Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1873)
4 i ) i' i i H I 'I f f i f- c,' 1 3 i 1 H 3 i I ... I'ltE HERALD. Railroad Time Table. 2J. & 21. II. JJ. NEBRASKA. Westward Tfo. S Xo. 3 No. 1 Eastward So. 2 No. 4 No. C STATIONS .oo 8.6 CM 11.10 .MJI.V uo 6 50 1I.IK) 7.10 11.15 7.25 11.25 7.41 11.3H ft. 11 12.00 S.27 12.12 riattvii.mtU Oreapolla Oniahrv Helb'vue La Chute On'upoiis Concord Louisville iouih Lend Ashland Greenwood Wavcrly Newton Lincoln Lincoln Ie!ltO!I Highland Crete lwm-hester Kj.'Ht K.Urniount Grafton Stlttnn Harvard Inland Hasting Jnrdata 2.oo 1.47 2.40 2.10 l.W 1.47 1.31 1.0: 12.50 12.35 12.131 12.H5 11.52 11. 35 7.45 7.25 f.10 3.10 2.45 7..J0 7.10 .5S 6..M 2.15 .ll 1.3.5 5.50 1.10 j Vi.'tT, 5.32 I 11.55 5.14 11.25 4.50 M.V 4.41 lrt.;tf) 4.20 10.00 1H 3..13 o.m lo.:m lo..- f 12.35 9.12 12..V) l-'.'Vi Pi. it 9.31 1.05 9.47 1.17 10.10 1.35 1.25 2.00 ".sr, - 2. . 13 No. 7 2.4!) Zi .rt 3.txt 10.0H 3.24 11. 'JO 4.W 11.55 t 4.36 12 1 f 1 0 S.O 11.17 9.30 10.52 H.50 10.35 No. 8 fc.22 10.2S i62 b.10 HMW 2.140 .2:i l.Oft 9.00 12.: I 12.15 f 8.30 11.20 M.29 11.00 7.57 10.00 7.32 H.10 1.2 2.37 3.17 3.47 5.13 5.58 .S7 6.40 1 7.i5 ( f 7.00 f t;o 4.X) 6.02 7.12 6.4.1 7.55 6.23 7.15 C.0 C.35 7.4H R.P 8.55 9.0S Kciies;iv lxwel) Fort Kearny Kearny Juno 5.U 5.15 5.20 OMAHA BRANCH. Ijo riattsmouili, 6..V, pm Ar Omaha, 8.10 pm l is ji in ' " !.ipm At - ll.N:tm l.e " 10.3" :i in - 7.45 pm ' " C.XOpm b. & m. n. n. T rtatt,. 5.45 am ! l:ici1Wune.f 7.00 am 1 H:m.. 8.15 sim Va ili? .Iiitio., 4.30 pm Arl'latiH., 9.40 am Ar l'at ilic .lu:it. KoO u in Thf ti:io civ'ii 1mv? N that of Chicago, "wliic-li is 'M minutes faMer than that of l'latts- moulh. LOCAL NEWS. LOC A L ADVEUTIS K.M K MS. Transient 2"oeiitsalinf. lmilar advertiser 10 cents -r lln. No adves tiicuKTit inserted for le.s.s thuii 25 cents. Verd advertisements w' ue cbr.rsed to the "Arties handitii; Uiem in. COMMUNICATIONS. As our sp-w is limited, all coinmunii-alions mut he brl;f and to the jMjiiit, with no waste cf words. SriSSCKIKKKS XT" reqii'ited to notify the ollice If the psppr is nt delivered promptly. N E V S V A 1 ' I ! P. DECISIONS. 1. Anv person wlio takes a p;por repilprly from the po-t whether liieeted to his na:ne. or wlo ther l'e is a subscriber or not is resjiisil'le for Hi pay. 2. if any person orders his paper iii'-enniin-ed ho neisi pav .ill nrreaniaes. or tlie ptitdisher in iv co'itinii' to send il isntd payment is made, ;i-J f!iiei-i the w hi le a'-ioimt. whether tiie pa per is t.iken from t ie e;i- r no!. 3 The .,rts have d.-'-'d-d that rc f.isini to t ike iiev.spiipers aii.l .e:-i-li'als from tin- poM oTee or reiiu vii: r.;id ! :n'm them i;ueade.l or. is prima fi.!.::ec of imkntim. H:ai I'. NoriCKTO Ev y.i.s i-.odv. Ml -.n'werihcrs pay Is ; for their paper to us, ami ordermix it stoppel it acrrt.viu titr.e. v.ili fud i: so s'oppe.l ; hut e caiit.ot he n-ponslM-? for vii:;l has heen one before our ::i.e. nor for orders supposed to ha jIt-jii t y oiliers to oMiers. Our hooks a'om? Bnst he th K:d h fvr ail old suhieriptioas. fl-ase n-wet::.i!-r this. HhU and toe l.;w-c Si Cu.'i ncTv roocs. Firs meeting Friday Fvening. m m How about that Council meeting on Saturday ni;ht? The Nebraska City Ktu-$ Notices cur County fair very pleasantly. "When do s the Cour.fil meet, is now tbe query on the street! The Oto? County fair is held at Syracuso on the 21. 22, 23 and 24th of October and they expect a big time. Bargains at Haak SLrei.-l.C?. tf. Rats month, Neb, i i tho adurcss on one of Solomon & Nathan's boxes out on the side walk. Short Horn Jimmy has just been fixing it for the boya around town this week. O -to "Piano for sals cheap. Inquire &t the Herald office. 24tf Frank Whits Jr., hands us tho Mar ti t report's this week, on tho back of li.s giii's envelope. . Rev. W. IL Barges 3 will hold divino s-rvicii in Sr. Luk-'s Episcopal Church on Sunday the 12th inst. We tender our sincere sympathy to the family of Mr. T. F. Vance; within two weeks they have buried two child ren, their last and all. ' E. Noycs, of Louisville, called on us Tuesday last. He reports his business all O. K. and the Republiea.13 of that region in the same li:. Ladies, v-ill and e;t:nnie the niee ar.d cheap ('.liters ai the shoe S!:uv. before you buy else where. No charge f r sl.ov.i"- them. 5-tf. TiiTK!: Mr.itr.cs. UIEIX Zllla May, daughter of T. F.and I). L. A'ance, aged 13 months and eight days, being thc;r 1-ist and only child. . Hon. D. H. Wheeler brought us a fine bunch of Delaware grape's all the way from Michigan, on hLs return from the Fair there. Thev were raised by Mr. H. Reckwith at Spring Lake, Michigan rj-.d wore perfect beauties, in their way. AUhogh the weather has grown much col dor the ycliow fever rases. About six hundred are under treatment in the infected districts of Memphis. The fever seems to be spreading somewhat, forty-two case3 being reported in Calvert, Texas. We call attention to the advertise ment of Hurst and Gage in another column. These medicines are war ranted and are sold by responsible parties. Dr. Chapman is the agent for them in l'lattsmouth. Give them a trial, ye afilieted ones. Wanted. A good team of Horses in trade for a first class Piano. In quire at the IlnRALV) oillce. WARD MEETINGS OF PLATTS MOUTIl CITY. The Republican voters of the sever al Wards of the city of l'lattsmouth are requested to meet in thtir respect ive wards on Saturday evening, Octo ber 11th, 1873, for the purpose of elect ing delegates to a City Convention to be held at the Court House on Monday evening the lath inst., for the purpose of putting in nomination the following officers, to-wit: One Assessor; two Justices of the Peace; two Constables; three Judges $.ad two Olerka of Election for each WcrrF Flno Cut Tobacco fit the Ioet OQm Bock Store. 6tt Remember the Fire Meeting on Fri day evening, at 1)4 p. m. Hoard Wanted. Two rooms with board for a gentleman and two ladies in a good central location. Address Box 7a 1 P. O. Mr. George Seybolt desires m to say that he has never thought of, nor de sired to enter the County Treasurer's office in Cass county in any official ca pacity whatever lie has other and better business on hand. Go to the Ferry Company for your summer's wood. 6oo eords dry Cottonwood for sale, and delivered about town. 12tl A lamp exploded in Miskella's Gro cery Store, on Tuesday evening during Mr, Miskella's absence at supper. Some passers by broke open the door and ex tinguished the flames before much damage was done. This is the third attempt at a Gre in this block, within six months. II UNTEKS ATTENTION I ! Every bcxJy who feels disposed to join the annual Fall Hunt, is request ed to inert at the office of Sam M. Chapman Esq. Fitz. IJlock oil Friday evening lOinst at 7. SO p. ni. for the' purpose of making preliminary arange ments and fixing the day. Foiiy for salo. Inquire of Herald office. . 24tf TO TIIE FARMERS. Mr James "Wood (alias Short Horn Jimmy) desires to inform the people of Cass that he is a bona-jhle candidate for Probiite Judge and that if elected he intends to fill the office himself to the best of his.ability and knowledge. CHURCH NOTICE. Tiio Nebraska Baptist State Conven tion holds its annual meeting with the Baptist Church of this place commence ing this evening at 7 X o'clock; also the Nebraska Association commences on Friday at 10 o'clock, a. iu holding over Sabbath. All are invited to attend. A CARD FROM MR. BERBER. Unfounded charges that I will not fill the office of Treasurer myself, if elected, having been circulated by the oppiwition party, I hereby inform the people of Cass county that, should they see fit to place me there, I propose to perform the duties of the ofiico myself ! and that no other person has ever been talked of or thought of, as my deputy. Exos Bcrger. WHO KNOWS? I k:io-.V that Teter Merges, the l'lattsmouth Shoe Dealer sells the let goods that are made, at the lowest cash prices. tMtf. Mr. Th-jrnas Thomas has retarned from the St. Joseph Exposition, rind cannot say too much in praise of it. lie says they treated him like a Prince down there although he could not got a premium. He desires to return his thanks to the President, Superintend ent and other officers cf the Fair ground for many courtesies arid kindnesses re ceived during his visit. (J RAND LODUK I. 0. 0. F. On the .!st of the present - month the Gra:ul Lo:lge of the Independant Order of Odd Fellows will convene in our" City. - A reception ball and supper will be given the representatives of the Grand Body by Platte Lodge No. 7 I. O. 1 O. F. and the citizens of Flattsmouth, on th evening of the 23d at Fitzger alds Hall. A CARD. As I am about to leave Flattsmouth I take this opportunity of thanking my old friends and customers for the past favors they have shown me and most cordially recommend my German friends, and customers generally, to call on Frank Carruth, at the Post Office Jewelry Store, where thoy will find a large assortment of all kinds of goods and a thorough workman. 2$w4 Paul Braitscii. Business la business, ar.d so uro the Cigars at the I. O. I5.ok Siore. 6-tf. The Nebraska City News makes a I big mistake in quoting our article on the conventions in Cass County. For Heaven's sake Mi.-ter, whoever you are; do try and read more caref ul. The first part of the article yon allude to has reference to the so called peoples ticket in this county, and the last has reference to the regular Republican Convention which we said was com- posed of farmers &c. If this mistake is intentional it is almost unpar.lon- able to thus mislead honest readers j and if the writer knows no better he should leae so responsible a position j as even a countv editor's chair, MRS. ADD1L SAYLES. Ulilliuery and Faacy Goods. Would call the attention of the la dies of Weeniii? Water and sUrround- i ing country to her full, cheap, and com- plel f-ti'k of Miliinerv and Fanev Ioh1s, which she has just received from the Last. All orders promptly filled at tho lowest cash prices. Our motto io quick sales and low prices. 37t4 NEBRASKA' GRAIN CO. TO THE FARMERS OF CASS AND SAUNDERS COUNTIES. I'l.vttsmouth, Oct. S, 1973. Tho undersigned, representing the Nebniska Grain Company, takes pleas- i ure iu informing his friends and those j who have produce to sell, that they have increased their facilities for hand- j hug grain by erecting Warehouses at j Louisville, Ashland, Greenwood, and other points on the li. & M. Road, where competent u:en will be found in charge, having an interest in the busi ness, who will pay more for Wheat, Corn, Oats, and Barley than any other firm in Nebraska. Refers, by permission, to John Fitz gerald. Calvin Parmele, and John R. Clark. Offiee opposite Bank in Jno. D. Tutt'3 Store, JOS, A. CONNOR, i Gfifcral Manager' TIIE JjONO OF FASHER J. I want to he a farmr r, And with the f aimers stand, A hoe upon my shouMcr, A plow within my hand ; There, right before irycorn-fleld. So wary aid so bright, I'd view the hands all working. And watch them day and night. I'd tend the farmers' meetings, And honors would I bear. And on some fanner's motion, Terhaps I'd take the chair. And bless the f inner voters. They'll give, lite office, quite. And with teji thousand thousand, I'd praise them day and night. " Oh, yes, I'll le a farmer, And with the farmers stand, Their votes w 1.1 make me happy; 111 join the farmers' band There, With f'iflt !g fat office, I'll raise my banner bright, While they are turning up the earth, 111 praise them day aad nitfht." $1.00 REWARD. Lostsomewhere w ithin the limits of the city of l'lattsmouth, one grey felt saddle blanket. If the finder will return the above to Buttery & Lazen by's stable, or the Herald office, he will receive thanks and cash. The Flattsmouth Fire Department met on Wednesday evening, and after transacting some regular business, ad journed until Friday evening, at half past seven o'clock, sharp, when all the firemen aire requested to be present, as there is especial business. : 1 1 . We call attention to the Reception Ball and Supper, which will be given to the Odd Fellows Grand Lodge, in this city, on 'the 23d inst. Many promin ent persons, from all parts of the State will be present at this gathering, and we hope our people will make the Jle ccption party a success by full attend ance ; thus aiding the resident members of the Order to make things pass off pleasanllv. . l'lattsmouth Billiard Hall, opposite the Brooks House, "NVni. Neville, proprietor. Three good tables, good bar and bowling alley. 21iihj MARRIED. At the residence of the bride's fath er, in Richardson County, on the morn ing of the. 7th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Lenska, Mr. Aloxzo Cunningham to Miss Carrie Howe. The happy couple took the train for l'lattsmouth where th"y expect to spu d the honeymoon, if the boys will give. Lon." any time to devote to such pursuits. "Wo wish them a long life, oceans of happiness and a gold mine throwed in. Oh "J.on." my boy, you've done it now, And all the world .will wonder How(e) You caused a maid to have it said Kh would a Cunning htm be made. Married. Wednesday October 7th lb73, Mr. William L Latta and Miss Sarah L. Current at the home of the brides father. Three droves, Cass Co., Neb., by the Rev. A. L. Folden. So wags the current of times and brings us all to the brink of matrimony sooner or Lat(ta)er. Melodeon for sale. Herald Office. Inquire at the 24tf CONNOR'S WAREHOUSES. Joseph Connor is now opening three separate grain establishments besides the one at l'lattsmouth. James Alli- f son, the son of an old resident of Three Groves, Cass County, who is well known throughout the county, operates the one at Arddaud and makes it ii suc cess. John Livingston, the of J. Adams, two miles south of l'lattsmouth, and who is an old resi dent of Louisville Precinct, runs that station. The one at Greenwood is op erated by an enterprising farmer, W. L. Grey, who is making a success of it. They are all Patrons of Husbandry and have the interest of the farmer at heart. It is a co-operative association conducted under the management of Joseph A. Connor, and between them they ship a large portion of the grain of Cass Count v. WOOli WANTED. A". V. Leonard wants some wood in exchange for pictures. Call and see them. 27t3 Nat Brown and John Shannon both came out iu a spic-span new suit of j clothes last week; drab brown with i purple spots on 'em. The clothes were j made in New York, by S. LUoora & Cc, from imported short horn, Melton, ! English Petersham Merino wool goods j and it took three whole pieces to get i e;n all out of. As the suits cam? home j from the shops, they wort- a little too i large but by repeated wettings during j the shower of last week, they shrunk so much that Nat had to trade his off to John for a short horn pony, and John i gave his to a sixteen year old haymak- j er, from the Weeping Water blue grass ' region, for an un weaned half breed Tex as calf. IJrown starts east in a few d tys to bay out the factory, and has chartered the Ik & M. R. R. to transport the ma chinery, hands and all, out to Coon j Hisel's hollow v. he re we shall soon have I a woolen mill and clothing m inuf aclo- j ry at wholesale, running in first rate j order. It is an unique and entirely i new mill. You iust chuck the sheep. goats or flax in one end and a suit of clotes, a hat, or overalls cornea out of the other. Go west voting man! and see this wonderful piece of machinery. COMMUNES. Again the monster ha showed itself with 'is hideous inein ?i Jpain. AgaLi t'te red handed Vaudtd has full play, but thanks .r to (,;id. on ly fr u ?lnrt time. And yet in sp;tf of tiiis sad j news we are liappy to record tlie fact that i l'eter .Merges, the only c.e-iisf ve dt aler in boots and sh.m s in Cass t'oio.ty, defies the whole north west in low down prices. "iti. TEACHER'S EXAMINATION. Examinations for granting Teachers' ! Certificates will be held at the follow- i ing named times ami places: Stove Creek School House, October 21st and 2?d, 1873. Weeping Water, October 2:kl and 24th, 1S73. The Water's School Houe near Greenwood, October 27th and 23th. . l'lattsmouth, October 30th and lsr. Prompt attendance at 10 o'clock is desired. U. W. WISE, Sup't Pub. Instruction, Cass Co. Plattsmoutb, Sept. 17tn, 1873. LIST OF LETTERS j Office October 1st 1S73: Budy Joseph B.uxtca P. - Brown J. Eresnor PenJ. ' , Brook Chos. Drake G. W. Divls 6. J'. Eunent Mike roster Miss Nellie Glbbs Andrew Cordon W. Mail W. 1J. Hudson J. 11. Holmes Joseph Ueudersonll. C. Jones Win. Kelly Hickman Knotts Trof. Kamp II. F. Krugger Thomas Iaugliiin W. Loomis J. M. Mockinply Kittle S. MeCracken Geo. Mapes pu McDonald Martha Nash Richard Presson J. C. Quinlon Ellen Rose B. Reynolds N. M. Sayles Frank Salisbury F. A. Salisbury Ceo. Smith Ceo. Thcmpson J. Vv. . Thompson F. G. Volk Nicholas . Viers J. P. Withefo'w 8;iml . Wannock David WHIard Sarah Whig Geo. 1. Williams G. W. f Wilmot II. S. When calling for any of the above letter please saj- advertised. J. W. Marshall, P. M. reter Merges the Shoe man buys his large siocks direct from the Factor', and is conse quently prepared to sell the best goods cheaper than the cheapest. 2-ltf. CASS COUNTY CENTRAL ORANGE ASSOCIATION. This Association met at Eight Mile Grove on Tuesday, October bth. The principal business before the meeting was the propriety of erecting Ware houses and of starting a co-operative store. The Warehouse matter was laid on the table; and in regard to a co-operative store, it was resolved that the Grangers need one, and that the initia tory store should be at Weeping Water and a committee of three were appoint ed to form rules and regulations for its government, and to receive stock for the same. The meeting was largely attended.and finally adjourned to meet again in reg ular session, at Light Mile Grove the first Tuesday in January, 1874. After the business of the meeting was over, Mr. James Wood was called on for a speech, and did make a very neat short-horned, clean-limbed little "spout" rather flowery and a little po litical, but then Jimnly is one of the sweetest talkers in the county, aiid he has set his heart on being Probate J ttdge you know, so we'll forgive him. MacMurphy was then called for, and spoke his piece, without any politics, because the moon was under a cloud, and it wasn't a good night for politics there, any more. A "honeymoon car'' is now run on ! the Pacific Rtulwav. WEEPING WATER LOCALS. WF.EriNo Water, Sept. 24. Of course tlie money panic is tlie one fruitful topic cf conversation. Every body understands the whole cause f it and wonder why financial men of such-reputation as Jay Cooke and oth ers should not have seen the disaster awaiting them. The fanners show very little uneasiness for most of them have sold part of their wheat and are. able to hold on to tlie balance until the market shall improve, which they claim cannot be long. Reports were received that all the banks in l'latts mouth, Ashland, Lincoln, and Nebras ka City had susiended. Tho report, however, created but little excitement, for most of our farmers are in the' habit of depositing their surplus funds with Reed Bros. Reed Bros, say their business has been larger this week than during any previous week in the year. An encouraging feature of which has been that a larger portion of it was cash that for some weeks past. They have full confidence in the future and will keep their stock full in all lines. Reed Bros, carry one of ihe lar gest and best assortment of boots and shoes to be found in the county, and are selling at" prices that defy competi tion. They have a large stock of "Hen derson's" celebrated work which they warrant to always give satisfaction. Persons who have purchased these goods for the last five years say they will have no other. Parties who have trouble in getting good shoe , leather thould not fail to visit Reed Bros, and examine and carry away with them a pair of these j'ustly celebrated boots. Reed Bros, are carrying more than double the stock of clothing they have ever carried before and have but little troublo in pleasing the closest Layers, and this too without resorting to the "Jew" system so common among deal ers in clothing. To avoid this jewing they give a cash discount oT 5 per cent, no clerk is allowed to sell below this, nor for more. They also have a fine stock of boys clothing which is offered at prices so reasonable that many will prefer it to buying goo:ls in the piece. To-day-we noticed Reed Bros, selling a saddle to a man who lived over three hundred miles east of here. He said they were so cheap he could afford to carry one home with him. He said," "You sell everything a3 cheap as our merchants do." Farmers in all sections of the coun try cai undoubtedly save money by buying of Reed Bros. A. W. Beech, an old resident of this county, who lias been iri the east for the last six years, has returned, he is much pleased with the improvements and thinks now he shall make a per manent residence in this county. His return only proves what we bave so often noticed that any one who has lived in Nebraska cannot be contented elsewhere. E. CliHdreu oftn look. I'alc am! from no otlior cause tlutii having worms in the stDin.icif. UliOWN'S TE1I5IIFUGE COMFITS I will destroy, Worms without injury to I the chihl, Uin'j perfectly WHITE." ami free from ail t ounuij; or other iujur ious iyirredtents usually used in worm preparations, CURTIS & BROWN, Proprietors, . No. 213 Fulton Street, New York. Sold ly Druggists and Chemists and, uealers in Medicines at Twcntv-Five Cnte a Bar. Wwly." Cent.iur Liniment There l r.o p'tin wbi-'h fh4 Cn;aar LrntmeM wHI li 't re lieve, no swelling It wiil tjoI 5ib(U;e. and no lameness whir!' it i:I not cur1. This is strong !.iiini:'C, but it Is true. V. the parts are not gone. Its effects are marvellous. It has pnwiueed n:ore euros of rheumatism, nou- KftfTlfpsT ralgia. lock-jaw, palsy, sprains, swellings, ear-ache, caked -breasts, .scalds, burns, salt -rheum. upon the huiaau frame, and of strains, spavin. Kails, &e., ujon animals in one year than have all other, pretended remedies since the wor'd brpan. It Is a counter-irritant, an all-healing paiiIT.rehever. Cripples throw away their crutches, tPe lame walk, poisonous bites are ren dered harmless, aud the wounded are healed without a scar. It is no humbu;;. The recipe is selling as no article ever before sold, and it sells because It does Just what it. pretends to do. Those who now suffer Tron'rlieumatNm, pain or swelling deserve to suffer if they w ill not use Centaur Liniment, more thau 1000 certiSeates of remarkable cures, incluilins froen limbs, chronic-rheumatism, gout, running tumours, &c. have been received. We will sehd a circular containing certificates, the recipe, &c., gratis to to any one requesting it. One bottle of the yel low wrapper Centaur Liniment is worth one hundred dollars for foundered or sweenied hor ses and mules, or for screw-worm in sheep. Stock-owners this liniment is worth your at tention. No family should be without Centaur Liniment. J. 15. Rosf. & Co., New York. 4C-ly Castokta is more thau a substitute for Cas tor Oil. It Is the only safe article in existence which Is certain to assimilate the food, regulate the bowels, cure wind colic and produce natural sleep. It contains neither minerals, morphine or alcohol, aud Is pleasant to take. Children need not cry and mothers may rest. 40-ly SPECIAL NOTICES. THE. HOWE SEWING MACHINE J. Vv". Marthis & Co. are the agents for the Howe Sewing Machine In l'lattsmouth. They have opened a salesroom and office ou Main street, between Fourth arid Fifth. The Howe Machine is a Lockstitch, double threaded machine, and ranks No. 1 among the great sewing machines of the day. 8-Oin . J. W. Makthis, V. V. Todd. WOOD! WOOD! The Ferry Company have Five Hundred cords of good dry cottonwood for sale. 12tl Tlifrfy Years' "experience oi an Dirt "Vurse. Mrs. Winslow's toothing Syrup is the prescription of one of the best Female Physicians and Nurses in the Fnited states, and has been used for thirtv vears with never failing safety children, from the feeble infant of one week ohl to the adult. It corrects acidity of tlie stomach, relieves wind colic, lojrulat os tlie bowels, and gives rest, health and coin fort to mother and : child. We believe it to be the Best and Surest Remedy in the World, in all cases of Dysentery and Dirrli-ea iu Children, whether it arises from Teething or from any other cause.' Full directions for using will " accomp any each bottle. None Genuine unless tlie face-smile of Cl'RTIS & PER KINS is on the outside wrapier. Sold by all Medicine Dealers: 24wly. VIXECfAtt! At VV.k.W iI? and Retail. For the pvrposc of introdociir my vincprar. I wi.I se'.l at the following law r:i!es at retail. Red Wine Vlr.e-.'ar by tlie siiile cailon : cents, two or more tedious Ut cents per -dlon ; o;iiiine Ciller Vir.e;::ir Ml cents p-r (ration. A liberal discount on Ihe jibovc rales m nie to the trade. Ali Pieivtr v.arra:iled to preserve, pickles, and free from acids. I'iiy rdor promptly filled r.nd d'-llvcr.-'d. C'irii rv pattoiiiJsre solicited. Factory onpo-iif "doore's Fhcvcr Carder.s, and w-si of ;ids"!'s Mill. l'i'-kies fioni liie vines 4o ceids per bundled : pta up in any kind of vinegar desired, 00 cents per hundred. H. A. AI STIN. 14-tf. PtSMMuiouftl. Neirtawka. . . FOR RENT. The large aiid oidniodlons V.arerrom, cellar, and !Mt'e oi. seex'nd floor of buiiding formerly occc.pii'd ly Jacob Vaih-rv. j""-. M'asotiic I'.hx k. Enqtiire of li. II. I.ivixoston or 43-tf. '- K.T.DIKE. CAIiY & HULBEilT, iiaoToc;5i.4incns, CORNER MAIN AND FIFTH STS., Are doing all kinds of work, in their line in a neat, artistic style. Give them a call. 11. O. FELLOWS, 24 w4 Operator. NOTICE TO PURCHASERS OF B. 'c M. II. R. LANDS. Omrr or 1,ai "Department, ) ',. &. M. It. li. Cm . IX Nl-.M., V IaNcoi.-N.'NKis., July lo. is?:;. ) Having received patents from tho I". S. Oov- ernnient fr our lands, we ;:re prepared to issue contracts to parties holding pre-emption cer ilicatcs for a portion of the' sunt". Persons boldini; such certificates numbered between 1 and lino, Issued between tho 1st day of April, and the 7th day of October, ls71, are lo-rebv untitled to exchange their pre-emption certificates for regular contracts, at tiiisof lice.witlon Mty !:tys from this date, as provid ed ill said certiticale. 10-131 C.F.O. R. 1IAKKIS. Latid Cwn.. II. & M. H. Ii. Co.. ia Neb. Tlie S3oi!seIioIl I'abacea, and Famly Ilislment is the best remedy in the world for the following complaints, viz.: . Cramps in tho Limbs and . Stomach; Pain in the Stomach, Bowels, or Side, Rheumatism in all its forms, Dilious Colic, Neu ralgia, Cholera. Dysentery, Colds, Fresh Wounds, Hums, Sore Throat, Spinal Complaints, Sprains and Rruiso.s, Chills and Fever. For Internal and External use. - Its operation is not only to relieve the patient, but entirely removes tho cause of the complaint. It penetrates and pervades the whole system, restor ing healthy action to all its parts, and quickening the blood. Tin? Household P.inaoea is purely Vegetable and all Healing. Prepared bv CURTIS & R110WN No. 21o Fulton Street, New .York. For sale by all druggis' s. 24wly. Legal Advertisements. Est ray Notice. Taken tij by the uiutersigre 1 at his residence in Eight NlileVit 've 1'reeinc;. Cass Co., N'eo., on the tali day .t S-pteinher. A. D. 1 7:t, one horse and one potty; The htse i.s of a bay color. sm posed to be" 11 years old. unite stripe ih the lace, blj-'id in. lett eye. The pony is a mare about seven years old, of a sorrel "color, white strii in the "face, figure . -it branded on left shoulder. THOMAS YOL'NG. 25- w5 Legal Notice. In nistriot Court. Second Judicial District, In and for Cass Couuty, NebrasKa. John Fitzgerald, I'iainti.T, vs. Frederick Alley, M. C. Al ley, F.. C. I'.iewstcr. and M. 11. Reese, Dei'enuanis. Mrs. E. C. Rrewster, non-resident Defendant, w ill take notice that i did on the 4th dav of Oc tober. ts::t, file my petition in the Itstriet Court in and for Cass County, Nebraska,ai:a:u-.t Fred erick Alley, M. C. Aiit-y. E. C. Ilrcw ster, and M. B. Keese. lH'fendaiit-. i!n object ;mil prayer of said iH-tition being the" foreloure of ac.-rtain lieo igaire on lots No. live 5) and six n! in bbn k No. niuet v-iVpnr ! iir Pta'tsmov:t!l Citv, Cass County, Nebniska. given by Freoericli Alley and M. C. Alley to John Fiigerahl to secure the payment ot the sum ofsfOH.i with interest from the loth day of February tsri at twelve per cent, per annum aud that "said lots mav be sold to siiiisly the said amount so due that you are required to aiww.'-r said Mtitioi on or before the 17th day of November 1st;;, (setting forth anv and all iuierest,' claim and demand you may have upon aid mortgaged premises, by virtue of a certain mortgage deed dated the toth day of March isro,- and executed by Frederick Alley and M. C. Alley to yourself and which said mortgage deed ut'lers unsatisfied of record) or stand forever barred of any and all equity of redemption In and-to said mortgaged premises. JOUN FiTZG EitALl, l'-y CjUAPJLLX & Maxwell, wf His Attorner. I Iu T!!r!Avuvt Pr-rW.rt,"Juiici:i SjsIrlt'lTta a ad lor (.'ass County, MbcsKft If'-urv E'keidiery, on bis own behalf and ou 'betnUt of (Ui thft heirs of Samuel Kiken bery, deceased, riaintols, vs. Famuel Maxwell. Exccitorof tLu e.-tate of Samuel Liken berv, deceased, ar.d Timothy Gaskill, lieteudants. Timoth Oasklll. non -resident Defendant, will take notice that I lid on the 2il lav of Oc tober A. 1. I?.". Hie i:i the of.iee cf the t'leik of tlie Pistrict Court tit and for fuss County, Ne braska, a;:.ilnM famuel Maxweii, Kx ecutorof the estate of Samuel FikcnlM-iy, ie ocasi'd, aud Timothy. tiH.ill. tl-e oIOih-i ami prayer of said pet it io'n !:; to obtain a decree of I court coire-tin; a certain ieel made by Timothv Ct.uski'.l id snrnvl i-.ikcnli. ry on the i-Jd dav'of .June is.".:, w hieli said deed was made to convey the northwest quarter of tho southwest quarter (' of section thirty tao; in town twelve tU') ranjre fourteen f I4 eat in Cass County, Nebniska, but by mistake lieri!eU said real estate as being in M-ctioti twenty -joi instead of section thirty tsoi. and also rt qnir injr Samuel Maxwell Kxcutorof said Instate to make answer setiinsi forth any defense be may bave to plaintiTs said petition" and that unless you answer said petition on or before the 17th day of November, A. 1). lsT, default will be taken ajiaiust von iu accordance with the pray er of said petition. JiKNKY ElKFNIii'UY, 15y CHAl'MAN & fl XWKl.l.. 2-sw4 His Attorneys. Legal Notice. Arthur Calkins, I'laiutilT. "1 vs. I Willet Pottingcrand Fer- ry l. Cass, i Jefendaiits. J WMIett 1'ottiiiirer, non-resident IVfendant. will take notice that 1 Oi l, on the iroth riay of September, A. 1. lT. fiie my petition in the District Conn, in and for Cass Connly, Nebras ka, .against Wil'.ett l'ottinirer and I'eiry 1'. iiass, Ietendants. The object and praver of said po tion being to obtahi a juilgiuent against said Willett I'otttnger aiid'l' rry 1. 'as lorthesum. of 7!-1ih. vwth interot from day of April, A. I. 1S71 at ten percent, nerauuum, and that said riuintiir has cau.Std tlie following de seiihed lieal Kstate as the property of iilett 1'otterurer, noil-resident defeiuh'.iit to be atteh el in said vuhsc to wit : tho west half of lot No. eleven in block No thirty, ami hj N' twelve in bhx-k No forty-four, in 1'la 'sn .uth city, Cass oot'.niy, and State of Nohrask-, and that von are" required to answer said petition on or bfore the loth day of November Is;:, or judgment will bo taken airainst you upon the same. AliTlIL U CALKINS. 15v ChapmaN ,i Maxwkix, '27 w 4 His Attorneys. Legal "Notice. To the unknown heirs and next of kin of Jo seph 1 Kar!y, deceased : You w Hi take. ::ot)ee that 1 did on Ihe 2."ih dav of September A. I. 173. tile my Hill in the District Court. Second Judicial District, in aad lor Cass County. Nebraska, aaiiot ou. The object and prayer of which is to obtain a d"ci"e of the Court decreeing the leual and equitable title to the undivided half t't' 'f lots one, two, three, four, live and six 1 1, 2. 3. J.ri and to in block number eiirltty-nine -sio, in l'latts mouth c'y, and th e undivided half (',) of hts one. two. three, four, five and six (I. L',3. 4.5nnd fl in block number I've i.V in White's Addition to I'lattsiiiouth Citv, and lot ? one, two, live and six (1.2,5 mid fo in block number two (') la l'lattsmouth fe:in jiet itioner Kila V. Da vis, and ordering tho Sheriff id Cass 'ounfyt :ls a Special M.ft-r, to execute a ib-ed conveying said re;d estate to petitioner U'i'1 that utiles, you appear and .answer ?s:iid Kid of , petitioner on or before, tlie loth dav of November, A. D. Is7:l, the same i!l be taken s:s confessed and judirmciil rendered accurdimily. 1 KLL.V V. DAVIS. Hy Chapman & Maxwkix. 17 wl Her Attorneys. Legal Notice. In District Court, th'.d Judicial District, !a aad for C;:ss county. Nei ri 11. C. Uigeiow, ri'Wilds J. Horton, I'aidhia A. Hoiroo. al.iri in i rover. J!iob;-.rd S: Spceeer, ('eil i; Caiiii. si. .'ose;io Com-p.-uv, Joint M. Carter. C. W. l.yiiian. The People of the State of Nebraska : Martin iirover, liibbard Spencer, Weil & Calm, the Saint Joieoli Maioilael urin:: Cone jianv and John M. Carter, non-resident defend- ants. wi!l take notice, that 1, II. C. J'.ieluw. did on the P I day of S.-it-!t:l'r. A. D. l..t. t;ie my peiition in the olliee of the ( lcrk of th" Dis trict Court, in and for Cass County, Nebraska, jut:' hist said non-resident defeodanls, and W il lis J. Horton, I'aul'.na A. Ilortoo and C. W. Ly man, resilient defei.d:ints t iie oojeci and prayer of which petition was to obt;:in a Jti'ig 1'ieut ugjiasr Wulis J. I lorlon and Paulina .v. 'Morton lor the Mini of, and a de cree of f.irecUistire upon a certain iiiort aire deed given lir s.iid .Willis ilnrtc'i a'ld f'au lina A. II or; on to plaintili. '.im.ii the N l of N !' ' ni seeiion number I t. in to vn in, rjing" II 1: Mtl principal meriiiian. and the S K 1.i of section ne.t'.ibei- twelve, in town In ra'ge 11 I'., situated in t oss counly. Nebr;isk:i. to secure tli" paMiient of s-dd sum of tf" with in terest "from tho the -.'!t d:iy of March, Wo. id the rat" of ten per cent, per aniiuiii. ::iid also asking for afurther jii.lgment against. ?;.id Wil lis .1. and 1'aidlua A. ll irion. for the sum or e-.'.l.'7-l'nliis. taxe a:id char ' -s iiooo real estate, which said Wilits J. ;i.n.l I'aho'Kt A. ilnri'iii had permitted to become a lien and !e ebrrge o.pon sabl real t sn.te. impairing and n;iiring thin ph'.iotiil's security upon the s;one, aiid asking tliat plaintiff be allowed a lien uim said premises for said taxes and chatges, and jiraying further that each of you non-iesitiei.t defeiid'alds be compelled to answer, and how w hat if any interot or iien you have or claim upon said "mortgaged pnmis"es. by virtue of rtain judgments obtained by each of you. in Cass county, Nebraska, against said Wiiiis J. .vial Paulina A. Horiou. and that plaintiff's said claims and demands may be deeicd to have priority over the clahd ot each of said non-resident defendants. You are required to answi r said petition on or before the gTih day oi et"ber. A. D. ls7;i, or default will be taken agaiust each of you upon said petition. II. C. I5IGKI.OW. , bv CHArMAK & Maxwfm., 24t i U Atri mey. A CORDIAL INVITATION. Messrs. Hurst .Sc Cage exteud their compli ments to tho public, and invite every one to ue Dr. L. Hurst's Anti-Dyspeptic and Liver Pills. For the cure of IJyspopsia and Liver Complaint. Long experience" lia proved them to be the safest, surest, ahd lie' ''ills in use, for the va rious billions diseas- s ... prevail st extensive ly. Headache, indigestion, less of appetite, giddiness, dimness of sight, sleepiness and the ! whole tram ol oisoroers ii.sii.uiyiermeu oiiuous, j will be cured bv these pills if taken according lo uirccuuiis i nee cems. PERSONAL. . Dr. Hurst's Vinegar Cough Cure has been used in private and hospital" practice for many years, and is pronounced by aU who have tried It the best remedy ever offered to the public for the cure of Couyhs, Colds, Broticliitis, AstJiina, Whooping Cough, Croup, and all diseases of the rulm','uv7y organs, belnjj composed cf well-known, .meiUcal herbs, it will strengthen the system, purify the blood, and arrest disease. " WANTED! WANTED! WANTED! A case of I:'.. 'iir.atb:n, Pain in the Hack or Lumi'iiga; Swollen Joints, Flesh Cuts. Sprains and I'rnises, Sore shouldcis. Scratches and Fis tula in Horses that cannot bo cured by Jli.rd's Tar Liniment. Hurt's Family Medicines for ?ale bv Dr. G. It. Chapman. l'lattsmouth. Neb. ; li. C. Iloover, Louisville, Neb., and by dealers generally. Lesal HUtice. OlFT-EKTES?HISE The only Reliable o'ft Distribution i?i the Country! - 75,000.00 IN VALUABLE GIFTS! To be distributed in lClth It KG L LA II MONTHLY Gift Enterprise ! To be drawn Monday, November 24th 1873 ONKGKAND CASH I!ZE01' 85,060 in Gold ! ONE GUANO CASH PliIZE OF 85000 in Silver ! Two i'rrc-,S 1.000 eadi,in Grcwi'Micks! Six Prteeg, 8"i00 each, in Greenbacks! Ten Prizes, 6100 eali, in Greenbacks! lioo Gold and Silver Lever Hunting Watches '.in all, ott h from .-jo to ?3oo each. Coin ISilver Vest Chains. Solid mat Doublc 1'Iated Silverware, Jewelry, .tc. Xumlicr of Gift, lo.ocfl. A"o. of Ticket AG I NTS WANTED to sell tickets, to whom Liberal I'reniiums will be jiaid. Single Tickets $1. Six,$Z. TirtIc,S0 . , Tirenty-Fice, 620. Circular. containing a full list of prizes, a de scription ot the manner of drawing, and other infotru:Mion in refoeucc to the Distribution, wiil be sent to any one ordering them. All let ters must be addrueded to L. l. SiNE. . -yl ito Cdnoiaiutl, Qhly ijja.,iiil-"JtlWi1 .ii. 2L.y Good fml pdFt -.(frrnverexl Jud3y et iwr body' home la l iattmceih, if they wwit It. by J. Bcaiinieistcr. SenJ la four orders anS 1 TI t ft i ge you Pure WlilMj and serve you regularly. 13-ly. FLATTSMOUTH MILLS. rL.VTTSMOUTII. NKB. CONKAI nFI?I.; - IVopricto FLOCU, COItN MEAL, FKKD, Always on hand, aud for sale at lowest Cash prices. C$Tho Highest prices paid for Wheat and Corn. Particular attention given to Custom work. E, T. DUKE&COL At the foot of Main Street. Wholesale and Retail Dealers la Hardware hud Cutlery. stovf.3, tinware, ikon. nails, ; . , hoes, rakes. siioVels, axes, , knives and FORK&.&o. &s. All k!ua t Tinware Manufactured II. A. WATEUM AX & SOX Whb'.csal and Retail Dealers la JP i ii c Ij ii tn b e r , LATH, SHINGLES, Sasli, Doors, IJliiui, iVc. 5-4t. Nebraska Grocery. under IIeiiald ofiico. Luke Ffiiskella, Proprietor FINE TEAS a speciality. Try tlicm nd be satisfied. nl-ly. GO TO THE Post Offico Book Stoie. II: 3. STItEICHT, Irrrrietcr. For Tour Hooks, Stationery, Hcturya, Maslo, . Toys, Confc-etlonery, Violin String, cwspapcr, NoTelsj Son; Bjjoirs; 4.c.,; &c. rOSTOlTTCE DCILD1NG, Flattsmouth, - Nebraska. 8-tL NO YOU DONT ! ! Get auy Goods cheaper, or a better article than is kept at the Store of Jas, Olisbee fi Co. Dealers la General Merchandise, We are in receipt of Fresh Goods every week from the East, whichare bought for Cash, and will be sold In any amount. Grnng-erSjkeep youi eye on your friend; "We 'will rot bo undersold by anv one. JAS. CLIQUE & CO. Weeping Water July 1st, 173. ll-4t. U. V. MATHEWS, Fourth street, north of Platte Valley Howe. rLATTS M 0 CTTI, NEDEASBLi. Dealer la Hardware and Cutlery, Stoves, Tinware, Iron, X"ails . Glas., Locks, Garden City Plow, Hay Rakes, Farming Tools, F-.irm try Much inery McCormick't Reaper and Mower, Buck Eye Reaper and Mower, &(.:, d-c, f c, d S E E D ; For the Garden, For th Orchard, - ' For the Field. J-M..- 7-- ? ; TIC.-.--.. J PHILADELFXUSTSPX SOLOMON Cz ii&THAii Ladies Furnishing Good5-. lA--t, Chpet, r.noft. ti4 Bwt Aiwntra "tcic lr. th City. v.'.u h t-.- ! nrervired to Bell ehnert thev rail or piTcnn! nwKHtn ti"5 us IvUU Ci.llUIIIU oui g jj .is i x A Storn Main slret. 1 elwen 4lh nd Bti iOieets, Plat 1 -.mouth Nebraska. , ltitt. Mothers. .Mottefl?. Mothers. Don't fall to procore Mrs. Winslow's Soutane Svrnp for Children '1 editing I'hi"; valuat'le piciiar:it!ti but been ucd wltU NKF.U FAILING SI. CC KssJ IN 'iUOCh AMiS OF CA-I.S. , , , It ted onlv relieves the child from pain, but invigorates" th stomach and huvwls. correct Hcidil), and n'vcs tone and encry fo the who' sjslem. It will also instantly relievo. Gllll'INO IX Till'. P.oWKI.S AM) WlsjD COt.10. V.'c believe It Ihe best, iinl sorest feoiedy ll. the world, to all cases of Dysentery mid Dlar- rlo'ii In children, whether iiililng iioui teething or any other cause.' Depend ii on it. mothers, II whl t'lvo rs-st tc yjill selves and 111-XI K K AND IlKALTII TO Yoi'n I XI AKTS. Re sure und call for ' "Mils. Wl NM.OWV" SOTI!IO SVItLT." i ITaving Ihe fac-sbiiile r "t:i;i:T!S A l'ES ! IvINs id th" i.uulde tti.mpi r. . I Sold l.ydr.!ge!s;s thiooglieiit the wn-ld If I an row pr -par .'d to furnish th boat una dulterated milk TWICE EVERY DAY To all pj'.t.Ios notlf Ing me v' T'ETER COOS. THE GENUINE PIHS' , Threshers and horse powers; Those superior Machines, "witl" out any rivals for capacity or quality of "work, are offered to buyers this year with several valuabla improvements. De- ecriptive Pamph!et -will be fQr nieeed on apphcation, and stoolc tvill ba heldf in St. Ixjuob- for raoro convenient delivery. Par tiea in Missouri, KanBos, South- ern Illinois, Texas and th Ter ritories will correspond with Semple, Birgo & Co.,' 13 SOUTH MA IN STREET, ST. LOU 1 1 riease mentioa lo what paper y tuf lUa adrertiMmeot. FIRST NATIONAL BANK; CI" TLATTSMOUTn, NnEItASiA, sucens-fion to Tootle, Hanria & Clark. Jony riTzcrRAf.D. . l'l'esHlclit. Jons K. Clahk. Cashier. c. rj. vjkitMrin, i T. V . r.v. ;.-, . Ass t C'ldot. Thi- r..i!il; Is nnw fon fur bnsiricM at thM new room, conn r M.-dn and Sixth treoi, i4u ;ire firepjicd to truuici a j;viicrjJ Banking Business. Stocks, Bond. Cold, Govrninent and Local t nought aud SoId,;Deposits . KeceUcd and Interest aHowei On t:m ; C-rt'ScaU. j Ir:ili drawn, nvrdhibli tn anv part of 1U1 I'oile.l Slnlcs ui ull tho pliuelpld tOWU9 and Citk-iof Euii i c. FOR TIIE CELEBRATED IjYMAN liAb AND ALL KM LINE OF STUAMilliS I'crsons wishing to bring out their fti'ntf from Kiirojie can pnrcbase tickets from OS throogh to riatisinoiit'i THE OLD RELIABLE A Heavy Stock of Goods ci! Eand. No Ren's -and lnU-rcxt on Bormorti Copit'd to be infxle "Jf Customers. OLDEST ESTABLISHED UOU&ll IN TIIE CITT. streets, t;ikes pleasure ia announcing to FARMERS AND MECUANtch. 1 1 be hn a ;r arid well selected sloci cl I)ry Hoi His, (Iroceries. !rovisiont. us ereT" brouUk to the City of I'littsuiouth, .. . . ll f 4 It will cost yon nothing tohok at t'.irV whetner yon bnv or not. l;v exnmining the prices at the "OI,l RELIAll'LE '.yoo wld bf i tK?M4W COVEY, n