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About Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1865)
"Jf any man attempts to haul down the American Flag, shoot him on the spot." John A. Dix. VOL. I. PLATTSMOUTII. N. T., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28, 1805. NO 12. THE HERALD IS I't'BI.IMlKD EVLRY WEDNESDAY MORNING, IiY II. I HATHAWAY, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. on Main rc- t, opposite Aiuiaun, Do. v-.v 4 Co.'. Terms: $2.50 per annum, invariably In advance. Hates of . ldrertising. One fq'iar? (spare of ta lin) one insertion, l!l ..'0 i.i t V ofrasi inl cr-K nl x -el i ri K t-ix line One quarter c-ilnnin or le, fier annum ix uiuutha ' tiir months Ouv Unit t jlu'-u IwoItp month " fix month ' " li.iHi.- in in tin One column Iti-ivo month " i x in'Hith- ... 10 IK) S) IK) 15 CO In i n 4.riHi.i V". 11:1 I.) on Kit H .".l0 T.t mi .. , , , ,,,,, f ri ! All trai.iTit iK'rii Mn.,nt intint be panl Pr in , J""'-- I - We fir- jt. t . .! all kin.N ( T Jm1 Work nn ,h..rt n ti , -.i:i s iu -ty..- timt wi.i givt- l IOIJ. I : JtUC-lUfOCi Jivcctovu. WILLITT POTTENGER. ATTOUXEV AT LAW, PLATTSMOUTII - - NEBRASKA. T. .11. JIAKUriSTT. attoiim:y at law Ami Solicitor in Chancery. ri.ATTSMolTM, - - NF.r.R.ASKA. i. ii. v..j.;s:m:k, NOTARY PUBLIC M COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS, Tire and Life Ins, Aj't, Act'iit f..r c t.. i t.fUnn iitf;in-t (t""rnmt?nt, ff r it", i l.fir i tuwi hu I minor A I -r I (it i-fi li t r,''. -n -f Lau atM City prt.j, cr ty,'in: I tTim.-nT'S i'yin-ul of Taxs iu all ynrtof N-!t.i -Ja mil WeMrm l.iwa. Attend t uit hciiii' j rtuirjiiiir t a "ener. LanJ , liiwuraiice, Tai l'iitif :rfl l'llti!in Ajfcucy. 7ttf i - t all bu- iiirs mn iu Nebraska. riatfii.oti'.h. N. T , May Ki, riW. K. C Lewis NOTARY PUBLIC (lONVEYANCKR- K-al K"t .t A.i-nt. Tax l'.iy-r f ir l.i j au i Ni lira K.t Titl- f 1 aii'l inv-tiatwl, fi;. tysA'J l-'i-n:'-i f ritruit1-! to lui c:ir will revtive j-;"ru(it .in. nt l'l.tltut .lUtli, -N.T., Ajiril 20li, tf Xalioiinl Claim Affency. WASHINGTON D- C- F. M. DORRINGTON, MTf: Ai.KNT: PLATTSMOUTII, - - NEBRASKA, Ii pr-psr'l to iircwnt am! pruwiif c!:iims ln-f j .C'l'irt ifi'iiiiii a:iil thn l,irttii--iit.i. t- t i-. n- .n-, liiinn! . ;iq i ii .iinty'- r-i:r'i. C'-T ii.'ir..- mi'irr:it--. a lid ill pmiMirti'iil to It..- .tut mm 'l the cliiia. Aril Hi, 'OS. V. M. DDKKlN'jilO V DiM'atf ol" the I've. DR. VV. E. LAWRENCE, CD enlist, Treats a!l Pi -i-' "f tt. Kye. He ai rauij a cure lu every inkwi in Ii iuJ. tT"o:iii.i ;it tlie Nrlira lia Housf."" Platt-ai-iiili, April li', 15. PLATTE a m m G. W.CROW, VALLEY PROP. t m pri-par'.l to furni-li .iU whi rimy faor me with th:r atr.mitp., wilh I.xliiig, im;ip ineH'd or tH- trii liv th- wpt-k. j. V . CKtlW. I'lntcsm ulh, April 1H, yl JOSEPH SCHLATER. "WATCy MAKER and JEWELER, MAIN STttiT, PLATTSMOUTII, . - NEBRASKA. A jr o l n-.-ortmcnt of VVhI Cl' Pens, J-welry. Silver War, Fane l.oi Violins and Vi u'iQ Trimminp'. al"'vs n hnd. A!lw.rk coiii iMtti'.i to hi- "r will be vrarmiitei!. April 111, l-i'i."'. TO FREIGHTERS and FARMERS! Blacksmith, Outfitting, AND 71 A Till F. SHOP. We have oiient"! a Blacksmith, Otitflttiiit; and Ma cliino Shop on Main Street, South Side, herr you can Ktrt aay kiud of work dune In mr line We L ne a Wagon Shop in conniption, w here all kin'I of wo d-work will be Uotie on hj t ui lue. fCAll work warranted. W. 1. (tKIKFIX C O. r!attm )'"c, April 1. "fij. TOOTLE, HANNA & CO. i M'COBMtCK'S REiiPERSt MeCdRMICKS AVIIEEIiliD MOWERS, BROWJ'a Hnois Corn Planters, AN D -MOLlE PLOWS, AT lamifactureiv Prices, Frtigbt Added. TOOTLE, HAKA CO, SOUTH AMERICAN WAR. President Mitre, on receiving the news of the wanton invasion of the Ar gentine Republic, issued a proclama tion to his "fellow countrymen," sum moning them to their posts as citizen soldiers. According to the press of Buenos Ayers, the proclamation has been received with enthusiasm, and all political parties are said to be united in a determination to support the Gov ernment. According to present appearances, the war may become one of the most important that has yet taken place iu sju'.h America. The land forces of Paraguay are estimated by tne JSue nor Ayres Standard at 00,000. ihose of the allies Brazil, the Argentine ' Republic and Uruguay are expected ' to reach soon o.000. But the greater . number of this force has vet to be rais ed, while the Paraguayan force is al- ready in the field. It is thought, therefore, that it may take a few months before the allies can assume the aggressive. The combined population of the three allied countries so far outnumbers that of Paraguary, that the success of the latter would seem to be impossi ble. The Paraguayans hope, howev er. J that they will find many allies in the northern provinces of the Argen tine Republic, and in Uruguay. In the Brazilian province of Rio Grande, which will now be the first to be over run by the forces of paraguay, the slaves form a vast majority of the in habitants, and by giving them liberty, President Lopez would detach this val uable province from Brazil. It is evident that the issue of this war may have important conseqnences for a large portion of South America. Tribune. Senator Sherman of Ohio on ."Negro Suffrage. a Uuiuu iuuicuimn hclJ in T'iolc- away county. Ohio, on the 10th inst.. Senator Sherman made a speech in which he took high ground iu favor of negro suffrage. He said: "If we can put negro regiments to garrison the Sollth and give them bay- s , t onets, why can t we give them votes f . , Both are weapons of offense and de fense. Votes are cheeper and better. Bothar part of the military necessity put upon us by the rebellion. Both are unpleasant to the rebels, but medi cines are not usually savory. I conclude, therefore, on this sub ject of negro voting, that in all States who can claim their full rights under the Constitution it is a qnestion for the State, and that in revolted States it is a question of policy and military gov ernment, to be decided by the national authorities until the State is fully re stored to its former condition. In some of the Southern States I would leave them under military rule until ihey provide the only sure security for the future; that the negroes should have their share in reconstruction, as they have borne their share in fighting. Negro voting may not su't our nat ural prejudices of ca-rte. They may be ignorant, docile, easily led, and not safely trusted wilh political power; but if you admit all this they have been true and faithful among the faithless. They have joined in putting down the rebellion; and now to place them at the mercy of those they have helped to subdue to deny them all political rights to give them freedom, and leave them entirely subject to laws framed by rebel masters is an act of injustice against which humanity re volts. Suppose you deny them suffrage, what then ? The Southern States gain by the freedom of their slaves fourteen new members of Congress and as ma ny electoral votes, not three-fifths. but five-fifths are contented. If you give the same men who revolted this increased political power, what safety have you ? Suppose ten years ago they had this additional power, Kansas would hare been a slave State this day and they would have had ample politi cal power to subvert your Government without a resort to arms. All the evils that I perceive may arise from a mix ed voting population, are insignificant cempared with the only two alterna tives: the restoring to rebels vast polit ical power, and the danger and vast expense of military governments." OX TIIC L'MTCU STATES- M. de Montalembert has just pub lished an article in the Correspondent, headed "The Victory of the North in the United States," which the jJvenir J"aiiGnal descrioes as "an act of con trition, and an open disavowal of the fatal doctrines which formerly led him to call for an 'expedition to Rome in the interior." The military virtues displayed by the Americans during their tremendous struggle of four years duration, seem toM. de Montalembert nothing in comparison to their civil virtues. The citizens of the United States did not have recourse to suicide to get away from fear and suspense. They were not the people to imitate those despairing sick who prefer im mediate death to prolonged suffering. He thinks their conduct in time of trial a grand lesson for those European na tions which, though a heroic as need be on the battle-field, are "intimida ted and demoralized by every civil danger." The Americans have given to the world the "glorious and consol ing example of a people who saves it self without a Caisar." The Avtn'.r sees in this homage from an old apos tle of intolerance a striking instance of the power of liberal principles. THE HOXIlUn.. TREATY. The Treaty between the United States thd the Republic of Honduras, is officially proclaimed. It provides for perpetual amity and a reciprocal freedom of commerce and .navigation. Honduras engages to open negotia tions with the various Governments, with which it may have relations, for their separate recognition of the per petual neutrality, and for the protection of the contemplated Honduras inter Oceanic Railway, from the Atlantic to the Pacific Oceans. Honduras agrees '.hat the right of wav or transit over such route shall be at all times open ana tree to tne oov- ernmentand citizens of the United Slates, for all lawful purposes whatso ever; and in consideration of these concessions, the United States engages, in conjunction with Honduras, to pro tect the same from interruption, seiz ure or confiscation from whatever quar ter the attempt may proceed, so long as the spirit and intention of this article on th's subject shall be preserved. Kl; OFFEltS FOK JEFF. The Detroit Advertiser publishes ihe following liberal offer from the enter prising Capt. Jerry Sanders, no con nection we may say, to George N. He says : St. Clair Flats. May 19, lSGo. To Hon. E. M. Stanton, Secy of War: The undersigned respectfully pro poses to the United States Govern ment that he will pay the sum of SB, 000.000, in consideration of the Gov ernment leasing him the body of Jeff. Davis, the late rebel Presiding officer, together with the female habiliments worn by him at the time" of his cap ture, r urther, that if the .Depart ment will muster out of service the 4th Michigan Cavalry, he will, at the sanction of the Department, employ the nun as a guard of the same, and re turn him (Jeff) at the expiration of one year in as good condition as when received, natural wear and tear excep ted. At the same time bonds will be given in accordance. Very respectfully, etc. Jerrt Sanders. And a New Yorker, through the Post makes the following offer : The Government has offered $100,- 000 for Jeff Davis and has got him. 1 will give the Government 250,000 for him, with his petticoat on; and I will exhibit him through the country, petticoats and all, as the last of the "Chivalry," and give one-half of the gross proceeds of the show for the widows and orphans of our soldiers, and for the martyrs of Andersonville and Libbv Prison. "Somebody has found out a new way of taking pictures, by whiclwhey can be taken better al night than in the daytime. A photographer has missed several from the frames that hang by his door, and dosen't approve of the new plan. jgIt is anticipated that the Atlan tic Telegraph will bo in operation next month. CO LIV T 10.TiLC.TIItKT Rebel EYiiigralion to Rrazil The wVtir- Orleans Picayune makes the following statement: "We understand that a number of the most prominent Generals and En gineers of the Confederate armies, for the moment uneasy, or apprehensive for the future, contemplate going to Brazil, where they expect to find a more independent home and better em ployment for their skill and talent. We also learn that the same movement is contemplated by officers and engin eers of the Confederate navy, with whom, personally acquanted as they are with the Brazilian shores, the idea probably orginuted. "It is, likewise, said that many of the rank and file, both of the army and na vy, apprehensive of the difficulty of getting employment; and following the example of their leaders, are preparing to emigrate to the valley of the Amizon. This is properly discountenanced by the leaders, iff the best interest of their followers, as ill-judged and every way unwise. Indeed, we cannot see how it is possible for many of them who have families, or even them who have not. to raise the nectesary means for such an emigration. It would probably cost SI, 000 for even a small family to go to the Brazilian shores and support themselves for six months, a year or whatever length of time it might take to find or establish themselves in their new homes, if ever found; for it is the ex perience of all mankind that the life of an exile whether voluntary or involun tary, is that of a discontented wander er "Some of the officers, we understand, are the more apprehensive for the fu ture, because of the fact that before secession they belonged to the United States army, or were in service under the Government. It is doubtless true that such persons, if they desired it, would not be permitted to go back their old places and employment. They can not, therefore, avail themselves of the generous permission of General Or ders, given to the mass of the Confed erate army, to resume their former a vocations in life. A gentleman while taking a drive through one of our country towns, ac companied by an Irish servant, had the misfortune to get h's vehicle smashed and himself and companion thrown vi olently to the ground, by his horse ta king fright and running away. The gentleman was somewhat, bruised, not seriously. His principal loss was that of his wig which had been shaken off, and on picking himself up, he found Pat in a most ludicrous condition, hold ing on his head with the blood trick ling through his fingers and his mas ler's wig in the other hand which he was surveying with the most ludicrous alarm and horror. " el . Pat " said the master, "are you much hurt ?" "Hurt, is it? Ah, master, dear, don't you see the top of me head in me hand ?" Pat in his terror and confusion, had mistaken his master's portable head piece for his own natural scalp, and evidently regarded his last hour as having arrived. AGRICULTURAL. PROSPECTS. Mr. Isaac Newton, head of the De partment of Agricultural at Washing ton, has issued a report for the months of April and May, in relation to our agricultural prolucts, their prospects and conitions. The report shows a falling off of the foreign and govern mental demand, and treats at length of the reciprocity treaty, now about to expire. Soeaking of the prospects of the growing crops, Mr. Newton says that "the crops of IS65, both at home and abroad, promise an abundant har vest; and should this promise be real ized, prices must fah; especial under a continued decline in the value of gold But no estimate can yet be made of what thesecrops will be, for they are not free from serious and unfavorable casualties. It is still expected, how ever, that the summer will show an increased export of our wheals, be cause their quality is superior; and the recent advance in English prices, al though small, indicates that the inferi or wheats, which hare been weighing down prices, are consumed sufficiently to relieve the markets from their de pressing influence." PRESIDET JOSISO OS XE- OltO SUFFRAGE. The most pointed views of Presi dent Johnson on negro suffrage have just been made to the delegation of Quakers, who called on him with a petition asking that the influence and power of the Government may be so wielded, as to secure to all persons without distinction the equality of right and franchise. In response, President Johnson said be would not make a speech, but would talk to them in the spirit of friendship and fraternal re gard. He wished ;o talk to them as though they were all members of the same family. He told them of the difficulties in the way of conferring the right of suffrage, as they desired, and gave them many instances of his ex perience among the slaves of the South whose habits and feelings he professed thoroughly to understand. But one great act might be said to have been fully accomplished by the war after the restoration of the Union, and that was the complete abolition of Slavery. There are many other things that would require time to accomplish, and among these might be the question of suffrage. He next referred to his own experience it the rebellion, and to the fact that while ha had suffered person ally and pecuniarily, and in other ways, he had no complaint to make, out wouu uo nia best to bring peace and order to the country. aTA person of an observing turn of mind, if he has rode through a coun try town, has noticed how curious youngsters alon the route will fill the window with anxious faces in order to get a glimpse at the passers by. Our friend Jonathan, peddler, drove up in front of a house one day, and seeing all hands and ;he cook starring from the window, got off from his cart, and the following dialogue took place with the man of the house : j vubn - XIasthcro toon & funer al here lately ?" Man of the house "No, Why?" Jonathan "I saw there one pane of glass that didn't have a head in it." Man of the house "You leave blas ted quick, or there will be a funeral." A Difference. Henry Clay, in a speech on the compromise measures, in the United States Senate, July 22, said: "If Kentucky tomorrow unfurls the banner of resistence unjustly, I will never fight under that banner. I owe a paramount allegiance to the whole Union a suborbinate one to my own State. W'hen my own State is right when it has cause forresistence when tyranny and wrong and oppression in sufferable arise, I will then share her fortunes; but if she summons me to the battle field, or to support her in any cause against the Union, never, never will I engage with her in such a cause." Robert E, Lee admitted that Virgin ia was wrong in attempting resistence to the Government for redress of griev ances, but chose to go with his state against the Union. Who doubts that Mr. Clay, if alive, would say that Lee should hanj as a traitor.? GLIE FOR READY USE. To any quantity of glue use common whiskey instead of water. Put both together in a bottle, cork it tight, and set it away for three or four days, when it will be fit for use without the application of heat. Glue thus prepar ed will keep for years, and is at all times fit for use, except in very cold weather, when it should be set in warm water before using. To obviate the difficulty of the stopper getting tight by the glue drying in the mouth of the vessel, use a tin vessel with the cover fitting tight on the outside, to prevent the escape of the srints by evaporation. A strong solution of isin glass, made in the same manner, is a very exeellent cement for leather. ESFA well known wag stepped in to Appleton's and enquired "Have you "The woman in Wite ?" "Yes,' re plied the clerk. "All alone ?" asked the searcher after literature. "Yes,'' responded the clerk. "In the dark ?" still queried the questioner. "Yes, sir," again promptly answered the at tendant. "Well, all I have got to say is," retorted the wag, "you have a mighty nice thing of it. Good bye !' ARTE.tlLS WARD IN RICH MOND. Irnmejutly on my rival hero Iperceed- ed to the Spotswood House, and callin' to my assistant and a youn man from our town who writes a good runain' hand, I put my ortograph on the register, and handia' my umbrella to a bald bed ed man behind the counter, who I 'epos ed was Mr. Spotswood, I said, "Spotsey how does ehe run V He called a called purson and said : "Show thegen'lman to the cowyard, and give him cart number l." "Isn't Grant here, I said." "Perhaps Ulyssis wouldn't mind my turrin' in wilh him." -Do you know the Gin'ral?" inquired Mr. Spotswood. "Wall, no, not 'zackly but he'll re member me. His brother-in-law's aunt bought her rye meal of my uncle Levi all one winter. My uncle Levy's rye meal was ' "Pooh! pooh!" said Spotsey, "dont bother me," and he shuv'd my umbrella ont the floor. Observin to him not to be so keerless with that wepio, I accom panied the Bfrican to my lodging. "My brother," I said, "air you aware that you've bin 'mancipated ? Do you realise how glorious it is to be free? Tell me, my dear brother, does it not seem like some dream, or do you real ize the great fact in all its livin' and ho ly magnitood ?" He said he would take some gin. I was shown to the cow-yard and laid down under a one-mule cart. The ho tel was orf ul crowded, and I was sorry I hadn't gone to the Libby Prison. Tho i should have slept comf'ble enuCFif the bed-clothes hadn't bin pulled off me du ring the night, by a scoundrel who cum and hitched a mule to the cart and drug it on. i tnus lost my covenn' ana my throat feels a little husky this morn ing. Gin'ral Ilalleck offers me the hospital ity of the city, eivin' me my choice of hospitals. He has also very kind placed at my disposal a small-pox ambulance. CMOS SENTIMENT. There is raly a great deal ef Union sentiment in this city. I see it on every hand. I mot . ,, I -am not at lib erty to tell his name, but he is au v and influencial citizen of Richmond, and sez he, "Why! we've bin fightin' agin the Old Flag ! Lor' bless me, how'sing'- lar." He then borrer'd five dollars from me, and bust into a flood of tears. Sed another (a man of standin' and formerly a bitter rebael), "Let us at once stop this effooshun of Blud ! The Old Flag is good enuff for me. Sir," he added, "you air from the North! Have you a doughnut or a piece of custard pie about you?" I to!d him no, but I knew a roan from Vermontwho had,just organized a sort of restaurant, where he could go &make a very comfortable breakfast on New England rum and cheese. He borrer'd fifty cents of me, and askin'me to send him Wm. Lloyd Garrison's ambrotype as soonas I got home; he walked off. Sed another, "There's been a tremen dous Union feelin' here from tho fust. But we was kept down by a rain of ter ror, have you a dagerretype of Wen dell Phillips about your person? and will you lend me four dollars fi a few days till we aiv once more a happy and united people?" A rROCD AND HAWTT BOCTnEHXER. Feelin' a little peckish, I went into a eatin' house to-day, and encountered a young man with long black hair and a slender frame. "Young man," I mild ly but gravely sed, "this crooil war is over, and you're lickt ! Its rather nec essary for somebody to lick in a good squaro, lively fite, and in this 'ere case it it happens to the United States of Amer ica. You fite splendid, but we was too much for you. Then make the best of it, and let us all give in and put the Re public on a firmer basis nor ever. "I don't gloat over your misfortins, my young f ren'. Fur from it. I'm a old man now; and my hart is softer nor it once was. You see my spectacles is mistened with euthin' very like tears. I'm thinkin' of the sea of good rich Blud that has been spilt on both sides in this dredful war. I'm thinkin' of our widders rnd orfuns North, and your'n in the South. I kin cry for both. B'leeve me my young fren', I kin place my old hands tenderly on the fair yung hed of the Virginny maid whoso lover was laid low in the battle dust by a fed'ral bullet and say, as fervently and piously as a vener'ble sinner like me kin say any thin', God be good to you, my poor dear, my poor dear I" I riz up to go, and takin' my yung Southern fren' kindly by the hand, I sed, "Yung man, adoo ! You Southern felleri is probly my brethers, tho' you've occa sionally had a cussed queer way of show in' it ! Its over now. Let us all jine in aud make a couutrv on this continent that shall give all Europe tha cramp in the 8tummuck ev'ry time they look at us! Adoo, adoo ! " m - Preparing Beef Essence. This valuble article has become so extensively prescrib ed by physicians, particularly in cases of low or typhoid fevers, that it may not be unacceptable to many of our readers to know the best mode of preparing it Take about two pounds of beef, remove all the fat, and cut it in peices about an inch square, put it in a jar or bottle, and cork it tightly. The best kind of a ves sel is a glass jar, such as is used for can ning frnit, with a lid that screws or fastens close, as the beef is more easily removed if the mouth of the jar is large, but a common bottle will answer the purpose. Place the jar in an iron pot filled with cold water, tie a string around the neck of the jar, leaving the string long enough ta slip through the iron loop at the handle of tho pot, and tying it so that the jar may 6tand firmly in the water. Put straw or a cloth at the bottom of the pot, or anything that will prevent the jar resting on the bottom and becom ing dry, thus risking its breaking. Let it boil for two or three hours longer if covenient; shake the bottle well before pouring out the essence; let it get cold, so that the fat may be entirely moved; then season it. It is more savory whoa warmed just before giving it to tha patient. Ex. Ccrk for Cuolic in IIorshs. A corres pondent of the Western Rural (Dtroit) says the following is a sure cure for this disease: Dissolve one pint of salt in one pint of hot water, then add a quart of good vinegar and pour half of this mix ture down the horse's throat. If the horse is not well in half an hour give him the balance, and you will soon lind hha all right. . How to Clean a Cisterv. Another simple thing 1 have accidentally learned, and it, too, if aot generally known, ought to be, relating to stagnant, odorous wa ter in cisterns. Many'persons know how annoying this sometimes becoaes. Af ter frequent cleaning experiments, all to no positive, perm nnent utlity, I was d visfld to put, say two pounds of caastio soda in tho water, and it puriicd it in a few hours. Since then, when I tried "' Port concentrated lye, I had quite as good a resun. ...... -0 Potted Meats. It sometimes happens to the ladies, from some unforeseen cir cumstance?, that large quantites of cook ed meats, prepared for a large party which did not cime off, perhaps, remam on hand, which are measurably lost. Such should be potted. Cut tho meat from the bone, and chop fine, and season high with salt and pepper, cloves and cinnamon. Moisttn with vinegar, wine, brandy, cider, and Worcestershire sauce, or melted butter, according to the kind of meat, or to suit your own taste. Then pack it tight into a stone jar, then cover it over the top with about a quarter of an inch of melted butter. It will keep months, and alway affjrd a ready and excellent dish for the table. How to Preser f k Mixce Pe Meat. Thoroughly boil the mat, chop fine and salt; place it in an iron kettle or f ryiDg pan; pour in molasses sufficient to mois ten; let it come to a boil, put into jars, and when cold cover the top with mola3 ses. Prepared in thisway it will keep a year perfectly sweet. Cows Leaking Milk. The family cow will not unfrequcntly come home at night from the rich pasture with milk stream ing from one or more teats. This in particularly the case with easy milkers. Having sueh a cow, and not fancying the loss of a quart or two each day, we appli ed coliodium (liquidjcuticlo, obtained at the druggists') to the ed of the teat: which effected a perfect euro. The pro tection retained tke milk, but gave way to a firm pressure of the teat with the hand. In this case a single application enfficed, but great milkers may necd.two or three coatings, at intervals before the orifice is sufficiently closed. A lady in a fashionable hooped dress said to a little boy, "Can 1 get through this gate to the river?" Boy "Perhaps. A load of hay went through here this morning." JSSSThe logic of the Kentucky con servatives, as the Frankfort Comtnon tcealti pertinently observes, is that nothing prevents the negro from be coming, in all respects, their equals, but his bonds, and therefore, to keep up their superiority, it is necessary to hold the negro in subjection. They do not, evidently, have a very exalted opinion of their ability to keep ahead of the negro, or they would not mani fest so much solici'udeabout the matter.