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About Nebraska palladium. (Bellevieu City, Neb.) 1854-1855 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 27, 1854)
S 1 5 1 i t u It u r ,i I. "NX. 'lie If. II'. lilt 1V .if, in" the pl"W W o'li it I itlllT 1.' ht I II. in. i! IC. &0IL1NU CuWS. The superiority of soiling over 1r. fommriii met in. 1 of ttirinrtL' rattU to pasture ,tr in othtT words allowing t'leTi a tV-e rang'1 ii ! 1 ptronjil conteii'lcJ for by many at 1 7 tliis ilay, TliC practice, so far as it pre?ails in ttit3 country, has been intcrduccd from Kuro;ie,! wlirre it has obtain 1 f(r a lonij time, and uhere certain peculi-j nritierf of soil, climate and popti-j lation, render it far more neres-: ' jury ifian u riow is or rry soon ran be, with m. Yet if it really possesses the high merit claimed for it by its advocates many of whom arc amont the most in telligent and discriminating boast i of, it is certainlv bv no means to; 1 neglected. We have now be fore us a we write, the statements of man men ot this clai-?, and among the numbor a gentleman of Waltham Middles county, Mass., who had "four cows, and not a rod of ground which could be ap propriated to pasturage. These animals, there-fore, never out of the barn-yard, and were fed with tfrass mowed for them, with green corn fodder which had been nown broadcait for them. anJ without thre pints of meal each per day. "i he amount of tieir produce was kept for thirteen weeks. Two tfthee animal were heifer of two years old, which had calves' in the siring. The whole mil'c of j one of t.em wai taken by her calf durin; six weeks out of the thirteen weeks, home of the milk of the other was tsken for family use, but ths qjantity was not de termined. Under these circum stances three heifers could not b rated a more than one cow at fll ge and mik. From this stock ho waver, thos circumstanced and fed, three hundred and eighty nine pounds of butter were made in thirteen weeks ! An additional pound would have given an ayer age of thirty pounds a week fer the whole time, t a stock which must, in fairness be set down as three cows." Three hundred and eighty nine pounds of butter from four good cows, in thirteen weeks, is a Jiandson.e return for the trouble; of counting green corn or grass for their daily feed. Shided from the sun by an open shed, all their droppings can be easily collected into a covered reservoir, and the reby furiiih the maximum of val uable manure. The writer has 'travelled much In several States in the last two months, and spentmosC of his time with gentlemen known to him as reading farmers. Wherever soil ing is wholly overloeked, the want of good feed for neat stock and often work-horsos is severely ielt. One can never have first rate milkers until he provides plenty of ,kgrcen meat" 1'cr his cows. Where a farmer understands the art of producing milk, it i.s the cheapest and healthiest food for the consumption of servants, or labor ing people, end for rearing chil dren. Fer rearing pigs, and pro viding all the meat that may be needed on the plantation milk is hardly less uri'uL A plenty oi sweet fresh butter for the table, and some to spsir in exchange, will ill-prove the living of many a family and save much of the cash received for the main crops of the farm. A few ceres imale rich and planted or sown thickly for forage, will yield a Laiid.-ome return, while tht land and labor o mplojed will never be missed in the year's operations. Nearl akin to the raising of corn, peas and grass for soiling in fcummer and autum, ii the bowing: of winter barley, nye and wheat fr pastur.igtMit the South from! . .. - g l December till Marcli, kjtw neeus cither good freh lands or that which has been Lbrally manured for this rmn ose. Sow early, put on plenty of teed and hirrow the J trotud v.i'izt elfectually at the time of weeding ar.-i roil it if vou.full "IT:.V "f !n'-u ""-' Mw. mlVr Tn make one coiv ' - . . I -.orth six common ones with com-l juyn Lir in winter is no very dif i'n t tn?!;. 13. L. . X. L Farmer. i u s i w 1 5 5 1 1 i c t c 1 o r n . GLENWOOD. !c ;i'.i:r. P tiers i'l Pry (, .-. r.-.m. ,', loWil. I! ('!' ... Hals & dps ,ru-t 't.'e (l ua s i;rv In 'i ., ii" r.M,l,!!I. i V . i . '. Avin ,. rs am! Pv (. . . K , .I.H .ii li I c.,.. 4. ' .-.I i i ... a r-t s; !. . i!r r n-1 H. 'a;! f .! r n; ri r f 1 .i-u-1 a hi- 1 " -!- 1 ( nii , ) -,r -r. p-i.t'mi nt "f !' -.-'-. Drv -j ,:i!,, a ad Cm. .,u. ." i'- 1. j :u-i If. v I'l.l I'll "! V. w r.r.NNivrr, .i !!.ir ;-.t r. aw. I in- :- ii ,. ill I " At'on ey nr in Chi' x- ruth .1 ,.l i s..i;.- u i-i ,it!t 1 to a'.! to ht riii-". i Ti t: stieets. Olrti'V.t.'.l a'.! p: i ! '-4 in' ti roi hit -I 1 I'm i" . Mi-ly ,YM. M'Ui.i.T. I'livic'an ami Sn'-mii. Inv.i,; locate 1 in (m.ii'V"".I, Mills r. pnitn.t!v attend t" all c.tli pi h' Oil'C" mi Lncii-t st.eet, one !. Whiti ' StiT?. rr Il.VA .1. Will ; !' ;m ' I -1 !i. i ! i...r.h 1. 1 a 1 1 j; .i 1 -1 I) A:!'".fv at I. "V. ;: ,H 1 !.-' , 111 Hll- (.''' I-I ii'l i)l-lri''.4, an.i im ihv :!!.lxl. iii i'i 1. ..r tin- il,'l-...!l. Mril r. in--. -i. ii:h airl 7ili .1 i- I " in "f I ' ! !,.("-I v. W.I.I.IAM i'ni;i!l'!.ii. Attn i.fv a-,.l Co ....-i-'ilor al Law, Iohvib loa. ' j-i!,- .'--ly. X i-. iiui." AVnrt:v '.l Coitli" Hoi .it I..' .v. cut : !r (t I.'H-ut fprt . (ili'm. ihmI. Iowa. :lli 1 :d-:f MT.IMCAL A OTIC I-PiK-ifirJainrn f.'.nii'l -. ii. v.-1 : i i forin tl.' cit;i-;.s c-f'h v. o. M ;N CI.', it. I ill til' I iw.i. t! Til ir. a lio : i I'riii.ui' ti; 1. I l I. i.TS 111- l'.-.;f. . iiai n-i v .ccs iii ti.f it' i'-tif a;. 'I 1 ill C'.i.'.4i. 1 nf i " s s Tii in It. i i.r:,i'4. t Ilm iuz a'. !' itl a I Mi'ilicat .M'nrc.4, in rvt.-iiii-. tinn uit'i th1 St. Louii lln-..! il, fli't'.is liniis.f i.mjn i. i.l In ri'ii.!"r , !! a! .iliI vti'i'i t j tli'ii'! wnu n. jy fu"' t.iin v ,;ti t.'.i'ir pal . ih.ijh. j.'-" ll' ill t'.ir t J r- , Murf. t.l.KNW. ..;. Mil LS f.'n.. li)W A. IN..). Ilil'.l-lV. ST. LOUIS. A"noi.rsi.: Kti.rn ami C-.!:ir W'.irf. ... M t'.iroe Hiur, Lo .i WiMuw. ' haI st., M . WAf. JiSOI' i Pi.cffii'lii stu' l w ir. tic'isi., ci'inliir i'l.'J, Mai;i "trvct, St. Lmiis. ''Matin;. an Imn Ciii.iiuiiiv,' li sti.n, n.-ii:-:lart-iriT4 ,f in.irliiiicMs tN, (! cii'tw.!,' a:i ilnMinu' niai-li-tn , at.4, A.c, ,Vc VAv-, i-.lirn Iik.U. Ai-.. ,Vr in:'.:. i,"arl ur-l a: Wtiitn-oi til Voi,, Mh !ifl .'. ii;ij.(.t.-. tn nrii.T. II. UAKr.WKLL, Jirli-1y A'. i nt. TiLMA N,U )A KIlTiTc ).. S'tcMii to Jir: liio'.il t HrotliTi. w 'ali' iWleis iti (Jiorrrii . Tea-. W' ami l,i lor: Ciiiiiii.nsioM ami rurHMriliiiiT !-. -riiants, Iw 4Nr:li sccoict (.trcfl, St. Loni.v Mo. rAHtf Til V M. KlT.I ACFB, anvia-lv MISSISMPri FOUNDRY, Gutey, Mi C'On.' X. Co., iu'twi'i n Morifan and (Irpcn lrept, n Afai'i an 1 Sn.ia.l ftn--iv, St. Loo.--, M ; U 1 i );- of Sliam,..-,. lioi(.: ami everv ilr'i r.j'lioii of incit :,iin-: . -. ' an- li-tim WM. jr.ssop A. .st'S. S'iilii.!,l (...! wjr!i.i, ill Alii.,, r,,r.,..i of M ri;an fti-.-.-t, b;. Lou :. St -i;l i.t iili!, 4rritt.''ins 111 'ire. or mijiorie ! ..r-l..r. f,., lH-4t ti-riiH. fL--li.nJ 11. jlL M-ll'.WKL:,. ,-.. J. V Whol.-salr Slio-4, of ai LolliX, Mo. , C:()MSTOCK.isc co., an'l rt.'.-'il ilia' r "1 Kn-ois am! 1 kii.,1-. An- '-'- 'Ma n ftrri-t, St. a.oi l-J-U VI". UANSOM "l ran'if.ii-lnrrrs of Toi'i'i B 'l is mul Smi et .Aiitos w.ipa.s.:rh aC'.,.p,r I'iprs !t st, i.:n Ki.sitn-s ami Pi-tillrrir,. liii ci liiii.?- and A, (' s. So-la (ii-io-iatoi am! I'n ,ntan. iji "-w.n-i nii.i ail km.!.- of Cnpj.iT hi. .-s. Wi ll ami Cistrrn Piiniji ami rv.-ry other artoi" in line of Uu.xsiii.'j.s, tliry also luannri-cliire kri'p ro;isia,,tv oll ,iir theSt. 1,0,,;, pr.-ii,i im ,. ,' """":iui D.r.llll Di al Untl-ih, :.-s or oll..r s nmlar n-lablinliiiifiit .; m.,,!, in a too-l anrl w orkiiiiinlike liiaimer, ami not of K'i'i-1 un.l s ihstantial material; ami of ilitli rfnt sirs. All kind of Tinware on hand, hol-al. anr rrt.n,.o. -'.Hi Main sturt. timli,., ,sl cor. nrr 0 Ch.-ny, St. Iims, Mo. apt li-ini LONG I.OOKKJ) I'OU, C0I1E AT LAST. y 1 v. aui.LS iV C'l. hiNrjO"! .'prrive.l ontof -i-l i.'ir lar-e; sr ainl h.-st ..,.(-t,.,i -l.irlr ,.f OUOU.i i t. r hiore k!.ihitrJ iu tin- He,t. t . 1 inot tlit-ir as-.n liimnt may hr foonj UltV (i()t))S, A variety of clothing of all sorts an-l tiie. har.hvaie ami cntiny, (l.-n'n, L11 Jicim s, fu,i,,' tiirr, h(.l.-i.-.i.s. buna' f) tah'i s, chans, cook, box ami CiiL't ian, j.arinr slmn., Vc. j in sh'nt. r try ili.n you may ra-l f r. IVrsnns 1 il not b ilt-lann ij ih-n tiirv roine to the rh up r.i.n.-i-, a, tliry alt mp'I .'ipp,e.l with liiiuM- clnki on t fi. st Irs, an, 1 al ways hirw -harp .-ri .-.jia an I , ii rmisririiirt. s Kmivianfs w o' i'.i.j it to Ihnr a.) anta-e lo call ujswti ns t.-r irrp ii.-h .s'n-'", '-li""'"'"1- 'fit ly;,L n.'i i-tf 1 fT r, m.viii'T.T-fc . - a fi.-' . i. iJK A. K A . I J' ''; IT- A M L I! NKUI'.ASKA l.j H L' .1 A 1 A ( , b. t ACcoi ST. MARY fc. BZLLEViEW CITY. 'J 'ill. .i-'-i'i..i is a lo iv an, 1 -".I, -,i.i,. boat. maiit.r 1 l.y e pn ietii-r-1 tihc.-ra and c;. Bellevii-w City , .V-biuiku, . o-l,oa.le bl. Alary , lutta. LMIOHAMS couiing to Nibiii-ka !i.iil,l in me ilirrft! y t j ST MARY. This is the gjiivi-y It) tin? inoul Important and n.teivatti.g j oit.ou of Ncbia.-ka. litar 111 i.uiid that fcT. KAEY & BELLEVIEW CITY are the two Lrt j.on.ts 1j. toe emiitiatmii to I CtT.trr. j toellrvievv City, July 13, IVjI. ol-tf NL W U00D3. si'Li:ndid stock of ni:.v goods' ! Juit tirrived, jn-r it'.f.iiiier Dcluwari-, i.t S.'lRl'Y'S CUE.1P C.1.SII .STORE 04 M.,,, ci:u,:;. i.-i-el, M. .Mary, s t;ii i emi 'ran! cnii tmw find a UT V'Ja,ia -i.ic, yvmu. u,.y ' Li.iV l iil-o Ii iur I 1MI. t,,:y , luil-lf j - - - r STOVES tor tl ir siAPPY It li.VGLIbll 100 SACHS jlt tr fair alrh; Kft,t en ft.of M'CkOLt.3 -'vO. ST.LOUiS AOVRTIS: MINTS. i ..... . lV I t MILL "t. -- l H 1 - "I 1 ,s .. , ..j. i i -r . '..s. etc. Tmm.cV,; j V- V il. I l villi, - " V i (".I hit a 1 It..- I '.i I i -"T ni I--.'ii ' . !! ''I - 1 1 11 II '' riiuii Ikivv 111 ill V"l..iw. - - ' 1 'X ' N I V I ... M..i I. 'i-i-'ii ' r.xn t t'l- 4 l4 I.I ,--t ,-. n, , t ,-,t -p ill'V, .11 1 1. IT lull' i'l 1 U " 4 -..--t,-i a! .. I - i-ni '. . I-.. V. u ,1 I '. ..-.,,..-, !., -i n !i -.i! .' t:H' 14 al w a 4 ,i tttaic il I ; ).l .1 tn- i. .1 1 Hi it . , . I'or k si . f-.l In 1 1 an l 1 1 iln 1 u1,! t ,1,1 a 1 . i o l.'i.-. .11: : 1' iii. U-i ai. I anv !i-in-l Ift.i.i .1 a . I ..;: Ii.,,,; ,',1 '. . !!(l, i'l N; CI.O I IIS. 'I'.i r.'itam t,ii- quality "f 1. 11 1 :u 11.1 M i'i ... I"' II I n ..- C!..t!l !.r..t .. 1.4.C ,. i,,,l 1, ,. J ,1 i IM'-'li fi'.. l -l,.a linl li lit 'V f.i.f I ''.' q ,.l ill 1 - .if 4Tiil-- .',! ,i .l.-st . a " I'i t !im 01 . ..iii;i .i'.W i I noil nwr1.T4 I 1 1 r lit, .- I'.lllli I ( li. . r, ci ai.,1 s-.-f..-r Ci.i:Ji4. 1.1 a 4.1 j.n-i.ii: ,,1 5.'!liii an r l i i.l In f (ir.-. ' Ii.- i;ia mil .i.-- ; I'- in.-', i'l 1 I'"" 1 :i,'i:t ail .-..'4 jii.o ! .i.n i. v 'tf V.. that f a'. l i.-nl!'T !i-- 111 ; r a i v I'i ,i' .' a 111 i:1' 1 it -: if. -t i.M - i - ii.r.'l 11T a , I i'-lf. V.'i tiniT.i 11 ir i.l,,,'rti.i,i4 i-l l...n i.t a'i t ii ',ii: 11 t'li-ir ( I. i'l, -.. a.i.l (ii-,;,. . r t.i inaj... TitfY iri- I i:iti i. k it w .In r-! 1.0.11,1 -, f.'aiin tiiat i;4 lii'ii ,t a :. . -!n-4 ii. li-: Iii. i ,r, ! I'n'il.l not rii.iKf tm .r 1 ',' -1 r h t.i,' m. .I'i: '1..: v ' ' ' 1.!,. f,.i ..r.n.,1 n,:llr.-r: T! -( -II li,,.TI M. I in li" i.v ..h 1 . 1, in I f..r l,.-a,iiy tv i.f io-lo -. fttz'M a...l 1' In vr 4,ir,-po li'.l. am' M 111: n x mi 1 - if I l.!4;l. 11111I01 llli- 1I11, we n l'i;r to ' in i: I, "-4 r: iH i '.illv lo tin- iniii 1 .1 il.r. ro mi ry, ani i4. 11 I mill u . ni'i 4 m tlly A')ORT.inU: CII. 1LY MILL O-.r a!!, nt. ,i;i I " 1 ri '.1 tn ol.'-'.in tli'- '.i.'-t II. .-.: nii.l-.. I 1 in 1 ;. ' mi xii.'i i'Tr'' I Irri'!, ii'i an. I ni.Tij.linly nf -, . ' 1 10 l.! ill: usup.l. In ii, - Ci-:'!'. !. 'A ' I'l-r,.-'. " 4 i. iriiiiin-r ivc' ' !!. t.i' V v.- -. ' i -,4 ,,.f. ! i-i f ir rntifriirtin- -.'4 l il.",' .tr lJ4pit . v I l i. trfnip, ..-I ,"ii tt'i. th'' i.l'j.-i-t , ,- tiniili i- I;.n r sur. !"";! ,'f in tli" ;r-,i :f ll.i ! nt hi'.'ll otic it. . 1' 1 !... .) jir-i f,,rm tiiri.i .1. nor to c.-ir !;' ' ' -''' 1 i-:it...-l tn the sat ni .-'liii nf l!i"- ini Ti.'-v- urc in r!.-m':i" n.. in 1 1 1 W tliion. !, tin.l iiianv nf tli'-rii 111 Ni".i' ,i,-,i-,i n f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 nrn ,a . I in 'm, 1 1. 4 ai.- known a - 'rni.'IfS 1 I'l.'OVLP lillAl.N A!!!.!.. 'A"i-11. ,i,.f,, iiiii lure kin.U. iii n-,t : it n-..,v IHU-. in i-i-.n-l I, ' wiol-'i! nf 'iiv r ini i i ; -i,,, - am, ,,hiv mi 1. tui In m .-r ' mi tn mil. a 1 -t : in it; rii. mii.i.. 1 ut'.iil iii "'u t rini'i.l.-1 ai, I uuriiijc iri-lrli- LH. Ill IK II HKWTLYC. j'ln arli.-l,. 14 mm in.i'ip in Mm j'.atr-:t por. f.i-l,.ii., a'. -I la-.-..ii..i .-x'.-..:w'lv in the luamii'di t'ii 01 f-n; li..l iL,iiiiiTit - o!" t',.- com, try. H r k--i mi ti,- lai '. -' u.l.,'u' in the V.4H-rii cointiy, nf ii, anJ LasSt-rii llj.liiillactil. ?. VniAviiin ni-HBin m'iim, t"m PAIKIS.i AMlHI hHKH 1.. VV- flit t'lP Otll.V h-.-nl" vf the llo.4l.iii Co..ij,.uiy in Ik. is city I 01 iiiB,-l or ih" ir'i.i !". Ili,itin! M-irM', mill ;.ii, lii4, r?nlaliiis .ni , 4jti.4l iroinj, ('an 0 imn (,.n t -.r null . ..-U-i. s.-rrfii win-. r.o..M i-ai-'s. lar? l.-i-lii. r, oalcoi'-'i pmiti'i , A...., j" coi.tan! 'y ..,1 kaitil .2 St. !,' ,-.. ,,l '.,. nM-lv. u;;;;psirY FEVER AND AGUS. f MHF. I'll l, r. f i'i Mi-lirn.i s mi. I P ii- .1. nlar h'-, In. ye, i lend l,y the Slat"' o. I , i,n. . '. .1 na, A j . ,1 x ' . li, 1 -o', ii, t,i i,r- re- 1 "' i I- nl fpiiriiniH iio-ti .1 ut'i k'so to s - IvH '- puloir .ii; !. ;,ihle 1. iii-.i... m I. I" lie !., t j,i. ,i,ra! ,i i-rrs cat no" n u i 1 l he l-lllj'.'l,' -.(. I., U,:. phl el;:, -,., I)..- ;,t i.) .,., IMIVAM,-., 'IONIC M I VJ K li. the first and c:i!y k 11" wn for t x 1 v yio., a the n tt iiii r irr fur the J'. i.r an I Au' ,r. it.i kimlieii i'i. inj. u m's, ri'imiil.-i.'ilv r.".uii:neml it to tiir J,-1 roi. a tr of the al I in ei. '1 in- ai,. or 11, i,i, ,111, n !,!, ... K-'-runinen ls for l','.. Con,., la, is. I'.OVV A Mrs COM POCNi) SVUl i' ok HI. H'KHrilC'V LOOT, and in in .1 :e time u til 1 10 i.isli 1' , 1, 1, i-ini il,. ,i-e tiiat rati be ..K y tutted in !hii w ay . Jly oidrr of the ' rns'ri s, JO.T It. HO WAN' i). M. P. Pir.siJeiit of the CiiiterMty. ami II, a, I of thr l liai Uiacetilial U n.n tinent. lfnn r t'sprim'iry ami Oltitr, .No. l.-t Anh St.. Phil;,. ,.;. Ilia. M-pt'O, Iv vl'wLVS WA.V'i'LUAll kin 1-nf kkiii-wanU O cu, lui nil ifn Ine Jiiiicst 1., ice a iii be pa,,j ' li: DitiLiJ 1 HUT 1 o ir I.v ftAKPi a. i:.v(;Lisir, A!SI.S, KI(;S AM) Cl lilt A NTS. for it s.:iel,y SAPPY K !'.(. C1 L'.ilALAaT Cuius fur s ilt n, 1 hMtl'V i:GISII. I A i .. 1 i'All-Ai M.U.CJL.S',"f..r"ale SAKi'V li N'M.ISII. )i;opi;( K amicami warn d ill paXTnent III pay 111' it I.f debts, Miii'i 1.S1;. A N I) i'OliK wai.U.l at thr .fill IP hi' 5 I'll tt I ic vlit-aii (il) x. A - r.o.ioij a.t.l - A ... I .r n.i.4 CiC )LLS A. co TRADER'S POif-JT" FERRY. ' 1 1 II V. (.ii'n.sri ihrr bau 1: I.-i .id of Clarke &. JL ( ".. the o'd f'oimril liln;' i'eny at l ia der" Po i.t, J'otlawottiiini- County. Iowa. Il.iviiii; h a new an, I s .b-ianiial Iloiit- m iinA- ji.i ;,: r. d tn i rnsn all hu come. Pemoini visit. 11 NetnasUa will tin, I this on,; of the be4l I erriesiii, the p.i.-r. Tine, I have no rifeain I'eilV I' nit, hut I bake l:ong a III io'.ier, whi.-h w.ll p.nj.ell a lnt ur.nst the inerat :li,s i.ui-n ,.,,iit without ai osro'.r or blow i.p. 1; 1., i. i nn ,.'h to at..-.fy li.V fc.irt of thib fast a-r aii'i I'O, nit; V h 11 or t.Hmii,t: 1 Wairon, t wo ho'xea 01 i utile, . ft; I 1 Morse ami l'is'y, - - j m. Mu se and t i J -r, .... ftti. I nan. .. J.',. if i' i.ty-five per rent u ..,fu t,e fc'jov! a d.irmir m'h watei. eo I 'A. ';. t tl' I) A .M I.f. r.OilTOV, MISCELLANEOUS CARDS. JOHNSON ivT t'A s jV Attoini-yii at Law. and ( Liml A-;rnP,, ily of Co. mi il Linlfs, Ion a, ill atn n t !o p. o V -Uioi.ul imsiiifM in the I111 and 111 Dislii.-ls; bfsn, tu the in.i dia-e, a! ami lora- ioii of Land Wariants. Particular aiietition paid to the collection of claims. an :H-iiii D. NV J'H ft J! Atto.i.ey a Law, Conniil );ii1' f i'v, Imw llnlti to iS. M. II i:h.-s, Si. J Mo., John (loin; I an, Wnlou, Ato., M...;J i, 1 1, '!,., M. Ln.i, .vio. n.'L'-tlt """XriJ. T'OilD, A.'t'.ii.ev and Co iiiM.-P.ur at La, city of I'li in. ,1 I'.ii tl-, Iowa. x i.t .'1-tini JA.MKS o'nj:al, Cniiiijisaiotier, Olhce in St, I" iim a H. Marv, 1-1, ' ? ;vv',' i.-?-...: r. i i ;' u l m Irlino anl Sir..',nill. tlir- ri-iiinva! nn. I .rr ii.. iii'nt ",-i3. i in !inc I'r.'i.i mi l m -t 1 1 r i 1 .'oir ..It- t i- HI. i nl'. it In it il' .'i-lrl , 1 . ; I'm! im-.i'i -, i;,,.t 4 II. Ill "I 1 t ,'14 111 till S'-i'',i 'l'-i, or 1. .'. :'J I I , I i,.l .l,a,- t . i-. 1 ; .1.". I'r I I; i.;4, l iit'iinr S.ik S, .,1.1 II, a l. ! rTi t!iH lai-: ' Kvi'i. lilll VV ,,lt HI. .-.Hll. r. II ,...- ,1 1,1 ..,Mt. i.,a. is:-1, S vm I l.i.i; , J..-. I -. , l-ivvj,-tM" K-'.. - t'.i. i h , 1 1-, (ir, - HMj'li I., vi C,,ii.;, lai.ii. 1 .!:) I . . ;-.-n' il ; . . - , (....I,.-. Win' v . . ( i ;,. ! ,, I s ,1.-4 .- i; Lt. : .;, ai- I I N .,'4 r i'ii! c ami I IriT-. Il'i, 11 Sw.jillil.. I. ! !. I,.. C..I1I-. A ... 1)1,,,- 1 1. or Th- I), t I : f n u-11 il Hi l'K't 1 1 I'i- if .I ;i. 1 in. , p..- r. ..4IH. i.-i a I ri 1- rni V. 1. 1 i),H. ni' 1. f- i.-ll.-u I - 'I , 1 1 1 I ) II, li-! '. r ii an I i-;i,. i. I. OI -.' . I. I' I- 1 !l . .IV m-im'hI ra(-t rf Sa: 4,: n. ill. ih i. ... l it- i.r 1 hi- U , ow 11 !ti t,r I ni" I - I 11.. i' . - r 1 1 1 1 1 , f ' 4 I'l ' an : ;,4 ii 1 .M. .-l.liMW.-A .,1' t'n- Cl' 1 1. III. 11.1. V.II'MV P-.'l.. 'n!.4s!ii.ii, all ",f in.-li - ,1 t ,i"i'tv tn l,f lilulilv I .-li, i-.i , li, ,4 in 1 1,,- 1 en,, - a 1 i-l' .1 , 4. ., - ; a f a. i,n,i on II.m I.uii-. I. 1 1 1 , , I, ( ii a 11 I - . .11,1 I 1 i ,. 1 r v ,.- tin -in '1. a h.'itllliy in in 1.,. iiahii.: ' f oi'i il,,' I'm, -ti, His i.1iiip :r4,,ii.' 1 Oillli.h'llHv b "II. I ''! tiiat P.-rt 0 t, mi. I 1. v. i, I...! Iia v i'l.. ii,.-,' tli'-i-l t Lll.-I. Il I- ,i. , li Isl. llv'.H l.l- l Al'. rnal.v ami I 'I in- aii.l Sal -aiai ill. 1 i4 !i, he li!" 1 I'm if v in.-.liri v w r ...!.:-. I to (in-an'.-r, an I m ai rcn- , i:r.i,'. it 14 c:i-iii.t. i l.-.t .-'i.i-i mi' I" anv su-.t. j i uk scuoi TL-v. ' Pr. l'.i 4r-i l.j.liiii-nn, Sal -ijiarill.i i i rT 1 nmiii'-i, I. I as t!ir inn-t r,-,ira.-ii,ii4 iiii-,i,ri(n- In ii ' rail ...--il.;.. !,.. 11 .. .I. ,il wit 11. ,,' iti 1 failuri- i,.i4 err nn il,'i! l lii-n f ii'hf ill ,' 'i' I. I",,r S.'iu iv, Hi,, Is. l',li)'rii.-4. 'J'iiiiim 4. Vh:Ir ! S. llin-4,' I " U-- -4. C.,, ,',4. '.i,i,,,,:," (;i.,,l4 l i-v.r S,i.i'4. M.'n'unal I)i4,'.i4.'4, Svpiiilsiir v:n,'i,:i,-. I., ;i,i4y, .ryi(-Ui. Lit,-. l:!,i-,u.i. on. I ail,."i'i4 .li-i Dr. I'. i-l.-r- Iv'" I'.-li ii." an I S.u 4,;i ;; ii la c a 'in, it hi' t. ti.jli , I V' i-xlnik-il. It 5:u i-ii"i not tin- ni) n, i.f tho il:.4,'.i.-p, .i.-.triiv tin' ci'iln, 1,-,- jmrlf -,-ii.,j j tin' lilon I ari'l ,li iviii not all iin,nu' nt Ji4',iB -1 , fl-.i.!- of llir ami y rvinov n : tho Cao.s.'. 1 r ; n i 1 tli-' r,o,' r-. rta.'i ami .-i .rrirint. i i di(;i;stio on pvsi r.rsiA. I No in.' l.rinn. pi-rh 1;.-, 1m t", pi . .'101 (i",ic 1 CT.-1 whirli iriv.'H 'j iiini.-!i tmin to tin-stomai-'i j ami r.i'i4i.4j tjip wri'lmn of hr.illhv ca'trir to lllf-t tli" fo.i.liH Pr. liailrily's lo,!ini : au.l Sars.iji ii iila. A' n h.u u.-i: l it for micli , coin."'! aintj ithiint I.C'i.-li'. II II I". I'M ATISM. T)r. lin'itfily's lo.linr ami Saisiiparilia is Mf.l w;tli tV'trua! -t soi-oim; in rlii'iunat ic rnini-laiii's o-pi-i-ialiy s i' ii as an- i-lim air. It r-irci dv .li 1 nin; all iiiii.'ii iM-m ami Ion! lminors wlnrli lin-,1' ai.'iTiinii!.;c',l in tho kyMi'in, whi.-li arc the c,ni4r of Itiio j.'.'iiit; .111, (;,i;it ami wi llini,' i.f tin joints. Oll.i'i- ri-inH.ii.fnniin tiiii(. nivt'4 ti'inpn r.iiy I' lii-f; tin? cniiii ly i-i ailo-atcs the ili .i'.i-i' frnni t!;r si 'i i 1. Inn Mini fin ii. ami V i.s raw. Pit A"!", A 111 ( 1 1 sr. tiii: 1.1 1n.11, (ir.A vij.s, (','111,4 ,(,J NTS S II In.S I.K. Pr. rijstri Iv's loilim. ami Sar-iapai-ill.i i (hr tn-st r tl IT innnt. I. 1 ;.. nni:i-:ii(. 14 ofti-i-i-.l tn til's p. ,l,'i,' ii,-,: 1 t.h" in.", ni, 'nt a- a pom most 1 . i i.l.-',f ii.i.sdii", o-- i'i 1 as a poi f il i'l .'iilirai-ir fu r of 'if tin- n-isio'ir 1 I li r.'si4t the tnirrorial an I v. nrrul , wh on nt a! I otln-r ri-tn.-ilii-s.. lllTl-:lrl.ll lli-.", It. wiil run; tin' worst kiml of i", HO lll.'.tl.T llHW ilnoilv it may irivr ran-ii itito hip i'a,'i'."nii, vilal m -rails. It w ill enrr tin.' worst Ca!' of Mcun.Ury n-pliili- or ,li .1 n--no tna"iT Inni, Inn;: jit may have cxislpil, him- hail, or Imw ilrpply s.'atr.l 111 thr .systnii, it will aiitiihilatn an l rx' I p. ! thr virus ai.'l r--tnrr t'ir "Vsii-lll to a statr nf I f.pi f.-rt lipi-llh ami ii'ii it v. i'or 1'l. er' in tin : ni'iiilii am! tlnoat r.n 1 .1 - - in 1, t (T thr (Jlaml-, I ( in.tir or t iiiim 4 in thr 'J-,,. ,, ,t) n ..!.. , Pains 111 j tin- limii-s ami Joint's, it is thr only t-ali- ami snrr ii m; imtsoos who haie r'mnii to I .;:i;i. . f at y i'.'.j nnty in t.-ir 1,1, m. I, eitlir-r hrr- wt'ta, y or tli" result of'iirr oio.-lil to i.n- riry an 1 .!.' noy mis vino Nrfofe rntfrrin-r Itir 1 1111, 1 1....'. si 1', , a. tu.-y may llion-lv Pol only 1 mot. -it thrill. ! ,. n-ainst iii,- ilanrm-ti of imiu,'. 1. n-V a ini o;i..-. Ijii.-I ni tin,.-, Inil ci-tiin' th" rrr- taint v of a j, t, e i mi healthv u.Tsprinff. It ran , ui either vx, with th,; 11. o. t ,.e I uy pel so.. I ' J. t l . v. Is xi i. t.iii.iiiiTi ok- rn r. h'uix rv, Hi. mm a AS! L'lll V '. KV OniiA.s-, PllO-V, OlIAVIL A Ml Ll V I I', (.'ill! i'l AIM-, l)r I'.islei ! v ' s Iodine and S.u s lj.arilla the j lir-t ami only l.xfiai t that onht lo be n. il. In ; !in -r C.'lllp'.l I I', tins medicine has ieH'..ri;;e,J : i.-in-t uVoni -inn cir.-s. j 1 () ; t m: k ) i; s d i s 1: a s r: s. No lan-nai.e can CH111 y an adripialr iii-a "f the iiiiiiio.l'a'e and alt.'10-t l,-iii...-,i,,ns i-ii.i,..: "Im il i. il iilni.-tsi by the use of Dr. Lraleily's In lint .,1.1 S.uaaparilla, in the ilisras.-.l. ilehili-lat.-d and uliat'eied nerlous aystein. Whether tn okc don ti by rxress, wrak by nature, or impa rl il by, the utistrui, ami relaxed oijra n,.a1:on i, at onre rel.ia.ti .i. revived and built np. In of .Neuralgia, Nervona h.-a la.-hr, ls of tn mnry, General Prostration. .Nennu:,-ne-s. Vriti;; ., pain in the Nerves of the Cu e, and (he .11 10115 li ai u of nervous al.-c:.on, it will prn.lnre a cnie in an iis'oiiisliii,!; short time. The nl'ect of this medicine is to five p.-r-inanent relief tn the snrl'. rer, ami to re-tore the shattered and debilitated const. tntioii to its pi 1. tine health and vi' ir. to 'iur: ladii'.s. Ladies, of pale complexion and cotis itntive habits, am! nt-h as are il.-hilitatnl fiom anv of l.e oh'trncliona inri.lent to tiir sex, s irli a-- oh slinrtioii or painf'd iT'iistriiiition, 1'lonr APj is or Whites, Ureen Sicklies-; also, excessive llnw of the Mi lls-, liarreiiflrs., ir., can he restored by the use of two 01 three bottles of I).-. Last ai iy's Iodine and Sarsaparilla, to bloom and vi-or. It is far the he-t retneilv ever diseover ed for weakly rhiblren, and 'i.-'h as bai hii.'iiorj beini; pli a-ent they readily it. It immediately lestme the appetite, ilieiiKlh, and color. Nolhinir can be more mipprisiii th iti its iiivi-nrali'i-e.r. ,-t on the huinan frame. Persons all weakness and lns.t.... before tak ing lr. Knsterlv's lo I, lie and St, .ap .rilla, at nin e heconie rolniel and foil of e.-.eijfy umirr its inllneiire. It immediately counteract the ne; konsiiess of the f inalc fi ame. IJK. liASI I HI.V'.S lo.HX F. A '.O SlPMPIIilM nusri ma ithihih or thk Li.oon. It i.n-iy pl.a-et.t to the lust, and is more ronci ntiaird. he.iijr -timber, heller ami cheaper than any other in .Inine 111 use. lam, lies who have u-.-, this aMirln ,e never w illu.T to be vk,iho,!t it. Taken in the early stat-es, it is a sue of aliuo.l any soicns of dis ease. 'JlT A.k for Pr. r..,,terly', I idir. and Sal sa,,, .1: ilia and take not Inn- else. Price 91 p,.r hi (lie, oraix holtl.-sfor .". A libcial d.iCnant made to VAholesaie .ur chasers. '." T"l'or sale at pr. Lasti-tiv's J'ainilv M.-di-cine ,Moie,s.,iitii-. , 1st corner of i'tnrd and Ciii s init slieeU, St. I,,,,, ,M, Av, uv v A , St Maiy, l.jva,and by dealers in inedicincs yen. erally 11, the Wot. lilt. I.ASl LP LY'S FF.VKR ANU ACL E LiLLKIt. Is,1 to -ue Atie ami Fever, Pntnh Ai ie, Chills and 1 evi r, Intei witant and He. iinttant lexers, an I all the various form of l e vers !m id.-iit to the West ! ! This popular remedy has now been before the J.iiblictwo )tarf,an.l it.irii.f tl,at t)ii about Tvl fkl V-T VI. TllorsAM) liollTIS have been sold m.i in no inslance has it failed to ert. i t a p.-tniii, jot r.irersfar us heard from, or to (rive enfiie yafi-fart; , to the purchaser. It is wari ente l to cure ait cases, 01 the money will he i.lui,,),d. J,e i,;, woman or child sntler with this d.U-tsMiiij diwaie, when a sine remedy U at hand. Lead the test i,.iony f,,,in J.,, Miller k Co. LvA.xxui 1 :, p., Oct.Sil, Dr. Fa nicely Sir: We til e pha, ore tn it- ifij that Wel',.vej ha.o d 20 bottlesof jour Fever and A;n.i K.ller, itml have sold the same to our pations, and tnat it has rtfretcil a perma nriit cuic in every r e. W e have sold nearly all the variout inecSons for asjue and fever, hut none haj t'.-. cu sm h entire sat. -fa. tiun as your F.cver ami A,;ue Killer. We Leheve it is th be.t IflCUiril.e lio-.y h'-foit the public. lUipei -if u!!y, Jjhu Mi!!e t C. I11S. ('iiiiii. (ir'nl r A, ill. 111. 1" a 1 i 1 1 Li lia!.' A i:;. t 10. I Pr. I'ji.tcilv Sir; V.'Ih-ii I w in Min-i-li I..4I. I iiiii-i-li.i4,-l .on- .1 in vim- fit v , finttll 4 ni' y., ir I'i-m r Ki.,1 A'.r,i" Kiili 1 , In 'i t.- 1 t ' !'i.'. I li i ,!,! 4i rn 'I ', Iii1 I iP w .-, ir,-t. ,). "V 1. ir m.-,ii, a f Ii 1 1 i .1-1 an .11. Xvliu Il ;.lri ll.- t ;.- 1 : ,. ! .1 1 1 . 1,1 lar, it lia in: i'ii'-.'.'1! i c, al ,' ir.-4 c.f thr ('liiii Hirl l'- r. 1 1,1. ,1 l.i.v wlio !i.i'l Iii-iii a 111 el - pal tt ,! tin 1 : I.iM.t 1 . , 1 I -t 4..i.,i!,.-r, ami lni'1 1 1 H-.I a ma 11 v r.'iii,. -ln-4, 1. - ,... li.n ii-,' a J.ii 4.1 1.1 11 1 1 1 i,l I 1.' liiim. nil i.f win. Ii l nl.',l. Sin Imlllf ot vmir tn 1 1 - 11 -. ami !i -t."e ', I I'i cl i.ii.'-l liii . ni' 11. 4 1 ii- ,14 :i ,-l r'i.a-1. .in" l.j. ci.ii, (..-I ir...i. licalth i'vi-i n, i-i'. I'i no 11141 li.wit t .i'i If ! 1 ,1 nlrct a .ii nin.-i-t cii.'. Ii,-..-,'l fully 11 . J..I111 S. I'M.rii.. I'. S. l .il In- in vmir ,!ai i- . 11 1 11 i-lioiliv. f 11 1 I w ill f . : i v mo 1. 1 A. II. Avk f u Pr. I.i4.i.!v' , r. IT 111 mi1" 1! ;.i. ,1'.-. Uill.'r. ii ii. 1 tai' mi otli'T. ami V'i 1 A I . I .1 ,4. ...ii. t 1:1 1 I.- 1. 1 w hull I'i n i' Al ..-r 1 .1 t t J .. 1 . r 'ix li-'Mi.' .iral!it Pr. I'.i-t.-rh '-i I 'aim St. 11 o cm ii.t ..f Tim il ami ('li.'4i,' .,!.. .l.-a!. 4 f ir -iti. V ..l: I tr..l4 I... iii-i. iiN,. I, v P. A. Siiri'V. St. Mnv, ami hv i!. aliT4 in nir.l ir inc i;.'ii.'i ally in the wi't. PTi. r. A1-' 1 riM.v's pi iimipi: a svui p. i 1114 i a .i..'si it. .-. fr a -, I .-ll'-i ' -nl r.-ii".lv f. o llv -t.i :n y, Diatrh'i a. 'h' I-i a.('!,.i!.-i Mmlia S uinii'T i-:OT,;ia,nt, C ,i 1 ' (ii ipnur. Pain--. Win. I in thr St. 01 ,n li a.i'l l!.,-.vrl4, 'i--uni4, J-'i i-t ' in ami Ci v Tiir r,f it, f a nt 4, ai ! for all ii -r.-.nilar,.--- , f thi- h iwi !4. It i-l oi.r nf I liis ,,,,, -t iir,ririil, i!.',irnt, n'i'1 ;,fi' 1 1 n;i 1 41 i.oi ri ry I'tr-'rr'.l to thr f.nhlir f ir tar ri'iiin-a of thi rll'lO,- r.iti. i-im tils of the S' 1 .111.1. I III. Jn'A ins an 1 t 11' on V 1,1 In r vv nt 1 V of thr lent c o:i liih-f-rr I'or cir i 11 - ( 'ho I era In 1 .1,. ,,n on S'uniper Coinjilamt, and .ill the itrraiir- ni' lit.4 f thr Il lW e!s fmtli teetliil.;'. Pr. liastrt ! v's l.'i irrh.i a Sy 1 up ex ception our of Hi'.- most val ialilr Fanny M,sl-. r -li. 4 CUT ill-I'l V I'l el. ll'llnli' -Is of 1,. Indies oT th,' ft si rr.prrt ability in St. Louis bale use I il and hear the sti on-e-t le4injtoiiy in i fuvur. Pi ire 2't r el,t s J-'l bottle. For sab; at Pr. I'.artei ly's Family M. licit. r Store, r.'trner ill i hud and Che4ti'it t lir. t SI. Louis, also by P. A. Sirjiy, ami by il' .ilrri in in'- lii. inrs rjnierallv in the wst. PK. I". STI'.!ILY'S VF.ItMIIT'f.r:. Tli" Oi.-.t Iti iiii-ly lor Lxjn.dliii v'oi ins fiom Clnlilien. The most safe, p'r isrnt mi l rtf, rlual wiedirine known of vviiuns form child ren is Pr.'eily'i' Vermifuge. Parents ami e iaidiain hn-. ;i. the charge of chil.'rni, !ionld wa'rh carefully the syuiptoiiM of worms tn their children, ami as soon as symp toms imli.'alr theirpriAiTirp. they sliould at once result to the use of Pr. I'.isterly's Verniifi.e. More i hi!, lion d.e Irom Worms than all other ii : i ' 1 a inoi e nii-er;thle ohjert can .s.-ar- r.-ly hr in, iiiinl than a child .sull'.Tiuj iio.i.'i i the old :ii iry symptnus of worms. Pai en 1 4. in it 1, ! this: Will joi not hlaiur yo'ir.sevrs. if yo,n I rhihlreii die, that van d I not use Pr. Fasti '1 ly's ' ri ln.f.:-r 111 tune This Veriiiifnrr will i 1110VP eve y spiriesf f worms fiom the tjV..'in ill six or eiirht hour afti r taken. Purr -'.'j cnls per bottle. For sale at pr. F. istri Iv's Family M",lirinr I Store, Miulh-east rumor of Third and Cli.-snut str. r's. St. Louis, also by P. A Sarpy. S . Maty audby d.-alcrs in meilicineeneiall in the west. l'm. F. A LY'S J'AIN KILLFIt. For the cure of Hruifci t, Spiains, Wounds. Tooth A' '..', Colic. Cramps or Npasiu Cho lera. Dysentery. Lhciiiia t ism. Pains in the Stotnarfi and ll.iwfls. and vvlnievrr there 18 Pain, it is a speedy and ceitmii cure. 1 his Me l'cine has more control ov ci all 1 -ii in than any other ever invented. II is ns i 'boll, Internally and F.xtcrnally. ami its soothing ef fects au instantly frit ,y the -ulhTrr, aljeiial itii; the most cvcriitiatin-- pains in afrw iiniiu ti. In a wind, it is a Pain Killlm. No humane family or physician she iM hr wi'.'.i-nt it. It has been used by thous-iiii I of the ino-t intelligent and rcspei-lahlr families in M. niis. an. I all pronounce it the 11)0:, I 'v a.,1 I LM' il Curative tl.ey hae e. er used. i'a r-ATti.Y kui.Lt is hryotid all doubt the most certain ever ili-icov. red foi Pains in the Slonia.'l,, l'ai'ns in the Si te Ili ovt. J! ick nud Liinhs. It is also an iiit'all.bli' ri'Uie.iv for Col, Piari l.o a, Ciiob i a MorV.s, Pamti ,' and Jioivtls, l)j ache. .V.c. Colic, V ind ri the S'oma.-h -prp.ia, bo.e Tinoi,!, Ilea 1- (action to thi; pi ni.rr. IImVAH- IklilAlloxs AXTI Coi'X I Ilk f . 'i he only jrell' line. 1V rri !.,;,, Killer is pre! pain! exclusively by Dr. F.-t.-il-.-, the sole proprietor. TLeu-fo.i inil. il. ii,' i.t,. ,m la- '.'"iS a 1 11 rail. To... sfoje ,r .,i,. f ,,r Jj, liaslrilv's Pai. 1 Killi r, and lake no other and you are " il'i'. Pnr- 0.1 cents per bofh ; five hoftei for !ii! V..T u. I n . I I.- I'. ........ I.;.,vs 1- a In, I y .11 '.l.c.tie i iMnr.', so'itli-e 1st corner, .f Third and Ch.-xvil streets, St. Louis, also by P. A. S irpy St. Mat y aml by dealers in uie.liruic rjenei a llv 111 the west '.1 For the cure f CohkIis, Colds, Astham. Coii suuiption, Jirom hitis. Sjntt in-of Plood, 'ai,, in the Side r,d itieast, Plei.iisy, Whoojiine ( onh, and all diseases of the Lun-s and ( llesl . Anion? all the crl.hraled remedies f,,r Disii. srs of the Lt-M.s and Cm t, mme serin to ir. liieetin? w ith such success unj to jfiveauc h m t..e sat isf, n t ion to all, as PK. CAHTKIi'S COLTIII IIALSAM. This valuable remedy ispuirly n .l iable iu its in -'"I ient s, and pf-ifrrtjy harnilrss in all its j ijiiiiiiues, amiiis mil. I and plrasrnt as fie most j delicate cordial. It is very sootliin-; an I heal I it C to tlie Lun-s, and is evny 'vhrie arkiiowl- : e,!-r, i,y 1 ;i ,-r;iSTs, J'liv snails, s,,, B j '"ie use I it to be the most Lii". 1. Ual Cu. i known. vv III! .tike C()N'SL'MPTJO. Nu ii,-ra4e incident to our climate is so uni versal, and at the saint time no fatal, as Pul monary Consumption. This awful malady sweeps over the land as a De.tioyii.j Aii-.-l, lay in- low the -troi.-est and fairest of unr race, Million of the youni; and the old aie am.. mil y huined to the tomb hy this dieailful lialioiia'l dlsi't, ;-,e. Co.xsi'Merii K IU: a rni ! fleware of mere alliat ve medicine. Th , t of t.cai I r eil the iiiiditiins now ofTried fur il.sean s of the Lun.'s, is to relieve and Imt to cuie. Su h is not the ci-e with D.-. Caiter's Cou-h i:l,.iin. In Cold, and con-hs, which are th- lost symp toms of consumption, it is the mo- t pleasent and ctlie ,c.. us reinc-ly that can pos-ibly be used. In continued consumption it has been used with perfect and ti lunipiiaiit success,' when theuioit ciiiiiient phys.ciar.s had rn up all hope us aiii. So coi.ti leiit is the proprietor of its pow er to Cure TuhiTCiiro u Coii.-umj tmn, tl;at he solicits a ti ial 111 the wol.t of 1 .-es. iPirriNG OF PI.OOD. Tins symiitoin of consumption is speedily clin ked end prevented by the us of Dr. Cartel's Couch ilalsaui, which heal the art.-i ted m. inbiane, removes the incipient tuber cles, and restore thosa vital or-ans, the lungs, to a sound and healthy rondition. 1 KM KM II lilt THIS. rSpittiti! of JilooiJ al way i uses from a ten-iU-i.i y to tuberculous disease, and if not t becked at the oiiUct, w ill oo.ier or later terminate in death. A person who raises blood once will raise blood at'i,u unle a piopartuxativ 1 im mediately ciiiploved. . PAI.V IVTHi: (5IDF-, 1 hi clia less, ng symptom of coiiiiimptmn a, from inllaiiiation of the lung's or li.emlu.lie callisl the Pleura, or f.oni bronchial aliections i f 1h air'es. In either case it is a verv ilbiigcrn-l. indication of d.sease. It jiiii ami rriH! tuealhinp, ami wean away natural stienitth of the system. The cause th.s symplom should be removed at once, aur nothing can possibly cui rt that object ssjeist ;ly and hamuly as lir. Cartel ' Courti .Hjl.ji,, whii h is alw iyi afu hiidsalutary iu ill cTixt.. on the constitution. LI 1.11 COMPLAINT. Incases of coiitnmpuoii the Liver is always more or less all. cted, and also the spleen, jdeura and j)a!l intestines. The effect of Dr. Carta' Csjuh La'.sairi iu diseases of the Liver, eipee. ialiy if it he of an 11 In ions nat ir, is direct and fejvverf il. , tuple ,Bt 0f J,ilf, unut- K. 1 1 iii.- leMiT r 1 mil 1 Sal. iip. Ai tan-ai. v-'lii n.l ill. 111 f'l,ly c ti .iL.y J it WIM lill COlCII. I hr harslnlry winiri civijn turn nfll irtt p. 1. 1 Ir no I 1 v .1 1 nl III a li'W (Hutu i.f Sjfe .n j t ran .- 1 1I.0 In illv r 11 . I I) v tin; use nf c( tn'n C-i.-li r.alsiin. It wann-, m0;a!ai,j 4 1 11, ml. 1 1 "1 t hi- I ml i- In rat h,m; vp para hp, p,r ti.'i -sii'i mi in. 1 Its thr hi- ...I. th, t a n p,, it uf i hr l.iii r, Spli'i'il ami n'irr lf, ;!ai, l-. ami 1 1n? ,1 n.i-sl 11 it 1, ir-iir., ami hut,' in v lil'i- tn llir ,m an l rm i.ici.ilf.l kjiI, HIUi.VCIII I IS. P.-'.lli ki'l-i. ilTh.-nlty f l.iratliiiii'. h,-, 1 1 1 1 mix- I"; pin toi i, tnn, wiili all ap y :nj -.iiii - i-.i ,1 4' ,1 1 y a 11 i, i, i i noi "! 1 h air t ra 1111:: 1 1 .on 1 .0 aii't sj iin-.-ilv nf Pi-. Cait.T'4 1 'n ol to thi 1 .1 ti. ..fl.--l.-il :.m) i-:i'T- I O l.-'l 11 lis.ltil. ; ami jimii iinls r .1 1 hv tin , Tins is iY. I infill, w'ai 11, nni.l i.l lilain-'li .nlllil tl I 'll II1S 1.1, j r.-lm-.l i . ,in 1 1 nl t.'i.iiriirv to inM..i,i tan nii .' iiml ilo ri'liy imlnrr tlmwi, ni. 11 v ihsr.,4.', li.. -w rn,, I I, ;,i,i uiij.loy liiis t,.iU,. I.VPI C TOIiATION Free F.x pei tm atiou is Hie most important ('. c t to he obtained in oil allriim's cuo . iisesol tnr chest and luii-s. ''he eoui;l vrl, ,. 's so distt essint; is si in id y the result of a h , . to r v p. i t 01 iii ei, an I as Inn - as f,. , nmtlu ,, in llir ,-nr p.i -.,r. it w ,11 cuitiii'.e I-i irnt, the mrtii'u .me and previik" a ci'iieli. Comc),,,. is a (1 ml. -nipl lo thnnv oil Ihis 111 iltrr, ami n per toi atnni -11 1'4 j,, eii ,.,i f. I na hi hi y to s. I 'orate in the latter sta-.; of cuii.,,iiiin is tile cause of death. dm. CAin'F.K'seoroir n ti.s xm I is the treat ex per tola nl . It dias.ilves the mo- hiil ami,1 mat t it in I he air nassar-rs. ..),. iv - it fiouta thick clutinom sabstanre lo nun tiariniess tl iul, and tlr'ovvs it ( '' with tk. rri exii "! )!,,-, ;, ,e case to '.tie pal lent. 'I'l..,., 1.0 inner ineiicme 111 tnc woibliTits expects rant ipialitirs alom- he romsiilri ed. SPAS.MOPIC ASTHMA. For simple or spasmodic estlima there , belter reinedy than Pr. Carter's C.nuirh I'.alsi. Tins disliessin-disease which resists altos, eiei v thini; else, yields to tun all powerfiit a tin. ru e of th s-rrat remedy as readily as ai,t othei form of i .Ti oral il,,, .nr, ' LVIiUV FAMILY should he supplied with Dr. Caller's Co-it1 O. 1 . .. . ... r 11 iisaiii, 10 ne 11 "i u in me early sliiK'es of 1 oufin Coii!--, Siuttini; of Uiood. Piiin 111 the Side sr, ''host, lironrliitis. Dilocul'y of Hirn!liii,, Nicht Sweats, Asthma, Influetia. Whonpi;!( t.'oin;h, and si vcte Croup, and thereby coiiiite. art tile cons (live tend, which" is piu.L ci-.l bv our ever rlnriirii.i; eliiiiiitr. Pure Ti ia! bottles, '!." rents p.-r bottle; hrji ho'th'S, 1 per hjUle, or six bottles, P.r 1. lor .sale at Dr. L isieily's Family MeiiiciiH s' ur, souih-i a.-.t comer of Thud and Chesiei: sfnts, '. J.oiiii. also by P. A. Sarpy, Ht Mary, and by dealers 111 medicines Ren'eriUf 1:1 iii West. s-.f.-.-" I'm llir cure of Liver Complains. Pyspet sii., .lauinli.-e, ililionstiess. of Ape',i Ileal ail. e. Hah itual tio.stiven.-ss, (.entii P' iulily, Net v OU41, ess. and all diseases ,;i, iiiL' fi om a di.-orilerrd Liver, or DiL'"stiot. ' Tln-se Hitters possess remai kable inv itrora!; in" possess r etna 1 aaiiie in itrojir; U'X and li. -I.n st 1 v e p. opei ties, wli'c d victor to the D.ilive Organs, su invaluable for I .-sirensi lien III mve tone and make them mv n;i-t i.-.T. Jus,ii(-r. Dvierpstl. And all other diseases caused from a ili-rantr stale of the sioinji'li, bowels, and liver wlock trml to ib Pi I it 1 1' or vvealu 11 the i stein Pit. Ill A I'.S til.ltMA.N lil'l l F.ltS Cannot h- lo hiuhly leroimneini , t 1 ersosi s ill' iii,; with a ilisonh red LIYITtnr In.!i.. Loss of Apjn !il , Nrrvoiis Irrila?ii Headache, H.ihilual Cos' iv en ss. (.rnei al Dsbo li'.v, ami a Variety of Complaints which il :i impossible to ilesci ibi'. If '.lu ll- are suti'eirrs iu fit advised Hitteis. Louis, lliey Prire fHiep' r 01 six holtlra f,.r 5.J.,f. I'jr sale at Dr. Fusiri I v' Fiiimly Mi-ilicia Slore, corner of 'Fluid ami Che-nut streets, M. Louis, Mo. Aisoby P. A. Sarpy i5!. Mai;, ami by ilea'eis j nir ln inej jji-ninall v iu lis 't. a i.t I i-l r a pr D.: 4..4- -u 1 l.-, -4-.. A -f- end . ert ain cure for (loiiorrho a, die! Slnrtui, s. h., r al Wi aUnesa, and ail il,ru,ss of the (filial Oa- ins. 'I'.'iis p.. p. I ir an I ft ecifir rcinrily is rui'.v jf. fer. ! to alllii led mul arrente'd lo cm all cases of (ionoirluea,, Mi icluics. Ssuiiiual Weakness, and .11 d,..-asesof th" (.1 111l.1l O: gsaf 111 a lew i. ) s. 'I'll is infailiahle lemedy In sued ih ousatels upon II10.1 au.!s fi om the' h.ui'!l of Merciless ii iek. if not l,in a pn iiiatur '; lo case of infection. !),-. jl ,Uei's Sie- 1I1C is the only safe and s ne re me I V. 1 ! is 1 cry a-iee.ihlr Lithe ta-tr, run'., no . .'( eptab! -.I.n, and may be used by pi 1 ,t,'t e.liirr ix w.theiitire secrecy withuut regard to ilirt, hin il.aiue Irom hu -i'n ss or Meil cul Adtijer, a plain direction for iisea.'.-o npaiiy Hie me.l.nn Id'.iilrr have vou a prii lite disease.' Do liotn. jrlactit. I), lay is datiueioiis. AVith Jr. lu keis Specific you can cure yourself, and thu pu-vent all exposure, 'i bis nirdicine will see l ilyand eib rt ial ly cure the most virulent ess, ,f .'i cret Diseases, nint eradicate every partirl of infectious matter fiom tl,e ',-,ti iii, an I into tie-patient to a pcrtect stalcoliieaitii and piiuty. Pi .ir, tjkl .Vl per botlle. For sale at Dr. F.asierly' Fumily Mediria Store, south-east coner of Tbinl aini Cheximt stn e's, ht. Lotos, Mo. Also by p. A. Sarpy, SI. Mary, I.r, and by dealeis in medicine ,.-nei ally 111 the W. ,t. apr l.'-ly !J '.J 'f ' t T'1 T f Ti -p f A mliiable ri inedy for ,f ths Men ses, While-, Painful Meuslrual ion, luij.oleii cy or liai 11 nness, .Sallow Complexion, Head ache, Dizziness. Weikiii-xs of the nei vi s, and all disrases wli'i-h arise fiom a derali-emeiit of the f iiiclii.ns of nature. The most peifect, safe atid iii f si I i lUe remedy foi the cure of ail tiio.e d.s. ases of fein ilss, ar-(sin- fiom w cal lo ss or debility, and oln-trtu tiof iu .ii. sexual ciriari!;, such as'n regular or sup. picssed ol' tin; Menses, Fluor Allni or Whiles i'alliii- of the Womb, Headache, Frightful Pi 1 1111,1 Vc, canard ,y ('giii.i, checked pi i spiia lions, exce. ses, ovei-excit, nniit, Jtc, i Pit. MOOPFK'S FFMALF. COftpjAL-rH-v-jial ladies 10 thecily who have uileieT for many years wilh the above coinplati.ts, and i.avp employed our most eminent physician without success, have used Dr. Hooper' ! mill, 1 Cordial, and have been speedily anl per iiiauciilly cutfd by its use. If theie ar filler, ei 111 St. Louis, liny can rely upon Dr. Hoop, er's Fi main Jlo.Jial as a safe, please-lit and ef fectual lemedy. Price 1)1 1 per bo'tle, or fix bo'lles for ForialaatDr. I aat,uly' Family Alcdicini Stoie, comer of Third aud Chesuut streets, St, Louis, Mo. Also by P. A. ISarpy, ht. Marv, and by dealer in medicine generally in th West. apr 12-ly Dr. Cook'i Magic Hair Oil. For the pre.ervr.tinn, beauty, grow th, 4 resbiration of the II nr. Il has long bn 11 lh desire of persons troubled with si 1 if, harshj unruly hair, to procure un ar ticle vxhich v omd at once icoder the hair toff, lively and beautiful. The most perfect ana adiu.rable article ever discoveied fur that pur poe is Dr. Cook's Mapic Hair Oil. This Oil penetrates the minutest pores, g iyJ in the iiy and withering buibs new l.feani vior, opening lheca ,!ai k aopen i. prsers hea.ilihe ainl streiigtheiis the, and tun from fallin- oil', removes ths dandruil. iiil t'irni rn I.-1 liy co 11 llsr. preveiitsxlra-nd hair inln that which 1 sinonih, jjoasj aini wavy. It is iidmitu.'d hy all to be th-t ijrcatT es! inventiouof thea-eor Li.-aulifying th hail and lendei in it permanent. Pii. COOkl'SM At.lC HAIll OIL. Is a supei b article, and should be found on Ih tniUt of every lady vhf vln: lh K'o" i,n beaiil.ful api- ari'iice of 'the flowing iingk' and the will dinif curl." I'i ice, to ecu' per bottle. I'or sale at Dr. Faster!) Familv Modicin fture, eo.-ner of Thirl nd Chsnut street 1s', Ii, Mo. Alio by P. A. Sarpy. St, Mary and by diH in uiedicinv xil 'tally III . " West. pr li ly '