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About Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1870)
THE NEBRASKA HERALD li rCEMSIISa DAILY AXB WKFKLV ET - . , ., 11. -D HATHAWAY, EDI TOE AND PROPRIETOR. Office cornor Main and Second streets, aec ood story. TERMS: Daily $10.00 per annum, or 11.00 per month. Weekly. SJ- per annum If paid fn advance. iUH) if not paid in advance. RATES OF ADVERTISING One SQua.i" vspiiee ten lini-s) ono iimertlon, $ 1"1 Eiteu -nlseaniient insertion. l t' Prfle.-4Hil sard ut-t exefcdina sis lint. lo.H Onc-4tiaitcr (oIuoib or less, per aiiiium, iU " six nionths 'JfiM9 " three nionths, l.00 One-half colaaiu'lwelvo months. d ,w six nionths, ltfi.(i ' ' three months. One column twelre wionths, IOmD six months. (W.'tl three mowtbs,- .ft.Oa All transient adTertUouiettU cauat be aid for in advance. VOL. 5. PLAITSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1870. NO. 52. ii mm FIIOXTIEK PROTEITIOX. Wc doubt not tint fear f Indians keeps matiy settlers from petiftrating the rich at'riciiltnral regions of Nebraska lying along tho RfpuMican mer, .outh and Miutc-cast of Ft. Kearney; but this fear of Indians cannot . lon keep the white man fnnn a naintry so rieh in agricultu ral merit. It is the history of all new con.itries that the Indian is soon made to qivc way when he stands between the white man and money, and there is no kind of doubt thaOhc days of Indian supremacy aion. the llepuhliean river arc pat. The recent session of the Nc hry -vi l!fil:iture pa.ed an net author i:uz the Governor to call out State troops t proi.-ct. this south-western country,. 1 Gou. Aiwur has expressed his readiness to send 1 J. troops onto-the IV'publiean a soon as prass comes. Those f.ict, tocether with the further f.iet that ihoiwmds of hardy pioneers are niakir.i? preparations to take posses sion of tl. it rfjiion of country,' cvon if tlioy have no other protection than that which they can trive themselves, make it c :; Uun that the dajs of Indian supreui- -y in ihe fertile valley? of the 'Ilepubliean .r- at an cnl. Persons desireinj? to , -f.oyc an I till th'j land of that region n-jed no longer fear molestation from the Mvi-re. There will be plenty of settlers mil jntyof troops alonir thrt Kepubli et:i river this sea-on to fcive aiuplo sccu- "rity against molestation by Indians. ". arpend a letter from Gen. Augur, .-hrwinsj his intentions in this matter: 1 1 KA I HH AI1TKRS DkPAUTMKNT OK ) tmk I'l.ute, Omaha. Nebraska, j January L'5, 1S70. ) Messrs IlhiKlet, Robertson, Corell and tiKTs, Hebron, Jefferson county, Ne braska: Gentlemen I have the honor to aeknowlcdic the receipt, by the hands of the Kov. E. M. Corel!, of your peti tion for troops, to be stationed on the frontier of your settlements, to afford protection to settlers, who have suffered from Indian raids every spring for the y.v.t five year. In reply 1 beg to Mate flint it is my punose to send a company of cavalry to your vicinity at as early a day in the approaching spring a the w. atber will permit r and there is suf ficient jrrass for animals. If this com pany is not sufTu-int to give the required protection, I will if possible, send more. I have the honor ty be, Gentlemen, Very Respectfully, Your, obedient Fen-ant, (Sisned,j C. C. AuJfB. Brevet Major General U. S. Army, Commaiidint? What does Dr. Miller r.iesn by his m- ir:e re.cpectin.4 Zehriskie? Doe he t in to be understood that John Taffe h n appointed a man of that name to a ,.: lof-hip or to any other position, from i::-T-.p.r motives, or a the ret-uk of a br'd-? If he docs, why don't he come out Hk- a man, and ray " Why thc-o .- vr-.rd'v in-iiiuations and iiiiiuenoocs . If Mr Tali'e has been trinity of a crime;, M ;M;.i- ni:ilc tlie ebarrc and fur- iiiih the proofs. No! but a coward imd a snenk will seek to injure his Jiciir'i for by in-in intiti a falsehood which he Ure not pnenuhito through an open a i-a-aoii. Oi.iaha Republican. And yet this same cowardly method of devinc in iiis"miatio:is and iimucii Iocs has become chro ,:e with others than Dr. Miller in this State. Morton and Miller ofh have taken refuse behind this eow--.i-.dsbreast-work for years past. When th.v find a mau like Mr. Tail".-, whom they da.e. not openly charge with mUder mcanor of any kind, it is perfectly natur al for tli -m to dodjre behind their non commitial serene :.nd attempt to throw dirt in the shape of insinuation and in nuendoes; and it is jut as natural for tl.eni U de-ire to attack ant injure an honest, and uprk'ht man f.s it is for the an 1 cril oiie to di.-like holy water. The very fact that Mr. Taffe is known an one the most upri.cht politicians of the n?e is sufficient reason why those political loper should attempt to blacken him by thir villiainous innuendoes. Thanks to a long residence and thorough acjuaint a.ico throusflout the Satc, Mr. Taffe in beyond the reach of these political scabs. tj& l'txiTontty. As considerable interest was manifested in different portions of the State in re gard to the location of the Penitentiary We append Sec. I of the act providing for the location and erection of said j building. The entire act is exceedingly lengthy, containing over seventy sections ; but the annexed is all there is in rela tion to the location of the building: SF.r. 1. Be it enacted bl the Legisla ture of the State of Xebrasha, That there shall be erected and continually maintained for the care and custody of eiviets in Nebraska, a penitentiary, on the forty (40) acres of land now set apart for the location of public build ings of the State of Nebraska, in such iM).-ition that the building can be reached by tracks of railroads ; Provided, That the Midland Pacific road, or any other railroad reaching the ground will agree and contract with other railroads center ing at Lincoln for the use of their main tnd side tracks between Lincoln and said -viitentiary buildings, upon fair and litablo terras; Provided, further, '1 - t if such contract or agreement can-n- . e Iliads with said railroad company, tf i n.-pectors apointed by this act shall ha - the right to locate the said peni iciunrv on anv other suitable grounds of not less than forty acres within a radius of five miles of Lincoln, subject to the condition of the former proviso; nnd Provided further. That said re-location Khali bo made without additional expense to the State of Nebraska. We call attention to the splendid hidu M inoiits held out to settlers, ininii rants and everybody wanting land, by the P.. & M. H. II- 11- Company. This company has the finest body of land owned by any Piailroad in Nebraska or fVe where, selected vcars ago when th"r.-was nlentv of room for choice. It t .,;:! i. ZM. W il nmamr will out these lands in market next month on the most liberal term, selling for cash or upon long or fchort credit at the option of the buyer. Lincoln Journal. " III - ."ja-I x w ' - AX ACT. " 1" - ' To amend an act entitled" "an act to fix the time of holding the I Hstriet Courts in the first and second Judicieial Dis tricts." Sec. 1. Be it enactrdhy the Lrffi7a litre of the State of Xehrwka. That there shall be a term of the District Court held in Sulme county on Thursday after the third Monday in May in the year 1S70. and after the year 1870 said court shall be held on the first Monday after the fourth Monday in October in each year. . Approved March 4, 1S70. i ? ----i AX ACT. To fix the time for holding th District - Courts in tho first and second Judicial Districts of Nebraska. Br it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Nebraska, That the time for holding the regular terms of the District Court in the First Judicial District be as follows : in the county of Richardson;'' on the third Mondav of Anril. and the ice ond Monday of Novcmhor: in llio.nnfi- of Nemaha on, the -soeond Monday of March, and the first Monday of Septem ber; in the county of Otoe, on the third Monday of March, September and De cember ; in the county of Johnson, on the second Monday of May and October; in the county of Pawnee, on the fourth Monday of May ; in the county of Jeffer son, on the first Tuesday after the fourth .Monday in Octoler. That the time for holding Courts in the second Judicial 1 Hstrict be as fol lows ; in the county of Cas on tho sec ond Monday of April, and first Monday of November ; in the county of Sarpy, on the first Monday in March and Septem ber ; in the county of Douglas, on the second Monday in December, March. June and September ; in tho county of Saunders, on the third Tuesday in No vember; in the county of Lancaster, on the fourth Tuesday of April and Novem ber; in the county of Se ward, on the third Tuesday of Novriuber. Ail acts and parts of acts iueonsistant with this act are hereby repealed. This act shall not take effect and be in force in the counties of Johnson and Sarpy until lite first day of June 1670. Approved March 4th is7). A?s ACT. To provide for the. temporary care ami custody of the State lVisuncrs of the State of Nebraska, and to provide a temporary penitentiary for such pris oners. Sf.C 1. Be it rnactetl by the LeguJ-t-titrc of the Sttitc of Xe.brathi : That the State Prison Inspectors and Warden shall provide at, or near Lincoln, in Lan caster county, State of Nebraska, far the temporary safe keeping of all pris oners nw under sentence to the peni tentiary of the State, and all such as shall be hereafter sentenced. Seo. '1 All persons now under sen tence to the penitentiary of the State and confined or imprisoned in county jails, shaJl be transferred under the direc tion of the State Prison Inspectors and Warden aforesaid, to paid temporary penitentiary at Lincoln, and there put at work iion the public buildings and in stone quarries, for the use and benefit of the State, for the hours specified in their respective sentences. Sec 3. Said State Prison Inspectors and Warden are hereby authorized to hire out or contract the labor of said prisoners upon the best terms which can be obtained, if it shall be deemed by them for the best interests of the State so to do. Skc 4. There is hereby appropriated out of the treasury of the State, to be drawn in the usual manner, the sum of five thoucaud dollar, or so much thereof is may be necessary to carry out the pro visions of this act. Skc. f. The said State Prison Inspec tors and Warden shall each give bond, with sureties, to be approved by one of the Judges of the Supreme Court, in the sum of live thousand dollar, conditioned for the faithful discharge of ther duties according to law. Skc. f. This net shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved March 4, 1S7. AX AT. To restrain stock from running at large in the State of Nebrask. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Lcijisla- - r.t . ti'... -j n ' r of a i -ti.f-t t . i oii it I shall I; unlawful for cattle, horses. mules, sheep, swine and other stock to run at large at any season of the year in the State of Ncbraka. Sec. 2. That when any sivdi; stock shall be found on the premises of another. it shall be lawful tor the owner or person in possesion of said premises to impound said stock, and if the owner of said stock can be found,, and is known to its taker up, it shall be the duty of said taker up to notify him within two days by per sonal service, or by leaving a written no tice at his usual place of residence with some person of Ins family over the aire of fourteen years; of the taking up of said stock, de-eribing it, and requiring him forthwith to take said stock, after making nil payment of the damages and costs fo its taker up. In case the owner is not known to the taker up of said tock, ! he shall advertise the same for four con secutive weeks in the newspaper pub iisneu in uu: county anu oi general cir culation, or in case no newspaper be pub fished in said county, then in a weekly pajier published in the State and of gene ral circulation in the county. Such no tice shall minutely describe the animals, and also state the date of taking up; Provided, the person injured by the tres pass may recover his damages by a suit tK-fore a justice of the peace if he so elect. Sec. 3. In case the parties cannot agree as to the amount of damages and costs, each party may choose a man, and in case either party refuse to to choose a man, then the nearest justice of the peace of the county shall choose a man instead, and in case the two taen chosen cannot agree, they shall choose a third man who, after being duly sworn for the purpose, the three, or a majority of them, shall proceed to assess the damages, pos sessing for that purpose the general power of arbitrators; the said arbi trators shall make an award in writing, and their decision shall be final, from which there shall be no appeal by cither party, a copy of which award shall be filed with the nearest justice of the peace in said county, and shall operate as a judgment at law, and execution shall is sue at the request of the party in whose favor said award was found, for the col lection of damages and tost;", as in other cases. ' ' - - Sec. 4. And if the owner fail to ap pear and pay all damages and costs as aforesaid to tho taker up after two days" notice of such decision, the taker up shall have full power and authority to sell trespassing animal or animals, by nueett aays nonce Dy posting up - i , i . . . three written notices in three of the most public nlaces in the precinct, of the time I uud place of sale of the fnimal or ani i mals, or so many thereof as shall Ik; suffi- eient to pay all damages and costs arising by virtue of such taking rtp and sale, and the surplus, if any, to be paid t the said justice, to be held by him subject to the orJer of the owier of said ktock so sold. fE( 5. No assessment or collection shall be made uud r the provisions of this act for damages done on uncultivated Lands, unless said lands Ikj surrounded by a atrip of breaking or plowed ground at least one rod wide; ProcHed, That Douglas county be exempted from the provisionsof this section. Sko. fi. Any person or persons who shall l3' force, stealth or intimidation ob tain posseskioii of any stock taken up or impounded under the provisions of this act, or cause the same to be done con trary to the provisions of this act, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and suojeet to a fine of not less than five and not more than one hundred dollars, and be liable to arrest, trial and conviction as in like cases of misdemeanor ; providetl that : he following couuties be exempted from i the oeration of thia act, to-wit: Dodge, Dakota, Cedar, Dixon. L'Kau-quil-Court, llalh Merrick, Buffalo, Pawnee, Platte, all of Cass except Weeping Water and liouisville precincts: and provided farther, that the following precincts be also exempt from the opera tion of this act, to-wit : Peru, " Brown vii'e, Nemaha City, Aspinwall, St. Der oin and Benton precincts, io Nemaha enmity; Riverside, Deeaturo, . Silver Creek, Arizona, Tetania precinct in Hurt county ; Papillion, llellevcue and I'airvicw'precinets, in Sarpy county : and a strip of five miles wide m Washington county, bordering on the Missouri lliv er. " - Provided, The opcrarion of-this act .shall be in the following precincts only between sunset and sunrise, to-wit: Pour-mile, Uelmont, Otoe, Nebraska City, and that part of Wyoming cast of the range line between range twelve and thirteen in the county of Otoe. Sec. 7. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its pasf-ae. Approved March 4th, 1S70. ICuuior of w Coii"rtMl Hovpinrnt to . term tunic liac cliiuewciii Kim !'mii-Jeo. From the San Frandseo Hullotin, Feb. 19.1 Vague rumors have 1.cmi current for some time, which soem recently to have assumed more definite shape, that jm ex tend ve organization is going on in the city foY the purpose of mobbing, mur dering and exterminating the Chinese in our midst. It is reported that one as sociation alone, having this object in view, numlR'rs 2,000 members; that there are several such association? in the city: and at a ;riveu signal, on or before St. Patrick's day, a concerted movement is to be made to exterminate the Chinese. It is to be hoped, for the sake of hu manity and civilization that these rumors are entirely groundless, but the subject id one which may well claim the atten tion of our authorities and our citizens before it is too late. Although a mob of this character would commence opera tions against the Chinese, it would of course, "like that of New York during the war, sack the city so far as it could acquire the power, making robbep and rapine it ulterior and principal object. That a few designing demagogues are engaged in urging wicked and ignorant men to deeds of violence seems ; highly probable. How far they will be able to succeed in their criminal course the next few weeks will determine. T!c rmnlly for Uoslrojlnc rorcst Spain, Italy and portions of France are now Buffering from the improvidence that devoured their forests, leaving the future to take care of itself. I presume the great empires of antiquity suffered from the same folly, though to a much greater extent. The remains of a now extinct race who formerly peopled and tilled the central valleys of this continent, and especially tha Terrotory of Arizona, probably bear witness to a similar reck essness, which is paralleled by our fath ers and our own extermination of the magnificent forests of white pine which, barely a century ago, covered so large a portion of the soil of our Northern States. Vermont sold white pine abund antly to England, through Canada, within my day ; she is now supplying her own wants from Canada at a cost not less than five times the price she sold for; and sho will be paying still higher rates before tin close of this century. I entreat our farmers not to preserve every tree, good, bad or indifferen:, that may happen to be growing upon their Jan l1 but, outside of the lifeiitfd dis trieU wherwin the primitive forests must still bo cut away in order that-land may be obtained for cultivation, to plant and rear at least two better trees for every one.. they may be impelled to cut down,, Horace G verity. Rlscoiery of Knm.nn ISonr. The people of Woodbury, N. J., are greatly excited about the recent discov ery of a large ixd of human lones on a farm about one mile southeast of the town. Tlie IkhI is several feet in thick ness and two or three rods in extent, and the bones are lying within three feet of tho surface. The owner of the firm, before leaving for Philadelphia, gave in structions to hi: men to cart some earth from an adjoining fie'd to cover a com post heap. On his re turn in the evening he fUund, to his surprise, that the heap was partly covered with human hones. The neighbors were informed, and upon examination it was found that this mass of bones were piled in together promis eously, and are of an unusually large size. The bottom of the bed is thickly covered with charcoal, and the lower tier of bones fall to pieces as soon as touched. Those on top are well preserved, and arc but little affected by the length of time buried. A committee of townspeople was appointed to take some Seciniens to the Professors of the Academy of Sci ence of Philadelphia, and next week a scientific examination will be made. It is supiKsed that they are the lones of an Indian tribe, but so far there a re none of the Indian war relics found among the bones, which leaTes some doubts on thi point mmmmm The dog population of Missouri is 250, 000, to support which, fix dollars each, costs $2,100,000. Tax them twodollars a head and they will bring in a revenue of $700,000, and help pay their board. An exchange having made the above assertion, the Hickory county Mirror pointedly adds : CTAnd what is still better, would spocd- lfy result in iucreasing the numler of sheep at least one million in the State, liut so long as bipeds calling themselves men prefer the companionship of a worthless dog, to the profits of sheep, so long will dogs he untaxed by legislators, who remember that most dog owners have a vote, hence the dog population is like ly to increase, and the sheep diminish the dogs to consume more bread and the peonle t consume more of the wool J produced in South America and Canada. WoTerninrnt Jam ou the 3IiMnrI -. Kiver. ,, A statement from the War Depart ment to the Senate, relating to t he losses of steamers and government stores on the 3Iissouri river, above Omaha, hows that tha destruction of the steamer Car rie, in April, 1 808, resulted in a loss of army stores valued at $47,055; the steamer Bridgeport, in June, l$f8, in a loss of $10,420, and the steamer Laoon, in July, in a loss of $3,233. This communication from the War De partment was made to the United States Senate in reply to a resolution of inquiry submitted three or four weeks ago by Senator Thayer. The aggregate losses to the Government on army stores, dar ing the past year, is thus shown to be a little more than 60,000. A land grant in aid of the construction of the Omaha and Northwestern Railroad would riot only secure the prompt building of that important line, but render the transit of all goods between Omaha and the Upper Missouri military posts and Indian reser vations safe and speedy at all seasons of the year. Without the road,-the, lands along the proposed line will not be sold by the government for the next twenty years. Omaha JiejmMican. i : . ' R. R. Notice. T "V"otiec is hereby rirrn that books of gnhscrip-' tion to the rniiul stock of the 8t. Joxeph aiil Kansaa uud Nebraska Rrilr.aJ Company, will 1P nprne.l ut the offir-c of I. H. Wheeler Jfc Co. in tho City of X'lattsmouth April lfith 1S7(). , H.M. VAX ARM AN-. . J. K. DiXl.M. . , .fAS. KHOAPES. EVUUTOX DOOM. umrlOdlwSt Incorporator:'. , Sheriffs Sa!e? .7" William J. Hyatt) , vs Execution- HaMejt AriH.1.1.. ) . ntieei hereby ffivcit that 1 will offer mr i.lnltut publio auction at tho frontdoor of tps Court liouso in tho ritv of Pliittiimouth CiU counly. Kel.r:Wn: on Monday the ISth tlay of April A. D. l&Tttnt. 10 o'clock M.. of said day the following Heal Estate to-wit: The undWi lfj otie-thirU (!& of Lot No. four (4) in Block No. thirty-two ''i2 the undivided one third (J.jy of Lot No. thirteen Y.i) in Hlork No forly-fev-u . (47) an. I the' uivliridc-J one third of lot No. one (1) in blnek No. forty (4Mand the'undividvd one third On' of lot No. nine in Llov i No, onebundrcj mid sixty-seven (iirr)iii4 the un!i vU'd oue third yli) of lot N"o. twelve '1 in block No one hundred and eixly-eiKht iJGS) nnd tho undivided one third of lot Nu. ninoC.') in block Noone hundred mid seventy-three (XT:!! and the undivided one third f lot No. twelrctl?) in Muck No. ono hundred ami thitty-six H-Hii all Ijcingsituate in the city of I'UiUsmoulh. t'ns county. Nebraska, and as de?i;r:::ited upon tho recorded plnt.c of said c-it; , and taken as the proju-rlvof llalsey Arnolu on nn execution in favor of Wiliiiin J. H vntt. issuod by the Clerk of the District Court of the county of Qws aud to uie directed as Sherilt of aid county, Given undartuy hand thi lfith day of March A, D. 1370. J. W. JOHNSON. Sheriff. .. ofCajM county Nebraska. PoTTRXGr.R. lMITaAtty Sh3riiT'3 "Sale. T- M. Marquett, ) vs - VOrder of Sale- David l'eitree ) - N otice is hereby (tiven that, by virtue of a decree of the District Court of tbo Second Judiciary District, within and for CaM eouuiy. Ncbrneka. rendered at tho November, torln. A. 1. Isu9. and on the 6th day of November A. D. I"-.". I will oflerfor sale at publio aaetiou at the frontdoor of the Court House in Plattsniouth on Monday the 18th day of April A. D. loTO. at 10 o'clock a. in., ol'auid day, the following real estate, to-wit: -The undivided one half(Ji) of the west half (M) of lot no. U2) twelve in block no. twenty even VS) in thcCity of Plattamonth. Cauouuuty Nebraska, heretofore attached ns tho property of the said defendant, David l'earce. (liven under my hand this l it a day of March, 1S7U. U. W.J Oil NHON. Sheriff. Biarl7w5 of Cass county, Nobeaska. Notice. Alvin B. Daniels, I'laintiff. vs. Theodore Williams, defendant. ) Theodore Williams defendant, auoD-resident of the State of Nebraska, will take notice that Alvin 15. Daniels did. en the 13th dayof March. A. D. lsi9. file his petition in the District Court of th? Second Judicial District of the State of Nebraska, within and for Cass county, against the said Theodore Williams, defendant, setting forth that the said Theodore Williams tave a lnorttrnite to one Henry 11- Oberbaltxer. on the 8 W x of See 19. T li N of K 12. li of the 6th P M. in the said county of Cass, to secure Ihe pay ment of S-JSO.OO. according to a certain promissory note referred to in said mortiraKe. and that on the 17th day of December. 1SS. tho said II. H. Ober haltxerduly assigned said note and mortgage to the said Alvin B. Daniels, ptaintitf. and prayinr that the sitid Theodore Williams may pay said sum now claimed to be due, a moan! in (r to the sum of g-JSil.W with interest on the same from the ISit h day of Aucnst. A. D. 1S-V.1. at the rate of 40 per cent, per annum; and the s.vid Theodore Wil liatns is netihed that he 'nrequiredtoappearand answer said petition onor beforethe 11th day of April. A.D.1S7U, or decree will bo entered ae cordinfly. AI.VIN 15. DANIE S. Wii.lktt Pottkngrk, att'y for pliiintiif. febwM. Sheriff's ; Sale. Brvant CoM. Administrator of the estate of V'm. It. W. Cobb, airainst James H. Thomas: IN pursuance of and by virtueof a decree of the District Court of the Second Judicial District, within and for Cas county, N cbraska, male in the above entitled cause, and bcarine date the Cth day of November. A: D. W.. 1 will otter for sale at public, auction, to the bighst bidder for cash, at the front doorof the Court House, in the eitv of l,!.ittmouth. Cass county. Neb-, on thf "Ji'th day of March. A. D. 1H7H. at ono o'clock p. in ,f raid day. the follow inir describe 1 real estate, to wit: Tliesouthea-'t qnnrter l1 1 of .Sec tion No. thirty township No. eleven (11) north of jiinite No. thirteen (l't. east of the sixth principal meridian, situate ill Cass county, NebrnskA. to be sold as the proxiorty of said de lnd:int. .laitcs II. Tlioinas. to satisfy said decree, the amount l.f which is S'-'tfiS O) nnd interest on th same from the dale of said decree, at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum, and cost of sua amounting to $12 7;5and cost of snle. J. W. JOHNSON.' Sheriff I 'afs County. Nl. Stfvfv-uis Ji HAYWARD,.-ltt'ysfor plaintiff. fibUlwM Notice. Madison C- Mosicr. plaintiff, ' 1 jof jt;01, , f,,r EliT.aheth A. Mosicr. defendant. I Divorce. Klizn'ieth A. Mosicr. non-resident defendant will take notice that Madison C. Mosirr. of the county of Cuss and State of. Nebraska, did on the 111 sr dyof february. A. I. 1S70. file his petition for Divorce in the District Court of the J.l Judicial District of the Stafe of Neb., and for Chssj County. a?ainst the said Kli.baeth A. Mosicr. eharciiiK iitr (defendant) of .uiiiiilli abandoii'mir him. -i.tbu ;o-d can-se. l"r more than two years last past, and praying that he mav be divorced from the said Kliab!i!i A. M sier, defendant: and the said Elizabeth A. Mo sier. is not i tied that she is required to appear and answer said petition on or before the 11th day of April. A. D. l7u, or decree will be entered ac cordingly. Dated February 24tli. 1S70. .MADISON C. MOST Kit. WltLtTT PoTTKNfiEr, att'y for plaimiil. fei.U4w..r Sherifi' Sa!e. Bryant Col.b administrator of the estate of Win. II. W.Cbb. against Hubert A. Cb mil ler. IN pursnance of and by virtue of a decree of the District Court. of the Second Judicial Dis trict, within and for Cass County, Nebraska, made in the above entitled ause. and bearing date the 6th day of November. A. D. lSi : 1 will oiler for sale at public auction to the high est bidder, for cash, at tl.e front door of ihe Court House, in the city of Plattsmouth. Cass county. Neb., on the 2ilh day of March. A. D. 1870. all o'clock, p. in. of said day the following described real estate, to wit: The southwest sjuartcr (!0 of Section No. fifteen Township No. ten north of range No, twelve (12'. east of the sixth principal meridian, situate in Cass county. Neb. To be sold as the property of Robert A Chandler to satisfy aaid decree, the amount of which is S2.0r2 on. and interest on the same from the date of said de cree, at the rate of ten per cent, per annum, and costs of suit, amounting to $15 9.5 and cost of sale. J. W. JOHNSON. Sheriff Cnsa county. Neb. Stkveksox A Hatwad. Atty'a for plaintiff, . feb24wst. Valuable Farm for Sale. Situated nn Four Mile Creek VA miles north west of I'lattsmouth. 1 mile from the Platte rir ' er. and three-fourths of a mile from the lino the B. A- M. K U.. and known as the Stock '' farm, containing 280 acres of choice land. 11" acres of which is bottom land, about ten acre are timb.-r and about ninety acres in grass, the balance in grain and under fence. Upon the premises is a double cabin, frame barn 2ux:X) feet witn 1 tone basement, stable and other out buildings, an orchard, plenty of stock water. 11 never failing well, a good school house: aleo i acres of timber land in Sarpy county, near tbo mouth of the Platto river. Enquire at the premises or of the tmltscriher in Saunders C. Neb. M. STOCKING. I'lattsmouth. Auk. 3 tf. Legal Notice. A. H. Barker, non-resident, defendant, will take notice that David Samson, on the 18th day f January, A. D. 1570. filed bis petition ia the District Court of the Second Judicial District of the State of Nebraska, withiu and for Cass County. The object and prayer of said petition is to obtain a judnmeot for the tunt of two hun dred and fifty dollars, as due on a promissory note dated Sept. 20, 185. dne one day after date, calling for tho sum of &4-V): paid on same April 17, lariO. ! April 23. 160. 14: with interest from 23d day of April. 1300: aaid note was par a K1j (a P 1. W i. . if! mjMtirnd to ttlaiatitf z t h.-it on tho lbth day of Etforuary. 1570, the said David 4 namson caused an order or attaenment to no issued by the Clerk of said Court, and di4 eauso tho following real estate to be attaebed, to wit: !ot nine (9) in block number sixty-five (65). and lot nine (9) in block two hundred and twenty-one (221). as designated upon tbo recorded pJat of the eity of Plattsmouta. Casa county. State of Nebraska, the same being the property of de fendant: and the said A. B. Barker is required to answer ou or before the 18th day of April. A. D. 1S70. Dated March 1st, 1S70. ' ' DAVID SAMSON. . ,.. , By T. M. Maagt'KTT. aach3w5t Att'y tor plaintiff. Sheriff's Sale Bryant Cobb. Administrator of the estate of Wm. R. W. Cobb, against Charles W. Hill: IN pursuance of and by virtueof a decree of tho District Court of tho Seeond Judicial Dist rict, within and forCaas county, Nebraska, made in the above entitled cause, and bearing date the tith day of November. J"9. I will oner for sale, at public auction. to the highest bidder, for rash, at the front door of the Court House, in the city of Plattsmoulh. Cass county. Neb; on the SlUh day of March. A. D, 1870,. at One o'clock, p. in., of said day. the folluwing de scribed real estate, to -wit: - The northeast quarter section No: thirty (X.) in township No.: eleven north of range No. thirteen east ofthe Sixth P. M.. situate in Cuss county, Ne braska. To be sold ns the property of said defendant. Charles W. Hill, tosatisfy saiil decree, tbo amount td' which is S2.00o 00 and interest on thos.nne from the date of said decree t the rate of 10' per cent, per annnm, and cost of suit, amonting to 815 93 and costa of sale. J. W. JOHNSON. Sheriff. Cass county, Nobraska Ptkvevsox A Hitwiiu, Atty.s for plaintiff. , feb 25w5t. Guardian Sale.. ; Kotice is hereby riven that in pursuance of an order of sale irmdc by h is honortieorpe 11. Lake; Judjte of the Disrrict Court of the Second JuT dieial District, on tht? 15th dayof February J"' I will on Saturday the l'.'lh day of March 1'.. at the hour of one o'c lock i. m., at the front door offhe Court House iu riatl-'in-uith. Cass Comity, NehvaAa. offer for salo ht tmblic vendue, to the highest bidder a!l ihe 1 i u h t title and interest of t if urge A. lSurircr. Dyaiitha. .A. Hinder and Majtaie L. Craie, minor heirs of Jainen L. Bur per (leccased, in iind to the ftiilowine tl5seri'ed real estate to-wit : ('oniuienciiiff ;'9 V, - feet nnd'4 inches north of tho centre of section Id iu town. 12. north of riMiao Is east, in Ohm Comity. Nebraska, running thence west 22 rods, thence north :!4i'l feet, t'.eiice e.ii-t 22 rods, thence south "'') fei.-t to thei-lace of besriiming and eontniiip 3 acres. - : . Said sale will remain open for bids from 1 'clock p.' 111. to 2 o'clock p. m. of said day. Term -i one-third cash : ono-third in sis month., uud one-third in twelve month,-with interest on deferred payments at 10 per cnt. i N.tNOY liUnGER, Ouarflian of minor heirs of James L. Burger, deceased. - . bv Maxwell 4 CiiArM.ts.nttys. feb21w4t- - '- ' Sheriff's Sale. Adolph Cohen, vs. T. D. Orpok, and A. Gt. White, A. Gardner .V Co.. vs. T. D. Crook nud A. U. White and W. C. Berry. Jr.. Co. vs T D Crook, and A (j White Execution N OTICE is hereby given that I will oiler for sale at public auction, for cash down, at the front door ofthe court house in the city of lTattr mouth. Cuss county, Nebraska, on the 2iih day of March. A D 1870. at one o'cloek. p ra of said dav the following real estate, to wit: The north east quarter ') of the northeast quarter W) of Section No twenty-seven (27) iu township No twelve (12i north of range No thirteen till). e:v)t ofthe sixth principal meridian, situate in Cass county. Nebraska, taken as tho property of said defendant. A ii White, on three executions, to wit: one in favor of Adolph Cohen, one in tavor of A Uardner A Co. and the other in favor of C Berry. Jr. Co, all issued by the Clerk of the District Court within and for the county of Otoe, in the State of Nebraska, and to me direc. ted as Sheriff mt Caaa county N'eb. . . . -' t ' tiiren under my haud. this loth day of r eb ruaxy. A D 1M70. 7 ,T W JOHNSON.. Sheriff of Casp county. Neb. : Pthvensoji A- IIatward. Atty's for plaintiffs. feb24w5t Legal Notice. IX District Court 2d Judicial District within and for Cuss county. Nebraska. Ueorge E. BroDger, , v 1 ' Stephen Rnssell ) ' . , ... . . , To Stephen Russell, non (resident defendant, you are hereby notified that tJeo. E. Prongeroil the 14th day of February 1870. filed his petition in tho office ofthe Clerk of the District Court of the 2d. Judical District in and for Cuss county Nebraska, the object and prnyerofsaid petition is to obtain a decree of foreclosure of a cirtain mortgage on the south west quarter ofthe south east quarterof section 5. town 11. range 13 K. and accompanying note executed by you on the 9th day of April 1S0O. and given to- Ireneaus Neese. calling for the sum of 40 three months after date with interest at 10 per cent, and by hiin duly assigned to plaintiff on the 29th day of J ulyl8o9. there is now due from defendant to plaintiff on said note iid mortgage the aum of $40 wi n in terest ut 10 per cent from the 9th day or April 1K. and praving that said defendant be re quired to pay said sum. interest and costs, by a day to be uamed by the Court, or that said land mav be sold to satisfy the same. ' . . Vou are required to answer said petition on or before tho 4th day of Arf. PRONflEU. By Maxwf.i.i. A- CHrs?t, Atty's ' febliw5 ' .' Notice. V, ; ' ' : v In District Of.urt, Second Judicial District withiu and for Cuss County Nebraska. James McNui-lan") vs. r '" ' " ' . Walter D. Green.) . ' , , . . o Walter D. Urrt n, non -resident defendant, you. ire hereby notitioi that James McNurlan on the 22d d.iv or February; 170, riled his peti tion in the office of the Clerk of the District Court of the Socond Judicial District, within and for Cass - conn ty. Nebra.kft, tho object and prayer, jnf ; which is. to ob tain a decree of foreclosure of a certain mort gage on tho northeast quarter of swtkn T. 11. north of ran ;re l.i east, iu Cass County. Nebraska, nnd neeoinpanying note executed by you on tlicolh day d" August lVi! and delivered to jsher Edsrertoit. jr.. and calling, for .the sum of irJ)-one. year from iho. dale thereof, with interest from maturity, at the rate of 40 per cent., per rnnum. aid note and mortgage wore duly assigned to piaintit on the of OoioOci- 1oK. . There 1: now dne ou said note ana mortgage the sum of !f-?o with interest thereon Ht tho rate ot 40 per emit, pt r annum frjin the tith day of j-lusust lb i and pravinK that said d ten'iiint bo req pred to pay said sum. interest and a day r be named by the Court. or that said pre iseb may txsoldto sa'.ist'y tho amount so 1'uunddue. . . Vu are required to answer ?.v.d petition on or belfsre the 13th dayof April lsTll J.1MKS MeM BI by M t-x-xEi.t. i Ciuirsi, att . - fcb24w".t. - ' '- i- v fJotice. George M. Hale, rhiii'tio vs. t v T.' : .1r f!i,l.,tit jiiiiu n mti. .... j v uv.. .... , . John Xintrdcfcndnnt, non-resident ofthe State of Nebraska, will t.iko -notice 4hat Oepgo M. Hale did on the22d,lay ol'February A. D: ty J file his petition in th District Court, of the second Judicial District of thoStateof Nebraska, within ami for Cuss County against- the said John E. King, dclemlent. sttttng forth that the said John E. King rave a mortgage to the said George M. Halo on the wei-t ii of the south east V4 and the cast t of the south west '4 of section S4 t. wn. 12 range 11 east of tho Sixth P. M. in wiid county of Cass, to secure the payment of according to a ccrUin nolo referred t. in said mortgage ami pray ing that said John E. King may pay a balance on said note n sum n w claimed I j be dno amount ing to liJiO. and interest ou Ihe same trom the 2Sth dayof Julv a. n. 1 t tho rate of 4t per cent, per annum, or that said rreuiujea may be dd to pay the same and the said John IS. King is notified that he is required to appear and an swer said petition on or before the lltb day or April. A. D. 1870, or decree will 1ms entered ac cordingly. Dated February 24 170 ' . OKGE M. HALE, laintiff. WhxittPottinuxu, att'y for Plaintiff, fe b24w3t7 Fruit Trees For Sale. With near Twenty yeara experience in fruit growing and Nursery Business in Iowa, and recent observations in Cass county. Neb- I ant satisfied that with the right varieties and pro per care you can successfully raise the apple and cherry. I make the apple and cherry a speciality and will fill all orders with hardy TaneUea. Orders mav be left with Wm. Eikenberry. two mile south of Plattsinouth. or with Dr. W. 8. Latla, at Rock Bluffs. I will furnish them at the following prices: , . ArpfuiM Two and a half to three and a half feet high lOcts: 3 to 4 feet high 12'4cts: three year olds4 to S foot high Viet; 4 toofeet 16;jcUs; t-.-i : A l. ..: f.. 'K..ti f. Chirkim May Cherry 3 to 5 feet each; fcngtihb Morelioooots. . Delivered free of charge on the ears at Fair field. Jefferson county Iowa. A moderate charge made for the material for boxes. R. M. MOl EE, Baker. feblTwtf. Jefferson eounly. Iowa. . All Persons Indebted to , , - DOO.BRO&CO VIIX TAKK NOTICE THAT ALL Accounts r and iVotes due DOOM, BKO. & CO. Must Be Paid By the 20th, ojT 3Iarch. All ' Account's, and Notes not I'faid by that time will be Collected by LAW. We Mein Business and Musi Have Monty. DOOM, BUO. & Ci K - MarchTtlO C3 . CO d : 7 Q r- c ' "ci . "3 , r o 2 S O-w-'C :' i - CC . . . LiJ cu a- Ph o . . '" 1 ' - .. ' ' . r; O t3" : s ZZ CD en 3 ts . Q Uj. 0 u o CO '' GO cs : ' ss:-: to' I I . o O ' 0 FACTORYVILLe MILL ox the . ' SOUTH WEEPIN8 WATEB XXXX At$2.50persack XX FI.OUK "2,00 per SACK. Bran ft Shorts T5cta icr 1 00 lbs. Bran Si Shorts Extra Good 1 ,00 per 100 lbs Com Meal 75cts per hundred pounds. FLOUR EXCHANGED FOR WHEAT ' as usual. Wheat and Corn ground on Toil Wednesday &:Saturday Special paint will bt lattn to tatitfy all trio call. 10,000 Buslieh of Wheat and 20.000 Bushels Corn WANTED - SHELDON k BAYLEY, .ft-LjOdiwtf. .- r.irietorfl. VI! 1 TIA'G PL1TTSJ10 UTII WILL FIND CiOOnSTJILINT, ACC0MM0DA , , TION AT TIIK . ' ", Farmei's Feed; Stable Corner of Sixth and Vine Streets. One. Block North ofthe Presbyterun) Church. Plnttsmtinth, NebrKska.'i'.i ',:.! , BATES A D. UAKMO. Tro's. . .f' ' : ' - , '. ' jllnlowtr. Third Street, South of Main, ' SJatisioii!Si, iVol. CONFECTIONERIES, Fies, Cakes, Cheese ,u and Sweet Crackers. ..V.'..-:'REFREisn.'?2 kert on hand t a'.l times.'.U Gl'TlIMAX A HUllKRTy. The ilaisvHKgton&.TlissouH Uivcr Kail Road, Ta connection with tho ' Chiaigj, Butliugton fr Qvincy R. J. Offi-r tothcoople ofPlattsinoutli, and al! tkV portion of Nuljraska lyius ' . ' . : j. SOUTH OF THE rLATT:, the mot direct, and tho best lUwte to tho Eas tern, South Eastern, aDd Northern States. I'asscnKers desirins; to travel loxurionsiy should take the Atlantic Express, which runs through to Chicago without chance of Cars, equipped with elegant ly Cooches. I'allnian's 1'alaeo lay and Sleeping Coaches, and Pullman's Dining Cars. ----- V: - . r . . In addition t tho foot that this it tbo diroet route by which rime may be saved in reaching any point in the Eastern or Mi idle States, it may truthfully be said that it possesses the best track and the finest equipment of any Western Line, ensuring to the passenger Speed, Safety and Comfort Rates always a LOW as Uv LOWEST. Bar gae cheeked through to any aoint East. C. E. PERKINS, tien. Sui t. AJSJT0V7.AUS, Hen. Pas.-eoirer Asc-nt. janl'-dAwtf. O. F. JOMHSOrJ, KALta 131 DRUGS, EIEDJCINES, BOOKS, STATIO XE H 1C Perfumeries, Hair Oils, NEWSPAPERS, MAGAZINES, A ALL THI Latest Publications. Prescriptions carefully compounded by an i trienced Drngirist. Denen Keinember the place, opposite dark A 11 u ra ni er s, flattsmoutu. Nebraska. aug6nlt j;hhmmn&go. (Snocossors to J. M. Uinchruun,) Druggists & Apothscaries. ' ' l.:l KAIKBS lK . Irsiys iiiicl 7Xotlieiucs, PAINTS. OILS. DYHS. NOTIONS. Toilet Gooas PERTUMERY. FANCY SOAPS. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS For Mechanical and Medioinnl pwrposcs. Keep constantly on hand a full and w cllassortc stock of i PATENT MKWlCIfcS. Physicians' proscriptions cnrcfully coinpound c.l liv mi rvni-ricnpea lrnsririft. None but the purest medicine used. All goods warranted as eprosonteu. t-juiaiiupoe. 31 ain Street, South Side. TERMS CASH. SENT ! ! I! To Any Part vf The City. iilTE nut H.-tTina remoyed to t -it New Store Corner Main and tith streets, wi . m DELIVE GO DS FIT? That are purehsed at theirtorere. ViII el Goods as cheap as ever, and will not be under sold by anyone. Our Stock consists of the best brands of TEAS, COFFEES, UGARS, Canned and Dried Fruits, OYSTERS, SARDINES, Sf'iCES, FLOUR TOBACCO. W.ISH-TUBS, Buckets, Soap. Salt, BACON, HAMS, LARD, and eTcrytMnir kept in a Grocery Store. Kt'erjr article warranted of the best quality. The high est price-paid in eath for Corn, Gats, Butter, Egg3, "bacon; hams, uruy and all kinds of Farmers Produce. ' - Cash paid for niaes. : CUYLER SCHOLFAX c ays of Weeping Water. "As I wis telling you. my der Mrs. Grundy, I cnuic on my inn to Wccpinic Water ia a.-tuliy ililapidatud -ondition nm hat. t'tiim hoots coat stockiiurs inhoit. destitute of 11 those con venient apTurtcn:iin;os which Ornniin-iiv a well drejscd niiili hnviiiK bt-eu Ucpri'cl of nil by the uicrcilcss aviiges, who iiruu took uiy cinr ci-e. . Tliinkinp Hint I miuht in that Rouri.-ilifnit town obtain a stoond-hanii biankrt. I roue up to store, and hitchliijr my mul. tlie cars to a ).-M-tc freurlit w;iK'n loa'icft wiih tool for the I'latt.'inoolh retail tnult. 1 cntc-ri-d. Judge of my surprise whoa 1 was proiui tly met aud offcreil a complete outfit, fioni a pair of stub toed boors to a K-orve-qirill toothpick, fur tho pal try sum of nine d nl.ars ill sixly-tvro tm'l occ half cents, the 1 ' i-ent. bi-ins: tho prof's on the roods. If yon w:mt anything in the miscellaneons line.cali on them, and if you don't see whut you want axk for iL I would remark here that they are tenonitis liberal, good look ins and truthful to u fault." REMLMBER THE PLACE Wecpinjj Water. JUST RECEIVED 500 lbs Best Osage ORANGE SEED. FOR SALK AT TIIK - NKW- YORK CASH STOEE ONE LOLlAR'PER'llUXD A larse discount will be allowed by the bushel II.Kl HNAPSE A CO. r!att.-nijuth.Man.hTthf l7. d'iwi. - T. S. UiHA. . . CLASS Tootle, Hanna & Clark, sialics ta Oold ami Silver Coin, EXCHANGE, U.S. and other Stoclt. PiafU drawn on all parts of the Cnitod State and Europe. lcpoit receired. and spocua at tention lire to collections. Plattsmontli, Neb. Je24tf GILLMAN CORM SHELLER. WM. B. lORTKB, Agont . Plattsniouth, - - - - Nabrtwka. MANUFACTUttED BY Gilluian, King Sz Haiuilton. Ottawa, - - Illinois. I nm fluent far tho above Celebrated S heller, andnm prepared to tilt orders on b.iort notioo. A unple mai liine can ho seen at my firm two and a half miles south west of llatu mouth. I hare had one of theseuiaehincs iu uJt for the past five years, aud find it pi'rli'i t ' r.V,"' " resneet. " -" 1 V,v i V1? jiiuMnii FREE 1 11. 03iKKFi: SOX A CO S SEED CATALOGUE And Guide to the FLOWER AND VEGETABLE .i!tii:y, roit ih-o. Published in January. Every lover of flowers winhiiiK thi new uud vtiluuUc ".'.'..V'' 1,1 oharire.sliouM nddre-s iinmcdiittely SI.O Ivkk.I K, So-. A i'o.. Ellwanper .t Uarrj ' I'.lo. k. Hch es ter, A x , iiorlwVia Ueallli.C oiiifor. anil Kconomy Three reasons for bt.ardiii with GEORGE W- COLVIN. OAK STKRKT, rt.ATT.iHOVTH, KK. Two blocks northwest of brick School House. IlehnsaBATH T! to patrons; hi rooms arc well ventilated, and his prices are rca sonable Ijuiy'dt . PLOWSI PLOWS- Manufacturer of ull kinds of IFarimiii? Hsiapieisaciits. Such ns the celebrated Hod IJreakinK Plow. Mould Hoard Breaker-. Stirrinit Plows. HiukIu nnd Double Shovels. Cultivators and Harrows. HepairitiK done on short notice. All work war ranted. . ...' Having had much expeneroc in the business, I f.:cl nsurel that I can irivo trcneral sat'slao tiou. Please five m a call before purchssinir elsewhere. O. t. FOKI.i. PlatUtnontV Neb.. My .1. improved Farm ami Tim ber For Sale The farm is about 3 miles west from PlatU nouth. 2 miles west of Hoover's, ou the Mac ;oad. 60 acres has been tn cultivation a low house upon it. and plenty of atoek water : it is southwest 14 of section town 12. runire 11 bio acres, and connected with it is lot 7 and south east '.-4 of southeast 'A of section 20. same town: and ranee. timber '.HI and 80-lUl acres, inukinir 231) anil Hfl-1 Oil acres. Als., the northwest ' i ( northwest V of section 24. town. 70. ranse 44. in Mills county, Iowa, due east from I'lattsmouth and one mile from the river, hea vv timber. i"or terms address i. II. .-Ol.oMUN. niay'JMf. tilenwood. Iowa. FAbTORYVILLE CAfl STOEE The Sout Weeping Water SHELDON & BAYLEY. Hare on Ilurnl a srorxl a.-isortinout of DRY GOODS GROCERIES AND IJOOTS AND SHOES, flifap for Try our Guidon Syruj at. ..$!,()) per .il. Also Siifrar Pl for $1,0') nd otlior thiti.i in iiroiiortiou. Weeping Water IiS2n O i - Farmer". -o where you can jret tho best Flour, snd the mutt of It. 35 POUNDS OF XXX FLOUR AMI) 2'1 lOLT.VIS lilt A v given in exchn-re f.r sr'-cul n We are 'also doing R-riM w . and. wiih our increased facilities. '-. :i"ur ! tlint ,-;in bit the bent and moft Flour of any iu tot Stuto. SATISFACTION CL'AKANTiCD. Produce Bought and Sold. niciissT mitKT rsin rti. IZcctl & C'liulnn Weeping Water, Heb. Seneral Merchandiso, uvea ai lRY r.tvips.' . - ' OKOCKIES. HARDWARE. Qb'EENSWARK. HATS, CAPSv MKIH. SllOa-x MOTIONS. Aa.. PINK AXD COTTON AVOOn LUMBER. KH12WI.ES A.l LATH. We are Agents for Willcox & Gibls Sewing Hachfne, which h nndt.ubredly the best Machine now in ne- iuarl3'i4iu. FOR SAI.MS OR R eSt The undivided half or the whole If desire 1 nf the ItOVK- lit. VFFX OK LIT Ayh SA W MILL 24-lors power eiirine ntd loiler,2 pair of 3 f ot 2,"TV" -"retilar saw. two story mill house. feetr'ev.-rj-thirji? mi jr.jod lutininr order. Al.o a - coCip'mtELLryv house. of IV. np rarfTisi n. nil rtlliv ' Vnr .. . jqnreof. C. S"fl r.l'NTZ, apr22tf.2 Rck Llufl v C eoustry, Sth OS. C. TOOTLK.