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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1869)
S5E2E V v AGRICULTURAL. R. W. FUHNAS, Editor. jj-AIl Communications intended for this Depart ment chould be addressed to the Editor. . TIe Dairy Ctisincsn. . The qucitiou has. often suct-ed itself to us, why more iople do not engage in the' Dairy business ia Ne braska. The -country i3 certainly naturally adapted for this besiness ; pasture good, and plenty. From the proceedings of tlio - Northwestern Dairymen's Association, we clip the following from the report of Holt Bros., Kensha -county "Wisconsin. "The Dairy consists of 87 cows all told, averaging 82. The whole num ber of pounds of cured cheese made, was 43,001), giving a yield of 52- pounds per cow. The above cheese was sold at a price ranging between 21 and 23 cents, and tho proceeds per cow was $78,75. This docs not include nny butter made or cheese used in the fam ily, or $200 worth of milk shipped to Chicago in tho month of November. Thcabovo cows had no mess given them after they could fill themselves on the pasture until about the first of September. "While the pastures were ravaged with grasshoppers we fed a small mess of bran and commenced drawing out corn fodder." Nebraska City, Neb., Sep. lOnh, 18G0. Coi R. "W. Furnas . Dear Sir Your letter bearing date came to hand, but, as it found us in a very poor state of health, want of ambition, togetlrer with a little slackness, has been the cause of my delay in answer ing it, but better late than never will try to answer it now. In the first place I would say, with 12 years experience and olervation, out of over 100 varieties of apples I have selected 2-5 which have proved themselves well adopted to this cli mate and soil, and will stand even cultivation on our rich 'soil, and the remaining 75 varieties will nearly all remain sound if planted thick and the ground is not cultivated after two years from transplanting. The hardy varieties I will here name as they in clude all of the various qualities which are necessary for an orchard, we have but little use for the others. Summer Apples. Bed June, Early Harvest, Early Strawberry, Early Joe, Williams Favorite.Summer Toar inan, Red Astrachan. Fall Apples. Early Red, Moth er, William, Jersey sweeting, Duchess of Olden burgh, Famouse, Gabriel, Haw ley or Douse. Winter Apples. Detroit Red, N. Y. Pipin; Roman- Stem, Ladies Sweeting; Jonathan, Rawles Jeanet, Willow Twig, Red Canada, Northern ftyjf i weet striped f Piphy AYlne Sap, Newtown ipuuj f"HU lit' All kinds of crab apples flourish to perfection. ..... ; I Pears thus far havo done woll, both dwarf and standard. The early Richmond Cherries I con Eider the only variety perfectly relia ble with clean cultivation. Plums with me, grafted on the tame stock with clean culture have not flourished well, but grafted on the wild stock, they do remarkably well and in many instances on the tame Etock without cultivation. Teaches. The be6t we can depend on them is, that we will get a good crop about once in three years, they must not be cultivated after one year from transplanting. Grapes, Of all kinds which are adapted to this latitude flourish exceed ing well. The Hauton Goofcebery nev er fails ; the Eugz sometimes mildews, when the bunches become very dense. Blackberries. Flourish well when protectedin the winter, and the season moderately we. . Hoping that; th is "delay" did not inconvenience you in the least, and that my report will prove satisfactory to you, I remain, Very Truly Your Joel Draper. Fruit Grooving. J. II. Masters, one of the oldest and most successful fruit growers in Nebraska, writes the following excel lent letter to the Nebraska City Press: The sad experience of many of our orchardists in Nebraska in the loss of many of their first setting of fruit trees by the peculiarities of our soil and cli mate, have led us to inquire for a rem edy for the ills to which our fruit trees are subject. We will give you our ex perience in fruit growing in this di rection. The causes which have produced so many failures are, the liability of wet weather in August andthe first part of September and the consequent large prowth in September and October. This growth should bo prevented or stopped in September. By examining your trees you will find many water sprouts on. the large limbs and some on the bdy of the tree that continue to grow as though the suinmar was before them, until the first hard freeze finds the tree be low them full of sap, and the death of the tree or a part or it is tlio conse quences. The orchardist should prepare him self with aeharp knife, and commence trimming off all water sprouts closely and neatlv so that the wound can heal. This should be commenced about the loth of September. - If they should continue to throw out new shoots cut them elf and'clio the tips of all the branches ihat ' continue to prow. If thi ia Allowed the first hard frost the vooi wi.i ia mobt cases be ripe enough to pocs through the first hard freeze Arithout injarri -and the tree will be Su.fc. Rake "away weeds and gras from the roots of your.trees before the irround freezes, to prevent mice from harboring around the roots of your trees and pealing the bark on and girdling tlicm. The genuine Versailles currant cau can be had. of Edward Burgess, roughKeepsic, Jew York, lie is an extensive and reliable dealer. We rerard the Versailles as one of the4 best of the new varieties. Mr. B puts them at low figures. We have received from A E Bar NAart, Nurseryman at Vogelen- yang, near Haarlem, Holland, a copy of his "Catalogue of Dutch Flower- roots." C M Fletcher New York is his ngent. It is the most extensive Bulb Catalogue we! uve seen. Read the advirtisemcnt of Brinker hoof, Auburn, New York a new Po tato Digger. We have one, and after testing It, will report. "We aro pleas ed with, its appearance, r "" J Ve call attention to the advertise ment of Isipou Bush '&on, of liushburIo. Yhey keep a splendid tock. Some" of the fine-t vines we planted last year, and which grew the best were from this nursery. To Pinney & Wead, of .Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin, we are indebted for copy of their new Catalogue of Ever greens and Fruit Trees, native and transplanted. It U a valuable little pamphlet. Containing articles on planting trees ; burying trees for the winter, and a description with Botan ical names of Deciduous trees and Ev ergreens. . Mr. O. "W. Bratton, of this place raised some very nice Seedling Peach es this season. "We have a specimen before us, measuring 8J inches in cir cumference. The Omaha Ecjjublican says, a Cal ifornia Pear was exhibited in this city a few. days ago, which meas ured eighteen inches in circumference! As Davy Crock etts, Coon said to him. "Mister you need'n't shoot,. I'll come down" on size. We call attention to the advertise mciit of I "Manning Youngstowr Ohio. He has good stock, and is a re liable dealer. I. H. Babcock & Co., in to-day's issue, invite public attention to their large stock of the "Salem Grape," a comparative new variety, said to be most excellent and hardy. Read and Invest if you wish to keep pace with the country. "Keech's Premium Strawberries," is the caption of a new advertisement in this issue, and the offer thereiu made is rarely equalled. If you wish choice fruit cheap, read it! The Mahoning Nurseries, Youngs- town, Mahoning county, Ohio, have acquired an enviable notoriety for the good quality of all kinds of stock sent out, and now its proprietor, J. Man- tNO, makes through our columns a bid for the trade of this section of Ne braska. Their shipping facilities are excellent, and its dealings reliable. E. A. Riehl, Alton, 111., invites at tention to hi3 stock of Early Rose Po tatoes, Grape Vines and Choice Fruit Trees. Send for price list. - It matters little what you may want if it is in the Nursery line you will find it in Lewis Ellsworth & Co'b Catalogue, which can be. had by ad dressing them at Napierville, III. See their advertisement in to-day'a issue. ( KEW ADVERTISEMENTS f ft Nursery Stock. We would call tho attention of those ho wish to purchase Ntinry Steele, cither to nlar.t or to aell iifsiiu. to tlio fact tliat we have for safp, at wholesale and retail, such articles as are usually to he found in iJl first class Nurseries, ami at low prices. Our stock consists of liwarf and Standard Apple, C'berrv Pear, Flam, and other Fruit irees; tfutncf liul;cs, nrrantw, iioose" berries, J'lackberriet.Knwpber. ries, Strawberries, Etc., all selected with a view to thsir adaptability to the climate of the West. We Lave a large assortment of ETerrreen nnd Recitteons Skori nnd Orna mental Trees, S hrubs and Plants. Rose crowing we mak J a soecialtv. and are pre pared to furnish ROSEBUSHES, all prown on their own roots, at prices that are un-e-pianed. We would ask those who wish to pur ciuwein either larjreor small quantities, to examine our prices before purchasing elsewhere. t. uiaiorue sent to applicants. LEWIS ELLSWORTH & CO., V-2m Xaniervllle. I1L EARLY ROSE POTATOES AT SPECIAL RATES. Havln a larce Stock of theft choice TVitAtoea nn1 beine Hhort of utoratre room and money, I will for a short time sell at special rates to tho winhing to purcuuse mis lau. j.a. iti.fc.ii.Li, M-a Alton, 111. 100,000 Strong Grape Vines, Consisting of Concord. Ives. Norton's Vlrcinla. Rotters' Hybrids, etc, etc. Trice Ltd sent to aU au rlicanta. Address . E.A. KIKHL, M-zm Alton, IlL Cbofce Fruit Trees, Choice Dwarf and Standard Pear Tree for calo by . E. A. KIEIIL. Qtt-t Alton, 111. The Mahoning Nurseries. youngstown; Mahoning County, Ohio. I have, and offer for sale at mv Nurseries, a lartre and general stock of FRUIT A5D ORNAEIEXTAIj TREES, SMALL FRUITS, Grnpo "Vines, Roses, FLOWERING SHRUBS Esculext Roots, In short, a very ceneral and complete assortment of such stock as it is customary to raise in nurse ries. This stock was raised with special reference to selling directly to tilanters Is designed to In clude the best varieties of well proved old. or prom ising new varieties, anu is generally or sucn su.e and substance as to be ready for permanent plant ins without farther "nursing." Orders, larsre or small, will be filled at reasonable rates. Having a large and excellent stock of Apples, Teaches, Grape Vines, uscuieut Eioots, some kinds of Flowering Shmbs, tc., T ofTer special influcemetiis in these, lu large quantities, for this i hii s sates. Shipments direct b- the rival route of Pittshnrp, Kort Wayne & Chirtura, or Erie ffornierlv Atlantic iret Westurni II. also by either U. S. or Am. L nion t-xpress v o. s. When shipments are preferred by Wafer, will deliver stock on hoard St. IiOiiis or Missouri River Steamboats at Pittsburg, without extra charve. For special prices of specified kinds and iuantl ties, or for general descriptive cat:ilopue, address J. MANNING. 50-3t Vonnirstown, Ohio. KEECII?9- Premium Strawberries Took the first premium at the Strawberry Show at (Geneva, N..Y., In June last, competing with VK varieties. ( 'jin show the best reconimcL.d of any berries in tbeTJnited suites. Admitied by all irsons at the l'air In Rochester In June last, to lv the finest berries ever seen. I wi'.l swid free by mail, f i J.uJ 1 dnr Keerh's Favoritej " " 1 " (lohntj. 1 Tmniret. and - 1 copy Grape Growers' Gulden And for $V"0 - , - I dot. iCeech's Favorite, ' 1 " (ioliah. 1 . J runuiet, k 1 Wars, and 1 conv Manual on firane Growlne. For f ui.!j by Kx prtss So t'oncurd Grapo Vines, 2 years, Si lutia, la Ih-ljiwares, fi Itocers Ao. 15, 6 Un:ts, X (Yevelinc, 2 II art fords, 1 lu-i-ca, all two years, grown in open air, 1 Grape Grower's Guide. Address, J. KEECH, 80-3m Waterbo, Senncn Co.. X. Y. ' - PRICE EIST FRUIT TREES. Standard Pear, one year stronsr plants.. " three years, 6 to 6 ft... " " " 4toofU Transcendent Crab, three years, d ft.. fJO Si 100 Iltnt and Girtea.. 15 inn Dwnrf I'etir, 2 years, tine stock 13 to 23 Pi Stanlurd and Iwarf C'nerry, 2 vs., tiae 9toH l0 1 "c.:i'f ji)ile, Uyenrs. fine. 15 luo MAZZAK1 i UKiiHY 1'ITS. ntlME Ut'AXJTx' .$i per Bashel We send out the bet onalHv of Stock. ITave over Standard and Dwarf Pear, and an abun flam of other block. Catalomie. Free, containinir particulars. If you want good btock, qj. reasonable luisit, scut ior lu T. T iXOVTinVICK'& CO Dausville, N. V WE Planted this spring over Ave hundred bushels of OsaRO Oranpe Seed, and. shall have fur sale, tlint fall and sprli.g FIFTY MILLION eplondM Jfo I plants. Our facUlticn for raising plants at a small cost, cannot be excelled. We do not ejoploy . .' V . t CHINESE '' lntH)n'r at ten cents per day, hut, by the aid of new remind, tree from weeds and jtrass splendid ma chineryan experience of twenty-three years In the work, and a careful systematic management of our immense force, we are positive that we can af ford to sell plants cheajter than any other estab lishment in the country. We have also COMING Into market, two million splendid Apple Trees, of all aifes, sires ana Kinds. These tre-s are equal to anything in the country all grafted by us. We guurritn;.ce every tree sent out sound, thrifty, and true to name. TO everybody who wants a fine lot of Apple Boot Grafts to set out next spring, we would say that we shall put up full live million next winter both the roots and cions are from our own grounds. We will sell them very aheap. We want all the men and women In ILLINOIS rr anywhere else, who want to buy Plants, Trees or Grafts, and who want to get a first-class article, and at the LO WJiaT HA TiS', U writ to us tuii get our terms. FIRST CLASS AGENTS f WANTED. ArPLE SEEDLINGS CHEAP- Y7. H. ZIAim & Co 0ILLMAX. ZE0QV0ZS CO., ILL. J83-WB win A'OTbe undersold. Send for Essay and Price List. 47-6m GTtAJPHZ VINES I i this fuU and coming spring, of superior quality anct at vyy reasonable prices. OUR NEW" Illustrated Descriptive Catalogue containing valuable information on Grape Culture, will be mailed to all applicants enclosing 25 cents. Price List gratis; oraers solicited. Address ISIDORE BUSH A CO. 60-novl mchl apll5 Kusuburg, Mo.. POTATO DIGGER. Farmers, rend the following recommendation-of this unrivalled Invention, and then send for a Dig ger, and If it fails to work as recommended, send it buck and your money will be refunded. A man with this Digger can dig twice as many potatoes in day as he can with a hook, or with a hoe, and with less than half the fatigue, consequently you save the wages Mid board of a man every day you use It. which in a short time will pay the cost of a Digger, and it will last a lifetime with ordinary care. You have no vines to pull, or weeds to clear away, but you take the hill just as yon find IL Thrust the Digger under it. pry it up, and throw it upside down and the potatoes are all in sight ready to pick up, wnicn operation js periormea generally in less time than it would take to pull the vines and get ready to dig wl?h a hook or noe; so in reality the Digger costs you nothing, but on the contrary, you make money Dy Diiyiuv aim using it. trice 7, on receipt of which they will be shipped a4 directed. Agents waub.-d in every, town, to whom liberal Inducements are offered.- Sn4 for a sample, and sell them to your neighbors. The trade sudd lied at the nual discount. Address all orders and communications to J. RRINKEUHOFF, 50-2j -.... Auburn, X. Y. THE . , . SALEM GRAPE! 8 lould be in every Oarden and every Vinevard In the land. . We have good evidence thirt in the West it is to be eminently succeytful. It is earlier, and infinitely superior to the Concord in quality, and must supplant that variety so fast as Its merits be come known. The Salem, as Is well known, is the best of the ".Rogers Hybrids." Mr. Bousra thus describes it : "Like other well known kinds. Xos. 4 and 13. this is a Hybri'betww?n m native and the Black Ham burg, bunch large and compact, berry large as lianiourg.or a ngtitchestnutorCatawbacolor. thin skinned, perfectly free from hard pulp, very sweet and sprightly, with a most exquisite aromatic fla vor; not equalled by any other out-door gnrpe for wine or table; as early and hardy as Delaware or llurtford, having never failed to ripen Its truit, in the most unfavorable season, for the past six rears. Tuking ali its qualities into consideration, earliness, hardiness, and great vigor of vine, size and qualily of fruit, it Is pronounced by the best judges who have tried It, to have no equal among all the nu merous varieties now before the public; and I can with confidence recommend it as the best of all my collection." The bulk of the Salem Stock pawed from Mr. Itoirers into the hands of Mr. T. L. Harris, at Salem on-Krie, That gentleman ha ) acres of it in Vine yard, and under date of Auglrth, writes : UkarSir:-I have much jjleasure in continuing to repont most favorably of the Salem. They are rerfectly bardv in every respect, and a most vigor ous grower. They have not suffered from the win ter or the trying summer, escaping mildew where other varieties have been affected seriously. I am so well satisfied with their promise, that al though I have thirty acres of this one variety, I n:iei up most or the vacancies in my other vme vards with them. Yours truly T: W HARRIS. Last spring we relieved Mr. Harris from the prop agation of the Salem, by purchasing his entire Flock of vines for transplanting, and also the wood ironi ills large vinevara. we are consequently able to offer to the public the . . Largest and best stock of Salem . f ines. In the Country, at low rates, to larse and small planters. If we are to compete with our California friends !n Crape growing, we must plant the large and showy varieties those which most nearly approach tee choice foreign Kinds m appearance ana quality. vt e uuur mi trauuig vttricuea lursuie ui VERY LOW RATES. Our circulars contain a cnt of the Salem, and tes timonials. Sent on application. Aaoresa I. II. BABCOCK & CO., Salem Grape Nurseries. 50-Sm r ortrport, Y.' OS.iGE ORANGE. 2,000,000 SPLENDID PLANTS! We will deliver on board the cars of the IT. St. Jo. It. R. free of pocki njf, good strong thrifty plants, at 2 per XCOO. sell you GOOD plants at lower one they cannot UW BOIU. THOMPSON ADA3fS, 4Mt - - - Brook field, Mo. FRUIT! 71 : FRUIT! ' FRUIT! XTASDARD MAR- 2 and 3 years old: flO 00 per 100 WW ASF PEAR 1 and 3 years old. 10 f per 100 STAXDARD PEAR I year old . 29 00 per W0 D WART PEAR 1 year oldU. 12 50 per 100 STANDARD CJIKKRY 1 vearold. '. 12 30 per 100 STAXI'AEJ) APPLE 1 rear from bud 10 00 per 100 STAXVARD APPLE - 1 year from graft.. 6 00 per (100 Du-iijion'n Thornlens Blacit Cay Ranyuerrr. f3 per 100; per louO ; fo)perJU0. laaisnath Clanter BlacK Cav Ilaapbrrr. fj per 100 ; t per 1000; tl20-por K0L. t . i i- . r -r - Keneea Rlack Op Ilurpberrr. ' l)00-perl; ioooierloi;); ?u:0per4a AYlNon, T. de Cand, Asrrlcnltttrist. Green rroIIfie French Secdliae, Early HIay and Boston Pine Strawberry, f3 00 per 1000. Concord Grapes 2 years.. 40 per 1K 1 Vi mir l,.m j X'Kiware - a " Diana " 2 " lona " 2 " 1 J per pun l'jn per lmw SO ir liifrt 50 per im . ) per lia O 20 per liXH Versailes Currant 1 year. Cherry " 1 " White flrape " 1 " Red Dutch " 1 " Apple and An (tern Qniure Stocks at LOW FIGURES. Any of the above articles will be securely packed and delivered at the railroad, free of cost, except the bare cost of boxe.. Oroers should be accompanied with the cash, or good reference.. AUilrwsa, TT. P. TITLE. FayetteviUc, OuondatraCo. S-2m X Y. MOUNT HOPE NURSERY ROCHESTER, N. Y. (Established 184a) Okxtmcmen Improvingthelr gronnds, OBrnAmD ht, LANnscAPBUisnr.NKKs, Nt'RHERTMiH and Dkalkks in Trees, will find our stock of Fruit and Ornamental Trees the largest, and the collection the most eitensive and complete in the U.S. .- All orders, large orouili,wiU receive prompt and carelul attention' Packing for distant points per formed in the most skillful and thorough maiuiet. - i t 6'inali parcels ittmt by mail to lienlred. 1 Descriptive and Illustrated priced Catalogues, sent prepaid on receipt of stamps, as follows : i Ko. 1 Fruits, 10c No. 2. Ornamental Trees, 10c No. 3. jre-n-houae, 5c ', 4. Wholesale, ruEts. Address ELLTTAXUER BARRY", ' 49-2 Rochester, N. Y. Owen's Strawberry. Every Han Should have a Patch. . "71 ft thr. moH toothxnirw. xprctet of this dcliciou brr ry." Ch icatfo Republicaji. ',Otim't berry conxiderttbl ailmlratitn at the Pair, both from it tize and flavor," Grand Prairie Review. "It in a large, bright, tearlri brrry, fleth white, Willi a peasant acid." ITairie Farmer. 'It U the best tabit. berry ur ever tasted." Paxton Record. ... 'It eontains more sar.ehnrtne matter and less fttjer than ni.v other variety we have ever tasted." Giilman Journal. "A a table berry it f unemiatted ft y any berry ffrown in thlttitcaliit." Iroquois Republican. "The bert tli'de. berry cuSHatsd."W. H. Mann. ' They are very large and rir.hjlavored."K.nnk.ali Review. "It is mwMj of the. peojte's confluence. Resolution of Onargo Horticultural (Society. A copy of the Fruit Groiver, giving a futl descrip tion and engraving oi tne oerry, sent to any address EJ. RVMLET, 49-3m ' Oranga, 111. PBACHES'j PS ACHES! We again offer our usually heavy stock of well grown and thrifty. First Class 4 to 6 feet-?8 per 100.......t per 1000 Second Class 3 to 4 feet $6 per loo per low CHERRY TREES. fLargeBlocks of Strong 2 & 3 years old First Class 5 to 7 feet f 18 per 100 .floO per 1000 Second Class 2to5feet-(l2per 100 flOO per 1000 l?liniis ixntl lLpiicots. One Year Old, Nicely Branched and Perfectly Healthy. Concord &. Clinton Grapes. One and Three Years Old, at Very Low Rates. EVERGREENS. All the Finest Sorts, in Quantity, Cheap. Rokcs! Roses!' Roses! Choicest Varieties in Cultivation. Hybrid Perpetual ?12 per ino $100 per 1000 ' Prairie Climbing. fS per 100..J)no per 1000 . . . Tea, Clilna, Xoisetta,: - Kourbon, &. &ci ' ' at very low rates. "A full ilne of Stocfe1, -- in e'ery Department. hoopp:s, bro. a thomas, Cn'ERRY HILL NURSERIES, West Chester, Pa. "NT "O' The i?(X).-oA,T7rvn, a practical work JLl ml) on the Coiie-IitiariiifT Plants, by Josiali IIoojes, sent per mail, prepaid, on receipt of price, jTiSAddress as above. 49-2m HEDGE PLANTS GROWN IPff MISSOURI. 03 Bushels Osage Seed Planted in 18G9. I will ship, Fre!elit pre paid, to Phelps, or nny other Railroad Station Lu ISrth Missouri, Good Hedge Plant At $2,50 per 1000 nest Fall, or finest Spring. ; ft3 Printed dlrectlona furnished. ' " . f CIIAS. PATTEfiSON, E'lRKSVILLE, MO. CITAK PATTERSOX. of Klrksville, J. E T)A VI KH and It. C. MACARTJir, of LaPlaU, have formed a partnership to carry on a general Nursery business extensivelv, near Kirksvilie, with a branch at LaPlatH, under the style of Patterson, Danes & Macarthy, We have an assortment of Fruits at LaPlato; also 20 acres APPLE HEEDLIXOti, and expect to plant i : . . 400,000 Apple Grafts , next season, with other things in proportion. 47-4U1 "Versailles Currant. THE BEST CURRANT GROWN. This Currant Is universally admitted to be the best in cultivation. It is a strong, vigorous grower, has creat thickness of leaf, which enables itsuo cessiully to resist the attacks of the currant worm; is productive, and bears very large and hnDdsome fruit. .. , We have made specialty of the "Versailles," and now offer an unequalled stock of 1 and 2 year old plants. Purchasers can rely on receiving first class plants from us, at the following rates : . , 2 years old f 10 per 100 f sOperlOOO 1 " " ft " 65 " Pnmple sent br mall on receipt of SO eta. Versailles cntttnr, ?io per 1W. KDWAliD BURGESS, , S0-3m . Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Charleston Nurseries ! DUTCH BULBS. I import my Bulbs dlroct from the most reliable growers in HOLLAND which enables mo to offer them at pricos much low the ususj rates, beuilcs giving- wy cuatoa be- ny customers UNRIVALLED STOCK. My order this year embraces none but snrb as have been thoronirhly tested and proved worthy. Ail warranted to give good aatiafacUon, if properly treated. Fall lnstmctlons for the management of Boibs, may be found in my . ,. a ...' , CATALOGUE No. 4. ROSES. Besides bulbs, I have on sale very choice selec tion of ROSES, GREENHOUSE AND REDDING PLANTS, FLOWERING SHRURS,' VINES, TREES, NATIVE AND HARDY GRAPE VINES, ; . and other small fruit. tc, Ac, any all of which I feel half inclined to sell at reasonable prices. Should I chance mv mind, will give due notice. I publish lour catalogues, any or all of which are sent free upon .application. , No. 1 Describes Fruits, Flowering Shrubs and Trees. No. 52 Describes Green House and Bedding Plants tt tl (x -JtOfi?f No. 3-Wholesale or Trade List.. No.T-1-Dutch Bulb. Addreaa M. C. Me.LA TX, 8-2 m Charleston, Coles Co., HI, ayWLda b & els O J'J -.- : -f ,.;ti... ) . :.:.'T . i r.'.' : ii': j- 7 . '.''x X ! "' r ;-FOIi- .. V ' I : TATJs 1SG9 and SPRING 1STO. ,Hsj All Grafted or Budded,'. . . And Every Tree Warranted True to Name. 1,500,000 Apple. Cherry, Plum, Stand ard and Dwarf Pear Trees, at VEIIY LOW RATES. Farmers can grow this stock to Orchard Siza at a - Kurserivmen can make from 300 to $0O per cent, to grow it two years. For a man starting in the Nursery business, this is tne oest Kinu oi oioca. ue tu . PRICES: Pear and Cherry Trees, 4 to 12 Cents! Apple Trees, 2 to G Cents. Wa offer also a full assortment of all kinds of ' -HUHSSR'Y STOCK. For all description of Stock and prices, enclose stamp. , . . Established.- r Niagara Nursebijcs, XW-a-f. ) 47-3m Lockport, X. Y. : OSAGE ORANGE SEED AND -PLANTS AT WHOLESALE! We propose'to strpply any quantity of OSAOE ORAXOE PLAXTS AXD 81X2), , . to say the least, ; AS GOOD AS THE MARKET AFFORDS! ' SEEDS WARRANTED NEW. itofh Seed and Plants warranted to give satisfac tion, as the price and quality. For particulars ad- aress, . ' LAMSOX, DOB BIX A CO., State Centre, Iowa. Stu Clair Nurseries, SUMMERFIELD, . - - - - - ILL. IiSTABLISIIED 1850. 1 ' I offer to planters and dealers a large and well grown stock of Fruit and Ornamental 1 rees, Hardy Native Grape Vines, "Evergreens, Boxes, Khnibs, tfce. The stock offered for sale the coming Fall, owinx to a favorable season, has made a fine growth and will. I think, cive satisfaction to all. Th attention of Dealers is especially Invited to my unusually fine stocK or Standard Apples, con sisting of all the lending Western and Southwestern sorts. Wholesale and Retail Catalogues now out and for- waraea to an applicants. j-j. t . liAJ5(. it'K. Branch Oilices. 13and 15 Monroe Street, Ieniphls i enn., ana comer ot Main aud Usage si.s., sedalia. llo. - 47-3m Springfield Nurseries. Ilstablislietl In 1S5S. ' LARCH! AXD FIXE STOCK FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL Small Fruits in Great Variety. nnftOTI l!l5r in Iarro supply, of pop UnHl C ylKtlO u'ur old aua choice new varieties, ClSTDnnrClO f Rl1 pslrablo kinds CVCnUtlbUliO and' .liferent sizes, fre tjuently tiansplautetl iu Isuraery. A com plete assortment of ORNAMENTAL S:S HOUSE & BEDDING PLANTS, BULliS,&C. SWEET POTATO and other Vegetable Plants, in their season. OSAGE ORANGE V ASSOETED! HEDGE PLANTS J """ i lo. 1, by Ih c 100,000 or Million. PPIE SEEDLIIS),,1; VERY NE. i uimrs a Stocks and Seedlings. All tho above jrrown with irreat care, and especial reference to the wants of the Western planters. Send for Catalogues. uartts, SPA ULDIXO CO.. 47-fim UpraiglirM, IlL 1869.; 1869. SPECIALTIES. STANDARD PEACHES. GOLD. DP. PEACHES. CHERRIES, CURRANTS, AND UOOSRERRIES. tflxim Trees. 4 to 3 feet, one year, branched. jer 1, fl ; rer 1U00,'?125. Plum Seedlin ffSt Wtol-,perl000,owlnir to quality and quantit;. ' llwipirte assort mint of Trees, Plants, Vines, Stinilis. tk-rdUnv. Storks. Jtnot Grafts, etr., etc. Send stamp tor Fnce List; Ten cents for Catalogues. Address. 47-am JK. P. IIEIEE. Dayton, O.- QUIXCY xuiistehy. We have a large and complete stock of APPLE, PEACH. CHERRY, AP RICOT. ORNAMENTAL AND SHADKTRKKS, EVERGREENS, G R A PE VI X EH. SM A LL FRL-ITS, . ItOES, .SI1RUES, &c, &c, tc, Propagated and grown by us at our Nursery, which we off er to planters at as low rate as equally mnixl stock ran be fuxuwnetl at any outer Nursery In the country. Wer do not boy, bnt raise oar stock, and conse quently can and do guarantee every article healthy and true to name. We give small orders the same attention that we do lare one:. . Parties favoring ns with their orders will please give ns plain directions, how, where to. by what route, and to whom tbey wish their goods consigned. Correspondence solicited and Price List sent on application. Address SIOCK'd- CO. 4SSm Qiiincr. Ill Grape Vines.' 150 CCO one and two yetr old grape vines, of ' the leading varieties ouly all grown in the open ground. Dealers, and those wishing to plant InrgeJv, will do well to send for our jJCsr Price Listen, before eDgaging elsewhere. Address ' II. MICITEL & ERO., 43m 411 Locust Street, St. Louis. Mo. OSAGE HEDGE PLANTS. IIARGI3 & SO MM EE, Of the Ptar Nub81crit8, Quincy, Illinois, offer to the trade a large quantity of t)saie Plants, grown on rolling land and therefore very superior to those grown on flat land this wet summer. They will be sold very cheap for cash. Those desiring plants bv the ww, or l.ojn.tmo will do well to correspond with them. New Trade 1,1st now reaiy. s?Am. JOB PRINTING, in one or more O colors, promptly- done at tho Advertiser Job Office. JFIZ UIT IUJjIa 50,000 PEACH THSSS FOR 'ALE CHEAP ! of which 8.0CO are the SALWAT TEAt'II. Also Apple, Pear, Plum A Cherry Trees, with 'a large stock of Blackberry, P.!pberry and 8trs.w berry plants. 8 END. FOR PRICES. J. Iladison Puilen, HIGHTSTOWN, N. J. f-."m T. C. MAXWELL & BRO.. OLD CASTLE NURSERIES GENEVA, ONTARIO CO., N. Y. Invite the attention of Western Nurserymen, .Dealers and Planters, to their extensive and reliable assortment of Choice Nurseiy Stock AT WHOLESALE, including", Fruit Trees Standard and Dwarf Ornamental Trees and SUrubsDeciduous ana .cvergree Small Frnits Grapevines All varieties; Roses, Green Honse and Bedding Plants, Bulbs, &c. j f " - i PartieswIshingSELECTNintSERYSTOCK either for their own planting or to sell a;ain, are re quested, to give us a can or write lor particulars. enclosing stamps ior catalogues as ioiiows : Descriptive Catalogue of Fruits three red stamps Descriptive Catalogue of Ornamentals three red stamps. Wholesale Trade List one red stamp. Address, . ' 1 T. C. IAXWELIi & BROS, ' Geneva, Ontario, Co., N. Y. n-y TREE PLANTERS, J' ijoorr iieize! , The undersigned have the largest stock of EVEBGREENS AMD FOREST T RE E S In the macket, and are selling them at a much Iesa price than it is possible to obtain tbem elsewhere, WJKpi22,60 0,0 0 0 , r . . 7 7 Nurserymen can buy of us more seedling trees of better quality, for the same money, than anywhere else in America, iseveral varieties, In lots of 100,000 or more sold lor $1,00 per THOUSAND. We oITer American Yew, the most fare and most valuable L arf Kven?reen in the world. jt a 'isend 10 ctT, for larpre descriptive CaUIopue; Willi several plates and lull dcscriDt'oris of all vari eties offered ; or send stamp tor advertising pricef lists. . , Address PINNKY t WKAI), t-Sm-' ' Ktunjeon Bay, Wis. T3 a in o Xi a W ' W 2 c 9. (130 u o 2 o 9 c3 o o 02 3 c c c .2 O 1 u X3 c3 in a . t o ja Ci, on cS o vV, ft " s- M -3? U u Q f-, u cS 3 S3 8 3 c so ?5 3. Si 3 K SI . I o 1 'ot to C O ' o o O Oil' Dutch Flow er Ilulbs. ""Our Descriptive Cntuloire of Tulips. Hyacinths Narcissus. Crocus, Lillies,IIantyIerb:iceoiis Plants. fchrnbs, Ac, &c.,is now ready, and will be mailed on application. . Address, IT. MICHEL PRO., 8-.1m 411 Locust htrcet, .St. Louis, JIo. Dwarf Mountain Cherries. 1 Plant by mall, . 6 " . " 5. 12 " ' 10. Onws but three feet hiffb: bears a larce croo of very sweei unerrics. TIIOMPSOX ADA .VST. 4$-3t Brook liekl. Mo. FOR SALE AT THB BLOOJIIXG GROVE XtTRSERY RLOOMIXOTOX, ILL. 0(( nOA STRONG, thrifty, well grown 4UUjUUU one and two year old . : APPLE TREES, at Lowest Prices. Also a General Nursery Stock, Including alout everj"tbiiiK found In a first class Jursery. Will contract to put up APPLE U RAFTS 1 " In the best of order, the cominjr winter. Address. . , W. P. WILLS A SOX. 47-3m IJloomlnirton, III. BLOOMLCTO. NURSERY. 500 Acres. . . ' , . 18th Year. r 10 Green-houses. - - "Fruit. OrnamentiU and Xurserv Stock, immense and reliable assortment very low for cash. Apple. , z ana v. years, v arieties adapted to all localities, Including liur-ly Northern sorts, such es Unchess Oldenburir. Hislop, Transcendent and oth- er Crab Apples. Ptaches, Prnrt, Cherries, Phinis, Quintet, Gropes, Forest awl Evergreen Trees, Xur serif .Storks, Osage. Hedge Plants, Roses, own roots. Ilnrdy Bulbs and Llllies for Fail planting. Hoot drafts put u to or der in beat style. Also superior colored plates of Fruits and Flow ers. 5-end 10 cents for Catalogue. Uewsr? of bogus agents. P. K. PiftENIX. 47-t - Uioomlngton, Alclean Co. 111. Transcendaat Crabs. St. Clair Nurseries, SU3I3IER FIELD, ILL. I havea larsre Stock of Tcn:-icendant. Laree Red. Yellow and Cherry Crabs. Low Headed and well branched. 4 to feet, fJi per P)0, 1S0 per 1,000. - - v cuaie ior pacK.iiijh$. -3m , K. F. BABCOCK. PEOPLE'S HUilSEHIES. We hv a laree stock of the following Article with many others, which we offer VERY low innuii buyers. Warrnnted true to name, and GOOD XN EVKKY KiiiPKCT. Apples. Pears, CberrieM. Pencke, Flams, Strnrrberrie,Ii!m-fc berries. Kversrettns, trnanirut:il Trccn. Shrubn, Flowcru, Plowerin? .-hrubn, Arc. We want a eood reliable man. who can come well recommended, to act as aent fonts, in every county in .Nebraska, Kaaas, illtioiiri and Iowa, to sell on Commission or Salary. r- L. P.OUB & CO., Bloomintrton. lMm-tf 111. Nebraska and Kansa Fruit 3In, LOOK HERE I "VTewillsetl you, and paoll freeof eostr Mammoth Cluster per 100 enaca Black Can " 4 " '. Garden ' S " Philadelphia " 4 " Clark " 5 " I.nm's Everbearing . 4old-nCap " 5 " " Redyoeen ' " 4 ' Elm City " 4 .. m Miami " 2 " " Robert's Black Cap " 5 " 44 Minnesota Goldn 8 " Elliiale " " " RvlLss Early " 8 M .Naomi- " 10 " ' Prosser or BurllnTton " 10 " M Or ono hundred of ench varietv for 175. TIIOMPSOX A A DAMS. 48-3 f Brovkfield.ilo. SHALL ritUITS. i .Wa o Ter at pricos naaiod below, flne plant of , . . m I iooo Blaclr. Nal, Chrry and Tiitc Orap - Currai.ts. i years & 00 : fTO 00 BhvK Naples, Cherry and S'Li.e Urape Currants, 1 year select. Ml , 6 00 50 00 Amerion and Houghton liooseiwrries, 1 year, selected 8 00. TO 00 Brinckie'sOrangeanU i'ranconia Rivp- berries j.-; l w doa. S 00 - Appie tock3, l yer, 1st cias lO.inO fr 6 00 Apple stocks, 2 years, 1st clasa, 1J,H) for r i - . 8 00 Red Fruited Burberry, 2 years 6-Vi inch 2 00 IS 00 All carefully packed aad delivered at Express Oflice. Small plants of Currants, Gooseberry, P.aspberry and Earberry, by MAIL, PREPAID, at eame price. October is the very best time to plant Currants and Gooseberries. STICKNEY fc BAUMBACIL H'cwpun, Wis., September, 18G3. 47-2m THE SZST GHAPE3 ! THE ElDIELAr, (Kack or Isabella Col ' or. Introduced by Dr. Grant. Th choicest of all 00 Black tirapes; ripens bf-fore the Hartford; j nnefjualled in vi-r hardinfss; largely pro O ductive; snnerior flavor. Makes the fif O American li ii'.. 1'tilly tested ia all parts of the VniterfStateS. TIID lOA'A, (Ud or Catawba Color.) ow rect!t;iii.ed everywhere as "The Stttn C diwd f -! U- ner." itiptns w:!h the eurli 9 est Uner-talled In every good quality of ap n pearance, tittvor, hardines-s, vinor and keep J inx, or for making White Wiiie of the very finest quality. THE SAliE-U, (Catawba Color.) .4 The best of "ROGERS' HYPRIPS" (No. W 5.1) Early, hardy, beautiful delightful Ua ? vor. THE MARTI Ji. The best of all WHITE GRA PES. "Every body wants it." Early, delicious, hardy. Dcautiiui Orthe whole four by mail for $3.00 Or an EUMELAX or WALTER, far 5.00 Our supplvof F.CJIELAN vines was a consider ble part of Ir. Grant's unbroken stock of last year, (belore he relinquished busntess). and is therefote genuine beyond question. Oar stock is large, and unsurpassed in quality. We oifer vines of every name. sinRly, by the dos en, hundred or thousand, at low rates. We hare also a Uirge, collection of all vthm-leadlng varieties, at the lowest prices consistent with good plants. Rood reputation awLfair dualins. FuU iMscriptixe Circular and prices sent free. DUDLEY & IrlERRELX, 49-2m Norscrymcu, Geneva, JS, Y. FOR THE FALL TRADE. We desire to call the attention of Nurserymen Dealers and Planters to theollowinif btock, which will be soid low lor cash iW.non Apple Trees. .TO.nro Peach Trees, lo.uoo Dwarf Pear Trees, S.iJOO St. Pear Trees. STi.OOO Currant Bushes. 100 .into Oraoe Vtfin. 2J.ix f fnoseberry Bushes. o,OX) Cherry '1 rets. an,!) fcutfar Maples, Pmnll, transpianteu. lD.iioi) Beech, small, transplanted. 20,ti0 Blackberries, mostly of the new varieties. ai.WW Raspberries, all tiie leading kinds. o.i'ioo.nort Osairellede Plants. Son W'hitf p.irch. 4 to 7 feet. And a lanre stock of I''verttreens. Roses, Shrubs, Ornnmental Trees. Bulbs. Pu-nas, Phloxes, Ac. 'Sew Wholosale Price List now ready. Send stams for our DescriptiveCntalogue of B4 paees. Address HAKUISA WniMtK. 47-iiU Slar Nurseries, Quincy, 111. " The New Ptrawberrfes at Your Door ' VERY CAEAPI JTow Is the time to set, up to October 10th. fr., ft per doz. per 100 Napolean 3d, 1 " 14 Jucuiida , 1 " " Michif,-an, 1 M . " Kramer Seedling 1 " 8 Chas. I)owni"nir 1 6 And all the free by mail. 4S-.1t new ones at same price, delivered THOMTSOX A ADAMS, J3rookfieId,Mo. AU the 'ctv Illnrkberrles at Yonr Own Prices. . Ijvwton, t- per ion. Missouri Mammoth, 10 per 100. Kittattiny. ( per PJ0. Wilson's Eai !y' ?o per 100. White Cluster. $lu per VX). Ancient liritton. 410 per 100. Cun'.ber..nd, per Itxi. . . . -. ; ,t . ... Sable 'iueen. flu per ion. New Thornless. ;o per 100. Chocolate Seedling, $10 per 100.'iper P). Wacliusett, $8 per 100. CrvstsO White, 3 per ino. Or one hundred of each for fSo. Only at these prices this fall. , . i TIIOMPSOX A ADAMS. 4MX " Brookfield, Mo. Plant Choice Fruits. TOW r.S THE TIME TO OKDER. IN I -will sejid fine SAI.KM Ol'.APKH hv R'.ail f.rSI each. Rop-Ts A. 1!, at-VK- each. Kit tutinny nnd Wilson's Early R!:iekberrie at i per dozen, by mail. Clark Hitsplrry. fi.V per doz. Philadelphia O;. .fiwi per dozen. hII by luni.'. I will deliver t'le f l!owini;at K press fli-e. prop- erlv packe-i. at tlif f llowinu pif-es: Oncorrt nmjies S ainl ill) oer hundred. D.-Un are. uiana, i revel ing anil Ives !-,el'iTi2', i per nunureu. ra.ern rnres at .7 . and per hundred. Jioirem 4, l-i. and l'J at Wiper hundred. Fine Roses at UfO jer dozen. Marshal Neil Rose ihy mail) 7"c e:cb. Address JOll ihakltu.n. 2Hv Rochester, N. T. Tlio TTaltei' Grape. PIUCE LIST. Per Loz. 'C 4.1 54 lri Per 110 23) Per SIJS 170 Zl 4Jt Per 7-i. u .u Per I'm ,ui SiHI Each. i ..... 4 5 ..... 10 No. S one vear... No. 3 do ... No. 1 do . Two years best., IX LARGE Q L'AXTITIES A T MUCH REP WED R A TEH. Sacchai luc Tests for ITIne. At tho National Haccbaiine Test for Wine, at JIaniinoiidsptrt, X. Y.. (X't. Sith. 1-xW. the tbtuwtMi stootl in saccharine matter 91 Walter VJInnn lot Delmittre Hti. This test was made with 17 ounces of the Walter.somewhat frozen, to iil ounces of each of me oiner varieties. Next morning the Superintendent. Clerk, and one of the Directors of the Pleasant Valley Wine Co. tints pariie? woo t:oriiofiei toe lei nic nav oert)re,) to satisfy themselves of the merits of the "Walter" by an ecitial trial, tested 17 ounces of lona from the same lot that were used the day before, and the saccharometer stood at !1 the Walter heatins it s. Jiail 1 ounces or me Delaware and Catuwim been pressed einally hard with the alter, their skins and centres beinir aciil, the Delaware would have stood lower and the Catawba prrtmirtlonablr below the Delaware. . Ail the other varieties ranged much lower than those entmierated alMive. There had been constant rains and damn weather n the section wlieie the Waller grew its eonmetit- ors trrowinif at If ammondsjMirt ami alone the lakes. wnere tuere u;ui oeen Out little rain diirint? the sea son dry soil and weather beinir necessary for the perfect sweetening of (trapes. A ctimmiltee ot tne American Institute Farmer' Club, iu a reeptirt of bett. !, Istw, prmietl iu the New York Semi-Weekly fribuneof Seot. i'.th. after speakin? of the qualities of the Hit, say: "We conclude me waller will ije a valuable rrHe In the craie retri'ins of the npoer the shores of Lake Krie, in western New York, on the slate soils of western Pennsylvania, and wherever else native grapes aro suocesniuliy jrowu. Letter frr.n Ch'trfr TT".'f -', one of the olditt vine- varduts in th Stats. Vinxyabd roixx, Ulster Co., If. Y.,1 Jdav la. 1.t.-l f Messrs. Ferris A Cn'nrrsl. Iikar Sirs: V'liirs of the ISth T am In nroint r la which yon ask it I have any objection to seiniir you, for pubJication. the facts I am acquainted with in rrianon 10 ine cioiracier ot me nailer Grajte. I have never Indorsed the character or usefulness ot vlites, or other articles of any description, and would not at my present stajfe of life were it -mi for two reasons which seem sufficient. First. 1 knew tiie HoMrr Grniie will meet the widtrsnreiul throusbout thecfKiutry,eauseifcy theworthlesnness in iniPM imnm.B oi Hiiuiv or preoeceiKors. rxw- ond, hecause 1 .-y uvin wrsoiial oiixervation nut tiie Wu'Jer is tiie i)et varietv 1 have hail nv know!e:i-e of. and 1 think I have cultivated nearlv a,l thn; ben recommended, discarding ti.ein ill and f.i;!inn b.n.k uoon the Concord and Hartford Proiitic as vuteyaril varieties. I uni interested in knowing fiat tiie frait of the Walter Krows larsrer ea'.b j-ear at; tr vin erows older, beinir hist veur fully one-third lamer than it was two yeurs aico. It Krtws weil : Bets truit Well. I have seen iL ru e sev eral times be fere Hartford, and I have never seen any EiUJew (,n its fr:;it or on its Urite and tnick. l.ut Delaware shiped foliage. The flavor of tne fruit I think superior to any other varietv. Vim uv In your circular it is a seedling of the Delaware aud Dina; 1 think the character of each of these varie ties is n.nite distimruishable In tiie Wider, particu larly Uiat or the Delaware. I alsd think ft would make a wine of hiirh character. I lmvi visita it annually iuce It fi rst bore, six years njro, three times ii i. i.ster t.u., v., inn low vaiiev, where the beilaheidom r. Bens, ami tim it uuu i'.i'i in in August. I have seen it each of the three pt sea sons in Pomriikeeiie. ripening at the snine time, exceptinir last year, when ILo constuui ruins pre vented ail varieties from maturing at their usual time, but it pert'-t n d its fruit bv ti ie n iililli of Sep tember. The ruisins of the last mentioned crop I have seen and eaten, which were irood. Prom its SllCceiliUi; III t!ie low Vflllev :ui1 t, n:Lni..i:s .Unv Moilena, ami a!su in ti.e ilrv sli.tev misiriim ;:i.-;ike( ;,Mie. T think it w ill ) wi.'.l iY,l.t,.rwt in tho Varied actioiis of Olir nmntrv Vrai t.'.i mill whatever use of thess oniniotis vou d-em nmwr. lourstni'y, CIIAKLKH W h iLEY". 5,?1-.4---Xi--- ..-,';'-?5.i-; l.'-')',' j. -i . S; , - - -: V , - A- . -1 1' : Vf K'J I . : Tic it ' s Illustrated atalc:;: Hyacinths,' Tulips, ia; ' AND Other Hardy Eulbs for Fall F5a-v I. now pul,!ishel,and wUl besentrar- ' 2 appiy. Address luraE-ou,. JAMES VlCk' FLORENCE LOCK STITCH KEVIsiULE Fir AAP.DED THE HIGHEST PPirtTM' WUEREVEE EXElEITEa, TIIE OrVLY o.a' Capable of Sewing in ?0r. v Utr.ction, Fastenlngr all Its own Seaa WITHOUT STOPPTXf; THZ ir4rr,rVk os Tuiixixv the dom 1 It USES and WASTES LEss TilRF tntv. other, and willc.,mn,e., ain-;ua " holding the eiius of Uieuir47 Warranted to Sew Uzztj e GOODS EQUALLY AS WELL. OVISIi GO, OOO SIACIIINER SOLD SINCE 186L JOt5end for Reports und C.rculan. W3I. E. I'EAA'T, General Agent, 613 JIOKT1I FOUIITH ST, ' " ST. LOUIS, MO. J. IV. HENDERSON, Brovravlllc.X.k. 13-ivy ' r ilmpiro Shuttle liacihe. Patented Feb. 1 1, 1S00, A Sept. L l6. . RECEIVED TIIE FIRST P1UZS AT THE Great Fair of the American Institute In New York. Oct. 2U, l.s7, Aud Ilisiicst Premium for Uest . Manufacturing Machhs i At Paris Exposition, July, lSt", Ho. 1 Farutljr Maculae. . This machine is constructed on a new mechanism, ponsessins; many rare and v-jnr Im provements, bavins been examined by m profonud experts, and pronounced to D tiiipliUir and perfection comhliiea The foliowmir are the principal objections irps against sewinsr machiijes: 1. kxcessive fatiirue to Cue operator. i Liability to Ket out of order. 3. Kxpen-te. trouble, and loss of time in rvpu'niif. I. Iii'aj.a.'ity t sc.v fv-.ry li.-.--.".; : :. u or murtji. 5. iiisaijrt Jubie noise wi.ile in o.t-ruU)-. The Em pire Sewing Mnch incis Exempt from all thcxe Objection, It ha a straight Need', rerpi-cdiciiiar Attca, makes the I-k or Shutf U' Mitcn, w!nra vtill wilhtf rip nor ravel, and is unke on boin Md; jwrtins perfect sewinsr on every description of Duu-rji, with cotton, linen or tuik thr wad, iroia tlieownm to the finest number. It Hems, Foils, Iiind-s, IiraiLtTuti QuilU, i'laits aud Uuthtn. As a Family Sewing Machine K has no mipfi'ial uticutioit is caUcd to our new iiupnit Nos. 2 & 3 Jlannf ict arias; Zlichhm Thev have b"en thorough! v tested on fverr iution of Clolii and Leather Work. ruiiu.uV fcleain Power at toe rate of 8!ilrhcpcr Minnie. . er Shuttle M:i:liin now in u.e: Die stiv (1 .''tl, nniturm and benii'u'iil ; they are simple ium" tton, easiiy uniler-tl. smi not ue ImOie Uu" of order, run litflit and are roinparativrly i For Tailrin or Lt atlu r Work weclaun tiitftlT arc not only enual. but ninch superior to snt machine tnat i;:is ever been ol.ereU to tiie pt-Biit Empire -1 r i t kL it 1 PC , '! n f ITIQ V.'ELUS & IIICIIAIUISOX. St. J'.st ph, M'. Gcncnil Asii-nU N v.'. Sf.itcs anl Tt rrltorlt .T.S.ScIicncl A i-iit, Vl--il-iOI GltOVEi; i BAKEU'S - FIIWT TEEMICM ItlLVSITIC STITCH FAMILY SEViMQ HACHIfB 493 Hrm4teyy .Vm fra. Fointa of Zicellenca. Beauty and Elasticity of Stitch. Perfectiou aud SimiIicity of M chinery. Using both threads direct! from the ppoola. ' No fastenfn."; of Beams by 9Di no waste of thread. Wide rantre of application -without change of adjustment. The seam retains its teuify and Una nesa after wahinir ami ironlii'. Besides doing all kindof wurke by other Sewing Mat-hint, tlie Ma chines execute the mot beautiful aiw permanent Kinbroidcry andoruamtu tal work. n- The Hihe&t Premiums at ail tie and exhibitions of the United Sfa Kurope, hava been awarJ;d the Graver i ker Sewing M ;whine, and the wori don V them, wherever exhibited. In cwniiitl 0- The very highest prize, T Cr Ih W.eiom mf Honor y was conferred on represeuUtlve oX the Grover 4 taker: Machines, at the Exposition Uniw Paris, 18C7, thus attesting their KreJt "P4 ority over all other Sewing Machine. LIrs. J. K. BSAH, Agent, r 3i-y Br.oryviiifc ' $25 T II E AMERICAN SHUTTLE- SEWING 3IY Cin" woolen or ctjUoa goods. tareaa. AMERICAN SH0TT15 Sedng:Machiiie Warranted for Five Yesf Our azertts :enU wtn be suir1'3 'it!l ''"P1;! ,.ri - J nine, iu ctu (' iu-n.nt. It "p'Zlit e stitch miide bv the meer. """Tt-iS! the Mac the same son, ilwf e and i'lor.'nr- Maclnnes. Jil(i h-st of m.rli pr.r-i ':li"':',",1,arS : .1 feed, like 3- .. i .. ....... i ..v....,.. n,..ln, i rl trl r.iis tins ieen. W5 are efiauitru fcu ju: shuttle Miwhine at a very l'rx'-J!j B.n its sim;)licitr, and con.seooent low c"viaiju turing, in co'uipaxi-ioii with coniviicui We wish to arrnnec with A nis. yiZ to reprewnt ti. A:"rica3 smift.- -T . ,;( iaeach State, Cojntv nud Town tsi trt ri: and Ontario. .tr;i iiid:n-enieiits -v0rt Agents. I'or full, a w mission, adUxesa. Asdrctrs, General S'". Detroit- 5' !t ?' ft JT. B.-Fir ths benefit or o'-r . ,: nt- ranijed with , partis 'who hay ...yi'1 hiwA-'t-XH-a!!. ...'.'-fis. ....1 C... ., . ' " ' ' ' Sewinir MiK" of s:i:i; '.!"-! and fi Manip. Adilre3 U IX-tzoit, il'xh. $25 X retailed at a prce within tl-. fh-. M;'cliin t' n niit''it rit""'". Jlim ! Mitch i,;vJike on both side, lias a .M-if '"'j, J sion, and can do everv vnrit-ty of k11 j. rlf hem, f"ll. bind, cr.rd hrai4. quft uidiitaer; wiU work equnlly weu ' 41)Bc . iua u:,c" 1-3 j