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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1880)
f 8131 ? . - . ma.'L.j..jL AIA KTIFB a. v. ru"tMTunx .. .-nAMnao a. iM p f irr r.'mr' ' Ptiblishsdl y; ; ; Thuvsd: ' IS.'- n ng TMtr.T3 jiifflw A . " ;-n utcrtiBiaaF !cst b r ti BROWVILLE, NEBEASKATTHURSDAY, DECEMBER 2. 1S80. o i Hr MAI it.: -M- i''l I'A-'. Oldcet Paper in the State VOL'. 251 NO. 24 FPin. J. PA 'M t.J- THT W51 i.TJUgAJJUUlfaJM.r IT-rt g 1 -, J.K'.A. smc I'lW ' i "' H,'U. JWHU'll-Jl- . WJ THE A DVBRTISRH ggfe. A M Af i At J & I THE rnrrr r r r - 1 'a Yf?2V ' fig &! r K5 ' -tl ' JSS3 V i - . -- - - , r.HA.!Mr , xs3sta bsi -k m Jh,j& k &mK a&l m m m. m M, v ' via ks, a a a a . a a a t s iri"a ttfl . '3? Mi . - 1. - I "" .7IMR - SZI2 K1 . 1 tr -..ji zn bibw v:. dtj 'rcf r,- w. izam uK7r wj : x? ,-km -t. -. x. r 1 bnml s-a. la . . k vja ii wia. ?-" - 1 nrA. il -i r .t .Jk. lPf BIU Hf . H H H ,M m ziKS iPnli M Ri ? - Bkj if H &$ iHf ; !p ill MP$ i P - ?-; . -J , p- -Os2 x? xy -7 y xy tgj s v v f J "g - vXS V nj X Njr v y sa -&? r ?, o - - i - ---. , ------ - - - - . . - W - t . , . pt Garfield 20,8 IS; nifuciw. 10,050; Weuvt-r, 1:45. Secretary ,lohn Sherman jippears to have the inside in tho Ohio Senutorial race. Samuel II. Ilartnmft. father of ihe !X-Ciovenior, died rt lloristown, Pa., 28il ult., asetl 75 President sr.d Mrs. Garfield v.ent to a Ciuistiar. chbreh in "Washington on ThaiiKsgiving day. On the 221 alt., $l,007,fi00 in fjold -coin and b trs were delivered in Xew Tork from Liverpool. .Lueretia Molt, ivlio -vas never ex ffellod for Ke.volent deeds, died on the 3 lth nit. gti SS years. J as. C. "V7nlson, an eminent scientist Mid astronome'-, of the University of Wisconsin, died 3d nit. Use solid South is lo Hjo l)i:nocrisy azsi taip-Y.onn is to a man it enn ooni:ih the body it inhabits. Xasby. Another innn bus Iwen indicted for perjury in- the J'hilp libel and forgery Jlis n:w is James Ubrien alias Liiisev. . The- Piteiilent recently leceived a j present from Queen Victoria. It v. sts j :; desk imule from the timber of il. M i .S. Resolute. General Gariieid and wife v.' cut to -Wisiiingt'i lat v.-eek. lie war. met at the depot and welcomed by a deputa tion of the National Tow-path Ciub. Ths legislature of California is He jndEjiicun; and that insures a Republi can U. 3. Henalor. As Garfi eld did not Jietl the vote of that State, tho jtingof a bVnaior is the best victory yrou. !T!io following is Hie o.lieial vote of ev. Jersey: Gtiwrnor, Jmdlow, 121, 055; Putts, 1U 1,015; Uoxsov, 2.759; Tlsnsonn, 175. JLudlow's majority over Potts. G51. ElrtUors.Deinocratie, 122, S05; Kepublican. 120,555; Green bback, ,-J17; Temperance, 105; Democrats over Eepublicans. Iowa h-ju over 4.000 school districts. 30,000 -ohtxd?, 21.000 teachers. 205.000 wholars in '."rnsjie attendance, and a ehuol fund or 3,500,000. And ic t&xva :i Ib-jiUblioAn me.jority of nearly SO.'HH). -Mate Jtmrucl. Well, ho-.v is it down in Arkansas .jui Missis3iipi? A tienae fog of ig norance but. in the words of Judge ?1.WK), '"Sixty Uiousand J)euoenitic majority" - Ban. Vorheos siys it "iTas the Su pijHT Ctwjrl dedsisu: which made In diana an October Stare that cost Ilan cockhis citmn.- It is inteifsiing to . tb.e immtrbe reasons in the nsjrepih ' a-lvanred by different Dem 'ocvatfl : to wiKii it was tliat cost ITan- tfwck his rlcrtlJii. The truth is that vae2ifelat.wfcMofa I.i:i.t Hue ot i '.UBediK'fs, tiru mm to luai momen tuas oti rophft. - .. - . i . i - r ! The Lincoln LK-ctoerul champions i tho iiim. Clmn-a Howe for speaker. 1 Is lht i move for a i)e:iicralic vic tory? tSarurd HtjtmUr. ' "We g.Hss not. Tin Deiuttsrai i3 an orphan left -saSverlug out in. the cold, mid not able to start a boom of jU own noo.-fsro ma.-ia w nuut o: suing witii 1 he opu. t;ircuiustRuce!i lai tioe. j nenocrfK is astute enougn : --... -.t. . i to perceive the direction in which the feline will perambulate. Thais all. Tommy. ;t:ul don't get scared. HiiihIv will "nave a good starter in the senatorial race. Johnson. Nemaha. and Pawnee counties will be for him i from the word 'go." Patrae Enter prise. . Nemaha is not unanimous for the Judge, we imagine. )b.l to settle, for ovor, the question for Nemaha, we will ttate. that the legislators from Nemaha .Aviil do that which will pay Nemaha the best. This is Tin: Adveutiskk's atlmonfciou. nd this will be done, ''and don't you forget it." 3b?t Dundy will be the Senator. The Brow.iville ArttyrlLs-.? calls ('hutch Howe "our stalwart npuiui- tiu friivirj . Tin. fnanntMii. unlit i.-'iil I conversion of this hvbrid politician 3a!lhVmi vote of Oregoi make it difficult io mvdicl his partv,'n""t :llt?1' tins last statement of the affiliation for a. month in advance. I Omaha circular 1 wish to address an Onutlm Fee i Mr. Howe never liolted his party ticket, in this county, and us a stal vrt is head and shoulders above Ed ward Rose"Hter. whose business dur ing his wit-olc career in Omaha has been io rule or ruin the party, and lias not .principle or honesty sufficient to quali fy him for criticising Hie political status of a Mexican IwtitdU. the monopolies of Nebraska packed the late :ito convention with j iiic.r cappers nu ioois. a.iu iorceo up- fi the ie.oplt and party of this state reareiWitetives in congress and Hie itaie govern!nnt who were notorious ly in i.agJir with them to rob the tax pxyeisof tliis state, etc. Omaha Jier. The editor of the Jf-e lias no concep tion of conscientious action or thought ; with him there must always be a con sideration for any deed or act. and he persists in measuring other pimple's foni in his "own half bushel. Jilair .ThJit is nmiil now much the Bee ed- i itr cares whether Hie people are rolv bi or not. He ignoniinously failed to K?tinloth3tror.Yemion,.iftertliemo3t:533.r,44: nancock. 5.u.r,n: Weaver; ilespcrate and rascally efforts-hence j 12iS73; Dw. 1n. Garfield's majori ns ma-ieem denouncing the members, tv T 143; pi,iraHtv, 21.083. of that iKhiy as cappers, tools and rob- j -oe. hers. We leltevo I-.osewater was never raoved by an honest motive in all he has to say aUut monopolies and the people's wrongs. "We lose faith in the honest intent of some of onr esteemed cotemporaries when they oppose Church Howe for the speakership because he is "a railroad man," and ihen llv ri"ht off into an eulo- y of Tvlr. Kaly who, if not as much of a railroad man as Mr. Howe, it is he- cans he has not the ability to be. Mr. Kaloy is as notorious a 33. & M. agent as Mr. Howe is a U. P. agent, and is feed and ticketed equally as well if not more so. The question with such pa pers then insn't one of honesty and virtue after all. but their favors strict ly depends upon which railroad lie be longs to. If they mean just what they would have inferred, why do they not pick up some good, old, honest, "anti monopoly," anti-railroad, anti-enterprise, anti-capital codger and run him for speaker? Jut the truth is it would be hard to find any kind of suitable timber for a Speaker in this legislature outside of railroad rings, or at least free from railroad favoritism, either U. P. or B. it M. Tjih Advektisek while it believes in protecting the people against discrimination in rale?, believes in rail roads all the same, and in their rights to representation equal to their taxa tion and the capital they control. Ap roios, we see no reason why the two railroads should not ronsoluhite upon a speaker, as their nlcresis would be alike affected by any legislation that might occur. And if Mr. Howe should be the lucky man, we know, that while lie would not favor legislation that would eripple, retard, or discourage railroad enterprise, ho would at the same time not hesitate to, favor the en- artment of any judicious laws demand- ed for the conservation of the people's . righls. And Mr. Kaley, we doubt not would do nothing more nor anything less. Senator Kirk wood of Iowa wants to be his own successor, and we guess he will make it, a3 he never had much trouble in getting what he wanted, of otlices, and sometimes what he did not want, as the following story of the ec centric old Senator, which an Inter Ocean correspondent tells, goes to illus trate: lie got very mad when he was nom inated lor Governor in IS75. He and Mr. Gear had ardent supporters for the place, but Governor Kirk wood wanted to go to the Senate. In the wrangle over the nomination his name was mentioned, and the convention nomi nated him with a hurrah. He knew nothing about it, and a lelegiam was sent asking him to accept, and ho re plied in fully us emphatic language as tin' rules of the telegraph company would permit, declaring that he most imperatively and decidedly declined the honor, and that ii was a trick to beat hint for the Senate. In reply to this dispatch the convention Miuply cheered itself Jioarse, and proceeded to complete its business. Of course he i. uiiTiiii u'.Mi'wuu. ami instead ui i i. ,.?,... I. ..1 .... l r j .1 r being the me-ins of defeating him for the Senate, lie was chosen without an j"ffnrt :: his pari. T, y ., , f riljm0t - - -r i noting that ftira Rernbsirdt is advanc- iiig on that city, takes time by the fore- j J" to wasu the good people, that if they go to Sara's theatre they will be r i.i l"-f.,r fiii truiir! .kni.ili. 11.., I r i iuIor.5ing freeloveism :t bad example fr Hie young, etc. Uut they'll go all ! the same. We believe the itev. David does nut reason well on tho subject.! Thousands of people go to see shows u"1 w. nd actresses, for that mat- ii i . c-rii in wi:i k itiniiiu u 1 1 i in inii'ii t-t i . . - w " rjosuy.anu wiiuoiu indorsing anyuimg about them. The great danger of Chi cago will be that she will, like New York and London, fawn ami toady to this freelover, which do much more to ward indorsing, Urar. Hie presence in i iheihentre. The Chicago Inter (Jnan has estab lished a "Western Bureau" at Omaha. From a letter of Hie 22d ult. wo extract the following: "Omaha is Hie pracHeri! terminus of ten railroads, and of this Hie V. P. R. ! H. and the 15. & M. R. R.. in the Ne braska system, representing nearly 4, 00 miles of railway in Nebraska. Kan sas. Colorado. Wyoming, Utah. Idaho, and Montana, having their general ofii- i ces located here; population. ."3,000; wholesale trade in ks7$. $.42,000,000; inanulact tires, ?l5,ooo,o.0 the largest ot' l"111 o:i the Missouri River interrogation point to .Mr. .Miller. -ec- retary of the Kansas City Board of Trade.; transportation trade. 1S70, , 050.000.000 lbs. tins year estimated at 2.500,0rtnooo lbs; banking transactions last year,, average daily deposits, $" Some of the eastern dairymen are charging that western' dairymen mix soapstone in their butter to make it "puil down." The Rural New Yorker. however pronounces the story a canard. as sudl a swisulU would be too easv of detection by both taste and sight, for any sane person to attempt it. The presidential electors of each State meet at their respective capitols ! on December 1st and cast their votes for their choice for President. The U. S. Senate will count the votcs'and the President of the Senate, announce the result on the second "Wednesday in j Pebrunrv. The vote of the State of New York, as officially deehnvd. wm for fliirfiwlH The authorities of Xew York citv ; will prevent the presentation of the j'Tassion Play" in that city, if thev can , tJnrl any law or authority for so doing, STATEcKATTERS. A saloon was burglarized in Platts mouth night of the 23d, a safe blown, and $20 in money taken. Still they come. The Slate Jour nal sas: Hon. J. L. Linn of Pawnee county is announced as a candidate for Speaker of the house. Mr. Linn is a lumber merchant at Table Eock, a good parlimentarian and a stalwart Repub lican. Mr. E. L. Bierbower, for years Mr. Daily's chief deputy, has been up- appointed V. S. Marshal. The appoint ment we believe to be a good one be cause lie is honest and capable. State Journal: Attorney General Dil worth says the clerk of the Supreme Court has not unlawfully been pocket ing fees. etc. "Who is the next state officer to be called a thief. The Omaha Heralds tariff "nuts to crack" prove to be bad when Gere of the Journal takes a whack at them nothing but tumblebng balls after all. Mr. A. "W. Conlee, formerly of the Beatrice Courier, lias purchased a half interest in the Lincoln Globe office and takes possession at once. Mr. Coulee is n newspaper man of experience, having been in the business in the state for nearly eight years, and therefore needs no introduction at our hands. The style of the firm will be Eaton & Con b'e. The editorial management will remain as heretofore. Globe. Church Howe is on top of the pile ot speakers of the next house. And Church is a pretty good sinner to stand in a shunerv nlace. Grand island slippe Times. We observe that Rev. J. Cheaney is canvassing Cass county in .behalf of the Good Templars. He speaks each evening during the first ten davs of I)e- cember at different places in the coun ty. Syracuse Journal: "Wo notice by our exchanges that Gen. Van Wyck is thought to be a very formidable candi date for U. S. Senator from Nebraska- Gov. Nance offers,- the usual re ward for murderers. 8200, for tho mur derer of the dead man found in Merrick county, near Chapman, a few weeks ago. Central City young men play foot ball. The Tjitrrary Koies "petitions" the newspaper men elected to the legisla ture "that they strive to abolish the law whereby publishers1' of periodicals may force their publications upon peo ple and collect pay for the same." We have-no idea that there is a publisher in the State who lias ever done, or ever will do any such mean work as to force his paper upon people and then make them pay ifor it. The anxiety mani fested by the Xoivs entirely transcends the importance of its subject. It thinks it is shooting at a bear when in reality it is only a lly speck on his eye- ,r .. Tiif . i.;c .;!-,." 't", . . , ..... , .LL receipt ot a periodical is, and ought to i hi. I be. evidence that the receiver wants it. ami ought to jny foi it. If he or she j does not Want it ail the have to do is lo i refuse to receive it. and from that thnp im .... ...... ,, ....iw..,, A a ,,.. ,-a .--.. no loreo aoout it. tVople arc not forc ed to take anything out of the postofiice that they do not want. Any delin quent subscriber could plead "force" when called on to pay, after receiving and leading the paper for a year or so, and some would do it, but for the right eous Jaw protecting publishers and compelling such to pay, who would evade it by the falsehood that they "didn't want it," or that they had ordered it stopped or some such ex cuse, when by a simple refusal at the postofiice delivery, at any time, it would have been stopped. ? Wc hope our legislators will let the law remain just as it i3. The banner Republican precinct of Nebraska is Olive Brunch, in Lan caster county. It cast. 105 votes, ev ery ono of teem for Garfield and Ar thur. Wahoo Indejrevaent : Van Wyck, Dundy. Nance, Weaver and Laird are spoken of as competitors of Paddock in the senatorial race, with Church Howe as the dark horse. The. Omaha Herald as usual is "sloshing around," in the dark and hopes to hit the mark at last if it only has lime enough. Mr. Shedd ?l Wahoo want to be Speaker. And which railroad does he shed his coat for? It is a disgrace to .Senator Paddock and his friends that the senatorial in is being wcd for the election of Church Howe for speaker. This may be a good card to play, but we doubt it. Lincoln (ilnhe. The man that ignores Church Howe will be almost sure to come out at the little end of the horn, llowo may be defeated for Hie speakership; he will then be on the lloor in lighting trim, and with a positive following that will be able to name the i S. Senator and don't you forget it. The GVotV is rabid, with hatred and blind of prejudice, to ward Mr. Howe; but Paddock evi dently is capable of due discretion, and if he gels Howe's support or not, he evidently realizes that it would be a good thing to have. A youth named Haniel'MoKensie." residing at Riverton. because his girl went back on him attempted to make a little angel of himself by blowing his urams out. He fired two shots but failed to hit anv brains: probablv helalliVe11 Pno"h J ;1 tl,e d of i i, . " L i i ex-Senator Hitchcock for poiitiail nre-, has none At any rate he w.llsurvive . fcnnenti hllt no one v.ithin the con-i ; his Wounds -ThnHtrino,.!,. the Evnre ? turns ou "50 ci m0nth 'That is -t 'mn,v. astern town . .. .....w viii.wv .IIVil Ul t , !. cheese a for a MIS02LLAHE0US HEWS. R. J. Scripnear, an Englishman, aged 54, suicided in New York, 24th ult. Recent heavy losses in speculations, the cause. P. Gibson, a convict in the California prison, was shot dead by a guard when trying to escape, 22d ult. At .Tonesboro, Ind., 24th ult, Mrs. Anna Coleman, while milking was gored to death by a vicious bull. At Summit, Pa.. 24th ult., the resi dence of J, C. Luker was destroyed by fire and his little son was burned to death. At Milwaukee, 24th, Christopher Buhrman, aged 14 broke through the ice and was drowned. Wm. Rutharford, a conductor on the C. & A. road was killed near Venice. 111., 24th ult. The extensive flouring mill of Gard ner, Campbell & Co., of Irving, Mich., was burned, 23d ult. Alpheus S. Footc, a former partner of Brick Pomeroy. in the LaCrosse Democrat, wa.s sentenced last week, at LaCro3se, to five years in tho peniten tiary, for forgery. Laycock, the Australian rower chal lenges Haitian to a race on the Thames for the championship of the world. Thud. Babo, St. Louis, for killing his mistress has been found guilty of mur der in the first degree. A five occurred at Oiiville. Pa., 24th ult., burnt 35 residences and business houses in the. best part of the town. The salt works of II. D. Cont. East Saginaw. Mich., were burned 23d ult. 2,80) barrels of salt were destroyed. Tho warehouse and elevator of II. B. Graff & Co., Lancaster, Pa., was burned 24th ult. Loss 850,000. At Chicago, 25th ult. John Morrow, a salesman for a Philadelphia jewelry firm, had a trunk of jewelry stolen about $0,000 worth. At Salem. Va.. 20th ult. Marcus De Lafayette Hawley was hanged for the murder of Zachariah Hayes, in June. IS79. CapfWm. Fowler, an old cili .en of St. Joseph Mo. died 23J ult'aged $2. The Irving flouring mills at Has tings, Mich., was burned "23d ult. 8,000 bushels of wheat, belonging to farmers, and not insured were destroyed. Aninsanoman named Ben. Ilassel man savs that he set fire to the Minn, insane asylum, because 'they didn't treat bun well. John Cook, at Long Branch,.. Jicopntat most important office Com- was frozen to death a few nights ago. Egypt is about to declare war against Abyssitr'a. The press club of Kansas City got up a dinner for the poor of the city. At Marshall, Texas, Smith Hayden and his wife, both colored, quarreled about church, matters, and Mrs. Hayden split M. Ilayden'sheadin two with an axe, making an angel of him instantly. At Dubuque, on the night of the 23d ult, Mrs. V. 1). Shnto of St Joe, Mo., and Miss AmanduGregoheof East Du buque, wisilst crossing the Mississippi on the ice. wandered out of tho path, fell into an air hole and were both drowned. Bodies recovered. A child of Rev. J. W. Primin. At lanta, 111., was kitted by thekick of a horse. 23d ult The horse kicked over the dashboard of the buggy and killed tho child in its mother's arms. At Bracket r, Texas, 23d ult. some Mexicans killed a soldier at a bawdy house. That night three Mexican hous es were fired and all burned at once. The Mexicans became frightened and manv lied from the town. Furna3 for Commissioner of Agriculture. Lincoln Gtohe. The Brownvillo Advertiser referring to the Globe's second of the Nebraskan's motion to make Governor Furnas sec retary of the state board of agriculture says that Governor Furnas friends about home, whilst they would be glad to see him thus employed have a high er idea of his ability and fitness, that to be satisfied with so small an office, and so meagre a Hilary as that of. and attached to, the one suggested; and further says that whilst the AdrertUer desired to announce him as a candidate for United States senator, both the vif-i-rtiw and Gov. Furnas would be sat isfied with an otiice more to the hitters tastes that of Commissioner of Agri culture. To ali of these the Ghht says amen! It accedes to the ehiinis of Gov. Furnas the award of' real merit, and hastens to withdraw its former brief note mentioning the Governor's name for Secretary of Hie State Board of Ag- reel in all its says. Governor Furnas ought not to be asked to lik" so infer ior a position as secretary, qi the hoard, nor would he do himself justice bv ac cepting it. The State, for which he has done so much, is entjjtlQd .to some recognition at the hands qFyiasniew administration and a iinit$niclum of our congressional delegationiraight and no doubt would bring about his appoint ment. If we are to tisk for unvthing let us take up a man who has" som1 J claim upon us; one who has oeen of inestimable service to the people and who is so well qualihed for the position that his fitness will manifest itself. With such a candidate as this we mav i rieulture and to ur -i with all il-s lei.v relnrn and count out -Mau.r JJickcv. N". aio;zo i,,. i. i:.mio:i. i-red A. Jon er, the united work- of the Nebraska who has been chosen Representative aurJ'mfJ''m Republicans for the Commissionei.hip from that district. Shouhl this course j Dated, im l.-.'ih day or vnvemvr, is. of Acriculturc. Tlip.-lrfrerris ctif- biirsul, it would he the hei-ht of 2-wi .iohn M. Ki.i:cKNER..Shrritr. expect something. The Globe believes to Major Dickey a dose of his own that our congressional delegation will j medicine? Xot a bit of it. Instead of gladly unite in their recommendations ' counting him out, they notified him of of Gov. Furnas and will do its very ' the mistake ami gave 'him an oppor best to secure his appointment. It is ' tunity to correct the return. fines of Nebraska has anv such claims ' as would entitle him to preferment tiiey are not possessed bv him been the head and front of 2C c 1 horticulture and agriculture for thoinarv nicw.r In Tainrnclc ia wnfr" S5 n pal twenty years. .. ; - . SELECT TELEaEAMS. KILLED BY AN EMBANKMENT. St. Paul, Minn., Nov. 23. An ac cident on tho Hastings and Dakota Road occurred at Hopkins Station to day. A bank in process of excavation fell upon the men working under it, killing instantly Thomas Fitzpatrick. James Ward, Frank Johnson, and Per ry Swanson. and injuring Ole Parson so that he will probably die. KELLOGO'SSEAT. Washington. Nov. 23. Senator Kellogg remarked to-dav that the mean ing of the appointment of Judge Man ning in Spofford's place, was that the Democrats meant to have nothing wanting to give them another mem ber, and thus keep control of the Sen ate. If the contingency does not arise so they need his seat, he does not ex pect to be disturbed, but if it does, it is another matter. It will be contniry to precedent to unseat him, the matter having been once adjudicated. A SAD WEDDING HEfEPTION. Knoxville, Tenn., Nov. 23. At a reception tendered Joel Howtree and wife at the residence of the bride's father. Colonel Dail, near Kingston, arsenic was used by mistake for soda. Five persons have died from the effects, and about thirty others are dangerous ly ill. THE PASSION PLAY. New Yobk. Nov. 22. The Board of Aldermen to-day adopted a resolu tion condemning the proposed produc tion of the "Passion Play," and calling upon the Corporation an act to prohibit the play, and, if it hits, is instructed to prepare an ordi nance that will cover the case. Al derman Marshal only voted against the resolution. CONTKSTED SEATS. t , m " . -, -' ,,v- T n- John j I . Coilms. of brunswick. Ga is . here l He was the Repuliui candidate for Congress su the late election, and , mw r , cnuuis io nave oeen couiueu out. lie will add another to the already long list of contests in the next Congress The number of contests now promise to'he unprecedented, and are mainly from the South. Furaas. Jief erring to the subject, under the caption of "Furnas Instead of LeDuc," the Nebraska Farmer, for November, has Hie following: . Since the formation of a new nation al administration has been talked of. various names have been suggested for i sacret-trv of stiitc for tipwii-m- iiul sjLrti.iij, lor. iieasuter, nu for all the various cabinet and nrinoin tivo sneers therewith connected, ex- . i . i . . . niiTOiuiiti m j vii luiiiLin c .urn Liiv; Furmtr hastens to recumue'iid for that position .ex-(lovcrnor Robert W. Furnas, of Febraska. The Farmer is aware that it has not been the custom of Nebraska senators to urge appoint ments except of their particular adher ents, but inasmuch as theotliccof Com mi.ssiowr of Agriculture is no a politi cal offi'-e in Hie prer.ent sense of the term we should be glad to. see Sena r tors Paddock and Saunders unite upon Hov. Puriiasand urtie his appointment ...,., rJ. ,l . , ., not that Governor t uriuw is a bril liant politician, but that he is a Ulan : of experience and pre-eminently quali fied for this particular appointment. Another Vianon for this appointment of Governor Furnas, or rather why our congressional delegation should urge hi-5 appointment, is that in that capacity he coul.l be of great service to the state and to the North-west, for which so little has been doneagricultn rally. There is nothing about the char acter and fitness of Gov. Furnas that would bring a blush to t'i" cheek of any of the Congressional delegation, i but they might urge "his ippomtment wjth pride by pointing to a life wen spent in th miterial advancement of the great west, both as an agricultural and horticulture point of view. Not oniy lias uov. ! urins spent ir.s line, ! out he risernntie.l his nura-of its con- ' tents that at he migut gam still ltirther knowledirp in thr ilir.-flio'i indie itd . '.Hnranit t. ..I,--. I an opinion as to whether the existing L , r H,"" "r, ' . A ",, ,8 0 93 FSI3R laws are suflicient to prevent its iniro- ousanils of dollars worth of lands . g b g PA g duclion. That ollicial is also asked, if . "" i'-''".-"."- "' """ " . - no laws exist, to state whether the '"K ti.em nai oeen irauuulMiUlyontaiti- fY.mvr.rm f'nMneH rl.o ,wtam :iml tI,:,t ll,f Wllllle WSlS llft Stlt- ""w -v -x m x a uitj mi 1 v .. .v llJ7 We repeat: if ability and experience i na"ertVthuSMyrKovomi"r.iw. are to be taken into consideration by2w5 johnm. KLi:cKNER..siierirr. our iebras;ca Senators if thev de- sire io oenem tne state anu oo simple I justice to a worthy gentleman they j will no ill llOt hesitate to recommend Goi i, . r ti - i. - urliase for this important position. Hi canvassing the vote in Maine the Republican Governor and Council found several "defective ret urns.1" but they did nut follow the precedents of the Fusiouists. In regard to ono case, the Kingor Whig particularizes: There are several "defective' returns. and in i'm-ir';ili!r pniri"sf in btr ami, i.i iv, co.i.ia. last , year s experience, tiiey are uiosti v from ! Fusion towns! There is but one re-! ... t i : , .i r .- i . turn that is -fatally defective, anil it comes from the town o? 1'ort Keni i the haiiiwick of Major William Dickey, the Kin" of all the M.itluwaskiuus! ! The Clerk of the town neslecO'il tosiun j the return. This would invalidate the i poetic justice, as the .Major was one of the leatiing advisers in the counting- out.cotiap.racy of Garcelon and others. iKivingnisuitenetl trom the distant State of Texas m the incipiencv of Sv.'heiue to give ihe weight of his COUli- SPl and advice. Ifa ;v:s :ilnMiiPr.tflin sidewalk and Union Hall members of the Joe Smith Legislature, and held out until the thing was biirsted bv the Supreme Court, and then came crawl- ing back into the legal Legislature, with his carnet-bag stuffetl with re solves making appropriations for the buildi ig of roads and bridges and what not in Aroostook. But did the Iienub- Hcan Governor and Council administer 4 A is n : colored widow m Lexington, who : ow drawing a pension of--?S a month i Utl.o Pnr'rninnnf ,OMn, :- tne oo-. eminent, recently reject- from -W j,... .. ... .. .... . j . month to me' Franknrt Yeoman. n i eu an oner oi marriage, remarking bv who has way of explantion : "If I does, de cuh- ebraska's ; ment will take mv nenshun 'war. an' A Startling 3orie3 of For erie3 ITri?.arthed Cincinnati. O., November 23. The Grand Jury, which hits just been in session, indicted, among others, A. J. Tullis. Cornelius McGoldrickund Ja cob Nine, charged with forgery. The historyjof the crimes with which they are charged is a strange one. From time to time there have appeared in the newspapers here during the past year or two advertisements like the following: TTKIK sale Ten tlimisnnrt r.crp of Innil In 12 Kentucky or To nn esse". In tract to salt piirclmser. Pries. W cents per nere. Apply nt No., street. TTtOK SALE Or Exciinnce F!n fnrmlnc A: iiinu in Jown and .Ul.vniir!; will oell low ortrauefor propprty In Cincinnati. Ad dress , mis Oft, o. Parties who have answered these ad vertisements and traced the records of the properly offered back through three or four hands have found that it was formerly owned by Jeremiah Tullis, a millionaire miser, who died here some three years ago. The deeds bear ing the signature of Tullis were dated. as a rule, during the year or two years preceding his ooath, and thousands of acres of, valuble land known to belong to him were found held in this manner by other parties. In the State of Iowa alone nearly iu.000 acres, valued at about 875,000. located near Fort Dodge, entered in 1855 and is;,0 by Tullis him self, were found to be held and claimed by other parties, sum held upon a claim of title descending from Tullis, the deeds signed with whoso name were dated during the year preceding his death. The administrators of the Tul lis estate came to the conclusion that pendous and startling piece of forgery, whose extent no man save thosA par ticipating in th" crime could tell. In a single State 575,000 worth of proper ty had thus been deeded away by forgerv. This belief established", tli fllltlUUJDllULWl Z) , .l X f HI IU."IA Vl the Perpetrators of the great frauds. Anothpr advertisement about this time t d the tics anil ir arrcst Jin i!m:t.:ent followed. tauvuiijergaujL'j?xjjctuj--sj.'JOBgj iEGAT. AIVStlTISE?dEKT5. rpO HALL HOUCHINS AND WHOM IT L may concern. You are hereby notified that the southwest qu-irter of t n bouilivvest quarter of t-eetlou twrnty-fnur. township six. ran so thirteen. Ml-mtcd In Nemaha county. Nebraska, taxed In name of Mall Ilouchlns. was on the lth diy of November. 17S. sold for the taxes due thereon for the yo-ir 1.-77 to J. It. Upham fnr $i71-KH, ami the time for redemption of said above de scribed property from such tax sale will ex pire on the ltt day April, !!. j. . urn AM. 23w3 OxnerofMitd Certificate. No. 1,U. Qihkriff'Sbale Not1cl- hereby qtven. that by virtue of UI1 or.,er of Me lvs,Ml t)IJl of ie i,!M,rto! Court of Nemaha Couniy.S'ateof Nebraska and to med-rccted a Sheriff of said County, upon a decree and Judgment render d by said Court, in a cae wherein Citar'.es K. (Jross ni plalntltr.and Jncoli l.inn wa de- i fendant. I will offer for sal", at public auc tion, at the door of trie Court Hnuse lis Ilrownvllle. In said County, on Friday, Ucccmber Slat, A. D 1SHO, at 1 o'cl'ie!; ji m.. the following described lands. In Nero-dm County, NebrnsUa, to-wlt: The northwest qunrti r ot section twelva(lV), In township five (."). rani twelve (Ii) enht, ciititalnlnic one hundred and sixty (!() (teres, and the northwest quarter orsectit)ri num Iwr six (ii. In township liiimlier Ave ("). nort.i oi r;m;c number thirteen fl" east, contalniu.' ono hurnlreil atnt Mxty 24 llr (IWl 21-10'- ncre, and tli snuttiwe-t iiartpr of section n u ;n tier hi x (l) In townHlOp nu:n- ;hf:r,n,;'clr') nnriiiorrmiw. iiiiripi u.i, ! cinlaliilm: one hundrtsl and flfly-elii - i.i7 - if)oi.w..7 ni acres. toKeb-T witii Ta t ami i .:..'- ...... ' v :.:.: ------'-" tl tl.n tPr,,vemenisnna priviieci-s l!ie:ctoeion(f- Eir..r Ttken on said order of sale as the property oCJneib Humi Ti'rms of Mile. cash. Dated, this iiuii rfay of Novemtwr. ls,sf. 2lw"i JOHN M. KLKOKNKIt. Sherltr. iKo. ik'l QHERIFF'S HALE. O N tice is l.oreb.vKlven. that by-virtue of ah order of sriie lsu,-d out or tli- Dlsttlct i.'ourt nf Nemairi Cunnty.. state ot Nebraska, and tfi tnedirect.-.t as sherltr.if said Comity, upon n, ileeree and judgment rendered lv said Court, In a -i wherein William l'.. Gross was pbilntllf and J.ico'.i Ruiin was de fendant. I will oiler for sale nl-nubile nuc- tlo. ": i,,,,r of 'he C"urt House, in .i rirm.-nvnirt t.i s.itii rviiiTii.- r,,i .,.,. ., ' . . , oon --";.- ......." '.":.r.... ::"' . ; i:l i . L-tiiru, y. iij.. ill" iui:iA'iim ;erllltl .i.-iii'iiiii v-'iumy .M'l'ianKH. to-wn Allot e:lon i:ilrly-foir(:t,aid tlitrty-live :lj tn n'linber six IR). atil inline in: I'.ior I w-lve ( 1 Kat cnntiilntiii', IxiiMdred and eicluy (l,0) acre?, loelln-r "n!l "M V JJpr-.vemiMiiH ami privileges Taken o,s s-u,i oi rdcr of .stiio .is-tho property of .I.-coSj M.::u. fNo. I.iss.j p, o IIERICV'SSVI.E. NtiTICEIS IIEREIJY slver i'uit by virtue of an unti-r ol sub- ",1' H-',r ta,,,''",:,V' r',l,;t of N,."M,ia C.iunty.S'ii'.HiifN:.r.-;i, -md to meOlrect ,-a s siieriir or sat i count:. . upon a decree and judgment i end -red by satd court, in a esse wi.erein j.ilwaril Wel-enreblur was plaintiff, and Sarah Chenev (formerly Sarah Jon"SiAllen Jones. Fniiii-. J.KInM.k.lJeorfro It. Shook, Met bert Jones, Mary A. hm le, A. T. SI !, Saiah L. Ttiomfm, Aimiz.i L 1. Thompson, Frcsl A. Jones, ami Ernest K. Jones, were defendant. I will otter for .hI. at pitII(iiiic!lo;i. at lu diKir of tho t'oart Ilmjse In IlroM nvllle. In said county, on SAturdny, Oerrmbrr JSlli, A. II. 5S8U., at I o'c'ock u. in., the fdlowin2 deerl!;ed "ni,s. ,r eina::i C.mtily. .sli-li-. o-wi:: Alt (lt ,;!:h.Unih.(,)iu1,,-UV(,(:. flv ,., sU .;, seven (t; eiiu (). i.nii sixteen na; of the n''",l,,'",f Min-ia:e. with nit tt.e cjtci sJrei-ts and alleys lo said blocks l.eiot;lnir. accord. i.K t. the re,-or.i,.,i pi,,t of said ..wi. site of hiikuic. joether vnn n t. tm- 1 Tak- m-'iiii and privaenes t:iereio lei!ij- , , , -. .. liC ,."" S.,V " Ma'rv.. siaih' Si rah Chenev. .Allen Jones. Katmy J. -o mh siii.i oiie'r oi sniM ri i::e iiriiMr:Y R. Sliook. Herbert Jones. a. T -IHKlnrKti L.Thomt, ct. ro i.7.i i Q'TI' "IF!"--'salx. Notice i!k SLf th'i'Mict.amo lio'by plv- f sulo is of NeniHhn CHu.ty tateof Vi-brask.. and to me illrect- i ed SherliTif Kiild Coiitily. up rt n .Jeer.-,- I frt'f illidltliuiil vniiap..J hi. .!. a-,t . m . n east; wherein Jo.m 11. LUIujik and Charles l!- '"lutw bvnelleiary uere plilutltrK ai:d Annie Andersfin. widow of Jo-lnlilAiu'er.-on ilecc-a-ed. tillam Anderson, Ilinrteita An- ileron and Lydlc. pury-ois. and par M'.iss Ap rnihliHnd. were defendants, I will offer for sale, at public nu.-tlon. at the door of the Court In Ilrownvllle, In said i loamy, on Saturday, Drrenibcr lth, A. D. 1SS0, at I o'clock P. M.. :ii foliowinjf described j lands in Nemaha County Ner.raske. lo wit: i The un.livl.te-: bM?r Interest of all the lollow- I inc described real estate to wit: the North west quarter ot s.s-tl hi eieven' fll) la town-! shipnvet ) North of ratcre fifteen (1.1) East , contalnlnc 10O acres; -.,Io lol iv.- Ive. thlr-' teen and U urfeen. ;12 13. ami li In Mock ' three r:ti. lots eleven, twelve, tl.lrteen. four teen. dffe-n and vixteen. 'II. 12. M. If. J" and '.,) In luocl; five '.. lotn flfff en aii.t sixteen (tnnd 10) in blocif six (fi). The south imlf of il.ick ceven f7 the wet half of lot live, six. seven. Msj!.t. r. tne and t n. i. . 7. o t 3,..mJ, .... .. - .l.-.I br-.sha. u-uii Hu tt.e imnr..vt.o...( r.d priviteties thereto beiocn. Taken on said order of telle R Xl.. proper! of Annie Anderson, widow of jomHi, Amir-f son. depended. William Anderson. IJ.nrb tta .iiw iu yi,c,f, , . rea EsS n nsa Anoersnn. Lyoin i'arsonsand I'tirioiiK, her lim-biiud. Terms or cfile, ctll. Pateil, tbl.s 1st rl.iv" of Nov-mNr. IVO JOHN M.KLECKNEH. Mir.1! Sti.rlfir. iEGrAI. ADVERTISEMENTS. "" N.7.irlj SHEKIFF-SSALE. Notlw Is tiert-tiy Klvon. tls!t by vtrtiif of an order of K:!e lvuwl out of tlo DNirl-t Court of Netimlw County. StnUw.r Nebraska, unit to me .!irevtl as SiierlUof mid County, upon a decree and juiiutnt-nl rendered ! said Court, in nense rtiHre!: Sn-li L. (Jroj- was plaintiff, and Jcf)i limin was defend ant. I will i.nlillc auction, at lliodnor of tlie Court House In Hrownvllle. sn said County. on I'rldny, Dfwmhfr S-Sth, A. D. 1SSO, at I oVSopIi p. m.. the following dwcrllud !ninl. in N"iniSia C uin'y. Netrfka, to-wlt: The nortti tmlf (';ind tln s-.xilliniiKt quart er (.,') of section nmniier two '2). In township number rive l.S). ri:istf mv ler twelve (12) riKt, eontalnlnic tour hundred an I eighty (ISO) acr-. tozHtlier with nil ttie Improve ments and privileges thereto belonging. Taken on said or ter of snla r.s the property of Jneob Bunn. Terms ot ate. caoli. D :ed, thN rjil '!nv of jS'ovraNT, UW. 2tw5 JOHN M.ICLKKNEK. Sheriff. NEMAHA CITY rc? H9ar? 0 IMTHAIbll mbw oca v stsssaa Nemaha Giiy, BY Junius Strode, First door south of the luni'ierTyard. Call and .cdasquan; umil for 35 cents. A rox1 k:oc!i irMnfecttoniaIo itepion hnnd. Mr. and ilrs. Sirjtde havlnjj much exprl eiice ii rest-iuratonrs, aro wall qatllflivl to please their putron.s. New Store, New Gocds. AT NEMAHA CITY, KKBHX iaaiffii3ga Bi'uaH Having remove into their capacious new business house, onen out with the LARGEST AND BEST selection of general merchandise ever brought to Xemaha, including a full line of DRY GOODS, Groceries, .Furniture, Ready-31a fie Cloth h) ff Booia, Sjiog3, Hots Caps, Trim fa. ete. A splendid sele"tion of Ladies cloaks and cir iilars. Special bargains in woolen ; ods of all kinds. Our cus tomers have our thanks for their for mer pitronage, and are requested to call and see us at our new place of bus iness DRAIN 1JROS. raaw &, mimge vy ITsinalia City, Iveb., p-EKEIIAL HERCHAHDISf CAXXJZP GOODS. COXFECTlO.XS-.JZc. Keeps n variod stock of cverythlnu the peo ple wp.nt. Call and sei him. B. Bell Andrew. L. Jf. Foster POSTSSfiAJIDP-EWS, All falls promptly attended night or day Dr. Andrews Chronic and Kiiri!cal Dleatsof women a specS.iltr. AImi, ell-ca-am! snrs'cal Di-eases of the (v". I! av ln had p.pei-tnl Irsinliif ii snrsery. nd a laruea.-i.'I varteil practfee In ae:!e:iiid chron ic, dtsense". Iiiu:irs. botie dlseast ,itd nlct r 5r:tisijlate( nro fvc. lliro( and avarlari i fi'innle wmkuci, atet dtscnsr o." ihe he-irt.i!:'i, ttmv.t ele Rfer-nee of oper ations jierf-irmi-ft. and 'tre refte1 tn cases pronoiii-eed i:i- r-i'-'. Kiu. r..nsi..;Me. tr s ,. fcrot&ei !? 5 BOOTS. SHOES. AND HABNESS and repaired a.i veil n ci" he don Hny where, anl atRbort k.----. A.XD ViCIZr REASOXAKLE TERXS. THO 9a Wsi I S5aO 6 OO 0& ? i LiMlVldi DEALERS IX DRY GOO!.,'. (t'ROCERTES j READYMADE CLOTHING. NOTIONS, Ri; . Etc.. E'v. , Will ku.I M"Hls as elieaj. hk any huusa In rio'.jttiestern Je!JrAk. J. 15. KEES. LIVERY AND FEED SATBIE. Gowl hugclft and horses. cirri;i-s reas onable IV.: of cfiretakfnof trfin;4.n! tooh --rj:. v,t uj ciri'y vz:h. DAVID A. MORTON, Xemaha Cify, Xebraslca. Iiclithe repiirins isd Jtorsesoelne a spe u'.f. j "i,-l'-l:J " ! CJTl.. WVnV "rr-3BTAL'l'J.flICU)A1. t-U-.'A NKBRAm vi.- . " - rJtt " I .rswM I-i i-'j -. r-w r- .v l; general R -al l"stteIn:Ml:ie. ell l.iir.''- -ii (totnmliwIoB. examines TllIeH. in ..;cs Deeds. MoriitHes, and ail limlru :n' ' ' . pertr Iiiinp to t le transfer of i:l E tat. !iat a Comoleto Abtraot of Titles to all Real K;!rte In N'.mih f r.n;ty I IrtiUaili7 it 12 IT. Ei! :ir::i, Z?. LCr3, Z3. THE ruylc-acjin caa-; nf t ci an!tr laiwi -attf-1vfoaarerf?L irEi '-.s.i n t 'i'iTirjf-y. trar cf Eiprirre ta t&e t j'juc ff (Lrctlr S?i-a-rarAs thfir ' aiv-Ji i TK-D --"ai , en r t. if f ti e ord iitj rrtct4lone Itut t . a.e z 't. 2. calHMui r;.!iJia thr'ici hri t f'xt ?rfe-mii3 J 'm t. IND JSCRETlON.r EXPOSURE w.i'to apfctr, arlr3, lrt, Mi-iurr, rr!itl, 4 lrlarj Trouble &rdpLi!Uecr rrraria!aOcf''DC ih threat, t or boaM. trea'ri :tS -rc5ro icratit prta c:p r wit 001 win Vexc y or otter F-iocou? Hnl ricr. YOU KG MEN cr' "cf,r '" 'OjrJ. rai "f rweihal Ocd ttc r--L, of fc'f-a.c in Test's or f icc i" roatJ-cl Trar, a fnuantut1' cureJ, T JU- fiif fTwluefiwnfne'i '-.w nytn cs ta.M-c,Mcli i.TUBCM, rrr - t, Jn ? ( ; t C Mfemoa, coaftpth'T de f"7. c 'm"- e He I, atentoa to o t tff, J 're le mrtt -r," tx. nki t--, ifcpvewy cr teit ef irilTv thw, vh b - f f s "' )if rbatire rorr.i'e. PATIENTS TREATED b ? eis fer$ffrc(Ni&ura-(a i y:rfcrrcJK (vfeicla 1 FREE & mxtfr erf. L'tef rtkeHot bitwtr'i fcr rtliifiB5 UtN ret mailed fr t airi a af-lieallnt Vum( Ifm MaethUr to their tAtut2$ II I at a tna.?,. mr.t,ftj .ml. bw 1 1 mH...A CiCJi.Z..ti-!ji..5. L.Z J.iS. 13311. T r r : -r-rt -. --e -t t-.. r I O I. Ii JM ST ? " V 1- L. T4T T -- r ,, ik rt. m I Urn EUTTSJ PEffiMl i A3 -j ft DVS z .S ;y&s LQ1M WMC1I1& TIME by the FORELOCK ! AND UCY YOL'U m Tf!i Fi G-e o . A.i"kw:ri gli-t- In UKION HOTEL, wrst of Court Hoosr, BROWNYI1LE. v KSBR. hing of beauty is a joy foravar, and you will Snd my stock full of the cholceet I'KRSONAL KURNITrU3 In tho county. ROLLED PLATE VEST CHAIVp, NECKLACES. MATINEE CHAINS. LOCKKTH. CHAUMs.: BRACELirrS LADIES PETH. HREA8T PINS. CUPK PIW, SLEEVE nUTTONr. studs, collar; r.urroNH. ETC.. ETC.. ETC. SOLID GOLD RINOF, Plain Oold, Kami. Camco.t T paz. Amethyst and Silver. Call nnd spethe nAU'ii.t:rfpA'!!i Watch Cases The 183 Silver lHllnr7A...r.d tr.o P.iienl Dust Proof Wn!eh, uU go under tixiter. RT7T) A F OQ exeenfpl ittsnnT.'Prrn?: illi r lIvO In our work and havelt done In the best manner at reasonable char- en. TJie Karl5- Rlrd Colifs ttie'Worra. A Large supply of NIcIllTlmep!eces wltfi ALARMS. A great boon these Dnrll Jlornlirs. lL'THOI'.IZi: Iir THK V. S. COVKUMJll'N'T. OF rt I? O W XVILLE. !aitl-fp Capita. $50,000 Authorized. " 500,000 is pnrrAUFiiTo trans ut a Q rArsavJ SSt-tnT-fe i i n : Hen wwliiwuj.-E l. J BUY AOT SJU.L OOIN & OUEBEKOY DEAITS ft sll tho prlnctpa! elites of ihf United State3 and Sxiropo MONKY LOANED On pproveJ pcarlty ealy. "Pme Urafts rf--mnt o-l.andsprclHlfoinrrMKiotinRvzrantp, r e ,,. s-s. Dealers in OOVEItN'MKrrr ilOXUS, STATE, COUNTY & CITY SECURITIES DHPOSITS aec"v-l pavsbleonderaand.and INTEnKf-Tal. lnwwto- :.eeerrtSnt: ofrtn!t. 0;RFf'roil.-Wm T.lien. It. Hsmllor rrialc K. Joda.n. Wm. KralshT. M. IlaMeT. ?r, t.;hr 1' aJ ey 30SIS !. CAI'SOY, A. R. n.VI'50V.r'aSMr. J.C.MeNArr: JlTON. Kl.Ctt r, i're Cft. 'rn'v .oVV t f AiBrownvilie, 1m 0 " " f ' tJft liEST ClOS:-:iN(J ox the M i ss o u r i Ti vor. NSW BOAT, Uats3 Loir, ( a mp Sh a '';, Itoa-rl Good, IndemnHsj Ample. Connects with, ali Trains. t cr Ct a s& &. k V2T i ? -5 - ft L. w S,.' J v! && Jf y-iVfri v." cr tJ rt ssj a K5!S1 li Opposit Lumber Yard, Main St. GOOD BIGS 1 -- REASONABLE BATF 1. special r Oosiinerclal H..-xi and Driver Furin lied when deii-i. Horses boarll hy t!e day or wT: and Fariaera twins fJad t..;'C jr t r Mvi - A 5 n rip-f;& is wm mm OK I I Jiilki'i t w'-xZm rt '3 r . "I" 3 yt r v iSs & g 0 . ;' ' . A v . - . y TBlf '"" '- ' " W3 & ii PI1 H WJ Tr T ml ZZ. it4 . T Z a a a Kitjj I t DR. HCTTS lorlli th Si, St. LouK Mo. a j foj- r"tm