Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1882)
sw ... Hb?" Entered at the poitofficc at South Au burn, Mebrajka, ai ScconJ Clan matter. A. J. Hitter, jr., lias been appointed postmaster at St. Heroin, Neb. A harness maker wanted at South Auburn, Nemaha county, Xob. The postofflce of (irant, Nemaha county, Nob., has been discontinued. Too close to Tahnago, wo believe. Uuffalo Hill Is hunting for Sitting Jlull, to add him to IiIh red skin at tiaetions during the coming season. Tho president vetoed tho river and liiirhiir Mil. unit (lien tint lintmn anil ..,.....-. ...... ...... .... .. ...w ...,....v . senate passed tho bill, notwithstanding the veto. People have confidence- in the futiiro of Auburn. Thin in evidenced by the good class of buildings being constant ly erected. North Auburn MixigTapha. Corn is growing. Too much rain for the good of tin stacked grain. John J) u nd as' little girl is sick with Intermittent fever. Kd. Uobertson has concluded that Shenandoah, Iowa, is a good place to live and him sent for his family. Mr. X. Rutherford bus coumlcted his house ami moved into it. Mr. Filly has expended several hun dred dollars on his building and now has the boss meat market. Mr. James Rutherford Is preparing to build. Miss Iliunman delivered an excellent lecture on the female suffrage question at the M. K. church, Monday evening, July :J0th. Messrs. Nail and Shaw, two of John son county's best farmers, are visiting in Ncrth Auburn. Tim veterans of the Mexican war are to hold a national convention in Nash ville, Ten., September 1.5, 14 and l.". About 800 am expected. A railroad and bridge contractor, named Phillip Rice, at Kansas City, was shot and killed, a few days ago, by a man named McXutt, during a quar rel. Rob and Charlie Ford aro in Clile:iei living high, according to the style of such rulllaus, on the ten thousand dol lars they received for killing Jesse James. (iov. St. John's nomination for a third term as governor of Kansas, .seem to bo certain. A nomination is about as good as an election in Kansas, on tho Republican ticket. Near Rlair, Nebraska, a prosperous young f armor, whllo loading one bar rel of his muzzle-loading shot-gun, the other exploded, and ho was terribly wounded In tho face and forehead, and -will doubtless die. Report of Oalvert Library Association Au gust lBt, 1802, Total No. books r8 No. loaned no Receipts S3 70 Expense 2 05 Take Notice! Mrs. E. Monahan, of Marysvllle.Mo., will bo at North Auburn on tho I7lh and 18th days of August, when she will bo prepared to treat all forms of eye diseases. Her treatment is a permanent euro for granulated eye lids and all forms of iiillammation of theoyes. Come and seo her. AVill bo atNenmha.City on tho 10th. Mrs. Monahan will also bo in Drown vlllo on tho lOUiof each month. Surgical operations will bo perform ed by J)r. D. U. Wilson, of Maryville. iiiiijiiw.wiiliaiiMljuIM,iMiljajB,,U-Jt,,,.... u..-r. , tom I! I! III! II WbIbL 7 Calvert, ebraska, Dealer In (lo to tho New Storcan"d get tl 1 e highest market price for your produce. At a recent meeting of tho state board of agriculture, it was agreed to offer a gold metal, and silver metal, and diploma for bicycle riders. That is a branch of Industry that ought to lie encouraged, doubtless. There is no law in Ncbranka requir ing the weeds to bo cut along public highways, but they ought to bo out all tho same; and we notice that occasion ally a neat farmer, what Is a farmer, attends to this beautifying and attract ive business about his premises. On tho 1st inst., two trains' collided on the Lake Shore railroad, and jdxty cars were wrecked and idled up in a mass of debris and catching tiro were burned up. Several persons word'killed or burned to death. Tho company's loss is $200,000. Tho catastrophe is charged to the carelessness of an employe. Ral. in Librarians bands .Si 0." I). J, Woot. Librarian. The following faiuilies, or persons I oing members they are requested to meet at the Library room next Satur day, at S p. 111., sharp, to transact nec essary business: J. W. Kerns, (;. W. Pairbrother. Jr., M. Scott, J. I). Groan, Anna Paris, Mary Stroud. .1. G. (hiskill, If. J. F. Wert, J. M. Fowler, K. Stevenson, 1). J. Wood. A. Dillon. S. A. (Ishnrii. V.. Iluddart, Dr. Fulton. J2. IX Wert, W. Willing and K. Elliott. Worth Remembering. Now that good times are again upon us, it is worth remembering that nw one can enjoy the pleasantest surround ings if in bad health. There are hun dreds of miserable people going about to-day with disordered stomach, liver or kidneys, when a bottle of Parker's (Singer Tonic would do them more good than all the medicines they have over tried. The Fairmont Jlitllettn says: "One of our best farmers, who has been tak ing note of the ravages of tho chinch bugs this season, says that, after care ful investigation, ho finds that the chinch bugs will not bother grain that .nanus mien on the ground; that tho bugs will workaround a thickly sown bunch of standing grain and hunt for a light natch." On Sunday evening, July 2!ld, a hail storm about live miles wide passed through Phelps county, Nebraska, de stroying every vestigo of crops in its track. Tho storm lasted thirtv min utes, ami tho hail covered tho ground, llailsiones next day were picked up measuring soven inches in circumference There is no place where a boro can said to be wolcomo. although thoro are some places whore he is comparatively endurable. There are fow places where tho tediously talkative person can moro greatly magnify bis oulco than on a railway tmUi.PhUutMihttt Times. Well, wo always thought the regular talking bore could get in his work right sharp in a country printing ofiloo. lho" assessment rolls of Nebraska, looted up by tho state auditor, for this year, shows as follows: Acres of Improved land. 4,784,1100 Valuation SlO.SiU.iMT 00 Average . . ... ., lfi Unimproved land 0,4'J0,0l 1 Number of horses 2:)'jio40 yaluo ."?.),70t,7SS 00 Number of cattle 815.038 uUw S7,oor,4io 00 Mules and asses ;it .114 Xu," 8712,100 00 ht;eP ;nr,2r7 ,al,' $35.Vi.V2 00 "0tf 821,040 lllllo.... $1,010.748 00 Acreage in wheat 1,040,007 " -'orn I,7:.0,7n2 !ts aa,28 , Hurley 113,5110 Meadow... . im.172 Max 24,000 ' I'.VO 25,254 potatoes J,107 miscellaneous 10,078 Irulttrecs 2,038,111 1 orest trees 10,502,084 (napes vines Ji05,a88 Children have health and mothers rest when Dr. WinchoU's Teething Syrup Is used. It produces natural sleep, reulates tho bowels, cures dys entery and diarrlid"! arising from teeth ing or other causes. Sold by all drug gists at 25 cents a bottle. 7 When horses and cattle are spiritless, scraggy and feeble they need treatment witli ITncle Sam's Condition Powder. It purities the blood, improves tho ap petite, cures colds, and distemper, In vigorates Lho system and will keep the animal in a healthy, handsome condi tion. 4 Fear Not. All kidney and urinary complaints, especially Uright's disease, diabetes and liver troubles. Hon Hiriix will kim-1v and lastingly cure. Cases exactly like your own have been cured in your own ueignnornoou, and you can llnd reliable proof at homo of what Hop Hitters lios and can do. a ... . A Valuable Addition. Because it is beneficial to tin ,..!. and adds to personal beauty by restor ing coior aim lustre to gray or faded hair, is why Parker's Hair Ualsam is such a popular dressing. Nickell. tliu Rrownvillodni'r'risf lm an immense stock of naints. oils irl:i also wall paper and window ahades, which ho is selling at exceedingly low prices. If you want anything in the abovo line do not fail to get his prices as it will savu you money. Uncle Sam's Condition Powdor pre vents disease, purities' tho blood, im proves the appetite, gives a smooth glossy coat, and keeps the animal in good condition. All druggist sell It. 8 Uncle Sam's Nerve and Hmin TJni. mentis most etllciont in rheumatism, iiruises, burns, scratches and manv oth er ills incident to man and beast. Sold by all druggists. 3 Dl". JilCdlies' Gorman Worm flulrn stand unrivaled as a worm medicine. Give them a trial. Sold by all drug gists. 2 J. It. DYE will sell you ,1 piano or organ from 825 to $100 less than any traveling agent. Reasons why: I pay 110 city tax; I pay no rent; no traveling agent. I support iny family from my farm. Address, J. r. Dvi:, Nemaha City, Neb. FOR SALE ! One ,'i-Sprinf Wftfon. 2 JLumber Wayons. 1 Set L i(t t J la rn esu. One li-year old Colt. One or sill can bo bought cheap for Cami as I have no use for them. Ti:d. Huddaut, South Auburn, Neb. Dr. G. H. Collins, Dentist, Visits the following places in the fol lowing order, each month: Rrownville, 1st to 7th. Nemaha City, Sth and 0th. South Auburn. 10th, llthand 12th. Urock, 13th, 14th and 25th. If you wish to save money, and your teeth, hold your dental work for Dr. G. H. Collins. 52-tf Don't Fail to Read This! I Any party wishing to purchase a Reatty Organ or Piano, I will furnish them any stylo desired, less the trans portation to any railroad station in Nebraska. Addiess (J. M. Raknks, Auburn, Tecuniseh, or Beatrice. FINE FURNITURE, CHINA AND GLASSWARE. The finest and most complete stock in this county, at the A splendid assortment of Mouldings, for Picture Frames, and an experienced cabinet maker is em ployed by this house who will make or repair fuioy LOfocoior 00 ivuu suyco. Undertaking a Specialty. v 1111 1 line ol nonius, uasKcis ami Trimmings, always on hand and Metal ic Caskets furnished on sho'rt notice. 'VSES'ss ' Embloms of Evory Dosorljitlon. SON'S. Do not neglect a cough or cold until it is too late, try Kllerfs Extract of Tar and Wikl Cherry, wo are sure you will be convinced of its merits, chron ic coughs, and oven consumptives are cured by following the directions, every bottle is warranted to glvo satis faction. 1 M - Take care of your Liver. A great number of tho diseases to which man kind are liable arise from a disordered condition of this organ. Keep It in a sound and healthy condition and you can defy disease. Prickly Ash IMtters are especially adapted for this purpose, being composed of drugs wlch act on the Liver, giving it touo and strength to withstand malaria. PAINTING. PAINTING. I am now prepared to do all kinds of painting, graining, etc., In a llrst-class manner, and at the following prices: Two coa, work. 15 cents per vard. Throe coat work, IS cents per rani. I will do tho work and warrant It for throe years not to oraok, scale, or rub off. Got your painting done in a worKinaniiKo manner, ny giving me a will. John SiurrKN, Uncle Sam's Nerve and Hono Lini ment is for man and beast and is a balm for every wound. Sold by all driuists. 5 What Everybody Wants. Is a reliable medicine that never does anv harm and Unit mm-enf nmi onmu disease by keeping the stomach in or der, the bowels regular, and the kid neys and liver active. Such a medicine is Parker's Ginger Tonic. It relieves every case, and lias cured thousands. Seo another column. Tribune. Merchants Take Notice! Freight rates from Chicago and St. Louis, over tho Missouri Pacific to North Auburn, as cheap as by way of anv other route. All claims for mr charges promptly adjusted. Don't for- !ei im.s. Summer Millinery GoodM at Cost. Miss Dollie Terry will for tho next thirty days sell summer millinery goods at cost. This is a rare chance to get good goods way down low, and all are invited to call at once. When you go to Rrownville call in at Nickell's drug store and get a glass of Cream Soda. II. J. F. Wert has been commissioned agent for the Springfield F. & M. In surance company of Massachusetts, and will insure your property from loss by flro or wind. You will llnd him at the postolllce, South Auburn, Nebr. M. 1'. Ilanagan, attorney at law, is tho authorized agent for the Aivi:k nsint at Nemaha City, and will receipt moneys paid him on subscription and job work. Nlckoll. the Rrownville druggist, has the largest assortment, the best goods, and the lowest prices of any drug house in the county. A. H. GILMORE & Sheridan, XTeb., Where you wiU find one of the finest stocks of General Merchandise in Nemaha County. You will find the nicest SPRING STOCK of CLOTHING for all ages. You will find DRESS GOODS of the latest stvles and patterns. You will find a nice line of LADIES' and CHILDREN'S Shoes. You will find an excellent line of BOOTS and PLOW SHOES for Men. You will find a full stock of GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS, etc. You will find one of the nicest store rooms and the most gentlemanly clerks in Nemaha County. Wc extend a cordial invitation to come and sec us before buying, and wl- win guarantee mat in quality ana price we wil suit you. Remember the place, A. H. GILMORE & BON, SHETtlDAN, NEB, Emplc .oyment Tor Ladies. The Queen City Suspender Comnanv. of Cin cinnati, are now manufacturing and introducing their new Stocking Supporters for Ladies and Children, and their unequalled Skirt Suspenders for Ladies. None should be without them; our leading physicians recommend them, and are loud in their praise. Thee goods are manufac tured by ladies who have made the wants of ladies and chidren a study, and they aslc us to re fer them to some reliable and energetic lady to introduce them in this county, and we certainly think that an earnest solicitation in every house hold would meet with a ready response, and that a determined woman could make a handsome salary and have the exclusive agency for this county. Wc advise some lady who is in need of employment to send to the Company her name and address, and mention this paper. Address Queen City Suspender Company, No. 179 Main Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. 7WI2 Wo are ready to receive produce in exchange for goods at the New Store mmmammmmmaMmmtmmmmmwmmmmmfmmmmmwHmtatmmmmmmmm lirst door north of the postolllce. Wall Paper. at Nickell & SliurU. Machine Oils at Nickell & Shurtz'. Liver, Kidaey and Briffht's Disaeso. A medicine that destroys tin irirm or cans' of Uright's Disease, diabetes, kidney and liver complaints, and lias power to root them out of the system, is above all price. Such a medicine is Hop IMtters, and positive proof of this can bo found by 0110 trial, or by asking your neighbors, who have been cured by It. Dr. 1$. Hell Andrews, of Nemaha City, has his ollico at bis residence, where he is prepared to treat acuto'and chronic diseases. Pleasant waiting rooms for patients. Surgical dlsoases i women a specialty. I lis success as i surgeon is well known from cases in this vicinity operated upon with per manent relief. Reduced Prices iu Meat, Tho Calvert Meat Market will furn ish meat from this date at the follow ing reduced rates: Surloin Steak 12 ,' cts. Hound " 10 " " ltoast s " Chuck 10 Jloillng pelces from do to 7c. IIkxuy Hakm, Prop. Linn & Cooper. Calvert, Neb., are now ready to re ceive grain of all kinds, for which they will pay the highest market price Call at the elevator. J. -. U.iSltILL, .lluimtccr. Take our old iron, rags, copper and brass to 1). G. Whittemoro's, in Brownville. He'll buy 'en A Delightful Novelty. Ladies prefer Floreston Cologne bo cause they llnd this lasting combina tion of exquisite perfumes a delightful novelty. S. J. F. Wert $ Co., Eeal Estate and Insurance Agents, SOUTH AUBUEN Cun fnrnlsli you with Good Fnnns, Im proved mid otherwise In Nemivtin coun ty, iind vacant mid Improved town lots in INorlli iind South Auliurn nnd Johnson. HiivenlHo a number of business imdresldeneo hntiHOH In Houth Auburn Tor rent. Can furn ish blniiks of any inscription. Apply at tho postomco, Calvert, Xeuraulcti. Wo huvo FOR SALE A very Uesirublo residence on Carson St. FOR SALE A cod dwelling houso on Xenmhn street,--Well, Hiable and other conveniences on the promises, FOR SALE One of the most desirable Mimll residences In tho city. Good well, trees, etc. FOR SALE A plonsnnt little dwelling on Maxwell st. FOR SALE A desirable business lot on Centre Avenue. FOR RENT Kour business rooms favorably located In South Auburn. FOR RENT Numerous dwellings and suits of rooms In dlUereiit parts of town. PIMPLES! Any pert'on with a cough cold, or any bronchial complaint or even in the first stage of coinsumption will be re lieved and cured by Kllerfs K. tract of Tar and Wild Cherry. It is especially prepared for ihouchial complaints. Thousands weo have tried it now live totestiyof Its merits glvo it an im mediate trial you will bo surprised at the result. I will mall (free) tho recelpo for 11 simple ti;itiililt, linlm Una will remove tan, freck les, pimples and blotches, leaving the skin soft, clear and beautiful; also Instructions for pioduclim a luxuriant growth of hair on a bald head or smooth face. Addregs Inclon lni?Mo stamp, Hen. Vaudelf ACo., 12 Harclay street. N. Y, TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser having been permanently cured of that dread disease. Consumption, by n simple remedy, Is anxious to maku known tQ lllfl fellow KllirVlwrw tlm llii. iwiiii, rt ,!-. loull whodeslro It, ho will send a copy of nu jii!.-:m;ihu 11,11 useu, (ireo 01 uiiarge,; with thei.lrectlons for preparing and iitlng tho same, which they will find a sure cure lor COIlLllH. onlils finliuumntliti naflKmi t,vsi., chills, etc. Parties wishing tho prescription will plense address, Hev. :. Wllfcou, 101 eeim street, Wllllnmsbureh, N. Y. ERRORS OF YOUTH. " A gentleman who (.uttered lor years from nervous debility, premature decay, and nil tho effects of youthful Indiscretion, will for themikeofsull'erlni: humanity, send free to all who need It, tho recipe and direction for maklui; the simple remedy by which he was cured. SutTerers wlshlnc to prortt by tho ml vertlsor's experleno can do so by addressing 111 irirci coiiiiuriiii juii. i. uu.iK.x, filyt U Cednr street, New York. Fresh Hreail, pies and cakes al ways on hand :it A. Palmer's. Himviw J vlllo. JOHN S. MINICK, GE.M2IIAL. MERCHANDISE, Nemaha Cit, Nob. 1 J V