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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1880)
J f fl V Wa6. tfr ' f r( . ' l ri i , I - l"w Jr- v THE ADVERTISER a.W.rAIRBHOTHEJS. T.C.nACKKX . FAIRBROTHER & HACKER Publisher fc Proprietor. Sutserfpticn, $2.00 Per Year in Advance. OFFICIAL PAPER OP THE COUNTY. Congress convened Monday 6th inst. Wm. T. McCaller is in waukee for forgery. jail Rev. Thomas, of Chicago, recently declared that "the old doctrine of a lit eral endless hell, if adhered to, would sink belief, not only in that dogma but in God himself." The Beckwith IIou8e, Oslikosh, "Wis., was burned 3d inst. Loss, SC.OOO. A Mrs. Page died from suffocation by smoke. The fire originated from a broken kerosene lamp. e Thre are received sufficient census returns from Alaska to make an esti mate which isthat the territory con ains about 30,000 souls, only 300 of whom are white people. New York Tribune: There were no ciphers in the last Democratic cam paign, and there will be no forgery in the next. The Democracy is slowly and painfully acquiring wisdom. The Itner Ocecn's Omaha Iptterl says, "About everybody in Xebraska, excepting Itosewater of the Jiee, is for Hitchcock" or Secretary of the Interi or. Yes, Rosy is sloshing around alone after the "U. P. cappers." D. J. XcCann, who has for so long a time been harassed by the Secretary of the Interior, under the charge of embezzling 52 barrels of sugar while a supply contractor for the Blackfeet agency, has finally been acquitted by a jury at Cheyenne. Tho Lincoln Globe and two or three otherpapers, noue of them very re markable for their in'.luonce in State inattera, are just rauting and tearing their shirts, about Church Howe. That's a good sign for Church. It seems that he is bound to be Speaker. Suppose that tho Republican states men now turn their gigantic intellects to wash bills. Large quantities of par ty linen, more or less soiled, has been washed, Cincinnati Enqu irer. Nothing could bo more novel to a full-blooded Democrat thau the presen tation of a "wash bill." Put the Dem ocratic party to soak in strong soap suds, and in three weeks time you would have to collect it with a strain er. Inter Ocean. An Iowa man, 'aTderaocrat, is to tnke a doso of castor oil, as the penalty of an election bet. We hope the doso will be large enough to forever purge him of demo cratic tendencies. If he takes good oare of himself, the dose is certain to do him good. Tecumseh Chieftain. If he is like some of the Democrats around here he will be interred as soon as the phyjic operates. Colored people from the South are still.llocking into Kansas. The Gov ernor of that State says the .arrivals average about 100 per week, that there ia much suffering among them, as many are destitute; and contributions mo called for. Appeal is made to the benevolent p'io ofjiChicago for lum ber withj-vuieh to build sheds or bar racks for the accommodation of tl e JcfugAes. -Ilok 1'ort Journal: Preparations are beiirfg rapidly perfected for dykii g he-iMiasouri river front in thciscountyt Jtuiu Cook's Landing southward a mile or more. Some S'.'O.OOO was ap propriated for this purpose at thf last session of Congress, aud the work is being done under the supervision of an agent of th? government. The object is to prevent the river from cutting away valublc lands in Missouri and Nebraska. Philp and Hart, the editors, and Byrne and Ps:, the publishers, of the New York Truth, have been indicted for publishing the libelous article head ed "Lying and sticking to it," regard ing Gen. Garfield's denial of the genu iness of the Morey letter; and also for publishing the fac-simile. S. S. Morey is also indicted for perjury, and is in the toml. The villains are having more fun f r the Morey letter than iheyai.t Seated. Some, if not all of them, will U Mire to get into the peni tentiary. The penalty for criminal li bel in New York is one year in the penitentiary and $2.r0 fine. Some of the finer haired Democrats Hewitt, Barnuin, for instance ought to suffer the extreme penalty, but they were Minart enough to keep just outside the pale of criminality. And now it is proposed to elect Grant U. S. Senator, to succeed Francis Kernan, of New York, but the proposi tion will probably fall as fiat as other .suggestions for bolstering up the fad ing eelebriousness of this national beg nsr. OiiUiha Herald. It is said, by Miller's friends, that he is becoming a mental wreck, and they are usiivu persuasive means to induce him to abandon the editorial chair of the Iftrald. This may be true or not, but it is certainly true that G. S. Miller is not failing in his ability as an un ecrupulous journalist of the lowest pothouse order. AVejdo not believe it iscraziness that islthe matter with Miller, but innate, lowborn meannes?, which is intensified .in his broodings over the failures of Tilden and his de tected villainies, and villains Miller being one of them and his own ex posed rascally efforts with Cronin, Hewitt, Pelton snd Patrick in the ef fort to buy, steal or bulldoze the elec toral vote of Oregon in '76; and his utter prostration in the result of the late campaign. Poor Miller what a contrast be tween him and the. Max he would as sassinate. A Nation having been led vkAvl to victory by Guant. stand un '-a ? ,; nresence. whilst Miller's Ann of negative friends gather about dozen otnegau- r. hiin and mysteriously nod and whisper "George L. is verging on imbecility!" Miserable Miller! at Mil- JH ,. " W - ESTABLISHED 1856. i Oldest Paper ia the State. J A Practical Illustration of the Damning: Effects of the Liquor Traffic John W. Bell, of Falls City, on Tuesday of last week, while in the act of harnessing a team, dropped dead. The Qlobe Journal has the following oppropriate remarks regarding the sad affair: Deceased was a young man of Intel ligence and business capacity, and but lor one evil naoit wouiu nave oeen a successful business man. That habit not only unfitted him for the affairs of life, but was undoubtcdly'the cause of his sudden and untimely death. lie was addicted to the use of strong drink, and so (inn a hold had the appetite gained upon him that though he re peatedly strove to overcome It, and with tears in his eyes, solemnly pro mised to touch the accursed stuff no I . I Jt 1 ! a Si,. poweiiesa .iJunst it; tuu ma guyu resolutions gave way be fore the awful cravings of the appetite for rum. It is not pleasant to speak of the faults of the dead, but when we re member that in this case as in thous ands of others, the excessive use of strong drink had ceased to be a fault and had come to be a weakness, we think we will be pardoned for refer ring to it, not for the purpose of cast ing odium upon the name of the de parted, but to warn the living against the terrible fate that awaits him who "tarries long at the wine." Oil, it is an awful, terriblo thought! A young man of promise hurled into eternity without a monent's warning; a loving wife made a widow; an inno cent babe made an orphan by alcohol ; and yet the wise men the law makers legalize tho sale of poison, and exact nothing from him who deals it out save a few paltry dolllars. and attempt to justify their acts by the argument that tho money so obtained is used to edu cate the fatherless children made fath erless by the damnable traffic. "What a consolation this is for the mother; how consoling the thought that her child is to be educated on the money the father paid for that which destroy ed his life. This is an awful warning, but will it be heeded? There are others in this city whose death in the same manner would not surprise tho community; will they take warning? Th.3 is not the first death that has occtired in this town from alcholic poison, and we are a certain as we can be of anything in the future, that it will not be the hist one. A wife and little 3-year old son are left to mourn for the young husband and father prematurely taken away from them by alcholic liquors. "What a direct and terrible lesson to young men just now beginning to acquire tho appetite for stimulants. Nemaha has but one representative in the next legislature if wo are to judge from what we see in the Brown viUeAilwtisei: In the last issue of that sheet everything is Church Howe, but Mr. Daily, "who was supposed to have been elected senator from that county is never mentioned and there is another man eleced from that county but his name is never mentioned. Lincoln Globe. And, judging from tho Qlobe, how many has Nemaha? Only one. Church Howe monopolizes the whole attention of the dispeptic Eaton. Eaton has Church Howe on the brain, and if readers of that sheet have failed any day within six m:mths past to see a notice of Church Howe it has been an exception to the universal rule. From the timethat Mr. Howe's candidacy was made known long before tho conven tion to the present time, the Qlobe has been slinging its filth, skunk-like, at dim. A majority of the best and most honored gentlemen in Nemana county, are Mr. Howe's warm friends, yet re gardless of this, fact, and , of decent journalism, and fair play, and the worst of all, on utter disregard of truth, the Globe has, with but a few excep tions, daily attacked Mr. Howe. And it has, and will continue to be, our province to defend him, and the honor of our people whose representative he is, against the Globe's attacks; born, we are convinced, by their very un truthfulness, of malice solely. Mr. Daily, we believe is perfectly well sat isfied with the Advertiskk's course toward him; and he asked us long ago to not hold him responsible for any seeming attack that he might make on us through the Qlobe. We believed him, and worked harder for his elec tion than we worked for any other can didate. Let tho Qlobe give the occa sion, attacking Mr. Daily, or any other of our men, and The Advertiser will defend them as vigorously as it has Mr. Howe. To the Editor of the Ilernld. BloomiK(?tok, Neb., Nov. 2S, 18S0. Would you please answer in to-morrow's Herald if Hancock got a majori ty of the jwpular vote over Garfield at the late election ? If not, winch of the two got the nvijority and how much ? Please answer and oblige several read ers of the Herald. Readers. A recent dispatch gave the majori ties taken from the official returns from every state in the union, as fol lows: For Garfield, 4.439,41.1; Han cock, 4.430.S14; "Weaver, 30.".729 ; Dow, 9,044; scattering, 1,793. Total. 9,192, 595. Garfield's plurality, 3,491. Oma ma Herald. It will be perceived that in the en quiry above, tho enquirer asks for the majority as between Garfield and Han cock. The Herald dodges the question and calls it "Garfield's plurality" Out of a grand total of 45r,t,4n,000 bushels of wheat grown in this country this year, the production of the South wasnly 41,329,000 bushels, or about 30,000,000 less than the actual con sumption. Carrie Haines, a young lady of 20. in a fit of despondency, occasioned by un- ! -f . , tl hPrself in front of requited Ion e, threw nereir in front of , j a passenger train, at Fairmount, 111., and was instantly killed. ' wIkP fipiifi infill iPiiiif 1k MISCELLANEOUS NEWS. At Ft. "Wayne, Ind., John Maher and Isaac Morris have been sentenced to the penitentiary for life for murdering Barnhardt Myers. At Bellfontaine. Ohio, 2d inst, James Sloan suicided by cutting his throat. Three judges of election have been arrested at Manchester, Va., for refus ing to receive the ballots of Republi cans. At NashvilIe.Tenn., 2d inst., Dan. Smith, colored, was tried, and senten ced to 21 years imprisonment for at tempting to ravish a white girl. Soon 03 the sentence waa uttered a mob overpowered tho officers, dragged Smith to the street and hung him until he was dead. That's a virtuous country down there, where they also mob Re publicans to death for attempting to vote their sentiments. Philip Kling, of Franklin "Wisconsin suicided by shooting, 30th ult. A noted forger and swindler who passed himself as "Lord Courtney" with other aliases, is in durance vile in New York. Robert H. Berdell, an ex-pre3ident of the Erie Railway hasbeen arrested in N. Y. for perjury. Two roughs, named Sylvester and Halverson, who invaded an Indian camp at First Lake "Wis., aud outrag ed an Indian woman, have been sent to jail, nine and six months, respec tively. "Win. A. Thomas, teller first national bank, Newark, N. J. is under $10,000 bonds for making false entries. Sixty-two soldiers, in one regiment at Fort Townsend, have Indian wives. Neal Dow, the prohibition candidate for President received only OG votes in his own State, E. "W. Farr, a Congressman of New York, died 30th ult., of pneumonia. Aged 40. An unknown man leaped off the St. Louis bridge, 30th ult., and was drown ed. John S. Sapp, a saloon keeper, Coun cil Bluffs, was killed and robbed at his saloon, after business hours, on the night of 30th ult. He was 50 years old. E, B. Straura. LOOKS LIKE BUSINESS. Qulncy Whiff: Manager Green, of the Q., M. and P., has received orders to immediately survey the extension of the road west from Trenton to the Omaha connection, and a corps of en gineers will be put in the field for that purpose early next week. The Wabash managers contemplate the early com pletion of the Q., M. and P. totlie Mis souri River. B. .t M. ALSO FIGURING. A corp3 of 11. R. engineer crossed the Missouri river from Nebraska at Aspinwall this week and surveyed across the bottom to the bluffs near Mill Creek. Rock Port Journal. THE WICKED WA BASIL The Wabash railway company is constantly adding to its ramifications. The Quincy, Missouri & Pacific rail road, in operation to Milan. Mo., and which is one of the many short lines acquired by the Wabash within tho hist year or two, is now being extended from Milan to Trenton, a distance of thirty miles. Tho whole of the exten sion is under contract, and the road is partly graded the entire distance. The iron will belaid early next spring. Last week the engineers employed by the Wabash were directed to make two surveys, one of an extension from Trenton to a junction with the St. Louis and Omaha line of the Wabash, and one to St. Joseph. The latter will furnish the necessary link for a direct route between the trans-Missour di vision of the Wabash and Toledo. Chicayo Times. Oranizin a Whisky Ein ia Itebraska. The State Democrat of the 1st has an article calling upon the whisky men of Nebniska to organize and fight the proposition to amend the State Con stitution which is to prohibit tho sale and manufacture of alcoholic liquor the same as is now in force in Kansas, and also to be in readiness to fight any prohibition law which may be intro duced. Tiie whisky men are nervous and well they may be, and it is useless for any newspaper to call upon them to organize, they are already organized and a large amount of money will be raised to influence, not to say buy leg islation. It is the temperance people who need to organize and they must organize at once before it is everlast ingly too late. Tho proposition to amend the Constitution should receive the support of every temperance man in the state, and we hope the incoming legislature will submit this que3tion to the people at an early day and at a special election. The cry that an elec tion will cost Nebraska a large amount of money, will fall very fiat when we consider that on drunkene whisky row is liable to cost the state more than would the election, and the state has many scores of such every month. Lincoln Glob". c MONEY BY THE MILLIONS. New York, December 2. In con nection with the stringency of the money market, bank presidents inter viewed say millions of dollars are in vaults for want of use. In the assay office there are S50.000.000 in foreign gold, which has been coming here since Auccust 2d. It is estimated that Sl2.000.OO0 are on steamers bound to this port so that by the latter part of next week the total amount of gold in this port will reach 02,000,000. The Bland silver dollars are not all exactly alike. In reproducing and mul tiplying the necessary dies for coining, the artists introduced some slight alter ation and changes. On some of the original dies the eagle's tail has eight feathers: on others but sen. Of the oncmal eight-feathered bird onlv three thousand pieces were struck off. At Mme the eacle.a tail wiu be a fortune to the coin collectors and curiosity-hunters. BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKJJTHURSDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1880. SELECT TELEGEAMS. A 11U-)1. tUli AUE.U tUWUCU riSUafL,I.Vv Cincinnati, December l. John T.BjiWlieii'intPERU you need Crawford, an eccentric man who diedJ,x . .. auout two weens ago leaving an estate valued at from 830,000 to 100,000, waslin 00 fnr arm ffcl 50 MoHm icpujieu in uave uiaue piuvjsum iur,f building a home foraged colored mem'wf) nfq " " tn (f) ll xne win nas ueen openeu ana it is found he has left the entire property: for that purpose, directing that the home shall be built on eighteen and one-half acres at College Hill. The will cannot be probated owing to the rm m v . u&mi ui uue uj. lilts vwkuiaes, vui. Jjfc -p. Von. Vleck, and the absence of theft? UlTlgS. other. John H. Frisch. who enlisted' ugf several months ago in the regular army. and is supposed -to be somewhere in the west. 'JS-, -KAjt a is a Colorado grows. Jdother MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Denver, Col.. Nov. 30. The offiViSlf J. PATTERSON. cial returns of the staJgjyethGawpRlTjJff. 000; Pitkin (rep) for governor a little over 5,000 majority, leading the rest of the state ticket about 2,300. Total vote, 54,000 an increase of 2(5,000 over 1878. THE ARKANSAS VOTE. Little Rock," Ark., Nov. 30. Gov. Miller to day proclaimed the result of the presidential election in thisstaie, Nov. 2d as follows: Hancock, 00.4S1; Garfield. 41,001; Weaver, 2,1(51; Han cocks majority over all, 14,049. destroyed by whisky. Farmland, Ind., Nov. 30. Last night Win. Burres. who had been drink ing and quarreling with every one he met, especially with his family, took up a double barreled shot gun, and wlnle Ins wife was sleeping with her babe in her arms, shot her through the head, killing her instantly. He was arrested and taken to Winchester. He claims, however, that the shot was accidental. He threaten el shooting her once berore with the same weapon, while drunk. OUTSTANDING CURRENCY. Washington, Nov. 30. Tho fol lowing is a statement of United States currency outstanding at this date: Old flrm.ind notes .. $ 00.7!0 Legal t mler notes. All Issues 316.681,01(1 Oneyesir noted of 1SJ3. -It5.0."i5 Two yenr note:, of 18SJ 12.5.V) Two your ennpnn notes of 1SU1 2l,.V)) Compound IiUctvta notes... 2H.2IU Fractional curroncy, all issues I5.S19.lf5 Total . S36:,6ft4,136 DANA'S SAY TIIE UNKINDEST CUT OK ALL. Washington, 30. The New York Sim to-day has a sensational editorial on me reuauiuiy oi a Democratic ma- jority in Congress. It places no de pendence on any Democratic majority in the next Senate, and significantly adds: "Unstable as water they shall not excel in any real controversy." It says the Southern Democrats who traded away Tilden make up the chief strength of the Democratic party in the Senate, and they will trade away their suuls if need be for the smilos of the Executive. Sura tlic trim rttrxnur. ".Ien who have once been traitors to their country, and have never repented, may by possibility if the temtation is very great, betray their party." It thinks Mr. Garfield need not be con cerned about meeting any opposition in the Senate. PETROLEUM FOR NOVEMBER. Titusville, Pa., Nov. 30. The Ti tusville Morning Herald's monthly re port, to be published to-morrow, will give: Wells finished in November. ::7; new production, S.'JM barrels; dry holes. 9; wells now drilling, 448; new rigs up and rigs building, 450. There is ija large increase in the num ber of drilling wells and rigs up over October, and the amount of new pro duction slightly increased. The re port is looked upon as neither bearish nor bullish. OETTINO ALARMED. New York, Nov. 30. The Evening Post says that private advices are that the large movements of Gold to this country are attracting serious atten tion in London, and it is not unlikely that the Bank of England will use its large power to prevent it. London, Nov. 30. Tho bullion withdrawn from the Bank of England on balance to-day is 110,000. PLYMOUTH CHURCH SENSATION. New Yokk, Nov. 28. Among the attendants at service in Plymouth Church to-day was General Grant, who, in company with Senor Romero, sat in II. B. Claflin's pew. General Grant entered tho church about ten minutes before the service began. His His presence was soon noticed and a whispered announcement went from pew to pew, and soon he became the cynosure of all eyes. At the close of th? service he sat down to wait until the audience had gone out, but so great was the desire to see him that hardly any one went out, and those who did so passed around to the rear door in order to see the distinguished visitor better, as there seemed no prospect of the church being emptied. Mr. Beech er remounted the platform and desired that the audience would pass out. lie added: "A special service can be held if you wish to worship a man. This is a house tor the worship of God." At this General Grant arose and started down the aisle. The crowd of persons then gathered in front of tho church, and all waited until ho was driven away. GENERAL GARFIELD'S CHURCH. Cincinnati. Ohio. The of ficers of the Disciples, or Christians' Church, of which General Garfield is a member, to whom have been intrusted the duty of obtaining and receiving funds for a church in "Washington worthy a President, meets here to-morrow. Interviews with the Secretary and Treasurer show that subscriptions are coming in very satisfactory, and there no longer remains any serious doubt of the success of the movement. Almost every State in the Union has already responded, and it is easy to see that the movement is meeting with a hearty national response. It is exppct ed that about $40,000 to 850.000 will be .raised, and that work will begin about March 4. The new church Will take the place of the little .?2."i00 frame edi fice in "Washington at which the President-elect worshiped last Sunday. A dispatch from St. Joseph. Mo., says: "General Joseph Craig, who ran as a Democrat for Congress in this dis trict against Nicholas Ford. Bepubli-can-Greenbacker, at the late election, has withdrawn all opposition to Mr. Ford, and tho probabilities are the lat ter gentleman will receive the certifi cate of election. ill tvouoi-aoie-ae ir Attention Everybody! ajw"" vjf jjj.uj.-o cutm l j -r"j--vw i uiu ifixiw J.U.OUJ.Ulilt ,( .,. bets." " 50 Ct. it :5 cts. for any Box Pills, &c. lie Cheapest House for other ;g00KS & STATIONARY 3 l Jr . ;i lUHfin i MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED ft PERCENT. REAL ESTATE AT U INTEREST. ON 5 YS &RS TIME, WITHOUTfCOMMISSION Address or call on Jotm. P Xjyon. At MARSH HOUSE. Frldnys and Saturdays of each week. aS-Prlvlls given of p(ylncon"$ sTntiy considerable p-rt, nl unv$ CJ-tluie Inurest fulls due.-a 52tf ED. L00MIS, FASHIONABLE done to order and satisfaction guaranteed. Repairi'g naflji promptly dens B. G. WKITTE1V10R r DEALER. IN GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, SEWING MACHINES SEwiaa uaciiixe rkpaiks a spkcialtt, vrlllpay tho hlzhest market price for sornp Iron and rags. Main st.. West Ilrovrnvllle. For Sale. OSE I8 4T,F INTEREST IW T3IE SHERIDAN MILL For particulars call on or address. GEO. HOMEWOOD, Sheridan, Neb t. UPHOLSTERING AND CANING Neatly nnd promptly done by MIKE PSLTHA.U3ER, CABINET MAKER, nnd CARPENTER and JOINER Shop "l doors east of PoM Ofllce. nROWNVlM.E, - - - NEBRASKA Otlt'it sent free to thns" whn wish to en dice In the most pleasant -ind pro!ltab!e hUMlno known. Everything n w rni Itnl not required. We will furnlh you evryth nc. JIO a day and lit ward is easily m de without staylui; away from home over nlcht. No risk whMpvpr. Many new workers wanted at once. Mnnv are mat Iwr for tunes at the buslnpss. I,ni1Ie make as much ns mii.nnd yout'cbovsai'dc'rls make cent pav. Xo one who Is wllllnjr to work fall to make more monM evervdsvthnn can hn:a1pin a wpok nt any orrllnarv empl vment Thoie who pmrK" nt once wIM find a sh rt road to fortune. Address II. IlALLifTT fc Co., Portland, Maine. Uvt B. M. BAILEY. shipper Axn nnAi.rn i LIVE STOCK JJROW.VriLLK, XEniZASICA. Fanner, please cull nnd get prices ; I vrnn'. handle yonr stock. m OUre First National R"tik. TACOB MAROriX. MERCHANT TAILOR, and denlerln 'ineKnsllsli.Fie.ns'i, Scotch aad.Fsixy; Cloth Tosflnss, iHc. Eh-. Rrcwiivflle. XcbrasUn. pAT CLtNE FASTTIOViniVE BOOT AND SHOE 3IAKER T C7"VTOV WOUir madeto order, and fits alwav ?narantert. ftepalrlnir neatlr and promptly don? dop. No. 17 Mln street. Rrownvllle. Neb. J. L. BOY. " UNDERTAKER, C&an made on short notice. Three miles west or Irownvllle, Nab J W. G I B S O N BljACICsniTH AND HOUSF, SIIOER WrVdone to ortler and satisfaction icnaranteed First street, b3t-Ye?i Main and Atlantic. Brown rllle.Neb. A. S. IIO LL AD AY. Ph -lcln.n, Surjrcon. Obstef rlcian. Graduated In ISl. In ttro-vnvllle !$. Ofaco.H Main street, nrownvlllf. Neb. J. II. BROADY, Attorney ami Counselor at Law, Ofllce overstate Bauk.BrownvIll .Neb. C A. O S B O 11 N . J ATTORN BY AT LAW. O.Tlc, No. SI Miln street. Urownvlle. Neb J. STULL, ATTortvrcrs at law. OSceof Coanty Ju4;e. KrownrSIIe. Nebraska. T. L. SCHICK. ATTORNJB.V AT LAW. Offif OTerFst OlUce. B.-owavtlle, Nebraska. 1SPESSARY ZrfiUiiitllSi? st 12 IT. :i Sstii, 3' THE Pbjiiclaot incbirte rf thi c'-t tcJ we'J fcnmn Isitl. tutioa ire rtgulir riJu.if i I'd isritrj. rin r Esprritare in the trata.rftt cf Ikroalc DWa have uada Ueir tkill ill ability much Crror Is I&at of tiic orJimrr prtclilraccr, that the? fcaic acquired a natioul rcpstatUa thrtorh their tieatcicat of enmp'ica'rd eJ. INDISCRET.ONrEXPOSUREr"? gBggBBBBBHiHflBaBDBaiViacaWSBdBMBMBBBa isrtsfq BauJict at vp)illi. l.carrtaca, blcel. Mrtftirr, UrrklUall Irtaarj Troabln ajid SjpHIIUc or a em rial affe:U" of tea threat, tain or hoars treated ith locccm on te teatifie (via eiplei. withoat atior Mercury or other I'niiocotis Medicine. VnilfJO MPM and Ihne of tniJdle a;e trha are if anaanaesaaHinil (crur. from the effeeti of Pper-at.r-rtca or Bratiaal Mrmaaru, the malt et telf-atatc la joota er eiceM la matarei years lrc ferttaneBtlj- care. Thre &lf caac pralccei aomc of the f.lowiaj cf ecu emunom. diziiceu. scriobtaess, dioirefi of i;ht, caurh. indircfttiea, eoaitipatina. despoadeacy, roafInn cf (de a. aversioa to so ciety, defective memory. ibi! clbiastlon, icpoteccy or toia of manly viror. vrhieh oafita the tietim f-r taiiac or tnarru'e. PATIENTSTREATED j ,jji j peraoail rnnsnitation it prrlerrct. vhteh tt FHE and invit c. Liitof c,oettiocjtibcanterelbT rU'etli dciiria; Uca). KDcat mailed fre to ary a-tdrew on arrlicatfon. rnan aaSVriar frpaa liaplarc ihraM rd I heir iMr,X M Irara Mart&lar' ! their ailiuUfr. tt U ! a trata. f Ccrenamcatifnt ttretle coadntttl, and ihiMil I rv 44rrtt4 DR. HUTT-v 13 .North r-th et.. et. I.aala, Mo. and health will-be re-Vf t &Wfe 3ram B00T A2JD i58Sf! SII0E MAKER, m0m Liverystbie- SSS? Work ISP' ne. t?' n UllllUWi IV Uasnasaaaa 7 Tr? vi ESTABLISHED IK 18o6. o r. r je s t Real Estate Agency IIV NEBRASKA. William H. Hoover. Does a general Real Estate Baslnex. SelU Lands on Commission, examines Titles, makes Deeds, Mortgages, and all Instru ments pertaining to toe transfer of Real Es tate. Has a Complete Abstract of Titles to all Real Estate In Nemaha County. Yourselves bv making money 'Len a colden rhnnre lsnflitr thereby nl wj-.s kerpln poverty U. nuui ; our uuwr. i acne wno l waystake.idvxntaeeorthp trmtit chances fur making money that reofTered.xenprally become wealthy, while those who do not improve such chances remain In pov erty. We want maor men. women, boys and Rlrls to work for us rlcht In their own localities The business wM-y-moreithftn;,ten,tlnie ordl nij naKn. tr nirjiisix an expensive ouiui nun all that you need. free. No one who eniputes faIN to make money very rapidly. You can devote your whole true, to the work, or only your ypnre moment. Full Information and all that Is need.d sent tree. Address Stinso.n & Co., Portland. Maine. 21yl fsiul HARPER'S WEEKLY. Thts periodical. byIM able and whotarly dlscui Morn of the uu(Ugii3 of the day, a well as by its IlliifcWutlnns which ure prepared by the b(xt art-Ists-ha always ejrrtfd a most powerful and ben eiiclallntluentt upon the public mind. the weight or Its li.nuenr will always be found on the side ofuiorallty, vnllebteiiment and red ue ment. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. HARPER'S WEEKLY, One Year U CO HARPER'S MAGAZINE. One Year f 00 HARPER'S RAZAR.Oue Year 4 00 The Three above publications. One YearlO 00 Any Two above named. One Year 7 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE. One Year 1 CO Pntage free to alt rubteribers in th CnittA States or Oinada, The Volumes of the Wttk'y bejln with the tint Number for January of eacn year. When no time ti mentioned, it will be understood that the nub scrlber wishes to commence with the Number next srtertbs receipt of order. The last Eleven Annual Volumes of JIarprr's Weekly, in neat cloth blndlnc. will be snnt by mall, poainite paid, or by express, free of expenne (pr. vlded the freight does out exceed one dollar per volume), for S7.n0 each. Cloth Ckrps for esch volume, suitable for blndlnc. will be sent by mall, postpaid, on receipt of Jl 00 each. Remittances should be made by I'osfOdlce Mon ey Order or Draft, to avoid chance of Iom Xricxpapert are not to nipy this (uletrtlirm'nt tcUi out the expras order of Harper tr Brothers. Address HARPER & nnornERS.New York. 1881. HARPER'S MAGAZINE, ILLUSTRATED. "Studying the aubject objectively and from the educational point of view seeking to jirovlce which, taken altoupther. will be or the most servli-c to the largest number I loncai;o f could have hut one work for a public llhr.trr. I would select a complete set of Harper's Monthly." Charles Francis Adams, Jr Ita contents are contributed by the most eminent Use long experience of I fspnbi I nVrs Yiaa niatfe them tbnrntiehly conversant with the desires of the public, which they will spate no effort to gratify. Harper's Periodicals. Harper's Magazine, one Ye.T 8 4 00 Hnrpor's Woolsly, , " 4 00 Harper's Bazar, " " 4 00 The Three aLovo named pub lications, one Year 10 00 Any Two above nnmod 1 Yoar 7 00 Harper's YonngPeoplol Year! 150 POSTAGE FREE To nil subscribers In the United Stales or Canada. The volumes of the .Vitgasine ofgia with the Numbers lor June nnd December of each yvnr. Whe.-i no time Is specified. It will be understood Hist the subset iber wishes to begin with the current year. A complete set of Harper's fapaztnr.coIal)Tlntt CI volumes, in cloth binding, will be j-t-nt by express, frelcht at expense orpurchaer. on receipt of SIS, per volume, nlncle volumes. by mall. pot pHld. J-l OJ. Cloth cjxes, for binding, Si cenU, by uinll. postpsld. Hemlltances should be made by PostoIUce Money Order or Draft, tonvold chnnceof loss. Xncspapers are not to copy this advertisement with out the express order of Harjter A Brother. Address HARPER & BROTHERS, .VCir YORK. 1881. Harper's 33azar. ILLUSTRATED. This pnpnlnr rcrlfrfllcat Is pre-eminently a Jour iikl fur toe hoii-ehol I. Kver iiunili r furnishes the latest Information In ri'Kard to Fashions In dreos and ornament the newest nnil mojt aprovcd patterns, with descrip tive urtlcles uV Ired from autlieuiic and orislnnl smircs: wh:Ie Iw Ktories, Poenxs. and Essny on Hocml and Uouiestlc Topics. kIvc variety to Its col umns. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. HARPER'S BAZAROno Year 31 no HARPER'S JIAOAZrNE.One Year 4 IX' HARPER'S WEEKLY. One Ye.-.r 4 00 The Three above publications. One Year 10 10 Any Two nbovp named. One Year- ...- 7 It HARPERS YOUNG PEOPLE. On Year 1 50 l'oslnge Free to all tnbseribert in the United States or Canada. The Volumes of tte Bazar begin with the Art NtitnhT for Jan.iary of -nch y a . When no time Is mentioned. It will be understood tlirt the t.n:i scrlbtrwlher to commence with the Numbariie after the receipt or order. The 1 st Eleven Annnal Vo times or IUkpkr's Hazau. In cloth hi dine. il! be. cm jy mail, postase nalii. or by expr ss. free of exp n e (nrnv I dert the ire!;ht does not exceed onedoHa.- per vol ume), for fT.Weucb. Cloth Caes for each volume sn'iable f-r hind Inx. will be sen: by mall, postpaid, on receipt of fl ia) each Iteinlttnuces hou!dbe made by PostoIUce Money Order or Draft, to .vvoid chance of lo-s. Xriespapers are not tn cpy this ailrertUrmeni icit outthr rxres order of IiAxrt.ii. & Usui rnKn. Adilress II RPEP. .t BP.OTIIEII-. New Vorlc. TRY THE NEW YORK OBSERVER THIS YEAR. The Largest and Best Family Pa per in the World. Send for Si in pie Copy Tree ; XEW YORK OBSERVER, 3T Park Row. ev York. O.ttfl famished free, with full In-1 1st motions for conducting the most pron auit: tjosinss tti .tnnyone c.n engage In. The business is so easy, U ! rn. and our Instructions re 1 so simple and DUIn. that any on can make greatprofit from the verys-art. Not a .n fnlt nrht. Is willln? tn nrnrlr Wnnion an. . . successfnl as mm. Bnys and eirls can earn larse ' sums. Maty have rnnrt t the busings ovrr one i hundreld dla'slnasinjl' weW. Nothing like it j evr known oefore. II wiio eiiene are surprlsMi at tt e ease and rapidity irith which they nre aljle tomaitemoney. Vou can en srase In this business durlni; your spare tlnient ureat irot5t. Voudonot Invest capital in It. We talc all tbe risk. Tboe schinetl reidr money. shouUJ write tons atone". All fnrnlsbed free. Address Tat; r.Je Co.. Anrnsta '" :. HELP f VOL. 25. NO. 25. TIME by the FORELOCK! AND I1UY YOUR WATCHES filiDClOCKS -OK- G-eo.A.r:"vriglit5 In UNION HOTEL, west of Court Houie, BROWNVIIXE, s: NEBR. A thing of beauty is a joy forever, and yon will find my stock full of tho choicest PEIWONAL KUKNITURS lu tho county. ROLLED PLATE VEST CFIAIX9. NECKLACE?. MATINEE OIAINS.-LOCKETS. CUAI.MS. URACELET8 LADIES' SETS, BREASTPINS. CUFF PINS. SLEEVE HUTTONs. 8TUDS. COLLAR BUTTONS. ETC.. ETC.. ETC. SOLID GOLD RINGS, Plain Gold, Band. Cnmeo. Topaz, Amethyst anu stiver. CallAndseothenowestKtrlesIn Watch Cifioti TIip18SO Silver DollurOiHn.and tho Puteiii I)ut Proo' Watch, will go under water. PPDA T"OQ executed tia usual, nrlnj: 1 C Eli x 1. i.X0 ' J"ur work nndhavett done In the boxt innnner at reasonable cnarR cs. The Early lllra Cateho:tha Worm. A Lar:euppiy or Nlckel;Tlmopleces with ALARMS. A Krcat boon these. Dark Mornings. o r ;2SS 3 R O -V K VILLE Paid-up Capital, $50,000 500,000 Authorized a IS PHEPARKDTO TUANHAtT A General Banking Business BUY AND SKI.L VOHT A, OUDIIDHOY DliAITU on all the principal cities ofth United Statos and Europe MONEY LOANED On approved security only. Time Drnns discount ed. and special nccommodntlons ranted to depoMt ers. Dealers In CO VKItNMKNT BONDS. STATE, COUNTY & CITY SECURITIES DEPOSITS Recelved'payatite on demand and INTEKK8T al lowed on timeci-rtlflcatesofdeposit. DIUECrrORS.-Wm TTTJen. B. f. Ballev. M. A Handley. Iranlc E. Johnson. Luther floadley Wm. Fralsber. 30I1X L. CARSON, A. It. DA VISO.V. Cashier. I. C.McN A UH IITO.V. Acst.rashler, Prexldent. a J lb ft Opposit Lumber Yard, Main St. G-OOD BIGS AT REASONABLE RATES. Special Accommodations for Commercial Men, -AND- Driver Furinshed when desired. Horses boarded by the day or week, and Farmers' teams fed and cared for at fair rates. STEELBDim FERRY. At Brownvllle, Nebraska. BEST CROSSING- ON THE Mlisscmri River. NEW BOAT, t r- y- rT -, liateS JLOW, LampSciflflUlf. " Jloads Good, Jndcm nity A m)lc. r, , .,, .. . :Lonnects with all Trams, VITHORIZED BT THK U. S. GOTKH.NHVJfT. First National Bank sy3r rA' j .s-' w LT. V3t,S -,, tiiec. "latli LEGAL ADVERTI5EMXKTS. . - Ilnj SHERIFFS SALE. Notleo In hereby glren. thaJ by virtue of an order of sale Usued ont of the Blatrtc Court orNem aha Connty.Stata of Nebraska, and to me directed as SberitT of said Coanty, upon a decree and Judgment rendered br said Court. In a case wherein. Charles i Gross was plaluUfT.and Jacob Bunn was de fendant. I will offer for sale, at public auo tlon.. at the door of the- Court House la Brownvllle, In said" County, on "Friday, December 31st, A. D 1880, at 1 o'clock p in., tho following described lands, in Nemaha County, Nebraska, to-wlU The north west quarter of section twelve (12), In township tlvo (5). range twelve (12 east. containing one hundred and alxty fI60 acres,, and tho northwest quarter of section num ber six W), In township number five (5). north of range number thirteen (13) east, containing one hundred and sixty 21-1CO (10) 2MCX') acres, and tho southwest quarter .feo Hon number six (8), In township num ber Ave ti). north of range thirteen 1S1 east. containing one hundred and flfty-elght and W-lOO 15S57-IU0 acres, together with all tho improvements and privileges thereto belong (Jlng. lHKen on saia oraer otsaie as ine property of Jacob Bunn. Terms of sale. cash. Dated, this 29th day of November. 1850. atwa JOHN M. KLECKNER. SherlfT. N. 1.113.1 SHERIFF'S SALE. Notice Is hereby given, that by virtue- of an order of sale Issued ont of the District Court of Nemaha Coanty. Stateot Nebraska, nnd to me directed as SherltTof said County, upon a decree and Judgment rendered by said Court, in a cane wherein Suste L. Gross was plaintiff, and Jacob Bunn was defend ant. I willoirer for sale, at public- auction, at the door of the Court Houso in Brownvllle, tn aatd County. on Friday, December 34th, A. D. 1SS0, at I o'clock p. in., tho following described lands, in Nemaha County, Nebraska, to-wlU The north huir()and the southeast quarter (VJ) of section number two (2). in township number Ave !). nnge nuirber twelve (12) east, containing lour hnndretl and eighty (iN)) acre?, together with all the improve ments and privilege thereto belonging. Taken on said order of sale a th.ebroporty of Jacob Banc . . - v v. Terms of sale. cash. ' Dtited, thl.t 22d dav of Xormtr.lSsO: lw5 JOHN M. KLECKNER. SherlfT. MIO HALL HOUCHINS AND WHOM it JL may concern. You aro hereby notified that the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section twenty-four, township six. range thirteen, situated In Nemaha county. Nebraska, taxed In tho name of Hall Hnuchlns. was on the 4th day of November. lSTS.sotd for tho taxes due thereon for tho yenr IS77 to J. R. Upham for 32.74-100, and the time for redemption of said nbovo de scribed property from such tax sale will ex pire on the lst day April, 1SSI. J. R VPHAM. 23w3 Owner of said Certificate. TKo. l.liH. SHERIFF'S SALE. NOTICE IS nERERT given, thnt by virtue of an order of said Issued out of tne District Court of Nemaha County. State of Nebraska, and to tnedlrect ed as SherlfT of said Couuty, upon a decree and Judgment rendered by Kiitu court. In a ciuio wherein Etlward NVelsenrelder was plain tlir. ami Sarah Cheney (formerly Sarah JoneH)AIIen Jones, Funny J.Shook,Georte R. Shook, Herbert Jone. Mary A. HlBKle, A. T. KliKle, Sitrah L. Thompson. Alonzo L. p. Thompson. Fred A. Jones, and Ernest E. Jone;, were defendants. I will offer for sale, at public auction, at tho door of the Court Utilise tn nrownvllle. In said county, on Saturday. December ISth. A. U. 1880., at I o'clock p. tn.. the following described lands. In Nemaha County. Nebraska, to-wlt: All ot blocks nno (I) and two (2). Ave (5). six (J), seven (7). eight (S). and sixteen (10). of tho townslteof Hillsdale, with nil tho vacated streetK and alleys to snld blocks belonglnir. ncconlliiR to the recorded plat of said town Mte of Hillsdale. touether with all the im provements and privileges thereto belong ing. Taken on said order of sate an theproportr of Harah Chenev. Allen Jones. Fanny J. Shook. Oeore It. Shook. Herbert Jones, Mnry A.SInitlp. a.T Sla(-le.8arah L. Thomp son. Alopzo L. P. Thompson, Fred A. Jonctt, nu 1 Ernest E. Jone", Terms of sale, cash. Dated, thl l"th tlay of November. 18S0. ?2w5 JOHN M. KLECKN ER. Sheriff. NEfCITY. NewBESTAURANf Nemaha Gily, BY w Louis Stroble. First door south of the lumber yard. Cll antl Met asqutire meal f r 25 cents. A Rood stock ol confections nlno kept on hand. Mr. nnd .Mrs. Stroble havlni; had much expwrl- pn;fsinnG.f,vurn.t5.,K."'ftro we41 mund to New Store, New Goods. AT NEMAHA CITY, Having removed into their capacious new business house, open out "with tho LARGEST AND REST selection of general merchandise ever brought to Xemaha, including a full line of DRY GOODS, Groceries, Furniture, Heady-Made Clothitig, Boots, Shoes, Hats. Caps, Trunks, etc. A splendid selection of Ladies' cloaks and circulars. Special bargains in woolen goods of all kinds. Our cus tomers have our thanks for their for mer patronage, and are requested to call and see us at our new place of bus iness. DRAIN 3JKOS. Ifemalia City, Neb., GENERAL MERCHANDISE f'A .vat;) OOOlKf. VOXFKCTIOXS. Etc. Keps a vnrIM stock of cverythlng'tho peo- pltt want. Call anil sue hltn. It. lieJl Andreujs. L. Jf. FoSUr FOSTJER & ANDREWS, Physicians & Surgeons, Xcmalia City, Neb. A 11 calls promptly attended nigh t or day Dr. AndrcwR mitks Chronic and Surgical I)lsea of women a specialty. Also, ledl oal nnd Surnlcal Diseases of the eye. Hav ing had special training In surgery, and a turtle and varied practice In acute and chron ic diseases. tnmors.IonedlseasrM,oId ulcers, Krinu!nt-d or eye. fibroid and ovarian tu mors, female weakness, nnd disease" of the. heart, Ittn-s. etc lieferncs of oper atlous performed, anil cures, effected in caes pronou'iced Incurable. Fer-s reinajnable. ar v roIxeif BOOTS. SHOES. AND HARNESS Made and repaired as well as can be dona anywhere, and at short notice AXD VERY REASQXABLE TEE2IA. TITUS & WILLIAMS. DEALERS IX DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. R E. 1 U r JJ DE CLO THING, NOTIONS, Etc , Etc., Etc. NemahasCity, Nebraska, Will sell K-x; at cheap an any house la Southeastern Nebraska. .J. 33. liEliS, LIVERY AND FEED SATBIE. Good buggies and horses, charges reas onable. Best of care taken of transient stock. r.nJHJ cit .;. DAVID A. MORTON, Blacksmith, 2Temaha City, XebrasJca. Machine repairing nnd hnrseehoeln & spa chtlfy. BROS.