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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1882)
rjV J&' Mebmd duwtusei :.2 HJIHIIIIIIIni ,..., ,, i. ,. ,.,W..U yfm r y m m,Ks -jfyXad w- imp ;K A A h trr "ffii" - - - r: n ESTABLISHED 1856. OLDE8T. PAPER IN THC STATE. iawwrirr- nm, nnnaciasarn SOUTH AUBURN BUSINESS CARDS. A RKWRIOHT Sc CURZON, lx TEL f E WEIiERS, EI.OtN, Sl'ltlNaFIELD niul WALTHA.M WATCHES. South Auburn, - ' Nebrnslca. BF. VEStTm D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, SOUTH AUHIMN, NEI1. OFFICE. Up Stain, over Advertiser otlice. CORNELLffo, V., ATTORNEY AT LAW, Olllco one.tloor north of Ulechers store. ami 111 AUifUKiN, ssi-ii. Will prncticeflu all the Courts nnd attend to,.' CHICAGOXUMBER CO., -Dealers lti Lumber, Paiut, Limo and Coal, SOUTH AUIH'HN, NEMIASK A. jyLLON Sc CROAN, Dealer. In Drugs, Books, StKtlouory, Paluts. Oils, Glass, Cigars, Etc. South Auluirn . Nebraska. TEV1N & FISHER .;'.. fc ' Gnnoral Mo'rckanHitng. DltY GOODS, OKOCEUIES..IIATS, CAPS. BOOTS, SHOES,' Etc. South Auburn, - , . Nebrnskn. K J. WOOD, fii'l J' NOTARYPUBLIC, And Lightning, Fire and Wind INSLmNCE AG EXT. South Auburn, Neb". ?D. WALTZ, tJ... , . - BARBER All Kinds or':v,norlul work done with uciitucfsand In tho luU'Htj,eH of tlmurt, Shop ttucoud door north of'tlSiijfoldrcgc. GEO. RIECHERS, " " "V MiMitnr In A Clothing, Hnts, CapBoots, ShooV, nuiiur, rKf li d l'rnductiikeiilu exctiimuo Houtli Auburn, mr mHinarm isi'urnsicii. &W. FAIRBROTHER, SR. NOTARY PUBLIC, Will pay attention to Canveynniiliig, -Land A(oiuiy buKlH'5s and luktnir DoposliloiiN. Ulank Deeds Mortgages, and all sorts or blanks on hand, HOI.DREGE HOUSED "''"" Ucst Hotel In tho City. ) TED HUDDART. Proprietor.. Flistalusi Sainplo Hooms, Oood lilvery Stable and good Acroininodutlotiri7ffi, houth Auburn. "" - ' . Nebraska. 11 UTCHINS & ELLIOT-r." " --J- DeiiloiH In Asrioiiltural Implements, Carriages Etc, south 'Auburn, Wagons, Nebraska. OENRY HARM. Proprietor CALVERT MEAT MARKET, Nlro, Sweet, Fresh Meat always on hand, nt Ueasonublo Hates. -South Auburn, - - - - Nebrnska. E.h F. WERT & CO. Insurance & Colluotion Aconts. Spoelnl attention Klvou to renting and laiylnsrand soiling Fnitns nnd city properly. 1'. O. IlnlldliiR. South Auburn, Neb. T INN & COOPER, Dealers In GRA.IN & STOCK, IIlKhest Market price pnld for nil kinds of Grain and I.lvo Stock. Olllco at thoelovator. South Auburn, Neb. M cGEE & MOORE. Dealers In ? ' GENERAL MERCHANDISE, SOUTH AUUUKN, NEH. HlKhost Market Price paid for Hotter and EKKgs and i'rodUco.' MRS. A H. RICHARDS, " X'J- Milliner and Dressmaker, Full Rtock'ol Ladles Furnishing Goods and Fancy Notions. Second deor South of Dill on & Croan's drug storo.South Auburn, Neb. N' ICK.ELL I: SHURTZ. Di'alers In Drugs, Glass, Paints, Oils, Stationery and Wall Paper. SOUTH AUItUItN, - - NEIUt. 1) D. CLANCY, LV' Hardwaro, Stoves, Tinware, A lart:o and Select Stock of everything kept In u first-class harrdwnro store. good ropalr shop In connection with tho HIY IIwJ dooro honth of niechers store, South Auburn. Neh. T HOS RICHARDS. "REGTIT.ATn-R Dealer In niTGOIES. WAGONS, and AO PICULTUItAL. IMPLEMENTS South Auburn, Neb. v villTam ROBETTS, " " " " proprietor Rostaurant and Baliory, A tlno stook of Confections and Cigars. Warm meals at all hours 2o. First door south oriloldrcgo House VyiLLlNG BROS. & JORDAN xr - - Dealorsin Hardware, Stoves, Tinwaro Furui- turo, Woodonwaro, Etc. P0Spoui Tion P' ! Tin Hooflntr and npouung. . Kouth Ai,ur1) X()hi WM. MATTHIESEN, . Binnlrutttfil.l WAGON AND OAltUlAGE WOltK .Neatly nnd promptly done. No si Centre Avxtiuo, SouthAubUTti, Neb, WILLIAM SHANKS, 1.' Pronrlotor livery, Feed and Sale Stables. Nemaha Street, South of tho Holdrego llouae, South Auburn, Neb, AUBURN, ' " T W. KERNS' w LUMBER YARD, ! North and South Auburn, Neb. F. W. b.VMri:r.soN, J!nu;er, D. J. Wood, ,, Cashiei NemahaCountvBank A uburn , XTehrasJta Does a General Banking Business. Particular .attention aiv n Collections. MoneV Loaned Oil Approvj OfiSoeux'ity. INTEREST PAlDdN.TlME DEPOSITS. This is the Oldest Bauk ami has tho only Timo Lock hi tho Oity. Farm Lonns iif gotlntiMl id l,o Itate r Ktorcst. t'rhsi turn tut mll .... r.. .. , v'""' " mms ' '" n f." ii y. S. a (t BUti'ope. Fmt , T II 13 fi bJ& SOUTH AUa.URN, NEBR-v Is now open and iirciiaie.,! to do a G Banking lJaflVness. v AMPLE CAPITAL- MONEY LOANED On approved security, at a Reasonable Rate oflnterest. EXCHANGE Bought and sold on the principal Cities of the United States and Europe. ' JNO. L. CARSON A CO. S. A.Osliorn, (i. W.Tnylni Notahv Public Osboen & Taylor, ATTORNEYS and Counselors at Law. Calvert and Brown villc. PRACTICE IN THE STATE AND FED ERAL CO U UTS. Special attention given to collections and sale of REAL ESTATE. Notice to Farmers The undersigned has for sale tho NORWEGIAN PLOWS! Harrows CULTIVATORS, Well known to he tho best, which lm will sell oheapor than the cheapest. Farmers, Call and See, B. OTTENS. MONEY SAVED! I will Soil you 11 BETTER ORGAN!! in every respect for $ 8 5.0 O, Thnn nre being .sold in this vicinity for 3100 anil upwards. JAS. R. DYE, n Nemaha City. T 1?, ifrrothx IX ? BOOTS, SHOES. AND HARNESS, Made and repaired as well as can be done anywhere, on short notlco, nnd VERY REASOXAIU.E TERMS. iVoimiliu City, Nebr. NEBBSKAr THURSDAY, 1MB "" "IM" NORTHAUBURN BUSINESS CARD. sO-v '' - G OSS' .PICTURE GALLERY. CNorlh Auburn. TVnli. COI'JXJJ OLII lMCTlitKS A Sl'MIAM, Olllco -FfltdoorSoulh'of the Auburn lot. &. .1 T-rHJB'L'I I.MJM A KT -- Plain nnd Ornamental Painter. Contracts taken with all material furnished. rtu-yvnili uuiirnnti'id.tra NOKTII AUnt'ltN. - - . Ni:il. J K nOTHEL, " . . i . ' proprietor . ' NorihAuuurn BllHtird Parlors. ft'Mtecps'u nice stock of . OiaAlt), VgpNFECTIONs'ETC., 'ETC. I. MfGlASOOW, ib- b?wraffi (VrAN and xuiwicox. N'EUR leiicc-GilinoiVs lllock. tffr- Faj bwendAtfafriU in NunuL r.. ! laoSi Str!attpfitlnn nl.i f', n jfirrc i CHRONItJ 'DISEASES. Affllcrtom of tl.o Eai andjpe skiiiiuiiy.Ttetcd.: if"Arti'ficlalV!-aIway on lund to-fTJ Suit4ny.'ifrprculo,r. CalU at- tendedno day pr night utritfc Northweu .corner Court and Second RESlDENCESoullcst rner Main and ' d j ?' "' ! - o TAKE NOTICE ! i Jll?i.K JI'i"in, of MrtfyvWe, Jlo will boatNorth Auburn on tfe .. y ' 17th aud 18th DayrfW Ootobor. when she will be prepared to trnatall forms ol oyo diseases, llor trontinout Is a pertna r .m '"'VV. !!"' rnnulnvl evedlds and all forms of Inilimwnattou ofj'io eves, ('.mm 1 iP.?.ll.e.r. ,M, .WllKirViKt lirownMlle III till) HUll HI UIICI) 1T .' , isuriieai ur, l-'h dve? I ins l foam. Work teed to satisfy iillce. Hrownvllle, Neb. QAM RICH, Houso, Sign, Carriago and Ornamental Pnlutor, UROWNVILLE. .... m;h. Private Diseases. Persons desiring the popular prescription of the late Dr. Jonas Crane, for Venereal Diseases, can have the same filled by calling upon l"i Alfred Crauo, at his resiJence, Hrowr.ville, Nebr. 6-15 VI!TII()ltIZi:i IV TIIK U. N. (lUVKIt.NJIFNT irst National O v iinowivvirxE l did-up Capital, ."( ,000 000,000 Authorized h IH PUKPAUKMTO TKANSACT A) General Banking Busines. o ItUV AMJHKl.L & ODERENOY DRAFTS OOIN uil nil tlitt pHiR'Umlcltlei ol'thn United States and Europe MONEY LOANED On approved security only. Time Drarts illtcount P(l. mill mrrilLI lil'iuitiiinniliilliifitltfriinlil t.i ntliilHKratileil to rluiiiiHll ;JIK.N"1' IIO.N'IW. nnnlernlii (H)VDKNMKNT IIUNDS. STATE, COUNTY & CITY SECURITIES DEPOSITS KeoPlvecl pitvuhleoiiiliMiiuHl 11 nil INTKUKSTh ovsciloii tllnecurllflcittiMOl deposit. 0IllK(rron.S.-Wni.Tl7ieri, JJ. M. Bslley. M.A iliuiillhy. Krnnk K. Jolmion, Luthnr Hoinlloy Win. Krnlslior. , JOHN li. CARSON, A. It. DAVISON, Cashier I'reiltli-iit. J. C. Mc.Vaihhi I'oN. AHtt'Cashlej,. JOHN S. MINICK, Tl u Nomnlia Cit". Neb. PIIWPLES! I will mnll (free) tho recelpn for a simple etabh Hnlm mar win lemove tan. freeis 1 ten. oimnlos anil blotchi'S. Ii-n vl tic Mm ultln soft, clear and beautirtil; also Instructions for pjoduolutr a luxurlnnt growth of hair on 1 a bald head orsnooth face. Address Inelos- Inn.'te stamp, Hon. Vaudplf AC'o., I 'J liarcliiy l street, N, V, NUH.TU'AUI1URN. ' .fficafiSTd . . .J.' 3. J Ttiifcnrah "ii fcA?fto Itjf&'AUPPEIlMAN, jg(lWPW AM sirnaiiOi 1 M- IW1 1 i wtr'-'"''Tt i MMMMII11CI1 IJV Ilnilflllll.'llllll V MMJMV'... . . T-V -. il J Att (i iSBMWMWMwalllllllllllrlN4 i -x imililililililililililililililililil IBABMBMBMBMBMBMBMBMBMBMBMBMBMkMMMMBMk TsImT (slMslMslMslMslMslMslMslMslMslMslMslMslMslMslMBCUf i tlMBtfMC MMMMiriiini,,TMMMMMH HMMMMMMMMP IHmW?i. iiiHiiiiiMVHiiiiiHBVtM bbiWsjihf t. Il()lll nrnSMMMMMMXll ullli I.SKi . M' V llHI lid? (MMMMM1 ),St Wr Bank K HU lil . 1 00T0BER 19, 1882. inn in, OHAS, D.NIXON, President, P.P.STARIN, Oasliiur. BANK OF AUBURN, AUlll'ltX, XKHHASKA, IS NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS And otrors Its Services to tho Clthens of Auburn -Axn-NEMAHA COUNTY, For tho transaction or any lluslness In the lino of 13 a i 1. k i n a . cbvablunlcv Kay- Entered at the postollice at South burn, Nebraska, as Second Class matter. Ao- REPUBLICAN TICKET 8XATE. For Governor. - JAMES W. DAWKS, of Saline county. For Lieu tenant. Governor. A. W AGEE. of Hamilton county. For Secretary of Htnln. - E P. ItOGUKNS. of LaueMstereituuty. For Treasurer. 7 LUUAN claim;, f Unone county. For Auditor. JOHN WALLICHS, ol Hall county. For Attorney. General.--- ISAAC POWERS, of Dakota con it I v. ForSupt. of Public Distinction. W. W. W. JONES. For Com. of Public Lands nod HullillngM. .1 G. KENDALL, of Howard county. ForTlivjont of the University. - C. II. G EKE, of Liineastejryoutity, Agression a Ia"" )Vw'7S?inj 1st dlstrlelYSk f- A. .1 .fVMKflAtVM L-. i w1 of ltlcliardson County. JUDICIAL. For District Attorney ad Judicial dlstrlet J. it. STItOIIE, Of Cass County. aOXJ2sTT-5r. For StatoSeniiloi JA11VISS. CHURCH, of lledfoid. For Itepresntatlves GEO. It.SIIOOIC, ol Aspluuiill, JACOIIGOOD, of Layiayello. For County Commissioner, 'Jd Dlstrlol- FUANi; UEDFEHN, of London, FAOTIONE-PAST AND PRESENT. The excuse that soinu lU'inibllcans niako for oppoinj tlio noiiilneos of tho party la Mint the convention or machine was run by some party loader whom they do not Hue. Thai excuse or rea son is not a good one, and If all mem bers of party or other organizations would adhere to the idea of opposing the majority whenever some promi nent party man happens to be duhbed a leader, or a fuctionist, then thn party would heldoin bo successful; for tho bolters by joining with the "common enemy" of tho liopublicau pnrtv, can usually defeat the ticket although nom inated by a fair majority of thu parly. There are party leaders in eerv coun ty just as there are in this; tlieie al ways were and always will be; and when theie are leader.s there are al ways so-called factions. We have beard people, thoughtlessly, as wo be lieve, deploie tho fact that there are paity leaderw; but leaders of a party are just as necessary, for eirectivo work and success, as leaders in any other or ganization. Tarty leaders are not only necessary but inevitable. People every where and in all tho walks of life nat urally look for leaders, through no personal favoritism, but as a lepresen tatives of ideas and princlples.and they as naturally follow them iih long ns they are true to those nrincinlcmmdnvo successful in carrying thoin out. There exists at this time considera ble dissatisfaction in Xeumha countv, amongst a portion of the party be cause the regular nominees of the par ty do not belong to tho faction which thoy belong to; but it is a fact that the oldest settler cannot remember the time when there were not Inurim. ami consequently factions since theio lias been party lines drawn in tho COIllltV. Tliov nMimiihi- u lion and but a few years ago -the faction- ai struggles between Tom Majors and Hill Daily were as bitter and unrelent ing as it now is between those allied - VOL. 27,-NO. 18. WW w r BB M gentlemen and Church Howe. Then if Dully succeeded in having himself or any friend nominated Majors would bolt, Join the DemocrnlH and defeat him if possible. Ami If Tom or friends got on tho ticket Dally would kick, and so it was up to tho time when Church Howe entered tho nrona. Thoy would havo been lighting yot find not Mr. Howe proved a fortuldnhlo opponent to Doth of 1110m; unci if ihoyioould kill Howe politically, or shouldMfo in anv way bo removed from Ihn fluid, Majors and Dally would wltho'tTt a doubt, be gin their old factional fciul where they lelt off two years ago, and the party would again bo divided between .Majors and Dally a It used to be and as it is now between those two mid Mr. Howe. Our old readers leinember how a four years ago Dally captured tho primaries Irom Majors aud was nominated for county treasurer, and that Majors bolted, and helped elect the Democratic candidate. Then wlmn Wils. Majors afterward run for county clerk Daily organized his forces and did all in his power to defeat him, and so thov had it at every election. And then n now they worked-fornplte, for revenge, for purely self, and iinviir a lid.- iiiHiin.v strike, prompted by unselfish loyalty to the party. "When llov. Fifrnns was nominated for governor Majors opposed him and supportedworked-for and voted for the Dcmoerntlceandldntc, and It Is proverbial in this county that when one of those menaro not on the ticket or thoy aro not permitted to dictate who shall be on It, they'lry to defeat it, either oponly or treacherously. Other factional leaders; in this coun ty, when defeated at tho primaries or convention, acquiesce, accopt the situ ation as the will of tho majority, and help elect tho ticket. "KVen Church Howe, whoso alleged defective Repub licanism is now caning lorth their us ual hypocritical groans, has nnvordqno otherwlsn than support his party tick et. Majors and' Daily wear the belt, theiefore, us tho only reTorm" leaders wo havo in Nemaha county When a ticket is nominated that does not'earrv a Majors or some 'resemblance to tho Miijois family, it must bo beaten, to 'reform Ropublioniijiolities in Xoinahu county" the language used in our presence-by on of "Thorn. ""-f TTTT- 1 1 . riglUn nlegltmato sense, but when W.?, .. .i. it.. 1...... ii sit. ,,..nrtftr auuseu mi iiiu-.niu"" '"v "'" nave nttJHis'Uouo, then thoy are pro ductive ouiy 01 tiemorairaiioii, Re publican defeats and Democratic vic tories. . . Readers of Tin: A ovr.u'i, we appeal to you as candid honest men if this is not lruov Tom Majors said the other day "I have nothing against the Republic-nil liclnil I.Iihv 1110 nil inwul mini lint I IV the way they were nominated, and tho man imtt ruii iiie coiivauiiou is wuac I nhti'i'l tn " Is tliln mil 11 miial tllu. gtisting display of cheek and cgollsim 1 or one wuose record asjt politician w. that of a bolter and disorganize)', and: as a representative at Wiuiliiiigtoin that of a criminal. Itlslsiich a inai! as this man Majors whojuiow h;i tho . audacity to undeitake ttnlictate to tlu solul voters of Nemaha comity and he, by tho way is dictating to both par ties a ticket for them to vto who. they shall elect and who defeat, Ijt.i.s. this man Majors, whoso revord oflicliil-. ly and jiolitically is a tench in the ' nostills of all tho Jlepiibhciin partyof ' , Nebraska, who is brazenly demand ing the defeat of such) honorable men ;iu .luilge Church, George R. Shook and . .lacob Oood. ' 0. ilmy say it to,n Howeticuat. Well suppose it is had itiiit bean u Ho wo ticket it would havo been a Majors ticket; and would 'that have madofit any better? Supjjooe 'J'ihii had rbn tto primaries, and ho could have succeeded 111 nominating his father for senator. Hill and Wils. for- rajJresenta lives and .Johnnie for county f commissioner, would that havo united the people any better than the nominee? ehuseuV Of course not. It would simply have been more gratifying tu TojuTs egotism and family pride. " 'i'HE Atvturrisi:it eaii consistently tako the ground it docs, for vu never bolted, and always supported the noni iners of tho party wltho'ut vegaid ttv the lender or faction chuieil with bringing thtm out. s When the party nomltmles men of questlonablo ability and character, vot ers may be in a measure, excusable for defeating them; but at this time they can have no such reason for doing so; and we have too much conlidenco in the honesty of purposo and good senso of tho people, to believo that they will defeat tho present Republican nomi nees, for no bettor ronsoifHhan that Majors, and a faw of his vindictive, helpers, desiro it on purely personal and solflsh grounds. -j I" WISE DECISION. " I will tako my rocIpc,s"aud prescrip tions toNiekoll, whero I yylll get them filled correctly with tlio best of drugs and without any substituting. Norton, Schultler, Ktudebaker and Mitchell wagons for salo as cheap as any house in the sta'e, by Campbell.