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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 23, 1880)
i t w u ft V I tM fc I r y- '( 4 I 1 -fi THE ADVERTISER Gr. W. Fairbrotlier & Co., Publlihcri fc Proprietor-. Subscription, $2.00 Per Year in. Advises. OFFICIAL PAPER-OF THE COUNTY. Sitting Bull is alxmt to surrender his whole cr.nip to the government. Gen. Howard has been placed in charge of the West Point military school Schofield removed. Itemarkes an exchange: If Hancock had been elected does anybody believe the Democratic papers would now be urging a civil service reform law? at Thompson, Secretary of the Xavy, . lias resigned. The Secretary of War will take charge of the Xavy affairs during the balance of this administer tionr The President has approved the bill auUtorizing the secretary of the interi or to dispose of part of the Fort'Dodge inf.Ua-y reservation to actual settlers under the provisions of the homestead laws. Kellev, of Pennsylvania, the oldest member of the House, in length of ser vice, has announced himself a candi late for Sjwikerof the fortysscvenlh 'ongress. .fudge Kelly will make a strong nice. . s v - , 9 f m . Inter ftiiitn: Temperance workers an well take knowledge of the fact that liquors of all kinds, including wines, aro of late seldom seen upon the tables or sideboards at any of the Jashionahle receptions. Cultured peo ple have come to the conclusion that wine is not an essential of hospitality. Senator Bayard, during the late polit ical campaign, in one of his speeches, where he thought it would" not bo re ported, lied about Senator Conkling; mid now, when Conkling takes him to t:ik about it, Ifciyard is lying to get out f it. We used to think Bayard w:is ;tn honorable exception to tho average Democratic statesmen; but we gqess they are nil alike. Tlie "Lincoln Globe, swears that Church Howe lias no friends, that he will not get a voJe for Speaker, nor a :i vote f""r S; ritor. that he has no t'hanee for even :i place on committees, and that he is a generally and badly UMid up man: and yet it daily gives him iintre attention than any other man in the State. Such inconsistency leads one to suspect the Globe's sani iv or hone.srv. Representative MeConl. of Iowa, iiitnxlucrd in the House a bill t regu late couune.n-e by railroad between States. Jt provides, among other thi:igs, for arbitrary hchedulcs of rates for the transportation f freight and passeii jjers. and prohibits, -under penalty. :ill combinations or. pools Ui defeat competition, reliates, discriminations, or faihutjs to furnish facilities, to other Iuterecting or connecting roads. Tho demand of the times is for some such a law. Bills have been introduced in the Senate and House, by the reprraeuta-4 lives of Colorado, for the retirement of small legal tender notes-fluid providing that in place of legal tender notes of tlenominationjT less than five dollars, which liiay l)c hold in the treasury when hercaf tic presented for redempt- aTrecrelafy of the treasury shall tuuisaistitute notes ot toe :ter, but of higher dchomi- to the amount as liearlv as practicable of the standard silver dol V m lars coined dnriug that month, and that no more legal tender tender notes of lower denomination than five dollars shall bo printed. Tho Crete Shmdnnl expresses the apparently cindid opinion thai rail roads aro "the worst enemy the people of Nebraska have to contend with." It is strange how people will differ, ven from the same standpoint of ob servation. What would Crete have been without her railroads. The Stan finnl will shudder to think of it. And Lincoln, Kearney, Hastings, and all the nice towns along the 1). & M. and 1. P. and the vast settlements through out the western portion of the State; and the homesteads, and pre-emptions and. cheap liuids. the settlement, tho growth., the utilization of which, were inado possible only by railroads. Why the railroads breathed into Nebraska the breath of life, and she (became a living commonwealth, her whole sys tem pulsating, by reason of the rami fication of her iron veins, with the vigor of industry and commerce. Yet, weak, unreasoning individuals will pcold, and croak'about passenger fares, and .freight tariffs, ami the "coal fam ine," and frighten the ignorant with the cry of "monopoly," and ungrateful ly declare that the enterprise and capi tal which redeemed their very homes from buffalo wallows ami the prairie dogs, are "the worst enemies of Nebras ka." Give us more of "the enemy to contend with," says The advertiser, in the interest of the people. The witnesses in the Olive also have all been s pi rued out of the way, and now since the 10,0m) stato r.ppropria tion is used ui it is not probable that .t..i ..,. rrntinfil ll-itl I'lL'n VftfV w saiiu "-s5. ibKbjT.; jurCt" -,.. .; ;,it.v:wt in H runner A miir- f(--7 .. -deArfwith $20,000 will never hang in Nebraska. If he has S40,ooo lie gees " vcrV little punishment, and if he is worth $(50,000 he Is turned free. Lin ruin Globe. If there is any sense in the closing paragraph of the above, it means that the Judges of the Supreme Court of Nebraska in making up their opinion which granted Olive a new trial, :01ive's sixty thousand dollars w:is the AmotIve iower that moved them to that . .decision. Wc lack words to express thejheightand depth and length and J breadth of our contempt for the miser- 4Vable hypochondriac that conveys to the puhtip ear such an insinuation; charg- , hS He indirectness maces it the more i .-m m jbe-s nw mv VWB.-Klll JrmwmUJkJrm Ml m . I II W I IWAI'H ' . I K V amm- amH H LLL. V I mmmH ammH .x . H I 1 1 mmmH amH KZssi&t- . A VLLLLHLY . I emB H , y H. V f amH I amH i .LH L. LH V I Mv i - ESTABLISHED 1856. i Oldest Paper is the State. J j 5 cowardly our purest men with cor- ruplionof the worst character. What does the Globe editor know about the law and judiciary applicable to the Olive case? Xoilfng of course. But a flip pr.nt publication is thrown outr.s if the person.ges to be affected were polhouse politicians, and thus a crime is com mitted against the good name and dig nity of the State. The Republican Union of Missouri colored men have issued the following call for a Xutional convention: The negroes have readied a signifi cant junctui e m citizenship. The hour is propitious for advancement in that citizenship. Our vote is a:i indispen sable factor. It cm grant triumph or secure defeat. It should receive tljel respect one its power, jviiaioverjs less is not dignity of citizenship. What ever is less than citizenship j's peonage and serfdom. With our party in pow er our advancement should be assured. Wise counsel and prompt action is re quired. In an entire section the new amendments wee practically abrogat ed; labor is unretmmer.ited; life and property insecure; terrorism prostrate.? the American people. With a view to the importance of these great questions and 'opportunity to make representa tion of our case, the republican union of Missouri urgently call upon the pa triotic and public spirited negro men of the Tnited States to assimble in council at Washington City, March 3d, 1SS1-, The Journal, this morning publishes its diagram of the senatorial position, and we regret to notice that it gives to Church Howe the .severest cut he has yet received. Tho JournaTs diagram is after the form of a hog. and poor despised Church Howe has but the tail. Whilst the diagram may and no doubt does represent exact1; his position in the nice he deserves better treatment at the hands of that paper. Lincoln Globe. We looked at that diagram, and the Ulol' is correct, except as its interpre tation thereof. The erudite (!ere wouldn't be caught making a mistake about a hog's tail; and there is no one knows better than he that the tail of an airimal is its only member that "nourishes," and that it is proverbial that the tail often wags the balance of tho hog. Uiilly for Gere, if he is good for an;, tiling it is at making Senatorial diagrams. Tin: Advertiser is not advocating t ie election of Judge Dundy, to the Scnato as some of the papers are stat ing. It is not advocating anybody, es pecially. There is not a candidate ment'o.ied whose election would grieve us. We "j0ttieTtime ago said we be lieed Dundy jvas.Jlie coming man, and we still think so; and while we would le well satislied with his elec tion, either Paddock, or Nance, or Mason, or Vay Wyck, or well, that's enough and we don't care which one has the longest pole. They all are stalwarts, we believe. The scheming for Gov. Nance to be V. S. senator at the expense of Senator Paddock is cropping out every day. Republics are not the only things under the sun which are ungrateful. The Fremont Tribune gives the whole plan away as follows: "If the real truth was known, and it dared to be spoken, wouldn't the nuisses of the peoplo of the state be better pleased with Nance for senator?" TAncoln Globe. The GloW noses around enough to have got a snifter of a very large rat long before this. "Young America" is inscribed on the winning banner. Church Howe, that "moss" back ce lestial from tho tropics from Nemaha is now editing the llrownville Adver tiser. Llii'vln Globe. (), no, gentlemen of the Globe. Wash Fairbrotlier is editor of Tin: Adver tiser, and he doesn't need any help to keep you fellow's on the nigged edge. Your Nemaha informant has lied to you again, or elso you lie from habit, and sheer desperation. Gum amine dissolve in whisky will keep the hair curled in damp weather. Exchanffli. A little sugar dissolved in it has a similar effect on the legs. John B. Gough. A bill appropriating $1,800,000 for the improvement of tho Mississippi r'ver has been reported in the House. Henry Williams was recently . killed and robbed at Ludlow, Ky. Iron is fast becoming one of thenost important products of the South. The annual product of pig iron in Georgia now amounts to 100,000 tons, and the ores of Alabama and Tennessee are considered more profitable to work than theBritfcdi ores of Cleveland. The iron industry is receiving increased at tention in Virginia, and other portions of the South als'. The wisest Democrats in Congress already seo that their party has made another grievous blunder, "in pushing revolutionary political measures ahead of legitimate business. It will 'not be strange if the electoral measure is drop ped at an early day. The Republican party is not in a condition to be ball dozed. Inter Ocean. "Stick to one thing,"' says the New York Herald, "until it is done, and well done." The man who wrote that must have been iuspired by watching the tenacity of purpose which inspires a spoonful of tar on a pine board, doing its level best to overshadow the bright prosperity of the after guard of an un wary pair of linen pantaloons. There are over a quarter of a million of recipients of pensions in the United States. Commissioner Bentley esti mates that $r0,000,000 will be required to pay them for the current year. The reduction in interest on the pub lic debt, effected during the past year, is shown by the rejiort of the Treasur er of the "United States to have been S21,090,OC0. m - to WMMTmirz m mm TB&-' m mm atihai y7 iha PW-WrWW f!WAWAWr - SELECT TELEGRAMS. A HORRIBLE FATE. St. Louis, Dec. 14. A special from Independence, Mo., last night says that Mrs. James Jones, wife of a wealthy farmer. wa3 trying to fill a lighted lamp with kerosene, when both lamp and can exploded, causing the almost instant death of her two children, aged respectively six years and ten months. Mrs. Jones was burned so terribly that she died in a few hours. ANOTHER EXPLOSION. Bradford, Fa., Dec. 14. A fire in Olean to-night destroved the Buffalo house, and the Exchange restaurant and three other buildings, besides Mer ritt's Block occupied by several firms and six families. It is reported that one woman and two children were, burned. The fire was caused by the explosion of a lamp in the Buffalo house. Loss, 15,000; insurance, $10, 000. increased revenue. Washington, Dec. 14. In the year 1879 the gain to revenue resulting from iucreasednianufacturing of sugar w;is 3303,367; and in 1880.81,239,872. A RAYISHER LYNCHED. Cincinnati, December 13. The Commercial's Brazil, Indian territory, special says Geo. Scott, a half-breed Indian and negro, was lynched last night by a party of masked men, who took him from the jail where he was confined for an outrage on Mrs. Allison, the wife of his employer. A REWARD FOR MUDERERS. Springfield, Ills., December 14. The governor has offered a reward of S200 for the arrest of the unknown murderer or murderers of Thomas Dilly who was killed in his bed December 10th at his home in Colono township, Henry county. CONFIRMED. Washington, Dec. i". The Senate unanimously confirmed the following nominations: Col. Win. B. Hazen, chief signal officer, with rank of brigadier general, and Col. Nelson A. Miles, to be brigadier general. didn't want to fight. Charleston, S. C, Dec. 14, Sena tor Hampton, in reply to a letter from llight Rev. Dr. Howe, Protestant Epis copal; bishop of South Carolina, touch ing upon his recent correspondence with Secretary Sherman, says: "You are eutirely right in the construction you placed upon my note to Mr. Sher man. That was written as I passed through Charlottesville, and I natural ly gave my proper address. It never occured to me for a moment that any one would construe my language as giving or inviting a challenge." SAD AFFAIR. San Francisco, Cal.. Dec. 14. In Oakland, last night, Miss Elizabeth Tyler, aged IS years, was shot dead at the gate of her rasidence by the acci dental discharge of a pistol in the hands of her affianced, John Scotchler, son of a weUknown commission merchant of this city. A STEI FORWARD. Louistille, Dec. 16. At a meeting of the city council to-night a petition, numerously signed by white and color ed citizens, asking the council to ap point negroes upon tho police force and fire department, w:is presented by the president of the lower board. Some of the white persones who signed the pe tition were Judge W. J.Jackson, Judge J. Hop Price. Hon. Chas. Godshaw, Sheriff S. S. Hamilton, ex-County Jail er W. F. Russell all Democrats. A negro has never held a municipal office in Louisville. Campaign Work. John B. Finch left the city to-day for a campaign trip through that part of the stato containing Clay, Nuckolls, Franklin, Adams, Kearney, Hall and Howard counties. This field embracing these counties has been well worked up and they are anxiously awaiting the arrival of their leader to assist them in putting in the closing work of the campaign. We have no special means of know ing Mr. Finch's plan of prosecuting the work on this particular trip, but we do know that he is the most thor ough worker, and the best organizer of the forces in the cause of temperance of any of the great temperance advo cates in this country. The telling work" he did in Kansas through the past summer illustrates the truth of his statement, and when we consider that he was working in a neighboring state, not his own, we can judge better of what will eventually be tho result of his work in Nebraska. Lincoln Globe. Signs of a Moral Revival in South Oarlina. Beau ford (S. C.) Crescent (Dctn.) There is one thing to be said of the democracy of Beaufort countv, thatum fortunately cannot be said of ome others, and that is, they have not as yet learned to count one democratic vote as five and five republican votes as one. Nor have we yet adopted thesystem by which ballots are substituted in tho boxes for those which were originally placed there. Upon these little matters we are sadly deficient. For ourselves we would rather be alllicted with years of republican misrule, trusting to the justice of our cause finally asserting its elf than to steal an election. A protective tariff stands at the el bow of every laboring man in this coun try to help him to better wages, to a more independent condition, and to a higher development of his faculties. It is the refuge for his weakness and the bulwark for his strength. Above all other classes of toilers, protection commends itself to the serious consid eration and the unflagging support of the colored man, because it is the mor tal enemy of human bondage in every form. Inter Ocean. The truth is Mr. Bayard appears to have got himself in a bad fix. Evident ly he. made the speech thinking no re porters were present, and when corner ed he wriggles and equivocates if not worse like the lowest and meanest Democratic shuffler in or out of public life. They are all the same. New York Commercial Advertiser. General Grant believes that the Nic aragua canal, when in operation, will pay 3 per cent on an investment of 1 880,000,000. BEOWNVILLE, NEBEASKATHURSDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1880. JUSOELLAITEOUS NEWS. The Roman Catholic population of the United States is estimated to be 6,-' 143,222. In the population of New York there are 25,000 more females than males. Recently in N. C. a man was fined $50 for attempting to kiss a neighbor's wife. Edward Rynshardt, Staten Island, has been sentenced to be hanged Jan. 14th, for murdering his wife. On the 14th inst. the steamship Re public brought S245.500, and the steam ship Argel $5S2,000 British gold bars and coin from Europe. I The Brule (jhfef, Medicine Bull, was recently shot and probably mortally wounded by the accidental discharge of a pistol. At Burksville, Ky., last week two brothers named Pierce quarreled, and the younger shot his brother dead. At the city election in Boston, 14 th inst., Mayor Prince, Democrat, was re-elected. The city council is largely Republican. Edgar Stanton, of Illinois, has been nominated by the President for Consul General at St. Petersburg. John Kelley has been in the habit of disbursing $30,000,000 each year, and most of it went into the bancs of h's Tammany followers. No wonder he's mad. Burglars stole $3,000 worth of silks from the dry goods store of T. K. Best, at Freeport, 111., one night recently. The House has passed the pension" bill appropriating 650,000,000 for the next fiscal year. The San Francisco Board of Trade has telegraphed to Sanator Booth Jisking him and the California delegation to assist in pushing the Nicaragua Canal project. Senator Hoar has presented in the Senate a woman's suffrage petition, containing arguments which he con sidered unanswerable. The National board of Trade has adopted, for transmission to Congress the draft of an act to prevent food adulteration. Dr. Albert G. F. Goerson, Philadel phia, has been sentenced to be hanged for murdering his wife. Santa Fe, N. M., the oldest city in the country, is rejoicing over the recent introduction of gas-light. Herman and Howard Hariff, broth ers have been sentenced to imprison ment for life, for murderr"atr"1Y'oungsr town, Ohio. The first American city to light its streets wholly by electricity' is Ogden, Utah. Now that John Kelly is down all the little Democratic newspapers rush for ward to give him a kick. Eugene Connolly, aged o0, was found dead on the stoop of his home in Water street N. Y. having been frozen to death while intoxicated. The New York Herald takes com fort; in the fact that "New York is the mother of Vice Presidents." The Major Generals of the army in the order of their rank are sis follows: Hancock, Schofield, McDowell. The Brigadiers in like order are Pope, Howard, Ferr y, Augur, Crook, Miles. W. II. II. Brainard, a journalist of considerable merit, died at Deadwood last week, aged 40. Joseph Brown & Bros., wholesale dry goods merchants, of Now York, have failed, with liabilities of i2,000. On the 12th inst. Chas. A. Hurt, a prominent brewer of Albany, N. Y., killed his misstress and then himself. Seidenberg & Co., the well-known cigar manufacturers of New York and Key West, have failed with liabilities of 500,000. Congress has granted a pension of $1,200 per annum to the widow of the late President Tyler. George Parrot t, alias Big-nosed George, one of the worst road agents that ever infested the western country, will be hanged next April, if he lives, or doesn't escape by pardon or other wise. Punch Jones a bad one of Lafayette Ind., was shot by an olllccr recently. John Cunningham a freight conduc tor at Nashville, w;is killed by the cars, lUth inst. The Same Old Story. Clinmbern' Journal. The Oxford graduate was showing his sister over his rooms in college, when some one knocked at the door. Supposing that it was one of his friends, and not wishing to be chafed, he hid her behind the curtains, and admitted an elderly gentleman, who apologized profusely for his intrusion, and excused himself by saying it was many years since he had been at Ox ford, and he could not leave without paying a visit to his dear old college, and the rooms which he had occupied as a student. "Ah!" cried the old gentleman, look ing around, "the same old sofa! yes, and the same old carpet everything the same." Then, walking into the bedroom he remarked: "Yes! and the same old bed, and the same old waslistand ! Yes, everything the same." Presently ho stepped toward the cur tain and remarked: "Ah! and the same old curtains." Looking around he leheld the voung lady. and. turning around, he "said: "Ah, you young dog! and the same old game." "But." hastily replied the under graduate, "that young lady is rav sis ter." To which the reply came. "Yea, I know, and the same old storv!" SEIsii a A. n? A DOOTOB'S DEV0TKHT. Heroic Incident of the Diphtheria Epi- Viemio A Pysician Sacrifices His Own : Life to Save a Ohud. Frem the New York Sun. ClCwo weeks ago Dr. Sanford, of Green- point, L. I., a suburb of Brooklyn, was called to the bedside of a child who was suffering with diphtheria. It was a very lnalignant case, and Dr. Sanford watch edihe child day and night. At last the air passages were filled up, and the child would have choked to death had ij3t Dr. Sanford, who had his knife in Mind, immediately made an opening in Lue windpipe, through winch, with a .nnall rubber tube, he drew out with his IR.-; .!. .!. - ... i. i mi . J ii m iiiuuui me poisonuus UUIU. xms V of conducting such an operat:on is jltrded'b'y all surgeons as extiemely hazardous to the operator. Three French surgeons are known to have lost tueir lives ui tue same way. Young Dr. Hutchinson, the son of'a distinguished surgeon of Brooklyn, waa tho only American victim, as far as known, prior to the case of Dr. Sanford. A short time after the operation, the poison which had inoculated Dr. San ford's blood began to do its work. As soon as it w;is known that he w;is suf fering from diphtheria, all the allo pathic doctors in Grcenpoint offered tiieir services. Two or three were with him continually. The patient had al ways been very delicate, and this was against him. If by strong nourishment no could be kept alive for a certain number of days, it was known that the crisis would be passed, and he would recover. Frozen beef blood was int-o-duced into his stomach, and brandy was injected under the skin. When the pa tient was able to swallow anything at all he was given ice-cold champagne. Food in tho most condensed form was introduced by every possible means. But nothing could save him, and he finally said in a whisper: "It's no use, gentlemen ; I've got to go." Speaking of diphtheria. Dr. Van Gies ensaid: "I have studied this disease for more than thirty years. I have read many volumes devoted to it, and I have had a great many cases of dip theria in my practice. Sometimes 1 have said to myself: Well, at last 1 know what diphtheria is.' But if you were to ask me now to describe thoeti oligy of this disease, I should answer, I give it up.' l"Vtunate'y, however, we are able to treat it successfully in a great many cases. .My method of treat ment is told in just one word sustain. There are physicians who assert that they have never lost a case of diphthe ria. Those physicians are either hum bugs or else they have never had many cases of diphtheria. I have sometimes treated as many as thirty cases success fully, and then I have lost half a dozen, one right after the other. It is a dis ease that has different degrees of mal'g nancj One year its attacks may be very JBild, and at its next visit it mav kill stnsverydnew'hlbbeTo'mesiii' fected with it. As for the present epi demic of diphtheria, I am afraid that we have only seen the beginning of it. When I see a diphtheria patient, I can generally make up my mind whether he can be saved or not. the treat ment is the same for all food and stimulants." It is stated that in his next message Governor Cornell, of Xew York, will earnestly second the proposal that ex Presidents should have a seat as .Sena tors at large in the United States Sen ate. Senator Conkling is understood to be unqualifiedly committed to it, and the Governor's views on the sub ject will doubtless emphasize those of the Senator. In a cave near Silver Cliff, Col., two bars of gold, worth $!)00, were found. Two human skeletons were there, too, and it is supposed they are the remains of two very early miners. In spite of the restrictions on account of the pleuro-pneumonia, the shipment of live stock to Great Dritain continues to increase largely. It is al?o stated that a company with $l,."i00,000 has been formed in London for carrying dressed meat from" America in the Great Eastern fitted up with refriger ators. The business of supplying England with beef will probably be a permanent one. Fifty-eight national banks were or ganized dcifing the past year; live fail ed, and twenty-one went into volunta ry liquidation. The Xenix, San Antonio special states that Gen. K. O. C. Ord, when notified of his retirement from the command of the department of Texas and active service in the army, vacated his ollice at headquarters, and ordered Adjutant General Vincent to report to Gen. Sher idan - until tho commander appears. As his son-in-law. Gen. Trevino, has been appointed minister of war of Mexico, it is rumored that country will be the-.future home ot Gen. Ord. AJSteamboat just launched on tho Mississippi has so much name that it is difficult to see how she cm carry a car go.. She is called Lucius Quintius Ourtius Lama", in honor of tho Sena tor. Inter Ocean. Very Droll to Think or. If not nbove being tuuxht by a mnn, use Dobbin's Electric So ip next rnsh 1r Used without any wash boiler or rubblnc board, and nueddlfTeret.tly from any other nop ev er made. It seems very droll to think of a quiet, orderly two hours' light work on wohIi day, with no heat and no steam, or smell of the washing through the house lnt-tead of a lone day's hard work; but hundred of thousands of women from Novu Scotia to Texas huve proved for themselves that this la done by using Dobblns's Electric Soap. Don't buy It, however, if loo het In your ways to use It according to direction, that are as simple as to seem almost ridiculous and so eay that a girl of 12 years can do a lnrce wash without belnE llrod. It positive ly will not Injure theiflnest fabric, Iihb been before the public for fifteen years, and Its sale doubles every year. If your grocer has nototlt, he will get It, as wholesale grocers kesn&i. "J. M.Campbell, sole agent, How ard.Feb. I. L. Ckaoik & Co., I7y!e.o.w. Philadelphia. Cttty Katel A LEVI JOHNSON, PROPRIETOR, NEMAHA CITY NEB., Centrally located ; Good fare, and no trou. hie spared to make guests comfortable- j Good barn for borsei and Charges Jlcasonablc, Attention Everybody ! When in PERU yon need not pay more tnan $1.00 for any $1.50 Medicine 70cts." " $1.00 " 35cts." " 50 ct. " 15'cts. for any Box Pills, &c. The Cheapest House for other Drugs. BOOKS & STATIONARY, ORGANS and other MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS ,T. PATTERSON. PBIiU; NBB. ' MONEY TO LOAN OX IMPROVED PEIl CENT. KEAL ESTATEWT 3 INTEREST. ON 5 YEA.RS TIME, WITHOUT COMMISSION AddreKK or call on Jolin 3? Lyon. At MARSIT HOUSE, Krlilayn and Snturilay of each week. -Prlvlleg given of paying off loan,or"S -auy cotiHiaeraDie part, at anyta To-Uine Interest falls due.- Kit ESTABLISHED IN 1856. OLDEST Real Estate Agency IIV NEBRASKA. William H. Hoover. Does a general Heal Estate Business. Sells Lands on Commission, examines Titles, makes Deeds, Mortgages, and all Instru ments pertaining to the transfer of Real Es tate. Has a Complete Abstract of Titles to all Real Eulate In Nemaha County. ED. L00MIS, picinnv a nr.v '1. tmn'ii i vi) if;K SHOE SIAKKH, lt 1st door west of O'PelfH if, Iilvery Stable. 5 Work done to order and j $Cv" Ss$ battsfactlon guaranteed. RepjiriEg neatly SproinpIIy dene B. G. WH!TTE!VI0nE,; 'V. - iJ,iL.CH.l.V, - ? ... nswAfc' - -F'w PROVISIONS, SEWING MACHINES SKWIKft MACHINE ItKt'AIKS A SPKCIALTT, wlllpay tho highest market price for scrap Iron and rags. Main st West Brownvllle. For Sale. O.VE HALF IXTKREST 1ST THE SHERIDAN MILL. For particulars call on or address. GEO. HOMKWOOD, Sheridan. Xeb 48t. L Neatly and promptly done by MIKE FELTHAUSER, CAIJINKT MAKER, and CARPENTER and JOINER Shop :l doors eat of Post Ollice. BROWNVItliE, - - - NEBRASKA DENTISTRY. Dr. J. C. Eberhj, Formerly of St. Joe. 1ms permanently lo caW In Hrownvlll Neb. FIXE WOIIK A SPECIALTY. Onire Southwest corner Main and First Sts. B. M. BAILEY, SIIIPI'KK AND DKAI.KR IX LIVE STOCK HRO WXVII.I.E, XF.IinASKA. Farmers, please call and get prices; I want to handle your stock. Cilice First National Rnk. TaTOB MMtOHN, MERCHANT TAILOR, and dealerln PlneEnsflsli, French, Scotch and'Kancy Cloth Ytln?, Ktr.. Etc. RrownvlUc. NcbrnsUu. A T C L I N E , FAmovxnr.E HOOT AMISHOEMIKEK rrnvvrmr UnniC mnrlotn nrdffr. find fitst-r znarantPert. Repalrlne nealir ana prompiiycione ; Shop. HO.TI Mn!n street. Krownvmn.eo. i -- i J.1" ROY. TJNDSRTAKR. Comiu made on short notlco. Three miles west of rowavllle. Neb. J Y. 0 IBSON. BfJCKSMITH AND IIOKSK SIIOER Workdone to ordfr and satisfaction susrnnteed First street, between Main and Atlantic. Browc ge.Nph A S. II O L L A 1) A Y . I rii Physician, Snraeon, Obstetrician. Oraduated In IW1. Located In Brownvllle 10.15. jmce.ii Jiiin street, nronnTii;,.'u. J. H. B II O A D Y . Attorney and Counselor at Lair, oniceorerSt&ttt Bank. Brown v!U-.Neb. Q A. O S U O R N . O, ATTORNEY AT kAW. OSice.No.1I Miln street, Brownvile. Neb J.s- S T V L L . ATTORNEYS AT 1.A1V. OSceof Connty Judge. Brownvllle, Nebraska. T. L. S THICK. ATTOttJi E V AT V AW, Offlce over Post OJlce. Browavllls, Nebraska. i i - I I PITHTQ WANTED fo'si UU1 I W SUiac rxtotiu iu Ei&m. iirrrVcS v hC VOL. 25 NO. 27. An VliiK TIME by The (SiELOCK ! -AND-BUY YOUR WATCHES HO CLOCKS -OF- G-eo.-A.rk'wriglit5 In UNION HOTEL, west of Court Houit, BRowinrnxE, i nebr. A thing of beauty is a joy forever, and you will And my stock full of the cholceet PERSONAL FURNITURE In the county. ' V-i ROLLED PLATE VEST CHAINS, NECKLACE8.4MATINEE CHAINS. LOCKETS, CUAUMS.'BRACELETH LADIES SETS, BREASTPINS. CUFF PINS, SLEKVE.HUTTON.s, STUDS, COLLAR BUTTONS, ETC'ETC.. ETC. SOLID GOLD RINGS, Plain iold. Band, Cameo, Topaz, Amethyst uml Sliver. Call ami RPethenewcstVtyle In Watch Cases The 1880 Silver Dollar Case, and the Patent Dust Proor Watch, will go under icater. TJTT) A TTCJ executed aimunl. Rrlng JLvUll. A LltO In your work and huvelt done In the best manner at reasonable ctmrg e. The Ksrly BtrdCatchc.'thc Worst. A Largo Miipply of Nlckol;Tlmepleces with ALARMS. A great boon then; Dark Morning. UTIIOKt.KD BV THE V. S. GOVKKNJIlTiT. First National Bank OF BROWN VIITL. 12 Paid-up Capital, $,jO,000 oOO,000 Authorized tt IS PKEPAUEDTO TRANSACT A General Banking Business . BUY AND SELL COIN & GUKRENGY DKAPTS on all the principal cities of tlis United States and Europe MONEY LOANED On approved security only. Time Drafts discount pd. and special accommodations granted to deposit em. Denier In GOVERNMENT BONDS. STATE, COUNTY & CITY SECURITIES DEPOSITS Recelved'pnyable on demand and INTEREST al lowed on :lmecertincates of deposit. DinK(TOR.S.-Wm.T7ren, B. M. Ballev. M.A Handler. Frank E. Johnson. Luther Hoadley Win. FruNlier. JOHX L. CAKSOX, A.R.Tj WISON.CaMder. President. I.C.McNAUGHTON.At.Ca.ihler. Ojiposit Lumber Yard, Main St. (3-OOZD BIGS AT REASONABLE RATES. Special Accommodations for Commercial Men, AXD- Driver Ftirinshed when desired. Horses lniarded by tho day or week, and runners uuui ieu mui cured fori at fair ratt-s. STEELBOILER FERRY. ! AtBrownville, Nebraska. i ' I BEST CROSSING ! ON THE j iMasso.tiri Rix. NEW BOfr' i I Rates Low, Ca mptt SI: ady, i Jioads Good. Indemnity Ample , Connects with all 'Trains. LIVERY ! W E O'PELT tr 3 ' mmmu TEfiAT. ADVERTISEMENTS. ESTATE OF ELIZABETH STEVXNSOi Deceased. In tb County Coftrt of 2r tnaha County, Nebnufca. In.the " or allowing the final administration ueout of John 8. Stevenson, adsefn'strster ot tfe estate of E'tzabeth Storenion. deeeMCtf Notice Is herebyglven that January IStlr.MM; at 9 o'clock a. in., at the ofilco of the County Judge of Nemaha County, Nebraska, la Brownvllle, Nebraska, has been fixed by th court as the time and placa for examlalna and allowing sn!d account, when and where, all perrons Interested may appear and con teat thetuime. Dated December 2Jst. jSSO. 27-wl JOHN S. 3TULL. County Judge. ESTATEOF SARAH J. FURLOUGH. D ceased. In the County Court of Nea- ha County, Nebraska. In the matter of al lowing the flnal administration accoust of A. H. Ullmore. administrator of th estata of Sarah J. Furlough, deceased. Notice 1 hereby given that January 7th. A. D. 1881. at 9 o'clock a. m., at the office of t&e CouDty Judge of Nemaha County, Nebraska, in Brownvllle. Nebraska, has been fixed by tho court as the titno and place for examining and nllowlng Bald account, when and whero all persons Interested may appear ana con, test the same Dated December 7, 1!S0. 3Sw4 JOHN S. STUIX, County Judge. ESTATE OF JOHN M. POLSFUS DECEA8 ed. In the Cnnnty Court of Nemaha County Nebraska. In the matter of aUow-. Ing the final administration account oJohn Freerlchs admli Istrator of the estate of John M. Pohtfus deceased. Notice Is hereby given that January 7th A.D. ISSt at lfco'cloclc M.,attheotnee of the County Judge of Ne maha County. Nebraska. In Brownvllle, Ne- a, has been fixed by the court as the time and place for examining and allowing; said account, when and where alt persons la- terettted may appearand contest the same.. Dated Decembers. 18SU. 2wl JO HN S. STULL. Coanty Judge TO HALL HOUCHINS.AND WHOM IT may concern. You are hereby aotlfleri that tne southwest quarter of the southwest, quarter of ect!on twenty-Cnur. township, six. range thirteen, situated Is Nemahrv county. Nebraska, taxed In- the name of Hall Houeh'ns. wiwnn tue 4th dwy of November. IS78, sold for the taxes dhe thereon- for the year 1S77 to J. It. Uphatn fur $2.74-100. a&4 the time for redemption of sold above de scribed property from such tnx sale will plre on the 1st day April, LS8I. j.n. rniAM. 2 J w.1 Owner of wild Certificate. NEMAHA CITY. New RESTAURANT Nemaha Gily, BY Louis Stroble. First door (south of the lumber yard. Call and get a square meal fur 25 cents. A good stock of confections also kept on band. Mr. and Mrs. Stroblo having had much experi ence as restaurateurs, are well qualified to please their patrons. New Store, New Goods. AT NEMA.HA3CITY, DRAIN Having removed into their eajyicious. new business house, open out with tho LARGEST AND BEST selection of general merchandise ever brought to. Xemaha, including a full line of DRY GOODS, Groceries, Furniture, Heady-Made Clothing, Boots, Shoes, !Hats Caps, Trunks, etc. A splendid selection of Ladies cloaks and circulars. Special bargains in woolen goods of all kinds. Our cus tomers have our thanks for their for mer patronage, and are requested t call and see us at our new place of bus iness. DRATN BKOS. J&MJV & Mixscm RTemalia City, Nebt PENERAL '; HER"CH4ND!S , U' ajtocjjRiKtr L CAXXXD OOODS, COXWTIOX8.t Keeps a varied stock of everythlnglthe peo ple want. Call and seo him. B. Bell Andrews. L. H. FoUr POSTZR & ANDREWS, Physicians & Surgeons, rVemnlr.i Clty,IVvb. All calls promptly attended nfyfit'or day Dr. Andrews makes Chronic and Surgical Diseases of womn u speolnlty. lso. Si wU cal and .Surgical Diffuses of the eye. Hav ing had special training In surgery, and it larite and varied practice In acute and chron ic diseases, tumors, bone disease. old ulcers, granulated sore eye, fibroid nndivarlan tu mors, female wenkness, and disease of th heart, luims, throat etc. References of oper attnus performed, and cures effected In cases, pronounced Incurable. Fers reasonable. J P f?;potiier BOOTS. SHOES. AND HARNESS Made and repaired asi id! as can bs done anywhere. and ul. short notice AXI VERY ItKASOXAltT.K TERMS. TITUS & WILLIAMS. DEALERS IX DRY GOODS. G HOCERIES. RE A D YMA D E i . Q THING, NOTIONS', Etc . FAc, Etr.- Nemaha?Ciiyf Nebraska, Will sell goods as rheap us :i house In Southeastern Nebraska. jr. . riSe UP LIVERY AND FEED SATBLE. Good buggies and hr.'s, charges reas onable. Brst.of care taken of trnns:euttoek. .vn.ii.itt.i ctn -:. DAVI-DvijA. IVI0RT0N t Slacksmitli., 2Tenuthn Citij, XebrasJca. lacblne repa.rlng and horseshoeing a ku I Unity. Q.rwwVw fsWv eVXT TiuaiiiMiOVAAXXiAA.j?AJJUVw " ' I tnt tt lM4r ud POTUMll ctT ct Seminal XmUsloca and Inpotaner bj tb off wtj, !&. Ihnd jlppccuM w u yctapA m u v. f it nij I fttMo4l tt& pm ? isnmMM. t4 IU IM1 IB vtry mwmm. al u m yn,iiwi t M!7 pwuM fl It vOV0v pff,4t tt&fftctw. XI m M j lb Mctfll l'lifMt i. C. BfeMt rtfil ftMU 7l 4ar ftllfnM&UU4Ml9( l!!TT tUk tlMbU. TEllllfy t MMM.M.fcM ( t(y I !., SfcXfc,!,. ir.,,r.. ,..I-,, in Did H.lft4w"" 111.,. Ill Ml l.lfll,-m Wt7. lNtlfMM (M W Pi ii ,11,1 FimiIM bmmmj ImmmI Dmumm.1 0mX mmimw t M lttMiMfw,Wi. mi It. f-fW -! M. 1 rfttlWWOHMXff ,l-L 4 to UN. M HARRIS REMEDY CO. UT8 CHEMISTS. Marktt and ata BtrteU. BT. LOCU. X. Vnmollritea temtltnonv to th F.BIearvaf Prof, llarrit' Seminal Pastille. taJttn from Letterm received from Ttttroift ladiutx. April I Its. B?3l Th rtrntij ' "kit fntKtf. Ill4 cltp from wini. for right Tn tmit. CUci(. iof 14. UT9- I m tbcrtsbl, crr4 J (mI bo, Up. The jwtn mxn I. the eouctrr n gttlmy btlUr. Mlixxiri. ?pt IS, 1ST7. I ttenei tt ainta kn,lt fra tv. w f yor rcKtiiet lliit I wut to Itj theai is laotber ci. MkIl.Ju 2J. 1K5. 1 a e atoJ p jrmr pkiref wh eie; t.t . taott.r at toja at pottibl.. Thti atrat? 101 alt appir-el trootile. tat tkere ns fta.t jtt. a-4 X with joa wwH py.pretSit awt for lb enrof thtt. Iowa. Oct. WIS. IT9 I aa atnott torjiriwJ it w tdtet. 7hj bat. worked lik. a chjr " 1 am j ' .K at mveh of a man at I fit tc . ttkiay . X waa on Ttrrr oT the i-raar, I tbrntrhr aa-t tttre wit bo tui ( av, -tat ai. 1 am m ttm. Ky -f e WntVirr;iaia.A.r i. l"5 I r-ceitrl yiwr m.tiria., t I UIkt. tt hat carcJ m..r rk. I -r ttaskfca, . tUei (leaae lo-l SSfar " !' ate "J i ater l-j HI INo.21 fcr a fn.-L lrtMiuwcniii"r,. j wot lead yoit anJ r-lt f tvmu ft I'htfttrlntt bimJ Sfraenn. MI,ur. JiJCtk.l7 Pt-vri . r . t. tirftk. rir-N.-. T'-f.-'i ,jlli-ttfrtJ one kwl.M aiii'M-af a tM'- '- U-t iwotenaj, a tiusk aeirfhrr wM t "I n-M. XVcut i Urtt !trtS"f. tinliB4. .r A t'Tt la I J t ' trm ,. twva Cf ,r rrwr'r fr p ' .- c ,l,iiri.p.f llkul , I f.rf r r. fr c it. i f " - - p .tt. Vt . . tt . r, a - t. '.' i a 'f w t. BROS. SVOwW - t