ' veni!ii:. .at in.-ct in.: every Monday eveniinr, cr oti'ei ed for s.ilo in '.! V.' r. Cata:o-'e. s :l!M' ii'iaico iati-ly after c!.m- of Saht-atii moiii free. Swe t F.ila'.o. ( al.I.aiie. Tomato, au.l oth- ' services. Sal.l.atil School at 2 :, M. J5. I'lanis f..r sale in their w ..son. Lcese, saeruitcndant. Addiess w. .1. HESSKIL Flatt-month. Ne!. Avitis Wattled. FOU A ll(OK NEEDED LY ALL I COMAti den 21 September hat die Tents"he I Lv. Loth. ;e:iieinds in ifnvra Schnlh ius vor ( niitta:;s uai 11 I'hr (iotlcodienst. I'i-Ium lianot tindi. t ilerseloe von jett :m revclimn-ssi i ;Uie 'n Tiure statt. Minister, Kev. L. flannawaid. I ."..oatii school at 1 n. in.. J'ruf. d-Aileiii:m.l VP Tn, TiiFTV77&i ? :' s";"'ri"t'-'"'e"t- That the whole U.S. came there to dine Across Sixth street we strike the bank, And stop our pencil with a yank, For those 'ere chaps, the last six weeks, Have made our happiness come in streaks. One day they open next they close Like oysters on a spree, we s'pose. The head boss here is J no. R. Clark, With Tommy Evans first ass't cl(e)ark, While Cushing does the heavy standing And Wagh oft helps thern when they're stranding. things, And sometimes play 3 on a harp about four strings. Dan. Wheeler lives aeros tho walk, A nice white housj that's just the chalk; And Dan., hisself, is one of the boys, About that same, we'll make no noise, A dirty little dug-out on the corner of two lots. Did once contain a long legged Fole, named Otz. The County Court House, next we find, To name its inmates all, would break our wind; Cal Parmcle too, comes in this muddle, Thcre.3 xsilly O-ilobbs we cannot pass, I I li J 1 -V - I ,IM.,.,.l in O... 1.11. ' The hest Looks puMU' on tln lfoi.- an. I ' the Cow. Liheral terms. Money made rapidly l.y ne;'s selling tlo-se hooks. ' .s.nid lor t iri u- i l.:is. ' 1'i.ia Y.V & I l.TES, t 1'n.lilishers, i'lilholelplii;'. I'a. i IjOtlCi. lie's no small toad in this bank puddle. Xext on the road towards the east We hit a store, none of the least That grace tho walk on our main street And Vallery's stock is hard to beat. FINE ACT GALLERY. ' T o! O.V-ne.nhirmeettnES of Hatte Lodirc I The nic YU" lneU he liaS to Clelk ! .o. 7. I. O. . I- f el-v 'i I. :r-si!". v ,,. ! T.flok A ! Si mill m ihl 1 in nai-r.v cliirl- : rvl 1 1-.. i', ir .it .-. i..... . 1 T " ! diahy invited to isif. I . . E V.. CCNXINGIJAM, N. G. !J. D. F." ri.A-JTSM'M TTt r.NCAVPMEXTXn. fro.,, eld P.. t.n,-s. ,.i,in or .;of.v,:. either I:. ...k Vn-JlrX' ' cf .'j.era t M;iio Mroets. Transient I'atii lis i.,-.iia::y invited to vUif. ji. j,, c. r. e. 1 1 T J Trhoi irranhs. Amhrotvpe n'i-1 copies I. niurriTinl. All i:-k u -.'.t: v cm cateil and , ar- rHiited to "ive sat'K.iet 10,!. v. '. t.i-. r.r.p. Anisf. ni-LT M.iin St., r!att--;iHi,t!i Nel. NEW DRUG STORE. vrKKPiM.i vatk:s, nf.i;. T 11. N i:vm :t, Kctlh Ar v '1 I'l rii I.orx;r. N'o. fi. A. I t". i- A. M. Jf e.jnlar niect inu:s n! their JLdi 1 on tae ttr-sf ntid tlii:d Mon.i.iv evemn-s' of each , :i!"i!th. Transient hietinen fnvrfed t.i visit I II. K. LIV1NCSTON, AV. M. . 11 Ai.i.i.v. ami, roe. w x Xj lv x LJ X, 1 lartneetaissnt Maeoy Hall, tii-sf and third .1. a. is::, w. m. I V, See. YBIUSRA CILVITEK No I!. A. ?f. Tlc- niar Convocations s. c;i::d and ioiinh Tncs- day evenings of e.wii month at 7 '-4 o'clock i. in. ' u v c ,:- il- EIVINtiSTON, 11. V. II. N K" MAN. See. 'rid. i vs in inr:s. mi:i:cinks. taint.--, i j. j.L i.r.r?r. o:.v.. a ?;v ;sh. ii..:r' .x.i. STATION Ei V. NOTlONSj ClCAeS. 1 ;::acco. AN l til.AS-;. rro-Ti-,ti.i.-i e:u-t L. GCLDIIJG, I. a'.cr in eaoTiiiNo, Ft'itNisiiiNr: ;oois. hats, caps, invii's. sm ;:s. tki n ks, VALISKS. CAKl'KT 1!A;S. &e., &e., &e., &e. One of the ohlest ami mo -t lieliu!: Ifnuses In l iattsir.outh. Main street, between l onrtii Hiul Flfill. j?-i:ememi!EU tiik tlaci:. tB5-tf. T O. C. T.-ot.iVE r.KANCII. No. 2. ir. ir I " I'';'V' H- w- r- : ! 1- Martindale. W. i . " s''yock. Depntv. meets at j Claris vrlaii!"s Hall verv Tuesday eve-iihi-. i iai-i:in Tempiars re-.j)ectln;!y invited. I JM r:NVK!!KI - ihe Turner Societ y ineet at I i liners' il.dl i;. ( ;ai liinan's I'.loe'k. on the j lii-stan. i third Wi dnesilavs of each month, i A. Von Scinvaec nhcrir," President : ;'eorire Ivarcher. e-e President : il. Newman, Treas urer: Y . I'.reed. lleeordiii'r Seetvtarv : Fanl j Ilrai.lsch i orresj.omlidn Secretary ; "William . Ilassler. 1 srst Tin n V. art ; John Lous. Second turn Mart ; Oswald liuthtnaii. A.'ardcn. NEW STYLES LIERC II A NT TAILOR . Is lu receipt f tho finest and BEST A SSOiTJfENT :v ssi m rn clothe. vrsTiMis. scotch j (;in:s, ikisii fi:ii:si:s, e. In fwt. the l.ii-est and best assi'rtinrnt of I loins ever l rmi:..t t o l is r'lv. wt.icii I a:u Puri33ima et Oplima. Tli is nnr'var.el Medirin,' is warranted not to To show their goods when times are slnr-L- I " 1 ou buy or not they don't look Black. The next man on our business roll Is lVter Merges, bless his sole, His uppers too, and all his pins, We bless the man, but not his sins; He makes good boots and sells good shoes And pays his atfs. without the blues, Vie wish friend Merges awl good luck, And hope at Last, he'll not get stuck. There's Dr. Chapman, side by side With Merges stems the business tide. A druggist he, a Doctor too, He'll patch you up so you'll go through Or sell you putty, powder," paint, and all the things That inake our angels (?) but the Mings. . . Up the next stairs a lot of lawvers dwt'll. Who get as far as they can from well The Watchman's up a story higher, But that won't keep him out the fire. Here comes Carruth, Tost Office Block, He sells you breastpins, watches or a clock; His show case" full, hh; busint-ss brisk; He pays the printer, takes the risk, It helps his trade, he's found it sure, Fates help Carry th to sell lots more. j It's like a" hive of bees in here, Cnp: Marshall keeps tho P. 0. in the rear, mills ever . ro.i.v. ..I lo w is r'lv. l sun j contain a s telle nartU-ie of Men l.rv r in : I)rf.,. i.;. .; , . , preo .re.l to make in, in th- Lat. M styles. Call ' jlirious n.ineia! snhsAnce l,ut il, or ,n" j iC-lulC M llldow, as he handles mails, !,i..t:Vuiuu:,M l1'. ! itkely'.Ln. The world of Tlattsmouth daily sails. r r tiff . t . 1 "n j cars n nas iirevei its M-ont valno lilrs- A, D. Vhiicomb, iTv lUarr.L10 'i1' .iKi-:v.y 7 I I l!OUSar,...s (Il t up coih! JVSvl ri-c-lt. in .. .r!j.,f I the eouiitiy voach o-r its r. on.ierlr.l and peeiili.-.r s- lav- I They say lie's'Marshall's better h; nilEXZ AND CLOAK' XAKER. lS.i:n three doors west of Lrooks ll'u.s. CUTTING AND FITTING JfADL A SPECIALTY. J ?7 Tattern-; of hJI e..;is;.--;:t;v on hand 2-;-tv. Hank Streight has quarters in here, too, rn.:,..T. a- i i... i l.iiWidii.p ! M "'", it juuiis iih.e, unless vou Knew !'". inn;u mi Oloo.l. SMlliniaiinii tin torpid over an. i bowels, add iamartiiiir jiewlir. df. He sell. a pile of goods and knows the nun vi-roi- to t oe whole .system. Simmons . i- o .H Aiiimjt iu;iii to nave no eoua. LIVEIt MEDICINE, i , it contains fo-ir medical leinc;is n-vrr v.idt , j iM in tnesm,,.. hapjsy j.ropo: t'on in iiny other ' : lr.'j'; HgMith fathartie.a wo?der- ; fel ioi-ic. an n;,-exi ept ionabl Alteraiive and a t ( .t , .i i.iirvtur i trick He pays the printer like a brick. The next beiow is Ladies Hall J. W. SHANNON'S I MKmaie me i.iver ;r.i.: ;:revr nt j chills And feyek FEED, SALE, d- LIVERY STABLE. Prepare 4 only by J. H. ZEILIX & CO. Main slrect. FlafsuriT'th, Neb. 1 : . r j-. - l , . . , , , xi.ik:.i.o, iiiurii.l, us. Senr! f..r a f irnlar I ami :s-"i a n t. srre..t T am prepared to arvomnio.lale the nubile it'. i tlorue,, Euuies, a 'oi:s and Nr. I Hear I nev .!. l.y man l.x I'hiladelpJiiu Fa. i toisiieny tj n..i u n. Ejuuery, Flatmonth, Xeb. MONEY SAVED On s!.ort n i.i' c and r.':;-ietab!. terms. A vi.l! nni i. Cue .s;. aiein.iU liiiilin, I , not and nil a.-ts of tlie;i w lien desired rjatilil. '.'.tytiA fn-Ji mills delivered daily at every '".ily's home In FI.i! t -nioni ii. If they U, l.y 1. I Boaiiinoistci! 1),7, ir-' ad , l ti ll 11 1 ll.tlll-U l4 flf t I... .....I.' . -lieu S!''Iial Nia-efss lias attended l:sus.. t... I llC Aladil 111ft Wl'Otp tliom nnfliia fill j H now regarded as the t I c;j:eat UNFAiLix;; specific. Elster, the Tailor, drops in here, i Z!tt.r Vtiu A Crst te man and drinks no beer, lSe?:ke!f 's,,ur t! But that is more than can be said Of all the men that cat his bread. Up stairs Mrs. Whiteomb makes it shine, And cuts out garments most divine. One door on we faintly knock, It's opened by a farniture man T. W: : Shryock. A cradle, coffins, bedroom set. Which e'er you ask for, sure he'll get. The big Hotel we next must pass, X'ot much, we're going in for hash. The "Brooks House sets a hearty table, And Charley says, "eat all you're able." Cap. Murphy built the thing some years ago, And it was opened with a mighty blow. The last man on this block is Billy Yarrow, Hell n-j'erget in if tke gates' straight and the v;ry U narrow. r.Y Buying Your Greenhouse Bedding Plast3 and 'Cl AT THE Pi cn ic Ga rdens. And Dan McKinnon, pride o' Cass, J udge Ellisons' sometimes found round there, And Moore, called "Cal," with curly hair. Two Butchers live, no stay, across the alley, But they won't buy our pony, "Sally." Above the Butchers, in a parlor, A. chap takes pictures for a dollar. Herman Xewman, short and sweet, Is the next man living cn the street; He sell sheap clothes and counts out wotes, And swaps his traps for Greenback notes. He likes his Porter, takes his beer, And still he's a Councilman, ain't that queer? Bight in this store stays Charley Black, Who has no friends (?) so hit him a whack. Frank White keeps next, a lot of duds, He trades 'em oft and calls 'em goods. He buys and sells and chores around, And iiiove3 old "housen" on the ground. A hardware man by name of Merka, Great Moses, how this pencil jerks. Across the street again M e jump, And strike on Aroison with alhump; He's sick at Koine, don't live there now, We'll march in Dovey's for a row. He came from England, with a smile, And lived in Memphis quitri awhile. He knew a man that M-orked for An- dreM' Jxn, And left the south before the rebels wax'd him. He spins good yarn3 with mighty unc tion, And aT. in all 'a a man of function. He keeps a store not be sneezed about; And many 's the dollars.he has squeezed out. When Dovey dies, make up your niind The best joker in these parts slipped his wind. Two doctors next in order found: One doetors teeth, tho other round. Their office sure's a famous sight, And though one's Black, their hearts are white. A Mrs. Curtiss lives below, And Mike McGuire ends the row. The Herald office once was on the corner, But now its moved Mike savs dura her: Oh! there's llobine has just moved down, He'll shave your face or cut your crown. He'll do it nice with a sharp tool, For Charles' a barber of the old school. Xext week we'll take cjiother walk, And on South side they'll toe the chalk. We've waked up now, and want a rest. And readers, don't you think itl'cSt? "What about the colonel ?" Oh, the colonel! He had a long pull of it; fought oif stoutly; -was deter mined be wouldn't die. I saw it was no use; he didn't see it; be Mould n't see it. One morning, just at daylight, he beckoned me to him. "Amos" says he, in a hoarse whisper, "I've got to go." "I guess not this time, colonel," says I. "Keep up good courage." "I've got to go," he whispered again. Then I saw the horror M as on him. He Milted right down after that. Well, I won't go particulars; he died that very night. "Bnt pious people?" Pious! What do you call pious? They are few. The Lord says they are ftw. I took care of Deacon Lewis typhus fever. We all calculated he would pull through. Doctor thought so. In fact, he did pull through, but took a relapse. Before that he kept saying how resigned he Avas to God's will; he told the minister so everyday, and the minister Avould pray with him, and all the folks talked Avhat a Christ-1 ian Deacon Lewis wa'. knew the doacon Avasn't calculating o die. j could ti ll. When the relapse took j him He had been talking the day be fore about getting liis clothes on, and had sat up a good deal too long; I told him so; but visitois came to see him, and he did not mind what the doctor said, nor what I said neither Where avss I ? ''About the relapse ?" Yes; it took him a little after mid night. The deacon called me. You see he Avas so much better he did not need quite so close Avatching. I Avas sitting in a chair, in a light doze, by tlie bed. I sprang up quick. "Do you Avant anything?" says I. "Amos," says he, "I don't feel Avell." His A'oice trembled, and I thought peahaps he had been dreaming or some thing. "I guess you are a little nervous," says I; "oA'erdone a little. You iiaA'e slept pretty Avell, haA-en't you?" "Am op," says the deacon, "send for Doctor Lynn." "Why Deacon LeM'is " "Send right away. Wake up Reuben, and tell him to make haste." I started Reuben, and called up Mrs. LeAvis, Avho slept in the next room, and she called the girls. Xobody kneAv ex actly Avhat it was all for, only the dea con kept saying, "I don't feel avcII." I couldn't do anything. The Avonien got round the bed and began crying, and after awhile in caino the doctor. He was taken aback and no mistake. He just set eyes on the sick man and said, "Too many folks in the room." Y.'hen j they Avent Out, ho bent over and ex amined him a minute. Says he: "Deacon Lewis, you are a c:Um- minded. Christian man. If there is anything particular requires attending tleJ down stea,, and id attcntion to sweet, pretty dear, about ten years old, Avho Avas very restless just before she died: "Don't be afraid, you'll be better soon.' That's tho way Ave aiways talk, you know. "Oli!" said she; "I nnt not afraid. I am going Avhere ma is." Xow, that is what I call faith. 1 tell you, the children have the advantage. The Lord says so. "And women?" In course, I have not seen women as i my wife has, but I am almost alwavs called in when there is a change. As a general rule they are believers. They b ve to believe, and a man doesn't. That is about it. They ay ill listen qui etly to Avhat the minister says, and a man is restless and asks questions. There is vo denying it, they are a bet ter lot than Ave are. I have always said so. "Don't yoa meet Avith persons Avho are not Christians Avho exhibit no fear on their deathbed?" Yes but it isn't often. Once in a Avhile there Avill be a bold, cantanker ous fellow, Avho sticks it out to the last, cursing and sAvearing till the breath leaves his body. Then there is your philosophy, man, Avho, perhaps, will keep calm and quiet till he drops off. .Old Doctor Marks M as that kind. Folks called him an infidel. I suppose he Avas, but he Avas a kind, feeling man, and a good doctor, and very patient in all his sickness. It M as a pleasure to take care of him.' He Avas so good and meek towards the last, I thought he was getting a hope. One night, Avhen everything was still, everybody in the house a-bed, and the doctor M idc awake lying easy and comfortable, I said something of the sort to hitn. "Amos," says he, very gently, "if it does you any good to believe in this Avay, I advise you to believe all you can. It is of no use lo mo Avhatever." "Doctor," says I, for I.could not help coming right out "doctor, don't you believe anything?". "I believe this, my peor felloM-," says he, "that Avhen I die it Avill be like snuffing out a candle. The orrraniza- tion destroyed" those Avere his Avoids "all results of organization are at an. end." "Do you mean," says I, "that is the end of ks?" He nodded. My hair rose right up. I had to catch my.breath. "Why, Doctor Marks!" says I. "Amos," says he, ".your Bible tells you so. The Bible tells 30U a man dies just as a beast dies." "But the Lord does not say so, Doc tor Marks. A Avicked man said so, and no Avonder, for he had been making a beast of himself Avith his Avives and his concubines. Xo wonder he thought he Avould die like a beast.' "Xever mind, Amos," says the doc tor. "I am sleepj'." lie lived a -Aveek longer and died calm. He seemed to be a thinking hard. Who knows Avhat he might have been thinking of? "You said something about cantank erous people?" Yes: I had old Llnathau Sage in my mind. "Old El." thev used to call hiin. and some of the Avickedboys would put an II before the E. Don't you know, as Ave carne along, you asked me whos3 place that was set back from the road, Avhere a sweet, pretty girl passed through the gate, and I told you she Avas the mistress of the Avhole concern, with ever so much bank-stock and five twenties? ''Yes?" I will tell you a story ;fbout that. This Llnathau .Sage Avas the hardest old customer in the country the rich est man, too. He had been a Aviid boy, ran away from his father two or three times. When the old man died he set- At last Lawyer Jones ' settled this plan bet ween them. Ho got thorn both to make a Will, each one leaving eve rything to the other. "Xtnr,'! f?ays the law yer, '-try attdj.e peaeeable, and live as long as you can; and the one who lives the longest takes the Avhole." "Agreed," says Elnathan. "AgreeM," say h's Vife. You see Elnathan had an nlct, as his Avife was so much older, he M ould out live her sure; and his Avife, knoAving Elnathan Avas subject to bad spells, while she was as tough as a knot, wasn't a bit afraid. It ran on so ten or a dozen years, till Avell, it is just three years ago this Fall they were both taken down M idi the feA-er. It Avas very bad that season kind of rpottel fever, the doctors called it; very cold .Summer, frost every month, and warms rains and hot sun in September, I guess you remem ber it. Elnathan lay in one room, and his wife in another. I and my Avife took care of them. Everybody in town knew about the Will, and as it was pretty muck decided that neither of them could get avcII, folks were talk ing and laughli'g and guessing Miiich Avould last the longest, for nobody oared Avhcther they lived or died. Elnathan was a dreadful Avicked old creature. He could curse and swear M orse than any man I ever heard. His wife AAas a church-member, but her scolding, I have heard folks say was than Elnathan's swearing. She had the minister called in as soon as she took sick. He came every day to pray Avith her. When he came the old man would make me shut the door, so he couldn't hear, and he Avould go on awful till the minister Avas gone. One day, as he Avas going out of the front door, Elnathan says to me: "Tell Mr. Bliss I Avant to see him." I at as half scared to death. for he bad been cursing worse than usual. "Tell Mr. Bliss I want to sea him," says he again. I ran after the minister and did the errafid; He came right back and Avent in the room. Says he : "Mr. Sage, I am glad to find you want to set your mini cn serious thing-?." "Thai's a fact, pardon," ' says the eld man. "Do you feel prepared for the great journey?" said the. minister. "Parson," says the other, "before we speak of preparation, I avouM like to hear Avhere the journey leads to. I M ill make you a square offer. I Avill give you half my farm if you will tell we Avhere I am going to." " 'Tain't yours to give, El," screamed a voice from the other room'' 'Tain't yours to give." The old man didn't heed the inter ruption, but kept looking the minister in the face. He answered solemnly: "Mr. Sage, Avhat you ask is known only to God." "Then why do you come sneaking around pretending to be Aviser than your neighbors, you ?" To ic 1 for Hants when von can r I. "I for lej, OH.Ilev ii..!,rr I, ioiiii, 1. ,11s friends and patrans 1 would sav thut l have ,l,e ,.,r !ti:,i ph.n'.s ev r o;;ei.-,l for lid v;:ve : ii le:w;n;.le It .s;oe in tin; Me t, and l.C M,r.' !,!.d M ! r ,.- T T" -1 3 IT Xow rioKcripiivo Catalogue. 1 !. I .'. t. c;. .Til I j To JohnsonV Drugstore next wc come, Sells medicine, books and chewing j gum; The Oxford 1'reas says that tho fol lowing epitaph tvill some day adorn a tombstone in a West Chester cem tery: "Here liei old thirty-five per cent. The more he made the more he len t ; The more lie got, the more he erat-cd': The more he made, the more he shaved ; Great God ! can sneh a soul be saved?" to, you should not delay it "What do you mean,doctor: what d? you mean ? You doii't mean I nm go ing to die. Tell me you don't mean it " Y"ou see, the sloctor kind of hesitated, and the deacon kept pushing him, until at last the doctor said: "I must not deceive you." "Where is Mr. Bliss somebody go for Mr. Bliss," screamed the deacon. He AVas the minister, and lived next door. We got him there in a few min utes. There Avas such a time never M ant to see another such never. The deacon got hold of the minister's hand, and says he: "Pray for me, pray quick, pray Avith all your might! Wrestle with the Lord! I want lo get well; I want to do good ! Doctor, don't let nie die!" Ho Avas a dead nhiu ten minutes The minister Avas out of the foom before the old man could finish the sen tence. Then he chuckled, and says he: "I think I have done for him," That night ho was- Aery bad, and raved awful. I could not stand it. Says I: "Mr. Sage, I guess you Avant to out live Mrs. Sage, don't you ?" "What's that to you?" says he. "If you calculate on outliving her,' says I, "you had better quit swearing and exciting yourself." "Ames," says he, with an oath, "you are right. It's a good dodge; You be sure to tell your Avife I have quit, and she will tell the old woiiun, who will Vnow by that certain I can't live twenty-four hours, and then she ir.'ll die sure." It is a strange tiling to tell, but he did stop, and when his wife heard of it, she ?:iid: "El must be near his end." Her mind Avandered after that, and in thirty-six hours she died, pretty much as the old fellow said. The very minute the breath was out c'f her body, the old man called me close to "I call oil to witness," said he, ' li my free a l and deed. Xow, Anm.-, 5ou feel in my pockets somewhere and g-'t the Icy to i.. y desk ami open il." 1 did so. "i'lilot k the left-hau l small drawet, tare tt cut and brimr it to me." I did that. "I have called you (hive together," says the old man, "because I would not trut c ither of you separately as far a I could, swing a bull by the tail. I don't believe you m ill ever agree well enough, cc'nsfdering Aii-osand his wife arc looking on, to svvin lie extensive. Lavvycr, what's that :; per?" , .. ' "It appears to be a ma! 1 !ml ' heen-e," f.atd Lawyer Jones. "And what's thai?" siystheold man, handing him another. "Bead H out." "It is a certificate of marriage be tween Elnathan Sage ; n 1 Polly Free land." , , . "Just vo. I married th girl couldn't get along without. Got away: her certificate; told her it was a sham; gaVo bi.i:il, 'fjujile of hundred dollars, and set her '!. W e were mm 1 ied jn another Slate, and she thought her ein.! was - no matter what. She didn't live long. The child grew up and married Asa I'inkt if on, and had a daughter (bey named Mary, after, her gianuinothi t jou knoww she is.. When her parents died, the Widow Lamb adopted her. The giil lias grown to lie so fresh and handsome, folks call her May Fink, jnstead of Mary Pinkerto'i; an 1 a May pink fcho is, and these papers Avid mal'o per the richest person in the cv'ilnty; and sin ks my 1-iwful granddaughter, by (Jive me another h,iif-spoonful of braf.H'. I have had a hard tusslo with the old woman all my life. Late ly it has been nip and titeki bid, I ,w;s too much for her not it great .sigh', t spare though. That is all I want to say. Just leave me alone now." The old man lasted till about four hi the irjoniin. and died Avith an-oath. cn his lips. It was a terrible business, and I never quite got over it. "And May Pink?" Ah! she is a lovely creature! You must try to get another look at her just nineteen. She. has the Mholo property; took the 'Widow Lamb homo Avith her to the big house; gave ni'3 and my Avife fifly dollar:? a pieeo ex tra, SKe is a lovely creature, indeed! Folks say she is going to marry Frank Staples; he is the. most promising young man in all this northern coun try. It will be a splendid team If they do get married. Won't you sit longf r '! Well, don't forget next time you como to Chester to give me a call that is, unles I have moved: "UEOKfjE ELIOT" AM) UEK NOVELS. a very nice girl. Sue Avas poor, but j him he Mas nef.rJy g;ne himself, Elnathan owned a good farm, f remand j Says he: clear. I was a boy then, and remem ber all about it. After a Avhile he ; stopped keeping company Avith her. Then came a scandal you know what "Amos, tell a our wife to come tome, and go yourSi-Tf :nd fetch the doctor, Lawyer Jones and the . paison all three. Don't bring any scp'niv.te, ln't all together, if it takes the whole day; rind tdl Lawyer Jones to bring my Will with him." I did jut what tie told me, and as it I mean? The girl got all the blame, poor thing! and Elnathan Aralked about, heal up, just as If nothing had had happened. Next year he married squire i mneo.s daughter.' The snuiro i was dinner time I bad the. H.roe Ho n- Avas the richest man in the place, and ! in less than an hour. The minister she ph only child, homely as a hedge- j was loth to go, but Ihe ethers persuaded bog. and five years older than Elna- him. When they were all in the room, than some said seven years. When ; the old man got them close around the K7-juiii- i iuoev.1 uieu, 11 m-.iue Ldiiatnau a very rich man'. He and his wife Ave re dreadful avaricious, and the only thing they agreed in M as in saving and piling tip money. They quarreled like cats and dogs all tho time. The old bed. Says he: "Doctor, I have some Ij'!s'nes t at tend to. I am very wenk. Let A mo- give mo half a tablespoon f i-1 of brandy with a little water." The doctor nodded, pn'd I gae it t; j -s ft '-'jn; he 1 th him. -UK V.-- - v s a sior. A Vtitty Caaiplimoiit. Wiliv a COmn 111. Pl.t. w n,r.Mf Tint T ..s . i niade rs that of Sidney Smith's ! Z ' -ou & i f . eycry day in the yea, friends; Mrs. TIghc and Mrs. Cuffe:- ! one thing, and beinresl d in a 41 ly ! 'Ah, Iber y.u .,r?!-t!i, c-:T that 'war m athr TV w I quarreled about where cvexy on. would be gUd io xca,. r-.n;i j Euc I il!i .-itv'thw v r, V " ' tP-Py should go. Graeiou,! how tho tie thai no one ,v,,aM I,e." ' ,:e 1 it U tdl ri-; Sm, 1 than J'X ' "Doet'lr, is n y vifo dead ?',' i,a.i Fi at rer. i T. . . won. an -was more than a match for Jiut as to pious people. You.j i'i.,ti, ,,, .... " . , . , t , LInathan, and coald drive him out of - .,UI, lilCJ, 'iv.CAJiir ih,-.iniK(.wl,ar,0vcrcl,.l;iv..l o , 1 1. .. t ! ., t 4 1 - - , . a-.v i v. . k'Ul. V, llU'A i. 1 1 t Ci j IX.ltlillll. "She is," .nr'swcreil the doctor. "Sure?" "Yes;" . , "ILue yo.t brought my Will?" !- !. h," -ill ih- 1 c.vvor. From New York Coircsjoinh riee. of tin; Chica go Tribune. This subject reminds Lie cf v. pri vate letter recently received from Lon don respecting "George Eliot," whose maiden name av;is Maria Evans, and Mho is now the wife of George Henry Lewes. She is regarded over there . she 1? here, as the first of living Ei g lish novelists. Though plain, she is not positively homely, as is generally represented, and her fae, Avhen anima ted by conversation, is said to bo hand some. Her figure is good, her bearing graceful, and her manners elegant. Very shy by nature, and rendered iro'-'i s-j by the peculiar circumstances of her marriage, sho averse to meeting strangers, and 1, utwiiLi'y vry reserved and silent in company, tnic-:s W M composed of her intimates. Her friends almost worship her; and those who have met her on familiar terms invari ably speak of her as charming. When, freed from restraint, whert the Jc is, melted between her and lu-r visitors, s!ie talks with Avonderful ease and elo quence. Unlike many gifted persons, ,':hc does not monopolize the conversa tion, but draws others out by her sen sible sympathy with and interest in. them. X'ot a few cf her admirers think that her speech is oven superior to her written thought, and say that no one can fully appreciate "Georgo Eliot" until be has heard her talk. ... On her m; rhn toU tremen dously, working on an average six Lours a day, Mid rarely accomplishing m that time more than ..".mo v -too words. Her lalra ate :, cxhatt.-di vn that she dewier?, ad the remainder of the tin: o (, j cert alivn and rest. Site , has i teu urged to abandon literary la bors for the benefit of her health but. she ;s unwilling to do so, declaring sho t'oVd not live Avithoui . it ing; that v, rilitig, more than aught else, consti tutes her truest life. She is exceeding ly ambitions; and, conscious that sho ha.; a va.-t reputation to sustain, she is constant!' striving to .surp:e?s Per pre- vious eiTot . Eri-'ni iit as :-,)u' is ;ts a l'ove'ist, 1'er d- aiest desire is to be a great p" A. Poetry, i ai. cd, s!ie consid ers ?ii.r f-.rte. iind h.- at'iiointtiK nt t t!ie M-eeption of the "Sp mi.-'i Gyp- i y," n whit b ;l-e- htil .!frefl to bt r fan'r, " u -l tlie d.,;M .e.-t and bit terest Und. Sb.? i-egh'-i her st'.-i K-.s as altogether inMi her pordty, and. Lh: public can hold a different pif'ou. Tlie extraoidinaiy, succe. of "AJi'l'lh-mnn h" delight?" her. f'.T she almits that it is hv bet ' prose, y.'-ork, and it is t!:at f !'e judgment, of an author ujv.u his or her labor ic thoJ'OPi'Mv .'r.I'.r- ed by the reader. "1 u don't do tlut ' T'n," as the pi-,;