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About Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882 | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1870)
Valuable Farm fcr Sale. Wanted '-a Four MI! Creek t'l mi!'? r;.,r'h w '.t 1 i'liit tMii'iut li. 1 milt? ironi the i'l.O'eri r, a 'id tpree-li.-orths o! a in ile from the line 'IT 4c li. .: M. K. It.. n.n.1 known ns the Stotki -f..rrn. aci- of rh-ticp 1:mi-!. 1 f..Ti.' ' whiff) ii !oi!',!i. I; II i. It Ull !.' i.rr t'.n ''.T nii-l al tut nim.ty a. ri - in p-:.-Ii' iro in sr.'in arid nn-'... t pon I'.ir n nt''.- is ii dnu.jlt ca itiu. Iran. ti.-j nt 'H'X'fO lee'. -.oh tore lusi-nu !?, sodden na i o.lur out-I,-.: il.iiur.-.. mi on lmJ, plenty f,f r tor's water, a newer luiiiiiR weli. tro.xl yekool house: al. t :i res d timber land in Sarpy ..nunty, ne;;r th month of ti c Platte river. l.n ii:f r( th premise or of th-p vt' iI..o in N...i. f .. Ni b. s'i'a'uin;. l i.iit-As:. 5 - If. 1-1 ' 111r V ;! n'!? J IT TX II t! iFl! ! T.,v V Kv.-- 'WM 1 M. IV Cutler is cngnged in buying D. schask. F. wi.rtjuw oju'i? v r u u , sMJr; i G H 8 AT liUSil! LARGE CilOWDS ! ! Ivhoutable sicit. IS THE i'LAL i'j 1U ULT !.JjUOi.J-J L-Si JJ vv t.r of . vaiehoitse, as ti e g-.ain i. !.- i i nam mimny loaded fVo-ii i ho thn:.!-. 's w:io:i hit.) the ! tern ga H iyt?Hft&H h u a Hussar y yeiia IIARDWARIil AK1) AGKIOUL'i UKAL c:r. tlitit take it tv (lik-a.zo. I'latts- lt'.or.Ui is nnw the l".t traiu i.iurkvt in r-j -v. -4 Tii- trail-?', t- i'-.-i-:!oi:t '.v-nt to ;. j r- ? . t.. ? - l :-V?n -S ! '.Tarv's t--.i:.y. t rii liiirLE&EUTS Sd ffri WHOLESALE I ti.o :..j tics u.,-i in t;:, -u.-h ti;. The office rc-i:i of the 'Plaits VaVn-y ; t r : ! : ... .... .. Ji... J the Mate. Dealers litre can alioiil to CoiiiiiiisMPiier H:irri-;, of the 1?. ail i pive from five to eight cents on a t.a-!;el Jlriau-J ilejiartitienf, has - eon in the j more than U f.aiJ at any other print it: t the t t.ue. I The r??;.u:.;;j.!ii- of Ne?,rr.ska City "n hit 77 & t4 To buy 0..iir :fi.'yiSA''i.!,cieulifIc:llIy !,;,,:? ci.y several Tl jreparution of . ' 'f-.:vi;:.. il .. i -.: a -'f 1? . 1 1 !'--trijpirv 'Li r Iv. i' - CM 1 K w.l-' t, on Sat ii' lay, t iio:?iii:;tte a city! tivl'-t. Th"y lusv? rreat h...r?. of I c-? in the ii'iuiiu ele.-tion. Things I;ave I AT Af'n ncTfll I I The Tumor. CI.:--..-.-;, (V,',.-.-...',;.,, M.? L--i. :t '.r..- eor.M-.k-re.I lunrous ior n ;-WfV;fe Mt"J l,t,,4lL 1 I).,!1;lM. Cornelia, Knte Kiw, WiV 1 '' '-''k ln!oi, sentiments too l.,uJ in ! an:! KM.- Kew-py on-on- the " O " tln-t .SoJom, but tint v-; in the .lays -g-u. :--rI.,::l-l'.- ! this 1Sl)!U 'j'!,,;,, v,.;!l give us a boat when Morton '"rule I the rcot"and gave 'rTpX'l-a --.ICl fTO&L'ZZJL&l? 3VO ! ELSTORES :xua haa no coto-K. I GRAY i Hy j ij i t T) -GiIAV HAIR isi" ji: w y o xi ;m s rr o i- I W l'10'0,1 ,o 5h tMii iu v-i;hfi:l color ITB . tiauoy, uhleli is fo t 1J MATHEWS, DONNELLY & CO, every other d:iy. a ... V.v S a. i v.- j v. 4 w z- w ; ;j 1 iti-Al ' Are now on cxhibitiou at Nev York St -:. ' ?r- ''; aitU-tiiioit tJ our 1W elj ;vi c. V.'o tv.'l i rti'.-'iu.r tl'.e Word of eoumjand. ii ... We uod.-rtnl that W. W. Ero I '-"iOK ! has l:.-p-)-ed of hi. i.f.v ii'.rary, r.tnl vu. ; . - 1 . . ; OliOO lU'.'H. I." iu.i j'o:-vi:-mi .it iiv- , I Vo;iM io-t c-ctl'i'.l'v im'jnii the i.coi!e of CASS and adjoiiiin couatici that th.ey ITALIAn AND A;IER!CAN I e jt ojd a laikje M O N "(J M E N T sJiinrtuvaro antl ii-icUiturai Efetablisnment j,ro,,,My u to d.u to- rdU:iVg,; 1 - vf-- J the iiile-driven for the new one. The j n.t':vn V. .-I- hi.- !':'i?i"V homo. , torv.-ihe Mi' and puttniir ih ';. v.i rcrmir, , ... and txi.cct t 1 e rumiing next eek. I The old Seeo:i.l ?tixet i ride will ;4-,Vo cii'.'dovcl a fir.-t-rh.- mill-.'rto take I DRi:S-Gt;ODs. PiilNTS. ULLALNS. t.INiiii AMS. IiiiUV.'N Sl'.EL visa. t Li;.vcni:!J n ttuns, UALMOllALS CAIU'ETS. cL.iii;'s m:v i iiue.M). conuiN ya h htturs and mioes! UK A l : i 0.KS. lA.LK-iors. .ic.. Kuriii.-'.i-il i n.i.i i'ly :ifnl m-aily at th- very ! c-t iri:-fji pij--i'jIc. Ve Warrant Satisfaction. mi:p.'.;i-:s a- into.. Uiu -tri'P r.enr t.. riatt.-:::ou'u Neb. THE PEOPLE Say of Weeping Water. 'Ve pet 4tr of pood coffee for 1,00 They pire us " 1 tts of best Brown Sugar for $1,00 They give m S yards print for $1,00 We can buy sdr..s Dried Apples for...$ 1 , 0 an 1 all pood-i in proportion. Th"-ii any rr:i5:irra snu nts we havi-Iia l to i-n- r r.i:it . r '. li ini." i lie iviu'.rr, iiy having ear gvMi l-lay.' 1 an 1 tost, w . truM a uv r. uui ib cua Si I i'l.r l'.. - V ' r'r.l ?to.'k "f l'.-y V't i .ii.. ir'n vi arfl. ISllOtS. .111:1 Shoo. Hat". iinJ Ari'ii'iirnl linprniirnt f alt kiii l", V ir and " 1 X I' 'u' !t;v;tt r-. I'r.imi Ciirn I'lanter-. iran'Ie:"i;r ai:'l I'rim-ctiMi l'iows. f Si" 'I'iinn n.i'uj". :t!l ' f whi. li '.v; odrr to tbe jm'.ilii; at tiie ii't iii :r;:e?-. . " in r con -taut ai:n will 1 e to sc!l -u low ttiat ilwi'lbiftf tin ixi'itivc .tiivantai of rvery far tin r in tiie w "tern m.-t ci'iitm1 P'rtinn i I'iihj to L".akf thi? their lieu'l"! 11 art.; fr tra 1 ifir. HKKI, KKUS. Wcf .vii; Wat.-r. April l.t. I. .- :tri- !- ,'u'i :i for Mower, lu'nporv mi'! i'l.r:. nl.iuii lartiiiier1. a'7vtf Where we are aUvav-: to 1-e found to noeomniodate cu--tiners. FoiJirrii s 1111:1: r. 15i:tvi:i:n' main and vine. PLATTSMOU'fU K.IS timbers are all on the pile- for Third Street bridge, and the plank wi'.l be put on to-morrow. The railroad company n.o.l in enlarge their freight grounds, and a C irR stock consists in inrt of ihc followin?: Tlie Bm-k-rye Iteaper aal Morrf rpor.ib'iicd. The) I',.'" ,' ' .Mnilel Snrt'custiike 'rhr.i.-b.T. Staraivl Keystone Covn I'laiVT. Monmouth Stalk Cat r to til I V ears e.'.u ta'lt V t 11 t lie Sidetracks and Cultivator. Oneida nd Monmouth CultiVKtors. lixon IrorW Mack C:is-t Stcid I'lov. obi; .. , '11 Kronnil. Hiid breakers. I'eoria Moiiel Kitra liar I PIuwk. l'rise.-eton Vilju.-Ia'oif Iron llci'.in 1'ious. : WaKOisT to oe. liai.iail'."!. With tbo celebrated Newton Wit go 11, which for durability cannot be exeeled uuyv, here Ku i or ! - )ycst.- , ., T 1 S. II. Maliery4 Asst.-tant Siinerinten Hardware, Cutlery. Nail.'. Iron ! ,.,,.... . WagonStoek. Gla??, Putty. V bite Lead. i dent of the 1. it M. It. 11. is in the citv Oil, Fencf! Wire. G.inlen, I ield aad 1' lower Seed. ' . .,r . ., ... ALSO 4e0!ns Cil'JICK Sr.IJUS : Oil UUMIll!. M e uiipe .-ta.ioiy v. i.i sec the neeesity if makiiiir some iietter ar- -Tbe abov comprise a few of the articles on hand. Our aim shall bo to keep our toek full tod complete and to cell at bottom prices. GIVE US A CALL And Examine our Stock, that you may go away sat'-fied if not HAPPY. MATHEWS, DONNELLY k CO. marllM&wtf. T3 AHD TIH STOSE (Jr.O. .J KNN'lN'iS. F.vT"KYVii.i ::. April th. 170. For the iir-t t:i::. i:i several years, we have a fn'.l f-et of Demoeratie rouneilmen in t'.ii ciry, and a D mo?ratir; Mayor. We are glad to kmvr, however, that thev are g.iod men. an.l W2 doubt not of all kinds and prw-'S to suit cur numerous cm-t'.miT.. ho so Hue!; of (JIIOC1 HI ES, II A li I) W A HE QL EE NSW A HE, WOODEN W A HE, IHASSWAiiK, YANKEE NOTIONS, HATS AND CAPS. We h'ive a larr stock of th ct-bra-ed UAKUhN Ul i T OLirrtrt wlir5 hair i thin - o i".. r i n 7 'T .,, , , ujiiw'itj jontwul, by tha t.;o li 'll if." ! "1:1 , , iOajlLO Ho!iewcr,.iocn see it. t - i ip jelTccts, .i-S ty its t a li:uulati;iLr :i o;it : i; . ; : - Uii'J 1 i ill hair g!aipUvi!l l-i . J fJ and tho grow tb: TCI k i''io:s:roiij;ig.i;n. i;i - X U l . , T J T . . j urJjliitUiJJ j:i ucw growth v.oicc- DRESSING JfolUclca are destroyed. P i TRY 1" coo"iu iin' a'':'iy!4 j np jiteliing and inUraiun o. ! BOTTLE jtho bkin as il dyes, yx 0F.RS, HAY RAKES. ScC D. SCIINASSE.t CO. r.ingemcnts for reception of freights in this city. the interests of the city, and that no par tizan feeling will he allowed to interfere on either .side, in any matter where the interests of the city are at stake. If we would make a city of Plattsmouth and who among us does not hope and expect tn A. tii wi mn;t f fm n unit, liinin ail Cap. Murphy was elected. street com- . o he,p ti(; i itussioner at. the rowtit ose-t.ioti, ana v . ,.r ,.,,, ,. ,t. nr ivil(, J , y. , ... . . j :,I1U!V.. 'U lino i;iL.imi... uhoj v will enter. ipontneuisena-.-...! Susduties , i;, ,jo cnontt!tl U1(1t. Vat your imme hately. He is an energetic man, ..j t the W10,.; U5i;j Jet us aewm- an i will put our streets anvi lni.fgos in i Should any of our friends hear " soul stirring" musie under their windows about two o'clock yome dark, rainy irght they can blame Prof Mueller with it. Our guitar must be exercised. will work for what they coneetve to bo i pi ow QTUBBLE and 3RT Al IN'jf PLOWS, and all ko.d- c t! e ,e-t interest of the cUy. There " j CUud IVATQRS, SE0 mt-.vh to do during the coming year, and i plattsmouth February, 10th, 1870. tt. the future of the city to some extent de pend? upon the action of this f-ct of offi cers. We hope every citizen of the j il town will heart ily second erery effort of j fSa jfy the Mayor and Councihnen to advance j B EAST. Tli.' Ilia lig$o!id.lIiA"our! KsTor I?ai! Road, it . ... rK:i..!i v. it': i':.i '''.; '. Hut liiif'-itt i'ir Qtu'.irr I', li. the .-.pT! -f i'latvtuouwi. nnJ all tba O.b i -i -i-ka i.. i Jl. Til OF THE PLATTE. 4 ' ,, .- : : :. .-A ! I'.i.ti;-- p t '".I: Kar- - .if! I!. ill. 1 . -1 !: i : 11 Mate.-, i'.i- . , ;i tz ti travel !!x-irt..ulhculJ ti.'i- :he .;li.f:li-5 Ka pi vhiob runs tun.uch t -i'li ; -:j . ;!:.;!;:. -" ."-os. e.,iip'.-'d I- t::t i:iv t' ! !:.-. I'.iiiriiau' i'abree Pi'iinian's Dining Gars. In i ti,:-.n . t':i fa ! Mi.-.t this i.i the direct i -v w i. i li .-',: v i.r n t hi r-'.triiir.g p:r- ! : :': 11 !:. .v-t.-rn . r M i : He .-:it s. it 11. ay t :r. 1 ?at.'. thai it p-.s-e'jo-s die Lot tr:t:-k a: i:' ' . - : i . : i j . t i r of ;uy WeMeru Line, -r. :. .: : i... i.:-- ; a.- -il.Jir Suci, S.ij'rttj a nd Ctunftni li-lt!-: ivs a I. V a : the I.' )'V i"S'i'. Bag--.,. be..-ked tbr.-'tjib t- :tny p.-itit Kat. f i: I'KO.MNS. (;, . Supt. A. K.Tol'Z Al.l N. iea. I'usemcer Acent. ian! lAwtf. snry Eoeck F URN ITU R K Lounges, Tables, Sale BEDSTEADS. f t a:i .Jo?crli-iii. ar.d at all rw :o: Mctalic Burial Cases, IB. T. IDUKE &c CO., Wholesale and.Ketail dealers in' good condition it' properly sustained by j the city eouncik j Mr. T. 1. llirdon, the gcnticmanly 1 clerk in the railroad ticket office, informs us that he s-o'd over 20i) worth of tickets for the Eastward bound trait! yesterday. The people of Southern Nebraska are beginning to learn that this is the short route, and thetravel is increasing very rapidly. The 13. Si M. Company in Nebraska has already disposed of over $50,000 worth of lands, and every foot of it, so t far. is for actual settlement This is one I of the treat features of the laud system Tin Roofing, Gutters and Spouting Dons on Short Notice. of this Company; they doire to favor ! the actual settlor, as it not only advances Are cxclu.-ivi! Age its in this county for the snle ot i , ,.f d,. ;,. i,.,..,1! I but it gives business to their road. SIsjrtiUvsare ansl Agricultural Implements, STOVES, TIN, SHEET IRON, BRASS, s rr EEL PLOWS Of all kindi and sizes, which to warrant the Vest in the market. Stewart's Ccjlohrated Combination Coal or Wood Cook Stove iire n a call we viiil tint be undersold Main street, r.cTt door etmt of tho Masonic r.'oik. IM.A'n S lOUTi I NKliliASliA - iiis ill Km ikiszm Moisr;-. Evans an 1 Cahu are bringing the salt well to completion rapidly, and expect to be able to lnanuliu-tur.'. salt largely before the cio.-e of the ensuing !iiiumcr. NVe are glad to leam that the many iliifieulties which ti'.ey have to eneounter have been linally overcome by j their untiring energy anl p.-r.-evcrance. llih the work teccther. " f'rum I'ri d"u'Z 't'i'. Thos. II. Hyde and W. J. Hyeatt, of Lincoln, were in the city this morning D. Snase, of the New York cash store, arrived at home this morning. He has been ea:.t purchasing goods. The Ida Hces No. 2, for Fort T?enton, passed up f.t 12 M. ti-day. John 11. 'ylark shipped six ear loads of lumber West, yesterday, for building purposes at Ashland. We are under renewed obligations to Honorable John T..ffe for various publie documents. The passenger train for the West this morning 0:1 the I. ;.n I M. road, went out v.-j'.'t filled. The travel is in.-ivasing every day. South. Side Main Street, j Some of the liiela'! i ci; C 1 n'y peo-J-Qjjjjgj 9 ! pie are bitterly oppo.-ed to the ILid Law I parsed at the iccei.t jc-.-ion of the Lr-gi- PLATTSMOUTH, CASS COUNTY NEBRASKA L BLOOM.& CO, iATTSMOrrH. NF:h. Tar Of all tize. WOODEN COFFINS Ready made, and Fold cheap t-xmn. B 0CM&C0., f L'FNISKIKG C03DS i'jr. o. . iioweu, 01;iua, uas purchased $14,000 worth of lands from the 1. and M. Company, in Nebraska, upon which he purposes settling an Eng lish colony. He is about purchasing k.. I.. ,..-. r.C b.. (V.ii,i,..'e BOYS?'AO CHILDREN'S CLOTH2ft!G, w. The ?i4ooo tra,t iiC3 r.n the -1) ji r jri I Ve?p:n Water, between this city and .fclatS.e&l OGpS, iOOS 6 OilOeS, iLmeoh,; We welcome Mr. Howell and mmnrn nnnO TDIIfJWQ VA1IQTQ FTP I l is colony to our State. bLArmt I o, HUDDi-ii uuuuwi, hojoiw, we.w, Jitnn Street, Seeotifl Do r East of Court House Plattsmouth, E3eb. BRANCH HOUSE: Broadway, Council Bluffs, loa. lature. They Ii 'ld a public meeting a Falls City recently, and pa.scd rerolti tiens condemning the law, the Governor for calling tho sc.-sion and the Legislature for enacting it. They do things with a "iuh" down in Millers ' burntdistrict." - - - The pile driver has been at work on the It. It. bridge across the creek south of the Machine shops. The mam track will be immediately extended across that stream and a track will probably be put down to liock Point in a short time, w; see n other way for the company to maintain a landing. The Nebraska city papers have been having a lively time recently. W& notice thut Miller, of tho Press, is beginning to cry -for "quarter." Wafers, of the Chronicle, has hit some heavy blows. He knows how to do it. IS? 2tB U A5S Ono door west of tho IIekai.h Office. PLATTSMOUTH, - NEBRASKA, HA AT WHOLESALE MSB BET&H, A LAUOE STOCK Of Dry Gocds, Groceries, Oiotliing, FURNISHING GOODs, HAT8, O.S, BOOTS, SHOES and Provisicrns. MARKET PRICE PAID FOR ALL Kinds of Country Produce. Fo!iu Fitzgerald. HIGHEST Plattsmouth, Nebraska, August 5th, 18GQ. lVTcls(ii'e iT2- extensive &cwaE stock or Goods Hi at tve are constantly as sorting tu nflsif we otter to tUe pub mnkes tho scalp white an ' Ann Til? f.''I Vt . THIbKEN :t ;, tiic best l imos'i UP econotnical preparation ir ygji tlio Avorld, r.A its e'Ji.:-. rrrTTiT jlast so mueli longer. Hen. 'for otir Tientiso ca th, LOCKS .' hair, free to nil, by maiL Sold by all DruOO'' nd Dealers In Modlols COOK, COQURN d CO. Gen'l Agents for North-Western States T DEAEBOBN STEEET, CHICAOO, ILL. "EBAD" The folio wiiiir lion the CINCINNATI TI3IES, one of thr moist reliable iiewi papers in the Unitt: States. What ca?i be more convincing! HOME t TESTIMONY. The CmcnrxATi Daily Times ) of March 21, 18(31, siya: The Scandinaviui remedies appear be growing in uiw with the ablie, i Vvc may judc h the testimonials cor Mr. Cody, of Lincoln, has been in the city seveial days looking up bu-iness matters, lie is bou.iblv impressed with the future importance of this locality. e&ire Sffti&ftZti02U and ri-ks his money on his judgment. He ha male several purchases of real estate. j Prof. Mueller is doing a first raie busi ness in this locality, selling pianocs. Specimens of the different instruments sold by him can be seen at the Platto Yalley House, at the residences of Mayer Wheeler, Capt. Marshall and F. M. Por-rington. With ninny thanks f r raft pntronsmc. 1 Inrite all tn c:i!l aiH exunOne ny large sttok of Kumi- ure an l CetTir.s. I iaiJS.f. Fruit Trees For Sale. Wi:h n'r.rT.rcaty y. nrs ex i t ri.-neo in frtef !.-.o-.v i::,r u.. 1 N i .--:: lia-im in !.m.i. ;md re- r.t ot-'-rv.! . e:is :n l'.i-s ci.uiOj. Neh.. I uin n:i-:i l tint with thu rishf. varieties Mi l f-ro; X ; r c:.n r:i;se'tie npple aivl eherr'. In. ike tlm :t; pie i.ti-1 eherry I spe'i::l ity r.-i will f !1 :i'l r,r !. r.- v. ; h harilv vai i ! ie.-'. OrJisi:i .y in li-fi with Wm. Kil.tii:'"rry. two mi!.'.-.- 'ii. :i el I'l:Ot-!ii.iu:ii. nr -.vith ir. W. !S. I.'O!!'. at K ick Lta.l-'. 1 will furnish them at ile. !, ;; u ii'jf pri je.": AfiMK- 1 an t b leilf p t!ire d".-t a half feel 1. i-.-ti le. ;.-: " t. -4 feet hi.-!i I'j'aet: three yeur i Is 1 to 5 feet hih 'yt.: i too feet ii.?Jcts; lsib"riiiii (Ji :i!i " to ." fe.-: J."'. ts. Cn kii i:s y.n y Cherry 3 to 5 f:ct 2."ctd each: En;'i-!i M.iri'lln Itv iver-vl free i.feliar?" on nt Fair Ceil, .re.i. rs. M eopnty Iowa. A moderate chartce iaJ- for the material lor boxrj. K. M. .MOYKK. H:iker. toblTwtf. Je:Teron county. Iowa. J. W. SHAWWOW'S FKED SALE ANL) LIVEItY VAIS STRHF.T. PI.ATTSM.'.TTTU. KKB. I aia prepared to aceouiuiodatet h-public with Hot", Cirrltjiv, iVftii' -I Aci. 1 llxiror, op shert n-.ti 'e ami reaEonahla term. A Il.iek lv,;ruil tL-innl.Hiat iio all piar f the eity nnc. crt;l. Jan 1 TlvI i w. FURNITURE o i;ci:n: st.v a- o s SEED CATALOGUE And Guide to tha FLCVER AND VEGETABLE ;.4Bi:.v, ron i70. I'uMii h'i in January. Every lover of flowers v'hins fhi nw n-l valwit.lo work, free f eharjr. phoul l n.l.lrp" ivnr lia'ely M. (J'KltrrR. Pon, Co.. K.lw.injT A U-irrys liUn-k. Rnchfi "S. V. nolSw7rf J;- i. - - JDlil jST ".l? 1ST, Will l.e nt Johnson's Pni!7 Sfre durin? ti l ist wetk in e.i-h month. All or.lers leU r.t the l'ost Oaic; will he promptly attended Ij Uiy TIiok. W. Nliryoclr, CABINET MAKER, And Jealor in all kinds of Furniture and Chairs. m ats strf.ft, (third door west of P 0 Flails mo uiii - - - Neb. rU'iiairic? and VnrnishinR neatly done. jT Funerals attended at the shortest notice. ino.ll . BU T! f it v. C. LlZi.MlY. P1A X'O Ss, ORGA. .TIff, E O rV S I ant Acent for the hest Musieal IiiJtrtiment ntHiie. i'!"-ons wishinu to buy l'iavos. Cabinet. Mctrof.iimn or Porta bla Or;ins. or Melodeorrs can Tircht. through my Agen-y on as lib'-rl ternn as the-CHn from tho maufaotnrera them lelve. Al la?trnmnt9 fnlly wsrratitel. apritr. .f. n. wrn. STABLES I rL"rn:itv t lazemjy, props. LIVERY SALE & EXCHANGE. JTZ-The bft nfllow and BtiRffieson ban l."Sa Corner Vini and Fourth Mreet?. i:ia:lIiiTtf. n.ittroouta ."crsV . The Central St'ir, (Fort Kearney,) of April 1 st, says : ; Just as we go to press, we learn of a difficulty which occurred about three r. M. to-day, between (. C. Kandolph and James Walker, privates of "E" Company, 'Xh infantry, in which Rantlolph was i-hot throuqh the hand with bird shot. Dr. Craimes, pot sur geon, found it necessary to amputate three finder.?. He is doing well now. Brownviile has elected a Republican City ticket with the exception of one or two men. The Democrats formed an alliance with a few Republicans and rim a "peoples" concern. It failed to con nect, however. Aaron Hall, Esq.', of Omaha, has been appointed warden of the State pris on by the Board of Inspector.", and pnse l through Plattsmouth to day on hi" wav to Lincoln. The Lincoln Statesman says; "Our Nebraska City friends complain because the Western Stage Company have re duced their stock from four to two-horse vehicles between that city and this. And it i? not to Lo won lered at cither, still we presume the Stage Company know their busi e-s best and have a perfect, right to do as they please in the matter." Wc always had a pood opinion of Prof. Mueller up to date, but he served us a little trick this morning which well, we can't really say it lias chanaed our opin ion of him, but we haven't been treated so in a long time before. He left a first class guitar on our table during our tem porary absence, with a request to present it to our "better half;" we shall adhere strictly to orders, but had visions of ri v.ilrvwith "P-!i:.d Tom," or "anv other man' when ' first "set eyes" on the instrument. We at once imagined our self " soothine; tho savage lc't.i,, with sweet strains from our own guitar; bat all this lias vanished now, and we are left to plod along as common mortal do. Bat It ir, a real nice guitar, and tho Pro fester 11.13 tiers of 'ctj. T. D. Crook, Esip, and Mr. Hayward, of Nebraska City, propose to have a finger in the Plattsmouth pie, if the 'Midland Pacific" bubble has burst. They were here a short time fince, and invested in some property here, upon which they expect to realixe a handsome profit if they should desire to sell. "Patronize: advertising houses. Why? Pecaue such persons show by their en terprise that they are willing to help support a home institution, and have a rhjht to demand a home support in re turn. He that expects to do business at the expense of his neighbor's liberality in drawing customers to the town, is a dead beat in society, and has no right to expect the patronage of a progressive and discriminating public; every word of which is a mot startling fact, and cannot be ;ainsnyed." IJx. During the winter the B. & M. com pany of Iowa kept their freight office at East Plattsmouth, on accaunt of the un certainty of crossing the river; but Mr. Wentz, the agent at this end of the line, has now removed evoiy thing to this side of the river, with headquarters under the Herald office, where tic-kits are sold to all parts of the civilized world. The Secretary of the Treasury has di rected the sale in New York of $2,000. -0' JO of gold, and the purchase of 2,oo0, O00 of Ixeids on account of the ."-inking fund in the month of April. In addition to this he has authorized the purchase o'J?2.tK,000of bonds for tbxyqiecial fund, making in a" a sale of $2,000,000 of gold and a purchase of J-i,O00,f; j of bonds for tho month of April. Doom. Viro. Si Co. have just received a larare stock of Brown and Pleached Muslins all grades and prices. ' For a fine line of Prints, at 10;t 120 A yard, go to Doom, tiro. Si Co. Doom, Bi o. Si Co. have just re ceived the finest stock of Dress floods to be found in the city. Call and examine. For a good p'ece of Ticking, Demins, Shirtim:, Stupe;-;, ce., go to Doom, Pro. A: Co. Doom. Bro. Si Co. have tho finest assortment of all wool Cas simeros to be loiind in the city. For an extra piece of Jeans Cottonades C-.tsinct, Satinet, or JViythiug in the way of Piece Hoods, go to Doom, Bio. Si Co. Doom, Bro. Si Co. have just re ceived a !aru;e and well s.-lected stock of Boots, Shoes. ie., all at low prices. Doom. Pro. & Co. have a targe stock of Notions, Dress Trim ming, Hosiery, st c. Call and examine. stantlv received l ie at -prices tlsat tre fcnow must &sv? Proprietor. I letter from Wisco ' sin to be .fb52id Wc vimftasr the very bet Goods at the hunt f Mar- 1 jour advertising cf het and lrielUj for cash, and are prepared to compete 'j UH1I1S, aiillOklllCC ih:t , . . . i among tiie pnv tcifh the tr::dc at any point on the Missouri liver. 4!-, W..; it is becoming veJ popular, and wiia?' very unusual, is In ing adopted by t!;- . in their practice, a cure for many ., cases which they c not treat cflectu in any other v We understand i the immense um carried on for : cral rears in ir. ing the present j ! nearly uouuseu. Their proves ' operation is ? j thorough pin i; v tmn oi tne v.w-.a and a consr a V eradication of ease. For Choice "A" Sugar, go Doom, Bro. & Co. Doom, Pro. Si Co. have a large Ktock of "C" and Brown Sugar a choice article. Call and examine For "A" Choice Tea or Coffee, go to Doom, Bro. it Co. Doom, Bro. 4 Co. have asplen- i r? in'iuv It .li,! stnel- f Svr,.,!l ' BlCtl IClI.C till , ' - 1 ' and prices. Canned Fruits a good stock at Doom, Bro. & Co. Dried Annies, Peaches, Cur rants, Blackberries the best in J the market at Doom, Bro. Si Co. A choice article of Virginia Fine-cut and Smoking Tobacco a large stock at Doom, Bro. Si Co. A No.l uriiele of Coal Oil is to be ha d by calling at Doom, Bro. Si Co.'s. A general stock of Queens and fllassw re sol 1 cheap at Doom. Bro. s Co. A General Stock kept and sold at low Cash prices by Third Street, SoulJi c CONl!:SCTIOF(;: Pies, Gakcs, Che? --) and wet, C, J kett on hand at all times. V I . ONTARIO II ..v: ItOB. D. C(ATES - Comer Siitli and Vi . . I f).-eTi from Country Merchants prompUv Clle-I by rOOM, BUG. Si CO ; Anpi StnUiKatMrfietf. i-rt