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About Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1873)
The Louisville Courier-Journal nays Ml ri TH TT Til 1) T T I The 1 11 lli IL VJ IV A U I, jlhafa Tcime&fe alitor, who ha been -: -r -trr rirlnkin" ('mrlrtnati whiskey for a A NEW BOOKENTIRELY NEW. PLATTSMOUT 1 T. X EI ill ASK A . Thursday, xdv. ls73. J. A. MAClMURPIIYi- ..EDliOKr tOK R ES PONT EN C E From all pari of the State and country respect fully solieltoii for" the HrlR Alibi . . t Agricultural note and short aVticltS d'M.nmS l.irt U-r's experience partkulaily requested. vVe do lift read anonymous letters anil com-maniViUU-iiV. The name and address of the writer arc In all cases Indiiiieiisable a a guar antee f gOpd falli. VilANKSfllvYxci PROCLAMAfiiiX. fey the Governor! of the State of Nebraska. T-i conformity with a Proclamation by the lrVsidei it" of "tie United States, and in keep lug ure cast out. t. liishouse," I recommend that Thursday. November 2lth, nr.rt, be observed Praver : n 1 as a day of Thanksgiving and Jr.. is far as practicable, the people hi this State' uum inn. - ----- ----- - . teetion vouchsafed, and offer supplications ior tt.eir i-mithmanee. Irf teslin,"ony.wherccf. I Hare nrrounio hand and caused to he affixed the S e.U ol w"te.noi?e at the CUv u Llncolththis Jlrt "Jdy Opinions ami TictSey Bobbetts,' ....i....- .ir.f. Viv .Tosinii Allan's wife. Tin is a very ;uriTr ii lit Lkii nwiciii iaihk- .- - , humorous :lnd instructive work or 4os j those: .who have month, has ing hoifse for a 'patent inside. "John P: Irish," Chairman of the Democratic State Central Committee of Iowa, advertises for several indus trious printers to in publishing opM8ition papers in Iowa. He says. li dm 5wu to si.uuu I l?agt-r.ublihed by the American Pilb- capital to invest "rtm hear of good lo- dent of ! ? n - i i i w -..Wrintimi ! cations in tilt! best counties in Iowa, ot fj?!nng Co.t and soidby s.jbscnpt on , vhere .uIv5intacous open. Col. Jt'bn Patrick, an old re Omaha, ami a man wellknown in public tnXm jts humor commence at the life here at an early day, died in Uinaha , outset, a witness the title page: j "Who will read the lxok, Niraantna, when it's rote V" f BLEG&APHIG! Boston, November 8. Th nail ami iron manufactories of New England will reduce wages ten per edit; dh the first of December. thciiMOXD, Va, November" 9. ch Saturday the 8th irrst. Col. Pat rick was art old friend, a good Demo crat, and one of the finest of old time gentlemen. One by one the men of 57 are slipping away. Ct the Oorethrr, 1 JousJ. GOXVER. ,,i-, Secretary of State. -The President's sacre. Mes- Tl"' rfjrr'oncht!' close of another vcar "brings with it octtuwJn'fe? re hewed thanksgiving and acknowledg ment to the Almighty Ruler of the Universe for the mercleS He has be stowed upon us. Abundant harvests have been among the rewards of ii dustry; with local exceptions health , trnwimr nmiiv blessings enjoy- nI; traiuiuillty at home and ptvce w ith otlier nations nave pre an t- i, ih.0.uu. and industry are gaining their merited nw:ird under the prov- M.-nre of Cod. surely, as we trust, and the nntion is recovering from the lmg- rf the dreadful stnff, Tor tlieso ana an out.i wv.. safed, it becomes1 its a people, to return heartfelt and grateful acknowledge ments, and with our thanksgiving for the blessings, we may unite prayers for the cessation of local and tempora ry sufferings. I therefore recommend that on TI I C RS I A Y,- Tl f E 2 7, DAY OF NOV K1 1EU tiie people meet in their, respective places of worship, to make their ac knowledgment to thtt Almighty God for Ids bounties and his protection, and offer to him prayers for their con tinuance. . , , In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done f 1. Mtv of "Washinirton, this 14th flay of October, in the year of our Lord 1873, and of the Independence of the United States tl.e year mnety seventh. U. S. CRAM. By the President, tf Hamilton Push. SWy of State, W. II. Coltv, Esq, Editor of the llar-risoni-in, Missouri Valley Junction, ..wa, called on the IlKRALilast week. Xtb cit v boasts of a servant girl wfu has lived In oi:c family twenty two month, attd ha bt'en outside the "ate only once WaUltnian. riw either deaf or blind then, or else so homely no beaux come there. intOWXUACKS IN ST. LOUIS. They have issued "scrip" in St. Louis hi help weather hard times with, and the Cllohe calls these city shinplaster -Brownbacks." "FIh-'H have greybaoks next, if better times Wt come soon to llir fescue. T-he B. & M. it. R- Company iVre ex fending their line down to the rock lKint, near Mickelwait's vineyard. We presume this is preparatory to putting in an ice bridge, this winter. Three hundred men are at work, and they ex pect to finish it in a week. "We call attention to the new "Ad" of Smith & "Windham, Real Estate agents. These young men seem bound to drive Wmess before them; that's the way to do it. We have shmbered Tohg enough in Plattsmouth, and our Professional men seem to have thought business would ttike care of itself. The estate of Horace F. Clark, Van derbilt's son-in-law, docs not pan out as well as reports said tt the Utile. It ivas estimated that lie was vrofth at least seven .nliliionsof dollars, and his income was put at a thousand dol lars per day. I lis estate is novr said ty be ahdost worthless. Prof: Potter, of the fi rut of Potter & Ciaffney, Weeping Water, dropped in Our olnce last Thursday. Mr. Potter was on his way home from the western partuf the State, where he has been holding Musical Conventions with great success, we see by the papers. We were sorry to leant that the eadse Of h'M i'etdrn as the serious illness of his partner, Mr. Oaffneyi and hope he is better by this time; Mn Potter will be at the store after this at all times, and customers can rely on finding it open for business: - ' ' They are: having it big time over Capt. McDonough, Chief of Police in St. Louis. We may not be f air j udges at this distance, and perhaps it may be considered none' of our business to comment on the case. Nevertheless we take the liberty to remark that no Chief of Police looks very dignified breaking into J-tS'ate house and hunting through the rooms of a dozen undoubtedly innocent persons, women, mostly, because his wife has told hin that there may be a prostitute Over in that house. If Solrie one had "gently tapped"' him on the head it would have been no wonder. BUXYAX'S COMPLETE WORKS. Mr. James Witham is canvassing this town and county for a volume of Bun yan's complete works. It is handsome ly bound in three different styles, viz: in cloth, 84.75; library style, 63.75; and Turkey nlorocco, 67.50. Every peT.oii dim tliivs sdit their taste and their" purse, aild as td the work itself it seems hardly to need our endorsement. Next to the Bible, perhaps, Bunyan's works have been the most widely read, and of the most value to mankind. Every family should have this book, and it is just as applicable and just as true a picture of the Christian's life to-day as when Bun van wrote in 1685. 3?t2 WATER FOR XgOOD DK UXK. There is an old ne;rre3S in Nashville ).n 1i:is used whiskv as a beverage from tier youth uu. When he wants to go on a -pred she stops wiiisny anu takes to water. Six glasses of water will give her the "horrors." Por days and days we h , e been wondering at the style of rowd that superintended the settir of the pump in Main street, just Ir" .v the Herald i.fTio Men who certainly havn t touched water for years, neither for drinking nor washing purposes, men who have forgotten the taste of ayua pnra constantly stand around and or der and direct and suggest how the pump should be fixed, and speculate on how much water there is in the well, 111111 how much can be forced up by the pump. It surprised' us, LUherto, th" matter is clear now, they'r like the old negress, they have got so far gone that water makes 'em drunk, and they mean to have a fresh-water spree as soon as the pump's up. All the "folks tVant Josiah Allan's wife to write .1 boiik, and at last she does and gives all her odd sayings. Here's her dedication: " To my own lawful pardner, Josiaii, whom, (al though I have been his consort fcr a little upn-'ards of 14 years) I still love with a cast-iron de'vo'tedne?." Among the subjects treated are; "Harin' my picture tdolt; The Minis ter's" bed qUilt ; Allegory on Wimmin's Rights; The Jonesville Singin Quire; Simon Slemsey's Mournful forebodings ; Free Love Lecture; Wimmins' Speah ; Meetin Grant and Colfax; A visit to Horace," &c. The illustrations are nu merous and gocdi This book will cost S2.50, 3.00, anj $4.00 according to the binding; and is t i - r "t "s .i now being canvasseu ior ny air. re ward Wiley, of Three Groves, Cass Co. Every person who likes fun, ought to buya volume. i irlgs for papers in the interest or tne -., The obsequies of Airs. JUary uurtis rit-w xrtitj, Kfj . , L widow oi tlie iate uenenii iwuvtl LJSXMSS E. tK Plac. .-.ay m Memo, oi a monpv Monops for operations upon a large criarei, J.exnigion, m i'u-auU soale. Else why does Irish undert a Ke ; large assembly. Mrs. Lee was 0 years ''How 0 v ydtt get along?", said a wife tb her husband, in the midst of the panic. "Oh, I shall weather the storm, but I wish I had only a few hundred dollars more." "Dou't you wish you had married a rich wife?" said she,-in a teasing way ; then', going to her roonf, she returned with rather more than the amount required in United State's boml?: "Why, where in thtf world did you' get this?" said the husband.3 "Well, my dear, you Vent to a cham pagne supper seven years ago, and on yctrr return, finding navigation around the room rather difficult, deposited hat, shoes, gloves, and a large roll of bank bills on the carpet. I put the money away ana waiteu three weeKs ior you to inquire if I had seen it, when, find ing you were ashamed to do so, I in vested it and here you have it." Qlobe. CONCERT AT ROCX BLUFFS. Mrs. Bernard Drost will- give a Mu sical entertainment itr tire M. E. Church, at Rock' Bluffs, drt Saturday evening, November 15th, for the benefit of a School Library, for the public school of Rock Bluffs. That every school district in Ne braska should have a library no one will question. The best schools throughout the United States, general ly flourish in those localities which furnish and sustain libraries. The dis tricts in Nebraska are behind in this respect, and we heartily commend this enterprise of Mrs. Drost, and trust that it may prove a success. The advantages of school libraries are so great that no district should be without one. There are children in every district who have no access to books at home, other than a few school books; and it may bo that even these are denied them. As it often happens, these children may be among the brightest and most intelligent, and by the aid of the school library inight become useful members of society. Mrs. Drost's high reputation as an instructress in instrumental music is evidence alone that this proposed enter tainment will be a good one. Besides thi:, the performance of tiie members of her class at the concert,-will be a distinguishing feature. Let every body attend. to place "organs"-' Where it is .supposed they will do the most good i 1 tie op position made a pretty general raid upon the tretsurt-rships in the State f t the recent election, and it is supposed the ailvaritageous "openings" referred to are in the counties where the Anti Monops elected the treasurer! Jack son county is out forty thousand dol lars by reason of an Anti-Monop Democratic treasurer, and otlier coun ties may have an experience Of a simi lar character, through the operations of the Irish newspaper" enterprise. This" is the party that are always howling about administration'papers bought up editors, and all that ! purity, vou know! MOUNT ZION COMMANDER Y. A new Commandery was formed here last week the following Sir Ivnights being present: it. W. Furnas, R. E. G. Commander of the State of 'Nebraska; It. II. Oak ley, G C. Gen. of the Gr. Commandery of Nebraska; S. N. Kerr, St. Louis Commandery No. 1, St. Louis Mo.; C, II. VanFossen, Hugh de Payne Com mandery No. 3. Fort Scott, Kansas. D. II. Wteeleiv Matthew Gaston, Jacob V'allery, E. T. Duke, O. M. Car ter, J. L. Simington of Mt. Zion Com mandery. U. D. J, K. Marlay, Geo. P. Tucker, Gi W. Ballantine, II. O. Griggs, AV. VanAlstyne, J. McManigal, D. New man and J. P. Ilebard, of Mt. Moriah Commandery No. 4, Lincoln. A Commandery of Knights Tem plar was opened with the following officers : Em. Sir Kt. R. AV. Furnas, Corn Em. Sir Kt. R. II. Oakley, Gen.; Em. Sir Kt. J. K. Marlay, Prelate; Em. Sir Kt. AV. VanAlstyne, Gen. AV.; Em. Sir Kt. J. L. Simington, Jr. AV. Sir Knight, E. T. Duke, Treasurer; Sir Knight, J.P. Ilebard, Recorder; O. M. Carter, Std. Br.; Sir Knight 1). New man, Swd Br.; Sir Knight J. M. Mc Manigal, AVardcr; Sir Knight D. II. Wheeler C. Guard; Sir Knight G. P. Tucker, 1st Guard; G. AV. Ballantine 2d Guard; Sir Knight II. O. Greggs, 3d Guard. The following Companions were Knighted: K. R. Livingston, Jno. AV. Shannon, A. Cunningham, F- E. White, Jno Ansty.J. N. AVise.M. B. Cutler, R. Ballance, II. Newman, N. L. Thatcher, AV. AVoodhurst and J. AV. Marshall. An elegant supper and banquet fol lowed ceremony. Knight Sir D. II. A heeler is said to have exerted himself very successfuly to make things go off pleasantly. MtMCJ MtttCt OU) riBM P.KVIVKb. L. B110M & CO. Have re-opened their Cigar Mc1nUfact6ry STATE ITEMS. S. M. Pettingill & Co, Advertising Agents, paid us the amount of our bill for advertising, ?:, the ether day with out any delay, any drawbacks or any nor s". nee. AVe make a note of this be caus? same of our foreign advertising business has been so unprofitable and Unpleasant, that we almost swore off on that kind of business altogether. The Council Bluffs Daily Glohe, a neat little evening paper, conies to baml With a PX on it. Certainly Tfe will, if you are "Independent, but not neu tral." AVe C;tit go independent folks, but don't hanker after neutrals. Council Bluffs ought to support one good evening paper and kef frit gig. e Iht a good tilal Mr. Gb.he. Judge Briggs and J. C. Cowan, Esq., of Omaha. Judge O. P. Mason, of Ne braska City, AV. AV. Abbe', of Rich ardson county, and several other dis tinguished Nebraskians were present at the session of the District Court last evening. The case of the Journal Co. State Printers, vs J. D. AA'cston, State Auditor, askincr a mandamus compel ling him to ssue warrants in payment for printinrRevised Statutes, was ably arguedbef oe his Honor Judge Lake, Hon. Seth Robinson and Judge Briggs for the plaintiffs, and Attorney Gener al Webster and J. C. Cowan, late Dis trict Attorney, for the defendant. This morning Judge Lake delivered an elaborate opinion, holding that the answer of the defendant was a com plete answer to the petition of the re lators. Notice wa3 given by plaintiffs Attorneys that they would file a formal ckmurrer to decision. Lincoln Leadtn . . ... MASONIC. is true i Butter. int. Giv The Grand Commandery of Knights Templar, Grand Council Royal and Se lect Masters and Grand Chapter of the State of Nebraska, meet this week in Omaha, in annual grand conclave and convocation. The programme of cere monies is as follows: This forenoon the Grand Chapter will open in form and proceed to business, which they will probably finish the same day. Thi3 evening a banquet will be given by Omaha Chapter, at the Grand Cen tral, in honor of the Grand Chapter, upoa which occasion all Royal Arch Masons and their ladies are cordially invited. The companions of Omaha Chapter have exerted themselves in the matter and the entertainment Avill un doubtedly be a delightful affair. On AVednesday the Grand Command ery meet in third annual conclave. In From the St. Louis Globe. the evening the Uruer OI ls-nigius xem- The meanest device of modern poli- i.tar will- be conferred in Mt. Cavary tics for swindling people is what is ComuivUKV(.ry No. 1, K. Ti Thursday morning the Grand Coun- ot m in Chicago 'on Tu Ihe cil" Royal and Select Masters will open (4th, and, according to all the news-pa-" and transact their business, and itftlie 'pera and the general belief of the citi- vening of same day a grand reception" zens of that place, a more worthless b b the sfr set of bummers and scalawags-were J' r ' aTitlp t-.Bi ur ulit Ul il lice. I 111S IS OI11V il i Juii,'"" J SALARV-liRABCINl JOURNALISM. From the St. Iuis Tim . The funniest thing in "personal journalism" is to read the editorials v?rien bv the Democrat man against the foru.c-f editor of that paper, who still holds aUnVt five pef tent, of its stock : gxi at his will, ar. w conse ctenlly to pay five per ccnt.of the salary of the 'mon h? writing Against him. ;i'ronthe Ilnward County Advertiser. The edk'r of the St. Louis Uep uUi- No. l, i honor of the Grand Com1 mandery. It is earnfdtly requested that all Sir Knights appear upon that occasion in Knights Templar' Uniform, and that so far as possible they be accompanied by their ladies. Arrangements have been made by the committee whereby the Grand Cen tral hotel of this city h:ls been secured as the headquarters of the various irrand bodies. ! This is the routine of business and ran quit the" Democratic party and at tempted to "jine" the loyal cavalry. A niniler of influential Radical journals cxpred their deeided' opposition to thi Whereupon the RcpnhUrnn ut terly repudiated both tW great parties, 'ts "litor believes that the old d'arkey caclier was trctly orthodox whe V fn;said: "My bredren, dare are but ;W roads; one am tie broad an de hur rlw ror.iV which leads destruction. Ite ol.ler i- de narrow an de broad road, whirl- leads to ebcrlasling perdi rion." "If dafs so," exclaimed an at tentive listener, "I ?aks ttfde wowK j this last remark, it is thought, made a j So.;t i-Tcfound imressiorf cli" Cl.f cdit j ,r of the nfjntbiicaK and straightway j reetition of the experience of other cities. It may be that all party men are not honest. Indeed there are fre quent evidences of this fact. But there are few party men as dishonest as the "no party ' ofli e-rceker, in whom cowardice is generally superadded to dishonesty. He is afraid to take his Chances with either party, so he lies to men of both parties in order to get an office and a chance to steal. AVhen he is elected he feels none of the obliga tions and vesiMinsibilities which at tichtopartv iiembership. The parti san knows that if he acts dishonorably t, irt onlv disgraces himself, but in jures an ortranixation to which he is j pcr.sure combined that will be ob bound by ties of trust and favor. j s..rvt,(li Qn iiast evening the conipan feit i "n -iK-pk-V man. l...cvtr. TkhI fucwork in tl.e r.oyal Aril, degrtc knows that he ha3 oven eiecteu uy ; t t,ct ore M. i,. ti rami iiva mwi, iu A young boy named Fred. Gudtner, i of Beatrice, Nebraska, blew his brams out by the accidental discharge of a shot gun. A Mr. AVallis, cf Beatrice, fell from the top of a new building to the ground, thirty feet, breaking a leg, cutting open his scalp, and injuring him internally. He may recover. Nebraska'City votes the sixth of De cember on the giving of bonds to the Midland Pacific Railway. The Editor of the Grand Island Inde 2)endent complains that he i3 expected to give lengthy notices of all festive cratherimrs. but in return receives no complimentary ticket. If it 4 - - that misery loves company let him con sole himself. He is not aljvays alone. One Beers, of Pawnee City threat ened to kill his wife and was fined seventy-five dollars and costs. Fortunate ly for the wife he preferred to go to jail. AVe were the recipients of a very pleasant visit from O. L. Mather, of Red Cloud, editor of the Chief, on AVednesday. Mather' understands his "biz." and gets out a good paper al though under serious circumstances, his office being in a cellar, without light or ventilation. He expects to move into better quarters soon. Ad ams County Gazette. The'small-pox at the Santee Agency has retarded the work on the High School building, but Mr. Fuller, with his usual euei'gy and perseverance, has done all he can to push the work of completion. The school building on the AVinnebago Agency is completed ; and in workmanship, material and architecture, is one of the finest in the State, and reflects credit on the archi tect, contractor, and builder. Dakota CiUJ 31 ail. A Che looking German girl in Lin coln whipped a man for telling bad Stories aboat her. She said "she had to protect her own name as she had no brothfT rnrd she did'nt allow any body to talk nbctvt her. Mr. E, L. Trie key,- jeweller of Lin coln, ttfgether with three ladies, were thrown from a carriage' into' a dam about twelve feet deep. Mr. Trickey succeded in saving the ladies and with the assistance of another man iir get ting the horses out. The carriage waf badly smashed. 'The prize lighters have arrived in Omaha nf jip-p. Business Was entirely sus pended, and many places draped in mourning. Washington, I). C, Nov. 10. The Supreme Court of the United States to-day engaged in hearing the case of the U. P. railroad vs Perreston, Treasurer of Lincoln county, Nebras ka, involving questions whether the property of the railroad is liable to be taxed by States through which the road passes, and Whether it is competent for a county to tax for unorganized terri tory adjacent to it under the law of the State. AVm. M. Ev art's appears for the company, , and J. M. AVool worth, of Omaha, for the State. The First National bank is paying depositors thirty per cent., and Will probably reserve fifty per cent, in all. It is rumored a proposition has been made by Jay Cooke & Co., to pay fif teen per cent, of the ttioney balance of North Pacific bonds. Among the depositors w lio to-day re ceived thirty per Cent, of their depos its in the First National Bank of AVashington, Was exPresident Johnson, who received nearly $22,000. St. Lol'IS, November 10, James II. Lucas, the wealthiest citi zem of St. Louis, died hist night from the effects of a paralytic stroke re ceived four years ago. He was 73 years old, and left property valued at from eight to ten millions. Boston, November 10. Reports from manufacturing sec tions in New England are more cheer ing this morning. There is news of resumption of business in several pla ces, and of running manufactories ou I increased time. San Fkancisco, November 11. The anti-Chinese convention met in this city to-day, and elected T. X AVand president. A committee on platforms and resolutions was appointed, charged with the duty of drafting an address to the people of the United States on the subject of Chinese immigration. The attendance was large. The civil suits of sailors of the ship Sunrise against Captain Clarke, to re cover damages for personal injuries, are pending in the county court. De fence is proving by captains that tie ing men up by the wrists for from eigkt to forty-eight hours at a time is the usual punishment on American vessels. Dispatches from Victoria say: The steamer California arrived to-night from Sitka, and confirms the news of the recent discovery of rich gold fields in C:issiar countv. She brought down Tain now prepared to furnish the best uihi dultt'iated Hulk . TWICE. EVERY PAY To ail parties notifying me PETEK GOOS. FARMER'S EXCHANGE. B. G. HOOVER, LOTUS VtLLE, NEBRASKA. Keeps constantly on hand all Staple Articles such as COFFEE, SUGAR, TOBACCO, MOLASSES, Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, &c. a Variety in t'tft Avprvthln? usnallv kent in Store, which tfill be sold fn small profits for CASH. All kinds of rVouuee taken in exchange for gfwds, and the Uiuhest Market Prions given in Cash for Grain. In lMattKiiio'itll once more, and fiow offer to our citizen's, anK tl tnif!e, CIGAA8, TOBACCO, &c at the lowest wholesale aid retail p'rfces. Calf and see them before purchasing else where, jui.ii s ri:rpi:i:p.Euc.) ofiyl Manager. (MATiE TilWii EPIZVNTS For sale tins fall at ISen. Hempers Oyster House. iower Main Street, rLATTSMn"rir; NKB. Hen Heniple season. keeps Fresh Oyster all 111 Honey Locust Hedge Plants For sale at 4.50 per 1,000. Also, at low prirpx, and cf sttperior rpiality, a large supply of Fruit Trees, Small Fruits and Ornamental Trees, at the Union Nurseries, Glnood, Mills Countv, Iowa. Call and ex amine inv stock before purchasing elsewhere. 26-lSt. E. A. WIEMAMS. Proprietor. Hen. Hempel furnishes meals at all hours. Ben. Hempel has the best Wines, Cigars, and Liquors In the town. Go to Pen. Hemple's when you w.iht any of the ahove hlrssings of life, ntfyl 19 CALL AT Dick StrcigJit'a Livery, Feed & Sale Stables, Corner th and Tearl sts. rLATTSMOUTH, NEB. Horses Boarded by the Day, Week or Month. HORSES BOUGHT, SOLD, OR TRA DED, FOR A FAIR COM MISSION. LIVERY AT ALL TIMES. Particular Attention Paid to Driving and Training Trotting Stock. 2!yl. fH0S. 1$ $HRY0CK. CABINET MAKER and fifteen thousand The excitement here twelve miners ! dollars in dust J is intense. MEMPiiiOo-vember 11 One death from fever to-d;iy. THS MARKETS. HOME MARKETS. Reported by Cutlki: & AVhitic Wheat Corn ! Oats i live Barley 'JfVi J.I a.v.4o OOiSO AM) UNDERTAKER. Reported by Clark & Pevmmer, Eggs.. Chickens Spring per doz.. Potatoes 30 M ID it) i 100 Reported by AVm. Stableman. Ladies Furs Roots & Shoes.. Hats & Caps... 2.2"f.750 NEW YORK MARKETS. New York, Nov. Money Gold Government 12. ... Rfi.7 per cent ? i i!i ...Weak & lower CHICAGO MARKETS. Cmc.vfrO, Nov. Flour Wheat.. Corn Oats Rve Parley.. Itotrs Cattle 12. 4,75.25 ill'i . ... 2S'i . . . . X 1.2-2 3.50.O.4O And'dealcr la a kinds of Furniture and CIu Maiv Stkket. Next door to Rrooks House. rLATTSMOUTH, .... NL15. jr-r- Repairing and Varnishing neatly done' Funerals attended on short notice. X-tf Saniwicli Cera Shellers chance which is not Jikeiy to occur r.ivin-stfiif. of 1 1 at ts mouth, an I Ji. i - - , : iTi. .rmM iti tM rrviKf n:iv w lull? ! - . , - . ' vT ' . TCnk i? nt. th (Jraml secretary, i mi. v neeter. r.iui-i r tto nent Grand Conimander Sir Robert AV. of ignoring julitics in municipal elec- j Furnas, arrived yesterday, and will tior-r Jsrachcac and fratfd. judging ; presite at. the meeting of the G rand from lit general result. ".u,. rnmmiifiderv oil AVednesday. A num- all cities, and its recent r(SHlt ia t m" ! u.r of tl;c c.f;lft are expected to arrive . ... . ..- x . .i.i. i i,v ihi tr.f?rtiin''s trains, and the at-i Uxactly. thu is our liieory to a uui. . . - .- A Boy's teethache generally com mences at 8 a. m., reaches tho highest altitude at S:4o, when the pain is in tense to an extraordinary degree; com mences to subside at 0, and, after that j disappears with a celerity that must be j very cotrforting to the sufferer. If at niirbt that boy hasn't gt four quarts of walnets spread out to dry upstairs, it is because there is no place up-stairs to do itr-Danbnru Netrs.- OBSTACLES TO MARRIAGE. HAPPY Relief for Young Men. from the ef fects of Errors and Almses in early life. Man hood restored. Impediments to marriage re moved. New method of treatment. cw anil reinn-kahle remedies. Rooks and Circulars sent free in sealed Vnvelones. Address. HOWARD ASSOCIATION. o. 2 South Ninth Street. Philadelphia. Pa.-an Insti tution having a high reimtatiou Ior lionoraUR conduct and in-ufessknuu skill. 20 mil Centaur Liniment. There is no pain winch the Centaur Liniment will not re lieve, no swelling it will not si.hdue, and no lameness which it will not cure. This is strong language, hut it is true. W here the parts are nut gone, its effects are marvellous, it has produced more cures of rheumatism, neu- ItrliVptr ralgia, lock-jaw, palsy, sprains, swellings, ear-ache, caked-breasts, scalds, hums,, &c, upon the human frame, and of strains, spavin, galls, &c. iilon animals in one year than have al oliie? pietended remedies since the wndd began. It is a counter-irritant, an all-heahng rJafli--reliever. Cripples throw away their crutehrs.the bine walk, poisonous bites are ren dered harmless, and the wounded are healed without a scar. It is no humbug. The recipe is selling as no article ever before sold, and it sells because it does just what it pretends to do. Those who now suffer frJiThctrmatism, pain or I swelling deserve to sutler u iney riu . n Centaur Liniment, more man ceiim-... of remarkable cures, including frozen limbs, chronic-rheumatism, gout. running th!.iurs,&c. have been received. "We will send a circular containing certificates, the recipe. &c., gratis to to any one requesting it. Ottf bottle of the yel low wrapper Centaur Liniment is worth one hundred dollars for foundered or sweenicd hor des and mules, or for screw-worm in sheep. 8tock-owneM-1hie liuiment is worth your at tention. No family should be without Centaur Liniment. J. H. KosK & Co., New York. 40-ly AND HORSE POWERS. GEARED AND BELT SHELLERS FOR HAND AND POWER. Catalogues eerit .when r miested. . .,, , Parties writing', will please Btato in what paper they read this advertisement. SEMPLE, BIRGE & CO., A3EST8 FOB, THE UAJTUTAOTUEEBSt ST. IiOTJTS. sure for their ajts iuey limit A TCxas bailie r,- wliff orii-amented! his front d'orrr with a white knob, is dected by clraiice. "haymaking" done jmx two xeTP r fJicfr p's ! mandery biTve arranged to give agrana VolT in; frtfPTlI OH. Illlll llll.-, nuuim will make the i vestige of ti had been shot away by his MOLLIS UHlGiMAL HARPOON HAY FORK. THE CHifAFST MCST CrFfCTiVS: IHPlWtNT FOB t IF't ttG .'ND trCK!NQ MAY vrr invFro. IT WILL UN LOAD AH OR'NAPY LOAD OF t-UiH rue. f1 HV. i't iflhti to Vft I Prt!Ven IT OH TCP Tb 5 STACK, 1 PAVING MOST OF TKc. UUfJ ?. QF MEW A ;J t -OoSE". Ls rue PMnw'SH a aPtClAL Dl- FULL I ii K?HLET GIV1MQ uriTIOHiG Fun U-t. rxrie wr-tiM Btvrleie iViii vt vrcz re Ibla &! .-t.j-riijen.ert. .4KD. BAZWJBK SPECIALTIES, 3 cr-:'-i r-'o ntTvi, t :,eno. p. t3 -i e-l-CD O o B CO GO CD XL, V- 7T ir. 0 o o 2. C5 o 3 1 Z 5: or. r-t- A S; rs en O o -3 1 O 1-3 H3 o -s CD s B' fts CO 9 ct CD c-l- 1 H s S3 c S3 PLATTSMOUTH Grain Company, E. G. DOVEY, Pres't, E. T. DUKE, frea!, FRED. OOllDElt, Huycr. This Company will buy grain at tho highest market rates at all times. fettles and office at L C. DoVry's more, lower Main street, I'luttsmouth, Neb. 2nyl WOODS & FLEMING, DEAI.EUIN. Hardware. Tin-ware. Pumps, Agricultural Implements lion, Nails, &c. &c. STOvES. OF ALL KINDS, FOR SALE. iSTcw Tin-Shop, just Opened All orders for making or repairing prompt ly executed. Goods Sold Cheap For Cash!! intf. Weeping Water, Nebraska. New Boot and Shoe Firm. St. Louis & Southeastern Railway. CONSOLIDATED. "NASHVILLE SHORTEST LINF." And Direct Route to BtUii-ilh; Centralis, Cairo, Sftawne totcn, Enanyillr, Memphis, V i'kshury, Moutyomery, Mobile, New Orleans, Galveston, Na.s7tri.lle, Chattatirtoya, Atlanta, Macon, Chariest nmii Savannah, Kno.rrille, Bristol, J.ynt hbury. Richmond, Norfolk, And all Points Karclier & Klingbel, Boot & Shoe Makers, Main Street, opposite Platte Valley House, PLATTSMOUTH, ... NEB. South iind Southeast. COOD REASONS WHY this Is the prcferrud Route. IT IS THE ONLY LINE running Pullman Palace Drawing Room Sleeping furs-through from St. Louis to Nashville wit limit change. IT IS THE ONLY LINE under one manage ment between these Cities. IT IS THE ONLY LINE by which passen gers can save from (VI to -2ki miles travel, and from six to twenty-four hours time. IT IS HJ.V, CHEAPER from St. Iiul to Nashville than the circuitous route via. I-oui-ville. OCR MOTTO 1 QUICK TIME! GOOD CARE! CLOSE CONNECTIONS f New and elegant dav coaches equipped with the Westinghoiise Air Urake and the Miller coupler ami Platform are run In all trains. Through Tickets on sale and K.-iggnge check ed at all the principal Ticket Olliccs in tho West and North. Ask for tickets via the "Southeastern Rail way." E. V. WINSI.OW. C.en'l Manager, St. lxul. VT. II. DAVENPORT. fien'l Ticket Agent. I.ui. FINE CALF SEWED ROOTS made to order hi good Mjli. Alt kinds of men's boots and shoes made ami repaired. Prices low and work Warranted fn bIvo satis faction. !- KARCIIKR. , ,;t F. KLINOREL. I Wines, Liquors nnd Cigars, A. Lazenby & Co. Corner Main and Sixth Sts. PLATTSMOCTH, N Ell. urs. BARNUM'S HOTEL, Cor Broadray arul Twentieth Street, NEW YORK. ON ROTH AMERICAN & EUROPEAN PLANS. Complete with all modem improvements; rooms eti xuitc and single; private parlors, baths, elevators, &e. Location unsurpassed, being in the vcrv centre of fashion and brilliant New York life. "In proximity to Churches and places of Amusement, and Lord & Taylor's, A mold & Constable's and .1. & C. Johnston's Irv thiods nalai-es. The hotel is under the nuinagement'of A. S. Rarnum. formerly of Har mon's Hotel. P.altimore; I.N. Orecn. of Day ton, Ohio, and recently of New York, and Free man Itanium, of Ranium's Hotel, St. Iouls. 1 '-M-tf. Farmers Lumber Yard. Having made arrangements in Chi cago, and elsewhere, with extensive dealers, I am prepared to furnish on short notice all kinds of Lumber Doors Sash Shingles, &c, at a reasonable rate. I also keep con stantly on hand a full aswrtinent of Xails, Hinges, J-ocks. Hardware, of all kinds. Those wishing to build will please call and see my stock. K. XOYKS, LOUISVILLE. Oood pure Wines, Liquors and Cigars whole sale and retail. Pure liquors for farmers use. All goods sold for cash and at low down price, (live us a rail. 'J1- The Lincoln Houtc. The A. & N. Railroad. VIA. Machine Shop. iVayman i$ Curtis, PLATTSMOUTH, NEP... Repairers of Steam Engines. Roilers, Saw and Glint Miils. Oas and Se;uu Fittings. V. rough t Iron . ipe. Force and Lift Pumps, Steam tillages, S;ili lj Valve Governor., and all kinds of Brass Engine Fittings Furnished mi short notice. Farming Machinery LINCOLN, NEB., TO St. Joseph, Tecumseh, Topeka, Leaceniportht Pawnee City, Lawrewe, Falls City, White Clond. Doniphan, Kansas City, St. Louis, Cincinnati. Indianapolis, Columbus, Louisville, Nashville, Atlanta, Memphis, Chatturiooya. MoWU. New Orleans, And all the Points in tho Southwest, South and S'uth-tast. rvt. : 1 1 ti Mb Mil ' HORSE & MOLE SHOES. . . 1 A X. j I A l .Vv t mr. f-,t hnrn T 1. I TI f TlP'tPO 1 1 1 1 I II I IIM I . IS 1. ....... liT i-viVituin. ana iiik. wiiu i iv -r i-. f tr v Hi-;' 1 ( t r i 1 r 1 i 111111 i tiliu 4 s h"-t,u , ... - y ..lU r There'll be soiiTe in Nebraska the xsembiiii ULUVi tmi ... ,,ai- !.v - ...t 6i tlx craft a most picas-! sprigiuiy ueuoois, nuUUM..-uvi O.n"hf R'fuVdcan- rt as a tar, CasJOuta rs revire- thar? a substitute for Ca r OH It Is the only safe iirlk'lc In existence y:ifft to assimilate the farkl, regulate the- how els, cure w ind colic and produce natural 1 sltVjr it contains neither iniuenits,-morphine cr Sleohol. and U pleasant to take.- Children .,t er-.- :uid mothers may rest. '44-ly ;j v - -j Th nnlr foreed ho to the niaiket. drawn out br bm rcerini? aa bvliaail, nd equal in bariiue to band made boe, eo8tin)t Black pir.itbs about the aatno u Horae Shoo Iron Iti tho bar, uwd In tbe ta in preference to all othei brand?, and now ""by boat of the. prominent sheer, in Pt- Lorn, an Cliicaj;o. Particular atteution called to tuo inw" Shoe lor Trotting liorifc . . , j We are a!o AEenU for tbe Naiional Flnlnhed Ito nib. Bami.lea aent to partie. aeply-taoillpW-aw. Untion the paper mwnictt o-y read this adTortiscmeut. Semple, Birge. & Co., GENEBJ I AGENTS. 3 SOUTH MAtV ST., SL 10W EcrmSred on jd"" WV&u. PHILADELPHIA S 1 ORE. SOLOMON & NATHAN DEALEia IN Fanej.Ery Goods, Notions, Ladies Furnishing Goods, THH PLATTSMOUTH PJCOPLK p,y taking the cxjiress train at Lincoln on ttut ATCHISON it NEBRASKA RAILROAD. Upon their arrival at Atchison, th Great Itailroad Center of the West, Can obtain, without DELAY OK INCONVENIENCE, the very best Sleepinz Car accommodations, I and will reach St. I-ouis enrly next ' tug a much Cheajier and Miorler route th:ui that via. l aellic .Junction. liai Kainl r.ofl led are in excllent coii-litioti. Thu passenger ac commodations are of the lest. No Expense Nor Pains Have been spared to make the tollable. traveler com- I-argest. Cheaptxt, Stock in the CM;.'. flnewt. and Pr?t Aborted Wii'uli we are prepared to sell c1ir:ij.i-r than thev can be purchased 1-isewhere Cite u ft full aud" examine our Sooi'.. jeStore on Main street, between It h atid .r!h Mi-e.-K. M.ttt--a0.b XU-taJ'-ia. t LAY OVER CHECKS. N'ill tie y en bv the Cit;ductor to those wish ing to stoj off at any of the many plat-en of in-t-i'est on the ATCHISON A NEBRASKA R. R. Without Incurring an1 aiM.tirtnal' expense. Thus affording Travelers inisurpassed fa llitics for visiting the Paradise of a'.l (hardens,; ; "The Great Nemaha Valley." W. F. WHITE.