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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1882)
"r-S . MJtaB " '(I S ,Q vt n-rt"i -irr . jUi.MlInMaatMJXaiaiigjS'JIJ - ' t V ril Juwwmtr. lS) ." ;, va i.' Lftfc ESTABLISHED 1056. 1 A TmrmTVT AT-DTD-D A CtT-A rnTTTTTJ OWA7 nnrprrDPT) Of! 1QQO VOL, 27, NO. 19. OLDEST PAPER IN THE STATE. ii U JD U IUM liJDXV10iV2i, lilUIWiJWL, UUJ.UiJXlli &V) LUVO. EajyeaHEXWwitKar ia.xw:igJWVi.KuvrAir.t:Jiaiujiiiiiaa tml ifi f LJW TfJ"$ r' SOUTH AUBURN BUSINESS .CARDS. ARRWRIQHT k CURZON, JEWELERS, ELGIN, SPRINGFIELD ntid WALTHA.M WATCHES. " South Auburn, ... Nebraska. T F. WEST. M D. xj PHYSICIAN AHD SURGEON, SOUTH AUHUUN, NEH. OFFICE. Up Stain, over AUvchtiscr office. pORNELL, G. V, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ofllou olio door north of llleehurs Store. SOUlTt AUHUUN, N'Eli. Will practice In all tbo Courts nnd attend to rolb'utloiiH, pHICAGO LUMBER CO., J DonlersJ In t Lumber, Paint, Liino mid Conl, SOUTH AlTItUUN, - NKHUASKA. DILLON & CROAN, ' Deiildic In Drugs, Boohs, Stotionory, Paints. Oils, Glass, Cigars, Etc' South Auburn - - Nubrnskn. DEV1N ft riSHER General Morohnndislnr;. IjUY doODS, GUOUHUIKS, HATH, CAPS. uoors, shoiss, i:tc J South Auburn, - - Nobriwltn. n j. wood. J NOTARY PUBLIC, Anil Lightning, Fire uiul Wind INSUUANOH AGENT. South Auburn, Nut). T?D. WALTZ, ill . BARBER All tclnclH of I'miHiirlul work done 'ftltli nenlnesnud In tbo lutist stales of the art. Shop second door north of iho Hnldrci;o. GEO. RIECHERS, " Dealer In Clothing, Hnts, Cnpi, l?oots, Shoos, n id Quoonswaro. Hotter, 1'cijs and I'rnditco taken In oxchnnge for goods. South Auburn, Nebraska. GW. FA1RBROTHER, SR. NOTARY PUBLIC. Will pay attention to ConypyniU'liiK, Land Aitonay business and taking Depositions, lllnnlc Deeds Mortgages, and nil sorts or blanks on liuml, HOLDREGE HOUSE. Hest Hotel In tbo City. TV.rt TPTTTTITIATWT Prnni.)nnr. sbchias flninMetorn'GnodAl!fiVCTiy1 Kluoiouiulgoou Accommodations. South Aubuin, . - - Nobrnskn 1 HUTCHINS & ELLIOTT. licitleiHln AtlMulturftl Implements, v.;'4?y. . Carriages Etc. Wasons, Ncbraalca fioui Auburn, iouni An -4 -. i3 , , il'ENRY .HARM, 1 Proprietor , CALVERT MEAT MARKET, ' Nleo, Sweet", Krosh Meat always on hand, nt Keasnnublo Kates. Sonth Auburn, .... NebriiNltn, TJ T. F. WERT & CO. i-1 Inai Insurance & Collodion Agonts. Sftcflnl attention Ktven to renting and Uuylug twid HolliiiK FnrniB nmlfclty proporty J'..0. Rulldlng. South Auburn, Neb. T INN & COOPER, J-j Dealers In GRAIN & STOCK, Highest Market price pnld for nil kinds of Grain and Live Stock. Olllco at tho elevator. South Auburn, Nub. McGEE St MOORE. Dealt rs In GENERAL MERCHANDISE, SOUTH AUHUUN, NHH. Ulghost JIarki't Price paid for Uutter and Hggs and Pioduco. jT"RS. A H. RICHARDS, J-'J- Millinor nud Drossmnlcor, Full Stock ot Ladles FurnlHliliiK Goods and Fancy Notions. Second door South of Dill on it Croun'fl dniK store, South Auburn, Neb. M1CK.ELL & SHURTZ, IN ' Doaleis In Drugs, Glass, Paints, Oils, Stationery and Wall Papor. SOUTH AUHUUN, - - NEIIU. I) B. CLANCY, .1.V Hardware, Stoves, Tinware, A lnro and Select Stock of everything kept In a llmt-ehiNs harrdwaro store, A good repair hIioj) In connection with tlio stoio. Two doors south of Hl&cbers store, South Auburn, Neb, T THOS RICHARDS. "REGULATOR," Dealer In nUGOIKS. WAGONS, and AGPIUULTUU.VL. IMPLCMF.NTS South Anliiun, Neb. WILLIAM ROBF.TTS, ' proprietor Restaurant nnd Balcory, A flno stock of C infections and OlRars, ' Warm meals at all hours 25c. First donr south of Holdroao Houso WILLING BROS. A JORDAN, . Dealors In Hardware, Stoves, Tinwaro Purni- turo, Woodonwaro, Etc. Special attention paid t Tin Hoollnc and Spouting. South Auburn, Neb. WM. MATTHIESEN, ' BlaohsiuithinK, WAGON AND OAHUIAGE W'OHIC Ncntly and 'promptly done. No 21 bant re Avtinue, South Auburn, Neb, WILLIAM SHANKS. ' Proprietor Livery, Food and Sale Stable's. On Nemnlm Street, South of tho ifbldrego House, South Auburn, Nob T V. KERNS' o LUMBEH YAUD, SS3WC5K3E2W, North and South Auburn, Neb, P. W. Samuklson, J). J. Wood, Ranker, Cashier. MemahaOountvBsnk A abarn, Nebraska . Does a Goaieral Banking Business, JPm'ticiliir 2z;eulUm Giv en Collect ioiiut Moncv loaned on Approv ed Socui'ity. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. This is the Oldest Bank and ha3 tlio only Timo Look in tho Oity. Fu rm I.o.liiH nci,'iit lut oil nl Low Knto of lutrrcst. Exchange, on all parts ot HI. & atiti SUtrope. T H B ,t )aUUJ') Q3aa(l9 SOUTH AUBURN, NEBR., a 'f tt f t AMPLE CAPITAL- $ MONEY LOANED On app oved iccurlty, at a Reasonable Rate of Interest. EXCHANGE Bought and sold on the principil Cities of the United States and Europe. JNO. L. CARSON & CO S. A. Osljori!, (.'. . Tnyloi Notauv I' Osbobn & Taylor, ATTORNEYS and Counselors a! Law. Calvert 'il Bro-nrnville. PRACTICE IN THE STATE AND FED ERAL COURTS. Special attention given to collections pud sale of KEAL ESTATE. Nemaha Co., Neb., Moving been recently Surveyed and Platted on SLC. 7, T. 5, R. 13, In the Western part of Nemeha County, Ne braska ofTers rare clunr-s for Commercial Mechanics! Business,, JiUw & O figures. POIt CASH OH ON TIJE. Apply 10 s. A. OSBORN, UrownvillB, Johnson, or Calveit JOHN S. MTNICK, Nenialia Cit, 3Meb. y. if ' j V'x JOHNSON ' NORTH AUBURN BUSINESS1 ICARD. G OSS' PICTURE GALLERY, North Auburn, Nob copyimi old I'lCTinus a avm Olllcc -First door South of tho-HtiJS MOSEY 1 Pin 1 RUF.MAN, Plain and Ornamental Pointer. Coulmcih taken Willi nil iiiiiiorlnllifrSTnliod. A-Work Ktinwinieed.-fiu NORTH AUHUUN, - - IHNnll. I E 1SOTHEL, J , proprietor Noith Auburn Billiard Pnrlor.s. ktepsn nleoHtoek of SP OIQAUS, CONI-'KOriONH DTCOTWC. I M. GLASGOW, PHYSICIAN AND SUMMON, NORTH AUBURN, - - $WNLBR "Ilosideiico-fJilinoi o'h iJlc. nil. A. OPPERMAN, PHYSICIAN ANI SUltjmpiV, Has been located in Nemalu CffijnjV vincc !So8. Strict attention paid to all ACjUJrE and CHRONIC DISEASLS, Aflict1oSS of the Ear asitl 3Syo fciiiiuiiy Tigd', JWSSrAitifii.ial et always on lun'ijTto"a Suit an site or coloi. CallijRtl tiadcil to Jay or night flp OFFICE Northwest coiner Cuutt and. Second Streets. t WflL RESIDENCE-Southwesr corner iIolnpd ad Streets, SIlERIDAtf, NEB.JB'aoyi TAK3S NOTZ8E7"" Mts. K Moiia'inn, of Mniyvllloto., will be at North Aubuin on Mn -b'' 17th and 18th Days of DocSmbpr 'hen Hho will be prepared ol eyoilltenses. Ilertreuti to tmaVnll forms neut btfiifpcimu. mint ciini tor mnuuinti'd forms of InllatumuMou of audNeelier. She will nNu on tho ITithof each month. 'U.Itt5JIU(l 1111 th 0VPHVrCoiiitt bo at Wownvlll. 1Kb SuikIchI nperatloilH will Dr. D. Wllnon ol Mary v bo porfOnnod hy "'" 1 ' BnOWNVILLE BUSINCSSMRDS. J. II. B R O A r V Attorney mil! Oontittnl lilfW, r.rou uviiii , J. ST ITL ., AT'l'UltMSVS AT sV.V Olllcc of County J mine, llrowitrllSf )Tfc Fnurehalis, iiecotnpltMied workmen.,'tiostl yo, nesistinvcM, msniouaoie niur oihh, ea foam. Work done piomplly and Kuarnii todlnNnllsi. Mist door west ol pont-illlce, lliownvllle, Ni b. CAM RICH, Houso, Sign, Carriage and Or2ia:noutal Painter. imOWNVH.Li:. .... Mill. UMiioui,i:i (l(Vi;it.MI'M KUOWNVILI Pahl-t Capital, $.?ofouo Aatliorhtid a $00,000 IH IMtKPAHK'iVU TltANSACT A General Banking Bnsines. IIUV AKIIHKIiI, OOIN & OUEEENOY DEAFTB uii nil tliuiirlnclpnl cities ol the United States and Europe MONEY LOANED On npproveil security only. Time Dnifts iIIsroiiui d. ami uneclril HCooiiiinuaiii tloiiNKrntittHl to ilupoilt HUNT IIONDH, th. Dnnlersln (lOVKUNMKNT IIONDH, STATE, COUNTY & CITY SECURITIES DEPOSITS itecplveil pnvnlilooil'lomiiKt sn I INVKUKHI'ii iiweiloa UiiiccurllllciiletorUiHilt, OrilKtriOUH.-Win.T. lien, H. M. Hatlov, St. A llnmlley. Prank K. .Tolinaon, Luther Uoiirilo) Win. I'rnlslior. JOHN L. OARSOXt A. U. I) VISO V, CrtHhler PiiMldent. J, C. MuXawiiito1, AiKt'Oahler.. MONEY SAVED! I ill sell you a BETTER OEG AN!! in ovory respect for S 8 S.O O " Than are being sold in this vicinity for S100 and upwards. JAS. H. DYE, Omfl -Nemaha City. BOOTS, SHOES, AND HARNESS. Mode nnd repaired ns Well as can be dono uuywhere, on short notice, and VRUY REASON AH TsE TJ-JiUS, IVcmalia City, Xclr. s llfl in rin: ti. s. First National Bank iu P.P.BTATIIH, Caahior. Prosidont. mmi AIIIIVUX, XllllUASKA, IS 3 And oilers Its Sotvlees to tho Citizens of Auburn -.AND NEMAHA COUNTY, For the liansnullnu of any Iluslness In tho lino of 13 a li k i n a . gcbras&aftvw'ttecv JlSftJf" Entered at the postoffice at South Ao burn, Nebraska, as Second Class matter. REPUBLICAN TICKET. STATE. For Govornor JAMES W. DAW US, of Hnllno county. For Lieutenant Governor. ' A. W AGED, of Hamilton coiulty. For Secrelniiol Slate. " E, P. UOGGENS, of LaiieiiNteroounty. For Treasurer. LOUAN CL-AIUC, of Hoono county. For Auditor. JOHN WALIilCHS, ot Hall county. For Attorney-General. -- ISAAt" POWEltS. of Dakolnofinnty. ForSupl. of Pnbllo InHtruoilon. W. V. W.JONICS, For Com. of P.iblle Lunds and HulIdliiKN. t G KENDALL, of II twin d county, For Hejontuf the UnlviiKlty. C. H. GEUE, of liitnensUT Count. Si&teliftVCONGRr.SStCJKA ' UrteWrRlJrRLWirtHq!lSa rmHMS8ffim 3-XJTDXCJXjA.X.. Dlstilct Attorney I'd Judicial dlsti let J. II. STUODIJ, Of Cass County. For COUNTY. For Stnto Setiatoi JAUVISS. CHUU0H, of Hedlord. For Hepresntatlves GEO. U, SHOOK', 01 Axpinua I, JAOOH GOOD, of La liijettu. For County Commissioner, 2d Dlstilet FUAMC UEDFEUN, of London. THE MONGREL CONVENTION. A few so-called Republicans and such Democrats as Prank .Johnson mid .loo Docker can manage, assembled at Siunuolson's Hall, at 1 p. in. 011 theSild, and put tho machinery in motion for defeating if possibln tho Republican ticket, i'lesuut also weiequltoa nuni-r bur of ti uo-blue Republicans, Demo crats who do not pioposo to bo tiaded olf a year in advance by Johnson, Docker, Majois k (Jo.; and a light smart sprinkle of (Jieenbackers, who .supposed thoy had been invited theie, but who found out by the result that thoy had 110 pint nor lot in the "cut-and-dry" aft. dr. Hence tho showing, as to numbers, was fair about oue- lotutlr pel haps as many people as at tended tho Republican convention. On motion of Doo. McComas, C.C Donald was chosen chairman, 0. A. Cecil, of Uiownville, and Wilson, of Johnson, weio made seeiotaries, Mr. Donald, on taking tho chair thanked tho convention for tho pi ecious honor, imploied tho delegates to he liiunionioUs an unnecessary admoni tion, evetythliig having been pre-arranged, after tho fashion of tho"IIowo convention") unjoined theiinpoitaiico of nominating good men. "Rut," said tho 'Squiio apologetically, realizing tho supoi Unity ot the suggestion, "LbulioNO you aro all good men." A.J. Skeen, a prohibition wliooper, of iiioii; tlian local famo, moved a com uiitteeon ciedentials. A.J. was the chairman of the same. While waiting for thoropoit of tbo credential committee, Hon. J. II. Hroady was called on for it speech. Had it been a stiaight Democratic meeting without tlio slight Republi can kink in it Mr. Broiidy would have been at home, but hu shrunk fiom tho task of attempting to elicit the ap plause of the mixed crowd bofoio him. ThoiofmoMr. Bioady oxcuscd himself by saying: "I don't think a spooch at, all necessary. This is not a proper oc casion for a speech- can't seo any pos- 0HAB.D.HIX0N, fu IHIflfcSBf filF" ftff. KttlUft III- irHUM. Wfliwl B ullilo good it would do" in mi tiisom hltiuHi) divorsiiU'd on pollliuH. Vary HKoly Jlr. Droady wiih cortoct In siirh u U' for tliooiowd tuilv wiw iih var 1 OKiitcd nil u coon's (nil, iiut if ho had any (ht-ad of mi oiTort to plwi?o hot It tlio iiuiniblieiut Htripo mid Doinoctulic sti ilio, ho was in in en or. Any kind of hog-wash would have been ttwai Towjcd, for tho patilotio bimines's of dofentini,' tho lU'nubllemi paily must go on. ,T. II. Mlllor, n bully good Dcmuornl of L'oni, who had orawled out of Tom Majors' pocket mid got InioUho con vi'iitlon, moved that tho dylegatos cant tho full vote of their pm-inot. TIiIh was a vmy Judicious and timely motion, for thisi would lnako tho voto look big and lull whllo lually u lnfijor itj ofahodttlegatoii woionot thuio. tvV, llmtton, a Hrownvlllo Uemo cinmoi'd to nominate a sonalor ho doifljth'sa loi'iiut a candldato for houu tortl. t', McXaughton, of tho Pirst XaJIonal Hank of Uiownvillo, who has prjilo in railing himself a Inill-lnccd, Ihiusw lie nevover ulos tho lUmnbli emrtK'kotlf ho can possibly Ibid any thing to get seared oil' at, then stood uihumI named Htm. . I. II, Pisher us tho man already nominated- ghlng Mr. Pisher a solid oil' about as follows: "I aiijf sol ry Mr. Oliaiiman thatlam nob liermitted to place In nomlnallou Mi. .1. 11. Ilioady, tt man the people want. We have been labeling with Mr. Ilioady all day fdr his consent, but without avail, 1 am sorry to say Mr. Iliomly tliiukft his pilvato business will not ponniC'him. Wo could elect Mr. Hroady, but fts, he peremplotlly decliiles, I therofoie havo the pleasuie of naming Mr. J.' JJ. 1'Mslier. of Aspinwall,- for senator." , And according to the eut-nnd-dri 'airangeuleni; Ilr. MqNuugliUm moved to nominate Mr. P. by acoliima tion, which wiw done unanimously. (J. Kablhiger, of J)ougi;isj .Mr. (Ji'nvor, or (Hon 1)bok ; and Mi'. ,1. J'. Mlllor, of Washington, w'eio then named for leiubfijjiwitjlvos. Tho llrst ballot lesulled aafollow's: Pabliugcr ....., M Gravnr , 57 Miller 4 Mr. Miller being a Oreonbaeker, of ooutse stood no earthly show inacut-antl-iliy convention llkuthat .Jolinson, J)iw'kor. Mulitrtt St. P.t. hnviiiir Irinr mro Ttilviaed:theomies:ijetVeeli 'tho.'two rxiL.-." . ri'vj -, w Y. .,,.,,.. ,..., ,,-,- tiitzmmfML i'gtaJSMiV7irKfilfrnffiia'V m MrmLm&MmpAWii?ml& 1 iinled by accMrtnianci'13ro'olifft5ifr'w inlssiouer. Ciyi motion of IcComiu ti central committee was appointed to 1111 any vacancies that might occur by declina tion on.the ticket. A stiaight bourbon, niter thty adjournment, said McComas' motion to. appoint a commlltee for the purpose iie. meutiwned was ridiculous, because all tjie nominees had agreed to serve before tho convention met -just as they did at the ''IIowo convention." The convention adjourned hud reliied In f,ood order, mid with unmistakable sober earnestness. The most eoiumigmtis thing about the coin cut ion wie the absence of Maiois, Daily, Stall, parson, Stewart and other prlipe iiioveirf in organizing opposlt ion to tho Republican ticket ami instigating tho convention. Tho Hist three of the above named wero never before known to absent tlinm sehos from a convention, and they weieso much Interested In this 0110 too. It would havo looked better for their cause had thoy at least been in town, but lor all of them tostayaway, by pic-aii.inged programme, doubtless, was so extremely thin that a blind man can see through it. .. Letter From a Domoorat, (Jlkn Rook, Oct. '21, 1S82. Kihtoii Advuutisjju: Is not tho old adage 111010 than true, which tms "That politics makes sti auge bcd-fel-low " when Tom Maiorsuud Hill Dally can occupy the saino bod with Prank Johnson, Walt, Hackney, Dr. MeCom a, Bratton and 1 Hroad. Will Iho Democratic partv Hiatal it to bf traded oil by such men as JoIiiiboii, Hackney Co., like cattle and in market or will thoy havo tho manhood to vote 118 thoy please logardloss of the trade to make Frank county tionsuier, Docker county oleik, and Tato slieilff, 0110 year fiom this fall. It was only a few aliott vears if I remember eon uut--ly that Prank Johnson, McComas, Hroady, Hratton and othurs voted tbo straight Republican county ticket, in cluding Tom Majors for contingent congressman, for the simple reason that they could not contiol tho Democratic convention and nominate- their favor ite candidal es. ft may bo thov aro to have flomo of Tom's 20,000 ho expects to got for four years service as contin gent congressman, when ho satisfies tho congressional coinmitteo that tho' census of Nebraska taken in 187 1 was taken In 1872. Dkmockat. Look at tho tickets, and every un prejudiced voter will acknowledge that the straight Ropublicon is tlio superior in every way for elllcloncy in tno positions sotigui. Aim win preju dice win against ability, common somio and the interests of tho puoploV :u. I kmmtim&tt(Mtmm-z vi 1 s 'X i M 4 .