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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1882)
FV TK. 4iy .i4 . Jf?WS -r t . mt V 1 ? I . Ml i ' u ' I I 4 4 I ' III 1 1' "I it l 1 , , 1 I .1' K fl hpMPBnngajwmiijmrecaigroXB ijiihicti lctolta g-dMrtUieii Rates of Advertising i Local Notices, first week, 10 cents per line j Inch subsojutnt week, 5 centi per line. Display locals, 15 cents per line. Advertisement! on local page, 50 cents per ch per week. Miscellaneous ads 50 cents perinch per month. Legal adi at legal rates. MtgritiaittJiijiiiiui-J.uJui;iutJJuau-!U.Miiii;BMnM Old boot, tops cut into pieces of Hip required hIzo 11ml lined make good Illicit irondioldors. Kid IiooIb tuny lie nicely cleaned wllli .1 mixture of oil and inkjllm oil 80ft (iiu tliu leather, mid tho ink hluokuns it. Win. Miu-hIihII, at Lincoln, ismiol'Iior vlio pulled liirt rtliof uil out, of tliu Wilson by tlio muzzle, and is iiiorlaliy wounded. An export vlnv mukei hiih tlic wrapper recelvca more attention than any other part of it. Doosn'l mutter ifiuuli wliat HOit of trasli jotw innido. Ilnlicil T. Lincoln Iiiih shipped from SpriiiKfield to Washington sixty-two trunks lioloiijjnij,' to Ins mother, which were tilled with drcH.i Roods and trink ets purchased in Europu. At, "What Cheer, Iowa, Mrs. ItonJ. Williams shot and killed a man named Allison; and then put a ball through her own brain. Allison's attention to her had caused her husband to leave her, was the eauso of tho tragedy. A. B. irepburn, Hepublican nominee for cnj,'res3iuan at largo, in New York, declines to run on account of tho dissatisfaction regarding tho way ho was nominated. That is what Mr.Fol gor,' nominated for governor ought to do. Tho Illinois Methodist conference found Nov. IT. 0. Hoffman guilty of bastardy, fornication, forgery, and falsehood, and being obliged to draw tlio lino somewhero, recommended his his expulsion from tho church and the ministry. A Saunders county farmer named Kelly, took a load of hogs into Lincoln, sold them for $7.", went on a "good time," and when lie woke up next morning ho found himself in a back alley, and not a cent of mono'. Les son: You can have a better time-sober than drunk, and more money loft over. I). 0. Ualentino, in attempting to board a train at McCook, !Jrd inst., slipped and foil under tlio cars. He was so badly injured that ho lived but a few hours, lie was a strong, active man in tho prime of lifo, engaged in tho cattle business, and was a senator In tho last legislature from u western district. firoml Island Independent: Tlio Ike and one or two other journals aro whistling to keep thoir courage up, but Senator Van Wyck wjll not stump tho district for tlio bolters' ticket. Mark that down; neither "af tor twunty days" nor at any time. L.VTKU. Wo learn Llml, Mm Smmrnr lias already begun just that kind of wont. ADoy eight yearsvoht, 111 Chicago, hoard his father swear ho would shoot anybody ho bIioiiM see getting water out Ids well. So when tho little dar ling saw a young neighbor woman drawing water at tho well, ho ran out with ills pa's muskot pointed it at her with fatal precision and fired, and she fell dead. More than likely ids father cocked tho gun for him. Two railroad engines, at Xiokorson, Kansas, came together at full speed, like two lingo rams. The collision, of course, was terrific, and tlio general smash-tip complete. The wreck caught lire, and onglncors.Wostlako and Kish or and baggageman and fireman Jlol llday; Sliafor, road carpenter; were cruBhed or burned to death; and sev eral passongors badly injured. Tho uliiisio BuemH to bu 011 tho switchman. At tho Woman Suffrage Association mooting at Omaha 0110 of the speakers argued that tho enfranchisement of woman would proinoto marriage. This lota tho oat out out of the bag, and ac counts for tho fact that so many old maids go la for woman bulfrage. Wo always understood it was because they paid taxes that tliey wanted to vote but it appears now that tho "uo-taxa-tioii-wtthout-roprosontutlon" platfoi m was a baso subterfuge.- hv. An opinion wai rendered by the Illi nois supreme court loeontly in a cnBo involving tho question f the power of. tlio state legislature to rotrulato uites charged by railroads for freight carried to points outside of Illinois, and whether tho act prohibiting unjust dis crimination in such rates is not in con travention of the constitution of the United States. The case is one where in uixt) -six per cent, larger rate was cliifrgcd on a haul from Oilman to New 1 ork, than on a haul from Teoila to York, though tho distance from Peoria s greater by eighty-slx miles. Jt was bold by tho court that tho charge was unjust, excessive, extortionate and un lawful, and in elToct tho court upheld the authority of tho railroad and ware house commissioners to regulate freight charges to points outside tlio state. U-yv- --tjJrriiiiwliSE tumiuiumiii ma.jJM.uuuuJHjjjinuMum: Jl'UL'Jl1 " J'. je-xji.JHaitsittaajftjssingBaiiitAijsBBBi A BIG, BOLD BOOMING BANG k FROM THE CANNON OF THE GREAT LEADERS. MoGEE & MOORE, THE UNOON QOERED KINGS OF LOW PRICES IS UP! DPI UP AND COMING FOR FALL AND WIN TER TRADE. WIELDING THlTcJOLDBX SCKPTIIK Or A GLORIOUS HUSI.NESS s-hl'CCKSS' OUB SUBJECTS ARE LOW PRICES, CASH PAYMENTS, GOOD GOODS, AND BOYS' CLOTHES. Our latest and greatest master stroke of retailing goods at a wholesaler's profit, is approved by the "Goddess of Libei ty" and millions yet unborn. A hairless crown of glory shines from our shoulders, and a harp is in our hands. Harping about our well-cut, low-priced royal garbs for men youths, boys, and children. Harping about our Hats and Caps, tocfown the "Lords of Oi cation." Hats with and without straw no bricks in them. Already tho jaundiced eyo of competition is turned upon our low-priced, all-wool cashmeres. Com petitors say it "can't be done." Remember the continuance of our now lower-priced ukoimi: remains with you. On tho volume of sales profits are always based if large sales, small prollts, etc. One hundred Sunday Suits, largo, atrong and durable, at Low Prices. Bring your griefs and money to tho International Store, and carry away smiles and our low-priced Goods. Tho first 0110 of our competitors that attempts to buy up our low-priced stock for speculation will find himself Bhot full of our celebrated 10c. Hose for men, youths, misses, children, wo men, and all mankind and womeukiud n general. McGEE & SV10ORE, Mens', 'Youths', Hoys' and Children's Clothier, "liry-Uiioilor," "Trunk or," "Tnivoliiig.Prtggor," "Cur-lioier,"Wnl-liMiTCsy Hat ter 11 ml "Frtimcr." KOI I O, KOM ! FOR S A3LE ! One ,3-Sprinf IVafon, 2 Lumber Wayons. .1 Set Lt(htJT(t)'iwss. One li-ucav old Colt. Ono or dll can be bought cheap for Cash as I have no use for them. TlU). Huduaut, South Auburn, Neb. WAGONS, BUGGIES. Tho "Regulator" is now in tho mar ket witli a full lino of the very best implements that aro made. Tom Riciiahps. Machine Oils at Nickell & Shurt.'. Press Wheat Drills by 1). Campbell, North Auburn. Tho P. & M. R. It., known as the "Hurllngtion Routo" offers special ad vantages to travelers. Seo their ad vertisement in this paper. )-2:i Undo SanYfl Nerve and Mono Lini ment Is for man and beast and Is a balm for ovory wound. Sold by all druggists. 5 Pet'smiR lmvliic farms to rout, or pernons wanting to rent farms, will do well to put their business in D. .1. Wood's hands, who has applicants for both. Uuggles and Spring Wagons for sale by 1). Campbell, North Auburn. Fruit cans at Willing Bros. & Jor- daus. CARPETS McGce Sf Moore's. Newton, Schultler, Studobakor and Mitchell wagons for sale as cheap as any house in tho state, by Caumboll. Wo are ready to recoive produce in s1MmJisstfmKlslsJOTUslLsMMslWsWMW exchange for goods at tho Now Storo first door north of tho poitotllce. A full lino of Wagon Wood Work by 1). Campbell. HOLLADAT & lsNr ZDTTO-a-ISTS I SUCCESSORS TO S. H. MADDY. Have Just Received an Immense Stock of Drugs, Stationery, TOILET ARTICLES, And everything that pertains to the Drag Business. We propose to compete with any -firm in the County. Call and see us, and be convinced. Physician's Prescriptions and family Receipts carefully prepared. HOLLADAY & EBERLY, North Auburn, Nebr. m iUA iiuiA aAia SVERTBODT I 1W! Ih A H 1 m HAPPY T IS OYER I ON BECAUSE THE HARVES Eft Q 67? S3 ?v rF & ItF3 CF& & 6Rk S 51 Is5 ITS $ jfilBll PLliilPL lllLif81y DECK! Oaps9 loves9 Queensware, Hats, G-LASSWAIE A.IST3D IsTOTIOlsrS: It is an undisputed fact that CASH buys the goods of GEORGE RIECIIERS cheaper than of any other merchant west of Chicago. -iClil P- j6Sl.3ELjE- And see that mammoth stock at SOUTH AUBURN, NEBRASKA. npw.inji!wiimi.'.iuuM!wiimgmLii nuwmji i'ii,yj 9- sri""n-ininnTi rmrsTrxr i r - i i rrniT mi n nn" m ! ibihsmssi ! PIANOS AND ORGAHS! TUNED and REPAIRED by a Competent WORKMAN AND MUSICIAN. Call on or Address G. M. BARNES. AUmjRN and TK0lMSBH,NKmt lloV ILoNt, HBotV 5tc'Nti-',d ! Just published, a new edition of DR. CUI. VKRWEI.L'S CELEBRATED ESSAY on the radica) cure of Spcrmatorrhaa or Seminal Weak ness, Involuntary Seminal Losses. Impotency, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc. ; also, Consumption, Epilepsy and Fits, induced by self indulgence or sexual extrava gance, &c, The celebrated author, in this admirable Essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty )ear's successful practice that the- alarming consequences of self abuse may be tadically cured; pointing out a mode of cure as one simple, certain, and effectual, by means of which every sulferer, no matter what his condition may be. may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically, KSf" This Lecture should be in the hands of every jouth and every man in the land. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, post-paid, on receipt of six cents ot two postage stamps. Address Tho Oulvorwoll Med ical Oo., 4 Ann St., New York, N. Y.j post Olhcc Box, 450. OSwordstotho CSPB FNraBo. Tins SCOUT, OH Twolvo Tears AnonC tho Wild Indians. 11 Y Oen. Jm.8. llrlsbln, V. a A. Tho most oxcitlni; nnd Intensely In tcreMliiKUook o cr iublUhixl. Nitt a Novnl, but Uiu hUtory of the most ndventurouH Hcout lluutor, Tnmixir 5Sil..,.li,l?i..,,'.,u 'pr llvod,-lfnown m tho 1VIIITK OIII1JF. Printed on tlnttM pnpor, 611 pnBti.. rroriiHoly lUiiHtrntfil. l'rlco In cloth i.o0imcrf,80 VoliiaonUii copy lu cloth to any nlurpia,iioi)tivalllrorf 1.00 urimiicr 80 cfc. Address, I'Iib 1'ooplod 1'ubtlHhlnif lloitso, 48 Clailc HI, Ciilcoi-o, III. tiu Loub, Mo., aud AUauto. Qa. -dt ! TOWN LOTS, TOWN LOT VI tj On h b E3iving IScccnlfs; been Surveyed itud SButled ON SECTION 21 and 28, T. 5, R. 14, NEMAHA COUNTY, NEBRASKA, OfEERS RARE CHANCES FOR BUSINESS. The Town is from 10 ?o 20 miles from any other place of importancs, IS IN THE CENTER OF THE COUNTY, AND SURROUNDED BY THE BEST TARMING LAND IN THE STATE. AT LOW PRICES FOR CASH OK ON TIME LOT Aooly to S. A OSB0RM. rS!" iMMtMsMMaa WHOLESALE LIST TURNIP SEEDS! VVJKM sssK ll ITi 'LsSf MERCHANTS ! SEND US YOUR BUSI NESS CARD FOR TRADE LIST. D. LANDRETH & SONS, PHILADELPHIA. 4 . I" ) ii ii liifnmwi wwrlni.hrrrtirTli frtWMMmTfcWMUPmgl