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About Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882 | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1870)
J ,1 f If f j il l 4 i i 1- i it THE NEBRASKA HERALD i.- ri i ii?r-i 'j.iii v i.vd t e.slv i;v 1 1 . J ) HATI J A WAV, ;r.-( -.til ,--ry. TESM5 : rornrr Main and Soon. I streets, sec - VSA 5in.:: p-.r wiiitn, or J1.ij : I j.f r moot h. V. ( iy. SJ.O") per a tint: ;. h a::o... " !ri-iiJini ,:.! it not i.i hi :i.lra:irc r:st: school law. Wo hnve toon ai-Lu.i a great unny thw, :!! "r arrival from Lincoln, w!;:it v.:- '.li;!! - with lie Fell oil law at t!i-- recent w.-si-a of ttc Lisliture. We answer, iiotliin; doni vita it t mvji'. to correct a tiuiniicr of clerical crp't'- N clnriL'OH whatever were iiKi'lc in tlie act exjet to correct mi -talc m i'lc in enrolling or .riit5ii tip ! tw. H.ith 1viuse of ttc Legislature al jov.rne.l at 1 1 p. ni. List FrMs, aftor a .sjitin of sixteen days. The work of the 50.-iin just elovil was lituc-li more (linpnizh than that of last sos-ion, ainl cj'O' iaily wen1 nil lo.i! ters appro'.riati.'iir npiiiey carefully r.x-c.uiiieil. Tho appro f --ri:tvl' Tt for expenses f tho officers-, the session of tho Legislature and the inei t titaiw of tho State, wore, cut down to ';li t.uet ifss:hlo figures, ami many of the nciiihoiv feenieil to think tlie appro priations were 'iitir"ly inaileipiate. a ii:ti i. w Was ii--v.l th: hist ni.aht of the session. It i- u't'tc'ral. or would to if ahout one third of tii.tato w is not, specially ex cept;l from its, provisions. It only af fects two precincts iu Cass county, Weeping Water and Louisville. All the infy wett of these precincts has a oi l! law, which the delejration from ('a--, thought a totter law than the ;r:ncrnl act. Iijhcc tliey tal the special lv.v reimlii in force. sr.r.n ciTA!,o'.:t axi n.onii, ;i iiik roil ivr. 1. ('Ki KFK. Hon & ('., the celc l rato I ( 1 Importers and ! rowers, of I'd h -t. r. N. V., have just puhli.-hed th ir '.iiiinl ' C'AT.'.i.ofir;: ok Skehs and (it i!)K to ti:k kk and Yf.; STMiTK. (Iai'DF.n. This new ai.d val uaMe work contains full descriptions of about ? urtecn liui.died varieties of fho.v rrs I volt, tal los, with itiTniction for , ihiir culfiration. and diivttions in regard to tlie l.e-t u.e to make of them in layimr lit pa;-crre.-, cirdms. ( to. It will lx .s iit fro on application to M. O'K KKKKf A Co.. .ster, N". Soedsn-i ii and florists HO1.' t:ii: L--i- ivr:Nr:ATio. Tl; laf :ve Investi: atioa Cot li ef their in- i.i:tt i i ;tf-l tie; res th tit w-.; L'uiioiu yesterday, showing tliat .!ii!.: thj Couuni'v;i'.ritrs h.ive toon r I:',' y i !' irregularities in several instances, y i.'.' lii:!- of si criminal nature was !' itj 1. The investigation was cnt inueil f.-r taore than a week, and was made ;is th .i..-i:h as eoulJ 1.; in th? time. The o-a Icri ig of the Committee was unaui-r.i---u. nnl exculpates th Coiiiuiissdoii-n-rs fri'iu all charge of venality, the acts of the (Vni niisiionorr. iti the matter of irregularities, ' pa-.-M-d ty toth houses, an J they ttua i via lieatod tefore the people, not withstanding any howl that may go up t troai the copperhead proas of the State tit t!w disappointment they have met. Wi will eivt fuller details in a day or two. 1IJK IT.MTEXTIAKT V.'.n located at Lincoln, upon the site 'vxr'.v 1 1 y the State tuilding Commis-.-i' :i is. The friends of the different Io ciliiio worked hard to stcure the loca t";.i!i at their respective points, and all they lacked of .-rem ing it was a sufficient number of rotex For three days the Vvtc stood .ix and six in the .Senate, lx1 tween AsV-.ImhI and Lincoln, with lion. S. rov'.-r ab-cut. It teca'ite obvious some fiiiQ i:iu. t yi -M or Nebraska would nor have a 1 Vnitentiary located this ytv. Ju l final' Hon. C. I'arnum, of I'bUervounty, agreed to vote for the 1 "n:i. 'Tir.t Liiicoliu -dr. J'ortor returued that evening, tut it was too late fir A-hhvid. iis ?Ir. I'arnum had already ' L--1 his vote for Lincoln. The fih-t;-!- of Ashland made no further ef- f V jrt. j.4 they all felt the nece.-sity oi looa- tin- the I Vnitentiary sounrhrr, and not hi'-atitig the till emirely, hecause they f.'ii-.'J to eccureit at the point of their ? ch,.;,. An c&H-t was insde in the Sen f to locate it at Weeping Water Fwllt, j au 1 five of the: twelve votes present w.-re cast iu favor it. Seven votes were I ri-.piiivd in the Senate to locate, and l.:o ohi peer.ied to be the only point that e Mild secure the seven. After the pas-J-are of the biil, the two Houses met in convention and elected three in- ;' t rs, as piovidod in the act. 1'. Tct.iplin, F.sq., of Nebraska City, was jcl.-ted fi.r the long term to ex pr-? .Janu ary lsT3; Mr. Abbe, of l.ichnrdson .cr. ;-iv. was elected for the intermediate t. rra. to cvobv daii'iarv. lsTo, and Mi ra. to cvoov .January. 1Si.; ami -ir. of Washington county, wasetec r the .-hort term, to expire .January, Thv are all said to be excellent Je 1 I '7 n:e:i. We know Jur. Temidin to to 4 f.r;t . l.a.s lur lan. Tho:ii.':i!ir VinmK5!cn. The way t . get along in the world is to laik r-verv sto-i on that is ahead, and mil to follow its predecessor. Full ti!V.- l ercent of theeibirt of the world is r.l ".,'uv'v wasted in indirect, diffuse, iti.b'linite labors. Voting men start out in life, without tmri roosc or point, neither facing a thought on their tili ess or .ir:tiiiie..s b.r a particular ciallitig: now "loin-this thing, now that, and aiter tlnit nothing; one day going on, another on i lie right or I 'ft, the next backward, and t!i,- iu.1 I'oiii'r at all. wliich is. licr- llie tr:ii.dit line in lifr i the otic that I' Us siraYdit ahead. This almost always .-.cures s-kvoss. ! A r,ton"cditor was at sea through- o it a lite -de "Were vou not dread- fullv alarmed V" asked a lady. ' ( )h. iio. i-.. ..... 1 i, 'IK. n.v : uiiiiroi . liat iliiterenr-e cul that make r - Vi hv. I nr.v..r ill.! Ii.-ive nuvthing hnn ".''i to me ty whi.-h 1 could m l'l IKV." kc . .'. VOL. 5. SF.1V YOItli. Kxrltrmrut In New York tJ:ill Mnrkrt. NkV York, March S. The excite ment in the gold market to-day is with out a parallel .since September last. The anxiety to sell gold assumed the .shape of a mania, and its eo;ual ha never before teen witnessed in the room. Fluctuations were unusually frequent, and the dial recorded nearly one hundred changes during the day. The Fcene was almost indeseribahle. A crowd of operators surged to and fro, cheered cadi decline of a quarter and a half per cent., and vented their feelings in screams of delight. There was not a hull to to found in the room, and at time a premium was offered for the .sight of a man who throui;ht cold cheap. THAT IWESTHJATIOX. Ileitort ofthc Committee np;ointrl to InveHtintc Ibc lets ort'oniiiiU tiinem uf lulIic 3.ii1 ntid Ituililinn. Tlie Actof(lie C'niiimissioorrn ti !!. VI n- As much has teen said about the in vestigation at Lincoln, and tt.c public generally has a desire to know exactly what was done and said ty the Lcgis tivc committee, licncc we ftibmit the report in full, also the resolution which passed both Houses after the report had ln-cn made and considered. The investi gation has the effect to entirely exoner ate tho commissioners from all blame, and will most effectually close the villainous mouths of such sheets as the Omaha Htrald and Nebraska city Xew.i. Mr. Hunt, one of tho committee, W a fair minded Democrat, and we heard him say that tho report was as ttnng against the commissioners aj the evi dence would justify. THE IiErORT. The committee appointed by the two II ouses to jointly investigate the official acts of the State comisionors of l'tibli: Londnnd liuddings, have had the mat i tor under consideration, anl have examin ed so vcra!T it nosses who were supposed to have a knowledge of the facts concerning the reports current' throughout the State and publicly charged in some newspapers, published in the State, of certain p.eciila tious and frauds, &c, and from a due consideration of tho testimony thu"5 taken, and examination if papers and books to as large an extent as time would permit, and sufficiently to .-uti.-iy your committee that tho commission! rs have sold the saline lands of the State ft'thont lite rt'jnrd fur the hor that they exceeded their authority, under the law, ty selling saline land without first selling all the Lincoln lots, and by sell ing more of the lands and lots than was required to obtain the amount of the appropriations made by law. From the testimony, we find that s." id Comniisio;iers advertised extensively throughout the country that, on certain days, the- would sell lots ami lands at, Lincoln, and on those days a great many peoj le come to Lincoln to buy lots and lands, and to accommodate those who had come for the of toying land only, the commissioners sold some of the land. That owing to the present location of the Lincoln Asylum, the commissioners have obtained 7" acre? of land in this vicinity on very advantageous terms, though your committee arc of the opin ion that such tract of land was not a con sideration lor such location, but was in the nature of a partial donation to the commissioners by some citizens, after the location of the 'asylum, to interest the commissioners, with th ? hope of getting their influence to assi-t them ;the citi zens) in building up a little town iti tho neighborhood of the asylum. That the commissior.ers have Won somewhat careless, and have paid esti mates on the erection of the asylum when sufficient work and material were not furnished for the asylum to justify the estimate, at the time made. The contractor for the asylum has also con tracts for buildings in which the tov irnor ami Secretary of State are inte rested, and said contractor has obtained funds on estimates for the asylum with the view of using the funds iinmeitiately in furtherance of tho erection of tho houses of the Ciyvernor and Secretary and in like manner has also obtained funds from said parties on estimates f r their houses, which applied to the work and material of the asylum. The testimony also shows that there has been alKut"$4:(HK) drawn in excess of the work done an I material furnished on the contract for the erection of the Asylum, but in the opinion of Mr. Hunt, one id' your committee, who is an ex perienced builder and contractor, who examined said work and material fur nished, the State can suffer in no material interest so far as the contract for tuilding the insane Asylum Ls concerned. We .find that lots and lamts hid on at the public sale in lsY.'.i, in the aggregate sum ol nearly i:uhhi, yet, remain 111 dett d to the bidders to whom they were struck off; That the money due thereon has not been paid to the commissioners. We rind further that the commission ers never promised to such puicahsers a ny time on teuo. hth. The testimony fully establishes that the advertising for bills, and the letting of the contracts tor both tla-.-o buildings were eon ba ted in a fair and impartial maimer; that there was r.o f ivuririsui .-hown to any onp ; that no rierson whatever h id any advantage over tilliors in i-iiKiiuH '" y . nit h.-r buildings, and that the commis sioners, nor any of them, received any consideration whatever for awarding I die contract to the parties who obtained j them , , That the eom;'.iiss!0i:ers at the pnb.ic ; sale of lots and lamls puuonn an m .n i lueans to ttirthor the interests ami vance. the welfare ol the Mate, ty selling the lots an 1 lands at the best prices; that tut f'i lots were sold otherwise than at public sale, and those were sold to rectify errors in mini tiers or iot.- ana miti1;rx mi le in the hurry of bidding at the sate, ami in some insi:iuir luin- : eourasc the i:trrrU of Lincoln, and . thereby further the public benefit. c ! further rind frtnti the testimony before ! u that the commissioners had no in Ji- ! vi dual intcro-t in the letting of contracts i for the erection ol public buddings as in i the sale of lots ?n l lan Is other than i any citizen oi i.i.i'm Phil- i. e commissioners have pur- , l..i ;..! oroo. rtv in Lincoln, as oMior in- -.v . . . , - . dividtials, and thereby showed theirfaith ' in Luicohi by il.cir works an i deeds, and owing to .such purchase of property ty men in such hiq'i offices of State," the State has realized a large amount of money over and aliovc w hat could have anticipated : That largely owing to the efforts of the commissioners the State property iu Lincoln has brought, and is worth much larger sums of money; double the amount contemplated by the legislature one year ago. That the com missioners found ujion obtaining knowl edge of the want of public buildings, that the appropriations made by the list session of the legislature were in sufficient to erect suitable buildings, and in view of the fact that the State had realized a larger sum out of Lincoln lots than contemplated, increased thofcize and cost oi' the public buildings. That the State needed public buildings equal to those contracted for, and the State has and will realize sufficient means out of the Lincoln lots and saline lands to erect such buildings, which, when done, it is hoped will be a credit to our young State. T. U. Stkvensox, S. A. Fci.ton, J. S. CriL'itoii, S. C IJltEWsTTER, J. S. Hunt. AoVniTISE XEBKASICA. It has always been a mania with us to advertise Nebraska, and we expect it to !e so while we continue to write for pub lication. We believe this course on the part of the newspaper men of the State has done more to shove Nebraska ahead than all else put together, except tho fact that her soil and climate will tear alvertibing. Notonly newspaper editors but correspondents have taken up the cry, and the results arc apparent to c-Tcry observing man. -We lclieve a per sistent effort in this direction is worth more to the State, at a less expense, than all the immigration societies that could be organized and operated in the next ten years. We clip the following from a correspondent writing from this State to the St.. Joseph Gazette : "Immigrants are flooding the river counties, and the prospect for a heavy influx of capital never was better. "The railroad companies of the State have introduced nearly one million dol lars within three months, which, coming from a foreign source, is more directly hit ty the masses. Judging from the lanl sales for a few months, and the char acter of purchasers, I have abundant reason to believe that a greater area of land wul be suMued lj- cultivation this current year than Inn ever teen known. Capitalists are investing largely in -town property, mines, "mills, ssdine land, stock, he, and I think tho com:;reial record of Nebraska lor 1870 will reconi ne:i 1 the State ti the favor of those Kastern States, who arc seeking homes or in vestments in the West." Keport offlie State NuperintrnfJcnt. To the Enrroii of Tin: State Joi kxal; The opinion that there will be but a small amount of Apportionable Funds for the summer school, seems to prevail throughout the State. District lJoards nrd consequently preparing to close there schools untill fall. 1 desire that the peo ple may not le misled iu this matter. The amount of school moneys now in the tre;uury is larger than at any previous time, as will be seen from the annexed statement furnished to me by the Hon. Janus Sweet, State Treasurer. Will you please publish the facts. Truly Yours, S. D. HEALS, Sup't Public 1 n.struction. Lincoln Feb. llth, IS fit I. Statement of school moneys received by the State Treasurer, since Nov. loth, lSt'.., which will be subject to apportion ment in 12 MILL SCHOOL SOU'!. WHEN TAX LAND 1X.KCSD. PA1K IS I lSiV.l. Pi.on Hi 14 Nov. IT Surry Ui-1 " Jotiiis'.U 4S T'K !M) 1K0 00 " 19 Jti.'l:i3 29 4" 1-V 1(1 270 00 " Seward as 6'J Dec 3 101 j0 " 3 Hart li'7 Si ' 4 I. minister rs; ; 4.',Vi so " 4 otoo 4712 06 07 H 7 Ma.lison 4- t: Ifi 00 " 7 S.tlinu " 7 Iak..t.i 2X " 21 Platte 154 44 - " 21 1S.70. Washington 3710 00 F b 10 otoe Tsj " 17 Ons 7:i.V, 7:J.' " 17 t .-.iar l'J3 40 " Is PI:t-to sir. ar. " 21 Neiiiiiha M-J "111 " 22 1.V.2 (til " 22 CiimiiiK 7til 41! " 24 Sc-ar.l 1001 ."'J ' "29 L::ncistr PCiClO 00. Amount if 1211S a:!$:K721 '.' IHi Tot til. .s2.2U 90 Hon J no. ( !iu.i:si'iE, State Ai ditok: The amount of School moneys held by the State Treasurer fin the loth davof November 1SW, W35 $4,,.:i:J7 is ; ofthis sum $31,417 aO was apportioned on the 27th of December l.Mi'.i, and $1 1.D04 l'l has been apportioned by me this 24th day of Feburary 1H70. The basis of the apportionment is the enumeration of youth, which was made between the 1st and 10'h days of January 170, at the request ofthis office. The following is a stiteweiit of said apportionment: SO. OF IPPOK T AFrOU T FNTinit Ai-ri h't. C-OVNTIKS YOl'TII MAI1K M.l!K kkh 2lili im- -JTta 1S70. lSi.-ji HiTt l; Ulor f ii. '12! 2722i -IS 71.: ln KU JM .121 1143 li: r.". PS oj.. 7S3 31. : - 12; 7 tij l.,7 Cj ; 313 St' !I2 57 12S S1 C - r. m 114, id 471 or 70 77' 01)! sa yi 7"i I'" I2 CS' no 4i : ('. 00 ! S12S1 30 ft.') sit' 2S 02 S130 Vtl, ' 2')2 ."0, Irj Off. s;s ;"0, 312 "C in i ii t.vr no! rs o.i SVj DO T.U uil ft.' Ooi 4f (J r. (, TJ .Vol iK! 37.VI 'ii !.: "li tot i.T'J it A H"2 37". il ,"-s I lt C.S24 41 : y "1 2; ss; ::( K.u " 7 472 ( S 1 41 ,Virj . '1 l"os iir, 3-S 77 732 '.) lit.- t'l li.!. US SS 7.1 l:C '.9 311 41 l.V 7H H3 S2 47IS '. li'l'.' 23 t"! :.4 4.--7 n ;v 4 " 1V I S7 72 !'l 127 3" 2:".7 11 1771 7.1 129 20 i C'.' lar I'.mI.iX 'tiini:i;: l!lk-la lix.n I j ;s:cro !.iii!.-l:i? .!ciT.rson Johiifon liicastcr L'K'n'l'-ourt Ln.f.'hi Miiilisou JIt-rrit-k fin. till I line 1'awnoe l'laite Hi. liU-J?cn Salin.i Sewa rl St:in"in V;iirillgt01l Vi.rk 41 :' 177 Nt ?"Hl -K t"V 7: 42SI s-'t; r.c; t-'4ii is::) 12-'.l. '.'A ' iTs1 id ; .MM 4;. -.'17 37 :;S7 !1 .r-s.! 30 i v.i it; iv i 2i 67 jr. i:--l 61 Sol Tt.tnU 3i) 834 911.104 21 S31417 ! $13321 17 Done at Lincoln this 21th day of Feb. 1S70. S. D. UKAIjS. m Sup't Vuplic Instruction. Of the Cincinnati J udges wlio decided tho ouestion relating to tho reaiiing e.f . ... , i ..! the r.ihirt m the puonc scnoois oi . ---- - - - . ,. ..,tv. Judge Morer is an J-n.-coi aiian, J .iiio(i I lagan? a Methodist, and Judge Yni'i a literal U&iccriau. PL ATTSMOUTJ I, NEBRASKA, AS ACT. To Correct I'nors in Sections twenty nine (:."..) thirty three (.);J,) forty-six (4f..) fifty (5.)) fifty-two (:2,) lifty eighfc )"S, ) seventy-three ('., ) tcventy four (74. l and seventy-right (7S,) of an act entitled "An Act to Establish a System ofFutlic Instruction fonthe State of Netraka," approved Febru ary 15, ISiVJ. Whereas, clerical errors were made bv the Knroliing Clerk in sections 29, 33, 40, r0, f)2. o 7.., 74 and 7S, of an act entitled "An Act to hstablHi a Ssystem of I'ublic Instruction for the State of Nehra.-ka," approved on the 13th of February, ISiVJ ; therefore lie it cnactrd Li; the Lcfifritnrc of the Hta'.rnf Nhvizka, thut smii Sections be corrected so n.i to rend t fuiloci : ; . Pec. 2'J. The said qualified voters shall also have power at any regular or rpecial meeting, to dieeet the purchas ing of a school house, and the amount of fuel to be furnished for the succeed ing year and to levy a tax on the prop erty of the district for the payiuvut of the same. SfcX'. 33. They may also determine, at each annual meeting, the length of time a school shall be taught in the district, the ensuing year, which to entitle the district to any poriton of the State Fund, shall not be less than three months in districts which hare le .s than seventy-five pupils, nor loss than six months in districts that have between seventy five and two hundred pupils, not less than nine .months in dis tricts where there are more than two hundred pupils; and whether by male or female teachers, or by both, and whether money apportioned for the sup port of the school therein shall be ap plied to the winter or summer term or a certain portion to each. Sec. 4o. Within ten days next previ ous to the annual district meeting, the director shall take the census of his dis trict, and make a list in writing, of the names of all the children belonging thereto, between the ages of five and tweniy-one years. In case of the a! sence or inability of the director, such census shall be taken by the moderator or treasurer, or such person as they may appoint; and a copy of such list, verified by the oath of the person taking such census, 13' affidavit appended to or en dorsed thereon, setting forth that it is a correct list of the names of all the child ren belonging to the district between the ages of five and twenty-one years, shall be returned with the annual report to the county superintendent. Sre. ;"t. lie shall present, at each an nual meeting, an estimate of the expenses necessary to be incurred during the en suing year for such purpose, and for pay ment of the services of any district offi cers, and such amount, when voted by such annua! meeting, shall be assessed and collected in the same manner as other district taxes ; but no tax for these purposes-shall be voted at a special meet ing, unless a notice of the same thall be expressed in the notice of such meeting. Sn o2. lie shall draw and sign all orders upon the treasurer for all moneys to be disbursed 1)3 the district, and all warrants upon the county treasurer for moneys raised for district purposes or apportioned to the district by the county superintendent, and present the. same to the moderator, to be countersigned by him. Si:c. 2S. They shall purchase or lease such site for a school hou.-c as shall have been designated by the district, in the corporate name thereof, and shall build, hire or purchase such school houses out of the fundi provided for that purpose, and shall make sale and conveyance of any site or other property of the dis trict, when lawfully directed by the qualified voters at any anual or special meeting; j'rovnlvd, that the district shall not in any case tuiid a stone or brick school house mo!i any site with out having fiist obtained a title iu fee to the same, and al-o that they shall not iu any case build a frame school house on any site for whieh they have not a title in fee. without the privilege to remove the same, when lawful! directed so to do by the qualified voters of the dis trict at any annual or special meeting; provided, alo, thut the qualified voters ot the oistrict may appoint a I.uiMing committee to take charge of the work of building such school houses. Sec. 7o. The State Treasurer shall, semi-annually, on or before the third Monday h May and ti e first Mondy in December, make out a complete ex hibit of all moneys belonging to the school funds of the State, as returned to him from the several counties, to gether with the amount derived from other sources, and deliver the same du ly certified to the State Superintendent, and within twenty days thereafter, the State Superintendent shall makefile ap portionment of said futids to such coun ties according to the pro ruin of the enumeration of scholars, iu each county, last returned from the county superin tendent, auJ certify the aportioninent of each, to the county superintendent of the proper count, an ! to the State Auditor, who shall draw a warrant on the State Treasurer, in favor of the various coun ties for the amount to specified by the State Superintendent, and the several county superintendents shall immedi ately, and within twenty diys after re ceiving said apportionment, apportion the amount of funds so certified as be longing to the general school f und for his county as follow... to wit : one-fourth of the whole to be distributed equally to the several districts in the eouuty. and the remaining three-fourths of the whole, to be distributed to the several districts in his county pro rofu, according to the ---numeration ol scholars list returtieu lv thc directors of the various districts, and no district, city or village wliich shall have failed to make and return such enu meration, or shall have failed to sustain a school for the letiuth of time required by section "i.i, sh.di be entitled to r ceive any portion of the funds to be distributed according to the pro rata of enumera tion. Sec. 74. The county superintendent, shall immediately after making such appointment, enter the same in a book kept for that purpose, and shall furnish the county treasurer with a cer tified cony of such appointment, and each of the directors in the respective districts in his county, a certificate showing the amount due such district. which amount shall be subject to the t order of the directors, on the county treasurer when p;ejer!y countersigned by t he moderator. Sec. 78. A certificate of election shall be immediately issued by the county clerk to the person so elected to the office of the superintendent, who shall within twenty days thereafter take and J subscribe to the same oath as required i ot other county ometrs, an-1 deposit the! same wuu the county clerk to be hied and preserved in his office ; and it shall J lie the duty of the county clerk to re- i port the name and address of the coun- ! ty su oi iutoiident. to the State Superin- j tcudent f 1'ubhi I.: tiuetioa. The ! THURSDAY, MARCH 10, JS70. c iunty superintendent, thus elected, shall enter hjioii the duties of his office on the 1st day of November following. Stc. 2. This act shall take, effect; arid be in force from nnd after its passage. Approved March 1, 1 870. i:M,A5i:r itesis: A bank that has not elected officers The 'bank whereupon the wild thvms blows." It is predicted that the year 1870 will bean unusual successful and prosperous business year. When you leave the church after a wedding ceremony, you may be .said to le going out with the tied. An Iowa farmer lately sent a letter to the Fatent office, asking if he could get a patent on "an improved mode of mak ing friend cakes." They have a pair of Card rift giant rub rubliers at Syracuse, N. , which brough$y00 at a church fair. Josh Ilillirgs says. "Orvs of the fus siest scenes I ever see d win two ol 1 maides waittin' on one sick widower." The birthday ofSt. David, the patron saint of Welshmen, took place on the 1st of March, and was celebrated gen erally throughout the country. Dr. Holmes says that easy crying wid ows take new husbands soonest. There is nothing like wet weather for trans planting. The Washington pavements are said to be wearing out probably because there has been so much "running for olfice" over them. A teacher of vocal music asked an old lady if her grandson had any car for music. The old woman replied, "Wa'al I raly don't know, won't, you take the candie and see?" A follow who has hitherto been a con firmed believer in universal salvation, lias finally surrendered. He says h now be lieves that two things wiil be eternally lost his umbrella and the man that stole it. Our National capital is call :d the "City of Magnificent Distance:" and if we sue ceed in our designs, the capital wi'l indeed be a magnificent distance from Washington. Tt is said that Horatio Seymour and John T. Hoffman are at swords' points in New York polities, each being jealous of the 1're-idcntial aspirations of the other. During a revival meeting a good Methodist, lady made a fervent exoi ta tio:i prefacing it with the remark that she once enjoyed herself by going to theatres. An inattentive but enthusi.isfc brother shouted: " So did I, bless the Lord ! " A boy in TJuriington went heme the other day singing "Shoo fly, don't bod der me," when his mother let her shoe at -the fttle rascal's head, knocking him slightly out of tune. A llittle girl of this city, remarked that when she grew up to be a woman she was going to have a great big "chicken on" the tack part of her head. Not so bad a mistake after ail when si:e and looks are considered. Gen. Scott, when he took the City of Mfxieo. -levie.l $1h). quo for the establish iue!it of a soldiers' home,' and that wi the first one established on this conti nent. A com pany'is being formed in Alameda county, Calaforuis, in connection with a large machinery firm in San Francisco, to put up work? this year for making sugar from beets. A Pennsylvania cemetery containsscven graves, side by side, in which reposes the lifeless remains of a man and six wives. When the first wife died the third was three years old and the fifth an infant of twelve months, while tho last wife was not bom until the year following the death of the first. Within the last two months six hundred thousand dollsrs' worth of books, good, bad, r.nd indifferent, have been imported from Furope ; and this is why book publishing here is so wretchedly dul', say many of the book people. A pole-cat got out of its cage in New York the other evening, and scampered upDroalway. A policeman, mistaking the animal for a squirt gave chase and capture 1 him. The X. P: went homo and buried a new uniform in the yard. The New York Trluri-r says that some profoundly speculative minds are agitated by the enticing possibility of putting a steam engine and screw ma hinery aboard of an artie iceberg, and propelling the concern down to New York to eii for high juiced ice iu the uog days A candititc for auditor of puVie n---counts was called upon for a speed-.. On raising, he commenced: ''(jier.tle men, you have called upon for a few remarks. T have none to make have no prepare! speech, lmleeu. 1 am r.o speaker. I do not desire to be a speaker. I only want to to an Auditor." Fanny Fern says that r.hen she sees a "pretty man, with an aj pie and l asbeny mottstache with six hairs in it, a paint pot on his check, and a little dot of a goatee on his chin, with piett;. little blinking studs in his shirt bosom, and a foi! n. ck-tie that- looks as if it would faint if it were tumbled, eh always fetls a desire to nip it with, n y-ir ? tongs, drop it gently into a towel of cream and strew pink rose k;-ves ever the little remains." Aunt Dinah could shout and sing with the test of the church members. It was common at the missionary infoting sing the hymn, ' "Fly abroad thou mighty Gospel," while the collection was being taken, and Aunt Dinah always threw her head brick, shut h-n eyes, and sang away lu-ti'y till the plate had pusseh The sable collector observed her habit, an l one evening stopped when h came to her. and said, bluntly : "L ok-a-ht :ih. Aunt Dinah, yu iiveln't lie a -ringing 'Fly al road, thou mighty Compel!' if ijou d'H'sii t fjivt nothin to M'f.v hryjly " Tho Mormons are rampani cverdi! lom's Utah. bill, lb iiihaia's organ svuir by the pillars of Nauvoo that kw,.uld rather see the huci converted into a Wild erness than that, one of the enemies of the church 'hail enjoy, undisputed, the fruits of the toil of the faithful. It i unfortunate for tho Mormons at this juncture that there should be so much bickering among themselves, l)eide. Jfrigham is growing old and rusty, al though still very bitter; and, further, the children born in Mormon wedlock when the institut ion was being established are now crown to manhwod and woman hood, and when social intimacies with other people are touched upon, and when questions affecting right- to prop erty, and the relationship between brothers and sisters, first cousins, and cousins german, nnd so on, arise, it -is difficult to draw distinctive lines, tilings are so very mixed. Uncle Sam had bet ter prepare for a smart little -Mormon re bellion. - rare Frim Trees For Sale. With nrar Tn or.ty years c j crit ii,-r in fruit ! an 1 1 rruwitiii :m-i .vursoiy i.usua.-s m i. .i if, .in inn? in i ;;ss c sckv. r.i.. I ::in : j;islol4!iiit wisbthc rilii vnrU!!" :.i.'i f in- i i'ir rare you 'nil .suvf.-wil.v mi so tho jij-le ami i cii'Tiy. 1 imike th? ni l lo :i:nl rl.crry :t .-j. ;. inlity j !.!! will h.I ..-i.l.-r Wilis hnHy Vit : i t cs.--- i Or Irrs may In- left with Win. Eikt nberi y. tni ' mile'.ii (it l'cirtsiiuiii'Ii. or with Ir. f . S. ! l.:tt!.-i. :itIU. k I'luiii. X will furni-!i tiioia in , tie f.tll'iwin ii iocs: Aci'i.Ks Two ion' a half llirte nml a half; fet-'t liiKb .Oi-tf; .'! to 4 feet hik-h 1J1 ..t: thice! year n!.i.- to 5 fr t liiuh t.VI; 4 toil fret lij'-Wtt?; iSiltoriiin Crab 3 to ft tet-t 'jk-Is. j OiKUKiv.s May Cherry 3 to 5 feet i"et o:il".i; i laiirli.-h .Morelloftnets. I leliveri-'l free cfeliarjrc on tho ear? nt Fair- : ful.l. J HVison eouniy Imva. A iiioilenile ehai'Ke ! jna.le for the material for Luxes. 11. M. ViUVKIl. oakrr. j foblTvvtf. Jeflerioa county, lo va. i Notice. In Distriet Coi.rt, Seroml .Tulieial Pi-trk-t with;!) an l for C:iss County Xebtaka. James Mi-Xuvlan) W:.:;. Croon.) o Walter I. lireen. iion-res'ileat 'or-:i Inr.t, you nro he'el.y notilieil that James MvNiiriiin on the rJI itay ol febfUiiry, 1s7ii, hi? peti tion in tin.- i, flioc ol the Clerk of the li-lri -t Court of thi? Seeoml Juili'-ial tri--l, within nii.l for Cass eouuty. Nehrii-ka. the t.Ljtret ami preyer of which is to o -tain a ilc-ree of foreclosure uf n errtnir, ni. rt-Ra-p on the norl!iea.t "iiiarfer of portion .S'. f. 11, nrth of raii'e l!ea'. ill Cass Count ', cl.iia: !.i. .ip:l aeeoin i n ny i n j note exceuteii Ly you on fheC'h day of lujrusl W'S amltleiiver.1 to .Ishei- Kcleicon. jr., iitnl cuilitiK fr the uiu of iJ-nj one yc:;r from tho dale theio-.f. with itiicrest from maturity at ilio rare of 40 or ('ent. per uunuai. Sai.l note and raororasie were du!y as-iiiiie.l to .l:tiniu on tho it .t li day of O.-tolier ISoS. 'fhero is notv .In. rn said note and lnortt;at;e tho sum ot jJSo witli iutere.-t tlieveou at tin; rate of 4 ' per eent. er iiiiiium from tho it!i d;.y of .tntoist 1 -"i and prayina that said defon'lant ho re iuired to pay ."ai.l Meii.iiiiti est nnd ousts. Ly a day to lie iiam -d by t he Court, or that said pre ises may be sold to satisfy the aiuouiit so found due. You are re'iuirt d to answer said petition on or In-foru the 11th davof .tpiil lsTn. J.lMi.S MeNURL.lN. by Maxwki.i. A- Chaimas, uitys. febJlw'it. SherhT' Sale. Brynr.t Cohh adminisirator of tho rst.-.te of Win. li. W.tVjbb. attainst Kol.ort A.Ch.tiid-l.-r. IN po r.-'na aee of nnd by virtu." of : d.'sroo of ithe litriet Court, of the S ml .ludieiai lis- triet. wiiiiia s.a.l f r C.i.-s Coun'y, clt-j.-kn, made in the above out i! led vin.-o. arid I earii.i date the oth d.:y .;! Novell;!.; r. A. J. 1 '..!: 1 wiil oif. r for -ale at p ul lie auo-ion i.. t ; . c biiih-e.-.l bidder, for ea-h. at the trout door of the Court li .UM1, i:i the ei:y of ri oism oit!;, county, Neb., on the L.'ih day of Mareh. A. 1. l.-iTil, tl o'eloi-k. p. m. of "day th f .'llo, iv.s d'.'s.-riiied real estate, to wit: The southwest suarter t'i'i of Seti'o.i No. fifteen 1" i Town-h i X i. ten iiorl'i f t ran 'o N'o, twi-lTC tl?1. oust ol the sixth priueipal mend: in. siluato i.i Cass e.ointy, JNeh. To lie s.. Id as the property of Ko'i rt A Chandler to f atisly said deeieo. the amount of whi.-h is SJ.I!j Ol. iooi interest on the same fioiu U;e date of s.od do ereo. at tho nite of ten per cent, per annum. : "d oust of suit, umountinir to Sl-S I' ', nnd oust of sale. J. Vv. JullNsOX.. Sheriff Cass e.iiinty. N'e'i. 5TKVRsriS & Havwai::), Atiy's for plaintilf. f.i.ulw.'.t. Legal f'stisc. A. II. Hark or. roii-rsident. def.ndnnt. v.;ll t i! o notice t im t i'a vid Samson, on i ho i 'l ii .1 o of .lai.uary. A. 1. is7.i. tiled his petition in tile li.-triei Court of tho S.-oond .' e ! ,eia 1 Ji- ri.-t of tiie State of Nebraska, wiihin and for Cass County. l'ho obieet nm! prayer of .snid p" i:ioii is tt.obt.iin a jud-.-iueiit for tho sum of two hun dred and li !tv d . liars, us duo on a prou;;s.-oi y ncte .luted Sept. L'l, ls.H. duo one day mii d it"". o.'illin: for the sum d Sli: pui 1 ou s:nn April IT. lSi:;. t-'-'-O; April L'.i, IsiVi. Si: wjiU inror.-.-t f' oin tV-dday of A oril. Isj'Ji : said note w ,s pii.v.i iilj to I'. I.. Wist and n -i?ned to plaintirt : I hat on tho liith day of FeLi uai y. Is7b, ihe said l;:vid Samson caused an ordor of atta. i t-iont to Le issued Ly thoCIork of slid Court, and did ctu:io the fo!l-,v!!iir real rstnteto bo attached, to -,vit: Lot nine ('.ii in bto -k iiu:!;b. r -isty dive ''-o, and lot nir"'- ".o in hl-.ek two huridrod aiol bo'iilv-nn" iZ-U, n UesiKi.ate.t upon Itio recor led 1 lat . I the -."ity of I' uit.u : h. Cass eouuty, t-tat j of Nebraska, th." same ln-iim the pi. . erty of do fonlant: and the said A. li. Uaikci" is re,;iin d to iinsweroii or before tho ltij Juj t.f Ai'-. il. A. 1. 1S70. Dated March 1't.lsTO. DAVID SAMS' bN. By T. M. M tit,1 1 i;tt. mth'5w"d Atl'y for phi.idi.T. SSierhT's Sa!3 Brvant Cobb. Adinini-t: ntor "f the r-tato of Ym. II. U. Cold". :or:"inst Charles V. Itill: IN pursuance oi'ai.d b- vir;n.' ot';i decree of t ho Distri.-t Court .f the Sotond J.oli.-ial Dist rict, within and for Cas . eoii:ity. Nebi mmlc in t!i.. above ciititbsl oiiiiso, nol le sriii-- dure th:-! 6th day of November. !M ti. I v. i I oMer f,.r .alo, nt public nip-'ion. to tiio hit-die! l-idder, for cash, lit thj tront dtx.r-jf, ih? Court lliii- ", in the fitv of I'lait-iaoiith. C;i tuoi:ty. Neb, on tho LMHh day ef March. A. D, lS7i, at one oV.M:k. p. in., of said day. the following do seribo.l real estate. to wit: file norti.east iiinu Ur (' i section No: iliirly '"(., in town-hip No.? eleven ooroi td ranoe o. thirtoon east j of the Sixth 1'. M.. situate vi Cass ( ounty. N o Lia. ka. To be id the prop, ity of i-.iid d-fo::dant. Chai I. s W . Iliil. to satisfy .-aid do. n t . tho amount ofwhitli is Sl'.'Ki". (K i!nd interest on thosame from the date of said decree nt the rate of Hi per eent. j.or annum, and east i f suit, amoiitinc to slo '.". and e.-ts of sale. J. W. .lOllN-OX. Shir itT, Cass eounty. Ncbra-ka Stkvi.nson & IIaywauh. A.'.ty.s for jii.i;itifT. lc: i'lTTDt. arflian Ou.iL. Notieoi? he.-oby cT-.-; n that in pursuareo nfan order of sale made by hi. honor! L-ome IS. Lake. J nd no of i lit! District Court of the Second .1 a dieial District, on the l"uh day..;' February I-"' I will on Sata-diiv rhe I'Jjh day of March !v. at the hour t f o;io o . look P. m., ul the front loo ofllrc Court iiou e in 1 'laiismo-.ith. Cass Comity. Nebridra. oifor lor sale at I ubiic verdnt . to thoh;;.h"-t Li bit r a'l t e.-i irut t i: le and ii:t :o sr ! of limrsi! A. ";,o-;ror. Dyanriia .-. ltur-tcr and Msi-k-irie L. Cntiir. minor heirs if .Tn-nts 1.. 'tnr- ir r .ic.'ea.-st'.l. in ami to the f.diowin d '-. iil.od i 1 t ! it - to-tvi t ; Co. !onei".-iiiu :-u rods '' feet ! an I i i lo-:!: roiri :i oi loo font re oi s.e; ooi town. 1J, north of Nome 1 ! east, in Cass Coi ut , J Nebraska, ruuio-. p In roew,-t LI: i oos. t lien n ;in h '.'' I to. I, il.tnie east 'Jl rod-, tlo .o.-e .- ,r,tii 1.. foot to the place of b.eiiii::i;e and toolniu fai I :iio will remain optn for Lids f-oi i l o'clock . ni. to 1 o i in k p. in. oi .-::; ! day. ierms one -i hir.l '";,sh : one -third in six i;io-i . L . an 1 one-third in twelve iiionihs. with int oa dofi rrod jiavmonis at In per cent. N.1NCY Itl'hCri!, (iiinr.'iiin of minor h"ir oi J.iinej L. 5't"-er. .1 :e:.'.l. Lv M ixw:;u. a Co ii-MAS. att rs, f -'.L'f 4. Si ,1c. Adolf h C'di-ri. vs.T. D. . .. ,,l.. r "... v-. t . 17. r" N ::-. t. ... '.'Hiio and V. (J. Deny, dr., Co, . s T l Crook. up I A t WIii'o l .xe-. iition i Vi -TICK b rel y eiiei! that I wio n?f for a lotls. ut 1 uLlio ii'.ut ion. tor fa. h .low n. i- th-" fr ii '- door of lli e com hou; r in t!ia i :y ol i' ,.;t ts- j month. Ca-s e"U!i'y. Ni-Lru-k.t. .:! iiie j'.t I day j ol .M-o-ch. A D l7.i. :H one o-.-'o- !,. . m t l .- .id j day the ! ibovint r'-al o.-rate. to wit: The "j"-t;i- j i .i-t .ju i' -or ' ' ; i . tho luo-lnea.1 l 'I'-a; Ur ( ot St.elit.ii No I, nty-s'--. en i-TTi in t-iwns' i; No twelve ilL'' noi'Ji of nee No ihot- en il.l:. cast of the sixth principal ino; ;diat:. situate ir, ta" o-:i:: v. Nobi .i.-k:.. talo-n as tin j"-opo ty of said ii to-ielaiit. A i White, on tin e ex eei t io.i to wi ': one in ; ivor of A iol-.ti ('..!: -n. one in fa for ..ot . : . ... . i i .1. ...i.... :.. ... e C ilc-rv. dr. I . ,uV ;.i. d by "tho" Clerk ..: t;i.. j 1eti-v't Cottrt T.-i'Siin and lor the cor.-tv of; t t e. in t .!! .tu e nt N t br.i.-Ka. tiu l tinr uirec te l a- Shorn;" Cass lounty. Nt-I. I'.ivoii u-i.tcr my hand, thi-- l.'l'.i Jay of Fch ru nr. A D l.iTu. .T W JOilNSoX. ShvriTof C isj eoiuity. Nob. Srv-vr.N-i!.-II a v A!;e, Atty's for plaii-tiifs. fel.Ltw ".t. fiotice. (toory M, II.iK-, i-djiutiif. "1 John 1. Kin -. ) John iviudeioodi.ut. li'oi-r -si Isnt "f tho St it: of Nebr.:.-n.i. w. ltake noii'e t:iat l.i;--o .d. , Itale ti'-i on .die ---d d .y ..t l'e: : nary A. . LO ii!r tl is pti.'i'.n in tho Hi-triot Co: it !' t bo Second Judicial 1 'istriel of the Sti'te ! No Lrasku. itiiin i and for Cas County ;'-.-.ti;ist tiio .-aid .1. !u F.. j Kins, tlt-ft lidont. sotitnir I'trrh l!:-'t t.i s.iid ! ' hii K KiiiL' tavc uiortu'.o'o to the s'aid i tiooree M. II a!.! on the wo.-t el tL.e .scut It i enst i iud tue ease ' j of h;- st,ut!i wfst 1 of soetion ;U town. l ritnre 11 ea-t of 'he Sivtli 1. M. in sni-J eounty of Cas--. to we;rc t oc- ' liayiuent of ?Ji accor-Iins L a tcrtilu i note riforiid to in said niorts-ae find pray- i in that s.ti l.Iohn li. Kine niiy pay :i hida-iee on j mii'I n s irn now t laimed to Po due amount- : imr t sL'i;. nnd intere.-t on the yaine tr: in the I js;h dayot J,ily a. i. ls:ky ,tt tiio .-aloof 4u ..r i toot. .er ntitmiii. oi t! t s.ii l i rp'rio; m o- be ; sold to r-!v the sar.o nnd the sai l John I.. ivr.T ' is ti- tii! -d I hut ho i i-'.-ivi:,-t 'l ! a opear a:rt an- i swer s..i ! p. toooi ot; or '.e''.,ie ;.. litj tir.j of . April. A. t. is"... tie. i, e v. i:' L- ei.'rr.d a"- :' c'.rd!r.?ij". I'a :i d t'fjto-:i :-, -.; 1 7 ! , ' i .; i-. m. a. i.-tir :ir. VTrz.::: !"..-; rr,.,, K &A . f-b;tw"tV7 XO. 51 Notico. Alen 15. Hiiiiei.-. Vlainti T. : ; .'; .! -r Tli.-.i l..!e W 'iUiaiiis de.i u i 1 1 ' . a i re-i'iffir o! iho Stat" if .eo-a-.k.i. . ill Alv.i, It. Ii:e.i, ls did. on th- 1 t:,l..- . i.oii-o ihat ilayf ! ir.-d. I'l-t'. i. i Coin t I l;.e .sraic i f . iui!y. ii'.-iiiii.t 'I A. I. lso'.'. file hi (liiinii in il of th see-md .I'ldii-iat 1 ' :s: t i-r N.-ttr.t dot. n ilhia and It C.-t-s t.n' -aid Theodore ".:::;-.!;.--. .i, :'. i l, i I.I. .-el i ii;i: f ;-; h that the sod lh"" l iiliainp rae a lii' i I L'.i.-e t" one 1 1 em v 1 1. I : i, ill i r. on I lie S W ' , oi See la. T 1;.'. S of It I J. 1. , f Ihe (.;, ' M. in the sid 1 eouniy of Cuss, to seeuio tho pay nu r.t of jso .:. ;1 .eon: ins to u en tain t'l onds.-ory note rof 'i ri d lo in s.ii.l tiiortaaxo. and ihat on the j;!h.!:i' "1 Pe'-.-in'.-r, tin. s ti.l il. duly ussi jiiej sai 1 note and mmne1o th's.iil A I v in IS. thi nit '. 11 . it tl. and praying thatthosai l l'hoodoio V,ili;.!i,s nii.y pay said sum in- i la!.::, d to bo due. tun hi., I to the sum of sjs i.iii iih nterer on the same from the '; It ti.iy of AtijruM. A. I. KV.i. :it the into of 4(1 pi I eent. pel annum; arid I he said The' i lore il -liaii:i is nsiilied that he is reit:iii e I tonppearand usv. rr said p-lition on or Li tin t the 1 1 ill day of April. A. 11. 170, or tloei ; w ill Le entir"d uo oordiiis'y. .M.VIN'R IMMi: Vi.i.Tr Pori ati foi pi.;intiif. fehlMw.VT Shsriff's Sale. lirvaiit Cobb, .tduiinisVator of t?io citato of V ia. It. Yf. Cobb. a,'.. ii; t .1:. :ios ll. 'lle i.ias: IN puvsuai' o ol and oy viriii" ' a il." roe ottho 1 liso iet I ourt of the .Soeon 1 .i u.i i i d l)i.-lrict, within as;. I for C:i? eoun'y, N '.la.-i.a. Piade in theata'vo i-Ti!illod cause. i.Ti i 1 earinir date tho ith day oi November, .1. 1. ls;'.l, 1 ill ...for for s;:!"- a t pu bl io nil. ' ion, to tin- hiiilist bid lor lor t:.i.-!i. a! 'lie f ont doorof theCoi.rt House, in tho e:ty of I'laits'.i'.ntii, Cas eoaiily. Nob., on th" i.'tti day ol Mar. h, A. l. ls'o. nt one o'eioek p. in of said day, the tol'.ou do-i-ribed 1 1-;: I esta'o. to wit: Tl-.o-mlhoa-'l n irter i 1 4 of Sec tion Nn. thirty (v.i township No. tbieii'l!) noi lh of fHtiso No. thirteen i Lt'. east of tho sixth prim :pal meridian, situate in Ca-s eoiioty, Nobra-ka, to bo sold as the property of aid I ; -foil' hint, .lames II. 'I hoiuas. to sal isly -a id decree, the amount Id which is f.'J.H'" lie an l inlertst on tho same li om the date of s.tid deei co. at the rate of 1(1 per eent. per annum, j'lid lost of suit aaiiountiiiK to si- 7:' and eo-t of ;:ilo. .1. V,". .KUIN.-ON. Sheriif ("as: County. Neb. C tkvfns.'N ltAVWAi:s,-ttt. for plaintiff. febJIw.-.t Notice. Malison C. Mr.?ier. plaii.titr. ) .,.; :,;,, f,,r r.'iabeth A. Nli.-i.T. d'driidaiit. i ' o-- A. Mosii r. to n ri-id. i:t di fondant will take p.otiee that M a 1 i-'-n C. Mi., ior. of t h. eounty of C- ss and Stolo of Ne'eash t, tl d on tin: ls! day of February. A. I. Is7d. fno hii petO.,n for liivorco in the lisiii i C.ou; of ihe Jd pi.trie? ol ;!,. St-if of Nob., and !'t Cass County, iiz.iinst I no .-aid K'l A. t-:irr, tharuiiivj her tdcfeiniaut I of . lit nil v ii'oav.doniiiK liim. v. iih .lit ? i o.iu-o. f. r more t ha a t w yea rs last past, and pi-.yin.' trial he may Lo li . or ed from t ho sa id i-.i ot h A. M -sier. d. !. n boit : and i ho said 1 '.1 i abet h A. M sior. i! o Oi. d that she is reouiro 1 to appear and .".nswo: sail pe'-.tioii on or before I ho 1 1 1 II day of April, A. I'. Is7il, or doei co will Le enu ied ao-i-oi-dinirlv. loitod February lllth. 1S70. M I.' I Si IN" C ?!' .-! iii;. Mis.i it r P'trrKsoKa, att'y for plainiiO. ft'l-iriv.rd Leral fk ice. X I'is'rief Court L'l Judh inl Pistrict within and for Cass eounty. N. bra ,i i. Oo.rro K. l'l-onser, Stephen n.pseU ) To sieplu n Hiif-i H, lion rosidi nt seti iidant. you an: lu tol y to I . lied t II. K. Pi-onj.-. j-on lie 1 li h day of Fd in are ls7n. f b d hi-- pe' it ion in tho ..tiico of ihe Cit! 1: oftho iel 1 'oo " of the L'd. -I Dilrict in and for .Cass county NeLr.i-k:', l:ic ob.'t-et aiol prayci of sa id p. tition is to o'oaiu a dt"-;-eo ( lorcelosMre of a. tirtain I he south v. st .iiai-P a of tl e south ea-t ouartei . f so. ti. n ". town F. ranee ;i K.and aeeon.p:"!iyinir note execited Ly y oi o:i the '..;h day of April i-' '. and civon to IreJM-nns Nee,..', eailinj- f ir Ihe sum of i-il) thi eo iiioikIhii.'Iit dale witii intei est at i') pe,- ci at. an I l y d.i'y ns:ik'-.iod to I lain'.ilf on ti,i L't'th iky of .Inly sr,'.i, then- is now due from defendant to p'.iiutitf on said note and iiiortitavc lilt- sun; xi S W v. iti in t rc.-t at b) per oeni fiom the '.'t!t day of April l-'O'i. a:: i p. ayin that raid di fondant Le re qu iri . I t i pay sa id sum. ii.ti ret I ;ind eost.j. by n day to Li: iiVnuti by tie.' Court, ir that sni-l laud . 1. 1 lo.s;.l:fv I'lc s-.M." Vou are retiuire.l to a u--.v. r s,i i 1 poiition on or bi foe ihe 4lb dav of April is.n. liF'iK'il'. h- l lUJN'SFI!. 5y M iiwi:r.;. f'n i y a;,' At ty'ri tebl "v,. Chancery Sale. A. F. l'o.-ty, vs Imlc Colso.i and Ark-runs Sahler- If n i .ursn.inoc of and bv virtur t.f a t!i'"no of 1 t':e I'isl rict Court of the siet od .Jud t ial Dis trict, witir.n and for C.:ss i iui.ty. Nebraska. n..: ':e iu the above entitled online and bei.rinn dat" on itio ."Sd day of Nov ember ,iH ..,,. s, ri'.n-r I ';'. appoinic 1 special M.i.-toi in sa;.i i-au f in -a: ! court: w ill oiler for sale nt public :::i-;inn t t ho .hinho't bidder for erish :.r thr Iron! door oil he ootirl liouso in th.' till of 1'iML-.-inoiit'i. C.ic oountyNel ra-ka. on '.i n.;:) the 7th d.i of Marc'i 1 -,ii. at one o'Lbek. I' M of sxid day tho fo!..v. i:isT .li.-cii''H real .t f taiti to wit : the -..ii; !i east oou tor of section no twenty in t .".vi.shio twelve, norili of ranf" tv. lvo. .'-( of li 1' Jl Io i.o fold us tiio properly ot i I dtr fondints abov- n:mi" I, to sat isly said dee. re, t ao ti ount of wliich i and interest on Ihe same from tho date of said decree al the r ue of la per together wi:h ca ts of.-iiii ami siiio. JMSKFH W Ji'llNsON.Sr.chd Master in Cintii.fry Mawei.i. k Ciiapuax, Attornty. for l'l il fcl. t CUYI R SOHOIiFAX says cf Weeping Water. r:ica iroi:i Tardier to CsZ'ISEBlI.V- "As T ras ie;!ine you. i;y dear TTr--. fTriindy, I o nee on ley mule lo Wool in" V.'a'or in i: sadly ' 1 1 ' e.oo! ; . -1 '-on iil " -s ri n h -i t , 't n boo's root "oci.-iros in -hort. .'." ti-otc i f i.ll tlin.e cn vi iii'.u i .; I -1 nu ;.a .:c.'s -.". i. ieh orliaaio'.t, a well iircso' l lean I, in leg Let r, .ieprived of ail Ly tin-u. en . less su v.-or, s. w ho evt ii took Biy elt-ir east riiisik'jisr that T miirht in that nourish:- c town bt:.i:i a f ee,.i:d hand LiankCt. I rule up to st,-, . ati'l li'it.-li'nar ny vmlc ' v the ears; to a t j iaro ii-ei-ht wa'.n loaded with trootls lor the ; id..! l-looi'th rt -tail trolo. 1 entered. Juice ol i mv .m prise w hen ? was promt ly ion and I oio ; ...( u e;ir. pl.-'o ouoit. from n oair tf sinb j io. il Lo. to i '.'.. i-.' (iiii! toothpick, lorliic pal . t y .oi ia o : to- h'r- a od ixty t'i n i.nd one- it - it "i i.-s. In -J; . ot nts bt-inir the proti":- this I foods. " - If vol v.-u:t jinytl ir.i.- in il.o j iiii.-o'llf ii cons lioc. call on t be! i. arol if you don't i see v. ; t; .fii .vail a -k for it. I would lcu.aik . , , ,., I L re th y ate TeiifH'tH. libi-ral. "ood It.ok ro. K. nn I A.n. V lute, . ;.. . , . ., FiEMkBEPi THE PLACE TTb'TV" rt, t m Ur 1 11 I J 'J Pii - T. IS tVOTTfJC" &J i. v KJ A I J', 2IEDJCIKES EOOKS, ... r -i j rri Tr t-'J Mi- J.-X. Perfumeric-c, Hair Ciis, NEWSPAPERS. hlAGAZirvES, AM) At.t. TH K Latest Publications. Fye-.vriptior.sf irefully couipouii'liU '-7 an ex peiici.ei'il Driiiivtst. , . , i".bir the pi .oe. oppo-oc Clark I'mm- tut rr i l'iattMl o'tii. elj!:LsKa. miwun ... KKN t l' H" the- : r.ln t, n .r I'.- - k It'ioi :. n:i.-c:t ' l.' test ol t, i.-.-t-r. i.o ,!. I IW'i Vein" oil r-nt I" '"-! I" t-oiH- ir 1 r .,..).. 'V 1. C T V. d :l.."'A", HATES OF ADVKU'Wfc-JNC I 'm . n.o-f ' .-I'..' t O n loi. '. Uitnti- i., I-1' l.i I. .: i ( n . in in. Hi".., !"i J . iiiisl -.. I .Is I Ml vi .!:,..- .-: 1 .' lir.' 'in.irtir t-.'lunin r !.'-. i oo mi, ...o .I-.-'t-.O'S -..' " . " .' Ill' 10 i. . i .. 'i,- iulfe iiii:n't M"? ! . s , .ii!!is. . ,. '" :i.t f llf-Ul.k . .-'. ' .t ".'! nun; I v i rvxo ' j.'i sit iiiniuij-. 'n.e; tho-.- ii'.ii!!o , "-"- 1 ' All II ..": lit l i crli. I ::. - M.i 'II: I ttf lll'l. I. r i l i'lv.HU f. IJji. inEiiiia;(:o., i (5ucceors to J . M. ll.lioaui iu.l : Druggists &. ApoiiiiCcirL, i . .. j rrnvr.rf! js ' Ji&i'sigM and iiJSiVcI Seines ! ... i PAINTS. OILS. IYI NOrioN, . , - j TOllOt . G-OCCl-Si . j ri'llFl'MEJlV. FAXfV iO-M'S. IpURE WINES AKb' LIQUORS I I For Meehanioiil nnd Modi -nial pwr-'. i Keep 0!y on n full ki d well anorlt si o k of PATTEST T3 55 ff E C B ft KM. ptiy.ioTnns preoripii'riK rar. fulTv eoirf.ouii'' c 1 by an ex iieiioneeil Jlriieifl t. None Lnt l o pur' -t iiio.licities used. All p .ods wn i ranted oprcsentod. Call and see. Main Sheet, South Side. TI'IUMS CASH. Hy ijbee-: mil To Any Fort of The ('. me i mi itarinr removed to t "ir New Stro Ciriirr Mam and mil street J, wi veuve r,o ds rrj:'-y That are t i elided at theirlor -ie. iVil! : .Mt'' C Is as .'cap a : eier, and will not 1 o -.liidor- s'tld 1 y anyone. U".i .S;. k eoiisists ofthobes! Lraiai:-of TEAS, COFFEES, UGARS, Canned and Dried Fiuits, '. OYSTERS, SARDINES, SPiCES, ' tLZVR ' to ha ceo, w.isii.rviis, Buckets, Soap. 2alt, BACON, HAMS, LARD, :. n l ever;, tl. t.'.' k ;.( ill a ( rooet y ci i.,-,.. J', ci y :;-i ;-!; v. :o i:oit d o' the best .(iiaiity. 'ihiliiKh es; price p.:iiiin e,;.-h i. r Corn, Oai?, Siritcr, Eggs, BAGOM. KAMS I.iF.n, , ai d n 11 liind." of Ftirmor I'nidnor. Cash paid for ITidey. Vivl inn nhm iml& $:UTH -WEEPIKB - WATER. XXXX At$2,50ppfsab:g xs rs.cufi' 2,:o 'lH"rA'cri',, ' Vnn !c Slioi'ts Tocts jcr 1(0 Hi.-. 1 1 -i i h Hhoi ts llxtr.i Ooo.M.tKl ir Dm lb.; (Juiii Tf-ets jn:r Luu.Ircl roi-ii'l.r. VLOVll KXCIIA-NG EI) YOU Wlf KAT P. -", Vi'hont and Corn ground on Toil Wednesday &; Saturdav it.l ;u .; trill le tnl;cn t t( riiV u ;:o 1 s.OO!) IJTishels of WJic .it and 20.000 SucIigIs Corn Wanted FHl-ItDON & V. AY LE Y, fjl.IMAwtf. I'roprictor3. FAGTOnYVlU CASH M'i-O.ill.j The Sojt VecpIng Valer SHELDON & B AYLEY. ' Have ':: TI-i:i n l-oo.1 a.-sorttnent. of GROOERIE S A K D IIOOTtS AND .SIIOI-LS. (.'Uetip for Oisll. Try o-. r f'l'Iveii pyruj at...C'J,(';0 jcr .::!. Also r-i'Lur slo f.,r $l"' A ti-l c-tlo-r tlc.r..-? ill ;.rt.ortlon. r. rixa vla t tsmo u t i: : WILL FIND CiOODSTDLINCJ ACCOMMODA TION AT Till-' aimer's Feed Stath Corner of ix'ii and Vine sttroft-:. One loo- . North of the I'.-ej-bjterlaii Clur'. li. I'laUsii:ot Nebraska. J;T;o i. l-:i:.I:.MO. J'roV . t" j'nl :w tl $20,000" worth ' of Property roi: sai.ij. Cons-suiie at t r r..:.w ',ih liir.'.or atUotfitt iMii. r!.itt--iio:i;:i, pit.t. i-ty in I'b.osnci.ih City '.o r cs. outtb-, icon-, o tc. Ki r tm-'ii'i''i utiii I'.uir .ii it fiddle. 'V i i :.V . n