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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1869)
i ; j " " 11,11 ' I I I - u . . - .., - , i-.mmm of ths AnrriTHM forftale kT a jj. U"H. ml City Book Btorc . JtELIGlOUS NOTICES. t t Comer Atlantic and aZZna mnrtu fcervlcea every otbsr feuudsy Morn 01 SU,K5,y DAVIS. Rector. a PXrsT CHURCH. Corner Fourth and Atlan- (f mrtH-15. Serviofi every Sabbath except tlie third ; ,n " ' T. S. LOWE, 1'u.stor. ,. mnn n ftl lit) (Ml M K A. M . U II 4 t ' V ' LODGE DIIIECTOUT. ' . n V TtrnwnvlllR Lodire ICo. J. I. O. O. F. ' .Jit on Tiii-vlnveveninjrof wli week.Ht 'o'clock Hm "t their liall iu the Urej tnieyer Brick, on Vaio Street- . - All veiling Brollies are Invited, j oiuj. W. Dorset, Becy. k V A; A. M. NemahAValley Lortre No.4, A. ' A M ,meel on the lMt and d .Saturdays in ' t. n.VintJi at i o'clock p.m., at their Hall iu tle unj-ttiK-y er Brick, on Main Street. ill vixitlnK Brothein are invited. Ja. Al. Hack Em, Secy. Arrival and Dcpnrmre of the Mails. Vi.rthern, ftilern and Southern departs at 11 a. ' . arrives Kt J p. m. jiulo Mail arrive at Hp. m.; dermrta at a. m. . : ... xi., I .rrniw ut 12 m 1i-Luirts at 2 D. m. i J,.t,i,. Mull arrives Monrtuyn. WednesdHys and vndvsat p.m.; dejaruj TuetMlitjB.Thursduys and "Va'rrK'e Friday, at 4 p. m ut r i m. departs v,rt "irice HMirTrom 7 a. m., to 71,' P-m. Sui Stin- " 'Time Table St. Joe. and C. IL K. It. On aid nft'-r MayUd, ISO, Train will leave rhelps ooixn JfORTH. Paenrer Jv.- 'U J- -Vieneer Iave T '- rrciji.t- ie wv- trains dti'ly except Sunday. lwiiy ecept Monday. Ii.llv exrent Saturday. OOTNO SOTTTH. i'J7 p. in. J7:iW p. nu 11:25 a. ru. Va-Jach K.-rs' Omnibus leave Brownville for tfctlevot at - "' I1U LOCAL MATTERS. J. I. Colhapp, Editor. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1SG9. Tr stationary or a Good Cigar go to the PuKtolTSce. lists and Flower A splendid 6tock at MKK. BEAU'S. Hrhoal Booka, the kind your children MAIiSII'S. II. C. Lett'a iihw resldenoo, corner of 2nd and Mi"wirl utrroti promises to bcouoof the fluetit iu the city. X Matter what Book. Puper or Magazine tou nantvou will save money by going to MARSH. The Latrat Pattern Just received from MaJam iX-Morrest's Etuporium of Fashion, Mt . MRS. BEAR'S. ! State FalrQuite n number of oar citi zen" nre now it ottendenoe on the State Fair at Nebraska City. To-morrow Is the last 200 Cog White Lead, Ju.t received. McCHEEIXY i NICK EL. ; rroet. A heavy frort TUited this section ;at eniiday nltht, vHUug much small gar den truck. Monday It wat cold 'enough to rke a fire feel comfortallo all day. Finiprnttwn ' tMl f"ittcr!n2 Into this ectlon of Nebraska by wagon, and crossing at tliU oint ; while the stream of new faces pouring In by railroad continues unabated. 300 Traveling Baskets for the Ladles. ' ' McCREERY 4 NICKEL. Cast aba hT who was cut up by Wright a week arolaat Saturday, Is fast reeoverlng In ;b hands of Dr. Stewart. He. Is now abla to It up, and more determined not to die of Ills wounds than ever. The Atelilaon County Fair opened yes terday and will continue through today and tomorrow. We understand there will be a Vvf.y contet in me trotting match Tor the TTrpurc made up by thet ltlzensof IlK kport, 2.000 "Bolts Wall Taper, direct from New York. MeCREERY & N1CKEU The Latest News I . The Latest Magazines I The Lateat Illuvtrafcd Papers ' Can always bo found at Pollock's PostolHee News IVjHit ; where subscription for any periodical or paper published In the United Males in- t'anadas will also be received. 300 Lnni, of the latest Myles, at McCKEKRY & NICKEL'S. Col. Fnrnas, the President of the State Acricultural Society, Senator T. W.Tipton, Mr. and Mr. Brntton, Mrs. May, Mrs. Ilct iM. Col. Mcjors and JarvlsS. Cliurch lea this eek to ai tend the State Fair In Nebraska city. ' Browsville, Sept. 28, lf9. Edior A ttrrrtitcr : I learn that some of ray friends presented nty name as a Candidate for the Senate at the Republican Convention Vu; Saturday, and whllo I. feci grateful to ay frkmds for their confidence In live, I do Ire to say that my name was used without uy knowledge. I did uot wish to be a can didate for that office tills fall. Resjectully, . A, P. Cogswell. Call andSco McCreery A Nickel's Immence variety. i The Johnson County Fair commences Tit'xt Wednesday and continues over Thurs day and Friday. Preparations are on foot to injikeUiis Fu the bel ever held in the in i riwr of the State. Wc hope a large attend ance will he present from this city and coun ,T to eu courage thlsflrst effort of our young andthTjrJug sister county. Trade, In this City, is fast assuming Its ld-faslii()iUxl briskness, and every day this id last weelt has aeemed like n Saturday la the "flub times" of long ago. Good crops are loosening tlht pursesti lugs, and the fact 'lftt tills U the cheapest place to purchase Iry GooU., Oroeerles, Hardware, Lumber, 'tcon the Missouri river Is fast fixing itself the mhidsorthe jeople of Southern Ne raks, tJbia is bound to be the trade centre f tkis Lad DistricU OUR MOTTO. We sell pure goods only. ' McCREERY & NICKEL. S e"iaU:ar Kaee. We mot In our city jtliUwoek Andrew Swaringin, who came to ; Rroa-iiTille in liVt, and remained until ISiS, hen. he went west, and luis since bec.t in j ft,krlyai of the western States aud Terrlto 5 ri. JTi- ;.s on hi way to bis folk in Illinois : "hotn lie has not seen since lSit. We also ; eeCspt. LT. Wliytelu this city lastTues ; day. These pleasaut old-fathlonad faces "Ty one forcibly back to the rollicking, hap ' PT Hush times" of '56-7. The times" may , eou,e agalu, but, Uie fun never 1 . ' ' ' " : ' : llOOOpiaVa for Bear Within the past ' day another of J. K. Bear's speculations hvwme tollrht by which he carried off . ?!W0 more than he has heretofore received Ilt for. Several weeks before Btrnr eb- "'tilled one Thomas Haws.llving near Swan 'r.eanie in to receive, by express, adeed for pie, f jAU j U Kicmu-Json county, for hleh he was to pay 1000, toie forwarded by 'ipress cjiipuny, on delivery of the deed. Finding the deed incorrect. Haws did not take tut lid auotlier made out and sent back lo be al-ned lntead ; and, to save a trip, gave ll ar the :i(KK taklnj his tecolpt therefore U) s;ut by him so muni as the correct deed "5tul J arriTe, Bear to forward the deed t o Hl,n. Heur's i-Moeipt was written on one of e express company's receipts, the word A8eit" la-ing piiut4d Just bfaiow the place r"rs;gn:iiuri. Well, Bear left, mid the deed came, UTii umey wa8 ffone. We say it ini-,ulneudiinun 1(J tijeT;nUfj states Ex- ; Uhsumpajiy ihey have agreed to pay the ''", nUouK'i their ic a gocnl legal c'janee to IU It rus at Uit a very careltss trans-H'-uonthe part of Haws. In view of the uii1ere is a bank of deposit In our city ' la mouey could have bee a lclt, and 1'Ub umuoss huMy transacted. A First Glass Dry Goods House The citizens of BrownrCle may wellas we know they do fell a pride In themagnia cent stock and store room of Theo. Kill & Co. With the added story It make as Coe an ap pearance as any we ever esw, and for stock and style tbronghout It la not excelled west of the Mississippi. As It Is a prominent feature In our city, and as such stocks of goods lndl cate to the best advantage the extent of the business done here, let as explore and give crude idea of its contents: On entering you find first to your right a twenty foot counter piled high with Prints from almost every known factory, and of the latest patterns. To the left of this Is a counter of llkeclimen slon groaning lenealu a burden of about three hundred bolts of Casslmers, Chinchilla, Beaver, Jeans, cte., comprising doubtless the largest assortment of this kind ever opened west of the Missouri river. Next your sight is greeted by numerous tastefully arranged pyramids of Dress Goods, Merinos, Alpaccos, RepR, Delnnes, Water-proof Cloths, and, in fact Dress Goods of every variety, shade and style appear on their counters and fill some sixty feet of shelving and drawers on the west side of the room. Then you come to a thirty foot counter whereon hundreds of Flannels, plain and plad hide from you the shelving In the rear; then another counter with long ricks of bolts of unbleached Muslin Tickings, German checks strips, etc., and on going around which you will find a long row of shelves filled with every variety of bleach it Goods known to the market. On your left, some forty feet from the main en trance you see a large lot Woolen Blankets, of all grades, and of Western make. The shelving on the east contains a choice lot of Notions, Queensware Groceries. In the rear and east of the office a splendid display of Chinchilla, Astracan, Beaver and Velvet Cloaks greet the eye. Sufficing with this glimpse of the first floor, let us go up stairs. Here you will find Carpets, Oil Cloths and Matting in great profusion and variety, and boxes and cases of unopeued goods, awaiting their turn to be displayed and sold below. In the line of Carpets we regret that space for bids particularizing, as their assortment Is magnificent and full, as Is also their stock of Ladles Furs. A glance at the basement shows It full of Plows and heavy Groceries. The above note of their Fall stock may con vey a faint idea of the Immense business of this house, and at the same time show to the merchants In our Laud District that this louse Is prepared to do considerable of a wholesale Jobbing trade, of which such a stock is a better evidence than columns of pulls that Brownvllle is a wholesale point. 'Wholesale Clothing House. Nothing speaks so well for a city as the ex tent of the stocks of goods kept for sale. By these its trade must be judged, for It is nor custom nor Judgement to lay in more than is demanded. Fullsorae puffson generalities dwindle to insignlfleent nothingness In the face of such a magnificent and truthful de tail as we give below. We saw an Immense pile of goods beyond comprehension to our unbuslness like mind, so we thought we would particularize, and here Is the result : 330 Overcoats, Sacks and Frocks, 615 Business Coats, 3.15 Frock Coats, 162 Black Dress Suits, 480 Business Suits, 1.SO0 Pants aud Vests, 48 Siik Velvet Vests, 125 Casus Boots and Shoes, 9 dozen Pairs Rubber Overshoes, 125 dozen Hats, Caps, Ac., 29 dozen Denim Overalls, 29 dozen Denim Overshlrts, 100 dozen Undershirts, 100 dozen pairs Drawers, 8 dozen Silk Shirts and Drawers, 550 dozen Overshlrts, French cas. Bellkoap, 50,000 Paper CulT and Collars, 20 dozen Cardigan Overjacketa, 35 dozen White and Fancy Shirts, 400 Trunks and Valises, 50 Suits Boys Clothing throughout. Besides a full assortment of Fur Goods, Suspenders, Hosiery, tc, In variety and quantity equal to the above. These figures indicate the amount of goods now on bend at J. S. Hetzel's Clothing Store, and is his Fall stock as opened within the past ten days, aud no matter whether you wish to buy or not It will make you feel good to step In and look at these stacks of well niado fashionable Clothing. To western merchants the above figures which may be Implicitly relied ou plaluly Indicate that Mr. Hctzel is prepared to do a Wholesale trade, as a dozen ordinary stocks could bo selected from the above and still leave a comfortable housefull. His knowl edge of the business and purchasing facilities are such as to warrant us in saying that the merchants of Southern Nebraska will find it to their advantage to make this their pur chasing market for Clothing. The wish to know that endless thirst, Which even by quenching Is awaked. And which becomes or blest or curst. As is the fount whereat is slacked Still urged me onward, with desire Insatiate, to explore. Inquire : Why it is that Marsh, at his old Pioneer Book aud News Depot, can keep receiving and selling such large stocks of goods ; and by inquiry among the peoplo I learn that he is generally regarded as one of the most lib eral men in the west to deal wltlu THAT'S WHY. Hank & Aruiltag aro constantly In re ceipt of something new and fresh In the line of Grocetles, and their popularity and rapid sales prevent anything becoming stale on their hands. If you wish fresh goods and full weight go to Hauk ik Arm it ages. Homer Johnson, of the firm of F. E. Johnson A Co., returned from the east last Monday, having selected a splendid and choice stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, etc., which will be along this week. PI a rah is never content to "let well enough alone," and Is constantly adding to his al ready large stock of standard books, novels, gift and toy books, etc Call and see him! To Put Dloney In Your Purse Delay buying any Goods until F. K. Johnson A Co's magnificent stock of Dry Goods and Grocer ies arrive. They will be here this week. Few BIea but have their especial "forte" at which they will excel all others, thus it Is with SWAN & BRO'S. Eye, Ear and Catarrah, successfully treat ed, by Dr. Klmberlin. Office over the Post Office, Worcester's Dictionaries and Good rich's Histories at Marsh's, at Introduction prices. Zephyrs A large stock will be opened this week at MRS. BEAR'S. Furnace Doors and Grate Bars for Sor ghm Manufacturers atShcilenbcrger Bro's. Hair, Lime, Cement and Plaster of Paris constantly on hand at N. M. Holtziuger'a. Doty's Washing machine and the Novel ty M' J. C. DEUSER'S. IV all Paper, Window Shades and School Books very low, at McCreery & Nickell's, Carpenter's Tools and Blacksmith's Fur nishings at Shcllenbcrger Bro's. Highest market price paid for wheat, oats, corn, Ac, by Bedford & Handley. Drugs, Paints, Oils and Glass at St. Joe prices, at McCreery A Nickell's. Haven's Pioneer Cane Mills In a few days atShellenberger Bro's. AVooden, willow, stone, glass and Queens ware at Hauk A Armltage's. Patent Hob; Tamers and Hedge Trim mers at Deuser's Tioneer Tin Store, Preserving Sugar and low at Hauk A Armltagc's. all other kinds Fruit Cans Self-Sealing at Shellcnber ger Brother's. Tin, Sheetlron and Japanned Ware at Shell enbercer Bro's. 400 kegs of Nails just received atSliellen berger Bro's. House for Rent Inquire of Dr. berlin. Kim- FreaU Groceries are constantly being re ceived by SWAN BRO S. Have you been to the Price Regulator ' To e that splendid stock of DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING Just opened, nere yoa will find at least 50,000 Dollars worth of the best selected gc?ds in the west ; from the finest Laces made by the Germans to the heaviest Cloths manufactured any. where. THE LATEST NOVELTIES In the line of LADIES DEE&S GOODS known to the Eastern Markets now on hand and constantly Coming A. MA Y & CO., . with their unexcelled facilities for purchas ing at the lowest rates, are determined not To be undersold In their line In the west or In Brownville! They invite their numerous old friends and And the Public Generally to give them a call and examine their MAGNIFICENT STOCK Just opened at No, 27 Main Street ! Fall and Winter Cloaks ! ASTRACANS, CHINCHILLAS, BEAVERS and VELVETS At . Theo. IIixl A Co.'s. Rt. Her. Bishop Clarlcson preached and administered the Right of Confirmation In Christ's Church In this city on last Sabbath evening. CASH ti. NOTES. Some five years ago, Mr. Shanbacher, of Hannibal, Mo., insured his life In the St. Louis Mutual for 55,000, ten years endow ment. Some time In May or June last he ied, leaving four notes unpaid, amounting to f 1,001 68. The company paid, according to the terms of the policy, 13,998 44.. The widow. It seems. Is dissatisfied, expecting to have re ceived the full $5,000. But the Company have acted In good faith, paying every dollar that was named In the bond. Supposing Mr. S. had taken out a policy In the "Mutual Life" for $5,000, paying the same rates, all cosh. We will suppose his age to be 40. He would pay M 50 annually. He would have paid In the five years, 52,172 50, and at death would have received at least six thousand dollars in stead of $.1,908 44. Which Is the better plan. Jarvis S. Church is Agent for the Mutual Life of New York, which insures on the cash plan. See rd vertlsement in another column. TEACHERS! PARENTS ! SCHOOL OF FICERS! McCreery and Klckell are prepared to fill orders for National Headers and Spellers, lion t let h's Geog raphic. Ha vie Arithmetics, Clarks Grammar, and other books of the National Series. There books are now used In most of our best Schools, and the de mand Increases. Teachers call for these bmiks more than for all others. Books furnished in any quantity at wholesale, retail, at special rates for In troduction. Remember, the place, McCreery A Nickell's at City Drug Store. While getting yonr books, be sure that you do not overlook the splen did assortment of llolliday gifts Just received, all carefully selected by Mr. Nickelt NOTICE. I am owing some money in Nemaha coun ty and wish to pay It. Those that I am In debted to wanttheir money. They shall have It. In order to pay I must collect. I have three dollars due me to one that I owe, and while I wish to be kind and indulgent, (and have leen) this money must come. This notice is for all indebted to me, no exerption. Should it run over thirty days longer. It will Ik) with costs. Any note or claim same as cash. . I desire to be out of debt once more, and don't propose to be long about it. Kind ly but In earnest. A. P. Cogswell. TO ALL WHOM IT MAT CONCERNi Montieths Geographies are now used Id nearly all the schools In the State. Marsh has them for sale, Country dealers supplied at lowest wholesale rates. The National readers and Spellers, and Davies Arithmetic , best and most popular book published, used In all of our best schools, for -sale by MARSH. In fact MJLKSH keep everything in the book line that la worth keeping. Call and see his stock and have a Rocial chat. A good stove always on hand, with a rood fire in it, at MARRICS Book Store, where the National Scries of School Books are sold, more than all other. FURNITURE!!! The finest and largest Stock crtr opened In this city, will be here in a few days, for It. S. HA NN A FORD ! Remember the new store room oppo site the mock. Painting. Mr. A. W. Lemmon, the gentleman that painted the Premium Sleigh at the late Fair, can be found at the well known ralnt Shop of G. P. Berkley, No. 68 Main street, where he Is now permanently located, and is prepared to do all kinds of work on short notice and reasonable terms. Plows, Corn Shellers and Road Scrapers, at J. C. Deuser's. Just Received at Soulier's, No. 52 Main street, an extra fine lot of whips, bone and ratan buggy whips, bwUcs' and gents' riding whips, raw hides and solid leather blacksnakes and various other kluds cheap for cash. Give me a call next door east of where the EXPRESS OFFICE WAS. Best Winter Wheat Flour from Boon villo Mills at F. E. JOHNSON A CO'S. Saddles and for easb, at Harness Full stock, low BAUER'S. "We'll not forget our Barefoot, but go to Charles Hclmer's Boot and Shoe shop, where we can select from his stock Just what we want at the most reasonable rates. No. 15 Main street. 500 Barrels of Salt cheap at George Holsmau's, No. 15 Main street. Groceries and Queenswaro in great variety and abundance ut Holsman's, 15 Main street. James P. Taylor has bought ont the Restaurant stand and business of Wm. Allen one door west of Carson's Bank. Mr. Taylor is a new comer among us, understands his business thoroughly, and we hope will have the pleasure of waiting upon the public to a paying extent. A fine assortment of Tarlor Coal Stows at J. C. Deuser's. v Would you have a Happy Home 1 If so buy your Groceries at Swan A Bro's, where you nre sure to get good articles as d good weight for your money. Farmers Attention! Few men make more of an efibxt for your benefit than F. A. Tladel A Ox, for your sake are they constantly reeelvlDg- Agricultural Implements of all kinds, new patents as well as old ; for your benefit da they hare them shipped bycar toada to eaabire them to save money for yon ; and for your benaflt have they established their Farm Implement De pot In this city that you might select to better advantage from their large assortment of im plements and machines and to obtain extras should anything break without delay or ex press charges. These are truths. And if you understand your own Interest, farmers, you will certainly give this house the preferrence In allyour-deallngs, and thus strengthen and build up an Institution la your midst de voted to your interest. Prof. E. y. Wilson, the great Lecturer and Test Medium, will be in this city on the 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th, when he will deliver a course of Lectures on Spiritualism. Splendid Residence for Salat Great Bargain I In the best residence portion of our city. Good well! Good Barn! Enquire of F. M. FAIRBRQTHER. Printing Office for Tecumseh F. M. A G. W. Falrbrother are moving their Print ing Office from this city to Tecumseh, where they will revive and continue the publication of the Tecumsh Gazette. They are both good practical printers, and will make a paper worthy the patronage of every citizen In Johnson county. Kllbourn, Jenltlns A Co. Manufac turers and .Wholesale and Retail dealers In all kinds of Pine Lumber, Lath, Shingles, J Pickets, Sash, Blinds, Doors, Battens, etc Office and Lumber Yard, corner 4th and Main streets. Branch. Yard at Phelps City, Missouri. We manufacture our own material in the Pineries of Oshkosh, Wls where we have In operation one of the largest manufacturios of everything made in Pine In the world, and obtaining oar Lumber direct from the tree. as we do, we can sell at lower rates than any Lumber Yard In the West which pays one wholesale and one or two retail profits. We shall always keep on hand a full supply of everything in our line, so that those in want may always rely upon getting what they de sire. We simply ask all to examine our stock and prices before purchasing elsewhere, as we can ensure satisfaction in both. Mr. J. W. Newman, from Richmond Ind., has located in this city for the practice of law. He Is a graduate of both the Literary and Law department of the University of Michigan. We hope he will find his choice of a home In our community both pleasant and profitable. "isconomlst" Sorghum Mill A new tworoll mill, which can be offered at a very low price. The capacity of this mill is only one-sixth less than our No. 1 mills, and that difference Is more than saved to the farmer by having his mill right where ha wishes to do his work, and to be ready at such times as he can spare for other labor. Of this, though comparatively new Mill, a large number have been sold, giving satisfaction in every Instance It Is very strongly made, and the risk of breakage very small ; Is easily set up and operated, and will, we think, perfectly I supply the want that has so long existed a Sorghum Mill bo cheap as to be within the reach of all. For sale at Shellenberger Bro's. $1200 Dollars and Expenses ! See ad vertisement of American ShnttleSewIng Ma, ! chine In our advertising columns. Immediate Settlement Demanded ! Those Indebted to me must call and settle their accounts immediately. Those whom I owe will oblige me by presenting their bills forthwith, as 1 must settle up my business in a few days. MRS. BARGIS, 39 Main Street. BOOTS AND SHOES. Sam. S. McGlbbons, has Just received from the Factories, the largest and best se lect Ion of Boots and Shoes ever brought west of the Missouri, and he sells them the cheapest. New Stock of Boots and Shoes at McGlb bons', cheap and good. Go and see for your selves. Now Is your time. Go to McGlbbons for your winter Boots and Shoes. First Premium Boots and Shoes, Blank ets, Woolen Yarns, Dry Goods and Groceries, Stoves and Furniture at V. T. Den's. No Shoddy Goods at Den's. You find them at Eastern Buyers Houses. will The Third Quarterly Meeting of the M. E. Church, London Mission, will be heldS nt London, October 2Ud and 21th, preaching to commence Saturday at 2 o'clock. Presi ding Elder aud other Ministers expected to be present. L. F. Bkitt, Pastor. Pine Lumber. J. R. Bell is constantly receiving additions to his superb stock of Pine Lumber, which comprises everything that can be wanted In that line, Is of the best quality, and sold as low as the lowest. Also, all kinds of Doors, ' Sash, ; ' lilindi,- - -Door and Window, Frame, Shingles, Pickets, Mouldings, Lath, etc. Best stock in the market. Stationary, ' Blank Books, BUI Holders, Inkstands, Envelopes, Just Received, And a large stoc):arof Paints, Oils, Glass, Drugs, etc., constantly on hand at LETT'S. or tne "afonecr" sorgnum Trill I, a greater number have been made and sold than ef any other pattern, and although they have been put to the severest teit, yet from their great simplicity, strength, durability and speed, under a limited amot nt of power, have received the most unequivocal stamp of public approval. For sale at Shcllenbcrger Bro's. ;."; " ; , PAY UP 1 Those knowing themselves indebted to the firm of J. I McGee A Co., will please call at F. K. Johnson A Co's and settle either by cosh or note as the books must bo closed up. : ' r r I have now in my yard near 1,000,000 feet of the choicest DRY PINE LUMBER, of every style and description, size and thick ness. Also Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, etc. Dry Pine Shingles, Lath and Pickets. Iu fact, anything In the building line, which I warrant A No. 1 in every respect, ad on which I do not propose to be undersold, for cash, by any man west of the Missouri river. I invite all who need anything In my line to gi ve me a call, knowing that I can outfit them with good material, at the fairest rates.;,' - J. R. BELL, ' , . BrownTille, Neb. Cor. Water A First Streets, TVr TT) Luraberdellveredwlthinthecity 1S i3Mmits, FREE OF CHARGE. A New Segar Stand has Just been open ed at Hauboldt's Taylor Shop. GOLD REWARD. Bucks' Brilliant Cook Stove took the Gold Medal above the Charter Oak and other com peting Stoves, at the New Orleans and St. Louis Fairs, in ISO). For sale at the Pioneer Stove Store, by. 44-3m J. C. DEUSER. Sewing Machines. Get the best and save nioHcy. The Singer Sewing Machine Is, without doubt, the best in the market. Call at No. 54 Main street, aud examine this un rivalled machine. Instructions given at your residence, or at t he sales-room. No trouble to exhibit the machine. Wheelborrow Stolen The person who took offa Wheelbarrow from the Brick Yard of Shaffer A Co.. Just below this city, will save an unpleasant exposure by returning it Immediately, as he was seen and is known. 11 ft 1 No. 76 Haye the Largest Stock, and Make the Lowest Prices. 1,1 quo us. Having now thoro I'l ughly fitted up my sale and sample roo I J ms, at No. 45 Main street, I Invite the 1 1 public of SOUTH ERN NEBRASKA and NORTHERN MIS SOURI to give me a call, as I shall always keep on hand in Whelesalb Quantities, WINES, BRANDIES and LIQUORS, of the, very best and II purest quality, A of all brands Forelgh and Do mestic I shall 11 also have on hand E during the season, Chicago Ale, Beer, Ac The public may rely opon my stock being pure, as physicians of this city recommend it for Medical uses. II Full stock of Bitters, In cases or single bot u tie. I am also agent for the best Billiard I Tables made. Wm. H. VALLEAU A CO. Canton Clipper Flows ! . THE BEST PLOW MADE. At SHELLENBERGER BRO'S. SI j- LADIE Go to Shellenberger Brother's and see their Doty's Univebsal Washek. Unrivaled in the world.' It will pay every family to have one. BUILDERS X For Nails, v . . ; . For Locks, For Butts, For Latches, For Screws, etc., goto- BHELLENBERGER BRO'S. Canton Clipper Flows ! THE BEST PLOW MADE. At SHELLENBERGER BRO S. ATTENTION, A I'll! A. W.Morgan, Jr., of Brownville, 63 Main Street, baa just epened a new and complete stock of Cloths, Caslmers, Vestings, and all kinds of Piece Goods, and Is prepared to make Gent's Clothing to order In the most fash ion - I able style. He also keeps a full line of Ready Mado Clothing, Hats, Caps and Gent's Fur nishing Goods. 47-Sm. THAD TRIMMER'S Checkered Feed Stable is the best place In town to refresh and feed stock. Hay, oats, corn, bran and shorts for sale. Stock boarded by the da yt week, month or year at reason able rates. Farmers, give him a call. Nos. 6 aud 8 Brownville, Nebraska. 4S-tf Corn, Wheat and Oats. Ralncy A Lewis have removed their ofnee lo Uoht. Teare A Co.'s Store, where they will pay the highest cash price tor Grain and oth er Produce. - . - Grape Vines Concords, S1.50 per dozen, $10. per hundred, and all other varieties In proportion. Satisfaction Is guarranteed as to quality and genuineness of vines. 47-6m . J. W. Middleton. J. W. Bliss, Regular Licensed Auctioneer. Sales attended to In the country on reason able terms. Orders left at the Advertiser office will receive proper attention. 2S-6m Carriage for Sale I have a good Family Carriage, nearly new ; a two horse buggy, and set of harness, for sale. R. W. FURNAS. Perforated Tin Skimmers and Galvan ized Sheet Iron lor pans for use in the Manu facture of Sorghum, at Shellenbrrger Bro's. Studebaker and Jackson Wagons at Est. Joo prices, at J. R. Bell's Lumber Yard, cor. of 1st and Water streets. Millers, buy your Rubber and Leatner Belting of Shellenberger Bro's. A full stock always on bond. ..,,-';,..' Victor Grain Drills at Tisdel's. A Drill more than pays for itself in one season. Machine Oils of all kinds at McCreery A Nickell's. Good Building- Stone-Wearenow pre pared to furnish good building stone, m any quantlty. Also, Step Stones, Bases for Mon uments or Tomb Stones, Water Tables, etc,, furnished on short notice and reasonable term ' Louance A Vaeset. Builders Attention 1 am now prepared to do all kinds of Plastering in this city or vicinity. Orders left at tho American House will be promptly attended to. Prices reason able ! Work first class 1 ! no31-3ra A. E. Bell. For Sale. Bargain ! I Good residence; two lots; in a good neighborhood and good location. Terms to suit purchaser. Enquire of Rev. W. 8. Blackburn, by mall, at Well's Mills, Richardson County, Nebraska, or at this office. tS-tf . WALK UPIU Those Indebted to McFatl & Co. will save expense and litigation by calling immediate ly and settling with D. H. McLaughlin, at the old stand. Don't fail to settle either by cash or note. An thing yon. may want In the line of Detitlstry can be done at Dr. Blake's office In Brownville, Dr. B. Is a first class workman, and does not travel about the country, but may be found at his office at any time. Patronise Home Industry All kinds of Marble work can be bad at Neidhardt's Marble "Work In tbi city, cheaper than It can be bad elsewhere. None but the best ma terial used. t35,00O,00O Is the capital of the Mutual Life Insurance Companyof New York. Jar vis S. Church Is their agent at Brownville. It Is the safest company In the woild to insure In. . tf Hackney has now a full' and complete stock and Is selling them cheaper than any bodyelse dare. If you don't believe It call and see hira! ' Organs Burdett's, from iltO to SGOO; Ma son A Hamlin's, $75 to $000. 4 . - - - Jaxks R. Dve, Brownville. For Blacksmlthlng of all kinds go to Lannon A Hlntoa's, cor. of Levee and Main. A Good assortment of Parlor and Box Stoves at Deuser's Pioneer Stove Store. Ten Ton Blacksmith's Iron of all sizes at Shellenberger Bro's. Private medical aid, read Dr. Whltticr's advert iscmeat. 300 kegs HorseShoes and Nails at Shel lenberger Bro's. mm m Syrup of all kinds and prices at Hank A Arniitage's. j i& w (0 5 J Q 71ioleaalQ cd a O ;r, IF (Ti M (H fifa -p" (5' Vj7 I 1 Vj sua itbdUl asJ MM Main Street, McPherson Block, Brownville, Canton Clipper Plows I THE BEST PLOW MADE. At SHELLENBERGER BRO'S. BUGGY FOR SALE. I have a nearly new Buggy for sale, has been run but a short time, and has undergone all necessary repairs to make it good as new. Terms very reasonable. May be seen at my Paint Shop over Teare A Co.'s Storse, No. 68. tf Geo. B. Bebklt. . "The young men of the arty (Repabll- i can) are acting together," "and bad ooys will jeertcgiy say, 'go up tnou Daia heads.' "And the bald heads will meekly "go up.' "Democrat. And they will also say, "go up thou cop perheads." "And the copperheads will like wise meekly "go up" Salt creek. At Uie Sigrn ot tlie Big Bed Stead Is the place to buy FURNITURE AHD UPHOLSTERY McFALL &c Co., Keep constantly on hand a complete assort ment of . Soat, Btaditeadt, Wardrobes, Bureau, Rockinrr Chai'-t, ' Sprint? Bedi, Wath Stand. What Ifott, Hat Racks, Kitchen "v?" A'ifcaen Parlor fl-hUZ. " : r ' "'v Parlor, Chaxrt, fz0-3.. . Tablet Marble JZzyi 'rffti 1 ! Ti Cent er Topped Stands, Vf- t-. Lounae Loun'je$ Settees, W . Kitchen Springi. Swing Crib; OJfict Chair. Comfortt, Tte-tettt, aianat. . Mattrette Bed Spring, Children' Cab and Gig, ; Uilt an Kotetcood fltoviatng, . ShetU, Pillow, Pillow Slip, ttt., etc SHOW CASES & OFFICE WORK MADE TO ORDER! And anything and everything required to sel up plain or fancy housekeeping All of their ware is either manufactured or put up under their special superintendence, which enables them to sell sound- articles at smaller prices than Eastern manufactured goods. Om? Hearse Is at the service of the public at any lime It may be needed, and is gotten up Inos flnestyle as any rartner east. Metalic Burial Cases of all sizes constantly on hand, A. t X iiHtorn Prices - ' - We are doing business on ' STRICTLY CASH PIIINCIPLXS AT A Small Profit and by attention to business and the wants oi t lie community, expect in me tutureasin tne last to receive the patronages of the publio generally ' McFALL & CO. HALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAII 11ASR REEWER Is the only perfected and scientifically prepared preparation of its kind ever offered to the public, and has no competitor in merit. By its use GRAY IIAIR is soon GRAY HAIR TO ITS OSIGDIAL COLOR, restored to its original youthful color and bril liancy, "which is so much admired by all. Persons whose hair i3 thin orfalling out will, by the use of our Reneweroon see its good effects, as, by its ionic and FMOTES stimulating properties the hair rrlancls will be incited AD ISA SPLE5DID and the hair grow thick and strong again. Incases oi Baldness it will creata a new groTfth . unless the follicles are destroyed. I is cooling, and allays all itching and irritation cf EESSBiG.! TSI ONE BOTTLE AND the scalp. It does not stain the skin as do dyes, but makes the scalp white and ifliuilLiiit jg the best and most DP economical preparation in the world, as its effects last so much longer. Send for our Treatise on the THE THIN LOCKS! air, free to all, by maiL Sold lj all DrujgisU and Dealers In Medicine. COOK. CCDURM & CO. Gea'l Agents for Sforth-r7este?a States, 67 BT2XCT, CmCiGO.ILL. Sold bv McCREETlY ft. XICKELL, CITY DRUG STORK. 13-20-y-cvn. Brownville. Ev ' 2''''.!".- " BESOTS "1 I I y Retail Dealers in 7r? A GENERAL erie s We have on hand a large STAPLE All a To which we are making co we are selling at Prices as th Mississippi. Ia the Quality cf our Goods !F1 Eric )naj FLOUR OF THE MOST HIGHEST HAEKET COUM1 12-40 DEALERS Agricultural Implements!! First St., Hrownvlllo, NTirasl:n. GQ Of P3 O r O U2 O o E2 -J M H 2 M 5 K 2 5 c " 3 U 3 o H U t o K H "S A FEHFECT SELF-I1AK VAX I mmm P3 ATSU A PERFECT 3IOWEK. ALL COMBINED IN ONP2. J. I. CASE & CO.'S Greatly Improved. WHITEWATER AND BATN.' WAGONS. 5 THE REST WAGOX8 MADE X WE SELL ALL THE FOLLOWIXCi MACHINES: 2IARSSI 5BAUVESTER, DODGE & STEriIE30., JOIirJSO, KIKRY, JOISX II, 3 AXY, CA1TGA CHIEF, inTCia EYE. SAMPLES QN HAND OF ALL MACHINES WE SELL. Come and ROO irx. Hivd v i.nriranti fn si;i vmi lr Wit .IV-l n-. Pr-Tfj t -Wo K., .. rhl'icrv y th wir txvt tl-.iris saving frei-ht. iu their w.iuiK FIRS-? ST., PET. MAIN SHELLENBERGER BROS., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in IlnnriTTTnun Ofnimn JTo. 7-1 Itlahl 8 0 ( r t CO Nebraska, DEALEH3 IN roTisions and well assorted stock of PAlsCrr GHO CURIES nstant additions, and which low as any Honso we3t of WE DEFY COMPETITION. APPROVED BRANDS. PRICE PAID FOR ?R.OI5TJCS ?c i3i:o. Q o m O O li 4 zn 3 n n A O n o 52J P o C o F H O I P O r ti Xlolnoel Prices. A fuil supply of all kindiof Fanu Machinery cZ Jo., tt ATLANTIC, IlROWNriLLL 371 I GDI SWAN S3D"fnT-tg ZEZm z CO. IN ." r m - -M III U.