Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1882)
t r. y USEFUL AND SUGGESTIYK. The coflco plant hna tbo gonoral nppcaranco of a clicrry troo. It grows to a height of twenty or thirty foot, but in the course of cuituro 1b kept out down to Hvo or six feet. It is not nropor to keop ducks and chickens in tho sanio yard. Tho broad bill of tho duck enables it to gormandize, and, boing n voracious fcedor, it is likely to doprivo othor fowls of their sharo of feud. There aro just at this period in his tory too ninny going into soino branch of agriculture with brass bands and llaga flying. Wo rojoico thoy aro not that class who havo earned thoir monoy by hard labor. Iowa Slate Register. Paint, to last long, should bo nut on early in winter or spring, when it is cold and no dust Hying. Paint put on in cold weather forms a body or coat upon tho surfaco of tho wood and bccomo3 hard and resists tho weather, or an edged tool oven, liko slate. Cucumber salad: Slico tho encum bers two hours before thoy aro wanted and sprinklo tho slices plentifully with salt. Sot tho dish in tho rcfrigorator. Just before dinner drain away tho salt liquor from tho cucumbors and mix them with oil lirst. and then with vine gar and popper. Servo on a very cold dish. Chicago Herald. Ginger pound cako, if niado with caro, is excellent with coflco for break fast. Take one cup and a half of sugar, one cup of Now Orleans molasses, threo cups of flour, four eggs, one tablospoon ful each of ginger and of cinnamon, ono tcaspoonful of soda dissolved in a little hot water. Bako in shallow pans in a modcrato oven for half an hour. N. Y. Post. Artificial incubation has boon prac ticed from tho earliest times in tho East, chiefly in China, India and Egypt. In the latter country largo mamals, or ovens, holding from 40,000 to 80,000 eggs, aro still used for tho purpose, and tho villagers bring thuir eggs in tho ex pectation of receiving, after a lapso of twenty-one days, 200 chicks for every 300 eggs deposited. At this season tlioliltlo white worms that infest the soil are very troublcsomo, but they c:m easily be killed by push ing four or Ave matches, phosphorous ends down, into the pots. If thoy aro very abundant put two or threo up tho drainage hole at the bottom of tho pot. This proves death to them and does not injure the plants. Insect powder, such as is used to destroy flies, will kill tho red spider and the aphis; but tho plants should bo washed after it has been applied an hour. Denver Tribune. A Chnpter on Dread. Whatever may bo said to tho con trary, one of tho most important itejjis which falls to tho lot of tho housewife is the preparation of good and wholesome food, and right in the forefront of this is tho making of good bread, the "stall' of life," tho food of all classes. To bo suro wo may not all havo it to do, but if not, we must havo some ono to do it for us, and it is by knowing how tilings should bo done that wo succeed in getting them prop erly done. It would be unnecessary to give hero a detailed account of the process, but merely a few items which must not be overlooked. The lirst essentials are good flour, good lively yeast, good fuel, and an oven that does good baking; and although wo may possess all these and fail, lacking any of them, perfect Mie'-n-A would bo impossible. The ufL-si.-. of good j'oast, whether liquid or cako, is good hops. When tho yeast is added tho batter should be at a lemperatuiv not above ninety-eight de grees nor should it bu allowed, during tho prictss of rising, to fall below seventy degrees. Tho tomporaturo is easily ascertained by tho use of a dairy man s thermometer, but practice soon enables one io becomo quite accurate by tho sense of touch. The flour for mixing should bo as nearly as possible tho same temperature as tho sponge. For fine flour mix stiff and knead thor oughly, that tho particles of leaven may bo effectually and equally distributee! among tho particles of dough; but for graham or mush bread mix soft, but thoroughly, and mold into loaves im mediately. When tho bread is set to rise, pec that it does not get so warm as to render it sticky and necessitate tho uo of flour when molding, and for this reason it is preferable to placo it in a wooden or somo thick vessel instead of tin. The oven, for baking, should bo at a proper heat, said to bo threo hundred and fifty degrees. Of this, however, I cannot aflirm, nover having tho means of testing, but I do know that it should bo sufficient to begin tho baking process immediately and continue witl out additional fuel And lastly, a cer tain amount of practice in this as in othor things is necessary to insure ab solute success. Although somo may look scornful at tho idea of hints upon such a common place theme, what is tliero which acids moro to the palatableness of a meal than light, sweet and wholesome bread, and it is the experience of thoso whoso lot it is to " board around," that in no other department does tliero oxist a greater deficiency. Then, too, very many of us aro within easy reach of tho baker, but who would not prefer tho good, homo-mado article to tho pulfed up, lnstolcss, too often sour, and ill noumhlng bread of bakers' make. Jliink not that in this I would undorrato tho many other branches of cookory, but morelr make this prominent and givo it a pfaeo among tho rudimonts of tho culinary department. 6'cr. Home' hold. Mn. Johns amo to a hotel In Bismarck with a cheap-looking trunk, worth about $7. The clerk s.zed hliu up and cavo him a hack room, Just undflr tho roof, with a dormer Win dow, a camp hed and a tin basin for furniture The porter snubbed him, and he wis tho last man wultud on nt the tabic, and wiw always seated where he couldn't reach tho bread and the castor. Ho went away on business, was pono six weeks, and left his room door open. And then when ho came b.ick aud oponcd that old trunk, and took $12,000 In gold out of It, tho landlord pulled out all of his hair for mor 1 1 Heat on, and went and got roaring drunk for flvo days; the clerk forgot to paste down his front hulr, and went one whole day without changing his eight-Inch cuffs, and the porter went out In the woods aud lay down und died. Moral: Never disdain to yo through a trunk because It looks cheap. You can't toll what it may assoy. Chicago Times. Save Tour Wives. When a man has been so fortunate as to wed a biight-eyed, Joyous, happy-faced girl, ho should be especially careful ol hor lio.Utli. An Invalid wife or mother Is greatly to bo filled; and yet, sometimes, in 6pitc of love, and care, und tenderness, our women-folks do get sick. Beginning with Irregularities and dyspepsia, tho general health begins to fall, and weak ness, nervous prostration, sleeplessness, etc., make life miserable. The cheeks becomo palo, the eyes grow listless, tint heart's action en feebled, the pulse weak, and docay of the pul monary, digestlvo and urinary organs Ib tho result, ror restoring sickly women to health and strength, Dr. Ouysott's Yellow Dock and Sarsuparllla excels all other medicines. It Is a true tonic. Its principal ingredients aro Yellow Dock, 8arsuparilla, Juniper, Iron, lluchu, Celery and Callsaya bark. It builds up the female system, aud will positively cuie falling of tho womb, irregularities, leucor tlicea, dyspepsia, etc. The palmy days of a boy's llfo are thoso In which ho gets properly spanked by his mother. . Annum B. Cohens, of Newport, Kv., writes : " I wish to speak a good word for Dr. Ouysott's Yellow Dock and Harsaparllla. My wife suffered greatly from a complication of diseases, ending in a miscarriage, which for months confined her to her bed. Suchad nev er fully recovered, and at times complained sevcioly of a feeling of bearing down, while her periods were very Irregular and gave her f;rcat pain. Her physician seemed to be doing ter no good whatever. A friend recommended Dr. Ouysott's Yellow Dock and Sarsaparllla. From the first dose she began to Improve, and is now as healthy and strong as a young girl. J think It the best medicine In the world." What kind of a field Is older than you aro! One that is pasturage. Could ITurdly Stand on I lor Foot. R. V. l'initcn, M. D., Buffalo, N. Y. : Dear Sir I muU tell you what your medicine has done lor me. lielbre taKlug your "tavorito rre sciiptlon" I could baldly stand on my feet, but, by following your advice, I urn perfectly cured. The "Favorite Prescription" Is a wonderful mcdlclnufor debilitated and nervous females. I cannot express how thankful 1 am to you ior your an vice, rours truiy, Mits. Counulia. Allison, Pcosta, la. Why Is smoke liko straws! shows which way tho wind blows. Bccauso It Tliolr Occupation Oono." R. V. PiEitcE, M. D.. Buffalo, N. Y. : I was attacked with congestion of the lungs, sore ness over the liver, severe pain In the Joints, a burning fever, and general giving awnv of the wholo system. Falling to find relief In remedies precribed. I tried your " Ooldcn .Mciitcai uibcotery." itciieetea my entire cure. Your medicines have only to be used to be ap preciated. If every family would give them a trial, nine-tenths of the doctors would, like Othello, find their occupation gone. Yours tiuly, L. B. McMillan, M. D., Breesport, N.Y. The moro that fun Is poked at the poke bonnet the moro tho poke bonnet seems to bo Soked Into public assemblages. Detroit Free 'reus. The World's Dispensary and Invalids' Hotel, at Buffalo, N. Y., destroyed by fire a year ago, is rebuilt and full of patients. For " Iuvalld's Guide Book," giving particulars and terms of treatment, address, with two stamps, WoitLu'a Disi'ensaiiy Medical As.sociAT'N.Buiralo.N.Y Thiiitv years Is said to be the life of a loco motive. Possibly they would live longer if they did nut smoke so much. 'Magnificent promises sometimes end In , paltry performance " A iiiagnifl cut excep tion to this is found in Kidney-Wort which In variably performs even more cures than It I promises. Here Is a single instance: "Mother I has rccovcied," wrote an Illinois girl to her I Eastern relatives. "She took bitters for a i long tine but w Itliout unv good. So when she heard of the vlttucs of Kidney-Wort fIio got a 1 box und it has completely cured her liver com 1 plaint." i ; 1 "Uncle," said a young rascal to his worthy i relative, "that man over there wants to seo you." "What docs ho want?' "Dunno; didn't ask him." So uncle sauntcted over to where the stranger sat, and said: "Did you wish to secine, sir I" "No, sir." "I beg par don, but I was told by that young man over there that you wanted to boo me." "So I do, bo I do. I've been blind these ten years, and I wunt to see anybody." Maine News. Hop Bittors, which run. advertised In our columns, aro a sure cure for ague, biliousness and kidney complaints. Those who use them say thoy cannot be too highly recommended. Those alllicted Miould give them a fair trial, and will become thereby enthusiastic in tho praise of their curative qualities. rortla?td Argus. "Take buck tho heart thou gavest." Ho was a butcher, and she wanted liver. They don't speak uow. tit. Paul Dhpalch. I have the utmost confidence fn tho malls. j Enclose f 1 for two boxs, or $2.50 rmst-olllco I order for six boxfs of Celery and Chamomile 1 pills und I will take nil risk for money and goods Dr. C. W. Benoon, 10(1 North liutaw i St.. Baltimore, Md. Also proprietor of his I new remedy and favorite prescription, known 1 q Dr. lieiiHon's Skin Cure, recognized ovcry J where as tho only safe and suro remedy for all ureases oi tue sunt una jjcaip. Rbstauiuvts are using lino shavings for cold slaw, because cabbage Is too high. Ual tlmore Every tiaturday. White to Mrs. I.ydla E. Pinkham, No. 233 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass., for pamphlets relative to the curative proj ertlesor herVeitf table Compouud In all female complaluts. We'd like to bo Introduced to the man who knew enough to keep happiness when ho once got hold of it. Boston titar. OT Every color of the Diamond Dyes Is perfect. See the samples of the colored cloth at the druggists. Olvc them oue trial and yoa win ulwuys us them. Oleomaiioaiunb, despite Us hlu'h-soundlti" name, Is butter fraud after all.JWm Com mertial Bulletin. Flies, roaches, ants, bed-bugs, rats, mice, crows, cleared out by "Rough on IUu." 15c. Xetencd tVm Be nth. William J. Couirulaii, oi Siinerrllle, Mass,, says I "In the Ml ol 1S70 1 was taken wl'h a viofatt bUedlngnf thtlungs, followed b a severo cough. 1 was admitted U the City Host) tal. While tliero the doctors said I hud a hole tinny lcftlunsMblr as a hail dollar 1 iraveuiitiope, but a friend told in. of Da. Wm Hall's Bal sam foh the Lunos. I got a t.ottle, when to my surprise I commenced to feel better, and to day 1 leel In bitter s Irlts tli in I have tho past three yours. IwritothUho Intrthit every ono filleted with I) scssed Ling will take Dit. m. Hall's Balsam fou tub I.unhs, and be con vinced that CONSI'MITION CAN BE CUIU'.I) " Also asureremedv forColus, Coiuhs, and all Chest and Lung Diseases. Sold by druggists. The boy who was kept after school for bad orthography said ho was srcll bound. Skinny Men. "Wells' Health Pcncwer" re stores health and vigor, cities llyspops.a. $1. n . ' 8ono of tho cheese "Will you lovo me whou 1 mould f"A7. By. Journal. Fakmeiis. teamsters, don't experiment, but use Fruzcr Axle Urease It is tue best. Ik afflicted Willi bore Eyes, ue Dr. Isiao Thompson's Eye Water. Druggist sell It. Hoc - Tut the new brand, " Spring Tobacco." a 41 It's no uso to feel of mo wrist, doctber," said Pat, when the physician began taking hla Eulsc; "tho pain Is not there, surr; it's in mo Id cntolrely." Boston Transcript. The Boston Globe Is authority for tho state ment that a Chicago bcl.e recently found It impossible) to dlsgulso herself In male at tiro bccauso she could not get her feet through tho trousers. A mav mjiy under certain circumstances bo taken for another and yet not look In the very least like him. "I know I don't resem ble him," said a very wise ond sad man, " still In an unguarded moment I in lorscd tho fellow's note, and I was taken for him by tho BherliT." Ar. lr. Herald. Mai. Smith (emphatically) "Poor Mrs. Si ren. They say that she has been ordered to a warmer climate. Do you think sho will go I" Mrs. Brown (grimly) "No, not while sho lives." Grip. Behtha Miller, of New York, agod only sixteen vcars, has succeeded In swallowing a ten dollar gold pleco. Here's your savings bank, young gentlemen. Elmira Free 1'rest. An oxchango announces a now story, "Written In Blood." If nny one sends to this office a story written In blood, It will go Into the wasto basket instaiitcr. A story written In purple ink Is bad enough. Detroit 1'ost. It docs oggravato a man to think that, While his wife isn't afraid to tacklo him and nearly yank his head off, ahe Is madly terror ized by a cow that be can chase out of the yurd at any time. A rniNTEii who has ocen paying a visit to Constantinople said ho knew all about h air spaces, but that tliero they had hair-cms. A map of this joko will be furnished on appli cation to our composing room. I'htladelphia Bulletin. A Texas paper alleges that Dallas uses 50, 000 gallons of water a day. We had no Idea there was such an iullux of strangers at Dal las. We thought It was only when press con ventions were In town that tliero was such a demand for water. Texas tiijtlngs. T! IE GREAT CURE FOIt RHEUMATISM- As It la for all tho painful disoaaea of the KIDNEYS. LIVER AND BOWELS. It eloanao tho system of tho acrid poison that causes tho dreadful sumirlnK which only Uio -victims of Il.)0unmti3tn can rcallzo, THOUSAND! OF CARES of tho worst forms of this torriblo disease havo boon quickly rollsvcd, and In short tune PERFECTLY CURED. rnia-., (i. Mormon mn. sni.i) nv ihu'cicists. 11- Dnrcimboiioultyiiiall. WELTJ3, IUC1LA.IID30N U Co., Uurllnirton Vt. ERmtt&Msmzv5K2 FJ.iLi3 ftvM''Q fifcaA AAVJ nMtl M S1O0O REWARD foTanymachincliuUingcumuthtUner trot (nlday atlh othor -1", VICIOUS Ju latt he-tr. tlioileinund could not bo supplied. Circular connrmlntr IIiIh mallrd lire, fiend fortt. NEWARK MACHINE COMPANY, Newark, Ohio. ""iicrsgi 1'iucDisftaa mcooir Mauuiaciurcn id idc worn "WILBUR'S C0MP0UHD OF PUEE COD LIVES UJLJU J&MD JJUJULJU, qaciz I" ! Cuiiaumpllvc AVMIior'a ('iiiimi1 opcou I ivr.KOn. akiiT.ik without pusM-Fiing the vrry nniihi-nilnx of Hi anli-lo in In ift.ruro used. In imluwcd hy tlm l'boi, natr of Mm w-h a lif-alliiu property wlilcli renil" thu oil dciub,y efili-a. ?u- "'niarkablu toilinnii"if It elllrncy can ho !WP, ., Sold. l,T A- WII-HCIl, Chemist, Doton. and aUdrugnliii. BARBLESS FISH HOOKS il'Jl Or' .H Wl ) CERTAIN TO HOLD EUERY FISH. tlOc.pordnj!. If 5c. pTrto-t. Oo. prrdOZ. No, I, ft, O, 7, M. KorTiout. For nasi. Forl'llce. Dealers tnrt for Price List. Manufac turcrs and I'ropi icturj, WILLIAM MILLS Bl SON, riSlIIVO 'I'ACKI.K. 1 tVurrrn Hi., Sow York. Ak your rlea.rr for them or send foi Descriptive Mt S25 Every Day Can bo easily made with our Well Augers & Drills On man and one horse required. Wo are the only makers of ths Tltnn Well Iiorlncand HooU-Drllllng Machine. U'urranlrd the llc.t an Karth I t& tnv nfaiip nmtnm.r. maknfrom ABO tt. Itlad.r. Book and Circulars i'llEK. Address, L00MIS & NYMAN, TIFFIN, OHIO. NEW EICH IO! PARSOHS' PURGATIVE PILLS U&& llluod, and will completely chsne the hlood In the en tire system In three monthi Any person who will talcs 1 pill each nluht from I to 1 weiki mar be restored lo sound heallh. If such a thing he ponlhle Bold ev cry where, or sent hy null for letter stamps. I. 8. Joukson it Co., Iloifon, lai , formerly IlanBor.Ue. t I fl 4,Ayl,awt(,maJteit Soinrllilnn.Newfbr J) U-AX3IiNTS.COK,VOKa4CoBt,Loui,Mo. Tkffi 7"a"T?"0"in. JSV It w U H0 H Jt ITS. liiuicm, imvitur I)oiilil lluller C'lovci$MrfSfcr7 h""uJ Machine . i ,A 7)iFtf&53Xlr' can I- i.i2'Y,lyi-r 1 50 "rnCsnuiiiei "scriVi ?vS"i!m '""-'- 111 1HWsEtv onr II Ik "9J (k rSTABLIGHED 1841. THE FOn SCALE CO., YOUNGSTOWN, OHIO, HANUrACTUIUt AM, KINDR Or i Cg L Bin ES gS 2 ARE NOW MAKING. FOR FARMERS AND OTHERS, B,000 lbs. Platform Scales, AT REASONABLE PRICES. SEND FOR PRICE-LIST. irA Gotxl Active Ainu, lit (til Cottntjr, Wunloil n A cent. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS. Bteol. Doublo llrasg Ereryalzo equally low. JONES OF SAMARITAN NERVINE, THE GREAT NERVE CONQUEROR, Tho only known Bpoolflo romotly for Kpllopsy. SAMARITAN NERVINE rni-cs SpitHinn, Convtillons, Ht, Vlttii Dntioo, Vortltro. Infinity, I'miilyHls, Norvona Prostra tion nuil (Joiicnil Dubillty. SAMARTTAf NERVINE Novor known to full. It oqiiiillxcB tho olrctilii tlon, ri'pulrs IU wnato, uiiU jrlvus tono anil vlffor to tho Hysloin. samarTtan ERVINE Cures Hcnifiilii und nil Norvous uml llloo.l ills onspii. 'rinnifantlH proclnim it tho tnoBl vrnn tlerrul Invlorunt that ovor njclalmeil tho BlnkliiK' HyHtuin. SAMARITAN NERVINE Tlio ftroatost tonlo known. It nidi (llffiiHtlon, lnsurcH jrooil apjx-tlto, trivos tono mid vljror to tlio HjBtoin, Kiiiirnntuo'i wcot unil roi'ri'slilnp; Hlcop itnil roHtoros ciifcolilod mill norvous con Btitutlons toroliiist hcnlth. SAMARITAN NERVINE finfe, Cortnln, Suro mid Speedy. It is Inv linn bio to I.ikIIi'B wlio arc oxporleiiclmr the flmiiKO ineldent toiidviineeil yeiu-H, by un stintr imtiiro nt iIh liniiortunt pi-rlod, rKliilaiiiK'tlio vlRorniid trmiiiilllty or em I) lifn mid carrying them with uuauiind ttut'ety throtiKh. SAMARITAN NERVINE is tho only honestly irtinrnntced remedy pin cod boforo tho publln. Wo Rimriuitco every liottlo tnjrlM sutisfiit'tion or roturn tho monoy Lend itur physieliiiis to-tlfy to Its boniK hnnnless and Koou, etnlnent divines dculnrn it oxuellont and iinoqiialed mid peoplo (ivery whero bear cheer ful and voluntary testimony to Its Kfcat virtuo. SAMARITAN NERVINE is unrftllliiKundinfiilllbloInoiirlnir AlcohnliHiu ' mid Opium Kutliiir. To como bet'oro tho public with nu absolute ouro or impculllc to rumovo tho deslro lor aleohollostlinuliiiiU or the hubit in uimuiii eiuiu!r, pectus io many, wc luivo no doubt, nn absurdity; hiicu Is tho imso novertho leas, mid before olTorlnff our modlclno to tho publlo wo tliorouifhly convinced ourselves by uctunl oxperienco that it would do all wo claim for It. FOR BALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Employment for Ladios. The Uueen City Sinprntler Coniianyof Cln. clnnati if now iiianuiicturint; sad Intruduclnv their new Htufllm Huppm-tir. for UilUi sud CalMrra, ami their uucijualcd hllrl Suiprndtn for Uitln, ami want lellahle laiiy siftnt to tell L lliein in eiery hou&chold Our Ofcnti every Vwlicrs ineel with leacly kuccetn and make hand, tome talarlet Write at unci for i.imi ami te. cure eiclutlvc territory Addreit Oan I llv Nu.unrf. i. I1h.U..II m.t. (C7 Lesdlnif riiyiidana moiiiinciid thee upjorter. JJ RAILROAD GAZETTE: A JOURNAL OF TRANSPORTATION, Engineering and Railroad Now. Publlnhed at 73 llroadrray, Xerr Tert. SI. SO per annum postuze free. MRS. OARFIHLD. QUEEN VICTORIA and PRESIDENT ARTHUR. SOenU buys ths4. AM)UUdilLLINaTOUTU, Kockford. 111. AO KNTS J.sdle i or OenU make money mat it lllngour new oolc Invaluable to housekeepers. Uaiful.prao Ucaland popular. K.JLOwans, WFaltonDt.,Cti tUO. ill lLs 4 The four finest Cabinet Bteel Knfrar. M InKi on tinted card board with Ullt JU Ileveled KdEcs, ever printed of JAS.A.-GARIELD )TaQI SJaSBBU itfjefll sV -4 'Jt?fclV'53lBsBsiiiiiiiiiiBBssiiBL VWt'iWv A maatmmmmmMmmmmammmmmmmmMmammM.KKEBBBi M aJ,,y,rK sMyrvTTCTT)Bfj-si-Tjy GnBt, WAWRANTPD. PIVH VPARI, KTOrV Jlllira riTAH'nn WaiTnil U1i la tnailn nt 111 finK, nf li-n.. nt f iron Taro Deam. Jonea Im payi tho nninn G(( DINCHAMTON, Blnghnmton, N. Y.' ON 30 DAYS' TRIAL. Wo will atiiul on 30 Diiyn' Tilnl mi, inrf; i!i:Li;i!i: iti;i) Electro Voltaic Belts AND SUSPENSORIES, And other ELECTRIC APPLIANCES TO HEN Buffering from Norroni Debility Lost Vliiillty, VIor and Manhuod, resilllInK fimii Aliinu hh( other causes, or to any person afllMrd wlih Itlienmn tlsni, Nt-urnliiiH. l'ui'iilysla, Hiilmtl llllllcul tips, I.itnie ltuck, I.Ivor anil Itliliu-y Triiu llr, 1C ,t ii ,', mill oilier illscine nl tho "Vital Oriritna. Hpei'dy relief and roinpli'ln restora tion to hialili Kilnrantred ''! urn tli only Klectrlr Aiipllitiirrs Hint lmc" ev r hcvn run- ti'iirted upon Nelentllle iirlnolilea. '1 licit thuroUKh rllleary hns liccn tiruetfeally iiroven with the most ionili-rnil siirveas. Wet huvr thn trstl moiiy of llioiisHtnl tli liiv lircn iiilekly mil fiiillriilly cured Ity their use. All wo asM of any ih'ihoii s to Ktvu (livui u Irliil for HO ituya Hllll ll rollTltlCfMl hend at once for Illustrated 1'iiiiiplilct, Blvlna; sill liit'iiiniiitliiii, free. Address VOLTAIC BELT CO., MAIISIIAI.T., IMICII. 1 I A WEW DISCOVERY, tVFor geTeral years wo havo fumlnhed tho 3 Dairymen of America with on ejcollont nrtl-1 flclal color for batten so meritorious that It mctl with ifreat success OTerywhoro reonlvliiK thoJ hlKlieot and only Jirlxes at butli International a ,1Iw1Ih. J IVIlut hy patient andaclcntlflo chemical re search we haYc Improved In scvend Hilnts, and now offer this now color as the bttt tn theuvrlrf. It Will Not Color tho Buttormllk. It Will Not Turn Rnnolcl. It Ib tho Strongiogt, DrlKhtont nntl ChonpoBt Color Made, tlTAnd, while prepared In oil, I so compound red that It Is liniiossltilo for It lo liecoma rancid. HTBEWARE of all Imltntlom and of all . other oil colors, for thoy are liable to becomo j k rancid ana simlltliu imilvr. ' KIT If you cannot net tho "Improved" wrltous' to know wiiereandhow to tret it wllnout curat sxpenso. WKI.I.S, lllt'lUKDSOS A 0., Ilurllmlou, Yt. iNsaji'rtra' 3n. ICntnhliKht'il, ' i ', lll(iirioriUrcl. I1- tl Kortlic 4in of CiUK'ei'n, 'riiiiioi's, Intel's, Nci'niiiiu mid hKlN Dittr-iMfx without the uki' if k lie or i.iih or iiMioii, unit llitlc puln I-'or iNroitUAiiov, cik i i.ahh ani itKFritKNrKS, nddn'ss l 1C. r. J.. JOM, Aiironi, Knno Co., III. aSk-riOBi- xm yEAJ&T HI OBC3J IMPROVED ROOT DEER IBTkEIL'u U.iu. iscKai'iiiiiki!i.Kalliiinof adulclous hoiesome. iarkllnn Temperance OeveriKtc AWoiirdrtiKKl t, or scut by mall for USu. U.K. Hun. 41 N Dels. Ave . l'hlla. opium ssssa IlnlilK'iii'sU In IO , .Noiiy (III VuvriL. V nvdravU w. nrairiisna, j.huuiiuii, uuiu, tlflhouaauds of rsfuiencs from psraons cured. tay- i nouiauos or rstuienci ENcfryES .7f fioHrf li)rtnble)tOT. iKArin.HiiwMIII&l'liinla- 'I'jn. Fr nrli os. elc. wrlteTiIKAlM.TMAATAV!.OItCU . Mansfield. O. 6, 10, 25 cent COUNTER SUPPLIES TOYH, NO'l'IflNN, Ac, CfttuloKUO ri-ee. OAUY, FULTOK&CO., HO auinumr auBoktuu.Mais. -j . jf Forlluslnessat the Oldest A, Ilcst fJ.x,'"Commercial College, Glrcularl'ree. KCCOOCCCtC Address ClUYLiKS.Uuhuque, In. (S-Cbyfl MONTH-AGENTS WANTED-""!'" TkV!tTa,'lllnKBrtlcleslnthf world, 1 sample (Tee. eirWrwUAddrtss tluy llronsou, Detroit, Mich. Send etnmp for Dook. IIiiinoTrr ilmeiit. Aililrens llt. ICL'.MII.lliiflnlo.N.Y. S72 A WEKK. 12 a dav at home easily made. Unllyouthtlrm AddreHHTrut)aGo,AuafiuUa,Ma. )r. Iloilce, Uov'uit Suw on, Bl Louis, treats Piles, ltupturu uud Fistula with luucest. IXXO Dlckion tit. LlhrrulTriicU. Mistakes of Moses and Apostles, bend stamp for prints to J)r llodttu. bculiorii, Kan. ?C l Tfi per day at home. Samples worth J 10 JZU freo. Addre.'SriNSON&Co, l'oi Hand, ft."5 Me. HAIR nifli it ii tires senii'ii.u. imywiiero, noio ale ii IteUII 1'rlco list tret. Cloud Kii:iran leed 11,C.HKKIII,.157 Wabivsliav. .Chicago. S66 A WEF.Kin your own town. Tcrnm and f5outntrrv.Adilr,bll.llallott&Oi.,l,bitlaiiil,Me A. N. K. 8.5 BTi JQA l'er Week can be made In any locality. JPrtV Uottieililng rnllrvly new tor Hieents. H!i outfit frsc. O. W. 1XUUA.I1AM A CO.,l)oitou,Mst. .