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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1882)
USEFUL AND SUUG12STIYE. Y In Germany (luring tho slippery season temporary calks are uotl for horse shoes. Two sharp-pointed studs an inch long are screwed into holes left In tho shoes, nnd when tho horso cntors tho stable they are taken out and a but ton screwed into their place, thereby preventing all damnge to tho horse and keeping tho screw holes from tilling. Cultivate frogs, toads and lizards. Put them in your gardens, and as tho evening approaches they will hop from their hiding p aces and snuggle down In some convenient spot near the gutter, or where thov know there will be plenty of food. Tho ants, roaches mosuuitoos, etc., they consume in tho night is mar velous, and thus they keep down tho insect posts. It is said, and wo soo no reason to doubt it, that if a cucumber vine is trained to run up a stake on which a fow stubs of limbs have been left along its whole longth, tho crop will bo enor mous. By tills plan the vinos not only occupy loss space but aro afforded op portunity to follow their natural habit of climbing up, Instead of running on the ground. A'. '. Herald. Vermin on fowls and about hen roosts will leave headquarters by inject ing from a synnjjo a weak steep in water A ot pennyroyal herb toa. Drive this weak steep thoroughly over tho roosts and the poultry and it will cleanse them from lice.' Several varietios of tlies an noy and suck blood from horses and other animals. Pennyroyal steep will drive them away if tho animal is washed with it. American Cultivator. Creamed Cabbage: Slice as for cold slaw, and stew in a covered saucepan till tender; drain it, return to sauco pan, add a gill or more of rich cream, ono ounco of butter, pepper and salt to taste; let simmer two or three minutes, then servo. Milk may bo used by add ing a littlo butter; or have n deep spider hot, put in tho sliced cablmgo, pour quickly over it a pint of boiling Water, cover close and cook for ten min utes, then pour oil' water, and add half u pint of rich milk. When tho milk boils stir in a teaspoonful of Hour, moist ened with a little milk: season, cook a moment and servo. Cliieayo Journal. Use of Uio Haiul-H c. With the introduction of the horse cultivator, tho hand-hoe went out of use on most of tho Western farms. More work could be done with th cul tivator, and it could bo done with greater ease. Tho more tho cultivator was improved tho more farmers became attached to it, and tho greater was their reluctance to handle the hoo. At pres ent the implement that has been used longer and to bettor advantage than any other in tho cultivation of crops is general l. discarded on Western farms. Indeed, many market gardeners manago .to raise most of their vegetables without M31I1" llli .iwij ui till. Luuniuutdiiiu u.-,j .....t" mm..- i , .11-;......... : ..r.2 i.uitu -i uu Huisu-uuititiiupi 13 tui ui.ii.y JH very desirable implement to employ in biVth the iield and the garden, but its mo should bo supplemented by that of the hand-hoc. It-is profitable to con- y tinuo the uso of tho hoo in every gar den and cultivated Hold. Work can bo performed with it that cannot bo done with any impiomont drawn by a horse. Tho hoe should be used in ovory corn and potato iield before tho cultivator is put in operation. It should be em ployed to remove stones, turfs and pieces of hard earth that may be over thp plants that are makbig their appear ance above ground, and for stirring the soil around them. Tho cultivator is ex cellent tor working tho ground be tween hills but for cultivating the hill itself thero is no implement like the hand-hoe. It is very difficult to keep a iield devoted to any cultivated crop en tirely clear of grass and weeds without using the hoo. A iield that has been worked at leat onco with a hand-hoe is always more productive than one that has been tended with the cultivator alone. The truth is, the former per forms some work which the latter can not do. To bo "as dull as a hoo" that is, as most hoes aro is to bo very dull in dcod. It is to have the edge battered and worn and tho entire surface covered with rust. A hoo in that condition can not bo expected to do very good work or to bo an easy implement to operate with. Hut a hoo should never bo in that condition. It should bo sharp and bright. It should have an edge that will cut roots without tearing them, and pass through tho soil like a woll polished knife-blade. Only tho best steel hoes are profitable to use in tho iield or garden. Thoy should bo of material that will take a good odgo and a high polish, and should havo both when they pass into tho hantU of the purchaser. Thoy should bo kept sharp and never bo allowed to boeomo rusty. Thoy should bo sharpened by tho uso of tho tilo, grindstone or whetstone as often as the scythe is, that is constantly eni liloved in cutting grass. Hoth surfaces and tho shank should bo rubbed with polishing material as often as thero is any appearanco of rust. To provont rusting they should bo thoroughly cleaned everv timo they aro put away, if it is but for a singh- night. The on tiro .surface, including that of the shank, should bo covered with oil to prevent tho formation of rut. Hoes kept sharp fnd well polished cut any kind of roots readily and move through tho soil with out difficulty. A man with a sharp and polished hoo can do twico tho work in given timo that ono "an with a hoo that is dull and rusty. There is econo my in keeping u hoo sharp, if it is worn out in a week in consequence of fre quent contact with a grindstone. La borers who object to using tho hoes that aro often placed in their hands aro entirely satisjied to uso those that are Bluii-p and well polished. Chhaqo 2 tints. l Young Pig Feeding. Fow por&ons really know how to fci young nigs aright. inoy generally ovordo tho matter and give thorn too much at a time. Thoy muss and wal low in tho feed left in the trough, so that it is unlit for Ihom, ahd when hun ger forces them to eat it, it makes them sick. Tho owner, seeing feed in the trough, cither adds more to it, or waits till it Is oaten. In cither case ho does wrong, lloforo feeding tho second timo tho trough should always bo washed or swept out clean. Pigs' should never bo made to oat food in which thoy havo tramped with their dirty feet. This leads to the remark that their feet should not bo dirty. Tho pen should bo so constructed that tho feeding plaeo tho trough should bo sufficiently elevated so that tho juices in tho pen will not ' nastv un'' this nart. and thoro should bo betiding enough in tho pen to cnablo tho pigs to keep their foot and their en tire bodies clean, whon this is dono tho trough will not bo so dirty and tho pigs will do bettor. We have often cautioned against giving young pigs too hearty food, ns it is injurious to them; so is dirty food. Tho former produces de rangement of tho stomach and bowels, loading to diarrhea, and if continued to inl lamination of the bowels, nnd the lat ter to nausea, loss of appctito and per haps tho saino results, hi either caso the pigs do not thrive. Another mis take which must bo guarded against is feeding swill or milk too sour. When wheat or ryo bran is mixed with tho swill, fermentation is very rapid, especially in hot weather, and tlto swill will reach a condition unlit for food before the owner is aware of it, unless he mixes only a sullieiont quanti ty at a timo for one or two feedings ahead. Fermentation in a swill barrel where sour milk is mixed with tho con tents is actively going on all tho time. As fermentation changes the character of feed, tho fanner often feeds his young pigs just exactly that which is almost it not absolutely poisonous, while ho is supposing all of the time ho is giving them tho most healthful and nutritious kinds of food. For instance, he puts .skim milk into his swill farrel, so much of it that it is not fed out as it is simply sour and loypord, and it re mains there until it undergoes tho other forms of fermentation, and be comes 'cither acetous or putrcfai live, cither condition rendering it unlit for food. A swill barrel, to put it in plain language, so sour that its contents are either vinegar or alcohol, or so stinking that putrefaction is evident, is not tlio proper medium for healthv pigs. Tho deleterious efleets of bad food may bo counteracted somewhat by feeding charcoal freely, which pigs, with n knowing instinct, will always devour greedily. "A littlo and often," is tho rule of "all successful pig raisers; " a lit tlo" means just what tho pig will eat without leaving tho trough, and when it is first taken from tho sow, it could bo measured in a gill cup; as it grows older and larger, tho ration should grow with increased size and appctito. " Often " means, whon tho pig is young, not less than six times a day" and when older not lcs than four, until tho growing ago is over and tho fattening season begins, when a pig will eat three times in a day all tho food it can digest. To do just right tho milk skimmed in the morning should all bo fed by night time th.' same day, that is, skimmed or sour milk should all bo fed within twelve hours after skimming, and bran mixed in it should also bo fed within twelve hours. In hot weather six hours would be better. To manage this business properly thero should be two swill bar rels, and mixtures be made accordingly, one being fed as the other is emptied. J D. Curtis, in Jlnral New Yorker. Sorgliiiin-Siigar. Tho manufacture of sugar from sorghum has recently received fresh impetus, owing to tho great number of experiments which havo been made with a view of discovering homo pro cess by which good sugar could bo guaranteed. Within tho past year there have been at least four soientilic gentlemen engaged in perfecting ma chinery and testing various ways of oxtraciing tho juice of the cane in such a manner as to remove all substances which havo prevented Northern sorghum-growers from being success ful in years past. Two processes havo been patented, and it is now assorted that a lirst-class article of merchantable sugar can be made from sorghum. A practical illustration of the fact will bo alforded undoubtedly during tho pres ent year, and if tho objectionable mat ter can bo separated from tho juice while in course of manufacture, tho growth of sorghum and tho manufact ure of sugar will eventually become a great industry. Upland clay or sandy soil is better adapted to cano culture than loamy or bottom lands. On low lands tho cane is moro prolific, but the uplands make up in excellence of quality what they loso in quantity. Thero is nothing dif ficult in growing cano. Anybody who can successfully grow Indian corn can grow sorghum cane, and with improved methods and machinery tho profit on cano growing will bo much greater than on corn. Tho cost of raising an aero of corn is not far from eight dol lars, and as a question of fact tho fod der for ensilage purposes is moro valu able than an equal quantity of corn fodder. Small farmers will raise cano and nt tompt to make their own sugar, but in this thoy will find no profit. It cannot lio long before large central mills aro built, whore tho growers can get their cano ground, and whon those mills aro onco successfully started tho advocates of sorghum culture look for great re sults. C'i icago Tribtt no. Tho Host 'Way. Tho best way to Increase the appetite, naslst digestion, cause tliu food to assimilate prop erly, and the absorbents to take up nourish ment, Imluco full and regular evacuation, pro duco easy expectoration, anil stopdccnyof tho lungs, heart, llvor, miliary ami illRcstlvo ormuis nnd purlfv tho blood, Is by uslnir that Pueon of bc.dth called Dr. Guysott's Yellow l,iook mid nraparllla. Lending physicians Mcoinmcnillt na a true stronuthoner, a suro rvlvcr nnd perfect health renew cr. It Is com posed of harmless yet offectlvo vegetable; tonics nnu win not harm tuc most delicate, btlng especially adapted to enfeebled consti tutions and Infants. Hn "Why do you persist In moving nway from mo so far, dear coiislnl" Sho "Oh, for n distant relative it seems to tno you aro ucar onouRii mrc.iuy." A rnvsiciAN writes: "For all diseases af fecting tho blood, liver nnd kidneys, brain and nervous system, thero Is no combination pro- Sarcd for general tif o more beneficial than Dr. luysott's Yellow Dock aud Sarsaparlllo. I recommend it frequently in my practice" Why then remain a crabby dyspeptic nnd nervous sufferer! Why not be strong, healthy and robust? A Nr.w Yoiirc doctor says thero Is an unu sunl ninount of ozone in tho ntmosphcra this yenr, hut that's no excuso for n man to stoat a fellow's umbrella. Detroit Free J'ress. Wk can assuro our readers, should thoy ro- Sulro anything of tho kind, that Wakefield's i.ACKiiintitY Balsam will cure tho worst cases of Dlarrhoa, Dysentory, or Flux. It Is picas nut to tho tnsto and, perfectly aafo. For 8:ilo by all Druggists. Captain Muhii at calls Ills steamship Alaska "tho greyhound of tho Atlantic." Sua Is probably bark rigged. Jiostun TrantcrtiiL " Every truth has two sides; look nt both before committing yourself to olthcr." Kidney-Wort challenges tho closest scrutiny ot Its ingredients ami its giaud results. It hns nothing to fear from truth. Doctoramay dls agree as to tho best methods and remedlos for the euro of constipation and disordered llvor and kidneys, liut those that have used Kid-ncy-Wort, agrco that It is by far tho "best medicine known. Its nctlon Is prompt, thor ough and lasting. 8. J. l, Chvttanoooa, Tcnn. : "I havo a valuable hen that will Insist on sitting on tlx eggs. How can I prevent her doing sol" Wo lmvo referred your letter to our poultry crit ic. He savs t hero aro many ways to prevent your hen from engaging in scdontary pursuits on n capital of bIx eggs. Ho suggests that you ndd another egg or that you uso tho egg In a custurd plo, but ho says If you want a dead suro thing boll tho lion. Texas ijtftlngs. m $".00.00 Itownrd Will bo paid for tho detection and conviction of any person dealing In bogus or Imitation Hoc lliTTiuts, especially bitters with the word Hoi or Hops In their name, that Is Intended to cheat tho public, or for anything protend ing to bo tho Biuuo ns Hop Hittkiis. Tho genuine has a cluster of Guekn Hora (notice this) printed on tho white label, nnd In tho best mcdlcluo on earth, especially for Kidney. Liver nnd Nervous Diseases, llowaro of all formulas or recipes of Hoi Kittkiis published in paners or for sale, ns they aro frauds nnd swindles. Whoever deals la uny but tho genuine will bo prosecuted. Hoi Bitteus M'r'o. Co., Rochester, N. Y. You can't cat enough In a week to last you a year, and you can't ndveitlso on that plan either. Home Sentinel. ft How often persons havo beon annoys ilty burrs clinging to their dross or clothing, it 3d how seldom have they, when cleaning them, given It n thought that burdock Hoot is tho most vnluablo blood cleanser nnd purifier known, nnd Is sold by everv druggist under tho namo of Burdock Blood "Bitters. Prlco, $1. , AxoTimit dynamito mine in Russia. Go East, young man, nnd blow up with tho coun- After Klglit Long Yours. C. C. Jacobs, 78 Folsom Street, Buffalo, writes that for eight long years bo had tried every known remedy to euro him of piles, also had been treated by physicians without suc cess, when ho was ultimately cured by Thomas' Eclisctimo Oil No mattkk how ugly a noso may be, Its Im perfections are overlooked by Its owner. Jiviton Tramcrijit. A Smart Jlun Is one who does his wmk quickly nnd well. This Is wlint Dr. It. V. Pierre's "GoldonMedl cal Discovery" does iib n blood-puriller and Btrengtheuor. It nrouscs tho torpid liver, puilflcs the blood, and Is tho best remody for consumption, which Ib scrofulous dlseaso of tho lungs. llf'f?1? la Qn annfnn anil lilr.1i 41. nt m An1n..... ....... .w ., .jv.h.u ii. .1111 Liiitb I. UlltlUIIIUU of this city is having a sirloin steak set for a brcast-pln. lloaton Courier. Kxtrnviijinnco is a crime; nnd Indies can not ajford to do Without Dr. Pierce's "Favorito Prescription," which by preserving and restoring health, pre serves nnd restores that beauty which depends on health. Mr boarders shall havo "tho fat of tho land," Bho said, as sho receipted for a tub of oleomargarine. "Rouou ox' Rats." Clears out ratfl, mice, roaches, bed-bugs, vermin, chipmunks. 15c. The lah-dc-dah, cigarette-smoking young man, is now styled third-class male matter. rcrHonnl. Tho Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall, Mich., will send Dr. Dye's celebrated Electro-Voltaic Belts nnd Appliances, on trial for thirty days, to men (young or old) who aro allllctcd with nervous doblllty, lust vitality and kindred troubles, guaranteeing complete restoiatlon of vitality nnd mnnhood. Address as above N. B. No risk is Incurred, as thirty days trial is allowed. The Lowell Courier Is not surprised that car wheels aro being made out of paper, as wo havo had "stationery engines" for a long time. C3T"No woman really practlccscconomy un less Bho uses the Diamond Dyes. Many dol lars can bo Bavedovery year. Ask tho druggist. Tub. boy who feasts upon dime literature Is like cold molassoi. He turns out bad. Ueuutlful VViimun aro made pallid and unattractive by functional Irregularities, which Dr. Pierce's " Favorlto Prescription" will Infallibly euro. Thousands f testimonials, lly druggists. The Boston Transcript recommends kero sene oil to take tho smell of onions out of tho breath, but doesn't state how many barrels are necessary. m "Bl'chupaiiia." Quick, complete cure, all Mtnovlug Kldnuv Diseases. (1, at Druggists. GutLS, like o )Mrtunltles, aro all tho more to you after be ng embraced. -1 Ir nflllctud with Sore Eyes, uso Dr. Isaac Thompson's Eyw Water. Druggists tll It. U5c. CiiUAi'im thnn blncksmithlng -Is Frasor'a Axlo Groaso. For onlo overvwhoro. Try It. Tav tho new brand, "Spring Tobacco." PERRY DAVIS' A SAFE AND SURE REMEDY FOR Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Cramps, Cholera, Diarrhoea, Dysentery. Sprains AND Cruises, Burns AND Scalds, Toothache AND Headache. T5 A TW TJ"TT T TPT5 is tho woll-trlcd and Jtr ill JN "JciJ.LJuilj.tu trusted friend of all bo freely used internally or exlermtlty. without fear of harm and with certainty ot relief. Its prlco brltiRi It within tho rniiKO of all, vllovatitairi nncl tnfa tirnrliewnicn ran and It will annually mvo many times Its cost In doctor Mils. Price, iK cent, liO cent, nnd .O0 per bottle. DlrecCont uccompnny each bottle. FOR SALJrirALLDRUGGlSTS, ll In llireoncnnvnl Icitliiiuuy uftho pul- Ho itntl tlio medical profcMlon, tliiullo.. luttcr'i Btoinach lltt tcrs la a mcdlclnt wlilch achieve, re sult ipci'illly felt, thorough and be. iiIku Ik-ililu rectify ItiK llwr illiurdcr. It larlRorntcs the fee ble, conquer, kidney nnd hlixJilcr com plaints, and liiutcn. the conyaU'.cctico of t h o u recovering from enfeebling tllj mrc. Morroverltl. the Kfind peclflo for fever nnd kkiip. Ktir untu hy DriiKKtM.ntid Denleri Kent rally. AGENTS WANTED von Th LIVES ADVENTURES OP TUB NOTED OUTLAWS, Frank & Jesse JAMES TUB cr Bros, I i iniiiu Hi' iir i. re.rij lot ""&" " SSSStt tr.r;c- &.C , contnlnttiR tho onlu comnlete ami S authentic areount of then Hold Illulnvnyinen. J.iittut infill motion abnut the K.'itinrliiic ofje.w, Tit moat i irlilli (ntrrextlnu ami rrrlllna book, erer written I'm lly lllimlnili'il. AVrlln tilrlt for tenna, which nn wry liberal, unci you cuu inuku money fast. Jww lathe time. IM I.IIA.l I IllVlt, II)III.INIIIM2 CO.. IH l,h,.Hliln llullillliu, :ill.llKo, III. AOENTSNEWBOOK, Our IiiiU i:xtliirer, thu full, complete nnd uu thvntlo history, told by the survivors, of thu 111 fnteil JEAfMTTEAT?cc EXPEDITION Tho adventure., dtncovcrten, thrilling cxprrleneeiinnd trnrlo eiiilhK'. "II combine Jo innke. it nioHlfiiHclimtlUK hook. "O i'iiil-a tliiy ull ly llvu t'iiiivn-r. .Agents wnntcd In every town. Bend for rlrrulnri, ternn nnd ngency to Aiuei'lnin I'lilillnlilnir Co., llurtfofd, lloiton, Chicago, Cincinnati, or tit. I.ouIb. WldC 3NToxroxr G--ujtxa.rat. IT KEEP8 MOIST, OILY AND CLEAN. TIioho who iiho It onco nlwnyn no It. AkU for " WISK'H" xvlirro yuu trndo. MAKE HENS LAY An Kngllsh Vaturlnnry Hurifnon nnd Oliumiat, now travel In if In thlaoouutry, nays that inontof the I Ionia ndCittllo I'oirdorinolilliHrBaro wfirtliloBtrah. lis nyatliaiaiioridairsUonilltlonl'owdHriaronlirtolutelr pure nnd Immensely valuable, Nothing on earth will make linnit lay like Hlieridnn'n Condition I'nmlero. IJoio, nno tuafnoonful to ono pint food. Hold uvery wherft, or Mint by mll for nlaht lettor otanun. 1. H, JOIINK(N.tCO.,lloiton,Mai.,formnrlylSaniror,M). I'aUsoms I'ijhuativk 1'jll mako uw rich blood. Employment for Ladies. The Oueen Cltv Suftltulr rVmiianvnff-ln. clnnitl ate now iiiinufacliiilni; and intrcxluclne their new Mu.klnc Hupporlrr. for fjutlManu hlHrrn, and their uneuuilcd Nklrt huiprniltre for IjuIIm, and want reliable lady aiftnlt to tell L them In every houieliold. Our agcnti every where meet with teady tuccett ami make band, 'toino tatariei Write at once fur teriui aud se cure eicluslve territory. Addieii Ohr lilt Hll.B.att.P f u.. I ln.lnH.H DMA. (OF Leading I'hyilciant recuiuineiid thwi bupportert, .CO eS25 Every Day Can bo caally made) with our Woll Augers & Drills On roan and one boras required. We are the only makera of the Tiffin Well liorlneand nook-Drllllnu Maohlno. WurranteU the Heat urn Karthl Many of our ouatoicera make from 8Qto$10a day. Book aod Uroulara Fills E. Addreaa, LOOMIS & NYMAN, TIFFIN, OHIO. W&3Sih WHITNEY & HOLMES RCANS liic.l All OIIrr l,i'lNf, Mud Dura Mill?. lllKl,ra( . Irt. '! Ilr.u. (allH.I )lll.lr4 IT. Vrar. M: M I l.liM, rl.V NOLO N I OI--J, Wblto.y k Uolmei Organ Co., Qulncy, III. 13 ifef'i PUJ, kjjnifjwnwfaawB ilWr'TJ Mt I n Tfir ;-Uii.i , 'j-tvtid :Tf.i- Ti I WTi I. .TiVti m:zoi: vsWlV-'' m . n rrfA- zijmL 0 &tbp sg Wcw Book. "THE JE ANNETTE," fllvlnff the only fiill, coiiiitlrtn nnd iittlheitUn IHNTlHtV of Ihrt unfiirtrtnnie i:.V 1'KIM'riO.Vln-enrchof thn MIUTII I'Ol.n. A record uf tiiiimrnlleled Atht'titutr. Hnrrerlngnnd liealli, rontnlntiiKiilFO ta full neeitunt of nil preloua Arello KxplorMlona, fnun thecnrlleat period to the prenent itny. ineladlng Nllt .loiIV Fit WKI.I.V, IttC. JtANi:. IIAYI'.M, II A I.I. ami all other noted Alftto Kxi1rri-a. The only Complete Kncyclope. illatif Art'llrt Kntorntlnn rrer oubllabeil -tbla roin blnntlon maklnir It the moat llirllllnK, fmcliiallni? nnd Intei-eatlmr iHiok ever written One Aitnt olil no oilca In one day, lnoroiit- In ono week. net. In fcent alnmna for Comnlcto Aurnta'nutnt. Bonn worth J lleirare r alt Im t'tttnni ACIKNTM VA.V1'R1 IN I1VGKY 'rOWWNIIU". THE CODURN & NEWMAN PUBLISHING CO., 04, 00, OS, 100, Metropolitan Slock, OUI0AQ0, ILL. IS A SURE CURE for nil diseases of tho Ktdnoys nnd - LIVER It hnaepeolflo action on thli moat Important organ, enabling it to throw off torpidity and lnnotlon, aUmulaUiiff tholtonlthy aoorotlonof tlio llllo, and by keeping tho bowola In freo oondltlon, olftoUnff lta rogulnr dlaohnrgo. HJIkl'fi' Ifjrounroiunorinff.iom Via Id II da inalarln.hnvothooiaila, aro bllloua, dyapoptlo, oroonatlpatod, Kldnoy Wort will nuraly rollevo nnd qulokly ouro. In tlio Bprliifr toclcivnaothoOyatcm. overy ono ahould tako a UiorougU oourao of It. 11. 80LDDYDRUQQI3TS. Prlco $1. Tf I" M nln nbundanro-.'i liUVoti puauj L fi V Imported litat )ear. l'rlce. tower I I" II - thun ever. AKt'iita wnntcd. Dou't II Li flri Uf time. Betid for circular. 10 Ilia. Wood Illnck or IHIximI, for$l. 10 Hn. l'lno llhu'lc or irilxotl for !i. 10 lbH.ClioIcollluckorlUIxodror $11. Prnd for pound "ample. 17 ctt, extra for po.tnpo. Then Rot up n club. I holcmt To In tho world. LnrccaC Ynrloty. I'lonara tuorybodv. Ulde.t lea ilotuo In Amorlcn. No rhromo, No Humbug. BtrnlKht liu.lni'M. Vnluu for money. JtOIlT W1:LLS,I!I Vraey M.,N..,r.0.11ox 1287. i iv is i' x x xt rc ya. Katnbllahid, iHT'i Incorporntetl. IKHI. For llli Ctlrv of 'iiurrr, Tuniora, Vlcvra, Heiofiilia nnd Hkin DiHKAaica. without llin iiae or kiilto or i.iish ok iii.ooi), nnd little pnln For INitmvtATio.v, cikci'i Ann ani ititfunrNrKn. nddrr.a 1IIC. F. I.. lMI.MI, Atlt-orii, ICimo Cn X1L PARSONS' PURGATIVE PILLS McS Illood. nnd will comnletelv chnniro the blood In tho on. tiro nyatem In tliroo month.. Any pertott v, hu will tnko 1 plllcucli nlfthtfrom I to 1U weeks limy bo reatorcd toanund henlth. If audi n thlmtbe poaalble. Hold ev er) wliero or acnt by mail for H litu rainmrJ. I. B. Joiinbo.v A Co., notion, Mn... formerly Iiungor, Mo. RMLROABGWETTE. A JOURNAL OF TRANSPORTATION. Engineering and Railroad Novro. ribll.hnil at 711 Ilrnadituy, Noyt York. i. SO nor nniuiin Maluo O-nn. TIANEY'S TRAIli: MA.V1TAI.H -Frnctlrnl Jl hooka fur prnctlenl men fresh, full, lellnblu mid Chenn I'alntor, lcl. Ciirpemer, l Wniehuuikei and Jeweler, to. Kurnlturii unci 1'nblnet I'lnlalier, ux DjernndBcouror, Hi, ArllaU Mi. ') (Jumly. tnuker.Wi. Boummker,. (JIM, r.S llorae-hoer, &. 'Inxldermlxt, W. Authorablp, M Wood inirnucr, 'X,. Of bookkellera or by mull, JESSi: 1IANLV A. CO., 110 Niwunu St., N. Y. fo 1'rlFp.r.latofllf-l.l,.. toj.w.Hiutitiuir. waicnoa Null-It I.ukr I own. IR nnfl (WICI'ILNTJMCN now uai oni-Nitw IUiUUU rih-r tu t1lnll kind, of they will cut hotter thnn i ver l'rlee WJ.fJO. ('Irculnranndiirlcva to AKi'iiti Addreaa K. 110TJI t IIKO., New Oxford, I'a. THRESHERSSwi free. TUI:AULTMAN&TAYLOUOO.. Mnuilluld. O. nilOOirO De.tworklntboTJ.B.forthemoney. K I 1 11 If I h N Knterpriio Qarriagu Co,, Cln'tl. 0. UUUUILO Territory Olven. Catalofruo FHEE. q lit winn VH, i IV anV"watch LJ WI5AIL OUT. itclimnknrH. Jlylhnll.uriotH. Olrculnit ;. J. H. 1I1HCU ACO., U8 J)oy Ht.. N.K fiT.ny.wnt """ !' mi:i HAIR Wlaiir irirMnnntr.n.D.Bniwlinro, Whole- aaluaiUntnll l'llcollnt rycflDOdiKiiiintn. umi n.(;.bTKKiiui57 wauaiu.iiv.,i;iiicaico. ?C ta Mfl ponlavntliomo. Snmples worth fliff 0 ID ZU iron, Addni,sriN40H bUo, l'ortlnud.Mo. $47 A .MONTH nnd bonrd In your county. Men or Lndlea l'lenmint bu.lueaa. Addreaa I W ZIBULKII&CO.. 110X91, Clilcogo, III. 1 (1ILNTH "WANTKIl for tin; beat nnd Fuitcit iellliiK 1'letorlnl Hooka mid Illblos. 1'rUei reduced 3.1 p'T cent. National 1'uni.ibiiiNoCo., Chlcutfu, lib ff no A WKKK. ?13n day at homo easily niatlo. J)l uCimtlyoutlltfreo. AiMnvwTruoiiC'o, Atiguata, Mo. C f fl muN I M fllitW I i WAN I tU-' '! .V'iT.nelllniinrtlelealntlii'worldtl rumfila. free. -rjeJt Addreaa .lay llroiiaou, l), Mich. nUin'TelientrnMuale ('nlnineucafriT ThoiirtnoD DHIlUjc Udell. TH'I'icniontM.. llaliii,.Mua. A WEKIv In your own town. Terms antl 15 outilt f rti. Addr"H 1 1 1 lullett & Col,ortland,M. EDUCATIONAL. AnitMN COIil.KOK, Adrian. Mich rivo School.. . Bend for OntaloKue tc lol) 8 atrphfii.. l'nVt. MIKMlItLi: FKMll.K INSTITIITK, Clinrlottci- vllle, Vtt. Full Faculty OrderOntalunue. tT A IISKJI I X.V JIKIMI! A I CO LLKfl K and HoapltaL JL LarKealllomiuoiMllhlo Colli L-e For CutulOKUUi, addrea.T S.Hoy.tit.M I) , HlaWubaah Ave, Chicago. UNION OOLLWIK OF MW, Chicago. III. Tna twenty fourth ymrbiKlnaH pt.'Jitli.lvf.' Diploma ailm.;u to thu liar or Illluola For clrculara iiddrea. Hum II llooril. C'IiIciiko, III. OT fl.4 II l' K'l lll'MV Rln.lnanra f,.n.l ItTlf O U moil uiaKuluccntly and healthfully allualed. X aplcndld new Acadnny In almom completed and will bi Mother Huperior, Bt I'lara Academy. Blnaluawa Mound 1' (),, Oram Co,, Wit, JOHNSON'S COM'LCOLLEGEM. year. Specimen, of I'cnman.hlp and Clruulart, Free. LERHTELEQBAPHY.afilSlffi:ffitt valed. American bchool of Teltgraphy, Madison, Wla. -fsir- t-. ''" Hii.lnoM nt tho Oldoat 4 Bel f ssSS-STSS c1?7,,merciu! ipollega. Clrcularfree. OOCCy.iy Addnaa C, 1U VLi K, Uubiuiuv, lu. reauy lorpupiiain in" ran ror uaiaiogutt, auure.i ii A. N. K.-A. n-iiKS whitish to .tiui: it ri suit n, ilrrran yu i,,t the Ailviitlmtitttnt inlhla ptipir. m RICH