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About Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882 | View Entire Issue (June 21, 1865)
She gcbriwlwi craUl PL ATT S MOUTH, NEBRASKA. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2, 1SG5 Till EFFECT OX NEBRASKA. The nw Constitution of Missouri La? been adopted by a majority of some -5,000 or 6,000. We are glad, for the sake of justice and the welibe in of the loyal people of Missouri, ihat such has been the verdict; because we do not believe it is either right or politic to place a ballot in hands yet red with the blood of our brothers?. It would not be just toward the rebel thems5lve, fcr the reason that it would be virtually saying ta thern "your of fence is not of sufficient magnitude to merit punishment, therefore we rein vest yen with ail the rights you have crfekeJ." They should be made to a. t- i LnuL li i:a;uii 13 Liirr ' l rni ri i i ur If noun to our law?; and if their lives and personal liberty is granted them, it is that much more than strict justice would allow them. The adoption of this Constitution, vhi;h disfranchises '"ail persons who have taken up onus against the Fede ral!, r the legally consti tuted authorities of the Stfite of Mis souri, since the 17th day of Decem ber, 1S01," will have the effect to drive "out a large proportion of the bush whackers and rebels of Missouri. lias win be a gOLiU tiling tor Missouri, but what effect will it have on Nebras ka? Whil; we would say "come on," to all who are loyal, law-abiiing men, from whatever part of the world they may hai!; also to such as are willing to come here and attend to their private alTi irs alone, even if they have been rebels, we would most emphatically protest against being ruled, and having our laws made and admiuiitered by a (lass of men who have so lately been i ; in the Iaudab!e(?) enterprise of i-hoo'Jug Union men from behind vyyry bush an J fence corner in Mis- . , : i i i - . own, an i rouuing ana piunuuring de fenceless women and children, for no jitlmr ruocAn ikon tltn, l. K . -. I. . I -. tutm mat mcii uuuanus and failiTs were fighting' to sustain rur fovornrr,erit. Nebraja will undoubtedly receive n hir-f- p-roportion "of these refugees, i:iid we wuu.d submit to every candid man who has ihe interest of the Cen tral Government and . the success of the Territory at heart, tha following questions: V.'helher or not a ballot .should be placed in the hands of a man immediately ufter he has been cow j'c'hl to lay down the bayonet with which he has been endeavoring to pierce the heart of ihu nyttion? Whether or cot a man disqualified for ViV i r rr i ii i'it SJ?ro nf Fiscnnr! l. . of his disloyally, should be ailowed the elective franchise in Nebraska? AVe publish on our first page this week, a part uf the testimony given in the secret session at the commence ment of the Conspirators'' trial. This testimony. vt hen' all taken together, shows, beyond doubt, that Davis, and in fact u!I the leading spirits of the re bellion, were cognizant of, and gave their sancik n to, the plot to assassinate the President, Vice-President anl Cab inet, together with the chief men of the army. Uiit this is net the worst crime they have comm:'titd. Taking the life of a. man in cold L;oud is always looked upon with horror by a Christian and civilized community; but the systematic starvation of thousands of Union sold iers, is a far more revolting picture to view than the tudden death of almost any number of men. Let those who would Le so merciful to Davis and oth ers of the rijbel leaders, look upon the i.ceae portrayed ia Harpers Weekly of June 17th. It does not bring out any feature that is particularly new, but it brings these barbarities fresh to the mind, and at a time when many are clamoring for a free pardon for all the "rebel leaders. Let the man who has a sympathetic feeling in his breast, or is in any way capable of feeling the wrong done another, read the state ments made by dilierent surgeons in charge of these unfortunate victims f a worse than savage barbarity, and the testimony of the victims them selves, and then say if the instigators and perpetrators of such unprecedented cruelty should be allowed to go free. We believe in tempering justice with mercy; but it would be an outrage up on the memory of those who have suf fered ail the miseries that humanity is capable of suffering, and have filially either been shot down by their brutal keepers or yielded op their lives when nature was completely exhausted, to allow thes-? mtrciless villains to go unpunished of this worse than murder. 4tb. of July! Preliminary Arrangements-! : At a Meeting of the Citizens of Cass County, Nebraska, assembled at Pla'.tsmouth, Thursday Evening, 15th of June, 1SG-3, Win. D. fJage was called to the Chair, and F. M. Dot rington, Secretary. The President staling the object of the Meeting, Messrs. Marquett, Chap man, Marshall and others were called upon, making some able remarks in thanks to our brave Soldiers, and Cel ebrating ihe coming Fourth of July, and rejoicing: over the downfall of the Rebellion. On motion, the President appointed the following Committees: Committee on Preparation Messrs. Marquett, Marshall, Wheeler, Wise, White, Chapman. . On motion, the President, Wm D. Gage, was added to this Committee. Committee oa Music Messrs. Wise, Marshall, Dorrington and Wheeler. No further business before tLe Meetiug, adjourned until Saturday at 3 o'clock, P. M. WM. D. GAGE, Ch'a. F. M. DonniNGTON, Sec. Plattsmoitu, June 17, 1SGJ. Meeting met pursuant to adjourn ment. Called to order by the President. The Secretary being absent, II. D. Hathaway was elected to fill the va cancy. The Committee to whom was refer red the subject of preliminary prepa rations, made the following report, which was adopted : That in their opinion a free dinner would be far preferable to a basket dinner, that it is more in accordance with the old Revolutionary spirit and will have a tendency to awaken in the boiorn the fires of old, giving life and zest to the festivities of the day. Your Committee would further re commend that the Celebration be held in Stephen Wiles' Grove. That the following officers be elec ted or appointed, to-wil: One President. Five Vice-Presidents. One Marshal of the day, with four assistants. That the people be requested to meet in Piattsmouih and form a procession and march to the Grove. And further that the following Committees be ap pointed : Committee on arrangement. Committee on procuring speakers. Comurittce on toasts, whose duty it shall be to procure suitable persons to respond, giving them due notice of the same. Committee on table. Committee on preparing ground. Committee on invitation. Committee on music. They would further report that they have already raised by subscription, the sum of S3G4 to defray expenses. All of which is respectfully submit ted. FRANK WHITE, Chairman. Mr. Marquett stated that the Com mittee had endeavored to obtain the sentiment of the community on the subject of refreshments, and the peo ple were generally in iavor of a free dinner. .The following Committees and Offi cers of the day were thn chosen : President J. G. Miller. Vice-Presidents Dr. John Black, Col. Thos. Patterson, Samuel Eiken bary, Hon. S. M. Kirkpatrick and Jao. Mutts. Chaplain Rev. Mr. Amsbary. - Reader of Declaration Rev. Mr. Demorest. Marshal Capt. J. AY. Marshall. 1ss'i .Marshals Henry Eikenbar', A. Taylor, Capt. Hoover, and Mc. F. Ilagood. Com. on Arrangements Messrs. Gage, White, Thomas, Murphy, Klep t,er, Straight and King. Committee on Tables Messrs. Wise, Gass, Newman, Melone, Stadelman, Shamp and Tutt, Mrs. D. II. Wheel er, Mrs. W. E. Donelan. Mrs. A. J. Klepser, Mrs. T. K. Hanna, Mrs. L. D. Lennet, Mrs. II. D. Hathaway, Mrs E. Giles, Mrs. E. Hutchison, Mrs. B. Newman. Mrs. E. Sage, Miss Kate Lucus, Miss Birdie Baker, Miss Rebecca Ruffher. Committee on Invitations Messrs. Wheeler, Marshall and Wise. Committee on Prrpuing Ground Messrs. White, Thomas, Eikenbary, King and Randal Committee-Ion Toasts Messrs: Mar quett, Sprague, Wheeler, Chapman Maxwell, Doud. On motion, Messrs. Marshall, Fair field, Sprague, Chapman and McMa ken, were appointed a Committee to arrange a programme. They report ed the foIVnving, which was adopted : ORDER OF THE DAY. 1st. At the rising of the Sun on the morning of the 4th, a salute of 36 guns will be fired on the hill at the head of Main Street. 2d. The people will assemble at the Brick School Honse on Main street, where a procession will be formed pre cisely at the hour of 0 o'clock, A. M., by the Marshal and hi? assistants, in the following order : 1st. President and Vice-President?. 2d, Clergy. 'M. Orator. 4th. Brass Band. otb. Martial Music. Gih. Mayi,r Council. 7ih. Invited Guests from Abroad. b:h. lleluined Soluiers with Ar tillery. 0;h. County Official.. 10th. Marine Fraternity. llth Odd Fellows Fraternity. lUth. Sabbath School Scholars in Classes headed by their Teachers. 13th, Citizens on fot. 14ih. Wagons, Cai riages and oth er Conveyances. loth. Horsemen. After the procession reaches the ground and i re comfortably seated the President will tali the assemblage to order under the following pro- lst. 2d. Music by the Band. Prayer by the Chaplain. 3d. Song by the Giee Club. 4th. Reading the Declaration of In Jependcnct. 5th. Martial Mus e. ' 0th. Oration. 7th. Song by Glee Club, bth. The audience will then be formed in precession by the Marshal and Assistants, and repair to the table, after which, T-2 hour will be giveu for recreation. J'lh. After recreation, the audience will again rej air to tiu stand and be called to order by the President, when a salute ia lienor of the occasion wili be fired. 10th. Tom st s and responses, min gled with Music from the Glee Club and Bands. ; llth. There will be salutes fired throughout the day as the occasion re quires. liith. Benediction by the Chap lain. J. XV. Marshall, ri. A. L. S I'll A OLE, A. C. McMakex. Com J. V. 'hapmak. G. W. Fa i nil eld. Oa motion, the Committee on ar rangements were instructed to invite people from the country to bring such refreshments for the table as they can. Resolved, That these proceedings be published in the JWbraska Herald and the Cass County Sentinel. On motion the Meeiiug t;djourn ed. ' W. D. GAGE. Chairman. II, D. Hatha w w. Sec. I'OLES (OMIXG. It will be seen by the following ar ticle, which r.ppears ia the New York Tribune that a large number of Poles, from lo.OOO to 20 000, are seeking- a home in the United States. Would it not le well lor the p;ople of Nebras ka to interest themselves in this mat ter ? We have the land suited to their purpose, which, if ikk nmde as a free donation, would only Costa trifle under the Homestead Law. This Territory offers the best inducements to this class of people cf any part of the United States, being well adapted to the rais ing of Sheep and Cattle, as well as a good grain producing country. Let some man, or company of men, look to this, and see if a valuable acquisition cannot be m;ide to our young and flour ishing Territory : "There are now Twenty Thousand Polish exile:s scattere d over Western Europe wlio aru looking wishfully across the Atlantic for a new home. They would he a valuable acquisition to any thinly settled country, since they are generaby agriculturists and shep herds by training. But Switzerland, Belgium and France (where they now linger) are crowded, while Russia bars their return to the land of their birth. They would come to us at once; but they are nearly penniless; and cross ing an ccean is a matter of dollars and cents. If they W'rt- fairly over, they would need seeJ, implements and food; but these cc-u d somehow be found. Ve append by request the following appeal : Mr. Joseph Kcronikolski is the lea der of the Poles who were defeated in the last struggle for independence, who are now exiled front Europe, and seek protection and a home in the United States. They number from 15,000 to 20,000 persons, and being mostly peas ants, and familiar with agriculture, are desirous of establishing a colony of their own. The Governments of France and Switzerland have contnb uted large sums toward the passage of these men to this country, and many private individuals have increased these sums in a very crsditable man ner. They intend to apply to our Govern ment for a 'grant o lands adapted to the purpose of the colony. Beside this, those men, having no means of their own, .stand in need of aid from private sources, to enable them to de fray the expenses of their first arraneemetits, to procure the necessa ry agricultural implements, cc, &.c. Several papers hae declared them selves willing to open a subscription for ihat purpose in iheir columns. All money received cihalf be applied to the- funherance of the object in the best pessib'e maunt r, to be determined by a committee consisting of Ameri cans and Poles and the strictest account will be rer-dered for every cent re ceived. Mr. Ko-onikolaki has submitted to me his credentials as well as his plan of organization, and I take p'easure in certifying ihat the zeal aud energy with which he devotes himself to the cause of hrs compatriots deserves all possible appreciation and support." &SGeo. Bancroft, in the Atlantic .Monthly, shows that in 1757 the vote of New Jersey only was wanting to sustain the proposition of Jefferson, by which slavery would have been exclu ded, not only from territory in posses sion of the United States, but from all they might subsequently acquire. The present politicians of that State who oppose the Constitutional amendment are, therefore, only true to her history- gSA list of names of Union sol diers who died in Anderscriville (Ga.) prison, from March 7ih' 1SG4, to Jan uary 1st, lSGo, is published. The list numbers above twelve thousand. Most of these died from starvation, and the want of medical attention and proper sanitary measures. Think of this, ye who pity the authors of the accursed Rebellion now crushed beneath the feet of the Republic. THE LAffOl' TKCISO.V. On the trial of Col. Aaron Burr, at Richmond, in 1S07, for high treason, Chief Justice Marshall defined the law of treason in the following lucid and emphatic terms : "On this charge (High Treason) the United States must substantiate two essential po'nts : First, That this was an overt act committed ; and sec ond, that Col. Burr was concerned in it. "It is not the intention of the court to say that no individual can be guilty of this crime (Treason) who has not appeared in arms against his country. On the contrary, if war be actually levied, that is, if a body of men be ac tually assembled for the purpose of ef fecting by force, a treasonable pur pose, all those who perform any part, however minute, or however remote from the scene of action, and who aie. actual ly leagued ia the general conspiracy, are to be considered as Trrifo s. But there must be an actual assembling of men for the treasonable purpose, to consti tute the levying of war." JgSWe clip the following from the Fort Kearney correspondence of the Brownville Advertiser : "We left Ornaha on Tuesday the 23d of May, crossed over into Iowa, recrossed the Missouri at Plaltsmouth, as many others do, and came the South Platte Route, because there is so much dilliculty in crossing Loup Fork and Platte. 1 think there was a great blunder committed when the Capital was located at Omaha. There is nei ther timber, stone, nor anything else, that I can see, to build up a City, not even a good location. It is back ficiri the river, and, if yo i travel West from there, you have to go fifteen or twenty miles North, t get around the north bend of the Platte; if you travel South, a fevv miles brings you to the Platte, a very ditlicuit stream to cross; indeed, so difficult, that people prefer to crois ih Missouri at Omaha, and recross it at Piattsmouih. But enough; I have no animosity against Omaha, and only regret that so many people have been induced to settle there, aud build up as nice a town as they have, when I am satisfied that it will never be the great CityJ of Nebraska. Loss and iain of tlie Nation uy lln; War. Motley, in the history of the United Netherlands, has shown that Holland actually increased in strength and weal.h throughout tho horrible war which Philip of Spain carried on against her for twenty years. This is very contrary to the ideas commonly entertained of war, and especially held by. the croakers of this country. It is true there are absolute losses in pro found peace; which are startling to whoever contemplates them. Look upon the great stream of the dead con stantly passing to the grave ! Look up on the heavy losses by fires and ship wrecks and bankruptsies ! Look up on the enormous losses by the vices of society ! The lazy, the intemperate. Hitd gambling, diminish the public in dustry and spend what thrift has ac quired. Really some persons seem to think that our brave soldiers would have eaten bread and bacon if they had beeu at home, aud that none of them would have died at home. The limit of ihe losses, both killed and disabled, of the Union army, du ring the last four years' war, is 300, 000. The Government estimate is 200,000; but let us take the larger num ber. Now, the growth of population in this country is two and a half per ct nt per annum, and to this we musi add what ever immigration there has been in four years. The results are ihcs6 Loyal' population in 1S60, 23,000,000. Natural increase (of four years,) - - - - 2,300,000. Immigration in four years ia round numbers, - 800,000. Total increase of pop., 2,100 000. One-fifth able bodied men 620,000. Died and disabled in the war, 300,000. Increase of able-bodied men since 1SG0, - - - 320,000. Thus we have gained more than we have lost (including all disabled) since 1S60. There is no doubt that this es timate of loss is full high enough. t Sy The explosion of kerosene lamps, which are so common and dis astrous, all arise from blow ing the lamp out from the'top. Always blow a ker osene lamp out from the side, if at all ; it is as well to turn it out. J5rEtToris are being made by the War Department to increase the regu lar anpy. MOKE IXDIAX TROUBLE. We learn by telegraph to-day, that on Wednesday morning of this week, 500 Indians, of the Sioux tribe (who were being brought as prisoners by Capt. Fouts, of the 7th Iowa Cavalry, with a company of 100 men), revolted at a point about 40 miles this side of Fort Laramie, known as Horse Creek. A fight ensued, in which Capt. Fouts and four of his command were killed. Fifteen Indians were killed and a number wounded. It is said that four of the Chiefs, who refused to join in the revolt, were killed by ihe Indians. The red skins escaped to the north side of the Platte, leaving their bag gage and traps behind them. They cut the telegraph wires at two points. How these Indians came to be arm ed, if they were really prisoners, we cannot divine. We s-uspect that when all the facts are known it will be found that they are a party who have been voluntarily surrendered by their chiefs and that no apprehension was enter tained that they would interrupt the guard who had them in charge. 0iet ha Republican. Hung. The highwayman, of whom we gave an account the oTher day, was hung on last Saturday from a willow tree, on the bank of the Little Indian Creek, ia the upper part of town. His name was William Lacy. He commit ted both the highway robberies we mentioned last week which were ful ly proven, and which he acknowledged. The executioners claim to have acted under Adjutant General Baker's order concerning guerrillas. Lacy had long been in his occupation of thief and rob ber in Utah and other western Terri tories. He was about 30 years old. His body was left hanging until near noon yesterday. He is reported to have met death like a Stoic without much concern. Council Bluffs J"on. f5J"At a late meeting of the Board of Directors, held in the City of Bos ton; it was determined, after a full hearing of the merits of the conflicting routes, to locate the terminus of the Burlington and Missouri River Rail road at Plaltsmouth. A liae from that city West will be constructed, to con nect with the main stem of the Union Pacific Railroad at the 100th Meridian. Burlington Hawk Kye. jSSr'An editor sums up the pecu liar ties of a cotemporary as follows: "He is too lazy to earn a meal and too mean to enjoy one. He was nev er generous but once, and that was when he gave the itch to an appren tice boy; so much for his goodness of heart. Of his industry he tays the public may judge, when he slates that the only time he ever worked was when he mistook castor oil for hon ey." X iXOTIILU fcTIMXi: I.ETTKI8. A roan who registered his name as M. D. Beers came to Bonner's Hotel, Buffalo, a few days ago. No partial notice was taken of h:m until a card was found near the entrance to his room, with the following in the same handwriting as his name on the regis ter : "E. C. Delhi: As Booth is dead, and Davis is caught, there is but little dope for the Circle. God must have prevented our plans from being execu ted. If Surratt had not failed our plans would have been carried, Virgin ia regained and our cause saved. All is lost. "P. S. You failed. If I live I will expose you. Surratt should die. I wish to live, but I think we are all sur rounded, and will be caught." Beers has been arrested and a statement of the facts has been sent to Wash-'ngton. sJTThe New Orleans Delta relates that a social party was given ia Mo bile a few evenings since to which were invited a number of both Union and Confederate officers. In the ear ly part of the evening an evident re straint hung over the assemblage, and any thing but a pleasant time was in prospect. At last the brave rebel Col. of the st Alabama, pro posed a song, and on being requested to start one, he broke forth in that stirring national air, "The S,ar Span gled Ramicr." After a few moments of blank astonishment, the whole party, Union and rebel, joined In, and the ut most good feeling and joviality prevail ed from that time forth until the break ing day warned the merry company to disperse to their separate abodes. The good fruits that may spring from this little incident nrp incalculable. A nice relic of the "peculiar institution" is found on one of the con fiscated plantations on the Mississippi. A notoriously hard master, named Cockrel, left behind, in the house, a journal of events, orders, etc., in which he expressly prohibits all meetings for prayers and religious services. Cock rel, in the journal mentioned above, chronicles an instruction issued to his overseer one season, that the plantation mnst produce so much corn, uch a quantity of cotton, a certain number of mules, a certain number of hogs, and ten negro children, and directs arrange ments to be made accordingly, without regard to any of the relations of life. E-iJAs General Logan was march ing his troops up to Washington, he marched them past Washington's tomb at Mount Vernon. It made eight miles further marching, but the boys were anxious to do it. . 3Men show particular folly on five different occasions : when they es tablish their fortune on the ruin of an other; when they expect to excite love by coldness, and by showing more marks of dislike than affection; when they wish to become in the midst of ret pose and pleasure; when they seek friends without making any advances of friendship; and when they are un willing to tuccor their friends in distress. A Connecticut Jonathan, in taking a walk with his dearest, came to a toll-bridge, when he, as honestly as he was wont to be, said, after pay ing his toll, (which was one cent), "Come, Suke, you must pay your own toil, for just as like as not I shan't have you, after all.". " ' ggIl is slated on goon authority, that the Government is now feeding 200.000 inhabitants in Virginia. Eleven thousand rations are daily is sued to citizens in Richmond alone. Ldwaril Buttery, Plaiut'lf, Aira:nst Henry K. Shaop, Defend i t. I To H'nry K. Shoop, you aro hereby notified that an att;irhment wan int'il ty m In fivi r of tlie above l'Uiutiir, and nuaiust (lie l.uve omiied IVf. n fH'ut. for tb sum of Twenty Doliars prii-?jHl , and Two Ik)ll;ir slid Ton Cents interest, nd trial fl f r Saturday, July Sklntl., IsW, t 1" o'clock. A. -M , of gaiil day, at wnicb timu judt-'tutnt will l e rendered PMint you. if you do uot appear aud fhow ca:e to tlie contrary. JAMES O'NEIL. Ju:ice of the IVace. riatlsnjoutb, June21,ls65. T II E NEBRASKA Is the place to get CARDS, CI Cl?.ARS, I! TICKETS. POSTERS, I A BEL S3 LEttAE BLANKS, -OR- From a TO A eiKOTS BILL ADVERTISE IN THE NEBRASKA HERALD, AND LET TI1E PUBLIC KNOW THAT YOU ARE Alive Sc Stirring. CABINET SHOP. II. BOECK, Havinj; recor.tly built a new tin! ra'.'i lfhpt, Ilain St., Hattsmouth, II. T., Wor.l l rc-pei !fi:liy Itif.irrn tho rit:j;rn of (- .,s , Hd.t.iiuiiiK rouutiea tiwi lie Itu.. tUe facilities f ,r v ryiui; on tii cali:t ur.MEss la al: Hi liranch' S IN THE HOST APPROVED STYLE 1 am pn t-J to turn out tl." (J II lu A 1 13 h T Hr.d m.ifct (tTir:illo SJJLX" o Ofevery description, ever cfl' r.' l in l,e Terr;...rj SAT I S FA CTION G UA It A NTEi:D -Pir;i,i:i.,r intention pail to making an J t- All ki: N nf lumlier taken in exchange fur ork. Plain lu.iitli. Aptil In, l0o. Apothecaries Hall. JOHN KEEI) & CO., Cor. Main anj 5th St-,., NEBRASKA CITY, - . I .'ilcrs in DHUGS & MEDICINES, Taints, Oils, Tally ami Glass -O- P.'tenl Me-'ieitie i.f n' lind-. T-.i', t nrli. l.-s, -fl. tiMiu ry.anl . vrryil. in.' kept in 111 -t-.l.'l s Pr .. .t'ii at La!rta I'lic- H. - V" urn prepared to II 11 all .ir erH, Nndnarmii' our'.iudi tu he f:vli. ,,pr. iq 0 1 BOOT & SHOE MANUFACTORY. We are nlna' i on ): ni.f nt r.iir f-f p, mi the kuu"i M. e ,11 M.iin -.Te !, .mc 1.j.'- ln -l uf the ilMHj. j like, to maj loots y ftiocs l Order, : lii-j ijc.-.t iButc.-i i I aid We. Ii-ive a. ."'.! !- !!.! i.d rf w.itk f.n I and, nui iil !:';, nt all i...i. u 1 k t . tut u t'.mi.i -.. Rc'iJairitar on SZiort Notice CA(Ji: & POISAL. riutt.-muuih, Apiil M, 'i.'i if THE PRAIRIE FARIIE3, IM.VO ll:l Ti, Agriculture, II n th uHiac, M c hwilry, ;. ileal b Home Inifiuls, (it rirrul AV'r.v, )..., y--. Pnl li-hed ek Ii . in a i; if nr t.iv , .,rI:, f p.-iiri-M, with mi x al li.o .i,l .. t-noh vul,w.- l-i.Y mvutli-.J TJCKJtS-.-U-W -l WAR,!. JIU'AXCS. Fur 1V11I, ircl r,t ,t;il .h;4, ,,. riy.y J. 'A 1. r roprin'.- advert;-, in.. :iu ill ! pi r.e I i i th hAiMi 11 f ,1 lj(,nni rliiit nf -Jin-e, Nm.pi rl.'l, eilcli iiiMirti in, in .irtvali e. hpeei it ' i ic.i. ' iJ''1. pr.'ee 1, r:?. it.!vtraiU' lit, tHtttty cut. p. r line of cpucu ucc up.. 1. A f lare Uvinpll.-cn .;n lill. of MpU4.'c. 51 j-The cirei-.l . tir. 11 of ih- I PAIIUI VA I! M KM U D'.w 1I1 Uro ,t ..f any pap-r nf in cl.i? in th- V,'. . 1 and North -U. -it . nn l oif. r t i Nuie yni n, 1 and linplenieui Jl 1 !: ifa tn lerp, tit" Ui-t i.i-.dmiii t-, reach tlie uia.ied irrei ti- I. i.Ml:X ( ., 4 I.:,!;.; Ft.. Chic ,!(.., Id. Marble Yard. Tlie uiuleisincd will open au Extensive Marble Ynrd in the City of I'lattsnioutli, about THE HOT li OF MAY, AVe are liiaci to llcccicc Orders at any time. t . . JOSEPH EUTZEIUN &. CO. May 1 lSGo, ml Ii. FROST c Co,,-- WHOLESALE G- R O G E H '8, Opposite tho Post OHic, NEBRASKA CITV, N. T.