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About Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1865)
Eh gcbrasha ficwttt PLATTSMOU1H, NEPRASKA. WEDNESDAY AUG. 23, 1SG5 COUXTT t7f lOA COMMITTEE. The member, ef the Colon Committee of li County, . T., are requested lo meet at PiatU- aaoutn, cd Saturday, St. 2J, at 1 -fclmk P. M. It will be ob'ervd that oin of the member of im committee nave remivol, or are ,.t ab- reoi ircai tn i -precinct,. Howrttr It is .oped t hut tvery preonct win ne repeeuted by some vter residl k tin r. m as busims, of imp tuncewill curoe before the meeting. I be Committee an elected last year, is composed or me lonoviur name', to-wii: (J.W Mil I. H W i J.W MaRHLL, Cll O, j-iausmouta i recmci, Orepolie South Bend " Louisville (alt Creek Koch BlnrTa " Ml. Pleasant " Kiftht lile Orore Weeping Water Avx-u Liberty " ' BEILEK, fci-Aca:. P. T BssvkR. Vasih. iwttxr. J T. A . HooTLR. C H Walks. Dr. F. B. Keu. L 19 Todd. B. AC-Tia-. WSI rtlLCR R U HOtACI. M. O. Dwti.a. J. W. MARSHALL. Ch'n Cm C ni THE PACIFIC ltAIL.RO.4D. We meke ilie followii.g extract from an article which appeared m the Chi cago Times of the 5th inst. It would appear from this that a strong effort i.- being made, with a fair probability i.f success, to bring the Pacific IUiiroud to Fliittfmouih (or, ad it is termed ji. the article "Mouth of the PJatte ltiv- er.) This only con fir m the state ment we have heretufire made, that th-re was no permanency in the loca tion of that road to Omaha. We havt- always contended, and are still firm in the belief, that the above road wiil ereniually be built cn the Souih fide ot the Platte river, or at least join tlien line with the B, & M. R. Company at thii place. There are various reason? for the "faith that i3 in us" on thisyues tion, some of whiih are given in the subjoined extracts. The Times, for some cause beet known to themselves is opposea to tne proposed tuactfv 2t sa ys "we presume the prayer of the directors will be granted." This great PJatte bottom i undoubtedly the best natural route for the construction of a road that can be found leading Went, .and the difference between the cost ot 'running a road over ibi route and any other, will undoubtedly have its iuflu ence, to nay nothing of the difference m ihe cost of building, and the amount ot .freight tha) could be irau?foried iu con sequence of the difference iu the graJe. JJut hear what the Times ay : 'Some few weeks ago we made a statement to the effect that the re-loca . . ! . C . l I I r t - r iion vi tue iiiaiu orancn oi tne t acini .railroad was under contemplation. lne stuteineni was sneered at by torn. journals pretending tube well posted on everything, and, in tact, to -regulate' matters generally, but the truth of our statement has been verified by thi re cent publication of letters from Gen Dix to Secretary Harlan aud the presi dent; asking for authority to make uit change, and by the appointment of an engineer officer by the pret-idrLV. to make the necessary surveys to de er mine its feasibility-. -Ttie mnuer d vvmf iuulu aiteniion, aim we pr sume the prayer of the directors wil be granted. The prime mover in this scheme i. T C. Durant, and bis ot jeetion is m trdu.-parent that any one outit to faiti om it. The object is to carry the Pa cific railroad farther south, and so ulti mately secure a short branch or t-xten siou, only five or ten inilej lonj to the mouthof the Platte river, twenty mile south of Omaha. Such a braMCh. by being more direct, would absorb all the eastern bound favel and traffic of ilie Pacific railroad, which would havr nothing to carry it ten or twenty unl.-s out of the way towards Omaha. This i a piece of strategy -jp..n the part or the Ruck Inland and Aiississip pi and Missouri railroad interest-', rp resented by Mr. T. C. Durant and oih ers, who are moving iu thU matter. "The occasion tor it, is the fact that ihe Chicago aud NorthweMerc railway have determined, it is reported, to abandon their old line after reaching the lioyer river, auJ fo low down tne Boyer river to Couucil Bluffs, opposite Omaha, and compete wiiii the Missis sippi and Missouri and Kock island Tailroad.-, for the traffic nnd travel o. the Pacific railroad. Alarmed by th s. jhe Mississippi and Mi-so-iri and Rock Island railroad interest desires to push ihe Pacific railroad further south, in order to the Cuicago aud Norm western at greater disadvantage. When the route of the road lias been .changed by the president, the brancn or extension we have spoken uf, wiil be constructed to the mourn of the Piatte river, aud Glen wood, Imv.i, instead ot Council Bluff-, made th Western ier xninus of the Mississippi aud Missouri railroad. This would compel the fourth western people to coajiruct over twen ty miles mre of road, and place them besides under such disadvantages that they could not compete for the busiues ou the Pacific Railroad, and would, iu all probability, adhere in their regular line, and leave the Mississippi aud Missouri uud Rock Island railroad a clear field." fiS2P"Forbes, of the llumbolt Regis ter, San Francisco, has no faith in tne effort to raise the Aquilla by means o: a coffer-dam. He says it reminds him of a cow in Illinois which he saw swal low a thistlri and coffer dam head ATL.tXTIC CADLC The latest advices from the Aihti'ic i Cable state that the c tble? parted at noon on the 2d inst., in 1900 fathoms of watr. It wa grappled f r thrpe diff-r' nt ti nes, b' t their tac !e was not s ifficn nt torais-it. The Gr'atEistf rn returned to Shereness for Mronger erappling gear, and strong hope? are entertained that thy will yet be able to raise it vvi hout mj-try to th Ca ble. Notwiihstanding the prophesy of some of our shrewdest men, tint the 'ideof emit' rail :ii would be turn-d fiom the West to the South at the close f the war, there app ars to be no abatement of the general Western move a yet; on the contrary the West is attracting more attention -it the pres eut time than ever belore. The war. has thr wn thou-ands of men out of employment, and a large proportion o' hem will iiaiurally seek homes in a nuw country, where they have better chances of securing an independt-uct-tliun in ihe more populous Siates ot th Et-t. Others, after serving three y ar- in the army, where ttij' have been under almost constant excitm-m cannot accommodate themsrlves to their old habits, am) desire to l.icate in u place where there i something of an ex iting nature. This de.-i.e can no where be gra-ifi -d so well as in the e.-t, where there i a conpetence ap parently almost within the gra-p of every one, and oil are striving to ob tain it. Ttie great mines to the weet of us ire attracting the attention of almost he entire civ.J z d wi.rid. Tliou.-nnd-of in- n. whu tnat longing de.-ire for old. which 'f nil possess are rush ing thither. C'api al i fiudirg its way here. Railroads and telegraph lines are ben g buili, and th Cin at W. t bids fair 10 be settled up at an earli-r day than was even dreamed of few years ago. Th- Mi scurj river is the natural "ba-e" for a ! ; trade fining l it,- ihet west vsard, and those who setil d h-re at an early day are now begin ning to realize what a. first was only looktd upon a among ihe probab li ie? inthefarff future that a u.ntkei would be op-ned to the west of us for the consumption of all the products of our rich aud exlens-ive prairies. Nebraska now off-rs the greatest inducements to ihe en i.rant of any portion of the West. Tlie settlor here does not have to coutfnd with the un certainty that he would in the iniointf rpgion-, where he has no certain guid to tell where the trea-ure i hidden Here there i treasure hidden m eve ry foot of the soi'; and all that is 're quired is aud iudu.-iry enough to till the ground, and secur- he crop which nature will bri.ig forth. to secure at 1 ast a reasonable compen sation for their ai.d labor. Th land can be had for the asking (undei the Homestead Liw). and now ih ime to get it, nfiile choice btrlet tiou- can be ha 4. ..- . - The great Salt Bisius of Nebraska ire another indue- meni to settle in that porti m of the TVrrit-.ry. Tne water procured from these Springs are said tocon'am a greater p -r cent, of Sa t hnu at any of th- E--tern works: and all that is needed is the iuvestui'tit ot a fufficiut amount of capital in th- j-r.ip-r machinery, and the will to puth the work ahead. This greu source f wealth will not be allowed to remain dormant a great while. Tbe lauds ly- i.g in the vuiuity of these basin, ar- he finest in the world for agricultuial purpo-'S, besides being on ttie line of he II. & M. R Rtil 'oad, ruunioo west from P!aitsiuouth, which will en hance their value to a great extent, rhese land- are still r-ubj-c: to 'he Homestead Law, and offer the great est inducement to the indu tti us man of any locality witl.inour knowledge. Let those who are seekn.g home in ih- tVest tak- a I ik at this pan of Hi- coun'rv b-fore makiuo a selection, and we are sa t-fi-d they will never rpgret the time and expense, ev-n should th y locate elsewhere. PSiThe colored people of San Jos , California, were invited to j in t ele hrating the Fourth of July; b"t som- di-loy al white m-n raistd 'fj ctnn s, and theco'ord people, wi-h mote sen, than those who oppis d th tn. d- ( l.n- d the invitation; whereupon the JJercu y or that city, t-ays : "We caiuot 111 oh the colored pro- pie of San Jo-e for not to j..m in the pnx-es'iou. There i-much ju- tifiable prjudice in their mind- ayaiu-t an i itint; wall C' p -rh ad tome- of whom were no' ex lu'l-d tri-m paruci pating in the late ex- rcises." CSTherec n he.iw rains have very much injured the grape crop, which, at the becrinnina of th season, bid fair to be the heaviest which had been known for several year-. We understand now that the VllltHCTr- III the year, from prprnt appearance will not te one ttiira wnet was antiripaien three weeks ago. Keokuk Constiiu- tio::. TIIK REBEL. SPIItlT. As a fair .-ample of the spnit of the re beN, either North or South, we make the following ex ract from the testimony of Robert Brown in regard to th lan guage used at the notorious Br ai Street Meeting, in New York, he'd Ostensibly for the purpose of necuriug a -p-edy trial t'f Jtff. Davis before a civil tribunal : 'Mr. Cutler declared the declaration of independence to be ihe magna char la of hu ::an liberty, and o,u ued it to prove mat the Southern Mates had the rijhl to secede. Another person, one of the New Yorkers, remarked thai the State of New York refused lo miter the Feder al Uoiuu except ih ri.'ht wis atired to her to withdraw it she though' prop er. The proceedings and debates ot the convei,ii m were referred to iu con firmation if this satPti.eiit. '"Another ot the New Yorkers de clared that even in Masac iuetts eve ry officer taking the oath of i.ffice swore that he owed allegiance to ihe Stale paiamoUwl to eveiy otuer obligation t f lea It V. "Mr. R. M. Livingston, of Mobile, Ala., remarked how few people had ever read the coustuuuon- of the differ ent Siates. Hr had lead them, and found i.i several of lh? coii.-iuutious of free Siates the expressed right to se c de. "A running conversation followed h-s s'ateiueni; in which it was said tlmi the ff-ct of ihe trial of Dni would be a revoloii ui of feiiiimeut exery where, iu favor of the South. It would be proved on the trial that the ece siontMUje was rijln, aud entitled to he sympathies of tne world. One of the company, Mr. Cotier. if 1 remeiu her righ'iy, qu ud a pa-sae from Burke, to .-how tnat a State cannot b guilty of treason. "Mr. Livi g-ton. n v wrought up to a l.L'h pittti ot ent.TU i i-m. made tlie declaration: I i t.venty fiv yeais Hie man that iiow a'cti.-es tne outli of uaviug coiuiinii- d ir a.-ou. wiil b lock ed upon as a madman and a tool ' He repea'ed this d-ilara ion, saying Mi it in fifty years th r- voluiiou i.i pop nlar senium nt would be so grat thai anil a man womd be looked up mi as a in toioaii or a tool. . , O' tho Nw Yorkrs fJehoautT ed the exei uiion oi Mrs. Surra t as a told, deliberate murd.-r. Another de dared tuat she wa ; couvirittd up m forged I'S'imony. A third (Marline) (f.-erted tnat iff court by wnnh she was in d nad n 1. gal jut i. dicliou, and -ltd that the execution was a d. liberal murder. llr. Liviug.-ton snid that he had conversed with a number of E igiisb-iii-u in regard to this brutal inuid-r Th y told huu that it would send a thri I of horror throughout Ejrope, uud the howl of iodig latioii thil will b i-nt hitck would so c iwr and terrify tiie Aiiie i. Hii sovenoiiant liai it will he at i a. dt brinjr Air. Davis to trial. H br iieved ibe intention was to kep,im liitrn.g in pii-on till he di d. wi nout bunging bun to trial. The friends of Mr. Dvis must keep uch an agaati a of the matter stirriug that the government .voulJ be forced to put him on trial wi'hout further de ny. A New Yorker asked Mr. Living s'.-'ti how Alabama would be likely to rote at the next tltc'iou for members ot Congress Th-y will reiurj a lid delega- (ton of stauuch and u u Southern uienJiUeJpUc 4ai4 terifSrSK us uiai 4vpl:rJ ""WorklUg IllillSelf Up ifi another fury of enthMsia-m, hed- claied mat thirty five hundred nolle, lion hearted Southerneis had h pt at bay for many month-, an army of seventy nveihouand Union troops-. Moh.le only capitulated wheti she was worn out and XhaU.-letfa "He then p.itd a flowing tribute to ih noble hearted w omen of Mobi e.' Ttiey lo..k down. he said, wi h sc-rn-!ol cotneinpt upon a Yankee t filter, aud -offer no advanc-s tiom them, la King care, of i nurse, not to give cans- or prett xt ti r .i r si. Ttie teeling i-univer.-al that no d.inned Yankee mo t tie allowed a b o hold in t e Suih. I hese are not u.y words. I am not a swearu g man As ilie meeting was about to break up, Mr. Living-ton remarked: G nib-m- ij. you wnl waul a great deal oi money I um n my way to lingl Hid f r the purpose of raising funds Tni- great work must g on. The government mu-t tu t be allowed los;.HK the (rial, lean promise you wi:h:oi fidence ihai I wiil furnish you wth the rrqi-isiie am unt. "One ot uie N- w Yorkers repljel to thi- tfiat there wo. id be no ti.fhcu iy in rat ing the m iney in this ti y. "A iunher oipoiiuni'y tor priva'e consulta in was lit Id, f which no ac count can be given. "Tii' Siutheruuien present were all of them ipni and avow- d st c- s.-i m ists. '1 lie Northern men at the meet ing w. re i.i trie nioatpeif ci accord of -entiiiien' aud -yinpaii.y with them There was n t ihesltg test perceptible shade of diff.'r nc- neiweeu any ot thttn They we-e nil ultra aud uue quivoca. sec i ni 's. T.lAlTOIisVv KtMKKY Sjeaking ot the 'ale eleCMon, the Louisvihe Journal says : We have tor some lime been try ing. imI wfioily with ut success, to coii vmce ourselves tuat the number ot ac loai rebels in soul ua been di nini h ed since the close of the war ; but, in view of the results of last Monday's elec ioi, income pans ot Kentucky we , are xpi rthrii.-ive -hut we have been mis akeu. Jertainly. tome of ihe l it- lt-reM and hnldrst.jor rather mosiHoda- cmu- 01 an me lentis ana rebel t-yrnpa- a II . 1 1 I I I tli zer.- in ihe aime, liave been eucied ! to ihe Legislature by large majorities j el cted, uoi 111 t-pite ot their being reb- els or quasi-rebela but for ihe reason Gals Cilu. Comineui is unnecesta that thev ore 90. j rv. Bfcajudge lhol-.u. or aiississ ppt. thinks the war has settled two things 1. Slavery n dead. 2. tates caun t tecede. The Judge is a wise man. JR6FThe Posimaster-General has iecenily concluded contracts fcr carry ing the mail-between Richmond aud Petersbuig. and between Petersburg and Weld .n. N. C. K3"A B -ton paper states that the principal hot 1- ot that city have had all their stock of igars seiz- d by Na tiona I officers for all g-d infractions of the Internal Revenue Laws. A35FThe xj)t di ion seut out from Nashville hv Gen. Thomas, to Caiol ville, Tuin., is .-lit ring up a nest u. thn-vis. Two of Tht-mas men hav been k'lled. Several thieves have been shot or hung ai d o'her.- captured. "3rA series of letters published throughout the country, purporting b- come from Mis- Clara Barton, the phr laulhropi.-t at Ander-ouville, Ga., have been discovert d in Warhingtou lo b forgeries. llrl he L' J pel head- dun'i seem to be so inuth iii a hurry about Tyl ri sing Presidi nt Jol uou. since he hung four of the note at tive members ot their par y. - m PS In Southern Kansas, the peo ple are getting ten il ly in ame.-t in putting down thieving. Not long since, sixtnnves were hung in Franklin I'outitv. wiihout the least ben fit nf clergy. C.4OT ESCAPE HIS GIIEAT AESS. J lines B n han tn is the victim or I i ov n p r-oniil and poli i. al popularity, lie can no more scape it. than he can I i- own shadow Hi is most einphati tally suff ring from that peculiar con dmon of ttie human taies where gr at lie.- i- thrust up .ri a m iu- Mr Bicli anan liv s at Lanca-ier, Penn.-ylvan ia has liv-d ih-re for many long yvar.- except at infervai; ijJic,ill.tJ4 wnere aeeui per-1-.teni m uul livln there, arid the people seem determined to 1 l him know that they know he'iiv- s there. We learn from a ci'iz-n oi Pennsylvania in whom we hav implicit confidence thai for three y ars in sue-ce-sion the voters of his ciy have hon ored him vjih their suffrage- as con stable, ro ihe exteut of an election.- And thrice under the law requiring it, has the old P. F gone to the proper authorities and made oath that hi- leu lion was without hi wi n, knowledge or procurement and thai he did notde sire to hold ihe office. Iu tLt way Mr. Buchanau i- annualjyremind-d that h- hold a di&ihigui-hd plaot it ihw popu lar regard of ihe ciy. Ilarmg leen au ardent ffn e-seeker all the days ol Ins matured life, this would s-em lo b a fining div rsiou for it evening. RESIDENCE OF iiC.V ilAXT. The rumor thai Lieu. Giant wa about to fix his residence at Phil id-. I ptna appears lo have been untound- d The house given huu by the Pniladel phiaus w is only accepted on condition that it should n a i.iu-rf ere with bis pur rose to return to hi- old home iu Gale- na. e saw t in no ui hi-trom tn- seven citiz ns ot G ilena hav purchas d there and presented io the G n r al a splendid re.-id-nee, tompl t ly furni-h-d from basement io au.c. A hou-e iu B roniribtiied all the car pe;. Tin re was a time when the highest ami l ion ot Gen. Gram w n- to be nsivor of lialena. thai he night secure the buil ing of a ide walk from hi- house to the railroad depot. It will be gratify lug to th i--iieral to know that ihe afor-aid -id- wal is now completed .Milwaukee J"ews JgfSA- we leurn from our Htl iniort correrpo U-m the registers or voter- in In State ot M iry l.ind ne-tl a Conven tion 111 Btltnii re tin To s l.iy la-t, aud reMlv d to enroll no man a a voter nholn.d the g. neral reputation if hav insr r-Vinpail iz-d wi'h ttie rebel, i .n 1 hi will x:iude fiooi tlit poll- about halt thoe who have huh-i to exerci-ed the elective tranchi-e i 1 tliat State Maryland Maud ui'h Tenne-.-fe and MisMuri in her resoluti n thiit ihe tri tors who have been engaged 111 de.-iroy ing ttie govt-rntnt nt than, tor Mune lime 'or'oii.e. have 110 hllre in its nd iiiiui-tra'ioii. I- 1- not a rule toi tho.-e S'Hle- wi i h have known ttie atro ity ,f t!ie rebellion by xjierieuf ; and we are gl id to know ttiat the rh cer- of the law 111 .M -try land are re i-lv d to do th ir dotv m inrordance w nh ihe I . ri:-i nt i n of the Slate. ( hicag't Republican. Ihe Human Hair Io number the haus of the tnad ha- b-en "111 all ages anoutited n- iinpo-sible a fear a to count ttie and- ot the e rhore. Ttie a-toundiug btbiir tias, how-ver. bei-n gone through f y a ti-nnan pro te--or. wtio thu- tabnldrize- the re.-ult of bis X'liniuatiou of tour head? if hair: I3!utide (number of hair-) HO. 400: Brown (number of hair) 109 410; I B ack (funnier of hair-) 102 I R-il (number of hair) SS.749 Tne I head-of hur were fouiid to be ni-arly eqtul in weight, and the d-ficiem y in the number of hairs in the Mack brown and red colors wa- fully coun t I a crae of ,,u,k jn hp illdll,idua, n,.r,s leroaianoeu by a rorret-nonaing in Ttie average weight of a woman's head of hair is about fourteen ounces. . TfT One of the iioisiest atm-negro f uflVage Corperhads in Keokuk is mi-t:eg tiating with a female darkey vthoni be calls his iife. So savs the Potato Rot l e regret to learn i hat the point crop in thi - part or the i-nuniry i bitely to prove a failure The long continued rains have had the effect of killing the vines and rotting ihe roots. Many potato fields west of this city .'tave the uppearance of hav ing been burned over, being Mack and blighted. We learn that n examina iion, the new potatoes in those fields are fo'irid to be full of white sperks. and rotting rapid y. Chicago Journ al. C-aT"A Minne-oa regiment, the 1'1'h. en route for home, number d about nine hundred men, and about every man had a contraband, a coon, ond a grey squirrel. The pets filled several box cars. R. R LIVJNOSTOJJZSsb Phviician and ui - bis proreaeional aerv c'e to cifi'njL? Ca- cittin y. r He ia F aok HhiteV h u-e, corner f Oalc an l 6'ixih -trt-e ; Olf.ce .n Mln a Inl, pp it'" Cuuri iiuuae. I'littsiu, a h, .Nelnaika AUCTION SALE! Will I s id.t th biihet bidJw-, at my farm -ear lt. Plrt.- nt tav roumr.ou SA1UBDAY, SEPIEMBSR 2D, 'l Alilch Cows, of whcli will luve calves this fall; 7 hea . of Yearl ng-; l'i alvfs; besids hogs, chickens, farming utensils, husthoU furniture, &c. Sale positive, wiihou any eerTaiiun. T tna of iui,e: C'lidorii Iu ail auiu. nt ' under ; far m.n b c edit with k.khI e,ur,t for all nuiuuiit . e, a dtrd cliua of t u pr cciii. f.r each d t. ii. Ill UUv Au?. 19 w2 AUCTION iALt! Will be i'd o ib hu'h-s butde , t r ca b on FRIDAY. AUG 23 1 H. t ihe ni It-nce -f Jlin h lljrtt, one mi e wet nf Thom a Th mi-'i, and five milo uf Pinlis- n,.uth, 8 MiKh Cows, 8 e rlirgs, ( alves, 3 Yearling Colts, ..i - 4 uckTi g, 10, fa diP on It rows, and a feat rrietj- of other farm and ho - h ".d mplemcjU). Aug 13 2 Legal lotice. Jaine, Bowm a will take antice that Sarah L. Cop and l-aa C d"l oo lb-. 2 I day of Aaau t A 1. 186 file heir iteiiti -it ii th- Dimrlct t'uart ..f 2 I Judicial Iitrict of Nebraska Vthm and for Casa couBtr K. t , ajf.iin -t ihe aaid J es Itowraan do (endfeiit fce'.ltng rorili lLal ihe aaid dVretidan1 Rave a nontra to llir a:d Sarab L. Cue, ou tli aoutb hii -r the mu h-at qui -er uf aec.iea o,ie(l)iu t-wn-bi number t'elve 12j m th of rang-r twelve (12) e .1.1 ol the bin P l , in -ad c nut. oi Jaa. If. '. to -eca e the uiym-Dt of o-ie hnuoml -nd rriy dllar. aivurdiiiK t a e rtaln note rrferie l io In aaid mnr.gagn, ai,d praviu(f that aaid p emise niaj be-oldt.p.iy the nm; and that the laid Jame. B-iwm-n ia nvr. bf noofied l.i.o be ia re,aired to ap-M-ar n I aoawer d p itum a or b -f re the 2d day ol ct.,b r A D 16A or jadmen- will be r. udt-r- d aritity iKi.riy d fur SAKAH L. COB. BUM t,,, n, iMt AaAAO tUjJl. T. H. alaRQDarr, s.d. fur Coxa't. " LEGAL N 'TICE. Klij ih fSibbsi, ill am Gib., JelTe.s n B Gibb, AtinUil-bf -li atieth le.t iiiaa. an - Gilo F. P ar man dcfendaiita will take liolici thai ,tuthny B Ooweaili'i nntbe21tdiy ( AiiKu-t, A. n liCI, file hi-p tiiion .u he Diatrict O o t . f 31 Judical Oitrict w tbi.i and f r Ca-s county N. T., agaioat t e said defendant', sctli-g forth thai one Lewis w tiihlia, on t';e lt day of Movemhei I6C3. sold nnto Anthuov B. Cooeii the f )lourin real e tate. t-wi : Tt.e un livid d one Lair (11) or Lot No nv-- (?) in bl ck j forty three ) in ihe cii ot Pl.ttamouili, Cas co 'Bty N. T., forth sum of uiui'ty-thre ' dollars in hand pud to aaid Gihbs, and un'ler t-a-d coiitiacl said Coweti tr-k pes esaion an- now dds peaceable o-a.-s-ioi) of aid nremwia That sine -faid Mt:e the said Lewis W. G bbs baa diel, leaving ilef di.lau, a hi - M 'Idra Aud w-r"r 'a 0 de aridaols reTilred lo link- a -le d for .aid t etni-.-a to in-said Atnh uy .t'uvro; nd in d fiult titer nf Mat a Ma-ier in i hn-ere of rhiac uit i-e reipi red to t ake the -ame And tbit the said d Tends t- are hereby notiH i that th y are r, q :ire t .ipi-eri- an Mii-wer iaid p 'ilion on ,r e r.-ie the 2 I t..y of ih tob . A U Mill I "euil red aa-anibt theat as prayed for. ltated Auk.'Ji, lat5, AM HONS B COWES. T M. MittrjrETi, S..I t LEGAL NOTICE. David l a inert will take uotiee tin t Atnrt Racon did, on the 2-2 I day of A ugnsf, A O lljCo. file his petition in the Di.-ti let loin t of 2 i Jruiicial District of Nehr ,.-ka, w:ihi and for Ca- i-,.uui, aai ist the aaid I'avid auDiert.d f iidatit, -et in Iu. th that the a i-l d feodn. aave a ino taee to Ihe aaid Alb - t Bacou on tiie -o'jih ha fuf ti e --u b-e-. ,ua ler of aec ion It lr rny H) a. d Oie ea-t air of lb.- no: to east q ur'et o' see N tac ty-nlae (29 in town hii M . t-ii ( .1 ) ni.r b . f raiiE- No iliin eu (13) e-t of tlie 6lb . l . in Caas cu ly. X T., t. -ecie the pauient -f two liund ed and ei h y-ei Kt dol la a ttc-iiliuit t-. a cer am no e re'errrd iu i-ai,! uiortitaEe; -u i p ymt rha sn jreiiu.-e- m y b a li to pay Ih- sau.c A, d ht. Sain David Bauiiie't ii- be by nor fled th .1 be i- 'eq it e-1 ti appe.r and mi.Ner raid pe iiion on or bclo - ibe 2d day nt o.-t. ber A. It ISO), o. jdgmeul will bi ren leied against yon as pra.d ablltUT UluO.V Dated -.. ti tSOJ. T vi. Makqi'l.T ooi for Comp't, LEGAL NOTICE. Th"m is 1 Wais.." will take notice tnat William te .clidid u the .XUi la ol .teptem. er. A. O ISO, fl e hi bill -f i-onip in ih Oistiiet Cou t ol h 2 i J dicul Di-ric I the ltmt..r . f ei,ia-k, w .th ti M..d n caa-i-ouiiiy, g ust ih said fhoui is J Waison, rireii D r.ichA iiaou, au.l .:a.viu C W'.eiinvortb, .1. .si.a'it., .e.ingfo.h ih.toh tne 14th day ol Ju.j A. D. 157, .he s ,d d f ndam, ih. ins Wa on, gates mo tg tu . Ca vin C. vt'oolwonli.on Ibe s u h ea q arter of seel ou No. twemy-o ie (21; .-. town h p N t u (10) no lb of ruge thir. ii!3)eas ol ill 6 Ii r. M in aa.d toon tv ol C'a- , N x l u,t . bepyne t ol iw hn.i ire,l aud -gh y noilar- to n ') gen D Bich., d on, aceir-.nig i m ceita.n promis-ory'uot eiot el 10 iu said iiio-ik ge Ih, te said note and uio, tsag . wa-altrraa lis du y ant. ueiiv re-i by ne sai . O igen D i.icliar.. . a Pi the said Leat-ti; aud pray ug nt -aid p eiu.;-e m-y be so.d lop y lie -a d um nu-i u -ai I piumiso v Hot . Ai.'iilienad i boiuas -. Watson I- I.e eby n oiS -d that be ..quned to a .pear tud an w , pi Hit or lemur t -a u ul com .aiu a un o iforc .h- ii lay - f H-t jier, A. D. lotii, or jungutei.t . ii be - en itnd agiust y.n rtL..lAJi .e-ACll. D uel .ugu I 2J, i;6 -. T. ill i tt mi. for Co.up't. CHANCERY SALE. X-tra r. r'lsh, Unknown heirs of Hubert Buchanau Chancery, UcCeaceu i Iu pu suaoce and bv v rtue of a decretal o:r b ne di i-vtsj the tfloe o- th.-Cirk of ihe Di n iet court 2d Judicial Diritict in ai.d for C ss c.ii.iity, ba-ka I' rriioiy, asade in trie above cause, and "ea i-g date g tne 14!h day at April !:6S, being lh Ap. il t-rru -.f said co i t I. the un c. nr. lla-ie III 1-.auCi.ry . r sa d couit w.l a li a. p-.llie Vei.d e, lo.- ca.h, t . ibe b ahe t an. I le t bidder, i-i ol te cou.t UuHae iu f iattsuiuu h, ieb.a.-ka, ou baturdvy, SSeyttmUr i3J, lhC5, a- 10 o'clock a. ui., the to 1 .wing Ucticriiitd ival ei- l .te, tc-w i..- 1 he south-west qua te (1 4) of the north eai quar ter (I 4) ai.d the north wei qua ie, (i -t, 0 ibe sou h ai quarte. il 4) an. ibe no tn ea-. q-Mrier (i 4) I be south w.i qu.icr (1-4) and ihe sou.b eat q-ia ie (1 4)of the iior.h wesi quart, r (1-4) vl sec tion nuiut WeUiysi (J6) In township uuruber el ve i J 1) nar h of range uuuib-t tweiv (!.') e.stol 111 6th e H. U aaa CO . tv keh.a.ka IV.rl.jvV and c b.a.aumoBehui.dred and -ixty hc es. T.-geibo witn . nd the Improvements, hsreuit inienis o aj partcuaucea Ibsrc.u or ih- vlo aionyinic or u any i-e pperial ,iu; to be s'ld as the pro er.y ol l .e . e rndaut . n. the above unv. io aify saiu d c ee, ihe arroui.t . f wi.len is 40 35 sod iu. er st fro u the -'ale of said .la.-. r. anu Costa otsuit and -ai.. f UUsBioaib., &'ebraaka,Angust S3, 1665 . Id. DoUoUiMiiOK. Maatar ia CbancarT. CHANCERY SALE. Joseph rt'.acb, Ti. Solon H. Jhonon. K. Jon net J bn on, hit Ke, 1 I In Cbaneory, j el M . J nnimn. Wiiliifta J. Ann-trong-, John L. Armsironu, iarh ArniKtmnn- hi wile. in pn Kuanre, und l.y virle of a decretal order tome directtd from theotBre of Die Clerk of the District Court of the -nd I .idiciat li-t let. in aad for C County, Neliraaka Ti-rrirry, barine date on the 19ih day of Orrvmher, ltif.3, being ilie ad ratd OctotHjr tei in of aaid Couil, I, the ub'rili r, ua.-t. r In Chancery for aaid C'ou.-t, will a-li, a pnti ic vendue for ra-li, to the hi(Iii-t and b.m ai.lil.-r. i:i frout ol ihe Court Mouse in PiatUiuotuh, N. T , on fiatunlay, the 2Zd (lay if Srptember, 186 ), at 11 o'clock 4 M , the following described Real latato to wit : Th" west ha f of Hi- outh went quarter ( V) nd lb. west ha I (I 2) of n,e u tti. ue-t U rlr, ( 4) nf -rciion iinDib)' ibirtT-foor (.'il) ia towu-hip nuat-b-r t'n (lo) norin or rane im ulr tw. lv (VS) at of tne 6cn e. M , 01 Caaa County, Ntrbraaka lerntu TH i ogf he-, with all and "ionular the imnrny- merits hrreilit aie .ta or appurtsnaiicea thi-r en, or thereto hrloiiKiDK or in anyw r B;.ermta:ry i u b wd an the piup-rty of lb? def adrnla in the a bote- riuc. lo-ai -iv siii ure.rr, iim ami'jiit of w iili. i 1 3t 14 33 and intee-t from the date of said decree, and e ai of suit ami i-.-le. Phtt:.-moulb, Nebraska. Aupa-ii 2t. ISO. F Si. O -KRINnrOV. 0 .Mooter in Chance y. 6 IkT A lALBOf.N SOIS. for CoBJJ.'t. Estray Notic. ItaTinft tak n ut ou lay m l..f,-d piemis -fi. in Cans c unty, Icn to y oi .-i rtia. ( 11- iu of th in er Me'-trinc ater brid-r, on the Ncbriis nVi iob'I.) - n li 1 h d.iy of u.u-I 1S65 ne G-ajr Man-. fle-hitn n, nht hind f .ot whit -, snip 011 lb.-no-e, a li t :e 1-0 Ur tn rio-d. nuppot-d to lx-ai i-u a. veil j-ars old. Al-i oue hor c-nt. o yi a, o il, :ib gay.iolli lun.l feet larly white, nu o lie. in 1 k - prec. Trie i wa -rs are r.qiiel d t.. prove pro.-euy, p ,y charges, ai.d tuke the an in iU ii 1 Sep 20. Km. KriL. Music J Music I IIAYMOXD, Ml.SElt 4- CO., DKALKBS 1 Piano Fors.Melodeons, Music and Musical M'dse, COUNCIL BLUFFS IOWA, (4t the stand fomerly nsed as the Post Office ) Orders by mill for Music, Book., or anything per taining t, . u-ic. tiromptly attended l IT'l d.-rn for luniiiftor reptirjoir Piano Forfes and .UeiiNie n- in f attsrnouln and v dully will he atiend'd to at our eaili-at cony nietic . KAi ilO.N D, M1NR k CO. Aug 8, 1-65 tf Legal Notice. Nichols- M. ware, Oomplalnaru, 1 . r- , Sko-iiC"? -s jnm- 9.. Scwt Resrondent ) , M The above nam -.1 J.,m E Scott l be.ehy noUitod that said Nicbola-M Wa.e did. on (he 5ib d.y of Aa.a.t fll" in the District Court si tins in Clianr.rv tn audio C .sa County, Second Jndiclal Distrrtiof eo sKa peiiti n, clairninv the .euro f 261) 00 wi.h Interest at Ihe ra en f rive u-r avtt. per mouth froru the 2Sth day f Jul l.sCO. from sa d respondent io said complainant on a-cti- promissory note h-retaf re uiven Ii T s iidjel- pnd 'nt to raideomi lainaii-,and setting fo ih f irdilr that the p-yment of aid note was secur- d by a d4d oflinstupoD south- ai quarier of section nunitr firt -en (15) 'n town hip uuiLber ten (10) north, f i raure tr mber twelv- (12. ea-t. Iti. g in said ciunltr of Cans and Territory of Nebraska, and j-rayl g that said land may he so ,l according to law aud the urn, ceeda a: plied to 'he payment of said Ana a d rpondeiit Is hereby further notified t be sod appear ben,. e s id court on 0' hefore -lo d' the ti h d.y bf-pteuibei A. D lBfxt, and pload, are sweri-rdero r to said bill, or the s .me will b-tai ken pro cunftuo, an d -cree rendered accordingly. Date - August Oth, lSOO. . 8. II. CALH CNT, i, Eol. for Comp't. A Card to Invalids. A Ot--vsrman. while r siding in 8-wth America as. a missionary, discovered a safe and siirpl lem.-dy r the cure of Nervsus Weskne.s Early Pe- ay, Direaies of th Ciln iry and Sera nal Oiga-if, and th whole trnn of disord-rs brought on -yban ful and viciou- ha" 1. i.reat numbers have been al- frafl" core 1 by this noble rei.iedf. Pronipt-d by a deal et benefit be aftlicted and uniortnnate, I will , send the recipe f.r preparioe and using thli nieli ci'e in a sealed envolope. to any one who n -eds it, ; Free of Clwraa. t Pl ase Incloa a post paid envelope, aJlressed to Tou-self. AddreM JO-EPIIT 1MMAN, Jane 25 Maiion D, Hlb'e llouae.- a - " "' " ' ' . ' ficw Trk City. I Maible YarcL The undersigned liave opened an Extensive MARBLE YARD In the i"ty of I'lattsmouth, where they have PERMANENTLY LOCATED. Call and Examine Specimens. We are prepared to do as good work as can be found in the country, at as llcasmiable Prices As any establishment in the West. JOSEPH UUTZERIN & CO. July 1 lStt-j. n.6 PLATTE VALLEY G. W. CROW, PROP- I am prepttrtM t fuciNh a'l wbo rniiy favor m ir iitroiinc. with lodging, meuia or . u . i, cx u- iu.iur With tilaair l.iatrtll MRS. L. GOLDING, PRACTICAL MID -"W IFE, Ha practiced sutce-sful y ror several years in . I.ouiaand ii Leaveowoi rh cur. W as educated, pro f ly. iu Cna an. a R- MiS. Gu'iiii g has pe manently located in this city. Ke-ioei'i-" in the nonh-v. est part of town. Ju y 15 tf JOSEPH jSCIII.ATEB. WATCV MAKER and JEWELER, "a A II STKtltT, PLATTSMOUTII, . - NEBRASKA. A gol asfco'tnien-r.f Wat e-i Cl - Fens J wiry, Silver Ware, 1'anc Ooo-'a Violn and Vi olin Tiimminga al'ys n band. A!l work con milled ir. bis care will be warractvd- April 10, lse-5. PiRLWELL ADDI1LSS OP DR. B.FRANKLIN. -TO The American People. Just discovered, nn.l now publiubcrl f3r tbe first time. CURIOUS and THRILLING EOCTJ. MENT ! FELLOW CITIZKSS : The Ion, Lo- ny finzers are ''reaching for tne." Soni, I must gn for it." A word of inlvi,-.. before I go. Th? glorious nun of I p.; i" i'lli'g up from lii.s imperial com-li. IIb dresspth himself in the full ni; (,f Royaltj. lie puttt-th on hi mo."t c if ti vtitins grin, to niuke glad thin, tl. citv of Promise. The d;iv of our K"lenii i-n from HKill and OITUEjSIVL THICKS druweth to a close. FE LLOXV CITJZ E. S t Throw bi'a your CHf; yell forth ye sturdy youths bellow loud ye bio nt cheated; prolonj; th.) irhtd. houl thrilling Bliout, yc lonp; necki'il, until the hlumherinir echo-i of the fnr ofl" rock, are aroiiseij; Moher, tencli to your children, all the end of tUr, eirth may know, and rejoice with e. ceiiinrr preat jov, that the IIV'OK.V HF.IF.l MONSTEK, ama f i I ' -1 1 PJJU'ES, the uUvt col VAMI'IKE thnt o long hath been m'ckino our life blood, is uow i hruUl'd by MELONE & EPPERSON, WholcHiile at d r. tail dealers in all ktnJs of Staple and Funcy GROCERIES, At their large and innnifjcent eitHblish ment CvOn 2d Street, FIRST DOOl. SuUTfl OF LlllDUE. Thi1 IIoiisn in doing an immene trrJe. Help them, fellow citizens, in their trreai efforts for your good. 1'iattKinnutli, July li tf STATEMENT Of the condition of the HOME lSSVR A.CE JtJMFA.SY, vj .tw York,:. the first dnj of Ja tuary, A I). made to the Audit -r vl the Tvrriluiy ij .itiraka, pursuant to ihe StutuCc J that Utate. Name and Location. Tbn nsme of this cotnoany U Tm Itvxr I'ivhaiti Company, ircipsraled In 135B, and local, d iu iL... Ciiy of "vew-Vork. Capital. The Capital of raid Company actually paid up in cash, ia The su piusun the 1st dsy of Jan , 13b3, 1 2 .01 HI fiOil ri. l,9r,ioi j. Total amount of Capital nd Surplus, 3,'s",Wl Vm Assets- Am't ofCssh i..Contiuental Bank, 11 T. 4 236 iOitl iu bands or A,'.s and Iu cms.-..f tiain-iiiissiou b3.2'i!i- V. 8. Keitisl'd and Cou p -u si'k loMl M'k't val 21).6o 00 " V. t. B-.uil, 6 i'j, market v lue, 1 2.'3,luU.00 - f. S. C rtilliatesorlu d.lneou' m'k't val. 6.7&0.OO i2.o:,n oo c.ono.oj lM'iooo 10.91S 00 2J.400W) Wj.Oj") 00 69,000.00 101.000 00 C3.250 00 3,2.'0 00 'i l.OOC 00 ' llissonr f-UI Bonds, a a, rwi I. n. 'a ' t fc a I " . Curoiiua onds, 6 per cet.i, m'k't val. " 'leline-see lipids. 6 per cent., Ina-wei val., ' on i.i, ti p cent., mar ket ta ue, 1 ilium-, 6 per cent., nm kit aii.e, Kl.ndv Is. aii't, ti per teut , ui rkei value, ' t'a-iforu.u etate Imuds 7 per cent., tu'k'l val. ' Conn. Mate liouils, ma ket Vu Lf, " Jv V . l'ark bonds, mar let Val., " ijiieena Cuu'.ty boud, inai k.-t value, Ku bin, md County bond-, inai k' t vaiu'-, ' hio kl u t. ity Wytor bonds markit Value, II,' )0 00 " ' Bank M'.ck-, market value, " "1, ans on lionUH aud Myr''iK'S, Ixiua lirst ii'O of r Cjid on ut u: cuuiiHrid leal etaie. Woilli at least 5.i.rU.MW, rate of interest 117, luv V) (tilt C' m, 1,016 832 : " - Loans on sba ks and boudu, ii.ya- bie ou demand, ti.e mirket v.lue f se u iliea ,ieti(f..d. al K'u't n-2 :ns, " " Mtauirr llagust a'ld wrecking hppar.nns Due fo premiums on polbles lssU'-d al onue 11,1. Keicivable for pr miutns on In- b.iid NaViKainiD Risks, " Inland ftoiva, a, Oihei pi, pe iv, misceltanenu' items, o..vernine tSiunp-i, lul.jicsi due on lal January, lsto 22t. MS 73 r 37 il 4, SO" i.i:. 44J0 IJ iti.l t i:.m .-. 19.0".'. '' Ijiabilnies. Am't of tosses rd.due and unpii:), S: ' ' incurred, anu fi l roe s of adjui-iuiei.l, 'I " " rep rud, and o:i no action has been las n, I,'1j 01 " Claims tm loss. iesi-t-d by the Co . 2u,lo i Divi-lends dvla.-e. , due ai'd unpaid, W '' " " riilit-rcash r scrip, de clared but net et due, '-.t i ' Mouey borrowed, N,n ' all other existing claims against Co. v.t : Total am't of losses, cla'ms and liabilities, 477,sJl -- The crenest amoJnl insur d on any o e i $75 IXMJ, bu. will ui.t sa a aeneral rule etc J M.'-"".' Tbe couil any has t,o peuerai role as to tbe ainu'.i'l allowed to b.- .usu ed iu any c.iy, tov a, viila - ui block, bemit gnverucd it this ina te', in ean by th- (fei erl cnaracter ol bniid inija, wuth ! stteets, la. iluies for put'inff out fires, i-c. A ceit;fij.l cvpy .f ibe Cnarier or Act of Ineorp'yia tion, as amended, aicuuipauies this 6TAIKOK NEW-TKK, City and County of Au i'ork. t-8. AKTHCK t WiLLMARTH, VI s Pre ideit, and J HH ..e'iliE Uicietary, of th' 1 .rl'Kisc'E C'oMPAMT, belli stveiaily and Ja y wuru, deit aid say and tach lur hiiuseil ij, that the fu.e.'nE is a true, Iu I ac t correct s'aie lueut i-f rbe affaira nf the said corporation ai.'l l"a; tney are the above desir.bed utll r tie reuf A. V. WII.LM AKTH, Vice-i'r'-". JOuN UcOKK, SWKtHiy. Subscribed and sworn betore mi, this 2fl!i da)' I U.S. Jauu-r,A 1). IViO J. U. W A8I1HUUK, L. S. utar; sublic K'lowntl Men. b'j th Pruentf, That tho H"V.. CoMPas V, "f the Cu ot New, I ' lieu by authorize any and ail as!i's that aaid t Vau baa, or may hereafter have or appoint, in biate of reraska, fr anil ou b":iu!f of sa.d Jo in ; - ny, io .o-cept at a i.csuu ieJg serv.i.e of all, whether iii.-n-or final. In any o:,iou or proceed u' kfc'a.n.t ui . C-iipal'y, in i-' i. f 11.0 Courts of -.- J stale. And it i lier.oy a-iui.ti'.-l ui, J gr cd. t'-' said serin e ol ihe process al -i e-aid sbali be US' and h' id o be valid and si.filci- nt in that b' b .' unit- ai- il serve-' up,.u aid oinpauv accoraiUK b- 1 laws aad piaciice of said t-tr; aud all claims oi nClit oi eiror . y reason nf the nianurr , I su.h :' vice, ia h. ieby expresly Waived and relirqamlir-l- W liners our hand and mal ol lie Tola- c. S J pany, tlii, K3d nay o Jnnuar y, 1 ' i A If. W IL.I.M MllH. Vita l'i- I-.S.J JOHN MctitE, fcecretair- J. N- WISE, Aff't, Aug. 9, 1S65 w 4 FLATTsMOl ' 11 :'' T' CHEAPEST YET ! Wm. Herald, corner of Mam and Sec ond atrpets, ii still -elJin Groceries, Pro vieionn Farm Produce, Ac, as low an anj Hoube in tbe 'Veet. Farmers who have prodaca to sell will do well to ca!l on him before disposing of tboir trade. 1 'C lI.Ma-iftvni.Scl. torCowp't.