Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1873)
. .. . i t. it Tho Farmers of tho North wcsU It i amusing to see tho grave raau - ler iu wliich certain of our city journ alists attempt to disenss tho fanners' question. These young sjnigs, who swell around In id -icy neck-ties and tight boots, and who do not know a Ditchforfc from a McConnick's reaper, are full of tl.p gravest advice to th farmers. One of these gentlemen attempted to elucidate the agricultural question in Friday's Times: In doing so lie puts the following qu -stion into the mouth of an imaginary farmer: "What is it that hinders mo from occupying a - a position on a level with men engaged in other pursuits?" In various ways the writer leads those a3 ignorant as himself to suppose ' that the farmers are a class of mendi cants, or rather feeble, unenlightened, and poverty-stricken peasantry, who need advice and commiseration from any little upstart who writes scandal and sensation for that paper. If the writer would gain some little knowl- edge of the class he so patronizingly counsels, he should lay down his pencil for a few weeks and travel through the great Xorthwest. He will he hospitably received, notwithstanding his questionable character, and in the quiet, cheerful, comfortable -larm houses of that vast agricultural region he will find, notwithstanding the present disadvantages under which " i,v inbnr. the and most Wii- J J A ' independent body of men and women on earth. Let him attend a a grange picnic, a "harvest feast,' and behold the groaning tables, piled full of dishes that even the richest cannot procure in our l.irfre cities, and see the whole- souled and cheerful manner in which the meeting is conducted; then this wise young man will come back much sadder and wiser than he went away, and f;ced from at least half of his sdf- imnortanee. - The trouble is not, a3 the writer referred to supposes, that the farmer wnnt. tho sochd emuil of the miller and the railway director; but because, through unjust regulation, he is depriv ed of that fair and equitable remunera tion for his labor which he has a right to demand. Injustice is equally in Justice, whether heaped upon the banker, the miller, the railway director, or the farmer. The condition in life of the sufferer makes no difference. A regulation which cripples and embarrasses the merchant will meet witkrthe opposition of the mercantile community; and in the same way a law, or regulation, or a system, which imposes undue burdens on the farmers will "meet with their active enmity. The farmers of the "West are not mendicants; they are not suffering for the necessaries of life, or calling for donations to save them from rags and beggary. They are simply er. .luring 'an opposition from railways, from monopolies, and from various forms of roguery, which 'a suffered m com mon with them by nearly all classes, but by them most of all, and this op pression, they demand shall cease. When they require the tears and pity of the Tint's at their alarming condi tion they will no doubt apply for them. Int&r Ocean. Spnnreon Nowadays. It. D, Conway's Correspondence to Cineinu: ti Commercial. On Sunday last a very large crowd larger perhaps than usual assembled in Mr. Spurgeon's Tabernacle, thinking, perhaps, that he might improve the occasion to make some remarks con cerning the bearer of the red flag of ritualism, which has so long enraged him. lie preserved, however, a digni fied silence. It is evident that Spur geon has lost much of the phj-sical vigor which he once had. He leans oftener and more heavily on his desk, his manner is more hesitating his voice more low and conversational. Increasing weakness lias not, however, touched any fibre of his intellectual force; and indeed to a severe taste his lower tone .and more solemn manner are an improvement on his former style. Ho still holds the crowd as no man in London has held it in recent times, and as a natural consequence he is overworked." On Sunday last he had among Ida hearers the "Negro Jubilee Chorus from America, who sang some of their hymns to him in his anteroom after the sermon. A crowd of visitors, some from America, came to shake hands with him, and he greeted them cordially, remarking that he regretted that he had so little time to talk to them, but hoped they would have plenty of time in heaven. A rather odd incident; just before the services, -two distinguished Americans one a former official and intimate friend of t'KJ late Daniel Webster had been shown into a pew. Presently the pew opener came and requested that they would take a seat just behind, as "a -distinguished gentleman and lady had to be placed in the pew they occupi ed." iJChe two Americans at once com plied, and behold the gentleman and lrulr escorted to the vacated seats toth black as the ace of spades. 2Ir. Spurgeon is credited with the following, which, if not true, is hen trovato. He is said to have been taken to task by some Sabbatarian since he ha3 found it necessary to employ a broughham to take him to church: "But. he urged, "I only sit stiil in the carriage I don't work." "Ah, yes, sir," said the other; "but your coachman think of him!" -"Oh, he i3 a Jew, and keeps the . seventh day Sabbath." "But jour horse?" "Oh," said Spurgeon, getting a little impatient, "lie i3 a Jew, too T'.. This reminds me of another little story going the rounds concerning one of our Broad Church clergymen, who, being recently on an excursion in Scotland, was vehemently rebuked by Ids landlady for taking a . walk on Sunday afternoon. The clergyman naidthat he could not see the harm, pun said: -You know that we read that our Lord himself walked with his disciples in the fields on the Sabbath day." . "Ay," said the old lady, "ay, I ken it, an' I ne'er thooht any the bettero Him for it' neither!". : - Executors Sale of Real Estate Py virtue of an order of sule Issued out of tfco Clerk's nflice! (and under the seal of the s-tnie) in and for tho I net Court Second Jiitucial Dir irict in the Comity of Ciixi mid Slate of Ne lra.4k. and directed to the nn.Iersii'ned. in an :i'-IIoji wherein Llnvd I. Ih-rniftt anl J-.lI-ert T ltike. Kxicutnrs f I he !:tt wiil kiiiI testament of .-.I-epiierd iMlke, deceased, are i'laintilTs, and l.avina IMike mikI other are Defendant, we vll at 10 o'clock iv. in. on the tth day of September, 1873, In front of tlie Court Honsf in the City of ts moetli and Mate of Nebraska, olferfor sale at piililio ntilioo to the hiirheM Idddcr the land and tenement herein iifier described .on terms follow h. jr. to-wit : one-fonitli ca.-li in hand, and the residue in three eiuaJ annual naviiient.s. with Jfit'jruat at ten per cent and secured ly niortxaKe on tho premises. Said land belong to the. estate of Miepherd l'nke deceased, and are peseriitcd as follows, to-wit : the southwest quarter U) of the so'1'hwrst quarter ('i)of sec tion eleven (It) town twelve hji ami future; thir teen (K containing forty ( !.') acres More or aiso t;n; northwest q;i:irer tH ol the norm west quarter f section fourteen (i i town twelve 02 and raniro thirteen (l.'ti, containing forty Reres. more ur ie-s : also eiirht acres, le- ini' subdivision lot eleven (II) In section twenty nino C-':i town twelve ( li) an I rani." fourteen 14), ail three of said trie's of land 1 vm;' and le ntr in Cass Could v and Siate f Nebraska : also the lo!!ovvin:r lots in t.Mo fit vol llansinoiitn 111 said lass 4 ountv. lots four. itve. six. u;ne a)id elev n (4. 5. C, a. and 11 J, in Mock five (.", lot ntu((y l)!ock tweiily-miK' (")) ; lot lour (Din bliK-k forty-four ( M) : aiso the following los I v- Insr and lieinjr in Huke's Addition to tlie Citv or l l:il:s:iioiiin atoresaid. that Is to sav ts one, two, three, lour, five, nine, n. eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen. sixteen, s-vemeen ana eijriiTeen 1 1, :t. 4, 5, 1'), 11. 12, l.J, 14. 15. 1';. 17 and lsi in Mock fot;ri-4l lots six, seven, ('it'll t. nine. ten. eleven, twelv thlrtcen, loiirteen, litteen, sixteen, seventeen. cigmceiL, iweniy, iwcnrv-oni arm twenty-two i, 7, k, 9, 10, u, 12, i.i, 14,"ir, ifi. 17, is. Uii. 21, and 22) in block l:v, Co; lots four, live six, seven, ei;'bt. nine, ten and twelve (4, i.8. 9. io ami 12) in block six ) : lots one. two, three, four. live. six. seven mid ei-zht (1. 2. .1, 4. 5, , 7 and in block seven (7); lois three and . f'.:r ('. aiel 4) in Woci nine ') ; lots two. inrce, four, tive. seven, eixht, nine, ten, eleven ami twelve (2,3,4,5, 7, s, , in, 11 ane r'l in block eleven (11) ; all of bloc twelve (12) bein totsone to twenty-two (1 to 22) inclusive ; all of block thirteen ( r) except lot nineteen (1.4) beiiii; lots one to twenty-two (t to 22), inclusive, execjit said lot nineteen (l ; lols one and two d anil 2) in block fourteen (I I) ; all of Mock fifteen (15) being lots one to twelve (1 to 12). inclusive : lots six, four mid fivefrt. 4, .....I 1. !....- t . .t. ...... ri.-.. IUU iff 111 i.nfv fc:iiuiA.cll II", ll.- , t three, seven, eilit, nine, eleven a:nl twelve (1, 2. 3, 7, a, U and 12) iu block nine teen (l'J) ; iill of block twenty (20 excejit lots el.'ht and twelve ( and 12. beiii lots one to twenty-two (1 to 22). Inclusive, except lotr, eiirht and twelve (x mui 12) ; lors one, five, six, Si?vcn, eiflit, ten, lifteen, and (1, .", o, 7, H. !', 15, in block twenty-one 21); lots one two. t'live, four, live. six. seveoand eiirht (1, 2, 3, 4. 5, 6, 7 and 8) in block twenty-three (23); lots tbreo. seven, ei;Ht, nine and ten (o, 7, s, o :,ntl lot in biociUwenty six (2tJ) : lots one. two. three, lour, mx, eight, nine, ten. eleven and twelve (1, 2, 3. 4, , 8. a, 10, 1 1 and 12) in block twenty-seven (27); all of block twenty-eitiht (2t. exeent lots live and seventeen (5 and 17). beiiifr lets one to twenty (1 to 20), inclusive, exeent lots five and seventeen (5 and 17) ; lots . eleven and twelve (11 and 12) in Mock twenty-nine (2-J) ; lots one, two, five, si. st-ven and eiirht 1, 2, 5, i;, 7 and 8! in Mock thirty (:!, : lots five, six. .seven and eight 15. c, 7 and sj in block thirty-one :n 1 ; lots one, two, three, four, live, sev en, nine, ten, eleven and twelve 1 1, 2. 3, 4, 5, 0. 10. 11 and 121 in Mock ten It'll : lots one. two. four. tive. seven, ei-ilit. ni:; '. ten. eleven and twelve 1,2. 4. 5, 7, S, !), 10, 11 and 12J in block twcnty-i wo i22i. Lots 3 & 4 in bloek 8 ; and lot 1G in block 21. Said sale will continue from 10 o'clock a. tti. until sundown of said day. if necessary, and it will be adjourned from uav to day until all are sold ; this being an adjourned sale. rUiit:ihiouth, June l:th 173. I.IXYI I). 15K.V.NETT, KLIVKKT T. Dl'KK. Executors of the last will and testament of the of .shepherd Duke, deceased. V'HKKl.Kii & ISTINf'HCOMlS, 12-3t. Attorneys for Executors. VIXEG Alt ! YOEG AIt ! ! At Y.TioIesale and Retail. For the punose of Introducltur my vinecrtr. I v HI sell at the following l -.w nstes at retail. Red w ine v wieL'ar nv t ne sinine irauon ;n cents, t wo or more ir:i:!ons at 25 cents ter lmIIoii ; (ienuine Cider Vinejrar So cents per raiioii. A liberal discount on the above rates made, to the tra'ii. Ali vinenar M'&rraiiteu to urwserve pickles, and iree trom uciasr C:tv orders rroir.itlv filled and delivered.- Country initronaire solicited. Factory opposite ?looie's Flower Gardens, ano west, 01 iieisei s .mi:i. I'ickles from the vines 40 cents rr hundred ; put un in any kind of vinegar utsired. CO cents pernunarea. 1. A. At MI.N, 14-tf. riattsmouth. Nebraska, Look to Your Children. The Great .Soothing Remedy. MSS. I Cures coliti and irripin" in! Price WhUcomb't the bowels, and facilitates 2" Syrup, jthe process of 'eethine. Cn. frtRS. j Sumlues convulsions andi Price Whitcomo' overcomes all diseases Pici- 2-3 Syrup, jdeiit to infants and children. Cent. MRS. Cures Iliarrho'e. lvsente- Pries Vhitcomb's, rv aitd sumnier complaint in 25 Syrup, jciiiluren of all ages. Ccats. It is the jrreat Inf:ui's ar.d Children's Sooth ing Kemetly, in all disorders brought ou by ieein;ii'j: or any oiner cause. l'repared by" the Craftou Jledicine Co., St, Louis. Mo. Sold by druggists and dealers in Jledieines everywhere. uec2-wiy THE HOOSSER DRILL. "THE BEST." t C0NTAIN3 AIL THE LATEST ANO EST PATENTS, AriO HA3 MEW POINTS OF EXCELLENCE OTEEREO BY NO OTHER DRILL. IT CHANGES FROM S1WGLE TO DOUBLE RANK M5TANTLV ANO WHILE IN MOTION. IT HAS A FORCE FESD GRAS3 SEED SO'A'EH. A NE'V FEATURE. WE ABE PREPARED TO SHIP DIRECT TO PARTIES IN LOCALITIES WHERE WE HAVE NO AGENTS. Parties orilcria,?, will p'ease say la what paper t'uey read this aJvertifceaacut. SEMPIiE, EIltGE & CO., AUKJCCLTTKAT, rMPtmrFyT!? AVT IT A ED WARS SPKCIALT1E8, 13 BeaSa 3cia Street, St. Lraia, Sla SEfv.PLE, BiRGE &. CO., OF" AGEMTS FOR P.ADFORD S rOHTA2LE FREMCH EURrl MILLS, ECLTS, SVUTTESO, C.c. FATrPtlLETS furnished, and ei.Utr.ates niaia. 13 Sonilt aiein Street, tit.! Tartifs wrltius. pl.-are ieulio i in vth-l paper Uicy rcid tuis bveiUti'.i r.L The Best IS THE CHEAPEST! F. J. 3IETTEE11 TTas a large and good assortment of Farm Ma chine rv. The .Marsh Harvester, a Reaper that two men ean rut and bind ten acres per day. with one man to drive, and the binders can work in the shade. i . F. J. METTEEU, Main Streot, Corner eta. -PJ&mttMlIK ......... ' .: NtrSSm. Firrt in tho Field; Established 1858. Daily fio. Wkkkly$2. The Omaha Republican STEAM BOOK AND JOB PRINT ING AND BLANK BOOK MAN UFA CTURING E STAB LIS II 3IENT, after many years' experience, with superior fa cilities, and tin? IJcst Vorkm'en to be found In the V.'r st, will fill any order, large wr small, in loe o'si siyie at SilOlT liotlee. Jnl at the lowest prices. Oa: Bin Bdd'c Wo:i and Hindingof every description cannot V.esur- lassea iy any ; linn in tae Mate, aim we dial eiige coii:piirison. County Work a Speciality, and County Officers will find our forms the lat est and most inn.-foved. Stationery, Seals tor Count-. District and I'robi-.te Courts, Justices of tho Peace, &c. Lcral and Commere'I Blanks g-ers, Day Books, Records, &c, in ready made stock. furnished at the lowest prices. Orders ly mail for all kinds of Job "Work ex ecuted witli the utmost speed, and dispatched promptly. ST. A. D. BALCOJIBE, Manager Republican. OMAILA, - - - - NEBRASKA. WHEELER'S PATENT THRESHERS AMD CLEANERS, THRESHERS AND SEPARATORS. RAILWAY POWERS, Jiufhctured by tho "WTieelar & Mellck Co., New York. For convemonco and cheap nrs3 of delivery to South W cetera Trade, a stock is kept nr n fPLE, BIRGE SCO., OLi, 13 SCUJM MAIN STREET, ST. LOU.'S, ro lyhaj cr'cm thaall l.c CJtrSfc3. I'tin:-. TT-r:i us:, -w.ll pleiiMO t:cn:lcn la TTi2.-.t ifoscr tUej ?-T,d tbi odTcrtlsenic The le&i Iwk in the market Best terms er r offered Attention agents Send for circulars of our new work, INGERSOL'S LIFE AND TIMES OF Horace Greeley! The most pojmlar liograj)hg extant The inottt graphic political hmtorii- Candor, Fullness, 'Truth, Impartiali ty 1 boon for the Laboring Jlan- A book for Statesmen, Scholars and Thinkers A look for every Ameri can family. So biosrrailiieal work of such interest to the whole people has lief ire appeared in American literature. It is a f ull. coi.ioltU'. honest account of the life of th inor-.t laborious and inf ueiitii'l of our country's reformers, the first journalist of liis age. and the busiest man w ho ever lived. There are also extended notices of verv manv of " ' Mr. Greeley's Cotemporaries whether in Joitinalism or peneral politics, so that the whole is a rather full, just, and faith ful representation of American politics for a" period of forty years. Here vou wiU'learu of the rise and fall of par ties : of the triumph and defeat of iolicies : of the lives and characteis of MANY EMINENT MEN. This work is. in short, the ereat biotrranliico- historical work of the times. Jt is the trreat lit erary success of tne tones, tvery intelligent man and woman v.iil have it. Orders are al ready com in ii in In such a way as to show they w iil soon lit'triii tojMmr. Mechanically it is the handsomest boo': pub lished, lieinu "profusely and Kl.KGANTIA IL l.L'S'lltATKl) with about 4oei:irravin:r, inehid ln? portraits, also a steel engraving of Mr. (iree ley, which is tlie must pleasing and natural of any yet published making' a volume of over Ooo royal octavo pages. Agent Wanted, To whom tlie best terms pre offered. Agents are meeting with nnparalleiled success. The preat iMpniarH v of the book insures to begin ners success, 'io .secure inline Oi.ue territory send 1.25 for the handsomest Prospect us ajrents ever bad, or ?4.50 for sami Je copy, library style, and Prospectus, either of which will be sent prepaid. Address, UNION PUBLISHING CO., 335 Wabash Avenue, Chicago, 179 West Fourth Street, Cincinnati, O., or New York City, whichever maybe nearest to your place of residence. 12-121. MM Cora SMers AND HORSE POWERS. GEARED AND BELT SMELLERS FOR HAND AND POWER. ' Catalog seat -when re- (jnostoa. Parties "vri Liner, "will p'ceso stato in T7hat paper they read this advertisement. SEMPLE, BIRGE a. CO., AGE3T3 FOE THE MAIrtJrACTUaEE3, ST. XiOTTTS- THE "WELCOME" SULKY T. HAY HAKE. .- .. ... -- . ... It discharereg itself, and thus saves almost the ntiro labor of the operator. It ia an invalua ble implement to every farmer Description will be sent to partie3 applying, who will please state in what paper they read the advertisement. Somplo, Bifgo 8z Co., 73 SOUTH MAItl ST.: ST. LOUIS. 1 0 wxr STATE AGE'T lap. Halladay's Patent Wind Mills. Double and Single a?ting Force and Farm Pumps, Feed Mills, etc. The Halladav Mill lias stood Who test for six teen years, both in the Cnitcd States and Kn roiie and Is the only one itenerally adopted by ill rrincipal Railroads and Farmers. Terms Liberal. Send for Catalogue and Price List. A. L. STKAXU. Llneolu. Neb. mm w mi P. K S B s a o o -00. m m a a Si CO OU K V ts at V) m The Lincoln Route. The A. a N. Railroad. . VIA. LINCOLN, NEB., TO St. Joseph, T'ecumseh, Topeka, Leavenworth, Paivnee City, Lawrence, Falls City, White Cloud, Doniphan, Kansas City, St. Lrouis, Cincinnati, Indianapolis, . Columbus, Louisville, Nashville, Memphis, Chattanooga, Atlanta, New Mobile, Orleans, And all the Points in the Southicest, South and Southeast. THE rLATTSMOUTH PEOPLE r.y taking the express train at Lincoln on tho ATCHISON d- NEBRASKA RAILROAD. Upon their arrival at Atchison, the Great Railroad Center of the West, Can obtain, without DELAY OR INCONVENIENCE. the verv best Sleeping Car accommodations, and will reach Si. Iouis eai ly next nioi nini;. be ing a much Chet'iier fiid shorter lonie than ihat via. Pacific dunciion. Track and Road bed are in excellent condition. The passenger ac commodations are of the best. No Expense Nor Pains Have been spared to make t'ne traveler com fortable. LAY OVER CHECKS. Will lie jiven liv tins Conductor to those wish ing to s;o-, off at any of the many places of in terest on the ATCHISON &- NEBRASKA R. R. "Without incurring any additional expense. Thus affording Travelers unsurpassed facilities for visiting the Paradise of all Gardens, "The Great Nemaha Valley." W. F. WHITE, fiutral Passenger Agent. AteitiAoa, Kansas. WHITEWATER WAGON ':--. ti i - - --.-i.""T'"'- f;S rARM, PLA.TATiCN AKD Fu EIGHT. : i J l!u uu.n,'jlin i-n r.rii."ini T1f n,-,on Wliero v," have no Agents wo wi 1 oill c'ircct to jarties desiriiij them. Price and dso.iplion i tirnisl.e i on ap plication. The Whilewale:1 cos s a tr i fie more than ordi nary '.-.'ooiis, but is the cheapest iii tlio long run. SEMPLE, BIRGECO. 13 SOUTH MAIM ST., ST. LOUiS. Parties writinrf u?, will please mention iii what pa per they read our advertise ment, es we wish to give credit where it is duo. . FOR THE HERALD ff 3 ' Q H S G 3 . T.HE BEST IS ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST. For your Groceries go to F. R. Guthmann Corner Third and Jlaiii street, riattsmouth. He keeps on hand a large t K'k of and well selected FANCY GROCERIES. COFFEES. TEAS. SUGAH, ST UUP, BOOTS, SHOES, &c., &c, &ic, &c. Ia connection with the Grocery' l" a Bakery and Confectionary. L?T"A1I kinds of Country Produce bot'irht and sold. Take notice of the sign E.MPIKE BAKEKY AND GROCEKY." maylGtf. 0. F. JOHNSON. DEALER IN DIUGS, MEDICINES, AND WiU.L PAPER. ALL PAPER TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE. ALSO DEALER IX Books, Stationery, Magazines, And Latest Publications. rre script ions carefully coninounded by an ex perienced l.r .igist. Remember the place. Corner Fifth and Main Streets, 1 lattsmouth. Neb. Bonner Stables FINE LIVERY. BUTTERY &LAZENBY Horses & Carriages to Let. Stock Boarded by the Bay Veek or 3Ioxit!i. Good Stock, Good Vehicles Call and Give ns a Trial. Stable on Vine Street. PL ATTS MOUTH, - - - nstf. AMD JUJE 'D I CINE S AT J. H: BUTTERY'S On Main street nearly opposite tlie IIERALD ofiloo. "Wholesale and Ketail Dealer In DKCGS AXD MEDICINES, PAIXTS, OILS, VAEXISHES, TATENT MEDI CINES, TOILET ARTI CLES, &c " t37-Precrlptlon9 eerefolly cc3iprndd at H HENRY BCECK, DEALEH IN Furniture, Lounse5, Safes. Tables, Chairs, Bedsteads, &c, &c, Of all descriptions. Metallic burial Cases. wooden corrixs. OF ALL SIZES. Ready Made and sold Cheap for Cash. With many thanks for p ;st p;:tronaf,re I invite call and examine my large stock of Fur niture and Coffins. jan23 HAGrAN'S 11 3 Wh at A FEW APPLICATIONS HAKE A Pure Blooming Complexion. It is Tim ly Vegetables, and it3 orwration l Boon and fcl ck orice. It does away with the Flushed Appop.ranco caused by Heat, ratijmi end Etc! tcment. Heals and rcmovcpall Blotche l and Pim-pls, dirprUinfj dark and unsightly Bpots. t'rive away Tan, Jreciloa nad Bun b:irn. sn.l bvita g?utlo but powerful iuiluenca iotjtics t Jie latied cheek witU YOUiniTL liLOO AXD BrAUTT. V,,,H '-y r.H TTf.fs'.B and Pacy Stores. De Manhood: How Los, How Rssfored. .Tiist pu'"iished. a new edition oi Dr. Cj'verwcli s Celebrated aw on tlie radical cure (without medicine) of Si-esmatokrhk or Lo Sensual A e;ikiies:;. involniitiirv Seinin sen, imtotkncv, I' and l.lijsleal inea pacitv. linpeainienis to iiarii;is?e. etc. ; a t'ONffMiTiox. Ki-i lepsv, and Errs, induced by self indulgence or sexual extravagance. vr Trice in a .sealed envelope, onlv i; certs. a he celebrated author, in this admirable es say. clearly denionstraN.s from u thirty year succeste.i pnictiee, that the alarming con:je ipienceo ol seli-aonse, lioiv be radieallv curei without the use f internal medicine or the ap pncaiion oi me Kline : pointing out ine mode ( cure at once simple, certain and effeetjnil. 1 means ol wmcn evenr sciieier, no mutter win-. ins condition iikij be. may cure himself cheaply privately v.'aa ratic:iiiv. tiT'This Le.-tine slu.'.iV.l be In the hands of ev very youth anil man in tb laud. rei:i iinoer seal, in a i jam i-nvelone. to !i address, on tlie receipt oi six tents, or two aire stamps. Also Ur. Culver's ''Marriage Guide," irice 50 cents. Address the Pubii.- bcrs. oiAS. j. c. Ix-t.:m:. & co. 1-T Hovi'erv, New York. 43-ly Port 0-liice I5ox, 4.J.5C, EHUSIC! New, Fresh, and Sparkling A EW MUSIC LOOK TO It THE USE OF CONVENTIONS, SINGING CLASSES, CHURCH CHOIRS, and til- HOME CIRCLE. 1JY S. WESLEY MARTIN, J. M. ST1LLMAN, and T. MARTIN TOWNE. Price :! per down, postpaid. Adiirr-ss broad way, New Vorl:. Single Copies sent. J. L. I'l-.lLltS, "f'jy FOR SCHOOLS. ' AIRY OICES A N'lTW SINMN'G-CLASS 1100X7 "Compiled an-l arranged BY WICLIAM DRES3LER. Price -'"J per dozen. Sincle Ctpies sent jiost- paid, for ikt cents. Addre.vt J. L. rETEiiS a Broadway, ew iork. HEgONGgCHO The ropul;u Singing-School p.o(ik. BY H.S. PERKINS. Price S7..r0 p?r dozen. Singln Cojiies sent. Eist-paio, lor cents. ro:utwaj, New York. Address J. L. PETE lis SPBIN Til ADE, 1873. 11 Furnas Nurseries, IJKOWXVILLE, . :E. FURNAS, SONS & FERRAN3. Furnas and Sons, Brown ville, Npbra ka, and E. Ferrand, Detroit, llich ' igan, have consolidated their Stocks and will hereafter conduct business at Brownville, Xeb where they offer the largest and most select gen eral Xursery .Stock ever offered iu the "West, consisting in part as follows: 20.000 Clioiee 3 year old Apple Trees. 100.000 2 " " " " 6o.'i,nno " 1 " " " " 50,1100 " 1. 2, 3 and 4 year old Pear Trees. 40.000 20,000 2, 3. and 4 year old Cherry ITWS. 1 and 2 year old Peach Trees I'iciii. A"nr:eot and Neclraina irecs. 4.000.0-10 N'o. 1 Honey Ioeust Ilede Plants. 2,Oi0.ooa Xo. t ()-;ii;e Jledu"' Plants. 5,ooi.(,-1 Forest Tree Seedlings. 2io.o.' Kverreenf, in variety, loo.ood each lilacklierries, Ka-spberrics nd Strawberries, r0,000 each (ioosetierries and Cnrr.mtM. IXi.Oirt Perpetual anil CUmbing I lose, lo.iioo Floweriinr Shrubs. 10,ooo,ouo Willow Cuttings. COOLEY'S EARLY WHITE, AND, ADAM'S EXTRA. EARLY CORN'. ITALIAN. BEES. Berkshire and Poland Hogs. J. R. Dilley. of Cass Countv, v. ill net as A cent of these nurseries in this section. IVO. address Flatt3inouth.-Ca.s8 Co., ' 'Correspondence solicited' Send for a Catalogue. ' ' 41-tf. mm flas been licfore the American pnhlic OVER Tlllliir years. It ha never yet failed to civo perfect satisfaction. an:l hai justly lfcen6fIed tho panacea for nil ex ternal Wounds, Cuts, Burns. Sweliintr:, Sprain3, Bruises, &c, &c., f. r T?.:n f nJ lieast. No family should he a ririla day HEW ADyST?G!ffEKTS. , The advertiser teUrj) rcfir yju to tht Publishers of this papa' c j-eyanli thrir perfect rcliabilliii, and when- writing to ihevi, plcisz r-ic?iHo:i jua a i.'ieir A'icti' ti.if.ynr:t in this paper. X he f'4?aP!,l""i""i will I"'' n-.'ir nrrurniB rales cf Kelf-Mi tmrrmtal, Illostrstf il Cirruinr, mid I'rii I i, riih lull line f Ka:tOF(, ei::iL'i!n yiei to onier t'loth liiir direct froiii tl.i ir House, nhirh Hill be ma:lc In ths hot !.;yle. Miinpul by ex press. CO. I.. wiili the privilcjro or x uniiiiiiii; and r. t iiruii.g at their expense, IT not nau.itatiorjr. OU!DTC,lF-uI?H"s"''f-!nos,irpr,tn!(,,ntrr'' Oliin I Gl Orders tolltit,-:!. Fit giiaruteed. BOYS unit Youths' ("let hin!t Mi. --. nlty. Send lor Ul-.ihtrnttU Sfvl and Price. rfK 1 ii(ix'ni'f.M'i j7 Ai.i'ii a itivr. ' CS I'r lii:iri.iM hwwi :..:io, joai, ;-'2&-3 li-rn l, Iw. Tri-.'s. ., c -?'1 !:,.J A I! iroia V, li.cli iettcr n- : nam!-. ti ih: i'-i i . - price Hit, or rend t oni) i.d'or Hie tnniil:ir tin -li iet(er !.. Sent pn-nii-.-i. V. iil li t'.ir li il in a i. ii..v.vI.l; Isi'ic! Ion tnar- Titeed. or nionev i-ciiirncl. AiteaH wa'ittil. Ait dress II. ;. lluiiiard 4. Co., 311 Oiive st:-uet, bt. i.oiil, Aio. . . . a . i Tho Uist !!os in .nt-f..S iiu for 1'irrnUrnn l I'r'.'o I.M.K.I! .St. Ir.BlK.Mn. lJf aad lamiiy Joucjsi iu tni3 ecuutry is tli ST. LOITS XifltiAXf) rAi;.M!;!t, Elc'it T);e8. For?7 Unumns, onij oj m y. nr e'x 'raon'ft V ('ts. l''vi.-j ol for ti. Iddrw tol U AH ft P I". !!: ,. PukLkm, Tfili'ii Patent. I!rrr M Sprlair Jti r.t:i.!!rj.n;r l.lneii ami 1A ftln'r avtkli i. A :;ilver-p!a:ed 6ta::iji ol fim- ll.iUii a.i'l perfect con- FTCUI Ilifl:. vllll nf.Hj'J Ul lf:i limcil tj.x- three entire Aip!:aiM5l.,jt5.5i In f-n;-lnsi i! Litivt box, Tvl.ii mil i i-J i "j u btriietiiins, ei'i-.t pri i.t'i.l oiilyi. . L"4 fetriM'l .l mi '1 i.i? 1 it-st. iV.iMir utr tin: Th:-- ever invonM v;ir.. li. C. HatTi; rtlJfc C't., liH Oil vc it ii;t, Hz.. I.onls. Mo. IT: (.' 4 lifruf ifTil n.iir f.f l.'rrni li f lirimiiiH- PI V ImHiljnrnnlr -..1 w.l.l aturv. irliere for ?:. Sent rr-pnld cn re- a ceipt f t, or 0c fdi tititct-. Aarenta H v.n:ted ryc-rjv. I.or, vtiocin, Pice fctrft, 5,1. Limi;;, ?uv . .; . .. Wood's liselsM IMfflM VV f " or':':r..i!, Srst-cKf , Pi linr Monti.:)-. It it freli una r-sluiy, aiij will nce-est th.- cniiro J hou?eholil, n)Cludi:iK' lovers hm1 iiuiicl-lis. laif- ami wives, piiri nlsani'. i;h;li!.-rii. it mic sets tlie importanro of wciiriT' a unlun of n nearts and purpovs in life, liciorr there lia!l be a union of linnds. Il lielieves tlnir, while it S is womni's privilege to pnr'fy ami comfort nial j adorn, it should lie man's pleitMiro 10 proviMe M lor, clierili. and ITi.te' t. Ii would li:ive chil- Odren treated as ftcliinr. thinkiinr and ifrowii if creatures perfectly cie:it (i.t.ii; not fell grown. II Vet in advocating ilieM! (loctr;!!!'-'. the l:ip sine lines not employ docti it:i;l seriinins S and dreflfy liii!f-ijn.4 w hi h do not ln!ere.-.t Eand tlif reiorc do r.ot rrof.t the render. Jn liio contrary, it would rather preach as though it U preached not an in:erfrin story, tor iitHiunee, beingmiidc to serve the purj..c ol a Ioor dls J coure hy Kivin the rcniier . .n ,c i Imii t? real, in- Lterestinn and prnlltaltie to think :il.,et. The worst as well us the bet lealiire or die r Mapazine is its price. Tho idea of (f'l"n V really nrst-lai Mapazine at one Jo!hii- a yi.rr, fjl K'cina absurd to mo.-'t people. Vet it cii:pl. v i m. some of the best ronirJiutorii In the coiiier f incliidinj; li.uL H kMii.ToN, I's leadinK editor, G who receive, a salary of three, thouind dol lars. eiiivalent Io n'K.ttt ten ite.llars per day. k Kaon iiiiuiImt romaiiM lienriy citi't hundred mif dollars' worth of inatier, which cU the huL Ai bcrilfer about eight cents. I Hope and Jov two N-ni'tifuI!y tinted craven portraits wor.h Four Uc.llars will bo innlled M free to every siibscrioer to the Mfiazaie ai 1 1 f-1 ESpeeimens "free. .Agents warned. AUdrvu ti. 8. WOOD A CO., Kewtiureh, N. V. O E & J O Y H O P & J O Y H O P E & J O Y Hope aafi Joy-Hop anfl Joy H I'nlled Vulre of tho 1 re nm. Wood's VV o o D S H O u a E H o L D M A C A Z I K E O P & J O Y H O P E & J O Y H O P E & niHirHzine is one of the monuments of hiisluosg riin-rprise wliich mark the ape. Mfthndit Umne Jmrrmi, Phil.. 1'a As its title promises. It Is devoted to the instruction and entertainment of the family circle. and, in order to place it with in tha iiieMiis of renders in moderate cireuin. is furnished at remarkably low rate in proportion to the interest of its coinents. A. 1". TrilMne. . .It Is essentially a home mapazine, and is Hist the thins that one would most desire to place In the hands of hLs wife and little ones, or that a man of business would himself take un for tho einplovmeut of a leisure hour. I'urt Wilmington, S. "C Were we out of our chair editorial, as a "private cliizen," cut off from our exchange lit and all that, one of the first mapazines to which we should fcubseriho would lj Wood's Household. Rjit)fr, Hart ford, Ct. It is ail intellectual and moral educator, highly prized by ail who become ac quainted With IL t'Aftf,V7t Adrnrate. ....If popular writers are, therefore. Food writers, and if hich prices prove the merit of literary wares, then Mr. Wood's innpazine is a pood one. The Ituleprndm ew Vork lis arti cles breathe a spirit of economv, morality and irrBcr which is highly efrKhihir in this Biro of fashionable folly ana extravagance. Sieniiuri, Udina, ilo It is undoubtedly one of the freshest, liveliest jonrnii Is we have examined. Ktrord, Springfield, Tcnn The articles are short, piquant, and of such unquestioned excellence, that this periodical ctiplit to be both fainilia.' and welcome In very many house holds. Wood's Is a marvel ofcheapness and J O nrst-ciass quauty eomomea. jttw lorK zuns. WoM's SOuSeloW MMte Mi fell! SE & MOLE SHOES. Tt.o. o-nlv fo-ff J shoo In tb li.atkrt. drawn out l7 h:inirr,eriii ks by batnl, ami reind in IiarilncAS lo hcitcl Tita?ie ehtvs, c'fctinif L!rtcJ loititLA sbeut the ,a.r.r as florae Shoe Iron li tbo bar, used in t!.e I a .t in pnferenee to nil cih"i brands, nn.l r.ow ia-e.1 by tucfst of the piomini-nt i.hoers in Nf. bonis iinj Chlrajn. Paitk-ul.-r rttcf;iir.n ca'icd to the 'Snow" Shoa lor TrotMnjj Ilor.sep. We arealso Agents fortuo Nntloiinl Plrl-bcil florae Nail t Camples a.-nt to part es a- .lv tiiff. who wi.l pa ment.ori iha paper iu fiico they road t:. is r.dve. tii.ciuent. Semple, Birgo & Co., crxsnJL AGEXT0, i3 SOUTH la A. V ST.. ST. LOU'S 7rc 1T.-M 1 1 r.i'ti POST HOLE AUGER. Points of euporiorihr G..r tho old btyhi It will boro faster 5n nil conditions of e oil. -will boro through So'ddy, Rooty, or Trashy Ground "without iho help of any otlior tool, can bo r.sel to enlarge a hole already sea made for Po.;t Holes, Ilodo Plants. Grape btalces, ed Hop Poles. HAITUFACTITEED LY SEMPLE, EIR3E & CO., apxcxrLTvuAh -. Sl-ECiALTlES, n c" i.i. .-. ". I .f I I tiae.iient, pleasn ti d J 1H jkt fcbey lead is. &U?.s 41'i? .i;ii.lliient fcitiiCu V. ilh .'it., St. Lenin. 35o.. will, en r r 111 B P. f em; vr without ' 'r. Liniment. T.-n r;:ocy ro fnr.Jfjd si.!" i tho Linira'.::t is c. i rv"iirc Fcntei. '' Fi:ro rnd fret t!)" r"j:itti'io !EICAN :..'! STANa LlN'IMi:T. Sold ly all IrurRi3tii ami Oont.v f'torei at 2'c. COc. an l SI. CO per llot'tla. Hvt-.vj style, 6130 tf bottle, Illicit r SJItlna CIO luil l vi e i .dic7 l'rink. ii.:;de rd I'nor I : t: I ri, '. !iskey, Proof !-piri:s ::n.l Kefusc 1 hivor--, dn.-inrcd. (5i'.il. r-.'id fee!ot!td : piiMs.j liie iiisie. cl.i.i 'Tonlis,'' ' Apjudizi is," ' res'on rs,'' Ac. lei'.d tl:e llj.jiiec on to ii u:ike.i,rss ulnl Uitmi'i tn.e Mi ilh iue. ! ,nle Irijtn I !:o li.tdve t ioi.s (.lid lit t! s; (,.;,ioriii.i, IhcIii.iii It T 1 Al' ' .) l ! :i -1 i : 1 1 'I hey are tin! tir' ;it Itioif'i Pi'.;.'. IVrfcct ;; leiu, ( a; . r ft.r;:i,' ' Meliill;.' rt. : mini mm! I. lion, pro:ij.t. lesuiis. safe : r an. I a 1-i.v -iihiii1: rriiicip'. . aier! .f o.l i:!l ilivpim ,!'i:r ill the S.v.s- i"iiiu'iis inatli r and :.'o;.l Iu u In -I I ! . , V eii:i!uli, ell- ivM'iiijj i:?id in', i ji i.iiiii laiiri v. '1 !icy f I'- r;..M i.f i.ii:i:,!i!i-rr.;-iii t In ir netiiii!. Vi it.uii in linir ::id it'll;. ! I.i i! lor ns nf .l;c:t... ! 2V'ui c il n Ji c l!:eii III f I l in'- C :rdiHE to diree.ini:-. ntid r: i:k.. 'i l;.i.'i:n we;l, I'r.r. io.'d their Imic s :ue. i::;l il. si ro e.l l.y l'llliou! p. i "il nr o.hcr "ipi'ie.. mi.l liie vilid organs iv.isied lievoiol tne pom: of n pair. l -;:e; . l. or I :ni i;esl Imt, l!e;nl:ii h, I'ai'i iii liie Saoi.l.lcrs, uklis. 1 r; !itr.e-s ol Iho Chest. lizhl( ks, Srnir i:ritct-i.j..;is f ipeSloii; ...!:.!:;..! laslc In !! (' .Veli. UilietH A' tacks I'al ):'aoi! ol 1 he !li a.'I iii!!:':;' li ol llic l.i.i!.;, I'll!;; in tlie rcp.lxpsof l!ie I.i ,.. -A .:ii:,iri d :!!." pam'n! :i i j : i n.s. j'. i;.-p: ;i.Ks of : !;i e cunii'ai'it.: i! has ic.i i a --i oi.i- twi.'i.: viil pr e a .et.-r k".';-r nieu of lis tiirtl's than It !:! th i;dv it i-:!. nt. li'tjr p'l-ifj: le .l; i if j. i II tu. I i rit.n-J or old, f;r. led i r Mli'.e, ill l...; d.:wn ' oinaelaiou. nr lie- (him e me, lie hc'lome'-r- i;,.;phi.v mj : -ci l.-.l ;.n ini'ticnrc tlMi. a in.trkc.l l!.it t.-vo-Ili.-'l.t id .sunn )rfrc piilile. Pv libll:iii.i:ti. ti'y ntut C'li-onli; Itljf.'m-ii isi:i I'li'i le.-'.:l, I'.ispi psia or In-ll-jfesti..ii, Ci'.eiis. i:rtisiltci;t tin 1 I ut .-ruiii : . nr. 1, vi rs. I -is. msi s ,f the p.l.w.,1. Liver. K idnev - ;:ud I Tad-!", t i'i! tel - i..1. ve been i.osi si.-, essil. blic'i i:-c.i:v.'KaM..-.iiiS.-.! l.y Vill.i'i ;! r m!.w In. d is (rcnerally pr.'dc.vxtl I ' er;tiif.i.iiiei:t if li 1 !' s!;v.: in.rars. 'i'?:ry n: o a CJciiHe I"1'' '" t ' ve nt V4-!J f." it ' cil'.c, pDAscssiii- !i;.-o li:e ; . i ii;i; i' no nl (! : ei;:;,-u. a i-ovverit i i.i,'. nt. in i -liov ner i.e.:. jf-.iio.-i or !:i:!..t:iiir ii' ti ! !!; I ivcr iii.J. i.e f. I. ! it v'.ri'i ; !,d ia 1.. lines l'i.a ;i-e ;. J-'ur NS'.Sri IJ'.si nsr , P.ritpiiops, 'l'. -:i r. .':', !;!! I. ,s.;nt:s. I i ; i ! ; ; t ;. I :-'. a i .. I .oil , Curntlv:it;s.i;ii':f-V.'in.) . dd-lev-d J .r.' ! ' i l ns:pe!a.J, Itcii, h't i:r:s. Id. tol-u ml Skin, lip'Mcr.s l i s i.!' i;.e tf tn-: l'.li;.li';vr nairitf t r ."iI-mt r.:;d carried out '' !: yr . ni.' i: :r-:ii iii e ?-i i ; -, i iin.e l..' . ' I'l hill il CJ.- I'S : .4 of Cicir v liie :i.-c nf these ri: l: ts. ( I; I.i V. ill CVHV itice tiiC I;!o.iL 1 i-u ilaio L'.iv : fill tts. cicntiD c.c vidni-.i t;i-i ,.i v ii. iiMer .V'.'l III! 1 ill -l! p' ! i I' MS l.!il!;il f li.loil'il .',.! sK::i in I'mif !es. li! T 'l ir:.'. i r : , J : l ie ,i it wlu n jotl Hud 11 i..-:ri;cicl I cel. pi f.:' i ;iis : en fi!;..' i; T ai'ii I. i i '.:: .. ... r i.' will I'-;1 v'.t.i vien. Ket t!,e Kl." hea; !l nf t!u .'Kti lt v i.i iu i;; :trri,l 'i'l..w i .1 r. I'.l ;i t:..s tho 1 1 1 : . I Wncderfui iv. r p;: ;'. line. I t.'.e s;, .' m--i .11 I 'a.!;l Vivrntii li. l,'oi.:rit :l. I'lii, Tnpe, ;iti iilla r'iViiii'H, h iking ill the siK!.;.j: l iii!l.e timib-'ai'ds. lire cite.;, lu.'.l.y ti 'S ' e.l aiel i i.iov Cil. ."- iivs a iii.iiri parshed i-" i"'ei':: : '1 iicri' is (..vr.s'h pii iinii. vi o;i ::,e ia- .- cf liieciirtli wi,",;'; l,fily is c c.npt from ; ; c ; r 11. o 1 1 v. orin-'. It Is imt up on tlie lie :;! I V iar i;'s nf I '.11! body I h..l Km nut rxi.-l. hut ':;' '! itie tlisi used humors mi.i! hipny 4t:-j;i .: k I !,: I lltev.; Iivin:; iniii.sti rs ul lil.-4.Mse. r. ' ill m" tllC 1 !' ii !".. ll'J VI ll!;llleesr 1:1 111. '.hi I., t: : . es, i, fiec li..- hjsicm liol:i V.onilS lire '. '0 ItllielS. JJeclvni: - I la-taur 4. 1' rs.nm pr.fli ! In l'ailits .Mini lair, sia l: rs I'luiiiiM-rs. I pc .a.-IHIS. (;hm' 'teiilels. an.l S'in. 1-, .,. y a.l vj.'ice ia Hie. ore mnj'-'ei t. par.iijsis ni tl.o liie.Tel.s. T'j trtwrd n;ii:;s: lt,is i Xi n (. ...; .( Vi'AI.KKlt'S V' llii-l'KKS Iwe'i; n veek. I(ilii:s. 1 Ir in 1 1 1 c , mid l.tleimtf lent ! riK, wl.n h are n. pn va.. i.t 111 i;,i valleys of our treat rivers IliioiiL l:i...t 1 he t mi e.l Siat.-H. rpei..Py those of the .',' s.-.-sip;il. , Missouri. Iliiii'.is, 'l 1 niic:.see. iiinhi rlaiol, Ar kansas, lteU, Color;. b, l r....4. (ci ;m:i.-e, l'carl. Al.ih -.iiia. i:t.!,i!e, S.i-. .ion .h. !to:in.,ki . James, and t.i;!i;y o:iu rs. v, ::h t if ,;sl H;l :. tjries, tlirniiehoiit enr ei:in ceiiiiiy miriier the SUi'.iiut r un 1 A-i: 1 1 1 , 1 1 11 . mi ! reiiiai'sali.y mi dtiriiig f eao:;i' o.' unii-eiil nil.; iiryti'-wt. ur.i Invariably aceoiiii.aineil In x!i ti-ive n iaua -tin nls o: l!ie stoa.aeli 1111 li er. uiei other ) ilMinirntl i-m ra. In th"ir ! rv a; i:i. nr. .1 p-nea-tiv?. tM'iihiit il powi l.i'bii nee upon I tii.s.j various orc'j.i.s. i . 1 ssciilially nci i -ai ' . 'I'i.eiM l no catiiarlie for tin J arpit.-;.? cijiiiil to 1K. J. AI.K i:u"S VtK(Al( l'.ITTH;S. as l.'iey vr 1 i I i;' i :i;li!i)V2 ! lie liai k 1 nlnrcl I isepj iniiilcr Willi viiii li the Iton'BiH ni l! ioiiib'.i. nt the .i; ti:;ic s:iniiiiii!i:;ir l.'ic .-. c ieiimH ni liver, an I KcdcTTiPy reini,!!' !!:. hcKlihy Iti.jc; io.u ol l;,o digest ive orv":iii.--. Scioriiln, u- Itii, Krll. i lie swell l.'ljrs. I leers. I. rv si pel a.--, ilvvcih il lur k. (Jin! re, ii iniiil'iiis lii'l.iiniiisii'iiis, Indoiivil I mlaiiiiiia- 11 his. M: rei. rial A lliei ions, til l o:es. laun tiaiis of the Mil.'l. Soiv .v s. lie.. e:c. Ill 111. f if ns ;n all other IH-.M' -4. V x I. 'S Visfiiii: IlirrKiis have slmwii He -r ;:r Hi r. irn tiv lowers 111 the o.'jsUnaie ami mi:aeo. able !-. lie. Vi iilkcr's unfornln Vliusr Kilters ml on all ll..-;: ca.-es .n a sin.iair nianiH r. l;y purity i ri ur tne HI noil lln-y rrinnvo the Ciiuse, na. by i-esidvliiir aivav ; c en. to of Hi? ini'riiinnatiori (the t ii'k ti-tili, r cl. Hfs,is tbo affei-ied pur. receive hcalih. und u permanent curr Is eileC'vl. 'I'Jie prop, ,-tica of I);:. Wii.heii's VisKo'vit r.lTTKH.s are :ei lent. Ouiphoret .c, Cinniii atiru, X;i.rl irii.-. l.a..mve. Iie.i.-iie. Sedit tivc. Cuiinti r Irnlaiif, .'judtirilic, Ailerative. and Ami Hiliotis. Tlie Aci-ienl ami niihl Laxative proper tics of lia. WAi.xKa'J iskuak I;itti:iik are? tiie b"st 5.1'e pnard In cas -s of i it.ptmi.s ami Iiialtv nat.t livei s. t!i-.r bal.-aiiil'", l.ealiliir. ami MMitiiiLig propel t ies protect I he liumnra nf the lances. I l.eir Sedan ve pi'.ip-r'les allay pain Iti the nervons s. steni, ftouiae.'i. ntid hoivels. elllnT frnm iritl.iiiutiiitinn. w ind, cn i', era tips. etc. Korlirj- (lie luxty- :ralnl illnnnie by rinr.lyii.n; ail i'a liuni.t vvrii ViNKfiaR InriKK.s. So cpiiieimc cun tae hold of a ydU.n thus fnre-arfiiod. Dlrrrlions. Take of the r.;ltc;n on coins; to bed ut niL'l.t f-vm a ii;i!f to nin uinl nne-bii.l virie-hi.-etui. .,(.. iioi:! :-!iitir: lni.d. hiich as bv-'Cf-sn. ak. too. lot; clinp, vemnii, n !:. IfCel, und vccctniileR, ninl t.-ike nnt-iVinr exercise. They aro coiiipos.-d nf purely vegt table iiigre liieatF, und corn -in no sptr,1. il. II. Mcl0.AI,I A. CO.. Dnnrpist.4 ami ;. n. A'ts.. San I rain'isco. Cat., A cor. of U ahhiniflon and t'itsrll.ui his., w. HlLU L.Y ALL VKlOJGl.VJd it iitALtl; TO ,Vrvi:itTi;rns. -Ml r-'d.s who contcni- I 1.! I IT 1. 1. ir II.! liflll. I'il.s Willi lie'.v si i;i j .en lm nsertinn ff ts should send to plate ni:ikmr eontr. cts w 11 11 in-'A si i;ii. em for the geo. ft Jowel! & Qo- for a Circular, or Inclose C" cnls for tlndr otn liinnlred p.'if J'alnplili-t, eoiitninj;i Lists ol 3,nnfi New-papers and estimates, slmwiief tlin cost of advertising, also many leiefnl hints to ad vert isi-rs, and some account of Hie c v m i -1 1 e-; men iio are known aasuci-essful advertisers. TI. is linn are the propri.-toi-s nf the Ann. ricaa Kc-.vsj.i:r Advertisliis; Agency. 41arkow and are posKessed of unequalled facilities for -oiuiiiiT tl.e insertion of n!vertisciin nt.s in all Newspapers and l'etlodieals at luw t l rates. ON MARRIAGE. It vrrV IJelief f r Yoiiiik Men, from flic ef fects of Krnirta-:-! .' ! .:e;; in early Lie. .'Man hood restored. I'. - . diineiils to iiiania::e re moved. New inetil jil : 1 treattinuit. NeW and ri.m:irli:ililii ri'iiif i I'.juiL-s uml 1 'It-eoi-osi u..n -free in seaied 11 e' i;.i"i. A.UriKs iut. ai; 1 Asisnri athiv v.-. Soutli Mnrii 8tie.-ef;iluic!plila, I'il.nn Iiisli-' totbei hav iitir :i h: i1. rcffiitat ion f..i hnnnrul.'r eorid"et nnd pi,fession;u Fklll. 1O-C111 ''4 i "i ii - - f .St' n iT(.