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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1869)
v. - , J. S. CHURCH, Editor. THURSDAY MORXIXO. AUGUST 28, 1K3. NOTICE. Te wiber of the Puxilil icnn Central CVm- tnllK-e ( rnmha (orrlf , are rejieted to mt at the Court Hxn In Jionmvllle, '"brku, on tsat-m-riar thtb day of Aujrost. 1,3. at i o'dnrk. rliarp. fr th tmuKtKm of auoh buntm-aa m may couit before It. jno. i carson. Chairman. , The ftLkmlns; persons compose said Commit! Jfxv 1. dMwm- ; Brownviile. Hmrr K1fern fiien Itorfc. H. V. lUark Lfavette. l(-n TTTan I'twht- .WanMrnrton. VellT- Iiind Juim IT. .Train eo. li. hiart A. J. Hit r 1 r1 l. Uucbe HwiryS cinetnan. JXMJIan. .Nemaha Cur. Apln. tii. IKTOin. Bedfird. Benton. Mr. John Crow has returned from Illinois and has placed us under ob ligations for late Springfield and Chi- cago papers. The Gazette mentions the fact that Mr. and Mrs. Graves and Mr. and Mrs. C. I Faux from Brownviile have located in Tecumseh. - The Tweed Democratic Association tmro rpsnlvprf tn nek for the reslrrna tfon of Mr. Belmont as Chairman of the Democratic National Central Com ml t tee. ' The Jurors subpeenied to attend the U. S. District Court In Omaha, will ' remember to be on hand by Tuesday morning next at the Court House in Omaha. Ex-President Johnson has finally placed himself upon the Democratic platform of State and National Repu dlation. lie maintains this position in a recent speech at Knoxville. The news from Maryland, Virginia, portions of Kentucky and Tennessee, is that the drouth is very severe, and that unless rain falls soon, scarcely half crops of corn and tobacco will be realized. We have received the first number of Messrs. Durfee, McKillop & Doffs ISonihhj Ileal . Estate Register, devo- ted to real estate matters la Atchison county, Mo. They make a strong firm, and what they circulate may be considered reliable. Eld. D. R. Dungan, of Pawnee City, will hold a series of meetings in Phelps City, commencing the 3d day of September. Bishop Robertson, of the Diocese of Missouri, will be in Phelps City September 1st, and In North Star September 2d. . Mr. A. Farwell, of Oshawa, Canada, ; has purchased a tract of land on the U. P. R. R. a few miles east of Colum- ,bus for about forty families, who will soon locate thereon, and will soon provide for about two hundred oth- - cr families in the same locality. There will be a National Conven tion held in St. Louis October 6th, to consider the expediency of removing the National Capital to some point in the Mississippi valley say at Quincy or St. Louis. Two delegates from each Congressional District, and four delegates from the State at large twice the number in both Houses of Congress will compose the conven tion. - There has been a National Labor Congress In session in Philadelphia during the last week. It has not been very harmonious in its action. , They at one time admitted Mrs. Anthony to a seat, and finding that trouble would result, they reconsidered the matter and then reTused her creden tials. They were sensible in denoun cing Coolie labor, and endorsing Chi rlecse emigration. Many were in fa vor of forming a new political party, end for this purpose a special com mittee was appointed. Mr. Bacon sends in to this office by Capt. Carson, a specimen sprout of the Barberry Hedge plant. It has the thorns . in eudcient quantity,' and what is better, all point downwards; but whether it has the wood to give it stability and a capacity to stand the . winter, remains for experiment. The fjroitt we have is of this years growth, and is three feet long and looks much like a weed. The berries are used in .housewifery, and have been deemed eiUcacious In fluxes and fevers. The Lark dyes a fine yellow, especially the Lark of the root. The County Court of Atchison county,' at its recent session, issued an order granting an election at which the question of subscribing $35,000 to the capital stock of the Nlshna Valley road, and $105,000 to the Quincy, Mis eccri and Pacific road will be roted upon by the people of said county. This Is a step ia the right direction, and If the people of Atchison county can be induced to see their interests la the light which the building of those two roads in the next two years will practically and really present it, then there will hardly be a dissenting voice at the polls. "We shall rejoice to record a rousing majority in favor; tf the subscription. The interests of lAtchisoa and Nemaha counties are identical, and we should all work with a will to advance our common enterprises and we doubtless will. VVe attended the Carnp-lleeting on Sandsy west of Peru. The torrents of rain the night before bad made the grounds somewhat muddy and disa greeable. "We arrived just in time to hear the closing portion of Pvev. Mr. Lemon's sermon in the forenoon. It .was a grand cSbrt, and as he related the christains joys, his triumphs, his ban Iness and his final glory In his Father's House of many mansions," .we noticed many an old Brother and Bister, but a few steps this side of that world where sorrows are never known, whose countenances wore a brighter an J a holier look as they were carried envrard and upward in thir thoughts in communion with the Father of us all. The sermon in the afternoon by the Hev. Alexander, of Nebraska City, was a Easterly eCort and well deliver ed. The meeting is expected to con tinue until Thursday of this week. ju iced upon the stand the Revs. JJurge, Alexander, Bwartz, r',s ar.a a x-ir. JLiurge i cn Ptt:rd5y nh ;ht. His scr- u was LiLiy iokea or by those "nt. Judge A. J. Hitter, our popular County Commissioner, has just re turned from an extended visit in In diana. lie informs us that there has been crest changes resulting from the building of railroads In that State since he was last there. The price of farms has more than doubled, and are in demand, when years ago they were jseldom inquired for. Corn is poor, and many fields late, owinjr to re- planting since the June flood ; wheat i hpnw. Man v wiuntTes are comlnir t : , - w ,.u- - - - were considered the poorest in the State. The Judge is still satisfied to !iv in Nebraska. It onlv requires the impetus that railroads will give to this portion of the State to make it one of the richest and most produc tive in the union. He thinks it will be but a short time before his brother and several other monied men from Indiana will make their homes this side of the Missouri river. If they have the spirit and enterprise of our fellow citizen Judge Ritter, they wili be heartily welcomed any time; and they will not be long in finding, as he did, that Nebraska is a good place to Te up the Greenbacks. Let them come. Tile more such men of capital nd rck in any county the merrier. be contract for building the State University at Lincoln has been let to Silver and son, of Loganpport, Indi ana, for $128,480. The law authoriz ing the Commissioners to do this. says: "The sum not exceeding one hundred thousand dollars be, and the same is hereby appropriated to be ex-1 pended under the direction of said Commissioners in the construction and erection of a suitable building for a fifjtfp. TTnlreriiltv - and A rrl cultural College." We regret that the con- tract nhmild exceed the errrortriation m m by $23,4SO- , We regret that of3cers do nnt ennnnfi thpmselves within their authority, and let the responsibility rest where it belongs. If the appro- priation will not build a suitable build- ing, wait and ee if the people desire a better and a larger one. V e totally I - . - m. . m . A object to this disposition to uo wnat one is not authorized to do, when acfr ing for others. Kentucky has gone , Democratic She offers the nation a striking exam ple of loyally made odious, while treason is honored and rebels elected to high places of trust, honor and profit. The most virulent of rebels re ceive the heaviest majorities. Among the number we find the notorious Basil Duke. Such Is Democracy, and such is its fruits wherever it Is left untrameled, or wherever it is sufil ciently strong to produce natural re-1 suits, whether In Kentucky or in the State of2ebraska. Policy may In duce it to profess loyalty here, but once In power it will differ in nothing essential from its kindred in Ken tucky. - Republicanism is the same in every State,, and so is Democracy. What it Is in its glory, manhood and power, Is only a type of what it hopes to be in every State in the Union. The harvard College Boat Club contests at Putney, in England, with the Oxford University Club for cham- pionshipof the oar. The time is not yet decided upon. Both parties are now rowi neon the Thames to develop their muscle, and by way of practice, to use themselves to the boats and the water in which the race is to be made, Much feeling prevails in America on the success or failure of their favorite Harvard Club. In their private pulls over tne distance, tney nave come 8 i Although we could have but little in- terest in a race between two sets of oarsmens. but as an international contest, we are for the Harvard. The Yacht races; the races of Ten Broeck's Horses; the Heenan and Sayere prize fight, and Faul Murphy's chess tour were all matters of national Interest, as every such tes t of pluck, skill or muscle between our own citi zens or those of any other nation" claiming superiority must ever be. So look for the boat race this or the next month. The following jurors have been drawn to attend the District Court, commencing at Brownviile September J 13th. The list was . furnished us by Win. IL Hoover, the District Clerk.. GRAND JURORS. L John Snyder. 9. RoweM Delay, 10. J. B. Hoover, ' 11. Levi D. Hughes. 2. Richard Ketraon 3. Christian Slaele, 4. (Jeonre 8. Start, . 5. Henry Rhodes, 12. Francis L. Prouty, 13. William Barker, 14. Joseph Hnrldart, 15. Charles C. Hale, . 14. William Jewell. 6. J. W. West, - 7. E. 1L Buck. 8. Joseph P. Taylor, , rETTT JURORS. Abrahnm Stafford 113. Thos. Cnmmlngs, 2. Isaac Black. 14. T. C. Kimsey. 8. A Ion co Borst, 15, K H. Coldwell. 14. Robert Dandaa, 17. David Jones, 15. John Argabrlght, 19. Henry Hooper, 20. Samuel Pettlt, 21. James M. Truaxe, 2i Jos. W. Cuilan, Z Henry Hart, 84. John P. Crother. 4. John Ashley, ft. Alex. McKinney, 6. John L(b, 7. Rohert Dillon. 8. A.T.D. Hushes, 0. John Itlacklaw. 10. Wm. Murphy, 1L Allen Wocxtlne. 12. Hannibal li; John C. Cowles, from our old home in Mason City, Iowa, is In this city looking up a business location. Mr. Cowles is a shrewd, enerretic business A v.n t. rvUoaofl witri I mail, auu uo ia i'v-" .. . ... . this point as a place for business. He has been out through the county, ana j Is quite satisfied to locate In Brown viile. Ills practiced eye comprehends the situation, and we may look out for sharp and legitimate competition when he opens up and brings his capital to bear in any given direction, lie is now a guest of Dr. Cowels, his brother, on Main street. Maj. J. W. Pcarraan, in an article to the Cfironiele, says: "No better quality and larger fruJts were ever produced In this co inty than Is now growing in Otoe co -Among the most noted orcha: i I have seen, are those of Jud-e Mc on. J. S. Morton. Messrs. Harmon, Holland, Gillmore, Armstrong, Ehepl.srJ, Urn per and Masters. The varieties of fruits I have seen are quite numerous, and the fruit healthy and well sctcn the tree." This ia good testimony from so expe rienced a nurseryman aa ths Majcr is represented to be. A. T. Stewart's Income is at the rata of tlx dollars per minute ! within five seconds of making the The maxim that where nothing is be best time recorded for that distance, etowed, very little, if anything, can be There is to be a Constitutional Con vention held in Illinois in December next. A few prominent citizens rep- resenting the rress of that btate Hare been appointed to lay before that con vention the propriety of incorporating Into the New Constitution the follow ing points: i 1. That, as the people have a right to know the laws by which they are expected to be governed, these laws should be published in the newspa- pers, as the most direct manner of fm i paruncr tnia iniorcnauon. 2. That all public notices in refer- euce to sales of property under execu ti should be published in a news paper as an act of justice to the debtor. and in order to secure the widest no- toriety, thus preventing the sacrifice of property under secret and forced sales. 3. That the substance of all laws of a private character to be enacted by the Legislature, should be made known to the people by previous an nouncement or their purport by the persons proposing to apply for such legislation, and that without such previous notice no such laws should be permitted to go Into effect. For the Advertiser. . T. Jefferson Thumbs. Were the sweeping allegations con tained In the last article from the pen of that ready writer T. Jefferson Thumbs, of the Democrat, worthy of credence, what a calamitons state of affairs would afflict this community. The most startling disclosures of this article are concerning woman. T.J. T. says : f Woman is taught that she is a creature to be provided for; and until she is actually married, she nev er knows any better and when the truth comes to her, it makes her a rebel against her life and its duties." This quotation is a broad and unlimi ted declaration which, if true, Is most J deplorable ; - if, false, It is .xnost; slan I . . T.r. r The dutle cf a married wnrnnn. ri nnmpmna .nH f fh rU f Mf " ,CJ - c - consequence, not only, to herself, but to her husband, to all with whom she may be related, and to society at large. To enumerate and define all these duties or virtues, would require vol umns. One of the most essential da ties, however, of a married woman, is that she lives a virtuous life! That some have sined and fallen from their integrity and virtue, Is really true1 but because of the infidelity of some- even or many must we cast the blackest suspicions, the most revenge ful contumely upon all ? Again he says : "It is singular, too, that the women of this generation are no wiser than tneir mothers.". O, apostasy! . thou art a Jewel; 'and so, likewise, Is ingratitude ! "Because young women can form no true estimate of a man's character." Can It be possible that the young wo- men of town are so incompetant so demented. Would Jefferson consent to be the guardian of all the young ladies of I Brownviile ? He could, no doubt, in struct them how to conduct them selves; what to say; with whom to associate, and how to become wiser than their mothers. That unfortunate and unhappy class of community who clothe themselves in their grand and exalted dignity, feel themselves to be very much ag grieved because the young ladies of town do not lionize, flatter and caress them: and when they behold the Dashingtons going to the country on a pic-nic excursion with their fair and accomplished partners, or learn of their enjoyment at an evening socia ble, they console themselves by de daring that female Bociety is an "In- tolerable bore." expected in return, seems never to have entered into their noddles. The indi vidua! who cannot condesend to exert himself to some extent to render oth ers happy; ought not to feel aggrieved if his absence from female society Is considered to be rather a fortunate circumstance than otherwise. Some one has justly remarked that female society is the school of polite ness. T. J. T. hath need of attending that school, but we fear he lacketh the necessary qualifications for admission Once more. "Young Dashlngton, with a salary of forty dollars, manages to spend fifty on frivolities -7 inclu ding buggy-rides, excursions, pic nics, etc., may almost be said to have the privilege of choice of all the girls in town." Are we to understand from the first part of the quotation, that Dashing- ton, in order to make up the deficien cies in his own finances, has a practice rt nnlnnrfnllff o Vietrct n rr ion rinTlaTR v '-"j e, 1 per monm irom me money uraww i nisempioyerr , 'I iTT. . 1 .1 j ito- of town for rrcfering the society of tn8 Lasuingtons, ratner tnan tuat oi a 1 erustv man who abhors poetry, hates crusty man who abhors poetry, hate music, and dispises women as well as all who enjoy the pleasure and ad van tagea of their regards and friendships ! O, Jefferson ! "what has become of all thy once boasted chivalry ! O. W. T. A trip from New York to the Tacific coast costs as follows : Ticket. 1150 lTiumaua rarw Vuiws.. s s 8 6 t 'maiia Promontory. feacramentow Meals seven tiays , 15 S185 Total Greenbacks. Meals on the plains, $1,25 ; through Nevada and Califoruin $1,00, or 75 cts. coin. . IiKKUX. Aurust 23. Tne corres pondent of the Prussian Cross Gazettee, at Rome, asserts that the late decrees of the Tore will form the chief sub ject of deliberation cf the Ecumenical Council. . The raracrrarh concerning the rela tions of Caurch and State will be modified, and probably intensified with the dogmas of the inability of the Pope, and the spiritual and Corpo real assumption of the Virpin will be promulgated. The Jloly Father .has expressed his rejrret that no schismat ic or Protestant innop nas onered to take part la the Council. LtcrruKn. Mr. W." D. Blackburn, of Falls City, Nebraska, formerly of Westmoreland county, will deliver a lecture in the Mala . Street Opera House, on Thurday evening, August 12th, 1800, on the agricultural resour ces and capabilities of Nebraska and the surrounding States. Let him have a large audience. John&iown (Pa.) Democrat. From the Atchison County Journal. Railroad Jlcetln: Ttvrr Port. Anr. 1(L 1 At a meeting of the cithsns of Atchison county to consider tie pro priety or granting county am to tne uincy ana .Missouri Jiiver iiuiroaa project, now being agitated y the people of Quincy and the counties along the proposed line, . A. 8. Noblett, Esq., npon motion of Mr. A. B. Durfee, was called to the Chair, and Mr. J. P. Lewis appointed Uol. u. AV. lung, Secretary of tne oposed road wasgintroduceJ,and in - J proposed a very able, clear and pointed address, set forth the object of his visit, the ad vantages of the road, and the proba bllities or Its completion. The plan of the company seems to be that the several counties along the line shalr subscribe enough to grade, tie and. bridge the road within the limits of their respective counties, and the object of Mr. King was to secure from this county her proportionate amount or subscription, wmca would be about two hundred thousand dol lars. The proposition of Mr. King on be- hair or the company were character ized by firmness and plausibility throughout. Other speakers followed Mr. King, and the meeting generally were alive on the railroad question. By a unanimous vote of the meet- ing the County Court were requested to appropriate and draw their warrant on the County Treasurer for five nun- dollars, to aid the conipjpy In their survey now being made through the county. : a; a i r ua mouon uie meeting aajoumeu. . . A. S. Noblett, Ch'n. J. I .Lewis, Sec. t Railroad Items. The surveying party on the NIshna tT.ll 1 A m a A 0f vaiiey jvouie nave compieieu. meir worx ana returned. They. are now busy making out their official report which we shall endeavor to give next weeK. ine following notes handed us by E. O. Ferris will be of great in teresi: : 'l ne route an tne way is tnrougn a level bottom, with no heavy work at I f A . mi f 11 laaJ. poiBw . ine line- is generally straight, with curves only at such places as is necessary to reacn tne points where business naturally con centrales. ; . . The country Is well settled, and un fertility. The valley of the Bottna un surpassed anywnere for richness and lite most of our western valleys, does not terminate on each side in abrupt hills and precipitous bluffs, but slopes gradually back with gentle risesalmost imperceptible. - Ihe construction is easy owiDg to the face of the country being almost level, it is estimated that the grading can bedone at an average cost of $4,000 per mile. This la not much more than one third of the usual cost. There are no expensive .bridges to be built as the longest structure of this kind has but eighty feet span. There are not three miles between Atlantic and Hamburcr where the crrade is over fif teen feet to the mile. From these facts it is evident that the road can be easily constructed and at a comparatively slight expense. Its advantages are numerous.: Mr. Ferris thinks there are now more acres of improved land within a mile of the line than any other road of equal length in Western Iowa- The exceeding richness-of the country la attracting emmigration and tne whole bottom is being settled with unexampled rapidity. ed road cannot be excelled. Leaving the Missouri river at-St Joe. and Council Bluffs road and at Hamburg in Fremont county.- It crosses the Burlington & Missouri river road at Red Oak in Montgomery county, and forms a junction with the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific road, at At lantic, thus giving the people along the route the advantage of a connec tion with three seperate railways. Hamburg Times. The quincy. Missouri & Pacific Ilailroad. To tHe Editor of the Quincy Whig: 1 am much pleased witn your re marks in yesterday's issue on our Railroad Bonds. The small and large tax-payers have cprtjiinl vvntpd with an intelli gent Confidence In the importance of this railroad to Quincy. They have backed up the sucrgestions of the Di rectors' of that road and , they have placed them in a position of trust and responsibility, that calls on them for prompt but prudent business action, and. as you sutreresL ten. fifteen, (I Drefer twentv-nvei miles of this road finished, and the snortinp: of the iron horse heard on It, with Its regular daily trains, will give a working character and credit to the Boad that will give us helping hands from far and wide, both East and West, It will then assume that decree of shape and life that will indicate to railroad men that from Its location and connec tions, it will eventually be a National highway for travelers irom rxin ine eastern and western slopes or tne Ilockv Mountains so much more di rect matt uwuv iiuiui uj vuaagu. Now this first eastern twenty-five miles can and ought to finished and running by the 4th or July next witn out fail. I like your practical suggestions about raisincr one hundred thousand dollars in cash for the City. It seems to me very easy for a satisfactory ar ransrement to be made with our citi zens who have money in saving banks or loaned out at ten per cent interest or loaned out at um percent interest or lying arouna loose, to loan 11 toinis v J m5suiunsns I Arrain our bankers wno are supposed 1 f an opport unit y t p givethi srpaS an helping hand by taking a iair eriare tf J these bonds. Our citizens ouht cer- tainly to take one hundred thousand dollars of these bonds any day before dinner, to be paid in installments, as the buildinsr of the road uroirresses. Talk is well enough, Mr. Editor, but it takes greenbacks to build Railroads, So put me down for two thousand; dollars worth of these bonds on condi tion that one hundred thousand dollars in cash is raised by our citizens. Respectfully yours. P. P. TFZitcA is the Latin for Poor but . Plucky. "We clip the following Items from the Pawnee Tribune. Farmers are now threshing wheat oats and barley. As far as we have heard barley averages 40 bushels per acre, oats, several neias to bus n els per acre, tne lowest tnirty-nve per acre. The lowest yield of wheat we have heard was 1300 bushels from 1000 acres. One man's wheat we saw it & few days before it was cut, and which was bad ly scabbed, yielded on threshing 18 busnels per acre. Mr. Philip Hunrick, of Lincoln Neb. has bought a farm of Gov. Butler for 5,3 '(XX), and one from Mr. lirannick Cooper for 5'&X), cash. We understand that he still wishes to purchas more land, and that he, and those who will come with him, will probably buy to the amount of $40,000. Keokuk, Au. 19. A considerable number of railroads out West will convey delegates to the Commercial Convention to be held at Keokuk, September 7th, for half fare. Steam boat lines will also reduce rates. The committees are at work making the necessary arrangements for the amnio and comfortable accommodation of the delegates to the convention. Correspondence St. Lonis Republican. Western Railroad Enterprises ,1 For two weeks last past a corps or - m I f 1 1 I f ?ginee cave ueeu 7 the survey 6f the Brownviile .tort Kearney and Pacific Railroad from this place westward. Thia road is an extension of the Quincy, Missouri and Pacific Railroad running directly from West Quincy through North Mis souri to Brownviile, Nebraska, and in connection with the above meutioned road onward to Fort Kearney to con nect with the Union Pacific Railroad I m.Vtnn o mrra nrof. miitck TrnTYl inn iV . I s Tx. yVZl 4u S iZZ lJSt vet been made or proposed. The con solidation of these two companies is delayed to enable the one in this State to obtain the donation of rail road - bounty lands granted by our Legislature. Two surveys will be completed to-day, one by way of the Nemaha river, and the other at a bee line westward from here. Thelatter is several miles shorter, and upon the whole is considered far preferable its length between the Missouri and Nemaha rivers being tpn miles which distance the Company propos es to build before February next. Quincy is here with her shoulder to ie Wheel, and all is life. The engin- the eers are at worK in ussouri on tne line runningfrom West Quincy West ward. The movement is now on foot to U the contemplated .railroad from St . Iiouis through. Chillicothe. to Brownviile. instead of running -to Omaha, ana at the instance of the Di rectors, Col. It. W. Furnas and Hon. J. 8. Church of Brownviile, will meet them to-morrow in St. Ixmis to, con sult and effect that design. Another movement now under agitation in the construction of a branch from the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad, southwest from Atlantic Citv. Iowa.: down the-Nishanlottha through Hamburg to Brownville-i-a airect line or aoout ninety mnes emi . m 1 A. f A. ! A " relv in the valley of that river. .These roads, the construction of. all of which is only a question of time, concentrating at this point, .wilLnot be long in bridging this riverand rais ing up a city. This grand concentra tion isthe.battery .that quickens every nerve in Northern Missouri : and I a . . 1 -1 liL 11, -.1 A 2 i soutnern 'jeoraaiia wiuj us - ccievtn cal enterprise. The Greenburg (Pal) Herald,' of the 11th Inst., speaking of theiQ. M. & P. R. R., says: - - . f . Quincy, Hlinois, on Saturday last. voted Five Hundred Thousand Dol lars to the Quincy, Missouri and Pa cific. R. R. :.:This :is a: direct line through the northern counties of Mis- spuri, to Brownviile, Nebraska. -.The Brownviile, Ft. Kearney and Pacific R. R. is a continuation of this road to Fk Kearney, on the Union, Pacific R. R.1 -making a shorter. line to the latter point, from the eastern cities by about one hundred miles, than byway of Chicago and Omaha, and will be one of the leading lines of the : conti nent.- . - - ... - ....... SanFbaitcisco Aug. 19. The steam er China arrived this, morning with advices from Hong Kong to July 20th and to Yokahoma the 29th. She brings one thousand ' passengers, Chinese, 6320 packages of tea for New Yorfc, and 94 packages of silk. Among her passengers are J. Koss Brown,, late United States Minister to China andUr. Salter, late United States Consul at Han Kow, the latter on leave of absence. A general dissatisfaction prevails at the removal of J. Ross Brown among the English and American residents in China. ' lliey united in getting up an address expressing their sense of his energy and admirable fitness for the position of Envoy of the United States to China. New York, August 20. The Times says that every incident connected with the disappearance of Chancellor .Lansing, forty years ago, is well known to a gentleman now living, to whom the secret was confined by a distinguished citizen of this State, joined to publish all the- details of the now deceased. I he survivor was en- affair, when certain persons epecified were dead.- Tins condition is now fulfilled, and it is probably that a nar rative of the circumstances will be uiven to the world, which will be well authenticated, and form one or tne most remarkable pages in the history j of public men in tnis country. Paris. Auir. 19.The Patrie to-day asserts that the parties or uarnsis on the Spanish soil are increasing ana m some cases they have met with success. It is claimed that tney nave captured nine officers and forty privateers of the Spanish army. The 1'atrte ntnts that within a month a great military event, of which it gives no particulars, will happen in Spam, after which Don Carlos will publish his manifes to. In a recent "Interview" by a re porter of the Sun with Vallandigham, at Dayton, the latter 6aid he had paid no attention to politics since the res idential campaicrn. He favored Pen dleton, but could only speak during the canvass. , tie thinks the election will be very close. He does not intend to retire permanently from politics, but thinks we are now experiencing a trinsition In politics where it is bet ter for him to keep quiet and look on. New York, August 23. Copies of the will of Andrew J. Butler, and of of. the inventories and schedules filed by his brother and executor Gen. B. F. Butler, are published. The sched ules siow that the estimate is insol- van rtT. in I divided among the heirs, who are : lien, iiutler, Mrs. JJutler, wlfeorthe Richmond Dinatch received to - day, says Gen. Canby has decided that twelve months residence in thia that twelve months residence in this State is necessary as a qualification to Senators and members of the House of delegates. HBaMnsBMMaaaBHS '. SSW ADVEaTISEMESTS. REYNOLDS HOUSE. NATHAN N. GEE EN, PROPRIETOP, S8 A Main Street, Brownviile. Beat accommodations In the citr. New Home. newly furnished. In the heart of business part of city. uTery sutoie convenient. 4-vm GREAT nJ2STisnj FIRE EXTINGUISHER Hank (z Arniitae AGENTS, Brvwnirllle, Neb. ALWAYS READY. imVEH FAILS. Easily carried wel?hs7Sts. filled. Eicht srsJInns In the Engine charged with Carbonic Acid Uas, eqvMU loi.).'! enns. oi common water: tlianred In 30 seoonds! On be recharced in 1 minute I Throws ( feet I Puts out buroiGK Kero ene,iensoie, xar,c , , KVERY FARMER STIOTTLD ITAVF. ON"K. KVERY BUILDER S1IOULX) HAVE ONE. 45-tf SAVES ITS cosr jy lySVRAyCE. Proposals for Vegetable. Omn PrtrntHso asi rr-T C 8., Omaha, N kb., August I.H, l.sha. CEALED Proposals, In dut.licate.wlll u bereclvel by the un. i.rsi-inoil until 12 ocjoc. at., on Kstiirnar, Ihe isth tiy ef teptem ber, latsa, for furnishing theft)Uowiitg vtetabi, vis Ilfl.nno pounds of rotaioes; !, xninnsfii unions; 17,tXO tNmnda of Turnip. The Vest))lea to Ha fully matured and rwrAWlv Sound; to be put tin In w omtmw fu-ttmrH siNUnd ornnm tlwil, and to ba Ocllverrd at Ihe tl. (. im. mlnttarr alorvhouse. In this nlr. hrtwrn tha 1Mb of etriupniixr ani the imii or m-toner, iNiii, I'roivmal. will he reotvrl suiOwt to thS Usual CooSUIoii heretoAtra uMlMipri. a if liianas for prvposaiscau is oitAinvi st thisnmoa. 4V3t BvU Br is. Un. ACS. j. w. ha iiiiiiir ii. Proposals for Grain. , HUDQCAimi T)IFA T 1ST OW TUT FjuATTB, j CHIKF UCARTKSM ASTER UFTTCK, Oxaha, JS'Jta August 20, CTEALED Bids, in duplicate, with O srtiRranteslened by two responsible par ti, not bidders. wiU be received at this et'i until 10 o'clock a.m., on Monday. September 2u'.h, for the deliretT of one nuxulrea ana seTeniy tbou- saiid (17o,X posis or Oats, Corn, or Uarley, at Caiap ?juz- las, Utaii, anu .five hundred thoaaaixl (500,000) pouikU of OkIs, Cora, or Barley, at Tort Uri& r, Wyoming, OnethlKt rf the wtiole ftnantlty to be dP!lvTet each month from the perfection of lire coutract until all Is Mvered. The rrain t be of g-ood merchantabie qnality, free from dirt orchaff. subjftrt to infptifn and weieht. the weight of sacks to be deduct ed.and the oats anu barley to be In burlap sacks of the nsaal size ; the corn to be in rood jruiiny sacks ail well sewed. The rinht to reject any or all bids is reserved. A copy of this advertisement roust beRttacbed to each bid. Bids will be received for ten thousand (lu.OWH pounds or more not exceeding the quantities first stated. Blank bids can be obtained from Quarter master at either Pirt named. By order of Bv't MaJ-Oen. Anenr. Wif.MTERs, f.V3t. By't Brig-Genl. V. Q. M. Proposals Tor Subsistence Stores. Ornci PrBCHAsrso ajtd Pkpot C.S. Omaha, Nh., August 20, laea QE ALED Proposals, in duplicate, will O be received by the andersUned, until 12 o"clock M.. Saturday the ISth day of September. Iftfi9. lor furnishing tne following suosistence stores, viz: fiflO barrels or Mess Fork ; CO.OuO pound Bacon, clear sides; In gnnnlei; 1,500 barrels of Floor, winter wheat, double extra; barrels to be fall head lined: 1,500 barrels of Flour, jrinz- wheat, double extra; barrels to be full head-lined : 30,000 pounds of Hard Bread; In boxes strapped, containing 50 tss. net : 4,000 pounds or kiln-dried Corn Men! from white corn: In barrels full bead-lined: 16,000 pounds ot Rice ; in oak barrels with round Loops and full head-lined : 4,000 pounds of. Hominy (large); In barrels full oead-uned: i 4,000 pound of Hominy (grist) ; In; barrels full bead-lined : 80,000 pounds of green-KloOofTee; In double sacks: ,0iO pounds roosted Itio Cooffee; in double sacks 105,000 pounds of Suar, equal in quality to btuart's C," in barrels full Wad-lined 5,000 gajlonsof Whisky Vinegar, free from adol- - ierationa, of uniform quality and strength, requiring 3 grains of la-carbonate of potansa to neutralize one fluid ounce; in new full .' hooped barrels with one iron hoop on each end. heads and Iron hoops painted, and bungs capped with On ; - . j . llfiOO pounds of Adamantine Candles, frill weight sixes or eltrhts; in boxes strapped : 33,000 pounds of Soap, hard and dry, free from ad ulterations ; in boxes strapped:- 30,000 pounds of Salt, line gram; in barrels full head-lined: . . , . 10,000 ponnds of gronnd Black Pepper, free from adulterations; In full weight 4 os. papers packed in boxes containing 25 ts. n-t.. . . The above stores to be delivered at the U. a Com missary storehouse In Omaha, between the ah of i nepiemoer ana tne linn or uctooer. . - r Proposals wilt be received subject to the Bsual conditions heretofore published. - - - - , - Blank forms for proposals can be obtained at this Office.- ... . . J. V. BARBIOEB, 4a-3t -'' : Bvt. Brig.-Gen. ACS. ' el a u - ii.i t2 ie 9 a. 9 e 9 , 9 a. 9 a . t ft a fm MEDFORD &. IIOWARZ, UnCOITECIeUILDEOu Are prepared to furnish DESIGNS & SPECIFICATIONS for all kind of ' BUILDINGS, PUBLIC ASD PRIVATE, of the latest and most approved styles. ALSO TAKE CONTRACTS! AU kind cf Job Work ilone to order! jO"Shop, corner Main and Second t'reeta,' ' " BRGirXX-ILLK, MCB. ' 43-y Annual . Statement OF THE jnifE intiicEi . ' ' COMPANY FOIL 1868 n. CONTAINS THE FOLLOWING NOTICEABLE FEATURES XWCSISSS OT THE YEAS: Number of Policies issned. Amount issned thereon 833,444,233 CASH RECEIPTS FOR TEE TEAR: Amount to . -$13,129,531 06 Of which the Interest on lnvesfr- r ments was 1,701,40 72 A MO VST PAID FOR CLAIMS B T BRA TH Was. S1143,6S9 09 " INTEREST KXCZl YED Was more than S500,000 in ex cess of the Claims. 1 ' CASJI DIVTDEXm TO POLICIES Amounted to the large ram oC 3,2G5,001 17 This is more than twlee as much as was paid by any other life Company in the World, as appears by the official returns. The adrantages enjoyed by the policy-holders In this Company over theme la any other, could not be better exemplified. ' THE SECURITY Offered to policy-holders Is manifest from the char acter no leas than from the amount of the Com- Danva Asweta. Thut Inrliut Tnm)iiuii n Bond and Mortgage upon property worth In uv uw icss una aouoie vns amount loaned. -8-21,438-57 43 Government Stock 3,003,108 73 931,807 OS Real Estate. Cash deposited with Banks and Trust rn'm . , , THE ASSETS OF THS COMFAXY Include no Premium Notes, aa th InuinM. r .. w conauciea upon aa ejtcioaiveiy cash ASSETS, $35,000,000 c s ii : Nri FISH &i HILLS, QKXRllAL AllEyTS IVR TUB WIST, ST. LOUIS, MO. JAUVIS a C1IU11CH, Local Aoknt, : : : DrotvnvUle. i TISrTEniU,JM hl 8tjrIe ffiiOSfSf1- " l IlITTlU-S. . I Krfkl W 1 t. ' ri ' SMS OF SI11E LOTS 10 AT THE Capitol of Nebraska, ON Thursday, September 23, 69, .It Ten O'clock, .1. IT, T'HE Undersigned Commisiionere, JL appointeI by An Act of the Legislature of the 8iate oi' KetrRska, entitled An Act "To Pro vide for the sal of Vnsold Ixts and Blocks, on the Town Site of UucoLa, and for the Location and .hxeciion of x State University, Agricultural College, and state Lunatic Assjlum," Approved Febroary lath, 13, will on that cay, oiier tor sale at Auction. TWELVE HTINDEED LOTS ' in the Town Site of Lincoln, said lots beln the odd numbered Block (the evn numbered having pre viously been sold of the Town, and comprising the most eligible lots in the place. The said lots will be appraised br the Cornrui-sttioners and sold to the highest bidder over the appraismenW . , TERMS CASH. There will, also be offered for Sale at the same tune, about 30,000 Acres cf State Lands, Itnown as Saline Lands, aitnated within an area of ten miles or the capital, said IaihIs being the most vaiuaoie raruung ianaa oi ttie ssiMe. TERMS CASH. The object in ofTerlng the above nasied Btate prop erty at that time, is to enable the Commissioners to com plete the (State University, AericnJtoral Collve and Lanatie Asylum at Lincoln. TbeOpitol Build in havinft been built from the proceeds of the pre- lons saie oi lots, l his sale or &:ate property oners to the Farmers, Mechanics and Laborers. chance for a cheap home at the Capital, straated in the rich est Agricultural district or the State, and at the where Salt is being mann teetered from the sarfac Water. . -- Lixeeia. belDg; the Capital of the State, and the objective point of some five- ditTerant Bailroads, reaching out into the Interior, and tapping the Salt Deposits at this place, will soon make it Uieutterior town of the ttate. - - - - The Capital was located at Lincoln In September 1867, by anct of the Legislature, and contains sir teen hundred inhabitant., with eood Hotels. Stores. Churches and Schools. The Likrialarore held Its first Session in the New Capitol the past winter. TheBurlinirtonAKiiwouri Kiver Bail road is being rapidly poshed forward to Lincoln, and will by eon tract be completed early next 9:vin. This linewlil give direct commnnic!on with- Chicago, and will be pushed out to Ft. Kearney, uniting with and be coming a branch of the Union Pacxdc R. B. . The Midland Pacific Kail Boad has also the whole of its line under contract from Nebraska City to Lincoln, and wUl be according to the terms of Its contract, fully equipped and in running order by the 13th of ilav next. This line Is one of the links by which the Pennsylvania Central K. R. wiU reach across the continent, corn pitting as it wUl in a short time its connection with Nebraska City, and from Lincoln west' to- the Union Pacific. Thus Lincoln will be for a time the terminal point of two sreat thoroughfares, and eventually occupying a central position npon two trans continental routes, shorter. oy irom one to two unmoral nuiee, man any other yet constructed. The work upon the State University, Agricultural College and lunatic-Asylum. Is now being rapidly pusneuiorwsra- - - -. . . DAVID- BUTLER, . ' - i . . i ovrrnor. '. THOS. P, KESNABD. Hec. of State. :- " JOHN GILLKSPIE. Corn m . sioners. ' " Vlff Auditor, ) LAO'S COMPLETE "" ' K 1ST I T T 111 H I THE most profitable Household Ma chine In the world. Knits over twenty different Garments: a pair of Hocks complete in ' thirty minutes. Knits any size from one stitch to one hundred, and forms the web either circular or flat,- single, double or ribbed. Pnd for circular, shewing wherein the LAMB MACiJiNK is superior in all points, and cheaper than any other, eiampie stockings sent (which no other machine can make.) J K A IS ML1-ilt.Ki , . . General Agents. XI Washington S Chicacrt. U-3mJ NEBRASKA COLLEGE. NEBIIASKA CITY, NUB. THE Fourth Annual Term of this JL Institution will commence on Thnrs1ny, 23d September next. The College in a JtOARDIXU SCHOOL for hovs and rounir men, nnder thedirwrt cure and rniperrision cf IIISHOF l'LtUK.O.N. The Studf nta are fitted fjr Culleire or Buifiei. The location la beautirul and very healthy: the buildings ample and comfortable; and tliecoorse of Instruction thorough, (ireat pains aretaken for the physical, mental, and religious culture ot the atu- aewa. TKR3IS-)R,2iO.OO a School Year of 10 month. with fJj.twentraiicefeefornewKtndenU. The term are payable halt yearly in advance. For application and entrance. a1fre JA.Ulr. rAT 11 SON, W-2m N'ebraBta City, Neb. UcPHEESOirS BLOCK. R. S. HANNAFORD, II a received the Largest and Best Assortment I FTTBDIITIISS ever brought to the elty or ; ' ' ' consisting or Sofas, Poldins IiOTins;c3, Sscrefaries and-Book- Cases, OJSca Desks. Wasi Stands , ' 13 IE 33 S T E X S , CANE ROCKERS, Narce Rockers. Dlnlns? anft Break faat Tables umce, ranor and Plninz Room Chairs, and cvrijujiug luuiuiy ioanu ins FURNITURE STORE ! 12-4-Iy THE UIIB01D AHEAD ! TIMBER & TI21DEXI LASD One and a half miles souCh east of o inns I f:-l'' fcU ''ai. I!aCulIaJ HILLSDALE,!. J NEMAHA COUNTY, NEBRASKA. 'I nr.. unaersipneti wishes to disixwe nrd sad Sllir Acmof khwi ) m9 irsnuwiuie I&IOS, JOT CASH cn STOCK. t Those Interested wfil find It to their advantage to btiy a piece of Timber wLileyel in reach of their .ei:Lni ni Tm-r i tit raising In Talue, t ome on and make a o'lrrhnMO. riiY i'UANCJW IL I. IirXT. tc-nj t on premises. TRUNKS. VAT.Tsra a Ac, In m. euujens vanetv nt iTrrrn cj . .-, t " UIjAIiUO. B8T? AND BH0ES.-Bt in the XJ Market,, at ui-rvrr o of LEGAL. JfOTICE- Samuel Wagsuff", Plalntia; Richara CWr, Defendant. la tb Distxkt Court of -renvl,a Owsty av ' t"V.- Yon will tate notice thatbv at mr office in Mn.h.'. ' ' ci.k 1 4 j .. ""Lit iwg the testimony in nM ni- -J,."Z.pL"r U. Court, and for conwMmrr- Lourt, and for wiwx-rtr? thernrr. ,J -4 ferred to me bv n.rt ,?., . .Tl . '"r1 hearing from dav to dav. ' 4 -ai mI All panics concerned, rrf --tar7. Ehard Clair, deienCare he7t 2 Oiven thia 4th diyofAaf. . f o TX BANKRUPTCY. In thfZT I ofEUha CnerHnd rJ HUtes D1,trtct Court MeVk', wtS1 iniatnaayorAst.A.D.l- that a ivn!a hns ben, to TZTZJ. Anjruat A. V. 19. Hiwl'ln said" Dir clared IH.knir iw ,h. An of LlJ, --An Act to L.,l.Hhlu.h a Uni--..rm V" ?nt!t:-i March 5d. 1;. andi ....i V 'flT- . opmi chargeand CeTtirfcathr.f. frn kj Tllif V' other claims prevat, un.1"rVijIt ."" the office of S. 34. Rich yJi o.,J L.k "V M-u llankruptcy lsVA' Tl&? " Dwtrict. is the fim .r,.i , "H,WBT:" la of the same ; when mid h-re rZ, f.T show cause. If tt y ,a fc.-rre. vhrthL I J?- H and IhirH r,ur, ,.Jz franTefl. i. 1 1 1 I'tli 1 r i n - ' 1 . TSe .ill w L , . w W.B CTPU.t n orLi u'rr wui mi ueiu at trie same tim Clerk of the V. fK Dr,tr-t iV-3' VpL --w iWrt. CTRAYED, from xny rremuZTT"" Colts. One an IroJJray i,L"Z'? TttrHag and white hind feet: IheotW . hite white on hind feet an wfiue rSr u . ' liberal rewsrdia offered lalormmT' A whereabouts. ofmiMtot. vt - A t Wt -yj hi u J. C. J0ES ADTEUTISI AGErr , ; puxvate Medical Dispensary,-. i Corner Faxaham and Uta Streect. lEatrancc ca 12th Street U ; OJIAnA, NEBRASKA. 97" an en t Institution Establlabed txclnaiveiy Tbriba treataentot ' PjKIYATE diseases In all their dIfTerentiitaco. Ox m . niuuui ,llm irumiuim naa bad Uur years experience in caes of rnemkl aatiire an4 hia practical knowledge of every rrmptom cam qoent on or arming frorn oadiy trvaij t-tnf ereal complaint, will be-nf irrott benrtt to J. calling npon him nr eommltjuion. and be wonid caution tnoM bavlrar aecfn.Uary nymptoms remain ing to be at once property cred bf.r9 th Uon becomes niiueriuinMi. Ui balii hroken dowa, and. the Intellectual and mental fcictiU- ilrrnt omercary oed. New wn mrwf fn tacnv French mtfea, fl ; three for fitf by mail. All cuts IaapoteBce, 8peratrrhea, (Semlsal IVtakntfi,) enred hya'noo and rfertiml tmtmevC CbtwC tiou free, and strictly cunSdenUaL TO THE LADIES The Doctor would state that he devotes tperl attention to all cla.-ees of i'rmnU Duuima. h irtat trauHi- Rem 4, for the obatmction of 'b menses, can be obtained bv addre!8in a letter to Dr. Yol ntj. r. k bi 3 Omaha. Nebraska, enclonin? the price "..iX. Lu i-M in a certain condition should not lkelhimlwa. as it will surely produce miscarriage. STid r nr cular to "Married Lad tea Only." which onou'is valuable information to evtrv marrie4 ladv. Ail correspondence treated con iwienitAi and pp.mpu attended to on the receipt of a reasoaaorfe t Oilice hours from 7 a. u. to s k iu. n.hly fnm S to i i n the afternoon. f J. IL SH(X)K & URfti.. Mannfactnreri! and Dealers In Nativpl.nmhr of all kinds, lengths, bre.-ullhn and thlckn A T S HILLSDALE " NT2IAHA COUNTY, NZQRASK1 They own and run oneof the N-at Saw Itlll In the State, and w U 1 f u rn lsa MECHANICS A.D BUILDER with a bill of Lumber of best nnalltv. on short notice, at the Lowest Market ITlee. Xath and Pickets Always on hand for sale. They also aril chenn at their afore In Hills dale all staple Dry Good and Groceries, and such article as are In general use. Remember the business, the men. and th place. My Peru livery Stable. CHARLES GEADE, Dealer la -AJL1 ItintlH or Stock... Horses Dovs&V Sold, mr HccaasL Stock Hoarded by the Day or R'eci. MY 8T.1 BT.??? are ir4al tfh vrwvl nnrws DI NieirW persons wlFhimr orrreysnce to any p-f-tion of trie .Vcmahi I Tii-ri-t .u n ha mmmaiC ted. The . Peru UroTmville Coaci iT.f" mjr 8tablaevry momfn? atioe'clork A. M. .Pawspneers or a .L;.,nnil (T- lers left wltli the Pusimaaiers wilf be Dft.BiptlT st tended to. i:a-t E. H. 12 HIT AI T, HOUSE, SIG!I. AND CARRIAGE , P A I N T E R, Graincr Z?avcr Uav.ztr No. 80 MAIN STIIEET, st-tn- J. KaPHCTZ, UIliE, (EIQIII. AND SIGN PAINTER- ovra Hzrjrsj if agox shop, DrovrnvlIIe, ebraUa. OFFERS his srvicrt to the public, with the confident bV.'-t that his or will meet the of tus paironf. l-"J . 17AGD:i'ajjLAc:cs:.:nnf:3 one doob west or corsT norsE. WAGON MAKING, Keener. Plows, and all work rfone la the" manner and on short notice. Sa:U.'actioi T auteed. Give bim acalL 71 "ELEPHAKT Dealer in a!lkInH of stock, nor sol i and exchanged. Mtit Doarui day or wtt-K The Propr pritor has recently erected n jan-1 commodus J-Un.e, u ivllle IIou--, 11 is 9tw' 'Ificco . and vehicles new. Ihe ptuiic modatetl at all nours. if A str-k eorrall. with aa O BAIOIRCPTCY. ml 5. I SI " w ' It t. i . r i ii pare water, atudial be I ; co i 4 i 1 ! r: : tie ! : i ! I J Tit ! lBf j tar. eli lL vio; ' XL I vr i ! . A. Into 1 tt!j - I ' Vt and wha Z.S ; . QoLl paiJ -' IT. I tot oi H w show W. i II?tr pubU ; rates jSea ' ; lan be ODtL' ; oT a Erotl 'In thhe ye m v. : stock easo; to 4 laanl. eaj. H oi lrae: YT. tlon i l ftr joq ad C lastj but a t&s I to n o t A Crap, fair, oat Tear. aal ; bery r MT 'sid, m i will ! rr. to n P rl ,