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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1882)
U ilft " f .imiiamtuw, jjiau .i j juiuj u imwiwwiw Mnmamrnninmnii WWWBffUM.L.. v "''' ' ' tlvmtim ESTABLISHED 1856. I 0LDE8T'PAPER IN THE STATE. I CALVERT," NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, MAY n" 1882 VOL. 26, NO. 47, lBPBIB WilBWIH unimumi..iiiMumj ill 1a s4rl at ti . t j . vf ?J. WSW mJLlKUl a&nt -; 1. fcvSe' jl (S A n BUSINESS CARDS. h.brToady' Attorney anil Counselor at tiiw, Ilrowiivllif.Nob T S. STULL, V. ATTOIINICV8 AT IiAW. Ofllcoof County Judge, llrownvltlo, Hebrnskn. A S. IIOLLADAY, Xi PUyglolitn, Surgeon, Oli.tetrlctnn. Qrananted In ISM. T.ocnted In RrownvlllelBM. SiNct,4l M.-ht street, llrownvlllo, Neb. B-P. WEST, M. D. Physician anil Surgeon, Calvort, Nolirnslca. OFFICE. Nickcll & Shurt$' Drug Store. ' D. J. WOOD, votary pvn&ic, AND INSURANCE AGENT, Calvert, Web., gTw. Cornell CALVERT, NEB. OFFICE. One door North of the Nemaha County Bank. Will practice in all the Courts and attend to Collections. J 33, BERGER, Carpenter Sr Builder, Calvert, Nebraska. Work Promptly attended to and Satisfaction Guaranteed, J. M. FOWLER, Justice of the Peace ami Real Estate ftgent, CALVERT. NEBRASKA. l3TSpecial attention Riven to collec ' tlons. Ofllco for tho present with the Coumisn. 27yl Dr. A. Qpperinaim, Physician anil burgeon. Has been located in Nemaha County since 1868. Strict attention paid to all ACUTE and CHRONIC DISEASES. Alllictions of the Ear and Eye skillfully JQSyArtificial eyes always on hand to"X5H A, Suit any size or color. Calls at tended to day or night. OFFICE Northwest corner Court and Second Streets. RESIDENCE Southwest corner Main and 2d Streets, SHERIDAN, NED. aoyi THE CALVERT NEBRASKA f. IS, Paris, Prop. This popular house has been recently opened, and travelers will find every appointment first-class. MARLATT & KING, DKALKHS IN General Merchandise Dry OooiIh, Grocorlrfl.Romly Made Clothing, Hoots, Shoes. lints, Capx, nntl n Qoncriil Ah sortmont of Drills iviul Put out Medicines. Fence posts and wood nhvnys on hand for sale. VS. Highest prloru pnld for butter and ASP1NWALL, NKIIKASICA. Central Hous SIlERIDAft, NEB. I. W. SKIUMAH, PROPRIETOR. Best place in tho city to got a squaro meal. tfi. A. Osborn, G.W.Tayloi Notary Public. Osbobn & Taylor, ATTOKNEYS .and Counselors at Law. Calvert and Brownville. PRACTICE IN THE STATE AND FED ERAL COURTS. Special atteatita (lrea t. c.llectUnj and sale .f REAL ESTATE. PARIS HOUSE, C0I10DEX L. SWAUTZ, 31. 1)., Physician and Surgeon, Bedford, Nemaha Co., Nobr. BOOTS, SHOES, AND HARNESS. Mndo and repaired nn vt nn can t don luiywhern, on short notice, and VERY REASONABLE TERMS, ESTABLISHED IN 1858 OLDEST Real Estate Hgency IN NEDRASltA. Williani U.. Hoover, Door a genera Real EhIiUo Huslnosn, Bolls Lands on CommlHslon, exnnHncH Titles, mnkoH Deeds, Mortgngos, nnd all liiBtru monts portal n I ng to inn transfer of Ileal Eh tnte. Has a Oomplete Abstraot of Titles to all I'.eal Enlnlo In Nemnlin County. F. W. SAMUHLSON, D. ,J. WOOD, President. Cashier. Nemaha County Bank, Calvert, Nebraska, Does a General Banking; Business. Particular Attention Giv en Collections. Monev Loaned on Atov ed Secuity. Exchange on fill parts of IJ. IS. ami Europe. s Armstrong & Scott, PROPRIETORS LIVERY & FEED STftBLE Calvert, Nebraska, GOOD RIGS AT REASONABLE CHARGES. SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS FOR COMMERCIAL MEN. IIorse3 boarded by tho day or week and Farmers' teams fed and cured for at Reasonable Rates. MITIIOIIIZKU UY THK U. S. (10VKUNMKNT First National Bank OF J3T&0 W NVILL M Paid-up Capital, $50,000 Authorized ft 500,000 18 PUEPAIllf'VrO TUANHAOT A) General Banking Busines. BUY AND HEM, COIN & OUKEENOY DRAFTS ail nil the principal cities of Uin United States and Europe MONEY LOANED On approved security only. Time Drafts dlncount ed.aiidHpeclalacconimoclntlonsttraiitfdtodonosIt rs. Dealers In GOVKUNMENT UONDS, STATE, COUNTY & CITY SECURITIES DEPOSITS , Ilecelvod pajrahloonclomnnd.and INTKHE8T a owed on tlmecertlllcntes of deposit. DinECTOrtH.-Wm.TTDen, il. M. rtatloy, M.A Hundley, Prank E. Johnson, Luthur Hoadloy Wra. Fralsher. JOHN L. CARSON, A. It. DAVISON. Cashier. President. J, C. McNaiioiitok, Asst'Cnshler.. INSTATE of Jonas Crono, deceased. Tn tho Lcounty coart of Nemaha county. Nebras ka, In tho matter of nllowlnir tlo Unal ml mlntstrallnn account of Cathorlno H. P, Crane, executrix of tho est Ate o Jonaa Crnno, deceasod. Notlco Ih hereby given that May TZA, A. D. 1882, at 10 o'clock a. m at tjio of. floo of the oountr Judge of Notnnha county, Nobnuilift, In llrownvlllo. NobraBka, has boon fixed by tho court nn tho time and placo for examining and allowing tiald account, when and whoro all pornons Interested may appear and oontost tho Brwno. Dated April Wlh. 1882. wl JOHN B. STULL, County Judgo. Farms, Farms, Farms, FOR SALE 40 BG!"6S, acres, 0 aeres, VW "W UUI VVi SO acres)' cres, 8-0 acres, . aeres, NEofSE305 13 40 acres. SW30 5 13160 acres. W S E 30 5 13 80 acres. In Washington pre cinct. SWNE354 12 40 acres, in Benton precinct. IS Lots in Calvert, . ioen Lots in Calvert. A2STD Residence LOTS IN Sherjian! Church Howe & Son, SHERIDAN, NEB: Res eg Business chrnfihd $dvcrtirer. 8. W. rAlllBROTnER & CO., rroprUtors. CALVEKT, : : NEBUASKA. - i j -i i j i - i ,i in i -. Eatos of Advortisiugi Local Nuticei, firit week, io certti per .line; each subsequent week, 5 centi per line. Display locals, 15 cents per line. Advertisement! on local page, 50 cents per Inch per week. Miscellaneous ads 50 cents per Inch per month. Legal ads at legal rates. local isru'w.;, Soda fiop at A, Palmer's. Patronizo homo industry. Moro local news 011 eighth pago. Tho iuo oroam season approachoth. Small grain looks exceedingly well. See Tom Kiclmrds' ad on last page. Aire. Jesso Jalnes is writing a book. "What do you think of our now side walk? Scarlet fover is raging at Plaits mouth. "Win. Murr, of Brock, called ono day last week. .losiali ltliodes, of TJedford, called Saturday. batnuelson'snew bank building is nearly enclosed. Tho Tcuinseh Torchlirht was 0110 year old last week. Ti.o M. P. II. It. will havo Bovonteon depots in Nebraska. Aaron Palmor will keop ico cream in Calvort this season, t Albert-Dillon's handsome now house is nearing completion. "Wo want a local correspondent in oyory precinct in tho county., Ilon.Jno. L. Carson, of IJrownvillo. spent Tuesday night in the city. T. A. Uailey and George Custer, of this city, spont last Sunday in JJrown ville. . Workiwill bo,commonced on thVndv Catholic church toward tho end of this weok, Tho Massachusetts houso defoated the bill allowing Women to vote for President. Tho South Auburn school, under charge of Miss Dyiis, is progressing satisfactorily. A. II. JilcGee, tho senior of Mo Gee & Moore, camo out from lirown villo Monday ovoniiig. It feels quite lonesome liko since Pal Mooney'a overland Irish mule express has boon discontinued. Tom Richards' agricultural imple ment building is completed, and Tom is receiving his implements, Church Howe's now wind mill, just north of Mr. Kerns' lumber yard in Sheridan, is almost completed. E. K. Salsbury came down from Lin coln Tuesday evening. His appearance and appotito remain unimpaired. A neat awning has, boon put up in front of tho barber shop, meat mar ket and Dillon & Groan's drug store. A good many strangers from differ ent parts of tiio country have been in tho city lately in search of locations. Misses Minnio Mercer and Stella Iletzel, two fascinating young ludlos from Drown villo, paid a brief visit to friends in South Auburn last weok. When you ineetGeorgo Gross, don't make any remarks about the shortness ot his hair. Georgo likes it that way, and it's none of your business, anyhow. Mr. Rose, a thriving farmer of Mon dota, 111., recently purchased two large farms in Bedford precinct, ami will moYO out hero with his iamily in less than a year. T. A. Bailey, who is buying stock at this point, says ho finds rather slim picking through tho countiy, the high pricos lately prevailing having cleaned tho stock pretty well out. Hon. Church IIowo lately sold to Palmer, of Kansas City, three- carloads of cattlo, tho average of which was 1, 488 pounds. It seems to us that thoro is money in cattlo as well as in town lots. Vennor, the Canadian weather man, has just been doliverod of another pro diction, which he claims 1b a forecast of tho weather wo aro to havo this summer. Ho says wo aro to have cold and rains most of tho timo and rains and cold the balance, yen. is a gloomy old croaker, in whoso 'predictions we havo little faith. Canned goods atDovin & Fishor's. D. J. "Wood shipped u car load of brick to Talmago to-day. . Call on Dr. Mossier, Monday or Tuesday May 15-10, if in need of Dental work. T. W. II. Millor and wife, of Tecum sell, voro in the city Tuesday and Wodnosday. . f, Mr. II. D. Smith, representing tho Omaha Republican, paid -Auburn 11 visit last weok. Tracklaying on tho D. & M. to ;Don ver is progressing at tho rato of three inilos per day. t ? Undo Jimmy Olnder has lot tpe con tract to J, D. Dorger for tho erection of a handsome residonco. , Tooth oxtractod without pain-by tho use of Laughing Gas, Dr. Mosslor, at Calvert, Monday and Tuesday, May 15-10. Tim Smith's little girl had her arm badly. cut Wednesday,.having it pushed through a pane of glass in tho school room. Dress Goods in great profusion at Devln & Fishor's. Lawns, Piqitoos, nnd fine Worsteds at remarkably low prices. 1 Dr. Messier, Dentist, of FullsvCity, will visit Calvert May 15-10. 'Tho doctor has a good reputation all over tho west. W, G. Glasgow, Esq., of Peruaccom panied by his big brothor, J. M. Glas gow, of Oxford, Iowa, was at tho HoN drogo hiBt Tuesday. Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Wednes day and Thursday overcoats woro com fortable. Sunday, Wednesday 4and Thursday wore cool and rainy. Wo are sorry to learn of the death of Rov. Air. Shockey, well known in this county. He died of paralysis', in Ozark, Kansas, ono day last week. Devln & Fishor aro on hand with a flno stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, .Roots, Shoes, JhUs and Notions. -Don't fail to call and examine their stock; Linn & Cooper shipped a car load of hogs to Kansas City on Monday. Hogs aro as scarco in thoso pnrts as ugly women, and tho collection of a wllolo car load is quito an event. Of course wo mean a car load of hogsnot women. Whenever you fcol discouraged and out of sorts take a walk or drivo a milo or two out in tho country, and if your caso is not altogether hopeless you will soo that which will brighten your dyes and bring gladness to your heart. It's enough to put lifo in a dead man to see tho way tho crops aro coming on. Mr. Pat Daughorty Is contemplating an extensive tour through tho oast, tho present month. He intends to start for Boston on the loth, slopping wliilo on his way in Chicago and Now York City, and returning home in Juno with his daughter, Miss Katie, who has been visiting in Boston for sovoral years. The attention of D. J. Wopd, A. V. Walsh, and "Scribbler," tho sweet singor of North Auburn, is directed to tho following poetic gem, which wo clip from the Denver Tribune. Tho name of the gifted authoress is Claris sa Molis3a Churchill. Hear her: inecaooage utts upon tne plain Ins green, ma jestic head ; The ripening grain, the purple vine, with a world of garden truck, Come In the golden harvest-time to sustain the miner's pluck. Ah, Canaan! Loveliest village of the Colorado plain, Thy life is agricultural, with slow but steady gain. Dr. Messier has n now stylo of Pivott teeth ho inserts on tho roots of natural teeth. This is a now process, and ono of groat importance. Read tho fol lowing: Falls City, Neiir., May 2d, 1881. I would say to all persons with bad teeth, call on Dr. Messier, and consult him concerning his modes of treating teeth. I had threo teeth, or rather roots of teeth, which 1 considered usoless, but whilo tho doctor was tilling somo other teeth ho called my attention to them. Informing mo ho could pivott to them. I objected, thinking It tho old-fashion ed wooden Pivott, whioh was objec tionable, but this Is an entirely differ ent plan. After tho operation, which was not at all sovoro I felt a slight in convenience for several days, but I now uso them, and do not know I havo a falao tooth in my mouth. 1 rocommend tho doctor, having em ployed him for eight or ten years.' " Rospectf ully Yours, Chas; Stkel,