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About Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1872)
THE HERALD. HCIS HAEEZTS. Wheat, 8.j'jO; barley, 20(,30 cents; corn, 17(a lg cents. John F. Buck sen Is us a ppeciaien of tie finest, best tasting peart, so far heiud from in Nebraska. They equal if they do not excel the famous California pear.-, some of which were poM fur twenty-live cents apiece in Omaha two years ago. r or the bet Bakintr Powder in the market Try Dr. Chapman's. 17wtf. FZSTIVAL. - Peaches ami grapes at Parmele'a Hall, on Thursday, evening. The pro cecd's for the benefit of the Episcopa Sunday School. Give 'em a lit':. 3t We call attention to the Cass coaoty Premium List, on the 4th page of our paper, this week, lleud it, and send in your "entries" for our County Fair. READ Til IN. Goods not sold at less than cost. No goods'given away, but good goods at the lowest prices for cash, at lltf. Clark & Plum mers. Plattsmouth, Neb. Mr. Stadletnan is just opening a very large and well selected stock of Clothing, J'all Suits, Overcoats, Hats and Caps, &c, selling low. A. M. Schaller, of the firm of Asch inon & Schaller, is in town and will be on hand to tune and repair Pianos aud other instruments. He stops at the Platte Valley House. Give him a call. Dr. G. B. Chapman is now agent for Hiint Louis Enameled Paints. The farmer's favorite. ITwtf Our merchants are all on the luy just now. Mr. Schnassc is in Chicago laying in a stock of goods for the fall trade. He will be home soon. Mr. Plummer, of the firm of Clark & Plunitner, has just returned fiom Chica go, and says look out for six iong trains of dry goods and things before long. TAEE2?CTICS f All coods bought at 1). Schnasse it Co 8 will bo delivered free of charge, from this time on. Call and see us, and w will treat you the best we know how. CTdlw&wlt D. Schasse Si Co. are luxuriating in a bran new horse and wagon, for the de livery of goodj, free of Charge. LchnhofF says "if you buy 10,000 dol lars worth of goods, senl 'em home FREE and if 3 0U buy 10 cents worth, charge you nothing to tote 'em home, all the same." Store full of New Geo J s in a few days call and see them. rtURSERY STOCK 1 ' NURSERY STOCK 1 OHceolu XurMcries (jet a Jfer Ifoiue fH I'OhMiblC. XV. II. Brown, the Agent "for these well known Nurseries, is in town, solicit ing orders for Fruit and Ornamental Trees. Flowers, Bulbs, and Green House Plants. Satisfaction guaranteed or no pay demanded. W. H. B. Nil w-wtf D. II. Wheeler, Secretary State Board of Agriculture, returned home fiom Lin coln to-day. Our State Fair is now closed out for 1S72, and everybody takes a premium for good behabior, and the officers for hard work. How is Conrad Heisel's soul, now-a-lays ? Conrad says he'll "schlag ihn an den kopf in it cinen brickstein," if he says so any more Ben Butler, we mean. The Fair weather closed on Friday last, the premium for the most rain bereafter will not be issued until next sunshiny day. To the Subordinate Granges of the Pat rons of Husbandry with in this Juris diction : You will take notice, that the next meeting of the Cass County Central As sociation will be held at South Bend School House, in Cass county, on the first Tuesday in October (first day) next, ut one o'clock r. M., at which time it is expected that all Subordinate Granges, that feel nn interest, will be represented, by their Master and two other members from each Grange. J. C. Cummins, Sec'y Cass Co. Central Association, riattsmoutb, Nebraska, wit Vivian's is the place to buy your gro ceries and provisions. 20tf Our oi l friend, Charles Eggleston, of Blair, gave us two very flue bunches of premium grapes, raided by himself, in Washington county. North Platte is coming up ou fruit. w We met so many old friends and a3 nuaintances at the State Fair, that our head is fairly turned in trying to remem ber them all, and the news they told us. Wish you all good luck. WAXTED. A girl to do general house work. In quire of Mrs. D. II. Wheeler, corner Main and 4th streets. 3Id&wtf It is utterly impossible lo get all the "doings," all the good things, and but a very small portion of the new s from Lincoln, in one issue of our paper. We shall try and give you some of it from time to time. TII3 CSSAT E3UT2, Across the continent, via. the Burling ton and Missouri River Railroad, just completed, by a junction with the U. P. at Kearney, last Tuesday, seems to have been appreciated by the traveling com munity, if we may judge by the immense numbers which are going this way. From eight to ten passenger coaches, in the 10 A. m. train, and four to five in the 3:30 P. M. train, all full, has got to be an every day occurrence, -now. Public travel, like everythin? else. will fall into its legitimate channel. MARRIED. At the residence criuire fetanutord, in Move Crek pre rinct, on Su day raornmjr, Sept. 1st, H. A. Ken astox, Ei. and Miss Ida May, all of Cass county. We wish theiu a bright and happy future with many a May-day therein that does not come in SopteuiLer. Died At Rock lilufl, n Thurslay Septcuiber .1th, of maliirmi.t sore throat Gemrijiana, oi.'y clu'd of James A and Annie S. Walker, a l '.i years r.n 3 months. So passtth away the yrung, the beau tiful, the lovely ; but bard it is for us to realize that our dear little friend has gone. Yet a sombre looking casket ad monlshes us, that the spirit has flown gone to dwell in the realms of the great unseen. Her spirit was loo pure, too bright, to remain in this cold, un chaste, and sin-cursed world. For three short years she had been the joy, the liC, the hope of a fond and doting fath er and mother. Her little angel face ever wore a smile of innocent happiness, and her cheery voice was always ready to welcome fath er, mother or fiiend. But the pure bright, sweet flower, was r.ipped ia the bud; not too young, too bright, too lovely to die ; and the Death Angel hov ered over her sleepless and suffering couch, awaiting the finale of life the great dissolution of body and souL Calmly and peacefully the spirit left the frail tenement of clay and-winged its flight home, to the bosom of its God, to remain forever happy in communion with the Father and with the angels. m B- S. It. Died At Weeping Water, August 22d, Samuel, infant son of S. It. and C. I. Smith, aged 8 months. But now he is dead, wherefore should I fast? Can I bring him back again? I shall go to him but he shall not return to me. II. Samuel, 31, 23. We are desired to call attention to the Pact that evening services, at the Epis copal Church, will be held at half past seven, instead of eight o'clock, hereafter. At the late Episcopal Council held in Omaha, Bishop Clarkson, among other things,"recoinmendcd a HARVEST FESTIVAL. Bishop Clarkson said that some of the dioeoes havecelebrated a Harvest Home Festival, and in no other had all the peo ple seemed to be so entirely gratified. The time is right after gathering in of tlu harvests. He gave notice of the first of these festivals to be held in this diocese on Thursday, the 3d of October. Cass county made a very good show ng at the Stati Fa ir, Ilesser and Smith on vegetables and flowers, Woods, Por ter, Sage and others on stock, Waikeron fruit, all come in for a share of the pre miums awarded. But a few years and Nebraska will rank with any eastern State in fruit culture and the raising of blooded stock of all kinds. They say everybodi' was out to Lin coln. We fancy everybody must have brought his wife and children, and father and mother, and all his "folks " rela tions, by th-a looks of things down there. Azro Smith. E-q , showed a melon weighing 40 pounds, and some potatoes that made the strangers there open their eyes, it was no use to open ineir mouth,' for big as some of thorn were, the potatoes would more than fill them. Old Phutsmouth, with its cool river and shady trees, looked good to day, after the heat and glow ef the prairie down at Lincoln, yesterday. FET2 APPSE3--L7SCI0US 02APZS. Our desk and table bear evidence of the kindness of Mr. Lee Wright, this morning, as well as tne iact mat ne is one of our most successful fruit cultur- ists. Ten different varieties of apples, and a number of specimen clusters of grapes, show conclusively that Mr. W. knows how to make rich and luscious fruit grow where but a few years ago there was none. The Ionia, Concord, Isabella and Delaware were all repre sented in the specimens and ad were very fine indeed. Mr. Wheeler informs us that Mr. Wright's apples were really the finest shown at Lincoln, though ow ing to some informality in entering them no premium could be awarded. CP IlTCETAl'CE. ' Our ITe-w Tostage Law. The public seems to have overlooked a provision in the new postage law, adopted at the last session of Congress and now in force, providing that pack aces of dry gvl;s hardware and other merchandise, weighing twelve ounces or les, may n ibuik-u t . any part 01 the United States n: a u.iii .riii rate of two cents for each t ounces. Thus a package weighing twelve ouiices may be sent bv mail to auv part of the Union for twelve cents. In England this fea ture is called the Parcel Post system, and the English people avail themselves of it to an immense extent. V hen gen eraliy understood among our people it will tirobablv become very popular and may cut largely into the business of the expres companies. If a man can send a twelve ounce package from Indianapo lis to New York or San Francisco by mail for twelve cents, he will not be likf ly to pay the express company four or five times that amount. But if the gov ernment can afford to carry it for twelve cents, the express company can do the same, and the result may simply be that on small packages tho express com panies wi;l reduce their charges to gov ernment rates. d&w-ot Wm. Stadelmann, Esq., has returned from Chicago where he bet $5,000 on Grant, and brought the bisrscst stock of goods in the clothing line that ever came to Nebraska by the same hands. lie ex pects to sell them out cheap, and every body should get a full suit at once. ' A GCCD CEX3XZX CC1HCTTZ3. There was a premium offered fur the best, easiest digested and most nutri tious fowls, offered at our late State fair. and who do you think were the commit tee to decide on this important fact. Elder Sbinn, Rev. Mr. Maxfield and Bro. Swartx. ' -Now, if that wasn't a good ehiclcen committee, we neTcr eaw onCj that's all Corrected List of Czdifei Voters cf Ilatts nonti Precinct. Ca:s Cc-inty, ITeb. Adams Jabob Akerson M. Ahl Lawrence Beverage G W Bevins Auuustu3 Bevorage C N Brooks Al!en Cola Shadraeh Cum mil! s J C Clapp li Iavis Edwin Dodse M P-Jircn ABC Eikenburg Henry Frekler Geooge Frtkler Gotfred Gra. man Jacob Gansemcr Peter Howiaud Henry Hammond G Mi I lovkel-ory Wm J a a. son John Kennedy E R Karnes Alx Klepsor Andy Livingston J Adams J W Anderson Henry R Aker-on Peter Becson OH BasW B Beverage John Cook Joseph Cole Z W (Map.. L IK.11 J J F Pk-ken-on L Dash George Ferree Uriah W Fosdick S Gilmour Wm Gansciner John Hunter R lltirniiiti C J IfubLnd D J can Nel.-on Karnes Jolm-on Kinsor G W Kennard E A Lcaiiey Joseph Maxwell S j Leahv John McC ul lock Z P Montgomery II K Martin Wm II Moore John Moore J Owen T S Patton G M Pitz Peter Petiit Joseph Qacry John Richie J C Robert J Russell C Rickli Arthur Shcrwin II L Shoop Iler-hey Snyder Henry Snvder John Scott J M SchiMknectt W II Sase II W Todd TJ Turner Allen Wright L M Watson J Wiles Stephen Wiles Thomas W el born R W Wainscott Joseph Wehrbein F Sr Walker Robert Murray Wm 11 McMullin D Newton John Orville James OdamS Porter Wm B Peak Orcn Paeket E Qainn L Richie John Ree.-e R J Roxby John Rubernieh Henry Rherinfrank P P Shepatd Wm H Smith O S Sarre nyder Wm Spangler Henry Smith li W Sturd Joseph Taylor A li Todd A B Williams Perry Watson 11 Woodruff Wm B Wiles Isaac Wiles J M Wra!ker L Wright J II Weh:beiu F Jr Notice to the qualified vovers of Plattsmouth Precinct: You are hereby notified to appear at my residence tor the purpose of register ing and correcting any errors that may be in the above ust, on .Monday and uesda. the Twenty-third and lwenty- fourth days of September, 1S72. ISAAC V 11. KS, Registrar. CH HUD. . We asked the jovial Vivian for a local item, Monday, and he grulfly an swered "write up the mud, 'nough local for a week." HERE GOES! Mud is a hydrophrsphatic compound that elongates the pedally extremetics of mman bipeds in transvere directions as hey propel themselves horizontally along he upper perihelion of the the subma- ine hemi.-phere and often causes a lati udinal catastrophe to take the plaee of the perpendicular status by which .man kind are supposed to peregrinate. Mud is of two kinds, clean mud and dirty mud. Clean mud is the kind little boys get on their clothes and little legs and so on, when they wade round in the puddles Saturday afternoons when school is out, and that their mamas never whips em for. Dirty mud is when the '"buss" goes tha-chuck over the cross walk into mud- holes, just as you are crossing the street, and your new pants and shiny boots gets a dose, or else when a big pig chases a little pig down the side walk on a ra.ny day, and the little pig don't see nothin', and ycu don't see nothin,' till all "to onc't" you both sit down in the gutter. This is dirty mud. (To be continued, if it don't clear up and dry up. ) 2E3FKt POOH HOUSS. Especial attention is called to the bids for erection of a County Poor House on the Poor Farm. Plans and specifica can be seen at Vallery & Buffner's store, and all particulars ascertained there. See advertisement of Dr. Butts' Dis pensary, headed Book for the Jlillion Marriage Guide in another column. It should be read by all. decldiwly. P01TY TE1333AP2. Our fiiend, T. A. Riordan, got himself fixed out the other day with a "lcctle" private telegraph of his own from here to East Plattsmouth. "Tim." does not want to be running out in the cold this winter so much smart boy. Capt. Wiles handed us the Registra tion List for the Plattsmouth precinct this morning and the same will be found in this week's issue. We call attention to the fact that the time is short for such notices, and it is time they were handed in. Bring them along, at once, gentlemen Registrars, Q7I7E. a seitsatio::. A Ecrse Ttief Causht. Ti3 Sheriff ani Ei Buttery Take a Little ia Theirs ; Soae Shooting, See. Monday evening, just about paper- time, our boy came rushing up with llOh, Mr. Mac ! if you go up the street you can get the best item out." Well, what is it? "A man fhot two times at the sheriff and then shot himself, and he's dead now, up in Buttery's barn." Throwing on our coat, we hurrried up to the Livery stable of Buttery & La zenby, and f und a large crowd gathered there. The Sheriff and Ed. Bntterv were just taking a pale, desperate look iug fellow away in a carriage. From cuienn tJonnson ana .nr. ivi .uuttery we learn the following facts : Sometime about noon, Tuesday, stranger, apparently of Jewish descent made hisappearancean 1 wanted to trad off-a pair of horses and a buggy, thai he sail he had at the barn of I'eter Bates Mr. K. Buttery went over there and saw the horses, and no sooner did he clap eyes on them than he knew them to b ironi James fctephenson s stable, at Omaha, and suspecting something h put the etraoge man. off wjth the CJcqfi that thi monies he wou'd like to trade were out, but if he would come lack in nn Iinnr fir so thev mi srht trade. But tery then went down town to Wm. Stad elmann, (Stephenson's brother in-law), and advised him of the fact. A telegram was sent to Stephenson, at once, describing the horses, and the answer came back quick and 6harp, 'Have such a team out -.arrest the man and keep the horses." Sheriff Johnson and Mr. Buttery then arivi tn hunt Mr. horse thief up. As they walked up Fourth street they eaw him sitting in the door of the barn. As they approached he got up and walked towards the small door at the east side of the barn. The Sheriff walked down that way, and Mr. Buttery said "Sheriff, this is the man you are after." Before the words were out of his mouth the fel-I'-.-.v uii-w a pistol fiom his pants pocket a:.d tired at the Sheriff, the bullet grazing the hair on E. Buttery's head. Sheriff Ji hnson grabbed tho hand with the re volver in i:, and Buttery went for the otlur; in the melee the thief managed to cock and pull the trigeer twice more, but the pistol missed fire. The third time, just as his e'bnw bent upward, the shooting iron happily went off.aga n, the ball knocking two of his teeth out and lodging in the roof of his mouth. When the blood spirted out, Mr. horse thief wilted down on the floor and played pos-uiu awhile ; but finui:i2 that was no go, he "came to," was put in a caniage and driven to the Platte Valley House, where Doctor Livingston probed the wound, and finding nothing danger ous, the Sheriff removed him to the county jail to await further orders. This morning Mr. Stephenson came down from Omaha, claimed his team, and stated that the man gave his name as Antonie Lansing, and hired tho team to go ten miles north. The Omaha whisky being very confusing, he drove straight south, and after trying his best to shoot our Sheriff and our jolly livery man, Mr. Buttery, he will probably serve a campaign or two at breaking stone, if not put on a larger tour. The Sheriff of Omaha comes down to morrow to remove him to Douglas coun ty. Cass is a poor place for horse thieves to come to as long as Joe. John son is Sheriff. corxcii. raocKEDixGs. Council Chamber, Sept. 17, '72. Council met pursuant to adjournment. Prcsent Mayor, Aldermen Buttery, Fitzgerald, A man, Clerk and Marshal. The minutes of previous meetings read and approved. A communication from F. S. V lute, asking permission to move his Irame huilding, situated on the corner of Main and Sixth street, was presented, and on motion referred to Committee on Fire and Water. A petition, asking permission to build , " L X 1 ! I a siae wait, commencing at aaum&.uu avenue, running north to Elm street, on the west side of Sixth street. On motion, referred to Committee on Highways and Bridges. A remonstrance io regard to changing side walk from the east to west side of Chicago avenue, presented, and On motion, referred to Committee on liirhways and Bridges. The Council then proceeded to can- . . .! 1.1) ' vass tne vote 01 me eiucuon neiu in 'lattsmouth city, on the 31st day of Au- ust, 1872, for Railroad Bonds and Tax, with the following result : For Bonds nd Tax, 217 votes; against Bonds and ax, 4 votes. On motion, the bonds were declared arried. and the Clerk was instructed to have the f-ame published two weeks in he Nebraska Weekly Herald. On motion, Council adjourned. ttest: M. L. WHITE, R. II. Vanatta, Mayor. City Clerk. Tf you get there before I do, Why ttop at Vivian's Grocery too ; And buy your goods so neat and cheap, That all your neighbors'!! want to peep In and see what he has got. 59-1 w Waterman & are Son selling sidewalk plank at $24 per thousand. 47dtf Fine fresh peaches at Streight & Black's; $1.40 per box. Gldlw U0E2 MUD. There are a great many things that mipht be written about mnd without saying anything that would tend to i..:j .t, e ii, ,Tnl r f , com position. It is one of the clearest subieets a men can write about ; for has it not become a nroverb. as clear as mud." The definite nature of its ex- , j - . j . i istenco can no more be donated than that Diogenes sat in a tub. In this country it is slippercr than a political fact, and greasier than a "soap fat man" in July. The attraction of cohesion be- July tween it anu ltsmoiuer eanuis nun ueic, while its extraordinary laculty ot ad he- sicn when spattered over a new silk itiereu over a new sus two hundred and forty it and more Productive it, ana more productive silk dress, is above Farenhei of profanity than the news from North Carolina. As it is still raining there will be plenty of mud to write about to-nior row, and for the present we'll flounder out of the mud. Legal Notice. Samuel Berliner is hereby notified that on the 3d day of August, 1Si2, Tootle, Farleigh & Co., filed their peti tion in the Di.-tnct Court of the Second Judicial District in and for Cass County, Nebraska ; the object and prayer ot aid petition is to foreclose a certain mort gage on the h. ot IjOI 6, in Block 3o in Plattsmouth city, Nebraska, in which you oiiiiui some interest, executed by r. S. hite, Diana hiu Augustus Ctiiers and Lovina Spiers, to Tootle, Far- U'isrh & Co., on or about the 20th day of June, 1871, to t-ecure the payment of certain promissory notes, culling lor the sum of six hundred and rixtv-three dollars and seventy-five cents, (JGf3 75), and praying that an account may be had of the amount due said Tootle, Farleigh i Co., and that said property may be sold, to -ati.-fy the same. You are re quired to answer said petition on or be fore the 2Sth dav of October, 1872 TOOTLEFAULFJGH, & CO. By Maxwell & Chapman, 24w5 Attorneys. For the delivery of the brick necessary ior ine wno:e miikling. For buildinir the brick work and nlas tering the buiiding, the contractor fur- ui-ning an the materia except the brick. 1 or all carpenter s work, including all the necessary material for doing the same. For all painting, graining., and glazing, including all materials for the same. For ail dressed stone-work, water-table, door and window sills. For terra cotta caps for windows and doors. For all iron and tin work Bids will also be received for any num ber of the above items, and also for the erection of the entire building. PI ans and spec.fieations to whieh the work and materials must all conform, can be seen on and after September 14th, 1872, at the office of the City Clerk, in Plattsmouth, and at the office of ( harles F. Driscoll, architect, Omaha, Nebraska. The contract for building the founk tiou of said School House, is to be com pleted by thi 1.1th of October, 1S72, ar.d two stories of the brick wrk to be erected by the 20th of December, 1873, if not hindered bv unfavorable we.-ithnr. The whole building to lie finished com plete 111 all its parts by August I.-t, 1S72. 'I he person or persons receiving the award of contract will b? required" to ex ecute a bond with good and sufficient security for the faithful perl'jrmanee thereof. 1 he Council reserve the ri dit 10 r- ject any and all bids offered, if deemed to the interest of tho city so to do. Mi nhly payments of eighty-five per cent will be made as the work progresses and the materials are furnished. John Fitzgerald.) t h J. 11. Hi tter v, V nBu,"!,,,5 M. L. White, j Committee Plattsmouth, Neb., Sept. 11, 1S72. 2t El ection Notice. Notice is hereby given, that on Tues day, the 8th day of October next, at the usual places of holding elections, an Election will be htld for the purpose of electing One Member cf Congress, 1 Governor, 1 Chief Justice. 2- Associate Justices. 1 Secretary of State, 1 Auditor, 1 State Treasurer, 1 .Attorney General. 1 States Pri.-on Inspector, A District Attorney for the Second Judicial District One State Senator for the Fourth Senatorial District, composed of the County of Cass. Two Members of the House of Representatives for the Fourth Representative District, composed of the County of Cass. One Member of the House of Repre sentatives for the Twenty-fifth Repre sentative District, composed of the Counties of Cass. Sarpy, Dou-dass, ashington, and Dodge. One County Commissioner for Cass County, from tho Third District. One Precinct Assessor for each Pre- "UJ'- . . . ninr- K .: 0I,en untji c Q- ciocu :n the Afternoon of the same day Jjy order of the County Commissioners, 1. W. McKlNNON. Clerk. This 3d day of September, 1S72. 24w4 TEACHZS'S INSTITUTE. By an ap ointment of the State Super intendent, a. Teacher's Institute for Cass county will be held at Plattsmouth, to commence on Tuesday the 17th instant, and to continue through the week. Prof. J. M. McKenzie will be present to join with us in our work. We hope to see the teachers of the county all unite with zeal in giving renewed impulse to the entercst of education in our county, and in no way can this be more effectu ally accomplished than by the inspira tion which springs from united, zealous, enthusiastic action. Come, teachers, let us make common stock of the best ideas and most improved methods in our possession for the successful prosecution of our profession. Let it not be said of us that we are absent because we are afraid of the light, or of the exposure of our ignorance. If we enter into the work with the proper spirit with a desire to arm ourselves most thorouh!y for the efficient discharge of the responsibilities which we assume, we shall all be found in our places on the 17th instant to take an active part in the proceedings of the Institute. Come, let us have a good so cial and cordial interchange of sentiment and professional sympathy. We may add, that the citizens of Plattsmouth and vicinity will kindly open their houses for the hospitable en tertainment or all teachers who may at tend the session of the Institute. U. W. WISH, Sup't Pub. Inst. Cass Co. 2.1 w2. Probate Notice. I hereby cive notice to all concerned that a Will purporting to be the last will and testament of Shepherd Duke, deceased, late of Cass county and State of Nebraska, has been hied in the othec 0f the Probate Court ot said county and that a hearing will be had at ruv office in the city of Plattsmouth, in said coun- ty on the 21st day of September, at one ., . M. of said dav en the annli- cation, to prove and admit said Will to Probate, at which time and place ail persons interested in said estate are re- quested to appear and it they see nt con i t j WilI (Q probate. Given under my hand and seal at my office this HMh day tit August, A. L., 1- lmn, D"w3t Probate Judge NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Scaled proposals will be received at the office ot County Clerk ot Cass Uoun tne omce 01 county triers 01 cass wmn- ty, Nebraska, until 10 o'clock A. M., on the 21st dar of September, 1872, for the f ; h5n of luateri:ll3 and construction o- the Uoiinty Poor House, on the Poor Farm two and a half miles west of Platts mouth. The building to be constructed in accordance with a Plan and cpecifica tions to be seen at the store ot Messrs. Vallery & Ruffner. Ihe person or persons receiving the award of contract will be required to exe cute a liond, with good and suthcient security, in twice the amount ot the con tract, lor the faithluli performance there of. For further particulars inquire of Ja cob allery. Jr Ihe County Commissioners reserve the right to reject any or all ot the bids, By order of the Board. Ii. A LB IN", dG3-w24-2w Chairman. Proposals for Bids. - Sealed proposals will be received by the City Council of the City of Platts mouth, Cass County, Nebraska, at the office of the city Clerk in said city, for the erection of a brick School Building, situated within said city, until 7 o'clock P. M. of the 21st day of September 1872 Separate bids will be received tor: Furnishing the btone delivered on the arrnund for the foundation. For building the foundation including the necessary excavation and furnishing gartd nod lim. nmmu toipmw of! Env Coniintntal Inilbing, Uos. JUSTUS LAWRENCE. President. J. P. ROGERS, Secretary. Enterprising JEconomic(tf9 lAbcral, and Ku m her Pot i Pies issued to .Tun. 1, 1ST2 ....-15.00n Nutnlifr IViieuL'3 i-nueil and revived in 1S71 Ii.-V'l7 ASjfKTTss, jan. l, is72 . ...7,.-J05,a-V0 ,Thifl Comi-MTIT i Pdfolr f tititiil !p it nnrjtiinil il i i-i.l in If until uriili)fl imnnff it Puli- cy, hulders. annuallv, Ug the "( ontribuiwn Plan." expense to income, than have ever been attained lieno r in im nistory. Its tot aI ASr-vt nre flllfTlion I to d i -nil -li-ita u.' I its stock cxpi'al, and leave as a bain nee mure than Tliis Company Issued XVlorc Policies IjST 1871THA.N ilxiTf Otiisr Company in the Worl S. A. TAYLOR & CO., janUMjtwtt Oeiieral Agenis, for Nebraska. SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. 1872, 1872 1872. GREAT RUSH! LARGE CROWDS ! ! Everybody, and more D. SCHNASSE 8c CO, To buy DRY GOODS AND AT TH NEW YORK STORE- Tbe best and most oompleto STOCK OF DRESS GOODS. Are now on exhibition at the New York Store, at greatly reauced price. We call particular attention to our new styles of DRESS-GOODS, PRINTS, DELAINS, GINGHAMS, BROWN SHEETING, BLEACHED COTTONS, BALMORALS, CARPETS, CLARK'S NEW THREAD, COTTON YAK s, BOOTS AND SHOE .'of all kind and prices to suit cur numerqus customers. largo stock of GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QLiEENSWARE, WOODEN-WARE, GLASSWARE, YANKEE NOTIONS, ATS AND CAPS, let, goijisiiir. Dealer in Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats. Caps, Boots & Shoes, Trunks Valises & Carpet Bags, &a. ttc. One of the Oldest and most lleliable Houses in Plattsmouth. Main Street, between 4th &; 5th. BSarRKMEMBER THE PLACR-J 8dtf Plantation Bitters. s. T. I860 x. This wonderful vegetable restorative is the fehcet-anchor of the feeble and de bilitated. As a tonic and cordial for tlu aged and languid it ha3 no equal among stomachics. As a remedy for the ner vous weakness to which women are es pecially subject, it is superseding every other stimulant. In all climates, tropi cal, temperate or frigid, it acts as a speeifio in every species of disorder which undermines the bodily strength and breaks down the animal spirits. Dee. 23. dAw lyr. Beautiful Women. KAGAN'S MAGNOOIA BALM gives to the Com plexion the Freshness of Youth. IIagax's maoxolia. Balm overcomes the flushed vppearance caused by heat, fatigue and excitement. It makes the lady of forty appear but twenty, and so natural and perfeot that no pcrfon can detect its application. Hy its use the roughest fkin is made to rival the pure radiant texture of youthful beauty. Itremoves redness, blotches, and pimples. It contains nothing that will injure the skin the least. Macxolia Calm is used by all fashionable ladies in New York, London and Paris. It costs only 75 cents per Bottle, and u sold by all Druggists and Perfumers. Dec, 20. diw lyr e 3d w. Sheriff Sale. Electa G. Hasty Administratrix of the Estate of Charles Hasty deceased, vs. Eminerson JI. Eaton. By virtue of an order of ale issued out rf thn Tlistriet Court in and for Cnss Co.. Neb.. and to me directed. I will on'the ltkh day of September. A. D.iSTJ. at 10 o clock a. m.. ol said day at the front door of the Court House iu the City of PUttsmonth in said county, ofl'er for sale at public auction the following; described real ette, to-wit: Lots No. 7, H. y. 10. 11 and 12 in (61 in the City of Plattsmouth. C.Ats county. Nebraska Al o the southeast ouarter C-4 of Section No twenty-four (21) jib Township No. twelve (12 North of Range No, twelve (12) East fthe sixth p. M. Also one hundred acres effof the Northeast quarter l4) rvf tirkn twintv five (l!i) i Town-hio No. twelve (12) North of Kansre No. twelve (12) Last of the sixth p. all situated in Cacs county. Neb. To be sold to satisty a judgment and order n(lp nnriar nn attachment rendered at the November terin A. D. ISTU. of the sai l District Court in lavor of tho said Ilaiutiffand against tUe said defcnlBt. Given under uy hand this Srh ay of August SneriffCuss Co.. Nebraska. Pottenger, Fox & Wheeler, Attorneys for 24, 2G & 28Xhsssu Bt Safe and has a l;irner business and a lower ratio of by any otlier Company ut a Corresponding 1 i 11 ir:w i nl n 1 tntr m-i rwi r in ti itf li'r nil a MILL 10 . of earned surplus. too. are going- to their GROCERIES. BIDS FOIl FOKAUE. Obf:cb Ch. Qb. M" it. Dept. I'lattb, 1 Omaha. Nkb. Sept. 2, SKALKD LIDS, in duplieate, with guarantee pigned by two responsible partio, not bid ders will be received at this ollice until eleven o'clock A. M.. on Thursday. October li. 1872. for the delivery at Omaha Depot. Nebraska, from time to time as required, of 00,000 bushels of Oats, 70,000 bushels of Corn, or any part thereof. Bids to be endorsed on the envelope, '"Bids lor forage." The right to reject any or all bids is reserved. Blank bids furnished, and general conditions made knevrn on application at this office- ALKX.J. I'KKHV. 23w-4t Cli.. Qr.. Mr . Dept. Platte. THE OLD 8JABL A Heavy Stock of Goods Hand. on No Jlenti and 2Vb Intermit on liorroteed Cnpi- tal to be Made Ojf Outumer 1 1 OLDEST ESTABLISHED HOUSE IN THE C1TX, Es a DOtfEY, North sile Main between Second and Third ets. Takes pleasure in announcing iv Farmers and Mechanics, That he has as larte and well selected stock of Ury uoous, uroceries. i-rovis-ions, as t ever brought to the city of Plattsmouth S-It will cost you nothin to look nt them whether you buy or not. Uy examining the pricds at the "OLr UK LI A RLE" j ou will be able to tell when other parties trv to swnulie you 71-wtf-2.rdtl. AGENTS WAITED FOR BOOKS NEEDED BY ALL The best books publUhed on the IIorsk and the Cow. Liberal terms. Money rrade rpil ly by Aeents selling these books. Seud lor CirCUlilrP0RTER k COATES. Publishers. Philadelphia. Pa. Legal Notice Matthias Spohn vs. Christian SchluDtx. N TOTICE is hereby given, that we will offer S at nublic sale, at the front door of the Court House, in I'latlsraouiti, uass county, .teorawaa. on Monday tbe 4th day of November. 172. at 1 o'clock P. at-, on said day, the following real estate, to wit: Lots one. two. three, ten, elev en and twelve, in blork Xo. six west, one south, in the town of Rock Blutl's. Cass county Nebras ka, with all the buildings and appurtenam-es thereunto belongiug. to be sold under an order of sale in pa titin mads by the District Court. .f the 2J Judicial District, in and for Ca.-s coun ty, Nebra-ka. on the 12th day of February. A. I. 172- Trms of -ile: One-third cash, one thirl in one year, and one-third in two years, with interest on deterred payments at 10 per cent, James M. Patters. Conrad Hkiskl. and Gkobgk E. Dba pkr. By Maxwell A- Coapm -s. Referee. D'ii fit Attorneys f r Plaintiff. FARffflERS 1 -fc"-intrf WIS J. Wilxib, IVoprUtor. R. II. MrIHL A C., Urvnrtou 9 AfMte, Sm k'rmueitc; Cl and M Cuwitt lri, N.M MILLIONS Bear Testimony ( thell Wonderful Curative EJTecte. Tbcy are not a vile Fancy Drlak, Mad of roof Rim, Whlakey, 1'roof Hplrlte and Itefnan Llqaora doctored, npiced and sweetened to pleaae tin taatcc:dled "Tonics." Apiwtlsers," "iletoreri,"JiC. that lead the tippler ou to drunkenness and mirt.but sr a true Modicino.uiade front tho Kativ Rnot and Herb of California, free from sill A looked Ic Ml I mil' Innta. Tlicy are the liltEAT ni.OOII PI KI FIEIland A LIFE (ilVlXfl I'll I XC! I'LE fe perfect IleiioTator and InrtKorntor of the Syntctn, carrying off all poioonous matter and restoring theliluod to a healthy condition. No person can take thane Bit' tcrs according to directions and remain long onwsU, provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and the vluil organs waatexl beyond tho point of repair. They nre a (.entle I'argntlve aa well ne tt Tonic, possessing, also, the )culiar merit of actluej as a powerful sRcnt In relieving Cungrntion or In (Ism. tnatlon of tho I.lrer. and all the Vlseoral Organs. FOIl FEMALE COMPI.AIXTS, Inyonngn old, married or single, at ilie dawn of womanhood or si the turn of life, tlicne Tonic Biteers have no )ual. ' For Inflammatory and t'kroulc Kkeama' Ham and foaf, Ilyapcpainv or Indlgrsiaa Unions, Krinltlent rind Iiitrrinlllcal Fe vers, Diseases of the lllood, I.lvrr, KIsV era aud III adder, theno Hitter hsve been moo successful. Hack Diseases ore canard by Vitiated lilood, which is generally produced by derangement of the Digestive Orgnus. DYSPEPSIA Oil IMUOEMTIOX, Hesif kche. Palo la tbe Shoulders. Coughs, Tlgbtoese of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Cnictstioes of lbs Btmnsch, Had Taste in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Pal filiation of Ihe Heart, Inflammation of tho l.unga. Fain In lbs ro (Ions of the Kkloers, and a hundred olber painful symp toms, are the oOspiings of Prspcpsla. Tbcy Invigorate tbe Stomach and stimulate thstorftf Urer and Jlowels. which render fliera of uneqvalivl tflicaer In cleansing lbs blood of all Imparities, and Im ksrtlng new life and rigor to the whole srstom. FOIl SKIN DISEASES, Eruptions, Tetter. Half Rheam, Blotches, Spots, Pliuplsa, Pustules, Boils. Car' itunetes. Ring-Worms. Besld Head. Bore Krej. Eryslpe . las. Itch, (scurfs. Vtseolorstions of ths fki fliseases of tbe Hkin. of whatev-r name or nature, are Iterallv dug as and carried oat of the arstem in a short lime br tbs use ot tttese Hitters. Ons bottle In ani ls eases will convince the most Incredulous of ineir cura tive effects. Clesnss the Vitiated lllood whenever ynu find Its Im parities bursting through tbe skin in Plmpine, Krojv. lions or Sores ; clesnss it when you find it obstructed and sluggish In tbs veins ; cleanse It when It hi fnnf and your feelings will tell rou hen. Keep the Wuod? are. and ths health of ths srstcm will follow. Pin, Tape, and other Worms, lurking In tbs 17 stem of so moor thousands, are effectually destroyed snd rnmoved. Pari a distinguished thvii1oifiat there is scarcely an individual upon the lace of ths earth Whose body is exempt from the presanee of storms. It is not noon tbe healthy elements of th body thst worms exist, bnt upon the diseao-d bnmnnr snd slimy deposits thst breed these livins monster of disease. No tfystora of Medictue. no vermifuiree, ne ntbelininlics will freo tbe srstom from worms like ese Bitters. WALKER, Proprietor. R. II. McDONAI.D COL. Druggists and Oen. Agents. Kan Francisco. California ana j ami it commerce Bireot, new lors. WOLi ISY A1.L lBLUOI8T8 AND DtkLttX- Mothers, Mothers, Mothers. Don'tall to j)rt,rnre Mr Winilov' SoolKinj' Syrup for Children Teething. This valuable preparation hns hoe flsed with MIVKrt FAILING SUCCESS IN illUU SANKS OF OASES. It aot only relieves the child from piHu. MU invigorates the stoimich an'l bo wets, wrwts aeiiiity, arnl tives tone and enenry t the wholw ey.teui. It will also instantly relieve (trifling in the Ho writ ami W'inil Gtlre. We believe it the bet and surest remedy itf the worid. in all cases o Dysentery and iJiar--rh(-a in children, whether arrifiDg from teeth ins cr any other enure. ' .Depend upon it mothers, it will t;ira rest to yourselvew. and Keliefand Ilentth to Your Infant. Bo sure pud call for "Mrt, Winnlow't Sootning Syrup'." Having the fic-imile of "CURTIS A TKR' KlNS"cn the outwide wrapper. Sold by Druggists throughout the world. 10 TUB BEST IS The Cheapest. J?. J, METTBER. " if ill be found at bis old stand on Main Sir I T w here he will be pleased to see bis for' iner customers and friend ne has a large and good assortment of farm) machinery such as the r Phe Slarsh harvester, a reaper that two mew L can cut and bind ten acres per day with one man to drive, and the binders can work ir the thade. Milburn snd Studenbaker Wagons, Hia!!--pion Reapr .k Mower Massilloo Thrash' er, anJ BurJnlo Pit thrasher, and Excelsior Reaper and Mower Ao,- P. J. METTEER, Main Street, Plattsmouth, Neb. L. S. Blair, Traveling Aent. Feb. 29 wtf. CITY MkAT MARKET, -Br- Gcoi F'icliler, MAIN STREET. Plattsmouth; - IVebrask.i. The bert of Fresh Meats always on Band their season. Ilighcst Price Paid for Fat Cattlo -Highe.-t Cash Price paid for green llides. LYON'S KATKAIROH, For Preiervina"nd Oeaulifying the Hiimis Hsir To Prevent its Falling Out d Tummg Gray. A well-preserved Head uf Hair. i m perron fef midn fcge, at once bespeaks refinement, ele gance, health and beauty. It may truly bo called Woman's Crowning Glory, while men are not insensible to Us advantages and charms. Few things -are more digui'io than thin, fr'uily, harsh, untamed Hair, with head and coat covered with DandrafT. Visit barber and you feel and look like a nw xaan. This is what LYON'S K4.THAIRON will do all th tiino. The charm which, lie ia well placed Hair. Glossy Curls. Luxuriant Tresses, and s Clean Head, is noticeable and JrresUtable. Sold by all DruggisU and Couutry Store. Jan. 2d. lw every 3w