Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, August 04, 1881, Image 2

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Hog Cholera.
Thoro having boon n largo amount of
money expended by the Government
and by individuals in order to stay tho
ravages of tho disease known as hog
cholera, with evidently hut little suo
oohh, and presuming that anything look
ing towards a rational treatment of the
disease will bo acceptable to your read
era, I Hcnd yon thin for publication if
you think it merits a place in your
The suggestions and recipe for tho
treatment of the disease are the result
of ton years' careful observation of
cholera in tho great hog belt whore tho
disease Is seen in all Its many forms.
Without any comment on the various
theories of what the ilisonio is, fat least
for the present) or the numberless nos
trums alloat for its cure. 1 will give
such general direction for tho manage
ment of hogs infected with the disease
'ind also the combination of medicines
found most effectual in my hands and
that of others, of staying the ravages of
this most fatal scourge.
In the first place hogs attacked with
cholera must havoconstautoaro, if any
one expects to control the disease and
save the hogs.
Throwing thorn such food as liuppons
to come to hand, or giving any medi
cine that is on trial in such a way that
they may get it or not, trusting to luck
for tho result, will end in tho loss of tho
hogs. On the contrary, they should bo
protected from the sun in summer and
the cold storms in winter, and not be
allowed to congregate In largo num
bers so as to become overheated, and
bo ohanged, if possible, to fresh quar
ters every two or three days.
They must bo shut away from all
water in cold weather, except such as
is given them in their troughs witli
their food anil medicine. I'or food
Lhev should have thin slop, and all
grain should bo withheld till they are
well recovered, bhorts ami a little
clean middlings or boiled potatoes
mashed in their drink, or dishwater, is
the best.
This thoyshould have regularly three
limes a day with a little salt in it, and
in such (piautities as that they will eat
it all up and not leave it standing in
their troughs to decompose
Tho sick ones should be separated
from tho apparently well ones, that
they may have extra care, though overv
hog in the lot should have (he medicine
once a day. Tho sicker ones should
have it throe times a day in moderate
quantities with their slop.
Each hog at tho outset should have
from one to two ounces of Glaubers
Baits dissolved in tho tood, and shoats
in proportion to their ago; and this
should bo repeated every night and
morning till the bowols.jire well cleared
of their unhealthy contents, and witli
tho salts, enough of the tollowlng mix
turo to color their drink slightly, say a
pint to a hundred head, varying tho
amount according to tho ago, giving
more if t'.io disease is sovero. Wlion
past drinking they can sometimes bo
saved by drenching them with a table
spoonful of tho mixture witli a little
water every morning and night, being
careful not to strangle them. Hero is
tho rooipo 1 have found most olloctual
in mollifying, controlling and curing tho
disease, and it may bo given witli great
benolit as a preventive: Hydrochlorato
of ammonia, two pounds; chlorate of
polasso, one pound; dissolve in one cal-
lou of hot water, and when cool add
ono pound or pint of tho best muriatei
tincture of iron. This mixture shouh
never lie made or kept in any metallic
vessel or mixed with milk when given.
A careful and thorough use of this
remedy, coupled with the use of tho
salts as indicated above, oontinuiiiir tho
salts occasionally if the bowels are not
free, will with almost a certainty save
from one-half to throe-fourths of the
hogs liwt by cholera.
Il will be noticed 1 hat all tho ingre
dients in tins mixture contain chlorine,
and are standard remedies for the dis
eases of the human subject closely allied
to what is called cholera in hogs. At
Homo future time 1 may have something
to say as to what the disease is, etc.
in tho last ten years I have bred anil
fed quite a largo number of hogs in a
district where cliolera is prevalent, and
have not Jost twenty dollars worth from
either that or other diseases. Cor.
Western Mural.
Itotauy en tho Farm.
Thoro is no bottor place to study bot
any titan on the farm, and likewise
thoro aro few occupations in which
botanical knowledge is more useful
than in farming. Kvery cultivated
plant and weed on the farm has its
history, comprising its sciontilie and
common names, native country, uses,
properties and tho position it holds in
tho vegetable world. If it bo true that
' knowledgo is power," then to know
plants wollis to give the cultivator tho
power oitlior to improve or destroy
them. It is certainly strange that so
few fnrmors over look upon the subject
in this light, or oven fool tho need of
any botanical knowlor'go whatever,
whilo handling audculti .tting the very
plants about which they should know
as much or moro than any one elso. It
is true that wo have thousands of farm
ers who have raised wheat, corn, oats
and other kinds of grain all their lives,
and have novcrknown that these plants
had any other names except the vulgar
ones employed on tho farm or in tho
markets; and whilo it is not absolutely
necossary that tho cultivator should
know their botanical names in order to
rn'so thorn successfully, this is nover
tlioloss the starting point in acquiring
a knowledgo of their history and prop
erties. Merely growing a crop is not
nil that a farmer should know about it,
for thoro is much more to bo learned
tijat may bo both interesting and proiil-iii
A knowledge of tho stiucturo of
plants, howitfioya grow and why, the
form, and di Here tit parts of their flow
ers; how now varieties aro raisod by
turning anil hybridising iti' fact, Jo
know wliv varieties of corn mix so read?
ily while wheat, Oats and peas do it sol- J
dom - would bo the opening of a now
and advanced era in the lives of the
great majority of farmers. Tho wide- i
hprcad beliet in the transmutation of j
ono species of grain into another, or tho i
spontaneous generation of certain spe- ;
cies of weeds could not exist among
men who know even tho rudiments of
botanical science. Furthermore, a very
little botanical knowledge would pro
tect the farmer from hundreds of swind
lers who palm oil' upon him seeds and
plants which never existed, or which if
they do exist, are well known to the
botanical student as old and worthless.
It is not, however, altogether in tho
way of profit that We urge tho study of
botany by overv farmor's son and daugh
ter, for thoro is a ploasuro in knowing
a tiling when you see it which frequent
ly brings a compensation equal in value
to dollars and cents, although not ex
actly in that form. Wo aro also in
clined to think that a farmer who knows
just how to go to work in order to cross
two varieties of grain or vegetables in
his garden, and can recognize and name
tho diHeront organs in any (lower ho
meets in his dally labors, will not only
take more interest in his work, but will
accomplish moro and do it better ami
with less bodily fatigue than if ho was
entiroly ignorant of such matters.
It is not a diflicult matter t(ybtain a
moderate amount of botanical knowl
edge on the tarm unaided by a teacher.
Almost any of tho common text books
will accomplish the task.
The next thing after obtaining a
treatise on botany is to prepare for col
lecting specimens, for thoro aro few
persons who can remember tho names
and characteristics of tho different
species from ono or two brief examina
tions, even witli tho book in hand. To
II x the names and characters in the
memory, as well as to have the speci
mens at hand for future use, it is neces
sary to preserve them in what is called
an herbarium. Now, this, herbarium
may bo a very elaborate affair or a cheap
and simple one, but the novice had bet
ter commence in a simple way, and
when his collection is worthy of it,
change his specimens, and put them up
in better stylo. To begin with, get
some ordinary letter paper, foolscap
size, upon which to fasten witli slips of
paper the dried plants when ready.
The professional botanist provides him
self with portfolio boxes for carrying
plants, knife, trowel, etc., but on" tho
farm these eau be dispensed with.
When the specimens of plants to bo
preserved aro gathered, they should bo
in their most perfect condition, usually
when in full bloom, and if not too largo
the root should bo loft attached to the
stem. As soon as collected, or before
thov have wilted or booomo dry, place
the specimens between sheets of paper
and add moderate pressure to keep thorn
in good shape, as well as to oxpol tho
juices. Old newspapers will answer
for drying papers, but thicker unsized
paper is better, although almost any
kind will answer. Change the papers
daily, or have enough to allow of chang
ing, leaving the first to dry and bo ready
for use tho following day. When the
specimens have become thoroughly
dried, fasten one specimen on each
sheet of the foolscap, writing tho com
mon and botanical name underneath,
and adding tho date of collection ami
locality if desirable. If the specimens
aro nioroly fastened to the sheet bv nar
row bands or slips of paper laid ovor
thorn, they can bo readily removed at
any future time, either to bo roplacod
by now and better ouos, or changed to
other paper.
Now, the novico in collecting plants
may ask: How am I to know their
names? True, but suppose he begins
at tho bottom of the ladder and works
up slowly. Wo will suppose ho lias a
botanical treatiso at hand, and starts
out for his first plant. Lot it lie a dan
delion. Now, if ho looks in tho index
for tho name, ho will lind it with its
botanical name, and tho reason why it
has such a uanio. Then lot him look
for red clover in the samo way, and
probably ho will bo surprised to ffcud
that the clovers aro not 'grasses," but
aro closely allien to tho poao of our
gardens. Then, stop bv step, without
spending more than a leisure moment
now and thon. a moderately good her
barium will bo made. Tho grasses
should not bo overlooked, and if tho
boy and girl cannot go further than to
presorvo good specimens of timothy,
red top, orchard grass, and bluo grass,
it will bo a commencement, ami will
rivo thorn a "rood idea of how lure
collection of these useful plants loo"ks
when preserved for scientific study.
Wheat, oats, ryo, millet and corn, in
all their varieties, belong to tho grass
horbarium, and a goodly number of
varieties can do .-ocurod m almost any
iioigborhood, not forgetting that groat
bugbear of ignorant farmers, chess,
cheat, or by whatever vulgar name it
may lie known. Moreover, thoro is
more than ono species of chess, which
few fanners sooin to know. N. Y.
Tho rish Commissioners of Maine
havo adopted a plan for marking voung
salmon in order to obtain information
in regard to their development and mi
gration. Knoh lisli has fastened to it a
light metal tag with a number on it,
and several hundred have been sot freo
in tho Penobscot River. W hoover
catolies a marked salmon in any of tho
Maine rivers is requested to send oitlior
the fish or tho label, together with all
information in regard to the fish, to tho
State Commissioners.
--Ithouiuatic trout has attacked tho
I eyes of Mr. Wilkio Collins.
Crossed the Dark llivcr.
''Two nights ago at midnight," said
Brother Gardner to tho Limekiln Club,
" I saw Br udder Knn Jones tnko loavo
pf itirth jw cross do dark ribbor. Do
olo man had bin' ailin' fur weeks, an' ho
was ready to go, When his eyes looked
undor do dark cloud of death an'
cotched sight of do aiges of Heaven, ho
gathorod liis friends aoout him, an' wo
sot bosido him when his life wont out.
If dar am a man in dis hall who be
lieves will Bob Jngersoll ho should have
bin dar whon do soul of dat poo1 olo
black man began slippin' away from its
homo of clay. What brought do smilo
of joy to do olo man a faqoP What put
do look of blessed satisfackshun in his
oyo? Why did ho welcome do comin'
of dat sloop which knows no waking'
till de blast of de trumpet turns nlrth
into I'aradiso?
" Way down in de rice fields of Lou
isiana lies do body of his olo wifo. Dat
smile of joy was bo'n at do thought of
mectin' her at do gates of Hoaven. In
a green lano in Georgia lies do dust of
his first bo'n chile. Dat look cum to
his oyes whon ho realized dat bofo' do
morrow ho would fold dat boy in his
arms. Indoy'arsof do long ago doy
took his darter away, an' ho has nebber
heard from her since. When ho
thought of do blqsscd family reunion
up dar' behind the gates of gold his
face wore sich a look dat wo could
al in os" h'ar do music of do harps. Toll
mo of some unbeliever who has died dat
way! Toll mo of a scolfor who lias let
go of life will a smile on his face! All
de wonts of all do infidels on airth could
not have shaken de faith of dat poo' old
man. Ho could not read, but ho could
pray. Ho could not writo, but ho could
hopo. .Jist botV do bells struck mid
night, we saw his smilo brighten, an'
he pinted wid Ins linger into distance.
Shall I toll you what do old man saw?
He saw beyond do curtain which hangs
between life an' eternity. Ho saw
legions upon legions an' hosts upon
hosts murchiu' down to de dark ribbor.
He saw boyaud dat. He saw tie sun
light on do odder slio'. Ho heard
music. Ho saw de wifo an' chiU'on of
odder days, an' when (ley held out doir
arm to him ho whispered to us: 'Hoy
is callin' doy is cabin', ' an' he sunk
away widou't oven a sigh." Detroit
Free Press.
Hints About Hair.
Hair wears lighter, and is changed by
perspiration; hence, in selecting false
Jiair, it should bo dark enough to begin
with. Tho hair on the temples and
forehead is lighter than that further
back, and to bo well matched requires
lighter additional hair that that chosen
for a switch. Brushing is tho best stim
ulant for the hair, and should be done
twice a day; fifty strokes in tlie morn
ing, and again in the evening, passing
the baud ovor tho hair occasionally be
tween strokes, is yommondod by ladies
who have retained handsomo hair be
yond middle ago. The ends of tho hair
should bo clipped once a month to keep
it thick and even. To do this thor
oughly, tho hair should bo taken up in
tresses, and a comb drawn through each
tress, beginning at tho roots and doub
ling tho hair around tho comb, so that
in passing tho short ends will bo seen,
and can bo clipped. To prevent tho
hair falling out after an illness, six
incues Hiiouid bo cut oil eaeli month.
Tho cheap hair of which so nnioli is sold
is usually unwholesome stuff; it is not
always real hair, and, it genuino. is not
taken from the heads of living porsons;
finally, it dues not prove to be cheap,
for it is unclean, easily mats and snarls,
and is so brittle that It does not wear
well, or olo so stiff that it is unwieldy;
honco it is not oheap at any price. To
test the quality of tho hair, rub tho ends
of the switeli between the lingers, and,
if good, it will fall away out of tho hand
entirely; but if of inferior quality, it
will snarl and mat together. A micro
scope may also bo used to siiow if tho
ends of tho hair aro turned tho wrong
wiy. Harper's Bazar.
Tho Mojiire Desert.
About two o'clock in tho morning, as
tho Southern Pacific train runs south
ward, tho Mojavo Desert is reached;
and hero the crumbling "skeleton of
nature lies lionoloss of burial and
bleaching in tho sun." No pen can de
scribe the utter desolation of this re
git hi. On evory side is a howling wil
derness of rook and drifting sand; and
tho only vegetation is a stunted species
of sage brush and tho Yucca palm. This
latter tree is tho glory of the desert, and
sometimes attains a diameter of from
two to throe feet and a height of from
forty to fifty foot. The trunk termi
nates in stumpy brandies, each having
at tho extreme end a tuft of dajzeor-
shaped leaves, with adarkgroonfohago
bristling in tho most irritable manner,
and the whole presenting an appear
ance than which nothing moro gro
tesque can be conceived. Evon this
product ot tho desert has its uses, for,
tho bark being removed, tho trunk is
utilized in making paper. It is crushed
into a pulp, and afterward taken to a
mill near San Jose and manufactured.
It is especially adapted for making a
superior class of banknote paper, which
proves to bo firm and smooth and of
great durability. In tho midst of tills
dosort is tho only eating station bo
twoon tho San Joaquin Valloy and Los
Angeles. The water is carried in pipes
from a spring ten milos distant; and
tho butter, spring ehiokons and other
provisions are brought from points be
yond the mountains. Tho station is
tho distributing point for several min
ing camps situated at considerable dis
tances from the railroad, and accord
ingly a numbor of stores and shops aro
also in successful operation. Chicago
It is reported that Prof. Huxloyjia
coming1' to tho StdTosonan angling
tour.? '-"" ft A
Jarbd Bassett of? North Haven,
Conn , has and wears Iwclvb silver but
tons made in 1741. Had the money
which they cot been invested at that
time, tho intcrost added to tho principal
would have niailo them wortli $1,701 at
tho present time.
Among recent valuablo additions to
tho British Museum uro some raro
Mexican books, including a fow of tho
earliest productions of tho Spanish
American press, which belonged to tho'
President of tho Emperor Maximilian's
first Ministry, Don Jose Fernando
Harper's Magazine prints a long
and interesting letter from Hawthorne,
written in 1851, in which ho spoaks
hopofully of beimr able at no very dis
tant day to buy a quiet and eomfortablo
little homo somewhere near tho sea for
$1,500 or $2,00J. Literary men nowa
days aro hardly, so modest in thoir oxv.
poctntions. ', "., ? ', i
A lady, Miss Mary Robinson, iat
t.i .. i.jt n. .. ji. i.iifii. ;.... ,
Sho has trained herselt in classic Greek
until sho knows tho language bottof
than a profossor, and translates it into
flowing English as correct as Robert
Jrowning's aud moro intelligible. Her
original work also shows signs of great
promise, both lyric and dramatic.
Madame Carla Sorona, a travolor
well-known abroad, has been visiting
tho most remote countries of tho East
during the past fow years and lias writ-,
ton a narrative of her journey which is":
printed in twelve volumes. " Madame
Carla Serena is tho only lady who has
been made an honorary mombor of all
tho principal Geographical Socioties of
Tho Paris Gaulos represents a
passor-by as inquiring, at tho funeral of
Littro: " Who is this Littro?" and gives
the various replies as follows: A woman
--" Ho was the ugliest man in Paris."'
A young man--"Ho was a comical chap,
who pretended that wo aro descended
from the monkov." A business man
" He was tho author of my dictionary."
A priest- "Ho was a savant." An
idler--" Ho was a worker." A friend
"Ho was a simple-hearted and good
man, who lived between his wifo and
his daughter, both devoted to him."
The incoino of Jon Thorlaksou, tho
poet and preacher of Iceland, was less
than six pound" a year. He, in com
mon with other pastors, had to eko out
a support by all kinds of hard labor.
Ho was a blacksmith; ho mado hay and
tended cattle, aud, no doubt, was willing
to follow any honest calling, to koep
himself and family from actual starva
tion. But, notwithstanding hi3 misera
ble surroundings and his life of drudg
ery, Thorlaksou. at tho ago of seventy
years, finished a translation of Milton's
" Paradise Lost," having previously
translated Pope's "Essay on Man" into
Condensed handbook for picnics
this season Carry ulsters, umbrellas,
rubber overcoats; and, bv the way, take
a kerosene stove to warm tho butter so
'twill spread. New Haven Register.
- How is this for a threo-ycars-old?
An old man was passing the houso,
Sunday, taking exceedingly short stops.
Tho Httlo ono'Tooked at him for several
minutes and thon cried out: "Mamma,
don't ho walk stingy?" Springfield
Little Johrny had boon caught by
his aunt teasing a fly. "Johnny, saiil
sho, "supposing some great "beast a
thousand times bigger than yourself
should tease you and porliaps eat you
all up?" "I hope," said Johnny, "he'd
fool as bad as I do when I swallow a
lly. ' ' Boston Transcript.
A man who was fishing for trout in
the Tionosta years ago, so tho story
runs, caught his hook on a bag of gol'd
and brought it safely to shoro. As lie
looked at tho gold he sadly said, "Just
my luck; never could catch any fish."
Oil City Derrick.
Young man, bowaro of stock and
grain speculations! If yoti want an
"option'' that is safo, got tho option to
tho hand of a good, sensiblo girl of
marriageable ago, and put up a lot and
a neat little cottage as a margin. It
will bo tho grandest speculation you
over made, aud will bring you big
profits. You can stako your last dollar
on that and bo safo. Burlington naioc
cyc. Small Harry had novor scon a bass
viol, and when his eyes lighted on ono
at a public rehearsal one day, ho natur
ally thought it the most enormous
lidillo ho ovor bohold. Ho was full of
questions and exclamations about it.
Harry's excitement reached tho highest
pitch when the owner of the instru
m out seized and began to tunc it. Tho
little follow roso from his soat in his
eagerness, his eyes stretched to their
widest extent. Tho performer
thrummed, and boomed and twanged
awhile, got tho viol tuned to his liking,
leaned it against a chair and sat down
oneo more. Small Harry sank into liis
seat with a deep sigh of disappointment
and sympathy, oxclaiming: "Ah, mam
ma, ho can't do it!" Boston Courier.
In England a first-class telegraph
clerk under the presout system may,
witli good luck and good conduct com
bined, after oighloon years service,
raise himself to a pecuniary pinnacle
whereby ho would bo entitled to a sal
ary of ijpjo por annum. Tho wages of
a third-class elork eommonco at sixteen
shillings por week, and riso by gradual
increments to tho sum of twonty-soyou
shillings; and yet tlioy aro not happy,
and, like Oliver Twist, " aro asking for
Unrlal Expenses.
Is ThoveypTny vocation which is Tiot
dpon to yrauian? . In Philadelphia thoro
;is a ladyniulortakcr at least there is a
lady who'has undertaken to "learn the
business." tSho has been taking les
sons in tho'Orphans' Court, and a lec
ture which was road to her by Judge
Hannnis interesting, not only to under
takers throughout tho oountry, but also
to executors and administrators and to
heirs and legatoos. A young unmarried
woman died,, leaving as hor estate a
share in a dwelling houso 'worth about
$700; also, a brother and sister, who
naturally wero entitled to inherit. An
aunt of tho deceased with whom sho
had resided confided tiio arrangements
for the funeral to tho "lady undertaker"
without consulting tho brother and sis
ter, or imposing any restrictions on tho
amount to bo expended. On the con
trary, sho said: ''You need not sparo
any oxpenso; for though thoro is no
money now, it will bo all right after
awhile." A lavish display was accord
ingly mado. But when tho bill of tho
, undertaker was rendered the brother
and sister objected that so much expense
was wholly disproportionate to tho -small
amount of tho estate. And the
Court sustained tho objection, and cut
tho bill down from $351 to $100. At
last accounts tho undertaker was look
ing for tho aunt with a view to friend
ly conversation as to payment of tho
Sarcasm is not comniqn in court opin
ions, and is therefore the moro pungent
when thoro found. Judge Hanna, after
explaining that it is tho duty of tho ex
ecutor or administrator to bury the de
ceased, but that only a reasonable and
modorato sum, proportioned to tho
value of the property left and consist
ent with tho rights and interests of heirs
or legatees, will bo allowed in tho set
tlement of the estate, criticised what
had been done very severely:
"In this caso the undertaker was au
thorized to uso her own pleasure, and
she acted with tho most commendable
regard for her own interest. Sho fur
nished an qlegant casket, covered witli
black cloth, for the no doubt moderate
price of $175; tho remains of tho de
ceased wero tastefully shrouded at a
cost of $50; an array of ton carriages
convoyed tho admiring neighbors and
little family of ono brother and two sis
ters to tho last resting place at n cost of
$;)0; black plumes, mourning bands and
gloves; and, lastly, unfortunately for
tho heirs, it was "forgotten to add tho
economical, but highly fashionable ad
monition, ' Friends' arc requested not
to send ilowers,' to the notico in tho
public press, and tho corpse of tho poor
girl, whose little patrimony was fast dis
appearing, was garlanded with flowers
at a cost of $10, and at a cost of $354.44
sho was borno to her grave. Such
wholesale spoliation cannot be counte
nanced. It is contrary to law, theV
teaching of religion and tho mandates
of its ministers, and must bo severely
i-opriinauiled. S
I ho press has of ton, in terms less se
vere but sufficiently distinct, reproved
tho tendency toward wasteful expendi
ture at funerals, especially in largo
cities Those who aro spending their
own money cannot, of course, be con
trolled. But lot it bo fully understood
that expenditure for which an executor
or administrator expects to bo reim
bursed from the estate is controlled by
law, and must positively bo limited to
what is economical and prudent. N.
Y. Tribune.
The Most Beautiful Snake Story or the
Mr. II. T. Poole, well-known as one
of Polk County's trustworthy citizens,
lias a boy near tho ago of throe years,
that has boon unusually backward
about learning to talk, but has acquired
tho urt of emleavoringto be understood
by means of signs, such as pointing liis
linger at such objects as happen to gain
his attention. About two weeks ao,
while a lady friend was calling upon frs.
Poole, the child's peculiar actions led
his mother to believe that something
unusual had been receiving his atton
tion, and as soon as her company had
disappeared sho was led to make an in
vestigation. Following tho child in the
yard and to tho corner of tho house,
she watched tho little one. stoop low
and crawl undor tho floor, wlioro its
attontion was soon seemingly drawn to
some object well back in tho corner oJ
the brick underpinning.
Led now by a deep curiosity, the
mother herself crawled beneath tho
lloor sulKoientiy to acquaint horself
with tho situation, and the' sight that
mot hor gazo almost froze her blood.
In a perfect coil, as though prepared to
combat soino formidable foe, with head
erect, lay a lingo serpent, with the little
child rubbing its hands gently over its
bodv. The sement. ilk thnmrli mmpionii
of tho child's ignorance of tear and in
tending no harm, would gently move
its head asido when the hand of the
child passed near it. Mrs. Poole, as
quick as possible, aftor realizing tho
awful situation, drew tho child away
and directed some negro -women to
drag tho serpent out and kill it. With
a hoo tlioy soon brought it out, but it
quickly began to show light, onco jump
ing its full length at those seeking to
slay it. It was dispatched, however,
and proved to bo of that dangerous
specimen known as tho highland moc
casin. It was moro than half as lar"o
as a man's wrist, and measured nearly
three feet in length.
It is supposed tho child had been
fondling tho snake for some whilo, and
who, possessing a knowledgo of tho
reptilo s dangerous character, will at
tempt an answer to tho query : Why
was ho spared tho poisonous fatn's" .
Cedar villc (Ga.) Advertiser. n '
Sho is a wiso woman who wears hor
boststockmgs in muddy weather.
i 4