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About Nebraska palladium. (Bellevieu City, Neb.) 1854-1855 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1854)
"ii ifcMil''"'-""-iriiiiiri -rw'JLi-i-wt?-'-1 - i -J. i- jjy "ConVrrsation sl ould be pi. asm- i'.hout lourrilt'y, witty vriilmtii n fl o". n 1 Wned without rcuW.ry, muc without falsehood." Gentlf men never wmr." So ttxi Washington, who, we believe, never allowed profane swearing while in coin sued ( the armv of ti e rcuilutinn. BUlLflMQ KATSEIit, TT commend the l'ollowii to the cm -aideration of buili'ers, and (hose wisiiinf to build. Good material for the ni..rmi'.o lure of the kind of brick referred to, ure abundant in this pla'f,niid whoever migl. tuocwed in their manufactuie, would hav. a fortune at command. We were iihown lately, says the Wis eoniin Telegraph, an entirely new im p rial for the construction of buildings. 1: it a preparation of sand and hint tit ir.w wauldf, and operated upon by h powrrtV.! prafi. The ecimen we miw, hvi i'w.r ihree times the super are.. ! e .'in iron brick. They are with i.n apace in the centre, occupying otic-hai. the lenglh and about one-ilurd ilic bread. r of the brick. Those we saw were a h .11. 1 omo gray color, as smooth as itremeu atone could be, and apparently, us solid as granite. Their real solidity, was aboii. nual to a irood burnt brick, though they I. It bad been made but about three works, ana timaand exDosure are t.iU io .iwrileo ihem contiaually. They c;ui li lurmsh das cheaply s buck; iin.-.o suue lii culty is developed with i..r.l 10 not now apparent, il seems to us they inus coma into active demand for building pur- pases. They would cii'.nitily appear U! beautiful as the. liucsl s uric, tt.l making as they do, a hollow woli, Willi a iitwu h iatarior surface, tliey can be papered init. or rtninted or whi-e-washed, with out the least necessity of lathing or pl.s JJf-The New York correspondent f las Washington Unit n. :, that the free banks of Ind'iAtw are priu.-ipally ownvd V brokers rn New York, Cincinnati, Do- j lail, aud ether ci'ica. Dclikis. A dispaich from Washing ,ndat4 the 6th, srys WiHard P. daclinestha Governorship of Nebraska,. Sr. Carter's Ccngb Ealsam ggT Is the most pWsant ami efficacious reme dy for Coughs, Coks, As'.hrua, Consumption ad all diseases of the Lain;, ever offered to the public. Our ever varying climsrfo, end the cold bleak winds of the north s.nd west produr coughs and colds dangers colds, which de r.tndof tbe wis It prodent,the earliest attention Far this purpose no remedy ha-s ever been disco vered which has efleclod so many cures, anil -which seems to Rive sueh universal satisfaction Dr.CASTr.a's Con oh Balsam. Read w, haveyotiacooh? Do not neglect it. De- ay isdaagerous. Use this Ualsarn, at once, and it will effectually c ;re you. jy Price VS rents ber bottl, lari; bottl-i '91, or six bottles for f c. Kor sate at lr. Easterly's Pa-nily Madicine tsr, soufiesitt corner of Third ami Chestnut d., 8t. fyoms, Mo. Aso, sold by P. A. Sarpy, St. Mary, Iowa. tad by dealers in medicines K''llerj!lr in M st. Sr. Easterly's IodLossnd 8iirmpriUi. 3T It is the only preparation that It worthy t the least confidence of the public, for the care ot those diseases artain; f i sin so impure tat of the blood, viz: Scrofula, or King's Esil, White Swellings, Enlarged Glands, Fever Veres, Pimples on theftce, old Sores and Ul seff. Blotches Biles, Nervous AITeetioas, Cau sers, Erysipelas, Rheumatism, fiypilitie Dib asics,. Psins id the Bones and Joia'.S, Hh ' Worm or Tetter, Scald Head, diseases of the Kidneys, Mercurial Disease?, ice. Dr. Eas terly's Ionise and fisHSPAan.La, is com. pounded of those articles which simuHaae MUily act on the different organs of the bedy, and possess the most erTieient cleni-ini; and heal ing properties. Hundiads of the most intelli lnt and respectable families in St. Louis, have used it, and speak of it in the highest terms of praise, his mmliciae is six tims itrenfsr, cheaper and better than any other preparation in ess. tJT Price, 91 per Bottle, or six BoKJes 91. y- For sals at Dr. ASTERLY'S Family liedieins Store, corner of Third and Chestnut streets, St. Louis. Also sold by P. A. SARPY, K. M.ry, Iowa, and by dealers io medicine generally, in the Wast. jyResdDr. Easterly's adrertiseroeats io another column of our paper, and gire him a all. ju?S. Sr. Easterly's American Oil Linonent, bis valuable Liniinent, combines the most efficacious articles kncwnforall tiie V4riou forms of disease requn ing in external applicv tioo. One of its prineijial active ingredients, is the AtfiaicA Oil (or Petrolium) which is univeisally known to possess rare IIkammu aad CcasTiva PaorEartra. This Oil, wheu combined with other va! jahle remedial agents f kuown and sstabliehcd efficacy, forms a safe ted sore reuiedy for Rheuoiatism, Bruises, fc'prins, Cuts, Wound.', Burns, Scalds, Old floras sod Ulcers, Scald Head, Tetter, Ring Worm, Erysipelas, Piles, Camera, Slid Joints, Caked Breasts, Paralysis, Contracted Tendons or Cords, .e., and also for Strains, Spavin, Scratches, Chsfes, Saddl and Collar (Jail, Sores, Wounds, Fistula, Sweeney and Poll Evil IB horses. This Liniment has a direct and ow- srxul axtion upon the secretory and absorbent saacls, stimulating thein to a healihy action thus enabling tbein to throw off the morbid Of diseased matter which obstructs the circulation, thus removing all diseases or injuries of the Bones, Muscles, Csrtilla ges, Nerves aud Skin, Ous bottle will convince the most skeptical f its wonderful efficacy in curing Ilruises, fipieioi. Klsuoiatism, Paiues, Soreness and tiffness of the Joints, Ac. Dr. Ksiterly's American Oil Liniment is, without sseeption, His most valuable remedy rr retf"ta'4H f alt !isi f Msa er Pcftit, requiring nn rV-rnal ap ilication. Price ifi cents per bottle, or five but' lea tit on dollar. A liberal di-co'int made to wholesale purr'in-ers who lniy to 1 again. JJ,y Tor sal at"Tr. Easterly's family M.'d irine Store, southeast corner of Third Rial Chestnut streets, St. Louis. Also sold by P. A. Sarny, St. Miry, Iown, and by dealers in medicine generally, in the west. (j'y Reed Dr. Easterly's advertisement in another rolumn of our paper and give liim a .,11. .I"'-'"- . T TESTIMONT Ol-' A PHYSICIAN'. Extractor a letter d itcd Piilsburgh, Jarma. rv I2lli, If"1-: "1 "''I nay that your M.iftang Liniment is the bent Liniment I ever used, 1 HVf useil H in my uvm in.-, i.,r. art of the rpine, for spihal irritation, With . .. . . . n.,rt II.. tn..r complete s -cress. I used it a few niclits apo uhnn I was nerfectlv crooked, andmv back in complete torture., from what the hooks would call Ojiisthotonic condition of the -Muscles, which vo'i know i about as bad as "lock-jaw." n,neri.ile u lief, and 111 the morning I i l.l.e a ir-it'a percha man, and with pain. The medical profession, you ro'.i: i as I til know, have n great aversion to tlieie kinds or remidiri, but from a knowledge of the lntrfd ients of the Mustang Liniinent, I would liavi no hesitation in recotnmemling it, wherever a remedy to relieve pain is indicated. 1 have re commended it in a number of cases in my own practice, and as far as I can learn it has acted with erjual celerity and certainty as in rny Own rase. Hoping; that it may be used fur and Irive away pain, wherever it exists, and that, is may remunerate you well for your exertions or brineui' so valuable a remedy before the public. Truly your. GEO. II. K fc. YShK, SI. D. See advertisement in auober column. Dr. EasterlT, Fever and Ague Killer- ffST" Is warranted to cure all cases of Ague and Fever. Chills and Fever, Dumb Ague, In termittent ai,d Remittent Fever, and every form of Fever incident to the west. If there are suf ferers in St. Louis, we say try it, and if it fail to cure, the money shall be refunded to the pur chaser. More thau TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND BOTTr.r.S have been sold, and in no instance has it failed to etrect a permanent cure as far as heard from Pi ice Jjl pjr bottle, or six bottles, 9-5 jy For sale at Dr. Easterly's Family Mcd-i-ine Store, southeast corner of Third nnd C lestnut streets', SI. Louis. Also sold by P. A. Sarpy, St. M.iry, Iowa a id by dealers in medicine generally, in the nest. IV Dr. F.a-'tiiily'a advc ti--euieiit in sui-tfior column of our ;.upcr and give hiui call. Ju-lt. ONE UIM1R BI.LOW W . IX4.SCV k bTOKK Qxttsil l&Jtf Cfty, E73tL. I NVI I dies 1TF8 the attention of the la- ies and gentlemen to tns asori- ineut of Jewelerv and FancvGoods in part consisting of the fol'owing : Gold and Silver Watches, Lockets, 5".r-riLgs, Breast pins, Finger-rings. Chains, Ineils and Pins, Stc. Violins, Accord-mi, Flutes; also, an ts- or Toys, Ate. AH of wbieh will be sold at the lowe piiees; every article warranted to bo as recora- niemted. Ttie rrea'et attention will b" paid to the re pairing of Watches and Jewehy; all work warranted. novK'oi FRESH PROVISIONS. flHF. subscrihi-r will visit St. i. Mary on W dnes.l iy's and Glenwood on Tu-sd tv 'h and ISatur- day's of each wenic. and will supply tU'-se markets with Fresh Meats, Butter, Egga, and V-igetabb'S, t the markr't price Sept27,iltf P. EORNER. i OVES f t ii o ,8ARPY it ENGLISH QA PCS. Hickory Shirting, for sale low, at tJ GRttA E, KINNEY 4- CO, ept 27 'M. 3AIilJ7'3 STE.VM I'ERRY BOAT 2J, n & li H A r K A . I'll K s i t' AM lilt NEBRASKA IS RL'N.MNG between ST. MARY Sl BELLEVIEW CITY rpiiE Nuhranka is a new and splendid boat. X manned by experienced officers ann crew Uclleviaw City, Nebrauka, is opposite Hi. Mary lowa. EMIGRANTS comiiii; to Nebraska should come directly to ST MARY. This is the front gateway to the most important and interesting portion of Nebraska. Bear iu luiiid that ST. MAIiT BELLEVIEW CITY are the two best points tor the emigration to center. lStllcvicw City, July l ISM. nl-tf PROSPECTUS OK VoiUiae 2, Nutnbor 1, COMMENCING JULY 1ST, 1854. THE LAKGIS AND INCREASING DE maud for tha "Liitls Koresler" havuigex-iikustt-d the maia body of our hies fioin Jan. 11, wa rhhall divide tlievoiuina into two, of sis mouiln each, lu.-tcad of one of twelve Uiouliib, thereby enabling all who may wish it, iu eoui uieurs'witU a new volume ihe 1st of July. As soou i.i our remaining fite.i of hack nuniberi are gone, which will ha in about two weeks, we shall mark each subscriber for July 1st, aoi send tiiem the June number free of charge. Of the character of the ''Little Forester" we leave its friends to judge. The hearty up poit winch it has received fioin a large cms of uioit sppiecmtii.g pcojile of the WlhI, is the bent evidence of it woith. We thdll, with an iucieSBiiiir; patronago, uiake such improvements as expe-icice and pi o perity may auggejl ill luttur veiy suggestive. To l'sients, TcacLcis, aud the Liltle People tlicimclvei, we commend the work, and feel as sured fioin the history of our favorite little en terprise that they will make a grand elfuit to extend its cii dilation. An enterprising person may ina couple of hours, secure a club of 23, in almost any village, as the eliurts of many have proven. We are receiving order for large clubs to Sunday Schools, and it will be seen that we furnish til -m very low. The ''Little Forester" has been pronounced, the Religious l'tesu, ''the cheapest and neatest paper fur the young in the United Status," and we intend, by the aid of our f-ieinls, to keep good the good opimou every where formed iu i'.J iivor. TERMS IN ADVANC8I One copy ooe year, 23 centsi S3 eopie s ou year. P,l; ou copies one year, liJ,isi. Adaress lue tunoraiid i-roprieior, posi paiu, HOWARD DURHAM, sep 27, Cineiimai, Ohio. A lF.l UTILE fancy notions for sle as ltUJU et, iean as do (. at the cheap raalt sieve of ns af ?i;CKOIf. C- LANDS FOR. SALE. IE SUBSCRIBER being desirous of innv i,, l.. f'i, liriirmn. filers loi sale ins HrinrsiKsn of lhi) acres, situated on inc siR'e road between St. Joseph and Council UinHs x wiles South of Council lilurTi and 4 North of the village of SI. M.iry, and near the Miisouri river, in Mills County. lows: anil Oppo;le Bo'leview, eovasKa, i. AUo. 40r! acies of Thmius Land near St. M.irv. nnd UlH) ncres of Tim Lano on the Miouri river, and near Ulenwood. These T.nndq are r!i in Mills Comitv. Iowa, and pre sent uidiiceinentsjo land pun Im-hts seldom off-red; rnntaiiiiii timber, prairie, lime stx.e, sandstone, and indications of plenty of coal-,1 an, I alert helnir nifuateil on t ie most leaslllli point on the Missouri rive for the crossing of the I'.irifie Hiilroad. Suitablp rattle forerossinir the Plains will betaken in exchange at fair rates. The buyer can have itnnieiliale possession, and all the irmin mid fariuimr utensils he wants at s fair rate. DANIEL HEKUEFORD. Traders Point, nov I, 6l-tf ;knkr l l snd ai:m;y ami AT t.0U:-:C'L BLUFF CITY. IOWA. COCHHiN S. ME3EALH, A V. selling Laud Warrants, and entering Land ... i he Council lilofl Land District. Their ar innFetnents for entetilig Lands for etllcrs am! o'h' rs, on a eredit of on, two, or three years are not deficient. And they will be prepared at all tunes to fill all orders of that character. The investigation of Land Titles, payment of taxes, p'lrchase aud sale of lands and town Int tlioii?liout this land district, and all buni- npss connect'-d with the Land Otlice at this place, entrusted to them, will he promptly at 1.n,li,l tn. l.r.T..iri-rs wishimr to locate eovernmcnt land. will be furnished with a guide and ronveyan-e if tin y desire it, and directed to tne best points in y for ni'l-'i-t on. Kxch.ince on St. Louis and the'ern Cit iea, b-iught and sold. Interest paid on depos cs as per fnr attention will a'so be eiven to the pur base and sale of Town Lois in Omaha ( ity, Helleview and Winter Q-iurters, iV-buska 1 ei ritorv. . J ... n tiii. TS i-rmr.scrs 1.. W. Jiaoniu au-i i'r r. owe. Reirister and Receiver of the Land Oi- fic t Council Willis, and Col. T. A. Walker, and P. M. Cas:,ady; Register and Receiver at Fort Desiuuiucs, or any of the business men or ni-hf - T. Inert. -:!... . .. .1.. f) ' 'K on Ifronuwav. west itoom w uic Pacific Hotel, nearly opposite the Land Ulnce. Council BluUs, nov l-iy, LOST OR STOLEN. a Strawberry Koan Indian i'ony, bdoui i -tV. tars old, ana or gooa siio lor pony. H not been seen for acme two or three weeks, When last seen had shoes on right fore foot, and I inane and tail well filled with burrs. A liberal reward will be eiven to any porson who will ri-turn said pony to the mhsci O'er or give m- fiirination wh-re ue can nerounu W M. CLAIs U I . Council Blufl' City, nov 1. 'fil :. w. A. Hot no y I'IKRCE. at Lnw, W.ll nrkcli . ia the Sixth. Seventh. F.ieht Sixth, Seventh, Fight ,tiH tfitn .l ldictal ilistrirt'i in Iowa, and N- Ki!ilr:i Tcrritnrv. will nhvrtvhp sumitied with blink deeds, mortgages, deeds of trust, declaratory statements for pre-emptions, fee., and will give prompt attention to coliveyanc- inir. examination or lilies, ate. (ry Particular attention paid to securing and collecting debts. References Hon. r.. M. Norton, I'lnfte l.ity, Mo.. H. M Vories andjatn'-s Craie., SL Joseph, Mo., Curtis Bales, Fort l)cs Moine. PiiclirasKa i;tty, r-ebrasKa lerrnory. nov 1, 'rj-l-ly Oypotition is tht Life of Trade. MESSRS SARPY & ENGLISH AKK MJW receivinir at Gleuwood, a well selected stork of dry goods, fancy goods, clothing, boots and shoes, groceries, hardware, crockery, drugs, tiooors. stoves, tinware. &.C iu Western lowa. Tlie p'ltuic are iiiviieu io can ami niiiuhif im tliemseives. and they will find the truth of the 1 ... ' . . , . - , i : - r above statement. Also they will hnd tint w can sell as cheap any other house in Mills, Fre tint we mont or Pottawattamie counties. And in rivincr notice to the farming commo nity, we will' give them the highest cash price for their produce, such as beef, pork, corn, wheat and beans. The store is on the wst side of the Public Smiare, Olen w ood.' novl-ly. McMASON & WILLIAMS. WHOLESALE AND KF.TAIL CITY OF COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. (AT THI SIfiW OT THR BIO MOBTAK.) I T AVE Just Received, in addition to 1 1 their former stoclt , a large and wei selected assortment of Auierican, J-rem and English Drugs. Medicines, Perfumery, Dye rini Oil and Glassware: also, a irood assortment of Urocenes, w incs, liquors, ate. At the head of Broadway. oct Hi, '54 : NotiC, ALL persor.i knowing themselves indented to Geo. P. Stiles, are reuuested to mflke iuniisdiate payment to the uudeisiened, or they will fine their accounts ia the hands of the pro- per officer for collection, Crine one, come all and save cost. oct 18, '54 tf P. J. McMAHON. THE CHEAPEST GOODS TO WNI IN 'THE undersigned is now in receipt of and X receiving the largest and cneapicM aiocs of Fall and Winter Goods ever ottered in Council biuif City, or Wosteiii low, lliont wishing to pay cash for Goods will do well to call and examine. Oar tock consists of every variety of goods needed by the peoplu in this portion of the country, such as cloihs, rassi-me-es, lattinetts, tweeds, jeans, white sea-let, and barred duiriulb. plain aiid h.iried l.nrys. 400 jiiecua good style madder prints, canluiic-.-es. merinos, allapacas, hlcacln-d and brown heet ing and shir tin , ticking and drilling, bleached ml brown canton Uaimel, drajiers liiul crash ers, all wool table covers, brown and bleached linen, silk aad bay stile shawls, and every vurieiy of dress goods. Menu' and boys' fall and winter clothing, hats and caps, hoofs and shoes, hardware and queunsware, iron, nails, colfe", sng ir, tea ino lasse, rice, flour, i.c.( also, a large lot of fur niture and liquors. As it is our intention to sill for cash, we flatter ourselves that we can hold out superior inducements to those that wish to buy cheap goods than stores that are Selling on tru.'t Count! y (It i',iM's are requested to call and ex aiuit.e c ir s.oi k. B. R. PEC.RAM &. CO. mnffCity, oct IB, 1H.M. TRADER'S POINT "FERRY. rii II K subscriber having of Clarke & JL Co., the old Council Hlutf I'erry at Tra der's Po.ut, Pottawottuune County, lowa Having built a new and substantial float, is now prepared to cross all who come. l'-uon viaiUng Nuhraska will find this one of the bust Ferric ou Ibe River. 1 rue, 1 have no bteuin Kerry Uoat, but 1 Lava strong aim power wh in will props!! a boat acroa the river u thU narrow point without any danger or blow up, quick euougu to satu-ry the fastest of HUB last auo couiiuy KATCS oy SKHBlACilC X 1 Wagon, two horsus or cattle, - fil 25, 1 Horse and buggy, ... 1 00. Horse and ridel . .... 5.1 Kootinan. ...... 15. J 'Twenty-five percent added to the above i spis. '.ltf DANIFL NORTOV GLENWOOD ADVERTISEMENTS. Glorious News The stcamerSarariaclmjuistarrived.Ioadeil tothc guard's with goods for ColiSistllig l!) hhds. Brown S'lgar, f) hhds. Clarilied do. 'J' bhls S. H. Moliisefl, It) litis. N. O. Molneses, 10 1-2 bhls. (Jolden Syrup, '1M sucks C A. Salt, I'M) bhls Kanawha do. fill sacks dairy do. W lmxes do. i Soap, 10 bhls Cider Vinegar, DRY OUR ASSORTMENT IS LAUGH AND. COMPLKTK. Rheplinirs. fine blown ; aud bleacheA domestic drillings. r)snah'.irtrs. Ravens, ducks, .!. to. i a i i. r .i... i . i;... ; ,.,ll.,,l i nnr n ort inioit of drpss Eoods. which thev Will ILW I lir HUlMll rliri Ul Uirr lil'll' n ."ir". - find, as records prite and quality, to be unsurpassed in western lowa. lkiico, KiiiRnams, ,i.,i..,.x l, r..l,. ..f tin- latest fusliioii and style. Em iroulcred caps, collars, r.himi- sett, ileeves, silk ami 'aiin bonnets, linen and which Will he sold exceedingly tow. -. ,i .,ii I, .r..l !im . Iiroad bench p'arics,and in fact every thine in the hard ware noo rs & 40 cases direct from lloston. Hoots of nil sizes Lind buskins, gaiters, slippers, ladies' float, kip Hats and raps, hooks anil stationery. OriiRs medicines, and all other popular patent medicines, OUKENSWA'RE, Of various pallerns. Glassware, tumblers, ars, & CrOCKS, DUlier CIOCKS, FURN l,r1 jfnrli! n f fllflVronf nnttfrnn. ebei i v diniiiL'. Bureaus with (fla-a, plain and fancy walnut presses, cupboards, tin safes, one or two drawer stanits, wasti s: iiiiIm, lounees and mattresses, douliie rockniir chairs. Clihs. "l") cook ptoves, assorted, Patterson's, ready Grecian parlor ditlo., stove pipe, elbows, &c. U U LI h ! L) V I Pine churns, 1-2 bush's, wood buckets, wt!l .in .mr.r hnvps. brooms, zinc Sinnt FRY Hriillp martinrals. inples. dles, quilt leats, and ditto Ladies sidesaddles, bugy Ate, saddlc-bai;s, leather trunks, tc. LEATHER Sole-lea'.licr, It :p, and ralF i kins, morocco litiltur. Rmt skins, hnir, &c. IRON AND CASTINGS. Plow atrcl, sheer cast steel, plows, inouUs Sic Pots, ovens, skillets f.nd lids. G. 8, 10 fiid PINE J)OOKS S by 10 and 10 by 12 sn-di. window blinds, CLOCKS 8 day and 30 hour clocks; warranted to run well. TOBACCO AND CIGASR. v;r!n,!i TJnnnnVii Kcctar leaf tobacco. Rc?alia and irinc'.pe cigars of the finest flavor. a ips. nnd various other articlek, a, it is no trouble to show Roods, and we will oe and as many new ones as may favor us with their patronage, our goods and price?. Our facili- ties for selling CM E AP,arc belter than any other house in western Iowa, and we intend to do so, and an examination of our juices is all that is necessary to convince you of the fact. 0i Glenwood. July, i-2, 1H54. 4li-Xv. SEW STORE & AGEIJCY OFFICE AT V' OS- TIT) T T AVIN'O permaniMity loced m tills place. LL for t uurnov of H-lMnk; itK))U I. WD. TOWN-LOTS, and doing a (Seneral Agmcy Business, we would respectfully Invite the public, to give us a call. Our Ooods were selected with care, and we are coniiuem inai we smtu u: nun iu i".,- foct satisfaction to all. GREENE, KINNEY & CO' sept. 27 5I. II ARDWARE. A large and general assort Hient of Hardware can be hud st sept 27. GREKNK. KINNEY & CO. LBS. Cotton Butting, for sale low, at GREENE, KINNEY & CO. 1,000 sen 21. 1" )OOK.S and Stationery forsaie bv ) SARPY t ENGLISH. 'iPfvffa $300,000 worth of Gil'ts, Tor the subesribers of the MAMMOTH PICTORIAL 1")UiiLISHED simultaneously in the three cities of New York, Philadelphia, balli more, as soon as30(),lN)0 subscribers are obtain ed and having already an actual circulation of 2W.IHI0, is now certain The Distribution will soon take place. Among the extraordinary Lists of Gifis, (being one tor every ticket issued,) are Prof. Hart's elegant country seat, valued at 25,l)0 A magnificent city residence, wor'h $17,000. A cash loan for 100 years, with interest or security, $Ui,MKJ. Uuildiiiir lots, decant Piano Fortes Melo. deons, Gold Watches, Jlracelets, Kings, Jiooks of travels in the old and new world, by Pi of. mn, reui esiaie, ,.-., a.' ., m m uuumm- mg 300,000 Oitts, valued at si,uihj. I r.very single reuiiiiauce ot if' eecurea our I year's subscription to the Maw moth Pii tob- ial, and the gratuity or a Girt lickei, wincti Untitles the bolder to one share in the 300.000 Gifts. Thus every person investing in this stupendous enlerprise receives the f ill worth of his or her money, in subscription to a first class journal, (the greatest and most interesting piclonal of the age,) besides a Gift for each subscriber which may prove an immense for tune to the receiver. Kor a complete list of gifts, and full and ex plicit particulars in regard to the great enter prise, distribution, &c., see a copy of The Whole World, which will be promptly sent fieeof charge, where desired by letter, post paid. Tiie Wbole World may also be seen at the offices of all papers containing this adyeriise- Lieni, wii ire inauuu uiaj- un uui.iiicu m .tgard to tne pf.per and enterprise. Agenl.i, lV.,iua ,tTs, and Ladies, desirous of i lucrative and at the same time gt-nte '1 'u, should not fail to se a copy i f I n.' VVliolu World, which contains by fui the most liberal inducements eer oll'ered to agents in the way of immense cash premiums, git is, com mission, &.C., whereby any person with ordina ry activity, can easily make $1,000 and up wards, per year to which fact the agents we already have call certify. Secure the pictor ial, and become wie, rich, and happy. Correspondents must write their address Names, Postoifices, County and State, plain ami distinct, or il will be their own fault if they fail to get an answer. Adhere to t."r .and a!l le urns will be promptly sent where desir ed, iu any part cf the world. 01 (Jl? If any orders cie received ai.- the 3()u,oOO subscribers are obtained, the mon.-y will be promptly returned, post-paid, to the piTscus sending it. All 1-lt.TS remitted for the Pictorial, Witu Gift Tickets, must invariably be addres sel. post-paid, to Prof. J. Woodman Hart, Hart's Uuildings, Chestnut Street, Philadelphia Pa., there being the principal editorial An piiMicatin otlice. nov 1 , '54. e " rISCELLANEOUS CARDS. JOHNSON ii OAS ADV. Attorneys at Law, and General Land Agents itv of Council Bluffs, Iowa, will atteul to pro- Visional business iu the tit h and 7th Judicial Districts i also, to the purchase, sale and loca. imi of Land Warrants. Particular attention paid to the collection of claims, aug 31-3in i). w. mien, Attorney at Law, Council Bluff City, Iowa Refer to B. M. Hughes, St. Joseph, Mo., John Domphan, Wsston, Mo., Mudd . Hughes, at for Nebraska. ot fi Mils 1 and Z ."VSackerel, 8 bhls Tar, 2l boxes and half boxes Etir Candles, 6 roves Tallow candles, VMI k-gs aill. assorted, 2 boxes Coa Fibli, :)( sacks Rio Colli e, Imperial Rnd Yoim? nyson Tea, Soda, Saleratns, Cninly, Raisins, Ktijrlisti Walnuts, Almonds, Ginger, Spice, Pepper, &c, Slc. GOODS. ' " - r .. . t cotton handkerchiefs, hosiery, parasols, allot lor s nxes.choiipinjr nxes, adzes, losr and loe t chains- orn a Jew .sharp up to a cradling scythe shoes and qualities. Shoes, Ladies enameled Jenny and calt hoots, misses shoes all and medicines, Jayne ami L,ouaon s lauiuy for sa.e at . lioleale prices, e., &c. bOOpil. stone ware, caurnes, jars, Jim' ciim-kb, K,;., ow; TURE. and breakfast tables, walnut ditto, ditto. uiamt.sucs, siai uououi cnaus, wiukoiuu., trimmed with tin or Copper boilers, hoxstoves, - L L 1J V v " V A h t buckets, wash tubs, wood boAls, trays, dough wash boards, clothes pins, &c. eirths. baiters, bridle reins, Blackawk sad whips, dray wlnps, U. L.. wnips,cow-nidcs twenty eidloii kettles. but we deem it unnecessary to mention them happy rt all limes to show our old customers, ii.v;iuu.i.a iu, C? KINS WANTED AU kindsof skins want- .l t . ...l.:..i. ,i. i 1 . - ...,ii l.-:.l I w ri cu, iui iiiiv,.i '.lie iiiiilicjl ui mill uc ,.iiu by S. & ft. DRIED FRUIT for'sale by SARPY & ENGLISH, RAISINS, sale by FIGS AND CURRANTS, for SARPY & EN GLISH. GUMALAST Cloths for fale by SARPY Sl ENGISH. T AYNKS PATENT MEDICINES, for sale by SARPY &. ENGLISH. 11RODUCE AND CASH wanted in payment iu payment of debts. SAKPY & ENG. Q ORN and Oats vf anted by S. A.E. TTORSES, work oxen and young stock, ditto. 1y EEF AND PORK wanted at the Public J Square by S. Si E NUKSE11Y. THE iindersnriiud has on hand and for sale a few thousand select grafted apple tree, ready for transplanting in orchards the coining tall and spring. VAKIETY. Red June, baldwin, white w inter parmain, fall pippin, Hulmont, wine sap, yellow beldowor, Rhode Island greening, Bwaar, jiriors red, red astrachan, early harvest, swiet June, suiuiuer rose, summer q neon, Rail's janet, rainbo, wine apple, white belleflower, Roman stcia and N oi t hern spy. roa SHADE. The Catalpa and Black Locust. OHNAMENTAL. The snow ball, English and American lilac, icd dogwood, honey suckle, rose, &c.,Atc. A few of the Isabella and Catawby gi'ate from Covering. S"t. Mary, Iowa, Aug. 31, '53. aug .11-iy. GEORGE HEPNER. GENERAL LAND AOENCY OFFICE. Glenwood, Mills County, Iowa. ALL persons wishing to buy or sell Real Estate would do well ti call on the under signed, who is prepared to Euter Lund upon Time, and Locate Land Warrants. Will also attend to the Collection of Debts, and payment of Taxes iu and out of the County. All Business intrusted to me will receive prompt attention, oct 11 PHILIP E. SHANNON. PHILIP E. SHANNON, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Glenwood, Mills County, Iowa, WJ ILL attend to all business entrusted to his T v care, with fidelity and dispatch. Pax ticular attention given to the Collection of Debts, lie. REFERENCES. Hone. A. C. Dodge and James Sheilds, Waiihii'tlon, D. I'. J. ai d A. Lowery, P. T. Betts &. Co., New Yoik Cty. Jo-.-"h 'Shannon, Ea J., Palmer, Cook A Co., Fiancisco, Cal. Webb Sk Co., IMilwaukie, Wisconsiu. Hon. A.JH. Smitn, Janesville. Hon. A. T. Gray, Madison. Hon. Otis Hoyt, Hudson. Page liacon, St. Louis, Mo. McLouchliu & Barrow. St. Joseph, Mo. S. K. Nuckolls, Esq., Linden, Mo. Peter A. Karpv, Esij., Nebraska Territory. Ex-Governor Stephen Hempstead, Dubuque, Iowa. E. Honn,, Council Bluff, Iowa. NuckolU U. Co., Bennett i. Harding, Bela White. Glenwood, Iowa. octll-tf. GRAIN WASTED. WILL pay the highest market price for Com, Wheat, Oats and Buckwheat, at my Ollice in Glenwood, either in rash or mer chandize. PHILIP E. SHANNON. Glenwood, oct 11, '54 t;l'5rj )ERSONS wishing to make purchases, will do well t give us a call and examine our stock, which comprises a general assortment, and will be sold at u-reat bargains. sep tl. G R E K N E, KINNEY k CO, KNOBSAND "Latches. June,' besi quality of Mineral Knobs and Latches, for sale at GREENE, KINNEY tL CO. sep 27 54. NEBRASKA CLAIMS. CLAIMANTS will please take notice tha V- the proceedings of the Belleview Settlers Club, make it the duty of all Claimants to re curd adiscription of their Claims as nearss they may be able to de.cribe tl.em. Odic at Belleview, Nebraska. CHARLES T. HOLLO WAY, DT. LOU! ADVRTiCEMENTS . U) ;jetcait illnoiana tinimtnt. With a Healing Balm wo ccirs to jntrt you. rpiIF, action cf this Liniment is out of tia A most iieritct remedies aver nfered to tsu s 111 i r ted. lis action upon the orcanizatioa is truly wonderful, luvolatile, pentratinf, soatb- niir and nialiiig pnperties dilpiss Uiemslrin l- the very bones. It enterj ihtotlis circulation sf the blood gives a new impulse to whole nervoa syltem to the very extpmiities of the tnrnrs and stimulates to the absorbents and crtioBt, and thus assist siaturk to throw off and rii herself of any diseased section of the nervou chords or ligaments, making it equally applica hie to sores tf any kind, rlieumatism pains in every part of th body, ficrn a diseased actios or any or tiie structural portions or tt system. While it is perfectly harmlesj to healthy fl"h, skin or bone, it has the propw'y of entariaij into combination, and dissolving act of tbe or ganic tissues when they are diseased, or their vi tality is destroyed. Possessing these ptcawar powers, is the reason why it is equally crneaeious in ea many different complaints. It sets npoa scientific principles and fixed laws of the Crest The laree number of eases in which thisliai- ment has proved its value, in the short tiras it has been before the people of America, is saOi cient to give the greatest confidence that its vir tues are incomparable in cureing rheumatisa bruises, strains, burns, wounds, swellings brak en or Cracked breast, old sores or paiot in aaf part of the body. bt. Louis State or Missochi, County of St. Louis ss. Be it remembered, that on this fifth day May, a. r. 1H53, before me, the undersiraat, mayor of the City of St. Louis, in the county and State aforesaid, came personally Dvia M. Kinythe, wtio, upon his oath, says that Ue fol lowing statement is true. In testimony whereof I hereto set iv baa the day and dale last aforesaid. JOUJN HUYY, Slayor. Soc. Newma, Repistef. St. Louis, Mo., May 6, 1863. Dr. K. G. Braoo, i Co. Gents; You will fivobably recollect that I called into your estan ishment some three weeks since and purchnsfcl fifty-cent bottle of your "Mexican aiuslanf liniinent " my object in so doing was to trr iu merits uprm my daughter's arm. who has biwm sutfering from the effects of a severe dislocation of the elbow for several years past. i lie excruciating pain consequent naon ftiisa setting of the bone had dwindled and contracted her arm to a puny size, and I coasider it a duty devolving upon me to acqiaintthe community of the beneficial etlectyour ftairnent riaspaoduceirl. Her arm was drawn to a riLrht anj'e, and was almost inert and useless, until your invaluable liniment was applied, since which time, I am happy to state, she has enjoyed unintcrruptod good strength, and can use her arm nearly as pli antly as before it was dislocated. l would state, nowever, trial prior to iryin your unequaled liniment, I used several other remedies, and among them "McLean's volcanic liniment," but with the lenst beneficial renlt 1). M. 8MYTHE. We offer this liniment as a remedy in tbe vari ous disnases and complaints for which it is rs- . " "'V ' J . . ' mm,,jj rh f,, niifidanr f nin'rul in eurinnr them. The following is a 1 ist of the numerous and traordinary cases it has cured during the U few month : b,75() cases of rheumatism in all its forms; 4,200 M01 do do do sprains and bruises turrj and scalds; frsh cuts and wounds ) canc-rs; scrofulous (lores and ulcers that had resiutcd all other treatment J inflamed or swelled joints ; files ) Jibbaeo, sciatica, font aiiihard 3,450 40 7,740 do do 5.210 7,500 400 do do do bony'jtnors; do chapped hands ; do caked breams, 6,250 3,000 4,600 do tooth-ache ; do various ch,-,!,i' Im-isca. 10 000 This must appeer almost incredible, but tha numerous certificates and letters from distin guished physicians, citizens, agents and others who have used the medicine; enable us to sub stantiate the above faetsj millionsof bottles of it are yearly consumed, and it has always piveo satisfaction. To counTty mcrch mts. Every store shod be supplied with this valuable liniment, as it pays a good proht and sells rapidly. Prices op the LiNiMKNT. It is put up in bottles of thrceaizes, and retails at25cents, 6tl cents and $1 per bottle. The 50 cent and one dollar bottles contain 50 and 100 per cent more liniment, in proportion to their cost, so that money is saved oy buying the lager sues. A. G. JJKAUU to. UO., Sole 1'roprietor. Principal offices, cor. Third and Market its., 6t. Louis, and 304 Broadway, New York. For sale by P. A. Sarpy, St. Mary, and 8a fy & Enui.ish, Glenwood i and by dealers ia medicine everywhere. aug 31-ly DR.A.G.BIiAGG'S TONIC AND ANTI-BILIOUS PILLS. The great popular medicine of the day Vast amount usfd per month The nu merous and wonderful cures it effects Us mpgical effect upon Hilioras Fevers, and Fever and Aiue Great excitement fttnontr the Doctors I i3 e ARE now admitted on al 'hands to be a most extraordinary and valuable medicine ia general use. It not only acts as a specific upoa (ho bilious and typtis fevers, chills and fever, and fever and ague of the West and South but in all diseases of debility, weak stomach, indi gestion, loss of appetite, impurity of the blood, and all diseases nievalent in a western and south ern climate. Their great power consists in their peculiar effect upon all the organs of tht system ( and the rapid formation of new and pure blood 'hey produce. In this lies the gTtat secret of their success. They are mild and pleasant in their action but searching aud per manent in their etrect penetrating the remotest recessesof the system by their ready absorption into the blood, thereny infusing a new supply of vitality and nervous power into all the machine ry of life. The extem,ive popularity they havs , rcrpiired all over the West and South ensures sales of at least 60,000 POVES PER SI0NT1I ! And we find it difficult with our large f rce ot ht-nds, and the late improvements in machinery which we have adopL-d, to manufacture theru fast enoueh to supply the demand iu thirteeu western and southern States 1 One large manu factory is constantly engaged in preparing the various coiieenuaieu extracts or wnicri tney are compounded. From the best information we can obtain from our 8,000 selling agent, and hosts of retentive correspenuaiits iu all parts of the country, our medicine cures pur month not less thnn 10,000 cases of fever and ague, one thousand of Which have resisted all other treatment ; cases of weakness and general debility " of various chronic disease; " of weak stomach and loss a! appe tite ; cases of dyspepsn j " of rtieuiuatiai ; " of female complaints) " ot air u e cake, or enlarged srlsssi i 5,500 2,filX 2,000 800 t .000 U'OO J nil must appear almost incredible, but tbe numerous letters from physicians, agents aai those who use the medicine, fro n all tt.s wjt. em and sou-hern bt ates, satisfy us that this il a moderate etiuite, and that our medic. ns is rab idly taking the plae of the various counterfeits which are alioat, and the numerous tonic mix tures made w holly of ijuiriiiie. which are imped ed upon th public by manufacturers wSe livs' uo body knows wheTe ! Price of Tonic pills, 7fj cents and Aati-M ions, 2" cents. A. G. Hai;i, m. r., ! ercsV-V tor, St. Louis. For sale by P. A. Napt, s ' VI ry, nd Sakpt t Lhcii.ism, Gleusroo4 . b"yIeaie-s is wsVss" tHs-it its' fa,