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About Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1871)
L'l I PLAT1 SMflUTHjMEBRAKSA.. triUUSDAT, OCTOHER 12 1871. A Joke on Greeley. A corres-poaJent telU the following j :.c in connection with the recent visit Mr. Greeley to the Agricultural Fa:r -'. Lafayette, Iud. : Vuile lookirjtf at the various agricul- ;r:l implements on exhibition at the ;ir, he wu introdaoed to Mr V. S. Li.Ie, editor of the Lafayette Courier. kl',wng politely, Mr. Lingie said he wa xLiiiting on the grounds a new corn tic:. !t-r, an invention cf hi own, and he 1 Mr. Greeley to go with him to in--p'.'i.t it. Mr- Greeley willingly a n ted, in i the two started off. Mr. Lingie ld tL; way to the pig aties and thowed Mr. ;Jrc-'ythe meanest looking hog in all t:-iii.nx Its nose was two feet long, . j J i'jt back as sharp as a carving knife. . i"gs were like those of a crane, and tail couldn't have been curled with ' i tongs of a belie. Mr. Lingie pointed thi wonderful quadruped with infinite -i le and said: "There,- air, i my t'-at corn frheller. What do you think Mr. Greeley looked at Mr. '-i'le, and then at the wonderful hog. . i-.-:ont!y a broad Binile beamed on his and ha turned away without utter " n word, feeling, doubtlosi," coujrlete j sold." t'armrr'a WUc. Trio reading of essays by the ladies is no of the excercises which gives lif and :it-n 'X to the meetings of the Spring- It! I i Vt) farmers' club. From one of !:c tTjajs Ly Mrs Daniel Rice, publinh ;d in the Vermont Farmer, we copy the fWving paragraph : ' 'I id you ever think of the amount of ' hMi. ht rejuioite to plan three meal a i ; i r .'iOjdays in succession ? To pre enough and rot too much, and for . - j livine at a distance from the vil : . to remember that the Hock of ..!, iugar, tea, &c.,U replenished in i:ti:ue? Did you ever think of the ili.t jde of her cares an 1 duties? She .u t riac early to prepare breakfast or ; . v.r s.'3e it. Perhaps there are children - wa-Ii, dress, and feed, or to get ready . r Lool with their dinners. There is ikir., sweeping, dusting, making beds ii !. ior the men maybedinner, sup- '.t i be made ready at the projer i:. washing, starching, folding and . irii.i,' of clothes taking care of the ... i ncluding the making of butter and c3j and the inevitable wahinjj of '.' In autum there is an aditional rk o picking, preserving, canning of ii;., crying apples, boiling cider, mak- fauco, with the still more un-.-. j-r-nt taik which falls to their lot in . :i '. ring time. Then there is haying t v--urig, bheepshearing, etc, when .i j help is needed, bringing an in , i.-.s. it' her labors. Twice a year . 1-; f leaning, liy the way, of all the ;i housekeeper has to contend with, : i the greatest. She may gain a :!-! te victory, and think to repose i .'. h?r laurels after her semi anual lament? but it is only temporary, i . t i.emysoon return, anl even daily - ': .ni-hing does not keep it at bay. 1 -re is mending, too. Sewing ma : .i:.o-i are getting to be blessings, but ':y can't tet a patch or darn a stock I don't mention these things by sty ol'coojplaining of woman's lot in r -u r- or asking lor her any rights l.; :j the does not possess. I don't .,w that there is any remedy in the i.l frtafe of the world. It seems to fivj of the evils of life which must : b'.rno as we bear other ills but what '. do risk is a due appreciation of the . m. rtant part that woman acts, and a '-.-inn that her labors, mental and ;!:;,: tl, are as great all things consider ; i, a- f hose of the other ?ex. Woman . .-nit y.o childish that a little pimpathy a i. l then, or acknowledgement of :i-cfibrts and Bacrifi'-es make them -in'.- their case worse than it i. I : men and husbands, "it doeth ..' I iir.o a medicine,' and many a poor ; 1, broken down wife aud mother . ; ov'ls for want of it. Nrerelft of Masonry. O! I Zachary Wheeler was quite a ::r:i:t.;r in his time, being a clever, y ;:i:ng, confiding man, who managed ict. very body cheat him of his inherited ?aic.. Juntas the farm was about to c .u; of his hands, he succeeded in .i' the money to !irt the mortgage. Ue '.ner, a prominent Mason ac ii; ; ar.ied him to thi town. As they . t.i. lihng along on horebaek, Zack -jys to Aaron in a confiding tone : "N'"T, Aaron, as we are all alone, I yu to tell me the secrets of Ma- i; .; . "l iau't Zach, they would kill me." I ' VVhy, they won't know, they wid j v.- .-r !::, 1 it oat. Ve , tijey will, you'll ppeak of it." '"!., I pwear I won't." ''Wei!, if you 11 ride close along side if i i ? -Mil put your hand on my thigh, a:i i t ike tli3 oath I'll tell you the ee- "- !' Masonry." i..h wis not blow to comply: and a . t powerful iron-clad oath was ad-.;ni-'-r- 1 and taken. l'V ..;!," said Aaron with much so I .minify and eecrecy, in the first place, t; Ma-oas combine together to cheat . f-i v!.dy as much as we can. This is fi .. rtand secret." "The .-econd is like unto it. When u!i t find anybody elso to cheat, we ..Mr .ieh other, but as little as wo can. "We!!," exclaimed Zach, with evi--'' '.it :ii i;se I swear I'll join. I wish I a-J il it twenty years ago I might )ve t.jcn a rich man afore now." A in n-c dealer has in his window a . ..tii; :! song thus marked : ''Thou ; :-tst Ycd me and left me, for 25 cents." ' !-:!t is ceminly the cheapest kind of a : vo.eo. a ; i J leaves no neces.sity for go i . r o Chicngo. i.t- of iron will prevent water fiom : :;z )iniii' putrid. Sheet iron or iron ; : iiniiiins are the best. Tho offensive r -.h-U t,f vat-jr in vases of flowers would i a vi : ii-1 by putting a few small nails : the LottJin of the vases. A ied .A Copperhead out Wet in- I'rtjn ;it -y refused to allow a physician : r, attend him in a bad case of fjver, i-isvi'iso he promised to effect a 'radical' Tiie Delaware grapo originated in fM:iwnr; county Ohio. Benjamin lk:itl:, a farmer Hiring in the west part oi' tl..: eoi.fity, on the Scioto river, owned lh vine from which were propagated, vitl.ia the l?t twenty-five j'fears, all the i;rapf:s of this variety- in the United .-"tiiic.-! How wonderfully rapid has o-"'.: tlic diEsemination of this choice fruit. Counter irritants people who exatr ;nJ the wli 'ld stock and buy nothing. oot ndent who devotes much f fcb time to' "reading up" the rel giotis Afcckiics thinks the reason that those i.varinL ail'orJ uiuch a to.QU!, ndi.,inc an:ioancomcnts i?, that the olv and quackery are fiinit 1-ir 1 e.-a;ire both prepare us lor a better world. WLuer yirs can lo Fww.vfuily crafted oa the roots of oak trees So, Ko in limbs; regular way in elm trees. Our a.ssociate returned home yester day from the hyperborean regions, and notwithstanding he has been bick most of the time duriog his absence he has had fiome fun. lie tells us the following incident on what Greeley knows ahout farming : At McGregor, Iowa, Greeley was to lecture upon his favorite subject. Jut b fire g jing on the tand, a rather well to do farmer, who, by the way, is a Jus tice of the peace and a class leader in the Methodist church in his neighbor hood, accjtcd him as follows : Farmer "Mr. Greeley, I understand you know all about, fanning." Greeley-" Fes, Pir, I do." Farmer "I uppOFe you know when to t'lant, reap, j-ow, etc." Greeley "Yes fir, I know when to i)low, to mow, to reap, to sow ; in ehort, I think I understand all the various du ties and interests of the f'wmer. I will fcpeak at two o'clock, which is now al most that time, and will tell yon all I know about farming, if you will only give me your attention, and I will alo esteem it a compliment to have you for one of my listeners." Farmer 1 should be glad to hear you, but as I live twenty miles distant, I can not have that pleasure. I would like to ask you a question for the benefit of my self and neighbors." Greeley "Certainly." Farmer "Mr. Greeley, what is the be?t time of year to cut Canada thistles and elders?" - J ; - Greeley (touching the farmer on the shoulder) "My friend, these Canada thistles are a very noxious weed, and in order to prevent their spread should be cut just before they are ripe, and Elders should be cat just befote camp meeting." It is unnecessary to say the conversa tion ended. Ex. Kxufing the manuscripts which were probably burned at the recent confla gration of the arch-episcopal palace at Bourges in France, the most remarka ble and valuable was the order ibr the execution of Jesus Christ, which was the personal property of the family De lo Tour'd Auvcrgne. The wording of tho order was as follows: Jeeus of Nazareth, of the Jewish tribe of Jnda, convicted of imposture and rebellion against the divine authority of Tiberius Augustus, Emperor of the Romans, have for this sacrilege been condemned to die on the cross by sentence of the judge, Pontius Pilot, on the prosecution of our lord, Herod, lieutenant of the emperor in Judea, sh:ill be taken, to morrow morning, the 21 day of the ides of M irth, to the usual place of punish ment, unler the escort of a company of the l'nctorian guard- The so-called King of the Jews shall be taken out by the Struncan gate. All the public offi cers and the subjects of the emperor are directed to lend their aid to the execu tion of this sentence. Signed. Catel Jerusilem, 22i day of the ides of March, year of Rome, 7S8. At a time when every one is ardently longing to see one or two railroad presi dents, a couple of "superintendents," and at least a board of directors, in State prison, for the shocking negligence allowed under their management, it seems trivial to suggest a modest con venience to travelers, which is, never theless, much needed. We refer to some means of announcing intelligibly the sta tions on the road instead of having their names shouted hoarsely and al most inarticulately in at the car door after the brakes are on. A perfectly simple and cheap contrivance would be a strip of linen, wiih the names of the stations clearly printed on it, pass.sing over a couulo of rollers in such away that a brakeman could in a second ex pose the name of the station next to be stopped at. lhi, with conductors cheeks bearing the names of the sta tions and their distance from each other, or placards with the same information, would bear very greatly to the conveni ence and comfort of traveling. It would prevent the confusion and haste at sta tions, which have not untrcquently re suited in injury to person, and even in loss ot lite. , . The condemnation by an eTangelical newspaper, of the beautiful hymn "Nearer my God to Thee," because there is no recognition 01 Christ in U. is parallelled by the condemnation that Anthony Antaud, an eminent theologian of his ige. cast against an excellent and comprehensive prayer" that Ieibnitz re peated in Ins presence. lliat, said the evangelical divine, "is good for noth ing there is no mention ot our liord Jesus Christ in it " "For the moment," says Leibnitz, ''I was a little startled by so s-evcre and unexpected criticism. Rut I replied, 'For this reason must also our Lord s prayer and all the petitions which occur in the Acts and Epistles of the Apostle", be good for nothing: for in these prayers no mention U made of Christ or of the Trinity.' Thereupon," continues Loibnitz, "uiy good fellow was thrown into confusion, and we went out for a moment to take breath. The spiritual sympathies of some over ortho dox persons are nioro ready to rcspoi.d to the name, than they are to the spirit of Christ. American Trunks and Baggage smash ers. A writer in McMillan ' for Aug:, thus dixcources on certain incideots of American travel: Just then the hotel omnibus drove up, laden with tourists and those vast, iron bound, round topped receptacles for wardrobes, which accompany Ameri can ladies on their wanderings. I have remarked that the old English passion for solidity breaks out in the direction of trunks among their decendants in the New World more than in any other. Iudeed, I scarcely know where else to look for it. Yankee notions in genaral may be make-shifts for the day, but Yankee trunks are built for posterity. Among so practical a folk the reason is not far to seek. In no country in Christendom, of indeed in those parts of heathendom with which I am familiar, is all manner of unoffending luggage used so atrociously as in America. A perfect system of dispatch and delivery is supplemented by a brutality of treat ment in transit which would try the, constitution of the toughest bull's hide bound with brass (like Roderick Dhu's ehicld). I speak feelingly on the subject A white man running for office in South Carolina, sought to propitiate a colored constituent with whiskey. "Well, ye3 sah," said the constituent, "I don't care if I duz. 'Sides, in dese times a white candidate is just as good as a colored voter, 'specially when the colored voter is dry. Plain and ugly women may take com fort since history has satisfactorily E roved that the women in all times who ave exercised the greatest iofluence on men's lives are not the beautiful ones. Nature always compensates, by internal gifts, if not external ones, and the two rarely go toother- At a hotel in Chio, a larg3 mirror is ! plamd at the entrance of the dining-hall which is to constructed that you see yourself a thin, c-idavcious, hungry per son ; but when you tome out from the table and look again, in the glas your body is distended to tho extremity of corpulency. The mother's smi'e gives her child the first glimpse of heaven, as the tender uess of her affection awakens the first conception of an all-bountiful Providence. Women dwell with patience upon the trifles that make up the lives of their children ; and it is on the direction of these seeming trifles that their future greatness will depend. "A : kiss from my mother," said Renjamin West, "made me a painter." When yet a child, he had drawn a rude sketch of an infant relation sleeping in a cradle. His mother chanced to sec his childish pro duction, and was so well pleased with it that she took the young artist in her arms and rapturously kissed him. That mark of maternal delight fixed hii fate for life. Washington Irving once said of a pompous American diplomatist, "Ah, he is a great man. and in his own esti mation a very great man, a man of great weight. When ho goes west, the east tips up. The name of Tammany is everywhere odious. In the proceedings of the re cent Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows, held at Utica. a petition was read from Tam many Encampment, located at Sandy Hill, to change its name to Riverside Encampment. The prayer of the pe titioners was granted without discussion. The editor of the Timet says that he wears a shirt that i taxed fifty-five per cent. Jhis taxis the result ot a Demo cratic rebellion, and the only security the Timet man can have in the future aeainst such unpleasant taxes in his shirt, is to return to the Republican Carty which he has left, and assist in eeping the party which attempted to destroy tho nation out 01 power. Ac cording to his own figuring, another such dose of Democracy would take what is left of hU shirt. 1 Wert Bulletin, There grows in Nevada a species of wild peach which is exceedingly hardy, and will live nearly everywhere that the sage brush can exist. It is found espe cially frenuent in Carson Vallev. Hum boldt Valley, and on the hills around Reese River. The tree grows to about the highth of a man's shoulder in the most favorable localities, but is frequent ly found not over a foot high. In the spring of the year the plains are covered with the beautiful pink blossoms. The truit has the pertect form of the peach. is greenish, with crimson tinge, and of a small size. The Indiana Conference of the Meth odist church, on the 15th inst., Bishop 1 1 1 i - .i. r (i scott presia:ng, admitted to lull mem bership Elder Ling-Ching-Ting of the roo-Chow mission. An interesting let ter Irom the reverenu Uhme.-e was read in which he said he had much wisdom. and begged that the bretheren would pray constantly for him. A devoted little wife, in Liyfette see ing her husband blowing in the muzzle ot a gun while holding back the ham mer with his foot, tripped down to ask the milliner about the price of mourn ing, and if it would be becoming to her complexion. A drunken woman appeared upon the streets of .Mount V emon. Linn county, a few days ago, and acted as bad as a voter. Whereupon the editor of the Hatch-Eye is constrained to say that the poet who said that "Hell hath no fury Like a woman scorned." should have said IIcM hath no fury Like a woman oorned. One of the drollest figures that has appeared on the Ramsgate sands this year is a preacher. He brings down to the beach on his shoulders a small and hoarse harmonium. He is followed by a small procession ot sharp-featured spin sters and seedy men in dingy black, and there besides the roar of the sea they lift up their cracked voices in a nal psalui-tune. The preacher accompanies them on his harmonium. The seriuon- izeris keenly alive to the importance of ha pence. Once when he had begun a sermon of unusual warmth, and had got as far as "willcth not the death of any, but rather that all," he extended his arms in a gesture, but it was just in time to catch a penny tossed to him from the crowd, whereupon the text ended in "thank you, sir," and the ani mated gesture terminated in the breech es pocket. On another occasion some wag was cruel enough to toss toward the preacher a bright sixpence when he was in tho ardor of prayer. The eyes that seemed closed peeped a little and were fixed on the sixpence. The coin was in perilous proximity to the paws of some urchins on the sand. The poor fellow seeing the sixpence suddenly broke lis prayer, and with a startling "through Jesus Christ our Lord," had his graft) Mtnultaneously with his "Amen.' This produced some laugh ter, and he removed to another part of he beach. foreign Lor. Some jears ago a five year old boy after saying his evening prayers, asked "Mother, will father go to heaven when he dies?" "Yes, I hope he will ; I do notdoultho will Why do you ask ?" "Oh. I only wanted to know;" and for a time the subject seemed to have faded from the child s mind, liut it. soon dropped out again. "Are you sure, mother, that father will go to heaven when he dies?" "Yes, my child, I do not doubt it ; but why do you ask f Tho little fellow was silent for a moment, and then broke out with: "Golly, what a whopping angel he'll make !" The business of the Patent Office is increasing in a very satisfactory manner. The cash receipts for the past month were over one thousand dollars in ex cess of any corresponding month in its previous history. The highest faims in the world are in Colorado, between Central City- and Idaho. They are from 9,000 to 11,000 feet above the level of the sea. It is said to be touching to see the pumpkin vines over in Indiana climb ttiA lfTrnrfi nnlfs. an tha, nurunkins ...v -'--;- - , , , r can get a look at Horace Greeley through . i ? i me car windows. The Cincinnati Commercial starts the absurd story that Henry Clay Dean dis located his arm the other day, in putting on a clean shirt. That won't wash the story, not Dean s shirt, we mean, ine broken arm is a possibility, but it couldn't have happened in that way. That isn't the sort of man he is at all. Mr. Grcelev. in his lecture on farming, lays it down as an axiom that the higher the breed of hog, the raore curls there are in the tail ; and in consequence there has been a great demand tor the curling tonirs in all the rural hardware stores. This useful implement will soon exter minate the lower order of hogs through out the length and breadth of the land. Mr. Greeley thinks the end may be ac complished by doing the tail up in paper over night ; but experience has taught him to prefer the tongs. Some idea of the iniury caused by in sects to agricultural products, may be firmed from the statement that, lrom seventy-four tons of Spanish wheat stored in a granary, ten hundred weight of beetles wtre screened in one instance, and in another thirty five hundred Weight were removed from one hundred and foity-five tons of American corn. The oCendr in both cases was a weevil, known as Colandra orisoe. Seeing that a great many children in the city are suffering from this com plaint, we will give the following expla nation of the cause of the disease, by Dr. Lettevich, the American pathologist, who says that he "has recently made a series of experiments with a form of fungoid growth which he believes to be the cause of the .very troublesome dis ea.e, whooping "cough. The spores found in the expectorated mucus caus ing the irritation and coughing, were al lowed to vegetate into large masses, and small portions were then introduced into young rabbits by an opening in the windpipe. The wound thus made soon healed, but the animal became affected with a violent congh. Several animals thus diseased were killed, and the air passages in each were found to contain very large quantities of similar fungus." Wftabina-ton Pastry. A sojourner in Washington sends the following : I am particularly fond of lemon pie and ice cream for desert. At Hotel I went on peacablyfor a couple of weeks, but always eating my lemon pie under a protest, for I was a stranger, and did not like to make objections. Finally I called a waiter and said : "John, I have nothing to say about thi ice cream, but what kind of a pie is this? "What kind of a pie did you order sah?-' "I ordered lemon pie, but this ap pears to be dried apple. " QjDat's lemon pie, sah. You know dey has a way of mixin' dried apples in de lemon pies here, sah, to dat extent it re quires a man ot bihty to stinguisn em apart, sah. De lemons is scase. you know, and dey has to 'conomize 'em so as to make ono lemon do for sixteen pies. Savings for Old Are. No one at all denies that it is wise to make provision for old age, but we are not all agreed as to the kind ot provis ion it is best to lay in. Certainly we shall want a little money, for a destitute old man is in indeed a sorry sight; yes, save money by all means. Rut an ol man needs just that particular kind of strength which young men are apt to waste. Many a foolish young iellow will throw awav on a holiday a certain amount of nervous energy which be will never feel the want of until he is seventy, and then how much he wil want it 1 It is curious, but true, that a bottle of champagne at twenty will in tensify the the rheumatism at threescore. It is a fact that over-tasking th3 eyes at fourteen may necessitate the aid o spectacles at forty instead of sixty. Wt advise our young readers to bo saving of health for their old age, lor the maxim holds good in regard to health as well as to money. "Waste not, want not." It is the greatest iniatako to suppose that violation of the laws of health can es cape its penalty. Nature forgives no sin, no error ; she lets off the offender for fifty years sometimes but she catches him at last, and inflicts the punishment just when and where, and just how he feels it most. Save up for old age. but save knowledge ; save the recollections of good and nolle deeds innocent pleas ure and pure thoughts; save friends, save love. Save rich stores of that kind of wealth which cannot diminish nor death take away. Rural AVic Yorker. The color of the yolk of eggs may or may hot be slightly anected py trie Kino of food eaten. Rut it is certain that the yolk of a new laid egg is always ot a light lemon color, and that age causes it to crnw il.-trtpr. A vnllc ff a (lcen Or- - - c - - j 1 ange color simply denotes an old egg. The lighter the color of the yolk the iresner ine egg. THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST u u And if 70 wtil call on J. METTEER "VTou can fee the best and latest improved X farm implements. T'he one and two wheel, and th front and e one and two wh 1 rear cut reapers and mowers. rjThe dropper and self raker reaper and mower 'Ihe Marsh harvester and reaper that two men I enn rut an I Linil ten nere.i ner ilav. with one man to drive, and all of them working iuth thaue. rar reapers are the Champion reaper and W mower combined. rJ,h Russell reaper and mower combined. VTTe keep the Excelsior dropper and mower TV combined. nd the Entcrly single gear, self raking rea per and mower runs one horse lighter thaa any other reaper. W ehave the well known Mastullion thrasher with mounted power improved for 1ST1. keep the Milburn wagon on hand. w e keep the Chicago' farm pump, for deep wens anu cisterns. Inn thn TiuflceTi! vnllcT rake and the Tiflen revolving horse rakes. ATT Goods and machinery WARREST- IjIj Elf to riTesatiffuction. Office on Main between 5th and 6tb north Side, three doors west of Brooks Hong. Jr . J. MJilbtK. A. C. Mavfield and Charles Vial. Travtliaa Agents. June.ioJ.lwtf. JOSEPH SCIILATEK ESTABLISHED IX 1861. DEALER IN tVATCESES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY SILVKK AND x'LA'iKV WARE, G01.H l'KXS ? TCT ACLE3. ViOLIN STKlN'iS AND FANCY UOulS. Watcle. Clocksand Jewelry repaired neatly al with dispatch. V3wIU:uioved to opposite flatte valley moum H'ibtr t. nor. lOwtt -filPl 9W II ROBERTSON VboleaaJe Dealers la WINES. LIQUORS AND BRANDIES IOlJi$XtE ' AVISOS ' WildTSKXES, Ac. Best quality of Cigars and Tobacco always on hand All order promptly attended to. A1N SIKEEI. OME DOOR WEST OF iUE RAILROAD TICKET OFFICE S, BLOOM 8c CO, BOYS AJYD CHILDREN'S CLOTHING Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, GLANKETS, RUBBER GOODS, TRUNKS, VALISES, ETC ain Street. Second Door East of the Court House BRANCH HOUSE Broad way, Coucncil Bluffs Iowa. MIS SOUR I VALLEY LIFE Insurance Company No. 70 DELAWARE STREET, LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS ALL POLICIES IMvidciids on tlie Securing the Greatest Pecuniary REASONS FOR INSURING IN THIS COMPANY : 1st. This is a Western Company, managed by ter, ability una position, auord ample guaranty 2d. Its Polices are all iiou-loi-reiliiijr. 3d. Premium all hnI. It receives no notes to pay. anu no outstanding notes as liens upon their policies, 4th. It has no restriction upon travel. 5th. Its dividend are made upon the contribution plan. 6th. Its business is excluseivly life insurance. DIVIDENDS Are the accumulation of interest unnn rreniiutri(1 Tniil. hpnw tfi Pnmnnnv flint lnnnn it ijumi at the highest rate of interest can Rive you the moneys at o percenr., wnilc tins make,- its investments at twelve per cent, or more. The advantage of Western investments to the policy holder appears in the following startlinr per cent, compound 8 " It) " 12 " " It is obrinus that this company offers greater poncy-noiuer tuan any otner company in existance OFFICERS II I Mackav. President. D M f-wan. Vice-President. tleorge A Moore. Secretary, J Jones, Ass't Secretary, II li it'owuiun. Treasurer lit J L H'ever, Med. iJ'tor, DIRECTORS. D Sh're. Leavenworth. Kan. II D Meckay, Leavenworth Kan. I ,M Swan. W ; Coffin. " " eo A Moore. U V JVwers. (ieo L Davis, St. Louis. Mo J Merritt, II ll.vstiiijrs. J F Richards. II R Hammond " II EdKerton. Th.H C.irnev. S M irickler. Junction City Chas Robinson, Lawrance, W.iladley, M It Morgan Gen. Agcmfor Kebrasknaud Norllieru HaosiUi GOOD TRAVELNO SOLICITORS WANTED. Livingston-nun.'. f IJITTSMOUT U FALL AND 1871 GREAT RUSH! LARGE CROWDS ! ! Everybody, and more too. are going; te D. SCHNABSE 8c CO. To bay their pxin jinca. -winter Goods AT TBI NEW YORK STORE- The best and most complete STOCK OF DRESS GOODS- Are now on exhibition at the Sew fork Store, at greatly reduced prices. We call particular attention to our new etyies ol DRESS-GOODS, PIUNT3, DELA1NS, GINGHAMS, BROWN SHEETING. liLEACHED COTTONS, BALMORALS, CARPETS, CLARK'S NEW THREAD, COTTON YAH 4S, BOOTS AND SHOE of all kinds and prices to suit our numerous customers. large stock ofGROCERIES HARDWARE, QLEENSWARE. WOODEN WARE, GLASSWARE, YANKEE NOTIONS, HATS AND CAPS, Plattsmouth, Nebraska, NON-FORFEITING. !o lit rib tat ion Plan, Advantage to the Policy Holders Western men, whose known finanancial charac lor iu carelui and suucestul management. an.J (rives none. Policy holders have no interest largest di ideuds. Eastern companies invest their interest, is 5 lR,4"JO.i5 " " 4,!il.f4 " " " " 31S.IH--H.fO financial advantages and inducements to the II A Cnlkins, General Agent, V E Harvey. Con. actuary, X A Ilurd, Attorney. II L Newman Leavenworth K W E Cheiuberlain. T A Il.ird, E M Allen, C A '"erry. Weston, Mo, O W Veal, Topeka. Kansas. J M Price Atchison, Kau. W II Stebbins, " WINTER 1871. GOODS 1871 J, U BUTTERY VBOUCSALX A0 KBT.4U. If receiving- and has on hand 'at Ue oldfsuuid of White A liutterys) Sonta wde Main Street. Platumoatb. K THE LARGEST AND Moat Complete Stock of Prnirs, Medicine.. Paints. Cbrrnica Lead. Varnish. CoalOil. Fish il, Mach-ne Oil. Gnr5iri(r Oil. Castor Oil. atfoo Oil, Whale Oil. Lined Oil. Lar Oil. Essential Oil. Cod Liver O and a large rarie tt ' . tions. P e;--.Ian and Toil et Artie Essen res. Y to rin r " and PATENT MEDICINES Puch as Jayne's Coe's Ayers', Soovillc'i Hall's Christie's Ic Lain's. Morse's, Baker's Wistar's. Wripht's, Wake field, (iuysott's. Perry Davis Boback's. Fetitt's. Mrs. Winslow's T)r. Wincnell'a Uostetter's, Drake's Wallace's. West's and ot the most popular Patent Medicines in umo at the present day. Brandies Wines and Whiskie Of the Best Grades and qualities, strictly fer Medical purposes. DOMESTIC DYES. Bed or Bose. Green, Clue. Black, Analine. In digo. Madder, Extract Logwood. Dry Woods, Ac. In fact everything that is neeled in the drug or Medical line. Phisicians' Perscriptiom Carefully compounded and put up at all hours All Drugs warrcnted freh and pure. Call be fore buying, and see what I have to tell. Plattsmouth. Feb. 2Tth.dAwtf. Legal Notice. John Snyder and Martha B. Snyder will Mke notice. tht Daniel W Camtron, did on the 1'X day ot September 1871, tile his petition in the District Court of the 2 Juiliiiul District in and for Cass county Nebraska, airain-t John !3n)der Martha 15. Snyder an l Calvin II. 1'iiriiiclt D fudants setting firth that the said John Sny der and Martha IS. Snyder, pave a morgiice to said Daniel w. Cameron, on the west half of the south ea.t quarter and the west half of tho rorth ea.-t quarter of fcction No. Thirty lour in Townshio Vi North of range 13 Kat of 6th 1'. M. in sai'l County ol C.iss. to secure the pay ments of the sum of Thirty live hundred Do lurs and intere.-t according to a certain proiuis.-ory note referred to in said mortgage, and pray ing thatsaid JohnSinyder and Martha H. Snviler may p:iy saiil suui now claimed to bedue wiih in terest umonnting o the sum of S-'J.fX Kl. wirh in tetest at 1 per cent from the 27th day of Keb uary 1871. or thiif said premie may be sold to pay the same said John Snyder and Mnrtha B Snyder are required to answer said petition on or before the Otb dav of Nov. s7l. DANIEL W CAM EBON By Ma x weix Sc Cii a p m a n A ttys Ser t.1'1 wt Plows ! Plow3 ! Plows! Plows IVayiiinii c& Curtis. Takes pleasure in announcing to the uolic that they have secured the pervi s of that l'ioncer Plow Manufacturer. Who is now engaged in their shop manufaetur inir a better artitde. at lower trift. limn run ha had from uny eastern manuf:icturv. tine irrent ad vantage gained by patronizing this firm is that you not only gel a better article at home prices, but you are patronizing IiME MAXU- i At, I Ultlv. where every foliar ol the money remains iu tua ciate. ve reimUAwtt THE LATa OWNER FOR 1871 As an advrti.'ing medium. Thi Land Ou-nkk stands without an equal m the country. Its 1 . i - i -i ueuuiuui iTiiii nuu line eiiKriivins lironioil lis wanton destruction, like most other nc ii is Kepi lor uiniiing at toe enu 01 tlie year. Its circulation is throughout the I.'niti-d .in-a and Canada, and is increasing bevoud all in-ere- dent in tue annals of jounalism. shuwing that tne public appreciate its worth. Its subscribers ana regular reaucrs are large land holders, real caiaic agents. Dangers, capitalists ami perons Feeding lanu investments lor money, it there fore becomes the only medium through which persons having land to sell can reach purchasers. As land men are -v.r stuntly improvingtbeir landi by the erection of lare and costly edifices, which we constantly illustrate, it is therefore the most available medium for advertising all kinds of building materials, the curds of architect, etc. FUDUgcription JS tsj per annum. Buiness cards of Ileal Estate Agents inserted in the Keal Kstate Agents Directory, classified by cities and towns, not exceeding lour lines of kiiiu nonpariei type, iu per year, whim also includes a copy of the Paper. This is ishe moS important feature of the journal, as thi direc tory now embraces a majority of the eadingt ference. nruisoi ine country, ana is convenient tor re Advertisement less than auarter column 40 cents per line solid nonpariei type, Editorial maiier ooceuis per line icaaca orevier typ. All bills for advertising on time rontrracts payable quarterly in advance, transient al vertisemen.s must be accorapnied by the cash to insure insertion in the succeeding issue. Terms for special places, prices of Cartoons, engravings of buildings, etc., sent on applica tion by mail. ADDBKbS, J. M. WING & CO., Publishers of the Land Ownir, Chi cago. II CITY Mb AT MARKET, BY Geo. i?icller, MA IX STREET, Plattsmouth; - Ielrnskaft The best of Fresh Meats always on band is their ?ea?oo. Highest Price Paid for Fat Cattle Oct. 4 di-wtf Sheriff's Sale. Lemon. Ilosea & Co., Attachment. Wm. Rowitzcr A W F.EHman Notice is hereby given that the undersigned heriff of the county of Cass. will, by virtue of n order made by the District Court of the 2nd udicial District, within and for said Lass coun ty, offer for sale, at public auction, at Hi o'clock m.. on the van day of Uctober. A. D. 13.1. at White's auction rooms, corner Main and Sixth treets id i l;ut.-inouth. in said county, the fol lowing goods and chattels, to-wit: A stock ol goods, consisting of dry goods, gro ceries, hardware, cutlery, queensware, nails, and many other things to numerous to mention, sucri as are kept in a country s'ore; said goods aving been heretofore attached as the nronertv of said defendants. Kowitier A Krdman, at the uit of said oiaintiffs. Lumon. liosca .V c. fcjjivcn under my hand this 'tb day of October. A, D. 1S71. J. W. JOHNSON. Oct, dlO . . Sheriff Cuss Co.. Nebraska.. NOTICE TO BUILDERS & OTHERS ; THE PLATTSfflCUEH STONI AIVD LIME COMPANY, Are prepared to suj ii the paMic with litter f the te.l quality, at their wurkr, at lie rates ut Thirty cent per Bushel And when barrelled twnty-Cve cents t itra will be charged per barrel. Ord-r can be left with J. W. Shannou. I'latts tnouth, Nebraska, or ad'lresd to th subscri ber Iox CK. 1'lattsmetith Neb. J. L. LA M li. Frrs't. PlaiUuiouLh, fctoLe and Lime Co. sep 13!wtf. LTJMBEE! 100,000 FEET ! The undersigned hat on hand a large qantlty ol COTTONWOOD LUMBER. WHICH BEOFFSBS AT BCAAOSABLK flGl'tta. ORDERS FILLED on short notice, and fur any s'ue or lcnjt'i of umbir. Rafters, Studdings, Joists can be had on short notice. C. II Eli EL WROUGHT IROM Bridge Company Canton Ohio. To CciuntT Com iinnpr- ci'v antbo itics. at. 2 others, we would respectfully wdicit your exal initiation of di'criptive pami'i let phy. sent to the county clerks or ml lithogr.t- ,'ininlv Ciin- inissioiiers af different count !"S in the State .f Nebraska. And especial atte ition is ca'l I to the Wrought Iron Piers and Abutment. can be put in cheaper than stone. Also tho warrantees fur nil briiges 'unit by Ibis Company K. Justice. Nebraska City. Neb.. Agent 1. r Nebraska. Northwestern Missouri ondfouth we -tern Iowa will superintend putting up bridges, arid make cuntracte fur the same, aug 10 w tiw. Flaitsmoutli AND. IT el? as Xz a City, The iimlrrsiiard in run ning a daily line of hark between I'lattsuwuit'i nnd Nebraska City. I'astcugcr earned at lo- rii'es than by rail. He-id. inurters nt City li t-!. Plattsmouth. and Hacker's iiuardiug House, Nebraska City. W. II. IIINTOX. Proprirtor. Aug 29 Jtf. FURy I TUR E CABINETMAKER Acl dealer in all kinds cf IFuriiiturc cSi Chairs. MAia stbbet, (third door west of P O Plattsmouth Heb. - Repairing and Varnibing neatly done, funerals Mended at the shortwt nncinn. two nouns the quickest! AND PI Miles The Shortest Lire FROM hicRgo to New Tork. via Pittsburgh. I'ort ayne tt Chicago Pennsylvania Cen tral Koute. Thisis the only Route running thr" Daily .lines of through Day and SU jiinu J'nace ( an iit -r ..... From Chicago to VV I T II O U.T C II A N O II With but one change to P-altlmore. Ilsrtford. New Haven. Providence, Springfield. Worces ter and Boston I THROUGH TICKETS For Sale at the ofBcesof connecting lines in the est and at all ollices of tho Fort Wayne aa i I'cnnsylvanlaCentral Route in Chicago. u. . THUS. Id. KIMKAIjL, cn. Chicago rawcncr Ae"t. Pcnn s Central 11. R. W. C. CLKLAND. P Ku VV. A C. R. R. IjUinbcrt Xaiirsiljci The Umlcrsisnetl Las on hanJ crul i llanuracturinff All kind of COTTONWOOD LUMBER ! ! At his Mills at the Ferry Lauding at PlalttinoutL Orders Promptly Filled.! William Kdukbto.. June3d dAwtf. Tootle, Hanna & Clark, BANKERS, DIALEBS lg Qoltl and Silver Coisi EXCHANGE. U.S. and other blocks. Pltfts drawn on all nurta nt thtt I'niteJ Ptji. Snd EurOfe Deoonita rrrcivMl and ir.kniftl I.'. tention given to collections. PlatUraouth, Nebraska. 4