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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1882)
,1l tlii 0 J .- MM clnivihn fflverifacr. 0. Wt rAIBDROTHER ft CO.. Proprietors. CAIVKUT, i : NEHRASKA. THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1882. LOOAL NKW8.: A. W. Nickoll, rellublo newsdealer, Hrownvillo. A. Ar. Nickoll, reliable druggist. Hrownvillo. . .A.AV. Nickell, tho hookseller. Hrownvillo. For Lumber Jimo and Coal go to .1. V. Kkiink. , Ulank dewlH, notus, moitgages etc., for Halo at this olllco. 'Extra colert if tin AdvirlUter for Hale lit Dillon, Croan &, Co'h. drug storo. Foe Hale C'licun. A liorsu and buggy, by Mib. 0. H. F. Cranb, Hrownvillo. 81000 por yimr dim liu easily tnurie at home working for ti O. ltlriuoiil it Co., 10 Hiiroliiy Htrcol, tfuw York. Hrwl lor tlielr catnloKiiti ii n I full rmrtlculant. IV 1 Money to Loan. Wo can !1U days. choice loans in three OailOUN & TTI.OH. Groceries at Cost. j.W!o "I'o closing out our Groceries at : "COHt, . NK'IyKI.L & SlItMlTH. . Sjiring Patterns at McGee Sf Moore's. Permit no Huh.stltutlon. Insist upon oblaining Floreston 'Cologno. It is pre-eminently superior in permanence and rich delicacy of fragrance An immense stock of dry goods,etc., just 1 arrived at McGee & Moore's. Fdml Colons ICcHtorcd. Faded or gray hair gradually rocoy- ers its youthful color and lustro by x tho use of Parker's Hair Halsam, ah elegant dressing, admired for its purity , and rich perfume. Ploio Shoes at McGee & Moore's. When physicians have made use of . a prescription for years in their pri . vato practice, wiili certain success, it is a duty they owo to mankind to put such remedies within reach of all, and this Is done by "copyright" such is tho case with Dr. Sherman's Prickly Ash Hitters, and they have proved to bo a blessing to mankind. Call and see the new goods at McGee & Moore's. Linn & Cooper. . Calvorl, Neb., are now ready to re ceive grain of all kinds, for which they will pay tho highest market prico Call at tho elevator. J. G. Gasku.l, Manager. A big stock of spring clothing at McGee 8f Moore's. Fine dress goods at J. L. McGee's. Experience the Uvnt Guide. The reaspn why women everywhere use Parker's Ginger Tonlo Is, because they havo learned by experience tho best guide that this excellent medielno overcomes despondency, periodical headache, indigestion, pain in tho back, And kidneys, and other troubles of tho uex.Jlome Journal. A. W. Nickell, tho Erownville Druggist, has just received an immense stock of wall paper, tho most beautiful patterns at 12 cents a bolt. Window curtains all stylos and kinds, and cur tain rollers of most every make. It Ib astonishing how nice a room can be mado with so little money. IIo altjo keeps a full lino of books, both school books, miscellaneous books, ami blank books, writing papers, all kinds iind sizes; envelopes of every Hhado and color., "When you go to Hrownvillo, do not full to call in at'Nickoll's drug and bpok sjtoro, and if ho litis .anything you Svant,ho vill sell It to' yott as lqw us. can bo afforded and you can ilonpml upon tho quality and, of getting exactly what yoh buy. ,Xho!j'oY Whp buy of VlAlrnll will iinW,r'iViri'ftt It'1 - lr ..IIIHIIII OFEETI2TC I -- BY Mrs. E. C. White & Son. Of Millinery, Fancy Goods, Notions, Dress Goods. Ladies and Gents' Fur nishing Goods, etc., Saturday, May J 9th, 1882. All aro invited to call and Inspect tho largest and finest stock of Millin ery, Fancy Goods, Notions and Dress Goods over scon in Nemaha county. Main Street, - - Drowiivlllc. Wuntcd. A good, reliable man and wife to work on farm and do housework. Good wagoj and steady work tho year round. L.H. JjATTlim, Howe. Lawns that defy the heat at J. L. Mc Gee's, Brown yille. Money to Loan. Wo can fill choice loans in three days. OsnoiiN & Tayi.oh. Iluve You Ever Known any person to bo seriously ill without a weak or inactive liver or kidneys? And when these organs aro in good condition do you not find thrir possessor enjoying good health V Par ker's GIncer Tonic regulates these im portant organs, makes tho blood rich and pure, and strengthens every part of tho system. Sco other column. Splendid line of Gents' Manilla hats at J. L. McGee's. A I'ooIInIi Mistake. Don't make tho mistake of confound ing a remedy of merit with-quaok med icines. Wo speak from experience when wo say that Parker's Ginger Ton ic is a sterling health restorative which will do all that is claimed for it. We liavo used it ourselves With tho hap piest results for Hhcumatism and when worn out by overwork. See adv. Times. Boston haked beans at J. L. McGee's. FAINTING, PAINTING. I am now prepared to do all kinds of painting, graining, etc., In a first-class mannor, and at tho following prices: Two con, work, IS cents per yard. Throe coat work, 18 cents por yard. I will do tho work and warrant it for threo years not to crack, scale, or rub off. Get your painting done in a workmanlike manner, by giving mo a call. John Shu'I'en. All wool carpets, cheap, at J. L. Mc Gee's, Brownville. I Mrs. 12, Monalian, of Marysville.Mo., will bo at tho Iloldrego Ilotiso, Calvert, on Monday May 17th, and remain two days. She will bo prepared to treat all forms of eye diseases. II cr treatment is a permanent cure for granulated oye lids and all forms of infiammation of the eyes. Come and seo her. Mrs. Monalian will also ho In Hrown villo on tho 15th of each month. Surgical operations will bo perform ed by Dr. D. C. Wilson, of Maryvllle. A. NO FURNITURE Shelf and Heavy raw re The celebrated Glidden Barb Wire, at Willing Bros. & Jor dan's. Wall Paper. at Nickoll & Shurts. If you want a good photograph or gem, Porn Ib tho place to go to got it. W. I). Abbott, of that place, will take as good a plcturo as you can get in tho State, and at reasonable rates. Do not fail to call on him. Ho will refund th money if you are not initialled. Take Notice h ESTABLISHED 18 7 0. CONOVR BROTHERS, Manufacturer! of the Cenovcr Dro'i Patent Untight Pianos And Wholesale Agents for "Steinwag.V "Chioliering," Kranieh Sc Baoli, liindoman, Fischer and Haines JPiaxios. Publishers of Music 1 f Jobbers in Musical and Mucic Books, Merchandise. CHICAGO PRICES DUPLICATED. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. Cl Main Street, KANSAS CITY, M. LIVERY ! r- --" """W Pr Opposite Lumber Yard, Main St., Urownville, Nebr. GOOD mBIGS REASONABLE RATES. Spocial Accommodations for Commercial Men, -AND- Driver Fnrinshed when desired. Horses boarded by the day or week, and Farmers' teams fed and cared fo at fair rates. Revolving Harrow f TT.2tl.7MT. Tlio Wonder of tlio Nine teenth Century. It Attaches to any Plow. ItjDecrciiKcs tlio Draft of the Plow It will not Choke. It Economizes Labor. It is a Complete Harrow ainlPulver IzcrCoinliliiiMl. Simple in Constructiod ', not Lxpon sire. St)ld by H. I. BRYANT, Prop., Brownville, Neb. Also Manufactured and Sold by J. J. MKIICEII, Hrovtuvllle. S.lli&M lh. dmmI hutMl.ul u ptttnt h.Kurrr aud i IVuiina. far IU And clr-Atlt tNlffllllW. t M.T.r rllato IUtfor Ur.ror Fmlod Ilalrt lU70uUMMlr. SO iti. uJ 1 U. tt .11 Jmnl.U. iS ?gSS? :ar. Wj JiliiltSHIslHliMSJM Olnr.r, llnchu, Mandriko, btlllliiglii na rany of lh bst medicin.s knovm are here com. Uned Into medicine of iuch varied and cfecuve poweri, as to make the Greatest Blood Piiritier&the Btit Hulth and Strenath Restorer Cvtr Used. It cure Dyspepjta, Rheumatism, Sleejiteuneu, all diseases of tlio Stomach, llowels, Luns, Liver, Kidnevs. and all Female Complaints. id all Female Complaints. lfyouarevrajtinz away with Consumption or any disease, use tho TONIC to-uay. it win Mireiy htfpyou. Rememberl It l far superior to Outers, Essences ofGincu and other Tonics, as it builds uo the system without Intoxicating. 50c. andt alies, at all dealers In drugs. None genuine without a lienatureof Hncox&Co.,N V. Send lor circular L UtHQK BAVItta IN DUTIWO Till, uulojih oii. TI1C YVEEKL.Y Nebraska State Journal Has recently been enlarjed to a 5eren Column Quarto, and fitted out with an entire New Dress of Type. It is now the larjest, h.ndsomes!,and The Best Paper for flobroskans published in the Stato. It contains all the news of the week, and is the only pper in the State that jtvesill the Nebraika flews. Subscription vice, $1,50 per year, post-paid, Address, STATE, JOVRNAL CO., Lincoln, Neb W. E. O'PELT, New Store! ZE3I .A. IR, ID HERBEET ANNOUNCES TO THE Citizens of Nemaha County Tlmt 111 is Stock of Hardware I- novr on Hnnri, and that lie i Mow Prepared to fiiniLh anything in tho line of SHELF OR HEAVY HARDWARE, At Price that will Suit. Ilcm.tnbcr that you o" get Agricultural Implements Farm Tools, Stoves, Iron, Nails, Firearms, Ammunition, Etc. A. G003Q M3EM30I,r SXXOiXP 1st Connection with the Store. A Mo. 1 Workman In Charge. Ctiitom work a Specialty. CENTRAL AVEJvUE, SHERIDAN, NEBRASKA. ILMORE & SON Hi i Si i y Sheridan, Neb., Where you will find one of the finest Nemaha County. You will find the nicest SPRING STOCK of CLOTHING for all ages. You will find DRESS GOODS of the latest styles and patterns. You will find a nice line of LADIES' and CHILDREN'S Shoes. You will find an excellent line of BOOTS and PLOW SHOES for Men. You will find a full stock of GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS, etc. You will find one of the nicest store rooms and the most gentlemanly clerks in Nemaha County. We extend a cordial invitation to come and sec us before buying, and we will guarantee that in quality and price we wil suit you. Remember the place, A. H. GILMOHE & BON, SHERIDAN, NEB, TOWN LOTS, Calvert BSavms Recently been Surveyed n tl . Platted ON SECTION 21 and 28, T. 5, R. 14, NEMAHA COUNTY, NEBRASKA, OFFEHS RAHF GUANOES FOR Commercial BUSINESS. The Town is from 1 0 to 25 miles from any other place of importance, THE CENTER OF THE COUNTY, AND SURROUNDED BY THE BEST FARMING LAND IN THE STATE. IS IN LOTS AT LOW FHICES FOR CASH OR ON TIME Aooly to Si A OSBORN, SaSveht? eeassBBBia uuuuujB New Goods! "W .A. IR, El I WILLSON ) stocks of General Merchandise 111 TOWN LOTS. t Mechanics LOTS A -i zr