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About Nebraska palladium. (Bellevieu City, Neb.) 1854-1855 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 27, 1854)
ifFinonoTKJirAii TAnu:. Krllevirw, Nebraska. cr.onor. onrrNE. THOMAS " J'a ri n'li r j iir Omnly j WiimI Tec M M j N P- I M I I I ""iT KS'i 31" '!. d" 0 'n"3 2 1 1. M IS 3f. 32 1 0 5 2 t a 11 T 10 40 32 0 0 2 0 3 4 JO W 50 40 32 9 n o l r o ' 21 T 1. 32 ?, 1 0 0 10 0 5? 13 Si ,T! 1 0 0 1 0 P 9i s ,z 40 :f) 4 i : :t o jfTcrYce " lSSfi""2tl OBITUARY. r:.l . rl f A tinntilp V V. Rim inn P. 'I'n r, Esq., L. Hie 20tli yeai of his on 22.1 innl. resolutions adopted tiV the liar c f Gletiwood nH bv the Kom of Temperance, received too late for publication this week tby will ap tr In our next issue. r At I'lattsn.oulh, 12th itist., Samum. Mahtiis, I IT Dr. Ffutcrhy, Fever an. I Ajne Killer f" Is warranted to euro all cases of Agn and Fever. Chills and Fever, Dumb Ague, In tennittent ai d Remittent Fever, Slid every form of Fever inr int to the wes.1. If lliereare suf ferers in St. J.tuiin, ve nay try it, ami if it fail 6 one, tl.e mmry shall be refunded to the pur chaser. More than TWt'KTT-II VI THOt'lATf D oorTi.ri have been sold, and io. ho instance has rt failed ta ellect a parinauaiit fa as far an .far from Pi ice $1 pjr bottle, or six bottles, For sale at Or. Easterly's Family Med- ;ine Store, southeast corner of Third osd Jicstnut streets, St. Louis. Abo sold by P. A. Sarpy, St. Mary, Iowa. id by dealers in medicine generally, in the west. (fJT Read Dr. Easteily's advertisement in another column of our paper and give him a tall. Ju-- jotit wkarf., n. P F. N TO Tf , JR. V7I . N' (JIIKKNK, AVE A UK fc BENTON, jLi .1.6. 2 Council llluffa, Iowa. Giu.knk, Wrr. fc Rut, Fort DesMolne, Iowa. finFF.SR fc. WiiAitr, Cedar Rapids, Invvt. OTF.S ami Pill collected, ami proceeds t.roiiuitW remitted l' any part of th Cni- cii 1.- ..l'. t-nlif 12 1 1, llf V'yfli:ilin-f. Ion ni.i'f.i, i" - li.teifMt paid oil deposits for over thirty di-v lluls 01 exi'lmne on all the princin-,1 rin noueni ao i Moo. Loans ellerteil on iroml s'l-ui-ilv. ariint binds selected and enli ied in any nf- fire in the Stiile. Land Wairmils for cauli or on lime contin- unllv on band. l.oentions or Inmla lor ilisiani Heelers at the most liberal i ati s. rotcs bo'ight and mon-y loaned on pood se cui ity. It F t F,S. F. L. JeMip & Co., W. .1. Panning k. Co., bankers, Dnhuipie, t(i; Cuok Siiitent. Daveiiiiorl, IO V3J I ii:ii rl.-nii 4t LANDS FOIt SALE. Ml I! It S'TBSritlPFHlieins; desirous of mov J intr to C'llifomia, oll'eis for sle his Homkstf. sn of 100 acres, situated on the sta'e road between St. .loieph and (,'onnril Ulnirs Smiles South of t'onneil It 1 u IT- and 4 North of the village of St. Mary, and near the Missouri river, ill .Mills County, Iowa; and OppiMte EeUev'fW, Nebraska, T. Alio. 400 acres of Phurik I-anp near St. M.u v. and U HI acres of Timiifhfd Lash on the Missouri river, and near ( These Lands are all in Mi'ls County, Iowa, and pie- ...... I ...I. ........ U.wl .....!. j.prl Mi'l.lfini of- 'III I II 1 1 'H '-lll'lli 1.7 in i.i jr ... i.-- - it I. .... tin.).. r nr:iii'lf. tillie SlOIIC. i , 1 r.. ..I..,i!ir nf rnull fiiinil sinni.", bihi I nun .u luim 'i im.i... an I also beinn-itualed on the most feasibl'; point on the Missomi rive for the crossing oi the Piteilie Kailronl. Suitable eattle for rrnssi wj the Plains will betaken in exchange at fair rates. The buyer can bale immediate, possession, and all the L'liiin and farminjf ntemiH be wants at a f;iir rale. I) WILL II KHlt F.FOli I). 1 riders Point, unv 1, Til-tf GKNKHAL LAND A .F.N' V AND GILENWOOD ADVERTISE MNTS. GI(i"Ncws for Nebraska. The steamer Saranac lias just arrivctl.loailcd totlio guards with goo.U for rii.i.ii.. 11'.'. Ilf Heno, Iowa City. Iowa, People' Hank, New -. .1 II-.,...- . T I lonvcllY, rveiciiiiio, rurin . i ni'-ni, uan Ueis. Ho.. , ldon. Witheis t Co., H'ashiiicton ). C.j Hon. Clia. M ison, Coiiimisioii(ir of Patents, Washington, IJ. C. A. C. Dodje, U. S. S., HuilinK'on, Iowa; fieo. W. Jones, U. S. S., Ijubui'i; Joseph Williams, Chiet Justice, i.luscntine, Iowa. Con tie M Jliis1ue .l, '1 --sT r. ;. ;c (JJ..J ii ii-'V4 A. Attorney at HAVING di-termined to local" petinanenily at lleib vi.'W, 1 will promptly attend to any business e:itrust"d to ine professionally. 3 S. A. STKICK.LA.ND. flellevicw. Di e. 1. lw")l. Sr. Carter's Crg"h Baliam Is the most pleasant and efficacious rernc y tor CoiiRhs, Cols, Asthma, Consumption Vidall diseasenof the Limps, ever offered to the viblic. Our ever viryins; eliuvite, and the cold fclcak winds of the north und west produce (ouch and eolds-l-danprs eolds, which de mand of the. wise k prudent, tha earliest attention For this purpose no remedy hs everben disco yered which has edectod so many cures, and nhichioexs to give su -h universal satisfaction to Dr.CARTF.a's Coi gh ISai.sam. Head er, have you a cough? Do not neplect it. De lay isdanperou. f this Ba!siiu,at once, and U t'.'1 ne.llla!lv CII14 VOU. tfjT Price 2o cents ber bottle, large botlle flU.i.r farS"'- For sal at Dr. Easterly's Family Medicine !ore, southeast cotue f TliixJ ad Chebtnut at., St. Louis, Mo. j Also, sold by I'. A. Sarpy, St. Mary, low k ,d by dealers in medicines generally, in tb l .-est. , THE ATLANTIC HOUSE. lORMENLt HIE Mo'sIClT HOUSE. Council Eluff', Iowa. T3 now Uptby Stivknvs Dustiv, I ...i... uA. ...... ii.iln irreut rennirs and alterations in the House, llatteis himself that be will be able to provide any c ...i'l, ....11 ..rtirnrlulile IlOme. W lio Willi II I III v. nil a mil) o vv..... ... His table viil be supplieu wun inn wit- m market allo.ds, prepared by experienced handa, and tb' wary will find a pood rei-tine place. C0R AND "MAKF. YOlFStl VFS TO H O M K . In connection with this Hotel may also be found . . i . roou mill rii'in'- to iiviiiv srinn: for the accommodation of all wlu wish to ob tain horses and carriages, which a-re a pood substitute for first : class railroad cars, on short notic ; or superior eauuie norses, lornmi In dies or irentleiiien. Tb" proprietors of the liv ery smble are. itL'SSKl.I. &. DUhXI.N. Jhi(1 rrv, iiw, nnv i- - WHOLES A E AND KETAIL AT JOUKCIL BLUFF CITY, IQ-.VA. C0CHB.AN & MEOEATH, . nr .....t In tin. litinincns of buvbi anil Am, I I'n ' sellinp Litnd Warrants, and enlennp Lands in the Council blurt' Land District. Their ar- .. entiTinir Lands for setllers and iuiii iii ..." ,." . " , ,, . olheis, on a creiui oi uii-, i", mi. .: v-.n- ? A ...I llii'V Willie ri'.oi.nriwl Ore noi oeoeiei '." '"-J r -i-"- at nil times to fill nil orders of Unit chaiacier. The inveslipiitlon or i.anu inns, iaymriu . .....l.. uti.l 'ili iif 1:imt mi. I town lots throughout this land district, and all bnsi- . l Illll.. II. i. ness CO mccie.l who "ie i.iin.i -'., . nlace. enti listed to them, wilt be promptly ai i i leiiueu I". . , , l'i. ...l .K i. tn lf,.f rovernmenr lanil ILIrtli' l ii'"i'h lF ,.r...w, , -ii i. ......;t....l until mii.le am! eonvevance Wl II we i u iii.iii- " t- H ; " ' -;- if they desire it, and directed to the beat points for selection. . . , . F.xchanire on St. Louis and the F.iMrrn Cit ies bought and sold, lnlerejt pain on uepos ' . .,,t lies as pei .;iv. n r......i:.. vi lli nlso he iriven to the nur mii ini.'i . i-. . i e 'P., vii Lots in Omaha ( itv liellevicw and Winter Quarters, JSebraska fcr- ,U,'.y:. r. t. V nbbltt and Dr F r.nwi.. Paeister' and' Il'Ceiver of the Land Oi- .. .:i lM.iira Cnl T. A. Walker. nceaivumi. il i - . , , ii hi f ' i: . ni-eisier nun i' ii:iei in ami i . i'i. ....-.i"v.j, . , , Fort Desmoiues, or any of. Hie ousiness men oi either place. ..I'l'llMf Ttrnn.lwsl-. V est KOOin Of IMC orrii-ii vii " .i - - , .... Pacific Hotel, nearly oppo-uie uic j.auu C ouncil ihiiiii, nwv 1-it. tirtds ha t Tie r.nstcrlF's Iodine ad Beriip&rilla. I rsy It is the onlv crenaration thatis worthy ff the least confidence of the public, for the 'cite of those rtinncs arising rioiu an impure i .i.i. f the blood, viz: Scrofula, or King's, White Swellings, Knlarped GUsds Fever Sores. Pimples on tue face, old Sores urid l'l- BlotchM, Biles, Nervous Anccuons, v.... erk, Krysipelas, Uheumatism, SypiLtic Di es, Puius in the Cones and JuiMU, Am? Vorrn or Te'ter, Scald Head, d,.caei fcf tbt Kidnevs, Mercurial Diasus, tc. J)r. terly's IuniE und Sabsm-arilla, in fin. .pounde.l of those artieles which siiiiultane : .ouly act on the i.fterept organs cf lbe body, ' .- nne the most eiricltirt elciminz ai'd h'-i- i ins properties. Hundids of the ir.ost intelh I ent and lespeclable fjoiilict in St. Louis, have ' u,ed it, and Ijjcak of it ill tlio hiKlK-t terr.u of ! .priw. Ins MUti.iino U ti'"' 'trnl"r' 1 rheaper and better any otber prejia. at on in use. CtT ice, ft per Bcttle, or tilt Bottles for C5T For Mile at Dr. EASTERLY'S Family ; IMedicit.e Store, corner of 'I Hi" I "J Chestnut ' streets, St. Louis. I At.n .old bv P. A. SA.RFY, St. Mary, Iowa, .and by dealers in uiediciut (jeneiall) , in tl.e " West. irrsr rte.d Tie. r.nteilv'i advertisements in .another column f our par-", al.d Jfive I"'" MEUC1IAXT. Corner cf .Main and Gregory St. .Vtry. . o it-ct TirriMVPTI and now Il.A.rflvOA iv .. v, . . -I . . -i. . j.nrttneiit or selected -S. llir BUIC .1 lait -- . l ii - ..I...I . i . . ii. a u-ni.u nf all in the nierciiuiuutie .m iucu v. , , ., new and thrivitip conimnnity, w hich he can sell as eheapas can be ollei ed elsewhere so hiphupou .i - m- : i !; iirinils have bun se.eo ted by an experien.-ed purchaser, with aprrw reference to the circumsiances sou " i e r in a new ci'iii'rv. l.'i hbds. Flrown Supar, n hbds. Clarified do. oo Mils S. II. Mollis', 10 bi ts. N. ). Molaesis. 10 1.2 hbls. Golden Syrup, 2r0 sucks (i. 'i. Sail, 100 bids Kanawha do. fiO sacks dairy Ho. 20 boxes do. 1 Soap. 10 bids Cider Vinegar, bids No. 1 and 2 Mackerel, n inns i ar, 20 boes and half boxes Star Candles, !i boxi'S 'l allow candles, D'l kei's Vails, assorted, 2 boxes Cua Fish, 'A s irks Hio ilollee. Imperial and Yourtp uvson Tes, S'nta. !at''ri', Cai.ily, Kuisins, r.nplish Walipita, AlinoudiJ, Ginger, Spice, Pepper, 4.C. , &.C. 1)11 Y GOODS. oi;n AssoiM'Mr.NT is lawjk and coMPi.iyrr.. Sbeetin-s. brown J and bleacbeA iloinestie. .Irillinps, fl-nal.iirps. liavens. ibicks. fre. Ac, fV" 1'Vie attention of the la lie is called to our assortment of dress pood .. which hey will i I. -...I I.. Ii. fn itnl'(i in IV iU'I II I'lwi. nii.ii, r.mtiiiuiii-i. inn , as reirai'iH in ii i: n-i.i i i.i... ,, ... r-- . . . ,!..!:.... b.M aires robes of trie latest fashion ami s'yle. Lin inudei ed caps, col!nr, ell i- selts. sleeves, silk anil satin Imnnets, linen ami eouoo imiiui.i-ii.iin u, iiuj.mj, ri.3. eei hit V low. lie sold exceeilinily low. ST. LOUSS ADVRTI3SMENTS- (D.-rican iUust.iiij tinimcm. With a IIaViij Balm we CQtns ta jrre&t yri. FIHF. aelion of this Liniment is one of th I most perfect remedies ever offered to th sltliHeil. Jj action upon the oriiini7.aioN i I r.ilir ......wl... P..I li.i i.Klila .....(.'illnr .rttll. inp and healing p- ipci ties dilluse themselves t the i ery bones, ll eni be hloud- 'ilers inlolliA eir e ill irtiutl t (.iep :i new inireile tri whole oerVDSiS i... i i.. ....f....,'i;..a ..r ii... A. ifm m ii:iii vi inc ill V k i mil itibn ji iiiv i..i,'.io and stimulates to the absorbents alid secretiont. iud thus assist staturk to throw off and ri I .. - . .. ir i . : . 1 ht-ti'ii or nur omeaeu nri;uoii ui in n' chords or lipamenls, makinp it equally applio i.i.. i,. ..f .;..,! ri..,,,n..i,''..n ,..; pKMS Dr. Easterly' American Oil Lia Jnent i.:, ..,l,,al.le I.iniiijciit. coinbin:i the ""'"l fliTicacious art tles know n for all the various forms of disease requiring n oxtcrnal appm a ii,.. f its nrinciual active inpi cduuits is the Amuucan Oil (or IVtrotmm) whtcli is ... : ii., L.nnun In nossess rare UtALlsii llirvriiij " r , and Ct RATivt Psqi-ervim. Tb Oil, vben eomhii.ed wtM. other valuub'.e remedial agents of known and established ellicick', forms a safe ...i ...V fr Rheumatism, ISruises, SIII4 tun ' Sprins, Cuts, Wounds, Barns, tK-aU.1, Obi Sores and I'lcers, Scald Head, Tetter, Kin Worm, F.iyi.Ut, Pile?, C.nseis, Klill J4nt, Caked Breasts, Paralysis, Contracted Tendons r Cords, Ue., and also for Si rains,, 3c.atcbes, Chafes, SaddU- and Collar l-ills, i...-. Wmiruli. Fistula. Sweeney and PollF.vil UWIs- . . .. , ' - ,li horses. This Liniment lias a direct and pow- liful action upon the secretory ai.u ansoi oen sLs.L tinnl atiii2 them toabeal'hy arliont J,us enabling them to throw off the morbid or i: A .uii,.r which ob.trurts the circulation, Ibus removing all diseases or injuries of the Bones, Mu.cle, Cartillapes, serves .uu ...., Ou bottle will cooviwcn the most skeptical ....!.! fnl eHicacv in curing Briiiftes, .mains, Iibeumatism, Piie, Erties ' t..r..... r.f the Joints. A.C. Dr. F-asteily'a Ameriean Oil Liniment is, .-.iimt.t .vr.ntion. th most valuable remedy , Tr toutpounded to' ill diseases of Man or a st. reiiuirlng n osrternal ap mcauon. y Price 25 cents per bottle, t-r five bottles or una dollar -e A liberal discount made U wholesale jiurcbasers who Duy 10 sen .gar... v.,r .ule at Dr. F.terly'Faniily Med t.;... K...,e. soulbea.t corner U Third ndL .... .tr.ftri fit. LOUIA. Also sold by T. A. Sarpy, St. Mury. Iowa and by deaUr-iu meaicme general - Ia.l Dr. r.terly's advertisement in motner column of our mr and give bun a j Classes or. oeLiirm m , n u and pcr.tlcim n, chil lren and youth, all can be atinnlicl. na nee im '"" ..ttier rticlc he cannot now en imernto " i.:- I .l- ...-. t-i. ft. Ull.l WOoli'U .r,rr.K dotb; tiiett, weeds, ca, mere., lir.revs, Hniiel, red, white, prey and blue, Ca-pU"u plaids. Cotton poods, sheetinpj and .hirtinps, ' bb adiKl and uiiblea.-he.! blue and wliite li illili's, i.jnauis, w"""'"W oi y, check;, f.lM T ccops. t i;r,.i ..soitment cf rriu's ef eveiv variety of stvlc aud patieiu. Gmpbam J . J i i i i.inis. hiiititir.v. liwns, nLuieu u, - ettes. shawls, semfs, bamKier.chi.r t, crape, uius- ,n, e.l0'ini, ribbons, nr.. Ciioiniiij. ii ..I...I...I .l.l nl S.ii.imer. Fall aud Win- A Well I'leenni niui.iv -j. . .. i ter ClolUinp, consisting in part or line dies, iup of all ticscriptions and heavy clotluns for Call and winter use. Mso shu ts, knit llannel urawers an r shi.tsocks,. Men's and boys' l.ais ana caps of various lasinoi.s, qiiai.i.r, ... - - lionls and bbo.s, thick und thin, polished and unpolished of every description, loi Mm won.ea, .n.l l-h! ilTAll LM'i urocev.cs. Crushed, clarified, loaf and brown sugar, mo Usses, syrup mo!aes, golden syrup, superior tea, Itio and Java collee, siissafras, gmper, pep per cloves, soice, rinnaiuon, ground ginger, iiiltmecH, snnll'd, tobacco, cipars, pipes, soap, candUs, vir.e-ar, pirkbrs, pe).p-r-.aucc, kc. A larpe assortment of Hour of varior.s quali ties ami prie- s com lueal und all the vprtous products of tlio farm and garden; bacon and fish, kiln dried apples, peaches, current, raimns, iiC. lUKPWAiit. Stoves of various patterns for cooking a na Healing rooms, m-"ir clbo'AS, larce, and su.all iron kettles, frymp puns, nkillew, bvni-irons, shovels and tonps, intniire foiksudhay forjes, SCJ thes, shovels and spades, lo; and tract chains. ae,, pincers, iron ami steel, iisriw, .,o:J--.sps, Hies, i ..:.... ....Ifmlii. niicLrt knives, raiois, .lrtl, mi... - j , - . - . . I .... .... I j .l.inr bum es. kllobl. lockSt llllllS im nv. i k n -- .. . &.C ll.NWAK.-A general .wiei""' -1" for liousebold purposes. Wooow aki:. tubs, Shaker pails, wood and mc wa-hboards, . ' 1.....1 ... I....,...-- l..ulhir.eow l.t Tll :h oie-ivrtinri . ii... ... hide, kip skins, calf fkins, timupsai.d moiocco. Saddles bridles, halters, kai riitts, circ.nples, bellv-banas. OiiMjig mus. UIIJ"i ""- .L i:. i t .. 1 r nirlNI.S.-r-A tfi'Il- irn inn, uiniii-wi iiii ' " , .. . eral assortment of medicines for fevers, te er and aeue, ami the common cohiiiih" country. Cook's, Lee's, Sappenylon s.nrdi;? . .:n- n..;..i..n ii.nii'u. anil various ami janes- pm, x' : , " i ki-ij) of stun liaiits, anu lies, liiume.iU ami, oilier articles necessary for the tick and tne in- ... noir vil . Tt 1 alnJ. - t -- C. W. riERCF.. Attorney at Law. the Sixth. Seventh, F.iirht and Ninth judicial Districts in Iowa, and Ne braska Territory. Jle will ajwas nc suppum. with blank ileeus, moriu.ues, umiui ui ""i i- .l ln.... ul-jt. inlittt fi-ir iire-emntions. A.C., oeem i si m y r -- " i and will give prompt attentio.i to conveyanc- mp. examinaiioii ui inn.-, .. Particular attentioB paid to securing aim collecting debts. , ,.. llerereiires lion. r.. ii. humuh,! im v".n Tv II M Voi ies and James Craip. F.sos., bt. joei,h.' Mo., Curtis Hates, Fort l)es Moine. PiebraSK'l Lily, .eui.iai.a ibii;. nov 1, 'i'l-ly . JIcMAU03( & WILLIAMS. WHOLESALE AND RKTAlL CITY OF COUNCIL I5LLTFS, IOWA. (AT THE Sir.K OK Til K HIO MORTAR.) I J AVE Just Received, in addition to r L 1 their former stock , a large and well - selected assortment of American, French, i l--ui;.u r...M fA.liiiua. Perfumer v. live Kliu r.riie it'n ii . . . -- Slutts, bairns. Oil ami W wie; also, a jfooil issortnient of lirocerwr , Vli.s, Liquors, Itc. i ihi ni(i nr iirnaiiwai. .' . . . Wllicn w III oi: mnu ) .iiii,. . - :m i. .1 l.ivi-1,1 fi vs fiwif-tniiirr j-Ypq. 1n7 atlfi loc t flhuiMS bench p'aiies'ainl in tact everything in the hardware om a Jews'harp up to a cradling soy the xri.s n . .1 I AT1.' I't II 1 A.. ?! I I I l ..". 40 eaes direct from Boston. Hoots of all aUn and qualities. S!ioes, Lsdies enameled Jenny 1 1 Imsldns, paiturs. slippers. ladies' Boat, u p ni.fl c:ni noo.s, misses .uoee--i.ii Hals and e.ipf. b i i'iS a;nl s' lTinlierv, orns aim rue., ,iin-, i.v . , medicines, and all other popular patent med.unf s, for sale at !.o!.-alc prices. QUE KiN S V A Of various patterns. Glasmviire, tumblers, ja is, Ke &c WH) pal. slone ware, r ,-lr.. kntli.r ernrka. stnv ernrks. 4.11.. &C. ' FURNITURE. t , , i(i A.ti i.- . ..j.,!.)ioma.eberrv ihnim:. and breakfast tables, walnut ititto, ditto. HO IICTSii-sui... ............ , ' - ' , ,. ., r I,.... Hmwer treeii with c'ass, n am and Taney wainui pre-sn, .lu.iU . n-, m .. .. - rtZl wash stands, lounges and mattresses, double matt, esses, .UI bottom Chairs, ciiiiiaat do., rocKing eimi. .,'". r-. e'TA A 'OTISt 4") cook stores, assorted, Patlers in's, re idy triinmed with tin o.- copper boilors, boxstoyes, " '"T3Tdvillgv,'-v(sre. Pine churm 1-2 bush's, wood buckets, well buckets, wash tubs, wood boA-Is, trays, dough 1 pins.snir.r boxes, brooms, zinc wast, boards , clothes pins, &o. SXDDLFHY Hridles martinpals. cireinpb s, girths, halters, bndle reins, Blackawk sad- dle.,'quilt Teutt, and ditto Ladies side saddles, buSSy whips, dray, E. wl,ps; cow-hides fcc.,' saddle. bajs, leather trunks, &.C. rr j S..lp-KitliT, Lip, nnil calf nkins, Tnon.oeo lining, gont skins, hair, Sic. Tni-.xT .vnr cTivrx Vlnw !ei-l. slici-r stRi-l.pust stetl. plows, moulds Sic. Pts, ovens, skillet, end Hls. 0. 8, 10 mnl Iwcniyjci.llon keUles. PINK DOORS 8 bv 10 and 10 bv 12 sash, window blinds, CLOCKS-8 day and 30 hour clocks; warranted to run well. TOBACCO AND CIGASR. Virginia R-cdar leaf tobacco 1. llU Si' Hi-'ri K o: t S d w,n J, happy rt all time, to show our old customers, as it is noirouoi . io sou ptttronflpe, our goods and prices. Our facili andas many w one, Ja(f; W 'no heH,ouSe in we'.trn Jowa, and' we intend to do so, t.esfor wllui; -"'J?l,M is neeessary to convince you of the fact, and an axaai nation of our prices ll,ttl 3 NUCKOLLS fc CO. r:ln,, v.,v..l lul v. 12. 1804. 40-isw. in evry part of (1)6 body, f.nm a diseased serion of any of the srruc'ural portions of thesytein. While it is nerfertlv hririnli os to healthy flesh. skin or boue. it has the property of entering into combination, and dissolving any of the or jan'C tissues when they are diseased, or their vi tality is destroyed. Possessing these peculiar; powers, is the reason why it ise.pialjy efficacious) m so many diiierent complaints. It ac'.j upon scientific principles and fixed laws cf the Cre t"r' The large number nf cases in which this lini ment has proved its value, in the short tune it has been bi-fore the people of America, is saCS cient to give the greatest confideiirf that its vir tues re incomparable in rurcing iheumatisnj l. ..;.... 1...., aurlinir. hrolr ui in.'... mi n lis. urn nni i u j 9 en or cracked breast, old ogres or pains iu anr part oi the body. St. Louis TtsTiMo.vr, State or Missouri, ) ..... KEW STORE & A3E3CY OFFICE A L fie TO"T. u . nAVITG permanerity located in this plae. for the purposH of g.dliiig GOODS. LAM), TOWN-LOPS, and doing a General Agency Business, we would respectfully invue the public, to givi us a call. Our Goods were selected w ith eare, and we are con lilet that we shall be able to give per fect satUf action to all. ,....,.,.. r,r, GULKNE, KINNF.V & CO- g-pt.27'54. WATCliaAKI3.i 8l JEWELKB. ONE POOR UM.OW W. ll.Ml B Diuni. INVITLS the nltention of Hie la dies and irintlemeii to his nssort- . . t .9 I ....... I.. i- ....l T:ilicvt lUUllSw llieni UI iiri..i; "' - .'. " .. ., , in part consist, ng or iu Jol'owmi.-; wom ... Silver WiSihes, Lodiets, lr-r,ngs, Breast- uiti, Fini'er-rinpa, (.tains. r.-neii ... . ..-i le. A. eordiiii.i, Flut 1 5 a ' soitment of T-is, ivc. All nl wb ci will he soul ai me .u.ii Uiices.-, eveiy article warranted to be as recom mended. . ,. . , . r. The preate't attentioo win re pirn .u um pairing' of Watchcj and Jewelry; all work 'warranted. iJ-L THtTCHSAPEST GOODS IN TOWN! rrMIE iindernigneu is now in re.:ri; . . I ,.,ivin. tl.e lamest and atoek - . ' i8ic;..i...' i:t.;,.li eier oll'ej ed Ml o iall auir i. .ii. i - , i .ii. .r-. i., ,.- Wustern Iowa. lliose UOUIICU IJHUIlijr, ... - - -- wishing to pay cash lor Goods will d well to call i !,d exiimine. Our stock consist, of every L ... ... i ...1...I i.vf the ocotib: III 'his varu-iy or c.ij i . , , r.,-. portion of the country, Biich as cloth-, ca-s iioini.ii .... ;KIs. wiiti! sea i let, uieres, faiiMi' ii", j . ' , . , ' j .i i. ..iu i, m! haried linneys ami parreuu "'" l- ,,'--... rlimereii u.erf;,os.a.tpa,.s,bleache and br.-i nig anilsiiiruuK, in k " . , and brown canton llannel, drapers and crash- ers, mi viuui num -- . linen., silk and bay state nhawls, and ewiy vai I "iy Of Uress guoi.. , ,, . i...J i -...i i...V. r.ll i.ii.l wmler ciolnins hataand caps, boots and si s, hanUare am ' . . i . r. . .r i r ta mo llUl'CIWn!"!) ISW.., , , - v - . si.,.., k . t.Uf. a larftt lot 01 l'i mture and liquo.s As it is our ... "'tou ' sell for casn, we uancr uui.i . , hold out superior inducements to 'lioeial wish to buy cheap goods than store that are selling on li usi. , Coiiulry dealers arc requested to call and ix amin) our Block. ,,.,vi r-n 11. It. I'l.UU.l.'l Council Bluff City, oct 18, l-'- "doctok youhsllf FRESH PROVISIONS 'lllll' .,.l.u.riher will visit St I M,,., .... Wediieuda v'h and ... I .. .1 .... u m . . . I S... 1 ii r- oienwoou on mri".j . - t... . l i. -.i ....I! ftLiriiDlV these nav'l OI eitn unci, " i.i ' tii piarketa with Fresh M;at, Bitter, Lgg, ami Vegetal.liH.anno maruei jo ..-... hept it, Jl U - I" ''OUTY dozen Mn'and Bys' Huts, tE every ,U-.1"iJ,,l0!,.'....,vl. v I VVF.V CO. i.t PC'S. Hickory Mill tiiiU. lor sale io , Jl) GHLFNK, RINNLY Jt CO. sept 27 M. ,- If J iui p.w TiilNS WANTFD All kindsof skins want. ed, for tvhicb the hlT it puce will be tv. I "ii ?lFaM PORK wauled at th j'le Square by S. . F Dm id liLL'lT t' ,le hy ...... U"'U ' SAKl'Y i. ENGLISH, 11AISINH. TIG3 AND CL'RHANTS. for J , sale by SAKPY & LNGLIS1I. Q UMALAS l- Clothsr.r sale by Or, Every one .hi pun fMIIK Fifteenth l.ilition, wim L Oun Huiidied engravins ; j: - .....lf,.i-n. kllOWlllir ULBt-tt.-KTI" HI..! " ' " lions ot the human system in evear atiupe anil . .iv. ...I.i.. I. i a ml tlie ill III. IU Willi ll ia - - - disease of f.'mab-s, being of the highest impor- . i I.. ... lli..u. ...... Iuii.nlk I i nil tance to rnarrieu ih-ooic, .i .m ...u.. 0 ... Vir ll V'ltl'Vi: Af Ik r.ifirrmire 11V. tv .11. ii.i..v., i. Let no father be asnaineii i" presenr, i"pj of the .Lsciipaliiis to bis child. It may sine him from an early grave. Let no young man or woman enter into the Becrect obligations, of married life without reading the Pocket -I'.scu-palius. Let no one sutler from a backneid coiigli, ' :.. .1 .uullMa ui.. lilii. nervous fecl- patll 111 ill, nun., .-.....i- .-i - ... ...I....- i... i. ..r ilvuii.titti.. ufi i .ui ions. ings an wiium i.i.i . i and given up by their physician, be another mo ment without consulting the .l.scupalius. -11am the uian ied, or thoMi about to be mar ried, any iiup.diment, read this truly useful book, been the means of s.wing tiyu sano'sof unfortmiaie creatures from the veiy jaw. i of death. .,r..nt. "VTAny permit, seuuiug isv-iii; -r i -. . . . i :. .. l..n. .. .II rui-Mivii sine CODV Ol eueioseu in i"'i . , , - . Ihisorwk by mail, or five copies will bu ai'd No. liViprucu btrext, 1' r,o2t '01 1 y HAHDWAHK. A large and g.-e-ral dusort mnt of Hardware can fc had ut sept 27. GUF.KNE, KIN.NKY fe CO 1 Mlifl I ,lS' Cylton Di'lt1n- "r 8ep 27. GRI-KNE, KINNLY fc CO. fi OOrVh and !S,ationei v for sale bv SAKPY As. LXGLISH. i,,..;;:) j'i is.Vs!JJfej w.-iij!'s :300,000 worth of Gifts, f.r the suhcsi iliers of the MAMMOTH PICTORIAL , ,r. v;"" ,i , '""V rtT J 1UULLsITkD simultaneously in the three c.tieg ot New York, Philadelphia, ?a;!tir 1,1,1 ...hi u..i.s,-r;iii.. s are obtain- more, as soon on .ui".""' .... . - edind having already an actual circulation of 2lH,lk,0, is now cerlaiu Ths DislnbiUion will soon ttilco nkce. & ........ M 1. a ti-aiwA i ii: rV Lists of Gifts .. . . - . . i l-..i ui.... nre I being one lor evri v in iv. i. . Prof. Hart's elegaut country seat, valucu atWHK. u,Tnm n.:iirh,i.rPiit Tit V rr itHTIH B WW. Wl a .. T. i,i.. (v.- int. i,arii. with iiureit or , Ldlll ssi ni wW J---I ' t sOi I i I ( ll if 1 gecun y,v "i"', . A ,.,..,4B waifl deons, Gold Watch-, Bracelets, Rings, Look, . J i . . i ..Ii ill T til1 lllll UllLl II" i'iJ, "I Hart, real estate. fc, &-., in all uuniuer iliir 3H0,IKX) Oit'ts, valued at vjl.iKUKMJ. 11 IS. ' . . ' .. lb I uun.l.Ad Aiie Kvery wnple n-niiuaiue iu ?m ...... - . ' . . ... ... si... ..n in Pirinri- vea. suDsciii.uon in iiw ..i - -I A L, and the gratuity of a Gilt. 1 .rket nidi entitles the Iioldej to one share iu the JiJO, mm. Gifts. 'thus every person nive.i.s .. stupendous enterprise receives be tu 1 o tb ,,f his or money, .. -i" : ,,.,- . class journal, lue grea e.n ..u .. ';-"? pictorial of I ne age.) beside a Gift fr J1 l . . ,i. ...... nr.wa no immense lor- sutiscnner wiutn .j ..- -- -- ll''c.m;Meof.s,a,,df,lUnd pi'1 l?.v: ."r,,, .rs'" r . ,oV r ti. orise. uisirioiuioii, -" ',, ., World, which w, I be prcimMy -c free of charge, w Here uim. , r pa1-- , , i. u. t tlie The Whole Vi oriumay ".-" . ollices ot' i.11 papers coi.tati.iug this adv-rlise- ,i,,,n may be obtained in luellt, mn. i.i." w.- - j . . . i . .. . u.ilMriirisi.. renard to Hie papei mi , Agents, Po.lii.ii.teu, and, desirous of a lucrative and at the same time geule.'d em- nlovmcl.t, should I.oi.iaii l;'l'' " Whole World, which far the most hlieiai iudiiceiueiits ever ollered to agents m the way of immense ca:li premiums, gilis.roin- V .ct.V.ty.cau easify made $1.(100 and op ry i. jt ...i.,..i. ii..,., ,1... uir.iitl.4 we wan s, per year; iu wo., u alteadv have can certify. Secure the pictor ial and become wise, neb, aud happy. Correspondents must write tueir address Names,, County and Male, plain 0nd ,Uinct,or it will be their own fault if bey " ... Adhere to this, and all relur'i.J ill be promptly aeiit wherever ed, many pari oi inu .i....- If iuv orders aie received alter the 3,10 subscib-rs are obtained, lliii l.K.ue 7 . . . i - i iva-i . nil ui. IO HIP Will o iTOUnip icmniui, i i ' Ommsition is the Life of Trvl. - ni,...iia cmnvi. rviirt'ill A I? F. NOW i I. .i.t n t. i iv ... yJ " ' ; ,11 -i rl....,..vl . -ell se ected 1.,. ireeivnif; .11 ..i.n . ..., . - stock of dry ponds, fancy poods, clothing, boots and shoe, groceries, hard ware, crockery, drops, liquors, slovcs, tinware, itc., 111 Western Iowa. The public are inviUfd to call and examine for themselves, and they will find the truth of the above statement. Also they u ill find tbat we can sell as cheapany other house io ifilifl, Fre mont or Po'tawattamie counties. Aud in eiviiig notice to the farming commu nity, we will Kiv thera the highust cash price for their produce), such s beef, pock, corn, lie.U 4 beans. The store is on tiie west sn-e of the Public Sjimre Glcnw oo'l. n v).v. t OHN"auiiOaU wauled by .'Lt. r ToitalOTwonToxenTnd von.iscsto.?k. it. Ho I I o . i, 11 ir fvcilsll I jL , .'iii 1 . 1..,. i,.'1'.. P,niinv nf St. Lfillis. ( Be it remembered, that on this fifth day fl May, a. n. IKft.l, before me, the undersigned, iiujnr of the cily of St. I.iis. in the county an.l St:.e foreaid, came personally David M. Smylr. who, upon tils oaiti, ...r.' U.I llm foU lowing statement is true. in fcbtimony whereof I hereto set my band the ilav and d:ite Inst nfnre.a id JtJll-N 11U1Y, ftlayor, Soc. Newman, ReVisler. Bt. Lotus, Mo., S(:iy 5, 1853. ti - i rt u . . . r , - . x- mi x.'i, .. yj. L.n.,., . v.-!. isycnri ; 1 oil will probably recollect that I called into your estab- iiMiii.eui souiti uiree weens since artif purciiaseil a fifty-cent bottle of your " Mexican mustanj liniment i" my object in so doins was tntrvit. merits upon my daughter's arm, wljq has bee4 suffering from the effects of a severe dislocation, of the elbow for several years past, The excruciating pain consequent upon false, settingof the bqne'had dwindled and contracted ' her arm to a puny si., and I consider it a duty ut iwi viut; iijicin iim lij n. .juiiiijL me ndininun o v nr the beneficial effect vour miuimii nas paoduced. Her arm was drawn to a right angle, and way almost inert and useless, until your invslinbl liniment was applied, since which tii, am i........ ..... vYtm lin nninvreil nn iKerruntoii n-'PI' ...;, .ii- .1 'V . r ,. r sood itre'ifi.and can us bur arm Dtfiyas phr unity s : efore it was dislocated. would slate, however, that priir to trying your ii.-.equaled liniment, I i!wt everal other 1 j ... 1. S.r .,1. vnEriiul. remeuies, ana amoni; iiitiu - ie-; - -oil Uuiment ," but Withthe least be.encial reviltj ll. JIK. C.'A I 11.. J. ous diseases and complaints tor Svlni( is re commended with full conlUence of its aucj-ff 111 .-H IIIK l-lllll. The following is a list of tSenumvons ani es s Inordinary ca.eJ it Las cursd during the las few mouth : ..,. fl,7."H) cats of rheumatism m all its formj 4,200 do sprains and bruises; 5.PK) do burns ud seaHs; 8.4.r0 do fresh cuts and typunds f . 40 do cancers; 7 740 do scrof'dous sorss and niters thaf ' hud reiistcd all other treatment i 40 inflamed or swelled jomUj Jo prfes4 ' lumbago, aj ;at (foul and liar, bony ' imoMj do , chapped bands ( d' iil.ea !, ' too'h-anhe ; 5.2S0 7,iX. 410 a.ri-Ki ' 4,6. X)'O uo H.;. ..'.. .r.p il,i,fnt lnerenihle. but tnit IO" mi' i'i". . -. - . - numerous certilicatel and letters jo"? distirj . . i.i I... .tlim.a aimntl mid others irillSliea OIlVIiliaiitl, ii"...'., .,-. who have lisod the medicine, enable ualot stantiate the above facta ni ill ions of bottles f 4 are yearly consutne.l, aud ii iaa always, giyoj satisfaction. , , , To ( ounthv Mtacii an-ts. Every atoreaho A be supplied wirh this valuable linunen., a a if pays a g od prolit and soils rapidly. 1'alCKg OF THELINIMEMT. It IS p.llt Up ill i ..i' . ... .!... arJ ai1 ai 25 cents. Xi OOllies 1 nuw:oi'..W-.- ' - i , ..... 1.....1.. 'l'i.. is mill nnu 1 uu ..' . . v --w X' I! 1 1 I. V ,1 UJifliin . THE undersigned bps ou hand and for & ...i. . (i,. is.n.i e-rafted annle n..i. a lew i,.ii..-... r, It T ,.i, r..r 'tmnsnlRiitiue iu orcbarda the coming ran ami sjii iuk. rt i L.i i,..i i.'.i.. "-inter nnrmain. fall lieu June, imiuvi in, u , - pippin, Belmont, wine sap, yeno-.v i , i i . i ..,.. iirmrs red. red ivivjiiM ls.a .1 irrei.-nnii ..", . t . :i . i. i., v. ,.i.,i .weet June, summer .. k,.tu - J i. .in- rnn.liii. wine I . .. . ..7 r in l iiul ... .,nt iiinrl inisr. ni. ten. iian . i'1"- , -i . ,i.iiiy. imiries coniain io nun i-'" r.-1 i aotde. white uUedovver. ltouian siea and ,,;,..,. :.. nronortion to their cost, s tlut o.'luei'iispy. 1" n W linn. The Calalpa and Ulack l.cuat OBNA-llMlii.. The snow ball, English and American lilac, ied dogwood, honev suckle, rose, i;c.,S.c. A tew of the liibella and Catawby grape Cio Caveriug. GENERAL LAND AGENCY OFFICE. r ni.-,nAl ivn I la i;onnt.V. IOWi. ALL persons wishing to buy or sell Ileal LsLte would do well tc call on the iiudei- siue.i,wro is ,..rr - " - -., l ime, and tjcaie i.iinu imh attend to .V- Collection of Debts, and payment r l axes iu anii va m n" v " .- .,, ... .. , . ,.i ... ...a ...ill receive A I HnulllUlS lllllUAltlU .LW 1H " " ' prompt attention, oct 1 I liniment, in proportion to their cost, so monev is saved by buy in? the lager sizes. ., rn icii . fit 7., tin Prnnrietors. iV.ti. ri IV V J. -J - - -- j ; PriiiBiL-al ollicea.cor. Third ld Market t;.y St. Louis. and 30t Hroad-vay. New York, Fo-sale by P. A. Sarpy, St. Mary, and SasJc ,r & Enoli'sii. Glenwoodj aud by defers J4 . . t - .n.r A 1 -1 V mei icine every wneir. " PHILIP F.. SHANNON. PHILIP E. SHANNON, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, ilitNwooD. Mills Countv, Iow.a, . 1 : . IT 7 ILL attend to all business eiilniBicu 10 ins T care, w t(i fidelity ana uii.oai. ii 1 ,r....,n t.i t I, e 1 oiiee Par- Collection of tieular atteiiliop given to tlie Debts, ic. Ill.l FRKNI E. Hons. A. C. Dodgn and Jame Eheilds, Waahinirtou, D. C. . . ., ... J. und A. Low cry, P. T. Met" BW York City. . . . Joseph Sliauncn, Esq., Palmer, Cook Co., San Francisco, Oil. Webb ti Co., Milvyaukic, isconsin. Hon A.ML Smiili, danesville. Hon. A.'T. Gray, Madisuu. Hon. Otis Hoyt, Hudson. Paire &. liacon, St. Louis, IViO. McLoiighlin M. Harrow, Si. Joseplj, Mo. S. F. Nuckolls, Esq., Linden, Mo. .. . . c ., L a,, Nebraska lerntorv j I'ler .v. ojii'i, ""i', - , . Ex-Governor btepluii Henij.f lead, Dubuque, l0F.?'Honn, Esq., Council Bluffs, IovV1. Nuckolls. Co., li.mi.ett A. llarding, BeU While, Glenvvood. Iowa. ocl" "- iYerSO.N'S wibing to 111 iW? purcbas.a, wil I .... ..,.11 ,. u-i-,. 11. a rail und exaii.iue ou .lock, which comprises ag'ti-irnl ass.rtuient ( 1 . .11 1 1.1 ... t lilt r .Ili UK i 1 . iep 2. ,!1 (. UEE N E, K I N E Y Ik CO. rxiaTTI WKTF.TY. IWII L nay the highest market price for Corn Wbt, Oa.aud Buckwheat, .1 my 'Arietf:-;. iep.Hted for the Pictorial, Willi Gill Tickets, must invariably be addres sed pol-paM, to Piof. J. Woodman Urt, Hart's Uuildings. Chestunt Street, Philadelphia Pa , there being the principal edUpr.a an .Miration office. !'" 2 !t j)i PIECES of Ticking, best cpiality, fori JrJ !EKNEKmNEY CO rnOB CCO.rr-Lovcrs of the Weed will find I ,.....r.. ii..u i.f eliewintr and smoking Tubacco.'at the Age V Store, of GREENE, KINNEY ti. CO., St. MaiY. "oU- f i Men and Hoys' C'ajs, lor I ,aln cheap, at ths Agency StoM of 27. G K E E N K, K 1 N N E ' A LL persons knowing ihemselves indebted A- to Geo. P. Stiles, are requested to make immediate payment to tt: iinuersipiiid. or they w ill line their accounts in the bands the pro per oll-eer for collection. Crme one ,01.11. all ind save est. P- McMAHON. .... I 1 l I in, ' I , "t Tri jTf Fl-Ei'aiicy uoiious t'01 lea. I-.)JlI cl,.-a) ii3 dirt, at the cheap casli I)U.. . a I V 3 Jl S TO-VIO Q ANTZvILIOUS PILLS, The ereat popttLr nu'tlicine of the diiy .-f' . J .V TI.. nil. Vast atnoi'Hi usph per 1u1111.11 .no i' mcrous uivl woii-Acrful cirt it Affects r Its in:itiul eircct upon HiU.itns Feveri. und 1-Vvcr and Agii-TJ.rcftl cxciteineyj aiuonrr the JJi,;clvifl '1 VRE now adw.ti3.lou"ali,ri:nlj to be a mosf extraordinary and valuable medicine 1 c.iieral use. It not paly acts a ;p-itic uppy the bilious and typm toverf, chlU- and fever, and fever and ague of the West and feouth-rbi in all diseases of debility, weak stoirach. indi t 9 t.lfl tniiiiiritv lif the blooe. Cud all dijeancs piov;alent in a western and soutn- ern climate. lueir rea power luu.i... ... their peculiar eliert upou all tii orfans or tha . i stem; and the rapid formalieu of new nd pure blood they produce. In this lies the great secict of their success. They are mild and pleasant in their action but searching and per- I- .1 : ,1.-. ,....l.,,ff tli mm dell m inenl in ineireu.-ei -m-iicluhih, recesses of t;e sv.tem A.y lUcir ready bsorutlou .1 . 1 1 it".... i,,. . l ew or into 1 lie uivo, inn cy .lt.nn..., - t , vilaliiy and nervous power into all the machine ry of life. The extensive .popularity they have J 1 . ii ... ... .1... w u. I S, eii.iiie. acquirea an over um . u..... sales of at least OO.OOi) B0X1.S PI R MONTH'! And we find it difficult with our large force of hinds, and the late improvements 111 machinery wl,ich we have adopted, to manufacture thern fast enough t supply tha demand inlliirteep ... .1.... ..,i '..mi 1.... -n i ;:,t... I Oi.h lrce uiauu- . cr...i 11 e . - ."- . t o , factory iscouslautly engaged in preparing the vurioiiM concentrated extracts of Vkhich tbejr are compounded. F10111 the best information we can obtain from o,ir 8,000 selling agents, and hosts of atteutiv correspendents in ail parts or in couuuy, our mj. v.... . month not less than ' 1,1 in.! rtP f..ur nn,1 Aame. one thousand 0 ly .0' 1 ,. . . 1 ' - - . iich have resisted all other treatment. 5100 cases of w eakness and general debility i ill ill " varioua chronic dimases j tiuO " of weak stomaoU and los of sppa- mej cases of dyspepsia ; of rheumatism j " of feirule comulainlj ; of ague c iie., or eni irgeu spleen, j i.-NOBS AND LATCHES Jain-s' b IV ....:,i;i. ..f M iii-rivl Knobs ami La'cb". ftrsaleat ' GREENE, KINNEY. fc CO. I.U-IT Ott STJLE"!i. Rtraviberry lau Inuiiin Pony, about 4 1 V. years old, anu 01 ioou bi.c iu 1 -j 7. 1 , r .r ... 'vo or three weeks It IS lllll lin n ..-.. - r r- - - , Wbeiila- t se -ti bad shoi.s on ne;ht fore foot, .! mane and tail wed Idled with buxrs. A lib.. '-: revvain will be given lo any pu."i wl..Wll return cud .i.nv 'o lh -Mibsc, ,'.or or g.v. .... foimatiou wliei- he M.CLANCY. C'ir,rit T.i .0 Cii.'. ""V 1 800 1,500 1,000 I 00 Ol UU'le I'lKr.. or Bill ..r'-rn I iircnj ' . . Ili.i ..I- This must appaar auuom i.icrea.n.e, out i numerous letters run physicians. gents and 1. . .i. ,- 'i.i.,l , ;.. ,, all il wSU lIIOSCUi ..3,11 ...-.......,..- ... - eru arid souttu-ru S ates, sat'.fy us thai thiaian . . .: I .t.... n. mocieraie esiiuiaic, ni mai u n . . . - idly taking the plaeof tlia vnrl.jcoai.terfiRt wtich .re afloat, end the linm-r.- tonio msx turesinade w hoUv'cf .iu:..... w..:ch ar iirpo ed upiv. "6 tin'-U fry i ian ilitturvrs wko U no !.iy kow'swhrel . 11. ..I t r,,.,i,. nil . .75 cants t snd Antl-H. 111. V. .Vi"v I' -.--- i..ia,SCiJs- A. G. JSer.ri,4. u.solepraf... etor, St. Louis. For a.e by P. A. Sa, Mary, ad Sah & t-'Nunsil. lyiaawaau 1 i .iirtiit Hrti;ti.iT ? u , b'y deljrs in . 'T-Vi" 1 -TiTn fat aal clia"p