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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1882)
. 1 USEFUL AM) SUtiUKSTIVK. Tlio horn or no-horn controversy tyfls led to an cstinmto "bv the Ncbrassa ''armcr that onu-tentli of the apnco in cattlc-cnrs is practically occupied by horns, which nro characterized as an ex pensive nuisance. Wishing the leaves of the wav plant occasionally is the very best treatment for it. W lien washing, brushing with a soft brush about the axils of the leaves will tend to keep the plant free from mealy buj?", one of its worst enemies. When the plant commences Its giowth supply it once a week with weak manure Water Han Francisco Chronicle. Ueef om let, which may be eaten cold for supper or warm for breakfast, is made ot one pound of beefsteak, one. quarter of a pound of suet, salt, popper and a little sifted sai;e, one cg and three milk crackers; chop the beef and the suet very line, roll the cracker to a powder, mix all together, and bake in a shallow tin, or put a small lump of but ter in a saucepan and fry the omelet over a slow lire. A'. '. 1'ost. Tlio Dublin Farmer claims that a full feed of hay to horses, following the feeding of concentrated food, is waste ful, for the icason that it crowds the first out of the stomach before proper digestion has been accomplished. And so, in order to procure the best results, hay should 1 o fed tirst and the concen trated fooil afterwards, which leaves it to become fully digested, with no danger of being crowded away or out of the performance of its desired purpose. At Yorkhill, Scotland, where many American cattle are landed, theie is great dilliculty experienced in procuring good herders. The cattle, when land ed, in most cases nre very wild, and the Scotch herdsmen consider it dangerous to have anything to do with them. The Jlulcliers and brocirJ Journal says: " There is a scarcity of good herds at Yorkhill, some of the men objecting to the work as dangerous. Any money can be got by a drover accustomed to the Yankees." Dr. Iloskins writes to the Ilural New-Yorker that by far the greater part of the maple honey anil sugar manu factured for sale in Vermont is made in the northern part of the Slate, where he live, and he has never known of any adulteration being practiced, and does not believe it ever is practiced, if for no other reason, because there is no profit in it. The best maple sugar rarely sells there for more than eleven cents a pound, and it could not be adulterated with cane sugar of a lower grade than 'Coffee A," which sells at the same price. w Magic Clovers. From time immemorial it has been considered good luck to find a four leaved clover. Some have said that tho discoverer of one was certain to become wealthy and wie; others, that the "fairies would grant him every wish; and others, that the little magic leaves could .show where gold was lying bin ied in the earth. And i-ertanly there does seem to bo something very wonderful in the fact that, in a larjre field containing millions of little plants furnished with groups of three leaflets, there should bo only oneor two o the four-leaved variety. J do not mean that some varieties of clover bear leaves all in groups of four or live, for this is not the tact. Per haps one four-leaved clover will grow upon a plant that has fifty threes, although occasionally several fours or lives will be found in a bunch on the same plant. As a general thing, three leaflets are nearly of a size, while tho fourth is somewhat smaller though this does not always follow. I have seen several in which the fourth leatlot is borne out on a separate stalk. Five-leaved clovers occur almost as often as four. Frequently fours and lives are found growing together. Some say you nmt not pick a live-leaved clover it will neutralize all tho good luck brought by a lour. Others assert the direct contrary, and say that it is very much more potent for "good than the four-leaved stalk. According to one legend, only the holder of a live leaved clover can bo admitted to the fairy-court. Several pretty stories de scribe the fortunate one as standing out on the grass at midnight, holding up tho magic wand, and pre-entlv finding liim selt wafted away on invisible wings to Klf-land. Aside from the wide-snrcad interest attaching to the duplication of the leaf lot, clovers seem .special favorites of poets and romancers. It is said that, when St. Patrick was preaching to the unconverted IrMi. some of them ridi culed the idea of the Trinity. For an swer, he caught up a trefoil from the sod, and told them that here was a leaf exemplifying three in one. Hence, the three-leaved clover, or shamrock, was ndonted as the national emblem of Ire land. Some say that t he common wood sorrel (Oxaltx'acetosrtla) shares with the white clover the credit of being tlio true shamrock. One authority savs that this oxalis is a nativo of Ireland, while the clover is of comparatively re cent intr duetiou. In a song by the Irish poet, Thomas Moore, the sham rock whether oalis or clover he does not say is mentioned as "Old Kmi's iialu'c shamrock." As I said at lirst, tho discovery of n four-leaved clover was regarded, even centuries 11-40, as an omen of good luck. And in a poem by Robert Ilerrick, who wrote a short time after Shakespeare, is a mention of "lucky four-leaved grass;" and, in another very old vol ume, it is soberly stated that, "if a man walking in the fields linds any four leaved gra-s. ho shall, in a small whilo after, lind some good thing." Several mentions to the same ell'oct are made in the writings of other poets. Maryuret li. JJurvcy, in St. Nicholas. Mnlnrlnl Feror. Malarial Fever, Rheumatism, etc.. result most frequently from Inactivity of the ltvcr ud kMncvs. You make a great mistake nnd do yourself great Injustice unless you bestow upon these Important org ins ot Ufa most cureful attention. It is wrong to persistently turn the liter upside down by the use of scrcro cathartic medicines, or to lash the kidneys Into complete exhaustion by overdoses ot vio let diuretics. Strength can be given to liver ami kl lncys. new life aud vigor Infused Into every part of the body, old aire ho made to feel youthful, and disease banished from the body by using tho Queen ot all health renew crs, Dr. Ouysott's Yellow Dock and Bars i pa rllld. This wonderful compound Is outselling all other remedies. . It contains Yellow Dock, Sarsapnrllla, Juniper, Iron, ltucliu, Celery and Calls iya. Ask your physician concerning the merit of such a compound, then try one bottle. It will make your mind and bodv healthy and strong. It is more refreshing than wine and you will like It just as well. "Wiit Is a fish-hook like the letter F? cause It will make an eel feel. Be- T. J. Thompson, of Maysvlllc, Ky., writes: "About a vcar ano I had a sevcro attack of chills and fever. I have been quite an Invalid since, suffering from sinking spells, nervous chills, night sweats, etc. My dlgestivo nnd urinary organs were In a very weakened con dition. I felt very weak, nervous nnd debili tated, ami dyspepsia, painful urination, and rheumatism exhausted mo of all vitality. My doctor seemed discouraged aud consented to my trying Dr. Ouysott's Yellow Dock and Sarsaparllla, a medicine my mother had once used with benefit. It has acted ltko a miracle in my case, and I now feel perfectly well." "IsArkansaw unfaithful lovers are boy cotted," says an exchange. Perhaps they aro left nlonc to give them a chance to make up. Texan Mftlngt. "Then you are paying attention to old Grinder's daughter, arc you, my son!" "Yes, mother; I have waited upon Miss Grinder somewhat. She's a nice sort of girl. Father's got money." ' Precious little good that'll do you, my son. He's the closest man In these parts." "Hut you know, mother, he can't llvo forever, and " "Don't you bo too sure. I've known old Grimier for forty years, nnd he hasn't died yet." This sot tho young man to thinking. l'rollt, 1,200. "To sum It up, six long years of bod-rlddon sickness, costing ?'X)D ier year, total I l.UOJ all ot this expense was stopcd by three bot tles of Hop Hitters, taken bvinyulfc. She has done her own housework for a year since, without the loss of 11 day, and I want everybody to know It, for their benefit." A". E. Farmer. A "i.kathck mav" remarked that the big mastiff on exhibition at the dog show had bark enough in them to run a tan yard. Ailvlco to Consumptive, On the appearance of the first symptoms as general debility, loss ot appetite, pallor, chilly I lensiiuons, louowcu uy nigni-swcai nnd cougu I prompt measures for relief should be taken. 1 Consumption is scrofulous disease of the lungs therefore U8e the greatnntl-scrof ula, or blood I purifier and Btrength-restorer Dr. Pierce's I " Golden Medical Discovery." Superior toCod liver oil as a nutritive, and unsurpassed ns npec 1 toral. For weak lungs, spitting of blood, and kindred affections, It has no equal. Sold by druggists the world over. For Dr. Pierce's pamphlet 011 Consumption, send two stamps toWoni.n's Disi'knsaiiy Medical Associa tion, Buffalo, Is". Y. In what respect did Absalom differ from a hound? The hound catches the hare, but Absalom, confound it, was caught by tho hair. Cnnccr ami Other Tumors arc treated with unusual success by World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y. Scud stamp for pamphlet. Gentleman (who has stepped on a lady's foot) "Pardon, madam, pray take It for hand squeeze. FUegtmle Mutter. F1U, Fits, rttR, successfully treated by World's Dispensary Medical Association. Address, with stamp for pamphlet, Buffalo, N. Y. 1 Why Is a postman in danger of losing his way? Because he Is guided by tho directions of strangers. "We kill our rulers when we remove from the human svstein whatever disorganizes the nerves. Dr. Benson's Celery and Chnmoinlle Pills relieve from subju'tlon to tho power of headache, sleeplessness ami dyspepsia. They contain no opium or hurtful drug. Dr. C. W. Benson's Skin Cure Is a sure and perfect remedy for all diseases of the Skin aud Scalp. " What Is a candle? One whoso fate Is todlo of consumption, but who constantly makes light of his misfortune. "By asking too much we mav lose tho little that we had before. " Jvldncv-Wort asks nothing but a fair trial. fears no loss of faith In its virtues. A lady writes from Oregon : " For thirty years I have been afflicted with kidney complaints. Two pack ages of Kidney-Wort 'have done mo more good than all the medicine aud doctors I have had before. I believe it In n sure cure." The New York papers call the murderers ot fjord Cavendish "diabolical miscreants." We wonder what language those New York edit ors would Ui-e In describing tho fiend, who lives near our residence, and keeps n green parrot, and plays on the tlutc ou moonlight nights? Texan Sijtings. "I fay, pn," ssld younir hopeful nt break faRt this morning. What do they mean when they talk about a 'political lllrti'" "A political tllrt, mv son, Is a despicable kind of a man who goes from one partv to another for the Mike of office. Why do you ask" 'Oh, nawthin' much. Only up to tho store last nlirht they said you was the meanest po litical lllrt in these part', and 1 thought ut the time it wasn't much of n compliment. An other cup of coffee, run!" "Don't you give It to the impudent 6camp," screamed the old gintlcmun. "Go away fnun the table, sir. I'll teach you you you." AV Jfaien Jhits- Ur. . An exchange says Jcsso James dieil poor. That ! his own fault. Ho ran through a great deal of property, mostly land, during his life. He ran through some of It very rapidly, too. iHftiuys. The other day a colored lady of standing, Mrs. Simpson, purchased a Gainsborough, and Waited Mrs. Fennell. It was evident that Mr. Simpson josse8ed a few airs wldih she wished to display over Mrs. Fennell. ' My husband." said Mrs. Simpson, "wintcdi'i ter git a finer hat den dls, but rell ctlng dat de 20 bills in do bottom of dt- drawer vt us gettcn sauter sc.i'ce like, I concluded t' con tent mvself wld af.Miat." "Wall. er was savin'," remarked Mrs. Fennell. and ctepplng to the door, exclaimed: "Tildy, take dut f 1,000 bill away from that chile. He t'rc up two yesterday. Dar ain't no koiuu in allow In' chllliin ter 'stioy money In dat way." Mrs. Elinpson retired, realizing that her hat wt ias a failure. Little Jtovk Gazette. A CBLEniiATEn KASB llinburger. Puck. Cook: "Madame, may I ak you for my testimonials I" Mutrees: " What d 3'uu ex pect me to write, you worthless creature! fcurely, I cannot say that I am satisfied with you." Cook: "Isn't necessary. Only write that I remained with you three mouths. That will be my best recommendation." FlltuciuU lilatttr. Fcrsnnnl. The Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall, Mich., will send Dr. Dye's celebrated Klcctro-Voltalo Bolts and Appliances, on trial for thirty days, to men (young or old) who arc afflicted with nervous debility, lost vitality and kindred troubles, guaranteeing complete restoration ot vitality aud manhood. Addiess as above. N. I). No risk Is Incurred, as thirty days trial is allowed. Wiit Is a tender-hearted philanthropist liko a horse? Because his steps arc arrested by the cry of woe. Lydia E. Pinkuam's Vegetable Compound revives the drooping spirits; Invigorates and harmonizes the organic functions; ujves elas ticity and flrmuws to the step, restores tlio natural luster to tho eye, and plants on tlio pale cheek of beauty the fresh roses of life's spring and early summer time. In tho Boston municipal elections "Scatter ing" received fourteen votes, the same as last year. It Is pleasant to tec one of tho great parties holding Its own. AVw iiiem JlegUter. a EfT Dresses, cloaks, coats, stockings nnd all ferments can be colored successfully with tho Hamond Dvcs, Navy Blue, Seal Brown, Black, &c Ouly lOc Mn. Minm.Eiuii calls his straw hat toga" because It's a "summery sort." "Sara- Fmf.3, roaches, ants, bed-bugs, rats, mice, crows, cleared out by ' Kough on Bats." 15c. Whkn little Mlnnlo was three years old she asked for some water one night. When It was brought she sild: "Papa, can't you get me some fresh water? This Is a little with ered." Skinny Men. " Wells' Health Hcncwer" re stores health and vigor, cures Dyspepsia. $ 1. All the other rowers except Hanlan appear to bo numb-sculls. liostoii Post. Fiiazek Axle Ghease continues to lead all competitors by a big majority. AH dealers. Now that tho season for Summer Com plaints Is upon us, every family should have n bottloof Wakefikld's Bi.ackiikiiuy Balsam In the house to use promptly when required. It Is the best known remedy for Diarrhea, Dys entery, Flux, Ac. For Sale by all Druggists. If afflicted with Sore Eyes, uc Dr. Isaac Thompson's Eye Water. Druggists sell It. 23c. Thy the new brand, "Spring Tobacco." DR. JOHN BULL'S Smith's Tonic Syrup FOR THE CURE OF FEVER and AGUE Or CHILLS and FEVER. The proprietor of this celebrated mediclno justly claims for it a superiority over all rem edies ever offerod to the public for the SAFE, CERTAIN, SPEEDY and PERMANENT cure of Ague and Fevor, or Chills and Fever, wheth er of short or longstanding, Ho refers to the entire Western and Southern country to bear him testimony to the truth of the anertion that in no caso whatevor will it fail to care if the direitions are strictly folio wod and carried out. In a great many casoi a single dote has been sufficient for a cure, and whole families have been cured by a single bottle, with a per fect restoration of the general health. It ii, however, prudont,and in evory case more cer tain to cure, if its use is continued in smaller dot os for a week or two after tho disease has been checked, more especially in difficult and long-standing cases. Usually this modicino will not require any aid tokeop the bowels in good order. Should tho patient, however re quire a cathartic modiclne, after having taken three or four doses of the Tonic, a single doio of BULL'S VEGETABLE FAMILY PILL3 will be sufficient. The genuine SMITH'B TONIC SYRUP must have DR. JOHN RULL'Sprivato stamp on each bottle. DR. JOHN BULLonly has tho right to manufacture and sell the original JOHN J, SMITH'S TONIC SYRUP, of Louisville, Ky. Examine well the label on oach bottle. If my privato stamp is not on each bottle do not purchase, or you will be deceived. Manufacturer nnd Vender of SMITH'S TONIC SYRUP, BULL'S SARSAPARILLA, BULL'S WORM DESTROYER Tho Popular Remedies of tho Day. Principal Office, 810 Main St., LOUISVILLE, KT. JH E GREAT CURE yoa RHEUMATISM A It U for all tho painful disease of the KI0NEY8, LIVER AND DOWELS. It cleanses tho aystem of tho ocrld poison that causes tho dreadful suffering; which only tho vlotlma of Rheumatism can realize. THOUSANDS OF CA8E8 of tho worst forma cf this torriblo disease haTo been quicltly relieved, and In short time PERFECTLY CURED. rmcr, i. uqiiuon uni, mild nv iincccurrs. li- Drr can bo irnt br msJL WEIiS,mcniAIlDBON&CoDurUntonVt. If 1H BLOOD ! PARSOHS' PURGATIVE PILLS &$,& Wood anil will completely ctinnifc the blood In tho en Ire vatnii In three monthi Aov x-ron whu will (iWo 1 pill each nlulit f rum I tu IS vn-ckamav I rvitorcd to sound he altli If such a thltj- Im iHmlblc Sold ev erywhere or sent ti 11, a., f H letter stamp I 8. Jounsu.s A Co Iloktun, Man formerly liani;or,Me. urvmn XJVSTXTTJTin. Kiiai i .. il, ;,:, imnriHirutiil. ihhi K i 'lie Cure of Ciincpr, Tumor, Ulcers, Nrrofuli and Hki Di'-KAhCft. without tin u or Mm. ir t i ok iilik and Hole pain For lNTOIIMA Tlu, CIIK l I AU AJ." IIKKKKOCKH, luldtVU IHt. F. 1.. I'OMl, Aurora, Knnc To., III. A MON'TIl and board In your rounty Men ir Ladle l'l('3iit btialiH'. Addren I' A ZlK(!LXKo.-Ui . Ilux9l, I'lilcntfi. HI. HAJrl ll'ff. ,t- UVif tnt ( .1 II flllvwhprn UtinlA. vile kid-tail iTlc-llit free. Ooodi trtiaran U-ed U.C.STUKHL.1&7 Vabuhav.,Chlcai:o, OjOA I'EK WKKIC can be made In any locality, TMJ Somethlniri ntlrrly new for uiront. 8ft outfit frw. U. W. l.N'UUAitAM k CO.,lluituu, Ma. PERRY DAVIS' A SAFE AND SURE REMEDY FOR Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Cramps, Cholera, Diarrhoea, Dysentery. Sprains AND Bruises, Burns AND Scalds, Toothache AKD Headache. PAIN-KILLERirtterJfflra! who want a litre nnil " mrtHctne which ran bo freiely unrtl Internall) or efti-mally, without fenr of linrin nnd with crrtainttf of relief. It price brings It llhln the rnncu oi nil, and It will annually mivo many tltni-a Ita cost In doctor bllla. Price, illi cent, AO ernt. nnd $1,00 erbottle. Dirtettont accompany each bottle FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. SAMARITAN NERVINE THE GREAT NERVE CONQUEROR, Tho only known spcclllo remedy for Hpllopay. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cures Spimms, Convulnloiu, St. Vltui Dnneo, Vertigo, Insanity, l'nnilyuls, Nervoua I'roatm tlon ami Uunural Debility. SAMARITAN NERVINE Novcr known to fall. It cqunllzcn tho circula tion, repairs It waste, utxliflveu tone and vigor to tho system. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cures Scrofula and nil Nervous and lllood dis cuses. SAMARITAN NERVINE The greatest tonic known. It nidi digestion, Insures frood appetite, irlves tone and vlfrnr to tho system, (ruarantees sweet and refreshing sleep ami icstore enfeebled aud nervous con stitutions to robust hoalth. SAMARITAN NERVINE Safo, Certain, Suro and Speedy. It Is Invalua ble to Ladles who aro experiencing tho chatiffo Incident to advanced years, by nsslHtluK' nature at Its Important period, retaining tho vlRorand tranquility of cat iy lle hud carrying them with case and safety through. SAMARITAN NERVINE ,s tho only honestly iruaranteod romedy placed ieforo tho public. Wo irnarunteo every Iwttlo ;oKive satisfaction or return the money. Lead njr physicians testify to Its being harmless and tKxl, eminent divines declnro It excellent and unemialed and people everywhere bear cheer ful and voluntary testimony to Its great virtue. SAMARITAN NERVINE (a unfailing and Infalllbto in curing Alcoholism and Opium Hating. To como before tho public with an absolute cure or a specific to remove the desire for alcoholic HtlinulaiiU or the habit of opium eating, seems to many, wo have no doubt, an absurdity: such Is the case neverthe less, and before offering our medicine to tho public wo thoroughly convinced ourselves by actual experience that it would do all wo claim for It, FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. TAKE RICHMOND'S CATHARTIC AND NERVINE PILLS for tho euro of all dlsnrdon of tho Htomach, Liver. Bowels, Kidneys, Mud dor, Nervous Diseases, Headache, Con stipation, CoBtlveucss, Ac. These pills ure made to work In harmony with our Samurltuti Nervine. For Sale by All Druggists. fA.REED& SONS' ORGANS?) Ullliruntrril fur Tone antl lluriilillll'. tV NKW (ArAI.OCU'K JUST OI'T-bK.VT KllKE. XlKtll'S TKMri.UOK UVHIV, ClilcuKu, Hr(cfl I i III emsBMawn s Sunday School,, Musical, ASSEMBLIES Tomporanco or Sohool OK CO!TIfTJON, CAHHOT PO HKTTBR THAW WK AMINC, At-I-MOTS AND ADOPT DiTtOM . CO'S CllOICSt aiHir.1 or Jltiio Ho ks. SUNDAY SCHOOL TKACHEH3 cannot help txMnc taken with our truly Kulilea trie oi ounusy ecnoui amours. Light and Life. 11 M. McIN'i'OSII. ilnei M Unlit. It 'plow with tin' !.(! f Ijojouictillilbood. BANNER OF VICTORY.,iin?,,iUSl& M CKVT8 ADDEY & MUNGER. with a atmtir by haiwyounrf sing er. Beacon i Light.M;,hi TKNNF.Y HTOFFMAN. Xr f0Una " SCHOOL TKACHKHS W 1.1, NOT FAIL TO URn Hdiitf II 'Hi (Met I lor C mmon School, or Welcuui Choru (l) fur llltih School. LOVKKS OF GOSPKL MUSIC WILL LIKK MAI.n VOK'i: t'HOIIt (.won.), by Kmcrmm. a It ha a capital art of tutu and hmu, laijr to ItilC aud of motUratc cotnpait. LYON & HEALY. Chicago OLIVER DITSON & CO., Boston. e$25 Every Day Can b easily mads with our WollAugors& Drills On. man and one hor.n required. W are tho only maker, or the Tiffin WelU Uorlng ami Hook-Drilling Maohluo. Warranted the Hot an Kurthl Manr of our customer maka from $30 la $13 a dar. Sook aud Clroular. t'KKK. Address, LOOMIS I NTMAN, TIFFIN, OUIO MAKE HENS LAY An KnflUh V.terinary Burgeon and Ch.uiUl. now trarellns In till country, my thattntif the llora and Cattle l'owderoldlisre arnnrthletrah. Il sa) a that Hhnridan'al'ondllionl'nwder are absolutely pure and lmmenelr Taltialile. NuthltiR n earth will make hen lay like Hhendan'a C'ondllion I'omlrm. I)oe, on. teatlKionfnl to on. pint food. Hold etrery where, nrenlliy mall for eluht Liter tmp. I. H. JOHNSON A ('().. lloiUi ll, Mi..(onurrlr lUnKnr.Ma. rAlisoxa' l'uiuiATlVK l'ltxa makn ntw rich blood. WISE'S DKro"e-oxr Gr-ixxxxn. IT KEEPU MOIST, OILY AND CLEAN. TIioho who uho It mirn nlu'uyM nso It. AhU. for " WlrtK'M" ivlicrn you trntlo. AGENTS ToSelttho UVESOF Frank and Jesse James The nntorlou outlaw. Complete record of their tlar Itik'i'M'loIti". Full account of the Imothm of JKSSK JA.MKSi hi portrait before and uf ter death, pfctun-a o( the younK wife, the tn rhlldnn and tin' F()ltt llOVH. Uuliiir HUn wllil-llrc. (Inn Audit re liiii'l. 114 urder. In two ilnys. Nrvri' aiieh cliuucu to ,nuki money, (hittlt ."l(c. Addrca j. it. jik veil u eu., ciiicaoo, luu AGENTS (LADIES OR GENTS) MAKE MONEY FAST -BELLINO- OUR NEW BOOK. Invaluable to All Housekeepers. Useful, Prnctloal and Popular. AdtlroflS 1'. K. OIVKNS, fino Fulton Htroot, Chlcne;w Employment for Ladius. The Queen City Sui-f rtt Company of CIt tlnnail jc enow manufac luring aiutintf tMlucinj their new Htfklnf hnppmrtr lot llrarwl ChlMrva, antl their uueju.lf t bllrt hvimtWf for lll ami want fell Me UdyaKenuiovll ,thein In cTervhnuwhohl Our tifentt eery where meet with ready kuccet. and make hautl- tomc ftilarlet, Write at once fur term aud se cure ciilmtte territory Addretft UatM Mir HttatorBtlrr Ca llsirlaaifill. nkla. 07 Ltadlotf Ptytlclant retominend thee Supjiurtcrs, Ttj irIXTlOlIAI. EVERYONE music tVlll set vnlnulile Inforinutlon FJCKK by iendlug for circular to K. '10U1UKK, Uohtox, Maw. Elkhart Carriage nnd Harness MiimiructurltiuM'o., KlkharMnd .ship aiiywhere to anybody nt uholrsale urlura. with privilege I" I'xiitnlne ttcforu pnylua;. All work warranted. U)-paKcL'atalOKUt! frvw. H IDCQ'l1!PROVED ROOT BEER XCia9 Xtic. packBUcinakr. Katlonsof adellclou. whuU'soinc.KparkllnK Temnernnee bevrai?i At voiirflmiiMHt. up miit uymallforBSc UK HiKr.a, WN Do.a Avc.l'lilbv. fllIU Mnriihlnei Ilntilt Cured In Ul IUIH '"la., So liny till Cur w" I. J. HrKiMir.N. l.eliiinon.Ol In lO ired. .Ohio. 2"Thouand of reference from vrsou curvtL 5, 10, 25 cent COUNTER SUPPLIES. TOYH, MITIO.VH, .trc. Catalogue free. OARY rPLTON t00 MO Hummer St.. IJmton. Maat SAWIwllLLSSSK- wrlULTijKAri,TMAV &. TAYI.OII ; W.M.Ma'l j,. 15.000 f'AltPKNTnilH now usuourHuur uiuuUKIIfrlonii'allklndaofvawt.kothi-ywIllrut licttrrtbaneri-r lrle( Circular nnd nriura to Auetit Adiln-iiK HO fll & II UO.. New Oxford. !. G& Ir Jt.F0T "l'l,n,: at tho Oldest A- Host 9 rAMMAa&Il Plt. sp a V7AV aivoiiCBv. yireuianree. C,sCCy Addrc'ktC IUYLiEB.OuhU'lilc, 1. A MONTH-flCENTS WflNTED-miiM.Ht citinKunu'iiainini woriiiii .aniplo free Addrt lny llriinsiin, uArolt. Mlclu ff7n A WEEK ?12 n d.iy nt home easily maile. J) I 6Costlr outfit free. Addru.41 fruoiCo, Aueusla, Ho. IV . Dodge, tli.y m't Surer m. 8t LunlMrent TIK-v Uuptui-u and V lluU w iih kuices. JujJ Uleksou St. NEW AGENTS GOODS ca:?-' SR Ifl SOfl jwdnvnt home Saniplen worth ,-. J U wZUlreo AddifMSiiNsostCoPortlaiid.Mo. Ilbornl Trurt. Mlmnkcaof Mntesnnd Apmtlea. J bi'iidktainpfurirlcilo Ur DoU.'e. Leghorn, Kan.. $66 A WEEK In your own town Term rnul tCoutfltfivo.Adtr'H.llallutt&Co.,I'urtland.M.i- A. N. IC. M 870 wit kx tritiTiXG rn Aitvr.nTiunn. jtlrame unf yon mute the .Itliertiicmciit- mm r4Tk'