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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 30, 1880)
mm .. i S n - ' ISSe jt .- t -m. - - t.t. xtowt TfTE ADVERTISER -. W. :Fairbrother & Co., lxiaittir"tS-CO 3er Tecrlr At. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE COUXTT. Senator Lamar has taken bis seat in the 17. S. Senate. The anay appropriation by this sea. tea of Congress wSl be about 550;00G, cao. -r m- ' A hQ was passed by tfee Termont legislature taxing express and tele graph companies two per cent. gros3 receipts. Tiie Lincoln (7fcis3ysthe railroads have dropped the Hoa. Church Howe." WeH. what of that? He is the people's caadidste. XK t .k. j r -:k i "- ..- rmm m m m vr?fi w tmv & -& r9 h " . L- v j - -r. w j saJh Cocnty. Kehraa. Is tise auttW of alkxsris;?- la final ais;tnUgKca& senat es Jobs S. Srevnim. pd daiiiKratar C XMw estate of EUaatetn SrevsaeB. ri 'nmc. 1 NsOee la nercji2iTasry .,' axiaeecseeor xbt ..- r Judge of Nescafe Cesnsy.. Nebraafca txr Bur g vllle. Nebraajcy. has feeea ied ST f costs a the time and plee fcr giititiHr aad aUa-ln!.ai account. -a-feeaad whiw aan ami lMlin-JteaaMyyyaag &m joas fe. sxt,ia-. ca7f(. TCTITIT.TSyrn 1E58. Oldest Paper ix tko 5ta.ta . BBOWSrVILLE, SEBEASKA,j5!BraESDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1880. VOL 25 NO. 28 TEE HOWE EOOM. rcrSueaker of s aag?w. A partj of Psaca chiefs, new VTsstestcUm. infmi the -great father" Judging from the utterances of some ! vent into the wara privateand in that ; THE USTEB. 00SA POE 1881. Massachusetts regiment "which Tras, mobbed on ii3 passage throni Balti-i bhx, gssi-yrsxSLT, X5 ftiKi.Y. - more, ana "sras tne nrst to arnre in Washington m rsponse to LmeohasJ presealiag , prtapectos or Tnr Jx- call for troops, nowe won promonon TSB: ucsy fix tfce yt- iaai. it ecareeiy "SSEEOT TSI2SA3eL ri WAm m m m. Ilii 91 regiment: ., How LosUHowSeslored Jccpoa" iiI.a new w?sffg; of Br. CIer- THEESODTJ2. Geees Castle. lad. Dea 2L A ow t k jYovk maTau? w - linnlin. poitjf -""";, Wt, crt iaw!EBrwaetuolore wit. aw tfHtf. hh .! r ' l'nTT I HB I U T ,- v &. M T I i i II I I r0-mW.. fc a of the enemies of Mr. Howe, Borne rapidlyrir Xfeatent m a c h toWSS&S&'&SnSSnS miht Im l! to think that Mr. Howe.n r jUWJns-. penenu -sevens oia ot lls e,ia.baumnt.pre-emtneat aa a,ex- raise mans to transnoTt themselves.! loaa.ffJaso.-.S,;?IP5?13rKs: I sy ma. tT3.ixxaci or seu-sHje xax f:rstT?n foT- r:illaTiir rnnilnri tumrat r iilut HeauoLiCiWJiscu. and la : . ... . . . j., . . -r : . r r r..r r. .. ,i-.n ,. ana nrpmet a. turre eroaus rrom tnai extr&Ts-z3.c .. - ft .a. J - - v 1 .i.I.lVt Trt nrrno f i jc cr eurawv Kuoar. iu t-t auiuiiww Indian Territory, and desire to remain there. seldom bite. - has Tery little sapporc from the press f Th . haAiTf Tiinj "Rinf? iflprirrf iTa oV u otaer in promsijpuins ttax anii predict a large xtx m f , .v. v- Z i.v -nr- rf- i - hdttle of -Bails iilns, afterwara UKt 0 et&i Wiiia ua iu State during the winter .. : f the stite. . ow le. s see. v e misnt pnmr atfie-de-cnrrm to General Sedr- f.r.H.tiVr,-. i nr humuttT in itir T -: r -o . w - . ! ;.- ' . ; . c- -r-1-i.-r-i-r i hlotal lT.Srazidias: lixni bleedlaif,aii;n.'nu6u. t , -wt -. y. jjash.artBiiiai&tJtnoaoifSaowhas fallen in Xorthen "Virginia ft1- safaary tn r ustTHsl3rsx 1 tbirty-threehoars withoatinteru ission. jitoia i jLxarei s impe ie. anu. tqsa " 1iiJICi I c . .j. . Jr.TT,-. -a-.fh f- f-tir. vcirl? n? Tith him toor nart m the ? It U b Ute aUcate ot enXilty. concetTctl 4l...i i- ..l.-(!! iritH tli "" ,,Flt " "- ;-. r aorie- bat Ui caarapttm. or Wei warm "J ta"OIUJn' . vi- r,t K- -.n of xrr. ! peninsular ana Jiiaryiana mmraigns. . tttt ,! hiocJ llf rudias: ni W after the battle ol Annetam, f bumant; . allrnea. ! h n.ii. . OCEA3C U &erer lorrlca Ox i4atwna or -cd Biscuit. . . . . , ,. . . .and after the battle of Antietam,! Horeandhi3 prospects, but the tol-:whsre 5 -5 sanded, made' lowing will suSce for our present pur-, provost Marshal of T7est Yirginia.; Barkiag dgs or "errs - Shrridan Past. Bet there fa ae oat at Sheridan that Hr uavf mat t brsathat the bid- m t,i - f-tk r-rr nf - i braska's next house of representatives. drag of his owae., for the reward of - w - - . Jotrrnc; t r 1 x.r r . K...t- M ..t. if nun ui nrh Rtr r"'" . V ..r ... .r T3 .t ' tbs ntfhb of Uie citiua or Kit TfltSC la toe It 13 generally-supposed that Church J twenty oanies wmi toe Arm.. 01 tne, intent, or tie peoi. tmt uu zrumyin tt. -- u t i rnrnnnr hm n:iii.n nrn.i nin 3no 10 cnor Lauuteuraawcau leeuuv.uuii: xiowe. 01 jen:aim cuuuvj. tuC si"- r-"" --"; --T.I, 7-. " I .v m fctati Jitrlr oa tat man Granzer, will be speaker of e- artally to htawl squarwljr oa Hits talwnrt TTell Iforfalk JotarnaL Xext week or citizers wiE no dochi feel completely kwt without thef i&ssal appearsBe m the -rVjsc. It may tend to convince you, however, that yo ceoki aot get akeg withoet it. Skriden Pwt. O, they can use corn-cobs, as they "xdrmerhr did. The Browavilte ADTEsnsEri says 2fiter Howe is goias n--me the next U. S. Senator. Lmcabi Gteke. That's aaother lie The Adtehtiseb has. said no such thing. Can't the Glebe get through this matter and keep Besaewhers in the neighoferbeod of truth? The BrownviHe Adtesxese said Mr. Schick would heartily support Mr. Howe. Litfain Ghhe. ' We have sever said anything of the kind. The fffefc; is in a terriWe sweat, that it has to get dwn to such bare iced falsehoods. The signs are good. HroPik fsr Howe! KpaniicMUSin f f . mnni tiri- Tio-bf ....-W-.,--"- . ptmh rn hpin rri5rp him sn&Ker. Decanae : i,tt ? ;-!.- t- .? 1 staintrt. hriv?vi"c : " 7 "f TT" 7"1" f ii T- S41"" iryuuus-iua, i v-ci-j (. " f .anions an lUe flr-Ifjtrt of ite so iavoraiv unrrci .n mw, in rhancerv. because it never pavs to . tt mrr.ti t- . ri.e &'. heard his masterly handling of party 1 lt nn nnHicani Besides. Terhaus t foniamitaT principle of Ep i.- T7- -D....r-. I TU " l ... w . .. . rcwill rrta!nfiln It.inrpeat. altitnae la a nnsctuinc . - T T-wmzTZZ-i riiMWmM.ii I &.I r z. . ... ....-.. ...- ....a . ..a ' - r . Hu..v.ii-,. -.. .r j me trtoce is nunv.aic iiui uur ui. mci tnrofnmtwtlne Ainttlcaa IngmttrTwoilatt mp I.... TT.i9 w. f.v oTn T. ...T.u& . Vu i1amAitMA(K..n..t.l..niT innvntratri iMMtnInf turn. f h- lo-riclnl-nno ?ri WtTI ?hk rwrtr mrmn'.nrts tn t,TI HmnmH nwr 1 V1 oM orW, ntl 1U t-e foremt In the Xi - to him through thick and thm for the , to bet on a republican. Consequentlr spronconthBrr-nfcnpsitpw.rty. speakership of the next house. "Xough we 3hall have to forego the pleasure of SlItoSiSBd'tairwI ttirfi k m said ; the next speaker will be the Hon. a plug hat at The expense of the Globe, Si-aSasrgtMr faiin appiero-nt- fi n . 4-ifc iiU Th Hoese ctEamittec on puoiic laads. after thraga discussion and argument, hare refused by a vote of focr to two. to make a favorable report Tipoa the Senate bHl to eqaa&e home Eteads. The Kaw objection to the bill oa the part of the aaiorisy of the cora seiuee was that the beaeass. if any. woold Hce to bod specRhitois. and sot to boa&ade settiers under home stead entries. "We say." is spat phrase with the Ijncota Gtate', cad ks mere -wesay," -withost the support of either law. logk- or sense, is arrayell against the "written opiakae oi rh Sapraeas Cfiurt. amply sustaiaed by law, logic and see3. Bat ordinary inteHigeace easi ly disuegaisfees the reasoning of wise men from the reckless assertions of a -tsaern'permiaesfhysfhe'grace of'God to exist "without a conscience. The Sheridan Post of last week frriags out Hon. T. L. Schick as a can didate for speaker of th hotse of rpresafcitives. This was doae with oat th? kaowledse of Mr. Schick, who knew aechiag t the aaaUer uat I hfa stteeti w was ealkd to the artk e in the Po-t. We are not informed as to whether er not Mr. Schick will con seat to become a candidate. Ztttnahc. Times. "3b, he wasn't inf ormed ;" didnt have t'me to coasalt with the "great Iam"ersaa. Shoo! Sheridan Pest. No, the Pest didn't have time, after it received orders from headquarters. to ironsuk. 3ir. Schick. Shco! ix itut uns iiuj m xooa. ott-uii ui. ZT-rL- .lu,Uia.'u. tt moviar fi.rwanl health brought mmto this countryrst ure pxzy feaiers fcao eiaowrii3i that to Wvoming. and then in 1871 toINe-' portion of TmlMa oceait. taken rr . j: .1 . nnn ! ti ) "" ww. . . ...r f, ' TSSUCEiS. IIEIKaaieii nira unBicuiiij- xas muiciiuu "t-y Z-?frtio be af the aggressive and dashing fe toiommsn: ef ts fcj- aiu do.: publican to be conclusive that Hon. t . . --. " ,. orvfs in tUaffl"aarTortl'J,tiroiluto 5., t tt iti 1, i.- ,....FCnaracterox nis ganant services in inet.,. ...t fh.mrnf luiMionhhi k u it x - ": a ic- 111 tt-5. 1 r: 1 1 fr-. 1 1 in- i- t a. . vtuj - w "U1,-i jtv- " " f tTx-or- Rahn rwan ini amvidf txn im, vinnAHUt..L. uMSf n wri now vtA AkW m i-wa vwvwtii,i wM' taww i UC lUttUCUVC V kUI &a- "j " - - - ! of the hoa?e bv a very jority. Ofushc. hspKbiicun. j down hythe weight of the snow. A storm ot-snen seventy uas natoeerijei perienced for twenty-fire years. JL STTPPS2 T'''.?! TEJLGEDT. Wheelixc, W. TxTec. 24. Adis- puet arose this evening at the supper I table in a boarding house at2tew Atex-1 T - ' . - . ,fcl. v wt. mi j cj-nflatp acOcs. that Ums atra- caaftzttKc 1 ofetfccs?ntaybe xartael.rcnTfS poutjrrotl "wliiate!3tfttocniayfce-ar care tlaetf pxt- f tretsn shrsntr be ta tee &xsii f eTerr jjiutaTer3-s3aariei-o. "ss. pair pail, on recripl ; ponxe vjunfft. jsorenra Pc&aers. oCsix cez-t. oe-.k 3--H--O-O--5--aOM-BMMMO--W-B00wWOMi mi f x arm - VJk iA.- T?eBrA3rw 1 1 eojtx."y ! Iow-tsc" toe S; f A.H.Gasr cTSaraivJ x. rnaLoces, - Jr. Sfce at-- KR-ar or lire mate- I. . . 1 . -1 1 Vcit! !. , w r 'WWll ''-" ;? . f nereoj-jct-ea iim,iimt .--.a- w-o. S o'ciocfe a. aaw -2-ociee r. tecs? Js49e of Xem-JXa. X3MM03V etv 1 Bro-TiT--e-.yet-iOj-. Wy Si-cc X-nr r t-e cocrl KQdmei-dWr ejExiatEr u alloviss saM aer0--KSrB ct -rfer- I xll serfons liUerastedLVVM--' aa test the aa tne. I nrrf TteralvT-T- 36wl JOH g. STITi 1-W WMr - -1A 3 Cui73WL.i iw Si, S,ir"orI, ?f.Y. g.O- -wt. ST Attsnt-bn E7CTbodtr! i ade. Ohio. near StubenYilie, and Dr. ESlTPUL Heirry. 3 dentist.attackedrte.SchooIy, j Wlieiil. P5H.Tr yon needl ffa I uOL -i wtuuiiueuL juanz -mjYicuiu, u . , ,- 1 Pleasant. A wealthy farmer named;312- Pa more xxi. TAKE TIHEby Hie FORELOCK I aecisive ma- . , .. -, t tt .n.n---r nA-hhn t-t-nu o s, uieiuuti. ui. tiic jcui?-4 auue, -'----- '"" Jl.rz.T-. and twi to tu Senate, and. donn? , ,'. ,.. ,. .- th- i.t ' r."" -13- "v i..i ... . - 1 -, . . -. , A number of our exchanges, we see. the canmafen hist summer snokfr rn pienilrc.px. -rhroosuthe ca-,m&mgham took Henrrs pan. wtien tfn nn f a-i fn MwHnmftl VLX-eO--f?J-. VV AUXlt3 x r " . . . .i-- .t . . . . 1. -- - - t r r h j - . J i - 1 ' - w J - Ba jtj -t-j ii t , . - T '---wUVMrct UiCA - ir-TUIi-i mUU. pJUr V -h-- i V r 4 J are speaking lavoniHy of Hon. Churcb ; 0 h-jf counties of the State for !? "Ck-S -IiJl S: TT.i-?- Mniufinn rifh tHA nwaimr. . n.. -r ttr ri 4. -m r pttae ntu.tii..-v. .. V. -. i tue Aspuuuc-B uco.--. x' ueiuir ship of the iiouse. Air. ttowes un-.s-y he is unscrupulous in politics, but, tbe result, ax . , . w-;- ri- m t - the ot thep-per w JJfi?; lto Backingham's head, inaicting f7n r " " $1 OH lrevl a tniporTHnt Otezott-la Heter3lnl , ,, 2. . li . J, 5 U bt sDi-i UU j- result, atui its tin a the iej!nc: Be- probably fatal wound. Henry sened a ( w . - ww about the qw -i " U U .. . . 11 r 1 ie -.0. I .- , I .- C.l T qitetioned abihttes marc tumas a aaa : hu enemies and friends unite in saving ESSSST ----- - jsuu, ei ana oeac ocao wy ea inentlv fitted to perform the duties that be jg loTal to friends, able and" nn- in vie-r o these u cai- necessary , baQ, wounding ninxso fcsat LWe WKiLion. Those of -, Ti..n mstt.-rmnr toKj-U'.Jfin-'." "w'31?115 Kajvet JOi. are amongtne a Ct. i 1 In UNION HOTX,wtreCgrtKe, tili.W W It V -iJr-. tX.i JS-1 of this respond ocr readers wliy position. beard his this position by enntmtsln In thestraljEht fnrwM coarse tht Iw made It o many rens of Jefferson couuty, Ohio. tinrur TTt i enrarrn in stock-raisTiv? . TT Ua ..... . ".' -"' ' nn nn of th rr imnrovKl ana mosr f-w-.-it nru that las mule it an raarrr : ---...;,.... Jrm -r , tt- r ,1 1 speech here this fall, would, we are of i -rrduable f;irms in the State, and knows t frntmoixsitep-bitawfteTeTTvheraa jLScrnrEE xicrnc or stsonc deixs: JJIS uUBSpSSu HO HS6 lui O-SSFt loeopuiioa. eonw ..,. e a . .hornoIootafterLis fences. ; ur and jirniiid enterpn-. XewTokk, Dec. 2. A Washing- the matter, cheenally iend their insu-; Then the Globe offers to bet us on ! it win in-.ut on a. partr poticy esentuiir tea disnatch sa-3. James Mailison Tnr- ini ir.e iinere! 01 ait . . - . - . tr r ... allclww-swlUb-- ictuii, consul geue.iti a. jinuuuiuc. herenee 10 the Australia, under President Pierce, died Vr j-rj-tTTftf- UX, i-auituv - !-. . I t dti-i 15 cts. for any Box Eills, &c mmz or Geaiiiy is a joy loreysr, n-i too -or III find mv stock full of tt etu:cC PEESONAI. FUBNi7U5 tr t -nrt-t ". JJlTliTS. - I ROr.T.KD PLATE VEST CHATS3. yrLACEK. iLVTIXEE nnnirc j c-r,-TTnT'jiTv . s chaise, locksts. UUHJ C. JiVJ UiX, .5 CHAR3t5SiC-XETS Church Howe, of eniaka. iMiamUnasranch as T"n Wyck never will be i inKi.wnMnteiit-ntnitiST-nxiniie:icoi- Democrat senator, vrhile Howe is dead sure SZZ,Z2Zt, Church Hgwb is on too ofthepOe of the speakership of the next houses iene.nirni cn-ttnaetn devote reefc! t spenkersofthenexthousiAndChurchlWhatMr.Howe wOI do when he is ; taep-rtmeau having reference to is a prettv good sinner to stand in a i speaker is a matter that we shall findi Vbe Cut-zo-uj- Shop woman Ttin sHppery place.-?r-f Iskznd Tirs. t out in d season andefffo knows J "Sf. The Pawnee Enterprise comes out . Z?11 e?ouh tn5t -1 " P-ker- -f cn-ieti.. rSu-t tn; -- ibrm theh with a senseless tirade of abuse against I Hoxre becomes the tool of cliques and pu- wi,t be -.voted t., thtr improve Church Howe, and threatens the ' V -"r " . " " " "JT T t The Vetertnarr rtepArtmeat. In rhtrj" of t o-. nn -pnr.-ntitivM from thatCOUntV with lor 1L ra Pper s.i. v,iiiituc-ui.R:c3 'P,ctixl veteric vy snrxm. wui oe naae S2n?S--ir?-S!ib there all the same: the worn tail arnt . x.. ., . - t.. : -,n-i- -.R-in.t.iri-a.i kerches in his dictionary. Sheridan Pot. Hon. Church Howe of Nemaha conn ty is a candidate Hoose of Representatives attlie coming jo the nopie. t!t T.prr;Ljrxrrp Church is a stirrins j JjliC.i . ..-. 2 . -T--v- A.-- --, ntl -MtM -a B'Juaui uiicftii uu niu ii. a; ..b.. ,,vt . - fl---t3l . i -;. ..-.--- w.-,-u-k. - 1 1 . - Verv COOC. SUeiKer. necause amOltlOUS -- romm-refeil ne- a.iI tlxensf'n :ia he is in a political snse, he has all ik- t-c. --Ht -in.tie fail Rn.i reiuwe ?A"Br7SICrD XEI 1856. OLDEST oronni hUiiu IK -V5I5K.--.5si-:xS. y finr Snpaker of the . ". - ... .--" t " -"r rfvlnsrn-ux attention to m-ttrt In rhlei - r . rn to m ra liWLGireriion ov oum; ua- ' . . . i . ...... ? - ra . -J" I Lt4? ;H7C1H. tXfcCt. ..- State iesislatUTe. felio quic 3Ioney with him.f of tht Vorrhivt-tt :iv?;a d!rect Interest. "u -jr tt-h nndpTSnil ittss roto verv much ! Tits v"kl Intrr oemn win r-.- in- n-- . i ai we anuexstaau itis nowso verj lucj f h -:-,,rnaet-.oreeTiHni:tnort.iiit I - - - j- - c ?T- -a. 'hPlStimportance, because he is well provid-jSrr ick witted and wDL if elected, do, for wo-WIt goodi Bat his' new iB much toward getting tlrrough the T-- Ljnibition i of business that will come before that In deutX naJ eoneoitnr minor nch a trar iu to not ofto or . . . ... . ... ..a. .. .Ya. as lie is SUii i .ii h n iort. mure oimowhetwlTe In youns it Would be suicide fur him, in j diameter ami seope thnn .iny other poUrlcal I William H. Hoover. C-vxa-xeDr-! HsiIEsitHUj.lvt-! Sells LsnU 0 - C--inj3:on. earrsfare Titles. nues D-ed. -fartsnj. aarf alt Instra mentsprtalnlnj to tae in-osfs-r of Keat S- tl. .; Ctenpiets .Ibstrast of 7itle3 to alf Real Estate tn Nemaha Conntr. en luh ON BEAt. ESTATE AT OI-I 5 rs 3.S Til-IB, ORGANS AND BUY TO -Tt S tun offlflYO y m mm Qjr SrCCS. C0LJAB BTXON3 2& HTTI,7rKrC.i -N5 ,riADrsaK.BHsrpiNs. aad other XUSICVL ISSTRUXESTS B- CDT. irg.aur.v: DtrroNt, J. PATTERSON. J rxzizu, .. SOT.ID GOLD BXGS, Stain &tf, EUU3-. Occ-.. Tapas. AxaethTxt -f anti Silver. CUaneethee--tssyfch3 "Wath CaAas 1S30 tha Fieul !. rrCatcb. icuZ gr trrtfrr ur. Q"TJ1T) K TDi?e:os'sl,M,II,,-31r P iV JL VO In.jaarr!cani havett doc tn Use best EaTir .treasou-btec-ssz' it 1 all ;2 is grear. snd ?9 at-filSA3 I ill I ilHii ai S 5 !fd-5l IH?KVED PEK CEST. - T-V. 1 U'Dim' tf -r-!-: vi -Iin T rr m- 7 -- . 3r 1 lilwlif - .-t;-:-t n. -..-.-. .J ,-i ?,,- loreenetTiine'srxo-iper in tneeonmry. JlwatluKK,-u1.w - jj- TM-dd,OI1 to art oh-ri!jo-irtment men- body this winter. Bmtrics Caurisr. Church Howe, of lemh wul no tjce to the speakershio. when intellect- i tumed tn connrcxion -wits the iciir. tne aouot oe the house ter. and if he don t set there twili be i sripakerehin or anything elseMr. t '-T -fr,rr W.-rtTT On TTfrrrTff I u - v j , rti i. r-,,f I campataJ. th omDrletor have no ue-"!r- ,-.ul ,-. T,..W . u. ot .,. ucm ix.-uic. -""J-iiton-la iviInyttie.A'aIwarti of the country Tne name Ot Oiurca llOweiS men-rwesee uumueis ot name- u"t.iuueu:f toaidtnenxlnw en:nltsnrtoiinJienee a camimate lor speaser oi i nallv and otherwise he is eminently nt emi-we-y wi.i eontinne x w3m-. of representatives ttL-ynn- forit. Th-support of this paper forl-IGSia . Howe t not lUtleto Kepabifraix aneof-w Is the Uwl . - -.- -1 A. r -. - ..'.;'-v. nf f TK-i Hnf nmn-.a a mf ?- !TiMl- fT rh-I . -rT-T--- r,tr.tXr.r- T-tTr-" St ffTTTt tKmedby many repuoncaa papers e iox u. xerj "iJJ" T Xebrii3fciiircorineeiion-withthesi5eak-r3T5eaijer, and rn the list we nno. ana ,tr.i b-rnrfi troSt. -RMi&iicnn inter I 53r I ershin of the house, and it certainly is ; everybody else Bads, that Church Howe eted in maintaininz- the intesrity and craru J a great coajpliment to that gentleman, j takes precedence in point of ability, ex- fQSSfcton rfSUie wa-uu 11 h? -tv.H- -tat- TwvsTrtfin riiflns rs i Tvnrnp snn fnc. If Gov. Nance should be elected TTutt-i Ssares Senator, it touM be rath r cruel to have to km Cams, so as to pceweat his taking the gubema tona cfciir. Fairmont BuBsiin. We.rues3 .Lieut. Got. Cams would f do as well in the gubernatorial chair as anybody else. AH whoare pitch-ing-iat,i Cams have taken their cue froaa the ? aad ought to be asham ed for having no better reason. It looks how as if the Lieutenant Gov ernor has a pretty fair chance of beinc Govaraer. aad if he is well bet that he wfii give'gsaeral satkfactios. What do the howangs of the cross-grained JSci 3nd Gtsie SEaotiai to. any wiy ? Of he abihtv for the Dosttion there rs not the leat doubt : while, his long ex perience in legislative matters, and in domitable energy, are additional titles entitiinr him to ihe honors of the place. We hope Mr. Howe will be succe3fuK in securing thespeasersmp ot tne next house. Lincoln Democrat. Mr. Kas3on move? with potency on the Speakership of Congress, and this is true of Church Howe for another Speakership not as far away as Wash ington. Otaaha JTctsM. "Rosewat?r3 abuse will elect Hon. Church Howe speaker of the next leg islature. Any one whom he favors is a dead duck politically. Kebrculsa City Press. Church Howe's chances for the sneakershio have dwindled into noth- ing. Pezcnee Enterprise. Don't you squander your money too freely on Howe's opponents, for Church is the liveliest candidate you ever saw. Fcircumt Hutietin. lesfrHie d. Atnn- Ocean, stand Crt. I TvrTn nnii pnonrvr tn?5 is a ennrwied I mntrihni r-r t h r-. - TTaniv 1: 1 oitiTiwr rrf "Vrn -rt!rTtf all 'nch nancrj The Tat A AUtl. .1 . UUJwU v . ......w... . - - .w - - - , ... We Say h IS the man. It rnigat SUIt varioo- eilltlons. The Inter oessnt U tt-r thederaOCTaticpartV better, in a poiiti- -h-npt paper ermsMerlcsr the injnant of -t .,... in k... cA ;-.nmn- fnr- reafiinz- matter romstiii ana u njgn enar cal sense, to ha e some ignoramua for : ioomat-Dabnhe.i m the- raantrv. li. rr.r I NTER OCEA N. One Year, Post- a-tp-tld siaoo srwaker. whost responsibility as speak- . er, coukl be waved off oj the repaoli- can parry on account of his ignorance j and inexperience in parliamentary law; I but not so with Howe. V itn him as speaker, and to the republican party will attach the credit or the blame, as as the case mav be. of all his acts. l We do not know Mr. Howe as we do Mr. Eaton; the troubles between those two republicans are matters of no con cern to the people of the state that we are aware of; certainly they are no con cern of the democratic party, except as faras-suefa troubles will enable us or anv other democrat, to mash a point SE-CI WESKCT INTER OCEAN. One Y-ar, Ptistagf P-ad XSH WEEKLY IVTEB OCEAN, One Year. Po.taeP.iM L.I5 Sosipie eople ent frfe nn pot eif Ion. Addrew THE INTER OCEN. Chlcaso. Efio. of Ofd xcy. ous, and the number is constantly in creasing, tt- tt- oiienu, oi. saiiiu. ea a. leading candidate and a strong man He was a member of the constitution al convention. Slocumb. of Fairbury. WITHDUT G3M11SSI0N Addresotjeall on tToliTi F. Lyoii. . At ASH HOUSE. Fr-Iays aad Stnrj of eaeii -"eefc. arPrivtIe5-slveti.of paytnsoS" loan.or-S nr.i a z j..- as ci . t- tfms$ ec---la - . t j Wort done .r?-v at--c -r" LD. LOOMIS, FASHTOnABLE BUOT AXD SHOEHiKEIt, Ut door we-t of OTeli ' UTerv Stable. to order ant tlcn gar3teed. OPHOLSTEBIHO iI0 C&III6 Neatly and promptly done by CABINEt StAEER. and CARPENTER and JOINER S hop 3 duor. east of Po-t OSce. !EtCrWNVl..E, - - - 5EBHASC1 The many friends of General H. M. Atkinson in Nebraska will read the following with pleasure; which we i clip from the Santa Fe New Mexiean: General HenrvM. Atkinson has re fer the democratic rjartv as acainst the ceived a letter from Hon. J. A. Wil- repubtican party. The"nanife?nll etii- liamon. Commissioner of the General IOCS UL tlli xnei-ivili-. J-ciajruvu- rt,irj.-- w- . ,m.. i.u ,, "" the Seward Htpvrirr can Epeak abont three of tbSrveyor Generals to ctrmej as muenfto vs-ungtou in janaary to assist t ia I hint m the preparation of nanualj for! unvatef'or31rl3"'flt:rr- Joe nas penn-neuy Po land claims and minins rlin-, Com- rarrsTBTO-rrtvm-. N&. r . r r TTl?- - Hon- ChTrrch Hiwe isth best pres-1 lnissunwr . uaamson names surveyor t idingoScer we oversaw in the chair. ueueru. iuoa as one 01 me uree He is a thoroun narlLimentarian. ?iiae presence ne requires, ann aaas 1 'orphans and "biiagiit up as they please: it will not deter us Th MriHafixi -frrr xrKlr-r nf the . E&. Mmt t.i..v .... .y ........ . . . -..-- - . TTonse of Heuresentatives are numer-l wishing Mr. Howsusce in his sperJr- the survey ot pabiic -..- -mA fV(A nnmluir i rN-t-jcf-mTfr ttv1 7HlT ltVTHfC5 -7M-r"21. r.-mr ,ir-- v ri-rf -t.r? mnmw f tHXllier IMC i iVIU4rw It Ur 1 ltA4UIk-ivWk I -wt--Jt -.,-. . f T-V wflt doabtfessbe the choiceof this sen- accurate asto the rules, and a regular trenerai At. tason on tae p.ogress tnat . secured it. Beatrice Exprest. To the Advehtisee. we wool I first r ssk the a if they had just as seoa pub lish a few of the statements to be foed m their back gks. Shtridan That's a& right, and will the Post rasa cst please tell us how ranch he got for his sttidea ftop from an ardent faepporterof Church Howe to oppos ing him. Wasn't it UI coarse. ui now rauca crwu. uttle. Democrat. dees DaSy give on that note due him further that he wishes, to conauit with atorial district. He has served during Ikrfttninc hand at tlisTmtchmsbcsiness-; 1S f111 m m ine aij-stmem. ana i one session of the House, and has coa- So far as the question of having ? good peieia-ni. ui pnvaie lanu claims in SHJerabie prestige, ivaley.o: Kea ciooa win also De a strong canoHiiue. -us e a jrood mnn for the nfacei Church Howe also wants the speakership, and crfrh his fla-tp.nv at sertm? ui the - - - - - -- x i phi in w : z i-i: ;. v t - (!: I. tPh... . pins it would not be surprising if he ernQr"well without doubt cam -off ! -ist aecomimsuinwisa w- I merited ritPTshin hrsnmn rcnnii r la"m-uu ul u-uuoai tuurncj. presiding aScerls concerned. the t-ZriKH-"1-5 -t--"".. eu.ta iu rstru oer would decide in favor of Mr. Howe. tnt? nslaton neetled on this snbject. JFesiaha Gnznar. Tit -election of General At non as -v-Qr--,-- ,tIx--, -r,n,i-iT-ione f the three of the sixteen St- jemanaa ootrnti to Deconspicuoualy f . rT .t. . , ., - j i . 1 . fveyor Generals who are chosTt to as- EwT J. CjEherfy, a 3 l i vts -tesn n?r-ii. Mnf Msr??? H5n7cjf ta- C xt Pjotg TThnt rc CXiazs:. poi tiFiectx. ir yon arc treoMr - wiH lilCrl ir-P..CiXK you tan i- caab aad iiai itiy raretl. 3- fcnairrl liave alrrixiiT. been A'e sitil ti pI-oxl tt nxall a. cir--t r teati -Q3-I-- t-u any ntgr-tt. CABTEB'S UTTIE UVER FILLS .Xi-aetc-eat. S-i j.1 of ISKc -vita. u . w . C-.'t Tae S-ely fated CteS--!se vVe. A Lar-j- -tapply Nleiel.TIirterrfeceJ wlt AJARM3- A seat boon e: Dark St-rarns-. ICTEO-ITEB ST THil r. --- YMDiafEST. First National Sank OT BUOW?TIT.LB -3"3iK3 SKS-AS- Cotfco&s SHh QgVMpH. Sk. gSlKt.. I-i -- - sm- x rlHr7M' ' . m -K ' - utorraf - s TESTATE OP-HN. Pi ed In the Ganniy CoaatTNebrtsJ--. Iat-enastt; is-etheOnai adistci-tratlon Freerfch- adnslr tnrator of John 3t Pnhfa deeenaed. Ni friven IhaS JasinaxT 7-3 A. A. M.. at the odce of ifce County Jirdxe maha. Cnantr.Neraa la BrowT bixCca. ha been- 2xed by the ranit fr t nfci - fnr ramtalrr and al said aecoont. when and where-Xt person-1- 5 terentetl azay appear ami coci-si ise a raw. Date-i Deeear ?,SHSl. - JO irN :v STUIX. Cnnty 3-e. NEMAHA CITY. He EESTAURAMT Nemaha Gily, BT .Loins StroBIce First door Jsocth, of the lumber yard. Ct andspetas-arease-l jrS cents. A. jooS srock of eairfcetlcKssalaofeeptoa aand- Xr. aad itrs. Stnhle lavlas had xsccfic ex?erl eneear3rrtenri,ar well qoilvl to plcsa their p-srons. New Store, I1e-v Gecd-w TVTr-.T a tcx . x Ji t.- r - -- J -T T " " c-w - -- DRAIN BROS, 'Havinr rexaoY-d into their caraeifl new business house, open out with the LARGEST AND BEST selection of cen3ral merchandise ever hxwughS'fcr Ixeirutha, inxiudinatuB line at i DMT GOODS, Groceries, Furnliure, JKeadj-3Iaile ClotAinffi Boots. S-ioesT-ETats. Ca, Trunks cfc- A splendid selection of Ladies cloaks and circnlars. Special baxg-ins irt woolen goods of all Mnda. Oar co-tomers-hacve our thanks for their far--cr Batnra3s. and arc xecriested to call andsee ns act anTTiew place of has- ineasi j-ii ux-tKi. Paid-up Capital, $o0f00& Authorized, " 5U0,0'00 rs psA3rcTO trassact a u a.t Ivi-kb. proawK-tHrest-n-r-.-ve , n ., 1 TJ -L--T- c S CMM-. iiaKrtfe lver. aw Eezu- 1 --- ---'- . ,- VJ fcur m- Ss. Tres!ti t--a fty tiiucriast t &2sr a e&Tii esr 3jttl-t City, ., piMERiil KEBCH3fSr U jrjri:- cje-c-fir I-r ctv2a x?co. co.v.'-i.'C-TaNs; b. Keepa-rJJtocte orevrj-thIm!-j?-plew-nt. Call aad aee-iaa. 3. Bell Andrevc. L.2T.FasUr nattit: e4 HctoHtocs, cLim:t; 7-iKmr- ua fce. T --T -- prrjr vycuv-i fBrpiKv - gg g ?a-'crrtj-p-rJ' f .T. , wO-cWif "-:. i ts tni. jfn--i cents, ftjllfiy fr II .51 fO, X-UIE. A- B. G. WHJTTEMGRE, DEALEP. IN siioc:?rs3. jl " riiO"713IOS3, S-TSrTHG iUtiN3 SSWIJC X1CECTE EPilS. A XPC1TT. Tvlllp-y the itinet nrxriiot p-Iee for erap iron and ray. Mais s- West UrotrnvIIle. 'Wot Sale. OXE H4IF 2VTERE5T ITTHE SHERIDAN MILL. For particulars call on or address. GEO. HOMEWOOD. Sheridan. Xeb -HARPER'S WEEKLY. BTT.AXBiffZ2- UEEESGY BBAPT5 en-llt-eprlctaalcien of tha ITmted States nd Sxrppe MONET LOANED Cts approved Heesrlty only. Tfnte Drafis dUcocat tA. aait tpctaiegaa;merttlongr ntxl tad pcatt ra. iMilcrla GOVSIK:rr SOJfD. STATE, COUNTY k CITY SECURITIES DEPOSITS ascMTwrpar-bleojtdeaaBrt.aad TSTXrCEaTa!- hnrton umeceru-ctsscf deposit. DraXCTOE?. Wa.T.D-B. S. 3f BaUeT. X.A HarotTey. "rut . Je-aaca. str loa-l y Was. FrsiaSer. J0E3T X. f . AVISOS" Cashl-r. I. Ctt cN AUG STQS .Ass r FOSTRlJ-DHSWS Physicians & Surgeons, Nr-malta City, Xefc. AUcrMspnunpSy attended night orda? Dr. Andrew rashes Chronic aad Farsfeal PUeases nt T-oiaea a -Tecialty Alio. edt- f cal anil Ssrfst EHeeaaes of the eye. H-t- Incn-d special tralalns In snrjery, ana a tarse and varied praetle In aeate and cbrcn le tlt5eae-. rsmors, bone dfceus". old nlcem. i zranattt sore eye. flbrotd iad ovartsn ta- non. feraaleTveataes-. anc Ciese or tne hrt. hinz. threat eic. Refer-nee- ofbper atlon pertb-i-d. and core- cJTected in cae orrmonn eed lacnraW'. FeMt 7e!on6Ie 3h CABS05, Prct-icsL. rrs,r--7-32D. Ti- -erSediral. Vr"Ht afsj ant sikx-lr dLros- :e?me: A Jtt I. JBa.-m-s!ai jrwretbTtt twt v- a J & t b: lew v'rea ea rsi Trr-t mtmM aad ee- t feSja if r 3li!n arwlJrat &-UieS-j-acoBcAa:e as-Oc raaa-. . t T?---?ij ftX H. BAII.EY. XHnyjs; ash te.x nr the speakership, and by a man second to none in the State, in that or any .. ittA favor t;nnrei tiowe lur soeaKer t nthar tvuKYi- Twirfirt-. ttt- Pht-wii xi State favor Church Howe for speaker of the hoose of representatives. JTe mahe. Times. "Everything seems ia go hock on "Van Wyck; but Church Howe, seems to be as secure fcr the speakership of the aenaor xrauj . f. con-t0 -, -hia nor savin- vrv fert.eere Porf oS5ce? Does the aid -" cancel the whole thing? Sock ridicttleas aad awkward flopping, makhag the Post aaaa the langhing stock of the neighborhood, ought to be weU reaserate& hv the Posi' masters. Hesavstbat in an interview with Jar. Schick, that gentleman informed Church Howe seems to be ahead in other public position. Howe. SJieridan Post. vrx: church Ihe town of Hoatoiale, Pa is sore ly siniicted with scarlet fever. Eigh- teen chHdrsn died there in one ctt last The Eev. Br. Mitch !, of Cleveland, -preek. and many otherj have :t- X-ar- in his recsnt Ij&nksrvlgg sermon, j every avuue is a houe of mourning. took occasion to maks the assertion Bow!and Ward, a bnsinesa man ai I that "More than one Jifti of the reve- trn-Krankee. nae ot the govenuiient was stolen be- ofsG. fore reachras: the treasun." The Inter-Ozesn denying the statement, and challenging Mr. Mltheil to r reduce the evidence, the Eev. gentlemen fur- suicided 24th ln3t by The n'nth annual nieetras of the Wisconsin Dr'-ymen's AssoTatTonwil! be held at Milwaukee Jan. 12, 13, 1 Bev. Talmag has been notified that LiL vTS STOCK Farm era. plaaecll-adjfet prices; Iwaat us handle year stoc :. OCe- Firs-Nat fosal B-nk. TACOB MARO-IX. asiderJrln IaeaslIs.Fxe. eo-h aa-TTaeey CIat Tr.n5. tr, El. T -e fi hi " te i3eje tH xfwxx beTmra arrtb- ais of ntaraisy. es.steacieat. aad rea-tsea. , R,-&' BVCT j. j. -iSSiiS-Ss "-i. f' - if y.-ii! - "" a j ii n3nr i t i y i lIk. i BOOTS. SHOES, AHD HABIlfeSS Hadeeadn-palrwla.- "sS a cxa fcs done any rtsere. aad arnort notice tNZ rSKY 12-150r.Hi TERMS. TITUS & WILLIAMS, DKAT.KRS XV 2i-i GOODS. GROCERIES. BEADTilADE CLOTHING? I NOTIONS. Etc. Etc, Eic Kernaiia Ciiy. rebraa, j Wilt aeit ?--i as caea 3 aar house SonUestern 2or. 2I.iT.P:i,51 --!?-3IC.i- HAEPfnrS WEHSI.Y. On Tear. .-J CO ."4 05 HARPER'S MAG tZrNE. One Year. HARPERS BAZAR. One Yr The Three above p&biieaf ten.-. Ooe YketI 65 Any Two above sameit. One Year 7 CO t HAReER-S YOHNG PEOPLE, One Year I 53 Jteyr tret ta i raar4er-ifav tt a--oZ(z c. S-rsvrrtTHIe. 3fcchraurs, J UAT CLIXE. e-Gt P.lSniOXI.E r r't 0100T AJP SHOE XAKF.R ?W C"T03C WOR1? nvl : l-y r-tara- l-tlrtiTT -I- B wac!jon CaT 2tIs rt. Bro-K1B'. ishn that -as he was wholly without marsable for therr influence ra fctate lorritr;tr o-rtn-?oT5 ? Trt Tvirjr ! matters are tust rantinfr and teannrr i .ifc-i m v i vux. a.a; - n -T-w -- - to he speaker, even if such a thimrj their shirts. r-T- BiwfhTo " rrH i-fef atit--OTit ic I That's a 2QO were possible,' and that statement is i FALSE. Sheridan PasL Mr. Schick's ambition and loyalty to those who ran hiTn has got the better the race for the speakership of the next house. Exeter Enterprise. The Brownville ApxEimsES booms for Church Howe for soeaker. Jadse!-.?. r..- m.,.- .- t..-ix. r . v- x . iL , - 5-et. : r - t A--.x- .u- Hcf-r :it .!. tr luiulu-u ;i w .t it ettii.s?i ir nA -rTiE --t-ttt Tirrir tt Cftnn rn- TTrrf -TZrr KtrrwrtC T I --.- j--. c forcommissioiof3TOnilture. The!of raat:er tf '--trate that he This time .ur atte-ing .'slsehcod. T i- Press could sav amen to one oral!. did not mean what he said. As tot Charles Whitnev, of Fort Scott was - . .-. , -----,--. .. i 4. i. aw,rw i-uv ui iivit. j sDOLaamaQ rnf !r.irn -inz. nv vt3ipv i . j .. . - w still an open question. Wekh. Cause, iealousv of Whltnevs "'- "Tr--ror " There is something esent!allr attentions to Mrs. Welch, who left hefj uusKina tor ner pararnonr. .J m VT x K" j BllACI$-traT ASD 7IOHSS ?HOEH ! Wot:doiearie--ail'iainictfoijiraatec TVa'3niei ef the n TrdEiy ba with tSrxc ynib-r&r Jacarya' ca yer Wfeca sntta fcj EiatWni. - wtft tf niMlr ' e tt tae ua scrSier Tfee cu-weKe-i-' too 'cirLber next 1 aJter a nj5S 1 Tbe last Eleved Aaacal Vafarms of Ezrsn't I ITety. ibb Sd--fc ;ns.TnBesen;y auM. I poKaj pajl Bei- erpesa. fte es.ie5-r tpr l rdnt t h. &eti - aot eiceed ca doar per i vtn-aae-. &r JTier. I CtatnCssa jratcte-oteiae. sgtMe ire fii-tfOwr:. wHi he sec w- aia -. partpa d, CS r-e" JC of 31 69 ea-a. . ... KJitaaces sooclc b- ia r- nr rosttjeiee iioa- i rOrdr orirsf. -verflc&xeeeartaxa. Jtsmrpttptn f.-K rat sw sux Tcrfi ieis tci-?"-- -;. - sr c Jarpar . !r3cr. Aidr HACJjS--: Saorirr5.NrTor. f. Opposit LKmber Tard, Main St. AT- REASONABLE BATES. 5pecial Accojnmcations for .ercisl SEe-m J. S3. 3R3B.ISS, OVERT im FEED SATBLL Good b-ie3 and horses, eharsea reaa oasble. Besif taes f trana!ea-atack. -acrCJr cm -Tvrr. CGZn A.O)- Driyer FnrinsbecT ;: when desired. Horses boarded by the day or week. and texs tearas lea ana cared lor at fair ratee. BAYTD A. MGBTOIf, Blt-s-iIi. "Kemalia Ciiy'eTrrasl ,r-- ? BOX, 2. . -T . - "? " fY.. " " " ' r4 STSELBGIL1EFEEEY. fTTHE Fhys tcitrt .f uei s2 J.OK The Lincoln Globe and two or three other papers, none of them verv re- SiHes writ of ; H" fcw lest nttgw are l tgall srtti3aig t piu. wl ifgaJ t T tr T ty-3CT ia g gutiiiij of Can trie IU i i f taw rs-slA-j hu CS. atp Tnr tiat Hi. orii u-y prxcntnaKr. taa E? !m m f nt t n; s w cMr gjtg.atcv c u'rr.rJ coca. irjntcjr:?TiriU.n::Pa;i.Rr- seems he is bound to be Speaker. t jtroimuiue tccrr .w . The two or three other pacers' are under the control of Rosewater. aad and! By tfee laws of E:iglsnd ammaLs are venal and all fudges arconnntiblB caa be proprietors of lane; rt lesst a and that a man with unlimited wealth i "ouian seffrag? advocate s?ys 50, a: tat his ormrnand mav thsrefore buv sue cires fniTrtnTrire' -fntm tiimislinri t 'rv- t been beflUS ml ... p . ..wa J.i.. ....iAfa .J. ' ' - ' ' . . crime; sfii we rrost aeknowled dogs, and parrots. One eccentric but; i that the 1 -tier part tf the above prop- rad master in h? wm text tcafavor-f reet. ai d that wealth does t horse a pasture in which the cloverl ofjiis conscience. 3fr. Schick did use ; dare not assert their convictions. They tho33 very words to us. and if we attempt to cause the belief that they .. f - rtntrv Z- -nt --t - -. - eV -. C-fc caredi:odoso couhi give the naml-w , 1 -t wTtw'aot actasa shield far criminals, and I?rew with Inxtrrktnce. and the courts . recognizeu. ns ngnt to co so. ana we axe told that in all these cases the csitton -nsrreet. ; Tness of t'fhxor noon, the cnuiditv Him r-.--. rrf xr- -j--t-o-Tv..-.n--.i-- xr- tt-c - of indiviluals. ? iizcoln Globe. h .. UJ IU..l i. UUUUU.T. !.. AU-. UU1. 2' I " J I --- " - - . . - -r . . , ! ?1t '. . . Z ,. UamlhliM. nrr fcr,.-.' mw I rtlr TT" .C" TnTt rtn ' ft -.'. '6 I sTjecEu xnenas nave i -.- --" jicu. -. --- "---. " -- ---- --"-. n ..- . s cases in which property has j A - t nue:ithed to favorite eats andl -ffV - . . , ii ri.ii a v lx-tz a c Bkzr fL3i. i.l, .. aa i pro-atHy tne aadavits. of several , dsnQace bittsrlv ia aeod BeonhS- tiBlt ifc? ia Da.ced upon the weak- ether gentlemen to whom he said, in carK thev are ttcidprin7 tn tl rhwv efce-t. ti sams Schick's forxaer ? to tt tbnfc fmm wtet Scftit rar? i 0l- tfa6ir harmless berk. inoKfcik clear as rand. said to them they were convinced that . vre had not ni;rpresented'hht. One gentleman remarEeo. ana we t-uruc. n-r?-vr n-iriTii Tai ty tirrhn. e3eiof&eiiver.btoo.i ndtoasaca.xncicd-! vprr trnivr -Thft5f ftHa-ST5L in thptr TTnn. Hhnrrft rTni-P rf Vmah?irirmfTr ? nnilons fever, fever and asce. daratr' desperation to beat Hbwe. are suoilircr "ho is a pruminent candidate for names of these fortunateaninials were ered upon the countv records as free-holcers- c:crt tsre?t, h-ir-ee- JfcUa il AU-attc Bra-' Ttlle.X-a. 5. HOLLADATT, iclaa -s-5j-ot. OiMtetrfelaxt. ' Gradaatxl ta IS5 rjcai d la Brr TK!e ISSi. OC..taim-rtrir ; ivilie.Ne . TH. BEOADT. t Attorney td Coaaielor at Ia r, C&ceaver-tu B a-BroTiKl Jeb. c , ClSmor, Uti rt I-. in rii.n Tn.ritu i.if ii nfinrTt rri-mrtit iffi rnni itf ill ii .- t-m.t-eg -ia M-raa ..--sksr&c jra. i -tww. w.-- b,.,r:aStt-,lfeKnir. ra-. 9-a m --, lac r a tl ' e3-srbc; ts r urtrz Ktioucanef v r r. r r rw eact? c-, T'j. A. c3eyflac 3 oC e - ff3 ' ' i '..Sc, xnrru. cr ar . igV tTKiL, ?4TKtfii, sauospic ep4Biterr carfi A- s- aC i-e. xrer no b m- crcr; cra. cr i4ntt rr if. wsa itoc t Se t ts ' DanciiTc toi rnMi pcn cw a. pr ett. w - m 7 r K h nf- irft icia i to .rxa t ii rar r;, ensvtr m: (i i tc k aT -'rtu H1-, r - ' 4-er - - s !- m Ut tr t H , -lnil M--'-r.-t-t rir-t-nrtp . . nc2. co n Q A. 0SB0B1', ATTaai'EY AT IilW. UlcyJttsres.I5-iwHvHc. Jfeh s I 't ' TelegrupK. t Special Correspoadeacs of the later Occaa. i WESTERN 3CEEAr, Tttt? TjfTET,arareaadlrrrnet I J. S. f?TT7LL. -rn-;-? -a at t..ttr. , . , ,,. . esnonW jndE . -TSCeived tne CKceof Cooaty Jad-. B-vaia. Keor-ira. TaBmosiKDriblerreMdr.- th oory : .VrnMno that Ui -p-rv .afwitioH - . ... 'a....b. .W. I - I -- itctfi. . rrr ct i- a st. s . u . i ?i 5 3 B Yoorseivr by ec iy l b M 3 3 tTca-eatrac-ior-. ! B--3-3B 3 Staere&y a--.ys-epi!rpiveriy I S"f3 S Iraas - ear nr. To-e srlw at- : i? - -.2 -T-ta-e--tTsrs5-of ttesoctf j ; -i 3 at -C--I--M -.- it-- -.- -- .5!SBE- ' - 1 nn -in i i i ii 1 1riTliniir-n----ar 1 -H. -'rEilti f i ' "fi. -L.-----M - pBara "SoBH---S tailae.repaltij anJ horse-Seeraxa ? ctty. LEYI JQHKSOfi, PROPRIETOR, oixa cr ?a3n Centrally located : Got-fcfare.asd rotron ale -pered to7 na&e jt-esta eocsfi xtaiJ Good bora fbrh-rscs asal C targes JZcxzxcitable. TNiQir(VvvVT f?CVCk 5S351 wtr fc Bflail.' Wr-rrlr- gae -il--T. ----gItteya-a """- r"I " H5---i Mfu.!- . fslf:"?- tfcMliiTiri i !i . . )4-- HARRIS REMEDY CO. CH 2iT : sw-kj. TaJl'ritzft .e)rfia- r to - -vgeaejf " JV.J- Letter j-cecace-t rE J ? AiBroiraviiieNefcraska. BEST j. CKOSSIXGr River eare Sir all dU- CTE m -n I - .-. - , T t aucnaau r.w. . .-, .l'J&l.-lA;-v. Tes. von -ru-t other" tsmdIp bv1 .ttoi.v atuw. -A 4...IT1M. 4v. i t . rT . ? ? f VT1TT C0?- t rv-T r rt'a 7 . .7'...'I " is a prominent candidate for ?rr :? r.'L . ,r. "" wyT J. : - - ----- - -.--,---rw-i3in--1.-J. Z.-- , ' kTZ . Speaker of the House in the Xebraska f !fi5"rK1"!a Dx; judge." - 1 T-i f -.-- Tic-; &hiek, and he air-ady has the worst T-eTrrr v-- ? Zt? -Jsorpttoo. AsJcyoardrcstssforthiicot-i , . , cjv--im&Lsmif, Mf,. IZanZru X:r vCiJ-Ti- :T t - -- "r Ser-torPaddock eai his -Christmas T'--SST --, -.--- d i w-w.w ..w. ---- vut4- -a tf -v 'fr - rfT I w-f & c--- ----i -.-. i 4- tt rw i ui . - -- --.-j-.-' - , . .. - L.kJ A - t a -b- -U- jUU - - - . . j- a - a a.y-.'-- -- . tna-n t ease of big hea3"tat we ever saw. I cte-aca fer rn . 7Tg saoaey -- ar-cfiered-ff-nera: "bee-as easiT-waleaee " . .. T-tm- B-enTpn--e-carfeaec-i reaxam to pv- . fWI -t CrC2r1T TI , -rr - W -t.-t cvinv es. wb. 5i aad -Tl . V LA. A. i. ' sirti e tte. T s 'heir o ' te 6 st f The ea.Be tii a.- nwe lhi tea : a-e on ii " TCTTTTT" TQO H Rib : MBM-!.r!. No -toeeas-' &3 y ; ta aaafce isaeey v-rj rape-, loe can otrvte : -- yaarvluMe t - -J 4&e rK. or oy v-ia-- JtC&tS JLQ i 33irc. 5- ' itst-i atis-taa- tree. Aj fcT?sa ., i?rJ i3?1 ' norrany of h-5fiK-s.can do anything rrancJiequTp2raelf with whoseeks .ia to FrexiP.c-, Toledo. o. and they TgrkeTatOIQera"d rsearnpedon the'. fm-9 wi" wiEhhia.." political i.'ifent in this State. H? --mdyoaoc4.T:-paidby"retam 3n grcund ready for the fray. fi:!i JSs-a5s WAKTEO trtt.3tf-e r -i-jil. -n.m5 . y -t.r ranrr Cast --. st JW.1t. fill ru r--2 C frBT- t-ent-Hi-Ci. gi jm rj-I5 T-ZHZS-CCGw Xasfx O-alii MrIinitlM. -, .- C zmjfghh ad i Ho ads Good. Indemnity. Amine. Connects witn sUfTrains. K.n-iarbiita: I wror n-- tTMarf c -t"- r . .. , TC IH 1 m JAgii K --- rrr-Jr!r.- z - i e acaK. sfl-r -- - - - - . . fa-a.0c loo. ---t a-. -- ".-t i5" t---A. --r.-' .-,:, -i- !-. fcluoy .. - r . J . ... r ' r an.a-r . -- r. . . ..' .... 1 ic&rw a to - " - "- ' r7L5l w knffiwrii. Tte yjftt yg ffiw I fc J tax. is ie ttrtekr;kfaiCrnrj.l yy y rrft f waK oct trrsr B ttcc witV rac gn 1 r Jxmn - lex rf ? reff. fcr w aar cbt $ So t-2Zr mm y rW. TC tut MaeKrniMarjVTvn 5e pjjiIjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjV -'S X f1R s- a?5? tw