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About Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1873)
' 1 I .1 5 . 1 I ' V Hi ? i ! i il ;i ' r : ' if f - : 1 !! IH if . . - ? , "' '.. i . ' t ; :-. i r1 i":f- ): I is- i 1 Li i t f '4 u Educational : column. li. & RAMSEY . ruiTOR. CnnnniiilcMtlon on IMii'-allona! Topic;, I prnt of EJuL'aiiiiaI Slwtliis'. &c..are respift-I.i!I- solicited for the Elu.Mtion.'il Colu.iiii. ami may b aal JresHcd tr lotial C' toe, n. s kamsky, Ci"n tth'nrfal c'yjiniiittec. TARE-NTS, READ. jow that Ibe fall term of school has generally opened, wO would again di rect the attention of parents to tire ne cessity of sending children . to" school regularly. The past school year has bt'en one of increased interest and effi ciency in the schools of Cass Count)-, and this is largely due to the increased attention given to education on the part of parents. But there i ever a drawback to advancement in education caused by the irregular attendance of pupil3. In many, very many, instances the most trivial excuses are given in justification of absence, such as, "I had a little job of work to do yesterday, and could not come to school or "We didn't get up very early this morning, a-nd I couldn't come any sooner." Thess and many others of a aimilar character have we received from pu pils. Now, kind parent, did you never suppose that there was a "little job of work" to be fJefformed early in the morning at the school? And did you not know that a certain" number of hours prescribed within certain limits by custom, were set apart for the per formance of this "little job of -work" in the school room ? This work to be the school room is vastly more important than anything else. It is of much higher importance than any of those "little jobs of work" which you require your children to perform and thereby cause them to be absent from school, or tardy. The teacher is required to be present regu larly at a certain hour, and if heshould become habitually tardy, you would soon desire his displacement by one - more punctual; but when the teacher reprimands for tardiness, he Is con fronted with all manner of excuses. ."We nave within our recollection a school, in which ah accurate record of cases of tardiness was kept. During the school year, or three terms there were o93 cases of tardiness, losing on all average, twenty-live minutes each time. Now here was a total lori3, to say nothing of the embarrassment to teacher and school, of 2od hours, equiv alent to 41 school days, or two months. Of this number of cases, 57 were against one member, and these 57 cases were equivalent to 23 hour.?, or nearly 4 days of school. Xow, besides the great embarrassment of pupils entering trv school room alter exercises have opened, here was an absolute loss to the scholar of nearly one school week! Think of it I four days sacrificed by - tardiness, and this only for the lack of a little energy. Xow find U3 a school ct which there is regularity in attend ance; where the scholars are punctual in attendance, and we will find you a good school. Xow, we know that there are many parents who seem quite as anxious to have their children attend - regularly, as the teacher; but whenev er we find pupils persistently irregular and tardy, we conclude at once that there is a lack of government some where, or rather a sort of indifference, to the best interests of the children. In conclusion, we would enjoin upon parents the necessity of co-operating " uiih the teacher in securing regular and punctual attendance at school. Do not be satisfied unless you are sure your children are regularly at school, and punctual to time. In this way you can work most c-fii deiitly in the inter ests of Education. "VEGETABLE niYSIOLO'lt. When the seed of an exogenous plant Is nut into the irrounL so 11s to exclude I the light, but not the air, and supplied w ith heat and moisture, the combined effect of these three active agents will drstend the particles of which the seed is composed, till it becomes much enlarge! that. the outer covering crocks, and a small portion of the embryo ap Jreiirs projecting through the fu rumen. The period that elapses between the time when seeds are placed in a situa tion favorable to their development, and the time o germination, varies considerably. For example, the com foion cress germinates in two days; the turnip, in three; glasses, in eight; hy sop, in a month; many pines, in a year; and the hazel, not until two years. When germination has taken place, "fc supply -of food Li necessary to form new cellular tissue; and it is on this account that nourishment is laid up in the seed, a3 the young plant cannot con tain food cither from the ground or the air till its roots and leaves be devel oped. It cannot, however, at tlrst avail itself ct this provision, as its ves sel can only take up liquid food, and neither starch iior gluten are soluble in water. To obviate the difficulty, as fooa ?w the particles of which the seed ' is composed begin to be distended by 4 heat, the seed absorbs water, and this being decomposed by the greater at traction of the carbon contained in the Wed for the oxygen of the water, car bonic acid is formed. It is supposed that this carbonic acid combines with the nitrogen in the - gluten of the seed, and produces a sweet . 3ut3ta"ncc called di'isUme; which com bining with the remainder of the car- - Von changes it into sugar.- The young plant i3 thus furnished with all the nourishment it requires ; the carbonic acid gas is dissolved" in water and taken tip by the spongioles, and.the sugar is dissolved by the ascending sap in the sweet jaice which is always found at Vie base of the growing part of a plant. As a cuimiderrble quantity of water j i necessary to dissolve this sugar, ana fciry it upwards, more water is always - ;Uker up by a jrowiug plant than is : actually wanted for food; anil in the tune "manner' an extra quantity of yycygen is required" to keep the carbon . soleble rtai? during it. pag upwards. All seed3 becomo sweet dufing the process of germination, and it is in ibis manner that barley is changed into malt. The Seed of the barley is moist ened, and exposed to the influence of hca'ed air in the kiln, till the embryo begins to grow, when its further pro gress is cheeked by putting it into the dry kiln, by which means the sweet ness is retained, and malt is produced. Hamilton. The Ashantee Wart Speaking of the war England has on hand in Ashantee, an exchange says : 'It is next to impossible for an Eng lishman to work his way through that natural abattis, and there is no water1 civilized lips can swallow cr civilized stomach can bear anywhere to be found between the coast and the Ashantee country. Mr. John" Hull is at his wits end to know what to do in the premis es. He realizes lint he has an uncom fortable little job on his hands; Arte sian wells cost too much for a gentle man of his financial habits, and the Al teration of rain-water is a new fangled notion and altogether too much of a bother. An American army would put up with Bourbon straight, and never mind the water; but for an Eng lish army, cut oh from beer and bran dy, and unable to make what water it wants to use by the way, the conquest of Ashantee must present peculiar ter rors. It is certainly something more than a dry joke. That's a good idea about making wa' ter for soldiers to use on the march, but it has never been carried out yet. Tis SL Louis Fan Peep, Patent Metal Lined. Thoso Pumps aro not excelled in .finish or workmanship, and the objections to the com men Y7 o o d Pump caused by the gradual weanr-fr of the bora i3 in this pump obviated by a metallic eprin limner. i r.rIescr!ptIoa anuFne. Semplo, Eirgo & Co., U !TrT.CTrRFI?S OF A'in'CO.Tt'nAL rVPLH HbSTS A51 tt'UCULTihtf IN HIiiWJiIiS, 13 SazttU 75in ElrrcJ, Kt. ?,inii, Zl o. ty I'lie etto l.i wUat p-jt r you itixl thU. N ELLIS' ORIGINAL HARPOON . HAY FORK. THE CH2APe8T AWD MOST rfx EFFECT! '.'S IMPLEMENT FOR ' LIFTING At-'V) SfACkSNO HAY yet :-;vnNTEO. ir will un load AM OaCiNARY LOAD OF MAY, Uir.Cc TO FOUR FORK FULLS. If J Flw'E WifiUTES. AND r.iLsvrircs io?TH.sf ack. SAVIN 3 MOST OF THE LA BOH OF WW A Li H GfiSES. we fu?t::h a cpfcial pamphlet giving full di rections fc.t USE. f lo-i i n E!-i6r ict-y reiiu this 5EMPLE, EIE6E & CO., jiGRICVL TV I A nrpLEMEXTS .VJ UASDWABE SPECIALTIES, 13 f?ouih iiZnia Street, PiT. LOtlS. OSAGE CORK MD COB HUL, For Giiife EtoGlc resi, Bum, Ml, &c, lias advantages for T-EO farmer over any other machine in mar- ,tet, end has taken t First Premium at State Fairs of Illinois and Missouri. ALSO CHALLENGE FEED MILLS COMBINED SHELLER & GRINDER. For Description and Prices, address SEMPLE, BIRGE & CO., KlSrTACTrRKRS OF AORTCCXTCUAt. TMPLfr ilE.NTS ASD SPClALTUia US HAiOVAii, 13 8nth Simla Street, St. X.onia, ITIo. CSF" FImm manttoB la what paper 70a read , Ik ! Burdiek's National HAY & FEED GUTTER. Wia Oct more, in given tlm, -with lea powen than aay Cutter in tho n:3rtt. A bar of iron 007 t run Into this macbli-o irben In fan motion, acd vre will warrant notliicg worse to eccor tban a email dent ia tbe knife. Recommended by the Btreet Hail way companiet Of Bt. Louis and LonUTiUo. For deacription and prioea addreea SE3IPIiE, BIRGE & CO., Uanofactarera AeTicnltnral Implements and 6ps ela'tira fn Hard ware, 13 Soath main Ht St. X.miaw ty Piease mention in what paper y on read this. Saiitlwicli Corn Sfete AM) HORSE POWERS. GEARED AND BELT 8KELLER3 FOR HAND AND POWER. Catalogues sent "when re quested. Parties xvritirff, "will pleaae state in what paper they read this advertisement. SEMPLE, BIRGE & CO,, AGE3TS TOE THE 151!IUrACTUaEE3, 1 HORSE & MULE SHOES. Tbe only forwd shoe in tbe iraiVet. drawn out by luMiiiueriug aa It baud, aul rti,.ii in lanlucss to bnnU made hiie;, cc.M.nK lle)( Titirha nhntit the umfl aa Horse Shoe Iron in tLe bnr, uwl intlm Eat ia preference to all othei brnii-l-. and ui,vr utctl br most 01 mo proroni ufc hiio ts in M. l.uoisana VUicaget. TarticuUii- ntter.tit.n caltcd to tiie ttnor' Shoe lor Trolling liurwnt. lV"eanal Agents forthe Naiioual Flcluhed fTore Nailw. Sainpl eDt to Bar lie, aiplv in. wlio will plpse lurotiou the papei ia wtutk hejr read tiiis ud eitijeuaeo., Semple, Birge Sz Co., GEirERS-t. AGZXfS 1$ SOUTH MA, i$f $t LOU'$ iff4 ' :-r - XA rJ m U Bonner Stables. FINE LIVERY. BtJTTERY&LAZENBY Horses & Carriages to Let. Stock IScardcd by tlic Day Week or Month Good Stock, Good Vehicles Call and Give Us a Trial. Stable on Vine Street. PLATTSMOUTH, - ntf. 'EB. MED ICl N ESY AT J. H. BUTTERY'S On M;iin street nearly opposite the liEHALD oJlice. Wholesale and Kttail Dealer In DRUGS AXD MEDICINES, TAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, PATENT MEDI CINES, TOILET ARTI CLES, fcc., &c. C"Trc.scriplions carefully compounded at all hours, day and uinM. 35-!y. T.HE BEST IS ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST. For your Groceries 50 to F. R. Guthmann Comer Tliird and Main street, riattsniouth. He keeps on hand a large and well selected tx-k of FANCY C.nOCElUKS. COFFIICS. TEAS. suuak. svnur, koots, shoes, &(., &.c, &e. In connection with tlie Crocerj' i a Bakery and Confectionary. S-AU kinds of Country Froiuce bought and sold. Take notice of the sign "EMPinE BAKE1CY AND GKOCEHY. 111 ay t ci f. McGuire & Co., Wholesale and Ketail Dealers In Foreign AND Domestic mess, A large and well selected stock of Bourbon, Bye & Monon gahela Whiskeys Constantly on hand. Oirr connection with the firm of llindskofl Eros., Distillers, enables us to sell at the lowest market rates. Sole m,d gents For the Celebrated Hungarian Win 'itteips Main Street,-FLATTS-MOUTU, - - XF.WU8K.V.- STATE AGENT 1 Halladay's Patent Wind Mills. Double and Single acting Force and Farm Pumps, Feed Wills, etc. Tlie II.".llnl;:v Mill lias s!oo.l tli tst for sis tpcn yi-ar-s. hotli in the I'liiifil States ami I.u-roiif-uTnl ist'ic only one generally iulopted by all l'riueinal Railroads and Farmers. Teniis Liberal. Semi for fatalnpu fiml Trice 1.1st. A. U bTKANOi l.lneoln, Neb. Manhoods How Let, How Restored rrpyy! .Uist mli! a new edition ol VS. Dr. Cu'vftiwcit's Ce!ebratet Es- Hi-f wrin-IV meiiii'ilie) of Sl-KltMAloiSHIIKA or Seniinnl eaioiev, involuiilary Seminal Lossch, 1 I'Otkxci , mental :nd phj'sieal inea jacitv, lniK-(ii!.)e!Hs to Marriafj", etc.; also, CoNi'Ml-rioN. Kru.FPsY. iiiul Fits, induced ly self indulgence nr sexual cxtil'.vaunce. irVx':-v in a sealed envelope, only ; cents. The celebrated anther, in this admirable es sav. clearly demonstrates from a thilty year's successful pniciicc. that tiie alarming celise-qiience- of, niav be radically cured without the use of internal Medicine or the ap plication of the knife ; point out the mode of cure at once simple, certain and eilcctaal. by means of w tsicil every snTercr, n matter what his condition mav be. may cure himself cheaply privately and radically. - . iti7-'i"liis Lecture should be in the hands cf ev verv vouth ami man in tire laud. Sent under s'al. in a plain envelope, to any address, on the receipt of si cents, or two post age stamps. Also Ur. Culver's '.'Mi'.niage Ctild, price DO cents. Address the Publishers. C1LVS. J. C. KLINE. & CO. lT J'.ovtv. New York. 4D-ly l'ost Oitice llox, 4X6. m low BESEavom Are Suited to all Climate AND FAITOTJS FOtt F.ETXQ BEST TOtJSS! CH33APEST TO BUY!! S?ASIESTTOSELL!!! vi,yi. Tamous f-ir doig more and BETTER COOKINQ, 1X315 J IT Ll'- " r.. .. . F AXOCS FOB CIVTN3 6Akv ax Bsixa Especially Adaptca to Tn 'mm er svai msm GOLD -EZ KXCELSlOIi MAN tr COMPANY, ST. I.OUIS, XO. AND E.T.Duke&Co FLATTSMOCTII, neb. HENRY BCECK, DEAEEli IN Funiiiure, Lounges. Safes. 1 utiles, Chaii-s, Bcasioaus, &c, &c, &c. Of all descriptions. Metallic burial Cases. WOODEX COFFINS. OF ALL SIZES. Ucatly Jfarte andjohl Cheap for Caali. With many thanhs for past patroiiajje I invite all. to call and examine my lare stock of Fur niture and Coffins. janis 0. F. JOIIXSOX. DEALEK IN DRXJS& mSDICINES, AND WALL PAPEU. ALL PAPER TRUIMED FREE OF C II ARQ E. ALSO DEALEK IN Books, Stationery, Magazines, Antl Latest Publications. rrewrrptkuw carefully CotniroUnded toy an ex periences DriiSK'ist. Tir.emlu r the place. Corner Ftflb and Jfaift gteWtB: VM UWIW Kl 11 ;' hi NEBRASKrV HERALD JOB OFFICE NEWLY FITTED UPi Ncr Press, Xev- Type, and New Call and see our new lot of LEGAL BLANKS. All descriptions of work doue in the printing line. We a tally prepared to do Every Kim! and Style of Printing. Send in your orders for LETTER IIEADSi ENVELOPES, POSTERS, DODGERS, tCc Has on hand, one of thO largest stoihs of Clothing anil Gents Furnishing Goods for Spring and Summer. t- 1 Invite everybody in want of anything in my line to call at my stor. South Side Main, Between Fifth and Sixth Streets. And convince themselves of the f iCt. t have as a fmc.-mHy in my Iletail i)ejvirtmen t stock of Fine Clothing for Men and Boys to wliic ii we invite those who want goods. Zir- I also keep on hand a large and well selected stock of Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes. 8-10 E5f" Opposite the Thitte Valley House, in Selilater's Jewelry Store. Main Street, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. ST. LOUIS, PIANOS DECKER BROS., lOTgsS (r. A.' MILLER & CO'S 'A Y --a 3 i i- -r ' Vholesale and Kctail lealerin Suings, Sheet Music and :.'l kinds of Musical Merchandise McsicALlxsTRi'MESTS Tuned and Uei'aired Satisfaction nuaranteed. 8-8tf. CHOICE TOWN AT j-sv- T.ots ran now he bousht in Dul:es Addition to the City of riattsmoutii, at :riees ranginj fiom ?2o to $io and on terms so easy that persons with TIIE SMALLEST INCOME 2d AY MEET TIIEZI. For tliose who want town property either to hold for a speculation of to buiul upon, this is ;i rare .-haneft to pet it. These lots are m a deligiUful location, and are dotted over with a Young and Beautiful Growth of Forest Trees. Which add materially to their value. r-7- l'a-tles wishing to purchase or loo!; at these DVKi: or I. II. WflKi J.hit it CO., and BAKNKS I'or e:iii the aiioe oriee.s v. iii he .tNcoiiiited ten riattsiuouth, Nebraska, October M I6:i. f& i'J .'1 GENTS' V;i RWSKI.VS GOODS, BOYS A iND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING HATS, CAPS, BOOTS,-AND SHOES, Blankets, Rubber Goods, Trunks, Valises etc. Main Street, Second Door East of Court House, - rir.ttsm IUtANCH HOUSE Broadway, Council HlinYs, Iowa. SPRING AND SU3IMI3U GOODS, Down Go AT Celebrated MEW Southwest Comer Main Street, riattsmoutii, Nebraska. AND SO THE PEOPLE THINE' WHO PUY EL "S" Dress Goods, iTints, lelaines, oingr.ains, Urown Slieetinix, lileacht -I Cottons, Ualmoral.4, Carpets, Clark's new Thread, Cotton Yarns Iii the Grocery line "vve. keep the Fixest and Best Tea, Coffee. Sugar, Molasses, Dried Ff lifts, JSpiees, etc., etc. In fact for Tour Groceries, Hardware, Queenawatef AVooden Ware, Glassware, Yankee Notions, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes GO Material. BUI! DET SMITH'S AM'N AND DOST O ORGANS. LOTS FOii SALE lots, will he shown thorn, or -riven any iafor- .t ItU.I.OCK, Keal Kstate Agents. ier cent, CO., ' Eg "3 the Prices ! ! T E S 3!!B. Boots and Shoes,' v Tt7 . f'-r r i. .'7'V. ;V - 'icrv V7.Vv Wpy. '"'4-'' i-V. Yw:5:" ; -; "-"-VI Scvrr'r ,i''.is? ?,'?;. ,1 ilas been before the American jmblic OVER THIRTY years. It liri never yet failed to give perfect satisfac-Jpftt. nn.l bas justly been Ety led tha panacarfr e.H ex ternal Wounds, Cuts, Bums, Sweliinpr. Sprains, Bruises, &c., &e., for M-.n ami Eeast. No family sbould bo a binla d&j MM Only 50 Cents per Dottle, . It promotes the GROWTH, FRESERTEf4 tbe COLOR, and increases tho Ior . j and REACT V of tho 1IAIR. ' Orrt TittitT Teak a?- T.ton's KATTfArnmt tb tiVhi'H was ti t nlaPf in tho market 1T r" 'Tin-"I'v.'r !t hn, ifdnl, n.l tbo pnpu- larity it hns obtained, i unnrecBclentM nn.l Ibli It increiwo- fn- f.KOWi'i! atvl 1SJ AC 1 v ol t na fndrnff. It prevonr li e Hair froia tumitiB Kray. Jt keep the head cuol. and civet the t.. r a ; t. Blow appparance. It is tii3 foil in tt!Arirjc trr Store at oai i .l:y Coui ptr ut'"" Woman's Glory is Her Hair. Look to Ycnr Children. Tbe Great Soothing Itemed'. MRS. ' Cures eolie snd friii'isr in; Pries WhiScomh's llf l.mvels. nd ilK:.t s 2 Syrup. the r.;Mi-i s ..f iccihiiii;. ; Con's MRS. M.'Mitf iiviiKli.ns .':it.J. Price Whitcomb's overecme" ell ilisea'-s i'lci-, H- Syrup. dent t" infauM and .diildren. : C- nts. N1R3. Cures l)i:i'Thu-e. iHsente-' Prfc "'K;ir-r!h- rv mwI sitmen-r e.imii.iit in i Svrup. ;e;i'.i'!re:i of all a .res. . It tin' f-".v;.t Is.i':!His lii'd 'irldri Sn-.-iii-inir HemeiiT, in diird;'rs iipniiit on ly teeih;;r4 or': 11V other eai:ve. I'lvjcired bv" t!n lirui'io'.i Medieine Co., St. I.oi:i.;. .Vo. ' ...... Soi l by drujtsista i'-ud dealers m -ines eerv where. ' liee.'-wly :iiVV r v r- r : r: ? x c ?- T Q "The a ircriicrx ic 'tia rrfer y-'.u to Hit f'nblixhzrs of this j-r.r as rryart ihfir perfect TcliaKilit!, atti v-.'tm icri'inrj to th'.m, p tease inct'-(icn ?a taw Iheir Advtr lis'meni ii !';:" pwr 5'-T"!f"?S rc'ioiriH'd i'rrliant K5 J TS .V-) i'S H . 1 rd lir, ( h thicM f-j f ;i:s .. -ii;i SC., M. l. u:i. 5Io.. will, r-n t"?-f-3ndhtif;. f'.ii '' ti.rtr noonrale LiJlS rc.U-H of Kfif-Xf a-iir. i:m :f. !ilus!ri!l y t ircul.-rr, au-J Prb-e l.iS. with a in!l line 1-11 ol'siiairi'"". oiial.liiii J:hi 1.) o.iiiT riot It eH in ; t fri.i!i !-. ir il uf-c. lilrli will 1 i.iii.te iii t lie I ( styie. M.ip.x il ly e Tfv. V. . 1).. iilh tin ; l ivi..-ae r cx-iii,i;n,ii- a;!-! r' i::-u;:ii :.t their oiit r.-.r, If not sil.s:trSi'j-. PtHTf r-l f- ri -n on str, t f n J OninlOiOtto f,.-!i.!ttd. fit rftVC '-"d Voii'':srh i:di!T.T K-iwInltj. Soad Dl? I O fjr Hi list 1 a! -.! Mjies an.l l':in-u Kyry rr II' !lXS IMTKST COMKIVi. -"5?'' i tio m : n. Al.i'nAiii r, ffjrirnrhij; Ijt.v i ;jne. Ix a, isrtrrt la. J.;u'., Trii.. A . At. All i'rotii :4 li .-H i- ii- -"I J?.- f prb.'f list, or 1 i titti fuilv ?:;f..r Ibu prl'-e I ist. or 1 fit. 1 1 mi I y t'-'.f"r lliu i.viul:ir I -t 1 i l -i'. S'-nt ,1. l-j'. l Wiil ! -: lur ilM II in luiiiilh. !.!! -.ii:ci:i' !iiii ituar- nteed. ormmcv r.-i.oni-.l. .-' a s wsnifn rt'i drr?s fl. liaruarU i t O.lvo tii tct. St. I.miiK Vo. . r-frt!?'nn Host iK'tr a t iroiilyrrr.1 I'ri. f i.St. r:. I ti K i.ei;:i.Mo. L" ' a:.'i lazily Jaj-.ii Diss co-.o-try i taa :3 fi b v.,..-. Rt iiii'i'inr I.ii..-a a-ol 1 ! !k r ar'. i' ! h. A h.ivcr-'i niC'l m rui'i'ii of a.. i- !,ii-:i :i!ii 1 ia. 111 -U..H. woe )l'.ie 1 it"i iiuc:. Vr-yg h 1; , 1';..). .ei.l f; f7n ti.rec. ,..!i-AI;.!-..lH-;s.(e:s..V;l ('.1---. li in : :. il vi;a lall !a- "f- 1 t-:rn: lir. :-ini'l '.' -r (-.! :. 1. 1. , 1 in 'iii-!..-. l !!.!-' i.'i- p: f 7 -v i- Invi! 'I j-.ii:.i vrai.ii II. I... .'i' 1 . K:ii-ii:miJ. Co., 2. '.U.lvc s: n-.i., Lt. J .(. iiv. M 2 i lite A::! Avi'Es 1 1 5f ii':i!iot:n ! . r:"i?i;il'-d, t.iiM ?'T). fi w!ti'T Vr't- ;.r. r.r.iJ on re- L V r!it or V? f.r i Uii.-. ..K;U d l.ifj:.- pr.iti:. l.".!.i-ral oisriiur-ti i tnTirut. .M i;. ! t r x'uUI'ur.jCtf.a'Ill l ir.e itr-t. i. S ju-, ic. Liu H o & J o Y H O P K & .9 O Y H O P E & .1 O Y Pi an orV'.ra!. f!r:-cliw-. P illar MoinMy. It U Cn-li iiii.l rpru-'liilv, mil! Will iii'en-s! '!!' i nnro houwiioiil, iuc!u:in 1'iTCrs m.'l niHiiii il-. I.u tmniU miiJ ivt', Ii'.rnii!' ami rhiMr- n. llmr--l?i tlit liiipf.rtaiue r-r gc'-i:riiii: ft uti;i. 'f iicart.4 and j.urjiosi s in lilr. ilr liall In- a union ol liarid. ll l-i;. ve ilnii. n hii it is woiiuur i'riviie;.'e to ;iiiri;y ciul Kiml'oi l nml ad-jrii, it houlii lm ruin's i.lauri t.. jirovil for, cherih. antl imikct. ll n i.uM Iiave t lid drfii lr''au'l a I -liii". ihiiikiicj an-l wrowiii crentiiri- H-rlc-l(y n.'ati'd.hut not lull iirnwii. Vet in aJT'atiiW ilic-o dx irimv.. (lt 2li tuiQ not emrlny doctrinal fcoruvu!i 1. mi? n.l i!ri-rr di.ouit:iii v liicli do not int r--t an I t line fore ii. rot profit rnlcr. on iho con:rrv, it would r.uli' r .ri-yli iih thori-li it tirc-aolivd not an inU'rn-rii'Z story, lor in-tiin' c, tciiixuiaile to nerve ine .rice a Unz ! i-cour-v I v giving t!iO rea-'t r ollt.thill r-nl. in trr4iii(i nd iiofiaoU- to think ' out. The worst as wi ll liif In t li-a!i.:e of the Miii'.i.:ne li its tirir c. Tlic idea m ictti:i-' a roal y tirt-claJ Muraiilne et on.' dollar a ;-r, W.Tilln ft!llrI li most I'Cojjl!'. t li en:.lny (urne ol" tlio l.cst cnnlrilnMrs in ik" coun:ry in'flii.lm? Oaii. IUmiltiiv. in liiidini' foitor, who rrr. ivi' a Ktiai v o! ihrto iIu-umhuI rtot l:tr. cfiiivalfi.t nl '.ut ten doilur ir iImv. lia !i iitiiiil" r contain iififl avVt liiit.di' a iolluiV Worth of niaiV r, wliiii Co. :s! wrifitr f.oiit "iKtit cctu. Il.c o a,d ,ov iwo lio.iiiflfuily ti:i;nl rr.iv. n porir'.iiis w5rtti 'm:r lJoilnri wiil 1k n.iol' d i -w i.icvit' S'.itrrttH r to ilir? V;razi':c ni 1 Ia) f'. i ..i:ni-M lrf. Avouty war.tol. AdU.ti S. s! W OOD A :.. New tnrRti, N. V. Hops ana Joy Hob8 asa Joy I M l ulled Voice cf t h 5i-ci. Wirw . niraxiiic MtI tlif lnoi-uuifiit'l' Immiw-J. O -n:'ririsc r men mar inr i-nv. .irrrti-' i. r J, tru.0, 1'hila., i'a A" " ,;"e rroinis. . It P E O is ill voted to tne !tistr.i-.'oi n-.i t-ii.t-riaoioii iifc n the I It, or.'.t r to p::nt n l l in i lie ni an of r adcr in nioTTHti-cirttim-Ktaiu i ( iiriiish l at a lfiiis'ksMy low rn'e in proxrtiuli to the in'irrest ol its fonit ntn. N. Y.T. ,.n: ..It Hcwnnaliv s h(.'i nmpazine. and is iu.t the lliinir llm' one wont 1 most desire to plare in the liaudvof l:s wit.? nv little ones, or td at (I n in n of liu-ines would I'lin-of take im lor the cinntovineut cf ft .--ure hour. I 'ml Vilo -nston, ; Were re out 01 our cin r editorial, a a "private riozru."' cm I roi.i list en-t all -tiat, one ol ti e first iiijM7!ne to lik li we should Milncril woo'.il be WiskI h liousrli. 'd. X"t'.?'r, Hart. I'..rl "t It I r.n tnteiii ctrni and monJ ediieator. Iiiplilw prized Py ail w ho Ik-colne or nimitiKd w in it.Chri:a A4wt'. iioioiinr writers are, therefore, eood wn:er', mid it ln?i! prirej prove ii wirr.t ct niernrv wares, then 3lr.lViwl nmc.-.ine IS a poisj r- r...l-. . Kuw Vorie. ... lis TH- D S H O u s E H O ft D ri A c A z I u & J O Y K O P E o Y H O P r!e hreathe a spirit of ceimomy. mofHlity end v.rtr.o wliitli i hinhlr retrfMims: in this atre of laliioii3iltt lolly and extravnanee , I loia. Mo. ' li is undotititedly one . ihi: lreshest. livcliesi wiiirn.ils we l.ave examined. E .li. -tomnt nr.nffieM. Tenn The Mrticic T sn-Khort, piouant. and ot stieh un.iiiesi i ne.l l exeellenc, .Hat --riwlical cujilit to lie ttn Of irniiut. and welcome in very many house . , hoids. Wood is marvel ol clieapnew as.d T iirsi-claoualitreonjl)iued. Ar fork Tint. 6 without this Linimrnt. T.c mo-icy rt fuudeil unTe- tLo Liniirrnt i a? repre sented. Frt r-r.rn rn 1 i'ct t! n rjnninM IWEXICAN 5!I"STANi T.IN'r.! i:X I". PoM by nil Irun'i-' nnl Country Etorr-R, a 2"c., f0c. r.n.l ?t (0 per r-o'.Ue. Kotico style, Eiso cf bott'.c, Lc ON MARRIAGE. IIVPi'Y K.'IW'f for Vtitnt'! Mfii, fi"til til" effort- i J'.tTois mi l MniM'siii rally liio. Man. li.niil rosioii' I. Impi'ilt'ii.'Uls ! lo.iniaLi' re move.!. Ni-n iiH lh.i.l of tr.Mtiiifiil. Nr. 5..1-1 li'iimi'K.iliiy n-pii-aii s. I.ook.h junl ( iic ttlars sent fl O" JO S.'.llrl rl ll '. V'.ii.'ss. lioi Allli ASSDlT ATIOV. No. 2. s.Mitii Niniii sin 1 1. riiiif li.'ipui i, i'.i. mi litsti- ttUK'ti lit. mi .; ;i ii ptilf t toll lur lioiwrublt. coiiilitcl tt'Hl piufrssi.u;.l skiil. Lll Cl.-t To A lv I-. ii ii s ir us. A pi'ls.fis wlio roTiletii j i' ittt ik in; finl rtt'-l s il li n s'.f (rt-rs for tho lisrili' n of A.lvrilis. ini-iiis should semi to ovell d Ro- f'-.r ;i t'irr uliir. oi Juelosi-i." cepts for tin Ir nn iiiinilrril p:1.::" I'tniipM. I. oiitniliinu l.lsts ol :;.tn!i N.'.v-ji-ip " ami o-lim lies. -!ioviiiif, llm -iis nf ; ; I . '!: i -i.'i". ; Isii many nsi fn! Iiiuls loail- yi'll ! fs. tt'.ltl ' .treomil'of. II"' i'Mirrii'lici-1 ot inrti v. an a i'.- Know n as muto ltil rrl isrrs. 'I liis Iii mi . t'.o- roii ii'tors t.l the American Nr.s;aj'i-i Ai!v i iising Air.-u-V. jsa.l i..-.fs 1 of uni-'itnilliii f v .itios for r eiiriii' iff !' -ir:ioii .f rl immi--nfs i;i all Ni-'.vs;i:i,'ers :.i:-i r-ri ! ' s al lowe:-t rates. Ls- 'A rsi : . is. ' . iim'riiiii fit' W.l't'.rt.i VirirhfiM Vlnr;ar Itillno nro lift a vi:c rnn.'T Driri Vi. in.iIo t I'oor 't,i;kry, l'r.of fc-pints iiinl liofiisc I.iqii"rs, i!i.einnii, rpi'C!. tiinl n'vcctciiea to )i;-nc t'.'C t: to. callrrt Totiii-H.' " An ti. rs." K.-st.rert," Ac, tlial loinl flic Iiip! r mi I1 a.l ruin, lititiiicn iit.e .Vcili-n-. mtt'lc from tlio u;.'iv o rooln sitt'l ln-rl" ut I tiii'oi ni... fT( e frriiu nil AleolK iie Mil'ltloi':'1- 'ilit v nio Hie Unit lUon-1 I'iiriiiiT ittiil n Uff-piviiig I'rttifipl. ft IVrfiM't !: U'jvainr ami lau.n .iiiT nf tin; y tolii. ciiiruiisi t'f!' nil l o;;'luiils i:!:i!ti:r MUi r.'Siiiinp ilio l.;.)inl lo :i lii-ultl'.v fiii'liiion, rn ri' li if. r; rrs-iii titr i:iv iuiii'iiirf ' "'i imn.t iiini lioilv. 'ilir-y mv rn.-v of ii'liniliistr. t.jri. prompt iti lii'.ir'.'i'-'iuii. n rti 'ii In tlic.r r!i;t.. mile :iii'.I r;iS:i!i. 1:1 T'dm- ! i!'.-i-:h; n IN riioii run lukc ll . se i:itlri-SC-c-rilni2 lo 'itri'i.ti iii-. rrpiniii io,,s.'tiii wt-.l, nrovidotl tuo.r Indu s s.pj lint K-r.'vt-tl ht piiiti'itil r'"'-!':1 ,r ,:i,' r iti""!"1. vr.ul'is wil'tel bivond l!:i? puint of 1 1 'Sir. - IVpcisI IIIi? sllon, l!euilaerif r;ti:i in t he .iini.lK-rs. :.-m'lis, Ti,: If in-n of tl.e t in si.' '. Nur ii'-i.t' ion -i ol ilioMor.i. i.i li I lit. IT tsie in tin; Jiott.'i.ri'i ois A :tnckM, i'al r;l ltiWKiilliC ilJ-.Tt t. i;:l".nittf Li.Ii of the iJitiyM, i'i!i:i ii. i'k- r;g'H.softo KMiwvs.und it tiui.drol otlii r rriiilitl svinpi'iin-i, c:v Hn- u:t-i"i:!u f In ihe: - cinnr lt i m tt li,ii;l. nml one lio'.iie will 1-mv: u I-C'T (.""iiuntcu U tt mi-sits iliun n l-urttiiv iftvi-u.s.-i. -nt. I.r Kt-intilc t 'nisiniiit(. Iny-dtnif orcl, Miarrk'ii nr ,sino:e, r.t t!n-luwi, ol w liiiiatilioo.l. or l If.' I'tr.-i t;l ll..-. tiitsi: Tonic Ciit. rs i:i .p!ny to acv'uh mi i!ii;tu'iii;o t',11.'. a im.iiv;; iuuwv. Li. '.t is y 'ii pi rr( ):i'. l or IiillMiniu Wo. y nil; Cl.roii IUi iilnl '.""t, ln-pi P"M it llfll- jr-stioii. HiSioii-. li'-r-iitiotil !. I li.K rtnmcn: l'ever.s. IHsetisoKt'f lit' iiH'f- I.l.ivt r.!:i(ty mtU I'.hpl'li r. ihosi' liilters Iiiive ln.'i-ti no's: siii'i i.'MKfii!. .Such lhr'i'!;wsanMaiis-i''l liy'i'U'fli'..oo..wl,i. if ii p.. in rally p rot Ir. ceil ly i!-.i u!!:e!i.ii.l of tli l;.ri tnvo oiv.u.t. I ley r.rti a ;cutlc PnrwIUr n w" as n -fotiif, p 's(Miijj ui.- ' i" I'i t t-,' if littL' ii .1 pw cifnl iiocpi :i . I,.-ii' tuu. (csii'in (ir It;i'.j.niHi!tfi":oi't!'? t.ii Vt v r. l OrttiiiH nml itl Iltouti-i l;isi':i v.;. 1 'or Skin UinriKM, I r 1 1 j . : i ,1 1 Trt'.cr. Sr-t-Uli-i-'il. Hiiili lif 'i. S-pids, l imiili I'list iit.-s. l!it, C'Krl;ii:ir:Ics, l.ii:-wor'ti--. .Sore V.yrs Kriiin Ix-i, Itch, Si'iirM, Iiiscnloi-fi if !M ol tilt; Humors nml I)te.ifa i.f Hip .skin, ci vli.t' "vcr ii'tmc or iiiiit.i". nit' im m ny nt l i iirni'il out of (lie n'tf!!i In h st.ori linif hy t' c if -f cT llif-s" Hitters. tii: Imi::I:: ill Mu ll ciW't w ill iiu im.-c the l.iof. liiCit-dillotirt t t I.K ir iur u'ivr i ;"-ir. Cleanse tl.c VlUnJr:! IJIoo-1 tvl;cinvcr you I i"l in lt;ip"riii .s ln-.rstii.if l.-ironi'li tho Ki.'i !i! rii!ip:e. i;nip-ff . t.r Son s ; Iimiihc It thivii vein i.tfi ii oiminieii.'il iiiid y'-'i; -risli pi the vrin i ii-iin.s" it wi.fti ll i l !':! ; yot r f t!it.?l will '"!! VO'I wlifii. Ketp I'.i- l.'jui I'tue, iuU lif I'.itiiill r 1 1-r re,-!t-i-i vv-iii loIh'W. titntrfiil I 5iotsniils J roi lfh 1 Vivrn BiriKH.t ll. 'J Mfst Mifi'ii-!fi;l Hi .1 'Oliiiit lliat tv r Ktistaitinl tl.e siuii K.-s-tn. Pin, 'I ape, nil cilliei-Worms, Iti'.HnJ la t;,c -vstL:n ol M tiiiiny tliousjods. Hie ct'ff. t'ir.liv ileHt ro"l an -1 n miovi'i!. inis n di.-tin-rti;-i',cil plivsiolojs-i-'t : '1 here Is S":in . 'y an imil- uii i nc 1"'T (.riliPi iiilli; liojy m ex-c-iipt from tlie prcsi in-.n or wonn-i. I' I" not c-i i lie lioallliv t letiicut.iortlK' hotly UiM worn. Ci,f l-M H'li IlicjliaciPtl liniuorf anl !intr (h posns limt hree-1 lli'.f liviSitT ntiisieri o .l si fisc. NofWK 1.1 ofliic'lifilXf. I: . llillfoi,'c. no aa:lu lmiiiiti-rs. will tlto i-jaitm frjiil worms iikiMlicsc v.iurra. ?ie ianici iim-ocfi rfrsoni cnsngca la I'iiinUs ami Mim'iai.s, sucli n I'lut.'iliern.Tjpe u litr.s. Oul'l-ljcatirrt. nif! Miners, nr. uiey mS-v-iii - ( in life, are cuij t to p.irK.'ysU of the liouols. To jrarl at'aiiist litis. -aKr a (lose 01 V M K . VlM.u.ill IlilTKIts Iwicc ii nceH. Uil. Krmlileiil, mid InlcrioH lent Irvi ii, win. ll iir ko orcvuii lit m i"" vali"vs ,-,( '.; Males. ,., . Mi.-mu.'i. l.-f Kansas, i. e. .T.-iit rivcrH t!tniut!fiom iii,.m or-cu y ll-os " of tint AliKsissippi, Ohl', . s, T. !;li' SSCO. CllIl.iM lollJ'l, Af ;.-iiloi.i .!, lir:iZo, Kio Oiainio, IVaii . i '.in:i, .Niotii.e, r-;naiiniiii. ivntiiiui June's air: imiii o le is. wi.ii tin tr vaht trildi lani". tiiruiiiioiit t't'.r tiiii.-o coithtry tlnrins fie Stiimuer nml Ati'. until, ami r. n.tti ka'oly fcu dun-sr i a-soiis or unusual lira sl!'i ilrypess, ard i'iv-iriT.'.i " i:foiii5v.r.'"l 1-y i-M' Tt-.M' ilimnpe. moras c: rto;r.iti... tiv. cr. various i ." -tiioia'!! a 'ill ti.i'i own i ur oI:l. in ii.( ,r li-a! sixi.t, a p'lrpv a t o.ver.iil tut.i.c!! "m;(iou tlf'io .my. is -sscnuitr.y HL-ic-.-u:y. 1 licro !"ii- ioi llf pt;;poe to int. J. is no isitl. a S Ai.KhK'S YlNKtu: I'.trrK'ts. lis tl;-y wi,i n,ro.ii:v reiti'ive the tiarK-coion-ii vi-ri-i uia.ttx with v. i.. t':c tiowi ls are l'.i ie l. al ti:ft ami tit.4 -!;..' io..:lii! Ilir s '!' ! i il.s of I 'm l.'.T, uii'l jrtVi"ra:!y i nciiU l!:e li'.-a:ii:y fiti.e ions of ti.e tt.'o s' f e oi uili:. .Sr ro f ii Ii it, or Kins'. r!i il. M'liiH Sw.l Iri'T'. I ). !. Krisir-c' ii. .s.w."i..'.l u-:. :onr, hrroV'.iitius Intlamt'i.iiiutis. in.lo.etit. li,C;iiiiiiiji li'.i.s. Meri-nii .l Atiei Hons, o; I .s-oirs, Kriip tiotis of thf Skill. Son' K'.es. ( tc. tr. Ill theso ris m nil oilier cois!iiu' 111 sca.s'S.U'Al.KkH'S Vi.K.i tit l iiTKits n.tvi; fl hii-ir urrnt urn luti inwi'H iu most oi.s.inate auJ iQ'.ratt. Uloi' t .isl s. llr. Wnlkrr'j 'a II foi i!it Vlilrrar Clltrrit iot oil all ilifif r.iU'S ill A Mliiii.'r i,i;i! i;y pnn: i:ir tnt l!nl tli- y remove Hie cim-". nml lV teivin away the etlfrts of ine iifliimtiiiitioii (tiie tutx-rruiiir !. .osii.s) tn r.rerte-1 pari.s rrct'ive Ifuiili, uuJ it t erniaiicnt I'lllf IS elici t '.!. Tl.e proprrtlcn of 1)B. W I.K r.IfH VlVEfi Ml lUTTKlis ir.f Aii:ricrit. Diapliort'iic. C'aimiu- live, Noriiiotis. I.UXHIM', li'ii(.':ir. sela uus t'o'in'i r-lrri:aiit, !u'lorilic, Aluraiive, ar'.l Auti-i'.i.i-f is. Tl.c Aprricnt ami nii'-I I.axativf proper tnn of Int. Wai.kli:' 'in:; Hutiiw nro Hi'.- Irt-st Mire puarJ l?i ra.-'S of rl iijiiions uu nitlii rntitit lev t rs. tia-ir aiuic. hialfip, u) p.i iiiiti;r prop, rues protect Hi'- Iiiini' r.s of tin latic-es. ' 'i heir ed uivr a operlii x al.ay pan. in tae tn nous system. K'i;ii.h ti. r.mi tov.f;., entitr u ii lui'iiUi.iiiat.o.i. v inl. t'l.i!'. rran. p, clo. 1-orlify tl.r iMiiiy ni..l tl.sritse by puriivit ' all us i:p;r. unit Vinkhak' o iiiemic cau t.ik j Uoiil uf a sj ,is,u u.u.1 lorc-anm-U. Jji rtrt Ions. --Take of the Hilton bn iroini ti ((i at lia'tit Ironi a iiali to otic ami ouolialf v;iUO-;'l:i3.iiil. Fat gooil nourii.liiiijf l.jtl. . li as oi ( i-ntt'iik. luuitoii ctiop. vt'insoii. tonnt ls"f, an! v e-ei nl.iev. ami lake t;t-loor cxcrcLe. i:t-r are o-.fnp' ol purely V'tgetifjls icffio. ilu-iii-S itii l 'ouinin i.o ; nr. It. il. -McIjO.VII.O t CO., rirtiirf's' atiil i-ii. Auk. Sal. I-riuittsca. C8J.Y c.-. a'. Waehiueon ua.l (;,)ArUoo bit., K.V. i j r AT t 1' i i